RViAFNMODDOSTXTTYPEDOSSbed@xLḼӠҢӪЪêŬLL嬠Ǡ堣箵rrӠFEEDBACKîᩬ砸îŮdQ1;A9,;@,;@,;A,Q@@K:n7+F:A,"A*F:A,"@%76-@Px7+F:A,"A$*F:A,"@&76-@C@@'@@91+CAR@$$( Ӡ̠ҠR,($ This program will modify Atari DOSR(!2.0 or 2.5 to allow instantaneousP(( loading of the DUP.SYS file fromP(#memory and will keep MEM.SAV alwaysU,($active (ie; your program will remainU($in memory after returning from DOS).T,($With DOS 2.5 & 130XE you do not needT(#DUP.SYS or MEM.SAV on your RAMdisk.V-(%Ӻ蠶ˠ̠V($Ӡ̠ӭP,($ήӠP(ϠՠȠϠſR)@R@%+"@,%@$+"@x,AAA LF:BG(,"AbB(% ӠӠԠΠ̧ҡL A G!(} ǠӠ̠G(!1. Place a disk with the desiredW-(%version of Atari DOS 2.* in drive #1.W(%2. As you continue with this programQ*("a file named PATCH (or PATCH25 forQ("DOS 2.5) will be created. Then...Q#-@@")(. - D(Q)@a!(} DOS 2.*XL CREATOR-"W(%Ӡ򠲮a AD'(YOU ARE NOW USING ATARI DOS 2.3"@:(0.D A (5."U,($Which version of DOS do you wish toU(#modify: DOS 2.0 or DOS 2.5 =>,v)@J@%+"@I,%@$+"@P,AAR(\6.2.5l6. D:PATCH25v A 6# (6.2.0#6.D:PATCH@( ("A:,APJ\2(Ǻ AFTER '7@, ' IS CREATED\(YOU MUST REBOOT WITH ATARI DOS .TG$(IF NOT, YOU RISK CREATING ANG(UNWORKABLE VERSION OF DOS!!^a1(Press:to create '7@,' file,I( to restart ora( to quit.hR)@R@%+"@,%@$+"@,AApA0rI#( } DOS  XL CREATORI( Writing '7@, ' file...| A%A$+42.5,C A@5@@C(@c@<('7@,' FILE HAS BEEN CREATED!c("Now, be sure to do the following:7#-@@")(. - 7 AQ0(ERROR IN OPENING '7@,' FILE!Q(Disk may be WRITE PROTECTED.*AR('@* A+XGo to DOS and:b))DELETE the MEM.SAV file if present.lGGBINARY LOAD (DOS Option L) the new'PATCH' (or 'PATCH25') file.vTTWRITE DOS FILES (Option I) to puta working copy of DOS 2.*XL on yourdisk.33Finally; 'REBOOT' your systembefore using!dd6.Zz|LF Uԅ֩שբ w؅բ w F`ԩՠH Uh F`I Fmm67@,.ZΞ0A  i/DE  Uԅ֩ש w F`' Uօԩשբmm67A,.Z: w FΝLu fXpԥ`xԍҭ)Lk ` `֑`?a U;867Aq,.%ԅ֩թע w؅ע w F`24XL;$dd6.Z F Uԅ֩שբ w؅բ w F`ԩՠH Uh F`I Fmm67@,.ZΞ0A l i/DE  Uԅ֩ש w FL' Uօԩשmm67A,.Zբ: w FΝL fXpԩ `xԍҭ)Lk ` `֑`[X67Aq,.E?m Uԅ֩թע w؅ע w F`15[$ D:XLDOS.BAS