NNNNNNp NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN?Oo  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@579;?A oGIMQS@oWY[]_a Oe`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` O ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ Oo  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@579;?A oGIMQS@oWY[]_a Oe`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` O ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ A1231STW2PS wt DVI ALLt CNMFPS ALLt LEES DITt H. x t.. x t1STW2PS DOCyt y1STW2PS PRG|t t1STW2PS RSCt 6VPSSTART DATt =\1stw2ps (first wordt to ps) is a conversion program wich rewrites a first word or WORDPLUS document into postscript. Postcript is a page description language. A lot af graphic devices, like e.g. the Apple Laserwriter and some professional typesetters have a postscript interpreter. The output on such devices is often much nicer than on a dot matrix printer. 1stw2ps can handle fontsize changes , images and footnotes. The images supported are only the *.IMG files, (WORDPLUS V2.02) so not the PIC files. The postscript outupt now confines to the rules for structured postscript programming. 1stw2ps has a dialog similar to wordplus. There are several options extra. 1: In order to print a 1stw2ps outputfile on a postscript device you first have to send the file psstart.dat to it. This file contains startup code necessarry for printing a 1stw2ps outputfile. You can include this startupfile in your outputfile. On an applelaserwriter 2: A resets the laserwriter. Some printerspoolers provide this control character. 3: Lineheight and fontsize can be adjusted to your needs. 4: graphics are scaled according to the lineheight. The ratio for characters to image is only correct, or better as you see it in wordplus, if they have the same vallue. Images are normalized to a fontsize of 12 cpi (the same as for wordplus). As usual the program is expected to contain bugs. Please be so kind to report them to me. Berend F. de Vries 1e Nassaustraat 18-III 1052 BG Amsterdam Holland U00170@HASARA5.BITNET It is not the intention that this program is used for commercial purposes. If you want to do so, first contact me. Otherwise, this program can freely be copied and enjoyed. Any suggestion for a new copyright message is welcome. Anyway, I have made this program with only one double sided diskdrive, and I would love to have a harddisk. (hint) `"o#"*i,EB&J(JSB  g  g  f RSBj` gn =fa6 n <#X` %fa n <#`Rpr A9nA0m/ПЁRSBkB`Jg:NuA`ArRSBk$  gJ  gB  g:Qp`JBkQB$)ԩ X&9f &@`nր n&< ЃйX// Bg?<JNAJfV.B#X####Nv/ / K+,MNx^pJ2g / y2NXO??<LNA` /`NVNFJgHy6p/NPNHy4p/BNO p/NX-@AZ:[\\ .HR/Hy\rG/NO HyZNjX @-HZ\ @[BHyNHyZNPp//94N*PB9Mp/NXp/p//94NjO HnNX0. @ f0.H/NX0.Hr///94NjO `NVtN=@R@f p/NXHyZN:XJf"Hyfp/NPap/NXAt////NO32Bnv0.v @ dH=Rnv`=|HnxHy2HnN>O Jy2f p/NX092H/NX092Hr//NPp//NPN^Nu092H/NXNrNBNXNuNVB0. 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Images are now im-plemented. Please report bugs and requests to me !This program is for the public domain only! It is not permittedto use this program in commercial activities, unless you havepermission from the writer of this program to do so.If annybody knows a better text than this one you just read, letme know.Input 1st-word fileOutput postscript fileWork in progressFinished00__99Page number:Stop !______________________________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOKProcessing ImageCANCELChecking ImageWriting Image@ 5$d @b2 $12 DGJPSVlor  5O~/Ic}"%(+.1_behknqtw/0B1stBuB301B2tuBv5B )*+<=GJMP]^ f)) . 3M $Y u    *   F   b  ~ $      )*  # ipw  & "  ! 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The program will preview a dvi file created by TeX, metafont etc. It was written with UNIX in mind. In the archive, you will find a small readme file, an instruction file written in TeX, a dvi file created by TeX, support pixel files and a server program. This minimal configuration will demonstrate the previewer to you. Alas, we could not send over all of the pk files (about 4 Mbyte) however, it may be possible to generate your own set (a metafont description file is included). This requires about 48 Sun 3/160 CPU hours. For those of you who can't generate these files, we might be able to provide a disk of popular fonts. A good subset will fit on one DDDD floppy and just about cover all of your TeX and LaTeX needs. If not, cheat and simply copy a close relative of the missing file from an existing one. The internal .tex file will go into more detail. I am: Tyler Ivanco and can be found at ...!seismo!mnetor!yetti!gen1!tyler (preferred) \!carr!/ fs300022@yusol.bitnet yfcs0027@yorkvm1.bitnet ---------------------- NOTE: THE FILES ENDING IN NUMBERS SHOULD BE PLACED IN FOLDERS IN A FOLDER NAMED 'FONTS' IN THE ROOT LEVEL AS FOLLOWS: IF THE NAME IS CBMX10.115 CREATE A FOLDER CALLED CBMX10 IN FONTS FOLDER COPY THE FILE TO THAT FOLDER AND RENAME IT TO 115PK ALL THE FONT FILES WORK THIS WAY. - MIKE ; TeX output 1987.04.02:2238v1'<"VG cmbx101ENADrVItoAXTARISTPreviewer!'7"Vff cmbx101.1M8@Hardw=areRequirements'+K`y cmr10TheI0"V cmbx10dvistprogramwillprintaDVI' letypicallygeneratedbyTUEXonto'anAtariSTmonoUVchromemonitor. 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JL N^NuNVHB/.NPo/<@/.NP-@/.Nk^g>k^g2k8<d,&B<ރeNuRid~S<Nu.NuJNu:ڼ.gNugRghEDvi^E]HE:BB8HD&HC؃HF&؃BDHDHGHFHEބj ޼gNuSiex@ބއdRgNu~NujJ<Numc68343 floating point firmware (c) copyright 1981 by motorola inc.Stack Overflow runtimeCON:LST:Cannot initialize stack  r"GHKMPRb 6?BEFHLMNOSTVbefhlmnostv ~ ~  N ~ ~  N 0.>~~.>~~N^n~N^n~N^n~N^n~N^n~N^n~.>~.>~.>~(J(J(J(J(f(X(X(X(X(t(~.`.`()*))))*v*v*v*v*v+"+"+"+"+"++++,r,r,r,r,r-------------------------------------------------------------------------.`.`.`.`..../,'..../,.stm Atari MonochromeCannot allocate a %ld bytes for bit map Cannot allocate %ld bytes for bit map Attempt to seek to page %ld 0123456789Internal error in pathfopen: Found NULL pathlist ! Full file name, '%s' is too long sizeof(long) should be 4 bytes and not %d. .dvidvi2st %s ATARI Monochrome v1.1 (c) Avygdor Moise, Tyler Ivanco Mar. 1987. b#B#n#N#s#S#m#M#t#T#l#L#o:O:e:E:f:F:v#V#hH?Min buffer set to %ld KBytes. Max pages set to %ld. First page will be %ld. Magnification will be %ld. Top of page set to %ld. Left margin set to %ld. -Screen redirection has null effect -wCan't open '%s' as stdout. Resolution %ld not supported Too many file names '%s' %s: Internal error in getopt phase !!! rCan't open '%s' for input Enter Name of DVI file: .,\fonts'%s' is NOT a DVI FILE. Processing %s for a%s printer. Cannot read DVI header string. Unknown oper passed to firstpar (%ld). A document page is too tall for this program. It will be clipped on the bottom. The document is too wide for this program. It will be clipped on the right. Cannot allocate memory for font directory Cannot allocate memory for font directory More than %ld fonts. Cannot allocate memory for TeX stack. The document requires a stack depth of %ld. Length of getdvistring is TOO LONG \%ldpkrUnable to open %s Loading '%s'... Internal error: Bad PXL header (%08lx,%08lx) !!! report to Avygdor Moise. Internal error: Bad PXL tail !!! report to Avygdor Moise. Cannot allocate %ld bytes for pixel data. Done. Cannot find page %ld printpages:fseek fails @ 0x%lx Undefined or misplaced DVI command: %ld Here and perhaps later a page is clipped on the left. Here and perhaps later a page is clipped on the top. %s exit status = %d. %s: Prints a TeX.dvi file onto the screen Usage: %s [options] [.dvi] [options] Options: -v=x : set resolution to x dpi (default is %ld) -f path-list: set the font path list. A path-list takes the form of directories separated by a comma. e.g. .,\fonts,r:\fonts -b=x : set buffer size to x KBytes (default is %ld) -m=x : set Magnification to x/1000 (default is %ld) -s=x : set Start at page x (default is 1) -n=x : Process up to x pages (default is all) If no name follows or f is a minus sign (-), then the output is redirected to standard-out -e=f : Redirect errors output into a file and not to the error channel. Client/Server implemented. Access the host file as r: Cursor Left:Bk page, Right:Fd page, Up:Scroll Up, Down:Scroll Down Insert:Top of File, Clr/Home:Bot of File, G:Goto Page Ret: Next Page, Esc: Exit  -BBBBBBBBBBC8DDDDDDEE Eieserve ?ir:R:r+uw+c--:#&%s: unknown option -%c %s: -%c qualifier missing %s: -%c qualifier missing -+.01234567890%s: -%c expecting numeric data LLLLM>MLMPMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTMTFont is larger than %ld words, Need more buffer space. Unexpected %ld! Bad pk file! pre command missing. Wrong version of packed file!. Warning: aspect ratio not 1:1! Second time a character used! Bad pk file---more bits than required! Bad pk file! Bad packet length. endofpacket=%08lx, pkloc=%08lx Character %ld out of range! %ld bytes loaded...: unmatched quoteCannot open Cannot append Cannot create : No matchStack Overflow $   mllmnn6nZnZnZnZnZnZnZmnZnZnZmnZlnZnZmjnZnZnZnZnZnZnZnZnZnZmlpmnn6nZnZnZnZnZnZnZmnZnZnZmnZlnZnZmn$$ ~L~~~2~j~~}!!!!"@< 9n6ѷ2Ŭ/7,ֿ(w%p_".$|敔 w@< 9n6ѷ2Ŭ/7,ֿ(w%p_".$|敔 w__start__exit_brk__breakr___cpmrvv__basen__sovf _crystalZ_ctrl_cn___BDOS_blkfill _index>_strchr>___pname___tname___lname___xeof_oldloc*__STKSIZ._init0f_init1_bad_exi1V_fillboxp_writech_clearpah_nextpag_flushpal_changev_pathfop _main t_usage1_strtail1 _readpre_loadpos _findsta"_printpa'$_gettwob,_getthreb_signedb_signedp_signedt_signedq\_invert_firstpa_round0_getstacr_loadone_getdvisR_highwor_lowword_outchar$_fitbox/X_outcham$_outrule%_outrulm&_send_paB_get_pacA4_rexit4_pos_ackA"_rfflush8r_sgetchaEL__rinit5N_sputchaE_get_errD_rfopen6F_rfclose7_rfwrite=f_rfputc9_rfgetc: _rfread;@_rftell?_rfseek@_neg_ackA_swriteD_optind_ngetoptFT_pkloadM_gemdosY_biosY_xbiosYt_atoiY_atolZ_zallocZ_callocZ__fopen[_fopen\_fopena\4_fopenb\L_fread\f_fseek\_rewind]_ftell]_fwrite]__main^D_printf^_fprintf^_fgetc___filbuf_V_read`L__rdasc`__cr_cola__rdbina___mainbd__create_creatf_creataf_creatbf_exitf__cleanug _fcloseg>_closeg__iobl___fdeclh_fflushh&__openh_openi_openai_openbi_lseekj_tellj`_sprintfjv__doprtj__pftoaoZ__petoao__pgtoao_fputnp_fputcp__flsbufp_isattyr_isdevrL_ttynamerx__afreeb$__aflist,_mallocr_freet"_reallocu _malloc_u__errmalu___prtinu___prtldv"___prtshv_sbrkwF_writew__chvec0__alloccxL__freecx__chinitx___chinix__chkcyB__wrtascy__wrtbinz__wrtchr{.__lstout|_j30june|__ttyout|___open}_ucase~_errnoV__errcpmX_strcat~_strcmp_strncmpB_strncpy_strcpy_strlen___atabZ____atab__strcmp__salloc_uldivr_uldiv__pc_rea8__pc_writ_traplmul_lremlrem_ldiv2ldiv2lmulu_lmulu_ldivuldivu_ftoa<_etoaZ_ceil_fpaddfpaddfpcmp_fpcmpfpdiv_fpdiv_fpultof>_fpltof_fpftol2$BN&8   ," 4P& \& DN ,D( 0 <    >  h 0HN&  jj`^***`&$ D"V8*R$ZF \@(B4.J".86 Jp &""@2&"fNR4*R"(<0* hD"H`J&t *  Lh  \documentstyle[12pt]{article} \begin{document} \section{A DVI to ATARI ST Previewer} \subsection{Hardware Requirements} The {\bf dvist} program will print a DVI file typically generated by \TeX\ onto an Atari ST monochrome monitor. The program is known to work with the following minimum hardware: \begin{itemize} \item ATARI ST (1Mbyte although it may work with 512K systems and TOS in ROM). \item Monochrome Monitor \item Floppy disk drive \end{itemize} Included in the package are: \begin{itemize} \item dvist.ttp \item server.c \item serve (a unix shell script) \item server.doc (a brief description of the server protocol) \item dvist.tex (this file) \item dvist.dvi (latex'ed dvist.tex) \item font files required to print the dvist.dvi file \item atari.mf (Metafont definition used to create the font files). \end{itemize} as an arc'd file. \subsection{Installation} \subsubsection{The Previewer} To demonstrate this program it is necessary to first extract the arc files contents and create a font support directory called \verb|\|fonts on your disk. This directory contains further directories each reflecting a different font style. The font files (in a packed format) are placed into these directories. The names of these files correspond to the magnification of the font (that's another story in itself). As arc does not have the ability to store and extract the file tree structure, we must rely on you to organize the directories properly. In the archive, you will find the font files named as XXXXXX.YYY. A directory in \verb|\|fonts should be % i.e. \fonts created with the name XXXXXX. The font file should be renamed to YYYpk and placed into directory XXXXXX. e.g. cmbx10.96 should be placed into \verb|\|fonts\verb|\|cmbx10 as 96pk. This should be % i.e. \fonts\cmbx10\96pk done for all of the other font files as well. \subsubsection{Server} The server program need only be compiled with your C compiler. Three compile time options are available. They are: \begin{itemize} \item -DSTDIN=0. If your system cannot read from STDOUT. \item -DDEBUG. This forces a fixed checksum to ASCII ``.''. Acknowledge is set to ``A'' and NOT Acknowledge is set to ``N''. \item -DDEBUG1. Implements DEBUG and also prints debugging information to STDERR. \end{itemize} The server when compiled with DEBUG active will NOT work with the preview program as the checksum will be incorrect for requests. It is provided so that you can type client commands directly to the server in order to observe its behavior. A brief description of the protocol is found in the file server.doc. A small shell script is also provided called serve. This places a UNIX system into raw mode and then calls on the server program proper. \subsection{Use} To run the program with this file as input use the command: \begin{center} dvist dvist \end{center} After loading the appropriate fonts, the screen should clear and this text appear on the screen. The keyboard cursor keys are used to scroll the text as well as more forward and back pages. The ESC key exits the program. The command ``dvist -h'' generates a simple help message. The program can also access its fonts and dvi files from a remote UNIX or OS9 system. Remote files have a drive specifier ``r:'' prefixed to their path names. Thus the command: \begin{center} dvist r:dvist \end{center} would load the fonts locally and the dvist.dvi file from the remote server. This negates the need to download dvi files prior to previewing them with this program. A number of options are available for this program. Briefly they are: \begin{itemize} \item -f path-list: Locate the base font directory in one of the alternatives \\ e.g. dvist -f a:\verb|\|fonts,r:/usr/tex/lib/fonts r:thesis. \\ This would load the font files from the directory a:\verb|\|fonts. If a font file is not found there, it will be loaded from the host directory /usr/tex/lib/fonts. The dvi file would also be loaded from the server. \item -s page-number: Start previewing at page page-number. \item -m magnification: Magnify the preview. Default magnification is 1000. The font files corresponding to this magnification must be present. \item -v resolution: Use resolution dots per inch (Default 96dpi). Again, font files must be available for this size. \item -e file-name: Redirect errors to file-name. You should NOT use the remote specification here as fprintf has not been converted to run with a remote file specification. \item -h: Print a help message. \end{itemize} \subsection{Misc.} A server program in C has also included. It works for reads but has not been thoroughly tested for writes (i.e. ATARI to Host). It has been run on a Cadmus 9000, SUN 3/160 and ICM-3216 running SysV and 4.2. It has also been tested on a QT running OS/9. We tried to get it up on VMS but, well \ldots you know ;-). (B.T.W. If anyone can tell us how to solve this problem we'd appreciate it. ) We hope to be able to eventually distribute source to this program as well. However at this point, internal problems have prevented us from doing so. \subsubsection{Obtaining the Complete Font File Set} It was impossible to send the font files over the net. The complete set (as we define complete) is close to 4Mbytes of data. A working subset for a large document is about 500K and that could be pruned down. Our working set includes 80 and 96 dpi at magsteps of -1, -.5, 0, .5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 for latex and cm fonts. We will be generating slitex fonts in the near future. For those that wish to generate there own fonts expect to use about 48 cpu hours on a SUN 3/160. We can forward our local.mf definition file out to you if you wish. For those who cannot generate these font files, we will make arrangements with the Postal Mail Atari disk distribution network to distribute these files. In the meantime, we might be able to copy these disk for you PROVIDED that: \begin{itemize} \item You advise first (though e-mail) so that we can gear up. \item When you receive an acknowledgement, send us the PREFORMATTED atari disks and a return addressed mailer. \item Provide a few bucks for postage. \end{itemize} You can grab us at: \\ \begin{verbatim} Phone: (416)736-2100 x7765 Tyler Ivanco BITNET: fs300022@yusol UUCP: ...seismo!mnetor!yetti!gen1!tyler yfcs0027@yorkvm1 ...utzoo!/ \!carr!tyler or Phone: (416)736-5359 Avy Moise BITNET: fs300013@yusol UUCP: ...seismo!mnetor!yetti!yugas!avy ...utzoo!/ \end{verbatim} \parbox{3in}{ Our Post address is: \begin{center} CRESS\\ York University,\\ 4700 Keele Street,\\ Downsview, Ontario,\\ CANADA\\ M3J 1P3\\ \end{center} } \end{document} This is an ATARI ST DVI preview set. Please print the dvist.dvi file in order to install and use this utility. Failing that, attempt to read the dvist.tex file. Provided that you can get around the TeX commands, this should be fairly easy to read. You should find the following files after extracting from the archive. -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 252 Apr 2 22:32 README -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 360 Apr 2 22:09 atari.mf -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 2628 Apr 2 22:29 cmbx10.115 -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 2980 Apr 2 22:29 cmbx10.138 -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 3464 Apr 2 22:29 cmbx10.166 -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 2520 Apr 2 22:29 cmr10.115 -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 2824 Apr 2 22:29 cmsy10.115 -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 2280 Apr 2 22:28 cmtt10.115 -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 9104 Apr 2 22:27 dvist.dvi -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 48870 Apr 2 22:15 dvist.prg -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 6859 Apr 2 22:26 dvist.tex -rwxr-xr-x 1 tyler 41 Apr 2 22:07 serve* -rw-r--r-- 1 tyler 10080 Apr 2 22:07 server.c The file sizes for some of the information files may have changed. P.S. I forgot to mention that when the dvist program is running, you must wait for the bell to sound before attempting to move about the screen. stty raw -echo server 2> /dev/null reset /* Remote file server written by Avygdor Moise and Tyler Ivanco Copyright by Avygdor moise and Tyler Ivanco Mar 1987, all rights reserved. We release this program into the public domain with the following restrictions: This program may be freely distributed free of charge in source and in binary, provided that the copyright notice is preserved in the body of the program and any printed documentation that is included with the client/server programs. This program MAY not be sold or become a part of a commercial package without prior WRITTEN authorization from the authors. You may add new features and extensions to this software provided that you notify the authors, so we can update our own original to ensure that only one version of this program is circulating among the various users. The authors may be reached at York University Center for Research in Experimental Space Science North York Ontario, Canada. and via EMAIL BITNET: FS300013@SOL FS300022@SOL USENET: mnetor!yetti!gen1!tyler mnetor!yetti!yugas!avy */ #ifdef VMS # include stdio #else # include # ifdef OSK # include # define _IOEOF _EOF # endif #endif #ifndef STDIN # define STDIN 1 /* So that server can be started by a shell script */ #endif extern FILE *fopen(); extern long ftell(); extern int errno; #define TRUE (1) #define FALSE (0) #define EOR (0x0D) #define EOL (0x0A) #define XON (0x11) #define XOFF (0x13) #ifdef DEBUG1 # define DEBUG #endif #ifdef DEBUG # define ACK 'A' # define NAK 'N' #else # define ACK (0x06) # define NAK (0x15) #endif #define E_OK '0' #define E_CHECK '1' #define E_INVREQ '2' #define E_READ '3' #define E_WRITE '4' #define E_OPEN '5' #define E_EOF '6' #define E_NOFILE '7' #define E_SEEK '8' #define PACKET_SIZE (256) #define BUF_SIZE (2*PACKET_SIZE + 10) #define MAX_FILES (16) #define loop for(;;) char inp_buf[BUF_SIZE],out_buf[BUF_SIZE],tmp_buf[BUF_SIZE]; FILE *file[MAX_FILES]; int nfiles,packet_len; main() { init(); loop { if( get_packet() ) switch( inp_buf[0] ) /* got a valid packet */ { case '?': /* inquire */ pos_ack(); break; case ACK: /* sync */ break; case 'i': /* initalize - close all files */ close_all_req(); break; case 'e': /* end - terminate server */ exit_req(); break; case 'o': /* open file */ open_req(); break; case 'c': /* close file */ close_req(); break; case 'r': /* read data */ read_req(); break; case 'w': /* write data */ write_req(); break; case 's': /* seek to byte */ seek_req(); break; case 't': /* tell current position */ tell_req(); break; default: neg_ack(E_INVREQ); } else { if( strncmp(inp_buf,"exit",4) == 0 ) exit_req(); neg_ack(E_CHECK); } } } neg_ack(err) int err; { char c; c = NAK; write(1,&c,1); c = err; write(1,&c,1); #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"neg_ack called err = %d.\n",err); #endif } pos_ack() { char c; c = ACK; write(1,&c,1); #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"pos_ack called.\n"); #endif } int get_packet() { int i,j,ret; char c; #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"Enter get_packet:\n");fflush(stderr); #endif ret = FALSE; for(i=0; i= 2 ) /* at least 3 bytes */ { packet_len = --i; /* drop the EOR byte */ for(j=c=0; j */ { int i,rewind; char *mode; FILE *fp; #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"open_req called '%s'.\n",inp_buf); #endif rewind = 0; switch(inp_buf[1]) { case 'r': mode = "r"; break; case 'w': mode = "w"; break; case 'u': mode = "r+"; break; case 'c': mode = "w+"; break; case 'a': mode = "r+"; rewind = 2; break; default: neg_ack(E_INVREQ); return; } if( (nfiles > MAX_FILES) || ((fp=fopen(&inp_buf[2],mode)) == (FILE *)0) ) { neg_ack(E_OPEN); return; } fseek(fp, 0L, rewind); for(i=0; i */ { int i; #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"close_req called '%c'.\n",inp_buf[1] & 0xff); #endif i = inp_buf[1] - '@'; if( (i>=0) && (i=0) && (i=0) && (i_flag & _IOEOF ) neg_ack(E_EOF); else neg_ack(E_READ); } else { pos_ack(); reply(tmp_buf,count); } } else neg_ack(E_NOFILE); } write_req() { int i,count; #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"write_req called '%c'.\n",inp_buf[1] & 0xff); #endif i = (int)inp_buf[1] - '@'; if( (i>=0) && (i=0) && (i> 24) & 0xff); tmp_buf[1] = (char)((pos >> 16) & 0xff); tmp_buf[2] = (char)((pos >> 8 ) & 0xff); tmp_buf[3] = (char)( pos & 0xff); pos_ack(); reply(tmp_buf,4); } else neg_ack(E_NOFILE); } /* SYSTEM SPECIFIC START/FINISH HANDLERS */ #ifdef OSK /* Server on OS-9 68000 */ struct sgbuf statbuf,old_statbuf; signals() { } /* ignore all signals */ sysinit() { int i; if(_gs_opt(STDIN, &old_statbuf) == -1) { # ifdef DEBUG1 i = errno; fprintf(stderr,"Init failed on _sg_opt errno=%d\n",i); # endif exit(i); } _strass(&statbuf,&old_statbuf,sizeof(statbuf)); statbuf.sg_echo = FALSE; intercept(signals); if(_ss_opt(STDIN, &statbuf) == -1) { # ifdef DEBUG1 i = errno; fprintf(stderr,"Init failed on _ss_opt errno=%d\n",i); # endif exit(i); } } systerm() { if( _ss_opt(STDIN,&old_statbuf) == -1 ) { #ifdef DEBUG1 fprintf(stderr,"systerm failed in _ss_opt errno = %d\n",errno); #endif } } #else sysinit(){} systerm(){} #endif ==================================================================== requst to server atari sends server respnse ==================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- init/closeall i -------------------------------------------------------------------- fopen o d -------------------------------------------------------------------- fclose c -------------------------------------------------------------------- fread r d -------------------------------------------------------------------- fwrite w -------------------------------------------------------------------- fseek s -------------------------------------------------------------------- ftell t d -------------------------------------------------------------------- .  t..  tMFPS TTPt ǻ`n.(*o m$m,B"H"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#"B "&J$YJf"JfB&f2 "tEHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" z#z.I+I/ #qR//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf p?N^$p>BgN^$>N^|XON ?N]?<LNANVBn/<q/<hNI PO nm noN 6/<q/. ?.N;O =@ @gl0. |n2<`XHXW PN`y`y`y`y `y`y`p=@-y`t0.S@ygN 6`29H A -@09@g 09@ g/<r!/<qNPO/<r"/.NTDPO-@f/./<r%NPO/.NlXO=@?.NGTO-@fB/<r.NPO/.?.p?/.NTO ngB/<rKNPO/.NYXO?./.N \O .0-@ n0 @g/./<riNPO n0( yq^0 n0( yq^1@09@ f."yq^ yq^0ioy/< t yq^?(`/< t yq^?NhTO//Ng O ///< l?<NhTO//Ng O //NhpO yq^!@ 9q^/0<Hї / 9q^/0<Hї / n?( n?( N' O 9q^/0< Hї / 9q^/0<Hї / n?( n?(N' O yq^h yq^h yq^h yq^h 09@g yq^0(=@ yq^0(D@ yq^1@0.@ yq^1@ yq^h. yq^0( =@ yq^0(D@ yq^1@ 0.@ yq^1@ yq^h. yq^0(=@ yq^0( yq^1@ yq^1nJng8/<r}/.NTDPO-@f(/./<h/<r/<NOO-|/.NXO/.N)XON+8N 09@gN09@gN:n09@g/.NXO/<rNXO n0 @g> n0 @g2/.N |XO"n n0(HiHH@B@H@ЮP-@` n0 @g/<rNXO n0 @gT/9qbp ?N\O/.N.XO-@ n0 @g&"n n0(HiHH@B@H@ЮP-@`/<rNXONrN /.NHXOBgN]TON^NuNVp=@0.nl.0.H"@ Q -g0.H @ `Rn`BN^NuNVHBG0. 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Default Initializations : Now comes the real data : METAFILE DUMP COMPLETE. file should be accessibleGEM-Metafile Driver V%d.%2.d %s space is to be used. Raster CoordinateNormalized Device Coordinate xmin, ymin : (%d, %d) xmax, ymax : (%d, %d) %s%s error: %s %s. usage: %s [-%s] .gem vblmcpf:VtJttttttttuu!u-u>uVuhuuuuuuuvv%v8vI$Header: doitem.c,v 4.4 87/05/21 20:31:28 axel Exp $$Flags: -O -DGETOPT -DATARIST -DSTDCC -DPSDEBUG -DNOVAX -f -lm $solidlong dashdotteddash-dotdasheddash-dot-dotuser-defined-line-style(System Face)(Swiss 721)(Swiss 721 Thin)(Swiss 721 Thin Italic)(Swiss 721 Light)(Swiss 721 Light Italic)(Swiss 721 Italic)(Swiss 721 Bold)(Swiss 721 Bold Italic)(Swiss 721 Heavy)(Swiss 721 Heavy Italic)(Swiss 721 Black)(Swiss 721 Black Italic)(Dutch 801 Roman)(Dutch 801 Italic)(Dutch 801 Bold)(Dutch 801 Bold Italic) Escape: Polyline Polymarker Text Filled Area Cell Array Set Character Height, abs. mode Set Character Baseline Vector Set Color Representation Set Polyline Line Type (%s)(unknown-line-style: %d) Set Polyline Line Width Set Polyline Color Index Set Polymarker Type Set Polymarker Height Set Polymarker Color Index Set Text Face %s(unknown font: %d) Set Graphic Text Color Index Set Fill Interior Style (Hollow)(Solid)(Pattern)(Hatch)(User-defined style)(unknown fill style: %d) Set Fill Style Index Set Fill Color Index Set Writing Mode (Replace)(Tansparent)(XOR)(Reverse Transparent)(unknown: %d) Set Graphic Text Alignment (baseline)(center justified)(right justified)unknown alignment type: %d Set Fill Perimeter Visibility (%s)visibleinvisible Set Graphic Text Special Effects (Flags: 0%o) Set Character Cell Height, points mode Set Polyline End Styles (start: squared(start: arrow(start: rounded(start: unknown %d, end: squared), end: arrow), end: rounded), end: unknown %d) Set User Defined Fill Pattern Set User Defined Line Style (pattern: 0%o) Filled Rectangle Set Clipping Rectangle clipping enabledclipping disabledClose Workstation (End of Metafile)Metafile corrupted -- abortedStart of graphic-object. End of graphic-object. End of graphic-object. (%d, %d)%d %d graphic object begingraphic object endstart shadowingstop shadowing Bar Arc Pie Circle Ellipse Elliptical Arc Elliptical Pie Rounded Rectangle Justified Graphics Text Filled Rounded Rectangleunknown drawing primitive: %d}6}k}}}~~*~L~n~~~~:\~ @} $Header: metaps.c,v 4.7 87/05/26 04:18:37 axel Exp $$Flags: -O -DGETOPT -DATARIST -DSTDCC -DPSDEBUG -lm $<080808ff808080ff> 8 1 300 32 div<0204081422418001> 8 1 300 32 div<0000018200001028> 8 1 300 32 div<2020aa050202aa50> 8 1 300 32 div<2000020408008040> 8 1 300 32 div<2000020408008040> 8 1 300 32 div<2000020408008040> 8 1 300 32 div 8 1 300 32 div<00884122148800aa> 8 1 300 32 div<0088000800aa0008> 8 1 300 32 div<77898f8f7798f8f8> 8 1 300 32 div<8080413e080814e3> 8 1 300 32 div<1824428160100808> 8 1 300 32 div<0088000800aa0008> 8 1 300 32 div<0088000800aa0008> 8 1 300 32 div<0088000800aa0008> 8 1 300 32 div[] 0[3 5] 6[1 3] 1[2 3 7 3] 5[5 3] 6[5 3 2 3 2 3] 8fillstrokeGem2PSdictshowpage Job finishedEnd of PostScript-FileText Underlining not (yet) available.Strange Fonteffect encounteredlinebegin is ARROWlineend is ARROW0.990.90.780.550.350.20.0750can't set interior fill style unknown pattern Preparing a HATCH Patternunknown hatchpatterns unknown fill-style-index Draw a BAR...stroking visible perimeter (bar)Draw a POLYLINEDraw a FILLED AREA...stroking visible perimeter of areaDraw an ELLIPSE...ellipse perimeterDrawing an ELLIPTICAL ARCMetafile-ARCs not supportedMetafile-PIEs not supportedMetafile-CIRCLEs not supportedDrawing an ELLIPTICAL PIEMetafile-JUSTIFIED GRAPHIC TEXTDraw a ROUNDED RECTANGLEDraw a FILLED ROUNDED RECTANGLEDraw a FILLED RECTANGLELOGNAMEST-User*`$Header: marking.c,v 4.9 87/05/26 04:17:00 axel Exp $$Flags: -O -DGETOPT -DATARIST -DSTDCC -DPSDEBUG -DNOVAX -f -lm $hhohbhbohhohbhbottitbtx%%!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%%%Creator: metaps %%%%Title: %s %%%%CreationDate: %s %%%%For: %s %%%%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d %%%%EndComments /vmstat save def initgraphics Creating graphic %s for %s. Job starts.%s %%%%EndProlog %d %d %d %d %d %d %d pln %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d pln %d %d moveto %d %d %d %d %d arcto 4 {pop} repeat %d %d %d %d %d arcto 4 {pop} repeat %d %d %d %d %d arcto 4 {pop} repeat %d %d %d %d %d arcto 4 {pop} repeat %d %d moveto 1 %.2f %d %d %d %d %d elip %d %d moveto (()\ %d %s gsave grestore vmstat restore %s begin end %d %d translate %.2f %.2f scale newpath closepath fill stroke Realizing some HATCH-PATTERNgsave 1 setgray fill grestore clip newpath resetscale 0 setgray 0.20 setlinewidth %d %d %d { 0 exch moveto %d %d rlineto } for stroke 1.0 setlinewidth %d %d %d { 0 exch moveto %d %d rlineto } for stroke 0.2 setlinewidth %d %d %d { 0 exch moveto %d %d rlineto } for stroke %d -%d 0 { 0 exch moveto %d -%d rlineto } for stroke 0.2 setlinewidth %d %d %d { 0 0 %d pline } for stroke 0.2 setlinewidth %d %d %d { 0 exch %d 0 pline } for stroke 0.2 setlinewidth %d %d %d { 0 0 %d pline } for stroke %d %d %d { 0 exch %d 0 pline } for stroke Unknown Hatchpatterntype: %d 60 15 { dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub } setscreen %s setgray 1 setgray 0 setgray %s setpattern %.2f setlinewidth %d setlinecap %s setdash %d %d %d %d %d arrow Format of Picture is LANDSCAPE%d %d translate -90 rotate -%d 0 translate %%%% %s ( :: '%s' ::\n) print flush mf Manual feeding is enabledaf Automatic feeding enabled,i(c1:<[t )3Mx&NTZDjxS|N]o:q1\ Z$Header: prolog.c,v 4.7 87/05/26 04:23:22 axel Exp $$Flags: -O -DGETOPT -DATARIST -DSTDCC -DPSDEBUG -DNOVAX -f -lm $/Gem2PSdict 50 dict defGem2PSdict begin/t { /Times-Roman findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/ti { /Times-Italic findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/tb { /Times-Bold findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/tx { /Times-BoldItalic findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/h { /Helvetica findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/hb { /Helvetica-Bold findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/ho { /Helvetica-Oblique findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/hbo { /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont exch scalefont setfont show } def/bitison{ /ybit exch def /xbit exch def bstring ybit bwidth mul xbit 8 idiv add get 1 7 xbit 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne} def/setpattern{ /freq exch def /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq 0 { /y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def xindex yindex bitison { /onbits onbits 1 add def 1 } { /offbits offbits 1 add def 0 } ifelse } setscreen {} settransfer offbits offbits onbits add div setgray} def/mf { statusdict begin /manualfeedtimeout 300 def /manualfeed true def end } def/af { statusdict begin /waittimeout 5 def /manualfeed false def end } def/arrow { /leg exch def /taily exch def /tailx exch def /tipy exch def /tipx exch def gsave 1 setlinecap newpath tipx tipy translate taily tipy sub /num exch def tailx tipx sub /den exch def num den eq den 0 eq and { /num 1 def } if num den atan 16 sub rotate leg 0 moveto 0 0 lineto 32 rotate leg 0 lineto closepath fill grestore } def/pln { % xn yn xn-1 yn-1 .. x1 y1 n, draws a polyline with n-1 segments /n exch def /n n 1 sub def transform round exch round exch itransform moveto 1 1 n { pop transform exch round exch round itransform lineto } for} def/pline { % x1 y1 x2 y2, draws a line which is consistent with parallels /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 transform round exch round exch itransform moveto x2 y2 transform round exch round exch itransform rlineto} def/elip { % xscale yscale x y rad sang eang, draws an elliptical arc /ea exch def /sa exch def /rad exch def translate scale 0 0 rad sa ea arc /sm 6 array def /im 6 array def /sm sm currentmatrix def /im im defaultmatrix def sm 0 im 0 get put sm 3 im 3 get put sm setmatrix} def/resetscale { /sm 6 array def /im 6 array def /sm sm currentmatrix def /im im defaultmatrix def sm 0 im 0 get put sm 3 im 3 get put sm setmatrix} defend$Header: getopt.c,v 4.2 87/05/21 20:32:16 axel Exp $@(#) getopt.c 5.0 (UTZoo) 1985V$Flags: -O -DGETOPT -DATARIST -DSTDCC -DPSDEBUG LDFLAGS= -lm $: illegal option -- : option requires an argument -- GMT-1.1.4:-1.1.10:2:60...... 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Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (zomer 1988) al zo'n drie honderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. ************** Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productie fouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productie nummer. ************************************************************************