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Vernon home. egikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m 5 Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird.e. egikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m$D President Ulysses Grant was arrested for speeding.bird.e. egikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m(> General Robert E. Lee liked to have his feet tickled.d.e. egikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m,A President Abraham Lincoln slept in a bed 9 feet long and 6.5 feet wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m0K Ulysses S. Grant's real first name was Hiram.6.5 feet wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m4< The fingernails on the Statue of Liberty weigh over 100 pounds.wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m8E Abraham Lincoln was the first President to wear a beard.s.wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m<B Thomas Jefferson died owing $40,000.ar a beard.s.wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I m@6 Dr. Mary Walker was the first U. S. woman to wear pants.s.wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I mDA President Franklin Pierce on horseback, ran over a woman.s.wide.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I mHB The Union Army had an infantry company composed entirely of butchers.ikmoswy{}s you play.get there I mLJ The White House has 20 bathrooms, 25 bedrooms, 29 fireplaces, 147 windows, and 69 closets.you play.get there I mPf There were 695 soldiers named Kelly under General Washington's command.47 windows, and 69 closets.you play.get there I mTJ Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for President.mand.47 windows, and 69 closets.you play.get there I mXDhhhhh˩d ˥i˥iܩҩ`hhhˠ˪,)` @`)@I  I@`\C}\D}\E}\F}\G}hhhhhψi\ i R  S0˭hh͠ ˑ͈i˥ihh͠ ˑ͈i\H}˥ihh͠ˑ͈i˥ihh͠[ˑ͈ҩ`hhhhhhhͩ#i˥id߭ҩ\I}`ݠՠ˪ȱˠȊ͠˪ȱˠȊͥiͥiĠi i R  S0ݠ ?\J}@͈0 ?͈?ͥi@ͥiЕihhhhhhhhhhhX˥Ym˥m̠˪͑ˊ\K}e͐ͅm˥m`pppF@jA j\L}\M}\N}\O}\P}\Q}\R}hhhhhhh̠ͩ &̈eͅ˥e΅̠ё˩ҩ`hUhhhh\S}hh)iԅhh)iԅXإY٩ & & &e؅إeي & &e؅إe٩ȅiiԠԠԠȑԠԊԠԠԠ\T}ɑԠԦ֊JJE=aʊJJE=aJJE=a`ֽa%IJJ%JJE=aنi(ؐЕ0 0 0 \U}0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \V}0 0 0 0 0 0 hhhˠ' I``hhhhhˤˈ Ȅԩ`pppM`p \W} Aohhhˠ˅ȱ˅ȱ˅ѦϽeЅͽΥi˥i̠ѱˑ\X}eː̅ˠ`\Y}yyyyyyyyyyyyxyyyyyyy\Z}yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyp@yyQTQA"""(("\[}"""QEQU'ETP"("("""((DTUx `QTUAB*(((( PUEQI UDP*((((( \\} DUEQ (("(<<(" ((*URx `Td"* (QTW UUZ?UUyy_U?U@TUPUZUjUUx \f}cUUjQZV$QTU UUUjUjs@U_UUUs?UJWW2x cEV\g}?Uի0:ê?UUq UUUUի:WUUsUT*UUկ >U@2x cUUU@\h}*ū0:W1 U*ի:WUU3U?UjUT?U2x cUUUjU@j\i}@ө_T>UUUq UP QZV,|Q_UUUTZUVj PUꢩUEUx cUU*? m\j}cΕWE?UUU jZ<: U  H( T) * UUAVzT}9}PA ! 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