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For example to enter 5 APPLES type # } 5 press RETURN # APPLES press RETURN Now try entering 5 APPLES on the pad. Remembe}r: # CTRL P to go to the pad # ? to return to help # > to g}o on with help ] on the pad. For example to enter 5 APPLES type # Enter all the quantities you need in order to solve the problem you are working on. You w}ill find it helpful to use abbreviations such as FT HR and MI. Be consistent! If you use LB for pounds in }one place then do not use LBS for pounds somewhere else. Press > to go on. ]You wvAfter you have entered your quantities on the pad and are ready to compute # type CTRL O The !}top of the pad will change to look like: Quantity Operation Quantity --------!}----------------------------- Press > to go on. ]# type CTRL O The PEach quantity on the pad has a label. Suppose the first line on the pad is # A 30 MI/HR (the label is A) and th%}e second is # B 5 HR (the label is B) To multiply 30 MI/HR by 5 HR press CTRL O and %}use the labels: # Type A*B press RETURN Now go to the pad (CTRL P) and then type CTRL O to c%}ompute A*B. When you are finished return to help. ] pad is # A 30 MI/HR (the label is A) and th$EWhen you have filled the pad the words CTRL Page will appear at the top. To go)} to page 2 of the pad type # CTRL P When you are on page 2 you can go back to pa)}ge 1 by typing # CTRL P. ]op. To go(PHere are some examples of how to use the Semantic Calculator to do addition and subtraction problems. - }Press > to go on. ]]c Calculator to do addition and subtraction problems. ,66 children in the class each have a cat as a pet. 11 children in the class each have a dog. How many pets do the childre1"}n in the class have? -------------------------------------- Type CTRL P to go to the pad. Enter 6 1#} CATS # 11 DOGS Then return to help by typing SHIFT ? ]childre0vIf you try to add 6 cats and 11 dogs SEMCALC will ask: # Can CATS be converted to DOGS # 5%} or # Can DOGS be converted to CATS If you answer NO SEMCALC will ask # CAT5&}S and DOGS are both what? Type PETS Go to the pad now type CTRL O and try this 5'}example. ] dogs SEMCALC will ask: # Can CATS be converted to DOGS # 4SEMCALC is not smart. If you said CATS and DOGS are both kangaroos what do you think would happen? 9)}Go back to the pad and find out. ]] DOGS are both kangaroos what do you think would happen? 86Here is another problem. -------------------------------------- A movie lasts 2 hours and 24 minutes. How ma=+}ny minutes is that? -------------------------------------- Go to the pad and enter # 2 =,} HR # 24 MIN Return to help. ] How ma<vIf you try to add these quantities using CTRL O SEMCALC will ask # Can HR be converted to MIN # A.} or # Can MIN be converted to HR? If you answer YES SEMCALC will ask you to sA/}pecify either # How many HR in one MIN? # or # How manyA0} MIN in one HR? ]ies using CTRL O SEMCALC will ask # Can HR be converted to MIN # @Go to the pad and see what happens if you say there are 60 MIN in one HR. See what happens if you say there are E2}1/60 HR in one MIN. See what happens if you choose to say that there are 1000 MIN in one HR! E3}]Go to the pad and see what happens if you say there are 60 MIN in one HR. See what happens if you say there are DHere are some ways to use SEMCALC to multiply and divide. Remember to write # I5} Miles per hour as MI/HR # Dollars per pound as $/LB # Centimeters per inch as CM/IN Be coI6}nsistent! If you use LB for pounds in one place do not use LBS for pounds somewhere else. ] # HvThere are 32 ounces in one quart. There are 4 quarts in one gallon. How many ounces are there in a gallon? -------M8}------------------------------- Go to the pad and enter # 32 OZ/QT # 4 M9} QT/GAL Multiply these two quantities. The answer should be # 128 OZ/M:}GAL ]rt. There are 4 quarts in one gallon. How many ounces are there in a gallon? -------LThere are 365 days in a year. There are 12 months in a year. There are about 30 days in a month. There aQ<}re about 24 hours in a day. How many days old are you? ------------------------------------- Enter on theQ=} pad # 365 DAY/YR # 12 MO/YR # 30 DAY/MO Q>} # 24 HR/DAY Do you need all this information? Remember to watch the uniQ?}ts! in a year. There are 12 months in a year. There are about 30 days in a month. There aPA store ordered 120 shirts. They came packed in 8 boxes. Each box had the same number of shirts.How manUA}y shirts are in each box? ---------------------------------------Enter on the pad # 120 UB} S # 8 B You are looking for the number of SHIRTS/BOX or SUC}/B. What operation must you carry out to get that? ] Each box had the same number of shirts.How manTEMaria's train ride was 150 miles long. The average speed of the train was 60 MI/HR. How long did the trip take? -------YE}------------------------------ Enter on the pad # 150 MI # 60 YF} MI/HR Divide 150 MI by 60 MI/HR. What does 150 MI * 60 MI/HR give? ]-------XvHere is another kind of problem. Suppose your car goes 22 miles on one gallon of gas. If you drive at 55 MI/]H}HR how many gallons of gasoline do you burn in one hour? ------------------------------------- Enter on th]I}e pad # 55 MI/HR # 22 MI/GAL Return here an]J}d go on. ]. Suppose your car goes 22 miles on one gallon of gas. If you drive at 55 MI/\The problem tells you that the units of the answer are GAL/HR. What computation with 55 MI/HR and 22 MIaL}/GAL will yield an answer in GAL/HR? Try dividing 55 MI/HR by 22 MI/GAL. Try diviaM}ding 22 MI/GAL by 55 MI/HR. What does 55 MI/HR * 22 MI/GAL give? ]What computation with 55 MI/HR and 22 MI`PTo erase type CTRL E # Erase What? (ESC=New Pad) will appear at the top of the screen.eO} ]]type CTRL E # Erase What? (ESC=New Pad) will appear at the top of the screen.dIf you just want to erase fewer than nine entries type the labels of those entries and press RETURN. For eiQ}xample - If your pad looks like # A 4.6 HR # B 128 MI # C iR}7 COWS and you want to erase 4.6 HR - type CTRL E then A and press RETURN. Be patient! iS} ]r than nine entries type the labels of those entries and press RETURN. For ehTo erase the entire pad - press ESC Please be patient! It takes a bit of time to erase the mU} entire pad. ]]e be patient! It takes a bit of time to erase the l6Suppose you discover that you've made a mistake in entering a number. You can use RENAME to fix it. # qW}Type CTRL R. SEMCALC will ask: # Rename What? Type thqX}e label of the quantity you want to rename. Press > to go on. ]# pvFor example suppose you have # H 7 APPLES on the pad. If you type H in respouZ}nse to Rename What? the screen will look like # Press 'ESC' for no change # Renameu[} New name # 7 # Apples Press > to gu\}o on. ] # H 7 APPLES on the pad. If you type H in respot# Press 'ESC' for no change # Rename New name # 7 # y^}Apples To change the 7 to a 9 # type 9 and press RETURN If APy_}PLES is correct # press 'ESC'. ] # 7 # xPYou can also use RENAME if you have too many digits or if you want to round off. For ex}a}ample - # 16.3333 can be renamed 16.33 and # 3}b}.14159 can be renamed 3.1416 Press > to go on. ]ound off. For ex|PSEMCALC keeps notes on quantities. # If the quantity is the result # of a computation SEMCALC will # d}record the computation. # If the quantity is renamed # SEMCALC will record that fact. # If e}the unit of a quantity are # converted SEMCALC will record # that. ] # vTo see the notes on a quantity type # CTRL N SEMCALC will ask g}# Note on which quantity? Type the label of the quantity and press RETURN. h}]To see the notes on a quantity type # CTRL N SEMCALC will ask SEMCALC will show you the notes already stored on the quantity and then ask if you want to enter a note. Ifj} you want to enter your own note just type it in. If you don't want to make a note press k}RETURN to go back to the pad. ]already stored on the quantity and then ask if you want to enter a note. If*If you have a printer you can save a copy of the pad you are working with. In the beginning of the program you must m}have answered YES to the question # Will you be using a printer? To print a copy of the pad # type n} CTRL S The program will print the contents of the pad as well as all the notes on each of the quano}tities. ] save a copy of the pad you are working with. In the beginning of the program you must RENAME is also useful in the following problem. Suppose Jane has 4 SKIRTS and 6 BLOUSEq}S. How many different outfits can Jane make? If you multiply 4 SKIRTS by 6 BLOUSES you get r} # 24 SKIRTS BLOUSES However a SKIRT BLOUSE is exactly what we mean by as}n outfit. Use RENAME to change SKIRTS BLOUSES to OUTFITS. ]nd 6 BLOUSEkBDOS SYSB LOGO B5LOGO BINBCSEMC BAA B AB BAC BAD BAE BAF BAG BBA B!BB B$BC B(BD B*BE B-BF B1BG B4CA B7CB B;CC B@CD BDCE BGCF BKCG BNDA BPDB BTDC BVEA BYEB B]EC B`ED BcFA BfFB BiFC BlGA BpEE