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Sn J@fN^NuNVH0&n $KAR-H nf?./ N4\=n`L nf?./ N`\=n`. nf?./ Np\=n`-KBn?.NTJ@f`H| f |o@ H-@/./.?.?<@N 9@Hg0<`0,n/./<?.?<@N 9@ @g0<`tRnR -@`R ned` 6.ƼЃ$@ H-@/./.?.?<@N0 9@Hg0<`0,nBl0.L N^NuC"2"2 2"2"2"22"2"2"22"2x9|)l )l$)l()l,)l09|CA"A"A"A$"A*"A"A "Nu MOBZ UtilitiesMOBZUTIL.RSC[3][Can't find MOBZUTIL.RSC!][ HELP! ][3][You can't select|a filename!][ CANCEL ][2][Ok to rename file |%s|to %s ?][ YES | NO | QUIT ][1][%d files renamed.][ OK ][2][OK to delete file %s ?][ YES | NO ][2][OK to delete file|%s ?][ YES | NO | QUIT ][1][%d files deleted.][ OK ][3][No name specified!][ CANCEL ][2][Make new folder|%s ?][ YES | NO ][3][No filename selected!][ CANCEL ][2][OK to copy file|%s|to %s ?][ YES | NO ][3][Not enough memory!][ CANCEL ][3][No filename selected!][ CANCEL ][0][File information on |%s |length: %ld bytes|status: READ ONLY/WRITE.| ][ CHANGE | OK | CANCEL ][1][Status of file changed.][ OK ][0][Free RAM currenlty available:| |%ld bytes.| ][ OK ][0][ DISK INFO on %c:| |%ld bytes maximum|%ld bytes free.| ][ OK ]#:\*.*\* NO NAME *[0][Current name of disk %c:| | %s | ][ CHANGE | OK ][3][No name selected!][ CANCEL ]\[3][A file by that name|already exists!][ CANCEL ][1][Name of disk changed.][ OK ]#:\*.*@$??CON:AUX:PRT:%d $MOBZUTIL Disk UtilityDelete item(s)Make new folderDirectoryRename/move items(s)Copy itemFile InformationDisk labelQUITDrive: Disk InformationFree RAM(c) MOBZystems Inc., 19862:I cY$!0   A  x     . oj.. oRTC12 DOCokRTC12 TOSop8 A real time clock and calendar for the 520ST that emulates the MSDOS (tm) boot up time and date functions. By Bruce Laubenheimer Jr. March 4, 1986 There are a few programs already that will give you a real time clock capability on the 520ST. But I have not seen any that will reset the system clock to the correct time in you have to reset the computer. There is a program named "TIMEDAT.TOS" that became available in the public domain last October, that uses a format like the time and date functions at boot up time as those found in MSDOS. This program, in my opinion was too structured on date and time entries, and did not have the capability of reading the internal real time clock. I hope that I have sufficiently addressed the previously mentioned problems in my program ( RTC12.TOS ). Both the time and date are stored in each of two separate locations on the 520ST. The intelligent keyboard controller ( IKBD ) clock is a 32 bit value accessable from a XBIOS call. This clock will maintain the correct time as long as power remains on the system, therefore a reset will not affect this value. One minor problem arises with the use of this clock; the clock is does not automatically started when the computer is booted up. The other system clock is accessable thru two GEMDOS calls, one each for the time and the date. These calls return a 16 bit integer and are normally initialized to a date and time value found in the OP system ( revision date ). This clock is automatically started but the clock is reset everytime you reset the computer. This program will automatically give you a blinking cursor so that you may re-name it with the .PRG extender for use in an AUTO folder, without the requirement of installation as a TOS program. The program reads the IKBD clock for the time and date displays. It will check to see if the clock has been started; if not, the program will write the proper GEMDOS defaults ( Jan. 1, 1980 at 12:00 AM ) to the IKBD clock. Next the program will display the day of the week, the current system date, and prompt you for a change. The prompt line will be displayed as: Enter new date: MM/DD/YY __/__/__ If the system date is correct, or you do not wish to set the clock, all you need to do is hit RETURN and the GEMDOS date value will be correctly updated. If you desire to make a change, just follow the prompt line format. This program does check for leap years and valid entry of dates; therefore, if the entered date is incorrect the prompt line will be re-displayed with the cursor at the beginning of the entry field. A space character may be used in any field as a substitution for a leading zero character ( ie. " 3" = "03" ). Any character may be used between fields. The program will not allow entry of characters past the length of the input field, and will notify the user of this by the output of a bell character to the console. Also, the program will wait on text entry for one of the following conditions. 1) Null string - Default IKBD value acceptable. 2) A carriage return or line feed character has been entered and a valid date or time has been entered. Next, the program will read and display the current system time value and prompt for a change. The prompt line is displayed as: Enter new time: HH:MM __:__ AM The time suffix will be properly displayed for the time as read from the IKBD clock. The editing features are the same as mentioned in the discussion on the date entry procedure. Military time ( 24 hour ) may be entered as long as the cursor is positioned on, or past the first character in the time suffix. If 12 hour time is entered without a time suffix, the program will assume "AM". The only time you will need to set the clock when you use this program is when the system is booted up. I would suggest that the program be re-named with a .PRG extender and placed in an AUTO folder on the boot disk. If you have to reset, a carriage return at each prompt will reset the clock to the proper time. This program is placed in the public domain and is available to all without charge. Bruce Laubenheimer Jr. 1050 Montego Bay Drive Merritt Island, FL 32953 Or leave E-mail on: ST National Users Group BBS (305) 383-1413 `/#*O*m#5t - ЭЭм"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA y5t"h#5xE?/ N pN"/0<NBNu o AdpNu#5xBNuNV0/"/ NB5xd0< A1"NB0<NBN^Nu o2/0/ HSoQBNu o0/JfBNuf SNuNV>N #5091(H535091.H535 95#5091,H535 95#5091.H535 95#5N^NuNV>N #5r 95#5091(H535091.H535 95#50910H535 95#5091*H5м35N^NuNV>5?95?95a X=@>5?95?950n"|1:/0/<1N  N^NuNV=y5Jy12fD y 5l318 y 5m318 y 5on y5l=| 0y18"|1V.?95?./<1N PN^NuNVBn`>?<N T@ .fV nmN>?<?<N X> ?<?<N X>?<?<N X n2nBSn`R0.n l4 .g,.H>?<?<N X n2nRn`>?<?<N X . g . f, n2nBN^NuNV=nBn` n 2n"n4nRnRn0.nn n2nJf n 2nBN^NuNVBn=|BnBnJy12f=|` 0y18"|1V./<1N X>/QadX.QN%.nm>Bg//Qa, .N =@>?<//Qa .N =@Jy12fFn n f .Ag .afBn n lJno .Pg .pfn >?.aT=@`.QN%.|f =|=|JngJnf631435095H350.y5095H35>5?<-N T.2 N N^NuNV=| nm noBnJn m n; oBn0.N^NuNVBnBn=|`.2#N >/aX.N%.nm>Bg//ad .N =@>?<//a0 .N =@>?<//a .N =@ nPmnl`n>?.?.aX=@` .N%.|f =|=|JngJnfF3160.|D35095H350.y5095H350.y5>5?<+N T.2ON N^NuNV=| nf n f> aJ@fBn`: nm n oBn`$ n m0nSH"|1b00n lBn0.N^NuNV nl n Sn 0.@2.RAH A2. 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Stack Overflow$C runtimeCON:LST:?1z111111111Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AMPMCurrent date %s%d/%d/%d Current time %d:%02d %s Enter new time: HH:MM __:__ %s Enter new date: MM/DD/YY __/__/__ : unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $   ^zLP^zLT4h4h $X$$$>$v$$#!!!!"CP/M-68K(tm), Version 1.2, Copyright (c) 1983, Digital Research XXXX-0000-6543216$ R      (<( 20 f(  X 644@(   \"   "\   ,"  ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  j^***`&$ D"V8*R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp $""@2&"fHR"D(<@* T0^0 : 6 . o.. oSTEDT DOCo*STEDT PRGoThe EDT-like keypad commands are: DELETE Delete character BACKSPACE Backup to beginning of line CTRL/D Decrease tab level CTRL/E Increase tab level CTRL/R Refresh screen CTRL/T Adjust tabs CTRL/Z Exit and save file x-----------------------------------x x x x FNDNXT x DEL L x x GOLD x HELP x x x x x x FIND x UND L x x-----------------------------------x x x SECT x APPEND x DEL W x x x x x x x x x REPLACEx UND W x x-----------------------------------x x ADVANCEx BACKUP x CUT x DEL C x x x x x x x BOTTOM x TOP x PASTE x UND C x x-----------------------------------x x WORD x EOL x x x x x x x x xCHNGCASEx DEL EOLx SPECINSx x x--------------------------- x x LINE xSETMARK x x x x x SUBS x x OPEN LINE x RESET x x x-----------------------------------x GOLD - ( ( ) The Gold key lets you use the lower function of the editing keys displayed above. To use: press the GOLD key then the key you wish to use. You can also use the GOLD key to enter numeric arguments for a function. Press GOLD and then the main keyboard numeric keys, followed by the key (function) to which the counts should apply. FNDNXT - ( / ) Searches for the next occurrence of the search string previously entered with the FIND key. The direction of the search depends on the ADVANCE or BACKUP. FIND - (GOLD /) Searches for an occurrence of a string. Press the FIND key and then enter the string using the main keyboard. End the string by pressing either the ADVANCE or BACKUP key to set the direction of the search, or the RETURN key to search in the current direction. DEL L - ( * ) Deletes text from the cursor position to the end of the current line, INCLUDING the line terminator. The deleted text is saved in the delete line buffer. UND L - (GOLD *) Inserts the contents of the delete line buffer directly to the left of the cursor. SECT - (8) Moves the cursor forward or backward, depending on the current direction, one screen. APPEND - (9) Moves the selected range to the end of the PASTE buffer. The selected range is all the text between the selected position (see SET MARK) and the current cursor position. If no range has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current search string, that string is appended. REPLACE - (GOLD 9) Deletes the selected range and replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer. DEL W - (-) Deletes text from the cursor to the beginning of the next word, storing the text in the delete word buffer. UND W - (GOLD -) Inserts the contents of the delete word buffer directly to the left of the cursor. ADVANCE - (4) Sets the current direction to forward. BOTTOM - (GOLD 4) Positions the cursor at the end of the text buffer. BACKUP - (5) Sets the cursor direction to backward. TOP - (GOLD 5) Positions the cursor at the beginning of the text buffer. CUT - (6) Moves the selected range to the PASTE buffer. The select range is all the text between the selected position (see SET MARK) and the current cursor position. If no range has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current search string, that string is cut. Each time CUT is used, the previous contents of the PASTE buffer are DISCARDED. PASTE - (GOLD 6) Inserts the contents of the PASTE buffer directly to the left of the cursor. DEL C - ( + ) Deletes the character on which the cursor is positioned and saves it in the delete character buffer. UND C - (GOLD +) Inserts the contents of the delete character buffer directly to the left of the cursor. WORD - (1) Moves the cursor forward or backward by a word, depending on the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP). CHNGCASE - (GOLD 1) Changes the case of a character EOL - (2) Moves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest end of line, depending on current direction. DEL EOL - (GOLD 2) Deletes all characters to the right of the cursor in the current line, including the character on which the cursor is positioned, up to, but not including the line terminator. SPECINS - (GOLD 3) This is equivalent to the quote character in EMACS. SUBS - (GOLD ENTER) Deletes the search string, replaces it with the contents of the PASTE buffer, and finds the next occurrence of the string. To use: 1. Press SET MARK. 2. Type the new text. 3. Press CUT. 4. Press FIND. 5. Enter the text you wish to replace. Each time you press SUBS, EDMACS makes one substitution and finds the next occurrence of the search string. You can use a repeat count for multiple substitutions. Moves the selected range to the end of the PASTE buffer. The selected range is all the text between the selected position (see SET MARK) and the current cursor position. If no selected range has been made and the cursor is positioned on the current search string, that string is appended. LINE - (0) Moves the cursor forward or backward to the nearest beginning of a line, depending on the current direction (see ADVANCE and BACKUP). OPEN LINE - (GOLD 0) Breaks the current line into two lines. The break is placed after the cursor and leaves the cursor position unchanged. Pressing the OPEN LINE key when the cursor is at the beginning of a line creates a new blank line. SET MARK - (.) Marks one end of a selected range. A selected range is a block of text on which various operations (such as CUT, APPEND, or FILL) can be performed. To create a selected range: 1. Move the cursor to either the beginning or end of the text you wish to select. 2. Press the SET MARK key. 3. Move the cursor to the opposite end of the text. You can then perform the desired operation on the range. RESET - (GOLD .) Cancels the effect of the GOLD key if it was pressed by mistake, cancels a selected range, or cancels any partly entered command string. Also sets the current direction to forward. EXIT - (CTRL/Z) Exits and saves buffer(s) TAB ADJUST - (CTRL T) Indents the selected range. To use the key: 1. Create a selected range of the text you wish to adjust. 2. Enter a level count using the GOLD key. To decrease the tab indentation level, precede the count with a minus sign. The default level count is 1. 3. Use the tab adjust key. The effect of CTRL T is to increase or decrease the indentation level of the selected range by the number of tabs specified in the level count. You must have a SET TAB value in effect to use GOLD T. TAB DECREASE - (CTRL/D) Used to decrease the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB in effect to use CTRL/D. TAB INCREASE - (CTRL/E) Used to increase the indentation level counter. You must have a SET TAB in effect to use CTRL/E. REFRESH - (CTRL/R) Refreshes the screen display. The screen becomes blank and then the characters in the buffer reappear, minus extraneous characters, such as system messages. The cursor remains in the same location. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The EMACS-like key sequences are:- WINDOW CONTROL ^X 1 display only current window ^X 2 split current window (multiple window are permitted) ^X N move to Next window ^X P move to Previous window ^X Z enlarge current window by one or repeat count lines ^X ^Z reduce current window by one or repeat count lines ^X ^N scroll current window up one or by repeat count lines ^X ^P scroll current window down one or by repeat count lines FILE CONTROL ^Z save file in current buffer and exit ^X ^C Exit without saving buffers. ^X ^R Read a file into current buffer ^X ^S Save current buffer into its file ^X ^V Visit a file. Read file and display in current window ^X ^W Write buffer to file ^X ^F changes current buffer's filename to argument BUFFER CONTROL ^X B prompt for new Buffer ^X ^B show active Buffers ^X ^K Kill a buffer DELETING ^X ^O Kill surrounding blank lines ^X ^K Kill a buffer CASE CONTROL C Capitalize word L Lowercase next word U Uppercase next word ^X ^L Lowercase selected region ^X ^U Uppercase selected region MISC TAB to set tab do GOLD TAB, where arg is new tab stop. ^G abort any command in progress ^T Transpose characters ! move current line to top of window W Copy selected range to paste buffer, do not cut. ^X ^X swap mark with cursor position ^X F Set Fill column. Edmacs uses EDT keypad commands, just like EDT except the following:- Differences =========== No page command (Keypad 7). - search for ^L instead. No command (Gold Keypad 7). - use emacs commands. No fill (Gold Keypad 8). - use ^X F to set wrap column Change case works for 1 char. - use case control for emacs. No help Key. No wide screen, or shift screen left/right. Cursor tracking on scrolling is different. No inverse video with SET MARK The status line shows current buffer, current file name, read/write status, advance/backup status. Additional functions ==================== Gold I - Inspect a file Splits screen and reads in a file to upper window for read only. Gold U - Update a file Splits screen and reads in a file for update to upper screen. Gold W - Toggles between split screen and full screen. Gold UP - Moves cursor into top window. Gold DN - Moves cursor into bottom (main) window. Gold L - starts a learn macro sequence. Gold R - terminates a learn macro sequence. PF2 - executes the learned sequence. Gold = - show cursor position. Gold ! - spawn command (VMS only). Gold S - spawn cli (VMS only). `mB*o -Э#mB Mf |` A/N[N>?/?<LNA0/"/H ?/?<NAXLNu0/ o"/ H //??<@NA LNu0/ o"/ H //??<?NA LNu oH /?< NA\LNu oH /?<ANA\LNu o0/ 2/H ??/?<BNA LNu o0/ 2/H ??/?<CNA LNu o"oH / /?<?<VNA LNuH?> /0 ymB"H$Oo #mB `BL|NuH0 &/$/$|KHxNHxYN"p Ҁ/N"p Ҁ/NOL NuHxNKHxKNKPNuHxNKHxJNKPNuHxNKNKXNuN[tNK|NuHxNKHxpNKPNuHxNKHxqNKPNuH0 &/$/$|KHxNHxfN//NZHxNHxeNB/NO L NuH0 $/&/$|KHxNHxfN//N[2HxNHxeNB/NO L Nu / / ypBhpNu/ /"/ $|pJlD//NP`P SJgF RJhf6 yp ( R h h"Hfp`" R!I R1i  R(` RSh`p$_Nu / /"yp yp h 3h pNu/ /"/ $|pJlD//N&P`V SJgL R"h 0) Rhf2 yp ("R fp`& R"R"i !Q RBh R(` RRh`p$_Nu/ / / $|p R"yp"i!Q RBh R(p$_Nu/ / / $|p R"yp!i RBh R(  RB(p$_NuH0 / "/&|pJlD//N2P`\9pf #ptpppx$S j SJg$ypg P`$S%H $S/N5@$S*pXL NuH0 / "/&|pJlD//NP`b9pf #ptpppx$S j SJg$yp *g h`$S%H $S/N5@$S*pXL NuH0"o rv0) Hg4 t1 p fp`p npfRRpnR` L Nu/ "/ / $|pJf R(HHUJn,p`(JlD//N"P`L R"(HHNl R"h"SJg ypg"Q` R!I R!I RBh R(r $_Nu/ "/ / $|pJf R(HHUJn,p`(JlD//N"P`R R"(HHNl R"h"SJg yp"(g"i` R!I R!I RBh R(r $_Nu/ / / $|p"R R#h "R R3hHym~N`pX$_Nu/ / / $|p RJfHymN`pX`8 R"( R0(H R"R!i R"R1i R!A R1@ R(p$_NuNVH 8$.". &|p(|ppgpf&HxHnHymN$rO g `HyvHnNl:PBHxHnN "@O fp` TS(f( T$S!j  T$S1j T$S!j T$S1j( S!I S!i S()R)Jf" S!i S1i S!i  S1i`:$yp g0g(f" S!j S1j S!j S1j`$R`pLN^NuNVH . . 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F :"" $$,&~6"~  :"j "2.P8     $(LV2(., ",.*&d&:42,00.4\.0DX<"$>,$8(l*lrh\,&D0T>0,8&&,F.:FFFF*@4n(>2020nD(."F<"..ZJ"4\ZBBL:\  @@(&.$@$$2$*|4$&&$$6   $LD"2 T &( 0&  >             $"  ,*< * * , , 0 , " HB@6 2J X D   ( 0"L2 N z  f H F  J  <   , FR ( *@ B @ B V   This is the second version of WORD400. It corrects some of the errors of the first version and adds a few new twists. WORD400 is a mini-text editor which operates as a desk accessary written in Personel Pascal by OSS. It served as an excuse for me to learn something about both GEM and Pascal(to keep up with my sixteen year old's obsession with the language). I hope it will prove useful. As an experiment it has proven very successful, and I have received many positive remarks, however some of the deficiencies of the original were glaringly obvious. The idea of a portable text editor(however limited in scope) is so appealing that I find myself constantly returning to tinker. Here are the results. Future versions will have the ablity to print and modify file simultainiously, a second window and a calender. 1) WORD400 now scrolls 1/2 page width or length (if there is document),rather that one line or position at a time. This was the most consistent annoyance with the original. 2) WORD400 scrolling speed has been improved (slightly) and the size of the ACSII file it creates has been reduced. 3) If you reach the end of a line in insert mode word wrap will occur. 4) Hitting the return while in insert mode will insert a line. 5) Splicing a line no longer leaves an unsightly blank line around. 6) The RESET which occurs when requesting a non-existant file has been dealt with, however the answer CAN cause problems later on (Stack over runs HEAP) so don't make a habit of it. 7) It no longer loses cursor position if you clear the file (F3) New Features: 1) F1 will now allow the user to set the system date and time. When the time and date is set it then writes the information to a TIME.INF file, which it uses to set the time when the window is first opened. This keeps my files in chronological (of a sorts) order. 2) When the window is fist opened, WORD400 reads the desktop.inf file and sets the color palette ( I got tired of carrying around the control panel). 3) F4 recovers the last deleted line. 4) F5 Repeats the current line. Special Keys : Help : Open Help Window. Insert : Toggles between insert and replace mode Shift-Insert: Inserts a line at the cusror position. Delete : Deletes the character at the cursor position. Backspace : Deletes the chacacter preceeding the cursor. CNTRL-D : Deletes the current line. F1 : Allows the user to update the system clock. F2 : Choose between English, Pascal capitalization modes. 1) English mode caplitizes all letters after sentence ending puctuation and then skips an extra space. 2) Pascal mode capitalizes after underscores, colons, parenthesis, etc. F3 : Clear file from Memory. F4 : Recovers the last deleted line. F5 : Repeats the current line. F6 : Split line at cursor. F7 : Splice line at cursor. F8 : Print file. F9 : Load file. F10 : Save file. Notes and Warnings: 1) If you are a reasonable typist you should turn off ENGLISH (F2). 2) Invalid drives tend to cause system resets. 3) Current maximum file size is 400 lines. I will make a larger version availible later. 4) WORD400 uses appox. 80K of ST memory. 5) All the window pariphalia work (to some extent). They are much easier to use than relying on cursor scrolling. 6) I have used this mainly in Medium resolution,but it should Low res as well. The last line number will be truncated. I see no reason why it should not work in high. 7) Special Characters can be printed using the control keys. 8) It works with THUNDER (if your interested). What to do if you really like this program: 1) If you find this program usefull a donation of $3.00 ($10 for source) would be greatly appreciated. 2) If you have an old version of the source just send me the disk and I will update it. Send any comments, suggestions or contributions to: F. Gregory Schneller 2884 Timber Range Ct. Columbus OH 43229 `Q\`Z** .......*** COPYRIGHT (c) WB SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 1985 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED *** 860318 ***O.|*m -" Y Nq(@#// ??<JNA Nq,M# |aXNNtN^Nu y$y#.J$ ļ$B#nG&SI(TR& Ƽ&C#r8 |<B49|gNBX&yr#vFGIHR |c"|pPa*a&yr#v<<# y*f |l"|yaN |y ( gN@H<g"<Nq 9Jg"|y ) gaJ48`68 9 |w#Dp=،،ѤNHr |y"|h<PaL |"|y<Pa8 |yJ``NqK 968gB58 9 |w#Dp=،،ѤNHrI |#Nq 9Sfѥ |CUR #2`L 9Sf" |HALF#20933@` |PAGE#209330< |2"|a 9TgFR#*-CA#PS O#N-**#*-CA(#PS O,#N-**0`DR#-CAP#S OF#F-**#-CAP(#S OF,#F-**0Nq9VXa&p#Zr#V 9FNFd##^ |("|^$INE |5"| "|001ѨѩN :ѷ y#0< |S"|caNN& |"|TpN? 9H |H"|TpN? 9IN<g`Nqa<g a |NB a<ga`0 9RNG<"<,d$<Qap<fQ |#N |J6<r < R Q 9Ff 9GfV38 9BRNFd |0 |Ѣ#Dpp=،،ѤNHr`X28 9B 9zrRNFd |0#Dp=،،ѤNHr#NN <g&JKѤ |6<  Q |"|F<g` 9կfѨѩU8 9B= |#DNHr،،N-, |6<  QN&،`H&<$|w-Q |y"|w<g`NqLNuHS@QLNuNq<ae <{d< Nu9g |NB |<B49|gNBX |B9|g 9Ng NrNq<a/<NA"/0<NBNuNqH@29:g9Bf 9Ѥf\`X:8،BB،،NJ<g89NHr`NqѨѩ |~"|paB |"|pNqN?NqNNqѷ9Bf 9=gB9RgNqB9=ѩ<eS9،gS@ev|gn9،gS@e^Nq<eTNFd# |N"|$INEB9= |<¼UA<QNqQNq9=ѩW9،<gSNq9،gSNq<e NFd# |N"|$INENq9،gRA9،<gRASA |r<g QNq 9ZNGSЁNq 0 g <gSS`NqRTѨB 0 g RR<g`Nq@|<f2<|A3`Nq 9.~gH89ѨѩNHr:`aZ`N9،ѧ<gBB`da`zNqaѷ`hNq9،g`,Ѥ،،Bѷ`. |"|r6<4< QQ"|r$I<g< g`R"J`Nqѷѫ 9Z#Ѯ#Z9RѬR`N]`NW`NS`NqN<`~NZ`tNqNa`hNqNM`\NqNR`PNqNt<Ug\`e Ѩ`LѨѩNqLNuNqѦ8،9HB#:ѶѷNuNq،ѷNu<N#NuH yr#v#f&yn<aZ<g<ga 9 0c`Nq &g 9&#vRf`h#vRf,HbF/ |:NB _Nq<aְ<gF<gaB 9 0cZ`fRf`(H , f , f`    9f#j<aB#f#2#6#z yn!|#~#Nq.9j#B<< |ya yr#v&y~# 9Ff(yr#z(yz#2BBBvzN,BBB,ynNq,Mb0 9FgF/ |:NB _<a`8Nq'F'|'Ef'CbhN, 9HgX 2gL 9IgBH"92 d"H 9j#f yzL`XLRRR 9Hgn<fnNq 9IgFHe"92 d"H 9j#f yzL`L` NqH`Nq<S` Nq< fNqDbk#bNqB 9FgNqD#,"|,$|0 ,9, 9Hg<g 9Hg&y# 9HgR6 9Ig 2eH"92 d"H 9j#f yzL`L`g<f `<c<c><g,< g&< g,< g< g< gR2` R2 9Hf<g`G#R&y#'F'|'|& R<S#zR$9rƼ# #$ 9~#B`/ |NB _90`NqH 9Kf |#<`N@HLNuNqH 9Kf> 9 g.R9"y0<QB#&` <`NA LNuNqH 9Kf<`NALNu/ |ԼNB R90 _Nu. 9Hg\R0<30<33 9Pf3` 9Hf 093R NqR91 91f 9B2f 9W1f`ԻLNuH fa`HBE*FGp9FS@ |J Q |"|~$|ղ&|(|*|N,|ւ <'       Q{կKzծJ~# .# 2vGHLNuNqaƲ<g`< fB`Nqax<g<g<g <g,`z`EB9BgB`BHGE0<ND0=> |XBSr<SCaQB`PNq<g< lF9g,9g$9g9g9g 9g`a`Nq9=<f<9><m0<?m,<Lm$NqB<L&|.Ga``Pa`NqHBar&|JB9>|G0HRC9GeGLNua`:NqH0a <ga"<f <g`<NqL NuNqH< lش9g(9g<9gP9gb9gt<?`NqS9=;:`NqR9=;:`NqS9>;:`dNqR9>;:`JNq 9=f 9L>e >`L>=;`NqR9>Nqa9><lP>S9=;`<Po>R9=;9=<l=;`<o=;Nq9;<g9>@9=ND0LNu/ |?NB _NuNqH?4"|6<$IgNq"JQB`LNuH`?< NATLNuH`?<?<NAXLNuHBA??<NAXLNuLNuHB 9ZNG<"@S|~*yJ,9B |4NB 98g&| (|׎` &|(|׎6<Q$|Vp2< J/6<PNBX&<gRSBC9FSC&|J(|״Q$|צp2< J/6<PNBX&<gS9Rg9RgNqNq$|rE J09J"9J69>|CCGNBXR<gS$|E J09N"9N69>|CCGNBXR<gzS$|zE J09R"9R69>|CCGaR<g>S$|E J09V"9V69>|CCGaR<gS`$|rE J09J"9J9،<f 9f` NqS0<<`69>|CCGNBXR<gS$|E J09N"9N9f`NqS`69>|CCGaR<gPS$|z9،E J09R"9R69>|CCGaR<g S$|E J09V"9VanR<gS$|ǂE J09Z"9ZaFR<gS$|E J09^"9^aR<gS$|ȊE J09b"9baR<glS$|E J09f"9faR<gDS$|ɒE J09j"9jaR<gS$|E J09n"9na~R<gS$|ʚE J09r"9raVR<gS$|E J09v"9va.R<gS$|ˢE J09z"9zaR<g|S$|&E J09~"9~aR<gTS$|̪E J09т"9тaR<g,S$|.E J09ц"9цaR<gS$|ͲE J09ъ"9ъafR<gS$|6E J09ю"9юa>R<gS$|κE J09ђ"9ђaR<gS$|>E J09і"9іa 9Իg g]*| 9ZNG<,@S$|rE.9FQ#J$|`.g(*|5.<$|rQ#J$|NqB+9ffg*|ؒ،9g #ON-*ؚ` #OFF-ؚNq9g*|.<`Nq.9F 9ZNG<,@SEQB+$|zfzN89،f9،f`jNqN89،fR9،fH$|r؉ 9؎g# JfJ؊a.N8$|؉ 9؎g# NfN؊aN8$|z؉ 9؎g# RfR؊aN8$|؉ 9؎g@# VfV؊aVN8$|ǂ؉ 9؎g# ZfZ؊aN8$|؉ 9؎g# ^f^؊aN8$|Ȋ ؉ 9؎gh#  bfb ؊a~N8$| ؉ 9؎g # 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CANCELBY.YOU\CANCELBY.YOU BROWSE.HLP \*.* newfile 68K PRG TTP ACC O SYS OBJ COM HEX REL ARC LIB IMG BLK PIC RSC S C H INF TXT DOC BAT SUB IC PLI FOR BAS ASM HLP BROWSE [fully qualified pathname] [drive:][\pathname\]filename[.type] BROWSE - select a new file * CAPS - convert to upper case COLS - display a columns line DIR - list file directory DISK - not implimented yet * DISPLAY - define nondisplay char END - return to GEMDOS * FIND - find specified string HELP - display long error msg * HEX - display in hexidecimal * KEYS - display prog funct keys* LOCATE - start display at offset * MEMORY - display memory * PRINT - send screen to printer RESET - remove columns RFIND - repeat the find command UP - move up x # of lines DOWN - move down x # of lines LEFT - move left x # of lines RIGHT - move right x # of lines * TABS - set the tabs F1 - help. display long msg F3 - end. return to GEMDOS F5 - repeat find F6 - print highlighted line F7 - up F8 - down F9 - right F10 - left UNDO - return to GEMDOS For complete documentation send $10 plus postage to WB SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. 112 Oakhampton Pl. SW, CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA T2V 4B2 To get more help on commands marked with *, enter command ? eg: FIND ? Cursor movement keys are the (4) cursor keys and tab  PRESS any key to FREEZE this panel This program may be FREELY COPIED and distributed for non-commercial, non-profit personal use only. If you like and use this program, I would appreciate it very much if you would send me $10.00 or less. This will encourage me to write and distribute more ATARI ST software, and compensate me for time and materials in producing BROWSE for the ATARI ST. Further, if you include the full $10.00 plus return postage, I will send you complete documentation. ( 35 - 8.5x11 pages ) WB SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 112 OAKHAMPTON PLACE S.W. CALGARY, ALBERTA CANADA T2V 4B2 *************************** * Copyright (c) 1985,1986 * * by * * WB Software Development * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * ...... * *********** vers ********** * * H PRESS any key to CONTINUE                      -CURSHALFPAGE""" lFIND F RFIND LOCATE LOC L TABS TAB COLS COL HEX CAPS RESET RES HELP ? PRINT DIR DIRS SETUP *KEYS DISPLAY PFK1 DOWN \PFK9 PFK10 LEFT PFK11 RIGHT PFK12 @MEMORY MEM DISASM  BROWSE ^J *** WARNING The file is TOO BIG to fit into available memory. WARNING *** Trying small buffer option ! ERROR - during file read. Retrying... TERMINAL ERROR - too many i/o errors on disk !???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? P OVATARI ST BROWSE ---------------- ------------- --------------------------------- COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE LINE 000000 COL 001 0801 HELP 2 F "un 3 END 4 5 RFIND 6 PRINT 7 UP 8 DOWN 9 RIGHT 0 LEFT Getnchar logic error**-TABS ON-*********************** TOP OF DATA **********************-CAPS ON-** **-TABS ON-********************* BOTTOM OF DATA *********************-CAPS ON-** ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4 ';$INVALID COL1COL1 MUST BE <=  . (132 - STRING LENGTH + 1) .INVALID COL2COL2 MUST BE >=  . (COL1 + STRING LENGTH - 1) .TOO MANY PARAMETERS2 PARMS MAX. HEX [ ON \ OFF \ ? ] [ VERT \ DATA ] HEX SYNTAX BELOW:HEX \ HEX ON \ HEX OFF \ HEX VERT \ HEX DATA \ HEX ON VERT \ HEX ON DATA .TOO MANY PARAMETERS1 PARM MAX. CAPS [ ON \ OFF \ ? ]CAPS SYNTAX BELOW:CAPS OFF \ CAPS \ CAPS ON \ - translates find strings to upper case before comp.CAPS set  .FIND strings  be translated to upper case before the string is compared.SMALL BUFFER being used.The file is TOO LARGE to fit in available memory. Using  char buffer.FILE was TRUNCATED.NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO HOLD ALL RECORD DESCRIPTORS.  chars dropped at end.FILE NOT FOUND.THE FILE  COULD NOT BE FOUND. CORRECT THE NAME AND TRY AGAIN.FILE NOT FOUND.THE FILE :  COULD NOT BE FOUND and BROWSE.HLP does not exist.FILE NOT SPECIFIED.THE FORMAT IS : BROWSE filename.filetype eg. browse browse.hlpPRINT SYNTAX BELOW:PRINT [ SCREEN\DATA\LINE\from# to#\* len [ ASIS ] \ SETUP [ D\L\W\N\hexstring] ]CONFLICTS WITH HEXUNABLE TO SEND AN UNFORMATTED HEX FILE TO THE PRINTER. Remove ASIS keyword.ENDING LINE INVALIDTHE ENDING LINE NUMBER MUST BE PRESENT , NUMERIC , and GREATER THAN START.PRINTING-Please WaitWAIT UNTIL THE PRINT FUNCTION IS COMPLETE. Press CTRL-Z key to CANCEL.PRINT COMPLETED.THE REQUESTED PRINT FUNCTION HAS COMPLETED.PRINT CANCELLEDPRINT CANCELLED AT OPERATOR REQUEST. (CTRL-Z key pressed).TOO MANY PARAMETERSFOR THE  SUBCOMMAND.KEYS SYNTAX BELOW:KEYS [ pfkey# default-pfkey# ] or [ pfkey# new-command-in-quotes ].INVALID PFK NUMBERPFKEY NUMBER MUST BE BETWEEN 1 and 12BAD PFK ASSIGNMENTREQUIRED 3rd PARM MUST BE pfkey# 1-12 or A COMMAND STRING IN QUOTES.PFK  RE-ASSIGNEDPFK  HAS BEEN RE-ASSIGNED TO A NEW ACTION.# LINES TO PRINT INVALIDTHE NUMBER OF LINES TO PRINT MUST BE PRESENT and NUMERIC.PRINTER NOT DEFINEDTHE PRINTER WAS NOT DEFINED IN CONFIG. RERUN the CONFIG program.TABS SYNTAX BELOW:TABS [ ? \ HELP \ ON [x] \ OFF \ SET [a] [b] [c] [d] ]FIND SYNTAX BELOW:FIND T\C\P\X"string" [PREV\FIRST\LAST\ALL] [WORD\PRE\SUF] [startcol [endcol]]DISPLAY SYNTAX BELOW:DISPLAY [ 'non-display-char' ] \ [ CC \ CRLF \ NOCC \NOCRLF ] eg DISPLAY '?'DISPLAY VALUES BELOW:DISPLAY '' .MEMORY SYNTAX BELOW:MEMory [ ? \ HELP \ [ [ON] addr ] \ OFF ] addr=00000000-FFFFFFFF eg. MEM 0500MEMORY ADDRESS MISSINGMEMORY ADDRESS MUST BE PRESENT 00000000-FFFFFFFF eg. MEM 0500MEMORY ADDRESS INVALIDTHE MEMORY ADDRESS MUST BE 1-8 HEX DIGITS 00000000-FFFFFFFF eg. MEM 0500TOO MANY PARAMETERS2 PARMS MAX. MEMORY [ OFF \ address \ ON address ] BROWSE SYNTAX BELOW:BROWSE [ ? \ [ pathname ] pathname=[drive:][\foldername\]filename[.filetype]ACCESSING NEW FILEPREPARING TO BROWSE FILE : ''....PLEASE WAIT.MEMORY ACCESS ERRORA BUS ERROR OCCURRED STARTING AT ADDRESS : '' . MEMORY DOES NOT EXIST. help?onoffdataverthelp?onoffhelp?ON OFFWILL NOTWILLhelp? ASSIGN screenlinedataasissetup*help?wwidennarrowddraftlletterFROM-TO!y2ծJ~first next last prev all FIRST NEXT LAST PREV ALL chars word prefix pre suffix suf CHARS WORD PREFIX PRE SUFFIX SUF help? =~.#-@<>$?51?*#ax----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----+----3----------++--------31--------++--------32--------++--------33--------++--------34--------++--------35--------++--------36--------++--------37--------++--------38--------++--------39--------++--------30--------++--------31--------++--------32--------++--------33---- KEYShelp?1 HELP 2 3 END 4 5 RFIND 6 PRINT 7 UP 8 DOWN 9 RIGHT 10 LEFT 11 RIGHT 12 CURSOR currentdefault PFK ===> To change a PFKEY, enter either format:KEYS pfk# default# eg. KEYS 2 6 - Key 2 will have same action as PFK6 ie. PRINTKEYS pfk# "command" eg. KEYS 6 'F "UNDEFINED" ALL 45 132' - PFK6 is FIND cmd**WARNING** - changes are temporary. To make permanent, use CONFIG pgm.DISPLAYccnocccrlfnocrlfhelp? 00000000onoffmaphelp? 256K 512K1 Meg????K 16 Megabyte Memory Map 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 1 Memory 6 2 9 5 2 8 4 1 7 4 0 6 3 9 6 0 Address 0 4 8 2 6 0 4 8 2 6 0 4 8 2 6 0 2 4 x = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 000x0000 * 001x0000 002x0000 003x0000 TOS reports xxxxxxxx $xxxxxxxx bytes of RAM present 004x0000 Memory $0000-$1000 (1st 4K) is read/write protected 005x0000 lower limit of program area is xxxxxxxx $xxxxxxxx 006x0000 upper limit of program area is xxxxxxxx $xxxxxxxx 007x0000 RAM available for programs is xxxxxxxx $xxxxxxxx 008x0000 NO CARTRIDGE is present at FA0000 009x0000 ROM present at FC0000 is Version xxxxx $xxxx 00Ax0000 Hardware registers (restricted) start at FF8000 00Bx0000 (just reading them could cause system abends) 00Cx0000 00Dx0000 00Ex0000 00Fx0000 1234567890123456789012* MEMORY OPTION * ----@ PPPPPPP`PPPpP P PP0PPP@PPPPPPFirst line of memory displaySecond line Third line Fourth line Fifth line Sixth line Seventh line Eighth line Nineth line Tenth line Eleventh line Twelveth line Thirteen line Fourteenth line Fifthteenth line Sixteenth line Seventeenth line Eighteenth line Nineteenth line Last line Memory display`$r    &             *        B  D           0 "       ,  (6   *      ^                      "$,    <  "    P *        $. &4  $  * Z          $ (  $ $                      * &0    &                                                        0*.  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Suite 226Denam Systemsavailable for $15.00. Contact:Pascal' (tm). The source code isChgForm is written in 'PersonalIt is NOT for resale.Make as many copies as wanted.ChgForm is free!!!created.file named filename.TXT has beenold file still exists and a newfile. After the conversion, the1st_Word (tm) WP file to an ASCIIChgForm is used to convert aOK& CCD. Used by permission of OSS.Portions copyrighted (c) 1986, OSSCopyright (c) 1986, Denam SystemsDennis R. Fischer----------AuthorChgForm Version 1.0 02/16/86MAKE_MENU ?Hz><=/,HNVN`A\-HP?<CO$OpQN.#d><>/9dCO$OpQN*3d><?/9dCLO$O pQN*3d><@/9dCO$OpQN*3d><B><C/9d?9d0|AeCO$O p QN,3d><D/9d?9d0|AeCO$O p QN,3d><E/9d?9d0|AeN2><F/9d?9d0|AeC$O$O p QN,3d><H><I/9d?9d0|AeCO$Op QN,3d><K><L/9d?9d0|AeCO$Op QN,3d><M/9d?9d0|AeC>O$Op QN,3d><O/9d><PN3N^,_X>Nu Source ... Free !!! Explain... Quit ---------- Run... Info Purpose File About ChgForm... 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A18 * * * Op deze diskette staan de volgende programma's: 1 FOLDER : ACC_LOAD.PRG + ACC_LOAD.PRG 2 FOLDER : CLI.ACC + CLI.MOD 3 FOLDER : EDIT_SPR.PRG + EDIT_SPR.DOC 4 FOLDER : MOBZUTIL.ACC + MOBZUTIL.RSC 5 FOLDER : RTC12.TOS + RTC12.DOC 6 FOLDER : STEDT.PRG + STEDT.DOC 7 FOLDER : WORD4OV2.ACC + WORD4OV2.DOC BROWSEPRG. BTTODEGA.PRG CHGFORM.PRG CONVERT2.PRG * * * HANDLEIDING Het copyright van deze handleiding berust bij de A.C.N. Gehele of gedeeltelijke overname uitsluitend met schriftelijke toestemming van de rechthebbende. 1986 Atari-ST Computerclub Nederland * * * ACC.LOAD.PRG Dit programma maakt het mogelijk om verschillende op een schijf aanwezige accessoires al of niet bij het opstarten mee in te laden. Daartoe dient dit programma in een autofolder gezet te worden. Bij resetten verschijnt dan eerst op het scherm een genummerde opgave van de verschillende files met .ACC als uitgang. De acc files die men wil laden (maximaal 6) worden met hun nummer ingegeven. Het is aanbeveligswaardig om eerst een back-up van de accessoires disk te maken. Start vervolgens met alle acc's via de desktop show-info te re-namen tot acx. files, d.w.z. dat ze uitgeschakeld zijn, zoals dit programma dit doet. Probeer vervolgens uit of de accessoires elkaar verdragen, er zijn acc.'s die alleen werken als er geen andere in gebruik zijn! C.L.I.ACC Dit is een uitgebreide 'command line interface' accessoire van 34 k. Elk commando bestaat uit verschillende woorden gescheiden door een spatie. De naam van het commando wordt gevolgd door een variabele, waarbij $ variabele vervangen wordt door de waarde van de variabele. * en ? zijn als wild-cards bruikbaar, PATH en SUFFIXES zijn variabele met een speciale betekenis. Ingebouwde commando's zijn: , tijdelijk leescommando van een file cd verander directory echo geeft arguments op scherm meminfo geeft informatie over het geheugen-gebruik, hooofdzakelijk om te 'debuggen' pwd print naam van directory set list de gedefinieerde variabelen -v print lines zoals zij worden gelezen -x print lines zoals ze worden gebruikt version print CLI en GEMDOS versies control C terug naar de desktop. EDIT SPRITE PRG Een met het programma Neo-chrome of Degas gemaakte tekening of voorstelling kan men geheel of gedeeltelijk 'saven'. Het gaat hierom een gekleurde sprite. Dit geschiedt op een wijze en in een vorm, die het mogelijk maakt om de 'sprite' in een programma b.v. in Forth geschreven, in te bouwen. Eerst wordt de te gebruiken tekening gemaakt, welke na het starten van dit programma wordt ingeladen. Met de linker muisknop wordt om de 'sprite' een rubberband getrokken: Indrukken en de muis naar rechtsonder verplaatsen. Er wordt dan een naam gevraagd en vervolgens wordt het uitgeselecteerde deel naar disk weggeschreven. Hierna is het voor verdere bewerking beschikbaar. Na het 'editten' van de sprite is het resultaat zichtbaar als de rechtermuisknop wordt ingedrukt. Men kan nog een gedeelte editten of naar de desktop terugkeren door eerst de linkermuisknop in te drukken deze vast te houden en ook de rechter in te drukken. MOBUTIL.ACC Deze Utilities zijn onder de desktop beschikbaar als uit reset wordt opgestart. Naast de normale desktop mogelijkheid om een file te herbenoemen of te verwijderen kan men hier tevens informatie over de grootte van de file of de disk. Ook het veranderen van de naam van de disk is een prettig hulpmiddel. RTC12.TOS Door dit te openen verschijnt een verzoek om de juiste datum en vervolgens de juiste tijd in te geven, waarna deze waarden in het systeem op de daartoe bestemde plaatsen worden ingegeven en als gevolg daarvan reset bestendig zijn. Zolang er spanning op het systeem staat blijft de interne klok doorlopen, helaas op het scherm niet zichtbaar. Alleen het aanleggen van de juiste spanning op de juiste plaats zou nu voldoende moeten zijn om de gegevens te behouden. Door hernoemen van TOS in PRG en het plaatsen in een auto- folder geven kan na elke start de datum en tijd reset- bestendig worden ingebracht. STEDT.PRG Een uitgebreid programma om een ingelezen file te bewerken.Na het starten van het programma kan men met'control ingedrukt'XR ingeven, waarna gevraagd wordt om de gewenste file. Tik die in en geef return. De dan ingelezen file is op velerlei wijze te manipuleren,veelal via het numerieke toetsenbord b.v. (4 onderkant file en (5 bovenkant file (9 replace etc. Het is handig om te oefenen na het inladen van STEDT.DOC, daar men dan de aanwijzingen voor zich heeft. WORD4OV2.ACC Deze als accessoire beschikbare tekstverwerker is handig bij alle Gem programma's om even iets op te kunnen schrijven. Het is bovendien een geschikt hulpmiddel voor de Pascal programmeur gezien de optie in taalgebruik. Na tweemaal F1 ingedrukt te hebben verschijnt een hulpmenu, waaruit blijkt dat van elke funktie-toets een nuttig gebruik gemaakt kan worden, b.v. F1 om tijd en datum in te geven. BROWSE PRG. Na het laden van dit programma wordt gevraagd om een file in te geven. Dit kan elke file zijn, ook een programma dat dan verder kan worden bewerkt. Tik na het laden van de file tweemaal op F1 voor het hulpmenu en kies de gewenste optie. Terug keren naar de desktop met UNDO. BTTODEGAS.PRG Heeft U nog een map met 8 bits fonts dan hoeft U deze niet in de prullenbak te laten verdwijnen. Dit Byte to Degas programma maakt er voor U Fonts voor die in Degas ingeladen kunnen worden, open het programma geef de naam in van de te wijzigen fonts en na inladen wordt een nieuwe naam gevraagd. Tik deze in met .FNT als uitgang, na eerst de gewenste disk in de drive te hebben gestopt. Hierop worden de gewijzigde fonts geschreven. Van uit het Degas programma kunnen deze via load fonts ingelezen worden en in Degas worden gebruikt. CHGFORM.PRG CHANGE FORMAT verandert een 1st Word file in een ASCII file. Het programma vertoont na laden een Gem venster, waaruit men een keuze maakt. Van de gewenste schijf wordt de .DOC file geladen en vervolgens in een .TXT file omgezet. Het programma werkt vlot en eenvoudig , wel moet men er rekening mee houden dat er schoonheidsfoutjes mogelijk zijn, zo werd bij ons omgezet in [ en werd bij een een regel verder gesprongen. De oorspronkelijke file blijft bestaan. CONVERT2.PRG Dit programma is het omgekeerde van het bovenstaande. Hierbij wordt van een tekstfile een DOC file (erbij) gemaakt, die dan in 1 st word formaat geschikt is om met deze tekstverwerker verder behandeld kan worden. Ook hier blijft de oorspronkelijke file bestaan. * * *