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After that, you go through the door behind the bar, there is a drunk man lying on the floor, walk between his legs, and give him the whiskey. He now gives you a remote control, get the rose from the table. Now you must walk to the door on the right, and open it, you are now in the toilet, get the ring, and walk back to the bar. Walk to the door on the right, and knock on the door, a guy will ask you for a password, so you say: KEN SENT ME, He will open the door, when you are inside you must get the fat man away from the stairs, so you just turn on the tv with the remote control, and you keep switching channels untill the man walks away from the stairs, you go upstairs, and you see a hooker lying on her bed, you must leave her alone, you must only get the box of candy. Climb out through the window, now you must fall into the trash bin, and get the hammer, then you get out of the trash bin, and you go back to the road in front of the bar, call a taxi, and drive to the casino. When you arrive, you must not forget to pay the taxi driver, when you leave the taxi you go inside the casino, when the man with apples is walking there you must buy an apple, if he isn't walking there you must buy it later You walk straight through the casino untill you are in the next room in front of the elevator, get the disco pass, and walk back to the table where only one man is sitting in the casino, sit down, and play cards. You must save the game every time you win, because it is possible you lose! When you have $150 you can go. Now you go to the shop by taxi, and buy a bottle of wine there, and pay. Outside you must wait for the man, and give him the wine, you now get a pocket knife. call a taxi again, and go to the disco, show the man your disco pass, and you can go inside the disco. Go to the table with the girl, and sit down, now you must look at her, and you talk to her, just keep typing: TALK TO GIRL, and then you give her the rose, and the ring, and a box of candy, and then you dance with her just say: DANCE. When you arrived back at the table she asks you for a hundred dollar, so you give her the money. Now you must go to the casino, because your out of money, gamble untill you have got another $150 dollar. and you now go to the house next to the casino, and marry the girl. when you are ready with getting married, you call a taxi, and you go to the shop, you now dial the number: 5550-8039, you order champagne, and send it to the honeymoon suite, call a taxi, and go to the casino, step into the elevator, and say: FOUR go to the door on the left with the hart on it, knock on it, and go inside, pour the wine to make the girl happy, and do what your only alowed to do if your 18! when you are finished, get the rope, and go to the casino, gamble again untill you have got $100. Now go to the bar, back to the hooker, and climb through the window, walk to the right, and fasten rope around your waist, and fasten rope on the railing, hang out, and break the window with the hammer, so you can get the bottle of pills. Go back, and get the rope back. Go to the road, and call a taxi, go to the casino, and go to the elevator, and press EIGHT, then you give the bottle of pills to the girl, and press the button, the door will open, and you go inside, you go to the door on the left, and dive into the swimming pool. Now you look at the girl, and you give her the apple, and the rest you can do yourself!! you now have completed LEISURE SUIT LARRY IN THE LAND OF THE LOUNGE LIZZARDS! *********************congratulations!!*************************** from: STER BBS: 01880-40035 SIG 13 /GAMES /s LEISURE SUIT LARRY LOOKING FOR LOVE IN SEVERAL WRONG PLACES ************************************ Ver 2.000000000000000000000000000000 DD 14-03-89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we begin we have to explain something. the actual commands that must be entered from the keyboard will be placed between " " and are in CAPITAL letters. directions are given as N,S,W,E. also in capitals but not between brackets. it will prove to be the best approach in case that you have forgotten something or worse you DIE !. well off to the game !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the begin:In front of eve's house standing in front of the house you will see a garage. walk into the garage and go to the right.(now you'r out of sight). "LOOK GARAGE";"TAKE DOLLAR" ; N,N,N,E,E. walk over to the trash bin standing against the right wall. "LOOK BIN" ;"OPEN BIN";nothing to be found there,or where you looking for your passport (HINT)!!!. walk over to the fence;"LOOK HOLE" ; E. enter the quicky market and walk to the woman behind the counter. "LOOK WOMAN";"TALK WOMAN" ;"BUY TICKET". you now have to pick your six lucky luck-o-bucko numbers. you can pick any six numbers that you want,it doesn't matter. now leave the store. W,W,W. go up the stairs and enter the tv studio,walk up to the girl behind the counter "LOOK GIRL" ;"TALK GIRL" ;"SHOW TICKET" now write down the six lucky numbers that the girl remembers. the numbers are chosen random so we can't give you any numbers to type in. if you are asked to give YOUR lucky numbers,type in the six lucky numbers that the girl gave you.AND THERE WE HAVE A WINNER! now walk up the door into the waiting room and go over to the bench;"SIT". now wait until a man appears through the left door and ask you to come with him ;"STAND",and follow him through the door. during the dating connection you are asked 3 questions. it doesn't matter what you answer,it doesn't come out right anyway ! when you have won the dating connection you are back in the green room. you have to wait there until a woman appears through the right door. sit down and relax,it takes less time that way.so walk over to the bench and "SIT". when the woman appears follow her through the door."STAND". and remember give the wheel a big spin. when you are back in the green room,after winning the million dollar bill, leave the studio. S,E. now enter the MOLTO LIRA store. walk over to the counter and "LOOK GIRL" now walk over to the back of the store where the swimsuits are."TAKE SWIMSUIT" walk over to the front of the counter and "PAY" ,leave the store. W,S,S. now you see in front of the house two trashcans with all your belongings in it. eve was so kind to put it there for you so you didn't have to search for so long to get al your stuff. walk over to the left trashcan. "LOOK BIN" ;"SEARCH BIN" ;"TAKE PASSPORT". now walk N,N,E,E,E and enter the drugstore. when you enter the drugstore you see two shelves in the middle of the room and a young man behind a counter on the right. walk to the left of the screen,through the wall on the left and the shelf on the right.stand about in the middle of the shelf and face the man behind the counter ;"TAKE LOTION". now go to the counter and pay for it "PAY".expensive stuff eh. leave the store and go W and enter the quicky market where you bought that winning luck-o-bucko ticket. in the store you see a huge soda machine.walk over to it and "TAKE SODA". walk to the girl and "PAY". leaving the store you find it time to get a haircut before you go on a cruise to win the hart of that lovely young girl who is so fortunate to win you on the dating connection. after all you're looking for love. go S,S,S and enter the barber shop. walk over to the chair and "SIT". leave the barber shop and go W,W,N,N. cross the road and enter ye olde musocollogy shoppe,SHIT what a name. just enter the fu?$#&!. store !! (oeps). walk over to the counter and "LOOK GIRL" ;"TALK GIRL". now walk out through the door in the bottom of the screen. W. now you're standing in front of a building belonging in SPACE QUEST IV. (see you there real soon). wait until you see a man in the distance walking towards the building. "LOOK MAN". E,E. in front of the scurvy dog you will encounter an old drunk who offers you a drink. (save your game !). if you're thirsty have a little nip and see what happens.(GREAT GRAPHICS) if not leave him be for what he is and go S,E. walk over to the man behind the fence. "TALK MAN" ;"SHOW TICKET" now walk up the gangway and admire the view. when the visions of your future fade away you find yourself on the cruise ship you are standing next to your cabin. that is on the right of your screen aproxemately in the middle. your cabin is to the right. now walk to the right and enter your cabin. walk up to the back of the room and "GET FRUIT". turn back and open the door to the right. "OPEN DOOR" and enter it. now whatever you do don't go near, or sit on the bed. at least if you're not a masochist.if you are that's not my problem."CLOSE DOOR" when the old goat is finished talking leave the room. time to have a little swim and do some sun bathing. "WEAR SWIMSUIT". now leave the cabin and walk left and up one stair left and up one stair. walk to the right until you reach the pool. walk over to the empty stretcher and "RUB SUNSCREEN" ; "SIT". when the big blond approches you and you want to have some fun,"STAND" and go with her.she will love you to bits, har har har. if you want to find true love then don't go with her and wait a little. then "STAND" and walk into the pool. "SWIM" ;"DIVE". dive to the bottom of the pool and "GET BIKINI". now swim back up again.once back up swim to the ladder and"CLIMB LADDER" go swim for the second time "GET OUT" AND "SIT" AGAIN. leave the pool and walk back to your cabin. "WEAR SUIT". open the door to the old goat's room and walk to the closet. "OPEN CLOSET" ;"LOOK CLOSET". now walk a bit to the right "OPEN NIGHTSTAND" "GET SEWING KIT". that's all you want from the old girl.leave her cabin and leave yours to. walk to the left and up the stairs. now walk to the left and up the stairs all the way to the top where you will find the restaurant. dont' drink anything. walk to the left side of the bar next to the couple at the bar."GET DIP". leave the restaurant and walk down ONE stair. --- now walk all the way to the left into the barbershop. this game is really into barbershops isn't it. (al lowe must be bald or he ownes a large chain of barber shops). walk over to the chair and "SIT". leave the barber shop. walk to the first stair and go up. walk to the left and enter the bridge. walk over to the panel behind the captain and "FLIP SWITCH". leave the way you came. don't go out the other door or walk over to it. walk to the right and go down the stairs. walk to the second stair on the right and go up ONE stair.so don't walk all the way up to the restaurant. go to the left. you're now at the lifeboat.walk to the lifeboat "JUMP". the lifeboats start to descend to the water. the moment that your boat hits the water you've got to type in three things. you must do this before the lifeboats floats away into the next picture. "THROW DIP OVERBOARD" ;"RUB SUNCREEN" ;"WEAR WIG" . and now for a litle boat trip. when you reach the island you should have about 187 points. but look what this litle sea trip has done to your suit.go S. now you are in the jungle and everything goes by itself. in this picture you see a big palm tree with a parrot in the top and a potted plant on the leftside of the tree. on the right side of the tree there is flower. when you walk past it type "GET FLOWER". when you mis it don't worry,you will walk this picture for many more times. when you find an exit you find youself in the restaurant. walk over to the man on the left and "TALK MAN".go over to the chair and "SIT". wait until the man has shown everybody to their tables. "STAND";walk over to the man; "TALK MAN". follow the man as he order a table for you. when he leaves walk over to the buffet on the left side of the pictures. "LOOK BUFFET";"GET KNIFE". if you are hungry "EAT CHEESE". leave the restaurant.you now enter your room when you have found an exit. if the maid comes in "LOOK GIRL" ;"TALK GIRL" ;and if you are in for some relaxing "FUCK GIRL".oh don't forget to save the game first. and don't get caught by her brother. when you're in your room walk over to the bed and face the nightstand. "LOOK NIGHTSTAND" ;"GET MATCHES". now walk to the right into the bathroom "LOOK BATHROOM" ;"GET SOAP". leave the room,you're back in the jungle again.boring isn't it. in the barber shop,walk over to the chair "SIT". leave the barber shop. when you reach the beach walk W,and go to the rocks."GET BIKINI".E,S. back in the jungle. you don't need to visit the restaurant anymore so leave it. when back in your room,walk over to the room and then to the right. you're out of sight and nobody can see you now,so slip into that nice little bikini "WEAR BIKINI" ;"PUT DOUGH IN TOP". leave the room and go to the barber shop again.you look like a girl now except for all that excessive body hair.walk over to the chair and "SIT". wow blonds have more fun !!! now go back into the jungle until you reach the beach.now it's time to leave this place and find an airport or something like that. go E. the KGB agents leave you alone because they think you're a girl. what do they know !. now you're on the cliffs.you have to walk along the cliffs to your rescue. don't bother if you fall,your elastical powers save the day. i didn't know i had it in me. when you have safely past the cliffs and admire the airport it is time to change back into your leisure suit ;"WEAR SUIT". now walk over to those two funny looking guys infront of the airport door. "LOOK MAN" ;"LOOK OTHERS". don't walk to close to the men because if you do they will grab you. now "GIVE FLOWER".now the KGBishna don't now what to do and you can safely enter the airport. walk W and enter the barber shop.doesn't she look familiar ?!?. "LOOK GIRL" ;"TALK GIRL"; walk over to the chair and "SIT". leave the barber shop and go E,E. you're now at the customs.walk over to the customs officer and "SHOW PASSPORT" now walk E through the gate. now you will see a man sleeping in a chair. you will also see a moving belt and a little window behind the man. walk over to the belt. when a suitcase comes by type "GET SUITCASE" whenever one is in front of you. or whait until you see a suitcase in the x-ray window with a bomb in it. when you have the suitcase with the bomb it explodes and everybody has gone away from the counter so you can now buy a ticket.walk to the counter. "BUY TICKET" when you finally get a ticket go back to the customs officer again and "SHOW PASSPORT". go E,E. now you will see a girl behind a counter.walk over there and "BUY FOOD". if you have the food don't eat it but "GET PIN". walk over to the largest of the two machines on the right of the screen. "LOOK MACHINE" ;"TAKE INSURANCE.walk over to the right of the two moving belts and you will be transported to the check in counter as you mind wonders of. now in the check in counter walk over to the right of the counter and "GET PAMPHLET"; walk to the man on the right and "SHOW TICKET". now walk through the door and enter the plane and take a seat.(this goes by itself). when you have taken off wait until the man next to you starts talking. give him the pamphlet or else he is going to scalp you."GIVE PAMPLET" "LOOK AROUND" "GET BAG". now "STAND" and walk to the back of the plane.(SMOKING DEPARTMENT). opposite of the toilet with the red light burning there is an escape hatch. you can not see it."USE PARACHUTE". face the escape hatch(that is with your back to the toilet). "PICK LOCK" ;"PULL LEVER" ;"OPEN DOOR". when you are out of the plane don't forget to "OPEN PARACHUT" or else you'll be in for a rough landing. when you are stuck in the trees "CUT PARACHUTE". nice landing!!!!! on the spot where you land you can see something lying on the ground behind you.turn around,walk over to it and "GET STICK". you never know when a stout little stick like this may come in handy. now walk over to the bush in the bottom of the screen. "CRAWL UNDER BUSH". when you have to move closer move to the left and try again. once past the bush with the deadly killer bees(see the superstars of wrestling to see what they look like) go S. now walk through the rocks at the bottom of the screen under the tree. when the snake begins his attack "USE STICK". now go E. you are now at the swamp.you can see a little monkey there who has no problem walking over the swamp. there is only one way to cross the swamp. fortunately the monkey left a trail in the mud. walk on this trail and cross the swamp. when you have crossed the swamp you will see a river with a rock on this side of the river with some vines hanging from the trees. walk over to the rock and stand as close as possible to the river. "SWING VINE" ;you now swing ONE vine. ----- do this tree times and you will swing from vine to vine and safely reach the other side of the river. (you can use the F3 key ). now walk to the rock at the base of the tree "GET VINE". now walk N. now it's time for a little show from sierra. you can't do anything until the chief leads you do the secret crossing to dr nonokee's mountain. now walk back to the village,that is S,E. walk over to the fire and "GET ASHES" walk back to the beach S and get sand "GET SAND". now walk back to the chasm that the chief has shown you. walk to the edge opposite of the tree. you must stand very close to the edge of the chasm or it will not work. "THROW VINE". now walk down the path until you reach the bottom of the glacier. walk up to it and "SPREAD ASHES". you can also type in "SPREAD SAND". it doesn't matter. the sand or the ashes are just extra points. now walk N. you are now on top of the glacier. you see an elevator and a crevice with smoke coming out of it. walk over to the crevice. you have to stand very close to the edge of the crevice. you must stand at the right of where the smoke is coming out of the crevice. there is only one place where it works.!!!!!!! now you have to type this in: "PUT THE AIRSICK BAG IN THE HAIR TONIC" if it doesn't work you have to move a little bit and type it in again or use the F3 key until the games says OK. now "LIGHT AIRSICK BAG" ;"DROP BOTTLE". while the larrytov coctail finds it way to the bottom of the glacier and causes an explosion,the elevator doors open. walk over to the elevator and enter it. all your work is done now so: WATCH AND ENJOY THE SHOW ************************ THE END. -------- HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE GAME AS MUCH AS WE DID!!!!!!. WE'LL BE SEEING YOU IN SPACEQUEST III,POLICEQUEST II ETC. ETC. WE ARE: LOUIS TREEBUSCH (DEN HAAG) TEL:070-504113. ----------------------------------------- EDDIE TOET (DEN HAAG) TEL:070-932034. ------------------------------------------ IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS JUST LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE LAMP (01717-3263). YOUR GUIDING LIGHT THROUGH A WORLD OF MYSTERY AND ADVENTURES. OR AT THE GAMEBOARD EUROPE (03440-14029):FOR ALL YOUR GAMES. OR AT VCT-BBS (070-961900). YOUR SYSOP THERE : EDDIE TOET! OR AT NEABBS (020-717666). SPECIAL THANKS TO DRIEKUS HEYSTEEG FOR HIS HINTS. SPECIAL SPECIAL THANKS TO WIM VAN DE BOSPOORT FOR CALLING SIERRA AGAIN. WITHOUT HIM WE WOULD STILL BE STUCK AT THE ELEVATOR . AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL THANKS TO SIERRA ON LINE INC. FOR BRINGING USE THEIR GREAT GAMES. BYE BYE. PS. WHE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY MISTAKES MADE IN THIS SOLUTION. TRY SOLVING IT YOURSELF THE NEXT TIME. OR BLAME YOURSELF FOR BUYING THIS GAME. YOU DID BUY IT,OR DIDN'T YOU ?!?!?!? ************************************ BYE BYE ! ************************************************************************** * Dit file is afkomstig van het compleetste adventure bbs: * * THE LAMP OPUS 01717-3263 Voorschoten, Holland (node 281/1) * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * (member of The Dutch Fidonet Foundation, host network 281) * * * * We beschikken naast een filegebied ook over een berichten- * * gebied met adventure specialisten voor al uw vragen. * * Bereikbaar op 300, 1200 en 2400 bps full duplex. * * * * go north ..... or better call .... The Lamp * * Tot op The Lamp, * * het SysOp team * ********************ster bbs: 01880-40035********************************** larry2.txt Type in a short (40 char) ________________________________________ description of your file: Oplossing van: Leisure Larry II Now please type a longer description of your file. You may use up to 320 characters (about 4 lines). When you are done, type a single line with only the work 'OK' on it. ok Please type in the keywords for your file, indicating the file's content or subject. If you don't know our conventions for keywords, please type '?'. When done typing your keywords, type '.' Keyword 1: . A --> ASCII text protocol M --> XMODEM protocol C --> XMODEM protocol with CRC Select a method from this list for uploading your file: c Beginning XMODEM CRC upload... CCCCCCCCCCCCMessage #291, 0 Ct; 2x Date: 22 Feb 88 22:50:00 From: Robin Van.den.ijssel To : All Who Care LARRY EDITOR LOCATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------8Gaming (e) Playing with the built-in editor (ALT-D) whe've found the following locations: Locations of LARRY when using the 'TP' command in the EDITOR (ALT-D) 1. Intro-screen 23. Outside DISCO 2. Question screen 24. Inside DISCO 3. " " 25. Look at FAWN in disco 4. " " 26 - 30: --- 5. --- 31. Inside CASINO 6. Thank you message 32. Outside CASINO 7. --- 33. Outside CHAPEL 8. Re-incarnation screen 34. Inside CHAPEL 9. Dark alley 35. In front of elevator 10. TAXI 36. Inside CABARET 11. In front of LEFTY's bar 37. In front of MACHINE 12. Alley with bin 38. At the BLACKJACK table 13. Lefty's toilet 39. --- 14. Hallway with drunk 40. Before WEDDING SUITE 15. In the bar 41. Inside WEDDING SUITE 16. Pimp's room 42. 8th floor 17. Whores room 43. Roof terras 18. --- 44. In penthouse suite 19. The end.. You failed 45. Bedroom of penthouse 20. BOSS-key (CTRL-B) 46 - 50: --- 21. Inside Liquor store 51. = location 6 (thanks) 22. Outside store 52 - 54: --- 55. HELP TEXT (F1) ************************************************************************** * Dit file is afkomstig van het compleetste adventure bbs: * * THE LAMP OPUS 01717-3263 Voorschoten, Holland (node 281/1) * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * (member of The Dutch Fidonet Foundation, host network 281) * * * * We beschikken naast een filegebied ook over een berichten- * * gebied met adventure specialisten voor al uw vragen. * * Bereikbaar op 300, 1200 en 2400 cps full duplex. * * * * go north ..... or better call .... The Lamp * * Tot op The Lamp, * * het SysOp team * ***************** OR CALL STER bbs: 01880-40035 ************************** LLL.TXT~EXQ#g'  "ITR$T@0 "EJIAIÉNxbGO891D ,R8ICD9 ʔqP6 ؔD2vҩ# ;aAjsx:gSij' 3eZD2Eˈ3$jADU>FV2azj &88e *'lPY Ԏ0py[:w,wu"\ǖ ;MY(6lD4jRfrO7i{~-"DoIM:ЛˠyMJ9ZnvfDTZ]mW[HFSxN$QDDgІO@iimYfeueT~y^hkXd[ŀC@jd FUe[YXiQhUDPPZyٝeF|c Qb=YRfmhF @sv^Y姠Nը@tDN '5~tU;cp8%=w8pkm|UWӎa*sQU):Tg4uAB oP)E) QsjhROTXjeFsS;Tlj+ePcШ&HQ p)~U {eqb*)nnDaO<nB4[0ViU? 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YOU NEED TO FULLY MAP THE MIRROR MAZE (PET THE CAT IN THE CHAPEL, GET THE SPOON AND GO MIRROR TO GET IN) THE SIX DIRECTIONS N, S, E, W, U, AND D ARE ALL USED AND IT HAS ABOUT 17 SEPERATE ROOMS. MAP IT USING THE MANY SUPERFLUOUS OBJECTS FOUND IN THE GAME. THE EMERALD IS DEEP INSIDE THE MAZE. ALSO, IF YOU HAVE THE RUBY IN YOUR POSSESION IN ONE OF THESE MAZE ROOMS, YOU CAN GO SE AND FIND A SECRET WAY TO THE SURFACE... THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET THE RUBY OUT. 6) TREASURES DROPPED IN THE THEATRE WILL BRING MOST OF THE POINTS, BUT THREE ACTIONS WILL BE NEEDED TO FINISH THE GAME... YOU NEED TO CLIMB SOMETHING, READ SOMETHING (PAST THE GUARD) AND LEAVE SOMETHING IN THE LIBRARY. OK, HERE COMES THE WALK-THRU. SINCE YOU ARE TRYING TO DO THIS UNDER A CERTAIN NUMBER OF TURNS, I RECOMMEND THAT YOU SAVE THE GAME ONLY ONCE OR TWICE AT THE MOST. ALSO, IF YOU FIND IT IS TAKING YOU ALOT OF TURNS GETTING INTO THE CARNIVAL ROOM, START OVER (ALOT MEANING MORE THAN SIX). BREAK OUT IF YOU ARE A DIEHARD ADVENTURER!! GET KEY, N, GET LAMP, ON, GET BAR, N, GET BOTTLE, S, S, IN, DROP KEY, KATIE, N, N, N, GET FORK, N, (KEEP GOING N UNTIL YOU GET IN THE CARNIVAL ROOM), DROP BOTTLE, GET BALL, THROW BALL, GET DOLL, DROP FORK, W, S, S, S, E, E, DROP BAR, N, GIVE DOLL, N, GET PEARL, S, E, E, S, W, W, CLIMB IVY, S, N, S, GET OPAL, N, N, N, GET RUBY, SW, OFF, ON, GO GATE, GET GOLD, NE, NW, GET HEART, NE, NW, GO DOOR, BACK, NW, NE, NW, NE, GO GATE, N, KATIE, DROP RUBY, N, S, GET JEWEL, N, W, KATIE, DROP PEARL, DROP HEART, DROP JEWEL, DROP GOLD, DROP OPAL GET KEY, KATIE, GET RUBY, N, N, N, N, (KEEP GOING N UNTIL IN THE CARNIVAL ROOM), GET BALL, THROW BALL, GET DOLL, GET FORK, W, S, DROP FORK, NW, PET CAT, GET SPOON, GO MIRROR, E, S, D, U, N, E, E, D, GET EMERALD, U, N, U, S, S, SE, GO PIT, E, OPEN DOOR, DROP KEY, GET BOOK, GO DOOR, S, S, S, S, IN, DROP RUBY, DROP EMERALD, DROP SPOON, DROP DOLL, DROP BOOK KATIE, N, N, N, GET FORK, N, SE, THROW FORK, GET DIAMOND, BACK, GET SHELL, DROP SHELL, GET FORK, S, S, S, E, E, GET BAR, NE, GET CRYSTAL, S, N, W, S, PRY BOULDER, DROP BAR, S, GET EARRING, N, N, GET PEWTER, E, S, NW, W, W, KATIE, DROP DIAMOND, DROP FORK, DROP PEWTER, DROP EARRING, DROP CRYSTAL GET BOOK, PLUM, GO STAIR, DROP BOOK, GO STAIR, GET ONYX, PLUM, DROP OYNX, GO DOOR! THAT'S IT!!! HAPPY ADVENTURING 9 -- -- == == >> >>  SOLUTION FOR: [ THE MASK OF THE SUN ] PRESENTED BY: NEABBS & STER BBS: 01880-40035 _______________________________________ WARNING: THIS WALK-THRU SHOWS HOW TO SOLVE THIS ADVENTURE STEP BY STEP, THESE ARE NOT HINTS! THERE ARE PLACES TO GO, AND THINGS TO DO IN THIS GAME WHICH ARE NOT NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE ADVENTURE, HOWEVER, I HAVE INCLUDED THEM IN THIS WALK-THRU SO THAT YOU GET TO SEE THE WHOLE GAME, AND NOT WHAT IS JUST NECESSARY TO SOLVE IT. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED IN QUOTES, SO TYPE WHAT YOU SEE. IN THE BEGINNING OF THE GAME, YOU ARE IN AN AIRPLANE JUST LANDED IN MEXICO. YOU ARE ON A SEARCH TO FIND THE FAMED MASK OF THE SUN. HERE IS WHAT TO DO: "OUT PLANE", "GET MAP", "LOOK MAP", "GET IN JEEP". YOU THEN START TRAVELING NORTH AUTOMATICALLY. WHEN STOPPED, CONTINUE WITH "WEST", "GET ALL", "OUT JEEP", "GO HUT" "GIVE FOOD". AT THIS POINT THE OLD WOMAN WILL GIVE YOU A FLUTE, AND TELL YOU SOMETHING - REMEMBER IT. THEN "OUT", "GET IN JEEP" "WEST", "NW". YOU WILL NOW BE AT THE STATUE OF A CAT WHOSE HEAD HAS BEEN REMOVED. TYPE "DROP ALL BUT PILLS", (THESE ARE YOUR STRENGTH PILLS), "OUT JEEP", "LOOK STATUE". YOU WILL SEE THE SECRET WORD XOTZIL. REMEMBER IT. THEN "GET HEAD", "DROP HEAD ON STATUE". AT THIS POINT THE STATUE TURNS INTO A JAGUAR AND DEPARTS. NOW, "GET IN JEEP", "GET ALL", "NW", AND YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF AT THE FOOT OF THE FIRST PYRAMID. SO, "OUT JEEP", "GO STAIRS", "UP", "LIGHT MATCH", "LIGHT LANTERN", "GO DOOR". NOW, YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF IN A ROOM WITH A SNAKE ATTACKING YOU. YOU MUST TYPE THE NEXT COMMAND QUICKLY, OR THE SNAKE WILL KILL YOU. TYPE "SHOOT". THE SNAKE WILL THEN LEAVE YOU. YOU ARE NOW IN THE FIRST PYRAMID. SO, "SEARCH PLATFORM", "OPEN DOOR", "FORWARD", "GET BOWL","FORWARD". YOU ARE IN THE BOULDER ROOM. THIS IS A WORTHLESS ROOM, BUT KIND OF FUN. WATCH THE BOULDER. WHEN READY TO CONTINUE, TYPE "TURN BACK", "LEFT", "MOVE SARCOPHAGI". A GHOST WILL APPEAR, DO NOTHING. AFTER ABOUT 30 SECONDS, THE GHOST WILL DISAPPEAR, AND WILL LEAVE BEHIND THE SECOND fcwl <*************************************> < > < HOW TO SOLVE > < > < MASTER OF EVIL > < > < TUTORIAL BY: THE SURGEON > < > < PRESENTED BY: > < > < NEABBS > < > <*************************************> THIS ADVENTURE IS VERY EASY WITH A RELATIVELY SMALL MAP AND A # OF OBJECTS . THIS TUTORIAL WILL SHOW YOU A STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS TO COMPLETE THIS ADVENTURE, SO IF YOU WANT TO EXPERIMENT WITH THE ADVENTURE, WE ADVISE YOU TO PRESS THE SPACE BAR NOW. TO START -------- W, GET GOBLET, E, E, GET COIN, W, N, N, GET STONE, THROW STONE, N, W, W, FILL GOBLET, E, E, E, E, GIVE WINE, WEAR PELT, N, S, GIVE COIN, E, E, D, N, CROM, GET SWORD, S, U, W, W, S, N, W, N, N, N, N, E, N, E, GIVE SWORD, W, S, W, N, N, CLIMB TREE, TIE ROPE, TREE, D, GO PIT, GET BONE, CLIMB ROPE, UNTIE ROPE, D, S, E, N, TIE ROPE, ROCK, CLIMB DOWN, N, GIVE BONE, N, W, KAFKA, U, N, GET CLUB, S, U, U, E, N, PRIZADIC, HIT MAN-ENG. MATER OF EVIL : COMPLETED master of evil Your message can be up to 1920 characters long. When done, type OK on a line by itself. (Or, type /S to save and proceed, without editing). oplossing van: master of evil /s Do you wish to "attach" a file to this message (Y)es or [N]o: y Select an upload method: (1) regular ASCII text (2) XMODEM (3) XMODEM-CRC (4) XMODEM-1K Enter your choice, or ? for help: 3 Beginning upload (CTRL-X to cancel)... CC <({[ NEABBS ]})> PRESENTS: A COMPLETE SOLUTION AND TUTORIAL TO: > CRYPT OF MEDEA < PRELUDE: AS YOU DRIVE ALONG THE NARROW AND TORTUOUS ROAD, YOU FEEL AN ERIE SENSE OF UNEASINESS. THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THIS NIGHT THAT JUST DOES NOT SEEM RIGHT, BUT YOU FIND IT HARD TO PUT YOUR FINGER ON IT. THE SKY IS CLEAR AND CLOUDLESS, STARS FILL THE SKY, THE MOON GLOWS WITH A MYSTERIOUS AURA, YET STRANGELY ENOUGH IT IS VERY, VERY DARK. AS A MATTER OF FACT, IT'S SO DARK YOU FIND IT INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT TO SEE THE ROAD. SUDDENLY IT DAWNS ON YOU THAT YOU ARE PEERING INTENTLY THROUGH YOUR WINDSHIELD...WAIT! WHAT WAS THAT? YOU ARE ALMOST POSITIVE THAT YOU SAW SOMETHING - YOU'RE NOT TOO SURE WHAT, A FLASH OR MOVEMENT BY THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. YOU BEGIN TO TAKE QUICK, FURITIVE GLANCES AROUND YOU HOPING TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF WHATEVER IT WAS. FINALLY, YOU BEGIN TO THINK THAT IT MUST HAVE BEEN YOUR IMAGINATION - TOO MANY MOVIES MAYBE. AS YOU LOOK BACK TOWARDS THE ROAD YOU ARE STUNNED BY SOMETHING.....SOMETHING TERRIBLE, SHIMMERING GROTESQUELY IN THE ROAD! YOU HEAR YOURSELF SCREAM AS YOU SLAM ON THE BRAKES. YOU FEEL DAMPNESS AROUND YOU AND A HAUNTING SILENCE FILLS YOUR MIND. YOU WONDER WHERE YOU ARE BUT YOU HESITATE TO OPEN YOUR EYES. WELL, BETTER GET IT OVER WITH. AS YOU OPEN YOUR EYES, YOU ARE STRICKEN BY AN UNFAMILIAR SIGHT. ARE THOSE TOMBSTONES ON THE WALL? YOU REALIZE THAT YOU MUST BE IN A CRYPT OF MAUSOLUEM. HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE AND HOW DO YOU GET OUT? IS THAT A DOOR OVER THERE? YOU SCAMPER HURRIEDLY WITH A HINT OF PANIC IN YOUR STEP. WAIT! WHERE'S THE LATCH? YOU REALIZE WITH A SINKING FEELING WHY THERE WOULDN'T BE A LATCH....THE DEAD HAVE NO NEED TO GET OUT! WELCOME TO THE CRYPT OF MEDEA... WE'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU... TO GET STARTED IN CRYPT OF MEDEA YOU ALWAYS NEED A LIGHT SOURCE IN ALMOST EVERY ADVENTURE YOU EVER PLAY SO "TAKE CANDLE". NOW SINCE THERE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE AN EXIT OF ANY KIND LET'S MAKE ONE! "MOVE CASE" AND THEN "PULL TOMBSTONE". OK, PRETTY UGLY SIGHT HUH? NOW, "LOOK CRYPT" AND "TAKE MATCHES". NOW YOU WANT TO "LIGHT CANDLE" AND GO [DOWN, NORTH] AND "BURN HAND WITH CANDLE". "TAKE SHOVEL" AND GO [S,U], THEN "DIG". YOU FOUND SOMETHING! "PULL KNOB" AND GO [EAST], "TAKE KNIFE", GO [EAST], "TAKE FLASK", AND GO [SOUTH]. NOW "EXAMINE HEAD", "SEARCH CORPSE", AND THEN "TAKE VIAL", AND GO [S,E] AND "OPEN VIAL", "THROW VIAL AT WEB" THEN GO [EAST] AND "TAKE TAPE", "DROP SHOVEL", "DROP MATCHES", "DROP KNIFE", "DROP FLASK" AND GO [W,W] THEN "TAKE PLAYER". NOW LET'S GO [NORTH] AND "TAKE CARD", NOW [NORTH] AGAIN AND "PLAY TAPE". "PLAY PLAYER", "DROP PLAYER", "PUT CARD IN SLOT", "TAKE DIAMOND", GO [W,W], AND "CUT CASE WITH DIAMOND". NOW, "TAKE GLASS", "TAKE BREATHING", GO [E,E,S] AND "WEAR BREATHING". "PUSH ORANGE", "DROP CANDLE", GO [WEST], "PUSH VIOLET", GO [EAST], AND "PUSH YELLOW", "PUSH ORANGE", "TAKE ROD", AND GO [WEST], AND "PUSH BLUE". FINALLY GO [EAST] AND "DROP BREATHING". NOW LET'S GET GOING AGAIN, "TAKE CANDLE", GO [N,N] AND "CUT ROPE WITH GLASS", "TAKE ROPE" AND GO [S,E,E]. NOW TO CROSS THE RAVINE! "THROW ROPE" AND THEN "SWING ROPE". MADE IT! AT THIS POINT IF YOU MAKE IT OVER THE RAVINE AND THE DISKETTE RE-BOOTS JUST USE THE PATCH POSTED ON THE [O]UTLAW'S ROOST. THIS IS JUST A BAD CRACKED VERSION WHICH THE PATCH WILL CORRECT. THE ORIGINAL SHOULD HAVE NO PROBLEMS. NOW ON TO SOME BATTLE! GO [EAST] AND "THROW GLASS AT MUTATE". HA! HE WASN'T AS TERRIBLE AFTER ALL! NOW GO [NORTH] AND "TAKE MAGNET", NOW GO [S,W] AND "SWING ROPE". DON'T WORRY ABOUT THI OTHER ROOMS, YOU'LL BE HEADING BACK THIS WAY SHORTLY! NOW GO [W,W,N] AND "USE MAGNET", "TAKE KEY", "DROP MAGNET", AND GO [S,E,E]. "SWING ROPE", AND GO [EAST]. NOW "UNLOCK DOOR", AND GO [S,W], "TAKE GLOVES" AND GO [E,N,W] AND "SWING ROPE". NOW GO [W,W,S,S] AND "WEAR GLOVES", "TAKE DOG" AND GO [N,N,E,E], "SWING ROPE". NOW ALMOST DONE WITH SWINGING AROUND! GO [E,S,S,E,N] AND "THROW DOG AT SCUM". NOW, "DROP GLOVES", "EXAMINE MOSS", "TURN VALVE" AND GO [S,W,N]. "LOOK VAT". GO [D,E] AND "TAKE NEEDLE", THEN GO [W,U,N,W] AND "SWING ROPE". GOOD! NO MORE ROPE SWINGING! NOW GO [W,W,S,S,E,E] AND "INJECT MASS WITH NEEDLE". "PULL TRAPDOOR", "TAKE ALL", "DROP NEEDLE", AND GO [DOWN]. NOW SINCE YOU'VE MADE IT THIS FAR YOU MIGHT WANT TO "SAVE GAME" JUST IN CASE YOU SCREW UP LATER ON. YOU CAN RESTORE YOUR GAME BY TYPING "RESTORE GAME". NOW LET'S BEGIN AGAIN, "TAKE BURNER", AND GO [E,S,W] AND "SLICE LARD WITH KNIFE". "TAKE SLICE" AND "PUT SLICE IN FLASK" THEN "LIGHT BURNER". OK NOW YOU "MELT SLICE WITH BURNER" AND "OIL DIAL". THEN "DROP BURNER" AND "DROP FLASK". GO [E,N,W,W] AND "TAKE TIMBER", AND GO [E,E,E] AND "TAKE TORCH". "LIGHT TORCH", "DIG", "DROP SHOVEL" AND GO [W,S,W,W,W,U,W,S]. "BUILD BRIDGE" AND GO [S,E,E] AND "TAKE EARPLUGS". NOW GO BACK BY GOING [W,W,N,N,E,D,E,E,E,N,E,D]. "WEAR EARPLUGS" AND GO [E,N]. "TAKE BARREL" AND GO [S,W,U,W]. "PULL SWITCH", "DROP CANDLE", "DROP EARPLUGS", AND GO [W,W,W], "TAKE FUSE". OK, LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH! GO [E,E,E,S,W,W,W,U,W,W] AND "TAKE AXE". NOW I SUGGEST YOU PRESS: CTRL-S TO TOGGLE THE MUSIC OFF, AND CTRL-P TO TOGGLE THE GRAPHICS OFF, THIS WILL MAKE IT EASIER TO TYPE AND RESPOND FASTER. NOW, THIS GETS DANGEROUS SO "SAVE GAME" AND GO [NORTH], "MAKE BOMB". NOW GET READY TO TYPE THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, WITHOUT MAKING ANY ERRORS. THIS PART OF THE GAME DEPENDS UPON HOW QUICK YOU REACT! TYPE <<"LIGHT BOMB", "DROP BOMB", "S", "E">>! WOW! YOU MADE IT! NOW, AFTER THE LETTERS STOP FALLING FROM THE TOP OF THE SCREEN, PRESS THE [SPACE BAR] AND GO [W,N,N]. "USE AXE" AND GO [N,U]! YOU DID IT! YOU ESCAPED FROM THE CRYPT OF MEDEA! BCNU..... STER BBS: 01880-40035Mindshadow Activision (c)1984,1985 de oplossing door Richie Koreneef Tel:010 - 4387398 Island: GET SHELL-N-ENTER HUT-GET STRAW-S-E-GET STEEL-E-GET VINE-W-W-S-E-DROP ALL-GET VINE-TIE VINE TO ROCK-D-W-DIG-GET MAP-GET ROCK-E-U-GET ALL-W-N-N-N-E-N-E-E-S-S-E-GET BOTTLE -W-N-N-W-W-S-W-S-S-S-HIT STEEL WITH ROCK-GIVE RUM Pirate ship: N-N-W-W-S-S-GET CANVAS-WEAR CANVAS-N-N-E-E-S-W-S-HIT MAN-S-GET CLEAVER-N-N-E-S-S-S-W-CUT CHAIN WITH CLEAVER-E-N-N-E-E London: DROP CLEAVER-E-E-E-S-ROB MAN-GET ALL-N-W-N-N-E-SAY CHANDRALT-BUY TICKET-W-S-E-GIVE HAT-E-EXAMINE DRINK-FOLLOW MAN-S-W-GET HAT-W-S-W-S-BUY POLE- N-W-USE POLE TO GET DEBRIS-DROPSTEEL-DROP ROCK-GET PAPER-READ PAPER-E-N-N-ENTER PLANE Luxemburg: DROP TICKET-DROP PAPER-DROP POLE-N-BUY PICKLE-W-BOOTH 11-ROB MAN-GET NOTE-READ NOTE-DROP NOTE-E-E-N-N-W-U-N-W-GET PARCHMENT-E-S-D-E-E-E-E-S-DIG-GET LEAFLET- READ LEAFLET*-(NAAR BANK)-W-TALK TO CLERK-*TYPE NUMMER-OPEN BOX-GET GUN-DROP BOX-E-N-W-U-N-N-N-N-E-SHOOT MAN-GET MESSAGE-READ MESSAGE-THINK BOB-THINK JARED- THINK ARCMAN-THINK WILLIAM. MINDSHADOW-MINDSHADOW-MINDSHADOW-MINDSHADOW-MINDSHADOW-MINDSHADOW . Afkomstig van STER BBS: 01880-40035 *************************************** * * * W E L C O M E ! * * * * TO ANOTHER HAYES TUTORIAL! * * * * THIS ONE WILL GET YOU THROUGH * * THE OLDIE BUT GOODIE....... * * * * PALACE IN THUNDERLAND! * * * *************************************** WELL, THIS ONE, LIKE ITS' PREDECESSOR, MADVENTURE, IS A TOUGH SUCKER. IF YOU ARE AFTER HINTS, THIS AIN'T THE PLACE! THIS WILL BE A STRAIGHTFORWARD WALK- THROUGH. IF YOU NEED HINTS, TRY THE FOLLOWING: 1. WHEN YOU FIRST ENTER THE CASTLE (N), YOU MEET A RABBIT. 'LOOK RABBIT' AND THEN 'APOLOGIZE' FOR BEING LATE. THIS WILL GIVE YOU ONE IMPORTANT CLUE. 2. GET THE SINGING SWORD FROM THE TROPHY ROOM AND 'LISTEN' TO IT IN EVERY ROOM YOU ENTER. THIS WILL GIVE YOU A GREAT MANY DIFFERENT CLUES/HINTS. NOW FOR THE WALK-THROUGH.... (BREAK OUT IF YOU DON'T WANT THE ANSWERS!) FROM THE STARTING POINT IN THE COURTYARD N, OPEN CLOCK, N, N, GET MOUSE, NW, GET FLASHLIGHT, SE, S, S, DROP MOUSE, U, W, W, GET VIAL, OPEN VIAL, RUB MEDICINE, DROP VIAL, E, TURN MATTRESS, GET TAG, DROP TAG, GET KEY, E, D, N, N, N, OPEN DOOR, DROP KEY, E, GET SHEARS, W, S, S, NE, CUT HAIR, DROP SHEARS, WEAVE HAIR, GET NET, SW, N, NE, GET JUGS, SW, D, N, CATCH JABBERWOCKY, WEAR BOOTS, S, W, GIVE JUGS, GET BAR, E, U, S, NE, E OK, NOW YOU ARE BY THE POOL AND YOU SHOULD WAIT UNTIL THE THUNDERSTORM KNOCK OUT THE LIGHTS. JUST WAIT BY TYPING 'I' OVER AND OVER UNTIL THE LIGHTS GO OUT. ONCE THEY ARE OUT, THEN DO THE FOLLOWING: FLASHLIGHT ON, GET PENNY, W, SW, N, D, S, S, INSERT PENNY, N, DROP BOOTS, DROP FLASHLIGHT, N, NE, E, PUSH RACK, GET LAFEET, SAY INSPECTOR (OR CLOUSEAU), GET DIAMOND, W, SW, U, S, S, U, U, DROP LAFEET, DROP DIAMOND, D, N, DROP JABBERWOCKY, GET SCEPTRE, S, S, S, OPEN OYSTERS, GET PEARLS, NW, GET GLOBE, NE, U, DROP PEARLS, DROP SCEPTRE. OK, YOU MIGHT WANT TO SAVE THE GAME FOR SAFETY'S SAKE. THEN CONTINUE BY: D, D, NE, GET SWORD, SW, N, NE, GET SHEARS, GET LOOM, SW, S, W, CUT TWINE, DROP SHEARS, GET ROBE, E, U, U, DROP ROBE, DROP LOOM, D, NE, D, SW, E, SING, GET GOLD, DROP SWORD, GET STICKS, W, NE, U, E, GET DUSTER, W, INSERT DUSTER, INSERT GLOBE, INSERT BAR, INSERT STICKS, GET FLAMINGO, SW, U, DROP GOLD, D, D, N, N, D, NW, SAY SEEBONE, U, U, U, GET BALL, D, W, D, D, D, N, N, N, E, E, YELL REVOLT, GET CROWN, W, W, S, S, S, U, U, DROP CROWN, WEAR CROWN, WEAR ROBE, GET SCEPTRE, U, U, SHAKE SCEPTRE, D, D, DROP ROBE, DROP SCEPTRE, DROP CROWN, D, D, S, D YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM THERE...  T SCEPTRE, U, U, SHAKE SCEP STER BBS: 01880-40035 Oplossing van Police Quest. Ik heb voor verschillende opdrachten procedures gemaakt: PROC 1: loop een rondje om de auto-OPEN DOOR-GO IN CAR-CLOSE DOOR-DRIVE (een rondje lopen hoeft alleen als je van het bureau ergens heen gaat) PROC 2: OPEN DOOR-GO IN CAR-CLOSE DOOR-DRIVE PROC 3: OPEN LOCKER-PUT GUN IN LOCKER-CLOSE LOCKER PROC 4: OPEN LOCKER-TAKE GUN-CLOSE LOCKER Hieronder volgen een paar plaatsen van kamers met mensen: Dooley: Begin-deur links Morgan: Begin-loop linksboven het beeld uit en ga door de deur linksboven Laura Watts: Begin-loop linksboven het beeld uit en ga door de deur rechtsboven Briefing-room: Begin-loop door de opening rechtsboven Badkamer: Begin-loop door opening rechtsonder SAVE OOK AF EN TOE JE GAME!!!!! Begin-ga naar de kamer rechtsonder-OPEN LOCKER-TAKE GUN-TAKE LOADER-TAKE CASE- CLOSE LOCKER-ga uit badkamer-ga naar kamer rechtsboven-loop naar het postvakje rechts-LOOK HOLE-loop naar tafel rechtsonder-TAKE PAPER-CLOSE PAPER-loop naar tafel rechtsboven en ga aan de linkerkant staan tot de briefing is afgelopen- loop uit de kamer-TAKE KEYS-TAKE RADIO-loop in het kamertje boven in het scherm-LOOK SCREEN-LOP1238-OFF-ga naar Morgan (zie boven)-LOOK PHONE-loop uit het bureau-loop naar de auto linksonder-PROC 1-ga naar map B2-stop bij ongeval- STOP-PROC 2-loop naar auto-LOOK MAN 2X-CTRL-D-loop naar mensen-TALK CROWD 2X- CTRL-D 2X-wacht tot er een andere auto komt-loop naar eigen auto-PROC 1-wacht op oproep voor Cafeine Castle-rijd naar map A3-stop in inham bij gebouw-PROC 2- ga naar binnen-SIT (aan de tafel links)-TALK MAN-wacht-loop naar de telefoon- ANSWER PHONE-weer naar buiten-PROC 1-wacht tot er iemand door het rode licht rijdt-achtervolgen met F10-als je stilstaat PROC 2-OPEN CASE-TAKE PEN-TAKE NOTE BOOK-TAKE TICKET BOOK-CLOSE CASE-loop naar de aangehouden auto-LOOK WOMAN-TALK WOMAN-SONNY-ASK LICENSE-WRITE TICKET-RETURN LICENSE-SIGN TICKET-GIVE TICKET- loop naar eigen auto-PROC 1-rondrijden-wacht voor oproep-rijd naar map A3- stop bij inham-TAKE PR-24-PROC 2-ga in Cafeine Castle-TALK CAROL-uit Castle- naar Wino Willy's-loop naar bar-MOVE MOTORCYCLES-USE PR-24-loop uit Wino-PROC 1-PUT PR-24 IN CAR-rondrijden-wacht tot dronken man er is-achtervolgen met F10-PROC 2-CTRL-D-ga voor car van man staan-GET OUT-ASK LICENSE-PERFORM TEST- CUFF MAN BACK-NO-ARREST MAN-FOLLOW ME-loop naar eigen car-OPEN BACK DOOR-CLOSE BACK DOOR-CTRL-D-PROC 1-rijd naar map D3-stop bij jail-PROC 2-OPEN BACK DOOR- wacht tot man eruit is-CLOSE BACK DOOR-loop trap op-bij locker PROC 3-RING BELL-naar binnen-BOOK DUDE-DUI-REMOVE CUFFS-weer naar buiten-PROC 4-PROC 1-rijd naar bureau map C3-PROC 2-naar binnen-bij eerste tafel die je ziet-WRITE MEMO- SUBMIT MEMO-loop rechts het beeld uit-loop naar de kamer linksonder-OPEN DOOR- uit office-loop naar badkamer-OPEN LOCKER-TAKE SUIT 2X-TAKE KEYS-CLOSE LOCKER- uit badkamer-RETURN KEYS-RETURN RADIO-loop uit het bureau-loop naar Corvette- OPEN DOOR-F4-CLOSE DOOR-F4-rijd naar Blue Room map B4-ondertussen:TURN ON RADIO-stop bij inham-F4-OPEN DOOR-F4-CLOSE DOOR-ga naar binnen-SIT bij de middelste tafel-weer naar buiten-in auto-rijd naar bureau-ga naar badkamer-OPEN LOCKER-TAKE SUIT 2X-TAKE LOADER-TAKE GUN-TAKE CASE-CLOSE LOCKER-naar briefing- LOOK HOLE-ga bij de tafel rechtsboven aan de linkerkant staan-weer uit lokaal- GET RADIO-GET KEYS-naar buiten-loop weer een rondje om de auto-ga in auto-F4- wachten op oproep-achtervolgen met F10-STOP-CTRL-D 2X-OPEN DOOR-F4-F6-F8-GET OUT-FREEZE-HANDS UP-LIE DOWN-loop naar man-RETURN GUN-CUFF MAN-SEARCH MAN-STAND UP-READ RIGHTS-ARREST MAN-FOLLOW ME-OPEN BACK DOOR-wacht tot man erin zit-CLOSE BACK DOOR-loop naar andere auto-OPEN COMPARTMENT-TAKE LICENSE-OPEN NOTE BOOK- RETURN BOOK-CLOSE COMPARTMENT-CLOSE DOOR-OPEN TRUNK-TAKE COKE-TAKE MARI-ga in eigen car-rijden-CTRL-D-rijd naar jail map C3-STOP-ga uit car-haal man ook uit car-stop geweer weer in locker-RING BELL-DRUGS-REMOVE CUFFS-weer naar buiten- pak geweer weer-ga in car-rijd naar bureau map C3-ga in bureau-loop rechts het beeld uit-loop naar kamer linksonder-OPEN DOOR-READ MEMO-loop naar badkamer- OPEN LOCKER-TAKE SUIT 2X-TAKE GUN-TAKE CASE-TAKE LOADER-CLOSE LOCKER-ga uit badkamer-RETURN KEYS-loop linksboven het veld uit-ga bij linkerdeur staan-OPEN DOOR-ga uit kamer-ga bij rechter deur staan-OPEN DOOR-volg Laura tot ze weggaat -OPEN DRAWER-TAKE HOFFMAN-CLOSE DRAWER-TAKE KEYS-TAKE CLIPBOARD-blader met cursor tot poster van Hoffman-TAKE POSTER-DROP CLIPBOARD-naar buiten-uit bureau-loop rondje om auto rechtsboven-ga in auto-DRIVE-rijd naar court (tegenover jail map D3)-naar binnen-ga bij loket staan-EMERGENCY-OPEN DOOR- TASELLI-HOFFMAN-THIS FILE-YES-THIS POSTER-TATTOO ON LEFT NIPPLE-naar buiten- rijd naar jail-STOP-ga uit car-stop geweer in locker-RING BELL-loop naar jailer-NO BAIL WARRANT-naar buiten-pak geweer-in auto-rijd naar bureau-STOP- rijd naar park map B1-STOP-TALK LAURA-ga uit auto-naar boven over trapje-F6-F8- ga achter bosje links boven staan en type alvast HANDS UP (nog geen enter dus)- wacht-er komt nu een man-(als deze man je ziet ben je af, je had nog verder naar links gemoeten)-als de tweede man is gearriveerd CTRL-D-nadat de man zegt dat er te weinig geld is gegeven druk je op enter-loop naar man-PUT GUN AWAY- CUFF MAN-SEARCH MAN-READ RIGHTS-QUESTION MAN 2X-ARREST MAN-FOLLOW ME-loop naar onder-SEARCH MAN-QUESTION MAN 2X-TALK COLBY 2X-OPEN BACK DOOR-wacht tot de mannen erin zitten-CLOSE BACK DOOR-ga zelf in auto-DRIVE-CTRL-D-naar jail-STOP- ga uit auto-OPEN BACK DOOR-wacht tot mannen eruit zijn-CLOSE BACK DOOR-stop geweer in locker-RING BELL-BOOK DUDE-DRUGS-REMOVE CUFFS-naar buiten-pak geweer- rijd naar bureau-STOP-rijd naar Blue Room-ga uit auto-ga naar binnen-SIT-TALK JACK-wachten-weer naar politiebureau-naar Morgan-uit kamer-loop rechts beeld uit-loop naar loket-BLACK BOOK-CLOSE BOOK-GUN-LOOK NUMBER-GIVE GUN BACK-look links het beeld uit-ga in kamer rechts-loop naar eigen bureau-LOOK BASKET-READ NOTE-naar buiten-loop weer een rondje om je auto-ga in auto-rijd even wat rond- rijd weer naar bureau-ga naar Laura (het meisje waarmee je samenwerkt)-naar Morgan-naar jail-stop geweer weg-RING BELL-naar binnen-naar meisje in cel-HELP ME WITH THE HOTEL-rijd weer naar bureau (vergeet geweer niet)-als je een oproep krijgt rijd je naar map D4 en STOP rechts onder-uit auto-loop naar lijk-MOVE BLANKET-LOOK NIPPLE-RETURN BLANKET-CTRL-D-rijd naar bureau-ga naar Morgan-wacht tot iedereen klaar is met praten-naar badkamer-OPEN LOCKER-GET TOWEL-CLOSE LOCKER-ga onder rechter douche staan-F10-USE BLEACH-RINSE-F10-OPEN LOCKER-GET SUIT-CLOSE LOCKER-uit badkamer-RETURN RADIO-naar Morgan-naar buiten-loop rondje om auto-rijd naar hotel map A2-naar binnen-RING BELL-ORDER ROOM-PAY ROOM-loop links het beeld uit-ga bij bar staan-MILK-wacht tot Marie klaar is met praten en ga zitten bij tafeltje (F4=zitten)-als iedereen klaar is met praten F4-loop naar bar-GAMBLING-loop rechts het beeld uit-ga in de lift staan-TWO-loop rechts het beeld uit-UNLOCK DOOR (deur helemaal rechts)-naar binnen-YES-YES-USE PHONE (555-2622)-USE PHONE (555-4522)-SONNY-HOFFMAN-USE PHONE (555-6674)-SONNY-USE PHONE (555-9222)-HOTEL DELPHORIA-USE PHONE (411)-SIERRA-USE PHONE (209 683- 6858)-ga uit kamer-ga naar de bar-ga erbij staan-GAMBLING-volg man-als je in het kamertje bent loop je naar het tafeltje linksboven-SIT aan de rechterkant- TALK MAN-na elk potje pokeren DEAL intypen-poker tot je $1000 hebt en hij zal vanzelf stoppen-ga weer terug naar je kamer en wacht tot er detectives komen- ASK TRANSMITTER aan man linksonder-ga weer naar de bar-FRANK SENT ME-volg man- SIT-poker tot $1500 en hij stop weer vanzelf-YES-OK-volg man-druk regelmatig op CTRL-D (ook als je in de kamer van de "DEATH ANGEL" bent-wacht en bekijk alles op je gemak!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STER BBS 01880-40035 \-------------------------------------/ \ / \ ADVENTURE TUTORIAL NO. 10 / \ / \ HOW TO SOLVE / * * / THE PYRAMID OF DOOM \ / \ / PRESENTED BY NEABBS \ / \ /--------STER BBS: 01880-40035--------\ A FEW NOTES TO START OFF: 1. THE NOMAD DOES NOT AFFECT GAME PLAY AT ALL!! 2. NOTICE THE RUBY, DONT PUT IT W/ THE REST OF THE TREASURES. ("SEEK YE WELL THE HEART OF IRON") 3. IF SOMETHING IS IN PARENTHESESM YOU DON'T HAVE TO ENTER IT TO COMPLETE THE COMMAND [-------------< COMMANDS >------------] TAKE POLE GO POOL TAKE KEY E,N,E DIG TAKE KEY S DIG TAKE STONE GO HOLE UNLOCK DOOR DROP KEY U UNLOCK DOOR W GO POOL GET WATER E,E GO DOOR LIGHT FLASHLIGHT TAKE PISTOL OPEN SARCOPHAGUS N,E TAKE FLUTE W,S,S PLAY FLUTE LOOK ASHES TAKE NECKLACE LOOK FIREPLACE DROP FLUTE TAKE COAL WASH COAL N GO SARCOPHAGUS D POUR WATER (ON TANNA LEAVES TO MAKE MUMMY SLEEP) TAKE TAPESTRY DROP KEY S DROP SHOVEL TAKE SAW N GO ALCOVE DROP CANTEEN TAKE SKULL LOOK SKULL W,S DROP SKULL N GO ALCOVE TAKE BOX LOOK BOX LOOK BOX DROP BOX TAKE GLOVE W,N WEAR GLOVE HIT BRICK S DROP GLOVE GO ALCOVE TAKE TEETH W,U,W,N SAW TABLE DROP SAW TAKE NECKLACE S,S GO PASSAGE N,E READ HIEROGLYPHICS DROP STONE [ INVENTORY CHECK ] LIT FLASHLIGHT. * ANTIQUE TAPESTRY *. PISTOL. * GOLD TEETH *. * DIAMOND NECKLACE *. * GOLD NECKLACE *. * RUBY *. DROP TAPESTRY DROP TEETH DROP NECKLACE DROP NECKLACE (REMEMBER- 2 NECKLACES!) TAKE JERKY W,N DROP JERKY TAKE PEARL W,S GO SARCO D,S GO LADDER S TAKE SAPPHIRE THROW RUBY (SEEK YE WELL...) W,N THAT'S IT!   DROP JERKY POLICE QUEST II THE VENGEANCE ************************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- before we begin we have to explain something. the actual commands that must be entered from the keyboard will be placed between " " and are in CAPITAL letters. directions are given as north,east,south,west,left,right,forward or backward. N W E S some of the actions in the game are activated by function keys,they will be shown as .. . save your game as much as you like. it will prove to be the best approach in case that you have forgotten something or worse you DIE !. well off to the game !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 1 the begin:you are in your own car. "OPEN BOX","LOOK BOX","GET CARD","CLOSE BOX","TURN CARD" write down the number on the back of the card you will need it later. "GET KEYS", (leave/enter a car),"LOCK CAR" walk over to the entrance of the police station,"OPEN DOOR" inside the police station you will see 4 doors a counter and an evidence window two doors on the left,one door left of the evidence window and one door at the right of the evidence window. enter the one left of the evidence window. walk over to the first locker on the left wall,"OPEN LOCKER",type the number that is written on the back of your card. that is first combination 36,second 4,third 12. "GET GUN",GET AMMO","GET CUFFS",try "KISS PHOTO" it won't give you points but it's fun. "CLOSE LOCKER",leave the locker room and walk over to the counter opposite of the door right of the evidence window,"OPEN BIN","GET KIT",walk further to the east until you are at the shooting range,walk to the man behind the desk and "GIVE GUN","GET PROTECTOR",walk to the range and enter an open booth. "WEAR PROTECTOR",,,aim the gun,,"VIEW","LOOK TARGET","ADJUST SIGHTS",now ajust the sights of your gun with the cursor control keys,if your gun is shooting to high and to the left adjust with down and right arrow keys. when you are done,"REPLACE TARGET","BACK" and shoot again,you'll have to do this until you sight are properly aligned. "EXIT",go to the man and "GET AMMO",If the man says that you must use up your ammo go back into the booth and empty the ammo clip(at the target). now go back to the main hall of the police station and enter de door on the top left,walk over to the desk on the left ,now walk to the file cabinet on the right wall,"OPEN CABINET","BAINS","GET PHOTO","CLOSE FILE","CLOSE CABINET" Walk over to the bulletin board (a real one not an electronic one) "GET KEYS",walk over to your desk,"SIT","UNLOCK DRAWER","GET WALLET","SEARCH WALLET","TAKE NOTE","READ NOTE","CLOSE LOCKER","STAND","LOOK BASKET" leave the room and leave the police station. walk to the blue unmarked police car and "OPEN TRUNK",DROP KIT","CLOSE TRUNK" walk to the car door,"UNLOCK DOOR",,"DRIVE TO JAIL" you are now in the county jail. walk to the lockers on the left of the door,"OPEN LOCKER","DROP GUN","CLOSE LOCKER",walk to the door,"PRESS BUTTON",walk in front of the camera,"SHOW ID",enter the door,walk to the counter,"GET FILE","BAINS","GET PHOTO" now leave the jail (don't forget your gun). enter your car (by now you know how to do that),"DRIVE TO OFFICE",when a message from dispatch has come in "DRIVE TO OAK TREE MALL" get your field kit from the trunk. *****NOTE***** always get your kit after leaving the car and put it back before entering your car (so i won't have to type it every time!!). walk to the blue car on the bottom right of the screen,look at the number plates. "OPEN DOOR","OPEN BOX","LOOK BOX","TAKE BULLETS","TAKE HOLSTER","TAKE REGISTRATION","CLOSE BOX",CLOSE DOOR" walk to the police officer with the woman and "TALK WOMAN","ASK NAME" get into your car and "CALL" "DRIVE TO COTTON COVE",if keith offers you a bet take it you can't lose,leave the car and walk to the girl (She sure looks better than the woman at the mall) "TALK GIRL","ASK ID","SHOW ME",,,save your game and walk along the river to the west,when you are in the next picture bains will try to shoot you from the bushes on the left side of the screen,don't panic try to be quicker then him and shoot at him () Wait until bains drives away and "LOOK PLATE" go back to your car,"CALL",leave car,now walk along the river to the third picture,walk to the trees on the left side of the screen. "LOOK GROUND","TAKE PHOTO","TAKE BLOOD","TAKE FOOTPRINTS",walk over to the bin on the right and "SEARCH BIN","TAKE CLOTHES","READ LABEL" go east and when a man comes out of a van walk to the man enter the van,"TAKE FINS","TAKE VEST","TAKE BELT","TAKE MASK","TAKE SUIT","TAKE TANK 2","CHECK TANK","EXIT" when you dive you have to search for a few things,there are three underwater screens,the screen you are in when you begin to dive contains a badge,it is located near the right rock in the middle of the screen,swim over to the rock, "SEARCH GROUND","LOOK OBJECT","TAKE OBJECT" swim to the left into the next picture,this screen contains a knife,there is a big rock,about a body's length left to the rock and one down there is a knife "SEARCH GROUND","LOOK OBJECT","TAKE OBJECT" swim two screens to the right and swim to the rocks at the right end of the screen but watch the current,"LOOK ROCKS","MOVE ROCK","LOOK HAND","GET BODY" walk to the car ,enter it,"CALL" If you like you can take a look at the body but you don't need to. "DRIVE TO OFFICE",after the call from dispatch,"DRIVE TO AIRPORT" arrived at the airport walk to the back of the black station car at the bottom right of the screen,"LOOK PLATE",walk to the front,"LOOK PLATE" enter your car,"CALL",leave your car,walk north and go to the box on the traffic control light,"PRESS BUTTON",cross the street,"TALK GIRL","BUY ROSE",enter the airport,walk to the woman behind the counter,"SHOW ID","SHOW PHOTO","GET LIST","BUY TICKET TO HOUSTON","BUY TICKET TO HOUSTON",walk to the men's room,go to the middle toilet,"ENTER TOILET","LOOK TOILET","OPEN TOILET","LOOK TOILET","TAKE GUN","EXIT". (at this point we discoverd a bug in PQ2. if you want to see it enter the toilet again. "LOOK TOILET", "OPEN TOILET","LOOK TOILET","GET GUN". great to know that the guys (and girls)at sierra aren't infallible). leave to toilets and go to the west on to top of the screen,walk to the girl on the left side of the counter,"SHOW ID","SHOW PHOTO","GET LIST",walk up the stairs and go to the security guard,"SHOW ID",take a look at everyone,walk west to the plane,walk to the chair next to keith's,"SIT","WEAR SEATBELTS",when the stewardess says your name type "YES",now walk back to your car (don't forget traffic rules). enter your car "CALL","CALL","DRIVE TO OFFICE",enter the office and go to the evidence window",BOOK EVIDENCE",walk to your desk,"SIT","LOOK BASKET","USE PHONE","0","LYTTON","MARIE WILKANS","555-4169","HELLO","STAND",walk to your own car and "UNLOCK DOOR",,"DRIVE TO ARNIES",enter the restaurant and walk over to marie,"SIT","YES",TALK MARIE",when the waiter ask what you want,"LOBSTER","KISS MARIE","GIVE ROSE","KISS MARIE",when the waiter brings the food,"EAT","CALL WAITER" DAY 2 "GET KEYS",leave the car and enter the office,get the car keys from the bullein board,look in the basket on your desk,enter your unmarked car and "DRIVE TO 160 WEST ROSE",walk to the trunk of the car,"LOOK TRUNK","TAKE PHOTO","SEARCH BODY","GET CORNER","READ CORNER","LOOK TRUNK","GET BODY","LOOK TRUNK","GET NOTE","TAKE BLOOD","EXIT",enter your car,"DRIVE TO 753 THIRD STREET",walk to the man behind the window,"SHOW ID","SHOW PHOTO",enter the car,"CALL",leave the car,wait for the man with the warrant,walk to the man,"GET WARRANT",walk to the man behind the window,"SHOW ID","SHOW WARRANT","GET KEY",enter your car,"CALL BACKUP",wait for the backup yo arrive,talk to officer,,,walk to the door and stand on the right side of it,"POLICE","UNLOCK DOOR",wait for the gas to clear (exiting huh,this is just like Miami Vice, but where the hell is ticardo rubbs ),enter the room,walk to the left side of the bed, "OPEN DRAWER","TAKE ENVELOPE","READ ENVELOPE",walk to the right side of the bed,"LOOK UNDER BED","TAKE LIPSTICK","LOOK LIPSTICK",walk to the bathroom and "LOOK SINK","TAKE CARD","READ CARD",make a note of the number on the card,leave the room and walk to chuck,"TALK TO CHUCK",enter your car,"DRIVE TO MARIE",leave the car and walk to the front door,"GET NOTE","READ NOTE","OPEN DOOR",enter the house,it looks like marie is kidnapped by bains,"LOOK ROOM",walk to the table on the right,"LOOK FLOOR","LOOK ASHTRAY","GET PAPER","DUST ASHTRAY","USE FINGERPRINT TAPE","LOOK FINGERPRINT",walk to the chair on the right,"SEARCH CHAIR". so there's that dollar bill you lost three months ago. go to your car and drive to the office,book your evidence. now go to the office right to the evidence window and go to the first man, "TALK BURGLARY",go to your desk,"SIT","USE PHONE","407-555-3323",HELLO", "TALK ABOUT BAINS","0","STEELTON",POLICE","407-555-2677","HELLO", "TALK ABOUT BAINS",leave the office,go to the shooting range and recalibrate your gun (make sure you use up your old ammo),go to your office, "GIVE LEAD",go to your car,"DRIVE TO THE AIRPORT",go to the girl behind the desk,"SHOW ID","BUY TICKET TO STEELTON","BUY TICKET TO STEELTON", go to the plane (show your id to the security man),enter the plane sit down and wear your belt,,when the plane reaches cruising altitude remove your belt,when two arabs come in and hyjack the plane wait until one of them drop the stewardes,,and then shoot the bastards! (this takes some practice so save the game but it can be done),walk over to the body's,"SEARCH MASKED MANS POCKETS","SEARCH UNMASKED MANS TROUSERS","SEARCH TURBAN",go to the washroom at the back of the plane and "LOOK DISPENSER",OPEN DISPENSER" (yikes a B B BB Bomb),"READ INSTRUCTIONS" now we are going to disarm the bomb so be calm a) "DISCONNECT YELLOW WIRE" b) "DISCONNECT BLUE WIRE" c) "DISCONNECT PURPLE WIRE" d) "CONNECT YELLOW WIRE" e) "DISCONNECT WHITE WIRE" f) "DISCONNECT YELLOW WIRE" that wasn't to difficult,"EXIT" you are taken to the police station of steelton,"LOOK TABLE","TAKE RADIOS",leave the office and you are taken to burt park. go north,go east,walk around until a man apears,"USE RADIO","READ RIGHTS",INTERROGATE MAN","LOOK",walk to the bottom left side of the screen,"LOOK MANHOLE","OPEN MANHOLE","CLIMB LADDER" (it sure smells funny downhere),walk to the bottom of the picture,cross the bridge,walk up,walk around the corner,walk forward until the next corner,walk around the corner (watch the gas),walk down,turn right at the corner,"LOOK WALL","OPEN CABINET","TAKE MASK",cross the bridge opposite the cabinet,walk east,turn right,walk down to the bridge,cross the bridge,walk down until you are at a dead end,cross the bridge,walk up,turn left,cross the bridge,go west,and look there is a door,enter the door,walk over to marie,"CALM MARIE","UNTIE MARIE",hide behind the big tube on the left,,,when bains comes in kill that FUC^Y#%$ bastard. WATCH AND ENJOY THE SHOW ************************ THE END. -------- HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE GAME AS MUCH AS WE DID!!!!!!. WE'LL BE SEEING YOU IN SPACEQUEST III, ETC. ETC. WE ARE: LOUIS TREEBUSCH (DEN HAAG) TEL:070-504113. ----------------------------------------- EDDIE TOET (DEN HAAG) TEL:070-932034. ------------------------------------------ IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS JUST LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THE LAMP (01717-3263). YOUR GUIDING LIGHT THROUGH A WORLD OF MYSTERY AND ADVENTURES. OR AT THE GAMEBOARD EUROPE (03440-14029):FOR ALL YOUR GAMES. OR AT VCT-BBS (070-961900). YOUR SYSOP THERE : EDDIE TOET! OR AT NEABBS (020-717666). AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL THANKS TO SIERRA ON LINE INC. FOR BRINGING US THEIR GREAT GAMES. BYE BYE. PS. THIS SOLUTION WILL GIVE YOU ABOUT 264 POINTS OUT OF 300 POINTS MAXIMUM. IF THERE IS ANYBODY OUT THERE WHO NOWS WHERE TO GET THE REMAINING POINTS WE WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF HE OR SHE OR IT ,LETS US KNOW WHERE TO GET THEM. PS.PS. WHE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY MISTAKES MADE IN THIS SOLUTION. TRY SOLVING IT YOURSELF THE NEXT TIME. OR BLAME YOURSELF FOR BUYING THIS GAME. YOU DID BUY IT,OR DIDN'T YOU ?!?!?!? ************************************ BYE BYE ! Return to Eden - hints & tips From the north bank of the river go N E W S. Eat the pill to cure radiation sickness. Here are the answers to Graunch's riddles: Genie in box = COMPUTER What goes on four feet then three then two but more feet the weaker it be = MAN Rich man wants it, the poor man has it = NOTHING Our blood is cold; beneath our arms men walk = TREES This blind god conquers all = LOVE You all know me, you don't trust me yet you give me live = NEWS A great healer; beaten, he runs out and flies away = TIME When I came you didn't feel me: I am here though you can't see me = LIFE A pet to many he belongs, to welcome us he licks our fingers warmly = FIRE STER BBS: 01880-40035  HOW TO SOLVE : SAVAGE ISLAND PT. 1 PRESENTED BY: NEABBS AND STER: 01880-40035 >DIG SAND >WITH HANDS >LOOK HOLE >GET BOTTLE >EAST >CLIMB TREE >GET COCONUTS >DOWN >WEST >DOWN >DROP COCONUTS >SOUTH >SOUTH >GO VOLCANO >SAVE GAME IF THE BEAR GETS YOU, "QUIT" AND RESTORE YOUR GAME. >GO VOLCANO >GO CAVE >EMPTY BOTTLE >EAST >GO LAKE >DROP BOTTLE >HOLD BREATH >SWIM DOWN >SWIM NORTH >SWIM EAST >SWIM UP >SWIM WEST >GO CREVICE >JUMP >EAST >SAVE GAME IF HURRICANE ALEXIS OR THE BEAR GET YOU, "QUIT" AND RESTORE YOUR GAME. >WAIT >DOWN >SOUTH >EAST >GET LOG >WEST >SOUTH >GO VOLCANO >GO LAKE >DROP LOG >HOLD BREATH >SWIM DOWN >GET KNIFE >GET BLOCK >SWIM UP >GET LOG >GET BOTTLE >SWIM WEST >DROP BOTTLE >DROP KNIFE >DROP BLOCK >EAST >DROP LOG >SWIM WEST >GET BOTTLE >GO CREVICE >JUMP >EAST >DOWN >GET WATER >FILL BOTTLE >SOUTH >SOUTH >GO VOLCANO >GO CAVE >GO CREVICE >EMPTY BOTTLE "LOOK" UNTIL IT EVAPORATES. >GET SALT >GO CREVICE >DROP SALT >GET RUM >EAST >GO LAKE >GET LOG >SWIM WEST >DROP BOTTLE >EAST >SWIM EAST >UP >GO LAKE >SWIM WEST >GET BOTTLE >GET KNIFE >GET BLOCK >GO CREVICE >JUMP >EAST >DOWN >DROP BOTTLE >DROP BLOCK >SOUTH >LOOK JUNGLE >CUT VINES >GET VINES >SOUTH >GET LOG >NORTH >DOWN >DROP LOG >SOUTH >EAST >GET LOG >WEST >DOWN >DROP LOG >DROP VINES >DROP KNIFE >MAKE RAFT >SOUTH >SOUTH >GO VOLCANO >GO LAKE >SWIM WEST >SLEEP >GO CREVICE >JUMP >EAST >DOWN >GET KNIFE >SOUTH >CUT VINES >GET VINES >DOWN >GET BOTTLE >GET COCONUTS >GO RAFT >WAIT (FOR THE CANNON) >SAIL (UNTIL YOU REACH THE ATOLL) >GO ATOLL >GIVE BOTTLE >GET NOTE >READ NOTE >DROP NOTE >GET BANDANNA >CUT VINES >MAKE RAFT >GO RAFT >SAIL (UNTIL YOU REACH THE BEACH) >GO BEACH >GO CAVE >USE COCONUTS >DROP COCONUTS >GO CREVICE >NORTH >WEST >PUSH BUTTON >SAY FREE >GO FIELD >GO FIELD >EAST >SOUTH >SOUTH >SOUTH >GO RAFT >SAIL (UNTIL YOU REACH THE TIDEPOOL) >GO TIDEPOOL >CUT VINES >GET LOG >DROP BANDANNA >SOUTH >CUT VINES >GET VINES >SOUTH >GO VOLCANO >GO CAVE >GO OPENING >SOUTH >NORTH >DIG GUANO >WITH HANDS >GET WIRE >GO OPENING >EAST >GO LAKE >SWIM WEST >DROP LOG >SLEEP >GO CREVICE >JUMP >EAST >DOWN >DROP BLOCK >DROP KNIFE >DROP VINES >DROP BANDANNA >DROP WIRE >SOUTH >SOUTH >GO VOLCANO >GO LAKE >SWIM WEST >GET LOG >EAST >SWIM >UP >GO LAKE >SWIM WEST >GO CREVICE >JUMP >EAST >SOUTH >GET LOG >NORTH >DOWN >MAKE RAFT >GET WIRE >GET BANDANNA >GET BLOCK >GO RAFT >SAIL (UNTIL YOU REACH THE BEACH) >GO BEACH >GO CAVE >GO CREVICE >NORTH >EAST >SOUTH >FIX MACHINE >WITH WIRE >NORTH >WEST >SOUTH >EAST >LOOK CASE >PUSH BUTTON >WEST >NORTH >WEST >GO FIELD ----------------------STER bbs: 01880-40035 34 SDI , STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE HINTS EN TIPS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Wat je moet doen: 1) Vernietig vijandelijke jagers 2) Repareer defekte satelieten 3) Vernietig Russische rakketten 4) Als het Russische station in nood is (Natalya zal je dan om hulp vragen) dan MOET je een reddingspoging doen. 5) Na het verlaten van het Russische station vernietig je de overgebleven vijandelijke jagers. Ruimte station """""""""""""" Scanner: Klik het groene oplichtende display aan. Sateliet status: Het knipperende display rechtsboven in de hoek laat het SDI sateliet netwerk zien. SDI control: De 2 knipperende schermen in het midden zorgen voor de raket defensie sector. Airlock: Om de jager te kunnen betreden moet je je 'karakter' in het midden van het scherm aanklikken. Een lift brengt je dan naar de lucht sluis. Raket verdediging: Beweeg je cursor met de joystick naar het eind van de raket en druk op de vuurknop. De volgende informatie wordt dan zichtbaar: PRIMARY SATELLITE STATUS (functional or damaged) MISSILE DESTINATION (an American city) SATELLITE NUMBER MISSILE COORDINATES Druk nu snel nogmaals op de vuurknop. Je krijgt nu PRIMARY en SECONDARY op je scherm te zien. Een k links dan wel rechts te bewegen. Daarna moet je beslissen tussen FULL BEAM en PULSE. Wanneer de raket op het scherm verschijnt moet je het op het doel richten en op de vuurknop drukken om hem te lanceren. Primary: selekteerd de eerste sateliet Secondary: Als de eerste sateliet beschadigt is dan MOET je de 2e kiezen. (Nu de raket vernietigen is veel en veel moeilijker) Full Beam: vuurt een klein verdedigingswapen af. Makkelijker te richten, maar je hebt ook maar 1 kans om de raket te vernietigen. Pulse: Aanbevolen bij de tweede aktie. Als er geen raketten meer zichtbaar zijn, klik dan op het woord EXIT. CONTROLE PANEEL """"""""""""""" De indicator links laat je snelheid zien. Je brandstof meter zit in het midden en de status van je verdedigings schilden zie je rechts. De Amerikaanse en Russische stations zullen als donkere zwarte vlekken op je radar zichtbaar zijn. Defekte of beschadigde stations worden getoond als kleinere knipperende vlekken. Satelieten die gerepareerd moeten worden zijn ook zichtbaar op het hoofdscherm. Wanneer een vijandelijke raket ontdekt wordt, dan zal de computer automatisch met aftellen beginnen. Je hebt dan precies 2 minuten om te landen in een amerikaans station, de boel te repareren en te tanken en als laatste om je anti-raket verdedigings wapen in te stellen. Ga te vroeg terug en je verspild tijd! Ga te laat terug en je verliest steden! Als het Russische station naar zijn grootje is, dan zal de timer 4 minuten lang af gaan tellen. Hoe sneller je aanlegt op dit station hoe meer tijd je overhoud om Natalya te redden uit de klauwen van de KGB. KEYBOARD COMMANDO'S """"""""""""""""""" M = Als het witte 'berichten lampje' knippert moet je op M drukken om de binnenkomende boodschap te kunnen lezen. +/- = Te gebruiken om snelheid te vermeerderen dan wel te verminderen. D = Om aan te leggen bij een sateliet. Bestuur je schip met de joystick naar het midden van een van de twee stations binnen het rode aanleg doel. Druk op de vuurknop van de joystick voor hulp van de computer bij het aanleggen. Door weer op de D te drukken komt u weer in de 'vuur mode'. S = De scanner laat doorlopend het laatste nieuwe positie's zien op een wereldkaart. Je eigen schip is daar op te zien als een kleine witte driehoek. Je kunt je jager roteren door de joystick naar links of rechts te bewegen. Je schip zal dan in die richting draaien. Je kunt de scanner weer verlaten door op de vuurknop te drukken. R = Repareren van jagers gaat eigenlijk net zo als bij het aanleggen. Wanneer de beschadigde sateliet is gecentreerd in het groene reparatie doel druk je op de vuurknop. Opnieuw de R indrukken en je verlaat de reparatie mode. COMPUTER AIDED DOCKING SEQUENCE """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1) Plaats de aanlegplek in het midden van je scherm dmv de joystick. 2) Je schip zal nu automatisch accelereren. 3) Verminder snelheid door op de vuurknop te drukken en zodoende je rem rakketten in werking te stellen. 4) Als je niet goed in hetmidden zit of te snel gaat zal de aanleg mogelijkheid vervallen. 5) eenmaal binnen een Amerikaans station heb je de mogelijkheid om te tanken, te repareren en je schilden te herstellen. 6) Beweeg de cursor naar de witte oplichtende letters in het rode venster en druk op de vuurknop. 7) Om het station binnen te gaan druk je op ENTER AIRLOCK. 8) Kies DISENGAGE om terug te keren naar de strijd. 9) Vuren met je lasers doe je met de vuurknop op je joystick. 10) Als je schip geraakt is laat de computer je op het scherm een close-up zien van je karakter waar je mee speelt. 11) Ga altijd terug naar je thuisbasis als je wilt repareren. 12) Met de spatiebalk kan je de muziek aan of uit zetten. Veel speel plezier. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {} Bericht afkomstig uit: BBS DE SAEN 075- 314430 {} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} a/ /s THE SOLUTION TO SEASTALKER by Math Claessens ANSWER THE VIDEOPHONE-TUNE VIDEOPHONE-GET MICROPHONE-TURN MICROPHONE ON-ASK ABOUT PROBLEM-GOOD-BYE-DROP MICROPHONE-E-E- CLOSE CIRCUIT BREAKER-E-LOOK AT TIP-W-W-W-S-S-W-GET CAPSULE-N- ENTER HATCH-PUT CAPSULE IN REACTOR-CLOSE REACTOR-TURN IT ON-FILL THE TANK-TURN ENGINE ON-OPEN GATE-CLOSE HATCH-TURN EAST AND OPEN THROTTLE-SET THE SCOPE TO AUTOMATIC-(NOW GO NE UNTIL YOU HAVE PASSED TROUGH THE OPENING,AVOID SHIPS,WHEN YOU HAVE GONE TROUGH THE OPENING YOU MUST TYPE THE FOLLOWING:)-TURN AUTOPILOT ON-WAIT- NO-WAIT-WAIT-WAIT-WAIT-NO-AIM THE BRASS SEARCH LIGHT TO STARBOARD-WAIT-YES-NO-PRESS TEST BUTTON-STOP-WAIT-WAIT-OPEN THROTTLE-WAIT-NO-GET SONARPHONE-TALK TO ZOE-OPEN THROTTLE-WAIT- OPEN THROTTLE-LOOK UNDER SEAT-GET GEAR-ASK TIP FOR THE MAGAZINE- OPEN HATCH-LEAVE SUB-READ THE MAGAZINE-READ THE ARTICLE-N-N-ASK ZOE ABOUT PROBLEM-N-GET THE TOOL FROM TIP-OPEN THE DOOR WITH THE TOOL-GET THE RELAY AND SCREW IT INTO THE EMPTY SPACE-S-ASK ZOE ABOUT PROBLEM-ASK ZOE ABOUT EVIDENCE-GET BOX-LOOK UNDER DESK-LOOK AT THE OBJECT-YES-YES-YES-NO-OPEN DOOR-W-N-N-INSTALL THE BOX ON EQUIPMENT-S-S-S-GET GRID AND BAZOOKA-N-W-(FIEND SIEGEL AND:)-ASK MARV TO FIX THE SONAR-YES-W-N-N-NO-YES-YES-YES-SHOW DOC THE MAGAZINE-YES-YES-ASK TIP TO INSTALL THE BAZOOKA ON THE SCIMITAR- YES-NO-GET DART-GET DART-ASK TIP TO INSTALL THE DART ON THE SCIMITAR-YES-YES-YES-S-S-E-S-S-S-EXAMINE UNIT-GET SYRINGE-OPEN HATCH-LEAVE SUB-N-N-W-N-N-SHOW SYRINGE TO DOC-WAIT-NO-ASK BILL ABOUT SYRINGE-TURN ELECTRICITY OFF-TURN ELECTRICITY ON-W-W-S-S-S- FILL THE TANK-WAIT-NO-TURN ENGINE ON-OPEN GATE-OPEN THROTTLE-S- SET SCOPE TO AUTOMATIC-(NOW GO SE FOR SOME TIME AND YOU WILL FIND THE SNARK)-WAIT-(WHEN YOU HAVE FOUND THE SNARK YOU HEAR DOCTOR THORPE-DO YOU READ ME)-YES-YES-YES-YES-SPEAK TO SHARON-YES-YES- YES-YES-YES-OPEN THROTTLE-(NOW YOU MUST GO BEHIND THE SEA CAT AND THEN:)-AIM THE BAZOOKA TO THE SEA CAT AND FIRE BAZOOKA-YES!!! THE END!!!! Having troubles solving an adventure? Any adventure? Then you can write to me or call me: Math Claessens Wagenaarstraat 58 6164 XM Geleen The Netherlands Tel. 04494-52532  STER BBS: 01880-40035 )>>.................................<<( )> HOW <( )> T O <( )> SOLVE <( )> SOFTPORN ADVENTURE <( )> --------^--------- <( )> <( )> PRESENTED BY: NEABBS <( )>>........... and STER ............<<( )> <( )> HERE'S JUST THE COMMANDS, I DID <( )> NOT WANT TO MAKE A STORY OUT OF <( )> THIS.......... <( )> <( )> N, HAIL TAXI, DISCO, E, BUY RUB- <( )> BER(HIT RETURN FOR COLOR,..ECT.) <( )> W, HAIL TAXI, BAR, S, PUSH BUTTON <( )> BELLY BUTTON, E, U, WEAR RUBBER, <( )> FUCK HOOKER, GET CANDY, DROP RUB- <( )> BER, N, D, LOOK GARBAGE, LOOK <( )> CORE, GET SEEDS, W, S, W, GET <( )> FLOWERS, N, LOOK WASHBASIN, GET <( )> RING, S, E, HAIL TAXI, CASINO, E, <( )> E, U, W, LOOK ASHTRAY, GET PASS- <( )> CARD, E, D, W, W, HAIL TAXI, <( )> DISCO, N, SHOW PASSCARD, W, BUY <( )> WINE, GIVE FLOWERS, GIVE RING, <( )> GIVE CANDY, DROP CANDY, E, S, <( )> GIVE WINE, GET KNIFE, E, DROP <( )> WINE, W, HAIL TAXI, CASINO, N, <( )> MARRY GIRL, S, HAIL TAXI, DISCO, <( )> N, SHOW PASSCARD, W, S, DIAL <( )> 555-0987, N, E, S, HAIL TAXI, <( )> CASINO, E, E, U, W, S, FUCK GIRL, <( )> USE KNIFE, DROP PASSCARD, DROP <( )> KNIFE, N, E, D, LOOK PLANT, ENTER <( )> BUSHES, GET STOOL, GET HAMMER, <( )> DROP SEEDS, EAT MUSHROOM, <( )> <( )> THE BAR, IF YOU ARE NOT AROUND <( )> THE BARTENDER THEN MOVE AROUND <( )> UNTIL YOU GET TO HIM.!> <( )> <( )> BUY WHISKEY, DROP WALLET, W, GIVE <( )> WHISKEY, GET UNIT, E, PUSH BUTTON,<( )> BELLYBUTTON, E, TV ON, 6, DROP <( )> UNIT, U, N, USE ROPE, W, BREAK <( )> WINDOW, S, GET PILLS, N, E, DROP <( )> ROPE, D, W, HAIL TAXI, CASINO, E, <( )> E, U, GIVE PILLS, DROP PILLS, <( )> DROP HAMMER, PUSH BUTTON, E, DROP <( )> STOOL, CLIMB STOOL, LOOK CABINET, <( )> GET PITCHER, WATER ON, FILL PITCH-<( )> ER, W, PUSH BUTTON, D, ENTER <( )> BUSHES, WATER SEEDS, GET APPLE, <( )> EAT MUSHROOM, <( )> <( )> <( )> <( )> N, HAIL TAXI, CASINO, E, E, U, <( )> PUSH BUTTON, U, N, D, GIVE APPLE, <( )> SCREW GIRL(OR EVE)............. <( )> <( )> NOW YOU'VE WON <( )> SOFTPORN <( )> ADVENTURE <( )>>.................................<<( Well, you took care of Krill and returned to the Guild Hall in triumph, but things don't look good for you at the moment. Not when you're standing there facing the slavering jaws of a vicious hellhound! Fortunately for you,this time, it's only a dream, so just wait, and you will wake up in your room in the Guild Hall. Whew! However, it's a bit dark in here, so Frotz your spellbook, get up, and head West into the hallway. Read the note on your door if you like, although it's not all that important. It just lets you know you are here alone. Now's a good a time as any to tell you that not all the spells you know will be useful in the game, nor all the potions you will find. So unless you're told specifically to take an item, you can safely ignore it. Now, head along South down the hall until you reach the Lobby. Go West into the Store Room, and pick up the Ochre Vial and the matchbook. Open the vial and drink the potion, which will prevent you from becoming hungry and thirsty. Drop the now-empty vial. Read the matchbook if you like, then return East and place the matchbook in the receptacle. Moving North twice, and West once, brings you to Belboz's quarters. Listen to the bird as you lift the wall hanging, revealing a key. Now examine the desk and open the drawer. Inside are several items, but the only useful one is the journal. Use the key to unlock the journal, then read it. Make *careful* note of the day's code!! Go East to the hall again, South once, and West into Helistar's room. Here you will find a scroll of Gaspar. Take and Gnusto the scroll, then head back to the hall, and South to the Lobby. By this time, you've probably heard the doorbell chime, which means the mail's in. Open the receptacle, and inside is an issue of Popular Enchanting and an Orange Vial. Get the vial, then go East into the Library. There is a scroll of Meef here. Get and Gnusto that one. Now, it's time to leave this place. If you've played the game before, you know that if you try going out the main entrance, you will be stopped. You may also know that if you DON'T get out, you will eventually fall asleep and find yourself in the Room of Living Death, which is MOST unpleasant, and from which there is no escape. So, now's the time to get a move on! Head down into the Cellar, where the trunk is. There are five buttons on the trunk, and each one is a different color. The sequence to open the trunk is keyed to the code of the day in the journal, and will change with each game. The code itself is the colors of a monster from the Infotater. Whatever monster was noted in the journal, look it up on the Infotater, and make note of its colors, and what order they are in. Save the game (just in case, because if you make even one little error, you will not be able to open the trunk!!), then press the buttons in the proper order as given in the Infotater. If you've done it right, the trunk lid will spring open by itself after you push the last button. If the trunk does not open, restore the game and try again. Ok, so now you have the moldy scroll of Aimfiz, which is one of those complex ones that you can only use once. Actually, you only need to use it once, so that's no problem. All you have to do is figure out which person you want to exchange places with. Since there aren't too many choices, it won't take you long to discover it's none other than Belboz himself. So, Aimfiz Belboz, and you're out of the Hall and on your way to visiting Jeear! Ok, so now you're out of the Hall, but look where the spell took you: to the same forest you were dreaming of at the start of the game. And there's the Hellhound, too! And this time, it's no dream! You better not wait around this time, so immediately head Northwest to the Forest Edge. Here you will find a Snake Hole, as well as paths North and East. The North path is mined with magical mines. This is a red herring in the game, as there is no way to go safely along the path. You can ignore it without fear of missing something important. The Snake Hole is another matter, so climb down into it, and then down again to the Slimy Room, and South from there into the Crater. Go West to the Chasm's Edge. You can't jump across the chasm, but flying over is no problem. Learn Izyuk twice, cast it on yourself once. Now just go West twice and you will be on the other side. Go North, and you will be in a room with what appears to be a tree of coins. However, that's an illusion, and you will only be able to get one coin. Take it, return to the Chasm Edge, then Izyuk and fly back across. Now go back the way you came, all the way to the Forest Edge. This time, go East to the Meadow (don't stop to admire scenery; those are MEAN locusts on the horizon!), then Northwest to the Riverbank. Learn the Pulver spell, then Pulver the river. It will dry up, and you can move East into the river, where you will see a small cave to the Northest. Go there. Inside, you will find several items. Get the scroll with the Fweep spell, and Gnusto it. Then get the bat guano, but leave the vial; it has no use in the game. Now go down the hole, and you will be at the Pit of Bones. If you go South, you will find the Torture Chamber, which has another useless potion, so go Southwest into the Dungeon instead. From here, go up into the Ruins. Learn Izyuk again, then go West across the drawbridge (careful, don't fall in!!), then West again to the Meadow, where you now cast Izyuk on yourself. You have time to do that and move before the locusts arrive. Once you're flying, go Northeast to the Riverbank, and this time, Southeast to the Fort Entrance. You need to use Izyuk because the river bank has a distressing tendency to crumble after the first visit. Around about now, you're probably feeling sleepy. Don't worry about it, just lie down and sack out for awhile. You may or may not have a strange dream. Ignore any dreams, as they are just "for show", and have no important clues to the game. When you waken again, go East into the Parade Ground. There is a flag at the top of a tall flagpole; lower the flag and search it. You will find an Aqua Vial. Take that, it will come in handy later. Now, go East again, and you will be at the cannon. If you look inside, you will see what appears to be a pile of scrolls. Actually, they are not scrolls at all, but a group of Yipples, peacefully sleeping in the barrel. However, there IS one real scroll in there, and you will need it later. So, drop the bat guano into the barrel, and the Yipples will take off, leaving the real scroll, with the Yonk spell, for you to take and Gnusto. You are now just about finished above ground. Return to the entrance, learn Izyuk twice, and fly Northwest to the River Bank, and West to the meadow. Here you should Izyuk again (the drawbridge is like the river bank), and go East twice to the Ruins. From the Ruins, go down into the Dungeon, down again to the Highway, and then East to the Toll Gate and the sleeping Gnome. Wake him up and give him your Zorkmid. He'll open the gate, then promptly fall asleep again. Go East through the gate. Ignore the store; that's another red herring in the game. Continue East to the End of the Highway. There's a hut here, but we won't be looking in there just now. Instead, go North to the Entrance Hall, and then North again to the Glass Arch. You are about to enter the infamous Glass Maze. Getting through it the first time is quite easy; getting out again is quite another matter. There are two ways back, the long and hard way, or the quick and dirty way. If you want to go the easy route, learn Gaspar once and Fweep once, then Gaspar yourself right now. If you want do to it the hard way, learn Fweep three times. Ok, drop everything here, go East into the Maze, and Fweep yourself. Now fly along the following route: North, East, South, South, West, Down, East, East, North, North, Up, Up, South, East and you're now at the Hollow. Here you will find the Swanzp scroll, but you can't do much until Fweep wears off. So wait around until you're human again. As soon as you pick up the scroll, the maze layout will change. Oops! Now what? Well, first, drop the scroll down the hole (it's the chimney of the little hut). Now what you do next depends on how you decided to get back out. If you opted for quick and dirty, walk West, West, South, East, and you will fall through the Maze and splatter. However, the Gaspar spell will activate, and your Guardian Angel will restore you to life at the spot the spell was cast, which in this case was the Glass Arch. However, if you want to do it the hard way, then here's how: Fweep yourself, then fly the following route: West, West, South, Down, Down, West, West, Up, Up, North, North, Down, East. At about this point, the spell will wear off. Fweep again, and continue: South, East, North, Down, West, South, West, Up, West, and you're back at the Arch again. Whew!! Again, wait around till the spell wears off, then pick up everything and go to the hut. In the fireplace, you will see the Swanzo scroll. Gnusto the spell, and then take a nap, because by now you're tired again. Awakening refreshed, leave the hut and head on back to the Toll Gate. The Gnome is still here, and still asleep, so now's your chance: search him, and you will find your Zorkmid! All right, Now, keep going West until you come to the Bend, where you head Southwest to the Edge of the Crater, then Down into the crater itself. From there, move along South into the North/South tunnel, and the Southwest to the Amusement Park Entrance. Try to go West, and a Gnome will appear and demand a Zorkmid. Give him your coin, and then proceed West into the park. Of all the places here, only one is important: the Arcade. Everything else is pretty much for show. So, keep on West until you reach the end of the Midway,^?4n go South into the Arcade. Open the Aqua Vial, drink the potion, then drop the vial. You are now dexterous enough to win a prize, so take the ball and throw it at a bunny. POW! Direct hit! As the bunny goes flying, the hawker will give you a glittering scroll of Malyon. You don't need to Gnusto this one, as it will be used only once, and very soon. Now leave the park, and once back in the tunnel, go south and you will be in the Carving Room. One carving looks like a dragon, and that's the one you want. First, Yonk Malyon. Then, learn Malyon. Finally, Malyon Dragon. The souped-up spell brings the Dragon to life! Good thing for you it's not permanent, or you might have been fried to a crisp! In any case, there is now a passage South through the wall. Take that into the Sooty Room. Now you're about to enter the most bizarre part of the game. Open the Orange Vial. Frotz yourself. Go East into the Coal Bin room. There will be a cave-in behind you, so you can't go back now. In addition, you're having some some trouble breathing, so drink the orange potion and drop the vial. Suddenly, your Older Self appears, sliding down from the Upper Chute! Listen carefully, and your twin will tell you a number. Make careful note of it! Now, hand your spellbook to your Twin, who will take it and dive down the Lower Chute. Go East to the Dial Room. There is a dial on the door, which can be set to any number from 0-873. Set it to the number your Twin just gave you. This is also a variable number and will change from game to game. Then open the door, and go into the Shaft Bottom. Get the rope. Make sure that you have nothing with you now but that rope. If you have anything else, drop it. Climb up to the Shaft Top. Go Southwest into the mine. A timber is here (doesn't that bring back fond memories of Zork?). Tie the rope to the timber, then continue on Northwest and West. You are now at the top of the Upper Chute. Put the beam across the chute, then drop the rope down the chute. Finally, climb down the rope, and you will be in the Slanted Room. There is a scroll here, and also an opened lantern. Get the scroll, and Golmac yourself back in time. Now open the lantern, and get the Vardik spell. Time is running short, so go East down the chute into the Coal Bin room, where you will see....your Younger Self! Now, most important: you must do as your twin did before! Tell your Twin the combination to the Dial Room door. Now your Twin will give you the spell book, just as you did earlier (really one of the neater parts of this game!). As soon as you have the book, go down the Lower Chute to the Lagoon. Ah, air again! Take a deep breath, then sleep awhile, because you're probbaly tired again. Now learn Meef twice, Swanzo, once drop the spellbook, and go East into the Lagoon. Dive down to the bottom, and Meef the Spenseweeds, revealing a crate. Get the crate and return to shore. Drop and open the crate. Inside, among other things, is a can of grue repellant. Get that, and walk Northeast along the Ocean Shore and North to the Mouth of the River. There is a cave to the West, it's entrance covered by nasty-looking vines. Meef the vines, and Vardik yourself. Now, spray the repellant on yourself and enter the cave. Wow! Grues are everwhere, and they don't fear the light!! Fortunately though, the repellant still works. However, I wouldn't advise staying around! So, move along West and you will come to three doors. Two of them lead to VERY unpleasant circumstances. You don't want those, so open the white door. Inside the room is Belboz, who is possessed by the demon Jeear. Swanzo Belboz, and the demon will leave him, and attempt to enter YOUR mind! But the Vardik spell will keep him out, and, with no host available, he will vanish! Belboz will now regain his senses, and will magic the both of you back to the Guild Hall. Here Belboz announces his retirement, and names you as the new head of the Circle! Congratulations, Sorcerer! Merry Xmas Wimmie, Theo Okhuijsen The lamp fido 017171-3263 22.30 -07.00 uur STER BBS: 01880-40035 ******************************************************************************* * OPLOSSING SPACE QUEST I DOOR JEFFREY KUIJT * ******************************************************************************* DE TEKST, DIE TUSSEN < EN > STAAT, IS HET COMMANDO, DAT RECHTSTREEKS MOET WORDEN INGEVOERD. DEZE OPLOSSING GEEFT ONGEVEER 190 PUNTEN. ******************************************************************************* LOOP NAAR LINKS EN GA DOOR DE DEUR. JE BENT IN DE COMPUTERKAMER. LOOP VERDER NAAR LINKS EN GA DOOR DE DEUR. LOOP HELEMAAL DOOR, TOTDAT JE BIJ EEN LIJK KOMT. LOOP ER TEGENAAN EN TIK IN: . GA NU TERUG NAAR DE COMPUTERKAMER. WACHT EVEN EN ER KOMT EEN GEWONDE MAN BINNEN. LOOP NAAR HEM TOE EN TIK IN: . HIJ NOEMT HET WOORD "ASTRAL BODY". LOOP NAAR DE COMPUTER EN TIK IN: . ER WORDT EEN TITEL GEVRAAGD. TIK NU IN: . EEN ROBOT PAKT JE CARTRIDGE. TIK NU IN: . LOOP NU NAAR LINKS EN GA DOOR DE DEUR. NEEM DIRECT DE LIFT, DIE JE ALS EERSTE TEGENKOMT. LOOP NU NAAR RECHTS , TOTDAT JE BIJ EEN LIFT KOMT. STAP IN DE LIFT. LOOP NU NAAR RECHTS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE PULSATING DOMES KOMT. LOOP NAAR HET PANEEL EN TIK IN: . LOOP NAAR RECHTS. LINKS VAN DE DEUR ZIE JE EEN GLEUFJE. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: . LOOP NU DOOR DE DEUR. JE ZIET 2 DEUREN, WAAR- TUSSEN ZICH 2 KNOPPEN BEVINDEN. LOOP NAAR DIE KNOPPEN EN TIK IN: . DE LINKER DEUR GAAT OPEN. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE. JE ZIET IETS LIGGEN. TIK IN: . LOOP WEER NAAR DE KNOPPEN. TIK NU IN: . DE RECHTER DEUR GAAT OPEN. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE. JE ZIET EEN RUIMTEPAK. TIK IN: . GA NU ACHTER HET PANEEL STAAN EN TIK IN: . DE DEUR AAN DE LINKERZIJDE GAAT OPEN. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN GA ER DOORHEEN. JE BENT NU OP HET PLATFORM. LOOP NAAR HET PANEEL EN TIK IN: . JE ZIET EEN RUIMTESCHIP. LOOP TEGEN DE GEOPENDE DEUR VAN HET RUIMTESCHIP AAN EN TIK IN: . JE ZIT NU IN HET RUIMTESCHIP. TIK HET VOLGENDE IN: , , , EN . JE BENT ONTSNAPT! JE BENT NEERGESTORT EN AANGEKOMEN OP DE PLANEET KERONA. TIK IN: , EN . JE STAAT IN DE WOESTIJN. LOOP ONDER AAN HET SCHERM NAAR RECHTS. BLIJF NAAR RECHTS LOPEN, TOTDAT JE BIJ EEN PAD KOMT. LOOP HET PAD OP. JE KOMT UITEINDELIJK BIJ EEN BRUG. LOOP SNEL OVER DE BRUG EN GA ACHTER HET ROTSBLOK STAAN, DAT OP DE BRUG LIGT. TIK ALVAST IN: , MAAR DRUK NOG NIET OP ENTER. DRUK PAS OP ENTER, WANNEER DE SPIN PRECIES ONDER HET ROTSBLOK KRUIPT. ALS JE HET GOED HEBT GEDAAN, IS DE SPIN NU DOOD. LOOP NAAR RECHTS EN GA WEER DE BRUG OVER. LOOP HET PAD AF. LOOP NU EEN STUKJE NAAR RECHTS EN LOOP NAAR DE BOVENKANT VAN HET SCHERM. AAN DE RECHTERKANT ZIE JE EEN GROT. TIK NU IN: , EN . GA VOOR DE INGANG VAN DE GROT STAAN EN TIK ALVAST IN: , MAAR DRUK NOG NIET OP ENTER. GA DE GROT IN EN DRUK OP ENTER. HET MONSTER ORAT VREET HET OP EN SPAT VERVOLGENS UIT ELKAAR. OP DE GROND LIGT NOG EEN STUKJE ORAT. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: . GA DE GROT UIT. LOOP NAAR DE ONDERKANT VAN HET SCHERM. JE BENT NU WEER BIJ HET PAD. GA HET PAD OP. GA OVER DE BRUG EN BLIJF ALSMAAR HET PAD VOLGEN. UITEINDELIJK KOM JE BIJ EEN TRIOMFBOOG. LOOP ER DOORHEEN EN JE ZAKT NAAR BENEDEN. LOOP DE LIFTSCHACHT UIT. JE ZIET EEN HEEL KLEIN STEENTJE LIGGEN OP DE GROND. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: . LOOP DE GANG IN. NU ZIE JE EEN ROOSTER LIGGEN. DAARONDER BEVINDT ZICH EEN MONSTER, DUS PAS OP! LOOP TEGEN DE ROTSWAND AAN HET ROOSTER OVER. JE KOMT BIJ EEN GEISER EN TIK IN: . JE ZIET, DAT ER EEN INGANG VRIJKOMT. LOOP ER DOORHEEN. JE ZIET, DAT ER ZURE REGEN NAAR BENEDEN VALT IN HET MEERTJE. DRINK NIET VAN HET WATER! LOOP VERDER DOOR DE GANG HEEN. JE ZIET EEN AANTAL STRALEN. LOOP ER NAAR TOE, MAAR LOOP ER NIET TEGENAAN EN TIK IN: . DE STRALEN ZIJN VERDWENEN EN LOOP NU HET PAD OP. JE ZIET DE ZURE REGEN NAAR BENEDEN VALLEN. LOOP VERDER NAAR RECHTS, MAAR PROBEER WEL DE DRUPPELS TE ONTWIJKEN, WANT ANDERS BEN JE DOOD! TIK NU IN: . LOOP VERDER NAAR RECHTS. JE BENT NU IN EEN DONKERE RUIMTE EN JE ZIET EEN HOLOGRAM OP DE MUUR. TIK IN: . LOOP NAAR VOREN. JE BENT NU IN EEN COMPUTER- KAMER. JE KRIJGT EEN SKIMMER. LOOP NAAR DE COMPUTER. TIK IN: . JE KRIJGT EEN CODE, NAMELIJK 6858. LOOP NAAR DE SKIMMER. TIK IN: , EN . JE GAAT EEN REISJE MAKEN! JE KOMT UIT DE GROND OMHOOG EN JE VLIEGT WEG. PROBEER NU DE STENEN TE ONTWIJKEN. JE MAG MAAR VIER KEER EEN STEEN RAKEN. BIJ DE VIJFDE KEER BEN JE DOOD! GEFELICITEERD, JE BENT AANGEKOMEN OP ULENCE FLATS! TIK IN: . ER KOMT EEN VENT NAAR JE TOE, DIE JE SKIMMER WILT KOPEN. TIK IN: . LOOP EEN PAAR RONDJES OM JE SKIM- MER HEEN. DEZELFDE VENT KOMT NU WEER NAAR JE TOE. TIK NU IN: EN IN RUIL VOOR JE SKIMMER KRIJG JE GELD EN EEN JETPACK. LOOP DE BAR IN EN GA GOKKEN. LOOP TEGEN DE ZIJKANT AAN VAN DE GOKKAST EN GOK TOTDAT JE 250 BUCKS HEBT. DRUK DAN OP F10 EN GA DE BAR UIT. LOOP NAAR LINKS. JE BENT NU BIJ TINY. OP DE VOORGROND ZIE JE 2 RUIMTESCHEPEN. KOOP DEZE NIET! DE LINKER ZAL NAMELIJK ONTPLOFFEN EN DE RECHTER ZAL ZICHZELF INGRAVEN. OP DE ACHTERGROND ZIE JE OOK EEN RUIMTESCHIP. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE. TINY VOLGT JE EN HIJ VRAAGT JE OF JE HET RUIMTESCHIP WILT KOPEN. TIK IN: . GA NU WEER TERUG NAAR DE BAR EN GA WEER GOKKEN, TOTDAT JE ONGEVEER 50 BUCKS HEBT. GA DE BAR UIT, MAAR LOOP NIET MEE MET DIE OP- LICHTER, WANT HIJ ZAL JE GELD DAN AFPAKKEN EN JE VERVOLGENS DOODSCHIETEN! LOOP NAAR DE BOVENKANT VAN HET SCHERM. LOOP NAAR DE RECHTERKANT VAN HET SCHERM. JE BENT NU BIJ DE DROIDS R US. GA NAAR BINNEN. EEN MAN KOMT OP JE AF. LOOP MET HEM MEE OMHOOG. GA BIJ DE RECHTER ROBOT STAAN EN TIK IN: . LOOP WEER NAAR BENEDEN. DE ROBOT BLIJFT JE VOLGEN. LOOP NAAR BUITEN EN GA NAAR JE RUIMTE- SCHIP, DAT JE HEBT GEKOCHT. GA TEGEN HET LADDERTJE VAN JE RUIMTESCHIP STAAN EN TIK IN: , EN . JE VLIEGT NU WEG EN DIE OP- LICHTER IS Z'N RUIMTESCHIP KWIJT. UITEINDELIJK NADER JE HET VIJANDSCHIP DE DEL- TAUR. TIK IN: EN . JE BENT NU BIJ HET VIJAND- SCHIP. IN HET MIDDEN VAN HET SCHERM ZIE JE EEN DEUR. GA DAAR NAAR TOE. TIK IN: EN GA NAAR BINNEN. JE BENT NU IN EEN KLEIN KAMERTJE. WACHT NU EVEN, TOTDAT ER EEN ROBOT UIT DE DEUR KOMT. GA DAN SNEL DOOR DE DEUR HEEN. JE BENT NU IN EEN KAMER, WAAR JE IN HET MIDDEN EEN KIST ZIET STAAN. LOOP NAAR DIE KIST TOE EN TIK IN: , , , , EN . JE WORDT NU WEGGEDRAGEN EN UITEINDELIJK KOM JE IN EEN KAMER MET EEN WASMACHINE. TIK IN: , , EN . JE KOMT NU IN EEN SCHACHT TERECHT. GA NU NAAR LINKS EN DAAR- NA NAAR BENEDEN. GA NU WEER DRIE KEER NAAR BENEDEN. JE KRIJGT NU EEN SCHERM MET AAN JE RECHTERKANT EEN SCHACHT. GA IN DIE SCHACHT EN KRUIP NAAR RECHTS. JE BENT WEER IN DE KAMER MET DE WASMACHINE. TIK NU IN: . GA TEGEN HET DEURTJE VAN DE WASMACHINE STAAN EN TIK IN: EN . ER KOMT NU EEN VIJAND AAN, DIE DE WASMACHINE AANZET. TIK IN: EN . JE HEBT NU EEN UNIFORM VAN DE VIJAND AAN, ZODAT JE NU GEEN GEVAAR MEER LOOPT, DAT JE HERKEND WORDT. LOOP NAAR RECHTS DOOR DE DEUR. LOOP NAAR DE VIJAND EN TIK IN: . GA NU DE LINKER LIFT IN. LOOP NAAR LINKS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE LIFT KOMT. GA DIE LIFT IN. LOOP NU ALSMAAR NAAR RECHTS. JE KOMT DAN IN DE WAPENKAMER. LOOP TEGEN DE TOONBANK EN TIK IN: . LOOP NU SNEL NAAR DE 2 GRANATEN TOE EN TIK IN: . LOOP NAAR DE ROBOT TOE EN JE KRIJGT JE WAPEN. LOOP DE KAMER UIT. JE ZIET BENEDEN DE STARGENERATOR. GA PRE- CIES BOVEN DE STARGENERATOR STAAN EN TIK IN: . GA TERUG NAAR DE WAPENKAMER, GEEF JE KAART AAN DE ROBOT EN PAK DE TWEEDE GRANAAT. LOOP DE KAMER UIT EN LOOP ALSMAAR NAAR LINKS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE LIFT KOMT. JE VERLIEST JE HELM EN VANAF DIT MOMENT ZULLEN DE VIJANDEN OP JE SCHIETEN ALS ZE JE ZIEN; DUS PAS OP! GA DE LIFT IN. LOOP NU ALSMAAR NAAR RECHTS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE STARGENERATOR KOMT. PAS OP VOOR DE VIJANDEN! LOOP NAAR DE DODE VIJAND EN TIK IN: EN . LOOP TEGEN DE STARGENERATOR AAN EN TIK IN: . VUL NU DE CODE 6858 IN MET HET PIJLTJE. LOOP NU NAAR LINKS EN GA DIRECT IN DE LIFT, DIE JE ALS EERSTE TEGENKOMT. GA NU IN DE RECHTER LIFT. JE KOMT BIJ JE RUIMTESCHIP. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: EN . ******************************************************************************* HOERA, JE HEBT HET OVERLEEFD! JE HEBT DE MENSEN GERED! ZE KUNNEN TROTS OP JE ZIJN! ******************************************************************************* * EINDE SPACE QUEST I * ******************************************************************************* UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8 3 Oplossing van S P A C E Q U E S T I I I The Pirates of Pestulon 3 TMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM> Vanaf het eerste plaatje loop je naar het ZUIDEN en daarna OOSTEN . Hier zie een lopende band waartegen je moet gaat staan. Je word dan op een andere band gegooid waar je meteen stand tikt . Meteen daarna JUMP. ( Het is verstandig om hier te gaan saven ) Je gaat nu naar het WESTEN totdat je in een controle kamer komt . Je ziet dat onder de rail een soort hijskraan hangen. Loop voorzichtig er na toe en tik GET IN GRABBER . Je moet dat met de grabber achteruit tot bijna het einde van het volgende plaatje en PUSH BUTTON . Dan ga je verder achteruit tot je een bocht tegenkomt. Je gaat deze bocht door en zodra je de bocht weer uit komt PUSH BUTTON . Je moet nu weer terug naar de controle kamer waar je die grabber hebt gevonden en GET OUT (Je valt in een buis). Je bevind je nu in een het rattehol, en je ziet een paar draden hangen die in de muur verdwijnen . Bij de muur GET REACTOR en ga het trapje op . Als je eenmaal boven bent get ladder en loop naar het noorden . Loop dan naar het OOSTEN de tunnel in . Je word nu berooft door een reuze rat !!! Ga nu weer terug vanwaar je uit het hol bent gekomen en DROP LADDER . CLIMB LADDER en je ziet dat de ratten de reactor weer op zijn plaats hebben gezet . Maar WIJ hebben die reactor ook nodig dus GET REACTOR. Ga de weg weer terug naar die tunnel ( vergeet niet de ladder mee te nemen ). In die tunnel GET WIRE en loop door. Je zult geen last meer hebben van de rat . Nadat je tunnel bent door gelopen LOOK naar het hoofd en CLIMB EYE. Loop nu naar het grote ruimte schip en USE LADDER en CLIMB LADDER . Wees voorzichtig op het dak want het is daar nogal glad daar. Loop nu naar het luik en open hatch. Je bent nu in het passagiers gedeelte van het ruimte schip. Op de vloer zie je een open luik en PUT REACTOR IN COMPARTMENT en CONNECT WIRE TO CABLE je kunt controleren of je het goed hebt gedaan door LOOK COMPUTER. ENTER COCKPIT en LOOK COMPUTER . Je ziet nu het computer besturing systeem van het ruimte ship. Pas op dit ruimte ship is bewapend en veel moderner als die Space Quest I & II troep !!! Je moet nu op < 1 - Engine > drukken . Het ruimte schip zal nu opstijgen maar pas op dat je niet te ver gaat want anders zal je te pletter slaan tegen het plafond. Je moet nu op < 8 - Wapenry > en op F voor shields. Nu moet je op < Spatiebalk > drukken om te schieten . Je zal naar buiten worden gelanceerd. Als je eenmaal buiten bent moet je je koers instellen naar de planeet Pleeblut , dit doe je doe je door weer LOOK COMPUTER en < 2 - Navigation > en door op < 1 - Scan > te drukken. De computer zal je een paar plekkies laten zien waar je kan gaan landen maar die zal je straks volop kunnen gaan bezoeken . Als je de koers hebt in gesteld gaan we met < 5 - Lightspeed > naar die planeet ( we hebben niet jaren de tijd of niet soms ). Na even lekker te hebben gescheurd komt die computer met de melding dat we bij de planeet zijn aan gekomen en LOOK COMPUTER. Je druk nu op < 3 - Land > en we gaan landen op de planeet. ( ga maar rustig achter over een pilsie pakken want dit duurt wel even ) Je word nu voor gesteld aan Arniod the Annihilator. ( This is the guy that I alway's want to avoid ) Loop nu vrolijk rond hier tot je aan de horizon ergen een weirdo monster met zijn armen ziet zwaaien en loop daar na toe. Je hoeft niet bang te zijn want het monster is niks anders een reclame pop. Je loopt nu de winkel in en SHOW GEM ( ja dat ding uit sq 2 ). Die oplichter zal er 350 buckazoids voor geven maar daar gaan wij geldwolfen niet op in. Die alien zal doorgaan tot 425 buckazoids dus dan zeggen we YES. Loop nu weer naar buiten door EXIT te tikken. Je zal door Arnoid worden gepakt ( Brrrrr ). Maar ! je hebt geluk want hij is een goede bui en wilt tikkertje met je gaan spelen op leven en DOOD ( jouw dood ). Maar wij ruimte helden lachen daarom dus lopen wij naar het WESTEN en gaan de deur in en met de lift omhoog PUSH UP. Eenmaal boven lopen we de trap en lopen naar de katrol toe. Ondertussen is Arnie je op het spoor gekomen en loopt vrolijk de trap op. Nu wacht je tot Arnie bij de tandwielen is en GET ROPE. Arnie word tot appelmoes gemalen. loop nu naar beneden tot bij arnie en GET BELT. Ga met de lift weer naar beneden en ga terug naar de winkel. Koop daar een Termische ondergoed en ga terug naar je ruimte schip. Eenmaal in het schip enter cockpit en vlieg naar Monolith Burger. Herhaal het vlieg instructies van hier boven. Loop als je bent geland naar het volgende plaatje en ga naar de balie. De " bediende " zal je bestelling noteren door LOOK MENU en het nummer in te tikken van wat je wilt eten. Betaal dan en loop naat een tafeltje en EAT FOOD. Ga terug naar je schip en vlieg naar de vulkanen planeet. Als je daar bent geland WEAR UNDERWEAR en PUSH BUTTON. Loop dan naar het WESTEN en dan naar het ZUIDEN. Er staan daar een paar wetenschappers te werken maar laat je niet zien, ze gaan vanzelf weg. Als ze dan weg zijn loop naar de telescoop en USE TELESCOPE. Loop dan naar het doosje toe en GET DETONATOR en loop door naar het OOSTEN tot je niet verder kan. Ga dan naar het NOORDEN en loop bij de krater naar beneden. Ga dan naar het OOSTEN en CLIMB LADDER. Loop vervolgens voorzichtig naar de rand en DROP DETONATOR. Rodger Rodger waar ben je nu weer mee bezig ?? Klim nu weer naar beneden en loop weer terug tot waar de wetenschapers bezig waren en GET POLE. Loop nu weer naar boven van waar je dat grappige stukkie rots overstak maar ..... !! het is weg. Chit !!!! USE POLE en je huid is weer gered. Ga nu weer naar je ruimte schip en stijg op. LOOK COMPUTER en je ziet dat er een planeet bij is gekomen. Vlieg daar nu naartoe en land daar. Loop nu naar het zuiden en WEAR BELT en USE BELT. Loop voorbij de wachten en PUSH BUTTON. Loop de gang door tot je in de binnenmuur een deur ziet en ga die in. In dit kamertje get coveralls en ga weer naar buiten. Loop nu verder de gang door tot je bij een deur in de buitenmuur komt die niet beveiligt is en ga deze in. Je bent dan in een kantoor waar accountants bezig zijn. Om niet herkent te worden loop naar iedere vuilnisbak en deze te legen door USE VAPORIZER ( dit komt me bekent voor ). Blijf de gangen hier volgen en de bakken legen totdat je bij een kantoortje komt waar je wachten ziet lopen met zwepen. Loop door en ga naar links en loop weer terug naar het kantoortje. Het ventje achter het bureau is nu pleitte. Loop nu het kantoor binnen en loop naar het bureau en GET KEYCARD. Loop nu weer naar buiten en je op een wand ergens een foto hangen. Bij die foto GET PICTURE en loop naar het copier machine en COPY PICTURE. Ga weer terug vanwaar je de foto hebt gehaald en REPLACE PICTURE. Loop nu weer terug naar de gang en loop de gang weer door tot je bij een deur met een beveilig kassie komt. Bij dit kassie USE KEYCARD en USE PICTURE en ga naar binnen. Gefeliciteerd je hebt The two guy's from Andromeda gevonden. Pech gehad je kunt niet bij ze dus PUSH BUTTON en je bent de HELD. Loop nu naar die twee gasten toe en USE VAPORIZER om ze uit de troep te halen. Oh wat een pech oh wat een pech nu gaat de brug weer weg !!!!. Je word gevangen genomen door een concurende software huis Scumsoft. The two guy's worden meegenomen en jij word met twee bewakers naar een Je word een donkere hal binnen gebrach en als het licht wordt zie je een reusachtige robot staan. Jij word in de grijze robot gestauwt en je moet de andere robot even lekker in elkaar rammen. Dit doe je door met je cursor toetsen om de robot te laten lopen, en J om te kunnen rammen en M om te blokkeren. Pas op dat je energie peil niet te laag komt door achter elkaar de blijven rammen of te blocken want dan verlies je alsnog. Als je eenmaal die robot te gronde hebt ren je naar buiten samen met The two Guy's en vertrek met je ruimte schippie. Veel rust zul je niet krijgen want de piraten hebben je schip gesaboteerd en ze vallen je ook nog eens aan. LOOK COMPUTER en < 8 - Battle computer > en let er op dat je shields in de goede richting staan. Schiet dan een paar schepen uit de lucht en de piraten vluchten. Ga terug naar de cockpit view en de The Two Guy's zullen het gesaboteerde schip weer maken. E I N D E Ik heb 638 punten gehaald maar als jij misschien er meer hebt gehaald laat dan eens berichtje voor me achter of bel me even. K van der schouw ( 020 - 465954 ) Thanks to : Sierra Online & co For lending me a copy of Space Quest. My Mother For the good idea's when i was Stuck. Dirk Zaal For The idea voor This solution. And everyone who I forgot to mention. Updated by Marc Scholtis 11-04-89; type fouten en ansi esc codes verwijderd. Opdrachten met hoofdletters. CALL STER BBS: 01880-40035 STARGLIDER CODE LIJST """"""""""""""""""""" Pagina Paragraaf Woord Codewoord """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2 3 3 BELIEFS 2 3 6 WAS 3 3 7 DESIGN 4 4 2 I 5 2 9 LAST 5 8 5 HOLOGRAM 5 10 1 JAYSAN 8 8 5 RESOLUTION 8 9 2 PASSED 9 2 8 CLOUDS 9 5 4 FITTEST 10 4 7 STARGLIDERS 11 4 2 FIVE 13 10 1 SO 13 13 1 HALKEER 14 15 2 UP 16 4 5 SOUVENIR 16 10 9 CLEAR 18 1 7 REQUESTED 18 2 2 SAID 18 5 7 EVERYTHING 18 6 2 CLICKED 19 6 2 FIRES 19 6 5 CANNONS 19 12 2 AND 19 13 1 ALTITUDE 19 18 2 BET 20 2 10 TWISTED 24 13 2 ASTRONOMER 24 14 4 FIRMLY 25 1 7 CRAZY 25 3 7 HOPE 25 10 2 SMALL 26 5 4 AND 27 10 2 NO 30 4 2 CELL 31 4 2 NOT 31 7 1 YES 32 13 12 WANNA 33 4 4 BURN 33 9 5 NOW 34 1 5 SHOE 35 2 2 HANDLING 36 4 2 KNOW 37 7 1 AGAIN 38 2 5 ENERGY 39 5 7 YOU 43 3 2 JAYSAN 43 14 2 PERCENT 43 15 4 HEIGHT 44 13 3 COMMANDER 45 9 5 EXPLETIVE 45 13 4 AGREED 47 1 1 INTO 47 5 3 TIME 48 2 5 HIM 50 5 2 SHOOTING 51 2 2 KATRA 52 5 3 KNOW 52 5 4 KATRA 53 3 4 POD 53 12 7 SKIM 57 1 3 APPEARED 58 10 4 PIPED 59 5 3 ALREADY 59 11 10 RANGE ----------------------------------------------------- Well, you took care of Krill and returned to the Guild Hall in triumph, but things don't look good for you at the moment. Not when you're standing there facing the slavering jaws of a vicious hellhound! Fortunately for you,this time, it's only a dream, so just wait, and you will wake up in your room in the Guild Hall. Whew! However, it's a bit dark in here, so Frotz your spellbook, get up, and head West into the hallway. Read the note on your door if you like, although it's not all that important. It just lets you know you are here alone. Now's a good a time as any to tell you that not all the spells you know will be useful in the game, nor all the potions you will find. So unless you're told specifically to take an item, you can safely ignore it. Now, head along South down the hall until you reach the Lobby. Go West into the Store Room, and pick up the Ochre Vial and the matchbook. Open the vial and drink the potion, which will prevent you from becoming hungry and thirsty. Drop the now-empty vial. Read the matchbook if you like, then return East and place the matchbook in the receptacle. Moving North twice, and West once, brings you to Belboz's quarters. Listen to the bird as you lift the wall hanging, revealing a key. Now examine the desk and open the drawer. Inside are several items, but the only useful one is the journal. Use the key to unlock the journal, then read it. Make *careful* note of the day's code!! Go East to the hall again, South once, and West into Helistar's room. Here you will find a scroll of Gaspar. Take and Gnusto the scroll, then head back to the hall, and South to the Lobby. By this time, you've probably heard the doorbell chime, which means the mail's in. Open the receptacle, and inside is an issue of Popular Enchanting and an Orange Vial. Get the vial, then go East into the Library. There is a scroll of Meef here. Get and Gnusto that one. Now, it's time to leave this place. If you've played the game before, you know that if you try going out the main entrance, you will be stopped. You may also know that if you DON'T get out, you will eventually fall asleep and find yourself in the Room of Living Death, which is MOST unpleasant, and from which there is no escape. So, now's the time to get a move on! Head down into the Cellar, where the trunk is. There are five buttons on the trunk, and each one is a different color. The sequence to open the trunk is keyed to the code of the day in the journal, and will change with each game. The code itself is the colors of a monster from the Infotater. Whatever monster was noted in the journal, look it up on the Infotater, and make note of its colors, and what order they are in. Save the game (just in case, because if you make even one little error, you will not be able to open the trunk!!), then press the buttons in the proper order as given in the Infotater. If you've done it right, the trunk lid will spring open by itself after you push the last button. If the trunk does not open, restore the game and try again. Ok, so now you have the moldy scroll of Aimfiz, which is one of those complex ones that you can only use once. Actually, you only need to use it once, so that's no problem. All you have to do is figure out which person you want to exchange places with. Since there aren't too many choices, it won't take you long to discover it's none other than Belboz himself. So, Aimfiz Belboz, and you're out of the Hall and on your way to visiting Jeear! Ok, so now you're out of the Hall, but look where the spell took you: to the same forest you were dreaming of at the start of the game. And there's the Hellhound, too! And this time, it's no dream! You better not wait around this time, so immediately head Northwest to the Forest Edge. Here you will find a Snake Hole, as well as paths North and East. The North path is mined with magical mines. This is a red herring in the game, as there is no way to go safely along the path. You can ignore it without fear of missing something important. The Snake Hole is another matter, so climb down into it, and then down again to the Slimy Room, and South from there into the Crater. Go West to the Chasm's Edge. You can't jump across the chasm, but flying over is no problem. Learn Izyuk twice, cast it on yourself once. Now just go West twice and you will be on the other side. Go North, and you will be in a room with what appears to be a tree of coins. However, that's an illusion, and you will only be able to get one coin. Take it, return to the Chasm Edge, then Izyuk and fly back across. Now go back the way you came, all the way to the Forest Edge. This time, go East to the Meadow (don't stop to admire scenery; those are MEAN locusts on the horizon!), then Northwest to the Riverbank. Learn the Pulver spell, then Pulver the river. It will dry up, and you can move East into the river, where you will see a small cave to the Northest. Go there. Inside, you will find several items. Get the scroll with the Fweep spell, and Gnusto it. Then get the bat guano, but leave the vial; it has no use in the game. Now go down the hole, and you will be at the Pit of Bones. If you go South, you will find the Torture Chamber, which has another useless potion, so go Southwest into the Dungeon instead. From here, go up into the Ruins. Learn Izyuk again, then go West across the drawbridge (careful, don't fall in!!), then West again to the Meadow, where you now cast Izyuk on yourself. You have time to do that and move before the locusts arrive. Once you're flying, go Northeast to the Riverbank, and this time, Southeast to the Fort Entrance. You need to use Izyuk because the river bank has a distressing tendency to crumble after the first visit. Around about now, you're probably feeling sleepy. Don't worry about it, just lie down and sack out for awhile. You may or may not have a strange dream. Ignore any dreams, as they are just "for show", and have no important clues to the game. When you waken again, go East into the Parade Ground. There is a flag at the top of a tall flagpole; lower the flag and search it. You will find an Aqua Vial. Take that, it will come in handy later. Now, go East again, and you will be at the cannon. If you look inside, you will see what appears to be a pile of scrolls. Actually, they are not scrolls at all, but a group of Yipples, peacefully sleeping in the barrel. However, there IS one real scroll in there, and you will need it later. So, drop the bat guano into the barrel, and the Yipples will take off, leaving the real scroll, with the Yonk spell, for you to take and Gnusto. You are now just about finished above ground. Return to the entrance, learn Izyuk twice, and fly Northwest to the River Bank, and West to the meadow. Here you should Izyuk again (the drawbridge is like the river bank), and go East twice to the Ruins. From the Ruins, go down into the Dungeon, down again to the Highway, and then East to the Toll Gate and the sleeping Gnome. Wake him up and give him your Zorkmid. He'll open the gate, then promptly fall asleep again. Go East through the gate. Ignore the store; that's another red herring in the game. Continue East to the End of the Highway. There's a hut here, but we won't be looking in there just now. Instead, go North to the Entrance Hall, and then North again to the Glass Arch. You are about to enter the infamous Glass Maze. Getting through it the first time is quite easy; getting out again is quite another matter. There are two ways back, the long and hard way, or the quick and dirty way. If you want to go the easy route, learn Gaspar once and Fweep once, then Gaspar yourself right now. If you want do to it the hard way, learn Fweep three times. Ok, drop everything here, go East into the Maze, and Fweep yourself. Now fly along the following route: North, East, South, South, West, Down, East, East, North, North, Up, Up, South, East and you're now at the Hollow. Here you will find the Swanzp scroll, but you can't do much until Fweep wears off. So wait around until you're human again. As soon as you pick up the scroll, the maze layout will change. Oops! Now what? Well, first, drop the scroll down the hole (it's the chimney of the little hut). Now what you do next depends on how you decided to get back out. If you opted for quick and dirty, walk West, West, South, East, and you will fall through the Maze and splatter. However, the Gaspar spell will activate, and your Guardian Angel will restore you to life at the spot the spell was cast, which in this case was the Glass Arch. However, if you want to do it the hard way, then here's how: Fweep yourself, then fly the following route: West, West, South, Down, Down, West, West, Up, Up, North, North, Down, East. At about this point, the spell will wear off. Fweep again, and continue: South, East, North, Down, West, South, West, Up, West, and you're back at the Arch again. Whew!! Again, wait around till the spell wears off, then pick up everything and go to the hut. In the fireplace, you will see the Swanzo scroll. Gnusto the spell, and then take a nap, because by now you're tired again. Awakening refreshed, leave the hut and head on back to the Toll Gate. The Gnome is still here, and still asleep, so now's your chance: search him, and you will find your Zorkmid! All right, Now, keep going West until you come to the Bend, where you head Southwest to the Edge of the Crater, then Down into the crater itself. From there, move along South into the North/South tunnel, and the Southwest to the Amusement Park Entrance. Try to go West, and a Gnome will appear and demand a Zorkmid. Give him your coin, and then proceed West into the park. Of all the places here, only one is important: the Arcade. Everything else is pretty much for show. So, keep on West until you reach the end of the Midway,^?4n go South into the Arcade. Open the Aqua Vial, drink the potion, then drop the vial. You are now dexterous enough to win a prize, so take the ball and throw it at a bunny. POW! Direct hit! As the bunny goes flying, the hawker will give you a glittering scroll of Malyon. You don't need to Gnusto this one, as it will be used only once, and very soon. Now leave the park, and once back in the tunnel, go south and you will be in the Carving Room. One carving looks like a dragon, and that's the one you want. First, Yonk Malyon. Then, learn Malyon. Finally, Malyon Dragon. The souped-up spell brings the Dragon to life! Good thing for you it's not permanent, or you might have been fried to a crisp! In any case, there is now a passage South through the wall. Take that into the Sooty Room. Now you're about to enter the most bizarre part of the game. Open the Orange Vial. Frotz yourself. Go East into the Coal Bin room. There will be a cave-in behind you, so you can't go back now. In addition, you're having some some trouble breathing, so drink the orange potion and drop the vial. Suddenly, your Older Self appears, sliding down from the Upper Chute! Listen carefully, and your twin will tell you a number. Make careful note of it! Now, hand your spellbook to your Twin, who will take it and dive down the Lower Chute. Go East to the Dial Room. There is a dial on the door, which can be set to any number from 0-873. Set it to the number your Twin just gave you. This is also a variable number and will change from game to game. Then open the door, and go into the Shaft Bottom. Get the rope. Make sure that you have nothing with you now but that rope. If you have anything else, drop it. Climb up to the Shaft Top. Go Southwest into the mine. A timber is here (doesn't that bring back fond memories of Zork?). Tie the rope to the timber, then continue on Northwest and West. You are now at the top of the Upper Chute. Put the beam across the chute, then drop the rope down the chute. Finally, climb down the rope, and you will be in the Slanted Room. There is a scroll here, and also an opened lantern. Get the scroll, and Golmac yourself back in time. Now open the lantern, and get the Vardik spell. Time is running short, so go East down the chute into the Coal Bin room, where you will see....your Younger Self! Now, most important: you must do as your twin did before! Tell your Twin the combination to the Dial Room door. Now your Twin will give you the spell book, just as you did earlier (really one of the neater parts of this game!). As soon as you have the book, go down the Lower Chute to the Lagoon. Ah, air again! Take a deep breath, then sleep awhile, because you're probbaly tired again. Now learn Meef twice, Swanzo, once drop the spellbook, and go East into the Lagoon. Dive down to the bottom, and Meef the Spenseweeds, revealing a crate. Get the crate and return to shore. Drop and open the crate. Inside, among other things, is a can of grue repellant. Get that, and walk Northeast along the Ocean Shore and North to the Mouth of the River. There is a cave to the West, it's entrance covered by nasty-looking vines. Meef the vines, and Vardik yourself. Now, spray the repellant on yourself and enter the cave. Wow! Grues are everwhere, and they don't fear the light!! Fortunately though, the repellant still works. However, I wouldn't advise staying around! So, move along West and you will come to three doors. Two of them lead to VERY unpleasant circumstances. You don't want those, so open the white door. Inside the room is Belboz, who is possessed by the demon Jeear. Swanzo Belboz, and the demon will leave him, and attempt to enter YOUR mind! But the Vardik spell will keep him out, and, with no host available, he will vanish! Belboz will now regain his senses, and will magic the both of you back to the Guild Hall. Here Belboz announces his retirement, and names you as the new head of the Circle! Congratulations, Sorcerer! Merry Xmas Wimmie, Theo Okhuijsen The lamp fido 017171-3263 22.30 -07.00 uur STER BBS: 01880-40035  HOW TO SOLVE : SAGA #6 : STRANGE ODYSSEY ________ | |_______________________ PRESENTED BY: | NEABBS AND STER: 01880-40035! |________| ---------------------- YOU BEGIN IN YOUR SHIP... >DOWN >GET SUIT >WEAR SUIT >GET SHOVEL >GET PHASER >TO DESTROY (SET THE PHASER) >UP >PUSH RED (OPENS THE DOOR) >GO DOOR >PUSH RED (OPENS THE AIRLOCK) >GO DOOR >JUMP >SOUTH >GO CAVE >SHOOT BOULDER >GO CURTAIN (FORCE FIELD WHERE THE BOULDER WAS) >TOUCH PLASTIC >GO CURTAIN >DIG >DROP SHOVEL >TO STUN >GET PICK >GO JUNGLE >SAVE GAME >EAST IF THE ICE-HOUND KILLS YOU, QUIT, RESTORE GAME AND TRY AGAIN. >SHOOT HOUND >GET HOUND >SOUTH >WEST >GO CURTAIN >PULL ROD >PUSH ROD >TOUCH PLASTIC >GO CURTAIN >DROP HOUND >WAKE HOUND >NORTH >EAST >SAVE GAME IF THE HOUND GETS YOU, QUIT, RESTORE GAME AND TRY AGAIN. >DIG MOUND >SHOOT HOUND >DROP PICK >GET DIAMOND >TO DESTROY >SHOOT MOUND >NORTH >NORTH >GO CURTAIN >PULL ROD >PUSH ROD >DROP PHASER >DROP DIAMOND >TOUCH PLASTIC >GO CURTAIN >CONNECT HOSE >PUSH WHITE >PUSH BLACK >PUSH BLACK >DISCONNECT HOSE >GO CURTAIN >PULL ROD >PUSH ROD >PULL ROD >PUSH ROD >TOUCH PLASTIC >GO CURTAIN >GET PAINTING >GET SCULPTURE >GO CURTAIN >DROP PAINTING >LOOK SCULPTURE >GET BELT >DROP SCULPTURE >WEAR BELT >GET GOGGLES >LOOK GOGGLES >WEAR GOGGLES >PUSH YELLOW >LOOK PAINTING >DROP GOGGLES >PULL ROD >PUSH ROD >TOUCH PLASTIC >TWIST BUCKLE >GO CURTAIN >GET BRANDY >GO CURTAIN >DROP BRANDY >GO CURTAIN >GET METAL >GO CURTAIN >TWIST BUCKLE >DROP BELT >PULL ROD >TOUCH PLASTIC >PUSH ROD >TOUCH PLASTIC >GET DIAMOND >GET PAINTING >GET SCULPTURE >GO CURTAIN >UP >NORTH >GO SHIP >PUSH RED >GO DOOR >DROP METAL >DROP DIAMOND >DROP PAINTING >DROP SCULPTURE >GO DOOR >PUSH RED >GO DOOR >PUSH RED >GO DOOR >JUMP >SOUTH >GO CAVE >GO CURTAIN >PULL ROD >TWIST ROD >GET BRANDY >GET BELT >GO CURTAIN >UP >NORTH >GO SHIP >PUSH RED >GO DOOR >DROP BRANDY >DROP BELT >GET METAL >DOWN >OPEN HATCH >GO CRAWLWAY >PUT ROD >UP >UP >PUSH BLUE >DROP HATCH >DROP METAL >DROP SUIT >GET DIAMOND >GET SCULPTURE >GET BELT >GET BRANDY >GET PAINTING >GO DOOR >PUSH RED >GO DOOR >DROP DIAMOND >DROP SCULPTURE >DROP BELT >DROP BRANDY >DROP PAINTING >SCORE ------------------------*  RED >GO DOOR >DROP DIAMOND >DROP SCULPTURE >DROP BELT >DROP BRANDY >DROP PAINTING >SCORE --####################################### ## ## ## HOW TO SOLVE ## ## SUSPENDED ## ## ## ## PRESENTED BY NEABBS ## ## ## ####################################### THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF COMMANDS THAT WILL ALLOW YOU TO FINISH SUSPENDED BY INFOCOM. SUSPENDED IS AN EXCELLENT GAME AND POSSIBLY THE MOST ADVANCED GAME FOR THE ADVENTURER TO DATE. THE STORY IS QUITE SIMPLE. YOU ARE THE FAILSAFE DEVICE TO PROTECT THE SURFACE WORLD OF CONTRA SHOULD ANY EMERGENCY DEVOLOP THAT WOULD CAUSE THE PLANET CONTROL DEVICES TO FAIL(THESE ARE UNDERGROUND IN A COMPLEX WHERE YOU LIVE SUSPENDED IN A CRYOGENIC TUBE AWAITING A DISASTER) OF COURSE A DISASTER DEVOLOPS AS SOON AS YOU BOOT UP THE DISK. YOU ARE AWAKENED TO FIND THAT THERE HAS BEEN AN EARTHQUAKE THAT HAS DAMAGED THE CABLES IN THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CHANNEL. YOU HAVE SIX DIFFERENT ROBOTS AT YOUR COMMAND. THESE ROBOTS ALL ENJOY DIFFERENT SKILLS AND ABILITIES. EACH ONE REPRESENTS A DIFFERENT SENSE. IRIS: THE SENSE OF SIGHT WALDO:THE SENSE OF TOUCH AND DEXTERITY SENSA:PERCEIVES THINGS MAGNETIC AND ELECTRONIC POET:PERCEIVES THINGS ELECTRONIC..CAN DIAGNOSE ELECTRICAL FLOWS WHIZ: COMMANDS THE COMPUTER AND CAN DO ERRANDS AUDA: THE SENSE OF HEARING THE TRICK TO WINNING SUSPENDED IS ASSIGNING THE RIGHT TASK TO THE RIGHT ROBOT. ALSO THE RIGHT ROBOT HAS TO BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. THIS IS CALLED CRITICAL PATH PLANNING. AND THIS IS THE SECRET OF SUSPENDED. IN THE STANDARD GAME THERE ARE A FEW REAL TIME EVENTS TO BE AWARE OF: 1) AT THE 15TH CYCLE THERE IS ANOTHER EARTHQUAKE WHICH CAUSES AN ACID SPILL THAT KILLS IN SHORT ORDER ANY ROBOT THAT PASSES THROUGH THE CAVERNOUS ROOM THEREAFTER...UNTIL THE ACID IS SHUT OFF. 2) AT THE 75TH CYCLE THERE IS ANOTHER QUAKE WHICH WRECKS THE HYDROPONICS AND TRANSIT EQUIPMENT ON THE SURFACE ABOVE. THESE HAVE TO BE FIXXED QUICKLY OR THE GAME ENDS SWIFTLY DUE TO THE STARVING POPULOUS ABOVE. 3) AT THE 100TH CYCLE HUMANS ENTER THE COMPLEX WITH THE INTENT OF TURNING YOU OFF BECAUSE BY THIS TIME YOUR CLEARLY SCREWING UP THE ASSIGNMENT. THESE HUMANS CAN BE THE DEATH OF YOU OR THEY CAN HELP YOU BY ....WELL I WON'T TELL YOU YET. THE FOLLOWING COMMAND GET YOU THROUGH THE GAME IN LESS THAN 70 MOVES. AS A RESULT THEY GIVE LITTLE AID IN THE EVENT THAT YOU FINISH THE GAME IN MORE THAN THAT TIME. THE GAME CHANGES CONSIDERABLY AFTER THE 75TH MOVE. THERE ARE MANY PROBLEMS THAT SURFACE AFTER THAT TIME...WHICH THESE CLUES DO NOTHING TO AID. LETS GET STARTED.. #1 POET,GO TO WEATHER CONTROL #2 SENSA,GO TO SUB SUPPLY ROOM #3 WHIZ,GO TO SECONDARY CHANNEL #4 SENSA,TAKE RAMP #5 SENSA,GO WEST #6 SENSA,TAKE CONTAINER AND GRASPER #7 SENSA,GO TO HALLWAY JUNCTION #8 WALDO,GO TO HALLWAY JUNCTION #9 AUDA,GO TO GAMMA REPAIR THE ABOVE MOVES SET THE GAME UP. POET IS NEEDED TO TURN THE WEATHER CONTROL OFF..THIS MINIMIZES DEATHS AT THE SURFACE...YOUR PRIMARY GOAL. SENSA GETS THE RAMP THAT IS NEEDED TO ALLOW THE ROBOTS TO GO FROM ONE LEVEL TO ANOTHER. AUDA IS SENT TO THE GAMMA REPAIR AREA BECAUSE SHE WILL BE NEEDED LATER...AND WITHOUT THE HUMANS COMING FOR A WHILE THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE WITH HER ANYWAY. WALDO, IS SENT TO THE HALLWAY JUNCTION TO MEET SENSA AND TAKE THE CONTAINER AND GRASPER ON HIS WAY TO FIXING IRIS WHO IS REPORTED TO BE OUT OF ORDER. #10 POET,TURN SECOND DIAL TO 100 #11 POET,GO TO HALLWAY END #12 IRIS,GO TO MAIN SUPPLY ROOM #13 SENSA,PUT RAMP AT DROPOFF #14 AUDA, LISTEN #15 WALDO,TAKE CONTAINER AND GRASPER #16 WALDO,GO TO MAIN SUPPLY #17 WALDO,INSTALL GRASPER #18 WALDO,TAKE RED IC AND YELLOW IC #19 SENSA,GO NORTH #20 SENSA,TAKE RAMP ONCE POET GOT TO THE WEATHER CONTROL, HE HAD TO RESET THE FAULTY CONTROL TO 100. THIS IS ONLY A TEMPORARY FIX BECAUSE IF YOU LET THE GAME GO ON TOO LONG, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE WITH VARIOUS DISASTERS AND ACCIDENTS OCCURING WHICH YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTROL. POET IS THEN SENT TO THE HALLWAY END WHERE HE WILL BE USED TO GET THE TV CAMERA NEEDED LATER. IRIS IS SENT TO THE MAIN SUPPLY ROOM WHERE SHE CAN BE FIXED WHEN WALDO ARRIVES. SHE WILL ALSO HELP WALDO REPAIR THE MACHINE THERE. SENSA...UPON ARRIVING PUTS THE RAMP IN PLACE SO THAT AUDA CAN GET TO GAMMA REPAIR AND SO THAT SHE AND POET CAN GET TO THE OTHER LEVEL. WALDO IS HANDED THE GRASPER AND CONTAINER WHICH HE INSTALLS. THIS IS DONE NOW TO SAVE MOVES LATER. #21 SENSA,GO TO SMALL SUPPLY #22 WALDO,OPEN PANEL #23 WALDO,REPLACE ROUGH DEVICE WITH ROUGH OBJECT #24 WALDO,CLOSE PANEL #25 POET,GET IN CAR #26 POET,GET OUT OF CAR #27 POET,GO TO BIOLOGY LAB #28 WALDO,TAKE BURNED AND FRIED CHIP #29 POET,TAKE CAMERA #30 SENSA,PUT RAMP AT HOLDER THIS STAGE SETS THE ROBOTS TO THEIR MAJOR GATHERING TASKS. WALDO HAS FIXED IRIS, AND IS NOW SET ON FIXING THE MACHINE AND SALVAGING ITS PARTS. POET HAS ARRIVED AT THE HALLWAY END , GOTTEN IN THE CAR, EXITED THE CAR AND IS NOW GETTING THE CAMERA. AND SENSA HAS ARRIVED AT THE SMALL SUPPLY ROOM TO TAKE THE CABLE CUTTER. #31 SENSA,GET ON RAMP #32 SENSA,TAKE CUTTER #33 SENSA,GET OFF RAMP #34 SENSA,TAKE RAMP #35 SENSA,GO TO SLOPING CORRIDOR #36 POET,GO TO VEHICLE DEBARKATION #37 WALDO,PUT RED IC IN RED SOCKET #38 WALDO,PUT YELLOW IC IN YELLOW SOCKET #39 POET,GET IN CAR #40 POET,GET OUT OF CAR SENSA HAS COMPLETED HER TASK OF GETTING THE METAL TOOL THAT SHE WILL NEED SHORTLY. POET HAS GOTTEN THE CAMERA AND IS NOW COMING BACK AND WALDO IS IN THE MIDST OF FIXING AND SALVAGING THE MACHINE WITH IRIS IN THE MAIN SUPPLY ROOM #41 POET,GO TO PRIMARY CHANNEL #42 SENSA,PUT RAMP AT DROPOFF #43 GO TO GAMMA REPAIR #44 WALDO,PUSH BUTTON #45 IRIS,TAKE FUSE #46 WALDO,TAKE CABLE #47 WALDO,GO TO THE SECONDARY CHANNEL #48 IRIS,GO TO MIDDLE SUPPLY #49 IRIS,TAKE CABLE #50 IRIS,GO TO MAIN SUPPLY POET HAS BEEN SENT TO USE THE CAMERA IN THE PRIMARY CHANNEL (THIS IS A KAMIKAZE MISSION BECAUSE HE HAS TO PASS THROUGH THE CAVERNOUS ROOM TO GET THERE). SENSA HAS GOTTEN TO THE SLOPING CORRIDOR AND REINSTALLED THE RAMP SO THAT SHE AND POET CAN GET TO THE LOWER LEVEL. AND WALDO AND IRIS HAVE GOTTEN THE MACHINE FIXED AND SALVAGE ONE OF THE TWO NEEDED CABLES TO SET THE FCS IN BALANCE. WALDO IS NOW SET ON A KAMIKAZE MISSION WHERE WHIZ WILL BE WAITING TO INSTALL THE CABLE NEEDED IN THE SECONDARY CHANNEL. #51 SENSA,EXAMINE OBJECT #52 SENSA,TURN FLOWSWITCH #53 BOTH SENSA AND AUDA,MOVE FRED #54 SENSA, CUT CABLE WITH CUTTER #55 POET,PLUG TV1 IN #56 POET,AIM TV1 AT SIGN (THIS IS THE IMPORTANT RESET CODE..WRITE IT DOWN..ITS DIFFERENT EVERY GAME) #57 SENSA,TAKE CABLE #58 SENSA,GO TO PRIMARY CHANNEL #59 IRIS, PUT CABLE IN MACHINE #60 IRIS, PUT FUSE IN MACHINE SENSA AND AUDA SALVAGED THE REMAINING NEEDED CABLE TO FIX THE CABLE IN THE PRIMARY CHANNEL. SENSA IS NOW ON HER WAY. POET VALIENTLY DIED TRYING TO WORK THE CAMERA IN THE PRIMARY CHANNEL AFTER HAVING CORROSIVE ACID SPILLED ON HIM. AND IRIS HAS FIXED THE RESET MACHINE NOW ONLY AWAITING THE INSTALLATION OF THE CABLES IN THE FCS TO RESET THE SYSTEMS TO SET THE SURFACE WORLD ABOVE RIGHT. #61 WHIZ,GO TO WALDO #62 WHIZ,TAKE FOURTEEN-INCH CABLE #63 WHIZ,REPLACE THE NINE-INCH CABLE WITH THE FOURTEEN-INCH CABLE #64 WHIZ,DRAG WALDO TO THE EAST END #65 AUDA,GO TO SLEEP CHAMBER #66 SENSA,REPLACE FOUR-INCH CABLE WITH TWELVE-INCH CABLE #67 IRIS,PRESS ----- CIRCLE #68 IRIS,PRESS ----- CIRCLE AT THIS POINT THE GAME IS OVER AND ONLY 8000 ARE DEAD AND YOU HAVE SUCCEEDED IN YOUR MISSION. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THIS DOES NOT ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS AND PUZZLES THAT ARE PRESENTED IN THE GAME IT JUST TELLS YOU HOW TO WIN THE GAME IN THE SHORTEST ORDER. ENJOY! STER BBS: 01880-40035******************************************************************************* * OPLOSSING SPACE QUEST I DOOR JEFFREY KUIJT * ******************************************************************************* DE TEKST, DIE TUSSEN < EN > STAAT, IS HET COMMANDO, DAT RECHTSTREEKS MOET WORDEN INGEVOERD. DEZE OPLOSSING GEEFT ONGEVEER 190 PUNTEN. ******************************************************************************* LOOP NAAR LINKS EN GA DOOR DE DEUR. JE BENT IN DE COMPUTERKAMER. LOOP VERDER NAAR LINKS EN GA DOOR DE DEUR. LOOP HELEMAAL DOOR, TOTDAT JE BIJ EEN LIJK KOMT. LOOP ER TEGENAAN EN TIK IN: . GA NU TERUG NAAR DE COMPUTERKAMER. WACHT EVEN EN ER KOMT EEN GEWONDE MAN BINNEN. LOOP NAAR HEM TOE EN TIK IN: . HIJ NOEMT HET WOORD "ASTRAL BODY". LOOP NAAR DE COMPUTER EN TIK IN: . ER WORDT EEN TITEL GEVRAAGD. TIK NU IN: . EEN ROBOT PAKT JE CARTRIDGE. TIK NU IN: . LOOP NU NAAR LINKS EN GA DOOR DE DEUR. NEEM DIRECT DE LIFT, DIE JE ALS EERSTE TEGENKOMT. LOOP NU NAAR RECHTS , TOTDAT JE BIJ EEN LIFT KOMT. STAP IN DE LIFT. LOOP NU NAAR RECHTS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE PULSATING DOMES KOMT. LOOP NAAR HET PANEEL EN TIK IN: . LOOP NAAR RECHTS. LINKS VAN DE DEUR ZIE JE EEN GLEUFJE. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: . LOOP NU DOOR DE DEUR. JE ZIET 2 DEUREN, WAAR- TUSSEN ZICH 2 KNOPPEN BEVINDEN. LOOP NAAR DIE KNOPPEN EN TIK IN: . DE LINKER DEUR GAAT OPEN. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE. JE ZIET IETS LIGGEN. TIK IN: . LOOP WEER NAAR DE KNOPPEN. TIK NU IN: . DE RECHTER DEUR GAAT OPEN. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE. JE ZIET EEN RUIMTEPAK. TIK IN: . GA NU ACHTER HET PANEEL STAAN EN TIK IN: . DE DEUR AAN DE LINKERZIJDE GAAT OPEN. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN GA ER DOORHEEN. JE BENT NU OP HET PLATFORM. LOOP NAAR HET PANEEL EN TIK IN: . JE ZIET EEN RUIMTESCHIP. LOOP TEGEN DE GEOPENDE DEUR VAN HET RUIMTESCHIP AAN EN TIK IN: . JE ZIT NU IN HET RUIMTESCHIP. TIK HET VOLGENDE IN: , , , EN . JE BENT ONTSNAPT! JE BENT NEERGESTORT EN AANGEKOMEN OP DE PLANEET KERONA. TIK IN: , EN . JE STAAT IN DE WOESTIJN. LOOP TEGEN DE ACHTERKANT VAN HET RUIMTESCHIP AAN EN TIK IN: . LOOP ONDER AAN HET SCHERM NAAR RECHTS. BLIJF NAAR RECHTS LOPEN, TOTDAT JE BIJ EEN PAD KOMT. LOOP HET PAD OP. JE KOMT UITEINDELIJK BIJ EEN BRUG. LOOP SNEL OVER DE BRUG EN GA ACHTER HET ROTSBLOK STAAN, DAT OP DE BRUG LIGT. TIK ALVAST IN: , MAAR DRUK NOG NIET OP ENTER. DRUK PAS OP ENTER, WANNEER DE SPIN PRECIES ONDER HET ROTSBLOK KRUIPT. ALS JE HET GOED HEBT GEDAAN, IS DE SPIN NU DOOD. LOOP NAAR RECHTS EN GA WEER DE BRUG OVER. LOOP HET PAD AF. LOOP NU EEN STUKJE NAAR RECHTS EN LOOP NAAR DE BOVENKANT VAN HET SCHERM. AAN DE RECHTERKANT ZIE JE EEN GROT. TIK NU IN: , EN . GA VOOR DE INGANG VAN DE GROT STAAN EN TIK ALVAST IN: , MAAR DRUK NOG NIET OP ENTER. GA DE GROT IN EN DRUK OP ENTER. HET MONSTER ORAT VREET HET OP EN SPAT VERVOLGENS UIT ELKAAR. OP DE GROND LIGT NOG EEN STUKJE ORAT. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: . GA DE GROT UIT. LOOP NAAR DE ONDERKANT VAN HET SCHERM. JE BENT NU WEER BIJ HET PAD. GA HET PAD OP. GA OVER DE BRUG EN BLIJF ALSMAAR HET PAD VOLGEN. UITEINDELIJK KOM JE BIJ EEN TRIOMFBOOG. LOOP ER DOORHEEN EN JE ZAKT NAAR BENEDEN. LOOP DE LIFTSCHACHT UIT. JE ZIET EEN HEEL KLEIN STEENTJE LIGGEN OP DE GROND. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: . LOOP DE GANG IN. NU ZIE JE EEN ROOSTER LIGGEN. DAARONDER BEVINDT ZICH EEN MONSTER, DUS PAS OP! LOOP TEGEN DE ROTSWAND AAN HET ROOSTER OVER. JE KOMT BIJ EEN GEISER EN TIK IN: . JE ZIET, DAT ER EEN INGANG VRIJKOMT. LOOP ER DOORHEEN. JE ZIET, DAT ER ZURE REGEN NAAR BENEDEN VALT IN HET MEERTJE. DRINK NIET VAN HET WATER! LOOP VERDER DOOR DE GANG HEEN. JE ZIET EEN AANTAL STRALEN. LOOP ER NAAR TOE, MAAR LOOP ER NIET TEGENAAN EN TIK IN: . DE STRALEN ZIJN VERDWENEN EN LOOP NU HET PAD OP. JE ZIET DE ZURE REGEN NAAR BENEDEN VALLEN. LOOP VERDER NAAR RECHTS, MAAR PROBEER WEL DE DRUPPELS TE ONTWIJKEN, WANT ANDERS BEN JE DOOD! TIK NU IN: . LOOP VERDER NAAR RECHTS. JE BENT NU IN EEN DONKERE RUIMTE EN JE ZIET EEN HOLOGRAM OP DE MUUR. TIK IN: . LOOP NAAR VOREN. JE BENT NU IN EEN COMPUTER- KAMER. JE KRIJGT EEN SKIMMER. LOOP NAAR DE COMPUTER. TIK IN: . JE KRIJGT EEN CODE, NAMELIJK 6858. LOOP NAAR DE SKIMMER. TIK IN: , EN . JE GAAT EEN REISJE MAKEN! JE KOMT UIT DE GROND OMHOOG EN JE VLIEGT WEG. PROBEER NU DE STENEN TE ONTWIJKEN. JE MAG MAAR VIER KEER EEN STEEN RAKEN. BIJ DE VIJFDE KEER BEN JE DOOD! GEFELICITEERD, JE BENT AANGEKOMEN OP ULENCE FLATS! TIK IN: . ER KOMT EEN VENT NAAR JE TOE, DIE JE SKIMMER WILT KOPEN. TIK IN: . LOOP EEN PAAR RONDJES OM JE SKIM- MER HEEN. DEZELFDE VENT KOMT NU WEER NAAR JE TOE. TIK NU IN: EN IN RUIL VOOR JE SKIMMER KRIJG JE GELD EN EEN JETPACK. LOOP DE BAR IN EN GA GOKKEN. LOOP TEGEN DE ZIJKANT AAN VAN DE GOKKAST EN GOK TOTDAT JE 250 BUCKS HEBT. DRUK DAN OP F10 EN GA DE BAR UIT. LOOP NAAR LINKS. JE BENT NU BIJ TINY. OP DE VOORGROND ZIE JE 2 RUIMTESCHEPEN. KOOP DEZE NIET! DE LINKER ZAL NAMELIJK ONTPLOFFEN EN DE RECHTER ZAL ZICHZELF INGRAVEN. OP DE ACHTERGROND ZIE JE OOK EEN RUIMTESCHIP. LOOP DAAR NAAR TOE. TINY VOLGT JE EN HIJ VRAAGT JE OF JE HET RUIMTESCHIP WILT KOPEN. TIK IN: . GA NU WEER TERUG NAAR DE BAR EN GA WEER GOKKEN, TOTDAT JE ONGEVEER 50 BUCKS HEBT. GA DE BAR UIT, MAAR LOOP NIET MEE MET DIE OP- LICHTER, WANT HIJ ZAL JE GELD DAN AFPAKKEN EN JE VERVOLGENS DOODSCHIETEN! LOOP NAAR DE BOVENKANT VAN HET SCHERM. LOOP NAAR DE RECHTERKANT VAN HET SCHERM. JE BENT NU BIJ DE DROIDS R US. GA NAAR BINNEN. EEN MAN KOMT OP JE AF. LOOP MET HEM MEE OMHOOG. GA BIJ DE RECHTER ROBOT STAAN EN TIK IN: . LOOP WEER NAAR BENEDEN. DE ROBOT BLIJFT JE VOLGEN. LOOP NAAR BUITEN EN GA NAAR JE RUIMTE- SCHIP, DAT JE HEBT GEKOCHT. GA TEGEN HET LADDERTJE VAN JE RUIMTESCHIP STAAN EN TIK IN: , EN . JE VLIEGT NU WEG EN DIE OP- LICHTER IS Z'N RUIMTESCHIP KWIJT. UITEINDELIJK NADER JE HET VIJANDSCHIP DE DEL- TAUR. TIK IN: EN . JE BENT NU BIJ HET VIJAND- SCHIP. IN HET MIDDEN VAN HET SCHERM ZIE JE EEN DEUR. GA DAAR NAAR TOE. TIK IN: EN GA NAAR BINNEN. JE BENT NU IN EEN KLEIN KAMERTJE. WACHT NU EVEN, TOTDAT ER EEN ROBOT UIT DE DEUR KOMT. GA DAN SNEL DOOR DE DEUR HEEN. JE BENT NU IN EEN KAMER, WAAR JE IN HET MIDDEN EEN KIST ZIET STAAN. LOOP NAAR DIE KIST TOE EN TIK IN: , , , , EN . JE WORDT NU WEGGEDRAGEN EN UITEINDELIJK KOM JE IN EEN KAMER MET EEN WASMACHINE. TIK IN: , , EN . JE KOMT NU IN EEN SCHACHT TERECHT. GA NU NAAR LINKS EN DAAR- NA NAAR BENEDEN. GA NU WEER DRIE KEER NAAR BENEDEN. JE KRIJGT NU EEN SCHERM MET AAN JE RECHTERKANT EEN SCHACHT. GA IN DIE SCHACHT EN KRUIP NAAR RECHTS. JE BENT WEER IN DE KAMER MET DE WASMACHINE. TIK NU IN: . GA TEGEN HET DEURTJE VAN DE WASMACHINE STAAN EN TIK IN: EN . ER KOMT NU EEN VIJAND AAN, DIE DE WASMACHINE AANZET. TIK IN: EN . JE HEBT NU EEN UNIFORM VAN DE VIJAND AAN, ZODAT JE NU GEEN GEVAAR MEER LOOPT, DAT JE HERKEND WORDT. LOOP NAAR RECHTS DOOR DE DEUR. LOOP NAAR DE VIJAND EN TIK IN: . GA NU DE LINKER LIFT IN. LOOP NAAR LINKS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE LIFT KOMT. GA DIE LIFT IN. LOOP NU ALSMAAR NAAR RECHTS. JE KOMT DAN IN DE WAPENKAMER. LOOP TEGEN DE TOONBANK EN TIK IN: . LOOP NU SNEL NAAR DE 2 GRANATEN TOE EN TIK IN: . LOOP NAAR DE ROBOT TOE EN JE KRIJGT JE WAPEN. LOOP DE KAMER UIT. JE ZIET BENEDEN DE STARGENERATOR. GA PRE- CIES BOVEN DE STARGENERATOR STAAN EN TIK IN: . GA TERUG NAAR DE WAPENKAMER, GEEF JE KAART AAN DE ROBOT EN PAK DE TWEEDE GRANAAT. LOOP DE KAMER UIT EN LOOP ALSMAAR NAAR LINKS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE LIFT KOMT. JE VERLIEST JE HELM EN VANAF DIT MOMENT ZULLEN DE VIJANDEN OP JE SCHIETEN ALS ZE JE ZIEN; DUS PAS OP! GA DE LIFT IN. LOOP NU ALSMAAR NAAR RECHTS, TOTDAT JE BIJ DE STARGENERATOR KOMT. PAS OP VOOR DE VIJANDEN! LOOP NAAR DE DODE VIJAND EN TIK IN: EN . LOOP TEGEN DE STARGENERATOR AAN EN TIK IN: . VUL NU DE CODE 6858 IN MET HET PIJLTJE. LOOP NU NAAR LINKS EN GA DIRECT IN DE LIFT, DIE JE ALS EERSTE TEGENKOMT. GA NU IN DE RECHTER LIFT. JE KOMT BIJ JE RUIMTESCHIP. LOOP ER NAAR TOE EN TIK IN: EN . ******************************************************************************* HOERA, JE HEBT HET OVERLEEFD! JE HEBT DE MENSEN GERED! ZE KUNNEN TROTS OP JE ZIJN! ******************************************************************************* * EINDE SPACE QUEST I * ******************************************************************************* ************************************************************************** * Dit file is afkomstig van het compleetste adventure bbs: * * THE LAMP OPUS 01717-3263 Voorschoten, Holland (node 281/1) * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * (member of The Dutch Fidonet Foundation, host network 281) * * * * We beschikken naast een filegebied ook over een berichten- * * gebied met adventure specialisten voor al uw vragen. * * Bereikbaar op 300, 1200 en 2400 cps full duplex. * * * * go north ..... or better call .... The Lamp * * Tot op The Lamp, * * het SysOp team * ************************************************************************** *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * * THE STANDING STONES DOCS * * * * BY * * * * THE PENGUIN * * * * WRITTEN FOR * * * * NEABBS * * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* CREATING A NEW KNIGHT --------------------- THE FIVE TRAITS - VIRILITY,INTELLECT, HOLINESS,AGILITY, AND INITIAL HITS - DESCRIBE A BASIC CHARACTER. THEY SIGNIFY AS FOLLOWS: VIRILITY - FIGHTING STRENGTH,ABILITY TO CARRY GOLD AND PERFORM TASKS THAT REQUIRE STRENGTH INTELLECT - EFFECTIVENESS IN CASTING MAGICAL SPELLS AND PERFORMING OTHER MAGIC. HOLINESS - YOUR ABILITY TO USE CLERICAL SPELLS FOR SUCH MATTERS AS EXAMINING OBJECTS THAT ARE UNRECOGNIZABLE. AGILITY - QUICKNESS AND CLEVERNESS IN GETTING OUT OF THE WAY OF DANGER,SKILL AT PICKING LOCKS AND OTHER ACTIONS THAT REQUIRE NIMBLE FEET AND FINGERS. INITIAL HITS - YOUR LIFE INDEX. AS YOU ARE INJURED,YOUR HIT INDEX DECLINES UNTIL IT HITS 0. AT 0 YOU WILL DIE. THESE POINTS CAN BE RESTORED BY FINDING YOUR WAY OUT OF THE DUNGEON OR USING SPELLS. COMMANDS USED WHILE EXPLORING ----------------------------- D)ROP - ALLOWS YOU TO DROP ANYTHING YOU DO NOT WANT OR NEED. MOST THINGS WILL STAY WHERE YOU DROPPED THEM EXCEPT FOR GOLD, WHICH EVERYONE KNOWS, WILL MOST LIKELY BE TAKEN BY MONSTERS AND OTHERS THAT INHABIT THE DUNGEON. E)ND AND SAVE GAME - IF YOU WISH TO END THE GAME AT ANY POINT IN THE DUNGEON, DO SO WITH THIS FEATURE. NOTE: IF THE MACHINE IS TURNED OFF YOUR KNIGHT WILL PERISH. PERISHED KNIGHTS MAY BE REINCARNATED BUT AT A HEAVY COST IN GOLD,MAGIC AND EXPERIENCE POINTS. MAKE SURE TO END THE GAME WITH THIS COMMAND AND NOT THE "OFF" SWITCH! R)EST - ALLOWS YOUR KNIGHT TO BREATHE EASY FOR A WHILE, TO RECOVER FROM TEMPORARY BLINDNESS OR THE LIKE. BEWARE THOUGH, MONSTERS DO NOT REST AND WILL STILL ATTACK YOU IF YOU ARE RESTING. T)HROW A SPELL - THIS COMMAND ALLOWS YOU TO USE A MAGIC SPELL, WHETHER IT BE IN COMBAT OR JUST TRAVELLING ALONG. IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT OF WHAT SPELLS YOU HAVE AT YOUR DISPOSAL, PRESS [RETURN] TO SEE WHAT SPELLS YOU CAN USE, THEN T)HROW THE CORRECT ONE. U)SE A SCROLL OR POTION - THIS COMMAND ALLOWS YOU TO USE ANY MAGICAL ITEMS THAT YOU POSSESS. SUCH ITEMS MAY BE USED BUT ONCE AND IF THE MAGIC THEY HAVE IS NOT USED BEFORE YOU COME UP FROM THE DUNGEON,IT WILL VANISH USELESSLY. MOTION COMMANDS --------------- I - MOVE FORWARD J - TURN LEFT K - TURN RIGHT L - TURN AROUND [CONTROL] COMBINES WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE KEYS WILL MOVE YOU THROUGH A DOOR. BE CERTAIN TO USE THIS COMMAND TO GO THROUGH DOORS; OTHERWISE YOU WILL HIT YOUR NOSE ON THE WOOD AND WEAKEN YOU A SMALL AMOUNT. YOU CAN TEST FOR HIDDEN DOORS BY USING THIS COMMAND ON WHAT SEEM TO BE WALLS. COMMANDS WHEN ENCOUNTERED BY MONSTERS ------------------------------------- [ESC] - REMINDS YOU OF THE COMMANDS AT YOUR DISPOSAL. G)REET - THIS COMMAND SHOWS THE MONSTERS THAT YOU ARE FRIENDLY AND DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT. IT'S SIMILAR TO WAVING OR SMILING. A SMALL GIFT ALSO MAY HELP TO AVOID AN ENCOUNTER. B)RIBE - MONSTER MAY BE BRIBED WITH GOLD OR MAGICAL ITEMS (POTIONS,SCROLLS...). MONSTERS ON THE HIGHER (UPPER) LEVELS USUALLY ARE SATISFIED WITH GOLD,BUT AS YOU TREK DEEPER INTO THE DUNGEON, THE MOSTERS DEMAND MORE. F)IGHT - WHEN GREETINGS OR BRIBES FAIL YOU MUST FIGHT. BE VICTORIOUS!! YOU HAVE ONE MORE OPTION AT YOUR DISPOSAL AND THAT IS TO TRY AND RUN. SINCE YOU CANNOT RUN FORWARD (THE MONSTER IS BLOCKING YOUR PATH) YOU MUST TURN AROUND OR LEFT OR RIGHT. COMBAT SPELLS ------------- REMEMBER, SPELLS MAY KILL AN ENTIRE GROUP OF MONSTERS OR DO SUFFICIENT DAMAGE TO EASILY KILL THEM WITH A SWORDSTROKE,BUT SOME SPELLS CAN ALSO BACKFIRE. 1) FIREBURST AND 2) LIGHTNING BOLT - THESE SPELLS INFLICT DAMAGE IN PROPORTION TO YOUR EXPERIENCE POINTS. THE FIREBALL IS RATHER POTENT BUT CAN BE USED BUT ONCE DURING A SINGLE ADVENTURE TRIP. LIGHTNING BOLTS ARE WEAKER THAN FIREBURSTS BUT MAY BE USED WHENEVER MAGIC SPELLS ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU. BEWARE: THESE BOLTS HAVE A GOOD CHANCE OF BACKFIRING! THE MORE EXPERIENCED YOU ARE,THE LESS CHANCE THERE IS OF THE SPELL BACKFIRING. 3) SLEEP,4) KITCHEN SINK,5) CHARM,6) FLAMING ARROW,7) LIGHT CANDLE,8) PRAY, 9) HOLD,10) DISPELL, AND 11) DATSPELL: EACH OF THESE SPELLS INFLICT VARYING AMOUNTS OF DAMAGE DEPENDING ON THE NATURE OF THE ENEMY. PEACEFUL SPELLS --------------- P)ASSWALL - ALLOWS YOU TO PASS A WALL IN FRONT OF YOU,BUT BE CAREFUL: IF THERE IS NOT A CORRIDOR OR ROOM BEYOND THE WALL, YOU WILL BE EMBEDDED IN SOLID ROCK! L)IGHT - THIS SPELL CURES BLINDNESS. THE MORE SEVERE THE BLINDING, THE MORE L)IGHT SPELLS WILL NEED TO BE CAST BEFORE YOU ARE CURED. S)TRENGTH - THIS SPELL TEMPORARILY INCREASES YOUR STRENGTH. THIS CAN BE GOOD FOR CARRYING MORE GOLD OR FIGHTING BETTER. I)NVISIBILITY - THIS SPELL ALLOWS YOU TO MAKE YOURSELF INVISIBLE TO MOST MONSTERS. EVENTUALLY THIS SPELL WEARS OFF. MORE THAN ONE MAY BE CAST IF LONGER I)NVISIBILITY IS DESIRED. C)URE PARALYSIS - THIS SPELL MAKES YOUR LIMBS HEALTHY AGAIN. H)EAL WOUNDS - RESTORES SOME OF YOUR HIT POINTS EACH TIME THIS SPELL IS USED. D)IVINE GUIDANCE - SIMILAR TO PRAYING. WHEN THIS SPELL IS INVOKED,THE GODS MAY HELP YOU OR THEY MAY NOT. N)EUTRALIZE POISON - REMOVES THE EFFECTS OF POISON. T)ELEPORT - THIS SPELL WILL TRANSPORT YOU FROM ANY ONE LOCATION ON A LEVEL TO ANOTHER. TELL THE GODS EXACTLY WHERE YOU WISH TO GO. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TELEPORT INTO A STONE WALL. J)UMP PLANE - ALLOWS YOU TO MOVE UP OR DOWN THROUGH LEVELS IN THE DUNGEON. YOU ARE PLACED RANDOMLY ON THE NEW LEVEL. ALSO THERE IS A 10% CHANCE THAT THIS SPELL WILL PUT YOU WHERE YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO. E)THEREALNESS - WITH THIS SPELL YOU CAN MOVE THROUGH WALLS AND MONSTERS CANNOT FIND YOU. UNFORTUNATELY YOU CANNOT CARRY ANY GOLD WITH YOU. AND IT WEARS OFF GRADUALLY. B)LESS - IF THIS SPELL IS SUCCESSFUL, YOU ARE GIVEN THE BLESSING OF THE GODS FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. WITH THE BLESSING, YOU ARE HARDER TO HURT AND MORE POWERFUL. MAGICAL OBJECTS --------------- POTIONS - POTIONS CAN PERFORM A VARIETY OF ACTIONS SUCH AS CURING POISON OR IMPARTING STRENGTH. YOU HAVE THE OPTION TO TASTE IT FIRST. THE EFFECTS OF THE LIQUIDS WEAR OFF GRADUALLY,SO DON'T PLACE TOO MUCH FAITH IN THEIR LONG-RANGE POWER. SCROLLS - SCROLLS ALLOW YOU TO CAST SPELLS DURING THE DUNGEON TRIP IN WHICH THEY ARE USED. CHESTS - THOUGH A CHEST IS NOT MAGICAL ITSELF,IT IS ALMOST ALWAYS PROTECTED BY MAGIC. CHESTS SHOULD BE RANSACKED FOR THEIR GOLD AND OTHER MAGICAL ITEMS. BOOKS - BOOKS ARE RARE BUT THEY HAVE THE INCREDIBLE ABILITY TO CHANGE YOUR BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OR MAY GIVE YOU EXPERIENCE POINTS. BOOKS CANNOT BE CARRIED. THEY MUST BE USED OR NOT. IF YOU DO FIND ONE AND NOT DECIDE TO USE IT, IT WILL STAY WHERE IT'S AT UNLESS SOME OTHER ADVENTURER FINDS IT. BOOKS MAY BE USED BUT ONCE. RINGS - YOU CAN ONLY WEAR 2 RINGS AT ONCE. IF A THIRD RING IS FOUND AND YOU WISH TO PICK IT UP, ONE OF THE OTHER RINGS MUST BE D)ROPPED. RINGS BRING MANY THINGS. HELMETS AND SHIELDS - THESE ARE ALWAYS LUCKY FINDS,FOR THEY ARE NEVER CURSED AND ALWAYS PROTECT THE WEARER. SWORDS AND ARMOR - THESE CAN HELP YOU IN ATTACKING MONSTERS AND DEFENDING YOURSELF, BUT IF THEY ARE CURSED THEY SHALL WEAKEN YOU SORELY. CURSED ITEMS MAY NOT BE DROPPED BUT THEY MAY BE EXORCISED AT AN OASIS. NO EXPENSE SHOULD BE SPARED IN REMOVING A CURSED ITEM FROM YOURSELF. BE ALERT FOR THE FAMOUS SWORD EXCALIBUR AND THE WONDROUS MITHRIL ARMOR. THEY WOULD BE LUCKY FINDS FOR YOUR QUEST. OASES ----- OASES ARE REFUGES FOR WEARY KNIGHTS. HERE YOU CAN HEAL YOUR WOUNDS WITHOUT USING PRECIOUS SPELLS (VERY COSTLY) OR YOU MAY DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE IN A GAME OF CHANCE OR BET ON SOME RACES. EXORCISING A CURSED WEAPON -------------------------- WHATEVER THE PRICE IS, A WEAPON THAT IS CURSED SHOULD BE EXORCISED AT ANY PRICE. EXORCISING IS ALSO DONE AT AN OASES. THE GOAL: THE GRAIL ------------------- YOUR ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO DISCOVER THE GRAIL THAT THE EVIL KORMATH HAS STOLEN. DUNGEON MASTER OPTIONS ---------------------- FROM THE MAIN MENU, CHOOSE P)LAY THE DUNGEON MASTER AND OBSERVE YOUR CHOICES: C)LEAN UP THE KNIGHT FILE - ALLOWS YOU TO REMOVE UNWANTED CHARACTERS. R)E-INITIALIZE THE DUNGEON - COMPLETELY CLEAN THE LABYRINTH AND REDISTRIBUTE MAGIC AND MONSTERS AS IT CLEANS. E)DIT PASSWORD - ALLOWS THE DUNGEON MASTER TO KEEP HIS/HER OWN PASSWORD SAFE FROM PRYING EYES. P)URGE OLD MESSAGES - DESTROY ALL OLD NOTES THAT ARE SCATTERED ABOUT THE LABYRINTH WHICH ARE NOT ADDRESSED TO LIVING CHARACTERS. *** NOTE *** TAKE SPECIAL CARE NOT TO ELIMINATE A KNIGHT CARRYING THE GRAIL. IF THIS HAPPENS THE GRAIL WILL BE LOST COMPLETELY. REINITIALIZING THE DUNGEON WILL BE THE ONLY RECOURSE. OTHER OPTIONS ------------- FROM THE MAIN MENU: L)IST ALL THE CHARACTERS - USEFUL FOR RECALLING WHO EXISTS AND HOW MANY EXPERIENCE POINTS EACH KNIGHT HAS REQUIRED. HALL OF FAME MEMBERS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN INVERSE VIDEO. THE LIST MAY CONTAIN UP TO 16 KNIGHTS AT ONCE. D)ISPLAY THE HALL OF FAME - SHOWS KORMATH'S HALL OF FAME, CONTAINING ALL WHO HAVE SUCCESSFULLY RETRIEVED THE GRAIL. FROM THE SPECIAL OPTIONS MENU ----------------------------- BEFORE YOU ENTER THE DUNGEON, CERTAIN THINGS CAN BE CHANGED: R)ENAME - CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME U)PDATE PASSWORD - RE-DISGUISE YOUR PASSWORD. E)XTERMINATE - IF THE SHAME OF FAILURE HAS OVERWHELMED YOU, YOU MAY REMOVE YOUR CHARACTER HERE. S)OUND - TOGGLE ON/OFF, EITHER PLAY IN SILENCE OR WITH THE PLEASURE OF HEARING GROANS AND WAILS. C)ONTINUOUS UPDATE - TOGGLE ON/OFF; UNLESS YOU WISH TO VENTURE FORTH IN IGNORANCE OF YOUR CONDITION, DO NOT USE THIS OPTION. K)EY - CHANGES THE I-J-K-M CLUSTER TO THE W-A-S-Z CLUSTER. BCNU, NEABBS...... the standing stones Your message can be up to 1920 characters long. When done, type OK on a line by itself. (Or, type /S to save and proceed, without editing). oplossing van: the standing stones /s Do you wish to "attach" a file to this message (Y)es or [N]o: y Select an upload method: (1) regular ASCII text (2) XMODEM (3) XMODEM-CRC (4) XMODEM-1K Enter your choice, or ? for help: 3 Beginning upload (CTRL-X to cancel)... CCCSOLUTION TO TASS TIMES IN TONETOWN by Math Claessens S-LOOK JARL-GET KEY-N-W-UNLOCK DOOR-TAKE BOOK-READ BOOK-LOOK BOWL-TAKE BUNCH OF GUITAR PICKS-E-THROW SWITCH-ENTER HOOP-N-LOOK TRENCH-TAKE SILVER JAR-S-E-DROP KEY-ASK CHAZ TO CUT HAIR-COLOR PINK-E-BUY JUMPSUIT-BUY HOOPLET-WEAR HOOPLET-WEAR JUMPSUIT-W-W-S- S-E-TURN PRINTER ON-TURN COMPUTER ON-TYPE MATH CLAESSENS-YES-TAKE PRESS PASS-W-TALK NUYU-TAKE INSTANT CAMERA-N-N-N-N-N-SHOW PRESS PASS TO WOMAN-TAKE A PHOTO FROM THE DAGLETS-LOOK PHOTO-DROP CAMERA-GET ZAGTONE-WAIT (UNTIL YOUR BACK IN THE PARK)-S-S-S-S-S- GIVE PHOTO-DROP PRESS PASS-N-N-N-E-TAKE MITTS-WEAR MITTS-W-N-W- BUY BLOBO-DROP BOOK-DROP ZAGTONE-E-E-TAKE BLACK MASK-WEAR MASK- DROP PICKS-W-N-W-N-W-GET CARD-E-N-N-E-E-E-GET RED DEVILS-GET MUSHROOM-W-W-N-N-THROW MUSHROOM ON EYE-S-S-S-S-E-S-W-S-W-TAKE BOOK-TAKE ZAGTONE-E-N-W-DOWN-W-W-PRESS BUTTON-N-N-N-UP-N-E-UNLOCK GATE-OPEN GATE-S-S-S-E-E-E-E-E-N-E-N-N-ENTER BOAT-W-S-W-N-N-ENTER ELEVATOR-INSERT METAL CARD-PRESS BUTTON 5-E-HIT CUFFS WITH ZAGTONE-TALK GRAMPS-W-PRESS BUTTON 1-E-S-ENTER BOAT-S-S-W-W-OPEN GATE-W-W-W-N-SIC ENNIO ON SNARL-GIVE BOOK TO GRAM-THROW RED DEVIL TO SNARL-PUSH SNARL TROUGH HOOP-THE END!!!!!!!!! If you have difficulties solving an adventure, please write to me or call me - I might be able to help you! My address and phone number are: Math Claessens Wagenaarstraat 58 6164 XM Geleen The Netherlands Tel. (Holland) 04494-53532 ************************************************************************** * Dit file is afkomstig van het compleetste adventure bbs: * * THE LAMP OPUS 01717-3263 Voorschoten, Holland (node 281/1) * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * (member of The Dutch Fidonet Foundation, host network 281) * * * * We beschikken naast een filegebied ook over een berichten- * * gebied met adventure specialisten voor al uw vragen. * * Bereikbaar op 300, 1200 en 2400 cps full duplex. * * * * go north ..... or better call .... The Lamp * * Tot op The Lamp, * * het SysOp team * ****************** STER BBS: 01880-40035 ************************* *************************************** * * * W E L C O M E ! * * * * TO ANOTHER HAYES TUTORIAL! * * * * THIS ONE WILL GET YOU THROUGH * * THE OLDIE BUT GOODIE....... * * * * PALACE IN THUNDERLAND! * * * ******* STER BBS: 01880-40035 ******* WELL, THIS ONE, LIKE ITS' PREDECESSOR, MADVENTURE, IS A TOUGH SUCKER. IF YOU ARE AFTER HINTS, THIS AIN'T THE PLACE! THIS WILL BE A STRAIGHTFORWARD WALK- THROUGH. IF YOU NEED HINTS, TRY THE FOLLOWING: 1. WHEN YOU FIRST ENTER THE CASTLE (N), YOU MEET A RABBIT. 'LOOK RABBIT' AND THEN 'APOLOGIZE' FOR BEING LATE. THIS WILL GIVE YOU ONE IMPORTANT CLUE. 2. GET THE SINGING SWORD FROM THE TROPHY ROOM AND 'LISTEN' TO IT IN EVERY ROOM YOU ENTER. THIS WILL GIVE YOU A GREAT MANY DIFFERENT CLUES/HINTS. NOW FOR THE WALK-THROUGH.... (BREAK OUT IF YOU DON'T WANT THE ANSWERS!) FROM THE STARTING POINT IN THE COURTYARD N, OPEN CLOCK, N, N, GET MOUSE, NW, GET FLASHLIGHT, SE, S, S, DROP MOUSE, U, W, W, GET VIAL, OPEN VIAL, RUB MEDICINE, DROP VIAL, E, TURN MATTRESS, GET TAG, DROP TAG, GET KEY, E, D, N, N, N, OPEN DOOR, DROP KEY, E, GET SHEARS, W, S, S, NE, CUT HAIR, DROP SHEARS, WEAVE HAIR, GET NET, SW, N, NE, GET JUGS, SW, D, N, CATCH JABBERWOCKY, WEAR BOOTS, S, W, GIVE JUGS, GET BAR, E, U, S, NE, E OK, NOW YOU ARE BY THE POOL AND YOU SHOULD WAIT UNTIL THE THUNDERSTORM KNOCK OUT THE LIGHTS. JUST WAIT BY TYPING 'I' OVER AND OVER UNTIL THE LIGHTS GO OUT. ONCE THEY ARE OUT, THEN DO THE FOLLOWING: FLASHLIGHT ON, GET PENNY, W, SW, N, D, S, S, INSERT PENNY, N, DROP BOOTS, DROP FLASHLIGHT, N, NE, E, PUSH RACK, GET LAFEET, SAY INSPECTOR (OR CLOUSEAU), GET DIAMOND, W, SW, U, S, S, U, U, DROP LAFEET, DROP DIAMOND, D, N, DROP JABBERWOCKY, GET SCEPTRE, S, S, S, OPEN OYSTERS, GET PEARLS, NW, GET GLOBE, NE, U, DROP PEARLS, DROP SCEPTRE. OK, YOU MIGHT WANT TO SAVE THE GAME FOR SAFETY'S SAKE. THEN CONTINUE BY: D, D, NE, GET SWORD, SW, N, NE, GET SHEARS, GET LOOM, SW, S, W, CUT TWINE, DROP SHEARS, GET ROBE, E, U, U, DROP ROBE, DROP LOOM, D, NE, D, SW, E, SING, GET GOLD, DROP SWORD, GET STICKS, W, NE, U, E, GET DUSTER, W, INSERT DUSTER, INSERT GLOBE, INSERT BAR, INSERT STICKS, GET FLAMINGO, SW, U, DROP GOLD, D, D, N, N, D, NW, SAY SEEBONE, U, U, U, GET BALL, D, W, D, D, D, N, N, N, E, E, YELL REVOLT, GET CROWN, W, W, S, S, S, U, U, DROP CROWN, WEAR CROWN, WEAR ROBE, GET SCEPTRE, U, U, SHAKE SCEPTRE, D, D, DROP ROBE, DROP SCEPTRE, DROP CROWN, D, D, S, D YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM THERE...  T SCEPTRE, U, U, SHAKE SCEP################################################################################ # # # Tiger Productions L.T.D. presents to you the solution of # # # # TIME ZONE # # # ################################################################################ Wow, this is a big sucker !!! (12 disks). Hats off to Ken ans Roberta Williams. It seemed like it took forever just to write the tutorial for this massive adventure ... It must have been an eternity writing the code to program it. One can believe it took the year they clame. But the effort put in by those pioneers of the graphic-adventure certainly paid off, and I doubt another adventure of this scope and caliber will be seen for many year to come. Well, enough of the editorializing... on with the tutorial. First of all, there are a number of time`zones' that are dead ends... Red herrings to frustrate your solving of the adventure. They are as follows : - All time periods in Antarctica (You freeze your buns off in all of them.) - Australia 1400 AD - Africa 1700 AD - Africa 2082 AD - South America 50 BC - South America 1400 AD - South America 1700 AD - South America 2082 AD - North America 1000 AD - Alaska 50 BC In each of these zones, you inevitably get killed or end up finding nothing of value to aid in your final objective of Neburon. Also I have not included a trip to Australia 50 BC, where you find a Rhea egg which, with a shovel, you can dig up and take. Using the hat pin you find in Asia 1700 AD, you can poke a hole in the egg and use it to carry water (which is found in numerous zones) to drink when you get thirsty. This happens only in only a couple of timezones, most importantly in Africa 1400 AD. However I have found that by following the moves I describe, you can get back to the machine before dying of thirst and therefore you do not need to go and get the egg and the water. AS usual, everything between commas represents each seperate input and everything in parentheses is a seperate comment, not to be inputted into the game. Also, I have preceded each zone with its title. These titles are enclosed in >brackets< and should not be inputted into the game. One more thing : most of the time when you input `LOOK', it's only there to pass some time in order for something to happen. Don't expect to find something new wherever you input `LOOK'. This is a really massive adventure, so I warn you to save the game often !!! I suggest you save it after each zone you solve. While I have taken pains to assure that this tutorial is accurate, I have an early version of the game, and newer versions may have changed things slightly. I may have also missed a typo or two, so please let the sysop know if you have run into a discrepancy in the directions given... I will try to update any faults in this tutorial. Of course : follow all instructions on disk swithing when going from zone to zone... HERE IT GOES !!! : > HOME < N, (YOU WON'T GO ANYWHERE, BUT THERE WILL BE A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR `DREAM'), N, GO MACHINE, (AGAIN, YOU WON'T GO IN, NUT THERE'S A BUNCH OF EXPOSITION), GO MACHINE, GET MASK, EXIT MACHINE, DROP MASK, GO MACHINE, SIT, SET ORANGE, 400MILBC, SET BLUE, EUROPE (IT DOES'NT MATTER WHAT CONTINENT, FOR THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE THAT FAR BACK), PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > 400 MILLION BC < W, S, S, E, E, GO CAVE, EXIT CAVE, S, GET STICK, W, N, W, N, N, E, GO MACHINE, SIT, 10000BC, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > 10000 BC < N, GET ROCK, W, W, N, N, N, CLIMB TREE, D, N, W, N, GET STICKS, S, E, N, THROW STICK, N, E, S, S, W, THROW ROCK, GET HARE, E, N, N, GO CAVE, MAKE FIRE, GIVE HARE, GET HAMMER, S, W, S, S, S, S, S, S, E, D, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, SA, 1000AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > SOUTH AMERICA < S, D, D, D, S, S, S, DROP HAMMER, U, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR, D, S, GET TORCH, N, U, GO DOOR, THROW TORCH, D, GET TORCH, GET HAMMER, N, N, N, U, U, U, N, GO MACHINE, SIT, ASIA, 50BC, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > ASIA 50 BC < E, E, E, N, N, GET POLE, S, S, S, S, GO BOAT, E, EXIT BOAT, N, N, N, N, E, N, W, GET SHOVEL, DIG, GET JADE, DIG, GET JADE, DROP SHOVEL (UNLESS YOU WANT TO USE IT TO GET THE RHEA EGG....SEE THE INTRODUCTION...), E, S, W, S, S, S, S, S, E, E, BUY ROPE, WITH JADE, BUY RICE, WITH JADE, W, W, N, GO BOAT, W, EXIT BOAT, N, N, W, W, W, GO MACHINE, SIT, EUROPE, 1400AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > EUROPE 1400 AD < S, S, E, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR, SIGN UP, ON DECK, S, W, S, W, SHOW PASS, N, W, W, U, LOOK TELESCOPE, D, E, E, S, E, E, S, E, S, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR, GET BAR, W, N, W, N, W, N, N, N, DROP PASS, GO MACHINE, SIT, AUSTALIA, 1700AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > AUSTRALIA 1700 AD < N, N, N, N, W, BREAK PADLOCK, WITH BAR, OPEN DOOR, N, GET SAW, S, E, S, S, S, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, NA, 1700AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > NORTH AMERICA 1700 AD < N, N, N, E, E, BREAK WINDOW, GO WINDOW, N, USE SAW, LOOK CHEST, GET KEY, S, GO WINDOW, W, W, S, S, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, ASIA, 2082AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > ASIA 2082 AD < N, D, GO TRAIN, SIT, WEST SIDE, LOOK, LEAVE TRAIN, U, E, S, S, USE KEY, GET PADLOCK, DROP PADLOCK, OEN DOOR, E, GET YEN, W, N, N, W, D, GO TRAIN, SIT, LOOK, LEAVE TRAIN, GO TRAIN, SIT, NORTH SIDE, LOOK, LEAVE TRAIN, U, W, W, N, OPEN DOOR, N, LOOK, READ MENU, LOOK, 2, EAT, N, WASH DISHES, OPEN DRAWER, LOOK DRAWER, GET MATCHES, S, S, S, E, E, D, GO TRAIN, SIT, LOOK, LEAVE TRAIN, U, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, PUSH BUTTON, EXIT MACHINE. > BACK AT HOME < LIGHT TORCH, DROP MATCHES, DROP BAR, DROP KEY, DROP SAW, GO MACHINE, SIT, EUROPE, 1700AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > EUROPE 1700 AD < N, N, N, N, E, N, E, CLIMB FENCE, INSIDE, S, S, OPEN DOOR, E, E, U, E, OPEN DOOR, N, GET PERFUME, GET COMB, S, W, D, W, W, N, N, CLIMB FENCE, OUTSIDE, W, S, W, S, S, S, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, NA, 1400AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > NORTH AMERICA 1400 AD < W, W, S, GO GULLEY (THE BUFFALO WILL GO OVER YOU), N, E, N, N, N, N, N, GO TEEPEE, TRADE COMB, S, S, S, S, S, S, E, GO MACHINE, SIT, EUROPE, 1000AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > EUROPE 1000 AD < E, E, TALK ROBIN, YES, S, S, E, USE BOW, S, N, S, W (YOU'VE DONE IT !), W, N, N, N, N, N, W, W, W, W, OPEN DOOR, N, GET MIRROR, S, E, N, N, E, LOOK WINDOW, TIE ROPE, TO ARROW, SHOOT ARROW, PULL ROPE, DROP BOW, E, S, S, E, S, S, S, S, S, W, GO MACHINE, SIT, AUSTRALIA, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > AUSTRALIA 1000 AD < N, W, N, E, N, N, GIVE MIRROR, S, S, W, S, E, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, EUROPE, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > EUROPE 1000 AD (AGAIN) < E, E, GIVE MONEY, W, THROW BOOMERANG, GET LANCE, W, GO MACHINE, SIT AFRICA, 50BC, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > AFRICA 50 BC < S, S, S, S, W, N, W, GIVE PERFUME, E, S, E, N, N, W, USE MONEY, YES, E, N, N, N, DRINK WATER, EAT DATES, W, N, N, W, N, N, U, OPEN DOOR, GO DOOR, D, D, D, MOVE STONE, GO HOLE, E, GET SHIELD, W, GO HOLE, U, U, U, GO DOOR, D, S, S, E, S, S, E, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, ASIA, 1400AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > ASIA 1400 AD < N, N, N, W, THROW BOOMERANG, GET SWORD, E, E, E, S, TRADE RICE, W, W, S, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, EUROPE, 50BC, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > EUROPE 50 BC < E, N, N, E, N, N, N, N, W, N, D, W, S, S, S, E, S, GET TWEEZERS, N, N, W, N, E, U, E, LOOK, USE TWEEZERS, OPEN DOOR, W, DROP TWEEZERS, S, W, N, E, E, U, E, LOOK, S, S, E, N, W, GET LADDER, E, S, W, S, S, S, W, S, S, W, GO MACHINE, SIT, AFRICA, 100AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. >AFRICA 1000 AD < N, N, W, GET LOG, E, DROP LOG, E, GET LOG, W, DROP LOG, MAKE RAFT, CROSS RIVER, N, E, N, N, N, GET TUSKS, WITH HAMMER, USE LADDER, S, S, W, CROSS RIVER, S, GET ROPE, S, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, AFRICA, 1400AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. > AFRICA 1400 AD < N, N, N, N, TRADE TUSKS, N, S, TRADE SILK, S, S, S, S, GO MACHINE, SIT, ASIA, 1000AD, PULL LEVER, EXIT MACHINE. T R I N I T Y tm ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Welkom bij de oplossing van Trinity. Deze oplossing is geen saaie walkthru maar geeft antwoord op de belangrijkste puzzles. Op deze manier blijft er genoeg over om zelf te doen. Sommige (belangrijke) antwoorden staan omgedraaid. Probeer eerst zelf deze puzzles op te lossen. Mocht het nietlukken, lees dan het antwoord. Veel plezier met TRINITY! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Het begin, LONDON. Wat moet ik hier doen? Na een x aantal zetten valt er een atoombom op London waardoor iedereen verpulverd wordt en jij dus ook. Om aan dit lot te ontsnappen moet je eenaantal voorwerpen verzamelen en je naar een bepaalde plaats begeven. Voorwerpen: Bag of crumbs, kopen bij the old lady. Ruby, zit in de bag. Voer de vogels. Gnomon, zit in de zonnewijzer. Unscrew het ding. Origami bird, in de fontein. Umbrella, in de boom. Pram, zoek maar en je vind hem. Heb je alles bij elkaar dan is het tijd om de vogel eens nader te bekijken. Nu weet je waar je naar toe moet, maar je mag niet over het gras. Wacht eens dan krijg je een hint hoe je over het gras heen komt. OPLOSSING : ALLERBMMU NEPO ,MARP NI TIS Als dit gelukt is sta je bij het standbeeld van Peter Pan met een raket boven je. Gelukkig is er een deur vlakbij. Enter water, enter door. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tweede deel, GNOMON QUEST. Wat moet ik hier doen? Je moet alle paddestoelen af waar een deur in zit. Door alle puzzles op te lossen kun je verder naar het volgende deel. Voorwerpen: Axe, in het arborvitdinges. Boots, in de crypt. Cage, in de cottage. Coconut, op het eiland. Emerald, in de cauldron na het oplossen van de puzzle. Garlic, in de pile of refuse. Honey, in de beehive. Lamp, in een van de paddestoelen. Magneet, in de crater. Shroud, in de crypt. Silver Coin, in de mond van het lijk. Skeleton Key, in de pile of bones. Skink, in een van de paddestoelen. Spade, in Nagasaki. Walkie Talkie, in een van de paddestoelen. Hoe gaan die paddestoelen open? Draai aan de ring van de zonnewijzer. Elk symbool correspondeert met een bepaalde paddestoel. Als de schaduw van de zonnewijzer op een paddestoel schijnt, gaat de deur van deze paddestoel open. Vergeet niet de ring klem te zetten met de lever. Hoe krijg ik de gnomon in de zonnewijzer? De schroefdraad van de gnomon staat de verkeerde kant op? Is er misschien een plaats waar je de schroefdraad kunt omkeren? ...IVROBRA Hoe kom ik uit Nagasaki? Waar kijkt het kleine meisje aandachtig naar? De paraplu. Geef hem aan haar en volg haar dan naar de schuilkelder. Geef het papiertje aan haar en de rest wijst zich vanzelf. Hoe pak ik de honing? Ergens is iets dat gek is op bijen? Als je geen fan bent van David Attenborough, een Venus Flytrap is gek op allerlei inecten. Wat is die Magpie een ouwe... zeg! Kan zijn, maar luister toch eens naar wat hij zegt en schrijf het op. Nu nog de ingredienten voor het recept bij elkaar sprokkelen! Waar is de skink voor? Om (dood) in de cauldron te stoppen. Waar maak ik de skink dood? Schrijf eerst een brief naar Infocom waarin je ze duidelijk maakt dat wij Nederlanders dit soort dierenbeulerij niet accepteren. Er is maar een maan en die is in de ruimte. "Killed under the light of a crescent moon." Hoe maak ik de crypt open? !EDAPS ED TEM Waarom neemt de veerman mij niet mee? Omdat je er niet uitziet als een lijk. Pas op, dit is de laatste puzzle! $%^&*( Die icicle smelt voordat ik .... (REZJIWENNOZ) .STAALP EDUOK NEE PO POTSNESSUT NEE KAAM He, hoe kom ik op de mesa? Als je eens een boom om zou hakken? Hoe kom ik aan licht? Hout dat rot is lichtgevend. Bij de skink ligt een lantaarn. Hoe krijg ik die cocosnoot te pakken? Wijs er naar. De dolfijn houdt van spelletjes. Waar is de walkie talkie voor? Uiterst belangrijk in het volgende deel! Valt er wat te doen op de toendra? Jazeker, als je lang genoeg wacht kun je de eerste atoomproef van de Russen meemaken! He, wat flauw zeg. Sorry, volg de lemmingen... Hoe krijg ik de lemming uit de crevice te pakken? Gewoon, pak dat beest op. Maar hij bijt in mijn hand en gaat er dan vandoor? Stop hem in de kooi van de magpie. Waar is de lemming voor? Niet hier, straks... Wat doe ik met de cauldron? Koken, heb je alles gevonden wat de magpie je vertelde? Stop het allemaal in de cauldron en maak je uit de voeten. Bewonder daarna het resultaat van je kookkunst. Waar is het boek voor? Geintje van de schrijver. Waar is de kaart voor? Pesterijtje van de schrijver. Hoe krijg ik de skink te pakken? Zet hem "klem"" tussen twee lichtbronnen en stop hem gauw in je broekszak Waar dient de meteoor voor? Leg er eens iets van ijzer op? Capice? Nee, het is een magn..t! Hoe pak ik de meteoor? Ja, erover heen pl..sen helpt niet. Leg er iets koels op. (ELCICI.) Waar is de spade (schep)? De laatste keer dat ik hem zag was in het Arborvidinges. Waar dient de schep voor? Om er je eigen graf mee te graven! Hoe blijf ik leven in de ruimte? Als je eens je eigen voorraad zuurstof meeneemt? Hoe neem ik mijn eigen voorraad zuurstof mee? STAP IN DE DISH VAN DE BOY. ZEEPBEL? ZUURSTOFBEL! SNEL! !LENS !LEBFOTSRUUZ ?LEBPEEZ .YOB ED NAV SHID ED NI PATS Hoe kom ik bij de satelliet? Dat ding is van ijzer. (TEENGAM) Waar zijn de boots voor? Niet hier... Hoe zorg ik dat de veerman mij meeneemt? NIOC REVLIS EVIG .DUOHRS REAW ----------------------------------------------------------------- Derde deel, NEW-MEXICO Wat moet ik hier doen? Je moet de atoombomtest saboteren zonder dat dit opvalt. Voorwerpen: Binoculars, in de windmill. Card, in het boek. Key, in een van de shelters. Knife, MacDonalds ranch. Screwdriver, MacDonalds ranch. Ik heb een boek gevonden, belangrijk? Nee, wel wat erin zit. Bekijk en lees dit ding goed! Waar zijn de laarzen voor? Heb je ze al eens goed bekeken? Zegt het feit dat er een rode laars en een blauwe laars is je iets? .TOOB NI DLAREME/YBUR TUP Waar is de roadrunner voor? Geduld.... Waar is de walkie talkie voor? Ergens een jeep gevonden met een radio erin die op een bepaalde golflengte stond? Vergeet niet de antenna uit te trekken! Nu blijf je op de hoogte van de laatste roddeltjes... Help! Een ratelslang! Vlucht in de kast en doe de deur dicht. Hm, als een rat in de val? ?GNIMMEL Zeg, vertel eens gauw waar de schroevendraaier ligt! Op de workbench tussen de papieren. Wat doe ik met het steak knife? Heb je een slagersdiploma? Een mes is om iets mee (door) te snijden. Als ik de verrekijker pak dan .... Niets aan de hand. Doe voordat je hem pakt de lantaarn aan! Wat kun je met de verrekijker doen? Dingen mee bekijken, zoals blote dames en shelters. He, ik zie een sleutel. Maar als ik hem pakken wil... .YEK TA TNIOP ?EJ JIB RENNURDAOR. Waar is die sleutel voor? Hij zat in een padlock. Ergens nog een gesloten padlock gevonden? Ik heb een foto gevonden met een jongetje erop. Fijn, gooi hem maar weer weg. Als ik de circuitbreaker open doe, word ik opgepakt! Ja, als je hem open laat staan. Doe hem dicht en LEES de tekst GOED! Hoe kom ik weer de Tower op? Tsja, ze kijken wel erg aandachtig naar je. Als je ze eens afleidt? Hoe leid ik de gluurders af? Hm, ik mag dit niet zeggen maar de roadrunner doet het voor je. Hoe krijg ik de roadrunner zo ver dat hij dat doet? .NEROT ED RAAN LOH . TAIW. SBMURC FO GAB PORD .GOD OT OG Ok, ik sta weer in de shack en nu? Heb je de schroevendraaier, het mes en de lamp bij je? Welke draad moet ik doorsnijden? !REKAERBTIUCRIC EHT REBMEMER !DIK EHT KSA Hehe, terug in London. Wat nu? Gooi eens een balletje op... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Bytes, Theo Okhuijsen The Hague, The Netherlands (c) 20 October 1988. All rights reserved. This file is copyrighted which means that without the prior written permission of Theo Okhuijsen it is not allowed to duplicate, lend, hire or distribute it in any way conceivable. Not withstanding the above a non-exclusive license has been granted to The Lamp BBS to make this file available in their Adventure download section to registered users of The Lamp. This does not give any third party rights to this file. The Lamp BBS, Europe's most complete Adventure BBS Call Holland (+31-1717-3263) and find out for yourself. And CALL STER BBS! 01880-40035 THE SOLUTION TO UNINVITED by Math Claessens LEAVE CAR-OPEN MAILBOX-OPEN LETTER-GET AMULET-READ LETTER-OPEN DOOR-ENTER HOUSE-ENTER THE LIBRARY EAST-GET MAGIC BOOK-WEST- NORTH-UP-ENTER THE FIRST DOOR ON THE RIGHT-TAKE HERE THE SPIDER CIDER AND THE BOTTLE:NO GHOSTS-LEAVE THE ROOM-ENTER THE SECOND DOOR ON THE RIGHT-GET AXE-LEAVE ROOM-ENTER THE SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT-OPEN THE NIGHTSTAND-OPEN SCROLL-(SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS,INSTANTUM ILLUMINARIS ABRAXAS)-LEAVE ROOM-DOWN-OPEN NO GHOSTS-OPEN FIRST DOOR ON THE RIGHT-OPERATE NO GHOSTS ON WOMAN- ENTER FIRTST ROOM ON THE RIGHT-N-WAIT FOR THE SPIDER-IF SHE'S GONE:OPERATE SOPIDER CIDER ON RAILING-S-N-GET SPIDER-S-S-ENTER SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT-GET FLOWERS-ENTER LEFT DOOR (KITCHEN)- ENTER LEFT DOOR-OPERATE LAMP-OPERATE SPIDER ON GHOST-GET DIARY OUT SAFE-LEAVE ROOM-ENTER RIGHT ROOM-GET MATCHES AND BIG KITCHEN KNIFE-LEAVE ROOM-S-E-ENTER SECOND DOOR ON THE RIGHT-OPERATE KNIFE ON CHAIR-GET KEY-LEAVE ROOM-N-ENTER FIRST DOOR ON THE LEFT- OPERATE KEY ON CABINET-OPEN CABINET-SPEAK TO DOLL:SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS-CLOSE CABINET-OPERATE RECORD PLAYER-LEAVE ROOM-S-UP-ENTER FIRST DOOR LEFT-OPERATE KEY ON CABINET-OPEN CABINET-OPEN SCROLLS- READ SCROLLS-GET WOODEN BOX-S-S-ENTER SECOND DOOR RIGHT-TURN FIRE ON AND DROP WOODEN BOX IN THE FIRE-GET PENTAGRAM-LEAVE ROOM-ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT-ENTER DOOR AT THE TOP RIGHT-OPEN DESK-SPEAK SELF:GOLD,SILVER AND MERCURY,TOGETHER THEY FORM A KEY-LEAVE ROOM- S-S-ENTER FIRST DOOR LEFT-N-DROP KNIFE AND SPIDER CIDER AND NO GHOSTS-GET CAGE-N-ENTER THE MOST RIGHT DOOR-SPEAK DOG:INSTANTUM ILLUMINARIS ABRAXAS-OPEN DOOR-N-LOOK CROSS-SPEAK TO MARBLE BUST:SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS-DROP CAGE-LIGHT CANDLES-GET CANDLES- ENTER SECRET PASSAGE-DROP LANTERN-S-GET CAGE-ENTER PASSAGE (CHURCH GROUNDS}-N-N-W-W-N-N-W-W-N-N-N-N-E-E-E-E-OPERATE TALISMAN ON ZOMBIE-E-E-S-S-OPERATE FLOWERS ON GRAVE-W-OPEN CAGE-GET KEY AND OPERATE ON THE THREE OTHER CAGES-OPERATE CAGE ON THE BIRD-GET CAGE-S-S-OPEN CAGE-DROP CAGE-GET DIAMOND-N-N-E-N-N-W-W-W-W-W-W-S- S-S-S-E-E-S-S-E-E-S-S-S-S-S-NOW ENTER THE GREEN HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE FROM THE SCREEN-GIVE PLANT WICH IS ON THE LEFT TABLE IN THE FRONT-SPRINKLE THE PLANT-(IF YOU HAVE THE WRONG ONE,YOU MUST GO TO THE BATHROOM FOR WATER)-GET PLANT-GO TO THE BATHROOM-PLACE PLANT IN BATH-GIVE WATER TO THE PLANT CA.10 TIMES-NOW GO BACK TO THE GREEN HOUSE AND PLACE THE PLANT ON THE FLOOR-LEAVE ROOM AND WAIT UNTIL THE PLANT IS GROWING UP-THE PLANT MUST HAVE FRUIT ON IT NOW-GET PLANT-LEAVE GREEN HOUSE-NOW GO TO THE LEFT DOOR- OPERATE THE DIAMOND IN THE NICE AT THE TOP OF THE DOOR-ENTER DOOR-GIVE PLANT TO CREATURE-N-OPEN SAFE-79 47 80 -GET JAR-OPERATE AXE ON JAR-GET COOKIE-NOW LEAVE THE LABO AND GO TO THE TROPHY ROOM-FROM THROPY ROOM S-S-ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT-DROP COOKIE- EXAMINE BOTTLE-GET KEY-S-ENTER THE DOOR IN THE NORTH-GO BACK TO THE LABAROTORY-OPEN THE TRAPDOOR LEFT-ENTER W LEFT-OPERATE PENTAGON ON CAVE-N-PUSH THE MAN IN THE PIT-N-UP-OPERATE KEY ON DOOR-ENTER DOOR-ENTER LEFT PASSAGE-S-N-N-ENTER RIGHT PASSAGE-N- GET CROSS-S-S-S-GO TO THE BATHROOM UPSTAIRS-OPEN THE HOT AND THE COOL KNOB FROM THE BATH-EXAMINE THE LIGHT UNTIL YOU CAN OPEN IT- OPEN LIGHT-ENTER LIGHT-HIT BOY-OPERATE CROSS ON DEMON-ENTER WINDOW....TURN YOUR PRINTER ON..... If you have problems with any adventure, don't hesitate to call or write to me: Math Claessens Wagenaarstraat 58 6164 XM Geleen (L) Tel. 04490-52532 ************************************************************************** * Dit file is afkomstig van het compleetste adventure bbs: * * THE LAMP OPUS 01717-3263 Voorschoten, Holland (node 281/1) * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * (member of The Dutch Fidonet Foundation, host network 281) * * * * We beschikken naast een filegebied ook over een berichten- * * gebied met adventure specialisten voor al uw vragen. * * Bereikbaar op 300, 1200 en 2400 cps full duplex. * * * * go north ..... or better call .... The Lamp * * Tot op The Lamp, * * het SysOp team * **********************STER BBS: 01880-40035******************************* !>!!!!!!!! !> HOW TO SOLVE VOODOO CASTLE !> PRESENTED BY NEABBS !>!STER BBS: 01880-40035>!!!>>> ************************************************************************** * Dit file is afkomstig van het compleetste adventure bbs: * * THE LAMP OPUS 01717-3263 Voorschoten, Holland (node 281/1) * * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * (member of The Dutch Fidonet Foundation, host network 281) * * * * We beschikken naast een filegebied ook over een berichten- * * gebied met adventure specialisten voor al uw vragen. * * Bereikbaar op 300, 1200 en 2400 bps full duplex. * * * * go north ..... or better call .... The Lamp * * Tot op The Lamp, * * het SysOp team * ****************** OR CALL STER BBS: 01880-40035 ***********************  Zak McKraken, the total solution --------------------------------- By: Gerald Been & Martijn Visseren ---------------------------------- - TRY TO DRAW MAPS OF EVERY DUNGEON/MAZE. - USE THE RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON TO SKIP DEMO'S AND SHOW'S - SAVE YOURE GAME! - READ EVERY SIGN, MESSAGE, MARKINGS, ETC. - LOOK AROUND FOR FUNNY THINGS AND STUFF. ZAK: open dresser drawer; pick up phone bill; pick up fishbowl; open desk drawer; pick up kazoo; close desk drawer; use phonebill on plastic card; open door; pull wallpaper (left to the door); EAST; pick up seat cusion (to the right of the TV); pick up seat cusion (the left one on the seat); pick up remote control; use poweroutlet with power cord. use remote control and watch TV for a while, when you think you've seen enough, use remote control again to turn the TV off. Now walk over to the kitchen an throw Sushi trough the sink. Pick up the butter knife, open refrigiator and pick up the egg. open cabinet (under the sink) and pick up the yellow crayon. Use yellow Verder? (J/n) crayon on the torn wallpaper. pick up the small key and open the door. EAST. ring the bakery bell three times, pick up the bread. now walk to Lou's Loan in 14th avenue and buy everything you can buy, don't forget the wetsuit!! (except the lotto ticket). Go to the hair salon and get the bobby pin sign with the wire cutters (they are in the tool box). Let's go back to the kitchen and remove the pipe with the monkey wrench. Put the bread in the sink and push the turn on button, when the bread is bread crumbs, turn off button. go to youre bedroom, pull rug corner (right-under) and remove the loose boards. tie rope to door. wear the hat and nose and climb down the rope. walk to the left and open the sekret door. In the TPC use the terminal then get the application form and fill it in with the crayon. walk outside, unlock youre mailbox and post the application. wake up busdriver with the kazoo and drive to the airport. give cashcard to 'dancer' then you can enter the plane. go to the toilet and put the toilet paper in sink, the turn on sink and push button. Go to micro wave oven and cook egg in it. now open all the bin's and find the oxygen tank and pick it up. pick up cushion in front chair and pick up lighter. go outside and get branch. give peanuts to the squirel and dig a hole with the butter knife. enter the cave. put the branch in fire pit. get bird nest with bobby pin sign and put in the fire pit. light fire pit. use crayon on strange markings then enter the Verder? (J/n) ankh door. use remote control and pick up the gem. fly back to home. put the blue gem in drop slot. ANNIE: pull blotter and get cashcard. MELLISA: enter bus and get boom box, cashcards, tape and the fuse. give one cashcard to Leslie. go to monolith and buy TWO tokens. go to hostel and open metal plate with token now replace the fuse LESLIE: also buy two tokens and go to Hostel and close entrance door. (never have two doors open at the same time!). open the second door and enter room. pick up vinyl tape and get flashlight from locker. pick up covers (Leslie MUST do this). pick up broom then pick up ladder. MELLISA: also enter room and CLOSE DOOR. now both can take off their helmets (this will preserve air) ZAK + ANNIE: Both Zak and Annie go to the airport. and fly to London (one at the time) ZAK: fly to to Katmandu. give book to guard and go to the Guru and wait untill youre bad karma is gone (remember Sushi!!). Leave. light the hay next to the guru-house and walk over to the jail and get flagpole. enter the jail and get the keys. go to airport by Yak and fly to Zaire. walk trough the jungle untill you find the village. go to doc and give him the golf club. the zoeloes will 'dance' for you. WRITE DOWN THE WAY THEY KNEE-BOW (for example: 1-2-3-3-1-3 this is different every time you play Zak McKraken). now walk back to the airport. LESLIE+MELLISA: both put on their helmets, one of them picks up the fuse, and go to the huge-mars-face (on the right) LESLIE: put Verder? (J/n) ladder against door and PRESS BUTTONS IN THE KNEE-BOW- SEQUENCE. pick up the ladder LESLIE + MELLISA: enter the chamber MELLISA: read markings on the most right statue (DRAW DOWN THIS PICTURE) LESLIE: go to the most left-face-door and use ladder on pedestal. press the crystal. enter. use flashlight and walk trough the maze (draw a map, it's not that easy!) until you find both a machine and a room with a huge map of the earth. when you find the machine, pull both those switches. when both gauches are in the green, both mellisa and leslie can take off their helmets. When you find the map, read the markings below the sphinx. DRAW DOWN THIS PICTURE! Now find youre way back trough the maze. pick up ladder. LESLIE + MELLISA: walk to the most right-face-door. LESLIE: put ladder agaist pedestal. give vinyl tape to Mellisa. MELLISA: put vinyl tape on audio tape, put audio tape in boom box. turn on boom box (RECORD). LESLIE: push the crystal on the pedestal. MELLISA: turn off boom box and walk to the center-face-door. turn on boom box and press PLAY. LESLIE: pick ladder and walk to the center-face-door. enter the camber. this is NOT a maze, so you can walk to the statue and grab the ankh key. no leave this 'maze' and walk over to the right door. enter this 'maze' and turn off flaslight. now turn off the force field with the ankh key. pick up both keys, (oops...) and push the button on the projector. when youve heart the story go back to the great chamber. Verder? (J/n) ZAK: fly to Cairo. walk to the sphinx and find the markings on one of the legs. draw the picture you saw on the MAP-ROOM on MARS with the crayon, this will open the secret door in the sphinx. (don't enter this maze..YET). fly to Miami and give the book to the bum. now buy a ticket for the bermuda triangle. (beshure, you DON'T wear the nose-glasses). when you arrive at the spaceship, stand against the right door. push doorbell and give the guitar to THE KING. now write down the button-sequece showed by the big headed alian. DON'T leave yet, but go back to the king's room and read the numbers on the lotto-dictor. WRITE DOWN THIS NUMBER. now press the color-sequence again and go home. (note: the teleportation chamber is to the LEFT of the red line.) walk over to Lou's loan and buy a lotto ticket, use the numbers that where given by the lotto-dictor! walk over to youre mailbox and get the clubcard from it. fly to Lima. walk trough to jungle until you find the bird-feeder. put the bread crubs on the feeder. use blue crystal on bird. BIRD: BE FAST, WITHIN 2 MINUTES THE ALIEN WILL GET ZAK. fly to the LEFT eye of the huge carving and get the scroll. now fly back to Zak and give the scroll to Zak. now back TO ZAK. ZAK: RUN, RUN, RUN!!! back to the jungle and walk around until you find the airport. fly to Mexico. walk around in the jungle until you find some temples. enter the most RIGHT temple and walk the following way to the statue: (lit torches to make some light) enter Verder? (J/n) the most LEFT doorway; enter most RIGHT tunnel (NOT doorway); enter LEFT doorway (up); enter LEFT doorway (up); enter RIGHT doorway (up). draw the picture you saw on the STATUE on MARS on the strange markings, this will open the hand of the statue so you can pick up the shard. now leave the temple the way you came (use the torches as markings). fly to San Fransisco. walk to LOU'S LOANS and......YOU WON!!!! fly to London. give whiskey and scroll to Annie. ANNIE: give whiskey to guard (note: Annie must do this). pull switch. ZAK: walk over to the gate and open it with the wire cutters. ANNIE + ZAK: walk over to stonehenge. ZAK: put both crystal shards on altar and put the flagpole also in the altar. ANNIE: read scroll ZAK: pick up the yellow crystal. fly to Ciaro, fly to Zaire. walk trough the jungle to the tribe. give yellow crystal to the DOC. use yellow crystal TO PERU (south america) get the candelabra and use the yellow crystal TO CAIRO. Youve now arrived INSIDE the pyramide pull the MOST LEFT lever. go down. lit the torch wich is far to the right (this is not a maze) and go to the sphinx entrance. ANNIE: fly to CAIRO. enter the sphinx. read the sign and shiver!. follow the following way: SECOND doorway UP; enter MOST RIGHT doorway; SECOND doorway UP; enter MOST LEFT doorway UP; second doorway UP; enter MOST LEFT doorway; SECOND doorway UP; most LEFT doorway UP (above this door are two eyes). read hyrogliphes, and push the buttons in that order. ZAK: get Zak in the Verder? (J/n) same room by the same way. use crayon on youre map. read the strange markings DRAW THIS PICTURE!!. ANNIE: follow the way you came (you did draw a map, didn't you??) and walk over to the pyramide. enter pyramide (to the machine) and pull the left lever. ZAK: use yellow crystal TO SEATLE (this is where you found the blue crystal). fly to Miami. now fly over the bermuda triangle. when youre in the plane, use youre paracute at once. when youre in the water, blow the kazoo and....oops, sharks!! hit the fish with the blue crystal (remeber the 2 minutes). FISH: swim UNDERWATER towards the RIGHT seaweed. pick it up until you find the glowing object. pick it up and give it to Zak. back TO ZAK. ZAK: use yellow crystal TO CAIRO (pyramide) place the glowing object on the base and place the candelabra on the glowing object. put on wetsuit, use duct tape on fish bowl. use yellow crystal TO MARS-FACE. use the crayon on the markings (make the picture you found in the sphinx). enter the centre door and walk the following way: walk left and enter the first doorway UP; now walk left again and enter the second doorway UP. now you'll find the air-temp. machine and you must be able now to find your way out of this maze because Leslie drew a map, didn't she? (remember, most right, most right, most left). LESLIE: put on helmet and walk outside. go to the heap of sand in front of the hostel and remove it with the broom. then walk to the metro (do NOT enter it). MELLISSA: Verder? (J/n) put on the helmet and walk to the metro (do NOT enter it). ZAK: use oxygen tank, put on fishbowl. walk to the monolite and but TWO tokens. ZAK + LESLIE + MELLISSA: enter the metro bye inserting the token (everybody have to insert their own token!). LESLIE: go to pyramide and remove the pile of sand with the dead broom alien (dead?). ZAK: go to pyramide and use bobby pin sign in key hole. MELLISSA: enter pyramide (it's identical to the one on earth, so youre stupid when you can't find the sacrograph.) push sacrograph feet, this will open the door. ZAK: enter pyramide and go to sacrograph. enter the secret door (stairs) to the light room. LESLIE: follow Zak. MELLISSA: let go of the sacrograph feet. LESLIE: use gold key in box. push button. ZAK: pick up white crystal. (BE FAST!) it will be dark now. use yellow crystal TO CAIRO. take off fish bowl and take off oxygon tank. LESLIE: walk over to the left side of the room MELLISSA: push feet again. LESLIE: go down stairs. LESLIE + MELLISSA: go to the shuttle-bg by metro (at the same time!) and take off helmets (you did close the door, didn't you?). put back the fuse in the glove compartment. ZAK: put all the 3 crystals in the candelabra and pull the right switch. ANNIE: pull the left (big) switch. NOW, ENJOY THE SHOW!! --------------------- {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {}{}{} Afkomstig van BBS de SAEN: 075- 314430 {}{}{} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}  ZORK III WELL, YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY SINCE YOU FIRST STOOD BY THE MAILBOX OUTSIDE THE HOUSE IN THE FOREST. YOU'VE DEFEATED THE THIEF, OUTWITTED THE WIZARD OF FROBOZZ, AND NOW, YOU STAND AT THE FOOT OF THE ENDLESS STAIRS, READY TO EMBARK ON THE FINAL PART OF YOUR JOURNEY. SO, PICK UP THE LAMP, TURN IT ON, AND HEAD ALONG DUE SOUTH UNTIL YOU COME TO THE SHORE OF THE LAKE. DROP THE LAMP , AND JUMP INTO THE LAKE. BRRRR!!! PRETTY COLD! SO, DON'T STAY IN THERE LONG; SWIM WEST AND THEN GO SOUTH INTO THE SCENIC VISTA. KIND OF A STRANGE PLACE, WITH CHANGING NUMBERS ON THE WALL AND A BARE TABLE...NOT QUITE ALL THAT SCENIC, EH? WELL, GET THE TORCH, AND WAIT FOR THE NUMBER TO CHANGE TO "II." THEN, TOUCH THE TABLE. MY OH MY! YOU'RE IN A ROOM FROM ZORK II....ROOM 8, AS A MATTER OF FACT. HOWEVER, YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME TO SIGHT-SEE, SO GET THE CAN OF GRUE REPELLANT, THEN TRY MOVING EAST, AND YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF BACK IN SCENIC VISTA AGAIN. NOW WAIT FOR THE NUMBER TO CHANGE TO "III," THEN TOUCH THE TABLE AGAIN. THIS TIME, YOU'RE IN A DAMP PASSAGE. DROP THE TORCH, AND JUST WAIT THERE UNTIL YOU'RE PULLED BACK TO SCENIC VISTA. OKAY, YOU'RE FINISHED HERE, SO MOVE ALONG NORTH TO THE SHORE, AND AGAIN JUMP IN THE LAKE. SPLASH! IT HASN'T GOTTEN ANY WARMER; IN FACT, YOU JUST DROPPED THE CAN OF REPELLANT. SO, GO DOWN, AND YOU WILL BE ON THE LAKE BOTTOM. AH, THERE IT IS! BUT, COULD THERE BE SOMETHING ELSE THERE, TOO? "GET ALL," AND YOU WILL HAVE NOT ONLY THE REPELLANT BUT ALSO AN AMULET. THIS IS ONE OF THOSE "WONDERFUL" VARIABLE THINGS; IT MAY TAKE MORE THAN ONE TRY ON YOUR PART TO GET BOTH ITEMS. IN THE MEANTIME, YOU CAN'T STAY IN THE ICY WATERS TOO LONG, AND SOONER OR LATER A HUNGRY FISH WILL COME LOOKING FOR YOU. THEREFORE, IT'S BEST TO SAVE THE GAME BEFORE YOU JUMP IN FROM THE WESTERN SHORE. SO IF YOU DIE IN THE WATER, OR GET EATEN BY THE FISH, OR PICKED UP BY THE ROC , YOU DON'T HAVE TO START ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE BEGINNING. BY THE WAY, THIS IS THE ONLY ONE OF THE ZORKS WHERE YOU DON'T LOSE POINTS IF YOU DIE, BUT, ALL THE ITEMS YOU'VE COLLECTED SO FAR GET SCATTERED ALL AROUND, AND IT'S TIME-CONSUMING TO GO LOOK FOR THEM. OKAY, NOW YOU HAVE THE CAN AND THE AMULET, SO HEAD UP TO THE SURFACE, THEN SOUTH TO THE SOUTHERN SHORE. YOU CAN SEE A CAVE TO THE SOUTH, AND IT LOOKS KIND OF DARK. IN FACT, IT *IS* DARK IN THERE, WHICH IS WHY YOU HAVE THE REPELLANT. SO, SPRAY THE SMELLY STUFF ON YOURSELF, AND GO SOUTH, AND YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF IN A DARK PLACE. GO SOUTH AGAIN, THEN EAST, AND YOU WILL BE IN THE KEY ROOM. WHEW! AT LEAST THERE'S SOME LIGHT IN HERE! AND BY THE LIGHT YOU CAN SEE A STRANGE KEY. GET THE KEY, THEN MOVE THE MANHOLE COVER AND GO DOWN. AND HERE YOU ARE ON AN AQUEDUCT. SINCE YOU CAN'T GO BACK , YOU MIGHT AS WELL GO FORWARD. SO, JUST HEAD ALONG NORTH AND YOU WILL COME TO THE WATER SLIDE. GO NORTH DOWN THE SLIDE, AND GUESS WHERE YOU ARE? IN THE DAMP PASSAGE! AND THERE'S THE TORCH, SO PICK IT UP, BECAUSE YOU'RE CERTAINLY GOING TO NEED A LIGHT SOURCE...ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU THINK OF WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT. SO, FROM THE DAMP PASSAGE HIKE ALONG WEST TO THE JUNCTION , THEN SOUTH INTO CREEPY CRAWL, AND SOUTHWEST INTO THE SHADOW LAND. HERE WE COME TO ANOTHER VARIABLE PORTION OF THE GAME. YOU WILL HAVE TO WANDER AROUND IN THE SHADOW LAND UNTIL A CLOAKED AND HOODED FIGURE APPEARS. WHEN THAT HAPPENS, THE SWORD WILL SUDDENLY MATERIALIZE IN YOUR HAND, AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIGHT. HOWEVER, SINCE THERE'S NO WAY OF TELLING WHEN THAT WILL HAPPEN, YOU JUST HAVE TO KEEP MOVING AROUND UNTIL IT DOES. AT LEAST YOU WILL GET A CHANCE TO PRACTICE SOME ELEMENTARY MAP-MAKING! ALSO, THIS IS THE MOST DANGEROUS PART OF THE GAME, AS THE FIGURE IS QUITE CAPABLE OF KILLING YOU, TOO! SO, BEST TO SAVE BEFORE YOU ENTER SHADOW LAND. WHEN THE MYSTERIOUS FIGURE FINALLY APPEARS, ATTACK HIM WITH YOUR SWORD UNTIL HE IS BADLY WOUNDED AND CANNOT DEFEND HIMSELF. AT THAT POINT, GET HIS HOOD. THE FIGURE WILL THEN DISAPPEAR, LEAVING THE CLOAK BEHIND. GET THAT ALSO. NOW, YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE, AND I CAN'T TELL YOU EXACTLY HOW, SINCE THERE'S NO WAY OF KNOWING EXACTLY WHERE YOU WERE WHEN THE FIGHT STARTED. HOWEVER, IF YOU GO EASTWARDS, YOU WILL EXIT THE SHADOW LAND AT EITHER THE CREEPY CRAWL OR THE FOGGY ROOM. FROM EITHER PLACE, GO NORTH TO THE JUNCTION. FROM THE JUNCTION, IT'S WEST THROUGH THE BARREN AREA, AND WEST AGAIN TO THE CLIFF. BET YOU JUST CAN'T WAIT TO CLIMB DOWN THE ROPE, HUH? WELL, PICK UP THE BREAD FIRST, THEN GO DOWN TO THE LEDGE. WELL, WELL, A CHEST! TOO BAD YOU DON'T HAVE A KEY TO OPEN IT. IN FACT, THERE'S NO WAY FOR YOU TO OPEN IT AT ALL. BUT DON'T DESPAIR, THERE'S A WAY OF DOING IT. JUST WAIT AROUND AND SOMEONE WILL COME ALONG THE TOP OF THE CLIFF. YOU MAY NOT REALLY TRUST HIM, BUT TIE THE ROPE TO THE CHEST WHEN HE ASKS, AND WAIT AROUND SOME MORE. EVENTUALLY, HE WILL RETURN AND HELP YOU BACK UP THE CLIFF. HE WILL ALSO GIVE YOU A STAFF, WHICH IS WHAT YOU'RE REALLY AFTER HERE. TAKE THE STAFF, THEN GO BACK DOWN TO THE LEDGE, AND FROM THERE, TO THE CLIFF BASE. NOW TREK SOUTH TO THE FLATHEAD OCEAN, AND DO A LITTLE MORE WAITING. SOONER OR LATER A SHIP WILL COME FLOATING BY. AS SOON AS YOU SEE IT, SAY: "HELLO, SAILOR." THE MAN IN THE SHIP WILL THROW SOMETHING ONTO THE BEACH FOR YOU. TAKE A LOOK, AND YOU WILL SEE IT'S A VIAL. IT'LL COME IN HANDY LATER, SO PICK IT UP. NOW COMES THE FUN PART: YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE EARTHQUAKE . WHILE YOU'RE WAITING, YOU MIGHT WANT TO WANDER AROUND A LITTLE, ALTHOUGH YOU'VE BEEN TO MOST OF THE ACCESSIBLE PLACES BY NOW. IN ANY CASE, WHEREVER YOU ARE, ONCE THE EARTHQUAKE HITS, MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE CREEPY CRAWL, AND FROM THERE EAST INTO THE TIGHT SQUEEZE, THEN EAST AGAIN INTO THE CRYSTAL GROTTO. THEN ALL THE WAY SOUTH TO THE GREAT DOOR, AND EAST INTO THE MUSEUM ENTRANCE. NOW, OPEN THE EAST DOOR, THEN GO NORTH INTO THE MUSEUM. LOOK AT THE GOLD MACHINE , THEN SET THE DIAL TO 776. HERE COMES THE FUN PART: PUSH THE MACHINE SOUTH INTO THE ENTRANCE, THEN EAST INTO THE JEWEL ROOM. GET INTO THE MACHINE, AND PUSH THE BUTTON. AHA! NOW YOU'RE BACK IN 776 GUE, BUT THE TIME MACHINE SEEMS TO HAVE VANISHED! NO MATTER, WAIT FOR THE GUARDS TO LEAVE, THEN GET THE RING , THEN OPEN THE DOOR, GO OUT INTO THE ENTRANCE, OPEN THE NORTH DOOR AND GO NORTH. BY GOLLY, THE MACHINE IS RIGHT THERE! PUT THE RING UNDER THE SEAT, TURN THE DIAL TO 948, GET IN, AND PUSH THE BUTTON. WHEW, YOU'RE BACK IN THE RIGHT TIME PERIOD AGAIN. GET OUT OF THE MACHINE, LOOK UNDER THE SEAT , THEN BACK SOUTH, AND SOUTH AGAIN, TO THE ROYAL PUZZLE. OKAY FOLKS, YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER THE ABSOLUTE NASTIEST PART OF THE GAME. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS *EXACTLY* AS GIVEN, OR YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT. AND, SINCE IT WOULD BE EASY TO MAKE A MISTAKE HERE, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU SAVE THE GAME. 1. GO DOWN THE HOLE, THEN PUSH THE SOUTH WALL. THEN GO EAST, SOUTH, EAST, EAST. PUSH THE SOUTH WALL, GET THE BOOK, AND PUSH THE SOUTH WALL AGAIN. 2. PUSH THE WEST WALL TWICE. THEN GO EAST, SOUTH, AND PUSH THE EAST WALL. 3. NOW, GO STRAIGHT NORTH UNTIL YOU COME TO THE MARBLE WALL, AND PUSH THE EAST WALL. 4. NOW, GO WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, EAST, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, AND PUSH THE WEST WALL. 5. FROM THERE, GO EAST, SOUTH, SOUTH, SOUTH, WEST, WEST, WEST, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, WEST, NORTH. PUSH THE EAST WALL THREE TIMES. 6. NOW, WEST, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, EAST, SOUTH, AND PUSH THE EAST WALL. 7. OKAY, NOW WEST, WEST, WEST, NORTH, NORTH, NORTH, EAST, EAST, AND PUSH THE SOUTH WALL TWO TIMES. 8. FROM THERE, WEST, SOUTH, SOUTH, EAST, EAST, NORTH, AND PUSH THE WEST WALL TWO TIMES. 9. NOW, SOUTH, WEST, AND PUSH THE NORTH WALL UNTIL IT WON'T MOVE ANY MORE. 10. THEN WEST AND NORTH. FINALLY! YOU HAVE MANEUVERED THE LADDER UNDER THE HOLE , AND NOW YOU CAN JUST GO UP AND OUT! WHEW!!!! games3\zork1.docgames3\zork2.doc ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 RH Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (zomer 1988) al zo'n drie honderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. ************** Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productie fouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productie nummer. ************************************************************************ HANTO.TXT 3584 Dax Oplossing van: Enchantor ESCAPE.TXT 1920 Dax Oplossing van: Escape from Traam ET.TXT 1792 Dax Punten police quest II. Take key 1 1 Open box Take card 1 2 Turn over card ( 36-4-12 ) Go in office. Look board 1 3 Take key 1 4 Look basket 1 5 Unlock drawer. Take letter. Read letter 1 6 Close drawer. Stand. Go to the locker room Take wallet 1 7 Open locker 5 12 Take gun 1 13 Take cuffs 1 14 Take ammo 1 15 Kiss Photo Give Gun Ask ear protection 2 17 Wear protectors.View.Back.Adjust gun 5 22 Ask ammo 2 24 Open bin. Take kit 2 26 Open cabinet.Take bains. Take picture 1 27 Drive to the Jail Gun in locker 3 30 Show ID in camera Ask pate car 1 31 Ask pate 2 33 Pate ID #2204 Handgun Smith & Wesson #5557763 .38 cal. K-38 Ask bains (Take photo) 2 35 Ask about escape 1 36 Ask about escape (Aan witness) 2 38 Drive to the office ( after dispatch ) Drive to OAK TREE MALL Open door Use powder on box - Use tape 3 41 Open box Take Holster 1 42 Take bullets 1 43 Take registration Close box Close door Ask Lady Name Ask lady about car 1968 compact chevy station wagon black license CO35 3 46 Report office 3 49 Drive to the office (after dispatch) Drive to COTTON COVE Ask girl (Naam Girl " Shelly Wingate" ) 2 51 Ask ID ( 108 tenth street ) Show me 1e Schot op Bains 4 55 Look carplate - only CO3 - Go to car and report office 2 57 Look ground 1 58 Use eye dropper 2 60 Use casting powder 2 62 Take photo 1 63 Go to the bin on the right Search Garbage 1 64 Take clothes ( jail clothes ) Read label 2 66 Search wallet 2 68 Examine tank 2 70 Dive equipment DIVING 6 76 Plaatje Midden - Take Badge 2 78 Plaatje links In het midden bij grote rots Search ground. Look object.Take object 2 80 Plaatje rechts helemaal rechts tegen rotsen Move rocks - Look hand - Take body 5 85 Notify Emergency services 2 87 Drive to the office (after dispatch) Drive to the AIRPORT Look plate 1 88 Notify tow truck 2 90 Vin S1234T10 Push button 1 91 Buy rose 2 93 On toilet Take gun 4 97 Dry gun 2 99 Show ID Show photo 1 100 Ask list 3 103 He used pate name and go to houston Buy ticket to houston Buy ticket to houston Show ID to the officer 2 105 Fasten seat bels 1 106 Show ID Show photo 1 107 Ask list 3 110 Push button 1 111 Report dispatch 1 112 Report dispatch 2 114 Drive to the OFFICE Give evidence 9 123 Phone Marie Wilkans ( 555-4169 ) 3 126 Drive to arnie's (Wacht op de ober) Kiss marie 2 128 Give rose 3 131 Eat 1 132 Kiss Marie 2 134 Call waiter Pay 2 136 De volgende dag..... In car Get keys Go bullitain board Get keys (on bureau) Look Basket 3 139 Drive to 160 west rose Look trunk Use eye dropper 1 140 Look face 1 141 Search b. :.. WISHBRINDOC }w5CHART1NWPC3 t<CHART2NWPC3 t0CHART3NWPC3 t"BCHART4NWPC3 tC Onderwerp: De tekst-adventure Wishbringer in kaart. De adventure WISHBRINGER zit logisch in elkaar, onderkent dezelfde betekenis van veel andersluidende, maar in wezen iden- tieke commando's en heeft daarboven nog het voordeel dat het goedkeurend punten uitdeelt, wanneer een handeling ter plekke of in-bezit-name van een object inderdaad noodzakelijk is voor het bereiken van het einddoel, of trekt juist punten af, wanneer men iets doet waardoor het bereiken van het einddoel onmogelijk is geworden. Hierdoor wordt de speler als het ware het hele spel door begeleid door een onzichtbare gids die goedkeurend knikt of afkeurend mompelt, wat voor mensen die onzeker zijn van zichzelf een verademing is en voor beginners een vaste steun. Eigenlijk kent WISHBRINGER voor sommigen maar een handicap nl. het Engels als voertaal. Als alternatief voor een complete oplossing op schrift, worden hierbij een viertal kaarten aangeboden; gemaakte situatie- schetsen van de wereld in WISHBRINGER. Elke locatie wordt hierin voorgesteld door een vierkant met daarboven de locatienaam (handig voor het benamen van bewaar-je- huidige-stand-files). In de linkerbovenhoek staan de punten die je in die locatie kunt verdienen. In het vierkant zelf staan de onroerende goederen met vette letters afgedrukt. De roerende goederen staan cursief afgedrukt. De punten die je ergens mee verdienen kunt staan voor de voorwerpsnaam afgedrukt. Succes! Frans de Rooij Noordzijde 76 2411RC Bodegraven IS INFIDEL.TXT 4992 Oplossing van: Infidel INSTITUT.TXT 5632 Oplossing van: The Institute KABULSPY.TXT 4480 Oplossing van: Kabul Spy KING_III.TXT 8064 Oplossing van: Kings Quest III KNIGHT.TXT 2048 Oplossing van: Knight of diamonds K_QUEST4.TXT 4912 wL$"A @ xx xx"0 xx0 xxh xxgD xxg xx<S` xx<A xx$ xx xxp xx`² @JX @AB D Pp@ "P %@`)  @   `€`` @ !<  $@bP1 C@V08 (X6    3P/6G@ q`B)A*@%@H$8@> !A`  V H0 $ @G    98H` ( @)@HX '@@  g@ 0@ @  ( 1B@e   H`@ $R` @ A %!@  !@D  8@@D @   D@ 0 S @@0  SHQ$ z!@!BDG`P( dG7 D @ G0@B %0"@ z " @D   @ jb !B@" !B?.Ar/ `v"2  pP B("g~(c  B(" 8na(* (@B("@f`(I@ jHyqǞv|ΐ T">f|D kA "fa)d D" fa$  I   Ab XςJ ! ?h0  H, "  8A0  ( A )$ @ #T  T0 ~Ͻ;䀐(@ g(@ |   `gA`  ~D  F@ (@ 8@ "0 H@1  @#Q  .  !@ Q )@   Ј Hl!b 0(8HD BH8 $ l \! ? ?Cj~qf$, AfD Z(  @ _@` $ PbQ $B` (dE9 A Bd CD ( .s @ %?XÃ$0$`dY80D@q``BH`0p<( @@  $0)0·  @" @ T 9A1 c9$, @"` (DEA J0JB!"xq@H@D} $@p DEA C}~0`3E1@@   &H͚0! @XE! 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fhsf 9 fhdh zhsd nndd ansz agzf xcnf caxv 10 hcnd aaxz nvnz nzxf fzbv azgs hhca 11 ffgf zfcv chgv ahcs nava bbdh nbsd 12 hxds bhsa fnda gnsh vnzd ddnd hdxz 13 xzna zzxh vcnh zvxd xabz nsgf hncv 14 zvgd shcz fsgz bfcf cfvv afds axsa 15 cndf dnsv vcdv sxss gcza hvna cvxh 16 zcnv daxs avns azxa bzbh nzgd fzcz 17 gfga nfch chgh dhcd hhvz hbdf hcsv 18 zxdd xxsz abdz nnsf fnzv hdnv zdxs 19 svnz gzxf bcnf vaxv fabs asga gnch 20 shgv nhcs asgs hfca cfvh dfdd zgsz 21 xnda fnsh bxdh nxsd axzz fsnz xvxf 22 ncnh hvxd dvnd hvxz fzbf azgv zzcs 23 xsgz afcf xhgf zccv zhvs zbda xbsh 24 zcdv fxss dbds ansa bnzh gdnh zdxd 25 nvns nzxa hcna vaxh sabd nagz nncf 26 hhgh ahcd nsgd fncz xfvf hfdv xgss 27 nbdz gnsf hxdf axsv dxzs asns fvxa 28 acnf zaxv hvnv zvxs zzba xzgh hzcd 29 fsgs bfca fhga ghch vhvd fhdz fbsf 30 vxdh sxsd dvdd zbsz hnzf ndnf fdxv  section 2 A B C D E F G 1 nczz zvnz hgzf gcnf daxv habs fsga 2 asbf zsgv zzbv azgs xhca fhvh zhdd 3 zhvs zbda gfva nfdh avsd ngzz zcnz 4 gxzh csnh abzd svnd zzxz fdbf ahgv 5 vczv avnv anzs fdns baxa habh aagd 6 aabs zsga nzba vzgh fzcd xxvz chdf 7 chvh dhdd fnvd sndz ggsf dczv acnv 8 cnzv vdnv xxzs zsns avxa gfbh vfgd 9 xfbs nzga naba vagh sacd navz nndf 10 nnvh fndd fvvd hxdz bhsf aczv vvnv 11 xgzz acnz nbzf xznf scxv fzbs nhga 12 hfbf scgv zdbv fhgs xaca favh zvdd 13 nxvs ghda hnva cndh dnsd hnzz ndnz 14 fbzh aznh ngzd zcnd baxz xsbf hsgv 15 fdbd zhgz hsbz gfgf vfcv ffvs fxda 16 anvf sndv hxvv zxds hhsa xczh vvnh 17 fgzs dcns abza fzna gzxh zzbd fzgz 18 zfba xfgh cdbh vvgd nhcz gavf fbdv 19 vvvd bxdz xavz xndf nhsv znzs adns 20 gbzf cznf fczv vcnv haxs fsba gsgh 21 sdbv xhgs zsbs nfga vfch sfvd nfdz 22 bnva hndh gxvh vxdd fxsz fczf bvnf 23 sgzd hcnd zczz nvnz nzxf fzbv azgs 24 bsbz ffgf xdbf chgv ahcs nava bbdh 25 dxvv hxds favs fnda gnsh vnzd ddnd 26 nbza xzna xgzh vcnh zvxd xabz nsgf 27 hdbh zvgd zsbd fsgz bfcf cfvv afds 28 zavz cndf nxvf vcdv sxss gcza hvna 29 vczv zcnv xczs avns azxa bzbh nzgd 30 hsbs gfga fdba chgh dhcd hhvz hbdf section 3 A B C D E F G 1 azch dvvd aacd bavz bndf cnsv anzs 2 ansz agzf chsf hczv svnv nvxs nzba 3 nzxf fzbv faxv sabs bsga nnch fnvd 4 fncs xfva ahca bhvh nhdd ahsz abzf 5 ffcz fxdf aacf savv abds nnsa vnzh 6 fnsv snzs hxss hcza gvna nvxh fvbd 7 fvxs fzba faxa gabh vagd facz fnvf 8 bhcz aavf xfcf hfvv zfds zxsa xxzh 9 dxsv hxzs sbss fnza hdna cdxh ddbd 10 zdxs faba xvxa hfbh afgd bfcz bxvf 11 xnch hnvd azcd nxvz ghdf vhsv sczs 12 bgsz axzf xbsf hbzv zznv azxs ndba 13 hvxf ffbv vdxv fdbs baga hach aavd 14 nzcs zhva nnca vnvh sndd nnsz ngzf 15 hbsh abzd svsd fgzz bcnz bsxf zsbv 16 hdxd zdbz nsxz cfbf ccgv hfcs hxva 17 fncf ccvv hzcv axvs nhda vhsh vvzd 18 hgss bxza fbsa gbzh cznh azxd hzbz 19 zvxa bfbh vdxh sdbd xhgz cacf davv 20 azcd sxvz bacz bnvf cndv anss agza 21 cbsf dbzv fgsv sgzs hcns hsxa csbh 22 zdxv xdbs asxs xfba ffgh zfcd xfvz 23 gnca nnvh gzch fvvd hxdz bhsf aczv 24 fvsd xgzz nhsz nbzf xznf scxv fzbs 25 zsxz hfbf bdxf zdbv fhgs xaca favh 26 fzcv nxvs hacs hnva cndh dnsd hnzz 27 xbsa fbzh bgsh ngzd zcnd baxz xsbf 28 ndxh fdbd asxd hsbz gfgf vfcv ffvs 29 aacz anvf nzcf hxvv zxds hhsa xczh 30 vgsv fgzs ahss abza fzna gzxh zzbd  section 4 A B C D E F G 1 zsns avxa xdna zdxh zdbd bdgz aacf 2 aagh sacd hfgd zfcz cxvf acdv hxss 3 hxdz bhsf fndf znsv xnzs zdns faxa 4 acnf zaxv hvnv zvxs zzba xzgh hzcd 5 bsnh nsxd vvnd xzxz cdbf shgv nhcs 6 nhgz gacf hfgf afcv dfvs bxda hxsh 7 scdv axss xbds znsa xnzh bdnh ndxd 8 zznh zzxd scnd xaxz nsbf fsgv zncs 9 zsgz hfcf ghgf fccv fhvs fbda gbsh 10 zbdv xbss nfds nxsa vxzh zsnh zsxd 11 sdns haxa bvna hvxh avbd sfgz bzcf 12 xsgh avcd fzgd nzcz chvf dhdv hhss 13 ffdz fxsf bbdf dcsv abzs fzns xdxa 14 nvnf fvxv ddnv hdxs gaba nagh facd 15 xzgs ahca nsga fnch znvd xndz xgsf 16 nbdh fbsd afdd hgsz bxzf gsnf asxv 17 ndnd adxz xsnz cvxf sfbv nfgs hzca 18 asgf ancv zzgv azcs xhva fhvh zhsd 19 sfds gxsa hbda cbsh dbzd nvnd nzxz 20 avna bvxh zdnh zdxd xdbz aagf sacv 21 fzgd zzcz sagz gncf acvv fnds fgsa 22 abdf acsv dfdv zgss hxza nsna vsxh 23 adnv zdxs fsns xvxa hfbh afgd bfcz 24 gsga xnch czgh azcd nxvz ghdf vhsv 25 nfdd bgsz xhdz xbsf hbzv zznv azxs 26 asnz hvxf gdnf vdxv fdbs baga hach 27 szgv nzcs nags nnca vnvh sndd nnsz 28 bbda hbsh ffdh svsd fgzz bcnz bsxf 29 xdnh hdxd ssnd nsxz cfbf ccgv hfcs 30 fagz fncf xzgf hzcv axvs nhda vhsh  section 5 A B C D E F G 1 gfvv zfds nhvs nbda vbsh sbzd vvnd 2 fnza hdna hxzh nsnh fsxd zsbz hfgf 3 hfbh afgd ndbd fhgz xacf havv xbds 4 zavz cndf nxvf vcdv sxss gcza hvna 5 hfva cfdh nhvh fhdd shsz gbzf cznf 6 vbzd hvnd bgzz fcnz asxf zsbv xsgs 7 xsbz afgf ndbf hhgv zhcs hava xbdh 8 ghva nhdh cnvh dndd hnsz hgzf gcnf 9 agzd vcnd fczz bvnz bzxf zzbv azgs 10 fzbz xhgf csbf dsgv nncs gfva nfdh 11 cavv dbds xfvs xxda fxsh zxzd asnd 12 ggza hcna cczh nvnh fvxd zfbz gzgf 13 bsbh nsgd zzbd xzgz ahcf shvv nhds 14 hfvz hxdf favf vbdv fbss xnza bdna 15 sczv hvnv hnzs ndns zaxa xabh hagd 16 zzbs fhga xsba zsgh dvcd bnvz afdf 17 cavh dvdd ffvd sfdz gxsf vxzv hcnv 18 anzz fdnz xczf avnf svxv xfbs nzga 19 hsbf asgv azbv fzgs bhca hhvh ahdd 20 zfvs zxda gava vbdh sbsd nbzz xznz 21 hczh gvnh znzd adnd bdxz fabf zagv 22 hzbd azgz zabz gsgf dncv hnvs bfda 23 xavf zbdv sfvv nfds nxsa vxzh zsnh 24 dnzs sdns fcza bvna hvxh avbd sfgz 25 zsba xsgh vzbh fzgd nzcz chvf dhdv 26 vfvd ffdz bhvz bbdf dcsv abzs fzns 27 cczf nvnf vnzv ddnv hdxs gaba nagh 28 zzbv xzgs xabs nsga fnch znvd xndz 29 fava nbdh hfvh afdd hgsz bxzf gsnf 30 hnzd ndnd nxzz xsnz cvxf sfbv nfgs  section 6 A B C D E F G 1 vaxz nsbf czxf fzbv hzgs ghca nhvh 2 fccv fhvs dncs afva bfdh hvsd bgzz 3 nxsa vxzh xbsh hbzd avnd fzxz ndbf 4 ndxh fdbd asxd hsbz gfgf vfcv ffvs 5 daxv habs dvxs bzba azgh azcd sxvz 6 xhca fhvh bnch nnvd andz agsf zczv 7 avsd ngzz hhsz hbzf nznf dcxv azbs 8 avxv sfbs fdxs baba hagh aacd bavz 9 anca bnvh vzch nvvd xxdz chsf hczv 10 dhsd zczz snsz ggzf hcnf faxv sabs 11 fzxz xdbf zsxf ssbv nsgs zfca xfvh 12 vacv favs dfcs bxva hxdh axsd bxzz 13 zgsa xgzh nhsh zvzd hvnd zvxz czbf 14 gsxh zsbd azxd bzbz fhgf vccv xhvs 15 nfcz nxvf hacf aavv hbds bnsa hnzh 16 hhsv xczs nnss ngza zcna baxh nabd 17 azxs fdba bsxa asbh asgd sncz ffvf 19 fnsz fgzf ahsf cczv zvnv xvxs xzba 20 nsxf fsbv fcxv hzbs ghga nhch fhvd 21 afcs axva zaca xavh hvdd xbsz cnzf 22 ghsh hvzd ansd bnzz zdnz haxf zcbv 23 nzxd fzbz aaxz csbf dsgv nncs gfva 24 bacf cavv zfcv xfvs xxda fxsh zxzd 25 snss ggza bhsa cczh nvnh fvxd zfbz 26 asxa bsbh zzxh zzbd xzgz ahcf shvv 27 dfcd hfvz shcz favf vbdv fbss xnza 28 nhsf sczv dnsv hnzs ndns zaxa xabh 29 vcxv zzbs daxs xsba zsgh dvcd bnvz 30 haca cavh nfch ffvd sfdz gxsf vxzv  SECTION 7 A B C D E F G 1 dndd hnsz sxdz fhsf vczv avnv dvxs 2 bvnz bzxf xcnf caxv aabs zsga bnch 3 dsgv nncs azgs hhca chvh dhdd hhsz 4 bbda hbsh ffdh svsd fgzz bcnz bsxf 5 bndf cnsv hcdv xxss xcza avna bvxh 6 svnv nvxs zdns naxa vabh sagd nacz 7 bsga nnch gzgh zzcd hxvz bhdf chsv 8 fxdf zxsv cbdv abss nnza xdna zdxh 9 hdnv zdxs nsns gvxa xfbh hfgd zfcz 10 fzga gzch gagh vacd favz fndf znsv 11 shdd nhsz zndz cgsf sczv fcnv zaxs 12 hznz bdxf asnf zsxv xsbs afga bfch 13 dagv hacs sfgs bzca nxvh fxdd sxsz 14 nfda bgsh xhdh hhsd xczz avnz zzxf 15 csnh asxd svnd zzxz fdbf ahgv dhcs 16 xfgz nzcf nagf facv savs gnda nnsh 17 chdv ahss xnds xgsa fgzh bcnh vvxd 18 fzns hdxa gsna nsxh fsbd zsgz hfcf 19 fagh zacd nfgd afcz axvf fcdv nxss 20 hndz hgsf fhdf zhsv fczs dvns bzxa 21 xsnf hsxv sznv nzxs gdba xhgh hhcd 22 ffgs azca aaga bach navd bbdz ansf 23 chdh dhsd fndd snsz ggzf hcnf faxv 24 fvnd fzxz acnz zsxf ssbv nsgs zfca 25 gagf vacv scgv dfcs bxva hxdh axsd 26 znds zgsa ghda nhsh zvzd hvnd zvxz 27 fsna gsxh aznh azxd bzbz fhgf vccv 28 sfgd nfcz zhgz hacf aavv hbds bnsa 29 xhdf hhsv sndv nnss ngza zcna baxh 30 fznv azxs dcns bsxa asbh asgd sncz **************************************************** *** ******* ******** ******** ******* *** *** *** *** ** ** ** ** *** *** *** ** **** ******* *** *** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** *** ****** ** ******** ** ** *** *******************>> 01880- 40035 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