Howard Chu has also sent along an example of a compiled Turbo BASIC program for us to experiment with. It is called MAGIC, and is a drawing program for the 8-bit Atari. (These guys in Europe don't fool around, do they?!) It is also uuencoded, so you will have to uudecode it and put it on a DOS 2.5 disk with RUNTIME as per the compiler instructions in order to run it. Howard sent along another file named magic.runtime, but I think it is just another copy of RUNTIME, so I won't post it unless it turns out to be necessary. Have fun! -John S. ------f-o-r-w-a-r-d-e-d---m-e-s-s-a-g-e---f-r-o-m---Howard Chu---------------- Ok, here we go... This message contains the uuencoded files for MAGIC.TUR, and MAGIC.OBJ. Look for the cut lines... There's no docs for the program, but it's pretty intuitive. (And pretty fun to play with, too!) Enjoy. -- Howard ** Note from JHS - I am not sure what the correct file extensions are. The compiler manual says .CTB for Compiled Turbo BASIC. Maybe it will be obvious when the files are uudecoded. Aha! I bet I know: The first file really should be named .CTB and the second is probably a true .OBJ file of machine language subroutines!!! You will probably have to have DOS 2.5 (DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS), RUNTIME, MAGIC.CBT (output file from uudecoding the first MAGIC.TUR) and MAGIC.OBJ (output from uudecoding the second file below) all on the disk in order to make MAGIC run. Name RUNTIME AUTORUN.SYS and MAGIC.CTB can be named AUTORUN.CTB if you want the disk to boot and run MAGIC autoMAGICally. The last file should be named MAGIC.OBJ so MAGIC can find it. I bet that will do it. Howard please comment if I am wrong. -JHS