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AP,(IN A HEN HOUSE"6•-@, AP*( IN A LIBRARY 6”-@* APR(IN AN ALIEN CITY$6”-@06–-@<6—-@H6˜-@R APM( IN A DESERT6”-@+6“-@76•-@C6–-@M AP3( IN A HALL6“-@))6•-@3 APK( IN A HALL6”-@)6“-@"56•-@!A6–-@K AP0(IN WEIGHTLESS ROOM&6•-@0 APG(ON A LONG CATWALK%6”-@#16•-@$=6Ÿ-G APd (IN ETERNAL TRIANGLE ROOMB6Ò-P:H:,$@,%@N6—-@!Z6˜-@!d AP +( IN LIGHT ROOM!6–-@+ AP!<&(ON THE W END OF A LONG CATWALK26•-@ < AP"H&(ON THE E END OF A LONG CATWALK26”-@ >6š-@%H AP#Z"(IN A GLASS ENCLOSED PATIO.D(A DOOR WEST LEADS TO A GARDENP6™-@$Z AP$M( IN A GARDEN6”-@'+6“-@76•-@(C6–-@%M AP%-(IN A GREENHOUSE#6•-@&- AP&)( IN A GARDEN6”-@&) AP'C( IN A CORRIDOR!6”-@0-6•-@196–-@C AP(5(IN THE TRANSPORTER ROOM+6•-@)5 AP)-(IN A SMALL ROOM#6”-@)- AP*.(IN AN OPEN FIELD$6”-@@. AP++( IN AN AIR CAR!6™-@2+ AP,8(IN A LONG HALL"6”-@9.6–-@68 AP-2(IN A CRAMPED BEDROOM(6”-@42 AP.3( IN A HALL6“-@4)6•-@83 AP/2(IN THE COMPUTER ROOM(6”-@62 AP0(( IN A FIELD6“-@6( AP1?( IN A HALL6”-@A)6“-@@56•-@4? AP2?( ON A LAWN6”-@B)6•-@256–-@9? AP35(IN THE TRANSPORTER ROOM+6•-@95 AP43(IN A STORAGE BUILDING)6•-@@3 APdy +@'0@@A0@@[0@@g6‘-yAR@i—‚-@#-‚@7(@ ARROWK-@&‚@](@ONE q-@@0u —2@@@j[-@@0 )6‘-‘%@K2W‘ @[ ‚k.(.(#An original science-fiction tale...ÈIIƒ;@D$,„9@D,…9@,†;@u,‡9@,ˆ9@%,ËQQ‰;,Š;@ ,‹;@ ,Œ;@P,;@,Ž;,;@,É;@,Í""6‰. ÏQ‚-@@&6‡8‚,-* ‚>‚-@@DM6„8‚,-Q ‚ÒZ‚-@@D06ƒ7‚$&%@<‚$,.‰4"ŽM6ƒ7‚$&%@<‚$,.ŽQ"Z6„8‚,-Ô ‚ "†‚-@ @%Ö"6ˆ8‚,- ‚Ü56‚-@$6‡8@,-@#56. VOLVOLUME æ A,/ 2€€€€2@€€€#6-€)6‘-€/6’-€/‘ 6“-€6”-€6•-€6–-€'6—-36˜-96™-€?6š-€K6›-O+€]0@€q0@€@0@€‘AR@1(YOU'RE 6 @^f‚"@f(RTo the east is a library. To the west is a hen house. The path continues north._L6„8@),--„8@0,"@B6„8@0,-L AS`-„8@1,"@-6„8@1,-a‘‚"@16œ-P:H:,$@,%@‘+œ"@*+ @)„8@0,,,)+œ"@*+„8@1,)ž"@,,ASb ‚"@ 6„8@(%œ,-‚cO‚"@O(;To the east and west are buildings. Tothe north is a desertdB6„8@A,--„8@8,"B6„8@@,-e(Ÿ"* "@(6„8@,-‚f$¡@$6„8@9,-gU“%”%•%–%™%š%—%˜!€(. Óïíå åøéôó áòåºB¢-@@Q6…8¢,-U ¢hX‚"@$6…8@,-@96…8@,-@N6…8@,-@X AuiX‚"@$6…8@,-@96…8@,-@N6…8@,-@X Auj.‚"@%$6…8@,-@&. Auk‚"@&6£-@l‚"@6¤-@q# ”!€  West#6…8@,-”s$ “!€  North$6…8@,-“u# •!€  East#6…8@,-•w$ –!€  South$6…8@,-–y! ™!€  Up!6…8@,-™z# š!€  Down#6…8@,-š{( —!€  Northwest(6…8@,-—|( ˜!€  Northeast(6…8@,-˜}9  ¥"*‚"@4/6„8@A,-6‚9 A†~s¥"16œ-P:H:,$@,%@=‚!@g‚@"*P:H:,$@ , @s6‘-@=-‘"@*œ"@*¡"*‚ @2=6„8@9,-6‚€3#‘"@*œ"@*‚ @236„8@@,-6‚3#‘"@*œ"@*‚!@336„8@A,-6‚‚++‚"@"*„8@B,6@A–‡;¢-@@D#O:„8¢,,"‚16¦-¦%@; A“ˆ ¢  A–‰"¦"@" Öéóéâìå éôåíóº‹*  ƒ7¢$&%@<¢$,* A’ŒG;„8@A,"6‚*‚!@4*‚@8*‚@B*‚@5G6’-@O’"@#-@@?‡8,")‡8,"@$C O6’-Ž}’"@,(ýSomeone stole something@-@@\‡8,*‡8,@$n6„8‡8,,-@B}6‡8,-’"@ Y‚"@ 1(Across the bluish sea, in theY(#distance, you see the city of Pfitt’Œ#§"@*‚"@5*¥"/6§-N(You hear commotion outsideZ6‘-@n¨-@@C}„8¨,"@4Œ6„8¨,-@B“‘"@ ¨•P‚"@P(:@4,)« @S(CU DTPHUCQ PMMUDTJ OC ZOLK>:@4,] A&©6‘"@6(NO GUNS ALLOWED IN CITY>:@4,ª[-‚"@ *¬"*„8@,"6@96¬-@E6­-@&Q6¦-[ Au«€# "@*Ÿ"*‚"@5/6 -;6‘-@T(The Professor says, W(€( >:@4,Thank you, here...¬g‘"@#(take this code,g(?enter it into the computer, and destroy this monstrosity.­u‘"@6®-@u( >:@4,DThe aliens come from a planet which has an environment different®T‘"@( than ours.T( >:@4, I have reprogrammed the computer¯\‘"@\(Hto alter our atmosphere. We can survive in their's but they not in°I‘"@I(5ours. They are from a dying world, here to stay...±ƒ‘"@X( >:@4,(Please hurry and come back when done.>:@4,m6‡8@ ,-@7ƒ6„8@7,-6@²t‚"@5*¥"@1(The Professor says,h( >:@4,!You two are the last survivors oft6‘-@³U‘"@U(6Earth. Adam, take my daughter and rebuild mankind.>:@4,´U„8@,"@-6„8@,-96¦-K( Car takes offU AQµ;¯"*‚"@8%6-@16¯-@; A9¶1¯"@*‚"@%6-@16¯-@·c‚"@5*"@W(Professor says, >:@4,find my daughter>:@4,c6‘-@¸z‘"@*°"%6°-@O(>:@4,Here, take this>:@4,d6‡8@ ,-@5z6„8@5,-6@¹j‘"@/( Then the old man died...j(6 You take the hand of your mate and draw her closer.º\‘"@\( >:@4,What did you say your name was?>:@4, you ask.»N‘"@D( >:@4,Eve,>:@4, she replies.N Af¼v„8@8,"6‚*(Officer shoots youl(>:@4,Not nice to kill nice alien>:@4, , he saysv Ag½:±"*²"@.6„8@,-@&:6±-@¾/„8@',6@%6«-/ AH¿³"@6«-@À‚@6´-Â+ 2€€€€6‘-€6’-€6¦-€+6µ-à A0Ä[„8@2,"6@'6¶-¶%@3¶!@Q(Dog thaws...he attacks...[ AgÇMAR(4(×èáô äï ùïõ ÷áîô ôï äï8ŒJAR@M(ÌŒ4LOOKAÍ11‚"@*Œ4N*„8@$,6@A@Î]?‚"@8*+„8@0,"6@)„8@#,"6@,*Œ4NS(Guard stops you] APÏŒ4IAqÐ](‚"@*Œ0W*B:Œ,"@*Œ0 46µ-@@6’-@]‡8@,"AgÑl’"@#(Librarian says,1(>:@4,=« @b(UCT RUMBAT PL P LOAT!>:@4,l APÒ>’"@4(ONE VOLUME AT A TIME!>:@4,> APÓ@#Œ4W*„8@2,"6‚*·"6(Dog attacks...@ AgÔCŒ4W*·"@*‚"@&9(Dog thaws and attacksC AgÕlµ"@$6‡8@,-@C867B:,%@,.ŒO6ƒ7A <A,.[6¸-@l6. VOLVOLUME Ö@µ"@6( Ok...librarian hands you volume Œ@ APב¢-@@‘+B:Œ,"@*Œ4†7¢$@&@<¢$@&@,,)+B:Œ,"@*Œ4†7¢$@&@<¢$@&@,,AuÙ ¢ AÛ/…8¢,/‡8@,Aê%…8¢,6‚-…8¢,% Aí)(You can't move that way) APôŒ0IA1þD(Ùïõ áòå ãáòòùéîçº-¹-@@D‡8¹,"Aÿ#„8‡8¹,,"6@#(WEARING:$$( ƒ7‡8¹,$&%@<‡8¹,$, ¹ APS¢-@ @%SŒ7@<@,4†7¢$@&@<¢$@,A ¢E;(I don't know what >:@4,Œ>:@4, meansE APXI¹-@B:Œ,!Œ7¹<¹,0 % ¹?(I don't understand...I AP]6Š.Œ7¹%@:@4, don't touch!>:@4,b APnv‚"@*‹4ENC8(Librarian asks, >:@4,D6’-@P« @l( DVPL RUMBAT?>:@4,v APo5’"@+( WHAT VOLUME?>:@4,5 APqe&‚"@*Š7@<@,4 26’-@vDŠ0I *Š0W [6Œ.Š7@<@,e Adv*’"@v ( It's missing* APL­-@@DL‹4ƒ7­$&%@<­$&%@,*‚"O:„8­,,AB€ ­=3( There's no >:@4,Š>:@4, here= AP‚_‚"@*´"9­"@))­"@0)­"@1U(Sorry, it's a mirage..._ APƒO‹4DOG)‹4HOU2„8@2,"6‚)„8@),"‚E(Dog attacks...O Ag…;„8­, 1(That's impossible to carry; AP£I¹-@@&‡8¹,"/6‡8¹,-­?6„8­,-6@I APP¤ ¹¨ˆ8¢,@AP´yL‚"@*‡8@,*+‹4ENC)ƒ7A<A,4Œ7B:Œ,:@4,GEEEK>:@4,v( (Alien for >:@4,WOOF>:@4,)‚6’-@Î.’"@$(Dog falls in pit. A`Ï]‚"@7*­"@3%6È-@B(Crystal inserted in slotS( Lights flash] AÐS‚"@0*­"@1%6ž-@I(Cylinder inserted in teleporterS A%Ñ#„8@',"6@*­"@%/6«-@;6³-@U(Translator is hummingw2@@@ AQÕ 6„8­,-‚ä (OK! AQîˆ8¢,@A`óA!‹4GLA*„8@B,"6@76„8@B,-6@A APPõH!‹4UNI*„8@$,"6@76„8@$,-6@>(OKH APøˆ8¢,@Aú**‡8@,")‚@A…ûp(ƒ7A<A,/6É.ƒ7A<A,A£"@*É4Hd6ƒ7AA<AR,. POTPOTATOESp6’-@ü.’"@$(HELKI = POTATOES. APý\ É4F56ƒ7AE<Ab,.MAGPOWERFUL MAGNETR(FROTTI = POWERFUL MAGNET\ AQþO¤"@*É4X2(XIPPI = RARE ALIEN BIRD,E(LOVES POTATOESO APÿQ É4G(GOOBA0(LOCAL SPECIES OF BIRD,E(MATURES RAPIDLY,Q6’-@r’"@2(AN ADULT CAPABLE OF SUPPORTINGI(A HUMAN IN FLIGHT.f(LOVES TO EAT XIPPI EGGS.r6¤-@’"@AP/Ê"@*É4V%( VUMJ = HOLD/ APYÊ"@*É4B+(BHFOYVL = -------O(Oh ,oh, half of page is missingY AP-#(You see nothing of interest- AP_+„8@4,"6@*+‹4PAP)‹4NOT,76‘-@_(# I invited them, made it possibleV‘"@V(Btheir arrival, pampered them. The aliens - friendly, trusting,a‘"@a(Lhelpful...at first...then hostile. Ourentire population is dead, save for me^‘"@^(Jand my daughter. I am dying...I alone can destroy them...please come to myE‘"@(aid...;( Professor JonesE APH!„8@7,"6@*‹4COD>(There are 3 numbers: ¶¹·H APf!‹4PAP*„8@,"6@-6’-@9Ê"@Z(It's the torn page. It says:f6’-@;’"@1(>:@4,UPRIGHT>:@4,; AP0’"@&(Doesn't make sense0 AP ˆ8¢,@A%p7„8@6,"6@*‹4DOO*+‚"@6*Ì",Z6ƒ7A`<Ap,. OPEN DOOR f6Ì-@p APP*ˆ8¢,@AP/=%‹4PAP)‹4NOT)‹4ENC)‹4COD3( TRY: READ= AP0U‹4BOT*„8@4,"*+„8@,"6@)+„8@,"*‚"@,,u(There's a paper note inside AP1X‚"@*‹4GOO+(Don't ask me...N(I don't know what it is eitherX AP2<‚"@*‹4SHE2(A set of encyclopedias< AP3‡D„8@$, )„8@$,"‚)+„8@$,"*‚"@,P6’-@ Z‹4UNI{( The name >:@4,PING‡6’-@4I’"@+(>:@4, is stitched?(into the pocketI AP5]!’"@ *‹4POC*½"8(You find somethingD6½-@S6„8@%,-‚] AQ6A‚"@3*‹4PAN7(There's an ignition keyholeA AP7[ ‹4MIRO„8@,"‚)„8@,"6@)+„8@,"*‚"@1,[6’-@8n’"@.(Inscription (half English,X(%half alienese): TO USE - VUMJ BHFOYVLd6Ê-@n AP9j‚"@7*‹4COM9(9 push buttons, numbered 1-9,Q(a hole, and a sign:`( ÉÎÓÅÒÔ ÒÏÄj AP:^!‚"@*+‹4AST)‹4ALI,-6’-@9Ã"T(He's wearing a uniform^ AP;(’"@( He's naked( AP<2‹4TEL*‚"@A(( A red button2 AP=_‹4TEL*‚"@0)( A red button,A(a hole, and a sign:U(ÉÎÓÅÒÔ ÃÙÌÉÎÄÅÒ_ AP>j/„8@9,"6‚*¡"@*Î"*‹4ALIE(You see somethingT6„8@B,-‚`6Î-@j AQ?o!‹4TRA*„8@',"6@D(A battery compartment...it's P6’-@\«"@e(fullo AP@#’"@(empty# APA)(You see nothing special) APRˆ8¢,@ApS‹0BUTA`T;‚"@0*ž"1(Something's missing; APUc/‚"@0*")+ "*®",Y(%Not now. Teleporter's being rechargedc APV<‚"@A*@2(Strange...won't work< APW†‚"@0)‚"@A (OKB2@@"@@V¨-@AZ ¨z(You rematerialize elsewhere†6’-@XQ%2@;’"@*‚"@0G6‚-@AQ AQY%’"@6‚-@0% AQ\‚@7A].È"$(Nothing happened. AP^ƒ ‹4697!¨-@A=2@¨@@A ¨c2@w(Computer smokesƒ6’-@_j’"@/(You hear shrieks and whinesL(and a terrible stench...[( then quietj( nothing...`%’"@6¥-@% APaV%2@@@9¨-@AP= ¨L( Wrong codeV APfˆ8¢,@A gN)‚"@*+‹4SHI)‹4ONE)‹4ARR,D(What? You just landed!N APh-‚"@ *‹4SEA#6‚-@- Aj|!‚"@2*+‹4AIR)‹4CAR,-6’-@C„8@5,"6@O6‚-@U6’-‚d6„8@,-‚p6©-@5|6ª-ki’"@%(You climb aboard,:(insert your key,_( and fly back to the city of Renni Al%’"@6‚-@3% Am9#‹4DOO*+‚"@6*Ì"@,/6‚-@79 Anm‚"@4#-@@?‡8,*‡8,@$W(Something won't fitc6§-@m APo)‚"@4 6‚-@5) Apg‚"@*‹4GOO#6’-@9Ð"*² @](Gooba won't support your weightg APqe’"@6Ð-@5(You climb on Gooba...P(slowly its giant wingse(start to flap...r’"@"(it carries you<(to the city of Phttt,M( lets you off`(and flies awayu6„8@,-6‚-@8s’"@AP„ˆ8¢,@A P†T‹4DOG)‹4HOU+„8@#,"6@J(Skin too tough...no effectT AP‡€+‹4DOG*‚"@&*„8@0,"6@76’-@T¨-AP@6@p2¨@@t ¨€6’-@ˆ^’"@96ƒ7AH<Ae,.FROZEN DOG H6„8@2,-‚T6·-@^ A‰*’"@ ( No effect...* APŠ•-„8@0,"6@)„8@#,"6@O2@@@c-@@Pg ‰2•6’-@‹q’"@*‹4ALI#6’-@ 3„8@9,"6‚[6ƒ7A <A 1,.DEAD NASTY ALIENg6¡-@q AŒh’"@ *„8@@,"6‚D6ƒ7A @<A T,.NICE DEAD ALIENT6„8@8,-6‚^(ÏÈ ÏÈh AQŽE-„8@#,"6@)„8@0,"6@;( No effectE AP¶ˆ8¢,@AÀV!„8@,"6@*‹4UPR((OK46’-@!@‚"@L6´-@V APÊ-’"@!#(Nothing happens- APè* (Sorry, you can't do that* APLrÀ-@@ ‡8À,"©)6‡8À,-ª86„8©,-H6„8ª,-6@T6’-@"r­"@&)ª"@6APQ**’"@"*„8@,"@APV’"@"AQ[ À` AQÜj‚"@0(Librarian says, >:@4,<« @`(FTLBFC XUUZ, HMTPQT!>:@4,j APá=‚"@3(RETURN BOOK, PLEASE!>:@4,= APY;( Guards yell, >:@4, INTRUDER!>:@4,,Y(and kill you with a quick %(burst of laser fire% Ag¤C+P:H:,$@%,%@ @96–-‚%@C AP©6–-@ APÖ!!„8@,6@APÛ%Ò"@6“-@"% APà%Ò"@6”-@% APê6–-@ APƒ¨-@@07AP:H:,$A,g2P:H:,$@,@@{-@@ ƒ ¨A APD›-@@;2@@@&O¨-@@S ¨u2‰¨-@@ ¨‘ › APÐffGOOBABY GOOBA,-7,SHUCRASHED ALIEN SHUTTLE,-8,SANLOTS OF SAND,-9,BOTBOTTLE,10,BEGALIEN BEGGAR,-12›ÕXIPXIPPI BIRD,-13›Ú^^FROFROTTI,14,SHESHELVES,-14,LIBALIEN LIBRARIAN,-14,PAPPIECE OF TORN PAPER,23,HELHELKI,26›äeeDAUPROF'S DAUGHTER,27,PITBOTTOMLESS PIT,-28,TELTELEPORTER,-30,MIRTRUTH MIRROR,31,CARAIR CAR,-32›îZZPANCONTROL PANEL,-33,DOOTINY OPEN DOOR,-34,PRODYING PROFESSOR,-35,DOOLOCKED DOOR,-36›ó""COMWALL-TO-WALL COMPUTER,-37›øhhTELTELEPORTER,-41,LASLASER,-1,UNIALIEN UNIFORM,0,BATTINY BATTERY,0,COIALIEN COIN,0,TRATRANSLATOR,0›eeEGGXIPPI EGG,0,HOUVICIOUS HOUND,0,GUNFREEZE GUN,0,CYLXENON CYLINDER,0,DOGSNARLING ALIEN DOG,-26› ccRODCRYSTAL ROD,22,NOTPAPER NOTE,0,KEYIGNITION KEY,0,KEYDOOR KEY,0,CODCODE,0,POLALIEN POLICE,0›\\ALINASTY ALIEN,0,ALINICE ALIEN,0,ALICROOKED ALIEN,0,GLASUNGLASSES,0,,0,ARRARROW ONE,-5›4QQW N E S U D NW NE GETTAKDROPUTGIVSLIINSWEAREAOPELOOPUSPREGO ENTSHOHOL›>++1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,10,10,12,13›¸ -#(I don't know what you mean!- APˆ3(%(HIT ÒÅÔÕÒÎ TO CONTINUE...)Œ3 Aº3¬"@6¬-@()(ýËÌÉÎÇ3 AQÓ (OKì%¨-@A  ¨% AÈD((This adventure/(is just beginningAARD,%%2.¥‚-@@92@@@M-@@%Q k0@@2@@@¡-@@%¥ 0!0@! ‚67(This adventure"(is over4AR7(#A +'0@@A0@@2#PP(H It's been 3 years now, 3 years sinceyour mission into deep space. Your<#RR(Jname is Adam Trent, explorer, trouble-shooter, and all around good guy forF#RR(Jthe Federation of Space. Your journey aboard Arrow One has come to an end:P#NN(Fan unchartered planet the council asked you to explore. Slowly youZ#RR(Jdescend and this strange new world looms larger and larger, once just ad#PP(Hspeck in the black void of the uni- verse. The Arrow One has landed...n#X(( HIT ÒÅÔÕÒÎŒ$+>0@@X0@@x#UU(L You discover that except for the atmosphere this world is much like our‚#UU(Lown. But the air is still breathable -so you dismount - on top of the high Œ#QQ(Ihill where your craft has come to rest. Far below you is a jungle. To–#UU(Lthe right of the jungle is a city witha large desert beyond. Straight ahead, #SS(Kto the north of the jungle, is a sea and in the far distance another city.ª#S*("To the left is nothing but jungle.-(=( HIT ÒÅÔÕÒÎAŒSAR@´#T-@@T(9 Suddenly you see a strange vehicle descending rapidly ¾#¨-@@92@@@M-@@Q s2‡-@@‹  ¨È#--(%and disappearing into the treetops.Ò#— -A@6@J2P:H:,$,@@d0@@}'@ "P:'@ ,—0@@Ü#3 )23 AP€ D:ARROWONE