Tips 'N' Traps ============== by Jim Stevenson and Barry Burke - NOVATARI Well, here we are for number 13. it's been over a year, now since we've started Tips 'N' Traps, and it's been going quite well ever since. Remember, if you have a problem, call the experts: Jim Stevenson (703)378-4093 or Barry Burke (703)830-1978 Or call ARMUDIC (703)569-8305, or Joe's Attic (703)471-1809 if you have a question. Each board has its own message base for the topic of adventure hints. And now, the problems and their solutions. ENCHANTERER Q. I need some help with Enchanter. I have figured out (I think) what you're supposed to do to win the game. I got the answer from the old book in the library. Also, I went into the machine room and got the scroll, but was killed on the way out. I feel certain that is the scroll I must use to solve the adventure. However, I cannot get by the guarded door, and I do not know how to get that scroll out alive. I am sure the turtle might help, but I have had no luck with him. Also, when you summon the adventurer from Zork, what do you do with him? -"King Rat" A. In order to get the scroll from the machine room, you need 2 other scrolls. First go in the cell, then type MOVE BLOCK, revealing a passage, enter the passage and take the scroll. This scroll lets you speed up something (the turtle). Then go to the gallery without light. Then there will be a lighted portrait. Type LOOK BEHIND LIGHTED PORTRAIT, there will be a black scroll. This spell protects you from evil (GUARDS). Then go to the rusty gate. OPEN GATE WITH REZROV SPELL. GO NORTH. TAKE SCROLL. GO E. TAKE SCROLL (look under lily pad!) then return to the beach use the CLEESH spell on the turtle, then tell him to follow you to the machine room. Tell him to go SE, TAKE SCROLL then GO NW and there's your KULCAD spell!! Don't forget to use the EXEX spell on the turtle before you send him in! Now for the adventurer. This guy causes you alot of trouble but you need him to win! First, you will have to GET THE EGG. REZROV IT. Now you need to REPAIR THE SCROLL! GET THE KREBF scroll. Use it on the shreaded scroll. Then go to the mirror room. ZIFMIA the adventurer. Then use the VAXUM scroll on him (IN THE BEDPOST!) -"Don" Q. Can someone give me a hint on how to get past the dragon at the end game of Enchanter? It keeps roasting me and I have to reboot. A big bug in the game, that is. I used the banish spell to get rid of the demon, was that the wrong thing to do? -"Beowulf Shaeffer" A. You still need the GONDAR spell to get rid of the dragon. If you want to know how to get it just tell me because I know how people feel when all they wanted was a little hint and people tell them how to solve the whole game. -"The Wanderer" ULTIMA II Q. Help! My 30th level thief is sitting around in her ship with nothing to do. How do you get keys? -Nick McDowell A. Its been a while since I played this one but if I remember correctly you obtain keys by stealing them from the guards in the cities. -Paul Mattia SILENT SERVICE Q. I have a problem with Silent Service and need some advice. It seems that shortly after I start a convoy action my sub inexplicably starts diving for the bottom. Nothing I do keeps it from running aground. The only thing that gets me back to the surface is emergency (Shift-E) command. Also according to the manual R is reverse engines, but on mine it meets "stop engines - run silent". Anybody know what gives here? Thanks. -Richard Smart A. The R command reverses your speed to 1/2 of forward. I.e. 10 forward would be 5 in reverse. -"Major Tom" BLADE OF BLACKPOOLE Q. Does anyone know where to get the arrows for the bow? I would appreciate some help. -"The Wanderer" KING's QUEST II Q. I got the cloak, ring, bracelet, trident, and a few other things, but i don't know what to do now. How do I get into the antique shop? Also, how do I get to the castle across the poisoned lake? Where else am I supposed to go and how do I get there? -Barry Burke EMERALD ISLE Q. Can anyone tell me how to get a light to explore the cave and mine without being eaten by ghouls? -Harry Poulter HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY Q. Does anybody know how to plant the four fluffs in the pot so the tree will grow? I plant the fluffs but the tree doesn't grow and I SPLAT!! -Dean Miller A. Read the Guide entry about fluff. There is a special type of environment that the tree will grow in and you can only find it one place on the ship. -Paul Mattia [Reprinted from the March, 1986 issue of CURRENT NOTES: The Newsletter for Atari Owners. For more information on CURRENT NOTES, see the CNOTES file in the NEW PRODUCTS section of the Developers SIG.] 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222