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() . \ V*)L#}nLL'0LsоI0LɛL)~L) |'3:͍$}mfdc{WaS L0P:LB0:B,055 #I-  .,0 L%})M)M)  V0h  )0Jn8&}  VH`{ȱye8LnK:'}$L` ɚh@LHhLҥh@ .l8LnK:K.?ECCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKISCORERETURENDINZLINCZMAXINUMWORDLENGTWDFNTEXTSPWRD)}FIMPZNERLKEFLALINLLZZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZERLZTRIEZTRYZTRYPWORDSECTRIEZZTRYLNLIMPSAVE*}TEXT1C1CC10@@@@@@@@@ @ @ AV AQ A+}QPAUAPABB@8@PA&& 4==qA3,}@! !@"A%#@$@%@Q&@5'A'(@d)@*+B$0,@a-}-@.A/@0@1@$2@34567@8@9@:;@<.}@=@>?@A22B@CDEA Program:RECALL (C) 1982 - MECC - #/}@ -" "**0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,20,256,100**5100,5150,5500,9950,0}9990,31000,100002$EdVF:A ,"*A@Y.+:AYD AVAY@4n1}%6-@86-$%6-$$%$x<<;@8,;$,;,;$,;,9,;,;,;, D:BIGCAPS.FNT2}8 6-$$6-6-$!6-% *8AV$ H A06-(!+-$2)>67,.>:,B 3}H $++7<$,4SPELL/WORDER/MIXUPA 3#7<$,4CROSS/WORDGAME )6-3 A 6-A6 4} $" $6-F:A," A 6-+&,$$%$$"/ 00$0)AR,(/$^'6.=:A:7%<5}%%,,%,'-B:,c67%%&<%%&,.7<,h   $%67,. 67,. "67,.%$+ (}-((One mo6}ment please...+$ D:TRANSFER: (!A @s+ A :% D:RECSMASHHA 7}+ D:TRANSFER286->(}H Bp $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SU8}ˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|9 6-$$6- AU +A6%9}9A7%= 6- AU !A@%/AA%=A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$:}6-P:',6-P:&$,$&A --%(* &-/(*3 9-A-&C (* -%!(*;}% --%C(Number tried...&h@$(Number correct2@%H(First try......d@@&<}%+!* ,h(&G@%'(Second try.....C@@&%+!* ,G('cAR-%6(Press=}to continue.@-%%O( ]Ad&c6-'@'.B7t@.F:Ad,"&A '5>}F:Ad," Ad&(6-%+'5 B5 'F:Ad,"%*'  '2F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&2 A?} ' Ad&-$' F:A ,"@sA@' (}-$%(RECALL.'//('I'll print a word a@}nd give you time8'S-(%to look at it. You will then try toS(!spell it. Which list do you wantB'; -!(to be testeA}d on? % )26.D:;67,.L'C $!(5(That is not the correct name.9 C BPQ'  'V'DB}6-6- 6-)6-C:,16-$; AP? DX'/$%E-+67<,. / `'G6-A:7@)<@C}1,,36-A:7$<@4,,96-G Bo'3 -%3( There are  words on this list.q'W (How many do you D}want? $ 5$E9B6-A:,W@qEr'H  )!:("Please enter a number from 1 to .> E}H Bt'+ -%(6-6-#6-+-~'.6-P:H:,$,% &.7<,4 B' 6-$ AP'9 6F}.6--%$$6-%97<,4 B0'67<,.7<,'2  6-67<,.7<,*67<,. 26-%' G}-$ ' (}-&B:,' '!!F:%,$%F:, $$BP'+ (}-#(Spell the word.+(?'*H}A6.*4+B5<(0BF(! -%%!(C O R R E C T !d( "6-% BPi( 6-%I}n(  B("BP(E -%% (No, try again..@%E(Press '+' to see(&@%&(J}the word again.( "@cB5( 6-% B`(8 -%%#(No, it is spelled4-%&B:,'%8((* K}6-%68,-6-$& AP* ).  (} -.7<,4 B) 6- &67<,.7<, ) L}"B )< (}-+&,$+ ,<(To improve your score, study:)> -( (-8,8,%$>@:7,,"$M}B")(>:@:7,,,^)  (  h)@3 o) B $|)) 6-6-6-C:N}, 6-%$ )}) ) $)^ (}-^ JMake sure there isn't a write-protect sticker on the edge of the O}disk and)5'(the disk is inserted properly.+ 5 By8 6- A$$E* }8Ad&"y3 -P}%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y 6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+Q}0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y  %DINZLINCZMAXINUMWORDLENGTWDFNTEXTSPWRDN ()yZERCCFNLCCC1KETEXTZLINCCFLALCCC2SPWRDINLENGTRETURWDCCLCLEAREOZETZIOCZBGZADDISKS}IZLZHZLEZCMZERC25ZZTRIEC8ZRIGHENDINSCCLEAREOFILEWORDSECTRIENUMWORDZLSCGOOFWORDNPLZNHORILLCHIFT}LLOLVERSCOREFLAGC10A3 U} V} !"#$%&'()*+W},-./0123456789:X};<=>?@ABCDEFGHI Y}Program: SCRAMBLE (C) 1982 - MECCdNN6-?:C:>h˥̠ȱˍɀȱˈȩ˩ J`,,Z}D1:SCRAMOL.TXT' A@6- 6-'$ -$) 67,.>:,$  $++7<$,4SPELL/WORD[}ER/MIXUPA03#7<$,4CROSS/WORDGAME )6-3 A06-A6  $" $6-F:A," A0\}6-+&,$$%$$"++00%%AR((+$,9+00%!0)09AV$%]}6AR($^O(6.=:A:7%<%%@,,%@,3-B:,O67%%&<%%&,.7<,h   $%67,. ^}67,. "67,.%$+ (}-((One moment please...+$AVAW  D:TRANSF_}ER: (!A @t+ A :% D:RECSMASHBA % D:TRANSFER,26-8(}B Bp`} $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRa}ˈ0`,,~$ $% %|96-A@6-$$6-% %/&%9&%+ 6- %%!%%b}+&%?6-?:C:hhhLV,<,&6-F:%&,<6-F:%,%F:%%,$?$6-P:',6-P:&$,$&0 (}ARc}-%-%,(*0 &3 -(* -&-/(*3 &< -%(* -6(Number tried..d}...<&,(Number correct...% *!,( & ( $'JAR-%6 Press to continue.DAe}d&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Adf}&. % ' Ad&$' F:A ,"@tA@' 6- 6-'- -%(S C R A M B Lg} E-Ad&.'V/ 'You will have four tries to rearrangeV("a group of letters and unscramble8'O(( a word. An arh}row will point toO("each letter that is out of place.B'@&(Which list do you want to be8( tested on? < @G' i}6.D:67,.L'I $!(5(That is not the correct name.9 ?-I BPQ'AV'D6-j}6- 6-)6-C:,3 AP7 <D6-$`'+6-A:7%<$%,,+6-A:7$<$%,,j' 6- Bo'3 -%k}3( There are  words on this list.q'I -%0(How many problems do you want? 4 E$EIr'P 6-A:,l} )!B(!Please enter a number from 1 to .F P Bt' 6-- ~'36-P:H:,$,% AP3@:7m},,!'B'! 6-% AP!67,.>:,'9 6.6--%$$6-%97<,4 B0'/6-@:7<,,n}!$%%6-&$/ B&' $%*!$%6-&$'67<,.>:%$,'% 67<,.>:@:7,,%',%6-'? 6.o}-B:,$6-P:H:,$%,/6.7<,?67<,.7<,''67<,. 'B:,!*4B3'36-+%&B:,,'-%-p}B:,36-@:7<,,' $%*!$&6-&$'E(>:, ((-B:,2([6 E&F:&,&'D q}-((7  >:%%,>:A', DK'2 %$B7t$"6.,-$26-'3 )6r}-B:,3A&*$*&B' " '< 6-&F:,& ( +F:,&1"86.< '6.7<&s}, ' "%*' ') "%6-Ad&) B' 6-"%*AU '"AU*" '!t}"AU6-%! B''* &6-&'' $ '!$$* $%6-&$($*$6-&u}$ ($ >:%$, $$6-%$(67<,.>:%$,<(  6--$>(=B:, B:,-B:,&B:,,6-B:v},%&967<,. = A(-B:,!B:,BF((7<,47<,F:,%( BK(-6-@:7<,,' @e*!w}@1-6-P(J(>:&$,6-*-F:,&F:&,%;(>:AR,J&F:&,&( 6-%  B( x}-B:,-B:,(7<,07<,B@(@67<,.*-&%(6-@:7<,,6$*$@6-&$(.(>:%y}',%&%(>:,.6-B:,() -$   ') B*!6-+%,$"!6-+,$%+4 - coz}rrect!6-%' '467<,.\+    . " .L (}-2(To improve your score, study:86-@{}-L6-@:7,,.H !6-%8(>:@:7,,&',7%<%$, E"P:',$H(.   D/@3|}y, $E },Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7<,4Y(} 6y8}}7<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0-Jy%D:HELLO{y ~}  D:SCRAMBLE%ZLINCCFLALCCC2SPWRDINLENGTRETURWDCCLCLEAREOZETZIOCZBGZADDISK+RXCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCLENGTY }FNPWCHECKNZNWDNTEXTERKEFZZADZLEZCMZIOCZERBXYFLAZZETZBGZLZHLLZILINC10 }  } ! }"#$%&'()*+,-./01 }23456789:; Program: WORDEDIT Copyright 1982 }- MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150, }5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$EdBA@d+!0)030 }%?ARB(n?6-A?;,;,;,;$,;$,;$,;,;,  A6-  }$ -$) 67,.>:,$  $6.7<%,$$4CROSS/WORDGAME A$$4SPELL/WORDER/MIXUPA }6-A6"  $'" $6-F:A," A A6- 6-&6-& 6-C:, }6-6-%&"6-&  6-! 6-0 $ $X 6-F:A, $ $F67,. 67,. "67 },.-67,. :67%,. C67,.F$ 6-!6-% 6-$%!6-&%$+ (}-((One mom }ent please...+$ 6. D:CATALOG A $ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ }2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A }7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%, }%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-' },B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % '  }Ad&$' F:A ,"@sB 'D % D:WRITEST3  LEE A. JENSEN8> $D %'d }$<()}Please remove the write protectd(#sticker before using this program.'  (} %'k (}- }% ( LIST MAKERI($LIST MAKER allows you to constructk(or edit a word list for the'a( programs7(!RECALL, }SCRAMBLE and GUESS WORD.a(%To use this program you must type in'U.(&the program password. Please type inQ(the pas }sword for LIST MAKER?U'-4TEACHER#A @s- B '. -"(That is not correct..%D:HELLO'A A }P6. D:CATALOG#6-- A36-A6-A:7<,,' F:A ,@sB' (}-% ( LIST MAKER.'\ }(Do you want to;( 1) Create a new word list\( 2) Edit an existing list8'X&( 3) Delete an existing lis }tI( 4) See names of word listsX(  5) EndB'S$E*(Which number? .76-A:,A )!I( }S BPC'//BSBeBeBBPE's-(%}Do you want this list used withK( 1) RECALL and SC }RAMBLE`( 2) GUESS WORDs( 3) Any gameF'!(Which number?  !G'( 6-A:, )!(( BTH' }"BJ'b+(#To use this list with GUESS WORD,T($definitions or clues must be added.X b BQ'-$ }E-(}What is the nameV'! -(of the list? !Y'67,.D:67,.t'G $(=(!That name i }s not on the diskette.G BB'"B 'I 4 D:DIGRAPH)4D:MONTHS?(You may not delete 7,C I %' }2@32 7, has been deleted.'* B:, -B:,%&67<,. * '0-$$$"7%<%,0& } 0 BP'D 0("False entry in table of word listD(names deleted.'F67%,.7%$%,"6-B:,%-67,. }867,. F67%,.7,' 6-&67<,.=:,'   %)M (}-.(NAME CAN BE USED WITHM( } );(-$$$7(7%<%, 7%%<%%,; ")   %*3$E3(}What nam }e do you want+0(to give the list? !04B +267,.D:67,. $2"ApB@+/ "%( }That name is in use./ B5+**("You may not use that file name.+ (  B +I6.Recall and } scramble $"?6.Guess word I BB!+$ "$6.Any game "+2 6.-B:,%#67<,.  }' 267%,.$+/-$$$/7<,/7%<%,BH&+" 67%<%%,." BP(+C-$$%$$(6.7 }%<%$,967%<%$,.?6.C *+ 6-%67<,.=:,,+ "6- B /+ 6-.R A6.7,, } D:TRANSFER3 8H6. D:CATALOGR A. "% D:RECREAT. "% D:GESCREAT."7<,4CROSS"% }D:GESEDIT.% D:RECEDITy($E }(Ad&"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y7 }<,4Y(} %6y87<,0N2(Please enter 'YES' or 'NO'.8 %@y0+0%0%'AR*(0- }Jy8F:A ,"@s(6. D:CATALOG.6-8 ATyA %D:HELLO{y  %LINZDOLZNCLENGTY grCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINZNCNUMWORDLENGTYFNPWTEXTNZNWDNCRN}LERBFZADZLEZCMZIOCZERXYLPAGFLANZZZETZBGZLZHLCC10} } !"#$%}&'()*+,-./01234}56 Program: GESEDIT (C) 1982 - MECC " "EE1,2,3,4,5,6,7,}8,9,10,20,256,100,5100,5150,5500,9990,31000,100002 ;,$%Ed! 6-$!6-$@U%@3..;,;},;,;,;@8,;,;, U-(#}Maximum number of words: U(#Maximum letters per word: 15}3+(#Maximum letters per definition: 4036-%E -% "(Word #? &3+4*!,;6-&E A@# }A4 6-&# $"*46-& $8B:,!%.(15 letters only, please.8 AO6-+&},$@U%@3/67<%B:,&,.7-%O( Definition # ?4 -%( Line 1: #*44 A#6}7%%<%%%B:,,.2 -% ( Line 2: #24A567%$<%$%B:,,.  $$ }A6-F 6-6-#6-C:,)6-16-%76-; A6-F! 6- $$X 6-F:A, $} $%67,. 67,. "67,.%$J (}-'(Name of list: 7,G(Number of words on list: J$ 6}-6-$%$  ' $*!!Ai*AbA0/ "@34^ (}-8($Your disk }is full. There is no space^(!to save your list. Please delete9& any unnecessary lists!# &$>V-(%}An error h}as occurred. Make sureV($there isn't a write protect stickerRF(.(#on the disk and that it is inserted1(?( properly}.C F$+ (}-((One moment please...+$L$E$$%E$.-B:,.7<,1}A*7<,/ZA@##7<,1a*7<,/zA@E ( 6("Only letters are allowed in words.>6. B E$}   $; A- AP;6-+%&,$@U%@3T -(% 7<%%,;( 7%%<%@4},T( 7%$<%$, "%6-%@4   $ % "$%E"6-%$ $%E6}-$` -%$(Would you like to ?(any of these words? MA$Q`4A@7<,4Y A@ }7<,4N$ A@K -%* Which number to ? 4 A8A6-A:,K A )!%%})! A@ $ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː}(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %}A@%+AA%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P}:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad},"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'& '} D:TRANSFER&'67<,.D:67,..< AP!6-C:,'6--6-36-7 <.}6-A:7%<@1,,.T A$  1) Add words<  2) Delete wordsT  3) Change words.J&( 4) Get a }listing or reportJ( 5) Stop editing / save list/K -% (Which number? * A.76-A:,A )!K B }@ /- A#+"*",)+"*",- B @///B0B@BPB`B2G 6- A0A}% $3A$= A0G B 6 6-65 '6.delete A@57<,4NBE6 6-& }6\ }-%"C-+&,$@U%@3+&,$@U%@N67,. R \ B@@6[[67+&,$@U%@3<+&,$@}U%@,.7$@U%@3<$@U%@,6 "BE6  B@8 % 6-% B@8}B67%<@1,.000867$&B:=:,,<@1,.=:,B B : 6-A:9 ' 6.change$ A@97}<,4NBU:)6-+&,$@U%@3%-%) :8(Change 7<%%,%(to ? )84BPE: A}4 BP:LB:,!%-% :(15 letters only, please.B-%L BP :/-%%67<,.  }/67<%%,.: -% :@"(Change 7%%<%@4,-(to ? 1@4BPu:?-%%%@4$67<},. ( ?67%%<%@4,.: -% :>(Change 7%$<%$,)(to ? -44> BP:G (}-%}$%$&67<,. * =67%$<%$,.G BP< % 6-% BP<%A$ A0% B >4} - }-$%!*6-4 Be>s6-+%&,$@U%@39(%. 7<%@,X( 7%%}<%@4,s( 7%$<%$,t@     B PF> 6- 67%<@1,.000>67$&B:=:,,<@1,.=}:,ZF- ' A!# A- By% D:WORDEDIT{y@6-$@U&&87<%$,4 @6}-&|y B %CCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINZNCNUMWORDLENGTYFNPWTEXTNZNWDNCRNCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCZMAXINU}MWORDLENGTYFNPWTEXTWDNCRNLLERBFZADZLEZCMZIOCZERYSECZZETZBGZLZHWD1LC10} } !}"#$%&'()*+,-./01}23456789 Program:RECREAT Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ })" "%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,995}0,9970,9990,11110,10000(;%,;,2$%Ed 6-$6-$@!%$n:.;,;,;,;,;@8},;,;,:AR eA:($}Enter words one at a time up to e &words. Press 'RETURN' when fi}nished.1 6-%-%' Word #? +1 "+4*!,6-&" A@ "*46-& A}' A4 6-&' A86-+&,$@!%$+67<%B:,&,.8-&B:,H67%B:,%<%B:,%,. " }:67%%<%,.000000HAA$$ A6-L 6-6-#6-C:,)6-16-}%76-A AUG6-L! $ $X 6-F:A, $ $%67,. 67,. "67,.%$ 6-$%}!6-&%$  A $*!!Ai*AbA0/+ "$+@34^ }}-8 $Your disk is full. There is no space^ !to save your list. Please delete9& any unnecessary lists!# &$}>V-(%}An error has occurred. Make sureV($there isn't a write protect stickerRF(.(#on the disk and that it is i}nserted1(?( properly.C F$+ (}-((One moment please...+$.-B:,.7<,1A*7<,/ZA@##}7<,1a*7<,/zA@E ( 6("Only letters are allowed in words.>6. B E$   $P* "}When} this list is used for theP !RECALL program, how many secondsX(  should the student have to look:  at a word? K}$EOX6-A:,)$E *$&6-)$<. &Try a time between 1 and 30 seconds.2 < AE} $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8S}Rˈ0`,,~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA}%9A4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,}$'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % '}F:Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'# A# D:}TRANSFER' .'67,.D:67,./+' AP A!' BU4+: AE6- AP0$%}E: Af+A#67<%,.SPELL/WORDER/MIXUPA67@)<@4,.000000p+S!67$&B:=:,,<@1,.=:,?67$}&B:=:,,<@4,.=:,I AS Ay% D:WORDEDIT{y!6-$"!6-AE|yX  /(!You must enter a }word before youJ(can end this program.N T6-X y 6-& %SCORESCORERETURENDINZLINZDOLZNCZMAXINUNZMAXINUMWORDC1CLENGTC2CCYFNPWCTEXTWDCRNCLCLCERBCFZADZLEZCMZIOCDISKIZERZLINCSEC}XYRETURPAGNZC25ZZCENDINZETZBGZLZHZCNLLCUTPC25CLEAREOCLEAREOJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCOREZDOLZNLN1}C10 }} !"#$%&'()*+,-.}/0123456789:;<=}>?@ABCD Program: RECEDIT Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )"} "%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9}990,31000,10000(;%,;,2$%Ed'6-@86-$'6-$+%,%$n**;,;,;,;,;%,};,;, Y.($}Enter words one at a time up to Y &words. Press 'RETURN' when finished.1 6-%-%}' Word #? +1 "+4*!,6-&" A@ "*46-& A' A4 6-&}' A66-+&,$+%,%$)67<%B:,&,.6-&B:,J67%B:,%<%B:,%,. " :67%%<%,.000000@}J A6-@8$ A6-F 6-6-#6-C:,)6-16-%76-; A6-F! }6- $$0 6-$%!6-&%X 6-F:A, $ $%67,. 67,. "67,.%$e (}-}'(Name of list: 7,G(Number of words on list: e( Time limit:  seconds$ 6-!6- 6-$}%!6-&$$  A $*!!Ai*AbA0/ "@34^ }-8 }$Your disk is full. There is no space^ !to save your list. Please delete9& any unnecessary lists!# &$>V-(%}}An error has occurred. Make sureV($there isn't a write protect stickerRF(.(#on the disk and that it is inserted1(}?( properly.C F$7 (}-@@4(One moment please...7$.-B:,.7<,1A*7<,/ZA@#}#7<,1a*7<,/zA@E ( 6("Only letters are allowed in words.>6. B E$   $7 A }-%! AP76-+%&,$+%,%$. -(% 7<%%,&"%.6-%   $C -%$(Would you lik }e to ?(any of these words? C7<,4Y A@ 7<,4N$ A@H -%* Which numbe }r to ? ;$E?H6-A:,.$E. )!%%)!A@ $P* "}When this list is  }used for theP !RECALL program, how many secondsX(  should the student have to look:  at a word? K$E }OX6-A:,)$E *$&6-)$<. &Try a time between 1 and 30 seconds.2 < AE>Ad}K:#6-/AR7 >6.0B7t@)0"AUAP5"@'*' }) "%6-Ad&) AP= 6-%"A&)"$)"AT-6-$3"= AP-"$*"6-6}.# ~- AP/ "$6-&6.7<,% ~/ AP " AP7-+!@* A#,)+!A$*} &,76-&$#!AY* &#6-&A() $)!A")"@) AP) (>:,6-%67,.>:,)} AP"APE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: APP 6-AR$ $%}~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,},~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A}4%M6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR}-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"}%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'<AR ' AP5} D:TRANSFER<'67<,.D:67,..< AP!6-C:,'6--6-36-7 <./6-A:7%}<@1,,/6-A:7$<@4,,.S A#  1) Add words;  2) Delete wordsS  3) Change words.k&(} 4) Get a listing or reportG( 5) Change the time limitk( 6) Stop editing / save list/S-@$ Which }number? 5$E9B6-A:,S$E /%+"*"$,)+"*",% B @ / )!B @/77B}0B@BPB`BpB2W@qE$A. A<A$M$EW }B 6 6-69 A 6.delete$ A@97<,4NBE6 6-& }6R -"9-+&,$+%,%$}+&,$+%,%@VD67,. H R B@@6KK67+&,$+%,%$<+&,$+%,%@V,.7$+%,%$<$+%,%@V,6} "BE6  B@8! %% 6-%%! B@8>67%<@1,.000467$&B:=:,,<$,.=:,>  }B : 6-A:9 A 6.change$ A@97<,4NBU:6-+&,$+%,%$:H -%$  !}Change 7<%%,/ to ? D@qEH: A4 BP :P$E(}&-%%36"}7<,. 7 F67<%%,.P BPD - } @#}8 TIMES TIMES PERCENTD@>(USED MISSED MISSED># -%!6-# Be>d6-+%&,$+%,%$}$0(%. 7<%%,J6-A:7%%<%@,,d@@%&B:=:,,> "( Be>U6-A:7%@%}<%,,5@@1&B:=:,,: U6-P:A$'%?P,>@$&B:=:,, t@     B hB&}L AE$67$<@4,.000B67$&B:=:,,<@4,.=:,L B PF> 6- 67%<@1,.000>67$&B:=:,,<@1'},.=:,ZF- ' A!# A- By% D:WORDEDIT{y|y B %ZIOCDISKIZERZLINCSECdCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURENDINZLINCNUMWORDLENGTYFNPWTEXTNZNWDNZNER)}KECRNLBFZADZLEZCMZIOCZERXYFLAZZZETZBGZLZHLCJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCOREZDOLWD1C10*} +} !,}"#$%&'()*+,-./0-}123456789:;< Program: GESCREAT Co.}pyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,100/}995100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,11110,10000(;%,;,d+6-@@$@U%@3+6-@@n;,0};,;,;, aA9(#}Maximum number of words: a(#Maximum letters per word: 15++(1}#Maximum letters per definition: 40 6-%& -% "(Word #? &"+4*!,6-&" A@2}"*4A A4 A/6-+&,$@U%@3/67<%B:,&,.!(Definition # ?! 3}1(  Line 1: 4'(1 A#67%%<%%%B:,,.2 -% ( Line 2: #24A54}7B:,!%-(20 letters only, please.7 A067%$<%$%B:,,.  $A$$ 5}A6- 6-6-$ 6-C:,6-6-% 6-$  6-! 6-0 $ $X 6-F:A6}, $ $%67,. 67,. "67,.%$ 6-!6-% 6-$%!6-&%$  '7} $*!!Ai*AbA0/ "@34^ }-8 $Your disk is full. There is no space8}^(!to save your list. Please delete9& any unnecessary lists!# &$>V-(%}An error has occurred. Make sureV($9}there isn't a write protect stickerRF(.(#on the disk and that it is inserted1(?( properly.C F$+ (}-((:}One moment please...+$.-B:,.7<,1A*7<,/ZA@##7<,1a*7<,/zA@D ( 5("O;}nly letters are allowed in words.=6. A D$   $U0((} You may have up to 40 words on theU( list. Each w<}ord can have up toU-(%15 letters; each definition can haveU(#2 lines, with 20 letters per line.o1() If you do=} not need two lines for theY(#definition, just press foro(the second line.   $ $%~{6-?:C:>}kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $%?} %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6- %A@%+AA%9A4%M6-@}?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,J6-F:A@%,%F:AA%,$M$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'JAR-%6 A}Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:Ad,"%*'  '.B}F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % ' Ad&$'# A# D:TRANSFER' .'6C}7,.D:67,./+' AP A!' BU4+ AE\+. 6- AP(@qE. $f+>#67D}<%,.CROSS/WORDGAME >67@)<@1,.000p+!!67$&B:=:,,<@1,.=:,z+ A Ay% D:WORDEDE}IT{yb "3(!You must enter a word before youN(can end this program.R X6-b A|y 6-& %ERzfffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf!I}`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 88~``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cw!M}kccfv~~nf!N}ffffffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 8<%Q}f 8``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf%R}<%T} 0`?  0`0`@@``````````0 ``````x`x`~<~~<%U}0~0 ~ <>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f%V}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~%W}8x8ffffp88pf<`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0`<)Z}f ```nf>fff~fff~~f<flxxxlf``````~cwkcccfv~~nff)[}f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f)_}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<)`}8x8ffff>`<|fl0fF68of;p88pf<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+L'(< <V'( <  <`'!!(<  !>:@4, <j' (< -x} %$  Minnesota<t'""(<  &  Educational<~' (<  [|  Computing<'!!(<  ]\  Consortium<'-y}( <  _^ <'( <  `{ <'( < <' (<<', 6. AB:,!"6., A'5 B:,!6.-z} A%B:,!+6.5 A' (<<(%6.Version 67,.% A (""(;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>@(66.-{} COPYRIGHT #67@,.667%,. - MECC(& B:,!67%,. #&67$,.((*-P:&+B:,%,',% $-*6--|}<('AY@4'AdAUA(86-%@8 A*F:Ad,"AUBB(A$F(Ad-}}&%D1:HELLO%CCCCCC1ZNLINE1LINE2VOLUMEVERSIONCOPYNUMTEXTYEARZETZIOCZBGZADZLZHZLEZCMZZERTC,sagCCCCCCCCCC1C2C25CLEAREOCLEAREODISKIRETURTEXTNUMBERYNDISKNAMEXNENDINNUMPROGMAXLECXMAXI1}PROZIOCZZLZHZADZLEZCMZERLXXCINFLAXZETZBGVTASELECINPUNUMOPTVERC101} 1} !"#1}$%&'()*+,-./0121}34 Program: HELLO Copyright 1982 - MECC ) #@ )" "%%1,21},3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,256,1005100,5150,5500,9990d&&;@7,;,;,;%,;,n-Bx% #B"1}6-%6-%+!,+ - A""B:,!+6-B:,% @%@@9 B#Bp%1}$$$ -"4)4 A0.7B:,,4*$ 7:,6-%671},.>:,) A "AE:6-@:7<,,'!@G* @Y06-A:,: AP 6-7AR"%1}A4B7tA7$ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTe1}Rː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|5 6-$$6- %'A6%5A7%9 6-1} %A@%+AA%9A4%-6-?:C:hhhLV,<,*6-F:%A5,-$6-P:',6-P:&$,$1}'JAR-%6 Pressto continue.DAd&J6-',B7t@&F:Ad,"&, % 'F:1}Ad,"%*'  '.F:Ad,"%6-(Ad&. % '! Ad&-!$'D+0%0%1}'AR*(6@eDAd&'& #B""-&&B:,'& $'@-&'.',-@ 1}A"% ,  3' .  B'     D'/" %. Program Descriptions( /  F'. %. End1}@.6-F:@,%L'3 - Which number? # - A36-V'!* %B['G-@#=( Pl1}ease enter a number from 1 to %.G B``' %Be'"%BPt'( -(!*F:@, &B1}v' ! x'; }#B"+@&B:,'/ ;@y'" Program Descriptions"-~'E( A1}" "(@/  9 AE@'   'V/('} A manual to aid in the use of thisV(" diskette1} is available from MECC.'3( Title:#B "/-&&B:,'3 '](Direct inquiries to:A( MECC Dist1}ribution Center]( 2520 Broadway Drive'h ( St. Paul, MN 551137( (612) 638-0627; h((} If you have a1}ny problems using MECC'[-(% courseware with your microcomputer,B( write or call:[( MECC Help Line'a( 1}2520 Broadway Drive<( St. Paul, MN 55113S( (612) 638-0638W a B (2 (}-%.(Insert the new dis1}kette.2 (%D:LOGO* +&0%0* 6- A"*-&B:,'@+& "6.D:&671}@,.*+%0u3 - #B"/-&&P:B:,',3(2uA "-%3 No teacher options available.7 A 1}BR5u% - Your options are:" % :u@- Program:GESWO9}RD (C) 1982 - MECCd`N6-?:C:>h˥̠ȱˍɀȱˈȩ˩ J`,,` D:GESWORD.TXT99}6-C:AZ..09,6-$ %5$E9 ,%67,. 67,. "67,.%$^'67,. 67%,. $67,.9}'$ -68,- $F2A2$+2$72$>6-6F $%&7 --$6"9}2& 024 7$X9 6-2AC)2As92ADb* -$ -#2' 9}*$G+AR0)@%/-8@:*,?(*G/$6 /$%/%/(6(Number tried..9}.C -(Number correct2(First try......< *!C( .((Second try.....' *!.( (9}@$ $%~{6-?:C:kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e9}ː8SRˈ0`,,~$ $% %|16-A4%$$6-! %)%1%% 6- %%%9}%?6-?:C:hhhLV,<$$,(6-F:%,<6-F:%,%F:%,$?$6-P:',6-P:&$,$'DAR-%69} Pressto continue.>&D6-'"B7t&F:,"&" % 'F:,"%*'  '"F:,"%6-9}&" % ' &$'K (}-&(G U E S S W O R DK( A dot will be printed for each`'P*("letter of 9}the word to be guessed.P(!There will also be a clue. Eachj'O(( letter you guess correctly willO("replace one or mor9}e dots used foro'W.(&the word. If you think you know whatW($the word is, type in the whole wordt'( at once. 9}(}' $ $A$'; -&(What is the name of the7( word list? ; ') @tE"9})('&67,.D:67,. & B' $-% 'AF:A,"Ap3( isn't on this disk.79} A B0'1#(That is not a correct name.' 1 B0' Bp'86-6-#6-C:,)6-- 29}8 $(K7<%,0CROSS/WORDGAME=(Sorry, I can't use .A K B0(#6-A:7$<$%,,6-#6- (j(}9}6( There are  words in the list.W(How many words do you wantZ(j( to guess? (3$E!6-9}A:,3!) BPF( -Z($6-P:H:,$,%$8,B0n(\ 68,-6-6-*6-$@U&&<-@:A,@:9}Z,L67&$,.>:,P \67,.>:,(F'(}Clue: 7%%<%$%,5@%F(7%$<%$,(L - (Lette9}rs available:$ -(:(WORD: > L!B(/ AP-%6+7%<%,4 / (> 6-%6.9}67,.'67,.66.7<%&,>-(?%@:7<,, A#*@:7<,,!&?67<,.>:@:7<,,&$,( (()+ -9}%6-%'(Guess #? +  )2 @tE"24+B)0B5")3 -%( Correc9}t !!!% AP) 3 B') 6-B:,"Bp() 6-B:,!6-))8-B:,-&7<,07<,* . 9}8 BP*)2 B:,! 7<,47%<%,(6-%2 B8+)2 B:,! 7<,47%<%,(6-%2 B9,) 6-%&9}!B:,6-B:,-)! 6-&&!B:,!6-B:,%.)' -'7<,07&<&,BU1),6-@:7&<&,,&$!,679}<,. 3)'67<,.7&<&,6-%'-6)37<,47&<&,+67<,.7&<&,36-%8) ;)  BPJ)L9}6-@:7<,,&$ 6(That is not a letter.: B6-&L BO)7<,0 BT)F -%0( You already g9}uessed that letter.4 <6-&F B^)# -#7<,07<,B@|)67<,.7<,6-%) 67<,. 9})   $ B) -%( B) 6-%&) - 7<,0B* ! $!* B9}&* :*A -%(-% B:,!1( Thats close!7 $A B ?*#(Thats the word !!# APD* * "9}6-%67,.* "6-%67,.*  A P * "% *M 6--(}To improve your score, study:9}5-M6-@:7,,$+$%,&&+5 (7<%$, %6-%2"P:',$5( +   y%D:GESEND{y  9}%ZTEXTCLENGTCCC1CLNUMWORDM5CCCCCLCC10LC2ZTRIEZTRYZTRYCLEAREOZETZIOCCZBGZADDISKIZL8SPELL/WORDER/MIXUP 012002 January 000000February 000000March 000000April 000000May =} 000000June 000000July 000000August 000000September 000000October 000000Novem=}ber 000000December 000000 =} =} =} =} =} =} <U3 D:COMPUTERAny game D:DIGRAPH Any game D:MONTHS Recall and scramble A} A} A} A} A} A} A} @}CROSS/WORDGAME S 010 photo a picture made with a camera shaft rhymes with "raft" E} thunder goes with rain and lightning chisel a tool used by a stonemason E} whimper a thin, crying sound channel television sets and rivers may have one phone E} a "good listener" ship bigger than a row boat thistles rhymes with"wE}histle" whittle wood + knife + hands = E} E} E} E} E} E} E} E} E} E} E} E} E} with "raft" DlDIGRAPH HxyiC76C25CCC1CCCCLEAREOZNZLINENDINCCCCCC2C10CHBACCLEAREODISKIJOYSTICDOLLASCORESCORERETUM}RZDOLZ M}M} Program: GESEND (C) 1983 - MECC &#&" "aa1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8M},9,10,20,100,256,756,764,5100,5150,5500,9100,9150,9950,9970,9990,31000,10000;%,;, $ $%~{6-?:C:M}kh]^](eTeUeX˅^eY̅_8SUˈ2UTeRː(e˅ː8SRˈ0`,,~$'y" (M}}&"$E"y3 -%+ Do you want to try again? / 3,y$7<,4Y(}$% D:GESWORD6y87:@4,}>:@4, :ZE=USR(ADR(>:@4,`']](@*h#˥̠Z}ȱˈɀȩ˩ J`>:@4,)):POKE 559,34:G.199j'(@LEE@ D:GESWORD.CRE(@;PXpPOKE 106,60:GR.0:POKE 559,0:POKE 752,1:?:SE.2,0,0:SE.4,0,0:SE.1,6,121011199 INPUT ZN$:?"}":POKE 559,34:G.ZLINEC1=1:C2=2:C^}3=3:C4=4:C5=5:C6=6:C7=7:C8=8:C9=9:C10=10:C11=11:C20=20:C85=85:C256=256:CLEAREOL=5100:CLEAREOS=5150:C100=100DISKIO=5500:SCORE^}1=9970:ZLINE=10000:LE.RETURN=9990:LE.ENDING=31000:SC0=290:SC2=300DIM ZDOL$(C10+C2),ZN$(C3),GOOF$(40)ZMAXIN=38:NUMWORDS=50:L^}ENGTH=NUMWORDS*21+35:CHIN=10180DIM WD$(ZMAXIN),FN$(C10+C4),TEXT$(LENGTH),SPWRD$(C10+C5),WORD$(C10+C5),FILE$(C8),NUMWORD$(C2)^}OPEN#2,4,0,"D:SCRAM.FNT":ZADR=60*256:ZLEN=1024:ZIOCB=2:ZCMD=7:GOS.DISKIO:CLOSE#2XIO 70,#5,0,0,"E":ZE=USR(ADR("h#˥^}̠ȱˈɀȩ˩ J`")):GO.199LEE2,0,0:SE.4,0,0:SE.1,6,121011199 INPUT ZN$:?"}":POKE 559,34:G.ZLINEC1=1:C2=2:C\,CROSS/WORDGAME 002 memory electronic circuit program a list of insb}tructions b} b} b} b} b} b} b} b} b } b!} b"} b#} b$} b%} b&} b'} `lCROSS/WORDGAME 006003aEdina 000000mortgage 000000Jackie 000000Bob 000000Barrief)} 000000realtor 000000ge property to creditor as securityJackie Kuechle; can you stand it? f*} Bob Welch, a/k/a Bo W. I just love it! Barrie Vraa; Not to worry. Get a cigarette. f+} f,} f-} f.} f/} f0} 000000Bob 000000BarriedU