TO DOC TS CT PR [THE following procedures will link] PR [your LOGO turtles and the Atari 1020] PR [Printer - Plotter.] PR [] PR [While executing a LOGO graphics] PR [procedure with the command] PR [] PR [] PR [DRAW [procedure]] PR [] PR [] PR [your 1020 will plot whatever is] PR [drawn on the screen.] PR [] PR [Press RETURN for MORE] MAKE "A RC CT PR [For a little fun, press BREAK and] PR [type the following commands right] PR [now!] PR [] PR [] PR [DRAW [SQUIRAL 117\]]] PR [] PR [DRAW [FRACTAL SN 300 9\]]] PR [] PR [] PR [Press BREAK to try demonstration] PR [or] PR [Press RETURN for more documentation] MAKE "A RC CT PR [Procedures intended to be drawn on] PR [your Atari 1020 Printer - Plotter] PR [must be modified to substitute the] PR [F and B procedures for the usual FD] PR [and BK primitives.] PR [] PR [Two procedures ( P.PROC & P.PROCS] PR [are included to print out your] PR [procedures on the plotter.] PR [] PR [] PR [Press RETURN for MORE.] MAKE "A RC CT PR [These procedures are by DAVID] PR [THORNBURG and were published in the] PR [March, 1984, issue of COMPUTE!] PR [] PR [If you'd like to find some graphics] PR [fuel for your plotter, check out] PR [THORNBURG's] PR [] PR [Computer Art and Animation: A User's] PR [Guide to Atari Logo] PR [] PR [Available from:] PR [MICRO BOOKS - - Addison - Wesley] PR [] PR [] PR [Have FUN!] END TO P.PROC :PROCEDURE_NAME SETWRITE "P: ( TYPE CHAR 27 CHAR 27 CHAR 14 ) PO :PROCEDURE_NAME SETWRITE [] END TO P.PROCS SETWRITE "P: ( TYPE CHAR 27 CHAR 27 CHAR 14 ) POPS SETWRITE [] END TO SQUIRAL :ANGLE MAKE "SIDE 0 REPEAT 180 [F :SIDE RT :ANGLE MAKE "SIDE :SIDE + 1] END TO PENRED ( TYPE CHAR 67 CHAR 51 ) END TO PENGREEN ( TYPE CHAR 67 CHAR 50 ) END TO PENBLUE ( TYPE CHAR 67 CHAR 49 ) END TO PENBLACK ( TYPE CHAR 67 CHAR 48 ) END TO C CS PR "M0,0 END TO B :X BK :X PLOT END TO DRAW :LIST SETWRITE "P: ( TYPE CHAR 27 CHAR 27 CHAR 7 ) ( PR "M240,0\*I\*M INT 2 * YCOR ", INT ( - 2 ) * XCOR ) RUN :LIST SETWRITE [] END TO PLOT ( PR IF PEN = "PD ["D] ["M] INT 2 * YCOR ", INT ( - 2 ) * XCOR ) END TO FRACTAL PU SETPOS [-150 0] PLOT SETH 90 PD HT END TO F :X FD :X PLOT END TO SN :S :L IF :S < :L [F :S STOP] SN :S / 3 :L LT 60 SN :S / 3 :L RT 120 SN :S / 3 :L RT 120 SN :S / 3 :L LT 120 SN :S / 3 :L LT 120 SN :S / 3 :L RT 60 SN :S / 3 :L END MAKE "A "\