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LL`*+}  Lq` X٪`OS SYSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC`0 ߩ0}} }y |||DDOS DOSDOS TMP }}}$X""}CDOS TMP} 0`BDELV !B }`LV  q   R@э   Y S S0 w;j JA E˩ }̩ ˙#`#I $#`HjkD۩ͩΑ͈x!}X  h`GR.0:POKE559,0:POKE712,194:POKE710,194:POKE842,12:POKE752,1:?:RUN"D:LOGO"~ V"}0 @BJK͝DE V0\BHI. () . \ V*)L#}nLL'0LsоI0LɛL)~L) |'3:͍$}mfdc{WaS L0P:LB0:B,055 #I-  .,0 L%})M)M)  V0h  )0Jn8&}  VH`{ȱye8LnK:'}$L` ɚh@LHhLҥh@ .l8LnK:K !1CCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI)}PROZIOCZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERLXXCINFLAXZETZBGVTASELECINPUNUMOPTVERCHBACC10JOYSTICDOLLASCORESCOREZ*}LINZDOLZNLINE1LINE2LINE3LINE4 +} ,} !"#$%&'()*-}+,-./0123456789.}:;<=>?@A Program: HELLO (C) 1983 - MECC &#&"/} "aa1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,100,256,756,764,5100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,90}990,31000,10000d&&;@7,;,;,;%,;,n-Bx% #B"6-%6-%+!,+ - A1}""B:,!+6-B:,% @%@@9;%,;, $#Bp%$$$, ))62} ))6-%$@7 ))6-%$&%%6-) 7"AJ$ -"4)4 A03}.7B:,,4*$ 7:,6-%67,.>:,) A "AE:6-@:7<8},,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"%A4B7tA7$ $%~{9}6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$:} $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%;}-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'@ &-%2 Pressto continue.<}:&@6-'"B7t&F:,"&" % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &=}$'D+0%0%'AR*(6@eDAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $'@->}&'.',-@ A"% ,  3' .  B'     D'.! %. Program Description'?} .  F'. %. End@.6-F:@,%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V'!* %B@}['G-@#=( Please enter a number from 1 to %.G B``' %Be'"%BPj' B A}t'( -(!*F:@, &Bv' ! x'; }#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" ProgB}ram Descriptions"-~'E( A" "(@/  9 AE@'   'V/('} A manual tC}o aid in the use of thisV(" diskette is available from MECC.'3( Title:#B "/-&&B:,'3 '](D}Direct inquiries to:A( MECC Distribution Center]( 2520 Broadway Drive'h ( St. Paul, MN 551137( (6E}12) 638-0627; h((} If you have any problems using MECC'[-(% courseware with your microcomputer,B( write or calF}l:[( MECC Help Line'a( 2520 Broadway Drive<( St. Paul, MN 55113S( (612) 638-0638W a BG} (2 (}-%.(Insert the new diskette.2 (%D:LOGO* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&B:,H}'@+& "6.D:&67@,.*+%.:(} Spelling Bee:( Program Description.M+(#TwI}enty drills of twenty sentencesM(each can be taken as timed or.M*("untimed drills. The maximum speedM(of the drillsJ} can be adjusted..I*("All keywords and sentences used inI(the drills can be changed./S+(#Directions for adjusting tK}he speedS(#or changing words in the drills are/6(( contained in the support manual., 6 B@0u3 - #BL}"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA "-%3 No teacher options available.7 A BR5u% - Your options are:M}" % :u@->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, <j' (<  %$ `} Minnesota<t'""(<  &  Educational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Consortium<'( < a} _^ <'( <  `{ <'( < <' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5 B:,!6. Ab}%B:,!+6.5 A' (<<(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(66. COPYRc}IGHT #67@,.667%,. - MECC(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.((*-P:&+B:,%,',% $-*6-<('d}AY@4'AdAUA(. 6-%. A*F:Ad,"&BB(%D:HELLO%TYEARTZETZIOCZBGZAeﻻffffp88pf< 8< g}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf h}< j} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~< k}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f l}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~ m}8x8ffffp88pf<8pp8?~}wwUWP\\WWuUUWWu@PTU]x`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|+* ? ``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|  fff> x~ 0~<~~<}8x8WUUUUu]_uuuuuuu]]]uuu_]]uuW@@@(0~ 0(0~ 0}`@8pp8?}wwx`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|+* յ5_uuUVZb ``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|  fff> x~ 0~<~~<}8x8(0~ 037ة/ԍ7777777777777ԍhhh7D66E6G66H6J66K6)M67N6]P67Q6S67T}6ōV67W687i-0\66i1]68fƍ"/"t4#u4v4L\7m777m777m77}7m777m77708)77İȌ7L4i77Ԉ7L4708)77hȌ7L4i77Ԉ7L48}7<L577g72t4u4 \lt47D6E6D6G6H6G6J6K6J6M6N6M6P6Q6P6S6T6S6V6W6V6Ȍ}7L570@8p77)777010\6]6\6Ԍ7L5i.777701\6]6ȌԌ7}L587<788<lt4pppppppppppppppppppd^6t6t6t6t)7t]7t7t7D7A-6T}UVWXY }"#$%&'()23456789:;}cdefghijtuvwx}oppCCCCCCCCCCC1C2C10C25CHBACCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINFONZIOCZADZLEZNZZETZBGZLZHZCMZER }  } } Program: SPINIT (C) 1983 - MECC &#&" "BB1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 },20,100,256,756,764,5100,5500,9990,31000d! 6-$A@R!+n" 0&("Ax- D:P }TB.OBJ6-( Ap-3 D:SPELL.FNT"6-$*6-$. 3 ;, $ $%~{6-?:C:kh] }^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$|16-A4% }$$6-! %)%1%% 6- %%%%?6-?:C:hhhLV,<$$,(6-F:%,<6-F:%,%F:% },$?$6-P:',6-P:&$,$X 6-b ))l& ))6-%$ (&6-v) ))6-% }$&%%6-) '@ &-%2 Pressto continue.:&@6-'"B7t&F:,"&" % 'F:, }"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &$'-$E-%-( SPELLING BEE'1 -)( }Do you want instructions? - 1$'6.7<,4YB.'1 0N('(Enter 'YES' or 'NO'.1 B8'*( }One moment please...*%D:SPELLt'Q+(#}You will see a sentence with aQ(!word missing. Read the sentence~'M'(an }d select the missing word byM(!typing A, B, or C. The computer'H+(#will show you the correct word andD(ask you to } type it.H 'S.(&}You are also challenged to selectS( the correct spelling as quickly'O(( as you can. Try to }choose yourO("answer before the bee reaches the'2"(right side of the screen.& 2%D:SPELLy@A$+0 }%)0%1&4(@%D:HELLO{y  %EAREODISKIRETURENDINFONZIOCZADZLEZNZZETZBGZLZHZCMZER 9[CCCCCCCCCCC1C2C10C25CHBACCLEAREODISKISCORRETURENDINZLINDRQUERSPCORBWORDZBGZLZHSD$}TADPTFONZNDRRIGHZZETZIOCZADZLEZCMZERTIMPROCOL$} $} !"#$%&$}'()*+,-./01234 Pro$}gram: SPELL (C) 1983 - MECC &#&" "LL1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,100,256,$}756,764,5100,5500,970,9990,31000,10000d--;,;,;%,;%,;%,;$$,nC$6.  <>#$  <>%&."$}C559,13424,15104,60x/6-C: azAZ''.. , %/$E ;, $/ - 2#-$'$} /&? (}6-&B:,'$-1-B:,%;(? 1( A0-'(1 A0$}' --B:,% ($ '$8@(,@%B:,%5(8$+ 0<($} Drill <( You scored  correct out of 20.<4( That leaves & for the bee. 7<%,<(D -$}( (!44(Great score!@@4D 9(Study these words:.( 9-B:,@:7$},, '(7<, -(>:@:7,,&', )@4-  $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^$}eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$|16-A4%$$6-! %)%1%$}% 6- %%%%?6-?:C:hhhLV,<$$,(6-F:%,<6-F:%,%F:%,$?$6-P:',6-P:$}&$,$'B &-%4 Pressto continue.<&B6-'"B7t&F:,"&" % 'F:,"%*$}'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &$'.+0&.$E'U,($You can a$}nswer problems at your ownU($speed or the computer can time you.$'9(Do you want to answer9(1. at your own speed$})'=( 2. slow time)(3. double time=(4. racing time.'& -%( Which speed? " &3' 6-A:,&  )!B$}08'++(#Drills are numbered from 1 to 20.B'& -%( Which drill? " &G' 6-A:, )!BPL'B !$} D:TIME.TXT&+B6-P:'$+&,&%',V'< -+0&'%<@tE`'= 6-$}6.6.D:DRILL0+67,.=:,1!=67,.=:,j'16-6- 6-(6-&, 1t'< -67,.>:,$} #-36-P:$H:,%,<6.7,~'567<,.7,67<,. (-5K'76-?:<@:7,,,%6-P:'Bc$},76-%&$Bc'6 (}%&"B7t&*&06-66-'J 6-F:,67,.>:,J6-&@$+"A&,&$}$$+"&,%$$+ $,'667,.>:,6-%6-%6F:,AUB0'6 !-$.6-+'&P:',,$@&%6$}-'3 6-F:,"%&$6-%*!/3 '7#6-+"$,%+"%,$%+"%,$76-$+"%)"&,'5 !*"$} %'(7<%%,+ 5 B'"*"B`'4 )"2$$6-%* $4 B@'5 ($}67B:,%,.567B:,,.>:@:7B:,,,%','L $1(#}No, let's practice the word. TypeL(it and press : '1$} 0'(}No, type it again: 1 B(6"(}Right! Type the word and6(press :  (1 0'(}No, type it$} again: 1 BP("  $E"(}( " #(@ -"(Would you like to do8(the next drill? < $}@((@6.7<,0Y*0N6(Enter 'YES' or 'NO'.@ Bp2( 4Y y3$E+ 0(&$}+(3&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'Y$}ES' or 'NO'.8 %@y@A$+0%)0%1&4(@%D:HELLO{y  %PCORBWORDZBGZLZHSD$dfff6311 8nc1p88pf< 80?mm=~~<(}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf(}``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkcc(}fv~~nff>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f(}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~0:AU,!6-%4}%% -&0(5/ -%%( /6-P:F:%$&,'',4"6-+4,$%+3,$+@:,&$,4 )!AP4} -%%(>:, )6-?:<:,, (@:A,*@:Z,$6.>:&$4},( "@:_,6. "@:',6.~ "@:,,6.{ "@:.,6.` "@:?,4}6.| "@:!,6.  $// &&$+!,('67%,./6-%0 $ $%~{6-?:4}C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $4}% %|16-A4%$$6-! %)%1%% 6- %%%%?6-?:C:hhhLV,<$$,4}(6-F:%,<6-F:%,%F:%,$?$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'B &-%4 Pressto continue.<&4}B6-'"B7t&F:,"&" % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &$'V$4}E4(} Spelling Bee Text EditorV(1. Load text from a drill.'E'(2. Display a drill word list.E(34}. Display or edit each$'I( frame of a drill.:(4. Save edited drill.I( 5. Quit..'' -%(Which number? 4}# '8'" 6-A:," )!B0B'//BBBBB@t'Q -%1(!Drills are numbered4} from 1 to 20.M(Which drill to load? Q ~'*6-A:, )! 6-* B'06.D:DRILL067,.=:,$!4}067,.=:,'(6-6-&"6-(6-'(  6--% ( B0'4 "*(Use the load comman4}d first.4 B0'E%(}Word list for drill .+3-E6-?:$E-8(}Drill  Frame >d(D -6-?::&,: ! '?(Correct choi4}ce: (J(>:P:F:%$&,'',,B("DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE ANYTHING? J&()37<,4Y#() $( 4}  (4 "*(Use the load command first.4 B0(B(Saving drill .(.6-66-%<6-B6-5}(  ( B0y"$E }"&"y: -%2 !Do you want to continue editing? 6 :,y5}7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y5A$+0%)0%5%D:5}HELLO{y  %CCCCCC1C2C10C25CHBACCLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINSDDFLTADSTZNCMDDRLFILEL4G:;hXhhh h ?4) **i>4i@˹?4)i4̩Șe˅ː̩Ȅԩ΅L;hhh;h;hh;h ;h9}Jjjέ;;(L:8@4y>4;eԅϩ;eՅ8ϩа `?4)Ι?4;fυԥЅ@4i@˹A4)i4(;y@4@4ȩ9};y@4@4L);;@4i@ϹA4)i48@4͹A4)Υ΅ ;;>4i@Ϲ?4)i4Э;˭;̭;ͩΥW8ϨА#F9}ˑ 1(ͦḛ̅eЅАˑϘL;`ː̩Ȅԩ΅L;hhh;h;hh;h ;h8HTUCCCCCCCCCCC1C2C10C25CHBACCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNZZBGTIM=} = } Program: SETTIME (C) 1983 - MECC &#&"= } "CC1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,100,256,756,764,5100,9990,31000,10000d:A$+0)AR= },(:Ad&;%,;, $ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2= }UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$'@ &-%2 Pressto continue.:&@6-'"= }B7t&F:,"&" % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-&" % ' &$': D:TIM=}E.TXT %:@sE'H.(&}The maximum time limit is currentlyH(set at  seconds.$'M -*((=}Press RETURN for no change)I(Enter the new setting? M .'64&(No change made.* 6%D:HELLO8'N 6-A=}:, )!$D('Enter a decimal number from 9 to 30.N B B'% D:TIME.TXT (%L'P)( The maxi=}mum time limit is now- 0(@( seconds.D P%D:HELLOy"$E }"&"y3 -%+ Do you want to=} try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y'+0%0=}%'%D:HELLO{y  %1C2C10C25CHBACCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNZZBGTIM<#9'%D:HELLO{y   D:SETTIME5CHBACCLEAREORETURENDINZLINZDOLZNZZBGTIM@(Z@AMAB| CrCC anice wants a for herbirthday`horcehersehorsehere was a lot ofQ0} on thetable`foodfeedfudou stepped on my foot`liftleftlafto you want a blue a redballoon|Q1}ororeirhat  hewant|desedosedoeso you want some|candycandiekandyreen looks goodQ2} yellow`widwithwitandy wants some`totwotoolvis walked the stage`ofoffuff im was on theQ3}phone a time`longloneloong arcia will you how todo it`shewshoeshowhat are your plans dQ4}inner|afteraferaftorebby was there`furstforstfirstou must do he says`astaseas would Q5} togo to aris`loveluvlovhen will be ready|heheehiehe  hadgrown three feet`trietreQ6}etrey ason caught a big`feshfishfisch ane wanted the book`otherothorutherid you have a goodQ7}|timetemetimBC>rCC anice wants a for herbirthday`horcehersehorsehere was a lot ofP(]@@@ALA߁BGB~±BDCmæуally lives in abrown `houzehousehoucehat did you|sayseyU9}sayeid you your bed|makemakmade ary  tomake a phone call`wentedwantedwintedow much doesU:} cost|thatthetthathive the paper toyour `daddydadydadieo you have anychocolate |melkU;}milcmilkive  areon a team`manmenminhe  catwaited for me`blackblickblak want you to go totU<}he `storstorestoor have seen themovie `onceonsteonesthe glass of wasspilled`waterU=}watterwatorow  willyou be finished|sunesonsoonhe started to cry`babiebabbybabye threw the U>}bucketinto the `wellwelewel will see you can go`iffifeflay it {am`againaganageU?}n isa would like a forhristmas`daldawldollhat will we see|nixtnexnexto you enough U@}time|havhaveheveGB~±BDCmæуally lives in abrown `houzehousehoucehat did you|sayseyT(@^@CAvA9BošB*XÅøC ohn will you how to do it`telltillteleow far can you|runYB}eruntrunick started the`firefirfierut the book the phone`byebybuyou may the pictYC}ure`kepekeepekeephey started very early`gottgotegotou must tell your`mothermuddermoterYD}ould you pass thesugar{ |peasepleaspleaseteve  theball`hasehashastrica has some creaYE}m`iceicieecehe  waitedfor the book`goilgirlgerlhe wind blew hardlast `nightknightnite iYF}m has notebook`yoreyeryourhe table is thewindow`neernearnerehe book is you putit`YG}wherewherwharhe  needsmore gas`karcarcarrhat is a pretty`dresdresedresshey  inthYH}e kitchen`werwirwerehen do you want togo{ `deerderedearut the down`boxboxeboxx|runXt(^@@ABqAԁ 7Bl—B CSCe have the picture before`seneseenceneolor the circle`bl]J}ueblublewhich  doyou want|oneonwone showed us picture`heshisheeshe letter was hi]K}sfriend`frumfromefromhere were apples`fivefivfievehey  havegone home`wudwouldwoodhere ]L}should be for them`rumromeroomhey will the cake`bringbrengbingour  iswhere your hear]M}tis`homhomehoome is just the hall`dondoundown ary will show you to do it`howhowehouave ]N}you seen cat|hourareourow  is itto anada`farfurforut the radio there`everovero]O}vore  that hewas busy`sedsadesaid want that overthere`thingtingthengick will tell you]P} the bellrang`whiwhywhiehen will you in yourpaper|hanhanehandut it under the`tabletabl]Q}tayblABqAԁ 7Bl—B CSCe have the picture before`seneseenceneolor the circle`bl\([@@ 4cAA!K|B C=oáC t is not as as youthink`badebadbaddhey went to the car`faS}indfinefinte  to thecircus`wendwentwintis  isarold`namnemenamee need pencils`aT}moremormoorhen did you get|bakbackbakeusan can the piano`plaeplaiplayow did  doaU}it|theythaythaiehat shirt is too for me`litlelittlelidlean you the roses|smelesmelsmellaV}hat  yourphone number|isesistou must faster`wolkwalkwokou have the raisins`mozdaW}moostmosto you  wecan win|thinktinkthenkhich one do you the most|leklikelikne plus two makaX}es`treetheethreeow many them do you want|ofoffifhey played a of tennis`sitsetseaY}ttehey played a of cards`gammegamgame im has three`brothersbothersbruthers the car`f`j(R{@ ADrA!WBB*Cbõ yard is three`fetefeetfeto the  youcan`bessbstbestoe[}ur dinner isgetting `coldkoldcoledell us your trip`abotaboutaboteo you have ice creae\}m|ennyenyany ohn and red wentfor a bike`rideridriddeathy  themthe money`gavgavegevid ye]}ou the sign|redreedreadead  linecarefully`eechitcheachhich  didhe go|wayweywhaye^}ive and five are`tintentenneur flag is{ white andblue`readredderedhree strikes andyou are e_}outoteoathey gave some perfume`herhirherehe teacher willtell you you can go`whine`}whenwhenneat gave helly marbles`zixsicsix y  saidthat could go`fatherfaterfathorave you ea}your bed|madmademadd need a pencil`nuneunewo you have the answer|riterieghtrigheb}tyour bed|madmademadd need a pencil`nuneunewo you have the answer|riterieghtrighd(@[@!QABP±BGC|his street past thepark`goesgosegoz  theright way`nowknid}owkno et me tell you ashort `storiestorestoryhe teacher will you anote`writewritriteid you ie}the new song|herehearherhat are you|makeingmaekingmakingo you need people|manymaif}nemannyne plus one makes`totootwohe bell rang wasfinished`beforbeforebafore is  ig}inthe afternoon`comeingcummingcomingroy wants to go`alongalongeallonghis is my first`clasis}?B$DOS SYSB+(HELLO BSLOGO B eLOGO FNTB nBEE B yBEE1 FNTB BEE2 FNTB PBG OBJBSPINIT B!SPELL B SPELL FNTBPTB OBJBEDINIT B!TEXTEDIT BSTM OBJB SETTIME BTIME TXTB DRILL01 BDRILL02 B &DRILL03 B /DRILL04 B 8DRILL05 BADRILL06 B IDRILL07 BRDRILL08 B ZDRILL09 B cDRILL10 B wDRILL11 B DRILL12 B DRILL13 B DRILL14 B DRILL15 B DRILL16 B DRILL17 B DRILL18 B DRILL19 B DRILL20 eclassclassehey  ayellow pencil`fondfundfound will see you inthe `morningmourningmorninheit}re did you thatdress|bybyebuyhat was a call`closcloosclosehe will seeing her mother`iu}missmessmishis is the where oereene lives`tonetowntownenn  herfinger`herthurtehurtodiv}d is in thefirst `gradgradegraidreet past thepark`goesgosegoz  theright way`nowknh/(b@9cAB8n©BPCC3nDe said that was nomore room`theretheirthey~re y shoe lost he}el`it~sitsits~he rope was too`luseloselooseid you find mother|youryou~reyourehey were }stillcold even they went inside`thothoughthowemy and athan were thewinners`amonstamoungamong }s that line really|straightstratestraito you want a of pie|peacepiecepeicehat is not what }`mentmintmeant had  withmy homework`troubletrebeltruble can hardly what shesaid`bel}eivebelievebeleevealentine~s ay isfourteenth`ebuaryfebuaryebruaryould you the spoons and the}forks|separateseperateseparat eremy had a bad`coffkoughcoughhey had some to do atthe bank`bu}snessbusinessbusenesssk them if ready fordinner`they~retheirthereou can~t tell abook by cover`}it~sitsits~e~ll call you we leavehome`beforbefourbeforehe is  todinner tonight`commingcumin}gcominghey get together very well`alongallongalonemore room`theretheirthey~re y shoe lost heD(^@ր JA|A8kBCVÌD7hich  doyou go to next|claseclassclasthe three littlekittens lost} mittens`thierthey~retheir ~ll call you when ready`it~sitsits~  a dollarin my wallet`}fondfoundfund t was a good forsleeping`mourningmoreningmorningally wanted to a newdress`buyby}byehat was a very call`closclosecloose will  youwhen you are gone`mistmismisshat  }isthis|towntonetonnemy  herelbow`herthurthureteve is in thethird `gradgraidgradehe sp}elling should befinished soon`lessonlesonlesoneould you likebutter on your|korncorncorenid yo}u see the parade|stereasteraster like the month of best`prilaprilprelo you have }pen withyou|youreyou~reyour ane wants to goswimming this`aftenoonafternoonafternoneo you have enough}|papperpaporpaperhe didn~t even say`hellohelohellowour coat is in the closet`fruntf}rontfrount|A8kBCVÌD7hich  doyou go to next|claseclassclasthe three littlekittens lost (q@1AhAVB͂HCC,_ėDhere was blood onhis `hankerchiefhandkercheifhandkerchiefhil and oh}n goswimming together`sometimessomtimessumtimeshat is going tohappen next|wekeweakweek eredith}  alarge set of bunkbeds`biltbuiltbuildthere was a in theaction`breakbrakebraekhe was too} to come tothe phone`buzybusybussyhey did not know to go ornot`weatherwheatherwhethere need more} inpolitics`womenwomanwommen et me know when ready`theyrethey~retheirur house lost roo}f inthe storm`it~setsits et me know if going tobe there`you~reyoureyoure should befinished by}`riedayridayfridayould you like piece ofcake|annotheranothoranothernne walked the room`ac}rossacrostaccrosshe  gave aspelling test`teecherteacherteicher have seen that movie`nevverne}vorneverhey took a ride inthe `countrykontrycontry anet was not in time`reddyreadyredye do }not want to this game`looseluselosehe  in mywrist is gone`acheackeackhandkerchiefhil and ohd