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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI7} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO 8}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -9}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH:}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL;}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e<}1i1232435ޥ<<8} 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.0SCOPYRIGHT 1980 ATARIA. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. D>}UPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK F?}ILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. WRITE DOS FILES9!&x#!7&p))'&X*./)L''-؆莟@}R'S  vW DEHHI 1A#! @ ~0ɛ8A0.) ȅ 1 1iA}il ! 1L NO SUCH ITEMSELECT ITEM OR FOR MENU! 0 .{z:*{}.|~ 1 0 0B}JB 18L^%|DLl%DIRECTORY--SEARCH SPEC,LIST FILE? # 0 0 n&|D! 1L NOT A DISK FILEC}N !B 1L " 1 !BDED:}:1BJ|DE 1DEBHD}I 1 h0ߢ 0.  0?詛 1 ~0YЛ 1 "L<" "L E} BL1TYPE "Y" TO DELETE...DELETE FILE SPECCOPY--FROM, TO?OPTION NOT ALLOWED COPYING---DN:F}# 0|D .L$A#B#C#JB|DE 1BHIDD#E 1D#0: BG} 1L B#C#C#B# B 1N#$0SYS1}:e#D# d# D# .d#ȽD# d# 𩛙d#X# 1,A#H}PdD#ELO- A.BJdD#E 1 1HH 0hh|DL^%1}:e# Lt% e#dD#EL%I} 1 0 . .0% 1L WILD CARDS NOT ALLOWED IN DESTINATION 0 A.|K@C:,4NAP">:,0Y@2#A-@}}A -AdAU7 @6A AP$00((}This program will give you practice in&..(&multiplying 1 to 3~} digit numbers. The(..(&top number (multiplicand) will have 3+..(&digits. You may choose the number of...(&digit}s, 1 to 3, in the bottom number0((multiplier).2..(&All numbers are generated randomly, so4..(&that each time} you run this program,6..(&you should get a different problem.86-@"6(!Hit when ready to continue.9} )@2@W< (}-@A..(&For example: If you were to type in aC..(&two when asked to pic}k the number ofE..(&digits in the multiplier, the problemG(might look like this:H @u @KC-@}@(, 46853X   C$P AUV"@f@6Z AR\ @u_@-@}@@(&The white square is called a 'cursor'.c..(&It will show you where the next numbere..(&goes. If you }typed in a '4' it wouldg%%(print in place of the cursor.h-@A i A Aj`-@}](I 46853  4   `$n AUo"@f@`s A}Rt Av:-@:(&Note that the cursor has now movedz..(&above the 6. That is where the carry}}..(&goes. Remember, even if the carry is$$(a zero, you must type it in.-@A ]-@](}I 2 46853  4    AU"@f@ AR}:-@:(&You continue multiplying 3 with 468..(&and 5 with 468 until you have the..(&partial produc}ts of 1404 and 2340.))(!These must now be added together.]-@](I 46853 140}42340 ! AU!"@fA AR-@..(&You would enter a '4' as t}he sum of 4..(&and the implied zero. Next, enter the..(&carry, even if it is zero. Continue..(&in this manner} until you have finished( the problem.]-@](I 46853 14042340 }4! AU!"@fA5hh(`}If you want to see these instructions again at any time during the pr}oblem, hit the 'H' key.__(WIf you want to start a different set of problems during a problem, hit the  key.JJ(}BIf you want to return to the menu at any time, hit the 'X' key.) AU"@f(}) A`$ STAR}T 6-6-:0((}Input desired number of digits in the: A &&(multiplier. Then hit .eA}@d!AR%5 )!@I(٠W-A[ e A ?-@5( How many problems} would you like? A @CA@d!AR%1 @9(C A @ @A POA}R(3(, are you sure you want H(problems? (Y/N)O)%"@x(% A @[ 6-AR}(}--@@C(PROBLEM NUMBER W-@AP[  6-6--@ 68,-68,-}68,- j!6-A 6-@!6- (}-@668,-P:H:,$,8@,"A }!!6-%8,$P:#+&,%?P, -668,-P:H:,$,8,"Ap !!6-%8,$P:#+&,%?P}, @!&@((@!&(2@( X <%A F 6-6-P }-&Z-@46-8,$8%,%76-P:',:68%,-&$>68%,-8%,%8%,@ 6-%C%%}&%&H ATM%%&%&@%O"A!0P AQR8%,"A!`W6-8%,\ AP}a A!p 6-t"*"@A#u"@A#w"@A#y%%& AT}%%&@%"A! AQ%%&"A" 6- AP A!i 6}-  6-%@@6-% %&   "AI -@% %%%+A!%@@$&,@}   6-A`%@@$6- - 68,-8,% 6-P:8,', 6-8,&$ %&% AT} %&%@% "A5p AQ "A6h 6- AP A5@T 6-V6}-P:8,',^"AH`%&@@$+%,&j ATw##%&@@$+%,&@%y"A7z }AQ~"A7 6- AP A6%&@@$+%,&% 6- "AI } %&"AH  AQ AT%&@%"AI 6- AP AH}$%&@@$+%,&%.J AQ-@5(That is correct, .<6.B!J6.s0E %( You mad}e  error;(on this problem.E AI 3((( Nice work, you did that problem4!!(without making an error.56}-@-@ 6(YOU ARE THE GREATEST6!-@P !-@ 72(ՠŠŠ*-@P}. 2 8!-@ (! A`:,-@#,(Hit to continue.=0A@d)0AU}AI%>' 6-6-%6-%'!AUP? A PSub. for error correction 6-%6-%-@} 6-%"APP(Sorry, ,$$( is incorrect. Try again. AP<(Sorry, , but<}(the correct answer is ...(&When you understand your mistake, type(in the correct answer. 6- 6}- $##Sub. to clear screen's bottom%6-@$@@%%&&6-?:<%<%%@<A Y&,( -}6-$PBlank part of screenZ%6-@$@@%%d&&6-?:<%<%%@<A Y&,x$6-@} 6("Hit when ready to continue. )$Sub. for GET statement"2A@d)("@r}2 Ae'"@' Af)"@ Ap,!! @H)!@WAT16-&@H6$|Y-}@"Y(DHit to continue,or for previous page of instructions.A@d)"@2})"@f$ AU AuAA(9Hit for menu, or for another set of problems. )"@w}A AUAV@ APpE 6-6-Aa!6-@-"96-AaE6-@s"@}6-@v!@6-@z))#%@@$%@$P:$H:,,% "%B:,%B:,!@4A`'}(,  A`0(,(-@A $Great job,!Perfectly done,!No}t one mistake,!What a math student,!I am impressed,.Almost perfect,!((Try again to get a perfect score,}.''Try to get it perfect next time,.$''You will be a good math student,..Practice makes perfect,.8""You'll get} there next time,.B""Patience. You're improving,.L$$No one gets everything right,.dHelp keyn6-?:<<<A `},x @6 Ae0} Ahh(`}Hit to return to problem, or hit to return to the last page of t}he instructions.0A@d)0"@fAe%AUAe@6-?:<<<A `,$Es}cape key6-?:<<<A `,RR(J}Hit to return to problem, or hit 'S' for a new set of problems.5A}@d)("@+'5 APAUAf06-?:<<<A `,$$X6-?:<<<A `,}bLL(D}Hit to return to problem, or hit 'X' to exit the program.l@A@d)("AU=6-?:<}<<A `,@$v@Ap %6-&@%!Aq++(!In your first problem, you made "(}error@"(s( so far. Aq Au%%(Hit the Š to continue.$)@$}@2Aq AL2%(} , you made  error+2(sV)((in  problem"!)(s`} (.6-P:'%?P,j3 (This is an average of ($3(aboutt!(( error!(s~( per prob}lem. 6- A`@ AJ% D:MENU.BASUU(M}Please check the disc drive to be surethat it is turned on a}nd the correct::(2disc is inserted. When you are ready,hit RETURN. )AUA  A'#-}B:,#7<,0 B'  ' @%';@:7<,,!@%6-@:7<,,;67<,.>:&@2,$'$ D:MULT}123.BASl))MOROZTTSCRTALFABSSPMSSVSSVKPROTERPRNERDRRSSMXXTTMEA4AN.d.FINCDMSRMDQASSVSSVMOZRQSCRFTERPRODPRNERDDJKSUTHHHVDLMEXSSP}LDXZZMZZEOTTSKME   (FAM A A A  A U  } B ARA(@BA4} !"#$%&'()*}+,-./0123456789}:;<=>?@ABCDEF~~;@,;@},;@,;@,;@@,;@,9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,;A `,6-C}:, GG6-C::hhIįˢ8˕Ͱϑ`, H6-6-A('6-@++90@}EARH(E%6-F:@,%AV$F:@,1@E@K:K-@@7/%@@}$@%G%@@$@"%K K-@@"/%@@$%@G%@@$%@7K (3-@}@3( L O N G D I V I S I O N*4-@@4( -%-@@%( BY Don} Ross21-@ @1(MICROCOMPUTER WORKSHOPS<(-@@((COPYRIGHT 1983F-A 6.}1 (}AR A1A6*( Enter your first name, then hit 2(6B:,"A} BART(}Hi, .(T(7Do you want instructions (hit Y or N, then RETURN)?A}@d)!!@*@xA@(>:, )AUAT>:,4NA  }Ap A (}//('This program will give you practice in"//('long division. The problems are picked,//}('at random, so that each time you run6//('the program, the problems will be@//('different. You may decide ho}w difficultJ//('the problem will be by choosing theT//('number of digits in the divisor. The^**("divisor may }be 1, 2, or 3 digits.h%6-@ A&%6- (}-@ //('For example: If you were to set t}he//('divisor to 2 digits, the problem might//('look like this. The white square above//('the 7 is called a c}ursor. This tells//('you where the next number will go. In**("this example, you would enter a 2.4-@4(} 5916756 ! A&!"@fAp-@ //('The 2 will print in place of the cu}rsor//('and the cursor will move below the 7.//('This follows the procedure used if you&,,($were to do this on }a piece of paper.:4-@4( 25916756N! A&!"@fAX;-@;(' } 25916756]-@b//('If you make an error, the computer willl//('give you an error m}essage. If you makev//('another error on the same item, the//('computer will give you the correct//('ans}wer and allow you to continue. When//('multiplying, don't forget to put in the""(, even if it is .! A}&!"@fAR-@R(> 2 5916756 8  -@}//('Here, 2x9=18 (the 9 is from 59), so you//('would enter an eight beneath the 7 and//('a one for the carry. }When you have//('finished multiplying, the product will//('be subtracted from the digits above//('it. The ne}xt digit will then be brought$$(down beside this difference.) A&"@f(}) AR-@R(}>  25916756118495-@ //('The number that results will next be}//('divided by 59,and the entire process is//('repeated until you have completed the( division.! A&}!"@fAUjj(b}If you want to see these instructions again at any time during the problem, hit the 'H' key.}``(XIf you want to start another set of problems during the problem, hit the  key.c=(5If you want to retur}n to the menu, hit the 'X' key.G A&S"@fY(}c Ai$ (}6-6-<68,-A'6}8@,-A!<68@,-AB (}AR Ap %%(Enter # of digits in divisorAR}( 6-P:A:,,6-*D )!@((٠6-A: D Ap/iAR A%-@}H(How many problems in this setLX @_(i A4 @A09HAR4(, ar}e you sure you want H(problems? (Y/N):) )"@x() A>j 6-68,-6-$AR*(}}<-@@R(PROBLEM NUMBER f-@APj ? 6-6-6-@' 6-6-6-6-!6-'6-}C -H68,-P:H:,$@,R8,"A@\6-%8,$@#+&,f k6-P:%?P,p "6-} A0z6-P:H:,$A %, 6-$6-P:K:,'K:@,,%6-P:K:,'K:@,,% @}A 6- -!!68,-&P:'@,$@6-P:'@,  6- -!!68,-&P:'}@,$@6-P:'@,  (}6.=:,-@% -%( $-@@(}.-68""%@%%&@%8,B L 6-V -&6-$@ `6-P:',j-}6t 6-&~# Ae#%@%%&% A&@!!%@%%&%@%"A A#} Ae"8,A0 6-8, A!` AP 6- 6- -8,"*"A  }8,"6- A 6-8,$ $6-8,$8,%$6-P:'@,6-&$@ "6-&6-(; Ae};%@&%%&%%A $+%@,%2 A&@<99%@&%%&%%A $+%@,%@%F "}6-%6-P"AZ A#d Ae"An 6- A!`x A 6-"A$`} Ae%@S%& A&@%@S%&@%"Ap A# Ae"}A 6- A!` A  6-%@T%& 6-8,$%@U%&&6-P:K:,'}K:@,,% "6-& "6-" -,%%%Au%%%$A @6 @ 6-%J "6-}%T6-8,$^6-P:,&P:,hApr& 6-68,-6-&"A`| A@6-P:K:,'K:@},,%"A` 6- -!!68,-&P:'@,$@6-P:'@, "A  }-* Ae*%@%%&&%8%, A&@((%@%%&&%8%,@%"A A}# Ae"8,A@ 6-8, A!`& A`0 6-: D"A N "6-&X }"*"6-b0 Ae0%@%%&&%8%,%%%l A&@v..%@%%&&%8%,%%%@%} "6-%"AP A#$ Ae$"8&+%,,A6-8&+%,, A!` A` }6-6-$@%8&+%,, - A#-@-(ԠӠ 6.s"6.L !,(} , you made  errorB(on this problem.L A! ( Nice work, (.##(You didn't make any errors.} 2-@-@2(YOU ARE TERRIFIC*!-@@ !-@4.(ՠŠ&-@@* }. > A`C+-@#+(Hit  to continue.H0A@d)0AUA! R' 6-6-%}6-%'!A(\ A0p SUBRz 6-%6-% 6-%"@A"P 6-%!-@!}(Sorry .--(%Your answer is incorrect. Try again. A":-@(,:(The correct answer is }.,,($When you understand your error, type$(the correct answer.$6-% 6- 6-$ SUBR %}6-@$@@%%. &&6-?:<%<%%@<A Y&,j -t 6-~ $  "A  }"6-&6- 5 Ae5%@&%%&%%A $+%,% A&@ "A%@ A#  Ae }"A%p  6- A!` A$ 33%@&%%&%%A $+%,%@%  "6-%6-  }%@U%&( AP Z 2A@d)("@r2 A0_ "@' A1a "@ } Apd !! @H)!@WA&Pn 6-&@Hx $  i-@",( Hit to continue.8" }A(~,ori("hit to go back to previous page. A@d) !!"@2)"@fA'0 A' } H6-@$@@%%H6-?:<%<%%@<A Y&, $ Au Q'(Hit to return to men}u, orQ(%hit to start a new set of problems." 0A@d)0"@wA, @A(P6 }A Help key 6-?:<<<A `,  Ap A00 Av ff(^}Hit to return to problem, or }hit  to return to the last page of the instructions. $)@$"@fA0  @2A0@ 6-}?:<<<A `, $ Escape key 6-?:<<<A `,& TT(L}Hit to return to problem, or hit'S' to start a} new set of problems.0 4)@"AU16-?:<<<A `,4$: @A1 D ' ApE 6-6}-Aa!6-@-"96-AaE6-@s"@6-@v!@6-@z))#%@@}$%@$P:$H:,,% "%B:,%B:,!@6A`'(,  A`0(,(-@}A $Great job,!Perfectly done,!Not one mistake,!What a math student,!I am impres}sed,.Almost perfect,!((Try again to get a perfect score,.''Try to get it perfect next time,.$''You will be a} good math student,..Practice makes perfect,.8""You'll get there next time,.B""Patience. You'll do better,.L$$N}o one gets everything right,.d -USED TO INSTR'S ON BOTTOMn$X6-?:<<<A `,bKK(C}Hit to return to p}roblem, or hit'M' to return to the menu.l4)@"AU16-?:<<<A `,4$v@wAp '}%6-&@%!Ap`2( You made  error+@2(s5 ( so+(far in your first proble}m.5 App Au (Hit to continue.)@"@2A ApL 6.s"}6.QI(},+( You made  error4(in <6.sB"I6.S( problem.V+6-P:'%?P},6.s$"+6.`4 (This is an average of ($4(about e$($(error per problem.j 6- A}`@ AJ% D:MENU.BASTT(L}Please check the disc drive to be sure that it is turned on and that the BB}(:correct disc is inserted. When you areready, hit RETURN.$)@$AUA0 A')-@ }B:,)7<,0 B'  ' A';@:7<,,!@%6-@:7<,,;67<,.>:&@2,$'$D:LONG!}DIVD.BASN.d.FINCDMSRMDQASSVSSVMOZRQSCRFTERPRODPRNERDDJKSUTHHHVDLMEXSSP   TSSEECEAADDM #} 1 +@@10@@ @@$}A #AAY.;@,%6.hhh01`.6-C:, " ,/%%} @(76-@6-@#(;@@,76.SOFTWARE2=%6-F:@,$AV%F:@,16-@ =6-@&}<6-%$%F-@@P6-@:7<,,&@2Z$$6-F:AV,$AV%$@d-@'}n%$F:%, x#6-%@6-%@# oA6A'A7A9A8AKA9(}@u]A@A$oAAAQ'-ABAw#@'  #Ac"Ax@d%-)}AyA?AATQ@Ac@AT%-AA"!% EA@e*}'A9A@E6-?:C:,, #A  A "4XXXA8-@B:,4+}B %%@:7<,,&@28  AeBAY@45@@K:B)@% D:MEN,}U1.BAS %%6,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2PRESENTS, 5SUCCESS WITH MATH:,70!!MULTIPLICATION/DIVISION,147-}BY DON ROSS,233))(C)1983 MICROCOMPUTER WORKSHOPS,343&&PRESS SPACE BAR TO CONTINUE.,505 XXX,054,13,0,72,13.},0,94,13,053,14,1,72,14,1,93,14,152,15,2,72,15,2,92,15,252,15,3,72,15,3,92,15,352,15,4,72,15,4,92,15,/}4$$52, 5,5,72, 6,5,81,5,5,92, 5,5$$$52,05,7,72, 6,7,81,4,7,92,05,7.52,05,8,72,12,8,92,13,8852,05,9,72,10,9,90}2,14,9B 52, 5,10,72,12,10,93,14,10L 52, 5,11,72,13,11,94,13,11V))52, 5,12,72, 6,12,81,5,12,102,05,12`))52, 5,141},72, 6,14,81,6,14,102, 5,14j 52,15,15,72,15,15,92,15,15t 52,15,16,72,15,16,92,15,16~ 52,15,17,72,14,17,92,15,172} 53,14,18,72,13,18,92,14,18 54,13,19,72,12,19,92,13,19 D:MENU.BAS Qbc+4+MOROZTTSCRTALFABSSPMSSVSSVKPROTERPRNERDRRSSMXXTTME4} @ @ @ @5}@ 6}!"#$%&'()*+,-./ 7} BP' +'0@!!Program To Give Practice In!!Multiplication With A Carry""Copyr8}ight 1979 Donald Ross GG6-C::hhIįˢ8˕Ͱϑ`, ?6-A(6-@9}'6-36-@?6-@ ]+0@)0@@/(}Q6-F:@,%AV$F:@,]6-:}@ &@K:#AR&(E-@@7)%@@$%A%@@$@"%E K-@;}@"/%@@$%@G%@@$%@7K 2-@ @2(123 Digit Multiplication-@<}( By Don Ross1-@ @1(Microcomputer Workshops(-@@((Copyright 1983-A!=} W6-BhW;,9@,9@,9@,;,9,;@@,;A `, 6-C:,+ (}AR>}!A+ @%A.(&Enter your first name, and hit .2A4@% BCAPITALIZEHAR?}!(}Hi, .H("Do you want instructions (Y or N). A@d)!>:,4NAP">:,0Y@}@2#A-@A -AdAU7 @6A AP$00((}This program will give you practice in&..(A}&multiplying 1 to 3 digit numbers. The(..(&top number (multiplicand) will have 3+..(&digits. You may choose the nuB}mber of...(&digits, 1 to 3, in the bottom number0((multiplier).2..(&All numbers are generated randomly, so4.C}.(&that each time you run this program,6..(&you should get a different problem.86-@"6(!Hit when reD}ady to continue.9 )@2@W< (}-@A..(&For example: If you were to type in aC..(&twoE} when asked to pick the number ofE..(&digits in the multiplier, the problemG(might look like this:H @uF} @KC-@@(, 46853X   C$P AUV"@f@6Z ARG}\ @u_@-@@@(&The white square is called a 'cursor'.c..(&It will show you where the next numbereH}..(&goes. If you typed in a '4' it wouldg%%(print in place of the cursor.h-@A i A AI}j`-@](I 46853  4   `$n AUo"@fJ}@`s ARt Av:-@:(&Note that the cursor has now movedz..(&above the 6. That iK}s where the carry}..(&goes. Remember, even if the carry is$$(a zero, you must type it in.-@A L}]-@](I 2 46853  4    AU"@f@M} AR:-@:(&You continue multiplying 3 with 468..(&and 5 with 468 until you have theN}..(&partial products of 1404 and 2340.))(!These must now be added together.]-@](I 46853O} 14042340 ! AU!"@fA AR-@..(&You woP}uld enter a '4' as the sum of 4..(&and the implied zero. Next, enter the..(&carry, even if it is zero. ContinueQ}..(&in this manner until you have finished( the problem.]-@](I 46853 140R}42340 4! AU!"@fA5hh(`}If you want to see these instructions again at anS}y time during the problem, hit the 'H' key.__(WIf you want to start a different set of problems during a problem, hitT} the  key.JJ(BIf you want to return to the menu at any time, hit the 'X' key.) AU"@f(}) AU}`$ START 6-6-:0((}Input desired number of digits in the: A &&(multiplier. Then hit V}.eA@d!AR%5 )!@I(٠W-A[ e A ?-@5W}( How many problems would you like? A @CA@d!AR%1 @9(C A @ @X}A POAR(3(, are you sure you want H(problems? (Y/N)O)%"@x(% A @Y}[ 6-AR(}--@@C(PROBLEM NUMBER W-@AP[  6-6--@Z} 68,-68,-68,- j!6-A 6-@!6- (}-@668,-P:H:,$,[}8@,"A !!6-%8,$P:#+&,%?P, -668,-P:H:,$,8,"Ap !!6-%\}8,$P:#+&,%?P, @!&@((@!&(2@( X <%A ]}F 6-6-P -&Z-@46-8,$8%,%76-P:',:68%,-&$>68%,-8%,%8%,^}@ 6-%C%%&%&H ATM%%&%&@%O"A!0P AQR8%,"A!`W_}6-8%,\ APa A!p 6-t"*"@A#u"@A#w"@A#y`}%%& AT%%&@%"A! AQ%%&"A" 6- APa} A!i 6-  6-%@@6-% %&   "AI -@% %%%+A!b}%@@$&,@   6-A`%@@$6- - 68,-8,% 6-P:8,', 6-8,&$ c}%&% AT %&%@% "A5p AQ "A6h 6- AP A5d}@T 6-V6-P:8,',^"AH`%&@@$+%,&j ATw##%&@@$+%,&@%ye}"A7z AQ~"A7 6- AP A6%&@@$+%,&% 6- f}"AI %&"AH  AQ AT%&@%"AI 6- g}AP AH$%&@@$+%,&%.J AQ-@5(That is correct, .<6.B!J6.s0q}OB'DOS SYSB*=DUP SYSBgAUTORUN SYSBiMENU1 BASBTpMULT123 BASB^LONGDIVDBASB"MENU BASBW3MULT123 TAPE %( You made  error;(on this problem.E AI 3((( Nice work, you did that problem4!!(without mr}aking an error.56-@-@ 6(YOU ARE THE GREATEST6!-@P !-@ 72(ՠŠŠs}*-@P. 2 8!-@ (! A`:,-@#,(Hit to continue.=0A@dt})0AUAI%>' 6-6-%6-%'!AUP? A PSub. for error correction 6-%6u}-%-@ 6-%"APP(Sorry, ,$$( is incorrect. Try again. AP<(v}Sorry, , but<(the correct answer is ...(&When you understand your mistake, type(in the correct answ}wer. 6- 6- $##Sub. to clear screen's bottom%6-@$@@%%&&6-?:<%<%%@<x}A Y&,( -6-$PBlank part of screenZ%6-@$@@%%d&&6-?:<%<%%@<A Yy}&,x$6-@ 6("Hit when ready to continue. )$Sub. for GET statement"2A@dz})("@r2 Ae'"@' Af)"@ Ap,!! @H)!@WAT16-{}&@H6$|Y-@"Y(DHit to continue,or for previous page of instructions.A@d|})"@2)"@f$ AU AuAA(9Hit for menu, or for another set of problems.}} )"@wA AUAV@ APpE 6-6-Aa!6-@-"96-AaE~}6-@s"@6-@v!@6-@z))#%@@$%@$P:$H:,,% "%B:,%B:},!@4A`'(,  A`0(,(-@A $Great job,!Perf}ectly done,!Not one mistake,!What a math student,!I am impressed,.Almost perfect,!((Try again to }get a perfect score,.''Try to get it perfect next time,.$''You will be a good math student,..Practice makes perfe}ct,.8""You'll get there next time,.B""Patience. You're improving,.L$$No one gets everything right,.dHelp keyn}6-?:<<<A `,x @6 Ae0} Ahh(`}Hit to return to problem, or hit to return to t}he last page of the instructions.0A@d)0"@fAe%AUAe@6-?:<<<A} `,$Escape key6-?:<<<A `,RR(J}Hit to return to problem, or hit 'S' for a new set of }problems.5A@d)("@+'5 APAUAf06-?:<<<A `,$$X}6-?:<<<A `,bLL(D}Hit to return to problem, or hit 'X' to exit the program.l@A@d)}("AU=6-?:<<<A `,@$v@Ap %6-&@%!Aq++(!In your first problem}, you made "(error@"(s( so far. Aq Au%%(Hit the Š to continue}.$)@$@2Aq AL2%(} , you made  error+2(sV)((in  probl}em"!)(s` (.6-P:'%?P,j3 (This is an average of ($3(aboutt!(( error!(}s~( per problem. 6- A`@))(!}TO RUN THIS PROGRAM AGAIN, TYPE:J$( ( (( RUN (!($(T}UU(M}Please check the disc drive to be surethat it is turned on and the correct::(2disc is inserted. When you ar}e ready,hit RETURN. )AUA  A'#-B:,#7<,0 B'  ' @%';@}:7<,,!@%6-@:7<,,;67<,.>:&@2,$'$: +@:Q0@@ 70@@@}Q0@@@:3(@(@3(@ C B S:5(@(@5(@ SO}FTWARE:A(@(@$(@A(@ PRESENTS::C(@(@$(@C(@ M}ULTIPLICATION:-@AP :$ D:MULT123.TAPPRNERDRRSSMXXTTMED$S֞H$3eMre*RZJ"TD  @