”  IIP IP IP IP$           I@|‰I L35,L37I r smallerI|L38 Enter smaller L35,L37           I@|‰˙ŕIL14I . L36 by I|L37 Mult. L36 by L14           I@|‰ Ir limit.I|L36 Enter limit.           I@|‰ü˙ I L31 & L34I|L35 Add L31 & L34           I@|‰ţ˙I% L33I . L32 by I|L34 Mult. L32 by % L33           I@|‰IationI r DepreciI|L33 Enter Depreciation           I@|‰ţĺIL14I . L30 By I|L32 Mult. L30 By L14           I@|‰ Ir amountI|L31 Enter amount           I@|‰ Ir costI|L30 Enter cost  P P P       I@|I VehicleI iation ofI D-DeprecI#| Section D-Depreciation of Vehicle  P P P       I|I ---------I ---------I ---------I%|-----------------------------------|   P P       I@|‰ţ˙ I L27 & L28I|L29 Add L27 & L28  P P P       I@|‰ Ifrom L38I eciation I|L28 Depreciation from L38  P P P       I@|‰˙ěIPL14I . L26 by I|L27 Mult. L26 by L14  P P P       I@|‰ űţ˙IL25I L23,L24c,I|L26 Add L23,L24c,L25  P P P       I@|‰ IeI |L25 Value  P P P       I@|‰ţ˙Iom L24aIP . L24b frI|L24c Sub. L24b from L24a  P P P       I@|‰It.I lusion AmI|L24b Inclusion Amt.  P P P       I@|‰IalsI icle RentI|L24a Vehicle Rentals  P P P       I@|‰ Ioil Etc.I|L23 Gas-oil Etc.  P P P       I@|IsI l ExpenseI C ActuaI| Section C Actual Expenses  P P P       I|I ---------I ---------I ---------I%|-----------------------------------|  P P P       I@|‰ ô?)I.29I . L14 by I|L22 Mult. L14 by .29  P P P       I@|Ige RateI ard MileaI B StandI"| Section B Standard Mileage Rate  P P P I@| I@|       I|I ---------I ---------I ---------I%|-----------------------------------|   P P       I@| IesI |L21 If Yes  P P P       I@|  I EvidenseI|L20 Have Evidense  P P P       I@| Ided?I cle ProviI|L19 Vehicle Provided?  P P P       I@| Iher veh.I|L18 Another veh.  P P P       I@| űü˙IlesI r Per. miI|L17 Other Per. miles  P P P       I@|‰I c. On L13I . Mil. InI|L16 Comm. Mil. Inc. On L13  P P P       I@|‰ ţA2Iund tripI Daily roI|L15 Ave. Daily round trip  P P P       I@| ˙ţIsi. useI ent of buI|L14 Percent of busi. use   P P       I@|$Inc. L12I . Miles iI|L13 Busi. Miles inc. L12  P P P       I@|$In 1994I l Miles iI|L12 Total Miles in 1994  P P P       I@|A 1/01/94I I r Date I$|L11 Enter Date 1/01/94  P P P I@| I@|       I@| I AI | Section A  P P P I@|I ---------I ---------I ---------IP$|-----------------------------------       I@|I ---------I ---------I ---------IP$|----------------------------------- @ @ @ I@| I ExpenseI VehicleI@| @ @ @ I@| IIII Part I| Part II  P P P       I@|I ---------I ---------I ---------IP$|----------------------------------- @ @ I|‰ţ˙I I L9a & L9bI%|L10 Add L9a & L9b |  P P P       I@|‰ ţţ?PIon L8bI s Amount IP|L9b Meals Amount on L8b @ @       I@|‰ţţIon L8aI r Amount I|L9a Other Amount on L8a  P P P       I@|‰öűöűI L5I L7b FromI|L8 Sub. L7b From L5  P P P       I@|‰řűřűI L6I L7a FromI|L8 Sub. L7a From L6   P P       IP|I ---------I ---------I ---------I%|-----------------------------------|   P P       I@|Ih. AI ed. On ScI Exp. To DI|Step 3 Exp. To Ded. On Sch. A @ @ @ I@|I ---------I ---------I ---------I$|-----------------------------------  P P P       IP|‰@I I s Rembur.I%|L7b Meals Rembur. |  P P P       I@|‰Ir.I r Rembur.I|L7a Other Rembur.  P P P       I@|IaveI mployer GI Amounts EIP|STEP 2 Amounts Employer Gave  P P P       I@|I ---------I ---------I ---------IP&|------------------------------------|  P P P       I@|‰ űüý I ExpensesI|L6 Total Expenses   P P       I@|‰IainmentI & EntertI|L5 Meals & Entertainment  P P P       I@|‰ I Exp.I|L4 Busi. Exp.  P P P       I@|‰ Il Exp.IP|L3 Travel Exp.  P P P       I@|‰I olls,etc.I ng Fees,TI|L2 Parking Fees,Tolls  P P P       I@|‰I or L29I Exp. L22IP|L1 Vehi. Exp. L22 or L29  P P P       I@| I@| @ @ @ I@|InsesI ness EXpeI oyee BusiIP| Employee Business EXpenses  P P P       I@| I@|STEP 1 @ @ I@| @ I@| I@| I 2106I FORM 2106I@|I =========I =========I =========I$====================================       I@| I@|‰IUnderpayI alty for IL65 Penalty for Underpay       I@|I@ =========I@ =========I@ =========I@ |========‰űňňűIWEI unt you OIL64 Amount you OWE       I@|‰ůýI@ORM 1040I@ ne 9 of FI@ | li‰IP4 TaxIP ly to 199IPL63 Apply to 1994 Tax       I@|I@ ///////I@ amount onI@ter thisI@ | En‰˙IPFUNDIP unt of REIPL62 Amount of REFUND       I@|I@ ///////I@ from L6I@ btract L9I@ |L10 Su‰ţőţőIVERPAIDIP unt you OIPL61 Amount you OVERPAID       I@|‰ţ˙I@+L8I@ tal of L7I@ |L 9 ToI ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$------------------------------------       I@|‰I@dist.I@ntaxableI@ |L 8 No‰ &ů˙IPtsIP al PaymenIPL60 Total Payments       I@|‰I@n dist.I@ pital gaiI@ |L 7 Ca‰IPtsIP er PaymenIPL59 Other Payments       I@| I@|‰I 1993 taxI eral add.IL58b Deferal add. 1993 tax       I@|‰ &÷˙I@st on L5I@ tal of liI@ |L 6 To‰IPTA TaxIP ess SS/RRIPL58 Excess SS/RRTA Tax       I@|‰I@ _________I@ _________I@ | __‰IP form 486IP . Paid onIPL57 Amt. Paid on form 4868       I@|‰I@ _________I@ _________I@ | __‰IPe CreditIP ned IncomIPL56 Earned Income Credit       I@|‰I@ _________I@ _________I@ | __‰IPmentsIP . Tac PayIPL55 Est. Tac Payments       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰IPWithheldIP eral Tax IPL54 Federal Tax Withheld       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$------------------------------------       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰ &řó @IPal TaxIPL53 Total Tax       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰IP from W-2)IP ance EIC(IPL52 Advance EIC(from W-2)       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰I@WithheldIP on IRAIPL51 Tax on IRA       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰IPTipsIP . Tax on IPL50 S.S. Tax on Tips       I@| @ @I@|‰IxesIP apture TaIPL49 Recapture Taxes       I@| I@comeI@ vidend InI@ |L 5 Di‰IPxIP . Min. TaIPL48 Alt. Min. Tax       I@|I@ ---------I@ ---------I@ ---------I@ |--------‰IP't TaxIP f-employmIPL47 Self-employm't Tax       I@|‰ţ˙ţ˙IPm L2IP b. L3 FroIP|L 4 Sub. L3 From L2I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP%-------------------------------------       I@|‰I@ FORM 8815I@ t on L14 I@ |L 3 Am‰ů˙IPm L40IP . L45 froIPL46 Sub. L45 from L40       I@|‰ &ů˙I@st on L1I@ tal of liI@ |L 2 To‰IPsIP al CreditIPL45 Total Credits       I@|‰I@ _________I@ _________I@ | __‰IPsIP er CreditIPL44 Other Credits       I@|‰I@ _________I@ _________I@ | __‰IPCreditIP iegn Tax IPL43 Foriegn Tax Credit       I@|‰I@ _________I@ _________I@ | __‰IlyIP dit ElderIPL42 Credit Elderly       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰IP CareIP dit ChildIPL41 Credit Child Care       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP%-------------------------------------       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰ţ˙ @IPal TaxesIPL40 Total Taxes       I@|‰IP _________IP _________IP| ____________________‰IPaxesIP itional TIPL39 Additional Taxes       I@| @ @I@|‰ @IPer TaxIPL38 Enter Tax       I@| IPOf PayerIP ist Name IP| List Name Of Payer‰$ţ˙ţ˙IPmeIP able IncoIPL37 Taxable Income       I@| @ @I@|‰ ÚA#P @IPmptionsIPL36 Exemptions       I@| IPle BIP ScheduIP| Schedule B‰$ý˙ IP - L34IPL35 L32 - L34       I@|IP ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰IPuctionsIP mized dedIPL34 Itimized deductions       I@|I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰ICheckedIP of Boxes IPL33abc # of Boxes Checked       I@|‰(üBÜăéîř @ @I@ | No‰$üIPon L31)IP (Amount IPL32 AGI (Amount on L31)       I@| IP Sep.)IP ed FilingIP|If Married Filing Sep.)I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$------------------------------------       IP| PIP 55,900IP ,800(overIP|Over #11,800(over 55,900   P PIg Sep.I ied FilinI If MarrI   IP|I |IP0 L32IP Form 104IP|l29 Is Form 1040 L32I ---------I ---------IP ---------IP$------------------------------------       I@|IP ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰$IPss Inc.IP usted GroIPL31 Adjusted Gross Inc.       I@|‰ @IPherIP |L28 Other‰IPmentsIP al AdjustIPL30 Total Adjustments       I@|‰InsesIP ving ExpeIP|L27 Moving Expenses‰ @IP mony PaidIPL29 Alimony Paid       I@|I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰IP y WithdraIP alty EarlIPL28 Penalty Early Withdra       I@|‰ý˙ý˙Iom L23IP b. L25 frIP|L26 Sub. L25 from L23‰IP DeductionIP gh & SEP IPL27 Keogh & SEP Deduction       I@|‰ ˙?IP By 2%IP tiply L24IP|L25 Mutiply L24 By 2%‰IPal. TaxIP f Emp. HeIPL26 Self Emp. Heal. Tax       I@|‰$ üIP of 1040IP t. on L32IP|L24 Amt. on L32 of 1040‰Iloy TaxIP Self-EmpIPL25 1/2 Self-Employ Tax       I@|‰ &ý˙IP0-22IP d Lines 2IP|L23 Add Lines 20-22‰IPsesIP ing ExpenIPL24 Moving Expenses       I@|‰IsesI her ExpenIP|L22 Other Expenses‰IPuctionIP r IRA dedIPL23a Your IRA deduction       I@|‰IPeesIP x Prep. FIP|L21 Tax Prep. FeesI ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$------------------------------------       I@|‰IP ply. Exp.IP imbur. EmIP|L20 Unimbur. Emply. Exp.I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$------------------------------------       I@|I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰ &đ @IP al IncomeIPL22 Total Income       I@|‰IPss)IP sualty(loIP|L19 Casualty(loss)‰ @IP er IncomeIPL21 Other Income       I@|I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰IP ity Bene.IP ial SecurIPL20a Social Security Bene.       I@|‰ &ý˙IP5-17IP d Lines 1IP|L18 Add Lines 15-17‰IP Comp.IP mploymentIPL19 Unemployment Comp.       I@|‰ &ý˙ @IPrryoverIP|L17 Carryover‰I(Loss)IP m Income-IPL18 Farm Income-(Loss)       I@|‰I Cash Etc.IP her Than IP|L16 Other Than Cash Etc.‰Ie,etc.IP tal,estatIPL17 Rental,estate,etc.       I@|‰IPsh Etc.IP fts By CaIP|L15 Gifts By Cash Etc.I 0.00IP & annui. IP al pens. IP$L16A Total pens. & annui. 0.00       IP|I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP%|-----------------------------------|‰IPst.IP al IRA DiIPL15a Total IRA Dist.       I@|‰ &ü˙IP0-13IP d Lines 1IP|L14 Add Lines 10-13‰IP(loss)IP er gains IPL14 Other gains (loss)       I@|‰ &ü˙IPInt.IP vestment IP|L13 Investment Int.‰IP/LossIP ital GainIPL13 Capital Gain/Loss       I@|‰IPReportedIP ints Not IP|L12 Points Not Reported‰IPome/LossIP iness IncIPL12 Business Income/Loss       I@|‰IPNot Rep.IP me Morg. IP|L11 Home Morg. Not Rep.‰IPvedIP mony ReciIPL11 Alimony Recived       I@|‰IPInt.IP me Morg. IP|L10 Home Morg. Int.‰IPndsIP able RefuIPL10 Taxable Refunds       I@|I ---------IP ---------IP ---------IP$|-----------------------------------‰@IPomeIP idend IncIPL 9 Dividend Income       I@|‰ &ű˙IP 5-8IP tal LinesIP|L 9 Total Lines 5-8‰IPstIP mp IntereIPL 8b Exemp Interest       I@|‰ @IP her TaxesIP|L 8 Other Taxes‰IPrestIP able InteIPL 8a Taxable Interest       I@|‰IP op. TaxesIP rsonal PrIP|L 7 Personal Prop. Taxes‰IPies, etcIP es, SalarIPL 7 Wages, Salaries, etc       I@|‰I@ TaxesI@ al EstateI@ |L 6 ReI@ ---------I@ ---------I@ ---------I€ --------- I@| I@| I@|‰ @IP ate TaxesIP|L 5 State Taxes I@mptionsI€ L 6 Exe I@|I@ ---------I@ ---------I@ ---------I@ |--------I@ StatusI@ ck FilingI€ L2-5 Che I@|‰ý˙ý˙I@ 0 -------I@-L3 if>I@ |L 4 L1I)IP Widow(erIP ualifyingIL 5 Qualifying Widow(er) I@|‰ ˙?PI@ ---------I@ x 7.5% -I@ |L 3 L2 IPuseholdIP ead Of HoIL 4 Head Of Household I@|‰&üI@ of 1040I@ t. on L32I@ |L 2 AmIPratelyIP ling SepaIP arried FiI!L 3 Married Filing Separately I@|‰I@ nses ----I@ ntal ExpeI@ | DeAtlyI ling JoinIP arried FiIL 2 Married Filing Jointly I@|I@ ///////// I@ dical andI@ |L 1 Me @IPingleIL 1 Single I@|I@ __Amount_I@ iption___I@ ____DescrI@ |Line____I@ __Amount_I@ iption___I@ ____DescrI@ Line_____ I@| I@ule A I@ SchedI@| I@ 1040 I@ FormI@ VER 1994