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This insures that the ASSIGNER program is the first program to run -- it must run before the GDOS program runs so that the ASSIGN.SYS file will be ready for GDOS to use. Next, copy in all the other files that you want in the AUTO folder, such as your RAMdisk installer, 40 Folder Limit fixers, etc., and GDOS.PRG. Once you have your main files in the AUTO folder, you should place all the ASSIGN.SYS files you normally use in the AUTO folder as well. There can be up to ten different ASSIGN files here, with a filename of ASSIGN*.SYS. That is, the filename could be: ASSIGN1.SYS -- First ASSIGN file ASSIGNDE.SYS -- DEGAS Elite ASSIGN file ASSIGNED.SYS -- Easy Draw ASSIGN file ASSIGN1W.SYS -- First Word ASSIGN file and so on. Use your imagination and use meaningful two-letter codes. Remember, though, the first six letters must be ASSIGN and the extension must be .SYS. When the ASSIGN files are installed, you're ready to roll! Re-boot your computer and the ASSIGNER program will display a list of the available ASSIGNn.SYS files on your disk, with a number to the left, from 0-9. To pick the ASSIGN file you want, press the number key corresponding to the number to the left of the filename, and this file will be automatically copied into the root directory of drive C as ASSIGN.SYS. To leave the ASSIGN.SYS file the way it is, press the ESC key. This program is fully error-trapped, and will tell you if your ASSIGNn.SYS file is empty (a null file), or if the creation of the AUTORUN.SYS file was unsuccessful. Hopefully, this program will make life easier for many hard disk users who also use GDOS. Please send any questions or comments to Tom Hudson, 76703,4224. ` , *O.|*m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA NL/<NA"/0<NBNu# NA/9 NuNVBBJlDRBJ lD RB0. -@0.2. An=@ .gDN^NuNVH?BCB..,. f# <`hlDRCJlDRCn8fzB`0l :HGH`xe`Jge`|fD# D`# JLN^NuNVHN B?<N ,TaV>?<?<NX>e?<?<NX. "a. >a. 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' t .. ' tEASELST DOC)t EASELST PRG,t  EASEL/ST Personalize Your ST's GEM Desktop! EASEL/ST lets you use any picture as the background of the GEM Desktop! All ST Users! Whether you use it like the front of your refrigerator ... as an ever-present bulletin board for reminders, calendars, nags, and clip-art ... or you just enjoy a pleasing picture, you can't afford to be without EASEL/ST! Dealers! Install EASEL/ST on your demo STs for promotional messages! Systems Houses! Install EASEL/ST on your customers' STs to provide instructions right on the desktop ... or even put their logo on the desktop! FEATURES: --------- * Operates in all resolutions; adapts to resolution changes automatically. * Runs from the AUTO folder -- does not use a desk accessory menu slot. * Compatible with all ST models; does not require TOS in ROM or a double- sided diskette drive. * Overrides the Control Panel to maintain the picture's original palette. * Compatible with GDOS. * Not copy-protected. REQUIREMENTS: ------------- * User must provide a D.E.G.A.S. or Neochrome format picture file of matching resolution to each resolution in which the user intends to operate (except for this free demo version, which contains its own pictures and does not allow other pictures to be loaded). -2- ************************************************************************** This is the documentation from the free demonstration version of EASEL/ST, which is identical to the $19.95 version, with the exception of the file I/O logic. In other words, with this version, you're stuck with the inclu- ded pictures -- if you buy the real thing, you can load any picture you want! A picture is included for each resolution, which means that this version takes a whopping 100K of memory. The regular version only loads the files you want, and never more than two (one for each color resolu- tion). ************************************************************************** INSTALLATION: ------------- Nothing to it. Just put EASELST.PRG into your AUTO folder on your boot disk. If you don't use an AUTO folder, then create one using the "New Folder..." option of the Desktop's File menu, and copy EASELST.PRG into the new folder. NOTE: It's very important that EASELST.PRG be executed at boot time from the AUTO folder, instead of being invoked from the Desktop or from a shell. Also, once EASELST.PRG has been installed, do not invoke it a second time. ORDERING INFORMATION: --------------------- EASEL/ST is available directly from the publisher. It should also be available at your local dealer. If you wish to order directly, you may send a check or money order for US $19.95 plus $2.05 shipping and handling, a total of US $22.00, to Computer Fenestrations, P.O. Box 151, Lake Monroe, FL 32747-0151. Florida residents please include an additional $1.00 state sales tax. DEALER INQUIRIES: ----------------- Dealers interested in stocking EASEL/ST may write to the above address for dealer pricing, or call (305)-322-3222. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: -------------------- Computer Fenestrations makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular task. The user receives it "as is"; the user assumes all risk and respon- sibility for its performance. Computer Fenestrations will not be held lia- ble for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or its accompanying documentation. -3- CREDITS: -------- The pictures included in this version were all created using D.E.G.A.S. by Tom Hudson, author of D.E.G.A.S. and several other respected ST software titles. His latest paint program, D.E.G.A.S. Elite, is available from Electronic Arts/Batteries Included. D.E.G.A.S. and D.E.G.A.S. Elite are trademarks of Electronic Arts/Batteries Included. GDOS and GEM are trademarks of Digital Research, Inc. ST, TOS, and Neochrome are trademarks of Atari Corporation. `,Lt,o . ЮЮм#Hy?<&NN\?<NNT @g#x3 `z#`x3 y @g#Z` #(y lf3 < :` 3 <##3 > NfF f8 Hf*Hy?<-?<NM#P?</9?<1NAJ x# hf# y̱j`# 3 @NuH @sf.$y̵jB y @g: yбk(`( @f :a4B2 AjjIA`"PN :`H8L|y g3 3 >3 B3 D : : y @g It`I&JgP3 >#### J lf3 < :` 3 f @sf~$y̵j y @g yбk`a Sf y Bf y Dg#3 D` 9ȰfLNs @f :aB2 A{jzIA t"PN : y BfX y DgL3 B`@ :aD`03 B`$ :` m hf  :`aB2 AsjIA "PN(y$m0R f :` :`$m Rf :` :`(y$m0Rf :`p :`d y 3 3  N Ffa6#HyJ`3 30+3aB3 y J3#\ FT JL f Fk Hy@A"`0</3a3 y J3# T JHy`N0<+3a3 y J3# RHy&`a\LA"`A"0<s@`x N Fgba$Hy`3  33Nu# N F(y# Ja#Nu(y T2(I@NuL y|N(y/,?<NN\Nu*A&UNu0 g4 of* of yxg#|!x yNEASEL/ST, version 1.10D. Copyright 1987 by Computer Fenestrations, Lake Monroe, Florida, USA. Free demo version, may be freely copied but not sold. Buy the real version and use any picture you want.   f6 f  & X r  f6 f  & X r 4@@V(( x(( N r ~   u{&All Rights Reserved.Copyright (c) 19Digital Research, Inc.ADesktop background by EASEL/ST, copyright 1987,Computer Fenestrations (free demo version).0\ T-->w    0"3DUf91++/+?#+??=~l}++;Syy//3_33؞ؾzzo=w?wgʟ7_g 7~f#q??[{ /???H З/GS ```?E~|||/,?77?@p/otA@0o^ॻDf2??@_~~of??g @@@wtSmܸܻܻ#D(H@   om+`MhB`40???W?W?w!>8?=ǽǽB8/oo ???om/pA]|!||WAW[W[ ???J7t55???%|}3 ^???8ς];1A'@``}@??????ѾO  OA횞s}!ooJJ-F${;Y*++Py_??M1!_uhnnc? !!!pYd/S?R7H !!!wy}yl"/ @?CCC"M ;;6ą{?~ ?Goo]1!$O?=@UU"!%%Eڥ@QAx"YL ((p__|wwC t . . . =}}???D_??8*oE33,~~~???770#BS7TBCCaww?y $ aD___^^^!!!??yvx)6-!= ,CCC998g}Ygxu ?'uu` ""rrNNN?!!oF} "(?????9)?808-+I9߽߽ B@@  ɿG???zG!Z!!ހ>>>Ӧ¿hR aWWW|| |###c#Ԁ+1B}  a@GGG!! ρǁ7lzǝ"!!!>&>gm.U????@}QPXzaaa W || Ҁ-s##w x~~111" *+>s{{jojj<<<||!|SP c<h?W4 Haa!QPA}}}"???t@P?s?s?"x{ 7g 4HOwaaaϱ?>/ &>3w@>>>0D|7ͷnl3{~P ~:?"reIɘq˪P! g}p6wo!!!0߁_[B>@ǐ>sr x5߆p~~~?;3wOC{ғz)  ?o`/AAp@c111b`Ђ/pHg;@@ww?cX oL8oE@|||8oxzO`x~ݿK_ `T@aaa| xx?k  k!L????ˣ}o\n~ooe".w8#A(Ow~a~a>ğ`?[XP'{O0??MR US{?N~/.N'Vٹɕ~;)=x>>aa" on~(, D@wg (+}###n n4R8iW<x|`|azIOzT 77__/?|;{`ˏ;G&h@??]jew }?55?\~?z=*8@M d?? @kk?\H\B={q" !< ?~~ PF!Y~~?D@??mm}}==g%a8D@??H2Ȑ 7n??kKQI??;9_APo/ I~_߯zpZ? $_}yB@wC@@??lO_ p/w}0@0%??&!B/?  e$QR@~?? 700?w88{ @_/Y`@@@$$$Pǟ`O888}7!?8xw9oِِ&o '' X?ppp&oِb > ""@_ ?|SCFL?`,8+ |?v 1?0E`87}u?`YI X8(I=+w]`~`G@ D|^p{1$II%%ς}_u%  //6n+n(qr @<,;}47opW16>!!kk#2x? / wf}-|--(״(K   \?_C`o` ' wh0$#7,0A5m>wc_-8-}%;hTT+~ԁ @==a 'øG -!fz'!P! < ?BA ?GzC~ &'4vAkkG@:|>ʀ!aHSSSx`nox66q~ tx9`< < 0?11@~g>FA&ŮA\a\a~~~~z8߿ @ʦگ%Pa;u9? 3Doo`^^# E#_#܀Ck`"9& @ |.|..~AO~~TT?oo:E7}~<; Z@@@IIebrsP[0c h~ς_}~ ? ?ق}'WW  pqtFJPƀ9:(C@}`(,t@o]?A&cpE S0wy@vH>l0rs,6Jh(n`gE  mq  w߈/FƐ9o Epo((Pac@,Vt/, K\6F?04:~ 7iϖ0&Z$x)Cp`6@3?_?Q <lBdv!+!;}5 T ]?Q?Q? m`a&>w~9~@ ` ?y/l|G@$HA] @wΎ̃3|6Aq:G/DiYq` l@y^b1B=-  $9?Llf0 BA0AY>/?| ;?3d8M<+k(?(` p< _;__pxZox pcOa0^pzz(W@`P z9 ~bØx<2^@ ~ A P|@/Cl#+npp@  z w @>gg?="B݀v] .&/|Z0a@3pB%=OL3w# 0$YBc_| ??2 Z?]="xD'7_g_dcD] /, II7!OHp*;4L-??d0;G (wTwppwU33sswwzz^~^~''ڻڻ߻߻7>7>Q(Q(AAuu??ņpp ] ]}}}}MMddnvnv׿׿nn}}9977??߿{{ww~~񢤢{{==77$$ւPuPu33}]}]㯏;;8F8F__ww׽׽FF!!{{%%^^}?}?߿__FFA)A)qq??__ͯͯظEE~~ooool*l*{{WWssooGG??ss߿Ͽ<>ddUUvvoۿۻջnn߁ RRǻǻ__??ww==ss?]?]RR00ζζ߿}}VV d dϏϏwwXX[[oooFF{{i'i'ww{{k7k7bb ݳݳ__wwwwuuuull v veeB B } }~~ww_ccxx__??~88 BBͿͿnn߿߿_q_߿{{&& m߿^^ < <0o0oyy""ͩͩ{{ggnn~~//||22gg__}}uu _ _&&ߣO߿޿NNRURU߿߿??}}~~}}??^w^wے==y??wwWWY:Y:qq//__߻׸DD44}}__??\ Ͻ~X~Xvvvv//~~^^##ww}}qq ݞg߷??ff$$T_T_?? `??۾ϧIIxCxCp0׀ww"A"A >@B@??o0a0a!!B=B= Jdi$$ HHCCu@??{{==~~AA\\ۡ۠ 0&*__ߟןHH={={   ww*:*:WaWat@X@ ?~\\kk  (@wwgg::HHW|7˄߹OOH0H ǿ׿׿׿77򞲞]] 4G ޿wW?݀݀  @9x?z>{}}}}޿AA||C wwԿԿ}}??3 X no??oozzkkjj((ggwwH@D t" __W||ZZ7q7q@@MMIID@1)  @?/o^o^ΞΞSS00A^A^oo D@$G (V ߮kkGG@@,G,G@ 0 DD;;ϻ{w{w:??++FFDD..`<) aq__ߟ߿lww;;??&&//} ̀5K5K//齠CC& & dd0 @P@ AwAw{{ޱ %%VV44ν b޿?__ŗ99>> ` @ bboo''߇PP``-3-3z z Aw _@@>>?M?M22  5 @ zmzm<<<>韮t@#80@< Pqd@͘ژڇ66??ps@>P `P< ]__oi[7[7~~Џ P8 8`! rQ ??d@'S'S//Քuubb: @0`0*Q77>i>issMMυυ::mm}}?? }a8 !MmÌR#T\??˝އ==ww(?(?}}0?@p8 (@u {__ zz経J@ph2@(T kDP1 7\7wwww??{{Ōvvޚޚww(P 0 @ iqpO<J__990}`0 [@S7@ "e ߿_7.z.zii΄΄ $ ({!Ԁdg޷MMCC??P+J FZ_?b__{{gYgYrP0>fA@t"ַۑېTTꯊ 0=l4`o6x `H  M}__ʎ,],]ߛD(~P8 <:%?==QA  __C.C.%%ANNF88  T(@]>44=w__ܓ0q8@EZ  ϙwٝOO}}OO228 =  a`o:[:33wwssǿǿ( cp" p  ww}}ww׭׭sscMM]]? 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" #$     %  &  '    (   )  *  +  ,  ' (&                 -23,a:\auto\fselect.prgNameSizeDateTime4&Path:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX______________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXName: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFA:A:A:A:A:A:A:A:XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX 5/1988 by Martin PatzelOk*.C *.S *.H *.O *.PAS*.MOD*.BAS*.FOR*.DOC*.RSC*.PRG*.* SortNameExtSizeDateCancelXXX*.___FFFRedraw:fixedautoredrawPath:FselectProgramExtension:FselectProgramRemove file/folderCreate folderSave parametersCancelOk\*.*[0][Drive info :| bytes total capacity| bytes used| bytes free][ Ok ]*.*  [1][Cannot remove file/folder][Cancel][1][Cannot create folder][Cancel][1][Cannot modify|\auto\fselect.prg][Cancel] ( @0( ,6    P* . 2      >" "(""h"     *      ,   .,DF*: $     "&     *       " "   " * $   0:   F,         40 $ *  >N " 4  H 6fBL &(p .           6( 8 0% |               EEN NIEUWE FILESELECTORBOX (c) Martin Patzel HANDLEIDING Versie 9/87 Deze Fileselector box kan in werking worden gesteld door het programma FSELECT.PRG in de AUTO-folder te plaatsen. Dan is, na het booten deze nieuwe box voor alle programma's beschikbaar. Ook kan hij als een gewoon .PRG programma gedraaid worden. Het opstarten van dit programma vanuit de AUTO-folder kan verhinderd worden door tijdens het booten de 'Alternate' toets ingedrukt te houden. De beschikbare functies ----------------------- Behalve de normale functies, die al bekend zijn van de oude fileselector box, heeft deze box de volgende extra's: 1. Drive-buttons Klikt men een drive-button aan (er worden maximaal 8 actieve drive-buttons getoond), dan wordt de drive naam zoals die in het 'Path' staat, vervangen en de root directory in de aangeklikte drive wordt gelezen,waarna de files en folders in het keuzevenster worden afgebeeld. Dubbel-klikt men een drive-button dan wordt informatie gegeven over de inhoud van de drive. 2. De path-string Typt men zelf de path-name in, dan kan deze nieuwe zoekweg worden geactiveerd door het 'Mover' veld (van het file- window) aan te klikken. Bij een verkeerde zoekweg wordt de path- string gecorrigeerd. Een ingetypte zoekweg moet altijd met een extensie eindigen (bijvoorbeeld '*.*'). Uitzondering: wordt als zoekweg enkel de drive letter en ':' genomen, dan wordt de zoekweg aangevuld met '\*.*'. 3. De extender Buttons. Wordt er een extensie aangeklikt (b.v. '*.MOD'), dan worden slechts de bedoelde files getoond. (Folders worden altijd getoond) De tekst in de extension buttons kan veranderd worden. Door de betreffende button te dubbelklikken is de textstring op de normale standaard manier te editen. 4. Sorteermogelijkheden. De files kunnen gesorteerd in het venster worden afgebeeld. (mogelijk zijn: naam, extensie, datum en grootte). Bij de sortering op datum komen de meest recentie files bovenaan te staan. 5. Het filekeuze-venster. Door het aanklikken van de linker of de rechter pijlen (onderaan het venster met de filenamen) is het mogelijk om niet alleen de filenamen, maar ook de grootte, datum en tijd zichtbaar te krijgen. 6. Als het Copyright veld (helemaal rechts boven in de box) wordt aangeklikt, dan komt er een box op met een aantal keuzeknoppen voor de volgende zaken: A. De Modes: a. Redraw-mode. Wordt deze gekozen, dan zal, na beeindiging van de fileselector box, de onderliggende GEM afbeelding normaal worden hersteld. Dit is de normale manier, waarbij het onderlig- gende programma het beeld opnieuw te- kent. b. Auto-mode. Er zijn nogal wat programma's die het Redraw mechanisme niet goed af- handelen. Voor deze ziekelijke gevallen kan de beeldscherm afhandeling volledig door de fileselektor worden overgenomen. c. Fixed-mode. Deze mode werkt net zoals de auto-mode, maar kan ook samenwerken . G t.. G tGEMFED DOCIt ;GEMFED PRGNt ԷGEMFED RSCWt  GEM Font Editor Version 1.11 Instructions Included in the ARC file - GEMFED.PRG Font editor program GEMFED.RSC Resource file for font editor program GEMFED.DOC This file of instructions What the program does - This program edits fonts that are recognized by the part of the GEM operating system called GDOS. GDOS was not included in the original ST TOS, but can be loaded in from a disk. Programs which have and use GDOS, such as EasyDraw and Degas Elite, can use GEM fonts. Degas does not use GDOS; fonts created with GEMFED cannot be used (use Tom Hudson's font editor supplied on the Degas disk). Additionally, if you are a programmer and have GDOS, you can create your own fonts and use them in your programs. You don't need GDOS to run GEMFED, but without it the fonts aren't very useful. Some of the nice features of GEM fonts are the abilities to create fonts of any size and proportionally spaced fonts. You can also create fonts of any number of characters from 1 to 256 - this is useful if memory is a concern. With GEMFED 1.11 you can create fonts up to a size of 96 by 96. I've tested the fonts with Degas Elite, but you're on your own with any other programs. Look in Data Library 12 (here in the Compuserve Atari16 forum) for help on using GEMFED with other GDOS programs, like EasyDraw. Use of the program - Loading a font. Selecting the "Load font" menu option brings up the standard file selection window. Be sure to select a GEM font or the program will surely freak out. Creating a new font. Selecting "New font" gives you an empty 8 by 8 font of the 128 ASCII characters. Once a font has been loaded, or a new font created, two windows appear. The select window (titled "Select") is used to select characters and see how they look at normal scale. The edit window (titled with the character number and character currently being edited) is used to change the appearance of a character. You can move these windows around on the desktop. There are two ways to move a character to the edit window. You can click on the character in the Select window, or type the character at the keyboard. For characters without keyboard equivalents (character numbers higher than 127) use the Alt key in combination with the other keys (see the table below). Once the character you want is in the edit window, you can "paint" it using the mouse just as in most other graphic programs. The "paint" color is the opposite of the color under the mouse when you press the button, and remains the same until the button is released. There are also several commands to shift a character, and add and remove columns of pixels. The general scheme is: shift + button to shift; alt + button to add; and control + button to remove. All of these are done in the edit window. The complete list is: Shift + up scroll arrow Shift character up Shift + down scroll arrow Shift character down Shift + left scroll arrow Shift character to the left Shift + right scroll arrow Shift character to the right Alt + left scroll arrow Add one pixel column on left side Alt + right scroll arrow Add one pixel column on right side Control + left scroll arrow Remove one pixel column from the left side Control + right scroll arrow Remove one pixel column from the right side Alt + button in window Duplicate the column under the mouse and widen the character Control + button in window Remove the column under the mouse Most of these commands will work only when you can fit the entire character in the edit window (see the rescale command, below). Some of these commands are also available as menu items under the "Char" title. Also under "Char" are horizontal and vertical flips, erase, and toggle. You can copy one character to another by dragging it from the select window. Press the button on a character in the select window and wait for a rubberbox to appear around the character and the mouse to change to the flat hand. Drag the mouse with the rubberbox to the edit window, release the button, and the character will be copied. If you hold down the shift key as you release the mouse button, the two characters will be added together (logical "or"). Hint: By holding down the right mouse button, you can select & drag characters from the select window without topping it. All of these painting, shifting, and copying commands can be reversed with the Undo key. Any other action (including selection of a menu bar item, even if you then select a Cancel box) makes the previous change permanent. Several operations under the menu title "Global" change the entire character set. You can remove a row of pixels from the top or bottom of each character. One of the more powerful features is the rescale command. Entering vertical and horizontal factors of 2, for example, will give a font twice as large both vertically and horizontally. Also under "Global" are the "Display" and "Info" commands. Use the display command to scale the edit window. If possible, try to scale it so you can fit the entire character in the window. Many of the button shift commands will work only on a full window. The info command brings up a box showing information that is placed in the font file along with the actual character set. The ID number should be unique to the font (however you can give the same font scaled to different heights the same ID number). For Degas Elite fonts, be sure to use an ID number in the range of 50-99. The points is usually the vertical size of the font - don't change this unless you know what you're doing. The name can be anything descriptive. "Low" and "High" define the range of characters in the font. For Degas-converted fonts, these will be 0 and 127 - the normal ASCII range. "Ascent line", "Half line", "Baseline", and "Descent line" control the position of the guidelines in the edit window. The ascent line should be at the top of the capital letters, the baseline at the bottom of all character without descenders, the half line in between the ascent and baselines, and the descent line at the bottom of descenders (g,j,q, etc.). The bottom line of the character is row 1, and the top line is the same as the height (shown at the top right of the Info box). "Left offset" and "Right offset" show the displacement caused by a skewed character. The normal value for the left offset is Baseline / 2; and right offset is (Height / 2) - left offset. You don't need to worry about this, GEMFED calculates these values automatically. (Note: if you created a font with the original GEMFED, these values may be incorrect due to a bug.) "Lightening mask" and "Skewing mask" tell GEM how to make light and skewed characters. Normal values are $5555 for both. (Again, these may need correction in a font made with GEMFED 1.0) You can change the lightening mask to values like $CCCC or $F8F8 for an interesting effect. I don't recommend changing the skewing mask - it seems to confuse GEM. "Thickening" and "Underline" are rather straight-forward. Both give the amount of the respective effect in pixels. Well, that's about it. Download some fonts and play with them to get some practice before starting on your own fonts. One useful technique to make symmetrical characters is to make one piece, copy it to a work area (e.g. the space character), flip it, and then shift-copy it back. Please contact me with any complaints, suggestions, etc. about GEMFED. I prefer messages to be sent through CompuServe's Atari16 Forum. Thanks to all the people who tried out GEMFED 1.0 and sent me their comments. Brad Christie 76167,1461 Legal notices - GEM is a trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Degas and Degas Elite are trademarks of Batteries Included. Easy-Draw is a trademark of Migraph GEMFED may be copied at will, but is not to be sold. Appendix 1. Keyboard to Character Translation Keyboard Action Resulting Character --------------- ------------------- Cntrl-2 0 Cntrl-A to Cntrl-Z 1 to 26 Cntrl-[ 27 Cntrl-\ 28 Cntrl-] 29 Cntrl-6 30 Cntrl-- (dash) 31 space 32 ! 33 " 34 # 35 $ 36 % 37 & 38 ' 39 ( 40 ) 41 * 42 + 43 , 44 - 45 . 46 / 47 0 to 9 48 to 57 : 58 ; 59 < 60 = 61 > 62 ? 63 @ 64 A to Z 65 to 90 [ 91 \ 92 ] 93 ^ 94 _ 95 ` 96 a to z 97 to 122 { 123 | 124 } 125 ~ 126 delete 127 Alt-Cntrl-2 128 Alt-Cntrl-A to Alt-Cntrl-Z 129-154 Alt-Cntrl-[ 155 Alt-Cntrl-\ 156 Alt-Cntrl-] 157 Alt-Cntrl-6 158 Alt-Cntrl-- (dash) 159 Alt-space 160 Alt-! 161 Alt-" 162 Alt-# 163 Alt-$ 164 Alt-% 165 Alt-& 166 Alt-' 167 Alt-( 168 Alt-) 169 Alt-* 170 Alt-+ 171 Alt-, 172 Alt-- (dash) 173 Alt-. 174 Alt-/ 175 Alt-0 to Alt-9 176 to 185 Alt-: 186 Alt-; 187 Alt-< 188 Alt-= 189 Alt-> 190 Alt-? 191 Alt-@ 192 * Alt-A to Alt-Z 193 to 218 Alt-[ 219 Alt-\ 220 Alt-] 221 Alt-^ 222 Alt-_ 223 Alt-` 224 Alt-a to Alt-z 225 to 250 Alt-{ 251 Alt-| 252 Alt-} 253 Alt-~ 254 Alt-delete 255 escape 27 tab 9 backspace 8 return 13 Cntrl-return 10 Alt-escape 155 Alt-tab 137 Alt-backspace 136 Alt-return 141 * Note: CapsLock doesn't work with these characters - you'll need to use the shift key. Appendix 2. If you created fonts with GEMFED 1.0 . . . As mentioned above, there were a few bugs in making a new font with GEMFED 1.0. GEMFED 1.11 has been designed to fix these automatically - just load your font and it will be fixed. You should check the values in the Info dialog, and then save the font. Appendix 3. Using GDOS fonts with other applications. Each application may have its own requirements as to what it expects for font size and points. Use GEMFED to look at the supplied fonts to see what numbers to use. (Note: GEMFED 1.11 fixes some bugs which prevented loading outside fonts. Please let me know if there are still problems.) Drawing programs will likely have separate sets of screen and printer fonts matched by ID number. To get your own font into the program, you will need to: > Be sure you have enough memory to use more fonts (a 512 K machine has enough room for only 1-4 typical fonts with DEGAS Elite). > Create the font(s) with the correct points:height ratio and a unique ID number. > Place the font file with the application's other fonts. > Add the font file name to the ASSIGN.SYS file under the correct driver(s) (screen or printer). There may be three screen drivers - one for each resolution. > Re-boot the computer and run the application. Voila! You've got your fonts! I realize this is rather vague. A lot depends on the application and the version of GDOS. Ideally, each application would give some information as to how to add more fonts (hint, hint). IMPORTANT NOTE: Some people have reported problems using these fonts with GDOS 1.0. If that's the case, you might try using GDOS 1.1 (if you have it) with your application. If a font looks normal in GEMFED, but looks like it's been through a shredder in the application, you might try changing the Motorola/Intel format. (Don't know if it will work, just an idea). `` o"h###,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA BbByܝNbNV/./. /.NpN^ _O NNV?.NpN^ _ONNV/.?. ?.NqN^ _ONNV/.?. NqN^ _ONNV/.?. Np`N^ _ONNV?.?. NrN^ _ONNV?.?. NrN^ _ONNV?.?. Ns6N^ _ONNV?.?. NrN^ _ONNV?.?. NrN^ _ONNV?.?. NrNN^ _ONNV/.?. ?.NqPN^ _ONNV?<%NNN^Nu/,HNVNzA-H?< HnNZ?. "nP/ "n / "n / "n/ N"np2"n3yF"nBi"n3n 3Fp3#P?< HyHyHyPHyXN>N^,_ _TN/,HNVNzAx-H3#P?<,HyHyHyPHyXN>"n2"n2"n$n0.2"n $n0.2N^,_ _ON/,HNVNzA@-H=n=n0.nS@=@0.n S@=@?9J?<HnN*N^,_ _PN/,HNVNzA<-H=n=n0.nS@=@0.n S@=@?9JHnNN^,_ _PN/,HNVNzA-H/. Nz/. BgHnHnHnHnN . g*0.W@=@0.W@=@0.\@=@0.\@=@NLN?.?.?.?.N?9JBgN3?9J?<N30.nl0.rH=@`0.rH=@0.n=@0.n=@0.nn=@0.n=@0.nn=@0.nn=@0.n=@0.nn=@0.n=@0.n=@?9J?<HnNN0.S@=@0.J@jTNNN^,_ _XN/,HNVNzAj-H/. 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[ tDATLOC DAT&t LATLON DATat SUN_MOONDOCet SUN_MOONPRGit 67 3 1988 ALBANY NY 4275 7380WY 5 ALBUQUERQUE NM 3505 10662WY 7 ANCHORAGE AK 6117 15002WY 9 ATHENS GREECE 3797 2373EN-2 ATLANTA GA 3369 8443WY 5 BALTIMORE MD 3928 7662WY 5 BATON ROUGE LA 3053 9115WY 6 BERLIN GERMANY 5253 1342EN-1 BILLINGS MT 4577 10848WY 7 BILOXI MS 3040 8890WY 6 BIRMINGHAM AL 3357 8675WY 6 BISMARK ND 4685 10055WY 6 BOISE ID 4357 11622WY 7 BOSTON MA 4237 7103WY 5 BRIDGEPORT CT 4117 7313WY 5 BUFFALO NY 4293 7873WY 5 BURLINGTON VT 4447 7320WY 5 CAIRO EGYPT 3005 3125EN-2 CALGARY ALBERTA 5105 11406WY 7 CASPER WY 4285 10630WY 7 CEDAR RAPIDS IA 4188 9170WY 6 CHARLESTON SC 3278 7993WY 5 CHARLESTON WV 3835 8165WY 5 CHARLOTTE NC 3522 8093WY 5 CHEYENE WY 4115 10482WY 7 CHICAGO IL 4178 8775WY 6 CLEVELAND OH 4148 8172WY 5 COLORADO SPRINGS 3882 10472WY 7 COLUMBIA SC 3398 8120WY 5 COLUMBUS GA 3252 8493WY 5 COLUMBUS OH 3995 8312WY 5 CONCORD NH 4320 7150WY 5 DALLAS TX 3285 9685WY 6 DENVER CO 3975 10498WY 7 DES MOINES IA 4153 9365WY 6 DETROIT MI 4242 8302WY 5 DULUTH MN 4683 9218WY 6 EDMONTON ALBERTA 5355 11349WY 7 EL PASO TX 3180 10640WY 7 FAIRBANKS AK 6482 14787WY 9 FARGO ND 4690 9680WY 6 FLAGSTAFF AZ 3513 11167WN 7 FORT SMITH AR 3565 9415WY 6 FORT WAYNE IN 4100 8520WN 5 GRAND RAPIDS MI 4288 8552WY 5 GREAT FALLS MT 4748 11137WY 7 HALEAKALA HI 2075 15615WN1010023 HALIFAX NOVA SCOTI4465 6373WY 4 HARTFORD CT 4180 7265WY 5 HELENA MT 4660 11200WY 7 HILO HI 1972 15507WN10 HONG KONG 2525 11417EN-8 HONOLULU HI 2133 15792WN10 HOUSTON TX 2975 9537WY 6 HUNTINGTON WV 3842 8245WY 5 INDIANAPOLIS IN 3973 8628WN 5 JACKSON MS 3232 9008WY 6 JACKSONVILLE FL 3050 8170WY 5 JERUSALEM ISAREL 3178 3522EN-2 KANSAS CITY MO 3900 9453WY 6 LAS VEGAS NV 3608 11517WY 8 LEWISTON ME 4410 7022WY 5 LEXINGTON KY 3803 8460WY 5 LINCOLN NE 4082 9670WY 6 LITTLE ROCK AR 3477 9232WY 6 LONDON ENGLAND 5150 0WY 0 LOS ANGELES CA 3405 11823WY 8 LOUISVILLE KY 3823 8577WY 5 MADISON WI 4313 8933WY 6 MANCHESTER NH 4300 7147WY 5 MEMPHIS TN 3515 9005WY 6 MEXICO CITY MEXICO1940 9915EN 6 MIAMI FL 2580 8027WY 5 MILWAUKEE WI 4295 8790WY 6 MINNEAPOLIS MN 4488 9322WY 6 MONTGOMERY AL 3230 8640WY 6 MONTPELIER VT 4420 7257WY 5 MONTREAL QUEBEC 4551 7355WY 5 MOSCOW U.S.S.R. 5575 3770EN-3 NASHVILLE TN 3612 8668WY 6 NEW ORLEANS LA 2993 9013WY 6 NEW YORK NY 4078 7397WY 5 NEWARK NJ 4070 7417WY 5 NEWPORT RI 4152 7132WY 5 NORFOLK VA 3690 7620WY 5 OGDEN UT 4125 11195WY 7 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 3547 9755WY 6 OMAHA NE 4137 9602WY 6 OTTAWA ONTARIO 4542 7570WY 5 PARIS FRANCE 4884 234EN-1 PEKING CHINA 3990 11647EN-8 PEORIA IL 4067 8968WY 6 PHILADELPHIA PA 3995 7515WY 5 PHOENIX AZ 3345 11207WN 7 PITTSBURGH PA 4045 8000WY 5 POCATELLO ID 4292 11260WY 7 PORTLAND ME 4365 7032WY 5 PORTLAND OR 4560 11260WY 8 PROVIDENCE RI 4173 7143WY 5 RALEIGH NC 3578 7870WY 5 RAPID CITY SD 4407 10327WY 6 REGINA SASKATCHE 5045 10461WN 6 RENO NV 3950 11978WY 8 RICHMOND VA 3750 7733WY 5 ROCKVILLE MD 3912 7710WY 5 ROME ITALY 4188 1250EN-1 SACRAMENTO CA 3858 12150WY 8 SALEM OR 4492 12302WY 8 SALT LAKE CITY UT 4077 11188WY 7 SAN ANTONIO TX 2953 9847WY 6 SAN DIEGO CA 3273 11717WY 8 SAN FRANCISCO CA 3778 12242WY 8 SANTA FE NM 3565 10597WY 7 SEATTLE WA 4765 12230WY 8 SIOUX FALLS SD 4357 9673WY 6 SPOKANE WA 4767 11742WY 8 ST. LOUIS MO 3862 9018WY 6 TAMPA FL 2797 8253WY 5 TOKYO JAPAN 3575 13975EN-9 TOPEKA KS 3907 9563WY 6 TORONTO ONTARIO 4365 7938WY 5 TRENTON NJ 4022 7477WY 5 TUCSON AZ 3225 11095WN 7 TULSA OK 3618 9590WY 6 VANCOUVER B.C. 4932 12308WY 8 WARSAW POLAND 5225 2100EN-1 WASHINGTON DC 3893 7703WY 5 WHITEHORSE YUKON 6072 13505WN 8 WICHITA KS 3765 9743WY 6 WILMINGTON DE 3967 7560WY 5 WINNIPEG MANITOBA 4990 9714WY 6 WORCESTER MA 4227 7187WY 5 Here is something that will test the number crunching ability of your ST. There are some fairly extensive trigonometric calculations in places. This program computes data for the sun and moon. It was made with the intent of printing monthly tables of sunrise and sunset or moon rise and moon set. The program is based on several articles published in Weatherwise magazine and expanded upon to add an easy to use user interface. The program was first written on a Prime computer using Fortran 77. It was then converted to Megamax C for the Atari ST. Finally after discovering the floating point calculations were fairly slow, it was converted to GFA basic which was about 5 times faster. The rise and set computations are valid for a flat horizon at sea level. Adjustments would have to be made for the actual times and angles where there are hills on the horizon or where the location is at a higher elevation. Care has been made to insure accuracy at high latitudes (don't try the north pole). In its present form the program will not correctly perform computations for latitudes south of the equator. In order to run the program a file called LATLON.DAT is required. This file contains data for specific locations including latitude, longitude, number of hours from UTC meridian, and whether daylight savings time is used. This enables fast access by locating file data when required by the program. The LATLON file can be added to through the program. It also can be added to or modified through a file editor or word processor. LATLON city names should be in capital letters, the latitudes and longitudes are entered (in the file only) without a decimal point. Hour differences from the 0 degree meridian are positive for west longitudes and negative for east longitudes. About two cities from each state some foreign locations are included in the LATLON.DAT file. The maximum entries allowable in LATLON.DAT is 500. Medium or high resolution is required. When the program begins the first location in the file is displayed in the status line at the bottom of the screen. To change this start up location you have to edit the LATLON file. To change the month of computation select the data entry in the menu bar or the F1 key. Enter the month in number or three letter format. Similarly the year can be changed using the data entry menu or the F2 key. Years require 4 number format. To change the location for the computation use the data entry menu or the F3 key. It is not necessary to type the entire city name. The location with the first characters in the LATLON file that match your entry will be selected. For example to call up Los Angeles you would only need to type L if it was the first L location in the file. If not Lo or Los would probably work. Changes you make are displayed in the status line at the screen bottom. The F4 key or compute in the data entry menu will start computation. Listing to the screen may be stopped at any time by pressing a key. Another key press will resume the computation. The options menu in the menu bar enables computation change from the sun to the moon. Click on your choice. Default is the sun on program start up. Also through the options menu you may display the entire list of locations available. Another option enables you to enter data for a new place. For instance you could type data for your own residence. Follow the prompts. Latitudes and longitudes are entered in degrees and hundredths, not minutes. Output to the printer may be selected through the options menu or the F5 key. When the printer is selected all computed output goes to the printer instead of the monitor screen. Make sure you have the printer turned on in advance. Quit in the options menu or the F6 key is the only way to gracefully exit the program. In addition there is a choice of 3 different types of twilight for the sun computations. The default is civil twilight which begins or ends when the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon. You may also select nautical twilight, when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon or astronomical twilight when the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon. Output shows rise and set times and day lengths in hours and minutes. Times should be accurate to less than 1 minute for the sun and within a few minutes for the moon, probably better at low latitudes than at high latitudes. Change in day length is in minutes and seconds. Azimuth angles of rise and set on the horizon are measured from true north and are in degrees and tenths. Maximum elevations are also measured in degrees and tenths. Transit or solar noon is the time that the sun or moon is on the horizon due south. It is given to the nearest second for the sun. This enables an observer to determine the location of due south. Full moon occurs when the phase is shown to be .99. There are centain conditions where there are no rise or set times for a day. It is also possible to have two sunsets on the same day! The following conventions are used in the times showing these conditions: ..:.. Indicates there is no rise or set for this day, it occurs on the following day. --:-- Indicates there is no rise or set for this day because the sun or moon stays below the horizon. **:** Indicates there is no rise or set for this day because the sun or moon remains above the horizon. Revision 1.1 added the following... Through a line editor or word processor you may add elevation after the UTC/local time difference in columns 33 through 37. Normally this is not used but in the case where the observer is on a high mountain and the horizon is near sea level it will make several minutes difference in sunrise and sunset. This elevation is not computation is not done for moonrise and moonset. The status display line at the screen bottom was fixed to show correct latitude and longitude. Tests were inserted for screen resolution and printer status. A file called DATLOC.DAT was added which remembers the last location, month, and year used so when the program is rerun the same data will be used. Suggestions for improvements are welcome. Write: Dave Henry 1720 Wickersham Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99507 `>W@` Efv*oM# m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNtHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN6JrBjNuHz?<&NN\CAp$L Qp NBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr NH9lN^Nupealp`NuaNJHz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu &8*:EENuHn& 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NtNu&8*JEgJBgJjBEB:HC҅H@:|ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuN,pNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|@  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</N JFkSFk&aQN `Ha"FFaQL8N6.@JgtBn@Nupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNuNpJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNu <ڢ2RGFc8>`4A g6 g0 g` gTlfelhgFf2pRGRFa`a,` `?~ap ap a 0NuCpE`bf`FgRGJGgRSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0Nu?<?<NMXNur9A(HNLNu0,^2,`NzEfpaRppaNAEg0PaľEfa4RE`p a2a*Efp a(NxldeS@f lbfSl`9Ab9FdNupapqr`p`C l ", Ⲭ dfѬ SA 0! 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FV 7p&ND9l/h8,:,L/d4,pĴ@cS@9@p4,rŴAcBSA9Ar`8pJ, 7fnJ/^k0 Eg$2,/h pg  qfH9A/hpjN0`Based on equations in a series of articles by Alfred BlackadarNNprNNin Weatherwise magazine.NAN pN <CNN LATLON.DATNNzN|fN4AN N4pINJHPN LATLON.DATr"_N+|F <AFNPpN$VHg N N4pN/-FNCNZN~`NqNqSFpNXNpp@pW?<?<NN\pNN DATLOC.DATNNzN|fN4AN N5.pINJHPN DATLOC.DATr"_NpNN\+@BN\+@NCNpNX -CNCbNANpN&+@+|AN prNXprNXN -ZSWHfN6*BNtSun_Moon v1.1 (c) Dave Henry| Written in GFA Basic|This program is public domain. |It may not be sold for profit.HPNGreatr"_ NFANN -Z WHfN6XAjN ATN N -Z WHfN6AN ATN N -Z WHfN6AN AN N -Z WHfN6N -Z WHfN8bN -rUWHfN7ATN pNpNpNpNpp@pW?<?<NN\pNANpJ^HfN7ANpAN:AN&H <Ѝ/AN N7Bm+| -^WWHfN7AN -JVHfN8 ACN -^WWHfN8+mzpAANP -^NNN~`NqNqN8NHxNYour printer is| not ready!4HPNOkayr"_ NF+@vATN pNN -Z WHfN8prNXprNX+|ATN N -Z WHfN8prNXprNX+|ATN N -Z WHfN9Npp@pW?<?<NN\pNpNpNpN+| -FANPA N -^N -CNNNN~`NqNq -rUWHfN9 -^NNATN N -Z WHfNArNATN NNEnter Location: PnNC NA NpJ^HfNArA NVCNANp ]HfN:@Hmp NJ"_N*CN`NN Enter Latitude (example 45.89): PnNC NA NpA킚N:A NpNHA NjNL8NfN:A킚 0A킚N&&<x*<NpJBgp/A킚N&zNpJBgp$VHfN;>A킚 0NN Bad LatitudeNN;A킚N&&<x*<NnNVC,NA,NpY]HfN;p NJHPA,"_N*C,N`A킚N&zNgN;`NN"Enter Longitude (example 101.71): PnNC NA NpA킚N:A NpNHA NjNL8NfN<6A킚 0A킚N&&<x*<NpJBgp/A킚N&zNpJBgp$VHfN:pNNJCJNN>HpYNJCJNNN6Number of hours difference from 0 degree meridian timeNNNBAtlantic=4, Eastern=5, Central=6, Mountain=7, Pacific=8, Alaska=9,NNN Hawaii=10: PnNC NA NpN&+@fA NpNHA NjNL8NfN?F+|df -fN&<x*<NpJBgp/ -fN&<x*<NpJBgp$VHfN?A킚 0NNBad time differenceNN@ -fNNVCNANpU]HfN@p NJHPA"_N*CN` -f _HgN@2`ATN NN&Are these values correct? Check Stat: PnNC NA NVC NHm p"_NHPpYNJ"_N~fNA` -F VHfNA`RF/-FHmA,"_N*HPp NJ"_N*HPA2"_N*HPAP"_N*HPAJ"_N*HPA"_N*CNZpANJHPN LATLON.DATr"_NpN -FCNNNpNXNAN N -Z WHfNA -^UWHfNA+|^prNXNA+|^prNXN -Z WHfNB~NpNXpNXpp@pW?<?<NN\pp@pW?<?<NN\pONJHPN DATLOC.DATr"_NpN -BNNpN -NNpNANNpNX -Z WHgNC -Z WHfNBNCIVILCNA킔 wPC0prNXprNXprNXN -Z WHfNC 0A턌C턆NArClNCDA2 0CJA 0N CrNN C턌N -UWHfNT:HmN "_N~fNSA턆C턌NAlCrNC2AD 0CAJ 0AC턆NAClNNT:AC턌NA*CrNC8AD 0C>AJ 0N 4CNN C*NAN&H <Ѝ/AN NANNfNTANN&ANNAN:C킔A~ 0AN&HAsnN A퀄N&&<x*<NfNUA퀄N&zNfNTACHNNU ACHNAHC턘NNUCA 0AN&BAN:tH <Ѝ/A*N A0N&ANNA~N:A6N&HA~N A~N&HA퀄N&H <Ѝ/BAmN AN&H <Ѝ/AN NANNfNV APN&ANNAN:C킔A~ 0AN&HAsnN A퀄N&&<x*<NfNVA퀄N&zNfNVzACHNNVACHNAHC턒NNW6CA 0CA 0 <r$<H <Ѝ/A*N A0N&ANNA~N:A6N&HA~N A~N&HA퀄N&H <Ѝ/BAmN AN&ANNA~N:ANN&A~NNfNWzCNA~ 0A`N&A~NNAVN:C~A` 0A&N&A2NNA~N:A~N&zNfNWANN&A~NNA~N:ABN&HA~N ANN&A2NN|fNXFA~N&zN|fNXFA~ @0A~N&HA퀄N&H <Ѝ/BAmN AVN&A~N:A6N&HA~N A퀄N&HAN&H <Ѝ/BAmN AVN&zNfNYp-NJHPA턶"_N*C턶NNYp+NJHPA턶"_N*C턶NBmtH <Ѝ/A*N CA~ 0A6N&HA~N A~N&HA퀄N&H <Ѝ/BAmN AN&HtH <Ѝ/BAmN Hmp:NJ"_N*HPHmp"_N"_N*CNNbA\ 0BmA퀨N&H <Ѝ/B NHAN&L8NAN:/-AHN&ANN"_N"N BBA퀄N&zN|fNkBm+|A~N&zNfNk+|NkA퀄N&A~NNAN:AN&NAN: -SWHfNlNvNDHAN&L8NAN: -SWHfNl Nv z*   T, ,H$R< D*X0<2|X0<2l^6*2 v*TT>J rP"F*":Rj:R*B6>z * R*2B:>z *"Nt:*62. :*:2.&..** *0N2&4* *>>&..** *0N2&4* *<2&..* &">Z:J>XBPJ|`"B8*.>"B8*.^.(F$@PZd$ d">hH("0 dNlB8,R>&0$l.b.8>V^B\ V@ 2z*" pd &$met programma's die geen geheugen vrij laten. Het mechanisme voor de werking van de twee laatst genoemde modi berust op het redden van het complete beeldscherm (32Kb) voordat de fileselector box wordt afgebeeld, en het te- rugschijven na afloop. In de Auto mode wordt elke keer geheugen gevraagd aan het systeem, bij de Fixed mode wordt bij het opstarten vanuit de Auto-folder reeds een stuk geheugen geclaimd. Is in de Auto-mode geen geheugen beschikbaar, dan wordt omgeschakeld in Redraw mode. B. Het Path. a. Program. Het path wordt precies zo overgenomen als het programma opgeeft. b. Fselect. Het path van de vorige keer wordt opnieuw gebruikt. Zo kan een path worden 'vastgezet'. C. De Extension. a. Program. De door het programma gegeven extensie wordt gebruikt. b. Fselect. De extensie wordt door de fileselector gegeven. Zo kan de exten- sie '*.*' worden vastgehouden, zodat dan steeds alle files in het keuze- venster verschijnen. D. Remove file/folder. Het is mogelijk om een opgegeven folder of file te wissen. Lukt deze opdracht niet goed, dan wordt een foutmelding ge- geven. E. Create folders. Folders kunnen met deze opdracht worden aangemaakt, volgens de opgegeven naam en path. F. Save parameters. Instellingen kunnen bewaard worden. De extenders, de redraw mode,en de sorte ringswijze kunnen worden bewaard. Zorg er wel voor dat dit fileselector programma op het zoekpad #:\AUTO\FSELECT.PRG zit. Dit is nodig omdat bij het bewaren de code van het programma zelf wordt veranderd! (# betekent: de drive (letter) van waar af werd opgestart.) OPMERKINGEN: Wordt dit programma op een harddisk gezet, en blijkt dat het opstarten dan de mist in gaat, houdt dan de toets ingedrukt. Dan wordt namelijk het programma niet gestart. VERANDERINGEN t.o.v. VERSIE 9/87 1. snellere weergave van filenamen in het keuze venster. 2. de onderste regel (Name:, Ok en Cancel) is naar boven verplaatst en staat nu direkt onder de regel met de Path naam. 3. verandering van de spikkelpatronen voor een betere kontrastwerking met de achtergrond. BUGS Zijn er programma's reeds in de Line-F emulator ingehangen, en wordt het pro- gramma met de hand opgestart vanaf de desktop, dan worden alle ingehangen pro- gramma's weer losgekoppeld. (dit zou komen door de initialisering van line-F door de desktop.) Oplossing: start dit programma op vanuit de Auto folder. Bij gebruik van BlitterTos werkt de -Alt- toets niet als men wil verhinderen dat dit programma wordt opgestart. Oplossing: druk eerst een gewone toets in, daarna pas de 'Alternate'. VERANTWOORDING Dit programma komt uit de duitse PD en werkte enkel met de duitse TOS. Het is, (met ondersteuning van de Stichting ST) door Han Driesen uit Leiden, geschikt gemaakt voor de in Nederland gebruikte TOS in ROM. Ook de (nieuwe) Blitter-TOS hoeft geen probleem te zijn voor het functioneren van dit programma. ************************* * Distributie: * * Stichting ST * * Afdeling Software * * Bakkersteeg 9 A * * 2311 RH LEIDEN * * tel. 071-130045 * ************************* DATUM: 25 maart 1988.