› .__________________________________.› |                                  |› |           ม๔แ๒้ ธญย้๔            |› |                                  |› | ม๔แ๒้ ฤ๏๓ฏำ๐แ๒๔แ ฤ๏๓ ล๒๒๏๒ ว๕้ไๅ |› !฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿!›› 002: Memory Insufficient › 003: Value Error › 004: Too Many Variables: 128 MAX › 005: String Length Error: bad index › 006: Out of DATA: READ past end › 007: Number>32767 for LINE # or 'INT'› 008: INPUT Statement Error: #/String?› 009: DIM Error: too BIG or re-DIM › 010: Argument Stack Overflow › 011: FP Error: # too big/small › 012: Line Not Found › 013: NEXT without a FOR › 014: Line Too Long: Max length=120 › 015: GOSUB or FOR Line Deleted › 016: RETURN without a GOSUB › 017: 'ERROR-' line found during RUN › 018: Bad String Char for VAL function› 019: LOAD Program Too Long › 020: Bad Device #: #'s 1-7 only › 021: LOAD File Error: Not SAVE format› 128: BREAK Key Abort during I/O › 129: IOCB Error: File already OPEN › 130: NonExistant Device:D?: › 131: IOCB Write Only: can't READ it › 132: Invalid Handler Cmd: XIO or IOCB› 133: Device or File not OPEN › 134: Bad IOCB #: 1-7 only in BASIC › 135: IOCB Read Only ERR: Can't write › 136: End Of File › 137: Truncated Record: INPUT line › 138: Device Timeout: UNIT or DEV # › 139: Device NAK: I/O cmd or cables › 140: Lost data on serial I/O bus › 141: Cursor Out of Range: GR Mode › 142: Serial Data Overrun: too fast › 143: Serial Bus Data Frame CKSM ERR › 144: Device Done: valid cmd response › 145: Invalid GR Mode command › 146: Function Not Implemented › 147: Not enough RAM for GR Mode › 148: Sparta-Dos: Can't read Atari Dos› 149: Sparta-Dos: Not Sparta Dos 2.x+ › 150: Sparta-Dos: Directory not found › 151: Sparta-Dos: File Exists › 152: Sparta-Dos: Not binary file › 154: Sparta-Dos: Loader not defined › 158: Sparta-Dos: Out of memory › 160: Drive # Error: Not in system › 161: Too many OPEN FILES: buffers › 162: Disk Full › 163: Fatal System I/O ERR: Bad DOS › 164: File # Mismatch: POINT or file › Sparta-Dos: File Locked › 165: Invaild Filename: Length/Chars. › 166: POINT Data Length ERR › 167: File LOCKED: XIO#36=unlock › Sparta-Dos: Can't Delete Dir. › 168: Invalid Device Command › Sparta-Dos: too dumb to execute › 169: Disk Dir Full: XIO#254=format › Sparta-Dos: Disk Write Protected› 170: File Not Found: FILENAME › 171: POINT Invalid: FILE update › 172: Illegal Append to DOS I file › 173: Bad sectors during FORMAT ›