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for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: parity;}16: rs232 buffer size13: return character1: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if other0: <} 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other1: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backspacing=}0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: no >}of extra char prints when bold in effect15: Underline on: Bold on: Shadow on27,20:?} Condensed on27,14: Enhanced on27,30: Superscript on27,28: Subscript on14: Underline off@}: Bold off: Shadow off27,19: Condensed off15: Enhanced off27,28: SuperscA}ript off27,30: Subscript off27,17: Feature 1 Proportional Mode: Feature 2: Feature 3: B} Feature 4: Feature 5: Feature 6: Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: FeC}ature 0: Set 8 chars/inch27,19: Set 10 chars/inch: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: D} Set 20 chars/inch: Set 4 lines/inch: Set 6 lines/inch: Set 8 lines/inch: Set 12 lE}ines/inch: set international characters: set normal characters: Printer initialization: '1F};EOYcmw: '1rcmcm printer definition file for atari 1020cm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS ATARI 1020 TYPEPRESS THE SPACEH} BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: parityI}16: rs232 buffer size155: return character0: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if other0:J} 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other0: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backspacinK}g0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: noL} of extra char prints when bold in effect: Underline on: Bold on: Shadow on: M} Condensed on: Enhanced on: Superscript on: Subscript on: Underline offN}: Bold off: Shadow off: Condensed off: Enhanced off: SupersO}cript off: Subscript off27,7,67,48,155,65,155: Feature 1 Set black27,7,67,49,155,65,155: Feature 2 Set blue27P},7,67,50,155,65,155: Feature 3 Set green27,7,67,51,155,65,155: Feature 4 Set red: Feature 5: Feature 6: Q} Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 0: Set 8 chars/inch: Set 10 chaR}rs/inch: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: Set 20 chars/inch: Set 4 lines/inch: S} Set 6 lines/inch: Set 8 lines/inch: Set 12 lines/inch27,23: set international characters27,24: T} set normal characters27,19: Printer initialization: '1;EOYcmwU} '1;EOYcmw;cmcm printer definition file for atari 1025cm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS ATARI 1025 TYPEPRESS THE SPACEW} BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: parityX}16: rs232 buffer size155: return character0: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if other0:Y} 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other1: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backspacinZ}g0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: no[} of extra char prints when bold in effect: Underline on: Bold on: Shadow on27,20\}: Condensed on27,14: Enhanced on: Superscript on: Subscript on: Underline off]}: Bold off: Shadow off27,15: Condensed off27,15: Enhanced off: Supers^}cript off: Subscript off: Feature 1: Feature 2: Feature 3: Feature 4: _} Feature 5: Feature 6: Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 0: Se`}t 8 chars/inch27,15: Set 10 chars/inch: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: Set 20 chars/ina}ch: Set 4 lines/inch27,54: Set 6 lines/inch27,56: Set 8 lines/inch: Set 12 lines/inch: b}set international characters: set normal characters: Printer initialization: '1;EOYcmwc}: '1;EOYcmw^cmcm printer definition file for atari 1027cm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS ATARI 1027 TYPEPRESS THE SPACEe} BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: parityf}16: rs232 buffer size155: return character0: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if other0:g} 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other0: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backspacinq}B6DEFAULTS B9A825 BGA1020 BVA1025 BdA1027 B{A1029 BXMM801 BXDM121 BEPSON BDIABLO BNEC BDAISYW BFIRST LETB THIRD LETB MERGE LETBMERGE LSTBRAINBOW REPB-WIDE TABB#=PRINTER TSTB `STATEMNT BsLABELS g0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: nor} of extra char prints when bold in effect27,25: Underline on: Bold on: Shadow on: s} Condensed on: Enhanced on: Superscript on: Subscript on27,26: Underline offt}: Bold off: Shadow off: Condensed off: Enhanced off: Supersu}cript off: Subscript off: Feature 1: Feature 2: Feature 3: Feature 4: v} Feature 5: Feature 6: Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 0: Sew}t 8 chars/inch: Set 10 chars/inch: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: Set 20 chars/inx}ch: Set 4 lines/inch: Set 6 lines/inch: Set 8 lines/inch: Set 12 lines/inch27,23: y}set international characters27,24: set normal characters: Printer initialization: '1;EOYcmwz}: '1;EOYcmw^cmcm printer definition file for atari 1029cm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS ATARI 1029 TYPEPRESS THE SPACE!|} BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: parity!}}16: rs232 buffer size155: return character0: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if other0:!~} 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other1: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backspacin!}g0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: no!} of extra char prints when bold in effect27,25: Underline on: Bold on: Shadow on: !} Condensed on27,14: Enhanced on: Superscript on: Subscript on27,26: Underline off!}: Bold off: Shadow off: Condensed off27,15: Enhanced off: Supers!}cript off: Subscript off: Feature 1: Feature 2: Feature 3: Feature 4: !} Feature 5: Feature 6: Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 0: Se!}t 8 chars/inch27,15: Set 10 chars/inch: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: Set 20 chars/in!}ch: Set 4 lines/inch27,54: Set 6 lines/inch27,57: Set 8 lines/inch: Set 12 lines/inch27,23: !}set international characters27,24: set normal characters: Printer initialization: '1;EOYcmw!}: '1;EOYcmw ^cmcm printer definition file for atari XMM801cm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS ATARI XMM801 TYPEPRESS THE SP%}ACE BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: par%}ity16: rs232 buffer size155: return character0: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if other%}0: 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other1: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backspa%}cing0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: %} no of extra char prints when bold in effect27,25: Underline on27,69: Bold on (emphasized for XMM801)27,7%}1: Shadow on (double for XMM801)27,20: Condensed on27,14: Enhanced on27,82,0: Superscript on27,82%},1: Subscript on27,26: Underline off27,70: Bold off (emphasized for XMM801)27,72: Shadow off%} (double for XMM801)18: Condensed off27,15: Enhanced off27,84: Superscript off27,84: Subscript %}off27,82,0: Feature 1 US char set27,82,3: Feature 2 UK char set27,82,7: Feature 3 Spanish set27,82,1: Featur%}e 4 French set27,82,2: Feature 5 German set27,82,6: Feature 6 Italian set27,52: Feature 7 Italics on27%},53: Feature 8 Italics off27,17: Feature 9 Proportional on27,112: Feature 0 proportional off: Set%} 8 chars/inch27,80: Set 10 chars/inch27,77: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: Set 20 chars/inc%}h27,65,18: Set 4 lines/inch27,65,12: Set 6 lines/inch27,65,9: Set 8 lines/inch27,65,6: Set 12 lines/inch27,23: s%}et international characters27,24: set normal characters: Printer initialization: '1;EOYcmw%}: '1;EOYcmw$]cmcm printer definition file for ATARI XDM121cm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS ATARI XDM121 TYPEPRESS THE S)}PACE BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: pa)}rity16: rs232 buffer size155: return character0: 1 if line feed required 0 if not1: 1 for diablo codes 0 if othe)}r0: 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other0: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do bold by backsp)}acing1: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2: )} no of extra char prints when bold in effect27,25: Underline on27,69: Bold on: Sh)}adow on: Condensed on: Enhanced on27,29,3,27,10: Superscript on (set lpi do rvs l)}ine feed)27,29,3,10: Subscript on (set lpi do line feed)27,26: Underline off27,70: Bold )}off: Shadow off: Condensed off: Enhanced off10: Superscrip)}t off (line feed)27,10: Subscript off (rvs line feed): Feature 1: Feature 2: )} Feature 3: Feature 4: Feature 5: Feature 6: Feature 7: )} Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 027,31,16: Set 8 chars/inch27,31,13: Set 10 cha)}rs/inch27,31,11: Set 12 chars/inch27,31,9: Set 15 chars/inch27,31,7: Set 20 chars/inch27,29,13: Set)} 4 lines/inch27,29,9: Set 6 lines/inch27,29,7: Set 8 lines/inch27,29,5: Set 12 lines/inch27,23: )} set international characters27,24: set normal characters: Printer initialization: '1;EOYcm)}w: '1;EOYcm(lcmcm printer definition file for epson series matrix printerscm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS EPSON MATRIX TYPE-}PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: bau-}d rate1: parity16: rs232 buffer size13: return character1: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo -}codes 0 if other0: 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other1: 1 if enhance makes chars double width0: 1 if printer can do-} bold by backspacing0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch0: 1 if printer can underline by backspace-} underline2: no of extra char prints when bold in effect27,45,1: Underline on27,69: Bold on (emphasized -}for epson)27,71: Shadow on (double for epson)15: Condensed on14: Enhanced on27,83,0: Supersc-}ript on27,83,1: Subscript on27,45,0: Underline off27,70: Bold off (emphasized for epson)27,72: Sha-}dow off (double for epson)18: Condensed off20: Enhanced off27,84: Superscript off27,84: S-}ubscript off27,82,0: Feature 1 US char set27,82,3: Feature 2 UK char set27,82,7: Feature 3 Spanish set27,8-}2,1: Feature 4 French set27,82,2: Feature 5 German set27,82,6: Feature 6 Italian set27,52: Feature 7 I-}talics on27,53: Feature 8 Italics off27,112,1: Feature 9 Proportional on27,112,0: Feature 0 proportional off:-} Set 8 chars/inch27,80: Set 10 chars/inch27,77: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars/inch: Set -}20 chars/inch27,65,18: Set 4 lines/inch27,65,12: Set 6 lines/inch27,65,9: Set 8 lines/inch27,65,6: Set 12 lines/inch-}: set international characters: set normal characters: Printer initialization0,32: -} 1,27,82,1,124: 2,27,82,7,92: 3,27,82,1,123: 4,27,82,1,92: 5,111,8,94: 6,27,82-},6,124: 7,27,82,6,126: 8,27,82,3,35: 9,27,82,1,105,8,126: 10,27,82,2,125: 11,27,82,2,123: -} 12,27,82,2,92: 13,32: 14,32: 15,27,82,2,124: 16,27,82,2,93: 17,9-}7,8,94: 18,85,8,94: 19,105,8,94: 20,27,82,1,123: 21,27,82,1,125: 22,27,82,7,124-}: 23,101,8,94: 24,27,82,4,125: 25,27,82,6,123: 26,27,82,4,93: 96,32: `1-}23,27,82,2,91: {: '1;EOYcmw-}: '1;EOYcmw,cmcm printer definition file for diablo/qume/juki type daisywheelcm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS 'DIABLO / QUME / J1}UKI' TYPEPRESS THE SPACE BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits1}8: baud rate1: parity16: rs232 buffer size13: return character1: 1 if line feed required 0 if not1: 1 fo1}r diablo codes 0 if other0: 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other0: 1 if enhance makes chars double width1: 1 if print1}er can do bold by backspacing1: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch1: 1 if printer can underline by 1}backspace underline2: no of extra char prints when bold in effect: Underline on: Bold 1} on: Shadow on27,65: Condensed on (ribbon change on diablo)27,79: Enhanced o1}n (auto bold if available)27,30,3,27,10: Superscript on (set lpi do rvs line feed)27,30,3,10: Subscript on (set l1}pi do line feed): Underline off: Bold off: Shadow off27,66: 1} Condensed off (ribbon change on diablo)27,38: Enhanced off (auto bold off if available)10: Sup1}erscript off (line feed)27,10: Subscript off (rvs line feed): Feature 1 US char set: 1} Feature 2: Feature 3: Feature 4: Feature 5: Feature 6: 1} Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 027,31,16: Set 8 chars/inch27,1}31,13: Set 10 chars/inch27,31,11: Set 12 chars/inch27,31,9: Set 15 chars/inch27,31,7: Set 20 chars/i1}nch27,30,13: Set 4 lines/inch27,30,9: Set 6 lines/inch27,30,7: Set 8 lines/inch27,30,5: Set 12 1}lines/inch: set international characters: set normal characters: Printer initializa1}tion0,32: 1,32:  all international characters2,32:  defined as a space3,32: 4,32: 5,32: 1}6,32: 7,32: 8,32: 9,32: 10,32: 11,32: 12,32: 13,32: 14,32: 15,32: 16,32: 171},32: 18,32: 19,32: 20,32: 21,32: 22,32: 23,32: 24,32: 25,32: 26,32: 96,32: `123,321}: ;: '1;EOYcmw1}: '1;EOYcmw0cmcm printer definition file for nec spinwritercm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS NEC SPINWRITER TYPEPRESS THE5} SPACE BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud rate1: 5}parity16: rs232 buffer size13: return character1: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo codes 0 if ot5}her1: 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other0: 1 if enhance makes chars double width1: 1 if printer can do bold by back5}spacing1: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch1: 1 if printer can underline by backspace underline2:5} no of extra char prints when bold in effect: Underline on: Bold on: 5}Shadow on27,51: Condensed on (ribbon change on spinwriter)27,42: Enhanced on (auto bold if a5}vailable)27,93,81,27,57:Superscript on (set lpi do rvs line feed)27,93,81,10: Subscript on (set lpi do line feed):5} Underline off: Bold off: Shadow off27,52: Condensed of5}f (ribbon change on SPINWRITER)27,44: Enhanced off (auto bold off if available)10: Superscript off 5}(line feed)27,57: Subscript off (rvs line feed): Feature 1: Feature 2: 5}Feature 3: Feature 4: Feature 5: Feature 6: Feature 7: 5}Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 027,93,79: Set 8 chars/inch27,93,76: Set 10 chars/inch5}27,93,74: Set 12 chars/inch27,93,72: Set 15 chars/inch27,93,70: Set 20 chars/inch27,93,91: Set 4 lin5}es/inch27,93,87: Set 6 lines/inch27,93,85: Set 8 lines/inch27,93,83: Set 12 lines/inch: set5} international characters: set normal characters: Printer initialization0,32: 1,32:  5} all international characters2,32:  set to print a space3,32: 4,32: 5,32: 6,32: 7,32: 8,35}2: 9,32: 10,32: 11,32: 12,32: 13,32: 14,32: 15,32: 16,32: 17,32: 18,32: 19,32: 5} 20,32: 21,32: 22,32: 23,32: 24,32: 25,32: 26,32: 96,32: `123,32: ;: '1;EOYcmw5}: '1;EOYcmw4gcmcm printer definition file for typewriter type daisywheelcm YOUR PRINTER IS DEFINED AS DAISYWHEEL TYPE9}PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO CONTINUESK12CMPD0: 0 for printer slot 1 for rs2325: data bits and stop bits8: baud r9}ate1: parity16: rs232 buffer size13: return character1: 1 if line feed required 0 if not0: 1 for diablo cod9}es 0 if other0: 1 if spinwriter codes 0 if other0: 1 if enhance makes chars double width1: 1 if printer can do bo9}ld by backspacing0: 1 if printer can do shadow printing by 1/120ths inch1: 1 if printer can underline by backspace un9}derline2: no of extra char prints when bold in effect: Underline on: Bold on: 9} Shadow on: Condensed on: Enhanced on: Superscript on: 9} Subscript on: Underline off: Bold off: Shadow off: 9} Condensed off: Enhanced off: Superscript off: Subscript off:9} Feature 1: Feature 2: Feature 3: Feature 4: Feature 5:9} Feature 6: Feature 7: Feature 8: Feature 9: Feature 0:9} Set 8 chars/inch: Set 10 chars/inch: Set 12 chars/inch: Set 15 chars9}/inch: Set 20 chars/inch: Set 4 lines/inch: Set 6 lines/inch: Set 9}8 lines/inch: Set 12 lines/inch: set international characters: set normal character9}s: Printer initialization0,32: 1,32:  all international characters2,32:  set to print a 9}space3,32: 4,32: 5,32: 6,32: 7,32: 8,32: 9,32: 10,32: 11,32: 12,32: 13,32: 9} 14,32: 15,32: 16,32: 17,32: 18,32: 19,32: 20,32: 21,32: 22,32: 23,32: 24,32: 259},32: 26,32: 96,32: `123,32: ;: '1;EOYcmw9}: '1;EOYcmw8*John DupyPresidentSuper Sucker Company123 Main StreetNew York, NY 12345November 1, 1984Dear John,I saw your ad in=} Believe It Or Not magazine, showing the Human Fly on the ceiling of the Houston Astrodome, and was most impressed with his a=}nd your tenacity!I can't go into detail at the moment, but the Urban Explorers Association is planning a fantastic publicit=}y event, which will absolutely revolutionize the public's perception of suction cups!We think your suction cups would be pe=}rfect for what we have in mind, so please rush me the information, John, we're going to make history together!Sincerely,>}Ivan DuDairePresidentUrban Explorers Association '1;EOYcmw>} '1;EOYcmw<5John DupyPresidentSuper Sucker Company123 Main StreetNew York, NY 12345November 21, 1984Dear John,The Urban ExploB}rers Association is highly embarrassed, John. We've been virtually discredited as a result of your faulty cups. I'm afraid MrB} Rant is not going to endorse your product! Needless to say, Mr Rant is not pleased. He wanted to deliver a few choice words B}personally, but he dislocated his jaw in the emergency landing.Frankly, we're very disappointed, and we hope you're not thiB}nking of sending us a bill for your cups. We'd never pay it, John - we think your suckers aren't up to it.Hand, elbow, kneeB}, foot, and bottom cups worked fine. Problem was the head cup. Mr. Rant was okay at 2:00 am when I last checked him with the B}telescope. He was hanging there very relaxed with the head cup holding well. His eyes were closed and his breathing regular. B } Sideways leverage appears to be the problem, John. When Mr Rant rolled over, he came right off the wall. He POPPED! Off the B }wall is no place to be when you're 40 floors up. I'm afraid the cup performance is unacceptable.Regards,Ivan DuDaireB }PresidentUrban Explorers Association '1;EOYcmwB } '1;EOYcmw@%November 10, 1984DearWe hope you're in the mood for a party!The Urban Explorers Association is happy to aF}nnounce a grand celebration on the top floor of the Empire State Building in the Panorama Suite.The show starts at 8.00 p.mF}. on Monday, January 7th 1985. Dress informal, elevators optional.We've arranged a lavish banquet and floorshow to make up F}for inviting you to the flop of the year in November.And it's all thanks to the Super Sucker Company of New York! We sued tF}hem and won - and now we're all rich and happy!Regards,Ivan DuDairePresidentThe Urban Explorers AssociationF} '1;EOYcmwDwJohnFergusonEditorCity NewsSuite 805223 5th AvenueNew YorkNY34567MirandaSpinettiSenior EditorClimbers Quarterly J}Journal1266 Ridge RoadNewvilleCT06312CarlosSuizaFreelance33 Sky TrailBoulderCO88754FirstLastTitleCo.Add1J}Add2CityStateZipFirstLastTitleCo.Add1Add2CityStateZipFirstLastTitleCo.Add1Add2CityStateZip 'J}1;EOYcmw 'Hslm4:rm78:tm0:bm8:of0:ci10:pl66:jY:sp1hd2:^RAINBOW WRITERS INC.^ft6:^-#-^THE COMPANYFormed in 1975, Rainbow WriterN}s Inc. is an independent manufacturer of novelty pens for the home market. RWI has expanded from its beginnings in a small fN}actory in Manhattan to become a multi-national concern with manufacturing facilities in Japan and Europe. This success is duN}e largely to RWI's ability to anticipate changes in consumer demand. RWI now have another new product, which they expect wilN}l break all records for novelty pen sales over the Christmas period.THE RAINBOW COLORWRITERThe research and developmentN} laboratories of RWI have created a new ink that transforms the everyday ball-point pen into an artist's instrument. The maiN}n features of the Rainbow Colorwriter are summarized below:in41. Construction. New developments in molding technology aN}llow the production of extremely durable plastics with a metallic feel that projects a high quality image. The new pen will N}be available in these colors:in20Surfer silverGhost whiteInfinity blueSubterranean blacknp:in2. Ink. The most exciN }ting feature of the Colorwriter is the new ink. Colorwriter Rainbow ink is the only ink product that actually changes color N!}as it is applied to the paper. RWI's market research suggests that the rainbow ink feature has special appeal to the followiN"}ng market sectors:in15:sp0A. Students.in3B. Graphic artists, including freelance designers and the staff of large studioN#}s and corporate graphics departments.inC. Children ages 2 to 5.D. Consumers with 'Inner Directed' lifestyles.E. Subway grN$}affiti artists.THE FINANCIAL PICTUREcn4m *** *** *** *** *** ***3m N%} *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***2m *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *N&}** *** *** ***1m *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** _____________________________N'}__ 1982/83 1983/84in:in:sp1FUTURE DEVELOPMENTSRainbow Writers Inc. has a full program of research andN(} development. The company expects a breakthrough in the lucrative mid-Eastern marketplace with a new pen tailored to Arabic N)}script. Negotiations are under way with state authorities for the supply of traditional red pens for use in official organizN*}ations. In the United States, Rainbow Writers Inc. continues to grow and consolidate its image as the most colorful companyN+} in the business. '1;EOYcmwN,} '1;EOYcmwLc=/sd0^m/gn16^m/tb^c^i/cl^m^m/tb^c^i/cl^m^m/tb^c^i/cl^m^m^&CC=/tb^c^i/cl^m^m/tb^c^i/cl^m^m/tb^c^i/cl^m/gn24^m^e/ee/ct^mR.}lm1:rm132The table below is an extract from the Urban Explorers Association financial report for 1983. This report gives aR/} monthly breakdown of expenditure.URBAN EXPLORERS ASSOCIATION EXPENSE STATEMENTExpenditure January February March R0} April May June July August Septem October November December Totals====================================R1}================================================================================================Personnel 15667 156R2}67 15667 15667 15667 15667 15667 15667 15667 15667 15667 15667 188004Rent 4667 R3} 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 4667 56004Utilities 10R4}3 509 597 445 312 860 360 443 443 400 414 432 5318Office Supplies R5} 50 709 332 500 434 522 897 1298 2783 301 486 210 8522Public RelatR6}ions 1087 1345 565 760 843 495 1264 2011 1060 2496 498 632 13056EquipmenR7}t 4021 3799 6161 4045 3000 15032 50 87 274 78 94 35 36676---R8}-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R9}--Totals 25595 26696 27989 26084 24923 37243 22905 24173 24894 23609 21826 21643 R:} 307580--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R;}-------------- R<} xof]TLB90'Rw}lm5:rm75:jyThis is a normal paragraph of justified text to make sure that everything is working correctly before we start oV>}n the difficult stuff further down this page. One should insure that the system is printing correctly and that everything is V?}behaving as you would expect.This text should be UNDERLINED on all printers that are capable of performing and underline fV@}unction. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.The mode should now bVA}e turned offThis text should be Bold printed or Emphasized depending on the kind of printer that is in use for this test. VB}MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.⛛The mode should now be turned VC}offThis text should be Shadow or Double printed depending on the kind of printer that is in use for this test. MAKE SURE tVD}hat capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.The mode should now be turned offÛThis VE}text should be Condensed or printed in Red (on a dual ribbon printer) depending on the kind of printer that is in use for thiVF}s test. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.㛛The mode should now beVG} turned offThis text should be Enhanced or maybe not depending on the kind of printer that is in use for this test. MAKE SVH}URE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.四The mode should now be turned offTVI}his is a line of text with subscripts and superscripts incorporated.This paragraph is here to show that one can mix moVJ}des with impunity and achieve the results one would expect. It is important to realise that justification may be afVK}fected by using condensed mode and mixing modes especially on a matrix printer. H2SO4The capital o should have a slashVL} printed through it O/Feature one #$@[\]^`|Feature two #$@[\]^`|Feature three #$@[\]^`|Feature four #$@[\]^`|VM}Feature five #$@[\]^`|Feature six #$@[\]^`|Feature seven #$@[\]^`|Feature eight #$@[\]^`|Feature nine #$@[\]^`|VN}Feature ten #$@[\]^`|np:ci8This text should printed at 8 characters to the inch on all printers that are capable of pVO}erforming this function. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.ci10TVP}his text should printed at 10 characters to the inch on all printers that are capable of performing this function. MAKE SURE VQ}that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.ci12This text should printed at 12 charaVR}cters to the inch on all printers that are capable of performing this function. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctlyVS} and that justification is maintained properly.ci15This text should printed at 15 characters to the inch on all printers tVT}hat are capable of performing this function. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintainVU}ed properly.ci20This text should printed at 20 characters to the inch on all printers that are capable of performing this VV}function. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.ci10:li4This text shVW}ould printed at 4 lines to the inch on all printers that are capable of performing this function. MAKE SURE that capitals areVX} printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.li6This text should printed at 6 lines to the inch on allVY} printers that are capable of performing this function. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification VZ}is maintained properly.li8This text should printed at 8 lines to the inch on all printers that are capable of performing tV[}his function. MAKE SURE that capitals are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.li12This text shV\}ould be printed at 12 lines to the inch on all printers that are capable of performing this function. MAKE SURE that capitalsV]} are printed correctly and that justification is maintained properly.li6 !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPV^}QRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|,  '1;EOYcmwV_} '1;EOYcmwTJURBAN EXPLORERS EXPENSE STATEMENTExpenses Q1 Q2 Q3===================================Za}===================Personnel 47,000 47,000Rent 14,000 14,000Utilities Zb} 1,209 1,377Office Supplies 1,087 1,456Public Relations 2,997 2,098Equipment Zc} 13,981 22,077Medical Insurance 1,091 1,091Ambulance - -Fire DeparZd}tment - -Police Department - -Lawyer - ------Ze}-------------------------------------------------Quarterly Totals======================================================NZf}oteThird quarter expenses are higher than usual because the Association's annual event took place during this period. ThiZg}s year's Skyscraper Climb incurred many one-time expenses when Mr Clarence Rant had an unfortunate accident in mid-air. We arZq}aB%DOS SYSB)AUTORUN SYSBFSST BINB6DEFAULTS B9A825 BGA1020 BVA1025 BdA1027 B{A1029 BXMM801 BXDM121 BEPSON BDIABLO BNEC BDAISYW BFIRST LETB THIRD LETB MERGE LETBMERGE LSTBRAINBOW REPB-WIDE TABB#=PRINTER TSTB `STATEMNT BsLABELS ByBIN BINB|DATABYT1BINBDATABYT2BINe currently suing the Super Sucker Company for damages and intend to write the entire event off as a tax loss.Zr}*Xnnm:first,last,title,co.nm:add1,add2,city,statenm:zip,divlm1:rm80:tm0:bm0:ci10:pl10:of40cm single column labels form^t}at em;em;<co.>em;<add1>em;<add2>em;<city><state> <zip>��� '1;EOYcmw^u}��� '1;EOYcmw\�kaa6[yVq=!;EX؈!H2U61NM-YۋXd6\ǐߔǔ= 0�>�HD Large�Many Controls In�/�O��xof]TLB90'P�%����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  (  Ltl BLVJBDE V0cB Y M > 5x�Hbz})h ө@X ` H h` �HI V0E]�`$!4!"94%㉘D1:Db{}ATABYTE.BIND1:DATABYT1.BIN BLVJBDE V0cB Y M > 5x�H`�$V! 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