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; lLVLLVLXvLVL LVL:TM1TM1:TMFLAGfA :Bd:C :DDAA:SPDSPDA::a$*****PRODUCE RANDOM DOTS*****"uVZFOLnRFOA(6):JFOB():BFODRFOA::FOEJFOBD2FOC(RFOA,JFOB):2FOCs`D2FOC(BFOD,JFOB):2FOCs`D2FOC(RFOA,:FOE):2FOCs`D 2FOC(BFOD,:FOE):2FOCt RFOA,JFOB,:BFOD,JFOB,:RFOA,:FOE,:BFOD,:FOE,ZFOL:"L*****INPUT VIA JOYSTICK*****VA$a:`A$z:jA$k:tA$l:y&~*****INPUT VIA R/HAND KEYS*****>*A$aBB:x:>*A$zBB:x:>*A$kAA:yn<:>*A$lAA:yn<:"*A$bB$:v(&*****INPUT VIA L/HAND KEYS*****>A$kBB::>ĢA$mBB::>΢A$aAA:<:>آA$sAA:<:"A$B$:*****GOING UP*****6"H(A,B):"HLJA:"H(J,B):"HL(JA:"H(J,B):"H2<*****GOING LEFT*****6F"H(A,B):"HLPKB:"H(A,K):"HLZKB:"H(A,K):"HdЊ***** SUB MENU *****ڙ&Lܠ,8(400,3)(700,3)(730,3)(760,3)(764,3)(760,3)(730,3)(700,3)B,: F1........SID'S SIZE.........;SZE$B,: F2........SID'S SPEED........;SPD$J, : F3........SID'S LEVEL.......;LVL; J, : F4........SID'S LIVES.......;LVS; 6,: F5........MAIN MENU.........J4Ø,, , , T, , , , , 6D8MSSMSS:MSS0:MSLOO2:MSLOO>4***** SID SIZE *****RSZE$SHORT SZE$MEDIUM:D:RSZE$MEDIUMSZE$LONG :D:RSZE$LONG SZE$SHORT :Dn:***** SID SPEED *****VSPD$SKODA SPD$ESCORT :SPD:V SPD$ESCORT SPD$PORSCHE:SPD:V SPD$PORSCHESPD$SKODA :SPD: _***** SID LEVEL DWN *****8 `LVLLVL:, jLVLLVL: Ê*****SID LEVEL UP *****8 ĢLVL LVL:, LVLLVL: ***** SID LIVES *****8 LVS LVS:, LVSLVS: '***** SID MUSIC *****J (MSC$OFFMSC$No1:::R J +MSC$No1MSC$No2:::R B 2MSC$No2MSC$OFF:: & ***** DUMB RETURN SUB MENU *****  ***** START GAME ***** DAAD:DAD:SPDASPD:LVSALVS:LVLALVL:SM$(,,@,):SMFLAG: T***** GO TO MAIN MENU ^&:  *****MAIN MENU &L SMFLAG(,,)SM$:SMFLAG6  ,,@,,,L à,8(400,3)(700,3)(730,3)(760,3)(764,3)(760,3)(730,3)(700,3)H ĩ,:: BUDGIE UK LICENCEWARE:B ũ,:: SLIPPERY SID:D ǩ,:" F1..JOYSTICK..(in port 1)........;zJY$D ̩,:" F2..Keys: up=A dn=Z lft=K rgt=L..;rRH$D ֩,:" F3..Keys: up=K dn=M lft=A rgt=S..;jLH$F , :" F4..MUSIC........................;MSC$< , :" F5..SID'S CHEAT MODE.............< , :" F6..HI-SCORE TABLE...............< ,:" F7..INSTRUCTIONS.................< ,:" F8..TITLE PAGE...................< ,:" F10.START GAME...................J Ø  , , , (,,,X,,t,  D MSSMSS:MSSt0 OMSLOO2:MSLOO   ***** JYSTK CHOSEN *****@ &JY$ON :RH$OFF:LH$OFF 0  ***** RHAND CHOSEN *****@ RH$ON :LH$OFF:JY$OFF  ***** LHAND CHOSEN *****@ LH$ON :RH$OFF:JY$OFF ***** SEE TITLE PAGE *****,SM$(,,@,)ަ\&:()::,:: PRESS ANY KEY;:w:j&:,:():,8(700,2)(720,2)(742,2)(764,2)(777,2)(764,2)(742,2)(720,2)$$SMFLAG:` (t***** DUMB RETURN MAIN MENU *****~ ؊***** GO TO SUB MENU *****&:XMSS:MESSMESS:MES$*MESSJMES$(MESS$,MESS,):&,:MES$;: ........................Welcome to the obligatory scrolling message on your ST...Before i start to waffle on i had better tell you that this scrolling routine is in STOS BASIC and therefore is not as slick as the scrollers from TEX, BLADERUNNERS, WAS (not was) etc..........&Anyway, welcome to Slippery Sid. The origin of this game goes way back to the early 80's when i had my beloved Dragon 32 (a much under-rated computer, but that's another story). A game was published in Your Computer (i think) called 'Maggots' and it was a wickedly addictive game.|o I thought it would make a good Licenceware game with a few changes but why did i do it now? Read on...........>0 About a month ago a company asked me to convert an Amstrad CPC eductional game to the ST. As i only program in BASIC (and other similar languages) i decided it would have to be written in STOS. In order to get some experience in it i decided to write an ST version of Maggots. Slippery Sid is it........N@ Now that i've used STOS fairly intimately i can honestly say it's one of the best interpreter BASIC's that i've come across. Forget the fact that it's a game designer, treat it as an interpreted BASIC and as a replacement for Atari's lousy heap of trash trading under the name BASIC (the old version of BASIC, that is). If you want a compiled BASIC then there's really only one option, Hi-soft's superb POWER BASIC in all it's forms. I've used it to write a couple of programs and it was fairly easy, even allowing for the fact i don't like compiled BASIC languages.\O It's very close to Microsoft's BASIC and as the Dragon 32 ran that you can see why it was easy for me to use POWER BASIC. But for those of you who are used to BASIC interpreters like Amstrad's Locomotive BASIC etc, then STOS is ideal. I don't own shares in Mandarin (in fact i've had problems with them) but STOS is worth every penny.Ġ........The head of Budgie, good 'ole Camy, won't like what i'm going to say next.......i'm no fan of Assembler and if you can do it in BASIC then why bother with Relative Jumps, Stacks and Pointers. It gives me brain drain trying to cope with it all. A lot of people knock BASIC because it's fashionable to do so. I'm proud of the fact that i program in BASIC (and similar languages like Pascal, C-Basic and TAS)rΠd and it's not something you should be ashamed of. There are more commercial products programmed in BASIC than you think. Sure, if you need the speed then Assembler is the only solution but with Slippery Sid you can see how easy it is to write a commercially viable PD/Shareware game. It only took about a week's work from start to finish with Slippery Sid,ؠ that includes the idea, artwork and the music. And talking of music....STOS's music designer is a wonderful piece of kit. If you know the basics of music and it's structure, an afternoon's work of getting used to the system will have you composing more than Andrew Lloyd Webber! The music contained in Slippery Sid is the first i've ever done on a micro and i'm quite happy with it. Alas my musical talents are not as refined as my programming!f⠦X..............................If all of you STOSers out there are interested in Slippery Sid and how it was written i can supply you with a BASIC file of the game (to load into STOS and look at), the music file and the compressed screens. Just send me 2 to cover the price of the disk, packaging and postage and include your address of course.Z젦M Send to: Neil Scrimgeour, 125 Occupation Road, Corby, Northants, NN17 1EG. If you find any interesting routines, like this scrolling message routine then feel free to use them in your own PD/Shareware programs. A warning though, don't rip the guts out of this program and use it for commercial product, i'm not nice when i'm angry! Another disk i can offer you concerns Mandarin's Lancelot game on the ST. Those of you who are observant will notice that my name is linked with doing the graphics for that game. It is also the reason why i don't like Mandarin.....Level 9 asked me to do all the pictures for Lancelot, which i did do. Alas due to some twit Mandarin decided to replace some of my artwork with some other stuff that could not really be called art in any form.~ I wouldn't have minded but the replacement pictures were dire, didn't fit the location description or were historically incorrect. That's not my view, that's the view of everyone who's had a chance to see both versions. Anyway, i still hold the copyright on all of my pictures and so 2 will bring you a slide show of the 29 'original' pictures of Lancelot, same address as before.Z M One cautionary note, the Lancelot pictures come on a double sided disk only..........One last thing before this message starts repeating itself.....my job is a freelance graphic artist for the ST. If you have any commercial work needing to be done feel free to get in touch. If you need artwork for PD/Licenceware programs then i might also be able to help as long as i can spare the time. I've done some work for Budgie so if i can cope with them i can cope with anyone!!!!v Only kidding Camy and Co....Licenceware is a wonderful idea. Bye bye and may your PEEKS never be POKED......THE END * p***** HI SCORE TABLE *****4uNS$NS$SOMEBODYzHST HSTHST,ޢ"HS(HST)NS.HSLOO HSTj"HS(HSLOO)"HS(HSLOO):HS$(HSLOO)HS$(HSLOO)HSLOOP "HS(HSLOO)NS:HS$(HSLOO)NS$&::SM$(,,@,):&L,8(400,3)(700,3)(730,3)(760,3)(764,3)(760,3)(730,3)(700,3)&***** PRINT HI-SCORE TABLE *****THA::,: HI-SCORE TABLE:*HSTLOOHAHA<LHS$("HS(HA)):LHS(LHS$)`,HSTLOO:HS$(HA);: LHS,HSTLOO:"HS(HA);$HSTLOOJ.,::! PRESS ANY KEY FOR MAIN MENU:3restore&8w:SMFLAG: ,***** READ IN SCROLLING MESSAGE *****" MLOPMS$&MESS$MESS$MS$MLOPX***** INSTRUCTIONS:M$(,,@,):&*] SLIPPERY SID...THE STORYb:Slippery Sid (formally known as Hissing Sid) is now a reformed character, no longer does he chase after Ratty Rat andthe like.l:A nicer snake you could not meet is our Sid. But some people think otherwise andbeing rather nasty they have imprisoned our Sid in a set of mazes.v:It's not an altogether boring life for Sid as the 9 mazes are all different designs and he munches from screen to screen quite happily.:All he has to do to get from maze to maze is eat 30 pieces of food before thetime runs out. But the more Sid eats thelonger he becomes until he moves to the next screen.tYou play the part of Sid and control himround the screens eating 30 pieces of green food before the time runs out.:Of course there are snags. You must not touch anything other than green or the cream ground. Don't run into yourself either.:Poor old Sid also suffers from a bad case of Dermatitis and sheds dead skin (coloured red) as he goes round the screen. Touch it and you'll lose a life.;J:90 then return $(INA$)"$INA$INA$IN$$ %*** BACKSPACE PRESSED ***%&INA$%0LINA(INA$),%:INA$(INA$,LINA)%?&***** CLEAR SCREEN *****&::::ͦ::6&޴,,,@,:::ͦ::."HS():"HS():"HS():"HS() :"HS()X:"HS(),:"HS()d:"HS()P:"HS( )2:"HS( ).*HS$()1st:*HS$()2nd:*HS$()3rd:*HS$()4th:*HS$()5th:*HS$()6th:*HS$()7th:*HS$()8th:*HS$( )9th:*HS$( )10th. 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@ @X @h @ A A &A 0AR Ab Ab A A A AAABB(B$CtC@~C@CPCPCtCDDD`D|DDDDEE$E@E\ExEE EEFpF uF zFPFbFFFFGn GGHHVHlHlHI I*Il$J.J<3J8JJJJKK*KRXK\\]KbKlLvL\LLMM,MtMMNFNZNNOO^OrxOOO$TP$^P$hPL$rP$wP$P$P$Q$Q$QH$Qj%Qt%&Qt%0Q%:Q%?Q&Q&Q&R8.R.S.TN TNU&SHORT SKODA :OFF:OFF:ON :OFF PRESS ANY KEY;8(700,2)(720,2)(742,2)(764,2)(777,2)(764,2)(742,2)(720,2)8(700,2)(720,2)(742,2)(764,2)(777,2)(764,2)(742,2)(720,2) LIVESFOODSCORE;TIMEON kap ;ON ON ON OFF Your final score was% Not enough for the high score table: PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE$ You are on the high score table !!& Type in your name (max of 16 letters)$ Press ENTER when you have finished   OFF ;a:z:k:l:azklkmas8(400,3)(700,3)(730,3)(760,3)(764,3)(760,3)(730,3)(700,3) F1........SID'S SIZE......... F2........SID'S SPEED........ F3........SID'S LEVEL.......;  F4........SID'S LIVES.......;  F5........MAIN MENU.........SHORT MEDIUMMEDIUMLONG LONG SHORT SKODA ESCORT :ESCORT PORSCHE:PORSCHESKODA :OFFNo1:No1No2:No2OFF:8(400,3)(700,3)(730,3)(760,3)(764,3)(760,3)(730,3)(700,3) BUDGIE UK LICENCEWARE SLIPPERY SID:" F1..JOYSTICK..(in port 1)........" F2..Keys: up=A dn=Z lft=K rgt=L.." F3..Keys: up=K dn=M lft=A rgt=S.." F4..MUSIC........................" F5..SID'S CHEAT MODE............." F6..HI-SCORE TABLE..............." F7..INSTRUCTIONS................." F8..TITLE PAGE..................." F10.START GAME...................ON :OFF:OFFON :OFF:OFFON :OFF:OFF PRESS ANY KEY;8(700,2)(720,2)(742,2)(764,2)(777,2)(764,2)(742,2)(720,2)*........................Welcome to the obligatory scrolling message on your ST...Before i start to waffle on i had better tell you that this scrolling routine is in STOS BASIC and therefore is not as slick as the scrollers from TEX, BLADERUNNERS, WAS (not was) etc..........Anyway, welcome to Slippery Sid. The origin of this game goes way back to the early 80's when i had my beloved Dragon 32 (a much under-rated computer, but that's another story). A game was published in Your Computer (i think) called 'Maggots' and it was a wickedly addictive game.o I thought it would make a good Licenceware game with a few changes but why did i do it now? Read on...........0 About a month ago a company asked me to convert an Amstrad CPC eductional game to the ST. As i only program in BASIC (and other similar languages) i decided it would have to be written in STOS. In order to get some experience in it i decided to write an ST version of Maggots. Slippery Sid is it........@ Now that i've used STOS fairly intimately i can honestly say it's one of the best interpreter BASIC's that i've come across. Forget the fact that it's a game designer, treat it as an interpreted BASIC and as a replacement for Atari's lousy heap of trash trading under the name BASIC (the old version of BASIC, that is). If you want a compiled BASIC then there's really only one option, Hi-soft's superb POWER BASIC in all it's forms. I've used it to write a couple of programs and it was fairly easy, even allowing for the fact i don't like compiled BASIC languages.O It's very close to Microsoft's BASIC and as the Dragon 32 ran that you can see why it was easy for me to use POWER BASIC. But for those of you who are used to BASIC interpreters like Amstrad's Locomotive BASIC etc, then STOS is ideal. I don't own shares in Mandarin (in fact i've had problems with them) but STOS is worth every penny.........The head of Budgie, good 'ole Camy, won't like what i'm going to say next.......i'm no fan of Assembler and if you can do it in BASIC then why bother with Relative Jumps, Stacks and Pointers. It gives me brain drain trying to cope with it all. A lot of people knock BASIC because it's fashionable to do so. I'm proud of the fact that i program in BASIC (and similar languages like Pascal, C-Basic and TAS)d and it's not something you should be ashamed of. There are more commercial products programmed in BASIC than you think. Sure, if you need the speed then Assembler is the only solution but with Slippery Sid you can see how easy it is to write a commercially viable PD/Shareware game. It only took about a week's work from start to finish with Slippery Sid, that includes the idea, artwork and the music. And talking of music....STOS's music designer is a wonderful piece of kit. If you know the basics of music and it's structure, an afternoon's work of getting used to the system will have you composing more than Andrew Lloyd Webber! The music contained in Slippery Sid is the first i've ever done on a micro and i'm quite happy with it. Alas my musical talents are not as refined as my programming!X..............................If all of you STOSers out there are interested in Slippery Sid and how it was written i can supply you with a BASIC file of the game (to load into STOS and look at), the music file and the compressed screens. Just send me 2 to cover the price of the disk, packaging and postage and include your address of course.M Send to: Neil Scrimgeour, 125 Occupation Road, Corby, Northants, NN17 1EG. If you find any interesting routines, like this scrolling message routine then feel free to use them in your own PD/Shareware programs. A warning though, don't rip the guts out of this program and use it for commercial product, i'm not nice when i'm angry! Another disk i can offer you concerns Mandarin's Lancelot game on the ST. Those of you who are observant will notice that my name is linked with doing the graphics for that game. It is also the reason why i don't like Mandarin.....Level 9 asked me to do all the pictures for Lancelot, which i did do. Alas due to some twit Mandarin decided to replace some of my artwork with some other stuff that could not really be called art in any form.~ I wouldn't have minded but the replacement pictures were dire, didn't fit the location description or were historically incorrect. That's not my view, that's the view of everyone who's had a chance to see both versions. Anyway, i still hold the copyright on all of my pictures and so 2 will bring you a slide show of the 29 'original' pictures of Lancelot, same address as before.M One cautionary note, the Lancelot pictures come on a double sided disk only..........One last thing before this message starts repeating itself.....my job is a freelance graphic artist for the ST. If you have any commercial work needing to be done feel free to get in touch. If you need artwork for PD/Licenceware programs then i might also be able to help as long as i can spare the time. I've done some work for Budgie so if i can cope with them i can cope with anyone!!!!v Only kidding Camy and Co....Licenceware is a wonderful idea. Bye bye and may your PEEKS never be POKED......THE END *SOMEBODY8(400,3)(700,3)(730,3)(760,3)(764,3)(760,3)(730,3)(700,3) HI-SCORE TABLE:! PRESS ANY KEY FOR MAIN MENU: SLIPPERY SID...THE STORYSlippery Sid (formally known as Hissing Sid) is now a reformed character, no longer does he chase after Ratty Rat andthe like.A nicer snake you could not meet is our Sid. But some people think otherwise andbeing rather nasty they have imprisoned our Sid in a set of mazes.It's not an altogether boring life for Sid as the 9 mazes are all different designs and he munches from screen to screen quite happily.All he has to do to get from maze to maze is eat 30 pieces of food before thetime runs out. But the more Sid eats thelonger he becomes until he moves to the next screen.tYou play the part of Sid and control himround the screens eating 30 pieces of green food before the time runs out.Of course there are snags. You must not touch anything other than green or the cream ground. Don't run into yourself either.Poor old Sid also suffers from a bad case of Dermatitis and sheds dead skin (coloured red) as he goes round the screen. Touch it and you'll lose a life.RCl6mp a.p a(JEg2,gHAA9A2JAg*l8l:l4gel6geHADybEybBl0alHF0a*69:Cydx3$y)JH#By09AVA aZa taFa By~0,2ga8a Xa<09.9#3`Ha /a Nu2,2g@f09@2?,?,?,0Bl03a (BlPE0,2S@Ha22,4SAa&QaR@86,6SC:<B@2a <a0,,? 2?,0Bl0BlP$H:,<<,>BCBBJyg 8B`(HD fDf a`Gga>aDRBEeRCFeBy9_08a02aRNu/9~,9A0`4l<yb 6l>yb4,8l@6,:lB9@@B9@89ABC9A:aXaB@NuH9DJygLL:LE`:LDE0a t0a 4LNu309`By@.9gP#3IL$lH&J4,<>•yIL6<.9g>Hf6)JH8,<>LSD4Q0,2,a)HL)ID`RC CfA290B02<J0g0l0QJyf aa09ڰyf$3AB@ gR@ @mByB@Nu @fAB@ gR@ @mB@`^0<`20<`*0<`"0<`0<`0<` 0<`(yNu09Nu9Xp"R@ @m9|Bl Bl.0,9@,@9@*9|Nu0,9@,U@9@*Nu0,9@,HR@9@*Nu3Nu3ByNu3Nu yfXJyfNJyfDH(yJlg.lf$9l0, R@ @mB@9@ 4"aLNu3H2,*"lD.9N<,,l*SF:9SE6KGR8,SD0yJkXaJl.g2$I4 0*NfxTJTMQBfSJQQ9|.`8Jl.g02$I4 0xTJQBfSJQQBl.LByNu<>JyfJl2gRFRG9tp8tp:><NVF"yNuMVJyg* yg@H@`@H@`@H0, gNuaJ,l8, g,l HB80Ȱyg0 2DgSDgSDLSD:lSM29SASC<9>,4SG4 :&Ig0$NTJTKQSKJDk0$N6QQg0$NTJTKQQQ`H0HS@Jyg" yg<HF<.`,.`,.""QLNuSCSB8,<Jyg"0,@@ :$H4QQ` ,@ :$H$QQNuH?4,4B@va~a2aBaLNuH4,46,6B@BAaValBAaRAl6fa aLNu?0,4S@atJyg2,A02Nu2,HABA 2Nul4dl6d a B@Nu0<Nu9@9Aa)HL)IDNu0,H@0,Nul4dPl8HNul6d,4SGSEJyg8$H4 QQ`8$H$ QQNuH Ag(:B@BAa:4,<<69>aLaDGDCaX`0,29R@t4g 2,`a~`F0,g 2,S@`p0,4S@9@`0,2,gSA`PJl0f\2,6SA`>092,RAt6g 0,`"Jl0gSA`0,BA` B@2,`a`BlJyk3/<a Nu9|JlgBy9| yg/0,a Nu0, 9@Nu0, 9@Nu0, 9@0,a)N 0, a)NNu0, 9@`0, 9@Nu0, 9@Nu9@>JygGOOl` lGla)N Nu9@ >JygGOOl?`lOGlaJ)NNuB@` p`p9@PNu9|0NuBl0Nu0,2,`l4l@l6l8aB@Jyg8D d< Nu(HD d< Nu0,SG6y8lSL yfl$I: FJf.UVhQQ gZAlBG` fUhQ`UVhQ` yf$I4 : vFJfF]^hTJQYMYNRHSEjQ gAlBG`SJBfUJ` f]hTJQ"`]^hTJQ `$I4 : vFJfF]^hTJQQMQNRHSEjQ gNAlBG`SJBf]J` fUhTJQ`UVhTJQ`(y0,29R@t4gn9@ yfB0,ѬDL`DJyf L` L29SAI ,D4,SBgAR@Q)@DLNua a`H`hBz ( `f#zNu3~0X` p lLJyg 2,B0Nu2,HABA NuHJzgS@@ yzXd yg*H?,?,a:aaa20abLTABh0,l@2,lBJyfJl2gR@RAHE4, 6,8, gC1B1C g,Gt)6QGG tSXQAJg H L/9N#N #NLNu>< y"yN""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNu h&  $ "    @$4 8 0L B:   6, Xf B    f6 d 8 8d"N8 dJ ":z<$0L  ( `8>FL @ &N ,c  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~lll6666(>h<&|(fl0fF8l8tv00`00000 f<f<0 0`0 ~~0  0fff~fff<< xflxpxlf``````~|||ff|```|v|ff|ffffff>ff>|``lvfff 8``flxlfl|ffffff>xl```<`<|00<006ffff>ff$<ll8lfff>|~ 0~00p008  8` $$B~<``<Bffff>f;f<>f;p<>f;<~;<``<<pffff>Bfff>|B<@@<4Xfff4XbRJF<>f;< |)B*R$HH$H$ $H4X<~;4Xc~~~~Ɵ|~~c>  UUUU3333*@\z:Lft &lPZNYMXTYMXTXMULYMULXENCREc  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~fffllll>`<|fl0fF8l8pvp88pf< 80 0 ~~`0 0```nff>fff~fff<<f<flxpxlf``````~fv~~nfffffff<ff<f>``|fff|<```<>fff>ff>|``|ffff8<p``flxlf8<|fffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<|lf<|~ 0~0p p` 44b~f><>f>p<>f><~><```<<pffff>ffff>|f<``<:0|00~ff<<6f|ff|`0|000` <~> 8< 4X|fff4Xfvnf<>f><000| 6kÆ6n֟6ll6l66l4X<~>4Xc~~~~Ɵ|~~c>UUUU3333 )f )fc  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ffffffffffff>~``|>~|ffl 06ff8|ll88ppv  `0880`ff<<<<80 8pp8~~~~p88p<~ff 8|~<<~fff~~ffff|~ff~|ffff~|<~ff````ff~<x|nffffffn|x~~``||````~~~~``||``````>~``nnffff~<ffff~~ffffff~~~~ff~<``````````~~fffvv~~nnfff<~ffffffff~<|~ffff~|````<~fffffffj|6>~``p8~|~~ffffffffff~<ffffffff<<Ƃfff<<<>~ff~>```|~fffff~|<|`````~>>~fffff~><~ff~``~>~~>~ffff~>~|```|~fffffff88<< |x88<<l<~fffffff<~fffff~<|~fffff~|``>~fffff~>|~f``````>~`p<~|~~fffffff~>fffff<<Ƃff<<<~|~~ 00~~880000880000b<$fB<~ff````ff~< 8fffffffff~> <~ff~``~>>~ff~>ff<>>~ff~>`0<>>~ff~>6<>>~ff~><|`````~> 8ff<~ff~``~>`0<~ff~``~>ff88<<~`0fffffff~>ffffffff~>~|ff<~ffffff~<ffffffffff~<<~f``f~<80000000ffff~<~>~ff~> 88<< <~fffff~< fffffff~>2zL<~fffffff2zLffv~~nfff<>>~ff~>~<~fffff~<~00ff~<~~```~~` #&,0n ` #&,2f2?6ll6l6lذ2zL<>>~ff~>2zL<~fffff~<=~ffnnvvff~=~fn~vf~~~~`0<~ff~~ffff2zL<~ff~~ffff2zL<~ffffff~<ff |zz |Ƃ||Ƃ|[_UQ???<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOLHO?NNNNN.??>|>??| !!& d&!! 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Budgie Games are Licenceware: only authorized distributors are allowed to sell our games. You are free to copy them, but NOT to sell them. The Licensed Distributors pay a fixed Royalty which goes to all our authors. Most good PD Libraries are Licensed Distributors. Write to Budgie UK for a list. Single-sided disks are 2.95 each Often less for quantities Double-sided compilations : 3.95 each Often 3.50 or less for quantities. ***************************** The following BUDGIE titles are now available: ***************************** - BU 1 DAMONOID by Camy Maertens. The first BUDGIE game. Entirely written in machine code ( like most of our productions ). 20 planets, no less,have to be protected from Damonoid and its invading fleet. Action is fast. Time is running out. Any enemy impact on your planet causes havoc. You can sustain 13 direct hits. But, should the Damonoid itself land, the result would be fatal! -------------------------------------- -BU 2 FOOTBALL 88 by Simon Rush. A complete manager game. Very addictive Mouse controlled. Colour only. This program has won worldwide acclaim: Game of The Month with 17 Bit Software Game of the Year with FloppyShop Magazine. Being entirely Gem based, this Football Manager is extremely easy to play and contains many features that sets it apart from other offerings, its multi-user capability being one of them. If you are a budding soccer supremo this game is undoubtedly for you! ------------------------------------- - BU 3 BLITZ III by Camy Maertens. This is a bombing raid with a different scenario: three aircraft fly in formation, all under joystick control. The aim of the game is to destroy the city before too much altitude is lost. With each bombing pass, the altitude drops inexorably. On some versions a rewarding bonus screen appears after each successful mission. This is a classic revisited: it first appeared on the VIC 2O in 1982. Budgie UK have added a new twist with multiple aircraft and variable height control. 'challenging game...' ST Format Feb 89 ------------------------------------- - BU 4 OTHELLO by Jim Holmwood. This is an immaculate implementation of the board game of Reversi. It is entirely mouse controlled and plays a mean game. You may find it difficult to beat the computer, but this will maintain its appeal. Two versions are on this disk: one mono and the other colour. ------------------------------------- - BU 5 PRO DARTS by Martyn Carr This is a mouse controlled simulation 5O1 down. All darts addicts will love this game and the somewhat hesitant pointer (too much beer perhaps) Speech commentary adds to the realism Written in Fast Basic. One of the few easy-to-get-on-with darts games for the Atari ST. Also on this disk, by the same author FOUR in a ROW, a connect game of seven columns. ------------------------------------ - BU 6 DR BORIS by Alex Dewdney a TNT maniac is on the loose, lighting explosive devices in a maze of increasingly dangerous alleys. You have 1O seconds to defuse the bombs before the inevitable blast. There are many obstructions in your path, including walls and...skulls. Also on this disk, by the same author, PUZZLER a diabolical brain teaser. If you thought the rubik cube was tough wait until the PUZZLER reduces you to a nervous wreck ! ------------------------------------- - BU 7 BALL ZONE by Ian Grainger An incredible Arkanoid type game, only better. Needless to say, this game is mouse controlled and has many levels. But the main attractions are the time counter which dramatically increases the tension and, also, the reassuring presence of base line tiles which will rescue you in desparate situations. The score is based on the number of tiles and parasites destroyed and on the time left at the end of each level. This is an absolute must for your collection! The first ever Quality game written in HiSoft Basic. Top Game with Page 6 Magazine. ------------------------------------ - BU 8 SPECULATOR by Camy Maertens Here we have a true to life simulation based on real futures markets. Keep your cool as the Index creates the drama. This game is for up to three players. You start with 5OOO points and have to correctly guess the direction of the market. Trends develop, reversals occur and sudden panics can cause havoc with the soundest strategies. Everything that could conceivably happen in real trading is reproduced in this simulation. The Index 'point and figure' chart unfolds before your eyes and reveals your profits or ...losses. Any open position carrying an excessive loss is automatically stopped. Closing balances are saved to disk. ------------------------------------- - BU 9 TYCOON new version by Simon Rush. A mineral exploring game. The objective is to survey, test drill and eventually exploit various sites to extract valuable minerals. Mines have different levels of profitability. Other factors, such as world prices, currency fluctuations and production costs all have an effect on the profitability of the venture. ------------------------------------- - BU 10 MONEYSPINNER by Jim Holmwood The slot machine is alive ! This accolade winning Budgie UK classic incorporates all the usual features : nudges, gambles, holds, and some more The scrolling is smooth and once again, the game is mouse controlled. Entirely written in 68OOO code, with digitized sound and hi-scores tables. State of the Art gambling! 'A very enjoyable game to say the least!..'ST Action December 88 94% rating: STuffed Disk Magazine. ------------------------------------- - BU 11 MAELSTROM by Marvey Mills A very smooth vertical scrolling space shoot_out. First, a meteorites field has to be negotiated, then other weird space objects are on collision course with your capsule. It's a matter of destroy or be destroyed. 68000 code again. ------------------------------------- - BU 12 ACE INVADERS by Gary Wheaton The DEFINITIVE Space Invader ! Everything the all-time classic is or should be is in this game: speed, sound, drama, excitement. All collectors and connoisseurs will treasure this disk. Number One PD Game at the 1988 Xmas Atari Show ! There is nothing to touch it, even commercial. 95% STuffed Disk Magazine. 3 stars ST FORMAT July 89 ------------------------------------- - BU 13 ZENITH new version 1.1 by Gary Wheaton A space combat for two players. Poised at the edge of universe, the two giant ships are set for battle. Mouse v. Joystick. Several convoys of aliens fly through space, wave after wave. Your mission is to intercept them. Your opponent has the same ambition and his space ship has to be destroyed. The ensuing battle is a delight for all arcade fanatics. Another classic! ------------------------------------- - BU 14 GOLDRUSH by Mark Annetts Colour version A multi-level platform pursuit. The aim is to collect the gold while avoiding your pursuer. Joystick controlled. The puzzles are the main attraction of this platform game. This is the thinking man's version of Loderunner. Also on same disk: ZERPHOD by Ian Grainger 3D maze challenge. Find the modules but avoid the beasties. (one of them is an.. elephant! Nasty) The search must be completed before time runs out. ------------------------------------ -BU15 PERILS of PENFOLD by Philip Bishop A superb graphic adventure with caves to explore, potions and spells to gather, ghosts and flying knives to avoid and puzzles to solve. Also included on this disk, by the same author: LINE of FOUR a fiendish connect game that will give hours of pleasure ...or frustration! ---------------------------------- -BU 16 WORD PUZZLE GENERATOR by Keith Bearman Medium res and hi res monochrome. You can play the puzzles on your monitor or print them on paper. Cheat (answer) grids are also generated. Puzzles, cheat sheets and word lists can be saved to disk for later use. Full on-line help. Because of its expandability, this program will keep you busy for a very long time. Jeremy Hughes' fantastic Font accessory accompanies this program. ---------------------------------- -BU 17 MAKE A BREAK by Martyn Brown of 17Bit Software A truly exciting and colourful trivia quizz with very strong snooker connotations! The questions have different degrees of difficulty depending on the ball you decide to pot. Subjects covered are arts, the world, books, sports, science, the past, music etc.. Can you clear the table? The game is one of the best of the genre. Version 1.1 ---------------------------------------- -BU 18 PARABELLUM by Alex Dewdney Confined to the deepest dungeon of the underworld, you must progress from chamber to chamber until you escape. Finding the obligatory keys, candles and artifacts is far from an easy task as evil creatures lurk in every corner: your plight is daunting! The is a challenging platform game with remarkable animated graphics and lasting appeal. --------------------------------------- -BU 19 TRI HELI by Gary Wheaton A pixel feast if ever there was one! Two blindingly fast games on one disk, plus several demos, all compacted to give you hours of arcade entertainment. Tri Heli and Cosmos are superb examples of 8-bit classics now at last gracing the Atari ST. This disk was the sensation of the 1989 Atari Show. --------------------------------------- -BU20 OPERATION ANGELICA by Camy Maertens Part one of the South Atlantic Conflict. Vertical scroller combining arcade and strategy. Your mission is to rescue British troops stranded on Buff Cove. The island has been mined. Time is critical and enemy aircraft are bombing you relentlessly... Nine action-packed levels! ---------------------------------------- -BU21 IMPULSE by Ian Grainger At last a totally original concept! Each scene holds a cosmic detonator, strategically situated, and thoroughly guarded. First, marauding aliens have to be eliminated, using your rotating laser gun. Angles are critical if the laser is not to rebound on you. Eventually, the detonator is exposed and has to be hit. Eleven levels of bounces, trajectories and deflections. ---------------------------------------- -BU22 BANDIT by Gary Wheaton and the Shapeshifters Electronic slot machine with nudges up and down, holds, shoot-outs and a delightful page three bonus. Excellent music, superlative graphics. Only the Shapeshifters could have brought you this awesome arcade bonanza! Also on same disk, the Spartan demo. ---------------------------------------- -BU23 SPACE BLOB by Robin Edwards An immensely enjoyable platform game. Fifteen levels and three bonus screens. Collect the crystals and avoid the baddies. Try not to land on rugged terrain: Space Blob likes his landings soft and gentle. Music with all levels. Very addictive. Also on same disk: HAPPY the anti-virus smiling face. And more goodies! ---------------------------------------- -BU24 SLIPPERY SID by Neil Scrimgeour Sid is a very special snake. Emprisoned in a set of mazes, Sid has to munch his way through large quantities of pills. As he munches, he grows longer, shedding the odd tail just to confuse you. Nine mazes. Cheat mode and other options. Source code also included. -------------------------------------- -BU25 SCARY by Eddie Bryan The haunted mansion in which your girl friend has been abducted is a den of evil and unnatural. Many rooms have to be searched before your task is complete. The hero in this game is a bat. There is a scene where the bat encounters a dodo which has to be killed and ...cooked. Weird things indeed. ---------------------------------------- DOUBLE SIDED COMPILATIONS: 520K memory OK but ONE MEG drive needed Perils of Penfold /Line of Four Goldrush /Zerphod ----------------- Ace Invaders /Zenith /Tri Heli /Cosmos ------------------------------- Football 88 /Parabellum ----------------------- Make a Break /Blitz /Word Generator ----------------------------------- Dr Boris /Puzzler /Pro Darts /Maelstrom --------------------------------------- Damonoid /Speculator /Othello ----------------------------- Ball Zone /Moneyspinner ----------------------- Football 88 /Moneyspinner /Tri-Heli ----------------------------------- Bandit /Slippery Sid /Space Blob -------------------------------- All games COPYRIGHT Budgie UK All marketing rights reserved. *************** BUDGIE UK 5 Minster Close Rayleigh Essex SS6 8SF United Kingdom Sept 11 1989 *************** Coming soon: More MAJOR 68000 Arcade Productions: - FINAL LAP by Camy Maertens - SEA KING by Jim Holmwood - BEYOND BERKWOOD by Tony Bourne - SUB HUNT by the Oliver Bros - CARRIER ATTACK by Keith Bearman - SEA FISHERMAN by Paul Dowers BUDGIE UK now accounts for more than 55% of the ENTIRE budget games production on the Atari ST !!! ******************************* If you have a game you want to share with your fellow ST ers, contact BUDGIE UK for help, advice and exchange of routines. More than one hundred machine code routines available to members! We will particularly favour programs written in 68000 code or compiled languages. >> All authors receive royalties << Budgie UK : the fairer face of PD. ********************************* ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 EC Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (zomer 1990) al zo'n vier honderdvijftig disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************ Recommended reading ------------------- Your second ST manual by Andreas Ramos available from ST CLUB 49 Stoney Street Nottingham NG1 1LX Get STuffed edited by Marc Young Published by Floppyshop ST 50 Stewart Crescent Northfield Aberdeen AB2 5SR ST News available from Page 6 Publishing PO Box 54 Stafford ST16 1DR P.A.L Programmer's Advice Line Edited by Simon Rush 42 York Road Rayleigh Essex SS6 8SB ************************** Budgie UK Licenceware SLIPPERY SID (c) September 1989 Budgie UK and Neil Scrimgeour STOS source code included courtesy of Neil Scrimgeour. Please read notice inside Slippery Sid regarding code copyright HAPPY (c) August 1989 Budgie UK and Robin Edwards MUSICAL (c) August 1989 Gary Wheaton and The Shapeshifters ----------------------------- . . t&.. . tMUSIC_G2S t (`8TT PRG`t 6NOTE ASCt :mBUDGIE3 PI14t ;B}. ! t'.. ! tAPPY DOCt ;aHAPPY TOS!t =; more music drivers by G.W Budgie UK MOVE.L A7,A5 MOVE.L 4(A5),A5 MOVE.L $C(A5),D0 ADD.L $14(A5),D0 ADD.L $1C(A5),D0 ADD.L #$1100,D0 MOVE.L A5,D1 ADD.L D0,D1 AND.L #-2,D1 MOVE.L D1,A7 MOVE.L D0,-(SP) MOVE.L A5,-(SP) MOVE.W D0,-(SP) MOVE.W #$4A,-(SP) ; Setblock. TRAP #1 ADD.L #12,SP ; CLR.L -(SP) ; Enter supervisor mode. MOVE.W #$20,-(SP) ; Super. TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.L D0,SUPER ; Save old status. clr.l $200 clr.l $4de setlowrez CLR.W -(A7) 0=low res MOVE.L $44e,-(A7) -1=ignore physbase MOVE.L $44e,-(A7) -1=ignore logbase MOVE.W #5,-(A7) TRAP #14 LEA $0C(A7),A7 * load a degas picture at a specific address MOVE.W #0,-(A7) MOVE.L #name,-(A7) budgie3.pi1 MOVE.W #$3D,-(A7) TRAP #1 MOVE.W D0,handle move.l $44e,d0 load direct to current screen sub.l #34,d0 MOVE.L d0,-(sp) MOVE.L #32066,-(A7) read it MOVE.W HANDLE,-(A7) MOVE.W #$3F,-(A7) TRAP #1 ADDA.L #$C,A7 MOVE.W handle,-(SP) close MOVE.W #$3E,-(SP) TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #4,SP move.l $44e,a0 sub.l #32,a0 palette MOVEM.L D0-D2/A0-A2,-(SP) MOVE.L A0,-(SP) MOVE.W #6,-(SP) TRAP #14 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D2/A0-A2 bset #0,quiet_flag assume we play move.l #1,$200 assume we play ; $200 0=no play 1=play MOVE.L #VBI,$4de further down the queue to avoid gem etc.. getkey MOVE.W #$07,-(SP) TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #2,SP ANDI.W #$DF,D0 force upper case MOVE.L SUPER,-(SP) MOVE.W #$20,-(SP) TRAP #1 ADDQ.L #6,SP MOVE.W #0,-(SP) MOVE.L #1024*6,-(SP) MOVE.W #$31,-(SP) TRAP #1 *------------------------- ;1 VIBRATO 256 ;2 WARBUP 512 ;3 DRUM 768 ;4 HOLD 1024 ;5 WARBHOLD 1280 ;6 WARBDWN 1536 ;7 SLIDE UP WITH WARB 1792 ;8 SLIDE UP 2048 ;9 VIB UP 2304 ;10 VIB DOWN 2560 E EQU 512 F EQU 2 P EQU 1792 R equ 2 J EQU 16 I EQU 4 H EQU 16 W EQU 1 X EQU 16 T EQU 8 Q EQU 2 Z EQU 8 U EQU 2 O EQU 2 SL EQU $FF8800 SD EQU $FF8802 move.b #7,sl move.b #%11111000,sd *------------------------ vbi movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) lea $200,a0 tst.l (a0) beq quiet bset #0,quiet_flag ok play *------------------ MOVE.L UPTO,A2 MOVE CUNT,D3 MOVE.B 33(A2),D4 SSU SUBQ.W #1,D3 BPL.S PART1 MOVE.L #1,PNT0 MOVE.L #1,PNT1 MOVE.L #1,PNT2 MOVE.L #1,PNT3 MOVE.L #1,PNT4 MOVE.L #$08000000,SL MOVE.L #$09000000,SL MOVE.L #$0A000000,SL ADD.L #38,a2 CMP.L #CHAN0,A2 BNE.S LLA LEA DOTH,A2 LLA MOVE 34(A2),D3 MOVE.B 33(A2),D4 PART1 CLR.B D2 BTST #1,D4 BEQ.S W1 MOVE.L (A2),A1 MOVE.L 4(A2),A0 BSR CHAN0 W1 BTST #2,D4 BEQ.S W2 MOVE.L 8(A2),A1 MOVE.L 12(A2),A0 BSR CHAN0 W2 MOVE.B #1,D2 BTST #3,D4 BEQ.S W3 MOVE.L 16(A2),A1 MOVE.L 20(A2),A0 BSR CHAN0 W3 BTST #4,D4 BEQ.S W4 MOVE.L 24(A2),A1 MOVE.L 28(A2),A0 BSR CHAN0 W4 MOVE.L A2,UPTO MOVE D3,CUNT *------------------------ TTH movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 RTS quiet btst #0,quiet_flag beq tth out bclr #0,quiet_flag lea silence,a0 bsr dosound movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 rts *--------------- UPTO DC.L EE-38 CUNT DC.W 0 EVEN ;\\RUNNING ORDER SEQUENCE EE DC.L PNT4,NULL DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,NULL DC.L PNT3,DROM DC.B 1,%0011000 DC.W 64 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT4,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,_Note2 DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0001110 DC.W 128*2 DC.W 0 DOTH DC.L PNT4,NT DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,NULL DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.W 4 DC.L PNT4,NT1 DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT4,NT2 DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.W 0 ; DC.L PNT4,TUN DC.L PNT1,BAS1 _NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,TUN DC.L PNT3,DRM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT4,TUN DC.L PNT1,BAS1 _NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,TIN DC.L PNT3,DRM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT4,TUN1 DC.L PNT1,BAS1 DC.L PNT2,TUNA DC.L PNT3,DRM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128*2 DC.W 0 ;MID DC.L PNT4,SLID DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,SLID DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128*2 DC.W 1 DC.L PNT4,SLID DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,SWIP _NOTE2 DC.L PNT3,ROLL DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128*2 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT1,WIZ DC.L PNT0,WIZ DC.L PNT2,WIZ DC.L PNT3,DROM DC.B 0,%0011010 DC.W 128 DC.W 0 ;--- DC.L PNT4,TUN DC.L PNT1,BAS1 _NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,TIN DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.B 2,0 DC.L PNT4,TIN DC.L PNT1,BAS1 _NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,TUN DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 10,%0011110 DC.W 128 DC.B 1,0 DC.L PNT4,TUN1 DC.L PNT1,BAS1 DC.L PNT2,TUNA DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 7,%0011110 DC.W 128*2 DC.B 0,0 ;------SKID DC.L PNT4,_NOTE0 DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,NULL DC.L PNT3,ROLL DC.B 1,%0011000 DC.W 128+16 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT4,SKID DC.L PNT1,SKID1 DC.L PNT2,SKID2 DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0000010 DC.W 64 DC.W 0 DC.L PNT4,HIY DC.L PNT2,HIY DC.L PNT1,NULL DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%0001010 DC.W 256 DC.B 2,0 DC.L PNT4,HIY DC.L PNT2,HIY DC.L PNT1,NULL DC.L PNT3,ROLL DC.B 1,%0010010 DC.W 256 DC.B 2,0 DC.L PNT4,NULL TUN DC.L PNT1,BAS1 _NOTE2 DC.L PNT2,NULL DC.L PNT3,DRMM DC.B 1,%00110110 DC.W 256 DC.B 0,0 ;----------------------- DC.L PNT1,_NOTE2 DC.L PNT4,SLID DC.L PNT2,NULL DC.L PNT3,ROLL DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 128*4 DC.B 0,0 DC.L PNT1,WIZ DC.L PNT0,WIZ DC.L PNT2,WIZ DC.L PNT3,DRAM DC.B 1,%0011110 DC.W 160-32 DC.W 0 CHAN0 ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ SUBQ.B #1,3(A1) ;NOTE STILL ON BNE STILLON MOVE (A1),D0 ADD D0,A0 MOVE.L (A0),D1 ;GET NOTE 0 & DURATION MOVE.B 13(A1),D5 EXT.W D5 SWAP D1 ADD D5,D1 SWAP D1 CMP #$FFFF,D1 BNE CON2 CLR (A1) ;RESET TO START SUB D0,A0 MOVE.L (A0),D1 CON2 MOVE.L D1,6(A1) ;TMP0 \D1.W IS DURATION MOVE.L D1,20(A1) ;NEW NOTE MOVE.B 26(A1),4(A1) ;VOL0 MOVE D1,2(A1) ;NP0 \SET NEW DURATION ADDQ.W #4,(A1) ;& INC POINTER MOVE 36(A2),D0 STILLON ;\\VOLUME RFF ;\\\\\\\\\EFFECTS\\\\\\\\\\ NV0 CMP.B #8,10(A1) BNE.S SIT MOVE.B 36(A2),D0 ;STANDING EFFECT BNE.S FFW SIT MOVE.B 2(A1),D0 FFW CMP.B #4,D0 BNE DOIT ADDQ.B #1,4(A1) RTS DOIT TST.B D2 BEQ.S FCC MOVE.B #7,SL MOVE.B #%11111000,SD BRA.S FCC EFCT DC.L FINK,VIB,WARB,DRUM,HOLD,WB1,WRP,SLW DC.L SLR,VIB,SLIP,VIB FCC AND.L #15,D0 ASL #2,D0 MOVE.L EFCT(PC,D0),A0 JSR (A0) MAZ CMP #2,20(A1) BNE.S DIP MOVE.B #35,4(A1) ;---------PLAY NOTES DIP ADDQ.B #1,4(A1) ;VOL0 MOVE.B 11(A1),SL MOVE.B 21(A1),SD ;TMP0+1 MOVE.B 12(A1),SL MOVE.B 20(A1),SD ;TMP0 CLR D0 MOVE.B 4(A1),D0 MOVE.B 10(A1),SL MOVE.B 28(A1,D0),SD ;VOL0 FINK RTS DC.B " (C) G.WHEATON. 45 GOLDRILL AVE BOLTON. LANCS, U.K. " ;-------EFFECTS ROUTINES-------- ;1-256---DELAYED--VIBRATO------- VV EOR.B #1,MC BEQ.S SDC VIB CMP.B #8,4(A1) BLT SDC SUB.B #1,24(A1) BNE SDC MOVE.B 25(A1),24(A1) MOVE 16(A1),D1 ADD D1,18(A1) MOVE 14(A1),D1 CMP 18(A1),D1 BLT.S RIST KJ NEG D1 CMP 18(A1),D1 BGT.S RIST SAZ MOVE 6(A1),D1 ADD 18(A1),D1 MOVE D1,20(A1) SDC RTS RIST NEG 16(A1) BRA.S SAZ ;2-512------WARB DW----------- WARB EOR.B #1,MIN BEQ SAX SUBQ.B #1,4(A1) SAX ASL 20(A1) CMP #660,20(A1) BLT.S PLOP MOVE 6(A1),20(A1) PLOP ;BRA VV RTS ;3--768--------DRUM----------- DRUM SUBQ.B #4,19(A1) MOVE.B #7,SL MOVE.B #%11011000,SD MOVE.B #6,SL MOVE.B 19(A1),SD MOVE.B #5,SL MOVE.B 32(A2),SD MOVE.B #4,SL MOVE.B #255,SD RTS ;4 DRUM ;5--1280--WARB CONSTANT VOLUME WB1 MOVE.B #5,4(A1) BRA.S SAX ;6--1536-----WARB UP--------- WRP EOR.B #1,MIN+1 BEQ SDX SUBQ.B #1,4(A1) SDX LSR 20(A1) CMP #35,20(A1) BGT PLAP MOVE 6(A1),20(A1) PLAP BRA VV ;RTS ;7--1792---SLIDE-UP--WARBLE SLW CMP.B #17,4(A1) BLT.S WRP SUBQ.W #3,6(A1) BRA.S WRP ;8--2048---SLIDE UP VIB SLR ;EOR.B #1,FIG ;BEQ.S PES CMP.B #3,4(A1) BLT.S PES SUBQ.W #1,20(A1) PES RTS FIG DC.B 0,0 ;9--2304-------HOLD---------- HOLD SUBQ.B #1,4(A1) RTS ;10--2048---SLIDE DOWN VIB SLIP ;CMP.B #1,4(A1) ;BLT.S PUS ADD.W #90,20(A1) PUS BRA VIB ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\DATAS\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ;\\NOTE 1ST WORD. DURATION 2ND WORD ;\\\LEAD PNT0 DC.W 0 DC.W 1 DC.W 0 DC.L 0 DC.B 8,0,1 DC.B 0 ;ADD TO NOTE DC.W 6 ;VIB LIMIT DC.W 3 ;16(A1) ADD DC.W 0 ;VIB 18(A1) DC.L 0 ;TMP NOTE 20(A1) DC.B 1,1 ;VIB RATE 24(A1) DC.B 0,0 ;INITIAL VOL ;ADSR 28(A1) DC.B 15,15,14,13,12,11,9,8,9 DC.B 10,12,10,8,10,12,10,8,10,10 DC.B 11,10,10,9,8,7,5,5,6,7,7 DC.B 6,5,4,3,2,1 REPT 70 DS.B 1 ENDR EVEN ;\\\MIDDLE PNT1 DC.W 0 DC.W 1 ;EFFECT & DURATION 2(A1) DC.B 0,0 DC.L 0 DC.B 9,2,3 DC.B 1 ;ADD 13(A1) DC.W 6 ;VIB LIMIT DC.W 2 ;VIB ADD 16(A1) DC.W 0 ;VIB 18(A1) DC.L 0 ;TEMP NOTE 20(A1) DC.B 1,1 ;VIB RATE 24)A1) DC.B 0,0 ;INITIAL VOL ;ADSR 28(A1) DC.B 15,15,15,14,14,13,13,13,12,12 DC.B 11,11,11,11,10,10,10,10,10,10 DC.B 12,12,11,11,10,9,8,7,9,7,10,7,11,10,10,9,10 DC.B 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 REPT 90 DC.B 1 ENDR EVEN ;\\\BASS PNT2 DC.W 0 DC.W 1 ;2(A1) DURATION DC.B 0,0 ;4(A1) DC.L 0 ;6 DC.B 10,4,5 ;10(A1) VOL REG DC.B 2 ;ADD TO NOTE 13(A1) DC.W 6 ;VIB LIMIT DC.W 2 ;VIBRATO ADD 16(A1) DC.W 2 ;VIB 18(A1) DC.L 0 ;TMP NOTE 20(A1) DC.B 2,2 ;VIB RATE DC.B 0,0 ;INITIAL VOL 26(A1) ;\ADSR 28(A1) DC.B 15,15,14,14,14,13,13,13,13,13 DC.B 13,13,12,12,11,11,10,10,10,9 DC.B 8,7,6,5,4,3,4,2,1 REPT 80 DC.B 1 ENDR EVEN PNT3 DC.W 0 DC.W 1 ;2(A1) DURATION DC.B 0,0 ;4(A1) DC.L 0 ;6 DC.B 10,6,11 ;10(A1) VOL REG DC.B -1 ;ADD 13(A1) DC.W 10 ;VIB LIMIT DC.W 4 ;VIBRATO ADD 16(A1) DC.W 0 ;VIB 18(A1) DC.L 0 ;TMP NOTE 20(A1) DC.B 1,1 ;VIB RATE DC.B 0,0 ;INITIAL VOL 26(A1) ;\ADSR 28(A1) DC.B 15,15,15,14,13,12 DC.B 11,10,9,8,7,5,3,1,1,1 DC.B 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 REPT 80 DC.B 1 ENDR EVEN PNT4 DC.W 0 DC.W 1 ;2(A1) DURATION DC.B 0,0 ;4(A1) DC.L 0 DC.B 8,0,1 ;10(A1) VOL REG DC.B 0 ;ADD 13(A1) DC.W 5 ;VIB LIMIT DC.W 3 ;VIBRATO ADD 16(A1) DC.W 0 ;VIB 18(A1) DC.L 0 ;TMP NOTE 20(A1) DC.B 1,1 ;VIB RATE DC.B 14,0 ;INITIAL VOL 26(A1) ;\ADSR 28(A1) DC.B 15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15 DC.B 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13 DC.B 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11 DC.B 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 DC.B 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8 DC.B 8,8,8,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10 DC.B 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11 DC.B 12,13,14,15,14,13,12,11,10 DC.B 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12 DS.B 20 EVEN MC DC.B 1,1 MIN DC.B 1,0 DED EVEN ;-----------MUSIC DATA _NOTE0 DC.W 108*Q,32+e,102*Q,32+e,108*Q,64+e NT DC.W 144*Q,32+E,108*Q,32+E,81*Q,48+e,76*Q,16+e NT1 DC.W 108*Q,32+e,102*Q,32+e,108*Q,64+e NT2 DC.W 144*Q,32+e,108*Q,30+e DC.W 81*Q,46+e,68*Q,15+e,102*Q,6+e DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF _NOTE2 DC.W 108*T,8,91*T,8,96*T,8,102*T,8 DC.W 108*T,8,217*T,8,204*T,8,102*T,8 DC.W 193*T,8,96*T,8,204*T,8,102*T,8 DC.W 108*T,8,217*T,8,193*T,8,96*T,8 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF DRMM DC.W 31,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W 8,8+768,0,24+1024 DC.W 8,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W 31,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W 8+768,8,31,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W 31,8+768,8,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF NULL DC.W 2,68 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF DROM DC.W 9,2+768,0,2+1024 DC.W 7,2+768,0,2+1024 DC.W 5,2+768,0,2+1024 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF DRIM DC.W 8,8+768,0,24+1024 DC.W 8,8+768,0,24+1024 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF DRAM DC.W 12,8+768,0,24+1024 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF DRM DC.W 8,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W 14,8+768,0,8+1024 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF WIZ1 DC.W 2,4 wiz DC.W 217*X,8,108*X,8 DC.W 193*X,8,96*X,8 DC.W 182*X,8,91*X,8 DC.W 162*X,8,81*X,8 DC.W 153*X,8,76*X,8 DC.W 144*X,8,72*X,8 DC.W 128*X,8,64*X,8 DC.W 121*X,8,60*X,8 ;DC.W 114*X,8,57*X,8 ;DC.W 108*X,8,53*X,8 TIN DC.W 0,4 TUN DC.W 2,8,121*O,8,108*O,8,144*O,8 DC.W 121*O,8,108*O,8,2,8 DC.W 108*O,8 DC.W 81*O,8,85*O,8 DC.W 108*O,8,121*O,8 DC.W 85*O,8,2,8,121*O,8 DC.W 2,16 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF TUNA DC.W 1,22 TUN1 DC.W 72*U,16,85*U,16,121*U,16 DC.W 144*U,16,108*U,64+256 DC.W 2,16,85*U,16,121*U,16 DC.W 144*U,16,108*U,24+256 ;128-48 DC.W 85*U,8,108*U,48 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF WOO DC.W 108,128+2560 WIN DC.W 108*Q,128 SKID1 DC.W 1,1 SKID2 DC.W 1,1 SKID DC.W 108*Q,96+256 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF ROLL DC.W 31,16+768,4,8+768 DC.W 0,24+1024 DC.W 31,16+768,20,16+768 DC.W 31,8+768,20,16+768 DC.W 8,8+768,8,8+768,8,8+768 ; DC.W 31,8+768,20,16+768 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF HIY DC.W 108*W,8,108*W,8,108*W,16 DC.W 72*W,8,72*W,8,72*W,16 DC.W 96*W,8,91*W,8,91*W,16+32 DC.W 182*T,8,91*T,8,182*T,8,91*T,8 DC.W 162*T,8,81*T,8,162*T,8,81*T,8 DC.W 217*T,8,108*T,8,217*T,8,108*T,8 DC.W 217*T,8,108*T,8 DC.W 217*T,8,108*T,12 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF BAS1 DC.W 217*T,8,108*T,8 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF SLID DC.W 2,128 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 108*W,16+2048 DC.W 2,15 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF SWIP DC.W 2,128 DC.W 2,16 DC.W 108*W,32+2048 DC.W 108*W,32+2048 DC.W 108*W,20+2048 DC.W 2,12 DC.W $FFFF,$FFFF *----------------- quiet_flag dc.b 0 even DC.B " G.WHEATON. 45 GOLDRILL AVE, BOLTON, LANCS, U.K. " super dc.l 0 handle dc.w 0 name dc.b "budgie3.pi1",0 even dosound movem.l a0-a6/d0-d6,-(sp) MOVE.L A0,-(SP) MOVE.W #$20,-(SP) TRAP #14 ADDQ.L #6,SP movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d6 RTS EVEN silen`*O*m - ЭЭ" Ҁ.A// ??<JNA B?< NA\# BBBg/9N/9N?<NNO ?</< ?<=NA3 9N"//<}B?9 ?<?NA ?9 ?<>NAX yN H/?<NN\L ##(?<NAT@/9 ?< NA\?</<?<1NAHAJg $yB69F*!SCjl##:## h# ## # &ffE6*"*!Bg "R jag "j j a<g "j jang "j ja\#B3FLNu9 g A a LNu" n:  n h v@ :  h 2 :  n h 2 :  h 2 :  h 2 : 6  h  : 6 h  V: 6 R h  B:  B h 2 B:  j h :   h v : 6 h 2 : 6  h 2  V: 6 R h 2 :  n h  :  h 2@  : n h 2   : n h  n: 6 n h 26: B n h :   h S)f:0") HHAEHA|fBQ"#A#Ai3AXQ0*$ ) f*$f)<fR)NuJgB`0bV^@ {N if|#R)  B@) Nu (C) G.WHEATON. 45 GOLDRILL AVE BOLTON. LANCS, U.K. 9 g@ )m8)f.i2)i2)imDAin2)i3ANuDi` 9 gS) im3iNuY) Nu|` 9 gS) i#n3i` )mWi` )mSiNuS)NuiZ`                   @   0  @  .`0``0`0`D     `     @ 0l `lllHHH`[[0```` `llllllll l l G.WHEATON. 45 GOLDRILL AVE, BOLTON, LANCS, U.K. budgie3.pi1H/?< NN\LNu B. .@ *Z                     RrBudgie UK licenceware --------------------- Music driver written by Gary Wheaton used for driving your own music or, as in this case, commercial binary data. This source code requires Devpac assembler. The music will run under one of the vertical blank interrupt slots. The slot chosen ($4de) is fairly high up, so the routine is extremely sturdy when going back to desktop or loading files from disk. To turn the music off, poke a long word ($0) in $200. Poke $1 to turn on again. To kill the v/b routine, poke a long word ($0) in $4de Camy Maertens Budgie UK September 10, 1989 w"ATCBGeGwTE @ @???@@IIERER  ddTTc%% @@? aO@ A A A@@? ohoag@80 @@@@@?@{@{{agBBB  @@??0?@|O[[;;ag  (  Hj H@@? aO~~((11!@@p@(0(0(0@@` ``??@  0"0 @@ߘDߘ@ PpP@@`/<?< NA\?<NAT@߰|Yg|NgN?<NANAX|`|8:CX0<QN6N |f/<?< NA\N/<?< NA\NOk code written to bootsector Insert another disk to protect and press Y. Or press N to exit. HappyFace virus protector. By Robin Edwards. Version 1.01 14/8/89 Insert disk to be protected into drive A Write bootsector (Y/N) ? Error writing disk bootsector! Is the disk write protected? Try again (Y/N) ? ?<?<?<?<?<B/<X?<NNNu?<?<?<?<?<B/<X?< NNNu?<?߿0@SsA@@? A߁>߿#c#!a@@?(C2<?"Ģ @@@?0<pp@@@?0a T?1hh<PPP@@_P? ?AA<??7`\AA@@@ `D8x@ww\  b @@? _A_? ?AwX`@0vvAAQ@@@? ?? |߀0)=^^]@@7CB7|p~~HH@@@fx 00@@|*0@@  8C% P@@? 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