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N^Nl((>HRf <b\$.8BLV@B B l     P   r     P   , F F F ` F F  `  z  z     ` ` z ` >  c>DPX`hpx~      &.c $(,04f\&N v   t 8n< rc    !!!!"F"##l#$8$$%F(B(B&X&'"''@ݵsgDH@AA@99::,:V:::::::::::;L;;;>>>>C.>>? ??(?6?D?R?`?nC.?|?????C.C.C.????@@@$@2@@@N@\@j@x@@@@@@@C.@@AAA A.A<AJAXAfAtC.AAAAAC.AAAABBBB*B8BFBTBbBpB~BBBBBBC.C.BC.BBBC CC"LMM$M4MLMnMMNNdNnNNNNONOOOOOPPPfPPPQ8QVQQSTlTzTUU4UTUUUVZVdVVVVVWlWWXXHXtXXXY,YYYYYZFZZZ[[0[:[D[b[[[[\SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSA@^^^h^^^^^^^_ _8_H_\_r_|___`N`^`z`````````aA\(A =p~~~~~~ ^h~8Bj|A@&T(@DXn>XrA@^4~ (2JTv$.8JT0"H`````````````````````:Zn$$$$lllll~~~ȐȐВМММЦЦакBBBTfxTfxTfxA@A44444444444444444  4444444444444444 4444$4444$4444((444,,,440444444444(( "*2:~&.6 (08@HPX`hp$:P.6>FNvbeipstwx$A@@@C                  rrrzrrrrr**,,,``0````,,,,`,````48<@DHH```L````P?|eirtw@xZ?? eitwx?  * |<<<<<D<tTd<l<<<<<<\<<<L./ // /l/0/@/P/Z1111 141 1$11(565@5P5`=9XbM=nOB A8868z899h9:4 :F : : : ;;4;P;x;<<c<e@@AAA@@@AC@xX<ATxKB ADOUX cldbefgor~s.uxD0123456789ABCDEF>% D EFNOX$[chdefnosx(>   %4   +.-..>0H1H2H3H4H5H6H7H8H9HE\e\ 8<@@@B CEzG@HPJt$LM Onk(QRC@ThԥV*W Yc_1uŭ+p[ɿN -r-o-s%d d %d %d d %d (R) (RA) (RF) (RC) (RL) [%P4] (HA) (%P1 to STR) [%P4] (DF) (SM) (SD) (SE) (SU) (FT) (FB) of Free Action of Slaying (%P2,%P3) of Clumsiness of Weakness of Speed of Stealth (%P1) of Slow descent of Slowness of Noise of Great Mass of Intelligence (%P1) of Wisdom (%P1) of Infra-Vision (%P1) of Might (%P1) of Lordliness (%P1) of the Magi (%P1) of Beauty (%P1) of Seeing (%P1) of Regeneration of Stupidity of Dullness of Blindness of Timidness of Weakness of Teleportation of Ugliness of Protection of Stealth (%P1) of Irritation of Vulnerability of Enveloping^ (Empty)^ (Locked)^ (Poison Needle)^ (Poison Needle)^ (Gas Trap)^ (Explosion Device)^ (Summoning Runes)^ (Multiple Traps)^ (Multiple Traps) of Slaying of Fire of Slay Evil of Slay Monster of Dragon Slaying18/100 %2d/0%d %2d/%2d%6d %s%6ld %s%6dTown levelDepth: %d (feet)Weak Hungry Blind Confused Afraid Poisoned Searching Resting *Winner*STR : INT : WIS : DEX : CON : CHR : LEV : EXP : MANA: MHP : CHP : AC : GOLD: Name : Race : Sex : Class : STR : INT : WIS : DEX : CON : CHR : + To Hit : + To Damage: + To AC : Total AC : Very BadBadPoorFairGoodVery GoodExcellentSuperbAge : Height : Weight : Social Class : Level : Experience : Gold : Max Hit Points : Cur Hit Points : Max Mana : Cur Mana : %d feet(Miscellaneous Abilities)Fighting : Bows/Throw : Saving Throw: Stealth : Disarming : Magic Device: Perception : Searching : Infra-Vision: Enter your player's name [press when finished]hange character name. to continue.GandalfMithrandir Name Level Mana %Failure%c) %s%d %d %d (Spells a-%c, *==List, =exit) %sLearn which spell?You learned new prayers!You learned a new prayer! Welcome to level %d. %s+%d%s%s%d%sPassword : It was a good hit! (x2 damage)It was an excellent hit! (x3 damage)It was a superb hit! (x4 damage)It was a *GREAT* hit! (x5 damage)highscor.esCan't open score file! moria_ho.ursrSUN:MON:TUE:WED:THU:FRI:SAT:There is no hours file. Please inform the wizard, %s, so he can correct this! Jim Wilson^moria_ho.ursrmoria_ne.wsrFile name: MORIAMAP.DATwCannot open file %ssection width (default = %d char):%dsection height (default = %d lines):%dWriting Moria Dungeon Map...%c Section[%d,%d]; Depth : %d (feet) %d %d %d %2d Completed.Produce objects on what level?: %dProduce how many objects?: %dFile name: MORIAOBJ.DATw%d random objects being produced...*** Random Object Sampling: *** %d objects *** For Level %d %s Completed.File could not be opened.File name: MORIAMON.DATwWriting Monster Dictionary...-------------------------------------------- %d %s (%c) Speed ==%d Level ==%d Exp ==%ld AC ==%d Eye-sight ==%d HD ==%s Creature is a ***Win Creature*** Creature Eats/kills other creatures. Creature is a dragon. Creature is a monster. Creature is evil. Creature is undead. Creature harmed by cold. Creature harmed by fire. Creature harmed by poison. Creature harmed by acid. Creature harmed by blue light. Creature harmed by Stone-to-Mud. Creature cannot be charmed or slept. Creature seen with Infra-Vision. Creature has MAX hit points. Creature is invisible. Creature picks up objects. Creature multiplies. Carries object(s). Carries gold, gems, etc. Has object/gold 60%% of time. Has object/gold 90%% of time. Has 1d2 object(s)/gold. Has 2d2 object(s)/gold. Has 4d2 object(s)/gold. --Spells/Dragon Breath == Casts spells 1 out of %d turns. Can teleport short. Can teleport long. Teleport player to itself. Cause light wounds. Cause serious wounds. Hold person. Cause blindness. Cause confusion. Cause fear. Summon a monster. Summon an undead. Slow person. Drains mana for healing. **Unknown spell value** **Unknown spell value** Breathes Lightning Dragon Breath. Breathes Gas Dragon Breath. Breathes Acid Dragon Breath. Breathes Frost Dragon Breath. Breathes Fire Dragon Breath. --Movement == Move only to attack. Move and attack normally. 20%% random movement. 40%% random movement. 75%% random movement. Can open doors. Can phase through walls. --Creature attacks == %d%d%s Hits for Bites for Claws for Stings for Touches for Kicks for Gazes for Breathes for Spits for Wails for Embraces for Crawls on you for Shoots spores for Begs for money for Slimes you for Crushes you for Tramples you for Drools on you for Insults you for Is repelled... **Unknown value** normal damage.lowering strength.confusion.fear.fire damage.acid damage.cold damage.lightning damage.corrosion damage.blindness.paralyzation.stealing money.stealing object.poison damage.lose dexterity.lose constitution.lose intelligence.lose wisdom.lose experience.aggravates monsters.disenchants objects.eating food.eating light source.absorbing charges.blank message.**Unknown value**%s (%s) Completed.File name: MORIACHR.DATwWriting character sheet...%c Name :%s Age :%4d Strength :%s Race :%s Height :%4d Intelligence :%s Sex :%s Weight :%4d Wisdom :%s Class :%s Social Class:%4d Dexterity :%s Title :%s Constitution :%s Charisma :%s + To Hit :%6d Level :%6d Max Hit Points :%6d + To Damage :%6d Experience :%6ld Cur Hit Points :%6d + To AC :%6d Gold :%6ld Max Mana :%6d Total AC :%6d Cur Mana :%6d %d feet(Miscellaneous Abilities) Fighting : %s Stealth : %s Perception : %s Throw/Bows : %s Disarming : %s Searching : %s Saving Throw: %s Magic Device: %s Infra-Vision: %s Character Background %s [Character's Equipment List] Character has no equipment in use. ) You are wielding : ) Worn on head : ) Worn around neck : ) Worn on body : ) Worn on shield arm : ) Worn on hands : ) Right ring finger : ) Left ring finger : ) Worn on feet : ) Worn about body : ) Light source is : ) Secondary weapon : ) *Unknown value* : %c%s%s%s %c [General Inventory List] Character has no objects in inventory. %c) %s%s %cCompleted.error allocating screen in curses package [Escaping to shell] SHELLCannot execute shell -more- %lx[Press any key to continue][Press any key to continue, or Q to exit]Are you sure?Choose a race:%c) %sCharacter BackgroundChoose a sex:m) Male f) FemaleFemaleMaleChoose a class:%c) %sHit space to reroll or ESC to accept characteristics: Titled " "%C%T%R%A%M%W%M %T|%P1%P2%P3%P4%P5%P6ch~ches~s~&%d%s%s%sno morean%sa%ssomeno more %sno more %s.& someThe gates to Moria are now closed. The gates to Moria are closing...Please finish up or save your game. Your light has gone out!Your light is growing faint.You are getting weak from hunger.You faint from the lack of food.You are getting hungry.The veil of darkness lifts.You feel less confused now.You feel bolder now.You feel better.poison.poison.poison.poison.poison.poison.poison.You feel yourself moving faster.You feel yourself slow down.You feel yourself moving slower.You feel yourself speed up.Your skin turns into steel!Your skin returns to normal...You feel like a HERO!The heroism wears off.You feel like a SUPER HERO!The super heroism wears off.You feel righteous!The prayer has expired.You feel yourself yanked upwards!You feel yourself yanked downwards!Enter 'Q' to quitQuitting.Wizard mode off.Wizard mode on.You are a Total Winner, your character must be retired...Use -K to when you are ready to quit.Which direction?Print to file? (Y/N)You can't see your map.Section [%d,%d]; Location == [%d,%d]You can't see to draw a map.You are incapable of searching while blind.Which direction?You are incapable of searching while blind.Go to which level (0 -1200) ? %dType '?' or '^H' for help...Type '?' or '^H' for help...Type '?' for help...Do you really want to quit?Quitting.Wizard mode off.Wizard mode on.You are a Total Winner, your character must be retired...Use 'Q' to when you are ready to quit.Print to file? (Y/N)You can't see your map.Section [%d,%d]; Location == [%d,%d]You can't see to draw a map.You are incapable of searching while blind.You are incapable of searching while blind.Go to which level (0 -1200) ? %dType '?' or DELETE for help...Type '?' or DELETE for help...Type '?' for help...It It It The %s The %s& %s%d %d %shits you.bites you.claws you.stings you.touches you.kicks you.gazes at you.breathes on you.spits on you.makes a horrible wail.embraces you.crawls on you.releases a cloud of spores.begs you for money.You've been slimed!crushes you.tramples you.drools on you.insults you!insults your mother!gives you the finger!humiliates you!wets on your leg!defiles you!dances around you!makes obscene gestures!moons you!!!is repelled.You feel weaker for a moment, it passes.You feel weaker.You feel confused.You resist the effects!You are suddenly afraid!You are enveloped in flames!You are covered in acid!You are covered with frost!Lightning strikes you!A stinging red gas swirls about you.Your eyes begin to sting.You resist the effects!You are unaffected.You are paralyzed.You quickly protect your money pouch!Your purse feels lighter.There is a puff of smoke!You grab hold of your backpack!Your backpack feels lighter.There is a puff of smoke!You feel very sick.You feel clumsy for a moment, it passes.You feel more clumsy.Your body resists the effects of the disease.Your health is damaged!You feel your memories fading...Your memories are suddenly restored!You feel your memories fading...Your wisdom is sustained.Your wisdom is drained.You feel your life draining away!There is a static feeling in the air...Your light dims...Energy drains from your pack!misses you.The rune of protection is broken!Your hands stop glowing.ItItItThe %s%s is unaffected.%s appears confused.The %s It The %s& %scasts a spell.casts a spell.You resist the effects of the spell.3d8casts a spell.You resist the effects of the spell.8d8casts a spell.You are unaffected...You resist the effects of the spell.casts a spell.You resist the effects of the spell.casts a spell.You resist the effects of the spell.casts a spell.You resist the effects of the spell.magically summons a monster!magically summons an undead!casts a spell.You are unaffected...You resist the effects of the spell.%sdraws psychic energy from you!%sappears healthier...breathes lightning.breathes gas.breathes acid.breathes frost.breathes fire.Creature cast unknown spell. highscor.esError opening top twenty file %-7ld%-15.15s%-10.10s%-10.10s%-5d%-25.25s%5dPoints Name Race Class Lv Killed By Dun LvLevel : %d%ld Exp%ld AuDied on Level : %d _______________________ / \ ___ / \ ___ / \ ___ / RIP \ \ : : / \ / \ : _;,,,;_ : : /%s\,;_ _;,,,;_ | the | ___ | %s | / \ | | : : | %s | _;,,,;_ ____ | %s | / \ | %s | : : | %s | : : | %s | _;,,,,;_ | killed by | | %s | | %s | *| * * * * * * | *________)/\\_)_/___(\/___(//_\)/_\//__\\(/_|_)_______Print to file? (Y/N)Enter Filename[3]:MORIACHR.DIEwError creating> %s%s Sorry, scores for games restored from panic save files are not saved. Ripe Old Age.Magnificent*King*Beautiful*Queen* # ##### # ,,, $$$ ,,, ,,==$ "$$$$$" $==,, ,$$ $$$ $$, *> <*> <* $$ $$$ $$ "$$ $$$ $$" "$$ $$$ $$" *#########*#########* *#########*#########* Veni, Vidi, Vici! I came, I saw, I conquered! All Hail the Mighty King! All Hail the Mighty Queen!Eat what?A veil of darkness surrounds you.You feel terrified!You feel drugged.You feel your strength returning.You feel your health returning.Your head spins a moment.You feel your wisdom returning.You feel more dextrous.Your skin starts itching.poisonous food.poisonous food.poisonous food.3d6poisonous food.3d12poisonous food.poisonous food.poisonous food.2d8poisonous food.3d8poisonous food.poisonous food.You are not carrying any food.But you are not carrying anything.Enter character to be identified : - An open pit.! - A potion." - An amulet, periapt, or necklace.# - A stone wall.$ - Treasure.& - Treasure chest.' - An open door.( - Soft armor.) - A shield.* - Gems.+ - A closed door., - Food or mushroom patch.- - A wand. - Floor./ - A pole weapon.1 - Entrance to General Store.2 - Entrance to Armory.3 - Entrance to Weaponsmith.4 - Entrance to Temple.5 - Entrance to Alchemy shop.6 - Entrance to Magic-Users store.: - Rubble.; - A loose rock.< - An up staircase.= - A ring.> - A down staircase.? - A scroll.A - Giant Ant Lion.B - The Balrog.C - Gelatinous Cube.D - An Ancient Dragon (Beware).E - Elemental.F - Giant Fly.G - Ghost.H - Hobgoblin.I - Invisible Stalker.J - Jelly.K - Killer Beetle.L - Lich.M - Mummy.O - Ooze.P - Giant humanoid.Q - Quylthulg (Pulsing Flesh Mound).R - Reptile.S - Giant Scorpion.T - Troll.U - Umber Hulk.V - Vampire.W - Wight or Wraith.X - Xorn.Y - Yeti.[ - Hard armor.\ - A hafted weapon.] - Misc. armor.^ - A trap._ - A staff.a - Giant Ant.b - Giant Bat.c - Giant Centipede.d - Dragon.e - Floating Eye.f - Giant Frogg - Golem.h - Harpy.i - Icky Thing.j - Jackal.k - Kobold.l - Giant Louse.m - Mold.n - Naga.o - Orc or Ogre.p - Person (Humanoid).q - Quasit.r - Rodent.s - Skeleton.t - Giant Tick.w - Worm or Worm Mass.y - Yeek.z - Zombie.{ - Arrow, bolt, or bullet.| - A sword or dagger.} - Bow, crossbow, or sling.~ - Miscellaneous item.Not Used.B Bash (object/creature)| q Quaff a potion.C Display character. | r Read a scroll.D Disarm a trap/chest. | s Search for hidden doors.E Eat some food. | t Take off an item.F Fill lamp with oil. | u Use a staff.L Current location. | v Version and credits.P Print map. | w Wear/Wield an item.R Rest for a period. | x Exchange weapon.S Search Mode. | / Identify a character.T Tunnel. | ? Display this panel.a Aim and fire a wand. |b Browse a book. | ^P Repeat the last message.c Close a door. | ^R Redraw the screen.d Drop an item. | ^K Quit the game.e Equipment list. | ^X Save character and quit.f Fire/Throw an item. | ! Shell out of game.i Inventory list. | < Go up an up-staircase.j Jam a door with spike.| > Go down a down-staircase.l Look given direction. | . Move in direction.m Cast a magic spell. | Movement: 7 8 9o Open a door/chest. | 4 6 5 == Restp Read a prayer. | 1 2 3f Bash (object/creature)| q Quaff a potion.C Display character. | r Read a scroll.D Disarm a trap/chest. | s Search for hidden doors.E Eat some food. | T Take off an item.F Fill lamp with oil. | Z Use a staff.W Current location. | v Version and credits.M Print map. | w Wear/Wield an item.R Rest for a period. | X Exchange weapon.# Search Mode. | / Identify a character.CTRL Tunnel | ? Display this panel.z Aim and fire a wand. |P Browse a book. | ^P Repeat the last message.c Close a door. | ^R Redraw the screen.d Drop an item. | Q Quit the game.e Equipment list. | ^X Save character and quit.t Fire/Throw an item. | ! Shell out of game.i Inventory list. | < Go up an up-staircase.S Jam a door with spike.| > Go down a down-staircase.x Look given direction. | SHIFT Move in direction.m Cast a magic spell. | Movement: y k uo Open a door/chest. | h l . == Restp Read a prayer. | b j n^A - Remove Curse and Cure all maladies.^B - Print random objects sample.^D - Down/Up n levels.^E - Change character.^F - Delete monsters.^G - Allocate treasures.^H - Wizard Help.^I - Identify.^J - Gain experience.^U - Summon monster.^L - Wizard light.^N - Print monster dictionary.^W - Wizard password on/off.^T - Teleport self.^V - Restore lost character.@ - Create any object *CAN CAUSE FATAL ERROR*^A - Remove Curse and Cure all maladies.^B - Print random objects sample.^D - Down/Up n levels.^H - Wizard Help.^I - Identify.^L - Wizard light.^N - Print monster dictionary.^W - Wizard password on/off.^T - Teleport self.^V - Restore lost character.^A - Remove Curse and Cure all maladies.^O - Print random objects sample.^D - Down/Up n levels.^E - Change character.^F - Delete monsters.^G - Allocate treasures.^? - Wizard Help.^I - Identify.+ - Gain experience.^S - Summon monster.* - Wizard light.^M - Print monster dictionary.^W - Wizard password on/off.^T - Teleport self.^V - Restore lost character.@ - Create any object *CAN CAUSE FATAL ERROR*^A - Remove Curse and Cure all maladies.^O - Print random objects sample.^D - Down/Up n levels.^? - Wizard Help.^I - Identify.* - Wizard light.^M - Print monster dictionary.^W - Wizard password on/off.^T - Teleport self.^V - Restore lost character.You can't see to read your spell book!You have no light to read by.You are too confused...Use which spell-book?Cast which spell?You failed to get the spell off!Which direction?2d6Magic Missile4d4a magic spell.Which direction?Stinking CloudWhich direction?Which direction?3d8Lightning BoltWhich direction?Which direction?4d8Frost BoltWhich direction?Which direction?Which direction?6d8Fire BoltWhich direction?Which direction?Frost BallWhich direction?Which direction?Fire BallYou faint from the effort!You have damaged your health!You don't know any spells in that book.But you are not carrying any spell-books!But you are not carrying any spell-books!You can't cast spells!Quaff which potion?Wow! What bulging muscles!You feel warm all over.Aren't you brilliant!This potion tastes very dull.You have have a warm feeling.You suddenly have a profound thought!You feel your wisdom returning.Gee, ain't you cute!You feel your looks returning.2d7a potion.4d7a potion.6d7a potion.a potion.You feel tingly for a moment.You feel more experienced.You fall asleep.You are covered by a veil of darkness.Hey! This is good stuff! * Hick! *You feel very sick.You feel more limber!You feel less clumsy.You feel your health returning!You feel your memories fade...The potion makes you vomit!Your feel your head clear...Your eyes begin to tingle.You are not carrying any potions.But you are not carrying anything.You can't see to read your prayer!You have no light to read by.You are too confused...Use which Holy Book?Recite which prayer?You lost your concentration!3d3a prayer.Which direction?4d4a prayer.Which direction?3d6Black Sphere8d4a prayer.16d4a prayer.a prayer.a prayer.You faint from fatigue!You have damaged your health!You don't know any prayers in that book.But you are not carrying any Holy Books!But you are not carrying any Holy Books!Pray hard enough and your prayers may be answered.Enter Filename:Can not change file mode for %srbCannot open file %s for reading.Restoring Character...Error reading in file %sCannot delete file %sEnter Filename:MORIACHR.SAVMORIACHR.SAVMORIACHR.SAVwbError creating %sSaving character...Can not stat file %sCan not change file mode for %sError writing to file %sGame not saved.Character saved. [Moria Version %lf]Cannot stat file %sCan not change file mode for %srbCannot open file %s for readingRestoring Character...Error reading in file %sCannot stat file %s?Cannot delete file %sThis game is from a panic save. Score will not be added to scoreboard. Your character has already died.Unknown.Use which staff?You failed to use the staff properly.a staff.The staff glows blue for a moment..The staff has no charges left.You are not carrying any staffs.But you are not carrying anything.Aim which wand?Which direction?You are confused...You failed to use the wand properly.A line of blue shimmering light appears.3d8Lightning Bolt4d8Frost Bolt6d8Fire Bolt4d62d6Magic MissileLightning BallCold BallFire BallStinking CloudAcid BallThe wand has no charges left.You are not carrying any wands.But you are not carrying anything.You can't see to read the scroll.You have no light to read by.The text seems to swim about the page!You are too confused to read...Read which scroll?As you read the scroll it vanishes.Your %s glows faintly!The enchantment fails...Your %s glows faintly!The enchantment fails...Your %s glows faintly!The enchantment fails...This is an identify scroll You feel as if someone is watching over you.Your hands begin to glow.This is a mass genocide scroll.There is a high pitched humming noiseThis is a Recharge-Item scroll. This is a genocide scroll. That scroll appeared to be blank.Your %s glows brightly!The enchantment fails...Your %s glows black, fadesYour %s glows brightly!The enchantment fails...Your %s glows black, fades.The air about you becomes charged...You are not carrying any scrolls.But you are not carrying anything.ItThe %sitthe %s%s is unaffected.%s falls asleep.You sense the presence of invisible creatures! You are surrounded by a white light. Darkness surrounds you...Item you wish identified?%c%c %s You sense the presence of monsters! %s wails out in pain!2d8%s dies in a fit of agony.The end of the staff bursts into a blue shimmering light.Click! (Unlocked)The %s strikes %s.%s dies in a fit of agony.%s screams in agony.**The %s envelopes a creature!The %s envelopes several creatures!There is a scream of agony!There are several screams of agony!**Recharge which item?There is a bright flash of light... (%P1^ (%P1 %s dies in a fit of agony.%s screams in agony.%s dies in a fit of agony.%s screams in agony.%s starts moving faster.%s starts moving slower.%s is unaffected.%s is unaffected.%s appears confused.%s is unaffected.%s falls asleep.The wall turns into mud.The %s turns into mud.%s dies in a fit of agony.%s wails out in pain!There is a bright flash of light!%s is unaffected.2d8What kind of creature shall be exterminated?The %s is unaffected.%s starts moving faster.%s starts moving slower.%s is unaffected.%s is unaffected.%s falls asleep.You sense the presence of evil! You feel your life slipping away!You feel a little better.You feel better.You feel much better.You feel very good.2d8There is already an object under you.%s dissolves!%s shudders.%s runs frantically!%s is unaffected.You feel very sick.You feel sick for a moment, it passes.You become very dizzy.You become dizzy for a moment, it passes.You feel very naive.You feel naive for a moment, it passes.You feel very sore.You feel sore for a moment, it passes.You feel very sick.You feel sick for a moment, it passes.Your skin starts to itch.Your skin starts to itch, but feels better now.You have forgotten a magic spell!You have forgotten a prayer!The effects of the poison has been reduced.There is a searing blast of light!You feel your life energies returning... Moria Version %fVersion 0.1 : 03/25/83Version 1.0 : 05/01/84Version 2.0 : 07/10/84Version 3.0 : 11/20/84Version 4.0 : 01/20/85Modules : V1.0 Dungeon Generator - RAK Character Generator - RAK & JWT Moria Module - RAK Miscellaneous - RAK & JWT V2.0 Town Level & Misc - RAK V3.0 Internal Help & Misc - RAK V4.0 Source Release Version - RAKRobert Alan Koeneke Jimmey Wayne Todd Jr.Student/University of Oklahoma Student/University of Oklahoma119 Crystal Bend 1912 Tiffany Dr.Norman, OK 73069 Norman, OK 73071(405)-321-2925 (405) 360-6792UNIX MORIA Port by James E. Wilson wilson@ernie.Berkeley.EDU ucbvax!ucbernie!wilsonThis version is based on the VMS version 4.8but is no longer identical to the original VMS program.Please use care when referring to this program.Please call it 'umoria' or 'UNIX MORIA' or somethingsimilar to avoid confusion.Adapted for Atari ST by Stephen Alan Jacobs (saj@chinet)Portions of the executable copyright 1984-88 by MarkWilliams Company, Chicago and Lake Bluff, IL(3 - 118) Strength == %d(3 - 118) Intelligence == %d(3 - 118) Wisdom == %d(3 - 118) Dexterity == %d(3 - 118) Constitution == %d(3 - 118) Charisma == %d(1 - 32767) Hit points == %d(0 - 32767) Mana == %dCurrent==%d (0-200) Searching == %dCurrent==%d (0-10) Stealth == %dCurrent==%d (0-200) Disarming == %dCurrent==%d (0-100) Save == %dCurrent==%d (0-200) Base to hit == %dCurrent==%d (0-200) Bows/Throwing == %dCurrent==%ld Gold == %dWarning: This routine can cause fatal error. Name : & Wizard Object!Tval : %dSubval : %dWeight : %dNumber : %dDamage : +To hit: %d+To dam: %dAC : %d+To AC : %dP1 : %dFlags (In HEX): Cost : %dLevel : %dAllocate? (Y/N)Allocated...Aborted...Done!Accepted!Fine...Agreed!Okay...Taken!You drive a hard bargain, but taken...You'll force me bankrupt, but it's a deal...Sigh... I'll take it...My poor sick children may starve, but done!Finally! I accept...Robbed again...A pleasure to do business with you!My spouse will skin me, but accepted.%A2 is my final offer; take it or leave it...I'll give you no more than %A2.My patience grows thin... %A2 is final.%A1 for such a fine item? HAH! No less than %A2.%A1 is an insult! Try %A2 gold pieces...%A1??? Thou wouldst rob my poor starving children?Why, I'll take no less than %A2 gold pieces.Ha! No less than %A2 gold pieces.Thou knave! No less than %A2 gold pieces.%A1 is far too little; how about %A2?I paid more than %A1 for it myself, try %A2.%A1? Are you mad??? How about %A2 gold pieces?As scrap this would bring %A1. Try %A2 in gold.May the fleas of 1000 orcs molest you. I want %A2.My mother you can get for %A1, this costs %A2.May your chickens grow lips. I want %A2 in gold!Sell this for such a pittance? Give me %A2 gold.May the Balrog find you tasty! %A2 gold pieces?Your mother was a Troll! %A2 or I'll tell...%A1%A2I'll pay no more than %A1; take it or leave it.You'll get no more than %A1 from me...%A1 and that's final.%A2 for that piece of junk? No more than %A1For %A2 I could own ten of those. Try %A1.%A2? NEVER! %A1 is more like it...Let's be reasonable... How about %A1 gold pieces?%A1 gold for that junk, no more...%A1 gold pieces and be thankful for it!%A1 gold pieces and not a copper more...%A2 gold? HA! %A1 is more like it...Try about %A1 gold...I wouldn't pay %A2 for your children, try %A1.*CHOKE* For that!? Let's say %A1.How about %A1?That looks war surplus! Say %A1 gold.I'll buy it as scrap for %A1.%A2 is too much; let us say %A1 gold.%A1%A2ENOUGH! Thou hast abused me once too often!Out of my place!THAT DOES IT! You shall waste my time no more!out... Out... OUT!!!This is getting nowhere... I'm going home!Come back tomorrow...BAH! No more shall you insult me!Leave my place... Begone!Begone! I have had enough abuse for one day.Come back when thou art richer... You will have to do better than that!That's an insult!Do you wish to do business or not?Hah! Try again...Ridiculous!You've got to be kidding!You'd better be kidding!!You try my patience.I don't hear you.Hmmm, nice weather we're having...I must have heard you wrong...What was that?I'm sorry, say that again...What did you say?Sorry, what was that again?You may: p) Purchase an item. b) Browse store's inventory. s) Sell an item. i) Inventory and Equipment Lists.ESC) Exit from Building. ^R) Redraw the screen.Specify an asking-price in gold pieces.Specify an offer in gold pieces.ESC) Quit Haggling.%c) %s%9d%9d [Fixed]- cont. -%d%9d [Fixed]Gold Remaining : %ld ItemAsking Price(Items %c-%c, ESC to exit) %s%dAsking : %s %dWhat do you offer? Final Offer : Your last offer : %dFinal offer : I am sorry, but I have not the money to afford such a fine item. Offer : %s %dWhat price do you ask? Final Offer : Your last bid %dI am currently out of stock.Which item are you interested in? You have %s (%c)Liar! You have not the gold!You cannot carry that many different items.You can not carry that much weight.Which one? Selling %s (%c) How dare you!I will not buy that!I have not the room in my store to keep it...I do not buy such items.Entire inventory is shown.Invalid Command.The doors are locked.OH NO!!!!!!!!!! Attempting panic save.Do you really want to quit?Quitting. -more-%c%c %s You are wielding : Worn on head : Worn around neck : Worn on body : Worn on arm : Worn on hands : Worn on right hand : Worn on left hand : Worn on feet : Worn about body : Light source : Secondary weapon : Unknown value : %c%c%s%sWas wielding Light source was Was wearing %s%s (%c)(a-%c, * for equipment list, ESC to exit) Take off which one ?Hmmm, it seems to be cursed...You are currently using -(a-%c, * for equipment list, ESC to exit) Wear/Wield which one?I don't see how you can use that.The %s you are wielding wearing appears to be cursed.You will have to drop something first.You are wielding Your light source is You are wearing %s%s (%c%cYou have trouble wielding such a heavy weapon.You are currently carrying -The %s you are wielding appears to be cursed.Primary weapon : You have trouble wielding such a heavy weapon.Secondary weapon : You are currently using -You are not carrying anything.You are currently carrying -You are not using any equipment.You are currently using -You are not using any equipment.You will have to drop something first.You are not carrying anything.But you are wielding no weapons.quip, inven, ake-off, ear/wield, echange, or ESC to exit.(Items %c-%c, * for inventory list, ESC to exit) %sYou are not carrying anything. @@Rest for how long? %dPress ^C to wake up...You have trouble swinging such a heavy weapon.You have found %s.You have found a secret door.You have discovered a trap on the chest!The chest is trapped!Your %s resists damage!Your %s is damaged!There is an acrid smell coming from your pack.There is smoke coming from your pack!Something shatters inside your pack!There is an acrid smell coming from your pack!You fell into a pit!You gently float down.an open pit.an arrow trap.An arrow hits you.An arrow barely misses you.You fell into a covered pit.You gently float down.a covered pit.You fell through a trap door! You gently float down.a trap door.A strange white mist surrounds you!You are unaffected.You fall asleep.Hmmm, there was something under this rock.a dart trap.A small dart weakens you!A small dart hits you.A small dart barely misses you.You hit a teleport trap!a falling rock.You are hit by a falling rockcorrosion gas.A strange red gas surrounds you.a fire trap.You are enveloped in flames!an acid trap.You are splashed with acid!a poison gas trap.A pungent green gas surrounds you!A black gas surrounds you!A gas of scintillating colors surrounds you!a dart trap.A small dart hits you!A small dart barely misses you.a dart trap.A small dart weakens you!A small dart hits you.A small dart barely misses you.Unknown trap valueYou are not carrying any books.Which Book?You do not understand the language.You do not understand the language.You do not understand the language. Name Level Mana Known%c) %s%d %d %d [Press any key to continue]You have found %d gold pieces worth of %s.You have %s (%c%cYou can't carry that many items.You can't carry that much weight.There is something there already.Which one? Dropped %sYou are not carrying anything.2d24d3*** CONGRATULATIONS *** You have won the game...Use -K when you are ready to quit.itititthe %sYou hit %s.You have slain %s.You miss %s.There is rubble blocking your way.There is a closed door blocking your way.You are too afraid!A small needle has pricked you!1d4a poison needle.You feel weakened!You are unaffected.A small needle has pricked you!1d6a poison needle.A puff of yellow gas surrounds you!You are unaffected.You choke and pass out.There is a sudden explosion!5d8an exploding chest.Which direction?You are too confused to pick the lock.You have picked the lock.You failed to pick the lock.It appears to be stuck.You are too confused to pick the lock.You have picked the lock.You failed to pick the lock. (Empty)I do not see anything you can open there.I do not see anything you can open there.Which direction?The door appears to be broken.The %s is in your way!I do not see anything you can close there.I do not see anything you can close there.You enter a maze of up staircases.You pass through a one-way door.I see no up staircase here.I see no up staircase here.You enter a maze of down staircases.You pass through a one-way door.I see no down staircase here.I see no down staircase here.You have found something!You have finished the tunnel.You tunnel into the granite wall.You have finished the tunnel.You tunnel into the magma intrusion.You have finished the tunnel.You tunnel into the quartz vein.This seems to be permanent rock.You have removed the rubble.You have found something!You dig in the rubble...You tunnel into the granite wall.You can't tunnel through that.Tunnel through what? Empty air???Which direction?You have disarmed the trap.You failed to disarm the trap.You set the trap off!I don't see a trap... (Locked) (Disarmed)You have disarmed the chest.You failed to disarm the chest.You set a trap off!The chest was not trapped.I do not see anything to disarm there.I do not see anything to disarm there.Look which direction?You see an %s.You see a %s.You see a granite wall.You see %sYou see a granite wall.You see some dark rock.You see a quartz vein.You see a granite wall.You see nothing of interest in that direction.You can't see a damn thing!You are bloated from overeating.You are full.You have %d charges remaining.You have %s.The %s disappearsBut you are not carrying anything.Fire/Throw which one?Which direction?You are confused...itititthe %sThe %s hits %s.You have killed %s.Which direction?You are afraid!ItItItThe %s%s appears stunned!You are off-balance.You smash into the door!The door crashes open!The door holds firm.You have destroyed the chest...and it's contents!& ruined chestThe lock breaks open!I do not see anything you can bash there.I do not see anything you can bash there.Which direction?You jam the door with a spike.But you have no spikes...The %s is in your way!The door must be closed first.That isn't a door!That isn't a door!Your lamp overflows, spilling oil on the ground.Your lamp is full.Your lamp is more than half full.Your lamp is half full.Your lamp is less than half full.You have no oil.But you are not using a lamp.Filthy Street Urchin 4p1d41 14 0d0|12 5 0d0Blubbering Idiot 0p1d21 18 0d0Pitiful-Looking Beggar 0 p1d41 14 0d0Mangy-Looking Leper 0 p1d11 14 0d0Squint-Eyed Rogue 4 p2d81 1 1d6|13 5 0d0Singing, Happy Drunk8 0 p2d31 14 0d0Mean-Looking Mercenary  4a p5d81 1 1d10Battle-Scarred Veteran  0a p7d81 1 2d6Grey Mushroom patch,1d23 13 1d4Giant Yellow Centipede, c2d61 2 1d3|1 4 1d3Giant White Centipede  c3d51 2 1d2|1 4 1d2White Icky-Thing"d i3d51 5 1d2Clear Icky-Thing"d i2d51 5 1d2Giant White Mouse pr1d31 2 1d2Large Brown Snake #R4d61 2 1d3|1 16 1d4Large White SnakeR3d61 2 1d1Kobold 2dk3d71 1 1d6White Worm mass "w4d414 12 1d2Floating Eye !de3d611 7 0d0Shrieker Mushroom patch,1d120 10 0d0Blubbering Icky-Thing "d i5d814 12 1d4|22 12 0d0Metallic Green Centipededc4d41 12 1d1Novice Warrior 02p9d41 1 1d7Novice Rogue 02 p8d41 1 1d6|12 5 0d0Novice Priest 0d p7d41 1 1d5Novice Mage 02p6d41 1 1d4Yellow Mushroom patch,1d14 13 1d6White Jelly  J8d814 5 1d2Giant Green Frog ,f2d81 2 1d3Giant Black Ant a3d61 2 1d4White Harpy 6dh2d51 3 1d1|1 3 1d1|1 2 1d2Blue Yeek 0dy2d61 1 1d5Green Worm mass "dw6d49 12 1d3Large Black Snake  &R4d81 2 1d4|1 16 1d6Poltergeist: G2d54 1 1d1Metallic Blue Centipedec4d51 12 1d2Giant White Louse "dl1d11 2 1d1Black Naga (n6d81 16 1d8Spotted Mushroom patch,1d114 13 2d4Yellow Jelly  J10d814 5 1d3Scruffy-Looking Hobbit 0dp3d51 1 1d4|12 5 0d0Huge Brown Bat"!` b2d61 2 1d2Giant White Ant a3d61 2 1d4Yellow Mold   m8d81 1 1d4Metallic Red Centipede  c4d81 12 1d2Yellow Worm mass "dw4d815 12 1d3Large Grey Snake  (R6d81 2 1d4|1 16 1d6Radiation Eye !de3d62 7 1d6Drooling Harpy 6dh2d81 3 1d1|1 3 1d1|1 2 1d2|1 18 0d0Silver Mouse rdr1d123 1 1d1Black Mushroom patch,8d81 13 1d3Blue Jelly J12d87 5 1d6Creeping Copper Coinsd $7d81 2 1d4|14 8 2d4Giant White Rat p,r2d214 2 1d3Giant Black Centipede", c5d81 2 1d2|1 4 1d2Giant Blue Centipede c4d81 2 1d3|1 4 1d4Blue Worm mass "d w5d87 12 1d4Large Grey Snake )R6d81 2 1d5|1 16 1d8Jackal 0, j3d81 2 1d6Green Naga f(n9d81 16 1d8|6 9 2d6Green Glutton Ghost2? d G3d622 15 1d1White Mushroom patch,1d111 13 2d4Green Jelly J22d89 5 1d2Skeleton Kobold  s5d81 1 1d6Silver Jelly J20d823 5 1d3Giant Black Frog  f4d81 2 1d6Grey Icky-Thing"  i4d81 5 1d5Disenchanter Eye  !d e7d821 7 0d0Black Yeek 0dy2d81 1 1d5Red Worm mass "!d w5d85 12 1d6Giant House Fly"b F3d81 2 1d2Copperhead SnakeR4d614 2 2d4Rot Jelly J20d822 5 2d3Purple Mushroom patch ,1d116 13 1d2Brown Mold  m15d83 1 1d4Giant Brown Bat!`, b3d81 2 1d3Creeping Silver Coinsd$12d81 2 1d6|14 8 2d6Orc  6, o9d81 1 1d8Grey Harpy 6dh3d81 3 1d2|1 3 1d2|1 2 1d2Blue Icky-Thing" i4d87 5 2d3RattlesnakeR6d714 2 2d5Bloodshot Eye!de4d810 7 2d6Red Naga ((n11d81 16 1d10|2 2 1d4Red Jelly J26d82 5 1d5Giant Red Frog  f5d82 2 2d4Green Icky-Thing" i5d89 5 2d5Zombie Kobold.,z6d81 1 1d2|1 1 1d2Lost Soul/ d G2d81 1 2d2|18 5 0d0Greedy little Gnome  0d p3d81 1 1d7|13 5 0d0Giant Green Fly"b F3d81 2 1d4Brown Yeek 0d y3d81 1 1d6Green Mold m21d84 1 1d4Skeleton Orc $s10d81 1 2d5Seedy looking Human 4p8d81 1 3d4Red Icky-Thing"i4d81 5 1d3|6 8 1d5Bandit 0p8d81 1 2d4|12 5 0d0Yeti $dY11d81 3 1d3|1 3 1d3|1 2 1d4 Bloodshot Icky-Thing  " i7d81 5 1d4|9 8 2d4 Giant Grey Rat p r2d314 2 1d4 Black Harpy 6dh3d81 3 1d2|1 3 1d2|1 2 1d3 Giant Black Bat ` b2d81 2 1d6 Clear Yeek0dy3d61 1 1d5 Orc Shaman  6o7d81 1 1d6 Giant Red AntX "a4d81 2 1d4|2 4 1d4 King CobraR8d810 9 1d2|14 2 3d4 Clear Mushroom patch!,1d11 13 1d1 Giant White Tick " (t15d814 2 2d6 Hairy Mold  m15d814 1 1d3 Disenchanter Mold  d(m16d821 5 1d6 Giant Red Centipede c3d81 2 1d2|14 4 1d2 Creeping Gold Coinsd $$18d81 2 2d5|14 8 3d5 Giant Fruit Fly "bF2d21 2 1d2 Brigand 0d# p9d81 1 2d4|13 5 0d0 Orc Zombie.z11d81 1 1d4|1 1 1d4 Orc Warrior 6"$o11d81 1 2d6 Vorpal Bunny p, r2d31 2 1d5 Nasty little Gnome  0  p4d81 1 1d5 Hobgoblin 6,&&H12d81 1 1d10 Black Mamba( R10d814 2 4d4 Grape Jelly  <J52d819 5 5d8 Master Yeek 0dy5d81 1 1d8 Priest 0$p7d81 1 2d3 Giant Clear AntX a3d71 2 1d4 Air Spirit"( E5d81 1 1d3 Skeleton Human ,&s12d81 1 1d8 Human Zombie."z11d81 1 1d4|1 1 1d4 Moaning Spirit . ,,G4d84 10 0d0|15 5 1d8 Swordsman 0("p11d81 1 3d5 Killer Brown Beetle ,& (K13d81 2 3d4 Ogre 6,* o13d81 1 2d8 Giant Red Speckled Frog , f6d81 2 3d4 Magic User$ 0d# p7d81 1 2d2 Black Orc  6($o12d81 1 3d4 Giant Long-Eared Bat!` b5d81 2 1d4|1 3 1d2|1 3 1d2 Giant Gnat "bdF1d21 2 1d1 Killer Green Beetle,. -K16d81 2 4d4Giant Flea "bdF2d21 2 1d2Giant White Dragon Fly@ `6F5d87 2 1d6Hill Giant 44$P16d81 1 3d6Skeleton Hobgoblin ,."s13d81 1 2d5Flesh Golemd0 g12d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6White Dragon Bat@!P( b2d67 2 1d3Giant Black Louse dl1d11 2 1d2Guardian Naga <2n24d81 16 2d8|1 2 1d8Giant Grey Bat!` b4d81 2 1d6|1 3 1d2|1 3 1d2Giant Clear Centipede, c5d81 2 2d4|1 4 2d4Giant Yellow Tick "0 0t20d814 2 3d9Giant Ebony Ant X a3d41 2 2d3Frost Giant$6&P17d87 1 3d6Clay Golemd2 g14d81 1 1d8|1 1 1d8Huge White Bat !` b3d81 2 1d6Giant Tan Bat!` b3d84 2 1d2|1 3 1d1|1 3 1d1Violet Mold  2m17d811 1 1d2Umber Hulk!&dKU20d83 7 0d0|1 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|1 2 2d6Gelatinous Cube/ $ C45d86 5 1d10Giant Black Rat pr3d414 2 1d5Giant Green Dragon Fly p:F5d814 2 1d6Fire Giant >(P20d85 1 3d7Green Dragon Bat!P, b2d714 2 1d3Quasit 0q5d815 2 1d6|1 3 1d3|1 3 1d3Troll &@(T17d81 1 1d4|1 1 1d4|1 2 1d6Water Spirit : E8d81 1 2d4Giant Brown Scorpion >,S11d81 2 2d4|2 4 1d7Earth Spirit @ (E13d81 1 1d8|1 1 1d8Fire Spirit BE10d85 1 2d6Urik-Hai Orc  6D*o14d81 1 3d5Stone Giant"P(P22d81 1 3d8Stone Golemdd Kg28d81 1 1d10|1 1 1d10Grey Ooze"( O6d87 5 2d6Disenchanter Ooze"2O6d821 5 0d0Giant Spotted Rat pr4d314 2 1d5Mummified Kobold ,.M13d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6Killer Black Beetle ,K.K18d81 2 4d5Red Mold 0@m17d85 5 4d4Quylthulg P Q4d80 0 0d0Giant Red Bat `( b5d81 2 1d7|1 3 1d3|1 3 1d3Giant Black Dragon Fly r:F4d810 2 1d6Cloud Giant!4},P24d88 1 3d8Black Dragon Bat !P2 b2d86 2 1d3Blue Dragon Bat!P6 b3d68 2 1d3Mummified Orc ,8M14d81 1 2d4|1 1 2d4Killer Boring Beetle,F 0K18d81 2 4d5Killer Stag Beetle ,P 2K20d81 2 3d4|1 1 1d12Black Mold Dm15d81 1 4d3Iron Golemd cg80d81 1 1d12|1 1 1d12Giant Yellow Scorpion < &S12d81 2 1d8|14 4 2d5Green Ooze O4d86 5 2d3Black Ooze:  O6d89 5 2d6Warrior 0<(p15d81 1 3d5Red Dragon Bat!P< b3d85 2 1d3Killer Blue Beetle ,U2K20d81 2 4d5Giant Silver Ant X-&a6d86 2 4d4Crimson Mold Am16d81 1 1d3|4 5 0d0Forest Wight .,W12d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|19 5 12d8Berzerker 0dAp15d81 1 1d8|1 1 1d8Mummified Human ,XF"M17d81 1 2d4|1 1 2d4Banshee/ d<G6d84 10 0d0|19 5 14d8Giant Troll &U(T19d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|1 2 3d4Giant Brown Tick"F 2t18d814 2 1d10|10 4 1d1Killer Red Beetle,U2K20d82 2 4d4Wooden Moldd2m25d814 8 2d6Giant Blue Dragon Fly 0KF6d81 2 1d6Giant Grey Ant Lion 2Z (A19d81 2 2d12Disenchanter Bat `Kb4d821 1 0d0Giant Fire Tick Z6t16d85 9 3d7White Wraith .d(W15d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|19 5 15d8Giant Black ScorpionU 2S13d81 2 1d10|14 4 2d5Clear Ooze  O4d83 5 1d8Killer Fire Beetle ,_-K13d81 2 3d4|5 9 4d5Vampire .d-V20d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|19 5 18d8Giant Red Dragon Fly PKF7d84 2 1d6Shimmering Mold dm32d88 5 5d4Black Knight 0d<p25d81 1 5d5Mage,s 0dp10d81 1 2d5Ice Troll&.T22d81 1 1d5|1 1 1d5|7 2 3d6Giant Purple Worm 0,Aw65d81 1 1d8|6 2 2d8|14 4 1d8Young Blue Dragon  ,2d33d81 3 1d4|1 3 1d4|1 2 1d6Young White Dragon @ 2d32d81 3 1d4|1 3 1d4|1 2 1d6Young Green Dragon  "2d32d81 3 1d4|1 3 1d4|1 2 1d6Giant Fire Bat PdUb5d85 2 3d6|1 3 1d4|1 3 1d4Giant Glowing Rat pr3d38 2 2d6Skeleton TrollP 7s14d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|1 2 3d4Giant Lightning Bat BdP"b8d88 2 3d8|1 3 1d5|1 3 1d5Giant Static Ant XP (a8d88 2 5d5Grave Wight  Q.,E#W12d81 1 1d7|1 1 1d7|19 5 20d8Killer Slicer Beetle ,7K22d81 2 5d8Giant White Ant Lion " -A20d87 2 3d10Ghost /P d^G13d84 7 0d0|19 5 22d8|17 3 1d10Giant Black Ant Lion 2-A23d81 2 2d12|6 9 3d6Death Watch Beetle ,<K25d81 2 5d4|1 10 5d6Ogre MagiV@<,*o14d81 1 3d6Crystal Ooze9 XO12d87 5 4d4Two-Headed Troll`&0T14d81 1 1d8|1 1 1d8|1 2 1d6|1 2 1d6 Invisible Stalker".I19d81 1 1d6 Giant Hunter Ant (a12d81 2 4d8 Ninja`0d,Ap15d814 1 3d4|2 1 3d4 Barrow Wight Q.dw(W13d81 1 1d8|1 1 1d8|19 5 26d8!Skeleton 2-Headed TrollP E0s20d81 1 1d9|1 1 1d9|1 2 1d5|1 2 1d5!Water Elemental E $E25d81 1 1d10|1 1 1d10!Fire Elemental  ^(E25d85 1 4d6!LichuP X2L25d815 5 2d8|19 5 30d8|24 5 0d0"Master VampireQ.d7V23d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|19 5 32d8"Spirit Troll@.d8T15d81 3 1d5|1 3 1d5|1 2 1d6"Giant Red Scorpion  2S18d81 2 1d6|14 4 1d4"Earth Elementalw <E30d81 1 4d6|1 1 4d6"Young Black Dragon  `X7d32d81 3 1d5|1 3 1d5|1 2 1d6#Young Red Dragon  `<d36d81 3 1d8|1 3 1d8|1 2 2d8#NecromancerWb`0dX(p17d81 1 2d6#Mummified TrollP,&M18d81 1 2d6|1 1 2d6#Giant Red Ant Lion 2^0A23d85 2 3d12#Mature White Dragon/ @ @Ad48d81 3 1d8|1 3 1d8|1 2 2d8#XornBdPX20d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|1 1 1d6$Giant Mottled Ant Lion 2^2A24d8 1 2 2d10$Grey Wraith Q.d2W23d81 1 1d10|1 1 1d10|19 5 34d8$Young Multi-Hued Dragon `7d40d81 3 1d9|1 3 1d9|1 2 2d10$Mature Blue Dragon/  `Kd48d81 3 1d8|1 3 1d8|1 2 2d10$Mature Green Dragon  `LFd48d81 3 1d4|1 3 1d4|1 2 1d6$Iridescent Beetle ,R<K32d81 2 4d6|1 1 1d12|11 7 0d0%King VampireQ.dAV38d81 1 1d6|1 1 1d6|19 5 38d8%King LichsP xAL52d815 5 2d10|19 5 36d8|24 5 0d0%Mature Red Dragon/ `,xPd60d81 3 1d10|1 3 1d10|1 2 2d12%Mature Black Dragon/  `F7d58d81 3 1d8|1 3 1d8|1 2 2d10%Mature Multi-Hued Dragon `rAd80d81 3 1d10|1 3 1d10|1 2 2d12&Ancient White DragonO@@ PD88d81 3 1d8|1 3 1d8|1 2 2d8&Emperor Wight Q.d@(W48d81 1 1d12|1 1 1d12|19 5 42d8&Black Wraith Q.d7W50d81 1 1d12|1 1 1d12|19 5 44d8&Nether Wraith SQ.d47W58d81 1 1d12|1 1 1d12|19 5 52d8'Sorcerers`0df2p30d81 1 2d8'Ancient Blue DragonO` ZD87d81 3 1d9|1 3 1d9|1 2 2d12'Ancient Green DragonO ` `UD90d81 3 1d8|1 3 1d8|1 2 2d10'Ancient Black DragonO ` ZD90d81 3 1d9|1 3 1d9|1 2 2d10'Disenchanter Worm "dw10d821 12 1d4(Rotting Quylthulg@PQ12d80 0 0d0(Ancient Red Dragon` dD105d81 3 1d10|1 3 1d10|1 2 2d14(Death Quasit Pq55d815 2 3d6|1 3 3d3|1 3 3d3(Emperor Lich/rP 'KL190d815 5 2d12|19 5 46d8|24 5 0d0(Ancient Multi-Hued Dragon`.dD260d81 3 1d12|1 3 1d12|1 2 3d12(Evil IggyPFPPp300d82 1 4d6|13 19 0d02BalrogCP}B375d85 1 10d12|1 17 8d12|24 5 0d0d& %M Mushroom~| of PoisonP,0d0& %M Mushroom~| of BlindnessP,0d0 & %M Mushroom~| of ParanoiaP,0d0 & %M Mushroom~| of ConfusionP,0d0& %M Mushroom~| of HallucinationP,0d0 & %M Mushroom~| of Cure PoisonP, <0d0& %M Mushroom~| of Cure BlindnessP,@20d0 & %M Mushroom~| of Cure ParanoiaP,0d0 & %M Mushroom~| of Cure ConfusionP,2 0d0& %M Mushroom~| of WeaknessP, 0d0& %M Mushroom~| of UnhealthP,2 10d10& %M Mushroom~| of Restore ConstitutionP,^ 0d0& %M Mushroom~| of First-AidP,  0d0& %M Mushroom~| of Minor CuresP,@0d0& %M Mushroom~| of Light CuresP,0d0 & %M Mushroom~| of RestoringP,@0d0& Hairy %M Mold~| of PoisonP,0d0& Hairy %M Mold~| of HallucinationsP,0d0& Hairy %M Mold~| of Cure PoisonP, K0d0& Hairy %M Mold~| of UnhealthP,6d8& Hairy %M Mold~| of Cure Serious WoundsP,K0d0& Ration~ of FoodP,3 0d0& Ration~ of FoodP,3 0d0& Ration~ of FoodP,3 0d0 & Slime Mold~P, 40d0& Piece~ of Elvish WaybreadP, L 90d0& Piece~ of Elvish WaybreadP, L 90d0 & Piece~ of Elvish WaybreadP, L 90d0& Dagger (Main Gauche)^ (%P2,%P3)|1d5& Dagger (Misericorde)^ (%P2,%P3)| 1d4& Dagger (Stiletto)^ (%P2,%P3)|  1d4& Dagger (Bodkin)^ (%P2,%P3)| 1d4& Broken dagger^ (%P2,%P3)|1d1& Backsword^ (%P2,%P3)|<_1d9& Bastard Sword^ (%P2,%P3)|^3d4& Thrusting Sword (Bilbo)^ (%P2,%P3)|<P1d6& Thrusting Sword (Baselard)^ (%P2,%P3)|P d1d7& Broadsword^ (%P2,%P3)| 2d5 & Two-Handed Sword (Claymore)^ (%P2,%P3)| 3d6& Cutlass^ (%P2,%P3)|U n1d7& Two-Handed Sword (Espadon)^ (%P2,%P3)| 3d6#& Executioner's Sword^ (%P2,%P3)|R4d5(& Two-Handed Sword (Flamberge)^ (%P2,%P3)|4d5-& Foil^ (%P2,%P3)|#1d5& Katana^ (%P2,%P3)|x3d4& Longsword^ (%P2,%P3)|,1d10 & Two-Handed Sword (No-Dachi)^ (%P2,%P3)|4d4-& Rapier^ (%P2,%P3)|*(1d6& Sabre^ (%P2,%P3)|221d7& Small Sword^ (%P2,%P3)|0K1d6& Two-Handed Sword (Zweihander)^ (%P2,%P3)|4d62& Broken sword^ (%P2,%P3)|K1d1& Battle Axe (Balestarius)^ (%P2,%P3)\2d8& Ball and Chain^ (%P2,%P3)\2d4& Battle Axe (European)^ (%P2,%P3)\N3d4 & Broad Axe^ (%P2,%P3)\02d6& Cat-O-Nine Tails^ (%P2,%P3)\(1d4& Wooden Club^ (%P2,%P3)\d1d3& Flail^ (%P2,%P3)\a2d6 & Two-Handed Great Flail^ (%P2,%P3)\N3d6-& Morningstar^ (%P2,%P3)\ 2d6 & Mace^ (%P2,%P3)\ x2d4& War Hammer^ (%P2,%P3)\ x3d3& Mace (Lead-filled)^ (%P2,%P3)\ 3d4& Awl-Pike^ (%P2,%P3)/T1d8& Beaked Axe^ (%P2,%P3)/2d6& Fauchard^ (%P2,%P3)/x1d10& Glaive^ (%P2,%P3)/k2d6& Halberd^ (%P2,%P3)/3d4& Lucerne Hammer^ (%P2,%P3)/xx2d5 & Pike^ (%P2,%P3)/f2d5& Spear^ (%P2,%P3)/$21d6& Lance^ (%P2,%P3)/ ,2d8 & Javelin^ (%P2,%P3)/ 1d4& Short Bow^ (%P2)}20d0& Long Bow^ (%P2)}x(0d0 & Composite Bow^ (%P2)}(0d0(& Light Crossbow^ (%P2)} n0d0& Heavy Crossbow^ (%P2)}, 1d1& Sling^ (%P2)}0d0& Arrow~^ (%P2,%P3) {1d4& Bolt~^ (%P2,%P3) {1d5& Rounded Pebble~^ (%P2,%P3) {1d2& Iron Shot~^ (%P2,%P3) {1d3& Iron Spike~ ~ 1d1& Brass Lantern~ with %P5 turns of light~L#21d1& Wooden Torch~ with %P5 turns of light~ 1d1& Orcish Pick^ (%P1) (%P2,%P3)\ 1d3& Dwarven Pick^ (%P1) (%P2,%P3)\ 1d42& Gnomish Shovel^ (%P1) (%P2,%P3)\ d21d2& Dwarven Shovel^ (%P1) (%P2,%P3)\ x1d3(& Pair of Soft Leather Shoes^ [%P6,%P4]]0d0& Pair of Soft Leather Boots^ [%P6,%P4]]1d1& Pair of Hard Leather Boots^ [%P6,%P4]] (1d1& Soft Leather Cap^ [%P6,%P4]!] 0d0& Hard Leather Cap^ [%P6,%P4]!] 0d0& Metal Cap^ [%P6,%P4]!]1d1& Iron Helm^ [%P6,%P4]!]KK1d3& Steel Helm^ [%P6,%P4]!]<1d3(& Silver Crown^ [%P6,%P4]!]1d1,& Golden Crown^ [%P6,%P4]!]1d1/& Jewel-Encrusted Crown^ [%P6,%P4]!](1d12& Robe^ [%P6,%P4]$(0d0Soft Leather Armor^ [%P6,%P4]$(P0d0Soft Studded Leather^ [%P6,%P4]$(#Z1d1Hard Leather Armor^ [%P6,%P4]$(7d1d1Hard Studded Leather^ [%P6,%P4]$(dn1d2Woven Cord Armor^ [%P6,%P4]$(-0d0Soft Leather Ring Mail^ [%P6,%P4]$(1d2 Hard Leather Ring Mail^ [%P6,%P4]$(1d3 Leather Scale Mail^ [%P6,%P4]$(J  1d1Metal Scale Mail^ [%P6,%P4]#[ 1d4Chain Mail^ [%P6,%P4]#[1d4Rusty Chain Mail^ [%P6,%P4]#[1d4Double Chain Mail^ [%P6,%P4]#[v1d4Augmented Chain Mail^ [%P6,%P4]#[1d4Bar Chain Mail^ [%P6,%P4]#[1d4"Metal Brigandine Armor^ [%P6,%P4]#["1d4$Laminated Armor^ [%P6,%P4]#[9,1d4&Partial Plate Armor^ [%P6,%P4]#[ 1d6*Metal Lamellar Armor^ [%P6,%P4]#[ T1d6,Full Plate Armor^ [%P6,%P4]#[ |2d40Ribbed Plate Armor^ [%P6,%P4]#[ |2d42& Cloak^ [%P6,%P4] ( 0d0& Set of Leather Gloves^ [%P6,%P4]]0d0& Set of Gauntlets^ [%P6,%P4]]#1d1 & Small Leather Shield^ [%P6,%P4]")21d1& Medium Leather Shield^ [%P6,%P4]")<K1d2& Large Leather Shield^ [%P6,%P4]")xd1d2& Small Metal Shield^ [%P6,%P4]")2A1d2 & Medium Metal Shield^ [%P6,%P4]")}Z1d3& Large Metal Shield^ [%P6,%P4]")x1d3& %R Ring| of Gain Strength^ (%P1)-=0d0& %R Ring| of Gain Dexterity^ (%P1)-=0d0& %R Ring| of Gain Constitution^ (%P1)-=0d0& %R Ring| of Gain Intelligence^ (%P1)-=^0d0& %R Ring| of Speed^ (%P1)-= 0d02& %R Ring| of Searching^ (%P1)-=@0d0& %R Ring| of Teleportation^-= 0d0& %R Ring| of Slow Digestion^-= 0d0& %R Ring| of Resist Fire^-= 0d0& %R Ring| of Resist Cold^-= 0d0& %R Ring| of Feather Falling^-= 0d0& %R Ring| of Adornment^-=0d0& %R Ring| of Adornment^-=0d0& %R Ring| of Weakness^-=0d0& %R Ring| of Lordly Protection (FIRE)^ [%P4]-=0d02& %R Ring| of Lordly Protection (ACID)^ [%P4]-=0d02& %R Ring| of Lordly Protection (COLD)^ [%P4]-= 0d02& %R Ring| of WOE^ [%P4]-=@0d02& %R Ring| of Stupidity^-=0d0& %R Ring| of Increase Damage^ (%P3)-=d0d0& %R Ring| of Increase To-Hit^ (%P2)-=d0d0& %R Ring| of Protection^ [%P4]-=d0d0& %R Ring| of Aggravate Monster^-=0d0& %R Ring| of See Invisible^-=T0d0(& %R Ring| of Sustain Strength^-=@0d0,& %R Ring| of Sustain Intelligence^-=@X0d0,& %R Ring| of Sustain Wisdom^-=@X0d0,& %R Ring| of Sustain Constitution^-=@0d0,& %R Ring| of Sustain Dexterity^-=@0d0,& %R Ring| of Sustain Charisma^-=@ 0d0& %R Ring| of Slaying^ (%P2,%P3)-=!0d02& %A Amulet| of Wisdom^ (%P1)(",0d0& %A Amulet| of Charisma^ (%P1)(" 0d0& %A Amulet| of Searching^ (%P1)("@0d0& %A Amulet| of Teleportation^("0d0& %A 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of Trap DetectionF?#0d0 & Scroll~ %T| of Door/Stair LocationF?#0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Door/Stair LocationF?#0d0 & Scroll~ %T| of Door/Stair LocationF?#0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Mass GenocideF?0d02& Scroll~ %T| of Detect InvisibleF?0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Aggravate MonsterF?0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Trap CreationF? 0d0 & Scroll~ %T| of Trap/Door DestructionF?@20d0 & Scroll~ %T| of Door CreationF?d0d0 & Scroll~ %T| of RechargingF?0d0(& Scroll~ %T| of GenocideF?0d0#& Scroll~ %T| of DarknessF?0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Protection from EvilF?20d0& Scroll~ %T| of Create FoodF? 0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Dispel UndeadF? 0d0(& Scroll~ %T| of *Enchant Weapon*G?0d02& Scroll~ %T| of Curse WeaponG?0d02& Scroll~ %T| of *Enchant Armor*G?0d02& Scroll~ %T| of Curse ArmorG?0d02& Scroll~ %T| of Summon UndeadG?0d0& Scroll~ %T| of BlessingG? 0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Holy ChantG?@(0d0 & Scroll~ %T| of Holy PrayerG?P0d0& Scroll~ %T| of Word-of-RecallG? 0d0& Scroll~ %T| of *Destruction*G? 0d0(& %C Potion~| of Gain StrengthK!1d1& %C Potion~| of PoisonK!1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore StrengthK!,1d1(& %C Potion~| of Gain IntelligenceK!,1d1& %C Potion~| of Lose IntelligenceK!1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore IntelligenceK! ,1d1(& %C Potion~| of Gain WisdomK!@,1d1& %C Potion~| of Lose WisdomK!1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore WisdomK!, 1d1(& %C Potion~| of CharismaK!, 1d1& %C Potion~| of UglinessK! 1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore CharismaK!, 1d1(& %C Potion~| of Cure Light WoundsK!2 1d1& %C Potion~| of Cure Light WoundsK!2 1d1& %C Potion~| of Cure Light WoundsK!2 1d1& %C Potion~| of Cure Serious WoundsK!0 d(1d1& %C Potion~| of Cure Critical WoundsK!p@dd1d1& %C Potion~| of HealingK!p1d1 & %C Potion~| of Gain ConstitutionK!,1d1& %C Potion~| of Gain ExperienceK! 1d12& %C Potion~| of SleepK!d1d1& %C Potion~| of BlindnessK!1d1& %C Potion~| of ConfusionK!21d1& %C Potion~| of PoisonK! 1d1& %C Potion~| of Haste SelfK!@K1d1& %C Potion~| of SlownessK!21d1& Icky Green Potion~| of Slime Mold JuiceK!01d1& Light Brown Potion~| of Apple JuiceK!1d1& Clear Potion~| of WaterK!1d1& %C Potion~| of Gain DexterityK!,1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore DexterityK!,1d1(& %C Potion~| of Restore ConstitutionK!h,1d1(& %C Potion~| of LearningL!1d1-& %C Potion~| of Lose MemoriesL! 1d1 & %C Potion~| of Salt WaterL!!1d1& %C Potion~| of InvulnerabilityL!"1d1(& %C Potion~| of HeroismL!##1d1& %C Potion~| of Super HeroismL! d$1d1& %C Potion~| of BoldnessL!@ %1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore Life LevelsL!&1d1(& %C Potion~| of Resist HeatL!'1d1& %C Potion~| of Resist ColdL!(1d1& %C Potion~| of Detect InvisibleL!2)1d1& %C Potion~| of Slow PoisonL!*1d1& %C Potion~| of Neutralize PoisonL!K+1d1& %C Potion~| of Restore ManaL! #,1d1& %C Potion~| of Infra-VisionL!@-1d1& Flask~ of oilM!L 2d6& %M Wand| of Light^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Lightning Bolts^ (%P1 charges)A-X 1d1& %M Wand| of Frost Bolts^ (%P1 charges)A-  1d1& %M Wand| of Fire Bolts^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Stone-to-Mud^ (%P1 charges)A-, 1d1 & %M Wand| of Polymorph^ (%P1 charges)A-  1d1& %M Wand| of Heal Monster^ (%P1 charges)A-@ 1d1& %M Wand| of Haste Monster^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Slow Monster^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Confuse Monster^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Sleep Monster^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Drain Life^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d12& %M Wand| of Trap/Door Destruction^ (%P1 charges)A-d 1d1 & %M Wand| of Magic Missile^ (%P1 charges)A-  1d1& %M Wand| of Wall Building^ (%P1 charges)A-@ 1d1& %M Wand| of Clone Monster^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Teleport Away^ (%P1 charges)A-^ 1d1& %M Wand| of Disarming^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %M Wand| of Lightning Balls^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1#& %M Wand| of Cold Balls^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1(& %M Wand| of Fire Balls^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d12& %M Wand| of Stinking Cloud^ (%P1 charges)A-  1d1& %M Wand| of Acid Balls^ (%P1 charges)A-@r 1d10& %M Wand| of Wonder^ (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& %W Staff| of Light^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2& %W Staff| of Door/Stair Location^ (%P1 charges)7_^21d2 & %W Staff| of Trap Location^ (%P1 charges)7_^21d2 & %W Staff| of Treasure Location^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2& %W Staff| of Object Location^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2& %W Staff| of Teleportation^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2& %W Staff| of Earthquakes^ (%P1 charges)7_@^21d2(& %W Staff| of Summoning^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2 & %W Staff| of Summoning^ (%P1 charges)7_21d22& %W Staff| of *Destruction*^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d22& %W Staff| of Starlight^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2& %W Staff| of Haste Monsters^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2 & %W Staff| of Slow Monsters^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2 & %W Staff| of Sleep Monsters^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2 & %W Staff| of Cure Light Wounds^ (%P1 charges)7_@^21d2& %W Staff| of Detect Invisible^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2& %W Staff| of Speed^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2(& %W Staff| of Slowness^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2(& %W Staff| of Mass Polymorph^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2.& %W Staff| of Remove Curse^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2/& %W Staff| of Detect Evil^ (%P1 charges)7_^21d2& %W Staff| of Curing^ (%P1 charges)7_ 21d2& %W Staff| of Dispel Evil^ (%P1 charges)7_@21d21& %W Staff| of Darkness^ (%P1 charges)7_21d22& %W Staff| of Darkness^ (%P1 charges)7_21d2& Book of Magic Spells [Beginners-Magik]Z?1d1(& Book of Magic Spells [Magik I]Z?d1d1(& Book of Magic Spells [Magik II]Z?1d1(& Book of Magic Spells [The Mage's Guide to Power]Z? 1d1(& Holy Book of Prayers [Beginners Handbook][?1d1(& Holy Book of Prayers [Words of Wisdom][?d1d1(& Holy Book of Prayers [Chants and Blessings][?,1d1(& Holy Book of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling][?~1d1(& Small wooden chest&2d3& Large wooden chest&<2d5& Small iron chest&d,2d4& Large iron chest& 2d6#& Small steel chest& 2d4-& Large steel chest&#2d62& Rat Skeletons 1d1& Giant Centipede Skeletons1d1some filthy rags^ [%P6,%P4]$~c0d0& empty bottle!1d1some shards of pottery~1d1& Human Skeletons21d1& Dwarf Skeletons<1d1& Elf Skeletons (1d1& Gnome Skeletons 1d1& broken set of teeths 1d1& large broken bones 1d1& broken stick~ 1d1copperd$0d0copperd$0d0copperd$0d0silverd$0d0silverd$0d0silverd$0d0garnetsd* 0d0garnetsd* 0d0goldd$ 0d0goldd$ 0d0goldd$ 0d0opalsd* 0d0sapphiresd* 0d0goldd$0d0rubiesd*0d0diamondsd* 0d0emeraldsd*(0d0mithrild$P0d0& Ration~ of FoodP,3 0d0& Hard Biscuit~P,50d0& Strip~ of Beef JerkyP,60d0& Pint of Fine AleP,7 0d0& Pint of Fine WineP,8 0d0& Dagger (Misericorde) (%P2,%P3)| 1d4& Dagger (Stiletto) (%P2,%P3)|  1d4& Bastard Sword (%P2,%P3)|^3d4& Broadsword (%P2,%P3)| 2d5& Longsword (%P2,%P3)|,1d10& Small Sword (%P2,%P3)|0K1d6& Broad Axe (%P2,%P3)\02d5& Morningstar (%P2,%P3)\ 2d6& Mace (%P2,%P3)\ x2d4& War Hammer (%P2,%P3)\ x3d3& Halberd (%P2,%P3)/3d4& Pike (%P2,%P3)/f2d5& Spear (%P2,%P3)/$21d6& Short Bow (%P2)}20d0& Long Bow (%P2)}x(0d0& Light Crossbow (%P2)} n0d0& Sling (%P2)}0d0& Arrow~ (%P2,%P3) {1d4& Bolt~ (%P2,%P3) {1d5& Iron Shot~ (%P2,%P3) {1d3& Pick (%P1) (%P2,%P3)\ 21d3& Shovel (%P1) (%P2,%P3)\ <1d2& Pair of Soft Leather Boots [%P6,%P4]]1d1& Pair of Hard Leather Boots [%P6,%P4]] (1d1& Hard Leather Cap [%P6,%P4]!] 0d0& Metal Cap [%P6,%P4]!]1d1& Iron Helm [%P6,%P4]!]KK1d3Soft Leather Armor [%P6,%P4]$(P0d0Soft Studded Leather [%P6,%P4]$(#Z1d1Hard Leather Armor [%P6,%P4]$(7d1d1Hard Studded Leather [%P6,%P4]$(dn1d2Leather Scale Mail [%P6,%P4]$(J  1d1Metal Scale Mail [%P6,%P4]#[ 1d4Chain Mail [%P6,%P4]#[1d4Partial Plate Armor [%P6,%P4]#[ 1d6Full Plate Armor [%P6,%P4]#[ |2d4& Cloak [%P6,%P4] ( 0d0& Set of Leather Gloves [%P6,%P4]]0d0& Set of Gauntlets [%P6,%P4]]#1d1& Small Leather Shield [%P6,%P4]")21d1& Medium Leather Shield [%P6,%P4]")<K1d2& Small Metal Shield [%P6,%P4]")2A1d3& Ring of Resist Fire-= 0d0& Ring of Resist Cold-= 0d0& Ring of Feather Falling-= 0d0& Ring of Protection [%P4]-=d0d0& Amulet of Charisma (%P1)(" 0d0& Amulet of Slow Digestion(" 0d0& Amulet of Resist Acid(", 0d0& Scroll~ of Enchant Weapon To-HitF?},0d0& Scroll~ of Enchant Weapon To-DamF?}-0d0& Scroll~ of Enchant ArmorF?}.0d0& Scroll~ of IdentifyF?2/0d0& Scroll~ of Remove CurseF?d00d0& Scroll~ of LightF? 10d0& Scroll~ of Phase DoorF?20d0& Scroll~ of Magic MappingF?(30d0& Scroll~ of Treasure DetectionF?@40d0& Scroll~ of Object DetectionF?50d0& Scroll~ of Detect InvisibleF?60d0& Scroll~ of RechargingF?70d0& Book of Magic Spells [Beginners-Magik]Z?1d1& Book of Magic Spells [Magik I]Z?d1d1& Book of Magic Spells [Magik II]Z?1d1& Book of Magic Spells [The Mage's Guide to Power]Z? 1d1& Holy Book of Prayers [Beginners Handbook][?1d1& Holy Book of Prayers [Words of Wisdom][?d1d1& Holy Book of Prayers [Chants and Blessings][?,1d1& Holy Book of Prayers [Exorcism and Dispelling][?~1d1& Potion~ of Restore StrengthK!,61d1& Potion~ of Restore IntelligenceK! ,71d1& Potion~ of Restore WisdomK!,81d1& Potion~ of Restore CharismaK!,91d1& Potion~ of Cure Light WoundsK!2:1d1& Potion~ of Cure Serious WoundsK!0 d(;1d1& Potion~ of Cure Critical WoundsK!p@dd<1d1& Potion~ of Restore DexterityK!,=1d1& Potion~ of Restore ConstitutionK!h,>1d1& Potion~ of HeroismL!#?1d1& Potion~ of BoldnessL!@ @1d1& Wand of Light (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& Wand of Lightning Bolts (%P1 charges)A-X 1d1& Wand of Magic Missile (%P1 charges)A-  1d1& Wand of Disarming (%P1 charges)A- 1d1 & Wand of Lightning Balls (%P1 charges)A- 1d1& Wand of Wonder (%P1 charges)A- 1d1 & Staff of Light (%P1 charges)7_21d2& Staff of Door/Stair Location (%P1 charges)7_^21d2& Staff of Trap Location (%P1 charges)7_^21d2& Staff of Detect Invisible (%P1 charges)7_21d2& Potion~ of Restore Life LevelsL!A1d1& Scroll~ of BlessingG? 80d0& Scroll~ of Word-of-RecallG?90d0& Potion~ of Slow PoisonL!B1d1& Potion~ of Neutralize PoisonL!KC1d1& Wand of Stinking Cloud (%P1 charges)A-  1d1& Iron Spike~ ~ 1d1& Brass Lantern~ with %P5 turns of light~L#21d1& Wooden Torch~ with %P5 turns of light~1d1& Flask~ of oilM!L 2d6nothing 0d0an open pitf 2d6an arrow trape.1d8a covered pite.2d6a trap doore.2d8a gas trape.1d4a loose rocke.0d0a dart trape.1d4a strange runee.0d0some loose rocke. 2d6a gas trape. 1d4a strange runee. 0d0a blackened spote. 4d6some corroded rocke. 4d6a gas trape.2d6a gas trape.1d4 a gas trape.1d8a dart trape.1d8 a dart trape.1d8 an open pitf 2d6an arrow trapf^1d8a covered pitf^2d6a trap doorf^2d8a gas trapf^1d4a loose rockf;0d0a dart trapf^1d4 a strange runef^0d0some loose rockf^ 2d6a gas trapf^ 1d4a strange runef^ 0d0a blackened spotf^ 4d6 some corroded rockf^ 4d6 a gas trapf^2d6a gas trapf^1d4 a gas trapf^1d8a dart trapf^1d8 a dart trapf^1d8 a closed doori+1d1a strange runef^c0d0some rubbleg:0d0an open doorh'1d1a closed doori+1d1a secret doorm1d1an up staircase k<1d1a down staircasel>1d1SUN:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXMON:XXXXXXXX.........XXXXXXXTUE:XXXXXXXX.........XXXXXXXWED:XXXXXXXX.........XXXXXXXTHU:XXXXXXXX.........XXXXXXXFRI:XXXXXXXX.........XXXXXXXSAT:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX @ @ @ @ LNoviceVeteran(1st)Veteran(2nd)Veteran(3rd)Warrior(1st)Warrior(2nd)Warrior(3rd)Swordsman-1Swordsman-2Swordsman-3HeroSwashbucklerMyrmidonChampion-1Champion-2Champion-3SuperheroKnightSuperior KntGallant KntKnt ErrantKeeperProtectorDefenderWarderGuardian KntChevalierJusticiarLord (1st)Lord (2nd)Lord (3rd)Lord (4th)Lord (5th)Lord (6th)Lord (7th)Lord (8th)Lord (9th)Lord GallantLord KeeperLord NobleNoviceApprenticeTrickster-1Trickster-2Trickster-3Cabalist-1Cabalist-2Cabalist-3VisionistPhantasmistShadowistSpellbinderIllusionistEvoker (1st)Evoker (2nd)Evoker (3rd)Evoker (4th)ConjurerTheurgistThaumaturgeMagicianEnchanterWarlockSorcererNecromancerMage (1st)Mage (2nd)Mage (3rd)Mage (4th)Mage (5th)Wizard (1st)Wizard (2nd)Wizard (3rd)Wizard (4th)Wizard (5th)Wizard (6th)Wizard (7th)Wizard (8th)Wizard (9th)Wizard LordBelieverAcolyte(1st)Acolyte(2nd)Acolyte(3rd)Adept (1st)Adept (2nd)Adept (3rd)Priest (1st)Priest (2nd)Priest (3rd)Priest (4th)Priest (5th)Priest (6th)Priest (7th)Priest (8th)Priest (9th)Curate (1st)Curate (2nd)Curate (3rd)Curate (4th)Curate (5th)Curate (6th)Curate (7th)Curate (8th)Curate (9th)Canon (1st)Canon (2nd)Canon (3rd)Canon (4th)Canon (5th)Low LamaLama-1Lama-2Lama-3High LamaGreat LamaPatriarchHigh PriestGreat PriestNoble PriestApprenticeFootpadCutpurseRobberBurglarFilcherSharperMagsmanCommon RogueRogue (1st)Rogue (2nd)Rogue (3rd)Rogue (4th)Rogue (5th)Rogue (6th)Rogue (7th)Rogue (8th)Rogue (9th)Master RogueExpert RogueSenior RogueChief RoguePrime RogueLow ThiefThief (1st)Thief (2nd)Thief (3rd)Thief (4th)Thief (5th)Thief (6th)Thief (7th)Thief (8th)Thief (9th)High ThiefMaster ThiefExecutionerLow AssassinAssassinHigh AssassinGuildsmasterRunner (1st)Runner (2nd)Runner (3rd)Strider (1st)Strider (2nd)Strider (3rd)Scout (1st)Scout (2nd)Scout (3rd)Scout (4th)Scout (5th)Courser (1st)Courser (2nd)Courser (3rd)Courser (4th)Courser (5th)Tracker (1st)Tracker (2nd)Tracker (3rd)Tracker (4th)Tracker (5th)Tracker (6th)Tracker (7th)Tracker (8th)Tracker (9th)Guide (1st)Guide (2nd)Guide (3rd)Guide (4th)Guide (5th)Guide (6th)Guide (7th)Guide (8th)Guide (9th)Pathfinder-1Pathfinder-2Pathfinder-3RangerHigh RangerRanger LordGallantKeeper (1st)Keeper (2nd)Keeper (3rd)Keeper (4th)Keeper (5th)Keeper (6th)Keeper (7th)Keeper (8th)Keeper (9th)Protector-1Protector-2Protector-3Protector-4Protector-5Protector-6Protector-7Protector-8Defender-1Defender-2Defender-3Defender-4Defender-5Defender-6Defender-7Defender-8Warder (1st)Warder (2nd)Warder (3rd)Warder (4th)Warder (5th)Warder (6th)Warder (7th)Warder (8th)Warder (9th)GuardianChevalierJusticiarPaladinHigh Lord -Fd|RLx T0 '0D\aP$I @ q`&%LK@1d1HumanHBx@ ?Half-ElfB>d @ ?ElfKK<d6P@Halfling $<!2@  Gnome2(*Z'K@  Dwarf#0 .x @ Half-Orc B>x@  Half-Troll ` ,2T(@ You are the illegitimate and unacknowledged child You are the illegitimate but acknowledged child You are one of several children _You are the 1st child dof a Serf. (of a Yeoman. Aof a Townsman. P(of a Guildsman. Z7of a Landed Knight. `Fof a Titled Noble. cPof a Royal Blood Line. dZYou are the black sheep of the family. 2You are a credit to the family. P2You are a well-liked child. d2 Your mother was a Green-Elf. (Your father was a Green-Elf. KYour mother was a Grey-Elf. ZYour father was a Grey-Elf. _ Your mother was a High-Elf. bYour father was a High-Elf. dYou are one of several children <You are the only child dof a Green-Elf K of a Grey-Elf _ of a High-Elf d Ranger. ( 6Archer. F 6(Warrior. W 6 Warrior. _>Shaman. c>Clan Chief. d>You have dark brown eyes, 23You have brown eyes, <23You have hazel eyes, F23You have green eyes, P23You have blue eyes, Z23You have blue-gray eyes, d23straight F34wavy Z34curly d34black hair, 45brown hair, F45auburn hair, P45red hair, Z45blond hair, d45and a very dark complexion. 5and a dark complexion.5and an average complexion.P5and a fair complexion.Z5and a very fair complexion.d5You have light grey eyes, U67You have light blue eyes, _67You have light green eyes, d67straight K78wavy d78black hair, and a fair complexion.K8brown hair, and a fair complexion.U8blond hair, and a fair complexion._8silver hair, and a fair complexion.d8You have dark brown eyes, c9:You have glowing red eyes, d9: straight Z:;wavy d:;black hair, K;<brown hair, d;<a one-foot beard, <=a two-foot beard, <<=a three-foot beard, Z<=a four-foot beard, d<=and a dark complexion.d=You have slime green eyes, <>?You have puke yellow eyes, U>?You have blue-bloodshot eyes, c>?You have glowing red eyes, d>?dirty !?@mangy B?@oily d?@sea-weed green hair, !@Abright red hair, B@Adark purple hair, d@Aand green ABand blue 2ABand white KABand black dABulcerous skin.!Bscabby skin.BBleprous skin.dB>L>L>?Q??L?>>L>?L??>>L>L>?L???>>L;L>L>????>>L;L>????L?L>>;L??333333??L????>?>??>>?>>Warrior &D7Mage?"$Priest> 0#Rogue-