RS - FIPIISSULINECOUNICRSRANGLINCOUNCHECKSUNUMBEPRODUCITETOTADATU@ @  88 DEBUGGING AID BY ISTUAN MOHOS""VERSION 2 MODS BY TOM HUDSON[ +([(FThis run will LIST data statements with the name: , to the disk.(i(f([The DATA is created by evaluating each character of a user program, LISTed to disk.i(2;@,<&@"(ENTER FILENAME&F*6-F:AY,6-*P,((ENTER ISSUE NUMBER( @,Z* @`*@@dAAnf (},(DISABLING SCREEN...STAND BY...@-@AD PAYfdebug before pokingx 6-;A&,( AP@(6-%@ A0K@6-P:'@,69,9,;@,K+")4,A0II@:7@<@,, @H)@:7@<@,,!@WA06-@ @4 6-6-#-@@067<,. 4  6-*@6-@*6-%@87<,0  67<,.7<,.6-%@8 A 6-A:, 68,-6-%@ Ap@%6-%@%"@A A@$@6-@$ @-@6-"F)@6-$ 6-%.6-%@:"@F6-@,"AUA 6 A@?6-&A$P:'A,'68,-3!@ ?6-@J T@@1@@D:BUG:6-8,@6-^'6-@6-! @'6-h @ DATA rB-@$6-8@$%,6 @,>6-%B | @36-%@6-&@3 @A  6-8, AP@AYUU(M}To check data against printed data statements, type NEW. Then type:\\(ENTER >:@4,@D:BUG . Type LIST after the READY prompt.U(U(JThe line number of each data statementcoincides with the first line of the88(0user program which the data statement evaluates.aa(YNumbers within each data statement represent consecutive lines of the user program.%%(The last number is the total.R(R(GCheck the number of each state- ment against the printed version;PP(Honly in case of a discrepancy check each number in the data statement.]](7Make note of the lines containing the bugs. Then ENTER >:@4,D:yourprog# (to make the corrections.#PAY(}P(5Your typed-in program was not properlyLISTed to disk.e(_(*Please LIST your program to disk, thenRUN >:@4,D:CHECK>:@4, D:DCHECK2