;Graphics 8 print procedure›;by Eric L. Damron (c) 1987›PROC Print8(BYTE x,y BYTE POINTER text)› BYTE POINTER ch=756› CARD POINTER sp=88,tm› BYTE n,p,i› CARD l,m,o,spt,cpt› spt=sp^:cpt=ch^*256› FOR m=1 TO text^ DO› text==+1:l=text^› i=l&128:l==&127› IF l<32 THEN› l=512+8*l› ELSEIF l<96 THEN› l==-32:l==*8› ELSE› l==*8› FI› o=y*320+x› FOR n=0 TO 7 DO› tm=cpt+l+n › p=tm^› IF i<>0 THEN› p==!255› FI› tm=spt+o+n*40› tm^=p› OD› x==+1› OD›RETURN››PROC DEMO()› BYTE POINTER chbas=756› BYTE l› Graphics(8+16)› SetColor(2,0,0)› Print8(0,0,"")› FOR l=1 TO 22 DO› Print8(0,l,"|"):Print8(38,l,"|")› OD› Print8(0,23,"")› Print8(9,1,"Graphics 8 print test")› Print8(2,3,"This an example of how easy it is")› Print8(2,4,"to print text to a graphics 8")› Print8(2,5,"screen.")› Print8(2,6,"All you have to do is specify the")› Print8(2,7,"x and y position (As in the")› Print8(2,8,"Position statment) and the string")› Print8(2,9,"you want printed. It even")› Print8(2,10,"supports Control characters,")› Print8(2,11,"ÉÎÖÅÒÓÅ, and custom character SETS!")› Print8(2,13,"NOTE: If you wish to use a custom") › Print8(2,14,"character set you must change") › Print8(2,15,"address 756 accordingly.")› Print8(2,16,"For XL/XE users here is the") › Print8(2,17,"international set:")› chbas^=204› PRINT8(2,19," ")› chbas^=224› Print8(2,22,"Garbage for regular 800 users")› DO› OD›RETURN››ffffffffffffffffffffffffff