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Aumann written by P.Maier ........... DON'T PANIC ........... Mega Format :This program formats a disk single sided up to 450 KB and double sided up to 920 KB. This is made bei formatting with 11 sectorsper Track To find out how many tracks you can format with your disk drive, i'veincluded the option TEST DRIVE. This formats the tracks 80 - 83 and then it tests if this has been done without errors.The copy copies disks with 9, 10 or 11 Sectors. The Destination diskwill be formatted automatically if it wasn't formatted before.Convert means a conversion of 9 sector disks into fastload disks. ...Please press any key... Mega Format :This program is SHAREWARE. That means, if you like it and ifyou can use it, you may/should/could send me some money (maybe 20 DM)or whatever you like. Then you will be registered as a user and you will get free updates of new versions just by sending me a disk or the amount for a disk.You can also get the source code of this program if you send me 30 DM. (DM 50 at all) The sourcecode includes routines to program the FDC,(FDC = Floppy Disk Controller) and it's written in C. ...Please press any key... Mega Format :If you have problems with this program, call me.If you find mistakes or errors in the program ( Oh No !! ) pleasetell them to me. And if you have tips or suggestions , i will use them.My adress...... Peter Maier, Waldstrasse 83, 6085 Nauheim/Gross-Gerau, W-GermanyI would be very happy to hear from you.......please press any key... MS-Transformer :With this program you can copy MS-Dos disks (2 * 40 Tracks ) to ATARI - Format . (If you have a 5 1/4 Drive that could be switchedfrom 40 to 80 tracks, you could copy these disks without a program)But there are also drives that can't be switched.(like my drive)You can also copy ATARI ST disks to MS-DOS Format.If you need such a program, contact me.This program is also SHAREWAR ...please press any key... Dedit :This is a diskmonitor, which shows everything that's on the disk:sectors,header,gaps,crc-bytes,tracks.....You can read, edit and write sectors and tracks. You can position the drive head to any place on the disk, the secrets of your disks willbe shown. You can also load and save tracks or sectors. It is also possible to create tracks of your own desire. ( perhaps different sectorheaders,short or long gaps and ...) This program is also SHAREWARE. ...Please press any key... Prolock :This is a copy protection, that can't be copied with any copyprogramor with a copymachine !! If you want information about this protection, contact me.You don't need a special hardware, the protection is made with theST. ...Please press any key... ........... FASTLOAD - FORMAT ........... [1][ | Insert Disk into | which drive ??? ][ A | B ][1][ | There is no drive B !! | Use drive A !! ][ OK ][1][ Single sided | or | Double sided ?? ][ SS | DS ][1][ How many Tracks ?? ][80|81|82][1][ Start Format ?? ][ Yeah | Oh No ]Formatting Track : Side 1%02d %02d Formatting Track : Side 2%02d %02d Formatting Track : Side 1%02d Formatting Track : Side 2%02d fastdisk.megfastdisk.meg[2][ | Remove Write protect ! ][ Yeah ][1][ | Error during format ! ][ Oh No ] ........... DON'T PANIC ........... Formatting Track : Side 1%02d Formatting Track : Side 2%02d Formatting Complete !Verifying Track : Side 1%02d [3][ Error during Verify | 1: Format | 2: Continue | 3: Stop ][ 1 | 2 | 3 ]Formatting Track : Side 1%02d Verifying Track : Side 1Verifying Track : Side 2%02d [3][ Error during Verify | 1: Format | 2: Continue | 3: Stop ][ 1 | 2 | 3 ]Formatting Track : Side 2%02d Verifying Track : Side 2megaform.infmegaform.infFormatting Track %02d Reading Track %02d [1][ | Remove Write Protect ! ][ OK ][1][ | Please Check Disk ! ][ OK ] .............. TEST .............. [1][ Which Drive do you | want to test ?? ][ A | B ][1][ There is no drive B !!! | Use drive A !! ][ OK ][1][ Please insert a | new disk and | remove write protect !! ][ OK ][3][ Now ,I'll test | Track 80-83 ][ OK | STOP ] ........... DON'T PANIC ........... [3][ Sorry !!! | You can only format | Track 0 - 79 (80 Tracks)][ ALLRIGHT ][3][ Sorry !!! | You can only format | Track 0 - 80 (81 Tracks)][ ALLRIGHT ][3][ Sorry !!! | You can only format | Track 0 - 81 (82 Tracks)][ ALLRIGHT ][3][ How about sending | me 20 DM ?? | ][ OK ][3][ My address : | Peter Maier | Waldstr. 83 | 6085 Nauheim ][ Germany ]Free Ram : %ld Buff : $%lx MaxTr %d [3][ | Not enough memory !! ][ BAD ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive A ][ OK ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive B ][ OK ] Reading Track : %02d [1][ Readerror ! | Track %d Sector %d | 1 : Read again | 2 : Next Track | 3 : Continue ][1|2|3][1][ Readerror ! | Track %d Sector %d Side 2| 1 : Read again | 2 : Next Track | 3 : Continue ][1|2|3][1][ | Insert Destination Disk | into Drive A ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Destination Disk | into Drive B ][ OK | STOP ] Writing Track : %02d [1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d | 1 : Write again | 2 : Format | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3][1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d ][ CANCEL ][1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d Side 2| 1 : Write again | 2 : Format | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3][1][ Write - Error ! | Track %d Sector %d ][ CANCEL ]Tracks %d Sectors %d Sides %d [3][ | Errors on Bootsector ][ ??? ]Tracks %d Sectors %d Sides %d [1][ | Insert both Disks ! ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive A ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Source Disk | into Drive B ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Destination Disk | into Drive ][ A | B | STOP ][1][ | There is no drive B !!! | Use drive A !!][ OK ][1][ | Insert Scan Disk | into Drive A ][ OK ][1][ | Insert Scan Disk | into Drive B ][ OK ]Tracks %d Sectors %d Sides %d [3][ | Errors on Bootsector ][ ??? ] Scanning Track : %02d Sector not found !CRC - Data Error ! CRC - ID Error ! FDC-Error #%d ! [1][ %s | Track %d Sector %d | 1 : Read again | 2 : Continue | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3][1][ Readerror ! | Track %d Sector %d Side 2| 1 : Read again | 2 : Continue | 3 : Cancel ][1|2|3] ........... COPY ........... ........... SCAN ........... ........... BULKERASE ........... [1][ | Disk Data | will be | completely erased !! ][ SURE ][1][ How many Tracks ?? ][81|82|83][1][ | Insert Disk | to be erased | into Drive A ][ OK | STOP ][1][ | Insert Disk | to be erased | into Drive B ][ OK | STOP ]Erasing Track : Side 1%02d Erasing Track : Side 2%02d ........... FORMAT ........... [3][Switch to MEDIUM Resolution|][ Ok ]megacol.rsc[3][Error in reading RSC-File|][Terminate]megaform.rsc[3][Error in reading RSC-File|][Terminate]35[1][ | Oops !!!| ][ ?? ][1][ | Oops !!!| ][ ?? ][1][ 1 : Connect or | 2 : Disconnect | Drive B ][ 1 | 2 ]@$??CON:AUX:PRT:%d ,  Z Z$: ! . ! Desk Options Special Format Info MEGAFORM Megaformat ---------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Format Disk Erase Disk ---------------- Copy Disk Scan Disk ---------------- Test Drive ---------------- Quit  Sectors for FAT  Sectors for FAT ---------------------- Repair Track Copy Track Connect Drive B Fastload Format MS-DOS Format User Format -------------------- AVAILABLE IN V 2.0 Powerdisk MS-Transformer Dedit Prolock Start Copy Format Destination Use Bootsector Info Convert Multi CopyDestination DriveSource Drive Cancel YES NO YES NO ON OFF YES NO A B A B 80818283FASTSLOW9101112SIDESSECTORSTRACKS FDCCOPYScan Drive A B Scan Mode DEEPFAST Sides 2 1 Scan Disk Scan Track Cancel BULK ERASE Erase Drive A B Sides 2 1 Erase Disk Erase Track Cancel ..Enter Track : __XX Cancel ON OFF 1 2 A B 9101180828183 Start Format SectorsTracks Verify SidesDriveFORMAT PARAMETERCOPY PARAMETERCREDITS Directory O  <c    `88<&F?q `` ` 00 `8p0? `8STnA AAA A AA   A SXYZ_`0mste u}~e e A A AA A A ! A $%A.;<A =KLAMVWA X[loxyA AAAA AA~0%~0%~0~0 !%"#$~0%&'|A0(45Jf 678~0j 6 P P) $ +  5  ?  H# , *P  \ j  .;HYgx$# !"#*%)&' ())$  +.%,U-b.t* }1aI0 : V r        Z   h!  0 "  a"   a" a" !&a",2a" 7; a" ?C  v%  ) $ #a3 !G"J#M P'%&a4& $ 6 +(*a5 )a*c'f .,-a6 -i+k/ R7 0 n7 1 7   96$a9          a"     a"   a"0  0" %02  a90Nja"    a" &* 0  0" %0 0/a:0$ a$za$   a$    a"     ! a        0.J f  AMI I* FIb  ~ AMII 0 AM K,D$\ \!!|******************************************************************************* * * * MEGAFORM 1.9 04.Jan.1988 * * * ******************************************************************************* * * * AUTOR : * * * * Peter Maier, Waldstr. 83, 6085 Nauheim, GERMANY Tel: 06152/62081 * * * ******************************************************************************* This program is useful for formatting,copying and testing disks. In version 1.9 you get the following functions : - Format Disk - Copy Disk - Test Disk - Fastload Format - Scan Disk - Erase Disk - Connect Drive B Format Disk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** ATTENTION *** Use this option only when you're sure that you've inserted the correct disk into your drive, because when you click on START FORMAT the formatting of your disk starts immediately. You can format your disk with different capacitys. It is possible to format 9,10 or 11 sectors, 80 - 83 tracks, single- or double sided and with or without verify. ( This is useful for 11 sector disks, because you need good disks for that format !! ) If you use 83 tracks, 11 sectors and 2 sides you will get about 925 Kb free. So you'll gain about 200 Kb more on every disk !! A file is created on the disk that contains information about the format : MEGAFORM.INF 0 02-10-80 00:00 This shows how many sides(02),sectors(10) and tracks(80) the disk has. Copy Disk ~~~~~~~~~~~ This copy gets all information out of the bootsector of the source disk. So you don't have to worry about the format on disk. All you have to do is to set the drives,the multicopy-option and the convert option( This option converts normal disks into fastloading disks. But this works only with 9 sector disks ). This copy can't copy any protections and also no weird formats on disk. The Tracksnumbers have to count from 0 - 82 and the sectornumbers from 1 to 11. Otherwise you will receive error messages. If there are errors on disk an alert box will occur and you have the following options : - Read again Try to read this sector again. - Next Track Continue reading on the next track, sector 1. - Continue Continue reading on the next sector, same track. The destination disk must not be formatted. If there are write errors an alert box occurs also with these options : - Write again Try to write this sector again - Format formats the track and then writes the sector - Cancel Abort writing If you know that your destination disk is not formatted you can also set the FORMAT Destination button to YES. So you won't have to click on format in the alert box if you get write errors 'cause the disk is not formatted. If you've set the MULTICOPY option, you can choose the destination drive, and if you've finished writing to the destination disks you have to click STOP. Then reading continues (if there was not enough memory to read the complete disk into the ST) or you turn back to the copy dialog. You can also turn off the BOOTSECTOR INFO, so that you can make your own settings. ( Maybe you have a disk that contains information on both sides but in the bootsector it is set to single sided ) Test Disk ~~~~~~~~~~~ You can test, how many tracks could be formatted on your drive without receiving an error. Please use a new or empty disk for that, cause all information on the last ( 80 - 83 ) tracks will be erased. Fastload Format ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This formats a disks with 9 sectors in a special way, so that you'll gain double speed on loading and saving on this disk. If you copy a fastload disk without CONVERT set to YES, you'll lose the fastload format. There's also a file created : FASTDISK.MEG 0 01-09-83 00:00 This has the same meaning as above. Scan Disk ~~~~~~~~~~~ This scans disks and looks for errors on them. If the program detects errors you'll get a message, and a description of the error. Mostly you'll get these two errors : - Sector not found This sector is not on disk. - CRC Data error The sector is on disk, but the data is corrupted. Erase Disk ~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** ATTENTION *** This feature erases your complete disk. BE SURE that you've inserted the correct disk into the drive, because all data, also the format of the disk will be erased. There will be nothing on the disk after having erased it. ( The disk is not formatted !!! ) Connect Drive B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This happens always to me : you switch on drive A an your computer and sometime later you need drive B. But this drive wasn't switched on during booting ( what a pity !! ). What you'll get is the nice dialog window ' Please insert disk B into drive ...... '. ( ... Shit ... ) Now you can connect drive B at any time . But don't forget to turn the power on and don't connect drive B if you don't have one. OK !?! Have fun working with MEGAFORM Peter Maier P.S. : I would be happy hearing from you..... The next version will include : Harddisk Scan / Backup Copy from side 1/2 to 1/2 Disk Info Directory 10/11 Sector fastload formatting MS-Dos Copy and Format .  tD..  tDEFAULT PRSt E`NEC-LEESME t FNECSETUPPRGt K]NEC_INSTPRG t c%1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,80,6,11,28,64,27,80,27,120,1,27,107,0,27,108,0,27,108,80,27,67,0,11,-1 NEC SETUP versie 0.1. Dit pakket bestaat uit de volgende bestanden: NECSETUP.PRG NEC_INST.PRG DEFAULT.PRS NEC_LEES.ME (DIT BESTAND). Doel van dit pakketje is: - een groot aantal van de mogelijkheden van de NEC-P2200 printer vanuit de computer kunnen besturen. - vanuit een auto-folder deze printer kunnen instellen. NEC_INST.PRG: Dit programma stuurt kodes die zijn opgenomen in files met de extensie *.prs naar de NEC-printer. Deze files kunnen worden gemaakt met het programma NECSETUP.PRG. Wanneer er geen *.prs file in de root directory van de betreffende schijf is te vinden, stopt het programma zonder iets naar de printer te sturen. Wanneer er meerdere *.prs file zijn, verschijnt een menu waarmee door 1,2,... in te typen, het te gebruiken file is te kiezen. (Een fileselector box was niet bruikbaar omdat dit programmaatje met name is bedoeld is om vanuit een auto-folder te worden opgestard. Vandaar dus de (kr)omweg via het DHZ-menu.) Als er precies een *.prs file is, wordt dit direkt naar de printer gestuurd. NECSETUP.PRG: Dit programma kan met de optie file/direkt (in het "Bedrijf-menu") in de Direkt-Bedrijf of File-Bedrijf worden gezet. Direkt bedrijf: In dit geval worden alle kommando's direkt naar de printer gestuurd. De kommando's zijn te kiezen via de opties uit de diverse menu's. In het blok onderaan het scherm is te zien welke opties zijn ingesteld. Een programma weet natuurlijk nooit hoe de default instelling van de printer is. Daarvoor is het file DEFAULT.PRS bedoeld. Bij hetstarten van NECSETUP.PRG wordt in de root-directory gezocht naar DEFAULT.PRS. Als dit niet vindbaar is, verschijnt een alert box met twee keuze mogelijkheden: ZOEKEN en ALLES 0. de optie "zoeken" dient te worden gekozen als DEFAULT.PRS elders op een schijf staat. Er verschijnt dan een file-selector box waarmee DEFAULT.PRS kan worden aangewezen. De optie "alles 0" wordt gekozen als DEFAULT.PRS nog niet bestaat. Alle instellingen worden dan op 0 of "uit" gezet. File-Bedrijf: Bij file bedrijf worden kommando's niet naar de printer gestuurd maar verzameld om in een file te worden geschreven voor later gebruik door het programma NEC_INST.PRG. De optie FILE/DIREKT onder het BEDRIJF menu wisselt tussen FILE en DIREKT bedrijf. Belangrijk is dat men die kommando's kiest die de printer vanaf de default instelling in de gewenste instelling doen belanden. Hier bij dient te worden opgemerkt dat veel menu-items in feite toggles "wisselinstellingen" zijn. Bv. Letterquality. Als Letterquality "aan" stond zal het aanklikken van deze optie Letterquality "uit" zetten. En andersom. Moet Letterquality dus worden uitgezet d.m.v. het gebruik van een *.prs file, dan dient in Direkt-Bedrijf deze funktie te worden aangezet, waarna het programma in File-Bedrijf wordt geplaatst. Dan moet de Letterquality optie worden gekozen zodat het kommando dat naar de printer zal worden gestuurd "letterquality uit" zal zijn. De optie "Wissen" veegt alle kommando's uit die zijn ingebracht vanaf de laatste keer dat het programma in File-Bedrijf werd gezet. De optie "Schrijf file" wordt gekozen nadat de gewenste kommando's zijn ingebracht. Men kan uiteraard iedere door TOS/GEM toegestane naam kiezen. Deze moet echter wel de extensie .PRS krijgen !! DEFAULT.PRS: In dit file staat de standaard instelling van de printer. Dat dient natuurlijk aan de instelling van uw eigen printer te zijn aangepast. Doe dit als volgt: - start NECSETUP zonder dat DEFAULT.PRS op de root directory aanwezig is. - kies de optie ALLES 0 - kies vervolgens uit de menu's de diverse instellingen zoals die default op uw printer zijn - klik vervolgens de optie Schrijf File en schrijf een file met de naam DEFAULT.PRS - zorg ervoor dat dit file in de root-directory staat voordat NEC-SETUP de volgende keer wordt opgestart. Opmerkingen: - Bij het starten geeft NECSETUP de printer een reset opdracht om er zeker van te zijn dat die in de default instelling staat. - Ik heb gemerkt dat bij het runnen vanuit een auto-folder het programma NEC_INST.prg niet altijd goed detecteert of de printer bereikbaar is. Bij runnen door aanklikken lukt het wel. Suggesties ?? ============================================================================ In deze vorm (versie 0.1) is het programma Public Domain. Dit is evenwel waarschijnlijk nog niet de laatste versie van dit programma. Ik heb jammergenoeg niet veel tijd voor dit soort zaken beschikbaar dus wanneer een volgende versie komt... Dat zal echter ook van de ontvangen reakties afhangen. Ik hoor graag erva- ringen of opmerkingen. Stuur deze s.v.p. naar het Ster BBS. (01880-40035). Veel plezier ermee. Leendert Buytendyk. `[RD` Efv*oM"V m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNbHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN BNJrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N9lrBlJpNNpMN9@pdAr 0Q0tr N9lNNupealp`NuaNJHz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu pa4|a@:>< |a6RGk0Gg`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNu&8*:EENuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|$  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NJFkSFk&aQN`Ha"FFaQL8NP6.$JgtBn$Nupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?NP<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNuNJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNuHPa _NBp"NTp,`vN)@p `H@)@prtNAHplrtNB 2pNpNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtNpapap9@p`pvNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtNAl 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtN9Cp rtNAv` Av `Avl 2l 4)lVHNxAl 2l 4HPrtpgN0<}N& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`N^@((?<NN.?<NNX@LvA HA HNuNup9@HA)A,N FN @e024E$ Bb5B5A6CC5CK5CAB008:Dk`Ek\00<,>,SFSGFnHGnDDDk9DBlDEk9EBlFcllGcll0,lb 0,lcNupmrtA)HA)HNpNHHPN4 _:8><DbFEbGCHP@dʾAdBD2ƞE29|C???FF22N23BRG0@\@N"2)IN(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( INA)H @depd ae zb QB DNA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNpZNA BP"`#|}NA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENAR@H`2QNur|<N @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| NA R4RB`A Gf //o~4$_<F"OSG !H@Ь 2 Q)@RHRprN2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NN<"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg0 k&@ S`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNuApNN$N$$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0Nu _0HpN _0HpNp"_0HqN\p"_0HqN\E ұeHHQ0)N$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuN^WHNuN^VHNu(* 0(iN$$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENua NuN IHPg"B  g &gNhJBjt BNut`Rptr ae OgT Xgj HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBkNRB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`2p <0N$`QNuHpx$ ld$l`"Hg8" &Ak eѐ S`g"" k#&Aeё2+SAI3 Q&f)I`LNuHRp` HRpJQfpNhNq Y QfdЀЀ 0NuNXNRNq Y Qfd ЀЀNuNRNX$_& Y Qfdփփ!8NNVNP$_& if"QdփփHRNNPNV~,Nq8DRzXEEg"7PNqR$HBJBgpNJgJigp`eetЂ`"ЀeЁdp`ЀeЀe"Ѕe$W.H@@/ l\N NL"2` NqR YEjrd0` SjN" KC`e N<`d \N l\Ӭ\ NupNd d3 d# d# # d# # # # d# # # # # # # # dB` # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # QNudd2d"d""d""""d""""""""dB` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNu??<NMXNu?k?<NM"UAf J@fH@NuDW?<NMXNuPj0,lf$J,nk l*fp?NTp NT9|nNRGFc8>`4A g6 g0 g` gTlfelhgFf2pRGRFa`a,` `?~ap ap a 0NuCpE`bf`FgRGJGgRSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0Nu?<?<NMXNur9A(HNTLNu0,^2,`N$zEfpaRppaNAEg0PaľEfa4RE`p a2a*Efp a(N ldeS@f lbfSl`9Ab9FdNupapqr`p`C l ", Ⲭ dfѬ SA 0! 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Proverbs and commonsense saying are often used by people in their relationships with others. Psychological research has shown that these expressions can be indicators of people's feelings, their attitudes to others and their philosophy of life in general. The purpose of this test is to find out if you have executive potential, by getting your reactions to a list of proverbs. he test was originally designed at the University of Southern California and, despite its rather unusual approach, has been found to be a reliable way to distinguish between persons likely to be good managers/supervisors and those not so likely to be good managers. Below, you will find a list of common expressions with which you might agree or disagree. For the purposes of this test, give your opinion about how a GOOD MANAGER SHOULD FEEL about the proverb. Do this by first thinking about a good manager in your particular line of work. Then, respond to each proverb by saying how this good manager should feel if he were answering the test honestly and truthfully. Do not give your own opinion about the proverb, though you may personally feel the same as the answer you give. There are 74 questions. 1. Reason rules all things. 2. A person may be educated beyond his intelligence. 3. Too much and too little education hinders the mind. 4. It is better to be a Jack of all trades than a specialist. 5. He who knows most, believes least. 6. It is just as well to be ignorant of many things. 7. Money talks. 8. The stronger more often wins. 9. He who demands does not command. 10. An increase of power brings an increase of wealth. 11. When the end is lawful, the means are lawful. 12. Petty laws breed great crimes. 13. The reasons of the strongest are often the best. 14. A good horse should seldom be spurred. 15. Law is the tyrant of man. 16. The end justifies the means. 17. The arguments of the strongest carry the most weight. 18. Power passes to the best from the inferior. 19. When the cat's away the mice will play. 20. A bird is known by its feathers. 21. You cannot change human nature. 22. Once a gentleman, always a gentleman. 23. Like father, like son. 24. Far from eye, far from heart. 25. A man's character is revealed his speech. 26. Necessity will teach a stupid man to be wise. 27. Dogs bark as they are reared. 28. An old dog cannot change his way of barking. 29. An occassion lost cannot be redeemed. 30. People strive to give to him who already has. 31. Easy come, easy go. 32. What will be, will be. 33. No pleasure without pain. 34. To be poor and content is to be rich and rich enough. 35. Life is a battle. 36. Every day should be passed as if it were our last. 37. No day passes without some grief. 38. Fate will find a way. 39. There is no flying from fate. 40. Nothing under the sun is accidental. 41. Those who cannot do, always want to do. 42. Every man has his price. 43. Trust people, but no too much. 44. Men's faces are not to be trusted. 45. If you want something done well, do it yourself. 46. A clean glove often hides a dirty hand. 47. Make yourself into a lamb and the wolves will eat you. 48. Many people kiss the hand they want to cut off. 49. He that praises publicly will slander privately. 50. Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler. 51. A good friend never offends. 52. Take things as they come. 53. No one will get a bargain he does not ask for. 54. Imagination is a poor substitute for experience. 55. You cannot reach a high position without boldness. 56. Men of action are dreamers. 57. He who lives by hope will die of hunger. 58. If speech is silver, silence is gold. 59. 'Quick' and 'good' do not go well together. 60. There is nothing better than being on the safe side. 61. Debate destroys the speed of getting things done. 62. The future belongs to him who knows how to wait. 63. Slow and steady wins the race. 64. The race is not to the swift. 65. He who hesitates is lost. 66. He who envies others ends up poor. 67. Each man is sorry for himself. 68. He who is not good to himself will be good to nobody. 69. Yourself should be the first object of charity. 70. In doing what we should, we deserve no praise. 71. The reward of a thing rightly done is to have done it. 72. We always take care of number one. 73. Everyone finds fault with his own trade. 74. Discontent is the first step in progress. SCORE INTERPRETATION BELOW 8 At this time anyway, you probably prefer to do your job without adding the responsibilities and burdens that management entails. You probably do not like the political power games that often have to be played for advancement. You may, in fact, be in a skilled or craft area of work where your satisfaction does not come from being managerial, but in a job well done or an object well made. 8 TO 19 You probably have a desire to climb the executive ladder and have the potential to do so; but some of your attitudes may be rather too naive and you may feel a part of you still belongs to your working associates, rather than to the elite echelons of management. ABOVE 19 You would probably make a very good manager or executive (You might already be one either in your home or in some company). You have the ability to hold power and utilize a work force, while still respecting and understanding individuals. You probably retain the human function even in a tough arena. You are likely to be a social and political animal in your job, and have an ability to balance competing factors in a high executive position. 0-00 +000 -00+ 00+0 -00+ -00+ 00+0 -000 0+0- -000 -00+ 0-00 -0+0 -000 -00+ -00+ -0+0 00+0 -00+ -000 -0+0 -00+ 0+00 00+0 00+0 0+00 0+-0 0-00 -000 -00+ 0+00 -00+ -00+ -000 -0+0 000+ 00-0 -00+ -00+ 0+0- 00+0 -00+ -0+0 -00+ -00+ -00+ 0-0+ -0+0 -00+ -0+0 -0+0 -000 -0+0 -000 -0+0 000- -000 0-0+ -00+ -0+0 -00+ -00+ -00+ -00+ -00+ 0+00 00+0 00+0 -00+ -000 -00+ -00+ -00+ +00- The activities that a person values are not often consistent with the type of job he or she is in or the kind of work they are seeking. For example, a person who values aesthetic activities like art, music and literature may be a bank manager; or a person who values activities which involve the accumulation of wealth and power may end up as a struggling artist. This test has been devised to help you find out what activities you value the most. You can the decide for yourself whether the job you are in (or are looking for) coincides with your value system. Read each statement that is presented and decide whether the activity described in the statement is one which you would like or dislike doing. Keep an open mind but answer as best you know how. There are 80 statements. 1. Meet new people and get acquainted with them. 2. Take a group of children swimming 3. Serve as a companion to an elderly person. 4. Be with people despite their physical deformities. 5. Work with an organization to help the unemployed. 6. Work with labor and management to help solve their conflicts. 7. Go with friends to the cinema. 8. Help distribute food at a picnic. 9. Play chess (or another game) with members of your family. 10. Make a phone call for a theater booking. 11. Collect specimens of small animals for a zoo or museum. 12. Solve mathematical problems. 13. Develop an international computer language. 14. Do an experiment with the muscles and nerves of a frog. 15. Study the various methods used in scientific investigations. 16. Do research on the relationship between brain waves and thinking. 17. Visit a research labratory in which mice are being tested in a maze. 18. Plan the strategies you will use before a tennis game. 19. Read the biography of Louis Pasteur. 20. See a film in which a scientist is the hero. 21. Judge entries in a photographic contest. 22. Sketch action scenes on a drawing pad. 23. Participate in a summer theater group. 24. Compare the treatment of a classical work as played by two musicians. 25. Mould a statue in clay. 26. Be a ballet dancer. 27. Be a sign painter. 28. Plant flowers and shubbery around a home. 29. Listen to 'folk' and 'jazz' records. 30. Play the juke box. 31. Lead a roundtable discussion. 32. Be a chairman of an organizing comittee. 33. Buy a rundown business and make it grow. 34. Borrow money in order to 'finance' a promising business deal. 35. Run for a political office. 36. Own and operate a bank. 37. Be a bank teller. 38. Take a course in business management. 39. Study commercial subjects in school. 40. Collect money in a busy snack bar. 41. Send a letter of condolence to a neighbor. 42. Help people to be comfortable while travelling. 43. Belong to several social agencies. 44. Treat wounds to help people get well. 45. Help an agency to find housing for evicted families. 46. Be a medical missionary in a foreign country. 47. Go to a disco. 48. Dine with friends at a local restaurant. 49. Play cards (or another game) with friends. 50. Travel on a train to a nearby city. 51. Be a labratory technician. 52. Be a scientific farmer. 53. Develop a new breed of flowers in a small greenhouse. 54. Solve complicated legal problems. 55. Develop improved procedures in a scientific experiment. 56. Develop new mathematical formulae for research. 57. Look at displays on astronomy in an observatory exhibit. 58. Visit the fossil display at a museum. 59. Keep a chemical storeroom or physical laboratory. 60. Sell scientific books. 61. Judge window displays in a contest. 62. Collect rare and old recordings. 63. Be an interior decorator. 64. Make a comparative study of architecture. 65. Write a new arrangement for a musical theme. 66. Paint a mural. 67. Visit a flower show. 68. Make and trim household accessories like lamp shades, etc. 69. Dance to lively disco music. 70. Paint the kitchen with the colors of your choice. 71. Improve the efficiency of office procedures in a big business. 72. Plan business and commercial investments. 73. Be an active member of a political group. 74. Address a political convention. 75. Operate a racetrack. 76. Become a Congressman. 77. Purchase office supplies (paper, typewriters). 78. Live in a large city rather than a small town. 79. Work at an information desk. 80. Be a private secretary. 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 The following table will help you interpret your results: MALE Economic- Percentile Theoretical Political Aesthetic Social ---------- ----------- --------- --------- ------ 100 110 110 110 110 90 85 89 83 90 80 74 76 69 80 70 66 67 60 73 60 54 56 47 65 50 45 49 39 56 40 39 38 32 47 30 31 30 26 39 20 21 21 20 33 10 11 12 12 25 1 0 0 0 0 FEMALE Economic Percentile Theoretical Political Aesthetic Social ---------- ----------- --------- --------- ------ 100 110 110 110 110 90 74 70 96 96 80 60 54 88 88 70 48 46 79 82 60 40 39 69 77 50 32 32 62 72 40 25 25 54 67 30 19 21 46 59 20 14 17 36 52 10 8 11 22 39 1 0 1 3 0 THEORETICAL - A high score indicates that you prefer and consider most worth- while those activities which involve a problem solving attitude and are related to investigation, research and scientific curiosity. ECONOMIC-POLITICAL - A high score indicates that you prefer and consider most worthwhile those activities which involve the accumulation of money and the securing of executive power. AESTHETIC - A high score indicates that you prefer and consider most worthwhile those activities which involve art, music, dance and literature. SOCIAL - A high score indicates that you prefer and consider most worthwhile those activities which involve service and help to people, and which exhibit a definite desire to respond and be with people socially If you are fortunate, the job you are in (or looking for) is consistent with the activity category you value the most. 05 3 06 3 07 3 08 3 09 3 10 3 04 3 03 3 02 3 01 3 05 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 09 0 10 0 04 0 03 0 02 0 01 0 05 2 06 2 07 2 08 2 09 2 10 2 04 2 03 2 02 2 01 2 05 1 06 1 07 1 08 1 09 1 10 1 04 1 03 1 02 1 01 1 05 3 06 3 07 3 08 3 09 3 10 3 04 3 03 3 02 3 01 3 05 0 06 0 07 0 08 0 09 0 10 0 04 0 03 0 02 0 01 0 05 2 06 2 07 2 08 2 09 2 10 2 04 2 03 2 02 2 01 2 05 1 06 1 07 1 08 1 09 1 10 1 04 1 03 1 02 1 01 1 `> o"h#@#@#@,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA Bb3@N)N NV?.?<NMN^ _ONTHINKER_FO?Hz~1/,HNVN>0Az-HP?< BgBg?<K?<Nd V!@~2 V/(?<Bg?< ?<?<2?<Bg?<N2|Ce V1@~3 V/(?<Bg?< ?<?<2?<Bg?<N2|Ce V1@~4 V/(?<Bg?<?<?< V/(?<Bg?<A?<?<?<?<?<N2|Ce V1@~@p=@ nnn~A~A V/(0.2|C@ VA?00|Aep_O"Op9O"Op O"O?<?<NRn`~B V/(N~CN^,_X>NuTHINKER ?Hz~G/,HNVbN>0Ab01|A01|A-HP NN~HCfO$O p QN ~Ip=@ nn"~I0.2|C@ABpRn`~JHnbHz?< N1~KHnHz?< N1~Lp=@ nn2~M~M~Np=@ nnp~O~O~PHnb?<HnN9N8NX~Q/.0.2|C@A?00|AeAO"Op?"Q?<BgN~RRn`~Sp=@ nnp~T~T~UHnb?<HnN9N8NX~V/.0.2|C@A?00|AeAO"Op?"Q?<BgN~WRn`~X~X/.?.N=@~Y/.?.0|AeBgBgN%&~Zp=@ nn~[~[~\/.0.2|C@A?00|AeHnN Z~]/.0.2|C@A?00|AeCO$O?<?<N~^0.2|C@r.t0BA1~_Rn`J~`p=@p=@~a~b~b0.2.4|EAApf~c0.R@=@p=@~d`~e~e0.R@=@~f0.rAW0.rAWÄCBd~g0.rAf2~h~iCO$O+p*Q?<N(=@~j`^~k~lp=@ nnj~m~m~nHnHnN8X~o0.2|C@2.4|EAA402.6|GAApA1~pRn`~qRn`~rN'N. ~sHyABHzF?< N5N4XHyAB?< N4N4X~tHyABHz?< N5?.N5PN4X~uHyABHz?< N5?.N5PN4X~vHyABHz?< N5?.N5PN4X~wHyABHzl?< N5?.N5PN4X~xHyABHz:?< N5?.N5PN4X~yHyAB?< N4N4XHyAB?< N4N4XHyAB?< N4N4X~zHyABHz?<>N5N4X~{?<N~|N'~}HnbN4n~~HnN4n~C<HnN4nHnbN4nN^,_X>Nuthinker.res...better write these down somewhere - hit any key to continueRealist: Analyst: Pragmatist: Idealist: Synthesist: Your Score[3][Incorrect input, please re-enter][ OK ] thinker.scrthinker.quethinker.intA@0B1|AAB01|><A|#@N.FJ@kf><><CO$OpQN@eJ><><CFO$O$p#Q?<N(3A><N.>< y@N><><N'><?<HyAN><><></9AN></9ABgNrA3A><09A`j><><N`r><><N``><><N`P><><><N.><N,>< y@N><` ><U@ @b@0;N><p@d:><><HyABN4nN)V[3][No TEST.RSC resource file][Quit]TEST.RSCNuNV?.?<NMN^ _ONDUMP_FILE ?Hz~/,HNVN>A01|AH-HPN'~N. ~ HnHn? _ORN--hit return to continue --EXECUTIVE ?Hz~@/,HNVN>A>01|A01|AX-HPCO$O p QN~ABn~BBgHyBN~C/9BN~DHn>HzN?< N1~EHnHz.?< N1~Fp=@ nJnD~G~G~HHn>?<HnN9N8NX~IHn>?<HnN9N8NX~J/9B?<0|AeAO"Op?"Q?<BgN~K/9B?<0|AeAO"Op?"Q?<BgN~L/9B?9ANrA=@~MHn?<HnN9N8NX~N0.S@ArA0`(~O~O0.R@=@`2~P~P0.~QS@=@`A+ AbA2;N~RRn`~SHn>N4n~THnN4n~V/9BN*~WN'N. 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As there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers, it is important that you act each question the way you behave, not as you think you should behave. Each item is made up of a statement followed by five possible endings. In the blank box to the right of each ending, fill in the number 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1, indicating the degree to which and ending is most like you (5) or least like you (1). Do not use any number more than once in an item. If two or more endings seem equally alike to you, rank them anyway. Each ending must be ranked 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 with the higher numbers indicating the ending you prefer most. When there is a conflict between people over ideas, I tend to favor the side that: Identifies and tries to bring out the conflict. Best expresses the values and ideals involved. Best reflects my personal opinions and experience. Approaches the situation with the most logic and consistency Expresses the argument most forcefully and concisely. When I begin to work on a group project, what is most important to me is: Understanding the purposes and value of the project. Discovering the goals and values of the people in the group. Determining how we are to go about doing the project. Understanding how the project can benefit the group. Getting the project organized and underway. Generally speaking, I absorb new ideas best by: Relating them to current or future activities. Applying them to concrete situations. Concentration and careful analysis. Understanding how they are similar to familiar ideas. Contrasting them to other ideas. For me, charts or graphs in a book or article are usually: More useful than the narrative, if they are accurate. Useful, if they clearly display the important facts. Useful, if supported and explained by the narrative. Useful, if they raise questions about the narrative. No more and no less useful than other material. If I were asked to do a research project, I would probably start by: Trying to fit the project into a broad perspective. Deciding if I can do it alone or will need help. Speculating about what the possible outcomes might be. Determining whether or not the project should be done. Trying to formulate the problem as thoroughly as possible. If I were to gather information from neighbors about a community concern, I would prefer to: Meet them individually and ask specific questions. Hold an open meeting and ask them to air their views. Interview them in small groups and ask general questions. Meet informally with key people to get their ideas. Ask them to bring me all the relevant information they have. I am likely to believe something is true if it: Has help up against opposition. Fits the other things I believe. Has been shown to hold up in practice. Makes sense logically and scientifically. Can be personally verified by observable facts. When I read a magazine article in my leisure time, it is likely to be about: How someone resolved a personal or social problem. A controversial or political issue. An account of scientific or historical research. An interesting, humorous person or event. A true account of someone's interesting experience. When I read a report at work, I am likely to pay the most attention to: The relation of the conclusions to my own experience. Whether or not the recommendations can be accomplished. The validity of the findings, backed up by data. The writer's understanding of goals and objectives. The inferences that are drawn from the data. When I have a task to do, the first thing I want to know is: What the best method is for getting the task done. Who wants the task done and when. Why the task is worth doing. What effect it may have on other tasks. What is the immediate benefit of doing the task. I usually learn the most about how to do something new by: Understanding how it is related to other things I know. Starting to practice it as soon as possible. Listening to differing views about how it is done. Having someone show me how to do it. Analysing how to do it the best way. If I were to be tested or examined, I would prefer: Objective, problem-oriented questions on the subject. A debate with others who are also being tested. An oral-visual presentation covering what I know. An informal report on how I applied what I have learned. A written report covering background, theory and method. People whose abilities I respect the most are likely to be: Philosphers and statesmen. Writers and teachers. Business and government leaders. Economists and engineers. Farmers and journalists. Generally speaking, I find a new theory useful if it: Seems related to other theories or ideas that I have learned Explains things to me in a new way. Can systematically explain a number of situations. Serves to clarify my own experience and observations. Has practical and concrete applications. When I read an article on a controversial subject, I prefer that it: Shows the benefits to me of choosing a point of view. Set forth all the facts in the controversy. Logically outlines issues involved. Identifies the values supported by the writer. Highlights both sides of the issue & clarifies the conflict. If I read a book outside my field, I am most likely to do so because of: An interest in improving my professional knowledge. Having been told it would be useful by someone I respect. A desire to extend my general knowledge. A desire to get outside my field for a change. Curiosity to learn more about a specific subject. When I approach a technical problem, I am most likely to: Try to relate it to a broader problem or theory. Look for ways to get the problem solved quickly. Think of a number of ways to solve it. Look for ways others might have solved it. Try to find the best procedure for solving it. Generally speaking, I am most inclined to: Find existing ways that work. Speculate about how dissimilar methods might work together. Discover new and better methods. Find ways to make existing methods work in a new way. Figure out how existing methods ought to work. HIGH SCORES Your high scores indicate where your preferences lie. These are your strengths, showing the kind of thinking strategies you have learned and prefer to use, because they have worked for you over a period of time. When a score is approaching 70, it may be the sign of a problem for you. You may over use the strategy or use it inappropriately at times. In that case, the strategy is not a strength but rather a liability, something to be aware of and, possibly, to be careful about. 72 or more ---------- If you have a score of 72 or more in any of the five styles of thinking, you may hacve a very strong preference, or a commitment to that style. This means you are likey to use it, in virtually every situation; you may even use it in situations where it may not be the best strategy to adopt. 66 to 71 -------- If you have a score between 66 and 71, you have a strong preference for that style - i.e, you are likely to use it consistently and in most situations. 60 to 65 -------- If you score between 60 and 65, you have a moderate preference for that style. This means that, other things being equal, you will tend to use it more than the others. LOW SCORES 43 to 48 -------- If you scored between 43 to 48 in any of the five styles of thinking, you have a moderate disregard for that style. 37 to 42 -------- If you scored between 37 and 42, you have a strong disregard for that style. 36 or less ---------- If you scored 36 or lower, you virtually neglect using that particular thinking style - i.e., you are not likely to use it under any situation, even though it may be the best approach to use under the circumstances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research has shown that half the people in the Western world tend to rely on a single strategy. The strength of commitment to it varies from a moderate preference for the single strategy to virtually a total commitment to it. 35 % of people rely on a combination of two to five thinking strategies. Your preference for one or more of the thinking strategies reflect the way in which you handle problems and meet the requirements of the specific situations. It also leads you to make mistakes and be incompetent when your preferred strategy does not work. Here's a brief indication of how other people who have taken this test 'think': The Idealist: "Where are we going ? Why ?" If you scored 60 or more in this style, you are in good company. In the US, it is the most popular of the five styles. More than 37 % of all the people who have completed the test have idealist preferences. The Analyst: "I have a theory..." About 35 % of all the people who have taken the test show a high analyst score. The Realist: "Facts are facts !" The realist is at the opposite end of the spectrum from the synthesist. If you have a high realist score, you are among the 24 % of people who share that preference The Pragmatist: "Whatever works..." About 18% of the people who have taken the test had a preference for this strategy, making it the second least popular style. So, if you are a pragmatist, at least four out of five people you deal with are likely to find your style confusing, difficult, or at least 'different'. The Synthesist: "What if..." Only about 11 percent of the people who have taken the test show a preference for the synthesist style. It is the least frequently used of the five styles of thinking. 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 4 3 5 3 5 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 4 3 5 3 5 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 4 3 5 3 5 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 4 5 1 2 3 4 ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 RH Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (zomer 1988) al zo'n drie honderd disks. 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