Tips'N'Traps ============ by Jim Stevenson and Barry Burke - NOVATARI Hello, again! Well, here we go with another Tips 'N' Traps column. It's been a pretty big success. The message bases on ARMUDIC 703-569-8305, and JOE'S ATTIC 703-471-1809 have been used to their fullest capacity, and are still growing. Keep up the good work adventurers! Jim Stevenson (703)378-4093 and Barry Burke (703)830-1978. ZORK 1 Q. How do you get the thief's bag away from him? I already tried "STEAL" but it didn't work. Also, how do you get past the grating? -"The MADD HACKER" A. He won't give it up as long as he is alive. Your best chance of killing him is to catch him at home, but don't be in too big a hurry to find it. To open the grate you just unlock it with the key. Of course, you have to be on the side where the lock is. -Paul Mattia ULTIMA III Q. Which dungeons have which marks of which level of the dungeon? -"The MADD HACKER" A. You want to know on which levels of which Ultima III dungeons he can find the "marks". There are four marks: kings, fire, force, and snake. As one might expect, they are generally found on the lowest level! As to which is where, I'm not sure. -Richard Gunter A. DUNGEON LEVEL MARKS Mines of Morinia 8 king & fire Island 8 snake & ? East of Capital 1 king " " " 8 king & fire Lava 8 force & fire Stargate 8 ? & ? Dark 8 force -Richard Smart SPELLBREAKER Q. How do I get the cube from the hermit's cave? -Barry Burke A. To get past the part with the hermit think about the house ... what do you notice about it? It sure seems imperfect ... maybe it should be perfected. -SysOp of ARMUDIC Q. Ok, I can't get past the ogre or the serpent. Gimme a hand. Please? -Dan Greenblatt Q. Ok, I am finally really getting somewhere in the game ... I have gotten 340 points ... now I have a few problems once more for you to help me on ... first, what is the octogonal room for? Is the iron key helpful there? How do I get past the guard? Can I? And what do I use the change shape spell for? Oh, can I do anything with the baby chick? When it hatches, I feed it fish but it will still eat me. -SysOp of ARMUDIC KING'S QUEST II Q. I have 54 points. Have the mallet, stake, brooch, cape, ring, bird, etc. ... How do I get across the poisoned lake to the castle? How do I summon the mermaid (saw her on the box). How do I get in the antique shop? -Barry Burke WISHBRINGER Q. Does anyone know where the Magick Shoppe is? I've mapped the town and now I'm stuck!!! -"Xorconn" A. Have you gotten to that bridge that leads across the river? Well, in case you haven't, it's just north of the town, you go across the bridge, then you go the only direction you can go east, then you merly climb the cliff's path. But a word of warning map the way you go as you climb the path, because you'll need it to climb back down safely! -"Munchkin" HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY Q. Does anyone know how to get the Bable fish so you can hear what the Vogons are saying? Also when you get sucked out into space you go into another DARK room, how do you get past this one? -Steve Smiroldo A. Getting that fish is probably the hardest thing in that game. IT drove me nuts. Ok. You probably figured out the first two or three things to cover. (Satchel over panel, towel over drain, etc.) then throw the junk mail in the air and push the button. I think that's it, anyway. For the dark, just type "L" untill one of the 5 senses (like smell the 1st time) is missing and type that smell in. I think it's random. -"Barracks Rat" Q. This program is about to drive me crazy. I could use some professional help but will take any help I can get. Marvin always wants a tool that I don't have. How do I get the right tool. I can't find the tool I dream about anywhere. -Alan Grogan A. Well, all I can tell you is to get everything you see because you never know what you will need. There's at least one tool in every scenario. Including the first place. Your bedroom. Remember the screwdriver? Anyway, all I can say is to save the game before you grow the tree and keep at it until you have the tool that he wants. -Barry Burke HACKER Q. I am going crazy trying to get the level 2 & 3 passwords. Is there a logical way to figure them out? -David Moyer A. LEVEL PASSWORD -2- AX-0310479 -3- HYDRAULIC -4- AUSTRALIA -Jim Stevenson [Reprinted from the April, 1986 issue of CURRENT NOTES: The Newsletter for Atari Owners. For more information on CURRENT NOTES, see the CNOTES file in the NEW PRODUCTS section of the Developers SIG.] _________________________________