›Volume: HD2 ›Directory: UTI ››Hit ŰŇĹÔŐŇÎÝ››˙DIR3 OU0 1454 10-13-90 4:37p›› This program will display your disk directories in a short, 3 column list. It can even print them out for you. Written by Mat*Rat.››˙VERSDECT BU0 3145 10-13-90 4:36p›› Version detector will compare two files, and report any differences it finds.››˙DOSCMDS JU0 5730 10-10-90 4:04p›› Access dos commands from BASIC.››˙QUICKSCR OU0 8573 10-10-90 4:03p›› A screen accelerator.››˙REFMAN3 LD0 35098 9-12-90 5:55p›› Atari referance manual part 3.››˙REFMAN2 LD0 39607 9-12-90 5:50p›› Atari reference manual part #2.››˙REFMAN1 LD0 47339 9-12-90 5:43p›› Atari reference manual part #1.››˙XWINDOW KU0 1890 8-26-90 9:08p›› Desc. not avail.››˙HYPER_E OU0 452 8-26-90 9:08p›› A screen accelerator.››˙BOOTSCR KP1 2252 8-12-90 12:43p›› Displays a screen while you boot up?››˙BATMENU KU0 1990 8-05-90 1:15p›› This little program will display all your batch files upon boot. Then it allows you to choose which one to run.››˙NULLMODM TD0 2406 8-03-90 10:39a›› A text file describing how to make a null modem.››˙BOOTFX KU0 8798 8-01-90 7:24a›› Desc. not avail.››˙SARGUN BU0 3124 7-28-90 5:07p›› A cheat for Sargon III.››˙GAMELINK WA0 12288 7-26-90 3:24a›› This allows two ataris to play games over the modem.››˙TT2 KG0 28450 7-26-90 3:18a›› Desc. not avail.››˙STEREO KU0 13312 7-26-90 3:11a›› This file tells you how to install a 2nd POKEY chip in your atari, for sterio sound.››˙MEGABUG KU0 6531 7-24-90 8:07p›› A dugger.››˙MAKEDATA BU0 336 7-22-90 8:11p›› Desc. not avail.››˙BAS2BIN BU0 4939 7-22-90 8:09p›› This will take your basic program and turn it into a load&go com file.››˙QDIRMAK BU0 1529 7-22-90 7:47p›› A directory utility.››˙PROFILE3 BU0 2929 7-22-90 7:45p›› Part 3. A basic program utility that reports where your basic program is wasting most of it's time.››˙PROFILE2 BU0 337 7-22-90 7:44p›› Part2.››˙PROFILE1 BU0 1436 7-22-90 7:44p›› Part 1.››˙VRENAME BU0 3272 7-22-90 7:27p›› A basic programming utility that will allow you to rename your variables.›››˙PUTGET BC0 3557 7-22-90 7:27p›› This basic demo teaches you how to read/write sectors to/from disk.››˙TWOCOLMN BU0 4184 7-22-90 7:17p›› A directory utility.››˙PRHAND BU0 3139 7-22-90 7:17p›› A P:R: handler?››˙LOCATOR BU0 2554 7-22-90 7:17p›› This is a very speedy basic utility that will search a file(s) for a given word.››˙VCRLABEL BU0 13937 7-22-90 6:42p›› Use your printer to make VCR tape lables.››˙STRDIT BU0 2818 7-22-90 6:42p›› Turns machine language files into basic string statements.››˙WORDLOCK OU0 603 7-22-90 6:32p›› Installs a password on your system.››˙PRINTSCN OU0 213 7-22-90 6:31p›› Prints out your screen?››˙PCPRINT BU0 1405 7-22-90 6:24p›› Creates a screen dump with a shift-control-P.››˙SHELSORT BC0 984 7-22-90 12:27p›› Shows you how to implement a shell sort in basic.››˙ARCBREAK KU0 5956 6-23-90 1:35p›› Allows you to break up ARCed files.››˙IBMWRITE KU0 25217 5-06-90 4:00p›› This will run ONLY on IBM compatables. It allows them to read/write/format Atari disks.››˙CTHFAST KU0 10951 5-06-90 4:00p›› Closer To Home Fast_Basic.››˙BBKMON OU0 4281 5-06-90 4:00p›› The BBK m.l. moniter/debugger.››˙PSUPPLY LU0 4665 3-23-90 6:20p›› Tells you how to make your own power supply.››˙MOE TD0 3005 2-17-90 7:37p›› Explains how MOE works, and how to use it.››˙SPARTDOC TA0 24476 1-22-89 1:46p›› A tutorial on Sparta dos.››˙FASTJUMP BU0 258 10-07-85 5:19p›› Patch for basic.››˙BINLOAD JU0 3303 10-07-85 3:51p›› Load binary programs from basic.››˙BAS2BIN MA0 14352 10-18-90 4:14p›› MAC/65 code for BAS2BIN.COM.››˙RTBASIC XT0 25087 10-07-85 3:46p›› This is the Turbo Basic interpreter (TBASIC.COM), that has been modified to work with an R: handler. ›˙˙›