›› This is the order form for the Carina BBS System, one of the finest BBS Systems available for the Atari 8-Bit.›› Much of the program is done in Atari Basic, which means that the BBS is easy to modify and customize. There is simply to much to list here, it would take a whole book to list the advantages over the other BBS Systems available. To make a long story short, in my opinion, if you want to run a full featured, POWERFUL, no hassle BBS, Carina BBS System by Shadow Software is the ONLY WAY TO GO! Call the number listed below to see the Carina Support BBS, over a hundred support files for Carina, all yours for the asking once you become a registered Sysop.››Carina BBS System is the only BBS I know of that can be repaired by another Sysop via the phone lines, kinda like having a repair-man as close as your phone. (Repairs can only be done with the Sysop's permission of course!)››If you want a dependable system, you want CARINA BBS System!!›› A minimum of 500k of storage capacity is needed, and 1 meg is recommended.›› For an example of what Carina looks like, call The Carina Support BBS› (503)-285-4417 24hrs/3-2400 Baud››› Official Carina BBS System Order Form››Name:________________________________________________________________________››Street Address:______________________________________________________________››City, State, Zip:____________________________________________________________››Handle/Alias:_________________________________ Age:____ BirthDate:___/___/___››Voice Phone:(______)-______-________››BBS Phone :(______)-______-________››BBS Name:____________________________________________________________________››Modem Type/Baud:_____________________________________________________________››Modem Interface:_____________________________________________________________››Hard Drive Type/Size:________________________________________________________››Hard Drive Interface:________________________________________________________››Floppy Drives:_______________________________________________________________››Other Equipment:_____________________________________________________________›_____________________________________________________________________________›_____________________________________________________________________________›_____________________________________________________________________________›_____________________________________________________________________________›››Are you interested in being a part of ACE-Net Network:_________››Are you interested in being a part of ICN-Net Network:_________››Please send this form along with a Check/Money Order in the sum of $50.00 +›$5.00 Shipping & Handling to:›› David Hunt› 8023 N. Berkeley› Box 2› Portland, OR 97203›› Voice:(503)-286-6276› BBS: (503)-285-4417››As soon as your check/money order clears, the latest version of Carina BBS System will be mailed to you. In addition, you will be added to the list of registered Sysops. At that point in time, you will be able to access the support areas on not only the support board, but also many other Carina BBS's around the country.››Registered Sysop's also receive free updates on current versions and discounts on future versions of Carina.›››