HUH.DOC|EY@BH*& ' HUH.COM v.1  a file for MIO owners who have too many drives -% by Ed Bachman  % HUH.COM is a Sparta utility (used like an external command) that lets you view the MIO drive assigns with-out going to the MIO menu. It showsthe following,if the dirve is a ram-disk, floppy(1-4), or a hard drive.attention, cartrige owners, no rebootof your extension disk. Use from DOS.syntax is..Dn:HUH ps. it can berenamed. any questions,or commentscan be addressed to me thru the NAC-ACK BBS,24 hrs,300/1200 baud215-837-1813 /source code is available to anyone intrested.Happy computing . EdBa. HUH.COMmEY@um@fAHHHѩ ѩ?֝F֍F ˩̩FͥXizΥYiϢH @L@)ɀL@)@@L@) L@L@h˥i̥iͥi(ΥiЬ T(hhh`$ȥˑȩ`AA L{@TAL{@LAL{@̪8 L)A)L)A)L)A)L)A ТXAБL{@(!2$$2)6%2!-$)3+.!&,/009$2)6%DSWAP.DOCEY@M  d !#"%$&'(o)*+,-.0/125346987;><:=A@?BDECGIFLJHKy[YVV aA-oZo=v'Y`S Une[XVmhr@K$.GݰBHj{>w3'6/һiGс4Ǭ OQn)S2Z~ǻvQUp}uʮxoGRq3z*_*+U8=yB#iD:w3ߤ:S6L4iw3vtM\͔]Ʌmg)u7C^,כ9PvC7sVQg凥89Ff6L4nt`(ԞUFS*{۾/f)}YG ۰ %ܻfѻJJ%zjRV Gz;Y(#m-OL&ՙ2D1rKN^D+O sJ}*W~f* Qfxc1KfX3GфLohɔD4ȞԈjrQ( [^pyg{M;^f*MKwp+;`VAmee[YDSWAP.COM EY@V @AHHHͩ˩̱ @L<@ȱ/eͅ˥iL]@Ωϩ @TL@˅ͽ@L<@1Π˅͢@L<@1ν@ΦϽ@ϩѩ Ѥι֝FiͤΦϽ֙ϢF(hhh`%22/212345678 (08