Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 16:57:56 From: Subject: FCOPY551.txt This is a BASIC program for copying multiple files using a single configurable disk drive (XF551, Indus GT, Rana 1000, etc. - DOES NOT WORK with 810 or 1050 Atari Disk Drives). It's a modification I did to a program written by someone else (I can't remember who). The original program was called FILECOPY and was very useful, but it was only for SD disks. This modified version (for 1 drive only) allows different source and destination densities and/or subdirectories. May it be useful for you. I don't claim anything for this program, since it's only a modification on an existing basis and not an original. M.A.Ch.F. 27.3.95 15.2.96