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Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. ************** Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productie fouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productie nummer. ************************************************************************ . uX/n.. uX/READ_ME TXTYu/oSUPED DAT\u/qYSUPED DOC`u/rG'SUPED TOSdu/|SUPED_HIRSCgu/rSUPED_INPRGju/IRSUPED_MERSCou/r Welcome to SUPED v1.0h and The SUPED Install Program v1.2! Compiled SUPED Install v1.2!!! I found out that SUPED Install v1.0 and v1.1 behave strangely when you don't have the latest version of GfA Basic (=3.03). I allso didn't like the Run Only program (a .PRG is much easier!) so I translated the source to GfA 2.02 (source is now 800 lines larger...) and compiled it. NOTE: SUPED Install v1.2 is nothing more than v1.1, but translated to GfA 2.02 and compiled..... Bug in SUPED v1.0g! Not a real bug, but..... When you get a warning from SUPED v1.0g that he doesn't know the current BBS (tel.no.) , SUPED warns you with a text and you hear some bells. Everything works fine with the normal TOSs, but NOT when you have Turbo ST installed, Turbo ST hates those bells and bombs! The bells are now removed from the string.... Memory Shortage with Install v1.0! Install uses much less memory now, and should work fine, even with 512k! The ARC must contain the following files: SUPED.TOS - The background program SUPED.DAT - The data file SUPED_IN.PRG - The Installation program SUPED_ME.RSC - Medium res resource file for Install SUPED_HI.RSC - High res resource file for Install SUPED.DOC - SUPED Documentation READ_ME.TXT - This file! I hope you like this program! Have fun, Bram Habraken Jr. 2 &6Vv'H9>ATH`eh|HJBiIMquCU BBS (SUPED Support BBS)030-313967QuickBBS PC v2.xx01: SSubj: End ofQuickBBS ST01: SSubj : [A]End ofMichTron BBS Ver.2.xx 1: /S Sig(s) : There[P][N]****** [FoReM ST Ver.2.xx1) /S Subj : Read MsgATD I'm very sorry, I'm a new user of SUPED and I forgot to change this with the installation program..... Documentation for SUPED v1.0h and SUPED Install v1.2 If you write as much messages as I do, you know how tedious it can be to write a goodlooking, errorfree message. With SUPED installed you can write a goodlooking message with ease! SUPED 'knows' what message you read last and remembers it (qoutes it), then when you want to leave a reply on a message you simply go to the normal BBS editor. SUPED knows that you want to leave a message and switches to its internal fullscreen editor in which you can write a message with the functions of a simple (line) editor, then when you are finished it sends the message as an ASCII string to the BBS, simple!! SUPED needs to know when you are reading a message and when you want to leave a message, this is done by looking at the incoming modem strings. For example, a FoReM ST BBS, sends the subject to the modem and (offcourse!) you receive that, SUPED automatically sees the string 'Subj : ' and knows that this is the beginning of a message and starts qouting it when receiving it (and reformatting the paragraphs while he's qouting!) and goes on qouting all the text which is coming in until he receives the corresponding qoute off string, for FoReM ST this is 'Read Msg' and turns the qouting off. Then, if you want to give a reply to this message, you simply do the normal things to get into the message editor and SUPED sees the string by which he knows the user wants to leave a message (for FoReM, this is the linenumber (this is true for much BBS's) '1) ' string). When he recognised that string he flips the screen to a fullscreen message editor, now you see the qouted message and you can start writing your reply. When you are finished you press the Help key and you can save the message from that menu. SUPED only recognizes the strings of the current selected BBS program, now I think you want to know how you can select these type, very simple, you can't! SUPED has a list of telephone numbers with corresponding BBS program type and checks the outgoing data for the dial string (eg. ATD) and when he sees a telephone number he checks it against his list of BBS's, when he finds it he automatically selects the correct parameters of that BBS. When he can't find the tel.no. he gives a warning that the number is not listed in his directory and turns SUPED off (if you want to use it again, you must select the appropiate function in the online menu, of which later more...). Editor Functions If you have GfA Basic, you feel pretty much at home with this editor, because the key functions are (allmost) the same: Undo - Undo line (obvious isn't it) Insert - Insert a line Clr Home - Place the cursor in the left corner of the screen Ctrl-Clr Home - Place the cursor in the left corner of the message (top of message) Ctrl-Z - Place cursor at the bottom of the message Ctrl-Del - Delete a line Ctrl-Y - Delete a line Delete - Delete the char under the cursor Backspace - Delete the last char Cursor keys - Move cursor one place up, down, left or right Ctrl-Right - Move cursor to end of current line Ctrl-Left - Move cursor to start of line Shift-Right & Shift-Left are the same as Ctrl-Right & Ctrl-Left The editor has no replace mode (maybe in a future version?) so its allways in the insert mode.... If you press the Help key from within the editor you get a menu with the following entries: -Save message & quit - Saves the message and quits the editor -Quit Editor - Quits the editor WITHOUT saving -Quit Menu - Quits menu and returns to the editor You can walk through the entries by pressing the up and down arrow keys, you make a selection by pressing Return. SUPED Online Menu SUPED allso has an Online Menu, you can get there by pressing the appropiate key (he's redifinable by the installation program, but standard it's CTRL-ALT-M). The menu has the following entries: -Normal key function - Sends the key code of the 'menu key' so you can use the normal program's function -Busy Buddy On/Off - Turns a built in Busy Buddy On/Off (is automatically turned on by going to the editor) Works allso with non GEM programs! -SUPED On/Off - Turns the checking of the in- and outgoing strings On/Off -Goto Editor - Go manually to the editor -Quit Menu - Quit this menu SUPED Installation program v1.0 You've probably seen that there's alot of information needed for the program to work properly. All this info can be found in the SUPED.DAT file. SUPED Install is a GEM program written in GfA Basic 3.03 (you need a Run Only Interpreter for that one) and allows you to change the data of the data file. When run, SUPED Install needs the SUPED.DAT file and let's you locate it in a Item Selector. If, however, SUPED is installed SUPED Install knows that and gets the data from the program instead. When that's done you see a menu with these functions: -Change User parameters This let's you change the Online Menu Key by clicking on the box and then pressing the key combination you want. You can change the dial string, which is standard 'ATD' (NOTE: SUPED doesn't see the extra characters after the dial string, only numbers and a '-' or ',' so your (SUPED) dial string can be 'ATD' but you can use ATDP or ATDT to dial the number from your terminal program) You can allso change a six line comment/greet which is appended after every message you leave. -Change BBS List Here you can add new BBS's or change the old ones. You can select the BBS Program type by clicking on the arrows up and down. -Change BBS Program Parameters This is were you can change the parameters for excisting BBS programs or add parameters for new ones. The Linelength is for the qouter. The ASCII send pause is for the ASCII upload (FoReM ST is a bit slow, so you need it for him). The Editor string, is the string by which SUPED knows to go to the editor. The save string is the string of keys sent to save the message. The List string is used to list a message, but isn't used in this version. The Qoute On/Off strings are used te determine the beginning or the end of a message. You can allso select between two actions undertaken by the qoute off strings. -Program Info What can this be? -Quit program If you select Quit program, SUPED Install confirms the quit first, then when you clicked on OK you get a dialog. In this dialog you can select where to you want the new data saved. You can choose between memory or disk (or both!), memory means to the currently installed SUPED (when he's not installed the memory button is disabled). Disk saves SUPED.DAT to the original path (SUPED Install allso knows where SUPED found SUPED.DAT, so saves it to that path). String Editor The Installation program uses normal GEM routines, but it supports a nice feature not found in other GEM programs, if you want a character in the text, which can't be types in (eg. the ESC key!) you can hold down the ALTernate key and press the decimal ASCII value of the char you want and when finished typing in the number you release the ALT key and the char is being inserted in the text! (This is a GfA Basic 3.x feature really...) NOTE: Some weird things can happen when you make a mistake with the SUPED strings (they can still happen with correct string too!), for example with MichTron I use the string 'Sig(s) : ' for a qoute on string, this is correct, but when you leave a message, which wasn't a reply on another message (eg. a message to the sysop), MichTron asks for the Sigs to put the message in, so SUPED is qouting everything after that! Installing SUPED.TOS It can be run from every drive/path but the SUPED.DAT file must be in the same folder as SUPED.TOS You can rename SUPED.TOS to SUPED.PRG and place it in the AUTO folder on your bootdisk (when placed in the AUTO folder, SUPED.DAT can be in the AUTO folder or in the root directory of the drive it's on) Memory usage SUPED v1.0g needs about 80k to run. SUPED Install about 150k, shouldn't be a problem! Future versions I'm planning to write a new version with many new features in the future, eg. extensive mouse support in the editor, better formatting routines, etc. This and all other future versions are only available for registered users.. Shareware The SUPED package is Shareware, this means that if you like it and use it alot, you ought to make a donation! When you make a donation, you get support and information about updates (users in The Netherlands (or users outside The Netherlands with alot of money!) can call the SUPED Support BBS at (0)30-313967 and when you are registered you can download the latest versions of SUPED there!) To become a registered user you must make any amount of money, you think it's worth, payable to: Bram Habraken J.P.Heyestraat 18 2394XZ Hazerswoude R/d. The Netherlands I spent alot of time developing these programs (if you've written an interrupt in routine machine language, you know how difficult they are to debug AND SUPED was written in ML and is one big interrupt!) so I would really appreciate a donation! Please, when you find a bug or you have a suggestion, write also to this address! Bram Habraken `l5 o |l"|'0<2<# QQ3 N'"B?< NA\/?NAX*. ߭,m0- S@ߖ(V߬X &l2,SAߛQT #zxaN\ 1NAFNN|@f0<ºNut@ R9"gTR yfDH` ra\a0L"f3RFN f$OfNj]J jf h Ns jHgjfVL g@>0* Dg g fAIrB"$Np&|(k>+G*\B"Jaf$QHzcp D`4-*t #4/-` B`jX edae@zbV,f<--g 0e49b.(JB# f< "LWa:fR`NpAHNtâ*„N<X/> XNH@" /$ ҂$rr|B6LOa L (PvaJXta@*^ "th AB/a NsNZ@`" ~>):, x<.SFFeV¢HIWt> H *HaxL0Az|ځjP>^3fJF b<RF3ނJ  `(Aᐡ$ `"3 pB0pNuH xtabJ@f>-SG(m \ 2J@gJAgx^f Nu"~KR>| >><(B|TtB\ "pr0||cW@2<x@W#Q 0<(BQd(a죬a#" 0<?"BP""<$ lzL3|JGgVWG&ž0d B ||c><z K K REG.rtvx|(a H`H@@H@bgag,gHgM^KfpgB`Xt.s264G~w Rfa`>a ¸ SGGe~Ag .IWxRBRCRdHS|JL KH f.S $ M a L *"H6a L?HLGRARD @ &`t  g$;R%$ g> BJg fNu@V "&Dc2|eTtHH(t.ނSDg (SȠ/ 0(_Lo?$ $L `JCgVhISBS.JBl8t/.n`Dd RANJAg S <@e | W c3  Ta`P< DAfSASDX .~`SA6S ZDg 4 L"HCW|C>٠><B $ r~dS,`N |#|~j j.xhaڳ ԡ*`6 t"L0Qr…V V|`0Nu BNu rtahv0H y"64<Jj0@ `Jb2F80B\83"B(#"0<?  Da>""1Nux~?f(H"6<PDSCC32:|SCxt4S $ < < f~v|R̂Т33QUr xM<^g>XfR<$fl6 RF|g0gR,`J RE~SaZH`H@Hf Jga@Sa<`Pf ga.Ra*`fa 30 vL~n fNuNHDp* 06. "gV0S@FF(PF(@F(0F( pF(`R L"Nup0F(?A!_ a2AfT/.?< aXJ@g |2d`xX.Nu"Z\J |g3P $d(#~V|SG* IWQ*(m!Cx `BH@ 0(hfx("$$ bLNu X`Nu@*LaH|>L|>(HAPCP0 IC@H AC"\*LR4ASBZ$"HR0<$H&I2Qr`X0ʃ @k6 C6 2XX&X"X`0VVTSSXgUXjFP2$P&H"0<? 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Software, Kluisgat 135, 9732EV Groningen, tel 050-423596 ------------------------------------------------------------- De produkten op deze diskette worden u aangeboden door S.B.Software. SBBATCH.PRG - Is een universeel 'job control program', dat het u mogelijk maakt procedures te schrijven ( zie bijgeleverd dokument SBBATCH.DOC ). SBMMOVE.ACC - Met deze accessoire kunt u het tempo van uw muis over het scherm bepalen. SBCGEN.PRG - Met dit programma kunt u van uw resource files 'C' source genereren, welke u d.m.v. een #include in uw programma's kunt opnemen. SBBLACK.ACC - Met deze accessoire kunt u de datum en tijd van uw systeem invoeren. Na 'reset' wordt automatisch de datum en tijd hersteld. U kunt uw systeem u laten waarschuwen op een bepaalde datum en tijd. Het beeldscherm wordt indien u dat wenst zwart, tenzij u binnen een bepaald aantal seconden uw muis en/of toetsenbord weer gebruikt. 06401030305800 1 2 F0110030 9[.........................................................]011 UniverseelBATCHprogramma HetprogrammaSBBATCH.PRGisbedoeldvoorhetschrijvenvan procedures. Wanneerhetprogrammagestartwordt,danwordtomdenaamvande batchfilegevraagdd.m.v.eenfile-selectorbox. Hetisechterookmogelijkdenaamvandebatchfile,eneventuele parameters(maximaal10)alseencommand-stringmeetegeven. Ditlaatstekangeschiedendoorhetprogrammaalseen.TTP(Tos TakesParameters)programmatestarten. Ditkanop2manieren: 1.VeranderdenaamvanhetprogrammainSBBATCH.TTP. 2.InstalleerhetprogrammaalseenTTPprogrammaviahet optionsmenuvandedesktop("InstallApplication"). NahetopenenvanhetprogrammavraagtGEMomdeparameters. Deeersteparameterdiemoetwordengespecificeerdmoetdenaam vandebatchfilestaan. Indezefileisprocedurevastgelegd. Eenprocedureiseigenlijkeensamenstelvankommando'swelke doorhetbatchprogrammawordenuitgevoerd. Dekommando'swaaroverdegebruikerbeschiktzijnhieronder beschreven. Perregelisslechts1kommandomogelijk,enkommando'skunnen nietovermeerdereregelswordenuitgesmeerd. Eenkommandobeginmethetteken'#'gevolgddooreenletterof eenteken. Eenparameteracceptatiebegintmethetteken'$',gevolgddoor eencijfer(max1pos.)eneventueeleenletter(UofL). Achterdezeparameterselektiekandannogtussenhaakjeseen sizewordengegeven. Eenparametertoekenningzondertussenkomstvandeoperator begintmethetteken'!'. Beidetekensmoetenoppositie1vanderegelbeginnen(dus helemaalvooraan). Voorbeelden: #M0KOPIEREN #T0A:\FOLDER\FILE1B:\FOLDER\FILE2 #M1GEEFDEFILENAAM $0U #M0GEEFDEDISKLETTER $1L(1) Inbovenstaandvoorbeeldwordteersteenberichtzichtbaar gemaakt"KOPIEREN". Daarnazaleenfiletranfer(kopierenvaneenfile)plaatsvin den. Daarnazalhetschermschoongemaaktwordeneneenbericht zichtbaargemaaktworden"GEEFDEFILENAAM". Daarnazalparameter0geaccepteerdworden,dezewordtdoorde toevoeging'U'naarhoofdlettersvertaald. Daarnazaleenberichtzichtbaargemaaktworden"GEEFDEDISK LETTER". Tenslottezalparameter1geaccepteerdwordenmeteensizevan1 dezewordtdoordetoevoeging'L'naarkleinelettersvertaald. Indeprocedurekanverdernogeenandertekenergensmiddenin eenkommandovoorkomennl.het'&'tekengevolgddooreencijfer vanmaximaal1positie.(bijv.'&1'=parameter1) Voorbeelden: !0TEST.PRG #M0Startenvanhetprogramma&0 #P&0 #E Inbovenstaandvoorbeeldwordteerstaanparameter0dewaarde "TEST.PRG"toegekend. Daarnawordteenberichtzichtbaargemaakt"Startenvanhet programmaTEST.PRG" Daarnawordteenprogrammagedefinieerdmetdenaam"TEST.PRG". Daarnawordthetprogrammametdenaam"TEST.PRG"gestart. Indemeestegevallenzaleenkommandouit2tekensbestaan(een '#'meteenletter),maarsomsuit3tekens(een'#',een lettereneencijfer(1pos.)). Dekommando's('#') LetterBetekenis ----------------------------------------------------------------- AABORT - breektdehuidigeprocedureaf. B BOOT - resetdeST(warmstart). CCOMMAND-kommandostringwelkeaanhette startenprogrammawordtmeegegeven. EEXECUTE-voerhetgedefinieerdeprogramma uit. Hetstatusnummerdatmeegegevenmag worden,moetliggenindereeks0 t/m9. ISIF-Wanneerdestatusbehorendebijhet nummergespecificeerdgelijkisaan dewaardegespecificeerdzullende kommando'sdieliggentussendeze '#IS'eneen'#I;'of'#IE'worden uitgevoerd. Isditniethetgevaldanzullende kommando'sdieliggeneeneventueel gespecificeerde'#IE'eneen#I;' wordenuitgevoerd. Werdgeen'#IE'gespecificeerddan wordtheteerstvolgendekommandona de'#I;'uitgevoerd. I$IF-Wanneerdeparameterstringbeho rendebijhetnummergespecificeerd gelijkisaandestringgespecifi ceerdzullendekommando'sdielig gentussendeze'#IS'eneen'#I;' of'#IE'wordenuitgevoerd. Isditniethetgevaldanzullende kommando'sdieliggeneeneventueel gespecificeerde'#IE'eneen#I;' wordenuitgevoerd. Werdgeen'#IE'gespecificeerddan wordtheteerstvolgendekommandona de'#I;'uitgevoerd. JnJOBSUM-n=0Geenoutputnaarscherm behalvefouten,en#M. n=1procedurewordtopscherm gelisttijdensdeuitvoe ring. KKEYBOARD-Metditkommandowordthetmogelijk gemaakteenstringinhetkeyboard bufferteschrijven. kandaarbij2waardenhebben: 'S'-Destringwordtinhet buffergeschreven. 'F'-Destringbevateenfile naamwaarindestring(s) staandieinhetbuffer geschrevenmoetenworden. Hetprogrammamaaktvoorde'F' versiegebruikvaneennieuw keyboardbufferwanneerdeinput filemeerdan255bytesbevat. Hetgevolgisdatmetopmoet passenmethetgebruikvande 'CONTROL-C'toetsenvoorhet afbrekenvanhetprogramma,het systeemzouweleensraredingen kunnengaandoen!! Ditkangebruiktwordenvoorpro gramma'sdieinputvanhetkeyboard verwachten. DestringwordtdoorSBBATCH.PRG altijdmeteen'return'afgesloten. G