code3crn.arc: ------------- Name Length Stowage SF Size now Date Time CRC ============ ======== ======== ==== ======== ========= ====== ==== 8203 Crunched 13% 7179 23 May 95 1:17a fc81 c3cv22d.dcm 45821 Squeezed 2% 45319 23 May 95 1:17a 5dec 7975 Crunched 11% 7167 23 May 95 1:17a d252 ==== ======== ==== ======== Total 3 61999 4% 59665 This ARC file contains three versions of the "Code3 Cruncher". These crunchers pack programs to make them shorter and still working. "Code3 Cruncher" is based on the "Cruncher 5.0" by Magnus/WFMH. It has similar algorithm and usage. Enclosed versions: - Version 2.2. Unlike "Cruncher 5.0" it uses extended memory instead of disk for saving data during the packing. It means that this version requires more then 64 KB of RAM, but works faster. It is freeware. c3cv22d.dcm - Version 2.2d. This version is just the same like 2.2, but uses disk for data storage (just like "Cruncher 5.0"). Doesn't require extended memory. Although it is mentioned in the .DOC file as shareware, this version is freeware. - Version 3.0. It uses extended memory and has a little changed usage - it doesn't ask for "OFFSET" (only "STEP", but from bigger range). This version is shareware. Its price is 5 USD. I noticed some bugs in writing files routine, use blank disks for saving compressed programs. Author of the "Code3 Cruncher" is Adam Bienias (Soused Teat of Slight). His address: Adam Bienias ul. Anielewicza 17 m 29 00-167 Warszawa POLAND Uploaded by Tomasz M. Tatar (