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R -%&0 Type a number from 1 to .8-%R(Then press J}.[ "6--%%5((Press  for same?-%%[(players as last time.)! 6.16-6--! K}?+00-6 ONE MOMENT PLEASE<?$! AP %!% -($&G+L}AR16-F:A`,%$F:Aa,%?&@pG%0 000$:'6.    '6. /(M}/-(D(%6.  ($N!'  6-6-!6-XAA`b%lO 6-N}8,6. '6. 47<,41E6. O6.v 6-# !6-%6-&# A@) 6-$O}&--%" & )$Y A D6.0136891114161719ϲ2224M6-8,Y6-+!,%+ P}-%%( 7<,7$&<$,7,+$F A 6-8,(2$+&,%0-8-%F6-$%$& 7<%,Q}  2$ 6.1ST"6.2ND' -%$  BOX NUMBER: '$/-668,-8&, ,68,R}-8,/$ 6-6-# !6-&6-%# AP.-%$%+ >:@:7<,,%A(,.$ 7<,$S} $B--%$%- 7$%<$%,1 ?K:B$ Q -6-%$-,  4-<T}-%M( | |Q 4H -  *6-+%&,$%26-%=6.7<,A E H$>/6-F:@,!6-F:U}@,'-/&H[(6. 56-P:',$@(7&<,L@X@[$R< %V}%,( PLAYERS' NAMES8-@<(\R -*(Type your name or type ATARI-(R( to have the computer pW}lay.f((%( Then press .($p& 68,-"6-% !&6-z8 6-%$- !6-$.6.7&X}<,4-8 B - (8,) # A)6-B7<,4ATARIA  -3 A6-6.0#6.9Y}/6-&+",3 &+!,)+"8&,,)+",& A 8,!A $ 68,- A A0$  AZ}a 68,-68,--&)-%a88,,!)8,"8,)P:88,,',P:88,,',A'68,-8,68,-8,!6[}-'6-    8,! 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Kleiman9-N(and Steve Minsuk\ -i}(Teaching Tools:#->(Microcomputer ServicesJ-@\( Palo Alto, CA< -( Version 1.0%-@<(Cj}opyright (C) 1983) ;,67,._ 67,._)67,.H>;,;,;@H,;,;,;,;,;AP,;,H Ak}p= -2@:7,,+-@:7,,$/ 3 =2Y6-Ad6-";A ,-67,. >67A ,.l} G67,.N;,Y6.7<,S;,;,;,;,;,-6.>:A&,4;,S6.101001011010010110100101#9,m}9,9,9,# B47<,BQ 6- %+(NUMBER OF PLAYERS1-Q(How many players are theren}?=3(+(Count the Atari if you want it to play)=6-%$5 6-6-6-6.4' A5"A!X 6-o}6- AP$67,. /67,. 867,.@-F-J(N(R(X-U(7<@,-+(Player #:1-p}I(What is your name?O-U6-( 6-$67&<,.(A1 -&6-$17&<,07&<,Aq}Y 6- -(( SAME NAME+(.(S(Player # has the same name.Y6-&7&<&,4 6-%& Ar}e  6-"[67&%<&%,. #/67&%<&%,.=:,E67&%<&%,. #[67&%<&%,.=:,$\%(Player s}# will be called:((3(7&<,6(N(You will be called:Q(\(7&<,';( ( ((#(Press .)- ;t} AP1 6  6- A!@S 6-6- -/(CHOOSE BOARD SIZE;6-@&S6-F:,%$F:,%Au}BH --%$%($ pairs/-%$>(7$&<$,D"H E3  6-  !'6--6-36-Gv} "AOR 6-$6-$6-!6. 267A ,. ;67,.C-N68,-&R T AP w}Ah8 -% #%5  GAME NAME8$r@ A@-6 What is the name of your game?<-@ x}|^(/ $ Type a name (up to 18 letters).2(Q( Then press .W-^( ! 6- 6.67<,.y}!$3  AP%#%+%3%D - -6.SMALL%!26.MEDIUM8"D6.LARGEz}/( ($ PAIRS) -$ *-/ \ -1(# +נ- Move cursor4(\(# Π - Move t{}o next lineZ(.(# Π - Copy previous box1(Z($ Ԡ - Go to previous box5(+( Ԡ|} - Go to next box5-P-@.  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A 6.go on &#( To light up choice&( ( Ԡ To $( $ %%%}-&!($$ 6.go back to main menu (  To ($ #K:#A   A0} 6-F:B2y,  A0p , 6-F:,"@*""6-, A0p "@  !@cA0  }")"A0 )  $ M+ A`AR;6-F:A`,%$F:Aa,%C%M%%  -}&($? 6-%@6-%#!)6-?6-&+&%,$@   $ NE 6-;,/6.(SMALL) (MEDIUM)(LAR}GE) E D:BOOTGAMESR% 6.6-C:,6- !% ZR( 6--"47$&<$,(6-^R  "6.7,}bR BelRK 6-6-6-6-$68,-*6-06-66->-G68,-K vR. 6- -.( M}AIN MENURR -(Play 6-36-F:,%$F:,%AF7 :(R(Choose Another GameR@((Make a New Game(+(}Revise .(@( Use Disk AidsR/ 6-  #6-)6-/6- S S//+",$AB%AB}p S " /S B`W  "BW, 6- -,( CHOOSE A GAME>XA6-&$+!, }!>(Š To list more gamesA(CXj6.keep 67,." A'<6.load game from diskF A%L6-R6-^}6-%+ ,d!j6-X;-%%+ ,!-$+&,%'!1(7<,; B'`X4(7$&<$, )6-@:7$&,,4(}7&<,X+ "!6-F:,%$F:,%A$'6-+ X X  " X. "6.6.7$&, * Be. Y!}"*+ ) , ! B'p$Y+) ,*B'p.Y 6-%!6-8Y 6-%!6-=Y 6- B'}Y 6-6- 6-Y&7<,4 6-&&!B02Z0 -( DISK AIDS$-0(Save FZ? -%}(on disk#6-@@;6-F:,%$F:,%A? PZ]("(Set starting game to (-D(Delete a game from diskG}(](Format a new disknZ? 6-  A'! '-6-36-96-?6-Z7  "6-7BB2P}B4@B9Z "Z "Z B1Z5  B3P"6. D:BOOTGAME(6-5Z;6-C:},6-! &37 ; 6[F:,T[S  ( (2( Please insert the Square Pairs5(S( disk and pres}s .r[w( ( (/( Remember to save the current2(V( game on the Square Pairs diskY(w( if you haven't alre}ady.[ "B2P[ B42[  "B[+ 6- -+( DELETE A GAME[A6-&$+!,} !>(Š To list more gamesA([f6.keep all games" A'86.delete the gameB A%H6-N6-}Z6-%+ ,`!f6-\;-%%+ ,!-$+&,%'!1(7<,; B6 0\4(7$&<$, )6-@:7$&,,4}(7&<,:\+ "!6-F:,%$F:,%A$'6-+ D\ N\! !+",%$+",B7 v\!"*+ ) , ! B60}\+) ,*B60\ 6-%!6-\ 6-%!6-\ 6- B5`\V6.7$&,6-  -}-(WARNING!0(3(O(You are about to deleteR(V(\K 6- !6. keep the game+ A'A6.delete the gameK }A%\ +",%+,B7$\ 6-\C  6--*47$&<$,76.7$&,=6-C6-\ }"B8@\V 6.D:G67,. B8P-:B6-&V67$&,.7$%,\?6. D:GAMES.DIR"}("5? B8@\B*6-C:,$6-( 16-C:,96-$= B]  ]}B`B`*]F:,"B8@>] \], 6- -,(TO FORMAT DISKf]C( (-(Put a new disk in th}e drive and0(C(press .p] B9 ]  -(WARNING!]\( (0("You are about to FORMAT this di}sk.3(\($Any games or other files on the disk]d(( will be lost!$6-@( >6.keep disk filesH A'Z6.} format diskd A%] +",%+,B9]3 6-  BA/ D:BOOTGAME3 ]1  ( (1(Thi}s is the SQUARE PAIRS disk!!]J(.(#I just can't bring myself to do it.1(4(7(J(Press .^ "^ B}@p$^% ATD:! % g  "6-6-$g5 6--"47$&<$,/6.7$&,56-}g  "6.$g- Bfu6.D:G 67,.-g9)6-'%-,)568,-9 h}$ 6-C:,6-$ ! $$3h&F:,"AD Bf& Be:h 6.F:,"$=h ' LhS Bgp6. &}67AP,. /67,.:6.0 S D:GAMES.DIRjh4 D:GAMES.DIR!)*6-C:,06-4 th$ 6-C:,}6-$ ! $$h F:,"6-$h&F:,"AD Bg& Bg0h'  A@ Ai8"A} -&'-28,"&86-ig 6-8,68,-8,%68,--6-$56-$B6.7&<,V67&<,.7&}<,c67&<,.g i/ 6- %%/( GAME NAMEiS( ( ((( Press  to keep+(3( S( } as the name of your game.i0 -0("Press  to change the name.i "Aj"A j Bq0}`mR 6-6- -.( ALL DONE?1(4(7(R(Save your game on diskjmR 6-!6-F:,%$F:,%A% ((<(}Check your game?(R(Play your gametm? 6-  A'! '-6-36-96-?6-m3 3+",$%+",}$BBqAm " m Bpm"Bmg ( TO SAVE GAME(!($(K(" Put the pro}per disk in the driveN(g( and press .m 6- "BmB@nJ 6-  *"@P)A:},"A@6.Games directoryJ B 0n 6- n**37$&<$, 6-%* Bpn47$&<$,Bn6} -6267$%<$%,.7$&<$,6 (n2 6-%67$&<$,.267$&<$&,.>:,-n(6.=:%A:,,B:, }(67B:,%,./n;67$&<$&,.6- 06. D:NEW.DIR;PnP *6-C:,6- &6-C:,.6-$2 }7=6-G6.D:GP67,.n+*-'*8,+ n* 6-C:,6-$ *nA 6-}!( D:GAMES.DIRA D:GAMES.DIRn=$D:NEW.DIR,GAMES.DIR= D:GAMES.DIRn }nf  (!( A game called @( is already on this disk.C(f( Choose one of the following:n %%(},oL  (*(Save game with a new nameB6-F:,%$F:,%AeH6-L 6o\('(Replace the game on the disk*(?(U}se another diskB(\(Do not save this gameJo? %%-#(' -36-96-?6-ho 6- "}Bro " |o3 "6-3BBBBo B o o AP Bo }6. B70r)2@P- )2r! 6- -(OOPS!!!$tr4  ( (4(" There are no game}s on this disk.rN(0(% You may insert another if you like.3(6(9(N( Press .r "r B@ra}  ( (4(" There are no games on this disk.7(a(% You must make up your own or insertr8(( another disk.( (}#(8( Press .s "s B@0u> 6-F:,"Ai46.Games directory> B Du"A}bB yZ (8($Problem in reading or writing to theZ(disk. Make sure there is a "y  ( formatted},yA(,(!disk in the drive and the door isA(closed properly.6yS(.(#To save or delete games, change theS( starting} game, or format a disk,@yd)(!first make sure you are not usingE(a write protected disk.H(d(Press  to go on.}Ty B`^yhy }*6.Disk B *}/ " B 0/ D:N}EW.DIR}G   (#( is full.&(G( ŠԠ2}H(.(#You must use another disk or deleteH}(a game from this one.F}6 " (6(%(Use the Disk Aids to delete a game.)P}"("(Press  to go on.Z}% 6- }")"6-%n} B >;6-?:C:%hhh hEhDhIhHJiB V`,<<<,>$3F:A8,%F:A9},$AV%@E D:AUTORUN.BAS B'g9 12 3 CITIES & COUNTRIES4 DIRTY WORDS 5 DO, RE, MI 2 FACES 6 FRENCH - ENGLISH 7 }GUINNESS RECORDS 1 OLD SAYINGS 8 OPPOSITES 9 OPPOSTANDS 10 SEQUENCES 11 WORDS AND }ANAGRAMS CITIES & COUNTRIES4 DIRTY WORDS 5 DO, RE, MI 2 FACES 6 FRENCH - ENGLISH 7 OPPOSITES COUNTRIES4 DIRTY WORDS 5 DO, RE, MI 2 FACES 6 FRENCH - ENGLISH 7 A stitch in time... saves nine. A bird in the hand... is worth two in the b}ush. A penny saved... is a penny earned. Too many cooks... spoil the broth. b|  ( )   ( )   * *  * * }  (@)(@)   (@)(@)   ()()  U ()()  } U <0 0> v  <0 0> v          } U   U             z  London United Kingdom New York } U.S.A. Moscow U.S.S.R. Paris Fra}nce Sydney Australia Cairo Egypt } Tokyo Japan Bombay India } Lima Peru Toronto Canada } Oslo Norway Caracas Venezuela x  mud mud garbage garbage} sewage sewage smog smog } trash trash slime slime } crud crud grime grime agez DO a deer, a female deer RE a drop of golden sun } MI a name I call myself FA a long, long way to run |  Je t'aime! I love you! Ouvrez la porte! Open the } door! Quelle heure est-il? What time is it? Le chien est noir. The dog is black. } Le livre est ici. The book is here. C'est mon ami. This is my friend. } Pourquoi est-il ici? Why is he here? Je n'en ai un. I don't have one. e z  U.S.S.R. largest country REPUBLIC OF MALDIVES lowest country } CALAMA, CHILE driest place POLE OF COLD, ANTARCTICA coldest place } DALLOL, ETHIOPIA hottest place TOKYO, JAPAN most populous city } KAUAI, HAWAII rainiest place REPUBLIC OF CHINA most populous country try z     stop war cold sad $} start happy hot backwards $} inside outside valley shallow $} peace deep forwards mountain d $z  increase outcrease lollipop lollimo(}m program congram handle footle (} newspaper oldspaper thunder thover (} fire alarm fire alleg fooling around fooling asquare imo(z  JIHGF EDCBA 3,5,7,11 13,17,1,}9 4,9,16,25 36,49,64 1,8,27 64,125 ,} AEI OUY ASDFG HJKL; ,}          * ** *** **** ***** ****** 7,1,z  COMPUTER PROCMUTE CASSETTE 0} TATESCES KEYBOARD BRYKOEDA RECORDER CROD0}REER PROGRAM MROPGAR MONITOR TRONIMO 0} CONTROL LRONTOC PRINTER TRIPNRE 0} INTERFACE CEFATRINE CARTRIDGE GRITRACDE 0} MEMORY RYMOME OPTION ONTIPO 0xbGAMES DIRBBOOTGAME bG1 BG2 BG3 BG4 BG5 BG6 BG7 bG8 BG9 BG10 BG11