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Barnsley - Atari ST) DAY ONE Apart from the actions at the scene of the crash, the various places can be visited in any order. The Scene Of The Crash GO LEFT TO THE BODY GET I.D. CARD (Note the name: PETER BROWN) GET 'MAD' MACHINE LOOK AT 'MAD' TRACK TARGETS TO: BANK OF CANTON WAREHOUSE FERRY BUILDING EMBARCADERO FOUNTAIN HYDE ST PIER ENTER 'PETER BROWN' IN 'MAD' FOR MANHUNTER'S APARTMENT Bank Of Canton ENTER DOOR ON LEFT, GO DOWN TO THE ROOM GET NEWSPAPER (Note the name: NOAH G.) SEE HAND SEE HEAD GET DRAGON NOTE (on desk) STUDY DOOR ('bat vomit' INSIDE will read 'tad timov' OUTSIDE!) USE MAD, ENTER NAME: 'TAD TIMOV' (gives his apartment) OUTSIDE BANK, GO TO LEFT TO A BODY SEE HAND SEE HEAD GET LAUNDRY TICKET GET FANG FROM NECK Warehouse (Ignore the bird.....it'll drive you nuts!) ENTER WAREHOUSE (ARCADE GAME TO ROOM BOTTOM LEFT) IN ROOM GET MALLET (Note fish-shape) NOTE WALL SIGN SEE MESSAGE ON DESK (Note the names - it's addressed to ZAC, calls MIC a traitor). Embarcadero Fountain ENTER POOL ARCADE GAME INTO TUNNEL ARCADE GAME PAST BATS AND RATS INTO ROOM NOTE MESSAGE SEE BODY GET EMPTY FLASK GET DRIVER'S LICENCE (under mattress...note name: 'STONE') (Licence dropped by traitor MIC = MIC STONE) ENTER 'MIC STONE' INTO MAD (gives NO ADDRESS!!) Ferry Building NOTE THE MESSAGE ON THE RIGHT WALL Tad Timov's Apartment ENTER - AND DIE! DON'T BOTHER TO GO BACK!! Manhunter's Apartment ENTER ROOM GET CLOTH FROM DRAWER (Note message) Hyde St Pier NOTE ALCATRAZ LOOK AT CAGE (Ah!......the cases!!) GO DOWN STEPS LEFT LOOK UNDER PIER CLIMB POLE LOOK IN SEWER RIGHT DIE AS RAT FOOD! (That should end DAY ONE.......the two victims were: MIC STONE TAD TIMOV DAY TWO (Try to follow the plot on the 'MAD' machine) FOLLOW ALL TRACKS TO: PIER 5 TEMPLE SHOP TRANSAMERICA PYRAMID DR'S HOUSE LAUNDRY CABLECAR BARN PRIVATE CLUB Pier 5 EXAMINE BODY TAKE MUZZLE (Guess where that's used!) USE FANG NOTE MISSING FINGER Tad Timov's Apartment (You need the muzzle) ENTER APARTMENT USE MUZZLE IMMEDIATELY (it works - be patient!) GET CAMERA (Don't use it!) STUDY PICTURE ON WALL LEFT (Note the names & patterns) Temple (You need the cloth) ENTER MAIN DOOR GET SHIELD DEFEND YOURSELF (arcade game) ENTER STAIRWAY UNDER BUDDHA STUDY ALL STATUES, then.....(Dragon Note) STUDY STATUES 3rd RIGHT FROM BOTTOM 1st LEFT 4th RIGHT SUBSTITUTE NAMES ON DRAGON NOTE (The Castle is the Gateway to Hell) LOOK AT 'HEAVEN' STATUE USE CLOTH (Note the REBUS = F OAR P INCHES........Four Pinches!!) PROCEED TO TOP OF STAIRS ARCADE GAME.......BRIDGE OVER ACID (WATCH.....don't bother to burn hand unless you like that sort of thing!) WHEN CHALLENGED, GET SCROLL JUMP THROUGH WINDOW OUTSIDE - GO QUICKLY TO THE RIGHT ENTER NEW DOOR LOOK AT PIPE AND BOWLS (Remember the message.......FOUR PINCHES........Remember also the signs by HEAVEN in TAD TIMOV's apartment - or the position of the HEAVEN statue where the four pinches message was given). TAKE 4 PINCHES FROM BOWL 2nd FROM LEFT SMOKE PIPE WATCH VISION CLOSELY (Remember the final face!) TAKE STATUE LOOK AT SCROLL MESSAGE......(Work it out?!) Shop ENTER WATCH LEAVE (That's all there is to it for today here) Laundry (It's shut!) Transamerica Pyramid ENTER DOOR WATCH GET GUN ON RIGHT RE-ENTER AND GO FORWARD ARCADE GAME (Go round to release man then escape yourself) WATCH CLOSELY Dr's House ENTER EXAMINE BODY ENTER BACK ROOM LOOK AT BODY LOOK AT TEST TUBE USE FLASK GET LETTER FROM POCKET (Note the signature on the letter......N. GORING. Could this be Noah G?) ENTER 'NOAH GORING' INTO 'MAD' (and get another location). Cablecar Cabin ENTER BARN ENTER DOOR LEFT FOR CABLECAR ARCADE GAME (Get to the right of the top right 'box', flip switch then go through the hole in the wall). LOOK AT POSTERS LOOK AT BODIES GET LETTER (it tells you what you have to do near the end). Private Club JUST TRY TO ENTER IT, THAT'S ALL.......But take note of the helpful message about your looks, given after you've been parted from your skin!! Scientist's House (Found as a result of entering Noah Goring into 'MAD') ENTER LOOK AT FILES IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER LOOK ON TABLE NOTE NEEDLE AND THREAD GET MATCHES LOOK THROUGH WINDOW (Aha!.......the Castle!!) Wax Museum The WEST in the SCROLL MESSAGE (from the Temple), isn't a direction.....it's a name, and if you work it through, you'll see it's ZAC's other name - enter ZAC WEST into 'MAD' and the WAX MUSEUM is a location to be visited! GO TO MUSEUM FRONT LOOK AT MAN (He has a FISH....the MALLET has too!) USE MALLET INSIDE MUSEUM LOOK AROUND EVERYWHERE, RIGHT UP TO ZAK'S HOUSE (Today's names: ZAC WEST and NOAH GORING) DAY THREE FOLLOW ALL TRACKS TO: GHIRARDELLI SQUARE (note the route taken through the neons...it'll help) WAX MUSEUM Laundry (You need the LAUNDRY TICKET) ENTER GO TO GIRL GIVE LAUNDRY TICKET FOLLOW GIRL WHEN ASKED (WATCH and don't panic!) WAIT TO BE RESCUED BEFORE LEAVING.........GET WALKING STICK Ghirardelli Square (First time) (For this part you'll need the WALKING STICK) GO TO ALLEY ENTRANCE GET RAT'S PAW (Shop currency) (If you like being rat food, go RIGHT in the Alley!!) CLIMB ROPE GO RIGHT TO SIGN ARCADE GAME........you must get ALONGSIDE the victim. USE WALKING STICK TO GET RING LEAVE SQUARE Shop (You need the RAT'S PAW) ENTER SHOP USE RAT'S PAW PLAY GAME..........if you play through to the end, you'll be offered 6 items. Time can be wasted by taking each one and wandering aimlessly. The clue is the fact that you know the one place you can't enter is the PRIVATE CLUB, so.......... TAKE MASK WITH EYEHOLES Private Club (You need the MASK and the FULL FLASK) GO TO DOOR USE MASK KNOCK WATCH...........Note the inscription on the hand of the arm being eaten by the rat....you'll need it! AS RAT PULLS OFF YOUR MASK..... USE FLASK GET HATCHET PRONTO ESCAPE THROUGH DOOR RIGHT...FAST!! Wax Museum (You'll need the FANG) ENTER MUSEUM AS BEFORE (USE MALLET) ENTER MIDDLE CHAMBER LOOK AT NEW BODY EXAMINE TIE (White thread?) USE FANG GET ORB CARD (If you wish, re-visit Zac's house for lunch.........YOU'RE it!!!) Ghirardelli Square (Second Visit) (You need the RING and the CAMERA....with an unused flash) GO TO TOP ENTER VENT/TUNNEL AT LEFT OF TOWER BLOCK AT GATE....... LOOK AT LOCK USE RING WATCH...when you fall and Phil loses his arm, quickly......... GET ORB-ON-A-STICK....you'll be thrown into a rat's nest, so quickly...... USE CAMERA USE FLASH Ultimately, you'll end up at HYDE ST PIER. Hyde St Pier (You'll need the HATCHET from the Private Club and the ORB CARD from the Wax Museum, the ORB-ON-A-STICK from Phil's tunnel, the MATCHBOOK from the Scientist's House and the STATUE from the 'pipe-smoking' Temple). GO DOWN STEPS LOOK UNDER PIER CLIMB POLE USE HATCHET WATCH Alcatraz (You'll have come here from Hyde St Pier, and will need all the following items: ORB CARD ORB-ON-A-STICK STATUE MATCHBOX HATCHET) IN STORE ROOM USE HATCHET (you'll lose it now) AT CAGES LOOK IN CAGES IDENTIFY 'MING' (remember the 'vision' at the Temple) USE STATUE GO LEFT TO CELL ACCESS MACHINE USE ORB CARD WHILE BEING SCANNED, USE ORB-ON-A-STICK WATCH.......... AT BALLOON LOOK AT HANDLE TURN HANDLE USE MATCHBOX TO LIGHT GAS JET WATCH....... ARCADE GAME......you MUST steer the balloon to Julius's Castle, 2nd building down from the right-hand side.... ...remember the cryptic note about the Gateway to Hell? In Hell (Here you have a problem to solve. Remember the message: "Bring us to Hell and we'll show you Freedom" There are THREE BUTTONS which identify the location of LAVA, ROBOTS and SLAVES. There are a number of 'gates'. First, close ALL gates. Move Robots to a cell next to the FIRST lava cell. Open the gate to swamp the Robots. Plot the lava route to direct lava ONLY to the Towers at the top, then move all Slaves out of it's way without moving any slaves into or out of a named chamber. Open up the appropriate gates to direct the Lava flow and WATCH. You'll be taken to the Freedom Chamber. In The Machine You must first PRESS the symbol buttons in the RIGHT ORDER (Remember the code on the hand of the arm being eaten by the RAT in the PRIVATE CLUB), and then press the MASTER BUTTON above them. Look at the now active screen: another Arcade Game..........this time you must steer your way free. The exit is at the TOP of the RIGHT-HAND screen, and it's a hell of a route to get there!! When free....WATCH......IT'S THE END.........or IS IT??!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M A N H U N T E R : N E W Y O R K (Sierra On-Line) DAY ONE: FOLLOW TRACKER - C - SOUTH - GO TO THE HOSPITAL - GO AROUND THE CORNER IN THE RIGHT OF THE SCREEN - ENTER HOSPITAL - SEARCH THE FEET FROM THE MAN - SEARCH THE FACE FROM THE MAN - WHEN THE EYE APPEARS PRESS RETURN - OUT - C - INFO - RENO DAVIS - EXIT - C - F3 - SOUTH - EAST - GO TO THE BAR - ENTER THE BAR - PLAY THE VIDEO GAME - THROW THE KNIFE BETWEEN THE FINGERS - PLAY THE VIDEO GAME. (Draw a map from the video game and the locations from the key cards in the game, because this is a map from a maze later in the game, it's your way out of the maze and it tells you where you can find the key cards in the maze) LEAVE BAR - F3 - GO TO THE PARK - ENTER THE PARK - ENTER THE RESTROOMS - GO TO THE LADIES ROOM - GO TO THE THIRD TOILET ON THE RIGHT - SIT DOWN - FLUSH 3 TIMES - SEARCH YOUR WAY OUT OF THE MAZE AND COLLECT THE 12 KEY CARDS - OUT OF THE MAZE GET THE MEDALLION - OUT - F3 - GO TO CONEY ISLAND - PLAY KEWPIE DOLL BASEBALL - FIRST HIT IN THE TOP ROW THE THIRD DOLL - SECOND: HIT IN THE MIDDLE ROW THE SECOND DOLL - THIRD: HIT IN THE BOTTOM ROW THE FOURTH DOLL - SHOW MEDALLION - GET THE DATA CARD - RENO DAVIS. (END OF DAY ONE) DAY TWO: YOUR TRACKER FOLLOWS ONE TRACKER AND AFTER THE TARGET SIGNAL HAS LOST YOU MUST FOLLOW THE OTHER TWO TRACKERS BOTH, FIRST ONE AND THEN THE OTHER ONE, ONE GOES TO THE PARK AND THE OTHER ONE GOES TO THE MUSEUM - NOW GO TO THE NIGHTCLUB - GO AROUND THE CORNER INTO THE ALLEY - NOW YOU MUST TAKE OUT FOUR GUYS - AFTER YOU HAVE DONE THIS, SAVE YOUR GAME - IN THE NIGHTCLUB - TAKE A CLOSE LOOK AT THE MAN WHO WEARES A BROWN ROBE - A KEYCARD FALLS ON THE GROUND - GET THE THE KEYCARD VERY QUICKLY BEFORE YOU ARE KICKED OUT THE NIGHTCLUB - F3 - NORTH - NORTH - GO TO THE CENTRAL PARK. POINT THE ARROW RIGHT, BUT AS FAR DOWN YOU CAN GET IT, NOW MOVE THE ARROW 2 TIMES UP - PRESS RETURN - NOW MOVE THE ARROW UP AT THE END OF THE PATH,NOW MOVE THE ARROW 2 TIMES TO THE LEFT - PRESS RETURN - NOW MOVE THE ARROW TO THE RIGHT SO FAR DOWN IF YOU CAN,THEN MOVE THE ARROW 3 TIMES UP - PRESS RETURN - NOW MOVE THE ARROW UP AT THE LEFT OF THE STATUETTE,THEN MOVE THE ARROW 4 TIMES TO THE LEFT - PRESS RETURN - MOVE THE ARROW TO THE RIGHT AS FAR DOWN IF YOU CAN, NOW MOVE THE ARROW 5 TIMES UP AND NOW MOVE THE ARROW 1 TIME, THE ARROW SHOWS NOW UP - PRESS RETURN - NOW MOVE THE ARROW AT THE LEFT FROM THE SCREENMAS FAR UP AS YOU CAN - PRESS RETURN - GET THE CROWBAR - BACK IN THE LAST LOCATION PRESS RETURN,THE ARROW SHOWS DOWN - IN THE NEXT LOCATION: MOVE THE ARROW AS FAR AS YOU CAN GET IT TO THE LEFT POINTING UP, NOW MOVE THE ARROW 2 TIMES TO THE RIGHT - PRESS RETURN - MOVE THE ARROW POINTING TO THE RIGHT AS FAR UP AS YOU CAN GET IT - PRESS RETURN. MOVE THE ARROW TO BE POINTING UP JUST LEFT OF THE MONUMENT,NOW MOVE THE ARROW 5 TIMES TO THE LEFT - PRESS RETURN - NOW LOOK AT THE PAPERS AND OF THE FACE OF THE DEAD MAN - NOW GO TO THE MAD - INFO - HARVEY OSBORNE - EXIT - C - F3 - NOW GO TO HARVEY OSBORNE'S HOUSE - ENTER THE HOUSE - ENTER HIS ROOM - LOOK IN THE SHOPPING BAG - GET KEY - PRESS BUTTON NEAR THE DOOR - LOOK AT THE DEAD MAN - RETURN - LEAVE THE ROOM - AND THE HOUSE - F3 - GO TO THE MUSEUM - NOW GO EAST - INVENTORY - USE KEY TO UNLOCK THE DOOR - ENTER MUSEUM - EAST - UP - LOOK DOOR AT THE LEFT - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - NORTH - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - UP - RETURN. USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR NORTH - NORTH - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - UP - LOOK DOOR AT THE RIGHT - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - NORTH - LOOK DOOR AT THE RIGHT - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - NORTH - NORTH - LOOK DOOR - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - NORTH - NORTH - RETURN - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - LOOK DOOR AT THE NORTH - USE KEYCARD - ENTER DOOR - USE CROWBAR - USE MEDALLION - NORTH - EAST - NORTH - LOOK MAP AT THE WALL - LOOK MAN - GET MODULE - F3 - HARVEY OSBORNE - ANNA OSBORNE - RENO DAVIS. (END OF DAY TWO) DAY THREE: FOLLOW TRACKER - C - F3 - SOUTH - SOUTH - EAST - GO TO THE CEMETERY - NORTH - F3 - NOW GO TO THE CHURCH - LIGHT CANDLES IN THIS ORDER: TOP ROW: THE FIRST CANDLE - MIDDLE ROW: THE THIRD CANDLE - BOTTOM ROW: THE FOURTH CANDLE - GET MODULE OUT COMPARTMENT - RETURN - RETURN - RETURN - F3 - GO TO ABDUL'S PAWN SHOP - ENTER SHOP - GO TO ABDUL - GET CROSS - GET THE THING ABOVE THE HAND OF THE RIGHT IN THE SCREEN - GET STAR - LOOK PAINTING - PRESS 4 - PRESS 1 - LOOK PAINTING - PRESS 1 - PRESS 0 - PRESS 3 - PRESS 1 - LOOK PAINTING - PRESS 2 - PRESS 6 - PRESS 4 - LOOK PAINTING - PRESS 4 - PRESS 2 - PRESS 5 - LOOK MAN - GO AROUND THE CORNER - HIT MAN - GET PAPER - F3 - GO TO THE THEATRE. ENTER THEATRE - ENTER THE DOOR AT THE RIGHT WALL - REMOVE PICTURE - TAKE A CLOSER LOOK - PRESS 8, 4, 3, 7, 6, 9 - HIT ENTER - TAKE NOTE - C - INFO - HARRY JONES - EXIT - C - F3 - SOUTH - SOUTH - GO TO 21 PEARL ST - ENTER HOUSE - ENTER DOOR - LOOK RADIO - USE CROWBAR - GET MODULE C - LEAVE ROOM - LEAVE HOUSE - C - INFO - PHILIPPE COOK - EXIT - C - F3 - NORTH - NORTH - GO TO THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING - ENTER BUILDING - LOOK COMPUTER - TURN ON POWER SWITCH - PASSWORD:UCUCC - CONTINUE - ALPHA - SECURITY - HALL PATROLL - RETURN - RETURN - QUIT - F3 - HARRY JONES. (END OF DAY THREE) DAY FOUR: PRESS S FOR SCIP - F3 - SOUTH - HOSPITAL - GO AROUND THE CORNER - ENTER HOSPITAL - ENTER DOOR - WAIT - LOOK WINDOW - USE CROWBAR - WAIT UNTIL THE ORB AND THE ROBOTS LEAVE THE ROOM - LOOK MACHINE - GET MODULE D - MOVE HANDLE UP - CLIMB LADDER - CLIMB UP TO WINDOW - F3 - GO TO GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL - LOOK WINDOW UNDER IN THE SCREEN - USE CROWBAR - CLIMB TROUGH THE WINDOW - ENTER SHIP - USE MODULE A - USE MODULE B - USE MODULE C - USE MODULE D - PRESS THE CN BUTTON - PRESS THE BIG BUTTON IN THE MIDDLE - PRESS THE LITTLE BUTTON UNDER IN THE SCREEN - PRESS THE BIG BUTTON RIGHT - PRESS THE BIG BUTTON LEFT - FLY TO THE HATCH IN THE RIGHT WALL - FIND YOUR WAY TRHOUGH THE EASY MAZE - AFTER THE MAZE - PRESS THE NU BUTTON - LOOK AT SCREEN - GO TO THE STATUE OF LIBERTY - YOU SEE TWO SMALL ISLANDS TO THE LEFT - GO TO THE LOWER LEFT ISLAND - DROP A BOMB ON THIS ISLAND BY PRESSING ENTER - NOW GO TO THE GRAND CENTRAL STATION AND TO THE HOSPITAL AND TO THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING, DROP A BOMB ON ALL THREE OF THEM AND THE CITY HAS BE SAVED. THE END * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M A N I A C M A N S I O N (Lucasfilm Games) NOTES (1) There are FIVE possible ways to complete this adventure; this solution works with Dave, Syd and Bernard, and should provide insights into solving the other variations. (2) In all rooms you must open the door and in many you must also turn on the light, neither of which is pointed out in this solution. (3) Don't use the flashlight or the batteries will run out (though you can find more!). To find a light switch in the dark, select "WHAT IS" and scan the room by moving the cursor around. (4) There are TWO ways to escape the dungeon. If two kids are trapped there, place one in front of the door and have the other push the loose brick just below the LEFT window to momentarily open the dungeon door. Quickly switch to the other kid, who will have just enough time to run out. The other way is to use the rusty key. THE SOLUTION FRONT OF THE HOUSE All three kids should be here. Pick up the door mat and get the key. Unlock the front door and send all three inside. Send Bernard to the Library. LIBRARY Open the loose panel directly below Chuck the Plant and get the cassette tape. Switch to Dave and send him to the Kitchen. KITCHEN Edna catches Dave, which clears this route for the others. Dave can stay in the Dungeon for now and should use the trick described in Note (4) to let the others out when caught. Switch and send Syd into the Storage Room. STORAGE ROOM Have Syd pick up the fruit drink and glass jar. Switch to Bernard and send him to the Kitchen. KITCHEN Get Bernard to get the flashlight, then open the refrigerator and get the Pepsi can. Switch to Syd and send him to the Kitchen to give the glass jar to Bernard. Sent them both to the Painting Room. PAINTING ROOM Syd should pick up the wax fruit and Bernard should get the paint remover. THE TENTACLE IN THE ATTIC Send Syd up the next set of stairs to the Top of the Stairs, just outside the Darkroom, where he meets the Green Tentacle. Give the wax fruit, then the fruit drink to the Tentacle and he'll let you pass. THE RADIO ROOM Switch to Bernard and send him here to get the dime. Then go left and climb the ladder to the Green Tentacle. Get the record on the shelf and find the yellow key behind the Tentacle and get it. Then send Bernard to the Piano Room. WAS IT THE PIANO ROOM OR WAS IT MEMOREX? Put the cassette tape in the cassette recorder. Put the record on the victrola. Turn on the cassette recorder and the victrola. Wait until the glass breaks, then turn them both off. Have Bernard get the tape and go into the Sitting Room. THE SITTING ROOM Bernard should open the cabinet and put the tape in the cassette player. Turn on the player and the chandelier will shatter. Turn off the player and get the rusty key that fell from the chandelier. (This unlocks the right door in the Dungeon). Open the old radio on top of the cassette player and get the radio tube. WEIGHTLIFTING AND THE HIDDEN GRATE Send Syd, who may be in the Dungeon by now, to the Weightlifting Room and have him use the Hunk-O-Matic Machine. Then send him outside the front door and to the left of the stairs. Pick up the bushes to reveal the grate. Open the grate, enter it and walk right to the water valve. OFF TO THE POOL Send Bernard to Edna's Room and she'll put him in the Dungeon. Unlock the door with the rusty key. Have him get the silver key next to the fuse box in the basement, then send him to the Storage Room. Get him to unlock the Storage Room with the silver key and go to the pool ladder. Fill the glass jar with water from the pool. UNDER THE HOUSE Switch to Syd and have him turn on the water valve. This drains the pool and exposes the nuclear reactor's cooling rods, so you have to move fast (a good place to SAVE your game!!). IN THE POOL When the "cut scene" is over, send Bernard down the ladder to get the glowing key and the radio. As soon as he's safely back on the cement, have Syd turn off the water valve to refill the pool. THE GARAGE Send Syd and Bernard here and have Syd open the garage door. Bernard should use the yellow key to open the trunk, then get the tools. THE PLANT ROOM AND THE BROKEN WIRES Send Bernard here to use the paint remover on paint blotch to reveal a door. Open the door and enter the Broken Wires Room. Turn on the light, open the radio, use batteries in flashlight, turn on flashlight, walk to wires. THE FUSE BOX Send Syd in Edna's Room and she'll put him in the Dungeon. Have Dave push the loose brick to free Syd, then position Syd in front of the fuse box. Open fuse box and turn off the circuit breakers. BROKEN WIRES ROOM When the "cut scene" ends, Bernard should fix the wires with the tools. Now switch to Syd and turn on the circuit breakers. (The video machines are now powered on). EDNA AND THE WALL SAFE ROOM Send Syd and Bernard to the hall outside Edna's Room and have Bernard open the door and enter. While Edna takes him to the Dungeon, send Syd into her room and go right to the ladder. Climb the ladder to the Safe Room. Turn on light and open painting to reveal a wall safe. THE MAN-EATING PLANT Have Bernard use the rusty key so he and Dave can escape the Dungeon. Send Bernard to the Plant Room and use jar of water on the Man-eating Plant. Give pepsi to Man-eating Plant. Climb up the plant to the Telescope Room. TELESCOPE ROOM Bernard should use the dime in the slot, then press the right button to turn the telescope to the right. WEIRD ED'S ROOM Send Dave and Bernard to the doorway outside Ed's Room and have Bernard give the rusty key and glowing key to Dave. Dave should open the door and enter Ed's. When Ed takes Dave to the Dungeon, send Bernie into Ed's Room where he must walk to the piggy bank, open the piggy bank, take another dime, then go to the Telescope Room. TELESCOPE ROOM Bernard should use the dime in the slot, press the right button to turn the telescope to the right, then use the telescope to read the combination of the wall safe. THE SAFE ROOM AND THE SECRET LAB Switch to Syd and open the wall safe with the combination that you now know! Get the envelope, open it and get the quarter. Now send Syd back down the ladder, where Edna will catch him and lock him in the Dungeon with Dave. Switch to Dave, who should walk to the outer door and unlock the top and bottom padlocks with the glowing key. Open the outer door to the Secret Lab. Have Dave unlock the right Dungeon door with the rusty key. ARCADE ROOM Send Syd here and play the Meteor Mess game with the quarter. Write down the high score. WEIRD ED'S ROOM & THE HAMSTER Send Syd and Bernard to the doorway outside Ed's Room. Have Syd open the door and enter. When Ed takes him to the Dungeon, send in Bernard to get the hamster and reveal the purple card key. Get this and send Bernard to the Radio Room. (He may get locked in the Dungeon first, however). INTO THE SECRET LAB Switch to Dave, who is here, and have him open the inner door to the Secret Lab with the high score from the Meteor Mess game for the combination. CALLING THE METEOR POLICE Switch to Bernard in the Radio Room and have him use the radio tube in the tube radio. Read the poster, turn on radio, use radio to call Meteor Police with the number from the poster. Now send Bernard to Edna's Room so he'll get put in the Dungeon. Then wait for the Meteor Police to arrive and take out the Purple Meteor. THE ZOM-B-MATIC ROOM AND THE METEOR ROOM Switch to Bernard in the Dungeon, who should get the badge on the floor and go to the Secret Lab. Give the badge to the Purple Tentacle. After it runs away, enter the Zom-B-Matic Room. Walk right and use the purple card key in the key slot to enter the Meteor Room. Turn off switch!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINDWHEEL (Broderbund) Mindwheel, although it looks formidable at first glance, is not really all that hard a game. The primary difficulty is answering the various riddles and obtaining the words for the sonnets; the other puzzles in the game are almost trivial by comparison. With that said, let's get started. After entering the word of the day, you find yourself in Virgil's laboratory. No preliminaries are really needed, just get started (anything he can tell you can you also find out by reading the book). So, now you're onstage in the mind of Bobby Clemon. Pick up the rose, then go over to the keyboard and play it. The ghost of Bobby Clemon will appear and sing a song. Pay attention to the words of the song; some of them will be useful later. Also open the keyboard and get the brooch that's inside. Read the plate, too. Now, you've probably seen a thug running around. If he isn't near you, go find him. Since he's such an obnoxious person, belt him one with your fist. You will both be drawn upward into a strange vortex, where you and the thug must now duel. You can safely ignore the bizarre things that float past you; they are simply there as window dresssing. Ask the thug for the rules of the duel, and then choose the disc when he asks you to pick your weapon. Note that you may have to do this more than once; on one occasion, opening the disc box revealed a pizza! In any case, when you have the real disc, the thug will become alarmed, and offer to tell you something important in exchange for his life. What he has to tell you is the last two words of the Fear Sonnet, so pretend to agree, and then throw the disc at him after he gives you the words. Since he was planning to go back on his word and kill you anyway, it's important that you get in your blow first. With the thug taken care of, you are lifted to the top of the Vortex, to the fringes of the Poet's mind. Here you encounter the delightful (?) Spaw and his friends, along with a toad. Pick up the toad, he will come in handy later on. Spaw will tell you that you must complete the Fear Sonnet before you can actually enter the Poet's mind via the Love Room. If you ask the toad about Spaw, he will give you one of the needed words to finish the Sonnet, and at this point, you actually have all the words you need. In fact, the six words are: Night, Cast, Sense, Tyranny, Diverting, Images. Write each of these in the appropriate blank, and hand the paper to Spaw (or, you can write them in and show them to Spaw one at a time for some amusing responses). The devil will step aside, and as you enter the Love Room, will hand you a book. In the Love Room, you will find a variety of strange insects engaged in bizarre acts of love-making. Ignore them all, and walk north to the table where the glass woman sits. She will tell you she can help you, but you must give her a flower first. Give her the rose (NOTE: in all transactions here, you must refer to this woman as "lady" or else the parser will become confused). Now she asks you to complete the Love Sonnet, which, fortunately, requires only two words. If you examine the book, you will note that it bears a resemblance to a book mentioned in the book/manual that comes with the game; in fact, the title of that book, History of My Heart, contains the two words you need to finish the sonnet. The lady now transforms into a flesh and blood woman, unlocks the drawer in the table, and leaves. Open the drawer and get the bottle of pills. Leave the Love Room (this is all you need to do in the Poet's mind), and return via the Vortex to Bobby Clemon's mind. When you return to Bobby's mind, you will notice that the stage and environs are now deserted. Which is fine, because you couldn't have gone down the ramp while people were there. So, hop along down the ramp, and then go East to the Exit sign. Open the door and go out. You are now in a courtyard, inhabited by bums wearing the rags of baseball uniforms. As you might suspect, these "bums" are actually the "Brooklyn Bums", or "Brooklyn Dodgers". Only one is awake; he wears a number 14 on his back. If you ask him who he is, he will tell you only his first name, Gil. For those who are not baseball fans, Number 14 is Gil Hodges. Make note of that name, as you will need it later when you reach the end game. After chatting with Gil, take a look at the oil drum. You'll see a small wooden object in there. It's actually a toy bat, and you may be needing it later, so take that, and then go back to the stage. You have finished now with the mind of Bobby Clemon. On stage, go North to the door, open it, and go through to the staircase. These stairs lead to the mind of the Generalissimo. Go up, and at the top, you will see a giant cage, inside of which is a winged woman being held captive. Talk to her. She will tell you that she can be freed only by someone answering the riddle on the cage. This riddle is rather easy, and the answer is "Rooster" (you could have gotten a hint about it by examining your harmonica). As she leaves, she will give you some helpful hints. Go North then West and you'll come to a room with a door and a weeping soldier, petrified from the waist down, who is blocking a staircase going up. Talk to the soldier, who will tell you what needs to be done to free him (the stairs, by the way, lead to Eva Fein's mind). You need to get further into the General's mind, and that can only be done by passing the door, which has a riddle of sorts written on it. The missing word in this case is "Eternity". Say that, and the door will open, allowing you to go out into the freeezing cold and snow. Once outside, go either East or West, where the Lizard officer will capture you. He will offer a trade for you disc; accept that, and ask him for his baton and helmet, then give him your disc (don't worry, you'll get it back soon enough). After that, go either West or East to the front, and from there, South to the fountain. Along the way, you will run into some animal-headed children. Ignore them; you can't afford to let yourself be "captured" by them right now. Continue on to the fountain, which you notice is full of blood. If you examine the baton, you will see that it has some special powers. Touch the baton to the fountain, and the blood changes to water. Fill the helmet with the water and return to the soldier. Give him the helmet. He will become unpetrified, and then suddenly melt away, rather painfully, as though the water acted as an acid on him. If you've been here before, you know that the soldier is really Spaw in disguise, and he was hoping you'd bring him blood in the helmet instead of water. What a surprise for Spaw! With the stairs open now, you can go up. Floating above you see an island in the clouds. That is Eva's mind, but it's not time for that quite yet. Look around, and you will see a couple of objects on the floor. The description here is not all that clear; there are two items, the disc and a key. Get them both, then go back downstairs. You are ready for the great escape. Of course, you can't escape unless you're captured, so go out into the cold again and surrender to the animal children. They will take you to the back where the Lizard will order you to be imprisoned with the winged people. Freeing them is fairly simple; just throw the disc at the gate. The disc will cut through the barbed wire, and the winged people will begin climbing the tall pine tree and flying away. As it's pretty cold here, you better get away, too. Climb the tree, and take the strange pine cone that you find on top. Now eat one of the pills from the bottle. Aha! You've grown a pair of wings. Now one of the winged people will take you in tow, and drop you off on the island in the clouds, just outside the mind of Eva Fein. You stand at the door to the mind of Eva Fein. If you examine the door, you will see that it not only has a lock, but a strange indentation that looks something like a pine cone. Put the pine cone in the indentation, then unlock the door with the key. At this point, SAVE THE GAME!!! Once you go through the door, you WILL NOT be able to do any saving (don't ask why they wanted it this way, but that's how it is). So it's best to save now, in case you need to restore the game later on. Once through the door, you will be in a strange garden, laid out like a chessboard. There is a plaque on the wall with the rules of the game; it's a good idea to read them. The shed holds a ladder; you may or may not need it, depending on which way you start out. Throughout the game, you will be running into characters you've met before in other minds, dressed as chesspieces. Sometimes, you capture them, and sometimes, they capture you. If you get captured, you will lose some or all of the items you are carrying, and may only get back a few of them. If you get caught before or after reaching the bank, make sure you get the brooch back, since that is the only necessary item at this point. In one sense, it doesn't matter all that much which in which direction you start, since all paths will evetually end up at the same place anyway. However, the easiest way is to go NE on the first move. This brings you to a room with a frog doorkeeper. He will be happy to open any of the forward doors, so long as you tell him in Froggish. Fortunately, since you have the toad with you, that's really not much of a problem. Ask your toad friend to tell the frog to open the North door. Passing through that brings you into an orchard. Get the apple you see here, and continue on North to the bank. Here you find yourself on line behind a robot. The robot will ask for something to write with; hand him the brooch. He will finish writing on his check and leave. This will allow you to go North out of the bank, into the pasture. This is the square that all other paths end at. In the pasture you see a long-tailed horse with saddlebags on his back. If you still have the apple, give it to the horse. If you don't have it, or after you've fed the horse, hang around and wait, doing nothing. The woman you helped back in the Love Room will appear and capture you. Now you must quote a line from the Love Sonnet. This is absurdly easy; just pick any line from the Sonnet. You will be freed, although most of what you had with you will be taken away. However, she will leave you the book and the toy bat. If you've already fed the horse the apple, you don't need the bat. Otherwise, examine it carefully, and you will see that it can be opened. Opening the bat will reveal a small, but edible, jujube, which you can give to the horse to make it stand still. In any case, once the horse is standing still, and the woman has left, open the saddle bags and get everything inside. Also pick up all the objects lying around the pasture. You have all the items necessary to make a fiddle. Begin by putting the pegs in the holes, then tying the cord to the fiddle. Cut some hair from the horse's tail with the scissors, and attach it to the wooden handle (this is the bow). Play the fiddle, and you will be able to exit the pasture to the north. This square is an unpleasant one, as it is populated by rather nasty zombies. There is only one way to get through safely: you must sacrifice the toad to them. (If you wait long enough, the toad will tell you that himself). So, throw the toad into the trench, and continue on north. Open the hatch and go through. You are almost to the Cave Master. However, before you can pass through the ultimate portal, you have another fill-in to do. Talk to the Red King, who will quote something, leaving one word blank. That is the word you need, and it's "transfigured". When you say that, the portal leading to the Cave Master will open. However, you can't go through without a talisman. Examine the door carefully, and you will see the familiar disc stuck to it. Also there is a picture of Number 14, and an inscription telling you that you must say the player's name to obtain the disc. Since you know the name, say it. The disc will come off the door and you can pick it up, then go through the portal. At last you have reached your goal, the all-knowing Cave Master. He gives you a wheel, and tells you to fit it around the disc. Don't bother examining it; you have only a few moves to spare here (and if you blow it, remember, you have to start from your last save position, outside Eva's door!). So, fit the wheel around the disc. Ta-da! You've successfully completed your mission and saved mankind from destruction (although I must say, I thought the ending a bit feeble, myself). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MOONMIST (Infocom) This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue (Note: This is four adventures in one......the one you play depends upon the colour you select at the start. However, if you choose OTHER than Red, Green, Yellow or Blue then the program will select one of the colours in this selection! Furthermore, if you are going somewhere and you are stopped by one of the characters, simply repeat the command!). GREEN Version. EXAMINE GATE PRESS EYE (THE NAME YOU SELECT) YES GREEN YES S YES YES ASK TAMARA ABOUT GHOST S ASK JACK ABOUT GHOST WAIT ASK HYDE ABOUT GHOST ASK VIVIEN ABOUT GHOST WAIT NO YES ASK IRIS ABOUT GHOST E OPEN LUGGAGE GET DINNER OUTFIT PUT LUGGAGE IN WARDROBE ASK BOLITHO ABOUT GHOST YES WAIT YES YES YES PUT TWEED IN WARDROBE DROP ALL N TAKE BATH S GET ALL FROM WING CHAIR WEAR DINNER OUTFIT GO TO NEW GREAT HALL EXAMINE FLOOR YES GET LENS GO TO KITCHEN GET LANTERN GO TO LIBRARY SEARCH ROOM YES GET NOTEBOOK GO TO DINING ROOM. READ NOTEBOOK WAIT EXAMINE BUST WAIT WAIT WAIT LOOK UNDER PUNCHBOWL READ CLUE JACK, GIVE ME THE SECOND CLUE READ IT GO TO GAME ROOM EXAMINE RHINO EXAMINE EYE GET THIRD CLUE READ IT GO TO MY ROOM EXAMINE WALL MIRROR PRESS SWITCH LIGHT LANTERN E N N W S GET FOURTH CLUE READ IT N E E S W DROP LANTERN GO TO OFFICE EXAMINE INKWELL GET MOONMIST DROP ALL CLUES GO TO GALLERY NE W EXAMINE KIT GET BOX E W EXAMINE KIT GET COSTUME E W EXAMINE KIT GET BLOWGUN E EXAMINE MOONMIST EXAMINE BLOWGUN EXAMINE COSTUME EXAMINE BOX COMPARE FIRST LENS AND SECOND LENS W SCORE WAIT ARREST WENDISH YES. BLUE version. EXAMINE GATE PRESS EYE (THE NAME YOU SELECT) YES BLUE YES S YES YES ASK TAMARA ABOUT GHOST S ASK JACK ABOUT GHOST WAIT ASK HYDE ABOUT GHOST ASK VIVIEN ABOUT GHOST WAIT NO YES ASK IRIS ABOUT GHOST E OPEN LUGGAGE GET DINNER OUTFIT PUT LUGGAGE IN WARDROBE ASK BOLITHO ABOUT GHOST YES WAIT YES YES YES PUT TWEED IN WARDROBE DROP ALL N TAKE BATH S GET ALL FROM WING CHAIR WEAR DINNER OUTFIT GO TO NEW GREAT HALL EXAMINE FLOOR YES GET LENS GO TO KITCHEN GET LANTERN GO TO DINING ROOM WAIT TILL LIMMEL SPEAKS. EXAMINE BUST WAIT WAIT WAIT LOOK UNDER PUNCHBOWL READ CLUE JACK, GIVE ME THE SECOND CLUE READ IT GO TO BASEMENT GET BOTTLE EXAMINE BOTTLE GO TO SITTING ROOM EXAMINE PIANO GET MUSIC EXAMINE MUSIC N E EXAMINE SUIT OF ARMOUR OPEN HELMET GET THIRD CLUE READ IT GO TO FIGHTING DECK DROP ALL CLUES DROP BOTTLE DROP MUSIC EXAMINE BELL GET SKULL GO TO VIVIENS ROOM EXAMINE BOX GET PLASTIC BOX E W EXAMINE WOODEN BOX GET DIARY E W EXAMINE WOODEN BOX GET COSTUME E W EXAMINE WOODEN BOX GET BLOWGUN E EXAMINE SKULL EXAMINE BLOWGUN EXAMINE COSTUME EXAMINE BOX COMPARE FIRST LENS AND SECOND LENS READ DIARY W SCORE WAIT ARREST VIVIEN YES. YELLOW version. EXAMINE GATE PRESS EYE (THE NAME YOU SELECT) YES YELLOW YES S YES YES ASK TAMARA ABOUT GHOST S ASK JACK ABOUT GHOST WAIT ASK HYDE ABOUT GHOST ASK VIVIEN ABOUT GHOST WAIT NO YES ASK IRIS ABOUT GHOST E OPEN LUGGAGE GET DINNER OUTFIT PUT LUGGAGE IN WARDROBE ASK BOLITHO ABOUT GHOST YES YES YES YES PUT TWEED IN WARDROBE DROP ALL N TAKE BATH S GET ALL FROM WING CHAIR WEAR DINNER OUTFIT GO TO NEW GREAT HALL E EXAMINE CARPET YES GET JEWEL W GO TO KITCHEN GET LANTERN UP E EXAMINE JEWEL WAIT YES YES YES YES YES YES WAIT EXAMINE BUST. WAIT WAIT WAIT LOOK UNDER PUNCHBOWL READ CLUE JACK, GIVE ME THE SECOND CLUE READ IT LIGHT LANTERN GO TO FIGHTING DECK EXAMINE BELL GET THIRD CLUE READ IT GO TO DUNGEON ENTER MAIDEN (!?!!) EXAMINE COFFIN GET FOURTH CLUE READ IT ENTER MAIDEN E EXAMINE WALL GET BRICKS ENTER HOLE EXAMINE SKELETON GET NECKLACE DROP ALL CLUES ENTER BASEMENT GO TO MY ROOM EXAMINE WALL MIRROR PRESS SWITCH E N GET ALL EXAMINE COSTUME EXAMINE BLOWGUN EXAMINE NECKLACE S W GO TO TAMARAS ROOM EXAMINE CASE GET EARRING NW E EXAMINE EARRING INSERT JEWEL IN EARRING SE LOOK UNDER BED READ JOURNAL LOOK UNDER BED READ RECEIPT SCORE ARREST TAMARA YES. RED version. EXAMINE GATE PRESS EYE (THE NAME YOU SELECT) YES RED YES S YES YES ASK TAMARA ABOUT GHOST S ASK JACK ABOUT GHOST WAIT ASK HYDE ABOUT GHOST ASK VIVIEN ABOUT GHOST WAIT NO YES ASK IRIS ABOUT GHOST E OPEN LUGGAGE GET DINNER OUTFIT PUT LUGGAGE IN WARDROBE ASK BOLITHO ABOUT GHOST YES YES YES YES PUT TWEED IN WARDROBE DROP ALL N TAKE BATH S GET ALL FROM WING CHAIR WEAR DINNER OUTFIT GO TO NEW GREAT HALL E EXAMINE CARPET YES GET JEWEL W GO TO KITCHEN GET LANTERN UP E EXAMINE JEWEL WAIT YES YES YES YES YES YES WAIT EXAMINE BUST. WAIT WAIT WAIT LOOK UNDER PUNCHBOWL READ CLUE VIVIEN, GIVE ME THE SECOND CLUE READ IT LIGHT LANTERN GO TO CHAPEL EXAMINE WINDOW GET THIRD CLUE READ IT GO TO COURTYARD E E EXAMINE GARDEN GET FOURTH CLUE READ IT W W S SEARCH ROOM YES DROP ALL CLUES GET CANE GO TO JACK'S ROOM EXAMINE COMMODE GET NECKLACE E EXAMINE CANE REMOVE PAINT INSERT JEWEL IN NECKLACE EXAMINE CLUB LOOK THROUGH JACK'S KEYHOLE EXAMINE CREST REMOVE CREST PLAY RECORDER GO TO MY ROOM EXAMINE WALL MIRROR PRESS SWITCH E S W DOWN W WAIT (several times.....be patient!!) EXAMINE GHOST TALK TO GHOST PUSH LEVER SCORE N ARREST JACK YES. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M O R T V I L L E M A N O R (Lankhor) Do not search in the rooms if you are not alone! Go directly towards the Manor (don't waste any time outside...). Once in the Manor's Main Hall, choose the last left door (Guy's room). Enter the room. There should be a suitcase on the wardrobe. Open it and search inside it. Take the golden ring. Don't forget to close the suitcase...Go back to the Hall. Choose the last door to the right (Bob's room). There's also a suitacse on the wardrobe. Take the knife inside it, close the suitcase and go to the Cellar. Inside the Cellar, you should find a little crack over a picture. Insert the knife inside the crack and a secret passage opens on your left...To use this passage, you will have to answer to some questions. Here are the answers: Julia has died from natural causes. Leo is a kind of historical researcher. The signs are to be found in the dining-room. The main sign is a scroll. There are three scrolls. Ten characters are implied in this case. The first name of the unknown is Murielle. Murielle was Guy's mistress. Murielle was sharing an occupation with Leo. A statue stands before you. Put the ring on the statue's bowl and turn the ring. A passage appears, leading to a Crypt. Go inside the Crypt. You will discover a corpse ( Murielle ). Search it, and take the wooden object. Leave the Crypt, get back the ring, and go back to the Cellar then to the Hall. Go to the Attic. In the Attic, open the first drawer of the desk and search it. Take the wooden stick, and close the drawer. Place the stick of the first superior corner of the desk, then place the wooden object at the extremity of the stick. Make the whole thing turn! A secret drawer should open! Read the letter. The guilty will denounce himself!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MINDSHADOW (Activision) This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue PART ONE. Start on the beach of an island. TAKE SHELL N ENTER HUT TAKE STRAW S E EXAMINE BOAT TAKE STEEL E EXAMINE VINE TAKE VINE W W S E EXAMINE CLIFF TIE VINE TO ROCK DROP ALL CLIMB DOWN EXAMINE CAVE ENTER CAVE TAKE ROCK EXAMINE ROCK DIG TAKE MAP READ MAP E CLIMB UP TAKE ALL W N N N E N E E S S E EXAMINE TRUNK TAKE RUM W N N W W S W S S S BANG STEEL WITH ROCK (Space) GIVE RUM TO CAPTAIN. PART TWO. N W S S HIT MAN (Space) S TAKE CLEAVER EXAMINE CLEAVER N N E S S S W EXAMINE ANCHOR EXAMINE CHAIN CUT CHAIN WITH CLEAVER W N N EXAMINE LIFEBOAT TAKE CANVAS EXAMINE CANVAS S S E E LOOK TELESCOPE N N E E. PART THREE. E E E S SEARCH MAN TAKE HAT (inside it is 210 pounds!) N W W S BUY POLE N W FISH DEBRIS DROP POLE TAKE NEWSPAPER EXAMINE NEWSPAPER THINK ARCMAN E N BUY BYWORD S E N E GIVE HAT TO WOMAN E EXAMINE DRINK FOLLOW MAN THINK TYCOON S W GET HAT EXAMINE HAT W N E SAY CHANDRALT BUY TICKET EXAMINE TICKET W S S W N N ENTER PLANE. PART FOUR. N W BOOTH 11 SEARCH MAN TAKE NOTE EXAMINE NOTE THINK JARED DROP NOTE TAKE ID CARD EXAMINE ID CARD THINK BOB MASTERS E E N N W EXAMINE CLERK W N PRESS BUTTON S E N W WEAR CANVAS ('DUCK' also works!) LOOK DROP CANVAS TAKE PARCHMENT E S DOWN E E E S S E DIG (using the shell) DROP PARCHMENT TAKE LEAFLET EXAMINE LEAFLET W N W W W SAY AN11649 OPEN BOX TAKE GUN DROP BOX E N W UP N N N N E SHOOT MAN DROP GUN TAKE MESSAGE EXAMINE MESSAGE THINK WILLIAM. FINAL MESSAGE "In a flood your memory comes pouring back. You are William Arcman, a wealthy industrialist. Your evil twin brother, Jared, has taken your identity. He faked the automobile accident in which he was supposedly killed. He then stowed away on your yacht, the 'Tycoon', and while far out at sea, hit you over the head with a lead pipe and threw you overboard to drown. He then assumed your identity, figuring your body would never be found. Your trusted chauffeur, Bob Masters, discovered Jared's secret and tried to find you. However, before he could talk to you, Jared caught up with him. You have succeeded in reclaiming your identity!!". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M U T A N T (River Adventures) The aim of the game is to destroy the Mutant by enticing it from its cave by dropping a fish from above the cave entrance. Then whilst the Mutant is enjoying his find, jack a boulder down and kill it. At the start open the bonnet to reveal a battery with a loose lead. Fitting or connecting the lead will cause a spark. Inside the car is an oily rag, light this by the above method but be advised that the rag will only burn for a short time. Examining the seats will bring a map and a pair of stockings to light. The map plays no part in the adventure, but wear the stockings. Go down to the lake and examine it. Examine the reeds and examine the egg. A little way to the West is an Alligator. If you examine him you will note that crocodile eggs are a favourite food. Get the egg and a crocodile will emerge from the lake. Go to the west to the Alligator and drop the egg, in the ensuing scramble both creatures will disappear into the swamp. Climb the tree to find a vine and a hornet's nest. Down and West takes you into the gorse where some wild Boars are feeding. Stay too long and they will eat you instead of the gorse! However, if you throw the nest at them they will disperse, you are still restricted in your movements in the gorse but be patient and a grateful bird will show you the way later on. Go East as far as possible, picking up and examining the reed on the way. At the pool examine the pool and get some snails. If you drop them you will have to come back for some more. Now go back to the Landrover and light the oily rag as previously described. Go west to the cave and go in. You can't enter the water unless you have the reed in your mouth and you must also drop the oily rag. Now go in and West to a skeleton. It is advisable to remove the reed at this point because you have a certain number of moves, and if you happen to be in the water you will drown. Examine the skeleton to find a wad of chewing tobacco, examine it, chew it and get it. Read the diary - not important. Put reed in mouth and go in and East. You can leave the rag as you will not need it anymore and in any case it will soon go out. Once outside the cave go east as far as possible to a fallen tree, climb over tree to find some climbing boots, wear them and climb back over the tree, West and down. Go in to the hide and get the book, examine it and you're none the wiser!! Go out, down and then North to some fallen rocks, climb the rocks and go North to a tree stump. You can tie the vine to the stump and then go down but this is not necessary as Down will take you down also. Don't forget the vine, you will need it later on. At the elephant grass, examine it and then jump. Follow route each time until you are clear. At the waterhole drop the book and go East and North until you find a log cabin. Examine the bath, it has a plug hole in it. Plug hole with wad. Up onto the roof and tie vine, climb down vine into cabin. Lift the table upright, get the shoes and then climb on the table, up and then down. Get the bath and make your way back to the waterhole. Launch the bath and put on the shoes. Go South and West until you find a spade. Back to the waterhole. Now put on the boots and drop the snowshoes. Go in the bath and paddle to the island, out and examine the bird (make sure that you have the book), so now you know what it eats, feed the bird! It flies off to its feeding grounds and you know where that is!! Back to the waterhole. West and North is a cave, in the cave is a pile of earth barring the route West. Bring both the bath and the spade to the cave. With the bath on the floor fill bath again and again until it is full. Drag it outside and empty it. Take it back in and repeat the process twice more. Once all the earth has gone you can proceed West and South and out of the little cave system. If you do not empty the final full bath you will lose some points. Once outside go East and then up the mountain until you are outside the Mutant's Cave. Do NOT go in! Get the bone you see and examine it. Now go down and East to Slippery Moss and dig where you see some tiny holes. You now have a fat worm. Proceed to the pool where you will find the bird feeding. As soon as you appear it will fly away West. Go West with the bird until you find its nest. Examine the nest to find a piece of twine. You are now ready to catch a fish. Tie twine to bone, place worm on bone. Go to the lake and CAST BAIT. With the fish and the jack (LOOK UNDER CAR) go to the location above the Mutant's Cave, drop the fish and, when the Mutant comes out to feed, jack a boulder down and kill it. Return to the cave entrance and get the paper. Read it then go into the cave. Get and wear the medal...............GAME OVER!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M Y T H (Magnetic Scrolls) (Issued only to Official Secrets members!) E - CLIMB TREE - WAIT - (until a lamb sits in the shade beneath the tree) - JUMP ON LAMB - GET LAMB - PUT LAMB ON ALTAR - PICK LEAVES - PUT LEAVES ON FLAT STONE - GRIND LEAVES WITH SMALL STONE - DIP TRIDENT IN LIQUID - W - THROW TRIDENT AT HYDRA - GET TRIDENT - CUT OFF HEAD WITH TRIDENT - GET HEAD - OPEN GATES - N - N - ASK SOUL FOR COIN - OPEN DOOR - E - OPEN CUPBOARD - LOOK IN CUPBOARD - READ NOTICE - EXAMINE PATCH - HANG SHIELD ON NAIL - W - (if the Ferry is not here......) - TAKE HORN - BLOW HORN - DROP HORN - WAIT - (this brings the Ferry across to the Southern Side; When Charon and Death begin to play cards, continue) - ASK CHARON ABOUT LICENCE - PLAY CARDS - SIT ON WOODEN CHAIR - ASK CHARON ABOUT BLACKJACK - (he'll tell you the rules) - PLAY CARDS - BET ?? OBOLS - (?? is the number of Obols you want to bet, 5 to 50) - (You need to win about 600 Obols in one sitting to wipe out Charon, then he'll give you a licence to settle his debt. You can cheat by seeing his hand reflected in the shield! Once you've got the licence, continue). GET UP - GET SHIELD - GET LARGE BRONZE KEY AND SMALL BRONZE KEY - W - (if the Ferry isn't here, blow the horn to summon it) - N - DROP LARGE KEY - N - DROP KEY - S - WAIT - S - E - GET LARGE SILVER KEY - W - N - WAIT - N - DROP KEY - S - WAIT - S - E - GET SMALL SILVER KEY - W - N - WAIT - N - DROP KEY - S - WAIT - S - E - GET LARGE GOLD KEY - W - N - WAIT - N - DROP KEY - S - WAIT - S - E - GET KEY - W - N - TAKE KEY - N - GET KEYS - (you've now got all six keys across the river). N - N - NW - N - TIE ROPE TO HEAD - DROP HEAD - E - N - UNLOCK DOOR WITH LARGE BRONZE KEY - OPEN DOOR - N - UNLOCK DOOR WITH LARGE SILVER KEY - OPEN DOOR - N - PUT SHIELD ON PILLAR - UNLOCK DOOR WITH LARGE GOLD KEY - OPEN DOOR - W - GET MIRROR - BREAK MIRROR - PUT SMALL MIRROR ON PILLAR - UNLOCK DOOR WITH SMALL BRONZE KEY - OPEN DOOR - N - PUT MIRROR ON PILLAR - UNLOCK DOOR WITH SMALL SILVER KEY - OPEN DOOR - E - UNLOCK DOOR WITH SMALL GOLD KEY - N - GET HELMET. GAME COMPLETE WITH 200/200 POINTS!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O O - T O P O S (Polarware) Prison Cell. GET BOTTLE - BREAK LOCK - BREAK LOCK - BREAK LOCK - OPEN DOOR - W - N. Guard Post. PUSH RED - PUSH GREEN - GET LASER - GET GOGGLES - E. Hall Intersection. SHOOT ALIEN - N - N - N - E - N - N. On Podium. GET ROD - S - S - W - S - S - S - W - S - S. Medical Lab. PUSH SWITCH - GET FLASK - GET BOX - PUSH SWITCH - N - N - W - W. Chemistry Lab. PUSH SWITCH - PUT FLASK IN SINK - PULL HANDLE - GET FLASK - PUSH SWITCH - E - E - S - W. Small Room. THROW ACID ON SENTINEL - SHOOT SENTINEL - GET TRANSLATOR - E - N - E - N - N - N - E. Main Gravtube Room. PUSH BUTTON - ENTER TUBE. Inside Tube. PUSH BLUE - EXIT. Solarium. GET SNARL - S - W - DOWN - DOWN. Near Stage. OPEN BOX - GET CONVERTER - GET SNARL - WAIT - (until Grix blows you out of room) - DROP BOX - E - ENTER TUBE - PUSH RED - PUSH RED - EXIT. Garbage Disposal. WEAR GOGGLES - PUSH BUTTON - SEARCH GARBAGE - GET HELMET - WEAR HELMET - GET SUIT - WEAR SUIT - GET GLOVES - WEAR GLOVES - REMOVE GOGGLES - EXIT - PUSH BLUE - PUSH BLUE - EXIT - E. Radiation Room. PUT CONVERTER IN BEAM - GET NAVCHIP - GET CONVERTER - E. Bright Room. WEAR GOGGLES - GET SPHERE - DROP GOGGLES - W - W - W - S - S - S - W - W - N. Top Of Tunnel. DROP GOGGLES - DROP CONVERTER - DROP SPHERE - S - E - E - N - N - N - E - E - N. Mirror Room. LOOK 4-D MIRROR - N. Viewscreen. PUSH SWITCH - GET CARD - PUSH BLUE - PUSH RED - (opens chest in Frozen Room) - PUSH BLUE - PUSH BLUE - PUSH BLUE - PUSH RED - (turns tractor beam off) - PUSH SWITCH - S - LOOK 4-D MIRROR - W - S - W - W - W. Library. PUSH SWITCH - GET CRYSTAL - PUT CRYSTAL IN PROJECTOR - PUSH BUTTON - GET CRYSTAL - OPEN DOOR - N. Musty Room. GET BOOK - READ BOOK - DROP BOOK - PUSH SWITCH - S - E - E - S - S - S - W - W - N. Top Of Tunnel. DROP CRYSTAL - DROP CARD - S - E - E - N - N - N - E - ENTER TUBE - PUSH BLUE - EXIT. Solarium. OPEN AIRLOCK - E. Roof. GET RING - N - YES - E - UP. Top Of Pyramid. GET JEWEL - DOWN - E - N. Jungle Clearing. GET REED - N. Dense Jungle. TOUCH FLOWER - GET EMERALD - S. Jungle (with Huja). WAVE REED - GET GYRO - E. Beach (with Robot). THROW REED IN SEA - GET SHIELD - E. Beach (with Crab). (If crab bites you, drink liquid to heal) - SHOOT CRAB - DROP LASER - GET SHELL - DROP BOTTLE - N - N - N. Cargo Bay. DROP SHELL - DROP EMERALD - DROP GYRO - DROP JEWEL - DROP RING - DROP TRANSLATOR - S - OPEN AIRLOCK - S - S - E - N - S. Pyramid. ENTER PYRAMID - PUSH SWITCH - GET CUBE - PUSH SWITCH - S - N - W - S. Tunnel Bottom. GET IN CAR - PUSH UP BUTTON - PUSH UP BUTTON - GET NAVCHIP - GET CONVERTER - GET CRYSTAL - GET CARD - DROP SHIELD - DROP ROD - GET SPHERE - PUSH DOWN BUTTON - PUSH DOWN BUTTON - N - E - E - W - N - N - N. Cargo Bay. DROP NAVCHIP - DROP CONVERTER - DROP CRYSTAL - DROP CARD - DROP CUBE - DROP SPHERE - GET TRANSLATOR - S - S - S - E - N - W - S - GET IN CAR - PUSH UP - PUSH UP - GET ROD - GET SHIELD - S - E - E - S. Narrow Room. PUSH SWITCH - READ WRITING - TAKA ELE-LEVA - (this may have to be repeated until something happens) - PUSH SWITCH - E - E. Storage Room. PUSH SWITCH - GET CYLINDER - GET PURIFIER - PUSH SWITCH - W - DOWN - OPEN DOOR - S. Cold Room. PUSH SWITCH - GET VIAL - PUSH SWITCH - N - UP - W - TAKA ELE-LEVA - DROP ROD - DROP SHIELD - DROP TRANSLATOR - N - W - W. Lounge Area. PULL LEVER - GET BLOCK - N - GET IN CAR - PUSH DOWN - PUSH DOWN - N - E - E - W - N - N - N. Cargo Bay. DROP CYLINDER - DROP PURIFIER - DROP SILVER - DROP VIAL - S - S - S - E - N - W - S - GET IN CAR - PUSH UP - PUSH UP - S - E - E - S. Narrow Room. GET ROD - GET TRANSLATOR - GET SHIELD - TAKA ELE-LEVA - E - DOWN - N. Food Processing Room. PUSH SWITCH - GET RECIRCULATOR - PUSH SWITCH - S - UP - W - TAKA ELE-LEVA - N - W - W - N - GET IN CAR - PUSH DOWN - PUSH DOWN - N - E - E - W - N - N. Inside Airlock. CLOSE AIRLOCK - N. Cargo Bay. DROP TRANSLATOR - DROP SUIT - DROP HELMET - DROP GLOVES - GET CYLINDER - S - W. Computer Room. (When computer asks for mission code.......) - VUG957A - N. Life Support. INSTALL ROD - INSTALL RECIRCULATOR - E. Starboard Engine. INSTALL SHIELD - S. Port Engine. INSTALL CYLINDER - W -N. Cargo Bay. GET PURIFIER - GET CONVERTER - GET GYRO - GET NAVCHIP - S - E. Port Engine. INSTALL PURIFIER - INSTALL CONVERTER - W - W - W. Bridge. INSTALL GYRO - INSTALL NAVCHIP - E. Computer. (Get message about needing 27,014 lemperes of fuel to reach Labport SU) - E - N. Cargo Bay. GET CARD, CRYSTAL, RING, SHELL, EMERALD, SPHERE, SILVER, JEWEL, CUBE AND VIAL - S - W. Install Card. (Get message that you need 497.9 frods to buy fuel and to value each item) - VALUE CRYSTAL - (same for each item you're carrying until message says you have enough for the fuel) - W. Bridge. (Watch finale........you win if you have airlock shut, tractor beam off, vial in possession, and no pirates have been recalled). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P E R S O N A L N I G H T M A R E (Horrorsoft) INFORMATION/HINT FILE The theme of the adventure is to expose the bad people by getting evidence against them and having them arrested; to dispose of a Vampire, Witch and Hell Hound; and to defeat the Devil. Tony Donaldson is arrested by showing his diary to the Policeman telling of how he burned his parents. Susan Blandford is arrested by showing the Policeman the marriage certificate, the crumpled note and the developed photographs, proving her relationship with Peter Mason and the planning of her husband's murder. Peter Mason, although he is killed in the car crash, would have been arrested by showing the Policeman the broken numberplate and the bill from his garage, which proved he ran down Susan's husband, Jimmy Blandford. Michael Williams is the Vampire. Alice Greenwood is the Witch. All these people must be got rid of, plus the Hell-Hound, before attempting to finish the adventure. ITEMS ITEM LOCATION USE ANGEL (Statue) Near altar in Church To get the Holy Water. 'CLEAN BOTTLE' then having read the prayer book, 'PRAY' and the Angel will cry. 'FILL BOTTLE WITH TEARS' then 'CORK BOTTLE'. AXE Mausoleum, West from Used to kill Father. front door of Manor (See 'ENDGAME') (See MAUSOLEUM) To sharpen, see GARAGE. BILL On the desk in the Show to Policeman as Garage office evidence of Peter Mason's hit & run on Jimmy Blandford BOTTLE Manor bedroom in Use to hold Holy water. jacket of dead tramp (See ANGEL) BUGLE Pub - over bar Use against soldiers during second night's sleep. See 'SOLDIERS (DREAM)' CORK (POP GUN) Outside your rented Use to cork bottle after room at pub. (After getting Holy Water to your second sleep). avoid evaporation. See 'POP GUN'. See 'ANGEL'. CRUCIFIX Found on walled-up Wear this for woman in entrance protection against hall of Vicarage. ghosts in the Cemetery See 'VICARAGE'. at night. DOG The dog appears on To get past the dog, your first visit to see 'MANOR'. the Manor. DIARY In Tony Donaldson's Use as evidence against room at pub, under Tony. Show Policeman a pillow. after finding key. See 'KEY (TINY)'. FILM (ROLL OF) Found at scene of Post this off to get Jimmy Blandford's more evidence against accident outside Susan and Peter Mason. side door of pub. See 'POST OFFICE'. GARLIC At the foot of large Carry this to protect cross among the weeds against vampire attacks. at the S/W corner of (This doesn't work in the Cemetery. the Crypt). GHOSTS The ghosts appear in To protect yourself from the cemetery at and the ghosts, wear the after midnight. crucifix. GLOVES In front garden of Wear these when cutting Honeysuckle Cottage. hook from hoist in garage. (See 'GARAGE'). GOGGLES On bench in garage. Wear these when cutting hook from hoist in garage. (See 'GARAGE'). HANDLE (For AXE) See 'MAUL'. HOLY WATER This is obtained Use this to throw at from the angel in the Devil.(See 'ENDGAME') the Church. (See 'ANGEL'). HOOK In garage. Use in conjunction (See 'GARAGE). with rope.(See 'MANOR'). KEY (LARGE) You start off with To let yourself into this key. the pub after 11:30pm. KEY (TINY) Inside trousers in To unlock diary. washing machine at pub kitchen. (This will appear on the first morning after your arrival). KEY (SHINY) Found at scene of To get into Ivy Cottage. Jimmy Blandford's accident outside side door of pub. KEY (BRASS) In Honeysuckle To unlock chains holding Cottage bedroom, girl (Judy) in loft of around Alice Honeysuckle Cottage. Greenwood's neck. (See 'HONEYSUCKLE COTTAGE'). KEY (YALE) In Mr.Roberts' coat To get into Registry hanging on peg in Office. bar of pub. (Look in coat when he checks to see if his taxi has come). KEY (VICARAGE) Inside desk in To get into Vicarage. Vestry. (Open desk with screwdriver). KEYS (SET OF) In wrecked car (after To get into garage you caused it to and Rose Cottage. crash into the tree). (See 'CAR'). KNIFE In knife holder in Use either this or kitchen of pub. secateurs to cut (This can only be bell rope. obtained between 3:00pm and 4:30pm when no-one is in the kitchen). MARRIAGE In the safe at the Show to the Policeman CERTIFICATE Registry Office. as proof of Susan Blandford's maiden name. MATCHES On the shelf in the Used to light the kitchen of the pub. Oxy-acetylene torch (This can only be (See 'GARAGE') obtained in the same way as the knife). MAUL In the shed at the Remove handle from rear of Ivy Cottage. the maul and put it in the axe. MIRROR On the chest of Use this to kill the drawers in Jones' (See 'CRYPT'). bedroom at pub. NOTE (CRUMPLED) Found in the small Show to the Policeman bowl in the lounge as evidence of Peter at Rose Cottage. Mason's and Susan Blandford's relationship. NUMBERPLATE One half is found at Show Policeman as (BROKEN) the scene of Jimmy's evidence of Peter Mason's accident. (Get early!) hit & run on Jimmy The other half is in Blandford. the bin outside the garage. (After 9:00am when the garage opens). OIL Obtained from under To put on oil stone so car in garage. you can sharpen the axe. (See 'GARAGE'). OIL STONE Behind the paint pots Use to sharpen axe. in the shed at the (See 'GARAGE'). rear of Ivy Cottage. POP-GUN Outside your room at To get cork for bottle. pub after 2nd sleep. (Look, and you can see a cat and a gun. Drop wool, get gun, fire gun, get cork). PRAYER BOOK Found on walled-up Read this to remind you woman in entrance hall of the Lord's Prayer. of vicarage. (See 'ANGEL'). (See 'VICARAGE'). RECEIPT In chest of drawers This gives a clue as to in Jones' bedroom in the relationship pub. between Susan Blandford and Peter Mason. ROBE In bedroom wardrobe This must be worn before at Rose Cottage. entering chamber. (See 'ENDGAME'). ROPE (BELL) Hanging from bell Used in conjunction tower in church. with hook. (See 'MANOR'). (Cut with either the secateurs or the knife from bell tower). SECATEURS In the shed at the Use to cut the fingers off rear of Ivy Cottage. the walled-up woman to get the prayer book. (See 'VICARAGE'). SOLDIERS (DREAM) This occurs during Get the bugle before you second night's sleep and when the sleep. soldiers appear, Blow Bugle. SAFE In Registry Office. Open this to get the marriage certificate of Susan and Jimmy to show Policeman Susan's maiden name. (See 'REGISTRY OFFICE'). SAVINGS BOOK In box room at the To get money for a stamp Vicarage inside copy to post off film. of Treasure Island. (See 'POST OFFICE'). SOLDIERS In Tony Donaldson's Red Herring. (GLASS CASE) room at pub. SCREWDRIVER In kitchen cupboard Used to open desk in at Ivy Cottage. vestry at church. SLEDGEHAMMER In shed at rear of Used to hit wall in Ivy Cottage. entrance hall of vicarage to expose walled-up woman. (See 'VICARAGE'). And also to gain entry to the mausoleum. (See 'MAUSOLEUM'). SPANNER On work bench in Used to undo sump nut of the garage. large car to get oil. (See 'GARAGE'). STAKE Part of the fence in Used to kill the dog. the driveway of the (See 'MANOR'). Manor. STEP LADDER Under the bed of Use to get in the loft. Alice Greenwood in (See 'HONEYSUCKLE Honeysuckle Cottage. COTTAGE'). VOUCHER In magazine under Use this in conjunction (FREE FILM) table of darkroom with posting off the film. at Ivy Cottage. (See 'POST OFFICE'). WOOL Down the side of the Use this to distract the small chair in the cat when getting the cork. living room at the (See 'POP-GUN'). Vicarage. ------------------------------------------------ LOCATIONS & ROUTINES LOCATION ROUTINES CAR (1)You must be outside the main door of the Pub at or after MIDNIGHT on the SECOND night after your arrival. (2)The car will appear as two small headlights which will start to come at you and try and knock you down. Go EAST then NORTH and the car will just miss you. WAIT until the car comes at you again, then repeat EAST and NORTH. This is done FIVE TIMES in all causing the car to crash into a tree. Enter the car, look in the glove box and get the keys to the Garage and Rose Cottage. CRYPT (1)The Crypt is DOWN from the SOUTHWEST corner of the Cemetery. Go to the Crypt during DAYLIGHT. (2)Armed with the MIRROR, from Jones' bedroom at the Pub, enter the Crypt and move EAST FOUR TIMES to the coffin. WAIT, and when you see the coffin start to open, move back WEST FOUR TIMES and stop at the open door. The Vampire will follow you but will stop at the door to shield from the light. 'SHINE LIGHT AT VAMPIRE' and it will die. GARAGE (1)To get into the Garage, you must avoid being run down by the car and cause it to crash. (See 'CAR'). (2)You will need GLOVES, AXE, OIL STONE and MATCHES. (3)Unlock garage door with keys found in wrecked car and enter. (4)Go WEST to the rear of the large car in the garage and press the RED button to raise the lift. (5)Go back EAST, get the SPANNER from the work bench and go down into the pit under the car. (6)'WIPE SUMP NUT' then 'UNDO NUT' causing oil to pour out onto the floor. (7)'DIP OIL STONE' into oil and sharpen the axe. (8)Come out from under the car and drop the spanner. (9)Get the GOGGLES from the work bench and WEAR them and the GLOVES. (10)Go back to the rear of the car and having the box of MATCHES in your inventory, 'LIGHT OXYACETYLENE TORCH' and then 'CUT HOOK'. (11)'EXTINGUISH TORCH', 'DROP GOGGLES', 'DROP GLOVES' and then 'GET HOOK'. (12)Enter the office, 'EXAMINE PAPERS' on the desk and 'GET BILL' for the replacement numberplate. HONEYSUCKLE (1)You can only enter Honeysuckle Cottage COTTAGE AFTER having killed the Vampire. (See 'CRYPT'). (2)The entrance is through the stone door behind the coffin in the Crypt. (3)From the Hallway go UP to the Landing and 'REMOVE SHOES'. (If you don't remove your shoes, you will wake Alice and she will singe your whiskers). (4)'EXAMINE ALICE', 'TAKE KEY' (from around her neck) then 'LOOK UNDER BED' where you will find the step ladder. (5)Return to the Landing, 'DROP LADDER', 'CLIMB LADDER' and enter the Loft. (Alice will appear below). (6)'GET JUG', 'FILL JUG' (from the cold water tank) then 'POUR WATER ON ALICE'. (Alice will die). (7)'UNLOCK CHAIN FROM GIRL' (Judy), then come down and leave the cottage through the front door. IVY COTTAGE (1)Ivy Cottage can only be got into when Susan Blandford has gone off with Jimmy Blandford in the ambulance, after he has been knocked down, and after midnight on any day. (2)Don't spend too much time in Ivy Cottage because if Susan Blandford returns while you are still there, she will have you arrested and locked up. (3)You will need the key to Ivy Cottage. (See 'KEY (SHINY)'). THE KITCHEN (4)Open and look in the cupboard and take the screwdriver. THE DARKROOM (5)Look under the table where you find a magazine. Examine the magazine and take the free film voucher. Drop the magazine, as this has no further use. SHED (AT REAR OR IVY COTTAGE OUTSIDE) (6)Take the sledgehammer, secateurs and, from the large box, the maul. 'MOVE PAINTPOTS' and 'TAKE OIL STONE'. MANOR (1)You can only enter the Manor after 11:00pm when the Gardener leaves. (2)You will need the ROPE and the HOOK. (3)When you try to gain entry to the Manor for the first time, you will be attacked by a dog. (4)On entering the Manor driveway, you will see a fence to your right. Once the Gardener has gone, examine the fence and get the stake. Move North ONCE, then type: 'KILL DOG WITH STAKE'. As the dog is "almost upon you", hit [RETURN]. (5)Enter the Manor and 'TIE ROPE TO HOOK', then 'THROW ROPE AT BANISTER'. 'CLIMB ROPE' and enter the bedroom where you find a dead tramp. Examine the tramp's jacket and take the meths bottle. Climb back down the rope and out of the Manor. MAUSOLEUM (1)You can only get to the Mausoleum after 11:00pm when the Gardener leaves. (2)You will need the SLEDGEHAMMER. (3)Go to the Mausoleum (West from the front door of the Manor). 'HIT MAUSOLEUM WITH SLEDGEHAMMER' and enter. (4)'TAKE AXE' from the body in the coffin. (The axe handle will crumble but can be replaced with the maul handle). POST OFFICE (1)To post off the film you need the roll of film, the savings book and the free film voucher. (2)'GIVE SAVINGS BOOK TO POSTMISTRESS'. (3)'BUY STAMP WITH 20P'. (4)'GET ENVELOPE' from display stand. (5)'ADDRESS ENVELOPE'. (6)'STICK STAMP ON ENVELOPE'. (7)'PUT ROLL OF FILM AND VOUCHER IN ENVELOPE'. (8)'SEAL ENVELOPE'. (9)Leave the Post Office and 'POST ENVELOPE' outside. (This has to be done on the next day of your arrival to ensure that the developed films arrive and are given to you by Mr.Jones on the THIRD morning). REGISTRY OFFICE (1)You must get into the Registry Office any time after 5:00pm when Mr.Roberts locks up and leaves. (2)You will need the YALE KEY (from Mr.Roberts' coat). (3)Examine the picture on the wall. This shows a painting of the Battle of Waterloo in the year 1815. (4)1815 is the combination of the safe, so 'DIAL 1815' and you open the safe. (5)Inside the safe is the marriage certificate of Miss Susan Polly Perkins to Mr.James T. Blandford. (6)Show this to the Policeman as proof of Susan Blandford's maiden name. (7)The other papers in the safe tell you that Susan Polly Perkins was the only one born in July. (There appears to be no use for this other information). ROSE COTTAGE (1)To get into Rose Cottage, you must first have avoided the car, caused it to crash and obtained the keys from the wreck. (See 'CAR'). BEDROOM Open and look in the wardrobe and take the ceremonial robe. (Put the robe in your briefcase as it MUST NOT be worn before the 'ENDGAME'). LOUNGE Examine the small bowl on the table and take the crumpled note from Susan Blandford to Peter Mason. (See 'NOTE (CRUMPLED)'). HALLWAY Hanging on the wall is an electric clock. (You can take this to keep an eye on the time during the ENDGAME, but this is optional). VICARAGE (1)You will need the SLEDGEHAMMER, SECATEURS and KEY from the desk in the Vestry. ENTRANCE HALL (1)Upon entering the Vicarage, examine the wall in the entrance hall and it describes it as being recently plastered. (2)'HIT WALL WITH SLEDGEHAMMER' THREE TIMES and this exposes a walled-up woman wearing a crucifix and holding a prayer book. (3)'GET CRUCIFIX' and 'WEAR' it. (4)To get the prayer book, 'CUT FINGERS WITH SECATEURS'. (For the squeamish, turn down the volume and close your eyes before entering this command!!). LIVING ROOM (1)Examine the bookcase and 'READ BOOK'. (2)This gives you a clue as to what you need to defeat the Evil One, namely an AXE and HOLY WATER. (3)Examine the small chair and find a ball of wool. BOX ROOM (UPSTAIRS) (1)'LOOK' at the room then examine the books. (2)Take the Treasure Island book and examine it. (Savings Book falls out). (3)Get the Savings Book showing a 20P balance. PARENTS ROOM (UPSTAIRS) (1)Examine the painting on the wall which shows a Witch Hunter. (Another clue). (At the first opportunity, tell the Policeman of the walled-up woman, but make sure that you have done all you need to do as the Vicarage is then guarded by the Police who stop further entry to the Vicarage). THE ENDGAME YOU WILL NEED: THE HOLY WATER IN A CORKED BOTTLE THE HOLY AXE COMPLETE WITH HANDLE THE CEREMONIAL ROBE Go to the Manor driveway and wait for the Gardener to leave at 11:00pm There are TWO ways that you can proceed from here, one is the correct way, and the other is the wrong way. THE WRONG WAY................ Enter the Manor, swing across the gap using the rope or climb it and go down the stairs. Enter the burnt-out library, move the leaves and find a trapdoor, open the trapdoor and go down, find yourself in a vaulted corridor..........This way is a RED HERRING!!!! THE CORRECT WAY.............. ENTER THE MAUSOLEUM AND 'PUSH THE COFFIN' (This will open up a passageway leading down) 'WEAR THE CEREMONIAL ROBE' and go DOWN. MOVE EAST ONCE THEN STOP. (You now have to wait until 12:18pm when two Acolytes appear) 'REMOVE THE CORK FROM THE BOTTLE' (When the two Acolytes enter the Chamber at 12:24pm, you follow them) IN THE CHAMBER (A group of Acolytes appear and stand around a pyre upon which a young girl is about to be sacrificed) While this is going on, type: 'KILL FATHER WITH AXE'......But DON'T hit [RETURN]. When told that you recognise the Main Acolyte as your Father, THEN hit [RETURN]. Upon killing your Father, the Devil stands in his place. 'THROW WATER AT DEVIL' .................The end of your Personal Nightmare, or is it?!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P O L I C E Q U E S T I I (Sierra On-Line) (Step-by-Step solution) OPEN GLOVE BOX - LOOK BOX - GET CARD - CLOSE BOX - TURN CARD (36 - 4 - 12) - GET KEYS - F4 - LOCK CAR - GO TO THE POLICE STATION - OPEN DOOR - YOU SEE NOW TWO DOORS ON THE LEFT WALL AND TWO DOORS IN THE FRONT OF YOU - YOU ALSO SEE THE EVIDENCE WINDOW IN THE FRONT OF YOU - NOW ENTER THE LEFT DOOR IN FRONT OF YOU - GO TO THE FIRST LOCKER ON THE LEFT WALL - OPEN LOCKER - 36 - 4 - 12 - GET GUN - GET CUFFS - GET AMMO - LOOK PHOTO - KISS PHOTO - CLOSE LOCKER - LEAVE ROOM - NOW WALK TO THE COUNTER IN THE FRONT OF THE DOOR AT RIGHT - LOOK COUNTER - OPEN BIN - GET KIT - NOW WALK EAST - GO TO THE EQUIPMENT COUNTER - GIVE GUN - GET PROTECTOR. WALK TO THE RANGE AND GO IN A OPEN RANGE - WEAR PROTECTOR - F6 - F8 - F10 - LOWER WEAPON - VIEW - LOOK TARGET - ADJUST GUN - NOW ADJUST THE SIGHT OF THE GUN WITH THE CURSOR KEY'S - REPLACE TARGET - BACK - F8 - F10 - (YOU MUST ADJUST THE GUN UNTIL THE SIGHTS ARE PROPERLY ALIGNED) - NOW SHOOT YOUR AMMO CLIP EMPTY - LOWER GUN - EXIT - GO TO THE EQUIPMENT COUNTER - ASK AMMO - WEST - ENTER THE SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT WALL - GO TO THE LEFT DESK - AFTER THE STORY GO TO THE FILE CABINET ON THE RIGHT WALL - OPEN CABINET - BAINS - GET PHOTO - CLOSE FILE - CLOSE CABINET - GO TO THE BULLETIN BOARD - LOOK BOARD - GET KEYS - GO TO YOUR OWN DESK - SIT - UNLOCK DRAWER - GET WALLET - LOOK IN WALLET - GET LETTER - READ LETTER - CLOSE DRAWER - LOOK BASKET - STAND - LEAVE OFFICE - LEAVE POLICE STATION. OPEN TRUNK - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - UNLOCK DOOR - F4 - DRIVE TO YAIL - (IF YOU ARE CALLING BACK TO THE OFFICE,AFTER YOU ARE BACK TO THE OFFICE,TRY IT AGAIN) - (YAIL) - OPEN LOCKER - DROP GUN - CLOSE LOCKER - PRESS BUTTON - SHOW CARD - GET FILE - BAINS - GET PHOTO - GIVE FILE TO MAN - LEAVE YAIL - OPEN LOCKER - GET GUN - CLOSE LOCKER - F4 - DRIVE TO OFFICE - DRIVE TO OAK TREE MALL - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - LOOK AT NUMBER PLATES - OPEN DOOR FROM THE BLUE CAR - OPEN BOX - LOOK IN BOX - GET BULLET - GET HOLSTER - GET REGISTRATION - CLOSE BOX - CLOSE DOOR - TALK WOMAN - ASK NAME - OPEN TRUNK - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - F4 - CALL - DRIVE TO COTTON COVE. YES - TALK GIRL - ASK ID - SHOW ME - F6 - F8 - WEST - SHOOT GUN AT BAINS - WAIT UNTIL THE CAR ARRIVES - LOOK AT PLATE FROM CAR - F8 - EAST - F4 - CALL - F4 - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - WEST - WEST - LOOK GROUND - TAKE PHOTO - TAKE FOOTPRINTS - SEARCH CAN - GET CLOTHES - READ LABEL - EAST - WAIT UNTIL A CAR ARRIVES - SEARCH VAN - ENTER VAN - GET FINS - GET VEST - GET MASK - GET BELT - GET SUIT - GET TANK 1 - LOOK TANK - LEAVE VAN - UNDER WATER: CHECK TANK - LOOK GROUND - GET OBJECT - WEST - LOOK GROUND - GET OBJECT - EAST - EAST - LOOK ROCKS - MOVE ROCKS - LOOK HAND - GET BODY - EAST - ENTER VAN - OUTSIDE VAN: EAST - PUT KIT IN TRUNK - CLOSE TRUNK - F4 - CALL - DRIVE TO OFFICE - DRIVE TO AIRPORT. LOOK TO THE BEHIND PLATE FROM THE BLACK CAR - LOOK PLATE FROM BLACK CAR IN FRONT - F4 - CALL - F4 - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - NORTH - PRESS BUTTON - WALK OVER - TALK GIRL - BUY ROSE - ENTER AIRPORT - SHOW ID TO AGENT - SHOW PHOTO - GET LIST - BUY TICKET TO HOUSTON - WAIT - BUY TICKET TO HOUSTON - ENTER MEN'S ROOM - OPEN MIDDLE DOOR - ENTER TOILET - LOOK TOILET - OPEN TOILET - LOOK IN TOILET - GET GUN - EXIT - LEAVE MEN'S ROOM - NOW WALK TO THE TOP OF THE SCREEN AND GO WEST - SHOW ID TO LEFT GIRL - SHOW PHOTO - GET LIST - UP - SHOW ID TO GUARD - ENTER PLANE - SIT NEXT TO KEITH - WEAR SEATBELT - WAIT FOR THE STEWARDESS - YES - DOWN - EAST - SOUTH - LEAVE AIRPORT - PRESS BUTTON - WALK OVER - SOUTH - OPEN TRUNK - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - F4 - CALL - DRIVE TO OFFICE. LOCK DOOR - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - OPEN THE DOOR FROM THE POLICE STATION - ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT - EXIT - GO TO EVIDENCE WINDOW - BOOK EVIDENCE - ENTER THE SECOND DOOR LEFT - GO TO YOUR OWN DESK - SIT - LOOK BASKET - USE PHONE - 0 (ZERO) - PRESS RETURN - LYTTON - MARIE WILKINS - 555 - 4169 - HELLO - YES - ESC. - STAND - LEAVE OFFICE - LEAVE POLICE STATION - GO TO YOUR OWN CAR - UNLOCK DOOR - F4 - DRIVE TO ARNIES - LOCK DOOR - ENTER RESTAURANT - WALK TO MARIE - SIT - YES - TALK TO MARIE - WAIT FOR WAITER - LOBSTER - KISS MARIE - GIVE ROSE - KISS MARIE - WAIT FOR WAITER, IT TAKES SOME TIME - EAT - CALL WAITER. (END OFF DAY ONE) DAY TWO: GET KEYS - F4 - LOCK DOOR - OPEN DOOR POLICE STATION - ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT - GET KEY FROM BULLETIN BOARD - GO TO YOUR OWN DESK - SIT - LOOK IN BASKET - STAND - LEAVE OFFICE - LEAVE POLICE STATION - OPEN TRUNK - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - UNLOCK DOOR - F4 - DRIVE TO 160 WEST ROSE - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - LOOK TRUNK FROM THE OTHER CAR - GET PHOTO - SEARCH BODY - GER CORNER - READ CORNER - LOOK TRUNK - GET BODY - LOOK TRUNK - GET NOTE - GET BLOOD - EXIT - YES - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - F4 - DRIVE TO 753 THIRD STREET - WALK TO MAN BEHIND THE WINDOW - SHOW ID - SHOW PHOTO - ENTER CAR (F4) - CALL - F4 - WAIT FOR THE MAN WITH THE WARRANT - ASK WARRANT - SHOW ID TO MAN BEHIND THE WINDOW - SHOW WARRANT TO MAN - GET KEY - F4 - CALL BACKUP - F4 - WAIT UNTIL THE BACKUP ARRIVES - TALK TO OFFICER - F8 - GO TO THE DOOR - STAND NEXT TO THE DOOR - POLICE - UNLOCK DOOR - WAIT UNTIL YOU GET THE MESSAGE ON THE SCREEN THAT ALL THE GAS HAS DISSAPEAR F8 - ENTER ROOM. WALK TO THE LEFT SIDE OF THE BED - OPEN DRAWER - GET ENVELOPE - READ ENVELOPE - WALK TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BED - LOOK UNDER BED - GET LIPSTICK - LOOK LIPSTICK - WALK TO THE BATHROOM - LOOK IN SINK - GET CARD - READ CARD - WRITE DOWN THE NUBERS - LEAVE THE HOUSE - TALK TO OFFICER - F4 - DRIVE TO MARIE - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - GO TO THE DOOR - GET NOTE - READ NOTE - OPEN DOOR - LOOK - LOOK FLOOR - LOOK ASHTRAY - GET PAPER - DUST ASHTRAY - USE FINGERPRINT TAPE - LOOK FINGERPRINT - SEARCH CHAIR - LEAVE ROOM - OPEN TRUNK - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - F4 - DRIVE TO OFFICE - LOCK CAR - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - OPEN DOOR FROM POLICE STATION - GO TO THE EVIDENCE WINDOW - BOOK EVIDENCE. ENTER THE ROOM RIGHT FROM THE WINDOW - TALK BURGLARY (SIMPSON) - LEAVE ROOM - ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT - GO TO YOUR OWN DESK - SIT - USE PHONE - DIAL: 407 - 555 - 3323 - HELLO - TALK ABOUT BAINS - 0(ZERO) - STEELTON - POLICE - 407 - 555 - 2677 - HELLO - TALK ABOUT BAINS - ESC. - STAND - LEAVE OFFICE - GO TO THE SHOOTING RANGE - ENTER RANGE - WEAR PROTECTOR - F8 - F10 - F8 - VIEW - LOOK TARGET - ADJUST GUN - (UNTIL THE SIGHTS ARE PROPERLY ALIGNED) - REPLACE TARGET - BACK - F8 - F10 - F8 - VIEW - LOOK TARGET - REPLACE TARGET - BACK - NOW SHOOT ALL YOUR AMMO - EXIT - GO TO EQUIPMENT COUNTER - ASK AMMO - LEAVE THE POLICE STATION - OPEN TRUNK - DROP KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - UNLOCK DOOR - F4 - DRIVE TO AIRPORT. LOCK DOOR - OPEN TRUNK - GET KIT - CLOSE TRUNK - NORTH - PRESS BUTTON - WALK OVER - ENTER AIRPORT - SHOW ID TO AGENT - BUY TICKET TO STEELTON - WAIT - BUY TICKET TO STEELTON - WALK TO THE TOP OF THE SCREEN AND GO WEST - UP - SHOW ID TO GUARD - ENTER PLANE - SIT - WEAR SEATBELT - F6 - REMOVE SEATBELT - WATER - WAIT UNTIL THE ARABS ARRIVE - WHEN THE ARAB DROPS THE STEWARDESS:F8 - F10 - WAIT UNTIL THE OTHER ARAB ARRIVES: KILL HIM TO (F10) - SEARCH MASKED MANS POCKETS - LOOK IN TURBAN - SEARCH UNMASKED MANS TROUSERS - GO TO THE BATHROOM WEST - LOOK DISPENSER - OPEN DISPENSER - READ INSTRUCTIONS. DISCONNECT YELLOW WIRE DISCONNECT BLUE WIRE DISCONNECT PURPLE WIRE CONNECT YELLOW WIRE DISCONNECT WHITE WIRE DISCONNECT YELLOW WIRE EXIT - LEAVE BATHROOM - WALK TO OFFICER - LOOK TABLE - GET RADIO'S - LEAVE OFFICE - NORTH - EAST - WHEN A MAN ARRIVES: USE RADIO - WAIT HERE FOR KEITH - READ RIGHTS - INTERROGATE MAN - LOOK - LOOK MANHOLE - OPEN MANHOLE - CLIMB LADDER - (SAVE YOUR GAME) - SOUTH - CROSS BRIDGE - WALK NORTH - WALK EAST - WALK EAST - LOOK OUT FOR THE GAS - WALK SOUTH - WALK SOUTH - WALK WEST - OPEN CABINET - GET MASK - WALK EAST - WEAR MASK - WALK SOUTH - WALK SOUTH UNTIL DEATH END - CROSS BRIDGE - WALK NORTH - CROSS BRIDGE - WALK WEST - ENTER DOOR - CALM MARIE - UNTIE MARIE - HIDE BEHIND THE TUBE ON THE LEFT WALL - WHEN BAINS ARRIVES: KILL HIM - F8 - F10 - SEVERAL TIMES, BECAUSE YOU CAN'T KILL HIM WITH ONE SHOT...THE END... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T H E P A Y - O F F (The Adventure Factory) John R.Barnsley - Atari ST E - CLIMB DRAINPIPE - JUMP TO LEDGE - OPEN WINDOW - (5/150) - N - N - D - E - S - GET CUTTERS AND HAMMER AND SPADE - N - W - U - BREAK DOOR - (15/150) - E - EXAM DESK - OPEN DRAWER - EXAM DRAWER - (20/150) - GET KEY - MOVE PICTURE - UNLOCK SAFE - (30/150) - EXAM SAFE - GET LIST - EXAM LIST (Gem Safe Deposit 146 - Keypad 320) - N - W - EXAM CABINET - GET FOAM AND DRUGS. E - S - W - D - E - E - S - E - E - S - GET DRILL - N - W - W - S - E - EXAM DUSTBIN - GET MEAT - DRUG MEAT - W - S - E - HIT COSTUMER - (35/150) - EXAM TILL - GET MONEY - E - DIG - (40/150) - CUT CABLES - CLIMB FENCE - FEED DOG - (45/150) - N - OPEN TOOLBOX - GET SCREWDRIVER AND STOOL - S - U - UNSCREW ALARM - SPRAY ALARM - BREAK WINDOW - (60/150) - E - N - W - W - W - DRUG COFFEE - S - N - DIAL PHONE - (70/150). S - W - W - D - E - PRESS 320 - E - E - PLUG IN DRILL - DRILL FLOOR - (85/150) - DROP DRILL - W - W - W - U - E - S - E - E - S - UNBOLT FIREDOOR - OPEN FIREDOOR - S - D - CLIMB FENCE - W - W - N - OPEN BOOT - GET TORCH N - N - W - S - TURN ON TORCH - D - S - E - S - S - W - S - E - E - S - S - E - GET DRILL - E - DRILL ROOF - (110/150 pts) - DROP DRILL - U - OPEN 146 - GET GEM. D - W - W - N - N - W - W - N - E - N - N - W - N - U - N - E - S - E - N - GIVE GEM - (125/150) - S - W - N - W - W - U - S - S - JUMP TO DRAINPIPE - D - W - OPEN DOOR - S - (150/150). Phantasie (Logical Design Works) (Tales of Wonder - witness accounts of The Rescue of Gelnor) Tale of the Trader As I left the inn to give in to one of Mother Nature's most frequent urges (I could have used the men's room but there are certain limits to what my nose will cope with) a strange spectacle caught my attention. Out in the street, just leaving the Guild next door, a colorful gathering of humanoids, men and women, made their way to the bank on the other side of City Square. Anyone could see at once that they did not belong in the town of Pelnor; their actions much too loud and uncontrolled. No born Pelnorian (or Gelnorian for that matter) would talk with so little humility or walk the streets with such defiant absence of fear. They just had to be strangers; and if my eyes did not betray me I was witnessing the formation of yet another band of adventurers, all too eager to accept the threat posed by Nikademus' Black Knights and all the other usurpers of Gelnor. Experience told me it was useless to interfere with their business, or to warn them of their dangers. I knew right away that if they ever left town the chances of their return were slim at best. So if I had any sense, I told myself, I would do what I set out to do, ignore the strangers completely and get back into my bargaining session with Jerry "Hard-nickel" Josephson. Times are rough for all of us; no sense getting mixed up in rebellions; however just they may be. Now I have this problem. My father, a no-good lazy sod who never earned an honest copper in his whole life, spent much of his time (of the little time he spent home with his family, that is) with me, and he always talked of his adventures. Between you and me, and not meaning any disrespect to his dear memory, I doubt if he ever had the nerve to even lift a dagger, let alone partake in mighty fights and battles. But I was a kid, and his stories impressed me. And there was one thing that sustained their credibility. My father, only the Gods know how, had a magic potion that he showed me every couple of months, to bring back my belief and awe when these had diminished beyond the point of reverence he expected of me. He would then disappear for a while, and come back with a small vial that held a greenish liquid of great viscosity. It's the only thing of any value I inherited from my old man. When I returned to the inn, I saw the party of adventurers standing out in the street, and it looked like they were pondering what equipment to buy with the little gold they had to start their travels with. I made a decision then, walked past the inn, went to get that magic potion my old man was so proud of, and secretly brought it to the armory where I put it on one of the shelves. I know Furry; he never asks where anything comes from. None of us Pelnorians have a great love for the forces of Nikademus. I figured it was the least I could do to help. After all, they were here to help us. So that's how I lost the one heirloom my father left to the family. When I visited the armory later that afternoon, the vial was gone. I sure do hope that's a real magic potion. Kerlin Battings SSI's PHANTASIE is reviewed (actually, the game is Phantasie I and forms the first part of a trilogy). Using a somewhat different approach within the same set up, I will try to give a general idea of the game in short descriptive accounts larded with hints and tips on how to use magic, weapons, menu options and so forth. For those new to the game, Phantasie is a Dungeons and Dragons type game where magic spells, enchanted swords, healing potions and many other Tolkienish accesories serve you to survive the many battles that stand between you and the completion of your quest - the destruction of the Black Lord. At the end of this article, I will give a short explanation of the mechanics of the game, and I'll give you the information you need to start a group of six adventurers on their quest. But Lo! here's another excerpt. Diary of the Miller's Daughter Today when I went to the forest to gather mushrooms I saw the strangest thing. Just before I entered the edge of the pinewoods, I heard loud voices approaching. Knowing that many evil and dangerous things roam our country, I quickly hid behind the first trees. There I waited, and after a few moments, coming from the east, I saw an unusual company make its way toward me. At first I was too scared to keep looking, but when I was sure no-one had seen me, I peeked from under a large branch and tried to see who it was, speaking with such bravour and eloquence. "I don't know about the rest of you", said a short, fat, sturdy dwarf with a long black beard tucked into his belt - next to a large hammer - "but I could sure use a bath. We've been travelling for a long time and my beard has gathered more dust than all the floors in the Endless Caves of Jaro. I hope we find a town before long." "Well Ranp, I don't think you'll need to worry," came the light voice of an Elf, "if my nose doesn't play tricks on me there's a pond of some sort nearby. I smell fresh water." "All hail the elfin nose. Lead the way, Sly, we're right behind you." When I saw who they were, my eyes opened in wonder. Not only was it strange to see such a mingled company of races, but their outfits! One of them, a halfling, was wearing a large pointed hat and a woollen cloak adorned with many mystic symbols. Another one, a strange creature with two horns growing from over his ears, wore grey armor and a large shield. There were four others, among them the elf and the dwarf who had spoken of water, and all were riding on horseback. Alone in my hiding place, I felt safe, but worried. The elf had smelled water, and there was only one place where it could come from. A few miles ahead, there was a forbidden pond. Its water crystal clear, it seemed an innocent place to rest - but those who drank would all be changed. Although the change that comes upon humanoids (my father says only thinking races profit from its exotic effects, because animals do not know how to understand the magic gift) is benificiary, none of us Gelnorians ever drink - the Black Knights mercilessly execute those who ignore their commands. For a moment, I wanted to shout, but then they had disappeared. I wondered if they would bathe? If they did, some of them would be stronger, others smarter, still others would have more vigor in their veins. Somehow I was glad I hadn't warned them. They looked like one of the rare bands of adventurous travellers that sometimes ride in our country, until they are defeated by Black Knights or slain by some strange monster from far east. It is rumored that many powerful beings live there, and that there are two more magical ponds where none dare drink these days. I hope some day a hero will be strong enough to enter the Black Lord's Palace and remove his dark reign from Gelnor - but it is said that it takes great courage to enter his domain, and that it can only be done with the help of the Gods. May Zeus be with that hero, whenever he comes. .........taken from Josella Kreylers diary. The Vicar's Sermon ...and saw how this servant of Satan stalked the party of warriors, and how the minotaur knight who was standing guard was surprised by the presence of the devil and failed to wake his companions in time. The devil, merely playing with his victims, clawed at one of the sleeping forms while the minotaur drew a long, shining sword. As the enchanted metal of the fighter cut the substance of the devil great flames burst forth. I could just see how on the other side of the fire the figure of a man, a priest of an order unknown to me, started a prayer; and how this prayer was answered by a great sound as of a gong reverberating, waking all those whose lives were now threatened by the presence of Satans vile subject. Now the devil was no longer playing, and while a number of warriors took their weapons and shields and attacked him, and while another started mystic signs to tap his magic resources, the devil started his most powerful incantation. As metal cut flesh, the evil creature brought down a powerful blast of negative force on his attacker, slaying the brave warrior with one mighty stroke of the evil power bestowed upon him. And yet, victory was not his, for only seconds later the magician finished his great spell and an enormous flamebolt struck the devil and scattered him about in a thousand pieces of horrid black flesh... ...almost decided to stop following them when my patience was finally rewarded. The party had come upon another band of servants of Nikademus, but this time they were not surprised by the foul beings. While both sides started their preparations for battle, I tried to discern the identity of the party's adversaries. Again they were forces of evil, two mighty high demons assisted by a large number of skeletons. I saw how the magic man of the party, a hobbit wearing a strange blue outfit, broke off an incantation as if he suddenly realised that the monsters were too near to be affected by his spell. The priest, however, took out his holy symbol and softly vocalised his God's help to turn away the undead creatures that threatened them. I also saw how a sparsely clothed sinewy individual brought an incantation down on himself, and started to glow brightly. The new fighter in the party, realising it was no use trying to hit a demon with steel, tried to hit the skeletons; just as another woman, a slender pixie who, according to her stealth, had been trained in the abilities of thieves, who tried to walk around the demons to attack one of the lesser undead in the back. The other fighter, a ranger by the looks of him, seemed to trust in the magical force of his sword and attacked one of the demons. Of all these strategies the last one was the least successful; for no enchantment of steel can ever be sufficient to hurt a being of such devastating power as a high demon. And more went awry, for the presence of these dark beings was so overwhelming that the priest's attempts to turn their minor disciples was to no avail. The magician, incapable of anything but defensive manoeuvres, was hit time and again, and only one of his parries was successful. When the second high demon used his dark force, the magician was struck dead. Now it seemed that none of the party members would escape with their lives, for the ranks of their opponents had paid only the toll of two demolished skeletons - a mere token. While the priest beseeched his God to restore life to the dead wizard, both the fighter and the thief took defensive positions. Now, the demons were further away, too far to claw, but close enough to emit their dark forces. The skeletons, coming closer, were hewn down by the monk, whose powerful lithe body fought like a dervish, killing four skeletons in a matter of seconds. This brought new energy and faith to the party, and while the fighters finished off the remaining skeletons, and the resurrectured wizard and the monk started casting their most effective spells, the priest called upon his deity to confuse Satan's vicious helpers, so that they would no longer be able to tap their black magic resources. This turned the battle in the party's favor, for both High Demons were felled by the fierce raw force of the flames drawn hither by the magicians." Part of Vicar McMurray's Sermon #381 The Druid's Tale In the Course of Time a Keeper of Nature will see many things strange and wondrous. Some of these things will be good and beautiful and enhance Nature's quality, other things vile and dark will cause pain and chaos. In these last years, a true storm of darkness has wounded our Gelnor, and it is no secret that he who causes these wounds is none other than Nikademus, the Dark Lord. For many years now the inhabitants of our Islands await the coming of a party of adventurers, heroes strong enough to waylay the evil that Nikademus plans for the Universe. Many parties have already attempted the near-impossible task, but none have succeeded. Today I have been witness to the coming of a party, and from their conversations I have learned that here, at last, our country has a chance for its liberation. This is what I've heard them speak; read, and hope, and maybe soon we'll all rejoice. "I think this last fight was it," spoke the fighter of the party, "we should go to town and see if we've gained enough experience to be trained." "Experience we have enough, Rob, but what with the looks of you I doubt if we've got enough money to afford training." "Will you listen to him? If you're such a handsome, Mr. Elf, why don't you charm our ememies instead of us having to fight them all the time? Who knows, you might even make a useful contribution." "Come on, boys, enough of that," warned a pixie, "we've got to make up our minds." "About what?" asked the wizard, who had been reading. "About whether or not we're ready to confront the Black Lord. If so, we should go to town, train, see about more spells; then rest and distribute our belongings." "And look at that last scroll we found," added the priest. "And buy all the damn potions we can, magic and healing," completed the ranger. "True," said the monk, "and the way I see it, we might as well try now. Cause I'm not getting any younger, that's for sure." There was a short silence; then the wizard spoke. "Okay then, let's see. We needed nine rings. These we have." "Aye, we sure do. Nine rings," confirmed the dwarf. "Further, we had to gather the four runes. We did so, and together with our experience in combat and the rings, this finally enabled us to get that most precious of runes, the fifth or God Rune, bestowed upon us by Zeus, on Olympus." "Correct." "Now, the way I see it, the God Rune is supposed to ward off the evil that surrounds the fortress of the black knights. Once within, we need nothing but our health, strength and magic." "Not to mention luck, that is," added the thief. "And maybe the aid of a summoned elemental," said the monk. "Of course. The question is: do we have enough experience to confront the Black Lord on his own territory?" Thus spoke a party strange and wondrous in appearance, and before long, I saw them make their way to town, no doubt on their way for the last training, needed to confront the Black Lord himself. May the arcane help of the elementals go with them for strength and protection. An account of Tanger Idon, druid of Gelnor Island. So far for the playing hints, tips and guidelines. I will now explain, concisely, the mechanics of starting a new game; which is what you do if you've just bought Phantasie, or when you've used the UTILIES program on your disk for STARTING A NEW GAME FROM SCRATCH. From now on, words or sentences in CAPITALS are taken literally from the dialog or menu options in the game. First of all, if you have an adequate copying program, make backups of both your disks. Disk 1 is protected, disk 2 isn't (and if you make a protected backup of disk two you may find yourself in trouble). Now write protect your disk 1 (do not write protect disk 2 as the program keeps score of which parts of the island have been discovered - also you will probably want to save your game at several occasions). To start play, insert disk 1 and double click either START.PRG (with music etc.) or PHANT.PRG (without intro). After loading, exchange disk 1 for disk 2. Press a key. Put disk 1 away, you won't need it again for as long as you continue play. Now, you are ready to form a party. You're in Pelnor, one of the towns/cities on the Island Gelnor, and before you can go on your way you need to find, select and equip a party of adventurers. To do this, you enter the GUILD. Entering buildings is done by clicking on their respective doors (but remember, you need to assemble a party before you can do anything else). Inside the GUILD, the city menu changes. As you see, only ADD MEMBER, NEW MEMBER and INSPECT MEMBER can be chosen. Choose NEW MEMBER. Now, pick a race. Then pick a character class. Keep the rulebook in mind: it's no use making illogic combinations (like an Ogre Thief (bad dexterity) or a Halfling Fighter (insufficient strength). For a good party, all scores should be 10+ and prime requisites (strength for a fighter, intelligence for a wizard, dexterity for a thief etc) 15+, preferably 18+. For a Great Party you must have patience and get low scores around 15, highest scores over twenty. This may take several hours of constantly picking a race (remember RANDOM races often occur only once; i.e. if you have stored a pixie you will not get another one until you PURGE it), then a class, and then PURGING if the statistics aren't up to your standard. If the scores are alright, KEEP your adventurer, NAME it and thus store it. You can store something over thirty characters in your GUILD. Once you have an adequate set of characters, you put them in a party by choosing ADD MEMBER from the GUILD OPTIONS. A complete party for a fresh game will consist of six adventurers. It is up to you to select their respective professions (or CLASSES). Remember you will need at least one PRIEST (for HEALING and PROTECTION purposes), one WIZARD (for aggressive magic such as FIREBALLS and MINDBLASTS) and one THIEF (for DISARMING TRAPS and OPENING LOCKS). Now that you have your party (you can always INSPECT MEMBER in the guild to see how their abilities, skills, equipment etc. are developing) you should get them the best equipment you can. Go to the BANK, WITHDRAW a couple hundred GOLD, and subsequently enter the armory. Here you can buy lots of things (you should try to get all the POTIONS and different SCROLLS available) to equip your characters with. HEALING POTIONS restore hit points, the higher the number, the more effective they are. The same goes for MAGIC POTIONS, but these restore magic points. MAGIC 1 restores 3 mp, MAGIC 2 restores 6 mp and so on. As the maximum number of magic points you'll ever achieve is 20, anything over MAGIC 7 potions is wasted (minor game bug, I presume). W(eapons), A(rmor) & S(hields): When you generate new characters, they are usually outfitted with a Club, Clothes and a Small Shield. The notation for a club is, for instance, CLUB W 4. This means that a CLUB is a W(eapon) and has a point value of 4. The higher the point values for W, A & S, the more effective they are. When an item is followed by the word "UNUSABLE" this normally means that the character who is purchasing cannot use it due to lack of strength. If you wish to protect your weaker party members (wizards, thieves) you should make sure that they have sufficient strength to wear heavy armor and use good shields. Okay, you bought your equipment. Maybe each bought the right items at once, but let's distribute anyway. Enter the INN. Click on DISTRIBUTE. You see your party, followed by 0 values for W(eapon), A(rmor) and S(hield). Underneath is a list of items (starting off with weapons), followed by numbers 1 to 6, of which some may be invisible. The clue is, these numbers refer to your party members, and UNUSABLE items will cause the relevant party member number to disappear behind the items' values. (i.e. if a SWORD+1 W 7 is followed by 12 4 6, this means that party members 3 and 5 are unable to use the weapon due to strength limitations). If you click on one of the party members, the top (highlighted) item in the stack will be given to the character in question, and the item's name will disappear from the stack; moving all other items one place up. In this way, you can distribute all your equipment. Anytime you encounter an item you don't need, click on SELL ITEM. Part of the item's gold value will be added to your account, furthermore it will be available in the town's armory for some time. Equipment ready - now you can pay a visit to see how the local Old Mystic estimates your progress; otherwise all there's left to do is read the scrolls you bought. Do this with the USE ITEM menu option. Okay, you're ready to leave town - click on the exit road and move around with either mouse (a drag) or arrow keys (much easier). Using the menu options available, I'm sure you'll find your way around the game. Just one fighting tip: to start, first click on a character, then select an action. When all characters perform their required actions, click on fight - and earn those sorely needed experience points. Have a good time in PHANTASIE, and when you're near the Black Lord, remember (this is the voice of your conscience speaking) this: Honesty is a Virtue; Wealth & Riches are unacceptable Perversions of the Mind. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLANETFALL(Infocom) The third in Infocom's wonderful series of Science Fiction Adventures is Planetfall. You will be delighted by the humor of the game. It is always charming you somehow. The game features several logical puzzles that can be solved with no greater magic than common sense. The point of the game: You begin on the spaceship Feinstein. You are lowly cleaning help scrubbing the deck, when all of the sudden the ship explodes - and by an accident of fate you happen to be standing near the escape pod right at the moment. You jettison from the Feinstein and land on a nearby planet with a strange mystery. It seems to have been recently abandoned for no reason. Survival is point one. You'll need food and rest. Repair many of the broken machines that you find. And then figure out why everyone is missing. Let's get started! Deck Nine - All you have to do is keep waiting until the explosion - stay here - you'll be entertained (randomly) by the Ambassador from Blow'K-bibben-Gordo. After the ship explodes immediately go Port. Get in the Webbing. Wait - until the Pod lands and the Emergency Kit appears. Get out of Webbing. Take kit. Open Door. Go up. Keep going up until you get to Courtyard. Drop the brush and your ID. (You won't be needing the brush or the ID - they are excess baggage). Go north to the Plain Hall, then go NE. Go east until you get to the corridor Junction. Then continue south until you get to the Machine Shop. Go west to the Tool Room, take Laser (but drop the old battery) take the pliers and the flask and the Metal Bar. Then go back to the Machine Shop and put the flask under the spout. Then go north to the Corridor Junction. Then go east till you get to Booth 2. In Booth 2 drop the Laser and the pliers. Then go west to the elevator lobby and push both buttons. Then go west till you get to the Corridor Junction. (If you're hungry, open the kit and enjoy a treat of goo.) From the Corridor Junction, go south then go east. Take the box. Then go back to the Booth 2. Drop the box. Then go back to the Corridor Junction. Now go north to the Administration Corridor, go north and south between the South Administration Corridor and the Adminstration Corridor until you see the glint of light (random). Then search the crevice in the Administration Corridor South. Hold the bar near the key (it's a magnet) and bingo...you got it. (If you don't get the key the game can't even begin.) Now drop the bar once you have the key. (If the bar comes in contact with any of the cards you'll find that they get scrambled--something you will regret.) Now go to the Mess Corridor. Unlock the padlock with the key. Drop the padlock and the key and open the door. Drop everything except your uniform. Take the ladder and go back to the Administration Corridor. Drop the ladder. Open the ladder. Put ladder over the rift. Then go north over the ladder. Then go west into the offices. Open the drawers in the desks and take the kitchen card, the shuttle card, and the upper elevator card. By this time you should be getting tired. It's important that you find a place to sleep that is safe. Go back to the Dorm Area and get in bed. When you wake up you'll be bright and alert for tomorrow. Get out of bed and take your things. Go to the Mess Corridor. Go south into the Mess Hall. Take the canteen and open it up. Slide the kitchen card through the slot and go south. Put the canteen under the spout and push the button. Take the canteen. You've now found an unlimited source of food. Just make sure that you keep your canteen filled and you'll be O.K. Go back inside the Mess Hall and drop the Kitchen access card. Now go back to the Machine Room. From the Machine Room, go east to the Robot Room. Search the robot. Then turn it on. Go to the elevator lobby. Go south inside the lower elevator and drop the lower card and the shuttle card. Then go to the upper elevator. By this time your valuable friend Floyd should be bugging you for attention and loving. Eat when you are hungry...it's better to eat from your canteen than the kit. You might want to save the goo in the kit for emergencies. Just go back to the kitchen and refill your canteen when you need to. But don't forget to drop the kitchen card in the Mess Hall. Go to the Upper Elevator. Slide the upper card through the slot. Push the up button. Wait. When the elevator door opens go south then go northeast to the Comm Room. Pay attention to the colour of the flashing light. This will be the same colour koulant that you'll have to get in the Machine Room. Go back to the elevator, activate the elevator and go downstairs to the Machine Room. Fill the flask. Push the same colour button as the flashing light in the Comm Room, then take the flask. Go back to the Comm Room and empty the flask in the hole. Pay attention to the new colour light. Take the flask back downstairs to the Machine Room and push the new coloured light koulant code. Take the filled flask back upstairs and empty the flask in the hole again. Do this one more time (there are three lights in all). This will fix the Comm Room. You can drop the flask since you won't be needing it any more. Now go back downstairs to the elevator lobby. Don't forget to drop the upper card in the upper elevator. Eat if you have to, but try to only eat from the canteen. If the canteen needs to be filled, do it now. Go to the lower elevator. Slide the lower card through the slot. Then push the down button. Wait. Drop the lower card and take the shuttle access card. When the elevator stops get out by going north. Then go east. Go south and then go east. Slide the shuttle card through the slot. Push the lever up. Do it again. Wait until the display says 60. Then push the lever down. Again. Wait until the shuttle slides into the station. Go west and drop the shuttle card. Go north, then go east. Go east again. At the fork go southeast to the Project Corridor West. Go east to the Project Corridor. Then go south to the Projcon Office. Go east to the Computer Room. Take the output and read the output. (By the way make sure that Floyd joins you in the Computer Room.) With Floyd go south. Then go north until the Project Corridor east. Then go east to the Main Lab. From the Lab go south. Search the lab uniform pocket and take the card and the paper and the battery. The paper has the clue for opening up the combination lock in the Rec Corridor (a puzzle that you'll never need). Go back to the Project Corridor East. Then go north to the Library Lobby. Play with the machine if you want. It's very good for clues about the 'whys' of the story, and a lot of fun to translate. But time is of the essence. Go east to Booth 3. Slide the card through the slot and push the beige button. Zap!!! You find yourself back in Booth 2. Take a look around; everything you put inside the Booth is waiting for you. Slide the card through the slot again and this time push the tan button. Wheeeeee! Now you and your supplies are back in Booth 3. Take the pliers and the bedistor. Go west. Then go north. Then go north again to the Course Control. Open the cube. Remove the fused bedistor with the pliers. Drop the fused bedistor and the pliers. Take the good bedistor and put it in the cube. Close the cube. Go to Systems Corridor West. Go down into the Repair Room. Make certain that Floyd is with you here. If he's not, just wait and he'll turn up. When Floyd shows, tell him to go north. When he comes back, tell Floyd to take the Fromitz. Go back to the Systems Corridor. Then go north to the Planetary Defense. Open the panel. Take the second board. Put the shiny Fromitz in the socket. Close panel. You have now completed the middle portion of the game. Eat when you have to. Now go to the Main Lab. Open the Bio-Lock, go southeast then go east. Make sure that Floyd is with you. He'll volunteer for an important mission; let him. Open the door, close the door, wait, open the door, close the door. Floyd will be out of commission. Take the card and sing your song about the legend of Starcross. Go back to Booth 3. By now it's late in the day and time for rest. Once in Booth 3, slide the teleportation card through the slot and push the beige button. If you still have time before you rest, go ahead and fill your canteen in the kitchen, then go to sleep in the dorm area. By now you're starting to feel pretty sick. If you didn't get a chance last night to fill your canteen, you'd better do that now. Head down to the Booth 2. Do your teleportation routine. Drop the teleport card, and make certain that you have the miniaturization card. Take the laser with the new battery. Go to the miniaturization booth. Slide the card through the slot then - type 384 (that was the number from the computer output). Please do a game save at this point because you won't be able to waste any moves after this. You have shrunk down to the size of a chip. At Station 384 go east to the Strip near the station. Then go north to the Strip near the relay. Look inside the relay. Make sure that your laser is set to 1. Fire the laser at the speck. Keep on doing that until the speck is no more. Once that's done, turn the dial on the laser to 6. Now head back south. Oh no! A killer microbe! Fire the laser at the microbe. Keep firing until you find yourself holding a HOT laser. Once the laser is HOT, throw the laser over the side. The microbe will follow the laser and vanish to its death. Now head back to the Booth. From the Auxiliary Booth go north to the Lab Office. Do another game save at this point (this will be your last chance to take a rest). Search the desk, then take and wear the gas mask. Push the red button. Open the door. Go west into the Bio Lab. Open the lab door. Go west to the Bio-lock west. Open the Bio-lock and go west into the Main Lab. Run back to the Projcon office. Go south into the Cryo-elevator. Push the Button. Whewww!! Just wait a little bit and now all will come clear. The game is over. You are a hero! And all is well in the universe until your next adventure! Please note that it is possible to finish the game in less than 2.5 days, but why rush it!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * P L U N D E R E D H E A R T S (Infocom) Start in the ship's cabin. STAND UP - (you get out of bed) - INVENTORY - (you find that you have a reticule containing smelling salts and a bank note) - EXAMINE SMELLING SALTS - READ TAG - EXAMINE BANKNOTE - (the ship lurches and a coffer slides out from under the bed) - EXAMINE COFFER - EXAMINE DOOR - OPEN DOOR - Z - (Crulley bursts in!) - SCREAM - E - (Crulley stops you but the Falcon enters and clouts him!) - EXAMINE FALCON - (he eventually hands you a missive) - READ MISSIVE - (he offers you protection) - FALCON, YES - (you are now on the Deck). EXAMINE DAVIS - (you are taken to the Captain's Quarters.........two days pass by) - EXAMINE RING - EXAMINE FALCON - Z - Z - STAND UP - LOOK AROUND - LOOK THROUGH WINDOW - OPEN CURTAIN - EXAMINE CUPBOARD - EXAMINE TABLE - EXAMINE BED - Z - (Captain Jamison gives you a brooch) - EXAMINE BROOCH - OPEN COFFER - TAKE INVITATION - READ INVITATION - N - (you squeeze through to the Landing) - DOWN - N - EXAMINE GATE - N - TAKE BOTTLE - TAKE MIRROR - EXAMINE BOTTLE - READ LABEL - S - S - UP - OPEN DOOR - ENTER - TAKE CLOTHES - REMOVE DRESS - WEAR BREECHES - WEAR SHIRT - Z - OUT. S - TAKE COFFER - Z - THROW COFFER THROUGH WINDOW - SIT ON LEDGE - PUT ALL IN RETICULE - TAKE LADDER - (you now hang on the ladder!) - UP - UP - UP - UP - (you land on the Poop Deck) - N - N - N - EXAMINE WINCH - READ LEVER - PULL LEVER UP - (you lower the anchor) - S - EXAMINE BARRELS - TEAR DRESS - PUT RAG IN WATER - OPEN HATCH - DOWN - THROW RAG OVER GATE - (you douse the burning fuse) - UP - S - EXAMINE CASKS - N - N - ENTER SHACK - TAKE DAGGER - E - S - S - LOOK IN CASK - ENTER CASK - TAKE PORK - PUT ALL IN RETICULE EXCEPT DAGGER - CUT ROPE - (you release the cask into the sea!) - EXAMINE PORK - Z - Z - Z - (you eventually drift to some shallows near an Island). LEAVE CASK - EXAMINE SKIFF - W - N - E - PULL SLAT - (Captain Jamison finds you!) - Z - Z - (he asks to kiss you) - FALCON, YES - (now, now.......it's only a game fellas!!) - Z - (he now leaves) - E - N - OPEN WINDOW - W - EXAMINE PORTRAIT - EXAMINE BOOKSHELVES - EXAMINE GLOBE - TAKE HAT - (you feel a vibration from the floor!.......ooer!!) - S - (the Butler now throws you out!!) - W - E - EXAMINE LUCY - TAKE GARTER - W - S - NE - CLIMB VINE - (to a Bedroom). REMOVE CLOTHES - WEAR BALL GOWN - TAKE INVITATION - PUT GARTER IN RETICULE - N - N - TAKE PISTOLS - (out of reach!) - S - E - E - OPEN DOOR - (locked!) - S - N - W - DOWN - GIVE INVITATION - (to Butler) - S - DANCE - DANCE - DANCE - DANCE - W - EXAMINE ORCHESTRA - E - DANCE - EXAMINE LAFOND - EXAMINE RING - OPEN DOOR - S - N - N - E - (the Butler stops you!) - S - E - N - (under the table) - N - TAKE TREATISE - TAKE HAT - PRESS SINISTRA ON GLOBE - (the portrait opens!) - N - DOWN - E - E - TAKE KEY AND HORN. W - S - OPEN DOOR - E - W - N - W - S - (you see a crocodile!) - SQUEEZE BOTTLE ON PORK - THROW PORK AT CROCODILE - Z - Z - (it sleeps!) - S - W - UNLOCK DOOR - (with large key) - OPEN DOOR - N - GIVE GARTER TO PAPA - Z - S - E - N - N - UP - S - S - (Captain Jamison is being arrested!) - N - N - S - S - S - N - N - S - UP - E - KNOCK ON DOOR - OPEN DOOR - N - DRINK WINE - POUR WINE INTO GREEN GOBLET - SQUEEZE BOTTLE INTO GREEN GOBLET - POUR WINE INTO BLUE GOBLET - Z - (Lafond asks you if the green goblet is his) - LAFOND, NO - (he takes the green goblet!) - DRINK WINE - TAKE SPICE - THROW SPICE AT LAFOND - WAVE MIRROR AT WINDOW - (to signal the Helena Louise). S - (the Butler is sound asleep!) - W - DOWN - S - Z - (Jamison's men enter!) - COOKIE, YES - N - E - N - TAKE TREATISE - TAKE HAT - PRESS SINISTRA - N - DOWN - S - (Cookie deals with the crocodile!) - S - TAKE RAPIER - KILL CRULLEY - G - CLOSE TRAPDOOR - PICK LOCK - (with the brooch clasp) - WAVE SMELLING SALTS - N - N - Z - UP - S - S - W - UP - E - S - UNTIE ROPE - CLIMB DOWN ROPE - (you crash into Lafond!!) - (you eventually end up back in the Ballroom) - TAKE HORN - S - S - S - LOOK AT NICHOLAS - PUSH NICHOLAS - NICHOLAS, YES - TAKE PISTOL - LOAD PISTOL - FIRE PISTOL AT CRULLEY............to complete the adventure!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * POLICE QUEST This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue Fighting crime in the streets of Lytton used to be a mostly nice & friendly job with just the occasional serious offence that comes with the territory - or so Jack says. Fact is, he's been a member of the department much longer than me - I never thought of my job as merely "nice & friendly". What with dope dealers, murderers, rapists and other hoodlums on the streets these days Lytton is no longer a nice quiet town. So it's up to us to keep it as much of a safe place as is humanly possible. It was the morning of what might have been just another day in the field and I was waiting for Dooley's briefing to help me & the public safely through another day. I went into the locker room, took my gun and ammo, loaded, took my briefcase and walked into the briefing room to get the latest news. Hi everyone to another glorious day in the business of solving adventures. Not a fantasy or s.f. role-playing simulation this time, but the latest text/graphics adventure from the guys that created Leisure Suit Larry, Sonny Bonds is the name of the blue-uniformed police officer that you're supposed to guide through traffic accidents, arrests, seductions and many other situations that will prove a definite health hazard if not properly executed. Police Quest is a "typical" Sierra game that features a good deal of variation, a reasonable deal of dry wit (not as much as Larry but then this is supposed to be a more or less serious challenge) and all the advantages and disadvantages inherent to this particular kind of game. You are advised to make a lot of different save positions and keep them on a (backup) disk because you may find that a fatal mistake is not always obvious at once; and when you find out that you made an error two hours of play before and you don't have a save position prior to that point you can get very frustrated. Believe me. Now, Sonny Bonds, must you always be late for briefing? Briefing was short and if it wasn't for the Lytton Tribune and the other note my time there would have been wasted. So I read the news, got myself a radio and the keys to my patrol car and checked a couple of things on the computer. Then, ready...set...go! checked the car and its contents and boy, driving sure is a hard thing in Lytton these days. But as usual I survived and after driving aroun town for a while looking around a bit I got a call from the station about a traffic accident. I called in, responded to the news and shortly arrived at the scene where some silly dude (who later on appeared to have been shot) had tried to enter a building with a car - and without bothering about such things as an entrance. I reported the situation and, while waiting for help, talked to an anxious looking young man who seemed positive that the accident was not an accident at all but the result of a brutal murder. The news he gave me neatly fitted some other scraps of information but it wasn't enough to build a case on so I waited for my relieve and subsequently drove to Carol's Coffee Castle where Steve was waiting for me. Good coffee and an interesting telephone conversation kept me thinking while I hit the streets again, ready to write a million tickets. I hadn't gone two miles when some hot red sports car jumped a red light and disappeared around a corner. I followed that car for a long time before finally the driver realised it wasn't going to work and slowly drove over to the curb. I took my ticket book and pen, called in, and walked to the little red car. And found a spoiled rich girl with the looks and manners of a 20th century Cleopatra. She tried to talk me into something but a professional man doesn't yield to temptation (aargh!) so I kept cool and checked her license, wrote a ticket, ignoring all kinds of abusive language and finally making it back to my own car where I discovered that I was profusely sweating and had completely forgotten to sign the ticket and hand it to her. Well, you can't win 'em all. After that poor excuse for a policeman's work I decided to make up for it first chance I got - and that chance came all too soon. When I entered Carol's I saw some bikes standing in front of the door and I just knew there was going to be trouble. I talked to Carol and got invited (instructed is more like it) to ask the guys to be less liberal in using up her parking space. So I went next door into Wino Willy's beer joint and was immediately provoked by some unshaven beer-drinking half-human motorgang hoodlums but the good use of my nightstick quickly reminded them of the "force of the law" and with a polite excuse they removed themselves. And their bikes. The next chapter in crime-fighting Sonny Bond's short & daring career was the prolonged pursuit of a very erratically driving very drunk dude whom I merely had to give a test to convince him of better places to be than on the street in his own car. I checked his license and read him his Miranda rights and witnessed how the jailer shared my opinion and when I left the drunk in his custody, replaced my gun and went to my car I really felt like I'd done a good job protecting the public - but much more was to come. I called in and realised that now was as good a time as any to drop a request for promotion to narcotics, so I left a memo in the basket and did all the things necessary to change clothes and hit the streets in my Corvette. I was still thinking about the infamous Gremlin's actions (kind of funny so I didn't even bother to find out who it was) and made my way to the Blue Room. Inside, I played some music and drank some wine and listened to a sad story from Jack and suddenly I didn't feel like dancing and drinking anymore. Luckily someone reminded me that it was my turn for late duty so I got out fast and returned to the police station just in time for another visit to the briefing room where I located an interesting note and (once outside) also established that my memo was "under consideration". How nice. I hit the streets once more and before long I was in pursuit of that Cadillac - a very dangerous driver and a very hard job but after many attempts to escape he finally realised he wasn't going to shake me and parked his car. Seeing that we were supposed to be dealing with a very dangerous criminal here I called in and requested backup. Following the entire procedure and not forgetting to take the man's weapon from him I booked one Marvin Hoffman but we both knew that this was not his real name. Found some interesting things in his car before I brought him to jail on a charge of Drug Trafficking - hoping he would stay there for an indeterminate time. A message from Morgan (I had been promoted!) convinced me that an indeterminate time would prove to be no time flat if I didn't find some way to prove that Hoffman was dangerous and should be denied bail. I checked some notes and files and found that one Hoffman was the same as one Jason Taselli (not only the faces matched but also the tattoo) and quickly went to court where I boldly asked the clerk to let me in for an emergency. Judge let me in and gave me a chance to offer her the file and the poster and explain my case, I told her something about that flower tattoo and when I left the courtroom I had a no-bail warrant for Mr. "Hoffman". I went to jail and arrived just in time to prohibit Taselli's premature release from custody. I think I made the jailor's day there; he was real friendly to me. My next operation in the field of narcotic warfare was breaking up and busting two dudes dealing in the park. With gorgeous but professional Laura as my backup, and never forgetting the correct procedure to follow, we found lots of interesting stuff (not sugar!) and booked both suspects. After this little success, things rapidly went downhill. First of all, I got the news that Jack's daughter had died of an overdose, and another thing was that the guy I'd booked earlier on, Jason Taselli (alias "Hoffman") had escaped from jail and was later on found dead in the grove - I had to identify him and once more saw that tattoo. Then Sweet Cheeks Marie got busted but Morgan had a good idea and in order to nail the infamous Death Angel who was responsible for most of the bad news spreading around town it was suggested I got Marie released from jail - if she agreed to help the hotel operation, which she did. The things you have to do to be a narcotics agent; I even had to bleach my hair. So, after thorough briefing, I left everything that might give me away in the police station and kept the things that might come in handy and went on my way to the Place of the Clue: the Hotel Delphoria. I got a room there, made some calls and soon found myself playing poker with two illegal gamblers and - oops! - the Death Angel himself. He seemed impressed with my play and asked me to join in for a private game later on; I accepted. But first I got myself a voice transmitter so as to be able to keep my backups informed. Later that night I played some more poker, won, and was invited to join Frank "Death Angel" in his private room. What I didn't know was that he'd found out my true identity - as I soon discovered when he aimed a gun at my undervalued hulk. But right then my backups arrived and in the heat of the firefight the Death Angel was severely wounded. Strange, he didn't even try to fly away. Must not have been an angel after all. Medals, decorations, praise, and a 97-year no-parole sentence for Jessie "Death Angel" Bains were the result of my short but eventful career as Lytton Police Officer. Not bad for a few days' work; I'll make Captain yet. Perhaps I'll see you on the team soon. Okay, Sonny Bonds, well done, but now's the time for some serious reflection. Those of you who are familiar with Sierra's line of adventures will know what to expect, but those who are new to this kind of game should be informed of some of the peculiarities related to text/graphics arcade adventures. For one thing, keep in mind that you will be dealing with a very "modest" and simple parser (the parser being the programming structure that analyzes typed-in commands), which means that you can't give complex orders. In fact, many words that are being used in the descriptions of certain locations are not recognised by the program - this can be frustrating, but on the other hand is should be obvious that a word that isn't recognised is unnecessary to solve a particular situation. Example: if you type "look table" and the computer responds with something like "There's an oak table with four chairs next to it" then it's quite likely that "look chairs" or "examine chair" will result in "What's a chair?". Illogical but that's the way it works. Another feature inherent in these games is the "one solution only" symptom. Although various commands me be used to the same effect ("look", "check" and "examine" are the same thing, so are "take" and "get") each situation needs a particular phrase to solve. So when you wish to get the drunk into your custody and he starts giving you a hassle about not having done anything wrong you need to test his sobriety (or lack of it). If you type "test man", nothing happens. But "give test" does the job for you - you'll see that finding the right command can be a bummer. Last but not least, this kind of game is not logical. A perfect example: once you've arrested "Hoffman", you can do everything that's necessary to take him to jail - cuff him, read his rights, bring him to jail. But when you're at the city jail and you take off his cuffs he'll shoot you - unless you've taken his gun away while he was on the ground in the spot where you arrested him. If you wish to take away his gun ("search man") outside of the county jail where's there's all the room in world and nothing to keep you from searching your suspect, the program says "you should have thought of that when you had him on the ground". And although a whole parking place is at your disposal, you can no longer put the man on the floor and get his gun. Which means that, if you've saved your game after putting the suspect in your patrol car, you can start all over again. And this, my friends, is what I truly and positively dislike about any game: Lack of logic. And yet, all in all, Police Quest is an o.k. game to play because there's lots of variation and a good deal of interesting stuff to do. That, and some witty remarks and situations (big dude in jail cell: "Hey man, get me outta here, I didn't know copying disks was illegal!") should keep Sierra fans happy. Good luck with Police Quest and when you're on the streets, remember that there's small choice in rotten apples. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Q U E S T R O N I I (Atari ST version) Here are the moves you will have to do to complete this quest......don't panic if you can't follow them closely, as searching for some food will be unfortunately a hard task! First of all, go to Bay View to buy rope and hooks - to allow you to go through mountains - as well as a hammer. To gain one level, you will just have to go to Redstone Castle, open the door to the Hall of visions with the gold key (already in your inventory at the start of the game). There, speak.......Mesron may help you......you will have to do it after each 'big action'. You will then have to gather lots of money, as living in Questron 2 is based upon money. When you are rich enough to cure yourself from bad injuries, go to Redstone Castle and open every chest in sight. This means that you will have to kill nearly all Guards, and thus you will be at great risk. The emerald key is located in the Northwest corner of the Castle, in a room guarded by only one soldier, and where two chests stand. The copper key is located in the Southwest corner of the Castle, near the Guard dressed in red. You will have enough money to buy some Hit-Points. Your next goal is Rivercrest Cathedral and within, the Rivercrest tombs. Here, not very far from the entrance - it is the first door in the hall to the East - lies the Moonstone Amulet. Bring it immediately to the Holy One, in the Cathedral. He can help you. There is also an Emerald Door - far from the entrance to the Southeast, which can be opened with the emerald key found in the Castle. Not far from it lies the Wand of Power. Go back to Redstone Castle and the Hall of Visions to gain one level. The best thing to do now is to go to Octapoint to buy some weapons, clothes, spells and travel facilities. Now go back to the Rivercrest tombs. Follow the corridor to the Northeast until you find the Blind Robed Priest. Give him the fare he wants and go through the passage he grants you. Go to the door to the East, cross the room to the South door, go through it and speak with the character standing there. He is Morle the Magician. He will give you a mission (find and give him the Orb), and a brass key. Go back to Redstone Castle, open the doors that you haven't been able to unlock with the other keys, and go to the Hall of Maps. When you have memorised the maps, go to collect the Ord (just under you!), the door opens with the copper key. Return to Morle inside Rivercrest tombs and get his Orb back. He will teleport you to the Realm of the Sorceror'. You should be near Demph. Enter it and buy as many spells, Hit points and as much food as possible. Buy also (if you can afford it) a camel or some kind of terrestrian animal to carry you. You will have to find a boat to get back to Landor. Go to Burnside. Here you should find some for about 2000 gold pieces. Go to the North of Burnside. You should see the boat on the coast. Sail Norrth until you reach Landor (not far from Redstone Castle). Go to the Hall of Visions and improve your abilities (you should be an Apprentice now). Maybe you will have a key replacing all other keys. You can go and consult the Sage that will improve your abilitieas too. Sail back to the Realm of the Sorceror's. Enter the dungeon located on the Eastof the island. The equipment you need is randomly distributed on each level. Open every chest until you have them all. Don't forget to watch out for traps.......type X to avoid them. The Scroll of Scalna lies somewhere on Level 3, the Crystal Goblet on level 4, the Agate Key on Level 6 and the Onyx Key on Level 8. Now go to the surface. Go to Twilight Cathedral and give the crystal goblet to the Holy One. He will be very impressed!! Go to the Great Fortress. You will have to execute all Guards and open each chest to find some useful tools. Be sure you are strong enough to try it. You should find the Sapphire Key to the East of the Fortress, and the Ruby Key in the guard's quarters. Open the door leading to Simon the Stooge with the agate key. Give him some money so as to have your abilities increased. Exit the Fortress and come back again (only then will the King talk to you......well you DID slay all his guard company!). Go to the two-door set. Open the first with the agate key and the second with the ruby key. Go to speak to the King. Although he is angry about you, he asks you to be his hero! No time to hesitate......he will give you the Opal key (to open all doors in the Fortress). Go to the last door left (behind the King) open it with the opal key, follow the path to the Eternal Flame. Get it and exit the Fortress. Go to Twilight Fortress, visit the Holy One (maybe some Bread of Life?), and enter the tombs thanks to the Onyx Key. Find your way to the Black Key. It is in a room to the far West of the labyrinth. The Eternal Flame will help you to cross the dark passage. There is nothing else interesting in the tombs so don't waste time there. Go back to Landor and Redstone Castle. Go to the Hall of Visions. Mesron will tell you that Seacrest is about to be attacked. Go there as fast as you can! (you just have to go FOUR MOVES to the right from the Castle, then go North until you enter the village.......don't waste any moves, avoid all encounters as time is of the essence.......once in Seacrest, you should face Mantor, and his killer guards - if not it's too late). Get near to Mantor and throw him a fireball (from the Book of Magic). He will vanish and the guards will be free from the spell thrown on them. You have saved Seacrest!! Go back to the Hall of Visions. Speak twice to earn some experience, and be considered as a Knight of Landor. Mesron will tell you that Morle has been captured by Mantor. Your Hit Points are now only limited by the number of Gold Pieces you have. Try to buy as many as you can, more than 10,000 if you want to survive (the end of the game costs a lot of hit points!!). Go back to the Realm of Sorceror's, enter Demph and buy some spells (Fireballs!). Now you can enter the Dungeon of Despair: you are a Knight of Landor and own the Black Key. Reach Level 8 of the Dungeon by any available means.....beware the last trap leads to Mantor's Lair.....he has thrown a spell that costs you about 40 hit points each move you make (Mantor's Mind Zap). Go East then North until you reach Morle who cries for you to hurry. Find Mantor (just wander about for a few seconds to find him), follow the corridors. Kill all annoying guards. Once you have entered the main room where Mantor and his private guards stand, try to reach the Book of Evil (in the centre) and throw the Destruct Spell (from the Book of Magic) until Mantor disappears. Morle teleports you with his last psychic strength to Redstone Castle where you are welcomed as THE HERO!!! Well done, Count Of Questron, Baron of Landor!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * QUESTRON (Note: this Solution is based on the Atari version of Questron. There may be slight differences from the Apple version) Here you are, a lowly serf, out to seek fame and fortune by destroying the evil Mantor. When the game starts you find yourself wearing only rawhide for armor and with no weapons. The first thing to do is get to Geraldtown and buy a weapon. Once you get a weapon, wander about and soon you'll meet with one of the many Questron monsters. Keep fighting with them and after each kill, you'll find gold. Don't go near water as you aren't equipped to handle the sea monsters yet. Keep a close eye on your food supply, because you'll die once it runs out. You can replenish your food supply and buy more weapons and better armor at Geraldtown or any of the other towns in Questron. Relatively soon you'll run low on hit points. Go to the Swamp Cathedral, located north and slightly east of Geraldtown. Give a donation to the priest and he'll increase your hit points. Unless you've given at least 75 pieces of gold, don't enter the box in the corner. Frequently when you're in Questron, creatures will offer you hit points, weapons, armour or valuable information for a price. You don't need to pay for the valuable information because this Solution will give you that. But do buy anything else from them if you can afford it, because their prices are generally cheaper than at the towns (or in the cathedral). In the towns, you'll often find gambling games. These games are not tipped in your favor, so watch out as you can lose all of your gold. There's no need to play them if you don't wish to. You'll also find jails where you can bribe the guards and speak to the prisoners. You don't need to do this because any information they have, you'll get in this Solution. Soon you should be rich enough to be able to give the priest 75 gold pieces. He should tell you not to be afraid and you will be rewarded. Go to the box in the corner, enter the door, (T)ake , (H)old the (H)oly water, and (O)perate, and that will get you 100 hit points. You cannot have more than 500 hit points, so if you get close to that, don't drink anymore holy water, because you'll be wasting it. Meanwhile, back on Questron, you'll going to need a variety of weapons to deal with the variety of monsters you'll be meeting. Some monsters are particularly vulnerable to certain weapons. Here's a partial list: 1. Strangler Fiend-Morning Star 2. Pit Screamer-Flail 3. Phazor Spider-Whip 4. Irish Stalker-Rope and Hooks 5. Dirt Weird-Mace 6. Leopard Yeti-Mace 7. Stone Axe Beak-Morning Star 8. Piercing Pungie-Club In general, if you keep missing the monster, or the monster is hit by blows under 10, you should try a different weapon. Eventually, you'll want to get over the mountains. You'll need a Lama, as horses can't cross mountains. You can buy a Lama in Free Town (Long 3, Lat 3). (You can also cross the mountains on foot, if you have ropes and hooks and you arm yourself with them) After you've built your money supply up, you can purchase a raft. It's nearly impossible to get the raft that is located above Jail Town, and you wouldn't want it anyway because it's on the wrong shore. River Junction (Long 3, Lat 2) and Lake Centre (Long 2, Lat 3) sell rafts and once you buy one you can get to the Island Cathedral. You're probably wondering how to increase some of your attributes. At the Swamp cathedral you can increase your dexterity by playing a rather primitive arcade game and at the Island Cathedral you can increase your intelligence by playing a game similar to Master Mind. You definitely want to take advantage of these games, particularly the Master Mind type game. At some point in the game, you'll get a message that Mesron has called. Mesron is located in the Castle (Long 2, Lat 4) which is difficult to find. Once you enter the Castle grounds, go east, then north and the figure in orange is Mesron. He'll raise your rank and give you some powder to use against the Castle guards. Don't use the powders against the guards unless you absolutely have to because the powders have a much better use later in the game. There are five keys located in the Castle, along with lots of gold and other suprises. You will need all the keys. The silver and ruby keys are on the west side of the Castle. Go through the entrance in the southwest corner. The emerald key is located straight north and the lead key is located in the northeast corner. There's one more key, but I'll let you find that one. (don't worry, it's not hard to find). Once you get some of the keys you can enter various rooms. For 500 pieces of gold, you can see maps of the Land of Evil and Questron. Unless you are a skilled sketcher, don't bother with the maps. The Doctor will want 10 vials of holy water to increase your strength. Give him the 10 vials because you can't get all of the gold from the Castle without the increased strength. The Princess will increase your charisma by 20 points for 2,000 gold pieces. You're not going to be able to get everything on one trip. Get a key, exit, go get more holy water and enter the Castle again. In the Atari version, you must wait a certain length of time before re-entering the castle (you'll know that it's safe because the guards will be in their normal positions and not gathered at the door ways). In the Apple version, you can exit and immediately re-enter. The Ocean Point cathedral is not far from the Castle (Long 4, Lat 4) and you'll find a magic Flute there. It says that you can only use the Flute three times, but if you bring it back to the cathedral it can be recharged. By the way, you have to have a Lama or ropes and hooks to get to the Ocean Point cathedral. Back at the Castle, once you've gotten the gold key, you can enter the King's room. He will Knight you and increase your stamina and intelligence. You must steal the King's trumpet, located in a small room just to the southeast of the King. After you do this, Mesron will want to see you again. Mesron will take your holy water, increase your hit points and give you some instructions and help for the rest of the game. At some point before leaving Questron you should rob all of the chests in the Castle, as you'll be needing as much gold as possible. Take Mesron's advice and increase your intelligence to 60. After that, go to Jail town, use the Trumpet to get through the fog and buy a clipper in the town above Jail town. Don't try to use the Raft because you'll drown. The clipper costs 2380 gold pieces. Get the clipper and sail straight north. You will soon reach the Land of Evil. The Land of Evil looks very much like Questron, except that are fewer towns and no friendly creatures. You can now buy magic items to use in the dungeons and food is a little cheaper. You can also buy a trained eagle, which is very handy to have as the eagle can take you anywhere you want to go. Before you enter the Mountain Catacombs (the first dungeon) you'll need a supply of all the spells with the exception of the Magic Missiles. A good supply of Fireballs and Armour Enhancers is particularly useful. You'll need to purchase more than one set of armor and weapons because the monsters will sometimes take them. You will definitely need rope and hooks also. Before you buy, shop at different towns because the prices vary widely. While you're above surface in the Land of Evil, stay away from the dragons and whenever an "unknown creature" approaches attack immediately because they will attack you. The Mountain Catacombs are at Long 3, Lat 3. Once you're in the dungeon, (X)amine at every step in order to avoid the traps that fill the dungeon. There is a compass located on the first level of the dungeon. Use it. Don't forget to keep the Armor Enhance spell active at all times. The monsters on the first few levels you can usually kill without the use of spells, but as you get deeper into the dungeon you'll need to use the Fireballs more often. It's a wise idea to explore the first 2 or 3 levels of the dungeon and then exit the dungeon and buy more supplies. You can (A)rm with (RO)pe and Hooks to climb up the shafts if there's no ladder or rope. A special clue: if you descend the third rope past the mine on the second level to the third level and go down the passages, you'll come to a passage that is lined with hit points, gold, and food. If you (X)amine all of the caves, you'll find a shaft down to the fourth level. The traps reset every time you leave a level and the chests reset every time you leave the dungeon. The best way to get lots of gold and hit points is to remember where all the chests are on the first few levels and then keep exiting and re-entering the dungeon. The Mountain Catacombs have eight levels. You'll find a key to the second dungeon on the eighth level. If you use a Wall Pass in the right place, it'll lead you straight to the safe with the key. The Dungeons of Death is the second dungeon (Long 3, Lat 4). You'll need more of all the spells than you did for the first dungeon because the monsters hit a lot hrder. You'll particularly need Stone Spells because often there is more than one monster hitting you at a time. Be careful of them though, sometimes they back fire and freeze you instead of the monsters. On the first or second level of the Dungeons of Death, you'll find a shaft that goes all the way down to the sixth level. You'll need a Wall Pass here to descend to the lower levels. The Dungeons of Death has eight levels also. Once you've gotten the key from the Dungeons of Death, you can enter Mantor's Mountain, the final dungeon. Hopefully, you've gotten a trained eagle by this time because that's the only way you can reach Mantor's Mountain (Long 4, Lat 1). Before you enter the dungeon you should have 20,000+ hit points, some Magic Shields, some Long Bows and Lances and lots and lots of spells. There are 17 levels to Mantor's Mountain and the monsters hit extremely hard. The long bows are extremely useful in attacking monsters before they get to you and the lances are good backups. Once you enter Mantor's Mountain remember that when you get to the bottom (finally) you won't be coming back to the Land of Evil. Also be careful of the urns and the hit point chests on the lower level because some of them are booby-trapped and will cause you to lose at least a fourth of your hit points. Some of the levels are difficult to descend from; remember to (X)amine in every cave and corner. When you finally reach the bottom and open the safe, you'll be in Mantor's Castle (or, you can pay one of the monsters the bribe that he asks for, and you will be transported instantly to the castle). I'm not going to spoil the superlative ending for you, but just remember two things: There's a second use for the magic powder and the game's not over til it's over. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Welcome to the 2nd selection of Atari ST adventures!! I trust you will find at least some of these solutions useful in your various quests! These solutions are written with ST Writer (Version 3.0) and saved in ASCII format. The files allow you to step through each stage of the adventure, line by line, by pressing RETURN. If you press the SPACE bar then you will be presented with a full screen of text!! To quit at any time press Q Each solution file can be printed out in full from the GEM desktop environment using the PRINT option. Have fun with your adventuring!!!! John R. Barnsley 32 Merrivale Road Rising Brook Stafford Staffordshire ST17 9EB ENGLAND R E T U R N T O E D E N (Level 9) (Later released as Part 2 of the 'Silicon Dreams Trilogy') (From the start, in the Control Room of the crashed Stratoglider) E - TAKE COMPASS - TAKE GEIGER COUNTER - TAKE RADSUIT - WEAR RADSUIT - W - OUT - E - DIG - (you find a passage) - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - E - S - (you will now feel sleepy) - SLEEP - (you fall asleep whilst a blast passes harmlessly above you......had you stayed above ground, you would have been fried!) - N - E - UP - E - TAKE SPADE - W - DIG - (a passage to the surface is revealed) - UP - (the geiger counter now sounds a warning) - YES - (you wait and are now on the surface, or what's left of it!) - DROP RADSUIT - E - E - E. (From now on, whenever you hear a droning sound - "HIDE" - it is a helicopter gunship looking for you!) E - S - (the parrot will rob you of one item - usually your geiger counter - around this location) - DROP GEIGER COUNTER - (if the parrot has already stolen this then don't worry as you'll get it back soon!) - TAKE BEAN - EAT BEAN - (you are now capable of carrying more) - SE - TAKE PEA - (wait until a brick-coloured bird appears) - THROW PEA - (the bird will eat it and drop something) - LOOK - (a brick egg is now here plus a See-Bee with a telescope) - TAKE TELESCOPE - LOOK THROUGH TELESCOPE - (you survey the city's defences) - TAKE BRICK - PLANT BRICK - (it grows into a small houseplant!) - DROP TELESCOPE - (the See-Bee buzzes off with it). IN - TAKE FISH FUNGUS - OUT - W - TAKE STONE FRUIT - N - TAKE SEED - EXAMINE SEED - (it is honeycombed with 'air' pockets!) - N - E - E - TAKE STEM - EXAMINE STEM - (gives a clue as to it's use) - W - W - N - TAKE TUBERS - EXAMINE TUBERS - (paddle-shaped!) - N - (you now meet the Leviathan) - GIVE FISH FUNGUS TO LEVIATHAN - (it swims away) - N - (you are now paddling in your 'boat') - N - TAKE PILL - (this pill cures radiation sickness so as soon as you are told "you are feeling feverish".........) - EAT PILL - N- E - W - S - (here is the parrot's nest with your stolen items) - TAKE (whatever he's nicked!) - S - TAKE FOXGLOVES - EXAMINE FOXGLOVES - (finger-shaped petals!) - W - S - (paddling the boat again) - S - TAKE LOG - EXAMINE LOG - DROP GEIGER COUNTER - (if you still have it!) - S - W - TAKE WISHBONE - EXAMINE WISHBONE - (a useful catapult frame) - E - N - N - SQUEEZE LOG - (the wet bulb grows into a shoot) - TAKE SHOOT - EXAMINE SHOOT - DOWN - (using your new para-shoot!) - DROP SHOOT - S - E - E - TAKE VINE - DIG - (you unearth some roots) - TAKE ROOTS - SCORE. (Should now be 300/1000 and you are a 7th Class Ensign). W - S - S - (you see a branch that is almost within reach) - THROW VINE - (it catches the branch) - UP - N - TAKE BUG - EXAMINE BUG - (could confuse a sonar?) - NE - S - S - DROP COMPASS - DROP TRADCLADS - WEAR FOXGLOVES - TAKE COLD LEAF - (the foxgloves protect you) - EXAMINE COLD LEAF - TAKE TWIGS - EXAMINE TWIGS - N - N - SW - S - DOWN - N - N - N - (there's a quicksand here blocking progress East) - THROW COLD LEAF - (the quicksand freezes) - E - TAKE CLOAK - EXAMINE CLOAK - WEAR CLOAK - W - S - S - S - UP - W - N - W - (you are now on the South Platform of a wierd lift mechanism, supported by a vine over a pulley) - DROP GLOVES - DROP TWIGS - DROP TUBERS - E - E - NE - S - S - TAKE TRADCLADS - TAKE COMPASS - N - N - SW - W - W - DROP TRADCLADS - DROP COMPASS - DROP BUG - E - N - DROP ALL - DROP CLOAK - W - (you are now on the North Platform and the 'balance' between the two platforms is now correct, so.....) - PULL LEVER - (the platform moves) - E - S - S - TAKE BLUE BERRY - EXAMINE BLUE BERRY - N - GLUE BRANCH - (the fragile branch is now safe to walk on with ONE item only!) - DROP BLUE BERRY - E - TAKE STALK - W - DROP STALK - E - TAKE CHERRY - W - TAKE STALK - TAKE BLUE BERRY - N - W - PULL LEVER - (the platform moves again) - E - TAKE STONE FRUIT - TAKE WISHBONE - TAKE CLOAK - WEAR CLOAK - TAKE SEED - TAKE SPADE - TAKE ROOTS - S - W - DROP BLUE BERRY - TAKE TWIGS - TAKE BUG - E - S - E - DOWN - N - W - SCORE. (Should now be 400/1000 and you are a Mechanic). S - (you can now see an Ant Army) - PLAY STALK - (the ants follow you) - N - E - E - E - E - (you see a fence) - E - (the ants break down the fence and the bug 'hums' to confuse the sensors) - W - W - DROP STALK - TAKE RUBBER BAND - ATTACH RUBBER TO WISHBONE - TAKE STALK - (you make a catapult - check your inventory to ensure that this is so!) - E - E - SHOOT CATAPULT - (you destroy all the mines by firing the 'cherry bomb') - E - S - S - WAIT - (until the autoscythe arrives) - IN - (you are now riding on the autoscythe) - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - (you arrive at the East end of the beach) - OUT - WAIT - (until the weeder arrives) - WAIT - (once more for the weeder to unload!) - IN - (you are now riding on the weeder) - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - OUT - N - (an alarm sounds as you go down underwater, using the seed as an air supply) - E - E - E - E - E - E - (you should now be at a tunnel under the city wall) - TAKE CREDIT CARD - EXAMINE CREDIT CARD - (400 credits at the moment) - DROP CATAPULT - DROP SEED - DROP TWIGS - DROP STALK - UP - E. (You will now meet Graunch who will ask you a set of riddles in random order. The answers are: legs belong to "MAN", the genie is a "COMPUTER", rich man wants "NOTHING", cold-blooded things are "TREES", the blind God is "LOVE", you all know "GOSSIP", healer is "TIME", the unfelt thing is "LIFE" and pet is "FIRE". Study the questions and answer them thus: "SAY(correct answer from list)", then "EXAMINE CREDIT CARD" and you will find that you now have 1300 credits!!). W - S - S - (if and when you see any 'Hell's Angels', throw the bug) - S - S - (you now meet the Big Robot) - GIVE CREDIT CARD - S - (charming, isn't he?!) - E - W - PULL PLUG - (that's fixed him!) - E - UP - UP - TAKE FLASK - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - W - TAKE CUTTERS - E - S - W - PUSH PILLARS - (the ceiling collapses, cutting the power cables) - E - SW - SE - THROW FLASK - (the Bodyguard is destroyed and the Godfather gives you back your credit card) - TAKE CREDIT CARD - NE - NW - E - E - DOWN - CUT GRATING - UP - E - (you now meet the Busker) - GIVE CREDIT CARD - (he opens the hatch for you and returns your credit card) - UP - DROP ROOTS - DROP CUTTERS - DROP CLOAK - DROP STONE FRUIT. (You must now search or listen in all the locations in this vicinity for the elevator addresses of: (1) Cop Shop; (2) DIY; (3) Estate Agents; (4) Travel Agents; (5) Bank - they are DIFFERENT for each game!). S - E - N - SEARCH - (make a note of the number for the Cop Shop) - S - S - LISTEN - (the Bank number) - W - SEARCH - (the Estate Agents number) - W - W - N - W - SEARCH - (the DIY number) - S - IN - (the Chef asks a question) - YES - INSERT CARD - (a Koala pops out!) - TAKE KOALA - OUT - N - E - DROP KOALA - (it pulls a note from under the statue) - TAKE NOTE - READ NOTE - (the Travel Agents number) - N - W - WAIT - (until the Riverboat arrives) - IN - (you are now taken across to the Casino) - SAY RED - SAY BLACK - SAY RED - SAY BLACK - SAY RED - SAY BLACK - EXAMINE CREDIT CARD - (pretty good, huh?!) - WAIT - (until the Riverboat returns) - IN - (you're taken back again) - S - E - S - S - IN - (you get the address of the Charity Shop but you can ignore this one) - TAKE POWDER - EXAMINE POWDER - OUT - TEAR PACKET - TAKE TICKET - EXAMINE TICKET - N - E - E - S - S - (your ticket is taken) - WAIT - (until the train arrives) - S - WAIT - (while the train travels) - N - N - N - (to outside an Elevator). PUSH BUTTON - (the elevator door slides open) - N - (visit the Cop Shop first......remember the numbers) - PRESS * - PRESS * - PRESS * - S - S - TAKE IDENTITY DOCUMENT - N - PUSH BUTTON - N - (then the Bank) - PRESS * - PRESS * - PRESS * - S - S - (you get a loan from the Manager) - EXAMINE CREDIT CARD - PUSH BUTTON - N - (now the DIY) - PRESS * - PRESS * - PRESS * - S - S - TAKE SCREWFINGER - N - PUSH BUTTON - N - (next, the Estate Agents) - PRESS * - PRESS * - PRESS * - S - S - (you buy a house and are given an address) - PUSH BUTTON - N - (now the Travel Agents) - PRESS * - PRESS * - PRESS * - S - S - (you get a travel pass) - TAKE TRAVEL PASS - EXAMINE TRAVEL PASS - PUSH BUTTON - N - (now it's back to the Station Platform.......remember the number on the ticket barrier?!) - PRESS 0 - PRESS 0 - PRESS 0 - S - S - S. WAIT - (until a train arrives) - S - PULL CORD - (the brakes are jammed on and you're fined 50 creds!) - N - DOWN - E - UP - N - N - N - (you are now invited to vote) - E - YES - W - N - W - N - E - N - N - (you are now made Mayor) - DOWN - TAKE VISOR - WEAR VISOR - LOOK 4 - BLINK - UP - SCORE. (Should now be 800/1000 and you are a Starship Captain). S - S - S - S - E - S - S - S - S - WAIT - (until a train arrives) - S - WAIT - (until the train arrives at another station) - N - N - N - N - N - N - (you are now in the Spacebus) - DOWN - TAKE RADCOM - UP - WAIT - (until the Spacebus stops again) - OUT - (you are now arrested by robots and locked in a Habiviron) - KICK MUSHMAT - (it dispenses an empty plate) - TAKE PLATE - E - OPEN DOOR - E - DROP PLATE - (it blocks the drain and you are floating in the shower!) - OPEN GRILL - (using the screwfinger, you are now in the air duct) - DOWN - W - W - N - OPEN DOOR - E - (you are now inside a cupboard and the pursuing robots run straight past!!) - TAKE HELMET - WEAR HELMET - TAKE LEOTARD - WEAR LEOTARD - OPEN DOOR - W - S - E - OPEN DOOR - S - OPEN DOOR - S - IN - (you are now astride a Starbike) - PULL STARTER - (the Starbike carries you to Snowball 9) - UP - UP - W - S - W. FINAL MESSAGE The crew arrest you and quickly release you again! The game is over! At your subsequent trial, you are acclaimed as a mega-hero and confirmed as Mayor of all Eden by popular demand. Congratulations! You score 1000 out of 1000 and are a Megastar Adventurer! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ROADWAR 2000 (STRATEGIC SIMULATIONS INC.) Government Underground Biolab Journal - GUB director Herrell Report from the Committee of Three - Jackson, Villiers, Laramie Helgron's Highway Hoppers - President Jonathan T. Helgron 1. Excerpts from the GUB Journal, Final Updated Edition. December 31, 1999. The days tick away and Christmas is past. I fear that none of us will survive another year in this dead place. Some of the volunteers who are sent up to approach those gang leaders managing to gain control over several cities simply disappear forever; others come back without succeeding. Only twice has the password been given to a leader, and both times these were heard of no more. My men and I will try to hang on for as long as we can, but many dangers exist and the hope for a new century diminishes. All we can do now is wait. February 13, 2000. Maybe we have a chance. One of my men spotted a leader whose gang was in control of eight cities; he was given the password. Later this man used it, thus getting our address. A couple of days later still we found him and his friends asking around town looking for the right people to meet. We let him in and informed him of our situation. He said at once he'd help; apparently he'd been planning some form of reorganisation by himself. His name is Jonathan Helgron, and my personal impression is that we are dealing with a relatively well-educated but basically uncouth, no-nonsense individual who has a very strong feeling of moral behavior. So far, he hasn't conquered a single city led by either National Lawful Guardsmen or Reborners. On the contrary; he seems to have a special kind of interest in, as he put it, "kicking the shit out of them Invaders". As I said, not particularly diplomatic - but so far very effective. March 3, 2000. Pintero is back! Our man Helgron seems serious - serious enough to realise that bringing back our agents is much more important than fooling around with the multitude of enemies all the time. Although I hear that the number of cities falling under his control is constantly increasing, this seems to be due to tactical necessity rather than lust for power. I think our Mr. Helgron may come a long way. June 20, 2000. Five of our team of eight have been returned now. Looking for the others will be increasingly difficult; if Helgron brings in another one or two I'll give him our very last radio to aid in his search. Bad weather conditions in the north of the land have slowed him up significantly; also I hear he's been very close to being defeated by a concurring road gang and has decided that an increase of tactical insight is needed so he may effectively control more vehicles. September 1, 2000 Helgron has our only radio. If he doesn't return with the last two agents, our chances at success are close to nil. Some of my staff feel that I've made a mistake in trusting a non-conformist like Helgron; others agree that he's our only chance - and that the very extremity of his character may well be his greatest asset. But our time's running out; if we don't hear from him very soon, it will be too late to save this diseased, mutated, starving country. October 27, 2000 He did it. Today Helgron returned with our last missing agent - and now we can start healing the state. He doesn't know it yet, but as of tomorrow our country will once more have a leader: Jonathan T. Helgron, President of the United States of America. GUB director Herrell 2. Excerpts taken from the Report as presented by the C.O.T. For months I had lived as a healer. Ever since the invasion health conditions in our city had grown worse. Our hospitals were all destroyed; only some of the basements and laboratories in the outer perimeter had been partially preserved. After weeks and weeks of gathering all the working equipment we could find, aided in our efforts by the Guardsmen (ours had not left the path of justice), we managed to establish some improvised clinics. But more and more people died of this strange disease, and as the mutants proliferated, we desperately tried to find ways to make an antidote. It took us a long time, but finally, in the winter of 1999, we came up with a reliable antitoxin. Making this antitoxin requires great amounts of chemicals, and as we lack the means to make some of the ingredients necessary, we can only fabricate the antitoxin when we get our hands on adequate other medicine. Then, halfway through April in 2000, our town was visited by one of the many roadgangs that roam the streets more and more frequently. But where some gangs persist in looting and destroying all they can, these people were sufficiently polite to send envoys, scouting the city. One of the patrolmen told them how things stood, and this seemed to satisfy them - they said they'd leave the city as soon as they'd found some people to take the places of those who had died of the disease. That night I talked with my collegues, and although some called it insane, I decided to help these people, to see what I could do to heal their ill (or keep them from contracting diseases) and to aid them in their quest for G.U.B. agents. In the morning of April 18 in the year 2000 I joined Helgron's Highway Hoppers. Rebecca Laramie, MD. Training is essential. If you can't convince whoever's in charge of running things of the fact that, without training, there's no military basis (let alone prowess), then you know you're on the losing side. Which is the wrong side in any ol' war, from my point of view. The Muthuh Truckers certainly weren't the best outfit in the country - but at least they had the common sense to pay attention to battle techniques, as well as an extensive knowledge of sound engineering. Their cars were always rolling, most of them substantially altered with regard to engine capacity, maneuvrability and protection. Also they took a lot of time looting cities, trying to find speed shops and such. Of course, a sound engine is no good if the man operating it is an undisciplined over-the-edge egg-head. Which leads me to the unfortunate conclusion that the Muthuh's organisation held room for improvement. One day in May, we were on the road in the West Central when we ran into this group of six vehicles. Unlike our own team, whose leader insisted on uniformity and therefore used the same type of vehicle for everyone, this road gang had anything from a sportscar to busses - even a trailer truck. And while the Muthuh's laughed at what they called "a circus parade", our enemy took its positions. Before Big Red Ralph could shout his battle cry, I warned him that these guys were not, by the looks of their positions and division of personnel, amateurs. But Big Red simply ignored me, laughed, and yelled, "Clearrrrr.... the ROAD!" - and all Muthuh trucks attacked. We lost the battle in no time flat - and our adversaries did not merely ram us; when it became clear that we were losing, their chief gave the order to start boarding our vehicles, keeping them in one piece. Theirs was a smart leader. The Muthuh's fought to the last man and lost. Me, I'm a professional - when our cause was lost, I surrendered. And seeing that a military man without an outfit is just so much wasted space, I offered them my services. Their man Helgron accepted me, and for the first time in my post-war career I had the idea I'd joined a group worthy of loyalty. Soon after that, I began training their members and improving upon their car battle techniques. Commander Raul Villiers Everybody knows there are many kinds of politicians. Some of them are merely slick, others lack integrity, still others are led by ambition only. Perhaps most of us are weak, but surely we are all human. When I joined J.T. Helgron's freedom fighters they were just about to rid themselves of a man called Geoffrey Mulligan, a politician of the kind that might be called "slick". His services had not been satisfactory to the group, and when I offered them my own it didn't take very long before Mulligan was retired and I became P.R.-representative and spokeswoman for the group. As anyone with a tinge of perception could see, J.T. Helgron had the makings of a winner. Not only did he have those qualities that we look for in a leader, he also had the backup of a great team - a loyal military advisor, a competent physician, and a well-trained well-equipped resistance force. As advisor to the Chief, my first and most important job was establishing and maintaining contact with other groups of people - whether the individual neighbor or large gangs of mobs, mercenaries, street gangsters, rabble or needy individuals; I was the one called on first. Then, if my negotiations were either unsuccessful or just not the right method, and contact was still required, Helgron would send envoys. Usually, this would mean a couple of armsmasters and some bodyguards; sometimes he would send escorts as well. I'm glad to say that in my time as go-between I managed to make quite a few contacts that worked satisfactory for both sides. The Secretary of State, Paula Jackson. 3. Helgron's Highway Hoppers As a combined university graduate and ex-convict you can get to know a lot of different people. After disaster struck our country, most of my friends were dead or gone - and the ability to make social contacts and finding the right people for the right jobs became essential to the survival of our community. I was not exactly elected mayor of the city (it was more like an appointment if anything), but the effect might have been the same. I spend several months rallying all women, men and equipment that could be used for building a new society - in the meantime expecting news from either our government, or the invaders. But half a year passed and there was still no sign of anyone taking control - all I received were unconfirmed reports about cities being taken over by gangsters, invaders or satanists, and the land terrorized by motorgangs. Two more months I waited before I came to realise that the growing threats from outside and the increasing disease-spreading mutants inside our city were going to kill us all unless something was done about it. So I took the initiave, asked for volunteers and started an entirely new road gang, intended to link rather than separate our nation's cities, under the name of Helgron's Highway Hoppers. We started off with no more than a sports car hard top, six men including myself, and a very limited storage of supplies. The first thing I learned was that one vehicle wasn't going to make us a formidable road force. So we skimmed the city of some of its surplus ironware and put together a six-vehicle fighting force - not more because it was hard enough feeding the people needed to man the cars and also I was aware of the fact that I needed much more experience in battle contacts before I'd be able to efficiently hold command over a larger number of vehicles. I was careful not to take too many small vehicles, but also not just busses (good for shooting) or trailer trucks (great for ramming) because chances were that people would outmaneuver us. When all was ready, I decided to move up to New York, to see if there was any such thing left as the United Nations Headquarters. From there on, we'd drive through the Northeast into North Central, hoping that cities such as Pittsburgh, Indianapolis and, of course, Detroit would harbor possibilities to enhance our mechanics. Moving from city to city looked easy enough on the maps but turned out to be quite a problem in reality. Some of the multitude of road gangs we ran into minded their own business and steered clear from us, but the vast majority of wheelers declared us easy prey and attacked on sight. Now anyone with the slightest shimmer of tactical insight knows that it's relatively easy for a well-trained six-vehicle roadgang to make short work of a couple of blindly attacking sidecars. Suicidal is the right word for 'em. But the point is, if you don't watch it even sidecars can be the death of you - because ramming damages your cars, and you can always fix flat tires but you just can't have structural repairs until you're in a town or city. Major repairs have to be sought in such places as taxi garages or high school mechanics departments. And many is the time I lost a vehicle to relatively inferior combat groups simply because we had trouble finding repair centers in time. So after a while we came in control of various cities, because in a town controlled by Lawful National Guardsmen I keep myself to the rules, but for invaders, satanists, and gangsters I have no mercy. Upon entering a new town, we always looked around for a good while. In the beginning, this was dangerous, but once we found ourselves a special way of preserving food and also had ways to make do with fuel much longer, our supply-worries decreased. What really scared me was the ever increasing number of attacks by diseased mutants - because antitoxin was hard to come by. After controlling some eight cities we came into contact with GUB personnel - first a password, then their location. They had established themselves in a town controlled by reborners, who don't put up any resistance but as they are a peaceful and lovable bunch it's unnecessary to take over control in their cities - besides which, I've learned to respect my men's loyalties & sympathies. As to the GUB director, he required our help. And got it. Not only because he seemed a standup guy; mostly because here, finally, I'd met someone with a plan. And the way I saw it, a pretty good plan. We started on our own little cruisade then, conquering cities no longer our goal, and went from one part of the country to another to locate GUB agents. Which would have been a piece of cake if it hadn't been for the road gang wars going on. Some of these guys gave us a really hard time, and before long I came to realize that without extra training and tactics we'd soon share the fate of so many of our adversaries. I consulted with my fresh new drill sergeant and both of us agreed that more training was essential - preferably in a city because it's good to have a chance to make repairs in between fights. After "enhancing" our battle tactics, basically by eliminating some of the multitude of mistakes I'd been making hitherto (such as shooting through the front of a bus, where anyone could see that side-fire is much more effective), sergeant Villiers and I decided that fifteen vehicles was the absolute max in terms of manageability, crew nourishment and fuel consumption. In the end of June, we left our training base and once more hit the roads - this time as a well co-ordinated, superbly trained combat team. And although we still lost a minor vehicle now and then, we never again came anywhere near losing them all. We located six agents without much trouble, and brought them back to GUB HQ. After our last "delivery", the GUB director handed us their last radio. Used as a homing device, we had little trouble finding our last two lost souls. At the end of October, we returned the 8th agent from the scattered GUB team to homebase, thus concluding the first phase in the Battle for a Re-United America. And the very next day I found myself being pushed into the undesirably responsible seat of President. Democracy? Come on, I didn't even put myself up as a candidate. I was framed - showed me once more that I'm a real sucker for flattery; people telling me how indispensable I am & more such nonsense. Damn my ego; this is one four year job I'm not anxious to perform. But then, someone has to. And fact is a lot of road gangs listen to me now. Time we healed our country and kicked out the rest of these invaders. So far for the hidden hints & tips. What follows is what you need to do to play Roadwar 2000 "from scratch". First, make sure you have an extra (formatted) disk that can be used to save a game on. Keep the original write-protected. Second, insert the game disk. When the program asks if you want to load an old game - say "no". Next, give your roadgang a name. Now you're ready. Simple, really. Seeing how the manual supplied with the game is, if anything, overcomplete, I will refrain from what would be a totally redundant set of instructions and explanations. It's all in the book, and anyone who really wants to get to the bottom of Roadwar 2000 will find himself well-occupied for a long time - and that's just the rules I'm talking about. Tactics are up to you. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S C A P E G H O S T (Level 9) John R.Barnsley - Atari ST PART TWO: HAUNTED HOUSE You start the next night by your grave, aware of a house north of the cemetery. You must find the gang's hideout. Joe says you can probably now heat and cool things and also reach through solid objects. He says he will come with you to find the crooks. To pass the green safely, go to the south green and wait till you see pale headlights. Go south and north. You now see red tail lights heading away from you and Joe says it's now safe to cross. Outside the house, Joe says if you concentrate you might be able to bring back visions of what happened. If you "CONCENTRATE" in various locations, you will see what happened. You see yourself burying something in the garden, you shooting one of the crooks in the hall, the crooks clearing the house and burning papers in the fireplace, one piece being trapped in the chimney shaft, two crooks taking their dead comrade's body upstairs and returning without it and then you being hit and taken from the house. The visions leave you unsure as to whether or not Sarah, your colleague, was working with the crooks. After your vision of you burying something in the herb garden, "DIG" and you unearth your plastic ID card. Get it and drop it in the hallway. "EXAMINE DIRECTORY" in the hall to find a bookmark. EXAMINE it; it's an old envelope showing the postmark of the village near the crooks' new hideout. You can't get it on your own so "JOE, WAIT, GET BOOKMARK", "GET BOOKMARK". Now drop it in hall. By the garden is a stream but the water makes you nervous. On the water is a branch and on the branch is a map. To get the map, "COOL WATER", it freezes. Get the map, examine it; it shows the crooks' new hideout. To get the paper from the chimney, it's too high up to get from inside and Joe says it might be better to try from the other side. If you reach through the wall from inside, Joe says it must look funny from outside. If you reach through the wall from the outside (by the ivy), you don't know where you are reaching. Joe says he wonders if he could help. Go back inside, "JOE, WAIT 5, REACH THROUGH WALL". Go back to the ivy and wait till Joe's hand waves through the wall. Now if you "REACH INTO WALL" you know where the chimney is and dislodge the paper. Go back to the lounge and get the paper. It shows all the first names of the gang - it's a list of their gambling debts. You realise it will help the police find out their full names by narrowing down their search. Drop paper in hall. If you try to go upstairs, the ghost of Luke, the crook you killed, attacks you and Joe saves you. To get rid of him, you must turn on the light upstairs but not downstairs (as that will affect you.) so in hall, "GET BULB, DROP IT, PUSH SWITCH"; the light goes on upstairs and the ghost screams and vanishes. But now the light upstairs stops you going up or turning off the switch downstairs. You must fuse the lights. Go to the kitchen, "GET BULB, DROP IT, GET FUSE, PUT FOIL IN HOLDER, PUSH SWITCH" and the fuse blows. You can now go upstairs. In the tank in the attic, if you "CONCENTRATE", you see Luke's body being put in the tank. You find it in the tank and push off the lid in your panic. Get plug, go to the bathroom. You see a mirror. "THROW PLUG AT MIRROR"; the mirror breaks, you see an alcove behind. In it is a briefcase. Get it. Joe says you have enough evidence, now you must work out how to get the police. Drop all evidence in the hall - the paper, bookmark, briefcase, map and card. You have to summon the fire service and bring the evidence to their attention or they will just kick it out of the way. To do this, go to the attic carrying the plug and either "FREEZE PLUG TO BODY" or "TIE PLUG TO BODY". Get the socket, go to the clock, "OPEN PANEL, PUT SOCKET IN PANEL, CLOSE PANEL". Then "PUSH CLOCK"; it falls down the stairs and drags the body down behind it. Go to kitchen, "PUSH BOTTLE"; whisky vapour fills the room. "LIGHT VAPOUR, BLOW CURTAINS"; the fire gets a grip, firemen arrive, see the body and realise he was not killed in the fire. They call the police. SCORING (carrying over 300 from part 1) Cross green safely........................+10 Have vision in driveway...................+20 Have vision in garden, find card..........+20 Get bookmark..............................+25 (375/1000) Freeze water, get map.....................+20 Dislodge paper from chimney...............+20 Get rid of Luke...........................+30 (445/1000) Blow fuse and go up.......................+10 Find Luke's body..........................+10 Break mirror, get briefcase...............+20 (485/1000) Get 3rd bit of evidence to hall...........+5 Get 4th bit of evidence to hall...........+5 Get 5th bit of evidence to hall...........+5 Get body to hall..........................+50 Blow curtains.............................+25 Firemen call police.......................+25 (Total 600/1000) (PART TWO IS NOW COMPLETED!!) S C A P E G H O S T (Level 9) John R.Barnsley - Atari ST PART THREE: POLTERGEIST You awake at the start of the third night wondering if you are now strong enough to bend metal and manifest to mortals. There is a priest bending over the grave with two members of the gang, preparing to exorcise you. Go west so you aren't exorcised. You can't return to your grave either as a free spirit or by being sent there by light as you will be banished forever. The crooks arrive and say they'll go and get the drugs so follow them. They collect them, get into the van and it leaves. It drives to a farm. They park in a barn and enter the house but you can't because of the light inside. You realise it's their hideout and that you must not only help the police get there without being seen but also save the evidence. You get a hint during the trip about the possibility of power cuts. Near the farm is a shed with a generator and at the back of the farm house, some dangerous-looking connectors with exposed wires. You can't enter the barn as it's the place you died and the pain drives you back. Examine hay to find a sprayer and get it. Go to connectors and "HIT CONNECTORS WITH SPRAYER" to short them out. One crook comes out to start the generator but says it won't give much power. Go into the house and you realise you can charge things with static and manifest yourself. Examine the cupboard in the hall to see a circuit breaker. "PULL BREAKER" so they can't put the lights back on properly. The gang are in the kitchen playing cards. There is a briefcase there containing drugs and you know you'll need it as evidence. John goes up to the attic to act as look-out and Sarah is taken down to the cellar, tied up and gagged. Follow John to the attic. The window looks out over the countryside and you know you must distract John so he doesn't see the police. You also know you must do this five times. Don't distract him till you see movement outside the window and also don't do it straight away as you have to "DRAG" this bit out a bit! If you wait too long, he will spot the police and warn the others so you must time it so you do it just before he gets suspicious. At the right time, get bulb and drop it; the darkness and noise frighten him. Get the broken glass. Go down to the cellar door. You can't carry anything if you float through the door so wait till Weasel arrives to check on Sarah. Go in when he does, drop the glass and go back to the attic. At the right time, distract John again - charge the holder so the static makes his hair stand on end. Go back to the cellar. "MANIFEST" so Sarah can see you and hear you, then "CUT ROPE" using the glass. She goes and puts the hammer on the shelf above the door and goes back to her chair, pretending to still be tied up. Go back to the door and wait till Weasel arrives again. When he enters, "PUSH HAMMER"; it hits him. Sarah comes through. "MANIFEST" again and "SARAH, TIE WEASEL"; she ties him up. Leave and she follows you, bolting the door behind her. Go up to the hall and she looks at the cupboard and says she ought to find somewhere to hide. "SARAH, GO TO TAXI, DEFLATE TYRES, GO TO CUPBOARD, HIDE IN IT, WAIT 20". She goes off to do it. You can't deflate the tyres yourself as the taxi is in the barn where you were killed. Go back towards the attic and on the way you see a creaky stair. "PUSH STAIR" to frighten John so long as it's the right time. Go into the attic and wait for movement outside again, then "BLOW CURTAINS". Wait again until the time is right and "COOL JOHN" to scare him the fifth time. Now "MANIFEST"; he is petrified and fires his gun at you. The others run upstairs to see what's wrong, leaving the briefcase unguarded in the kitchen. Go back to the hall and "MANIFEST". "SARAH, E, GET CASE, W, HIDE IN CUPBOARD, WAIT 20". This is because the case is too heavy for you to carry. She goes, does it and returns. The crooks will now get ready to leave the farm but because the police are now so close, they won't be able to get away, so long as you slow them down a bit more. If you have previously examined John, you know his jacket has a pocket which contains the key to the van. Go out to the van and "LET DOWN TYRES". When the crooks get to the van, they don't have time to inflate the tyres. Wait till John arrives and "BEND KEY". They don't have time to straighten it so they make a dash for it over the fields where the police capture them. Severian and the Professor go to the taxi. When it gets out of the barn, it is going slowly because of the flat tyres so "GET INTO TAXI". Inside, "MANIFEST"; you fight with Severian and because the tyres are flat, the taxi slides and crashes. The police catch the two of them when they run away. The evidence is recovered and Sarah is safe and so can give evidence to clear your name. SCORING (carrying over 600 from Parts 1&2) Go west from grave.......................+10 Follow crooks into van...................+10 Arrive at farm...........................+10 Arrive at connectors.....................+10 Hit connectors with sprayer..............+20 Enter farm house.........................+10 Pull breaker.............................+20 Get to attic.............................+10 (700/1000) Drop bulb at right time..................+20 Enter cellar with glass..................+10 Charge holder at right time..............+20 Cut rope.................................+20 Sarah ties Weasel........................+20 Sarah lets down tyres on taxi............+20 Sarah hides in cupboard..................+20 (820/1000) Push stair at right time.................+20 Blow curtains at right time..............+20 Cool John at right time..................+20 Sarah gets case and hides................+20 Let down tyres on van....................+10 Police get closer to house...............+20 Bend key.................................+20 Fight with Severian and finish...........+50 (1000/1000) (NOTE: Each time you frighten John, you get 10 points for the action and 10 points for the message about the police movements making a total of 20 points.) (PART THREE - and the whole Adventure - COMPLETED!!!) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S C A P E G H O S T (Level 9) John R.Barnsley - Atari ST PART ONE: NOVEMBER GRAVEYARD The last thing you remember is driving in the car with Sarah on the way to your meet with the drugs gang. All your undercover work was about to pay off. Now you find yourself standing by your own grave, with a priest, mourners and a detective. One of the policemen there says he's glad the funeral is over, this is the part of the work he hates - going to funerals for stupid bastards who get themselves killed and their partner captured. Another agrees and says that it's only because Mr Severian stumbled on them dumping Alan's body that the crooks needed a hostage, otherwise the girl would be dead. EXAMINE DETECTIVE; Severian, a new recruit to the drugs squad. He's carrying a matchbook and newspaper. From what he says, talking to himself, you realise he's one of the crooks. He set you up and because you're dead, you're a convenient scapegoat. No-one suspects what has happened. If you follow him, he pats the vaults on his way out of the graveyard and mutters:"Who'd think of looking in there". You realise it's where he stashed the drugs. It's up to you to do something so that the crooks can't pick up the drugs that evening to give the police time to complete their investigations. EXAM VAULT; You see a flash of white and inside you see a pile of white plastic bags. EXAM BAGS; the sort you get from high street shops but they contain narcotics. After a while, a spotlight comes on in the graveyard and the shock of the lights sends you back to your grave. When you recover, Joe Danby turns up and offers to show you around. He introduces you to the other ghosts and then asks to walk round with you. The first thing you must do is to build up your strength. You do this by picking up small, light things to start with and gradually picking up heavier and heavier items. When you pick up your first thing, Joe says it won't be long before you can lift something worthwhile. You can only pick up one thing at a time. Start with the thistledown, leaf or petal and pick up two of them in total to start increasing your strength. Then get matchbook and pebble. Go towards the shed area and you will find a dog. It is making odd noises and has something (a bone) stuck in its throat. "PAT DOG" three times, following it if necessary till it knows you're a friend. "GET BONE". Go to David. He is very scathing about your lack of abilities to move things. "PUSH URN"; it moves, David is impressed and says he will help. The Willmots are arguing over a wreath which Edna says is hers but Bert won't let her have. Go to the faded wreath. On it is a card showing it is Edna's. Get the yellow card. Go to your grave, get the white card from your new wreath and drop it. Get the yellow card again, put it on the new wreath. Try to get the new wreath. You can't but the dog can. Go to the Willmots and "WAIT FOR DOG". Edna says the cards on the wreaths are wrong but is still happy about it. The Willmots will now help you. Get them all to follow you and go to the shed. "EXAM LOCK"; it has a barrel, short lever, medium lever and long lever. All the levers must be moved out of the way before the door will open. "JOE, WAIT 3, PUSH LONG LEVER", "BERT, WAIT 2, PUSH MEDIUM LEVER", "EDNA, WAIT, PUSH SHORT LEVER", "DAVID, TURN BARREL". They do so and the door is now unlocked. Try to pull the rope and the dog helps. The door opens and the dog enters, grabs the bag of biscuits from inside as his reward and goes off to eat them. From talking to Violet before, you know she is afraid to leave her grave in case she can't find it again because she was blind in life. She wants something by it to make a noise. Inside shed, "GET BELL", go to Violet. "PUT BELL ON BUSH"; it makes a noise so she can now leave her grave. To turn off the spotlight and enable you to go further south through the graveyard, "JOE, WAIT, PUSH BUTTON", "PUSH BUTTON"; the spotlight goes off. To get rid of the vandals, in the shed "PUSH SWITCH"; the vandals flee as the light goes on. "PUSH SWITCH" again to turn it off. The colonel will now follow you. To help Edith, she says she is cursed to remain by her grave till the end of time. Joe says you must demonstrate the end of time to her. "GET WATCH" from shed, go to Edith, "PUT WATCH IN VASE"; it breaks thus demonstrating the end of time! She will now follow you. Go to the sundial and "JOE, PUSH SUNDIAL", "PUSH SUNDIAL"; it breaks and you can get the gnomon. Go to the bushes and examine them. You can tell there's something in there. "SEARCH BUSHES" to find a copy of Time magazine. Go to the stonework and examine it to see a statue that looks like a sleeping man. "WAKE STATUE"; you hit it and it wakes. It's another ghost, Alex Pym. Go to the wall which is leaning and "PUSH WALL". Everyone helps. The wall collapses and traps the drugs so the dealers can't get them that night, giving you time to find their hideout and clear your name. SCORING. Get 2 of petal/thistledown/leaf................+20 Get matchbook..................................+5 Get pebble.....................................+5 Get bone.......................................+15 Push urn.......................................+35 (70/1000) Help Willmots..................................+50 Get bell.......................................+15 Put bell on bush...............................+25 (160/1000) Push switch to turn on light...................+50 Put watch in vase..............................+25 Push sundial, get gnomon.......................+5 (240/1000) Wake statue....................................+25 Push wall......................................+35 (Total 300/1000) (PART ONE IS NOW COMPLETED!) SEASTALKER(Infocom) As you sit quietly at the workbench in your research laboratory, you're startled into action by the sound of the videophone alarm bell. You'd better act quickly, because your buddy Tip Randall is raising the roof. The first thing to do is turn on the videophone. As soon as you do that, though, you realize that the picture is fuzzy. That's easy to correct; simply adjust the videophone. There is Commander Zoe Bly, looking worried, and telling you about an urgent problem at the undersea Aquadome. You'd better pick up the microphone, then turn it on. After asking Bly about the problem, question her about the monster she's seen. Bly is sounding ever more desperate, so tell her goodbye. Suddenly, however, something's wrong with the videophone, and your score drops by 3 points! Now is the time to go to the Computestor for a clue. First, turn off the microphone and drop the microphone onto the workbench. Then, head for the Computestor and turn it on. Since the machine is now ready for questions, ask it about the videophone. Hmmmm...the problem could be one of many, but you suspect that something may be wrong with the electrical panel. The panel is just down the hallway, so go to the panel, and examine it. Well, well, apparently the circuit breaker is open. By fixing the circuit breaker, you regain your 3 points. However, you are starting to wonder whether treachery is afoot here in the lab. It's time to have a chat with your assistant, Sharon Kemp. Go to the office and confront Sharon with your suspicions. Her answers are evasive, and she seems very nervous. Since time is growing short, you decide to leave Sharon and head for your sub, the "Scimitar." Realizing that the sub won't start unless you have the atomic catalyst capsule, you first examine the work counter. There is the capsule, so you grab it and head for the Scimitar. Once settled in the pilot's seat, with Tip nearby, you decide to check the sub for any problems. Pushing the test button gives you a positive readout, but you're still apprehensive. You will need to open the access panel in order to enter the sub's crawl space, but you don't have a tool. Maybe Tip has such an item? Tip comes through, handing you a Universal Tool. Open the access panel, and carefully crawl into the space. A check of the voltage regulator reveals that it is damaged. Use the tool to fix the regulator. Now all is A-OK, and you won't have any problems going full throttle to the Aquadome. You're ready to get underway, so crawl out of the space, close the access panel, close the sub's hatch, and put the catalyst capsule into the reactor. After closing the reactor, you'll need to turn on the reactor and fill the docking tank with seawater. Once the tank is filled, turn on the engine, open the tank gate, then open the throttle. Push the joystick to the east, and you're off! The surface of Frobton Bay isn't the safest spot around, so the first thing you need to do is set your depth to 5 metres and set the throttle to slow. You'll want to check the sonar occasionally to make sure you're not heading toward any obstacles. Your sequence of moves must be accurate to avoid destruction. One quick way to reach the seawall opening is to follow these moves: Northeast, then three Norths, then Northeast again, then wait. The alarm bells may be ringing, but you'll safely avoid a submerged obstacle. Then, suddenly, an approaching ship is detected by the sonar. You'll have to stop waiting and set your depth to 15 metres to dive below the ship. Wait again, and you'll chug right on through the seawall opening into the ocean. Be sure to save the game here, since you won't want to cross Frobton Bay again! You can turn on the autopilot now, since the sub will head straight for the Aquadome. Because you fixed the voltage regulator, you can set the throttle to fast without overheating. Wait now, as you continue diving deeper and deeper. To check out an enormous whale, aim your searchlight to starboard. The trip will take a little while longer, so you might want to ask Tip about that magazine he's reading. A close study of a particular article in the magazine reveals that Dr. Jerome Thorpe (an Aquadome staff member) has succeeded in creating mutant sea creatures. Further, Thorpe announces in the article that he plans to marry your lab assistant, Sharon Kemp! You're beginning to understand who's behind the attack on the Aquadome, and you're even more anxious to arrive. Wait a while longer, and then, as you near the structure, your sonarphone rings. It's Commander Bly, asking to speak privately with you when you arrive. You wait a few more turns, and the sub slows to a stop in the docking tank. Open the throttle to slide into the cradle. You wait while the water in the tank empties, and you save the game again. Before opening the hatch and exiting the sub, you pick up the emergency oxgyen gear...just in case. Leave the Scimitar and head straight for the Aquadome's Reception Area where Bly and her crew await you. Greet them, and then take a quick look around. Your explorations are interrupted by a sudden realization that something is wrong with the air supply. Quickly using the oxygen gear you so intelligently brought with you, head for the Dome Center. Commander Bly and several crew members are gasping for breath, so time is short. Use the universal tool to open the access door to the air supply assembly. Instantly noticing that something has been unscrewed from an important cylinder, you pick up the object. It is an electrolyte relay. Put the relay into the cylinder, and close the access door. Your efforts are successful, and the air supply is now functioning properly. As you return to the Reception Area, you observe Doc Horvak with Bly's oxygen gear. You're suspicious, so when Bly ask you to accompany her to the office, you go with her. She volunteers some interesting information: She suspects sabotage in the Aquadome and shows you certain evidence. The evidence consists of a black box which you open and examine. This device could be used to interfere with the Aquadome's sonar, and Tip has an idea about how to trap the saboteur. Go to the Storage Room with Tip and discuss his idea. Before you reach the storage area, you notice the special Fram Bolt Wrench lying under Bly's desk. Realizing that the wrench must have been used to tamper with the air supply, you show it to Doc Horvak. His reaction proves most interesting. Now you need to do some serious thinking. Conversations with various crew members will assist you in your search for the traitor. Ask everyone about everyone else, check the locker in the men's dorm, set the black box onto the sonar, and observe everyone's behavior. Commander Bly will offer to supply you with a bazooka so that you can hunt the monster (the "Snark"). Get that from her and have Tip install it on the sub's extensor claw. Find Doc Horvak and show him the magazine article about Thorpe. Doc will come up with some interesting conclusions, and will offer to prepare a special tranquilizer gun for you. Get the dart gun and have Tip install that as well. During your explorations and conversations, Mick Antrim will check out the Scimitar then return and ask you whether you'd like to have an Emergency Survival Unit installed in the sub. You agree, then poke around a while longer until the unit is in place. It's time to think about improving your navigation and sonar -- the Snark will be difficult to capture or kill. You ask Tip about installing a fine grid and a fine throttle control in the sub, and he agrees to do so. You're about ready to head out into the ocean again, but you still haven't come to a firm conclusion about who the Aquadome traitor is. Once in your pilot's seat, however, you notice that the survival unit installed by Amy and Bill is equipped with a nasty looking syringe. Grabbing the syringe, you head for Doc Horvak and ask him to analyze it. His analysis reveals that the hypo is filled with arsenic! You'd better confront Amy and Bill with this evidence before you do anything else. The instant you show the syringe to Bill, he turns and runs away. He's heading for the sub, and you race to the office to view his actions on the station monitor. As you watch Bill climb down the inside ladder of the docking tank, you realize you have only seconds to trap him. You quickly turn off the docking tank electricity so Bill can't open the gate. He knows he can't get out now, so he surrenders. You turn the electricity back on, and leave the office. Cheers follow you as you head back to the Scimitar. After filling the docking tank with water, you turn on the engine and open the gate. Turning the joystick to the South, you open the throttle. Save the game, and head out into the ocean. You're finally ready to confront the Snark and, perhaps, the evil Dr. Thorpe. Exit the Aquadome's docking tank by going South, then set the throttle to medium. Turn Southeast and wait until you reach the Snark and the Sea Cat (piloted by Dr. Thorpe). Thorpe will taunt you with his power, and admit his plan to wreck the Aquadome. Suddenly, Thorpe's transmission breaks off, and Sharon Kemp begins to speak to you. She explains how she only went along with Thorpe to try to trap him, and she's ready to help you capture the Snark. Sharon has a lot of interesting things to tell you, but you don't have time to talk to her right now. The Snark is moving quickly toward the Aquadome, ready to batter it to bits. Here is one method you can use to put the Sea Cat out of commission before Thorpe has a chance to attack you: East twice, then check your sonar to make sure you're in position. Set throttle to slow, then turn South. Head Northwest four times. Oh oh! Dr. Thorpe has recovered consciousness and his voice is crackling over the sonarphone. Ignore him, and head Northwest twice more. The sub will be just to the East of the Sea Cat, so, all on one line, enter the following command: West then aim bazooka at power pod then shoot power pod with bazooka. There! You've done it! The Sea Cat is out of commission and Thorpe's out cold again. Sharon guides the Snark to its hidden cavern so that you can safely study it later. You've completed your mission and saved the Aquadome! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SHADOWGATE This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue (Always carry at least ONE SPARE TORCH MORE WHEN POSSIBLE AND 'SAVE' game often!!). ENTRANCE OPERATE SKULL GET KEY N (Hall One) UNLOCK DOOR N. HALL TWO OPEN DOOR GET KEY GET MAGIC TORCH S (to Hall One) OPEN CLOSET GET SWORD AND SLING (Go to Lake) N GET ROCK N (click on dark area just left of waterfall) (Alcove 1) OPERATE ROCK (the one on the wall) GET POUCH (Go to Hall Three) W. PEDESTAL ROOM PUT LIGHTEST GEM (from pouch) IN HOLE GET SPHERE NW (Lair) GET SHIELD, HAMMER, HELMET AND SPEAR (Go to Hall Two) OPEN LOOSE STONE (at bottom left of far wall) ENTER SECRET PASSAGE. CHAMBER TAKE ARROW OPERATE LEFT TORCH W (Bridge Room) N (Left bridge) (Alcove 2) LIGHT MAGIC TORCH OPERATE MAGIC TORCH ON WRAITH OPERATE CLOAK ON SELF N (Chamber) EXAMINE FAR WALL OPEN IT (to follow Secret Passage to Cave). CAVE PUT DARK GEM IN HOLE GET SCROLL (Go to Chamber) SAY EPOR TO ROPE UP (Mirror Room) (Go to Lake) PUT SPHERE IN LAKE GET KEY OPERATE TORCH ON LAKE GET SPHERE (Go to Hall Three) N (to Tomb). TOMB OPEN DRAGON SCALE SARCOPHAGUS OPERATE TORCH ON MUMMY GET SCEPTER (Go to Mirror Room) OPERATE HAMMER ON MIDDLE MIRROR GET BROOM UNLOCK DOOR WITH SKELETON KEY N. BRIDGE DROP SPHERE IN FIRE N (Crevice) OPERATE SPEAR ON TROLL (When he asks for toll) N (Courtyard) OPEN SLING PUT ROCK IN SLING OPERATE SLING ON CYCLOPS OPERATE WELL OPEN BUCKET WEAR GAUNTLET NW. HALL FOUR W (Library) OPEN DESK GET CONTENTS GET BOOK PUT RED RUBY IN HOLE NE. STUDY OPEN BOTH SCROLLS AND EXAMINE EACH OPERATE TERRA TERRAKK ON GLOBE GET SKELETON KEY AND HOLY WATER (Go to Hall Four) NW (LAB) OPERATE HANDLE (found on floor) GET HOLY WATER E. GARDEN GET FLUTE OPERATE FLUTE DROP FLUTE TAKE RING (Go to Hall Four) N (Banquet Hall) OPERATE TORCH ON RUG OPERATE KEYS ON ALL THREE DOORS AND OPEN EACH E (Chamber) UP ('SAVE') (Answer Sphinx's riddle by finding and giving proper object: broom, horseshoe, map, fire, blower, etc. If you can't guess it, restore saved game until you get a riddle you can answer) UP. OBSERVATORY AND TURRET ONE OPEN STAR MAP OPERATE MAP ON WALL GET ROD GET STAR UP (Turret 1) OPERATE SILVER ARROW ON GIRL GET SPIKE (Go to Banquet Room) NW. CHAMBER AND THE HELLHOUND MOVE HORN OPEN WHITE BOTTLE OPERATE HOLY WATER ON DOG DROP WHITE BOTTLE GET HORN UP. TURRET TWO,WYVERN AND THE BALCONY OPERATE STAR ON WYVERN GET TALISMAN (Go to Banquet Room) N (Hall Five) W (Balcony) PUT ROD IN MOUNT GET WAND W (Lookout) GET POUCH ON LEFT (Go to Bridge Room) DROP ALL BUT WAND AND TORCH NE (Take right bridge) (to Cave). CAVE OF THE SNAKE OPERATE WAND ON STATUE GET STAFF (Go to Bridge Room and GET ALL then go to Crevice). CREVICE AND CYCLOPS(again!) OPERATE ULTERIOR HUMANE SCROLL ON SELF (Go to Hall Five) E (Throne Room) GIVE SCEPTER TO KING OPEN ROYAL SEAL PUT RING IN SLOT (Down to Hall Six) N (Gargoyle Cave) E. CAVERN OPEN BOOK WEAR GLASSES OPEN BOOK OPERATE BOOK ON STATUE DROP BOOK N. GARGOYLE CAVE USE COMBINATION FROM SPHINX ROOM (THREE-TWO-THREE) OPERATE THIRD LEVER OPERATE SECOND LEVER OPERATE THIRD LEVER GET SILVER ORB (Go to Gargoyle Cave) OPERATE INSTANTUM ILLUMINARIS SCROLL ON GARGOYLE N WELLROOM TO THE RIVER OPERATE LEVER OPEN BAG DROP WELL COIN IN WELL D (River) OPERATE MALLET ON GONG OPERATE SKULL COIN ON FERRYMAN GO RAFT. VAULT PUT TALISMAN IN HOLE UNDER SWORD OPERATE HORN OPERATE SPIKE ON STAFF OPERATE ORB ON STAFF W. CAVERN AND BEHEMOTH OPERATE STAFF ON BEHEMOTH. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T H E S H A R D S O F T I M E (Titan Games) John R.Barnsley - Atari St THE ICE AGE (Start in the Time Bubble) N - (you are now in the Ice Age) - N - N - EXAMINE MOUND - EXAMINE LUMP - PRESS BUTTON - (the capsule opens) - GET ARMOUR AND DAGGER - GET GAUNTLETS AND HELMET - GET COINS - DROP COINS - (no use found) - WEAR ARMOUR - WEAR GAUNTLETS - NE - DIG SNOW WITH HELMET - DIG SNOW WITH HELMET - (you get a cloak) - DIG SNOW WITH HELMET - DIG SNOW WITH HELMET - (you get boots and diary) - WEAR BOOTS - READ DIARY - DROP DIARY - SW - NW - EXAMINE SERPENT - (a holographic image) - COVER EYES WITH CLOAK - (you can now walk past the image) - N - EXAMINE MATTRESS - (you get soap) - GET ALL - (wine and bread) - S - SE - S - S - W - EXAMINE CLIFF - (you see a vine partly buried in snow) - DIG SNOW WITH HELMET - CUT VINE WITH DAGGER - DROP HELMET - E - E - (by crevasse) - DROP ALL - GET DAGGER - W - SW - GET MUD - PUT MUD ON FACE - (in eye shape) - EXAMINE BOULDERS - (you get a small boulder) - EXAMINE VALLEY - (you get a flint) - NE - S - S - (mastadons won't let you pass) - THROW DAGGER AT MASTADONS. S - EXAMINE WOOD - GET BRANCH - N - N - E - EXAMINE CREVASSE - PUT BRANCH OVER CREVASSE - GET VINE - TIE VINE TO BRANCH - DOWN - HIT ICICLE WITH BOULDER - DROP BOULDER - UP - UNTIE VINE - GET ALL - E - (over branch) - SE - E - THROW CLOAK OVER BEAR - KILL BEAR WITH ICICLE - DROP VINE - DROP ICICLE - DROP WINE - SKIN BEAR WITH FLINT - GET SKIN - REMOVE TEETH WITH FLINT - GET TEETH - GET MEAT - W - NW - NE - N - (you can't cross the lake without boots on) - N -(the ice is cracked by the weight of the armour so when you go back over it, you must not be wearing the armour) - E - N - (in the cavemens' graveyard) - DROP MEAT - DROP BREAD - EXAMINE ROCKS - MOVE ROCKS - EXAMINE CORPSE - GET SKULLCAP - (you must be wearing the gauntlets) - WASH SKULLCAP WITH SOAP - (it is very greasy) - WEAR SKULLCAP - GET DEERGUT - MAKE NECKLACE - (you need the flint, deergut and teeth) - WEAR NECKLACE - S - W - NW - (hunters throw a spear at you, your armour saves you) - GIVE SKIN TO HUNTERS - (they give you furs in exchange) - REMOVE ARMOUR - DROP ARMOUR - WEAR FURS - SE - E - N - GET ALL - (meat and bread). S - FEED WOLVES WITH MEAT - (they go into the cave and fall asleep) -S - NE - EXAMINE BRANCHES - (you get a torch) - SW - LIGHT TORCH - (at fire) - N - W - S - S - SW - SE - E - GET ALL - (vine and wine) - W - NW - NE - N - N - E - S - SW - S - (must have torch) - EXAMINE HIDES - (you find a fat rat) - FEED RAT WITH BREAD - (this slows him down) - KILL RAT WITH FLINT - (you get the rat) - N - NE - E - S - (you must be wearing furs, necklace and have skullcap and mud on your face) - WAIT - (until the ceremony ends and just a guard remains) - EXAMINE GUARD - (he's stupid) - GIVE WINE TO GUARD - (he leaves his post) - E - UP - TIE VINE TO HORN - CLIMB VINE - GET EYE - UP - D - W - N - W - (wolves have woken up) - FEED WOLVES WITH RAT - (they go off to fight over it) - W - N - W - S - S - SW - W - W - TELEPORT - (back in Time Bubble) - DROP EYE - (ONE SHARD is now collected). FOURTEENTH CENTURY (From the Time Bubble) E - (you are now in 14th century) - READ SIGNPOST - SE - IN - EXAMINE DEBRIS - (you get a coin) - OUT - NE - NE - N - N - W - PRAY - GET CANDLE - (the priest sees you pray and lets you take the candle) - E - S - S - E - N - TALK TO LANDLORD - BUY WINE WITH COIN - (you are back outside and have an empty bottle) - N - E - LIGHT CANDLE - (at fire) - EXAMINE UTENSILS - (you get a cleaver and pot) - HIT DOOR WITH POT - (landlord throws you out but you keep items) - EXAMINE PUMP - PULL HANDLE - (capsule opens) - GET MASK AND SKINSUIT - WEAR MASK AND SKINSUIT - W - N - N - W - OPEN TRAPDOOR - DOWN - GET WAX - UP - PUT WAX IN PRIESTS EARS - E - UP - CUT ROPE WITH CLEAVER - (priest doesn't stop you as he can't hear the bells) - DOWN - GET ROPE - W - DOWN - TURN SCONCE 8 CLOCKWISE - S - (tunnel is blocked by soil) - E - GET BARREL - W - N - UP - E - S - S - DROP BARREL - E - E - NE - CUT NET WITH CLEAVER - (you get the net) - SW - SE - EXAMINE BEACON - (it contains oil) - FILL BOTTLE WITH OIL - NW - W - W - GET BARREL - SW - SW - EXAMINE WELL - (the rope and bucket are missing). TIE ROPE TO HANDLE - DOWN - (the chute is full of mud from a weak roof) - DIG MUD WITH POT - PUT BARREL IN CHUTE - (it supports the roof but it's in your way!) - CHOP BARREL WITH CLEAVER - (you remove top and bottom so you can get through) - NE - EXAMINE CHANNEL - (it's blocked by a boulder) - MOVE BOULDER - (the water goes down - a large rat appears but you can't kill it yet so you must retreat) - SW - (you climb back up the well) - NE - DROP ALL - REMOVE MASK - REMOVE SKINSUIT - DROP ALL - TELEPORT - E - (back into 14th century but now tide is out) - GET ALL - WEAR MASK AND SKINSUIT - NE - S - EXAMINE CORPSE - (your agent; you get hypodermic needle and notes) - READ NOTES - DROP NOTES - N - E - E - DOWN - EXAMINE GRILLE - (it's rusted) - OIL HINGES - (you can now go west when you need to) - UP - W - DROP POT AND CLEAVER - (don't go into inn carrying them) - N - E - LIGHT CANDLE - W - S - GET CLEAVER AND POT - W - (soldier is still not there but he will come back if you enter church) - N - N - S - S - (he's back) - EMPTY BOTTLE - (oil makes the road slippery) - ATTACK SOLDIER - (he falls and is knocked out) - GET MACE - GET HOOK - E - E - DOWN - W - (into drainage tunnel). W - N - N - (this section stinks) - EXAMINE STENCH - (it is from the west wall) - HIT WALL WITH MACE - WAIT - (for some of the air to clear) - W - (ignore second grille, it won't open) - S - S - (the west tunnel is flooded) - W - (you use the hook to pull yourself along but you get short of air) - BREATHE BOTTLE - (you get enough air to continue) - W - (you see a large green rat, if he bites you, inject self) - PUT NET IN SUBMERGED TUNNEL - (so rat can't escape) - KILL RAT WITH MACE - CUT RAT WITH CLEAVER - (a green crystal is inside it) - GET NET - E - N - N - E - S - S - E - E - UP - W - W - SW - TELEPORT - (back to time bubble) - DROP CRYSTAL - (SECOND shard now collected). NOTES: Drunken soldier goes away after you visit the beacon; he returns if you enter the church. To find drainage tunnels down from harbour, you need to teleport away then return so that the tide is out. Don't go into the inn with the cleaver or pot; you will lose them. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (From the Time Bubble) W - (in 19th century) - E - E - S - S - IN - GET LAMP AND MATCH - OUT - N - N - N - NE - EXAMINE OCEAN - GET FISH - NE - S - SW EXAMINE STATUE - EXAMINE NOSE - PRESS BUTTON - (capsule opens) - GET AXE - GET DEERSKIN - DROP DEERSKIN - (not needed) - NE - SE - SW - N - DROP FISH - (insects leave the berries and go to the fish) - GET BERRIES - S - NE - NW - N - SW - SW - E - CUT FOILAGE WITH AXE - CUT FOILAGE WITH AXE - (it's now blunt so you throw it away) - E - (you see a pool of water) - PUT BERRIES IN WATER - (this makes it poisonous) - W - WAIT - E - (a pig has drunk the water and dies) - GET PIG - W - S - E - GET LEAVES - S - EXAMINE VINES - (you see a tunnel) - E - LIGHT LAMP - NE - EXAMINE TUNNEL - (you find a way west) - W - N - GET CUTLASS - N - (this cave is full of bats and guano) - MAKE FIRE - (you burn the dead leaves and guano and smoke out the bats) - (Don't bother to go into the next cave yet, you need a watch before you tackle it) - S - S - E - SW - W - N - W - N - NE - NE - S - FEED SHARKS WITH PIG - (they go away). SWIM - (to the ship) - TALK TO CAPTAIN - (he is looking for treasure) - E - WEAR SUIT - GET CUTLASS - DIVE - GET WATCH - EXAMINE WATCH - (only the second hand works) - EXAMINE HOLE - (an octopus is there, it is stopping you getting a map holder) - KILL OCTOPUS WITH CUTLASS - (it retreats) - GET HOLDER - (you return to the surface) - REMOVE SUIT - DROP SUIT - GET LAMP - EXAMINE MAP - (it tells you how to find the treasure) - W - SWIM - (back to shore) - N - SW - SW - S - E - S - E - LIGHT LAMP - NE - W - N - N - NE - EXAMINE CHASM - (it's 10' here but flames come out of it) - EXAMINE FLAMES - TIME FLAMES - (you now know when it's safe to jump over) - JUMP CHASM - NE - READ MESSAGE - (it's about the treasure key. You can now follow the directions on the map) - SW - E - S - S - GET CHEST - (you can't open it) - N - N - W - TIME FLAMES - (with watch) - JUMP CHASM - SW - S - S - E - SW - W - N - W - N - NE - NE - S - SWIM - (to ship) - (Captain offers you the ship's harpoon gun for the chest) - YES - (you are rowed ashore). N - SW - SW - S - E - EXAMINE BRANCH - (it looks strong) - FIRE GUN AT BRANCH - (you now have a rope going up) - UP - UP - (you are on the lip of a volcano) - HOLD BREATH - (you are asked if you wish to go in) - YES - GET FRAGMENT - (this is the THIRD shard) - DOWN - DOWN - W - W - W - TELEPORT - (back to the Time Bubble) - GET ALL - (other two shards) - REPAIR STABILISER.............Game Complete! NOTES: Don't bother with the field agent in this time zone. If you get into his boat, you will both be killed. Note: No use was found for apples in ship's barrel. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S H E R L O C K H O L M E S (The Riddle Of The Crown Jewels) (Infocom) (As played on Atari St with PC Ditto Utility) You start outside Holmes' house in response to a call from Mrs Hudson. You are wearing a coat, hat, and have a whistle and black bag. The pocket of your coat contains a #1 note. The bag contains two bottles; a blue one (digitalis leaf for Tachycardia and other accelerated arrhythmias) and a brown one (belladonna for Brachycardia and other decelerated arrhythmias). Remove hat and examine it to see a stethoscope inside. Get it (+1) Knock on the door. Mrs Hudson answers it and says Mr Holmes hasn't eaten or slept for 3 days. A visitor has called on important government business and is waiting in the parlour. She won't let you enter the parlour till you've seen Holmes. Go to Holmes' room. he is sitting on the sofa holding a phial of colourless liquid and has his hand on a hypo in a morocco case. [Note that if you shoot the phial, Holmes licks the drops of liquid from his fingers. If you do this several times, you shoot him! He won't let you take the phial or hypo] Get tobacco from slipper (+1), get pipe (+1), get newspaper (+1). "Read newspaper to Holmes"; he glances at it and his eye falls on the article about the Tower of London being closed. (+5). He calls for a tray of food and sits and looks at you. Mrs Hudson shows the visitor in. He has come from the Tower (as Holmes guesses). The Crown Jewels have been stolen Thursday night. All that was left was a verse. The visitor gives Holmes a piece of paper to look at. Holmes glances at it and gives it to you. "Read paper". Mortality, behold a fear! What a change of flesh is here. Think how many royal bones Sleep within this heap of stones. Here they lie, had realms and lands, who now want strength to stir their hands. For two score years, I reigned alone, A Virgin Queen on England's throne. My navy caused Armarda's shame And with me died the Tudor name. The apple sorely tempted Eve, And Tell another tried to cleave But when one fell, it showed to me The mighty pull of gravity. My father, it was said, would die Beneath the Holy City's sky. Jerusalem his body claimed And it's after him I'm named. Oh Stately holmes of England In Baker Street abide. For even you must surely fail To save your country's pride. "Ask Holmes about paper"; he says the references are very obvious. The visitor says the calamity can only be hidden till 9am on Monday. If the regalia aren't back at Buckingham Palace by then, all is lost. Holmes gets his hat and coat from the bedroom and says he'll wait outside. Go into the bedroom. The ampoule is of etherium which is highly volatile and must not be opened in the presence of fire. Get lamp (+3), get magnifying glass (+1). Go to parlour and get matchbook (+1). Outside, Holmes says we must follow the trail but there will probably be traps. So if you lead the way, he will be thrown off the scent. After a few moves, he tells you to keep the ampoule well hidden. "Light lantern" so you can see where you're going once outside. Go to Westminster Abbey and wait till it opens. Go inside and get the pacquet (+1) and crayon (+1). Inside the pacquet are sheets of coloured paper (brown, green, blue, yellow, orange, white). Having read the verse at the start, you know you must make 3 brass rubbings. These are of Newton, Queen Elizabeth 1 and Henry V. Go to each of these three tombs and at each, get a piece of paper from the pacquet (any colour), "put paper on tomb, rub paper with crayon, get paper". If you "touch inscription" on each of these tombs, it feels sticky. The others feel normal. Go to the British Museum and into the manuscript room. The librarian keeps talking and distracts you from whatever you try to do. "Ask librarian to be quiet"; he apologises and leaves the room. "Get old book, examine it"; Secret Writing and Invisible Inks. "Open old book"; it falls open at the introduction," read it"; Invisible writing has a long and honourable history. It is used primarily when it is felt that a code or cypher may be too easily broken. Most invisible inks are somewhat sticky to the touch and virtually all of them become visible when exposed to moderate heat. Go back to the abbey to the Evangelist chapel. As you enter you are told that you wonder what makes this room seem different from the others. "Examine room"; you see lots of candles and realise the room is warm. "Warm (colour) paper with candles"; in each case, something appears on the back of it. "Read back of (colour) paper" to read each one. The one from Newton's tomb reads: London Bridge is falling down. All that's under it will drown. With it falls Victoria's reign, Britannia ne'er to rule again. When a number you require, And you're banking all thereon, Subtract the conquest from the fire, Half a league, half a league, half a league on. The one from Elizabeth's tomb reads: Hickory Dickory Dock, Your enemy is the clock, When it strikes nine, The victory is mine, Hickory, dickory dock. Here comes a candle to light you to bed, Here comes a chopper to chop off your head. The one from Henry's tomb reads: Twinkle, twinkle, Son of Mars, Fought at sea, midst masts and spars. Now above the world so high Looking down with watchful eye. Twinkle, twinkle, Son of Mars, England's hero, Prince of Mars. Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I've been to the tower to look at the queen. Pussy cat, pussy cat, what did you there? I left something for you, go back if you dare. Holmes says Moriarty is responsible. We must solve the clues to see what he has in mind for us. Go to Covent Garden; a girl has collapsed. "Wear stethoscope, use it on girl"; he heartbeat is very fast. "Open blue bottle", you see an orange pill and some cotton balls. "Give orange pill to girl"; she recovers and puts a carnation in your buttonhole before she leaves (+5) Go to Bird Cage Walk. When you are offered a telescope to buy, "haggle with vendor". He says you can have it for 19/6. "Haggle with vendor"; he says 19/-. "Buy telescope, He gives you a shilling change (+1) Go to Trafalgar Square and "examine Nelson through telescope"; you see a ruby in his blind eye. Go to the pet shop and "ask Sherman for pigeon" (+1). "Ask Sherman about pigeon"; he says it's very clever. Just show it what you want, tell him to get it and it will. But it only seems to like red things. Go to Trafalgar Square. "Show ruby to pigeon"; it looks interested. "Pigeon, get ruby"; it quivers with excitement. "Drop pigeon"; it flies up, gets the ruby and circles. Go back to the shop. "Ask Sherman for pigeon"; he says it's too young to fly again today but it came back with a ruby and gives it to you (+5). "Examine ruby"; it has a scratch on it. "Examine scratch"; it looks like tiny writing. "Examine scratch through glass"; it says wear a carnation. (Note: if you don't show the pigeon the ruby, it circles, flies back to the shop and Sherman gives you a piece of red glass it picked up but he won't let you take it again) Holmes says it isn't part of the crown Jewels but was stolen from the Agra Treasure in India many years ago. We are in great danger. He gives you a signet ring and says if anything happens to him, take it to Mycroft at the Diogenes Club. He'll tell you what to do (+1) This happens when you collect the first gem. Go to Clock Tower. You can see a sapphire on the clapper of the bell. "Put balls in ears". When the clapper swings towards you, "get sapphire", it swings away again so do it again. You get the sapphire (+5). Examine sapphire"; there's a scratch on it. "Examine scratch"; it looks like writing. "Examine scratch through glass"; you see 2.00am. Go to Scotland Yard. If you "search (Bligh's) boat" in the Black Museum, you find an oar (+1). Go to the boat at Embankment. It only has one oar. To use it, you must "get into boat, lift anchor, launch boat". If you row with one oar, you go in circles. If you "wait", you drift downstream but can land at Traitors' Gate. But the portcullis is lowered and you can't get in. You can also go under London Bridge though you can't land, just "drop anchor". If you "examine bridge", you see a clump of moss lodged among the supports. "Examine moss"; it's a different colour from the other lichens around. If you try to get it, it's too high and if you hit it with the oar, it falls into the water, an opal drops out and vanishes from view. Wait till high tide (about 8.38pm on saturday) and "get moss"; it crumbles and you are left holding an opal. "Examine opal"; has a scratch on it. "Examine scratch with magnifying glass"; you see the words password: swordfish. "Raise anchor, row west" twice till you're back at embankment. When you arrive, the man whose boat it is turns up grumbling and takes the boat somewhere safe!! Note, this password isn't the one for the Tower. Go to Madame Tussauds. If you try to enter with "n", the guard says you may enter but you may not take a light in with you so you must drop the lamp and matchbook. But you need a light inside. To do it, "put tobacco in pipe, open matchbook, get match, light it, light tobacco with match, drop match". You can now use the light of the pipe for a limited time inside. Drop lamp, north (+1) Inside, Holmes notices some ash. "Ask Holmes about ash"; he says to note the texture, it's the ash of a trichinopoly cigar made from the dark tobacco that only grows in the Madras area of India. Our mastermind has an Indian accomplice who does his dirty work for him. There are several statues. "Examine statues" to see King John, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh and William the Conqueror. Examine John; he is signing the Magna Carta at Runnymede in June 1215. Examine Drake; finishing his game of bowls. Examine William: kneeling on the sands at Pevensey Beach when he landed before the battle of Hastings in 1066. Examine Walter; he's putting his cloak over a puddle for Elizabeth to cross. Search and look behind each statue. You find nothing. The sign says Chamber of Horrors and you can only go in if you have a light. Inside are some more statues. "Examine statues"; they are of Guy Fawkes, Charles 1 and Thomas a Becket. "Examine Guy"; he's carrying a torch as he is waiting for the signal to light the gunpowder. "Get torch". "Examine Charles", ignore the axe you see. "Examine Thomas", the knights are entering with swords drawn. The tobacco isn't hot enough to light the torch and the guard takes the torch and axe from you if you try to leave. So "light clue paper with tobacco, light torch with clue paper". Back at the statue of Charles, if you try to "remove head", it wobbles slightly. Holmes says his head wasn't screwed on right even when he was alive. "Unscrew head from statue"; you take it. "Melt head with torch"; it melts into a puddle of wax on the floor. You see a gem in it. It's an emerald. Get it. "Examine emerald"; has a scratch on it, "examine scratch with magnifying glass"; you see 20/6/87. Go to the Bank. The guard is jangling some keys in his pocket while he watches some urchins play. One looks familiar. "Examine urchin"; it's Wiggins. if you ask him to do something, he says it's a shilling. He won't move from that location. "Give shilling to Wiggins"; he says what do you want him to do. "Wiggins, get keys." He distracts the guard and gives you something. he says he hopes it's ok but it's all he could get (+1). It's a key. "Examine key"; it says master on it. If you try to go north, the guard stops you and says not to think about trying to bribe him. "Give ruby to guard"; he takes it and says another would be nice. "Give sapphire to guard"; he says it isn't worth the risk for just two gems. "Give emerald to guard"; he says, one more and you're in. "Give opal to guard"; he says you can go in. Inside, you see a vault door which is locked. "Examine door", there's a dial on it. "Wear stethoscope, listen to dial" then "turn dial right" twice till you hear a click, "turn dial left" till it clicks, "turn dial right" twice, it clicks and opens. Go into the vault. It is full of safety deposit boxes. "Find box 600"; (from the verse, 1666 minus 1066 or from the Charge of the light Brigade poem) it's right in front of you. "Unlock box with key"; you see a topaz inside. "Get topaz, examine it, examine scratch with magnifying glass"; it says Bar of Gold. As you leave, Holmes is kidnapped. Wiggins comes up to you and says he will do anything to help get him back and follows you from now on. Go to the Diogenes Club. Inside, the butler asks if he can help. "Ask for Mycroft Holmes"; he leaves, returns and says Mycroft Holmes asked for the token you have to prove you are who you claim to be. Give it to him and he will take it to him. "Give ring to butler"; he leaves and Mycroft Holmes turns up. He says to solve the mystery, go to the Tower and use the password, Parr. Go to Tower of London: A sign outside says it is closed. The yeoman won't let you pass unless you tell him the password. "Yeoman, Parr"; he lets you in (+3). Go to the Jewel Room, "examine weapon"; a mace. Get it (+1). Go to Bowyer Tower and "examine keg"; brimming over with malmsey and leaking through the bung. You can't get the bung as it's too tight. "Hit bung with mace"; it flies across the room, the malmsey leaks out on the floor. "Examine keg"; there's a garnet at the bottom. You can't get it as your shoulders are too broad and your arms too short. "Wiggins, get garnet"; he does so and gives it to you (+5). "Examine garnet", has a scratch on it. "Examine scratch with magnifying glass"; it says give me to Akbar. The Yeoman won't let you leave the way you came in so you must leave through Traitors Gate. If you "look through gate"; you see the rowing boat the other side. But if you try to pull the chain, it doesn't budge as you aren't heavy enough to raise it. Go to the armour and "wear armour", go back and "pull chain"; the gate raises and stays up (1). "Get paddle" (+1) The oars have gone from the boat so "paddle west" several times to get back to embankment. The man takes his boat again and vanishes down the river as he has no means of propelling it! Go to the Bar of Gold. Outside, "remove hat, put ampoule in hat, wear hat"; this is because everything will be taken from you inside but you want to retain the ampoule and your hat won't be touched. Wiggins won't enter the Bar of Gold. He waits outside. Wait till 2am Monday. In the Bar of Gold, "proprietor, swordfish"; he goes into a back room and returns with an Indian in a turban. He glances at your head, says his name is Akbar and asks how he may help. "Give garnet to Akbar"; he takes and examines it and asks you to give everything you have to him. Then he blindfolds you, leads you down some corridors to Moriarty's Lair. He locks the door, puts the key on Moriarty's desk and puts most of what you were carrying on the floor (+5) Holmes is there, tied to a chair. The Crown Jewels are on the desk. He says that Moriarty and he were talking about why he led us on this chase and if you ask him, he will be pleased to fill you in as well. "Ask Moriarty about the jewels"; he says he stole them at the request of a foreign government to wish to bring down the british Empire. "Remove hat"; Akbar averts his gaze at this sacrilegious act, you see the ampoule inside. "Hold breath"; Holmes sees you do this and does the same, this is so you don't get overcome too. "Get ampoule"; Moriarty shouts at Akbar that he should have taken that from you. Akbar comes towards you. "Break ampoule"; everyone but Holmes collapses. "Untie holmes, tie Moriarty and Akbar"; then you breathe and collapse. Note you only have 2 moves and if you don't tie up both of them, you will fail in your task. When you come round, it is 8.30am. Akbar and Moriarty and awake and struggling to get free. "Get key, get whistle, get jewels" (+10). "Unlock door, open door, N" you are now on London Bridge. "Blow whistle" twice so the hansom cab comes and not the growler cab (who never takes you to the right place). "Enter cab"; the cabbie says where to? "Buckingham Palace"; he takes you there quickly. Outside, you see a Palace Guard. "Show jewels to guard"; he takes them, you are shown in by the Prime Minister to be congratulated by the Queen (+1)! (Note:- I found at one stage that even though I didn't have the topaz any more, I still had its scratch. When I entered the lair, the scratch was dropped on the floor and then any redescription of the scene eg on restoring caused the game to crash. Without the scratch, this didn't happen so I concluded the scratch was causing the problem.) Scoring. Get stethoscope +1 Get tobacco +1 Get pipe +1 Get newspaper +1 Read newspaper to Holmes +5.............9/100 Get lamp +3 Get magnifying glass +1 Get matchbook +1...............................14/100 Get pacquet +1 Get crayon +1 Read first bit of invisible writing +5.........21/100 Help girl in Covent Garden +5..................26/100 Buy telescope for 19/- +1 Ask Sherman for pigeon +1 Get ruby +5....................................33/100 Get ring from Holmes +1........................34/100 Get sapphire in clock tower +5.................39/100 Find oar in Bligh's boat +1 Get opal +5....................................45/100 Enter Madame Tussauds with pipe lit +1 Light torch from clue paper +4 Get emerald +5.................................55/100 Wiggins gives master key to you +1 Give last gem to guard +3 Open vault door +3 Get topaz +5...................................67/100 Get password from Mycroft +1...................68/100 Enter Tower using password +3 Get mace +1 Get garnet +5 Pull chain wearing armour +1 Get paddle +1..................................79/100 Give garnet to Akbar +5 Get jewels +10 Blow whistle twice +5 Show jewels to guard and finish +1.............100/100! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CASE OF THE MIXED-UP SHYMER (Demo Adventure presented with S.T.A.C.) E - E - E - (to the Gardening Centre) - EXAMINE DISPLAY - (find a packet of seeds) - EXAMINE SEEDS - GET SEEDS - W - SE - (to Bakers) - EXAMINE COUNTER - GET PIE - (GO TO THE CLASSROOM) - EXAMINE JACK HORNER - TALK TO JACK HORNER - GIVE PIE TO JACK - GET SCISSORS - (GO TO THE GRAVEYARD) - (find Lucy Lockett) - CUT POCKET - TAKE POCKET - (to Kitty Fisher in the Dairy) - GIVE POCKET TO KITTY - (she gives you a key to give to her Father). (GO TO THE BARN) - EXAMINE HAY - (find a tin of Black Paint) - (GO TO TOP OF CLIFF) - EXAMINE HUMPTY - W - EXAMINE MATTRESS - GET SPRINGS - E - EXAMINE HUMPTY - W - W - S - W - S - (to Garden) - GIVE SEEDS TO MARY - (She eventually drops her gloves) - GET GLOVES - N - EXAMINE MISS MUFFET - TALK TO MISS MUFFET - E - N - N - EXAMINE TOMMY THIN - S - (to shade of Sycamore tree) - CLIMB TREE - EXAMINE TREE - WEAR GLOVES - GET SPIDER - (GO BACK TO MISS MUFFET) - CLIMB OAK TREE - DROP SPIDER. GET CAT - CLIMB DOWN TREE - (If you go back to visit Tommy Thin, he snatches the cat and throws it down the well) - DROP SCISSORS - DROP GLOVES - S - E - E - D - D - E - S - (or "SWIM") - (find boat) - EXAMINE BOAT - ENTER BOAT - (need hammer, wood and nails to repair it) - EXAMINE ROCKS - (find case) - OPEN CASE - GET NIGHTIE - GET TOOTHBRUSH - DROP CASE - N - W - UP - UP - W - W - S - S - (to Scrubland) - EXAMINE WILLIE - TALK TO WILLIE - GIVE NIGHTIE TO WILLIE - (he gives you a lantern........you must return this before leaving the island!). (Now visit the Market) - N - N - E - E - E - S - E - S - (find Baa Baa White Sheep) - EXAMINE SHEEP - PAINT SHEEP - N - E - GIVE KEY TO TOM - (he steals the pig, you chase after him but lose him in the market) - E - GET PLANKS - (broken pig pen!) - W - W - N - W - D - W - S - E - W - (find cow) - EXAMINE COW - ATTACH SPRINGS - GET BELL - RING BELL - E - E - (to hut) - EXAMINE TABLE - (find bottle of vinegar) - EXAMINE LOGS - (find saw) - LOOK UNDER BED - (find rope) - CUT WOOD - DROP SAW. (Go back through the tunnel and up to the top of the cliff) - E - E - N - (to the Church) - U - EXAMINE TOMMY SNOUT - RING BELL - GET HAMMER - GET NAILS - PUT NAILS IN BOWL - DROP BELL - D - S - E - NE - EXAMINE JACK - TALK TO JACK - GIVE VINEGAR TO JACK - (GO TO WELL) - EXAMINE TOMMY - TALK TO TOMMY - GIVE ROPE TO TOMMY - D - EXAMINE LEDGE - U - (return to Wee Willie Winkie) - DROP LANTERN - (GO BACK TO THE BEACH AND SOUTH TO YOUR BOAT) - REPAIR BOAT - ENTER BOAT - SAIL BOAT - (to complete the adventure with a score of 100 pixie points!). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SNOWBALL (Level 9) (Later released as Part 1 of the 'Silicon Dreams' Trilogy) This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue Start inside a Coffin. EXAMINE (you will notice a lever beside you, even though it's pitch black!) PULL LEVER (the lid rises) OUT N PUSH RED BUTTON PUSH RED BUTTON PUSH RED BUTTON (a coffin will now slide from an arpeture) S UP (you now stand on the coffin) UP (you scramble through a trapdoor) WAIT (several times until the 'clanking noise' of the deadly Mechanical Nightingale "fades away") N OPEN DOOR N E PUSH BUTTON (the elevator arrives) S DOWN (you now cling to a rope below the elevator!) DOWN TAKE TOOLBOX UP UP PRESS BLACK BUTTON N W W W UP (to a Significant Cylindrical Ledge) S S S S S S S S (you are now in a Featureless Airlock) PRESS YELLOW BUTTON (the door slides open) S S DOWN DOWN (you are now lying on a comfortable couch) SCORE (the table will now massage you, and you've got 150/1000 so far!!). UP (a Dumpy Droid is now shuffling about) UP S WAIT (several times until a Scruffy Robot shuffles on to the Cyladder and is carried down) DOWN (you fall into a Large Low Room) S DOWN (you are now seated at a Console) WEAR VISOR (the screen will light up) LOOK AT 2 (it becomes brighter) BLINK (the screen displays information numbers) UP S SEARCH BODY WEAR LEOTARD WEAR NECKLACE WEAR BRACELET N N N EXAMINE TABLE TAKE VIEWER N TAKE MEMPAK INSERT MEMPAK EXAMINE VIEWER. (You will now be given TWO important colour codes. One is for your OWN coffin location and the other for the FROZEN CREW MEMBER'S coffin location.......These are DIFFERENT for EACH GAME!.......Make a note of the TWO SETS OF COLOUR CODES, including the MORTUARY COLOURS. You should have SEVEN COLOURS in EACH CODE!). OPEN TOOLBOX TAKE SPANNER DROP SPANNER TAKE SCREWDRIVER TAKE BATPAK (you lever it out with the screwdriver) DROP SCREWDRIVER DROP VIEWER S S E N E N TAKE LAMP INSERT BATPAK TAKE CUP S INSERT CUP (the machine fills it with thin lentil custard!!) W LOOK UNDER BED TAKE LED S W UP (you are carried up the Cyladder) S N N DOWN (a Robot welcomes you) DOWN DOWN S S U W N (the Damaged Droid requests a spare part.....'EXAMINE' or 'WAIT' until it does) ATTACH PROBE (this is the 'LED' you collected earlier. Make a note of the spare part it requires.......this will DIFFER FOR EACH GAME........then follow the given route around the junk and collect what you were asked for, returning to the Damaged Droid) E N N W S S GIVE.......(the item you were asked for) (the Droid then gives you a battered Bubble Helmet). DROP PROBE E DOWN DOWN E E TAKE RED TICKET N N N TAKE GREEN TICKET W W GIVE RED TICKET TAKE RED FORM S S S GIVE GREEN TICKET GIVE RED FORM TAKE ORANGE FORM E E TAKE RED TICKET N N N TAKE GREEN TICKET W W GIVE RED TICKET GIVE ORANGE FORM TAKE YELLOW FORM S S S GIVE GREEN TICKET GIVE YELLOW FORM TAKE GREEN FORM E E TAKE RED TICKET N N N W W GIVE RED TICKET GIVE GREEN FORM TAKE LANCE S UP OPEN DOOR U U N PRESS BUTTON (the door slides open) N (We're now coming to the complicated bit, which cannot be mapped correctly as it DIFFERENT for EACH GAME! Follow the directions carefully) SCORE (should now be 450/1000). LOCATING AND REVIVING THE FROZEN CREW MEMBER!! PRESS YELLOW BUTTON N (continue North and every time there is an exit DOWN, 'EXAMINE BRACELET' until the FOURTH colour on the bracelet is the SAME as the SECOND colour of the Frozen Crew Members code that you noted earlier. When the colour matches.........) DOWN (now proceed EAST until you reach an elevator, indicated by a button protruding from the floor) PRESS BUTTON (the elevator arrives) PRESS...(the FOURTH colour of the code)...BUTTON N (from now on, whenever you hear a noise, go in the OPPOSITE direction of the source of the noise, usually from the West, and find a door, open it, and 'WAIT' until the noise fades away, then go OUT and proceed EAST until you are at a GREEN door) EXAMINE LIGHTS (there are THREE colours and they must match the SECOND, THIRD and FOURTH colours of the Frozen Crew Members code. If they don't, proceed EAST again until you reach the next GREEN door and repeat the procedure, bearing in mind what to do if you hear the noise! When the lights match the SECOND, THIRD and FOURTH colours, in the SAME SEQUENCE.......) OPEN DOOR N (there is a panel here and you must press the buttons corresponding with the LAST THREE colours of the code, that is FIFTH, SIXTH and SEVENTH) PRESS...(5th colour)...BUTTON PRESS...(6th colour)...BUTTON PRESS...(7th colour)...BUTTON (a coffin slides out from an arpeture) N TAKE COFFIN S WAIT (several times, until the clanking sound approaches and eventually fades away) OPEN DOOR S E (continue EAST until you arrive at a button in the floor......bearing in mind the procedure if you hear the clanking noise again!) N (a machine grabs and opens the coffin to reveal the Frozen Crew Member!!) GIVE LIQUID (she drinks it and gives you the HABIDOME CODE......make a note of these THREE COLOURS). (Well, that's the hard bit over!!....now on with the adventure!!) S PUSH BUTTON S PUSH BLACK BUTTON N W W UP S (continue SOUTH until you arrive at an Airlock) PUSH YELLOW BUTTON S (You are now back at the North End of the Marblon Cylinder See Map 2) S S S WEAR HELMET PUSH YELLOW BUTTON S PUSH YELLOW BUTTON S TAKE GUN LIGHT LAMP S S S JUMP (you are told that there is no web that way, are you sure?) YES SHOOT GUN (the recoil spins you and you float down) SHOOT GUN (you now have to quickly match your velocity with the fast-moving ice below you!!) SHOOT GUN (That did the trick! You are now on a Flat Snowfield) DROP GUN UP UP PUSH BUTTON (the Shuttle arrives) IN PRESS BUTTON (on to the next Station) OUT DOWN DOWN IN PRESS BUTTON S PRESS YELLOW BUTTON S- DOWN (you are now confronted by a Security Door. The combination is the THREE COLOUR HABIDOME CODE given to you earlier when you revived the Frozen Crew Member) PRESS...(1st colour)...BUTTON PRESS...(2nd colour)...BUTTON PRESS...(3rd colour)...BUTTON (the door will now slide open!) IN. DOWN (the Forest Glade is really a hologram!!) E E IN TAKE WAND OUT W W WAVE WAND (it whistles, and you are now in a Large Round Room) DROP WAND DOWN PUSH BUTTON DOWN PUSH YELLOW BUTTON DOWN DOWN WEAR GLASSES UP PUSH BUTTON UP PUSH YELLOW BUTTON UP UP SE SE TAKE CAT NW NW OPEN DOOR NE TAKE TRAY OPEN DOOR SW UP OPEN DOOR OUT UP S TAKE CAN PUT CAN IN TOOLBOX CLOSE TOOLBOX TAKE FLASK N PUSH BUTTON N PUSH YELLOW BUTTON N OUT UP UP PUSH BUTTON (to call the Monorail Shuttle) IN PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON OUT DOWN DOWN TAKE SHOVEL UP UP PUSH BUTTON IN PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON OUT DOWN DOWN IN DOWN DOWN S TAKE CYLINDERS N UP UP OUT UP UP PUSH BUTTON IN PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON OUT DOWN DOWN OPEN DOOR IN WEAR ARMOUR OPEN DOOR OUT UP UP PUSH BUTTON IN PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON PUSH BUTTON OUT DOWN DOWN DIG (you find a bunch of keys and you are now in a Tiny Hole). DROP SHOVEL TAKE KEYS MEND SNOWDOZER (you fix the tracks) DROP LANCE DROP CYLINDERS IN DOWN TAKE EXTINGUISHER UP TURN KEYS (you are now advised to leave the Snowdozer!) OUT (the Snowdozer moves off, pushing ice blocks into the hole) DROP KEYS EXAMINE TRAY (it holds an Electro-Flute) TAKE FLUTE UP UP PUSH BUTTON IN PUSH BUTTON OUT DOWN DOWN N N (you are now at the base of Jacob's Ladder, guarded by a massive Waldroid!) OPEN TOOLBOX (the aerosol paint can explodes in the vacuum and blinds the Waldroid!) UP UP UP UP N (the ramp here is coated in 'unislime') DROP CAT (likes slime, does this cat!!) UP UP UP UP OPEN DOOR IN ATTACH FLASK (the helmet is now recharged with air) W WAVE TRAY (the tray reflects a laser beam back on itself and you hear an explosion) W S OPEN DOOR IN (a figure, holding a petrol bomb, warns you to keep back!!) PLAY FLUTE (it shatters the bomb and engulfs the female figure in flames) PRESS EXTINGUISHER (the Nitrogen kills the fire) W PULL LEVER. FINAL MESSAGE "It turns!...Engines roar!...The Snowball turns away from the sun....you have won!". "You scored 1000 out of 1000". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SORCERER (Infocom) Well, you took care of Krill and returned to the Guild Hall in triumph, but things don't look good for you at the moment. Not when you're standing there facing the slavering jaws of a vicious hellhound! Fortunately for you, this time, it's only a dream, so just wait, and you will wake up in your room in the Guild Hall. Whew! However, it's a bit dark in here, so Frotz your spellbook, get up, and head West into the hallway. Read the note on your door if you like, although it's not all that important. It just lets you know you are here alone. Now's a good a time as any to tell you that not all the spells you know will be useful in the game, nor all the potions you will find. So unless you're told specifically to take an item, you can safely ignore it. Now, head along South down the hall until you reach the Lobby. Go West into the Store Room, and pick up the Ochre Vial and the matchbook. Open the vial and drink the potion, which will prevent you from becoming hungry and thirsty. Drop the now-empty vial. Read the matchbook if you like, then return East and place the matchbook in the receptacle. Moving North twice, and West once, brings you to Belboz's quarters. Listen to the bird as you lift the wall hanging, revealing a key. Now examine the desk and open the drawer. Inside are several items, but the only useful one is the journal. Use the key to unlock the journal, then read it. Make CAREFUL note of the day's code!! Go East to the hall again, South once, and West into Helistar's room. Here you will find a scroll of Gaspar. Take and Gnusto the scroll, then head back to the hall, and South to the Lobby. By this time, you've probably heard the doorbell chime, which means the mail's in. Open the receptacle, and inside is an issue of Popular Enchanting and an Orange Vial. Get the vial, then go East into the Library. There is a scroll of Meef here. Get and Gnusto that one. Now, it's time to leave this place. If you've played the game before, you know that if you try going out the main entrance, you will be stopped. You may also know that if you DON'T get out, you will eventually fall asleep and find yourself in the Room of Living Death, which is MOST unpleasant, and from which there is no escape. So, now's the time to get a move on! Head down into the Cellar, where the trunk is. There are five buttons on the trunk, and each one is a different colour. The sequence to open the trunk is keyed to the code of the day in the journal, and will change with each game. The code itself is the colours of a monster from the Infotater. Whatever monster was noted in the journal, look it up on the Info- tater, and make note of its colours, and what order they are in. Save the game (just in case, because if you make even one little error, you will not be able to open the trunk!!), then press the buttons in the proper order as given in the Infotater. If you've done it right, the trunk lid will spring open by itself after you push the last button. If the trunk does not open, restore the game and try again. Ok, so now you have the moldy scroll of Aimfiz, which is one of those complex ones that you can only use once. Actually, you only need to use it once, so that's no problem. All you have to do is figure out which person you want to exchange places with. Since there aren't too many choices, it won't take you long to discover it's none other than Belboz himself. So, Aimfiz Belboz, and you're out of the Hall and on your way to visiting Jeear! Ok, so now you're out of the Hall, but look where the spell took you: to the same forest you were dreaming of at the start of the game. And there's the Hellhound, too! And this time, it's no dream! You better not wait around this time, so immediately head Northeast to the Forest Edge. Here you will find a Snake Hole, as well as paths North and East. The North path is mined with magical mines. This is a red herring in the game, as there is no way to go safely along the path. You can ignore it without fear of missing something important. The Snake Hole is another matter, so climb down into it, and then down again to the Slimy Room, and South from there into the Crater. Go West to the Chasm's Edge. You can't jump across the chasm, but flying over is no problem. Learn Izyuk twice, cast it on yourself once. Now just go West twice and you will be on the other side. Go North, and you will be in a room with what appears to be a tree of coins. However, that's an illusion, and you will only be able to get one coin. Take it, return to the Chasm Edge, then Izyuk and fly back across. Now go back the way you came, all the way to the Forest Edge. This time, go East to the Meadow (don't stop to admire scenery; those are MEAN locusts on the horizon!), then Northeast to the Riverbank. Learn the Pulver spell, then Pulver the river. It will dry up, and you can move East into the river, where you will see a small cave to the Northeast. Go there. Inside, you will find several items. Get the scroll with the Fweep spell, and Gnusto it. Then get the bat guano, but leave the vial; it has no use in the game. Now go down the hole, and you will be at the Pit of Bones. If you go South, you will find the Torture Chamber, which has another useless potion, so go Southwest into the Dungeon instead. From here, go up into the Ruins. Learn Izyuk again, then go West across the drawbridge (careful, don't fall in!!), then West again to the Meadow, where you now cast Izyuk on yourself. You have time to do that and move before the locusts arrive. Once you're flying, go Northeast to the Riverbank, and this time, Southeast to the Fort Entrance. You need to use Izyuk because the river bank has a distressing tendency to crumble after the first visit. Around about now, you're probably feeling sleepy. Don't worry about it, just lie down and sack out for awhile. You may or may not have a strange dream. Ignore any dreams, as they are just "for show", and have no important clues to the game. When you waken again, go East into the Parade Ground. There is a flag at the top of a tall flagpole; lower the flag and search it. You will find an Aqua Vial. Take that, it will come in handy later. Now, go East again, and you will be at the cannon. If you look inside, you will see what appears to be a pile of scrolls. Actually, they are not scrolls at all, but a group of Yipples, peacefully sleeping in the barrel. However, there IS one real scroll in there, and you will need it later. So, drop the bat guano into the barrel, and the Yipples will take off, leaving the real scroll, with the Yonk spell for you to take. You are now just about finished above ground. Return to the entrance, learn Izyuk twice, and fly Northwest to the River Bank, and Southwest to the meadow. Here you should Izyuk again (the drawbridge is like the river bank) and go East twice to the Ruins. From the Ruins, go down into the Dungeon, down again to the Highway, and then East to the Toll Gate and the sleeping Gnome. Wake him up and give him your Zorkmid. He'll open the gate, then promptly fall asleep again. Go East through the gate. Ignore the store; that's another red herring in the game. Continue East to the End of the Highway. There's a hut here, but we won't be looking in there just now. Instead, go North to the Entrance Hall, and then North again to the Glass Arch. You are about to enter the infamous Glass Maze. Getting through it the first time is quite easy; getting out again is quite another matter. There are two ways back, the long and hard way, or the quick and dirty way. If you want to go the easy route, learn Gaspar once and Fweep once, then Gaspar yourself right now. If you want do to it the hard way, learn Fweep three times. Ok, drop everything here, go East into the Maze, and Fweep yourself. Now fly along the following route: North, East, South, South, West, Down, East, East, North, North, Up, Up, South, East and you're now at the Hollow. Here you will find the Swanzp scroll, but you can't do much until Fweep wears off. So wait around until you're human again. As soon as you pick up the scroll, the maze layout will change. Oops! Now what? Well, first, drop the scroll down the hole (it's the chimney of the little hut). Now what you do next depends on how you decided to get back out. If you opted for quick and dirty, walk West, West, South, East, and you will fall through the Maze and splatter. However, the Gaspar spell will activate, and your Guardian Angel will restore you to life at the spot the spell was cast, which in this case was the Glass Arch. However, if you want to do it the hard way, then here's how: Fweep yourself, then fly the following route: West, West, South, Down, Down, West, West, Up, Up, North, North, Down, East. At about this point, the spell will wear off. Fweep again, and continue: South, East, North, Down, West, South, West, Up, West, and you're back at the Arch again. Whew!! Again, wait around till the spell wears off, then pick up everything and go to the hut. In the fireplace, you will see the Swanzo scroll. Gnusto the spell, and then take a nap, because by now you're tired again. Awakening refreshed, leave the hut and head on back to the Toll Gate. The Gnome is still here, and still asleep, so now's your chance: search him, and you will find your Zorkmid! All right! Now, keep going West until you come to the Bend, where you head Southwest to the Edge of the Crater, then Down into the crater itself. From there, move along South into the North/South tunnel, and the Southwest to the Amusement Park Entrance. Try to go West, and a Gnome will appear and demand a Zorkmid. Give him your coin, and then proceed West into the park. Of all the places here, only one is important: the Arcade. Everything else is pretty much for show. So, keep on West until you reach the end of the Midway, and then go South into the Arcade. Open the Aqua Vial, drink the potion, then drop the vial. You are now dexterous enough to win a prize, so take the ball and throw it at a bunny. POW! Direct hit! As the bunny goes flying, the hawker will give you a glittering scroll of Malyon. You don't need to Gnusto this one, as it will be used only once, and very soon. Now leave the park, and once back in the tunnel, go south and you will be in the Carving Room. One carving looks like a dragon, and that's the one you want. First, Yonk Malyon. Then, learn Malyon. Finally, Malyon Dragon. The souped-up spell brings the Dragon to life! Good thing for you it's not permanent, or you might have been fried to a crisp! In any case, there is now a passage South through the wall. Take that into the Sooty Room. Now you're about to enter the most bizarre part of the game. Open the Orange Vial. Frotz yourself. Go East into the Coal Bin room. There will be a cave-in behind you, so you can't go back now. In addition, you're having some some trouble breathing, so drink the orange potion and drop the vial. Suddenly, your Older Self appears, sliding down from the Upper Chute! Listen carefully, and your twin will tell you a number. Make careful note of it! Now, hand your spellbook to your Twin, who will take it and dive down the Lower Chute. Go East to the Dial Room. There is a dial on the door, which can be set to any number from 0-873. Set it to the number your Twin just gave you. This is also a variable number and will change from game to game. Then open the door, and go into the Shaft Bottom. Get the rope. Make sure that you have nothing with you now but that rope. If you have anything else, drop it. Climb up to the Shaft Top. Go Southwest into the mine. A timber is here (doesn't that bring back fond memories of Zork?). Tie the rope to the timber, then continue on Northwest and West. You are now at the top of the Upper Chute. Put the beam across the chute, then drop the rope down the chute. Finally, climb down the rope, and you will be in the Slanted Room. There is a scroll here, and also an opened lantern. Get the scroll, and Golmac yourself back in time. Now open the lantern, and get the Vardik spell. Time is running short, so go East down the chute into the Coal Bin room, where you will see....your Younger Self! Now, most important: you must do as your twin did before! Tell your Twin the combination to the Dial Room door. Now your Twin will give you the spell book, just as you did earlier (really one of the neater parts of this game!). As soon as you have the book, go down the Lower Chute to the Lagoon. Ah, air again! Take a deep breath, then sleep awhile, because you're probbaly tired again. Now learn Meef twice, Swanzo, once drop the spellbook, and go East into the Lagoon. Dive down to the bottom, and Meef the Spenseweeds, revealing a crate. Get the crate and return to shore. Drop and open the crate. Inside, among other things, is a can of grue repellant. Get that, and walk Northeast along the Ocean Shore and North to the Mouth of the River. There is a cave to the West, it's entrance covered by nasty- looking vines. Meef the vines, and Vardik yourself. Now, spray the repellant on yourself and enter the cave. Wow! Grues are everywhere, and they don't fear the light!! Fortunately though, the repellant still works. However, I wouldn't advise staying around! So, move along West and you will come to three doors. Two of them lead to VERY unpleasant circumstances. You don't want those, so open the white door. Inside the room is Belboz, who is possessed by the demon Jeear. Swanzo Belboz, and the demon will leave him, and attempt to enter YOUR mind! But the Vardik spell will keep him out, and, with no host available, he will vanish! Belboz will now regain his senses, and will magic the both of you back to the Guild Hall. Here Belboz announces his retirement, and names you as the new head of the Circle! Congratulations, Sorcerer! ******************************************************************** S P A C E R O G U E (Origin) Information compiled by John R. Barnsley GENERAL ADVICE Your ship is really the "character" you'll develop, by equipping it with armament and other gear. Concentrate upon learning to fly the ship first, for which a joystick is essential. Use the QUERY option to pick up messages and detect other spacecraft. MAKING MONEY Forget playing Hive, which takes too long to make credits. For trading, outfit the ship with four cargo pods then load some cargo aboard. The best trade route is to/from Denebprime, Deneb and Free Trader's, Bassruti. The cargo lists and prices change every 24 hours at each Station, generally fluctuating four to eight credits either way. At Free Traders, buy forged CRs, Explosives and X-Rated Holos to sell at Denebprime. At Denebprime, buy Brandy, Exotic Pets, Videogames and Souvenirs to sell at Free Traders. You can often get better prices on all items elsewhere, but these are the most efficient trade routes for making money in a hurry. To sell contraband, you need Forged Cargo Papers from Robocrook. If planning a life of piracy, pick a Scow for your first target. Pack at least ten plasma torpedoes and three SM-1 and two Nova missiles. A particle beam laser is also handy. When firing missiles, be sure your opponent has an inactive counter measure and isn't in an elude manoeuvre. As you make more credits invest in Turbo-thrusters, more shielding and a 75% ECM unit (By completing certain missions, you'll get more gear). ROBOCROOK & OTHER CHARACTERS Robocrook appears randomly in bars across the quadrants. Keep offering cash, and he may sell you some useful items: Forged Cargo Papers, Keycards, the Ruby Cube. Other randomly appearing characters to seek out are Ilricki (for useful information on Black Hand and the Manchi), Wandering Spaceman, Veda the Ursellus (sells Amoebic Lenses), One-eyed Pirate, and the Merchant. Bartenders always have current information and tips, and you should talk to everyone you meet for more. It's possible to steal from safes, but expect to pay a fine and get kicked off the base or planet if caught! THE MISSIONS Most of these may be completed in any order, though a few require items from other missions. Each mission's starting point is noted after its name. STEALTH BOX: MICON I Talk to Sir Eld on Micon I, Karonus. He'll give you a Statuette to deliver to Orellian at Hiathra Starbase. Do so, saying it is not a bribe. Return to Eld, who'll give you some valuable information and a Stealth Box, which reduces the chances of detection by enemy ships. PILOT'S LICENSE: HIATHRA This is obtained by answering multiple-choice questions when you meet Orellian on Hiathra, Karonus. Ask him for the CRC-07 Form, used to visit Koth Carrier. CEBOK'S SISTER: KARONUS Cebok tells you to find his sister on Lagrange for information on Hive. Then deliver the letter to Cebok for more tips. BEAM LOCK: DENEBPRIME See Felsane on Denebprime for a quest to find the Beam Lock, which makes it easier to target ships with your laser. MICROCHIP DELIVERY After meeting the Pirate in a bar and accepting the job, take the microchip to Chisa at Free Guild. NULL DAMPER: ARCTURUS After finding Veda the Ursellus (who appears randomly in bars) and buying the Amoebic Lenses for 250 CR, head for the ISS Koth, Arcturus. Use a keycard to open the door to the restricted area, then go through and immediately go to the left (to avoid the hidden floor alarm). Examine the Power Generator in the back of the room and get the Transmutation Coil. Take it to Professor Prosk on Micon IV, ZED N27. Accept the Null Damper when offered. REPAIR DROID: RANDOM Eventually you'll encounter a Droid named LUX 23A, who wants you to look for his Droid friend MAID. MAID is hiding at Free Trader's under the name of CHISHA. Mention LUX and she'll come with you as a Repair Droid. Return her to LUX, and you'll get no reward beyond a good conscience. Keep her and you've got a very valuable Repair Droid for your ship! DUCHESS AVENSTAR: DENEBPRIME After fifteen to twenty cargo runs between Denebprime and Free Trader's, you should have enough credits to fully outfit your ship, assuming you've been adding equipment all along. You'll need at least 500 Armour, some missiles, good Shields and a Particle Beam. Before you can successfully communicate with Duchess Avenstar on Denebprime, you must prove yourself by killing a few Manchi in space. (Destroying Vultures will help. After doing so, she'll tell you about General Targon, AKA Rayson, and his mission's code name....MAKE A CAREFUL NOTE OF THIS!!) TARGON: MICON II, ARCTURUS Though you can find him here, Targon is insane and needs an injection of NSB before he can reveal anything to you. The NSB is at Bassruti Mining, guarded by a mutant monster. To get it, land at Bassruti, walk around the front of your ship to the left and down. Wait a few seconds by the southern door; the monster will be trying to get to you but will get trapped in a storage compartment. After a few more seconds, enter the door to your left. Go through the door to the lower left in the Generator Room. Keep going to the left, and you'll be in the Inner Office. Head straight for the filing cabinet in the corner and search it for the NSB. Retrace your path back to the ship. If this method fails, try again, but wait a little longer for the monster to get trapped. You have to be careful not to accidentally lure him out of the compartment. (Another way: lure the monster to the right side of the room, keeping the trash pile between him and yourself. Go through the southwest door, use the keycard on the south door, open the safe, get the NSB and return to your ship). Now you can head for Micon II, Arcturus, and find Targon rambling around the halls. Talk to him and give him one credit. When you get an OTHER option, take it and enter NSB. Then you'll get another OTHER option, so type in the name of his mission that you should have noted earlier. He'll spill all he can before going nuts again. Take this information to the Duchess, who'll send you to find Droughton Gut, leader of the Scarlet Brotherhood at Free Trader's Outpost. PSIONIC SHIELD: GRYPHON You'll need this item, which protects you from the powers of Vilinie, to complete the final mission. First talk to Omas in the back room on ConvecEast Mining Station, Gryphon. He'll ask you to rescue his wife from the Black Hand Cult. She's at the Meditation Room in Trochal, Sigure. After you talk to her, she'll tell you she's abandonded Omas. Return to him for the Shield. DROUGHTON GUT: FREE TRADER'S Gut won't talk to you until you prove your allegiance to the Scarlet Brotherhood. To do so, attack a few Tankers or Scows, take their cargo to Free Trader's and talk to Omar. He'll grant permission to speak with Droughton. After doing so, he'll help you steal the Chi-Gonger (Manchi Egg) from Vilinie on Trochal. MANCHI EGG: TROCHAL, SIGURE Due to a diversion by the Scarlet Brotherhood, the guards will be in a state of confusion when you land. Go straight to Vilinie's room. When she stops and tells you to remove the Psionic Shield, DON'T. The guards won't respond to her summons. Go to the far right of the room and pick the lock on the door. Enter, take the Egg and get out of there! ICHIKI & THE BAAKILI After obtaining the Egg, return to Gut. He'll tell you to find a Baakili trader and ask him about the Manchi. The Baakili also require payment - some Dilithium Crystals from a trash pile outside the back door of the bar in the upper corner of Ross Mining Station, Deneb (keep searching until you find them). Keep searching bars until you meet Ichiki, then ask about Manchi and pay him with Gems. Write down the co-ordinates he gives you for the Manchi's home system, Ja-Karn. Return to Gut and tell him your findings. He'll direct you to Prosk, the mad scientist from Micon IV. THE WARP DRIVE & END GAME Prosk is working on the Warp Drive. When you tell him the situation this time, Prosk will warp you to the co-ordinates you give him; enter the ones from Ichiki. You've got to be heavily outfitted just to reach the Manchi homeworld. Plot a course for the planet, and SAVE the game frequently. This saves you the trouble of having to start all over from the far corner when you get blasted by a pack of Vultures. Once you reach the planet, land. PLACES & PEOPLE STAR SYSTEM PLACES PEOPLE Karonus Hiathra Starbase Orellian, Cebok, Micon I Outpost Robots, Sir Eld, Miners, Barnett. Gryphon ConvecEast Mining Omas, Old Miner. Arcturus Koth Carrier Old Man Micin II Mining Drak, Targon. Deneb Denebprime Starbase Princess, Duchess, Felsane. Ross Mining Robot LUX, Dr.Farah. Nar'see Lagrange Mining Tyra(Cebok's sister). Stiguere Trochal Outpost Omas' wife. Bassruti Bassruti Mining Monster guarding NSB. Free Guild Outpost Gut, Cherisa, Omar. Zed Micon IV Mining Prof. Prosk. (Random characters:- Robocrook, Ilricki, Wandering Spaceman, Veda the Ursellus, One-eyed Pirate, Merchant). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S P A C E Q U E S T I (Sierra On-Line) Warning!! Some aliens still remain in the Spaceship, so when you hear footsteps quickly leave the screen or catch a lift, otherwise you'll die! Type FAST to speed up the game. Go left three times from the starting screen. When you reach a corpse type SEARCH MAN - GET CARD. Go right twice and, in the Library, go to the door until it opens. LOOK MAN. Go near to the computer. LOOK SCREEN - ASTRAL BODY. Wait for the cartridge to reach the computer. GET CARTRIDGE. Go to the left, take the lift then go to the right and take the lft again. You should now have reached the Basement. Go to the right and stand by the console. PRESS OPEN. Go right and stand by the crack near the lift. INSERT CARD. Enter the lift. Go near to the two buttons. PRESS LEFT - PRESS RIGHT. Go in front of the left door. GET GADGET. Go in front of the right door. GET SUIT. Go behind the control panel. PRESS AIRLOCK. Leave the room by the left. Stand by the console. PRESS PLATFORM. Go to the left of the small spaceship. ENTER POD - CLOSE DOOR - WEAR BELT - PRESS POWER - PRESS AUTONAV - PULL THROTTLE. Note:- All the previous work must be done QUICKLY to avoid being caught in the blast as the ship explodes!! You have now landed on an unknown Desert Planet. If the program tells you that you're thirsty, type DRINK. REMOVE BELT - GET KIT - OPEN KIT - EXIT. Go in front of the Spaceship. GET GLASS. Go three times to the right. Follow the path up until you reach the bridge (UP twice then left). Cross it and hide behind the boulder. now for the spider could be dangerous if you aren't quick enough!! When the spider is under the stone PUSH ROCK. If you don't manage to crush the spider, re-load game and try again. Keep on following the path until you reach some arches (Left, UP, twice right). Stand between the two arches. You now find yourself in a Cavern. Go near the little rock. GET STONE. Go to the left. Pass the grate with your back on the wall to avoid the tentacles. Go near the geyser. PUT ROCK IN GEYSER. Escape up. Enter the caverns in the back and exit by the left. Stand as close as possible to the laser beam and USE GLASS. Climb and escape up by the right. Go to the acid drops and game. You'll have to pass without being touched by the acid! If you fail, re-load game and try again. Escape by the right. TURN ON GADGET. Escape by the right. Go South, then East twice, then South. Leave the path now and go North. Enter the cavern to the East. Run and hide behind the rocks on the bottom of the screen. THROW WATER. The monster will explode and a part of his body will be thrown to the right. Go near to the part. GET PART. Leave the cavern by the West. Go back in the basements (South, UP path, North, West, West, North, East, East and stand between the arches). Go back to the alien (West, North, West, East, East and East again). Wait for the alien to talk to you then DROP PART. Leave the room by the North. Get close to the computer and INSERT CARTRIDGE. Note carefully the given NUMBER. Go near to the Skimmer. BOARD SKIMMER - SLOW (this will ease the next part!). TURN KEY. You should now play the arcade game.....you'll have to avoid the rocks...after a while you'll arrive at Ulence Flats. FAST.......the game's faster now. GET KEY - EXIT SKIMMER. Someone will now ask you for your skimmer. SAY NO to his first offer. Wait a few seconds until he comes back then SAY YES to his offer. You've now got a Jetpack! This will save your life later. Go to the bar on the right. Once in the bar, wait for the man playing Jackpot to be killed, then PLAY JACKPOT yourself. game before playing any Jackpot game!! Play until you own more than 37 Buckazoids. Leave Jackpot, then leave the bar by the left. Go up, then right. Enter DROIDS-R-US. Go near the robot in red and white on the top right of the screen. GIVE COUPON. BUY ROBOT. Go back to play Jackpot. (Down, Left, Down, Enter Bar). Get near the Jackpot. This time you'll have to wait until you own 214 Buckazoids. Once you have them, leave the bar by the left and go to the left. Wait for the spaceship seller to talk to you, then go Up. Wait again for him to talk to you then BUY SHIP. Return to the bar and get to the counter. Wait and the Waiter will talk to you. GIVE COUPON - DRINK BEER. Wait for him to come back. BUY BEER - DRINK BEER. Wait for him to come back again. BUY BEER - DRINK BEER. After these THREE beers, you hear a man telling a story, in which you learn where the Sarien's spaceship is located. Go back to the Spaceship you've bought (leave by the left, UP, Left) and stand under the ladder. CLIMB LADDER - PRESS LOAD - HH. Now you've started a journey in the stars.......let the game play by itself for now........you should then arrive at the Sarien's spaceship. WEAR JETPACK - EXIT SHIP. Approach the spaceship. Go to the door. OPEN DOOR. Enter the spaceshp. Once in the first room, go next to the door in the back of the room. When it opens, wait for the robot to arrive then quickly enter. You now have a choice of TWO routes to reach the Laundry. ROUTE ONE: Go near to the trunk. OPEN TRUNK - ENTER TRUNK. It will be carried with you inside to the laundry. EXIT TRUNK. ROUTE TWO: Go to the right of the trunk. PUSH TRUNK - OPEN TRUNK - PUT JETPACK IN TRUNK - CLOSE TRUNK - JUMP TRUNK - OPEN GRATING - ENTER VENT. You find yourself in the airducts. Exit Up then follow the duct on the right. You should find a closed dor. KICK GRATING - OPEN GRATING. Now you can go to the right. You should then arrive in the Laundry. Now go to the washing machine. OPEN LAUNDRY - ENTER LAUNDRY. Wait for the Sarien to wash you!! You are now disguised as a Sarien and you won't fear anyone! EXIT LAUNDRY. Exit the room by the door to the right. Take the lift on the far left. Once you hav arrived at the bottom, exit the room by the left, take the new lift. Once you have arrived at the top, leave by the right. Leave again by the right. Cross the pontoon and leave by the right. You are now in the Armoury. game now as your next action is really perilous!! Go close to the robot at the counter. SLOW. Then, as fast as you can, when the robot's gone, run to the two grenades on the counter and GET GRENADES. Wait for the robot to come back and to give your weapon back. FAST. Leave by the left. On the pontoon, stand above the guard then DROP GRENADE. Go to the Left (twice). You'll soon lose your helmet, but you cannot avoid it. Enter the lift, and once at the bottom, go to the right. The Sariens are able to recognise you so you'll have to kill them before they do. When you leave a room, quickly hit 'F6' during the loading of the next screen. If a Sarien is in that room it won't be able to shoot you! If a Droid is in the room you can avoid it or leave the room, then come back again hoping it has changed into a Sarien! Leave the room by the right, then go next to the Sarien you've killed with the grenade. SEARCH MAN - PUSH BUTTON. Go near the Star Generator. LOOK SCREEN. With the arrow, dial code 6858, then press 'ENTER'. The self destruct process will now be engaged. Leave the room by the left. Take the lift. Once on the top, quickly leave the lift, turn towards the right and fire ('F6'), until a Sarien appears and disintegrates............if a Robot comes, try to avoid it. Enter the far right lift. Go to the shuttle. ENTER SHUTTLE - PRESS LAUNCH. Time is running out fast after you started the self destruct process, so don't hang around!! You should have one now and just have to watch the final scenes!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S P A C E Q U E S T I I (Sierra On-Line) (Quick step-by-step solution!!) UP - (AIRLOCK CHAMBER) - GET SUIT - OPEN LOCKER - GET PUZZLE - GET SUPPORTER - W - GET UP PLATFORM - ENTER CRAFT - DOWN - ENTER SHIP - SEARCH BODY - GET CARD - SEARCH CRAFT - PRESS BUTTON - N - HIDE BEHIND ROCK UNTIL THE GUARDS ARE GONE - UP - W - MAIL FORM - LOOK TRAY - GET WHISTLE - E - DOWN - W - GET POD - N - WALK THROUGH LABYRINTH - GET BERRIES - WALK BACK THROUGH LABYRINTH - S - E - HIDE BEHIND ROCK UNTIL THE GUARDS ARE GONE - U - E - RUB BERRIES ON BODY - E - HOLD BREATH - DOWN - W - UP - GET GEM - HOLD BREATH - E - UP. E - E - CLIMB TREE - E - YELL - YELL - THROW SPORE - GET KEY - UNLOCK CAGE - OPEN CAGE - GET ROPE - N - W - W - CLIMB TREE - TIE ROPE TO LOG - CLIMB ROPE - MOVE ROPE - USE ARROW KEY'S - PRESS F6 - W - HOLD GEM - W - GET GEM - S - SAY THE WORD - PUT GEM IN MOUTH - DOWN - E - DOWN - E - DOWN - E - DOWN - W - W - 2 x DOWN - E - E - E - ENTER CAVE ON THE RIGHT SIDE - E - USE WHISTLE - W - E - GET ROCK - N - HIDE BEHIND SECOND BUSH - SLING ROCK - WAIT UNTIL GUARD IS GONE - ENTER ELEVATOR - ENTER SHIP - PRESS POWER BUTTON - PRESS THRUSTER BUTTON - TURN DIAL - PULL THROTTLE - WAIT - TURN DIAL - TURN DIAL - WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE ON THE ASTEROID - E - ENTER ELEVATOR - PUSH THREE - E - E - E - PRESS BUTTON - GET PLUNGER - E - E - ENTER ELEVATOR - PUSH FOUR - W - W - PRESS BUTTON - GET CUTTER - W - PRESS BUTTON - N - OPEN DOOR - GET PAPER - S - W - W - ENTER ELEVATOR - PRESS FIVE - E - E - PRESS BUTTON - GET BASKET - GET OVERALLS - GET LIGHTER - W - W - ENTER ELEVATOR - PRESS ONE - W - DOWN - PUT PLUNGER ON WALL - (PUT THE PLUNGER ON THE WALL IF THE ACID ALMOST REACH YOU) - STAND - PUT PAPER IN BASKET - DROP BASKET - LIGHT PAPER - E - E - UP - CUT GLASS - ENTER VENT - PRESS BUTTON - ENTER VENT - W - PULL SWITCH - TYPE ENLARGE - E - ENTER JAR - LOOK SCREEN - SH SR - UP EAST - OPEN BOX - E - WEAR MASK - S - W - W - W - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - E - PRESS BUTTON - ENTER POD - PUSH BUTTON - LOOK POD - OPEN CHAMBER - ENTER CHAMBER!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S P A C E Q U E S T I I I (Sierra On-Line) John R. Barnsley - Atari ST This is the most efficient way to complete the game. It is not the most enjoyable way to do it.....just the fastest!! NORTH is always assumed to be towards the top of your screen, SOUTH towards the bottom, East to the right and WEST to the left. Words printed within "QUOTATION MARKS" are to be typed into the computer EXACTLY as shown. THE SOLUTION After exiting your Escape Pod, go SOUTH to where the Acme Rocket ship is. Then go EAST until you find the vertical conveyor with the buckets moving upwards. Walk up as close as possible to where these buckets are. You will get scooped up by one of them and carried up to a horizontal conveyor belt. Quickly type "STAND UP" and then "JUMP". You will jump up and pull yourself up on to the rail. Walk WEST until you find yourself in a Control Room with a Robot. (If you stand around too long you will get shot!). There is a machine here called a Grabber hanging on the rail. Walk directly above the Grabber and "CLIMB DOWN". Press your left arrow key and reverse the Grabber up to the platform that extends out at the bottom of the screen (press the arrow key a second time to stop the Grabber). "EXIT GRABBER". Walk SOUTH. You will SAFELY fall through a chute which leads to a hollowed-out Cave. This is the Rat's Lair. Walk as far WEST as possible (you will almost be out of sight) and "LOOK WALL". You will find a hole with a Reactor in it. "GET REACTOR". Walk EAST and "CLIMB LADDER". After climbing out of the Rat's Lair, "GET THE LADDER". Remember this spot because you will have to come back to it later! Go NORTH and then EAST into the remains of the Space Tanker. Walk through the tunnel. One of the Rats will ambush you in the tunnel and take the Reactor away from you. You will have to go back to where you climbed up the ladder out of the Rat's Lair and "LOWER LADDER". Now, "CLIMB DOWN". Go back to the hole in the wall and "GET REACTOR" again. Climb back out using the ladder. Don't forget to "GET THE LADDER". Walk NORTH then EAST to the Space Tanker tunnel. Just inside the tunnel, stop where the wires hang down and "GET THE WIRE". Continue walking EAST until you find a Large Robot Head with a broken eye. Walk as close as possible to this damaged eye (without falling off the bottom of the screen!!) and "CLIMB". You will climb through the robot's eye and DOWN into a Rubbish Pit where you'll find a Large Spaceship. This is your means of getting out of here, but you'll need to fix it first! Walk around the SOUTH side of the ship (the side facing you) and "USE LADDER". "CLIMB" to the top of the ship, then "OPEN HATCH". Once in the ship you should "INSTALL THE REACTOR". You will have to "USE WIRE" to complete the installation. Once that is done "LOOK AT COMPUTER". It will tell you that the ship needs a Motivator. "EXIT SHIP", "CLIMB DOWN LADDER" then "GET LADDER". "CLIMB BACK UP" the robot. Find your way back to the vertical conveyor with buckets carrying rubbish, and ride one of the buckets to the top. Jump on to the rail again and walk WEST to the Grabber. "CLIMB DOWN" onto the Grabber. Using your arrow keys go WEST around the U-turn (you will end up going East!). Exit the Control Room to the next screen. Stop the Grabber just East of the SECOND support beam and "LOWER CLAW". Once you have the Motivator in tow, proceed EAST until you make it around the U-turn (you will now be going West). Stop as soon as you finish the U-turn and "LOWER CLAW". Continue going WEST until you reach the Control Room. Again, stop at the platform, "EXIT" the Grabber, walk SOUTH and fall through the chute. Walk to the Northeast wall where you originally found the ladder. "USE LADDER" then "CLIMB LADDER", "GET LADDER". Go back up the large robot head and climb through the eye again. Using the ladder "CLIMB" back up the ship and "OPEN THE HATCH". Once you are in the Ship, "SIT" in the Pilot's seat and "SEARCH CUSHION". Then "LOOK SCREEN" (the computer screen). Select, in order: "ENGINES", "RADAR" and "TAKEOFF". When the ship stops in mid-air, select "WEAPONS" and turn on your front shield (F). Select "FIRE". After you exit the junk Freighter, "LOOK SCREEN" again and select "NAVIGATION", "SCAN" and "RESUME SCAN" until Phleebhut appears. Select "SET COURSE", then "LIGHT SPEED". Once you reach Phleebhut, "LAND". PHLEEBHUT "STAND" and "EXIT" your ship. You will see another spacecraft land elsewhere on the planet. Walk EAST two screens then walk NORTH two screens. Walk into World O'Wonders and "SELL ORIUM" to Fester. Be sure to hold out for 425 buckazoids! "BUY ORAT ON A STICK", "BUY ASTRO CHICKEN HAT" and "BUY THERMOWEAVE UNDERWEAR". "LEAVE" World O'Wonders. After the Terminator lets you go, walk back to your ship (don't go into it or stand in front of the ramp!). Walk around behind it and then WEST to the rock with the pulsating pods. Lure the Terminator (footprints!) under the arch ehere he will be eaten by the pods. (Be careful not to walk under the pods yourself!). "USE ORAT ON A STICK" to retrieve the Invisibility Belt from the Terminator's remains. Walk EAST to your ship and enter it. "SIT" in the Pilot's seat. "LOOK SCREEN", select "ENGINES" and "TAKEOFF". Again, "LOOK SCREEN" and select "NAVIGATION", "SCAN" and "RESUME SCAN" until Monolith Burger appears on your screen. Select "SET COURSE" then "LIGHT SPEED". Once you reach Monolith Burger, "LAND". MONOLITH BURGER Walk WEST to the other side of the Restaurant and up to the Clerk behind the counter. "ORDER" food. When the menu appears, press "7" to order a Monolith Fun Meal, then "Q" to quit. Once you "PAY" the Clerk, "SIT" down at the empty table behind you and "EAT" your food. You will find a prize (the Decoder Ring) in your food. "STAND" and walk over to the Astro Chicken arcade game. "LOOK AT THE GAME". You will either have to successfully land 10 chickens or play the game 10 times to get a secret message. Tips:- Put yourself in SLOW mode until you get the hang of it and are good enough to play at normal speed. DO NOT make the mistake of holding down the UP ARROW (Flap) key. PUSH to FLAP, PUSH it again to STOP. When you get the secret message, "USE THE RING" to decode it. Walk back to your ship through the airlock door and "ENTER SHIP". "LOOK SCREEN". Select "ENGINES", "NAVIGATION", "SCAN" and "RESUME SCAN" until Ortega appears on your screen. Select "SET COURSE" then "LIGHT SPEED". Once you reach Ortega, "LAND". ORTEGA "STAND" up and "WEAR UNDERWEAR", then "EXIT" the ship. Walk "SOUTH" into the next screen then WEST until you come to a Narrow Rock Bridge. Cross the bridge and continue SOUTH. You will find two men working with some equipment. Stop and wait for them to leave. Walk over to the telescope and "LOOK THROUGH SCOPE". Walk to the crate behind the rock and "GET DETONATOR". Also, "GET THE POLE" from the Anemometer near the crate. Walk EAST until you come to a dead end. Find your way to the top of the volcano and walk down the stairs to the base of the generator. Go EAST and "CLIMB" the ladder. When you reach the top, walk up the opening and "DROP THE DETONATOR" into the hole. "CLIMB" down the ladder and find your way back to where the rock bridge 'was'!! "USE THE POLE" to jump over the crevice. Go to your ship and "SIT". "LOOK SCREEN", select "ENGINES" and "TAKEOFF". Again, "LOOK SCREEN", select "NAVIGATION", "SCAN" and "RESUME SCAN". Continue scanning until Pestulon appears on your screen. Select "SET COURSE" and "LIGHT SPEED". Once you reach Pestulon, "LAND". PESTULON "STAND UP" and "EXIT" the ship. Walk off the screen in any direction. You will see Scumsoft in the distance. "WEAR THE BELT" then "TURN ON BELT". "ENTER SCUMSOFT". Walk past the guards into the large doorway and down the stairs. "PRESS THE BUTTON" and enter the elevator. SCUMSOFT You are standing in a circular hallway. Walk NORTH and enter the first door on the West wall. "GET THE COVERALLS" and walk back out of the Closet. Continue walking SOUTH until you come to the unlocked door on the wall. Enter it. As you make your way through the Accounting Department maze make sure that you "ZAP TRASH" every time you get near a waste basket. Find your way to the Boss's Office. When the Boss is away, enter his office. "GET THE KEYCARD" from the top of his desk. Now, walk to the place where Elmo's picture is hanging on the partition near the copy machine, and "GET THE PICTURE". Go to the copier and "COPY THE PICTURE" then "PUT THE PICTURE BACK" on the wall. Walk back to the entrance of the Accounting Department and exit into the hallway. Find the door with the keycard slot. Walk up to the door and "INSERT CARD". IMMEDIATELY "HOLD COPY" of Elmo's picture up to the facial scanner, then enter the doorway. You are now in the room with the Two Guys trapped in jello. "PRESS THE BUTTON" and walk across the bridge to the Two Guys. "VAPORIZE JELLO". After being discovered by Elmo Pug, you are escorted away. As you enter the ring of Nukem Dukem Robots, it's up to you to knock out Elmo's robot!! Tips:- There is a slight time-lag between your pressing to PUNCH - or pressing to BLOCK - and the actual movement of your character on the screen! You should become familar with this after SAVING your game earlier. Every wasted movement will use up your energy, so don't punch blindly nor walk around too much. In fact the best way to beat your opponent is to let him come to you, block his punches and let him punch his own lights out!!! Once you and the Two Guys are safely in your ship and take off, "LOOK SCREEN", choose "ATTACK SPEED" then "WEAPONS SYSTEM", and set your shield to "BACK". When the enemy fighters appear, zero in on their ship with the cross-hairs using your arrow keys. When you have them locked on, "FIRE". The ships approach from the back and then the front, and will continue this pattern until you have shot several of them down. You will need to switch your shield on each pass. Watch the radar box at the bottom left of your screen to tell you which direction the fighters are coming from. If you make it through this, you're home free!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S P E L L B R E A K E R (Infocom) Notes. (1) It's a good idea to learn all spells more than once since they don't always work! (2) Whenever a spell is mentioned in this solution, you must cast it until it works - this is not a problem with the 'Blorple' spell or when you have the "Magic Cube". (3) It is essential to keep track of where each cube takes you, which you do by writing on them with the Burin. (4) The Zipper is used for storage......if you're told that you're carrying too much to pick up another item, then place a few things inside the zipper. (5) Unless you are in imminent danger, sleep almost anywhere EXCEPT the Bazaar! (6) SAVE GAME VERY OFTEN!!! THE SOLUTION You start in the Council Chamber carrying a Spell Book, Burin and a Knife. The Spell Book contains some spells as follows: LESOCH............Gust of wind YOMIN.............Mind probe REZROV............Open locked or enchanted objects FROTZ.............Cause something to give off light GNUSTO............Write spell into your Spell Book MALYON............Animate an inanimate object JINDAK............Detect magic After a couple of moves the BLORPLE spell will automatically be added to the Spell Book. It is used to explore an object's mystic connections. You start by having permanently committed to memory the GNUSTO, REZROV and FROTZ spells. All others will need to be learned and re-learned as they are required. Also remember that you will not be able to keep as many in your head at one time if you are tired. If you are tired you will need to SLEEP. This refreshes you but also makes you forget any temporary spells. When you awake you will need to re-learn whatever spells you think you are about to need. DO NOT GO TO SLEEP UNLESS YOU HAVE THE SPELL BOOK! From the Council Chamber go SOUTH to the Guild Hall and TAKE the BREAD and the FISH, then go SOUTH again into Belwit Square. If there is a lot of smoke around, either LESOCH the smoke - which, like all other spells may only work at random - or simply WAIT until it clears. You will then discover a WHITE CUBE. TAKE the CUBE and to identify it - do the same with ALL other cubes you find - WRITE "EARTH" ON CUBE. You will only be able to write on the cubes if you are holding the Burin. This is a good way of being able to identify the cubes later when you may be carrying quite a few at one time and will need to select a particular one in a hurry. By now the BLORPLE SPELL will have appeared in your Spell Book. LEARN BLORPLE then BLORPLE "EARTH" CUBE - you may need the inverted commas here always! You will now be transported to the Packed Earth Room. FROTZ the KNIFE to get a source of light. Go EAST to the Hall Of Stone. TAKE and then OPEN ZIPPER. REACH INSIDE ZIPPER to discover a SCROLL. TAKE SCROLL then EXAMINE IT. This is the GIRGOL SCROLL. It cannot be GNUSTO'd and therefore can be used ONLY ONCE! Be careful where you use it. BLORPLE "EARTH" CUBE - remember you will need to constantly re-learn these spells - to return to the Packed Earth Room. Go DOWN twice. Don't worry about falling, you will soon be rescued. WAIT until you are in the Roc's Nest then TAKE the CASKLY SCROLL. BLORPLE "EARTH" CUBE to get back to the Packed Earth Room. Don't worry about the cube in the Roc's Nest at this time. Go SOUTH to the Cliff Middle. TAKE the THROCK SCROLL and go UP. Go UP a couple of more times until you are told on screen that you'd better do something quickly or die, then CAST GIRGOL. This time-stopping spell will halt the avalanche. Now go UP again until you reach the Top of the Mountain. TAKE the GOLD COIN and go INTO the Hut. ASK the Old Man about the cube/hut/whatever, but then to get the CUBE you must CASKLY THE HUT. This repairs the Hut so that the Old Man no longer needs the CUBE and you can now TAKE it. Mark this one with the Burin "SOFT". BLORPLE "EARTH" CUBE again to go back to the Packed Earth Room. Leave the Packed Earth Room - NOT DOWN!! - WEST (for instance) - then BLORPLE "SOFT" CUBE. From the Soft Room go SOUTH and TAKE the SHEARS. PULL WEED - twice - to get it and then it is time to get back to the Packed Earth Room by the usual method. Go WEST again then NORTH. You should now be in the Ogre's Cave. PLANT THE WEED and then THROCK THE WEED to make it grow. The Ogre has hay fever and will now be sneezing so much that you can go DOWN past him without any trouble. TAKE the GOLD BOX and OPEN it to reveal another CUBE. Mark this one "WATER". The SCROLL is the ESPNIS and should be GNUSTO'd at once as should ALL scrolls you find. Back now to the Packed Earth Room. Go EAST (for instance) and get the "EARTH" CUBE again. Learn the BLORPLE Spell a couple of times and FROTZ the ZIPPER. Put everything but the "WATER" CUBE, the "EARTH" CUBE and the piece of BREAD into the ZIPPER then CLOSE the ZIPPER. BLORPLE THE "WATER" CUBE. You will now be in the Water Room. Go SOUTH and you should be in some water. The ZIPPER is waterproof and will keep things such as your Spell Book safe as long as the ZIPPER is CLOSED. You will now be confronted by a GROUPER which is hungry. You will also see a BOTTLE and the "WATER" cube which you will have dropped and which you will need again. Unless you are careful the GROUPER will swallow one of the things you are going to need, so quickly DROP THE BREAD! The GROUPER will go after this enabling you to GET BOTTLE THEN GET "WATER" CUBE. Now back to the Packed Earth Room yet again! The BOTTLE contains a damp SCROLL. Once you have re-opened the ZIPPER and taken the Spell Book, you can GNUSTO the new SCROLL (LISKON). Now go EAST and then NORTH. You need to have memorised the LISKON, MALYON and ESPNIS spells here. When you find the SERPENT, LISKON SERPENT. This shrinks it and you can go NORTH past it. Go NORTH again to the Room of the Idol. There is a CUBE in it's mouth. The mouth is not open enough to let you take the CUBE. The only answer is to bring the idol to life with MALYON THE IDOL. WAIT until you are told that it is definately looking for you then ESPNIS THE IDOL. This makes it fall asleep. If all goes well it will yawn and then fall over asleep and then turn back to basalt with it's mouth wide open! If not, you may have to do the spell-casting again. Once you succeed you can TAKE and mark the "AIR" CUBE. BLORPLE THE "AIR" CUBE then go NORTH. TAKE the TINSOT SCROLL and BLORPLE THE "AIR" CUBE again. GNUSTO TINSOT then go WEST to the Bazaar. Go EAST into the Shop where there are TWO CARPETS for sale. Eventually you want the BLUE one. ASK the Merchant about the carpets. HAGGLE! When he asks for 800 Zorkmids, offer 100. When he asks for 700, offer 200, etc. When he asks for 500 Zorkmids and holds out his hand, GIVE him the GOLD COIN. He will then give you a carpet. Check your INVENTORY before you leave the Shop. If you have the RED CARPET, ASK MERCHANT FOR BLUE CARPET. He will apologise and exchange it! Once you have left the Shop it will be too late! Now you can leave. LOOK UNDER THE CARPET and READ the LABEL you find there. This magic flying carpet can now be used if and when required. You now need to learn the LISKON spell and the BLORPLE spell a couple of times. Now go to the Packed Earth Room again and then go EAST to the Hall Of Stone. DROP ALL here EXCEPT for the "WATER" CUBE and FROTZ SELF to get a source of light. BLORPLE "WATER" CUBE and go UP when you get to the Water Room. You are now in the Oubliette. LISKON SELF to make yourself small enough to be able to ENTER OUTFLOW PIPE. Go WEST and TAKE the CUBE you find. Go WEST again and then UP into the Ruins Room. NORTH back to the Hall Of Stone. Take your belongings again and EXTINGUISH SELF to stop glowing. WRITE "CHANGE" on the new CUBE. Now you need to learn the TINSOT spell THREE TIMES and then BLORPLE at least ONCE. Put the perishables, such as the Spell Book, back into the Zipper and CLOSE it. BLORPLE "WATER" CUBE then go UP into the Oubliette again. Above you, but out of reach, is a Trap Door. REZROV the TRAPDOOR to open it. TINSOT THE WATER to freeze the outflow pipe. TINSOT THE WATER again since once was not enough to fully freeze the pipe. When the chamber is full you will still be a little short of thr Trap Door. TINSOT THE WATER a third time to create an ice floe. CLIMB ONTO ICE and you will then be able to go UP through the Trap Door. TAKE and MARK the "BONE" CUBE and then go EAST and NORTH to the Dungeon Cell. REZROV THE CABINET and get the MOLDY BOOK. If you CASKLY THE MOLDY BOOK it will become somewhat repaired. READ IT and you will find the SNAVIG spell. Get it GNUSTO'd right away. Now go SOUTH then EAST then UP to the Top of the Guard Tower. Drop the CARPET and SIT ON CARPET. A small speck in the distance will turn out to be Mother Roc approaching. Once you are on the CARPET, go UP and then carpet should fly. If not, you couldn't have READ the LABEL! Once airborne go WEST until you are above the Roc's Nest then go DOWN. DON'T GET LOST!! Now, quickly, get off the carpet, take the CUBE, SIT ON THE CARPET and then go UP. You have very little time to do this. Iff the EGG cracks and you are confronted by the Baby Roc, you are going to DIE!! Once in the air, go EAST until you are over the Guard Tower and go DOWN, GET OFF THE CARPET. TAKE CARPET then go DOWN into the Tower to escape the Mother Roc. Now is a good time to MARK the latest CUBE "STRING". See, aren't there a lot of cubes?! Good thing we decided to use the Burin to mark them, eh?!! Learn the SNAVIG spell once and the BLORPLE a couple of times and put everything but the "WATER" and "EARTH" cubes into the Zipper. CLOSE the ZIPPER and BLORPLE "WATER" CUBE. This time go SOUTH from the Water Room and firstly TAKE THE CUBE which drops from your hand. Then SNAVIG THE GROUPER. You will now turn into a Grouper. Go DOWN to the Grouper's Nest. WAIT a couple of times until you regain your own form then TAKE ALL. Go UP and BLORPLE THE "EARTH" CUBE once more. You know where you are now. OPEN THE ZIPPER, TAKE THE BURIN and WRITE "LIGHT" on the new CUBE. Leave the Packed Earth Room and BLORPLE THE "CHANGE" CUBE. This is the Changing Room. Go NORTH and TAKE THE COMPASS you find there. BLORPLE THE "CHANGE" CUBE again. The COMPASS is needed in the next section but may require 'charging'. To do this go WEST and PUT COMPASS IN CARVING that you see in the North Wall. A hole now opens in this Wall. Go NORTH but don't forget to take the compass first. If you do forget you will have to BLORPLE THE "CHANGE" CUBE again to get out. In the area you have noe entered there are RUNES on the wall. Some are lead and some silver. Apart from the North Wall, if you TOUCH THE ROSE TO THE (Direction) WALL, if that wall has silver runes on it, then another hole will appear through which you can go. SEARCH through this area until you are in a room with an ALABASTER PLUG in the WEST wall. When you find this room, IGNORE the GOLD RUNE. REZROV the PLUG and go WEST. TAKE THE CUBE you will find and WRITE "NOPLACE" on it, although it will only show "NOPLAC" as the program only uses the first SIX letters of inputs! BLORPLE THE "LIGHT" CUBE to put yourself into the Light Room. Go WEST to the Volcano Base. WAIT until the LAVA FRAGMENT lands near you then TINSOT THE FRAGMENT. Now it is cool enough to take. BLORPLE THE "NOPLAC" CUBE. From the Noplace Room go SOUTH onto the Plain. You will see TWO ROCKS. One near and one further away. Try to CLIMB onto the nearer rock. No? It wants feeding! GIVE LAVA FRAGMENT TO ROCK. Now you can climb onto the rock. The idea here is to trap the other rock in the way that a checkmate is made in chess. Map the Plain to find an oddity. One corner (Northwest) is different! Using the command: ROCK, WEST or ROCK, SOUTH, etc., make the Green-Eyed Rock carry you about the Plain. Once you go through the odd Northwest diagonal you will be able to close in on the Brown-Eyed Rock. When the two rocks are near each other, the Brown-Eyed Rock will become mesmerised. You can now CLIMB ONTO THE BROWN-EYED ROCK and TAKE the CUBE. MARK it "DARK" and then BLORPLE THE "DARK" CUBE. Learn the SNAVIG spell and go DOWN to the Dark Cave from the Dark Room. Make sure that you are NOT a Light Source, but ensure that something else is such a source, e.g., the Zipper. Drop everything here and go DOWN to the Grue Cave. SNAVIG A GRUE and go DOWN to the Light Pool. CLIMB THE PILLAR and take the CUBE from the TOP. CLIMB DOWN PILLAR and return UP and UP again to the Dark Cave. Take all and WRITE "FIRE" on the CUBE. When you return to your own self again, BLORPLE THE "FIRE" CUBE. You need to increase your magical ability to get much further. To do this you need to choose a CUBE. For instance, the "EARTH" CUBE. Put this chosen cube into the GOLD BOX. The BOX changes slightly. TAKE THE CUBE OUT AGAIN. Go NORTH from the Fire Room where you should be now, and THROW THE GOLD BOX onto the Outcropping that you can see. Now BLORPLE (the name of the cube that you put in and then out of the box). From the location you are now in you will be able to go through the exit that was magically blocked earlier. For example, from the Packed Earth Room you can now go NORTH. This will put you beside the GOLD BOX! TAKE THE BOX AND THE CUBE and re-BLORPLE yourself away. WRITE "MAGIC" on this CUBE. BLORPLE "STRING" CUBE. From the String Room go SOUTH to the Enchanter's Retreat. Here you will meet good old Belboz again. Ask him about various things to show you need help and he will ask you a question. The answer is IN THE CARDS THAT CAME WITH THE ORIGINAL GAME PACKAGING! Answer correctly and he will give you a WROUGHT IRON KEY. Now BLORPLE "NOPLAC" CUBE again. Learn the JINDAK spell THREE TIMES and the BLORPLE ONCE. Go EAST to the Inner Vault and REZROV the DOOR. Go NORTH. You now hava a major problem to solve and only three spells may be cast before the Guards are alerted and come to drag you away!! Also NO SAVE POSITIONS ARE POSSIBLE IN HERE!!! The problem MUST be solved in ONE GO!! You will see two piles of cubes marked 'x1' to 'x10'. If the piles are JINDAK'd they will GLOW. There is only ONE REAL CUBE and that will make its pile glow BRIGHTER than the other. To find the REAL CUBE carefully follow these instructions: Put all your bits and pieces in the Zipper to make moving the cubes around a bit easier. 1. Take x1, x2, x7, x8 cubes from the piles. JINDAK. If the piles glow evenly then go to step 2. If the glow is uneven then make a note which is the brighter one and go to step 5. 2. Take x3, x4. Put x1, x2 on the first pile. JINDAK. If the piles glow evenly then go to step 3. If they are uneven then go to step 4. 3. Take x1. Put x7 on the first pile. JINDAK. If the piles are even then BLORPLE x8, if uneven then take x7 and BLORPLE IT. Now go to step 9. 4. Take x1. Put x7 on the first pile. JINDAK. If the piles are even then BLORPLE x1. If the piles are uneven then take x7. BLORPLE IT. Now go to step 9. 5. Put x1, x2, x7 on the second pile. Get x9, x10, x11, x12. Put x9 on the first pile. Get x6. Put x6 on the second pile. JINDAK. If the piles are even then go to step 6. If uneven in the same way as in step 1, then go to step 7. If the piles are uneven in the opposite way then go to step 8. 6. Take all the cubes off each pile, in turn and drop them all. Take and put x10 on the first pile, then take and put all on the second pile. JINDAK. If the piles are even get x12 and then BLORPLE IT. If the piles are uneven as in step 1, then get x11 and BLORPLE IT. If the piles are uneven in the opposite way, then get x10 then BLORPLE IT. Go to step 9. 7. Take and drop all the cubes from both piles. Take cubes x3, x4. Put x3 on the first pile and x4 on the second pile. JINDAK. If the piles are even take x5 and BLORPLE IT. If the piles are uneven as in step 1 then take x3 and BLORPLE IT. If the piles are uneven in the opposite way then get x4 and BLORPLE IT. Go to step 9. 8. Take and drop all the cubes from both piles. Take x6, x1. Put x6 on the first pile and x1 on the second pile. JINDAK. If the piles are even get x9 and BLORPLE IT. If the piles are uneven then get x6 and BLORPLE IT. Go to step 9. 9. If you are now in the Nondescript Room, you've done something wrong. If you are in the Sand Room then CONGRATULATIONS!! The areas up and down from the Sand Room are actually places in the past. Places you have been to before. UP goes to the Ruins where you found the Zipper, and DOWN goes to the Dungeon Cell where you found the MOLDY BOOK in the cupboard. Of course things look different because you are now quite some time in your own past. The problems in these two areas must be solved correctly and fully or you will be unable to leave here alive! The basic idea is to leave things in such a way that they will be just as you found them earlier in the game when time has passed by. Going DOWN first. UNLOCK the CABINET with the IRON KEY you got from Belboz. If the key explodes and kills you, then you must have answered Belboz's questions incorrectly! (ALL the answers are in the set of cards that come with the original Infocom game!) OPEN the CABINET to discover a VELLUM SCROLL which is blank. Now make sure that you have the BLORPLE SPELL memorised a couple of times because you are about to lose your Spell Book. Put the Spell Book in the cabinet. Obviously this will later become the MOLDY book you found! CLOSE and then LOCK the CABINET. Remember.....it was LOCKED when you found it! TAKE the KEY with you. Remember what the Cell Door was like? O.K. then......REZROV the DOOR and then, before the Guards arrive, BLORPLE THE "SAND" CUBE. Now go UP to the Ruins Room. This is where you will later find the Zipper. At the moment there is just a SACK here. Right! TAKE and OPEN the SACK. It contains a FLIMSY SCROLL.....seem familiar? EXAMINE IT. It has the GIRGOL SPELL on it which, as you know, you could only use ONCE........But!....if you had a BLANK scroll on which to COPY the GIRGOL SPELL?!! WRITE GIRGOL ON VELLUM SCROLL (with the Burin). Now EMPTY THE ZIPPER INTO THE SACK. PUT THE FLIMSY SCROLL IN THE ZIPPER and then CLOSE ZIPPER. DROP the ZIPPER. This is how you found the room originally wasn't it?! All that was here was a Zipper containing a Flimsy Scroll! TAKE the SACK and BLORPLE THE "MAGIC" CUBE. From the Magic Room go EAST to the Castle where you will be confronted by your shadowy enemy at last! If left to his own pace, the figure will eventually freeze you to enable him to have enough time to complete certain deeds. However, since he is now aware of your increased magical abilities, he does not realise that after a few moves you will shake off the spell. Unfortunately, if you let him freeze you when HE wants to, there is not enough time to shake off the spell. You need to annoy the figure enough so that he will notice and freeze you much sooner. As soon as you can see the figure try ATTACK FIGURE. He will freeze you. Now just WAIT for a while. If you do anything else, you will be noticed and re-frozen. Do nothing but WAIT until the freeze spell wears off. Keep WAITing until the figure IGNORES YOU!! Now, as long as you remembered to bring the VELLUM SCROLL with the copy of the GIRGOL SPELL on it with you, you will be able to defeat him. WAIT until the figure is just about to leap into the Hypercube he has built and then CAST GIRGOL. Time will stop and you have a couple of moves in which to win or lose! Remove the "MAGIC" CUBE from the Hypercube and replace it with the SMOKED FISH. The Hypercube is being built to rearrange the Universe in the manner that the shadowy figure wants. It is based on the item in the centre of the Hypercube. The figure wants MAGIC hence the "MAGIC" cube is in the middle. If you remove the "MAGIC" cube then do not put anything else in there, then the new Universe will be built around nothing! (DESTROYED!!!). If you put any magical item there the figure will get what he wants. So by using a NON-MAGICAL item, such as the SMOKED FISH, a totally new Universe will be created. As time starts again, the figure will enter the Hypercube and you will have WON THE GAME!!!! You should now have scored 600/600 and achieved the class of SCIENTIST!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S T A R C R O S S (Infocom) Ah, outer space! No dank and dusty dungeons here....but you can be sure that the puzzles are no easier than they were in the Great Underground Empire! So, settle in and get ready for lift-off! There you are, floating around space in your ship, alarm bells ringing in your ears. Obviously, something's about to happen. Get the tape library, then get up and go Starboard into the Bridge. Push the red button, which will shut off the alarm bell, and read the screen. This will tell you which object on your map is the one to head for. Now, there's no way I can tell you the exact coordinates, as the destination changes from game to game. However, it isn't hard to figure out what they are. Once you've done that, sit down in the control couch and fasten the belt. Now you have to enter the course into the computer, which is done as follows: Computer, range is 'x', theta is 'y', phi is 'z'. The computer will ask you to confirm the new course, which you do by saying: Computer, confirm new program. After that, you're off! And now it's time for the hallmark of all Infocom games: Waiting! You'll sit in the couch, and wait until you arrive at the alien ship and you are captured by it . Once your ship is down on the dock, unfasten the belt, get up, and go Starboard into the storage room. Get the suit, put it on, then get the line. Head Portwards back to the bridge. Fun times with airlocks begin now. Open the inner door, go out, close the inner door, open the outer door, and go out. Get used to doing that, because you'll be doing it again, and again! So, now you're on the Red Dock, and there's a strange-looking sculpture here. Closer examination, and a little thought, shows that it's a representation of the solar system. Aha! Could it be...? You press the fourth bump, and strange things happen. Press the small bump, and a black rod appears...get the rod, and the outer airlock door opens! Okay, go inside , and you are in a Red Hall. At this point, you might want to save the game, and just wander around, doing some mapping. Actually, I recommend that you do so, since there will be a point in the game where I won't be able to give you specific directional instructions. Now that you've checked out the territory a bit, restore to your original entry point. You're ready for the great rod hunt....because the object of the game is to activtate and control the artifact, which is done via different colored rods. Right now, you want the red one, so, go North, then West into the Room on Ring Two. From there, North into the Zoo, and East into the rat-ant cage. The red rod is part of the nest, and you just can't reach over and get it. This is one of the very few times in an Infocom where violence is necessary: Throw the tape library at the nest, which will be smashed. While the rat- ants look at you in terror, grab the red rod and the tape library. Now it's time for the yellow rod, so head along West, South, West, which will bring you to the Blue Hall. Go South once and you're at the Blue Airlock. Open the door, go down, close inner door, etc. When you reach the Blue Dock, go Aft until you come to the Spider-like alien. It's quite intelligent and even friendly. Give it the tape library, and in return you will get the yellow rod. Take that, and make your way back to the Blue Hall. You have two rods, and you will be using them now. From the Blue Hall, go up, and you're in the Grasslands. Go South to the Thin Forest, open the hatch there, and go down into the Repair Room. Put the yellow rod in the yellow slot. That turns on the lights in the Yellow Hallway. Put the red rod in the SECOND red slot. Make sure it's the second; this will provide a breathable atmosphere for you. Now, get the metal square, and go up, then North, then down again to the Blue Hall. From there, West to the Yellow Hall and Yellow Airlock. You know the drill by now, but there's an extra feature this time: You will have to try to open the outer door twice . Also, while you're in the Yellow Airlock, pick up the basket; it will come in very handy! Once on the Yellow Dock, tie the line to the suit and then to the hook. Head Portwards, get the pink rod, put it in the basket, then go back Starboard to the dock, untie yourself, and return to the Yellow Hall. Now, it's time for the blue rod. Go South twice, then East once. You are in a laboratory with a mysterious silver globe floating in mid-air. Inside the globe, although you can't see it now, is a blue rod. It's easy to get, however. Take the two disks off the wall. Put one on the floor, and one under the globe. It doesn't matter which way you do it, the result will be the same. Put the basket on the globe, then turn the dial to 4. Ta-da! .......The basket suddenly appears on the disk on the floor, with the blue rod! Turn the dial to 1, then get both disks, the basket, and the blue rod. Put the rod in the basket. In fact, put all rods in the basket when you get them. Okay, there's still plenty of rods to collect, so let's keep moving! Head West, then North four times to the end of the hallway, then West to the Room on Ring One, and South from there into the Computer Room. Open the panel on the computer, then insert the metal square into the slot. Turn on the computer, and you will get a gold rod. Don't worry about all the displays; they aren't important to you. Now comes more waiting. What you're waiting for this time is the mechanical "mouse" that collects trash. So, move around until it makes an appearance. As soon as it does, drop one of the disks . The mouse will pick it up. After that, you must follow the mouse around until it disappears into a secret door in one of the rooms. There are several different rooms where the mouse can do this, so you MUST follow it. Wait there until it reappears and leaves, wait a little longer to make sure it won't come back, then drop the other disk on the floor and step on it. Zap!! You're in the Garage! . Pick up the disk, then empty the trash bin until you find the green rod. Go North and you will be in the Room on Ring Four. You are now in the Room on Ring Four. Now, this is why you had to do some mapping on your own: You must get the other disk you dropped, and there's no telling exactly in which room that was. So, you must explore on your own until you find the disk. Once you've done that, make your way to the Blue Hall where the airlock is. From there, go North twice, then West into the Observatory. Drop off one of the disks, then hike along East, South, East, East, South, East into the Weasel Village, and then East once more to the Village Center. Wait around a short while, and the Weasel chief will appear. He will indicate that he wants your space suit. That's no problem, since the air will remain breathable, and you don't need the suit anymore. So, give it to him. Then, when he wants to give you something in return, point to the brown rod he wears around his neck. He will give it to you, and start to leave. Follow him! Continue to follow him, until you arrive at the Center of the Warren. Then climb down the ladder to the Green Airlock , and do the usual job with the doors. From the dock, go West to the Umbilical, then West again to the Cargo Hold. Pick up the visor fragment, then go Forward into the Control Room of the wrecked ship. Move the skeleton, and you will find a violet rod. Now, drop the disk on the floor, and step on it. If you attempt to leave the way you came, the Weasels will kill you for disturbing their shrine. So, now you've materialized in the Observatory, and it's time to pick up another rod: Look at projector through visor. Aha! A clear rod. Sneaky, huh? Get the rod, drop the visor, then move along East, then South three times to the Melted Spot, then West into the Weapons Deck. Get the genuine Ray-gun, and look inside it. Sonuvagun! A silver rod! Get that, then East and North, and up to the Grasslands, 'cause it's time to get this show on the road. Now, trek on South twice to the Dense Forest, then East to the base of the tree. Climb the tree, all the way up to the top, then jump to the Drive Bubble. Insert the silver rod into the slot, then enter the bubble. There's a white rod here; get that and put it into the white slot. Under no circumstances should you insert the black rod into the black slot!! That will shut everything down! Okay, the drive mechanism has been activated; now you have to make the thing move. So, out, and up to the top of the Bubble, and....jump! Isn't floating in air fun? However, you still have some things to do yet, so shoot the gun at the Drive Bubble three times, which will bring you to the Control Bubble. Go Down, then put the gold rod in the slot, and enter the Bubble. Inside, you will find the slots for the remaining rods. Put each rod in the slot of its own color. Now, at last, you're ready to bring the artifact to life! Touch the large pink square, and the scene in the small one will change to show the inner solar system. Now touch the brown spot until a picture of Earth appears. Press the violet one until a ellipse shows , then press the green spot, and flashing lights appear. And last, but certainly not least, the final move: Touch the blue spot, which activates everything, and brings the alien ship safely to Earth! Of course, it isn't over yet! That final remark by the alien sounded a little ominous....I have a feeling you'll be heading out again into space sooner than you might think! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S T A T I O N F A L L (Infocom) Note: You will get hungry (Eat 'goo' or 'nectar'; drop kit when food is depleted), and sleepy (get on bed in any Barracks and 'WAIT'), and may be attacked by Plato (SAY 'FLOYD, HELP' 4 times) at random times. Also, you must leave the room if a Welder approaches. It is necessary to make an accurate map of your travels as, if there are no physical directions between the end of a section - in this solution - and the beginning of the next section, then you must make your way via your map to the point where the solution continues. This is necessary when any of the actions, mentioned in the preceding paragraph, occur. THE SOLUTION ON THE DUFFY. E - N - PUT ROBOT FORM IN SLOT - TYPE 3 - S - E - OPEN HATCH - ENTER TRUCK - CLOSE HATCH - SIT IN PILOT SEAT - PUT SPACECRAFT FORM IN SLOT - READ CHRONOGRAPH - (Find this number on the Assignment Form in your game packaging to discover the correct co-ordinate) - TYPE (NUMBER) - WAIT - (until you land at the Docking Bay) - GET UP - GET KIT - OPEN KIT - GET THERMOS - OPEN THERMOS - DRINK SOUP - OPEN HATCH - OUT - E. LEVEL 5 & PRINTING PLANT. DROP KIT - (return for it when you get hungry) - SE - SE - E - GET TAPE - W - PUT TAPE IN READER - TURN READER ON - PUSH BUTTON - (ten times) - TURN READER OFF - E - LOOK UNDER BED - GET STAMP - W - NW - NW - DOWN - DOWN - (Printing Plant) - OPEN CAN - GET CRUMPLED FORM - DROP ASSIGNMENT FORM - NW - GET DRILL - REMOVE BIT - DROP BIT - SE - GET NANOFILM. LAUNDRY ROOM. OPEN PRESSER - PUT CRUMPLED FORM IN PRESSER - CLOSE PRESSER - TURN PRESSER ON - TURN PRESSER OFF - OPEN PRESSER - GET FORM - E - N - READ SIGN - (note number) - S - SW - GET PUCE - E - DOWN - W - GET LILAC - E - UP - UP - SE. LIBRARY. PUT MAUVE IN READER - TURN READER ON - REMOVE MAUVE - DROP MAUVE - PUT PUCE IN READER - REMOVE PUCE - DROP PUCE - PUT LILAC IN READER - TURN READER OFF - W - N - GET DETONATOR - OPEN DETONATOR - REMOVE HYPERDIODE - DROP HYPERDIODE. LEVEL 5 & EAST CONNECTOR'S IRIS HATCH. DROP DETONATOR - STAMP FORM - DROP STAMP - SE - S - [SAVE GAME] - W - [RESTORE if Floyd doesn't follow you into the room; try telling him to follow you!] - FLOYD, GET MEDIUM BIT - GET BIT - E - PUT BIT IN DRILL - E - N - N - NE - (East Connector) - PUT FORM IN SLOT. BROADWAY. E - GET HEADLAMP - WEAR HEADLAMP - W - S - S - READ SHEET - DROP SHEET - SE - PUT CARD IN SLOT - TURN MACHINE ON - TYPE SEVEN - GET CARD - NW - SW - SW - SE - SW - GET CAN - READ CAN. PET STORE & THE BALLOON CREATURE. READ SIGN - OPEN CAGE - SPRAY CAN - NE - SPRAY CAN - W - SPRAY CAN - W - SPRAY CAN - W - SPRAY CAN - SW - SPRAY CAN - NW - SPRAY CAN - UP - SPRAY CAN - UP - SPRAY CAN - (the Balloon Creature should follow you into the Chapel). CHAPEL. OPEN PULPIT - THROW SWITCH - SPRAY CAN - GET LEASH - GET STAR - DROP LEASH - E - DOWN - DOWN - GET KIT AND DETONATOR - SE - SE - E - OPEN STAR - GET HYPERDIODE - DROP STAR - PUT HYPERDIODE IN DETONATOR - CLOSE DETONATOR - W - NW - NW - DOWN - SE - (End of Corridor) - PUT CARD IN READER - N - GET GUN - (Level 5) - SE - SE - E - DRILL SAFE - DROP DRILL. LOAN SHARK, THE OSTRICH & THE PX MACHINE. SHOOT LOCK WITH GUN - GET COIN - N - NE - UP - NW - (Pet Store) - EXAMINE CEILING - OPEN PANEL - GET NIP - SE - SW - SW - SE - SE - NW - (Doc Schuster's) - NE - UP - N - N - W - W - W - NW - NE - (PX) - PUT COIN IN MACHINE - TYPE 6 - PUT NIP IN HOLE - GET TIMER. MAYOR'S OFFICE. OPEN TEXTBOOK - READ PAPER - DROP PAPER - DOWN - NE - NE - N - N - SE - (Barber Shop) - BREAK MIRROR - GET FOIL - NW - S - (Grocery) - DROP ALL BUT THERMOS. CASINO, FLOPHOUSE & THE ALIEN SHIP. TURN WHEEL - UP - OPEN LOCKER - GET SUIT - DOWN - W - NW - (Grocery Store) - DROP SUIT - (Go to Docking Bay No.1) - ENTER SHIP - TASTE DOTS - (compare with the message on the paper in Mayor's Office) - EXIT SHIP. JUNKYARD & IN SPACE. GET BOOTS - WEAR BOOTS - W - NE - UP - N - GET SUIT - WEAR IT - S - DOWN - (Warehouse) - OPEN INNER DOOR - DOWN - (Airlock) - CLOSE INNER DOOR - OPEN OUTER DOOR - DOWN - TURN LAMP ON - GET CYLINDER - PUT CYLINDER IN THERMOS - CLOSE THERMOS - UP - CLOSE OUTER DOOR - TURN LAMP OFF - OPEN INNER DOOR - REMOVE BOOTS - DROP BOOTS - REMOVE SUIT - DROP SUIT - (Go to Grocery) - GET GUN, DETONATOR, TIMER AND FOIL. COMMANDER'S QUARTERS. ATTACH TIMER TO DETONATOR - OPEN THERMOS - GET EXPLOSIVE - ATTACH DETONATOR TO EXPLOSIVE - PUT EXPLOSIVE IN HOLE - DROP DETONATOR AND TIMER - SET TIMER TO TEN - W - E - (after the explosion!) - GET KEY - W - NW - NW - N - N - GET JAMMER - SET JAMMER TO SEVEN ONE ZERO - E - N - N - UP - GET BOARD - INSERT BOARD IN JAMMER. DOME. UNLOCK BIN WITH KEY - OPEN BIN - GET GUN, FOIL AND JAMMER - REMOVE GRATING - ENTER AIR SHAFT - DOWN - (until you reach the bottom) - JUMP ON GRATING - TURN JAMMER ON - TURN JAMMER OFF - UP - SHOOT FLOYD WITH GUN - PUT FOIL ON PYRAMID. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUSPECT (Infocom) "Suspect" is a little different from the previous two Infocom mysteries. In both "Deadline" and "Witness", you were the police, gathering evidence, questioning suspects, and making the arrest. This time around, however, you're on the other side of the fence: YOU are the suspect, and the police are gathering evidence against you, for a crime you didn't commit. The game is thus a race against time, as you desperately attempt to collect the real evidence before you're arrested. The adventure is centered on a critical point; until you realize that point, you really don't know what you're looking for, and much evidence can be overlooked or spoiled. The critical point is the fact that Veronica is murdered before the game begins. That elaborate fairy costume, with its over-the-head mask, allows someone else to impersonate her, and thus provide an alibi for the real murderer. Also, you will notice that this is by far the busiest Infocom ever; people move around a lot in the game, and you're almost always running into, or seeing, someone or other. Most of the time, you don't have to worry about that (I think they just put that that in there to confuse you a little, and make you waste time following harmless people around). It is also necessary to collect ever last bit of evidence. Overlook one thing, and you'll never be able to get a conviction, no matter how sure you are of who is guilty. So, with all that in mind, let's get started. So there you are in the plush Ashcroft manor on Halloween night, enjoying a costume ball being hosted by Veronica Ashcroft, and wondering what sort of story you can work up for your newspaper. As the game begins, you're invited to join Michael, dressed as a sheik, and a small group of people. You might as well go over there, and marvel at the performance given by the woman in the fairy costume, supposedly, but not really, Veronica. Having made sure she creates a fuss by spilling a drink on herself, she promptly leaves. Don't bother following her, you have better things to do. Go East to the bar, then North to the French Doors. Unlock the doors, then open them and go East. Wow, it sure is pouring out there, isn't it? This is one of the crucial points of evidence in the game; you must note the rainfall now, and again in a little while. In the meantime, you can drop your costume receipt, pen, and notebook here; they are merely excess baggage, and you won't need them for anything. Ok, now it's time to head for the front door, to let in a late arrival who is on her way. Go West to re-enter the Ballroom, South to the Bar, then straight West until you reach the Long Hall South. Go South from there to where the Long Hall Begins, and West again until you come to the Front Hall. Now it's South to the Entry Hall. Anytime now, the front doorbell will ring. When that happens, unlock the front door and open it. Alicia will come sashaying in. After she does that, step outside South, and observe the rain. Hmmmmm, looks like it's let up a little, only a drizzle is falling now. Having gained your first piece of evidence, you now go get some more, by heading to the office, where Veronica sits, strangled with your cowboy lariat. Go North to the Front Hall, West to the Hallway Intersection, South to the Corner, West, and then North. And here you are in a very messy office. Whoever did this sure did a good job! But there's no time to worry about the papers and other items strewn about. First, get the manila folder from the desk and the fairy mask from the floor. Look in the waste basket and get the business card. Finally, unpleasant though it may be, search the body. Aha! A silver bullet. In fact, it's a bullet from your gunbelt, thoughtfully placed on the scene as additional evidence against you. Take the bullet and put it back in your belt. Under no circumstances remove the rope; if you do that, you will never get a conviction against the real killer. Since there is some time yet before the murder is discovered and the police arrive, you can go pick up another vital piece of evidence, in the kitchen. Make your way back to Long Hall South, then straight North to the Dining Room and from there East into the Kitchen. Here is a trashbasket with the remains of the broken glass that "Veronica" dropped. Careful now; don't get the glass (or you'll spoil the fingerprints on it!), get the whole basket (you may feel a bit odd running around with the trashbasket, but it's necessary!). Now it's time to play hide and seek. So, trashbasket in hand, you now make your way to the garage. Go North at the Hallway Intersection (you should know how to get there by now!), until you come to the door to the walkway. The door is locked, but fortunately, being on the inside, you can unlock it, and open the door. Go North onto the walkway, then West to the garage. The first thing you notice is a tool chest. Open that, and get the crowbar. Now you can take a moment to admire the BMW and the Mercedes, but don't take too long. Someone will be coming soon. So, hide behind the Mercedes and wait. In fact, you can wait for Michael. The reason you are waiting is that, while you've been busily collecting evidence, a carefully-faked argument has taken place in the Ballroom. This will lead to the discovery of the body by Michael, Colonel Marston, and Cochrane. And as soon as Michael leaves the office, he will head straight for the garage (if you've played this part before, you may have been suspicious of his doing something so odd, but following him won't help you to find out what he's up to). And yes, here he comes. From your vantage point, you can see him open the trunk of the BMW, although what he's doing there isn't clear...yet! Keep waiting until he leaves (by that time, the police will have arrived), then open the BMW trunk with the crowbar. Well, look at that, there's a Trust Folder in the trunk! Drop the crowbar and get the folder. The next part is crucial, and you have very little time to spare. You must get back to the Fireplace in the Ballroom as soon as you can. You have to be there when Marston arrives, or you'll lose an important piece of evidence. While you've been breaking into the car trunk, Michael and Marston have been meeting briefly in the library, where Michael hands over a piece of paper to Marston. You could hide in the library, and watch the transaction (instead of first going to the garage and hiding there), but still you have to go the garage later anyway. Either way, you must get to the Fireplace quickly. So high-tail it directly back to the Ballroom. Don't take any time to do sight-seeing. Once at the Fireplace, just wait. You won't have to wait very long. Marston will come in, and try to burn something in the Fireplace. Grab the paper before it's reduced to ashes. Whew! That was a close one. At this point, you have two ways to go. You can try spooking the guilty parties, or you can just go about giving your evidence to the detective, and let it go at that. If you want to try shaking up Michael and Alicia (you probably guessed that by now), you need to show your evidence to them. Show everything that concerns Michael to Michael, and everything that concerns Alicia to Alicia (don't forget the analysis reports later on). This is tricky, since you must also give the detective some of your evidence, before he decides to arrest you, so watch your timing if you want to go about doing this (I won't tell you what happens; try it and see for yourself). Speaking of the detective, it's time to go find him and begin presenting some of the items you've been collecting. He's usually in the vicinty of the office, checking out the various rooms, after which he heads to the Ballroom and stays there. You don't want to wait for that, since he'll probably arrest you for the crime. It's better to go after him, and give him a few other things to think about. Once you've located the detective, and he stays in one place long enough, you can begin to hand over some ofyour little treasures. First, have him get the glass analyzed for fingerprints (and now, at last, you can drop the trashbasket!). While Duffy is on his way to the lab, give the detective the two folders and the paper. Hey, that sure got him interested, didn't it? However, hang on to the mask and the card, because it's not yet time for those (by the way, have you looked inside the mask yet? You'll need to get that hair analyzed too, and Duffy isn't here to do that). You still need some more evidence to wrap up the case, so head back once more to the Ballroom. Along the way, stop off in the East Coat Closet, and pick up the wet overcoat. A quick glance at the label tells you that it belongs to Alicia. Hmmmm, suspicious that it's so soaked, and it was only drizzling when she arrived! When you get to the Ballroom, locate Cochrane (dressed as an astronaut). You'll most likely find him at the Bar. Show him the card, and he will give you some important (verbal) evidence. Now go back to the Fireplace, and hang out until the detective arrives. When he does get there, show him the coat. He doesn't seem too impressed, so tell him about the rain (NOTE: There is a variance among the different computer versions. Save the game first, and then try: TELL DETECTIVE ABOUT RAIN. If that doesn't work, restore and try: TELL DETECTIVE ABOUT WEATHER. One or the other of these should do the trick). Somewhere along the line, the detective will get the fingerprint analysis and show it to you (actually, he gives it to you). You aren't surprised to find that it's not Veronica's prints on the glass. Now, have the dark hair analyzed (did you ever look at Veronica's hair? She is (or was) a blonde). While you wait for the hair analysis, give the business card to the detective (you don't have to tell him about Cochrane). Then just wait again until the hair analysis comes back. All right, this is the big moment! Tell the detective to arrest Michael and Alicia. TA-DA! Your evidence makes an air-tight case, and both Michael and Alicia will be in prison for a long, long time! For a journalist, you're a pretty good detective (of course, there was a small incentive involved!). ******************************************************************** S U S P E N D E D (Infocom) "Suspended" is an excellent game and possibly the most advanced game to date for the adventurer. The story is quite simple: You are the failsafe device to protect the surface world of Contra should any emergency develop that would cause the planet control devices to fail (these are underground in a complex where you live suspended in a cryogenic tube, awaiting a disaster). Of course, a disaster develops as soon as you boot up the disk! You are awakened to find that there has been an earthquake that has damaged the cables in the Primary and Secondary Channels. You have six different robots at your command. These robots all enjoy different skills and abilities. Each one represents a different sense.Iris: The sense of sight, Waldo: The sense of touch and dexterity, Sensa: Perceives things magnetic and electronic, Poet: Perceives things electronic and can diagnose electrical flows, Whiz: Commands the computer and can do errands, Auda: The sense of hearing. The trick to winning "Suspended" is assigning the right task to the right robot. Also, the right robot has to be at the right place at the right time. This is called critical path planning, and is the secret of "Suspended." In the standard game, there are a few real-time events to be aware of: 1)At the 15th cycle, there is another earthquake which causes an acid spill that kills, in short order, any robot that thereafter passes through the Cavernous Room (until the acid is shut off); 2) At the 75th cycle, there is another quake which wrecks the hydroponics and transit equipment on the surface above. These have to be fixed quickly or the game ends swiftly due to the starving populous above; 3) At the 100th cycle, humans enter the complex with the intent of turning you off because, by this time, you are clearly screwing up the assignment. These humans can be the death of you or they can help you by...well, I won't tell you yet! The following commands get you through the game in less than 70 moves. As a result, they give little aid in the event that you finish the game in more than that time. The game changes considerably after the 75th move. There are many problems that surface after that time, and these clues do nothing to help you. Let's get started! NUMBER 1 POET,GO TO WEATHER CONTROL, NUMBER 2 SENSA,GO TO SUB SUPPLY ROOM, NUMBER 3 WHIZ,GO TO SECONDARY CHANNEL, NUMBER 4 SENSA, TAKE RAMP, NUMBER 5 SENSA, GO WEST, NUMBER 6 SENSA, TAKE CONTAINER AND GRASPER, NUMBER 7 SENSA, GO TO HALLWAY JUNCTION, NUMBER 8 WALDO, GO TO HALLWAY JUNCTION, NUMBER 9 AUDA, GO TO GAMMA REPAIR. The above moves set the game up. Poet is needed to turn the weather control off; this minimizes deaths at the surface (your primary goal). Sensa gets the ramp that is needed to allow the robots to go from one level to another.Auda is sent to the Gamma Repair area because she will be needed later and, without the humans coming for a while, there is nothing that can be done with her anyway. Waldo is sent to the Hallway Junction to meet Sensa and take the container and grasper on his way to fixing Iris who is reported to be out of order. Now, enter your second set of commands: NUMBER 10 POET, TURN SECOND DIAL TO 100, NUMBER 11 POET, GO TO HALLWAY END, NUMBER 12 IRIS, GO TO MAIN SUPPLY ROOM, NUMBER 13 SENSA, PUT RAMP AT DROPOFF, NUMBER 14 AUDA, LISTEN, NUMBER 15 WALDO, TAKE CONTAINER AND GRASPER, NUMBER 16 WALDO, GO TO MAIN SUPPLY, NUMBER 17 WALDO, INSTALL GRASPER, NUMBER 18 WALDO, TAKE RED IC AND YELLOW IC, NUMBER 19 SENSA, GO NORTH, NUMBER 20 SENSA, TAKE RAMP. Once Poet got to the Weather Control, he had to reset the faulty control to 100. This is only a temporary fix because if you let the game go on too long, all hell will break loose with various disasters and accidents occuring which you will not be able to control. Poet is then sent to the Hallway End where he will be used to get the TV camera needed later. Iris is sent to the Main Supply Room where she can be fixed when Waldo arrives. She will also help Waldo repair the machine there. Sensa, upon arriving, puts the ramp in place so that Auda can get to Gamma Repair and so that she and Poet can get to the other level. Waldo is handed the grasper and container which he installs. This is done now to save moves later. NUMBER 21 SENSA, GO TO SMALL SUPPLY, NUMBER 22 WALDO, OPEN PANEL, NUMBER 23 WALDO, REPLACE ROUGH DEVICE WITH ROUGH OBJECT, NUMBER 24 WALDO, CLOSE PANEL, NUMBER 25 POET, GET IN CAR, NUMBER 26 POET, GET OUT OF CAR, NUMBER 27 POET, GO TO BIOLOGY LAB, NUMBER 28 WALDO, TAKE BURNED AND FRIED CHIP, NUMBER 29 POET, TAKE CAMERA, NUMBER 30 SENSA, PUT RAMP AT HOLDER. This stage sets the robots to their major gathering tasks. Waldo has fixed Iris, and is now set on fixing the machine and salvaging its parts. Poet has arrived at the Hallway End, gotten in the car, exited the car, and is now getting the camera. Sensa has arrived at the Small Supply Room to take the cable cutter. NUMBER 31 SENSA, GET ON RAMP, NUMBER 32 SENSA, TAKE CUTTER, NUMBER 33 SENSA, GET OFF RAMP, NUMBER 34 SENSA, TAKE RAMP, NUMBER 35 SENSA, GO TO SLOPING CORRIDOR, NUMBER 36 POET, GO TO VEHICLE DEBARKATION, NUMBER 37 WALDO, PUT RED IC IN RED SOCKET, NUMBER 38 WALDO, PUT YELLOW IC IN YELLOW SOCKET, NUMBER 39 POET, GET IN CAR, NUMBER 40 POET, GET OUT OF CAR. Sensa has completed her task of getting the metal tool that she will need shortly. Poet has gotten the camera and is now coming back, and Waldo is in the midst of fixing and salvaging the machine with Iris in the Main Supply Room. You're more than half-way to your goal! NUMBER 41 POET, GO TO PRIMARY CHANNEL, NUMBER 42 SENSA, PUT RAMP AT DROPOFF, NUMBER 43 GO TO GAMMA REPAIR, NUMBER 44 WALDO, PUSH BUTTON, NUMBER 45 IRIS, TAKE FUSE, NUMBER 46 WALDO, TAKE CABLE, NUMBER 47 WALDO, GO TO THE SECONDARY CHANNEL, NUMBER 48 IRIS, GO TO MIDDLE SUPPLY, NUMBER 49 IRIS, TAKE CABLE, NUMBER 50 IRIS, GO TO MAIN SUPPLY. Poet has been sent to use the camera in the Primary Channel (this is a Kamikaze mission because he has to pass through the Cavernous Room to get there). Sensa has gotten to the Sloping Corridor and reinstalled the ramp so that she and Poet can get to the lower level. Waldo and Iris have gotten the machine fixed and salvaged one of the two needed cables to set the FCS in balance. Waldo is now set on his mission where Whiz will be waiting to install the cable needed in the Secondary Channel. NUMBER 51 SENSA, EXAMINE OBJECT, NUMBER 52 SENSA, TURN FLOWSWITCH, NUMBER 53 BOTH SENSA AND AUDA, MOVE FRED, NUMBER 54 SENSA, CUT CABLE WITH CUTTER, NUMBER 55 POET, PLUG TV1 IN, NUMBER 56 POET, AIM TV1 AT SIGN. (This is the important "Reset Code." Write it down! It's different for every game.) NUMBER 57 SENSA, TAKE CABLE, NUMBER 58 SENSA, GO TO PRIMARY CHANNEL, NUMBER 59 IRIS, PUT CABLE IN MACHINE, NUMBER 60 IRIS, PUT FUSE IN MACHINE. Sensa and Auda salvaged the remaining needed cable to fix the cable in the Primary Channel. Sensa is now on her way. Poet valiantly died trying to work the camera in the Primary Channel after having had corrosive acid spilled on him. Iris has fixed the reset machine which is now only awaiting the installation of the cables in the FCS to reset the systems to set the surface world above right. NUMBER 61 WHIZ, GO TO WALDO, NUMBER 62 WHIZ, TAKE FOURTEEN-INCH CABLE, NUMBER 63 WHIZ, REPLACE THE NINE-INCH CABLE WITH THE FOURTEEN-INCH CABLE, NUMBER 64 WHIZ, DRAG WALDO TO THE EAST END, NUMBER 65 AUDA, GO TO SLEEP CHAMBER, NUMBER 66 SENSA, REPLACE FOUR-INCH CABLE WITH TWELVE-INCH CABLE, NUMBER 67 IRIS, PRESS ----- CIRCLE, NUMBER 68 IRIS, PRESS ----- CIRCLE. At this point, the game is over. Only 8,000 are dead and you have succeeded in your mission. It should be noted that this does not answer all the questions and puzzles that are presented in the game, it just tells you how to win the game in the shortest order. Enjoy!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TASS TIMES IN TONE TOWN (Activision) This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue Start in your Grandfather's Log Cabin. LOOK PAPER (the anchovy and pepperoni combo has been circled) S (Spot barks at the counter) LOOK COUNTER LOOK JAR (you now find a key) GET KEY N W S (Spot sits at the foot of the bed) LOOK BED LOOK CLOTHES N UNLOCK DOOR (you rush into Gramps' Lab) LOOK PIZZA LOOK FISHBOWL (you find a bunch of guitar picks.......this is currency in Tone Town!) GET BOOK GET PICKS READ BOOK E LOOK HOOP LOOK GENERATOR (tells you to throw the switch) THROW SWITCH (the generator now powers up) ENTER HOOP (you are now on a Construction Site) N (Spot now becomes 'ENNIO'!!) LOOK TRENCH (you find a jar) GET JAR E E GET MITTS READ SIGN W S E (Chaz hands you a dyecut dyeorama) LOOK DYEORAMA BUY PLENTY SPARKLE (Chaz puts a wild streak of sparkle in your hair!) E BUY HOOPLET BUY JUMPSUIT WEAR JUMPSUIT WEAR HOOPLET WEAR MITTS W W LOOK FLOATFONE (a sign directs you to lift the receiver and follow directions) LIFT RECEIVER (at the sound of the tone, insert a pick for information) INSERT PICKS (you hear that the top tune is "Tass" by the Daglets). S BUY NEWSPAPER READ NEWSPAPER READ ARTICLE 1 (it seems that Franklin Snarl is linked with the disappearance of Gramps) READ ARTICLE 2 READ ARTICLE 3 READ ARTICLE 4 READ ARTICLE 5 (you learn of a debossed metal card that has been lost near the Nature Trail) DROP PAPER DROP KEY S LOOK MAN TALK EDITOR TALK NUYU (you are given an assignment for 'The Legend') GET CAMERA E LOOK TERMINAL TURN COMPUTER ON TURN PRINTER ON (you must now type in your OWN/REAL name!) TYPE (your name!) YES (a Press Pass now appears) GET PASS LOOK PASS W N N N N DROP BOOK DROP PASS W BUY BLOBO (you've now got your own Blobpet!!) E E TALK FLO BUY MASK GET BLACK DROP PICKS WEAR MASK W GET PRESS PASS N E N N N N N N GET DEVIL (in your jar) LOOK JAR S S S S S S W DROP BLOBO DROP JAR TALK STELGAD SHOW PASS TO STELGAD (you are now introduced to the Daglets) LOOK DAGLETS TALK DAGLETS LOOK ZAGTONE GET ZAGTONE TAKE PHOTO S S S S S GIVE PHOTO (note the word 'SIC' in the Editor's advice to you!) GIVE CAMERA. N N N N GET BOOK N GET BLOBO DROP PRESS PASS GET JAR W (if Ennio says:"I smell snarlmeat", then keep going EAST then WEST until he DOESN'T!) ENTER WELL W LOOK PHILBERT LOOK CAGES W LOOK PLAQUE (emergency only!) N N N UP E N LOOK GATE UNLOCK GATE (you slide open the bolt) W S ENTER TREE S S S E (Ennio smells snarlmeat!) W WAIT E (if Ennio still smells snarlmeat, repeat procedure) W WAIT E (if NO mention is made of snarlmeat, proceed) E UP E E N W W (Blobo digs in the sand and finds a card) GET CARD LOOK CARD E S E E E (you now hear a horrible creature, sloshing through the Wetlands!) N N E E N E E N E (you now wander aimlessly through the Estate and find nothing) ENTER BOAT W S (watch that Waterfall!!) W N W INSERT CARD PUSH BUTTON 5 E (you now find Gramps, who is handcuffed) TALK GRAMPS LOOK CUFFS READ LABEL (they have a sonic lock) HIT CUFFS WITH ZAGTONE (Gramps is now free) W PUSH BUTTON 1 E S ENTER BOAT S W (you land safely, but lose the boat to the strong current!) W W LOOK GATE LOOK EYE LOOK NOSE LOOK BELL GET MUSHROOM THROW MUSHROOM AT EYE (the dust cloud causes the eye to swell shut, and the nose to have a sneezing fit!) OPEN GATE W W W (you are now in Snarl's house, remember what Nuyu told you earlier?.......SIC!) N SIC ENNIO AT SNARL GIVE BOOK TO GRAMPS OPEN JAR (the lightning stuns Snarl!) PUSH SNARL IN HOOP. FINAL MESSAGE Snarl now sizzles as he passes through the hoop......everything twists and turns......your knees buckle and you are on the road, a mile or so North of Gramps' cabin. You have with you a cute little pig, a darling racoon and a little crocodile shedding a few tears!!! GAME OVER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE PAWN (Magnetic Scrolls) This solution allows you to step through each stage of the adventure by pressing RETURN. If you press the space bar you will be presented with a full screen of clues in order. To quit at any time press Q. Press RETURN to continue Start on a Path. REMOVE WRISTBAND (it refuses to be moved!) S S READ NOTICE E (Kronos will now appear) SAY "HELLO" (he gives you a letter for King Erik in the form of a sealed note) TAKE NOTE ASK KRONOS ABOUT WRISTBAND (he gives you a small chest) TAKE CHEST (Kronos now leaves) E N W E SW (you find the door is closed) INVENTORY (as well as having the chest and note, you are wearing a shirt, some jeans and a wristband) EXAMINE JEANS (to reveal a pocket) EXAMINE POCKET (you find a key!) TAKE KEY UNLOCK DOOR WITH KEY OPEN DOOR SW DROP KEY TAKE HOE AND RAKE EXAMINE BENCH TAKE TROWEL AND EXAMINE IT LOOK UNDER BENCH EXAMINE POT EXAMINE PLANT (closely resembles the design on your T-Shirt!!) PLANT POT PLANT IN POT WITH TROWEL (the plant is much happier now!). NE (from now on, at ANY location, the Adventurer will appear. When he does.......'EXAMINE ADVENTURER' then 'GIVE CHEST TO ADVENTURER'. This will kill him off and thus prevent him from taking objects from certain locations before you get there!) LOOK UNDER MAT (to find another key) TAKE KEY (this is the Wooden Key) E SHOW NOTE TO GUARDS (the King reads the note and you are subsequently thrown out of the Palace.......Right! Rescue your daughter your damn self!!) W EXAMINE FOUNTAIN LOOK IN FOUNTAIN TAKE CHIT AND EXAMINE IT (it is an I.O.U. for 1 Ferg, signed by Honest John) W W W N (ignore Honest John at this stage) W W NW (a voice from within the hut calls you inside) ENTER HUT (the Guru laughs at your wristband!) REMOVE SHIRT COVER WRISTBAND WITH SHIRT (the Guru gives you his bowl and tells you to fetch him the 'essential nourishment of all mortals'). E E NE REMOVE SHIRT (from the wristband) TIE RAKE AND HOE TOGETHER WITH SHIRT LEVER BOULDER WITH RAKE AND HOE (a path to the Northwest is now created) REMOVE SHIRT (from hoe) WEAR SHIRT (to stop you from feeling cold) DROP RAKE AND HOE NW CLIMB ROCKS UP FILL BOWL WITH SNOW DOWN DOWN DOWN SE S W NW EXAMINE BOWL (the snow has now melted to water!) ENTER HUT GIVE BOWL TO GURU (he tells you that some light in the Forest would help you and the trees) TAKE RICE E S S S EXAMINE STUMP TAKE POUCH AND OPEN IT LOOK IN POUCH FEEL BLUE (cold) FEEL GREEN (clammy) FEEL RED (warm) MIX COLOURS (they form a 'white' that shines brilliantly) FEEL WHITE (warm) N NE N NW CLIMB ROCKS E E E DOWN E READ REM (it reads: "This is where the player falls down the trapdoor!!" ). DROP ALL E UP UP EXAMINE WALL (it is fragile) PUSH WALL (it breaks and water floods the chamber, sweeping you down the shaft with it!) LOOK (you are now back in the Corridor) TAKE ALL E N EXAMINE PEDESTAL (you see the image of a key) MOVE PEDESTAL (to reveal a small niche) EXAMINE NICHE (you find a Blue key......if it's not here then you have arrived too late!!) TAKE BLUE KEY AND EXAMINE IT READ NOTICE (it tells you that the maze to the North is 'irrelevant'......if you do decide to enter it, however, type 'LEAVE MAZE' to get out again) S W W N READ POSTER (tells you to vote for Gringo Baconburger!!) S UP W W W UP UP S W EXAMINE SNOWMAN MELT SNOWMAN WITH WHITE NE W EXAMINE TABLE (you see a Prism) WEAR BOOTS E UP. (NOTE:- At this point you have to make an important decision as the Blue Key can only be used once but has TWO possible uses! Opening the door before you, to rescue the Princess and return her to old misery guts, OR opening a safe that you have yet to locate. There are no points to be gained by rescuing the Princess, but you NEED to open the safe and then vote for maximum points, so forget the Princess. If you want to go ahead and rescue the old girl, then follow the 'mini-solution' at the end of the main solution). DOWN DROP BOOTS SW TAKE WHITE AND PUT IT IN POUCH E N DOWN DOWN DOWN SE S SW S S CLIMB TREE OPEN DOOR WITH WOODEN KEY DROP WOODEN KEY E CLOSE DOOR MOVE BOARDS (to reveal an opening, leading Down) DOWN DOWN E N MOVE RUG (you find a safe) EXAMINE SAFE UNLOCK SAFE WITH BLUE KEY (the key now vanishes!!) OPEN SAFE LOOK IN SAFE (it contains nothing!) LOOK UNDER SAFE TAKE PAPER AND EXAMINE IT S E EXAMINE LARGE BOX (vote for Gringo!) EXAMINE SMALL BOX (to vote against Gringo) PUT PAPER IN LARGE BOX W W W SW OPEN DOOR W WEAR HAT EXAMINE SETTEE MOVE CUSHIONS TAKE COIN W EXAMINE STOVE (you find a teapot) EXAMINE WORKTOP (you find a carrot) E E NE NW PRESS BUTTON (to motivate the lift) WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT (the lift now arrives). SLIDE DOOR N SLIDE DOOR EXAMINE PLAQUE (maximum load is eight) EXAMINE BUTTONS (first button = UP, second button = DOWN) PRESS SECOND BUTTON (the lift descends) SLIDE DOOR (a good job you wore the hat, Mac!!) SCRAPE LEAD WITH TROWEL N TAKE ROPE SLIDE DOOR PRESS FIRST BUTTON (the lift now ascends) SLIDE DOOR S DROP HAT SE E UP UP OPEN DOOR W DOWN N N NE E LOOK (you see that Honest John is still here) BUY WHISKEY AND ALE WITH COIN DROP CHIT W N NW CLIMB ROCKS E E E DOWN N N GIVE RICE TO ALCHEMISTS GIVE LEAD TO ALCHEMISTS (they clear off!!) NE TAKE TOMES EXAMINE TOMES CAST SPELL ON TOMES (it opens!) READ BOOK TAKE AEROSOUL AND EXAMINE IT (it sucks instead of spraying!) SW NW W N N N NE N OPEN CUPBOARD EXAMINE CUPBOARD TIE ROPE TO HOOK EXAMINE WALLS (made of paper!) READ GRAFFITI TEAR PAPER WALL WITH TROWEL TAKE ROPE (this is to ensure that you are holding the other end!!). CLIMB DOWN ROPE DROP ROPE S KNOCK ON DOUBLE DOORS KNOCK ON DOUBLE DOORS KNOCK ON DOUBLE DOORS KNOCK ON DOUBLE DOORS KNOCK ON DOUBLE DOORS (the Porter now opens the gate) GIVE WHISKEY TO PORTER EXAMINE PORTER (drunk!) E DOWN N GIVE ALE TO JERRY S E (your white reflects light from all directions!) CLOSE POUCH E S N N EXAMINE FRIDGE (closed......leave it as you cannot stay in this location for more that ONE move or you will die!!) E EXAMINE THRONE (made from human skulls!!) ASK DEVIL ABOUT WRISTBAND (he will remove it for you, but he demands the soul of Kronos. He gives you a potion and bids you farewell) LOOK (you are now back on the rope bridge) TAKE BOTTLE AND EXAMINE IT (contains a black potion that smells like burnt toast). N N OPEN POUCH NW EXAMINE SHADOWS (they have small Humanoid shapes hiding in them!) POINT AT SHAPES SHINE WHITE AT SHAPES (the Dragon now dines on the Hobbits!!) N THROW BOTTLE AT KRONOS (the black liquid eats into his flesh and he slumps to the floor) PRESS NOZZLE ON AEROSOUL (the aerosoul collects the soul of Kronos) EXAMINE KRONOS LOOK (there are now only the clothes left of Kronos!) EXAMINE CLOTHES WEAR CLOAK WEAR POINTY HAT TAKE WAND DROP TROWEL EXAMINE RACK TAKE WANDS N DOWN (the platform descends rapidly to the Circular Room) CLOSE POUCH N N E GIVE AEROSOUL TO DEVIL (the wristband is now removed) W S W UP OPEN POUCH W W TAKE ROPE CLIMB UP ROPE DROP ROPE S S S S S E SE S S S OPEN DOOR S KNOCK ON DOOR (a voice asks if you are wearing the silver wristband) SAY "NO" (the door is now open) S (a tired programmer hands you a listing) EXAMINE LISTING. FINAL MESSAGE You have now completed 'THE PAWN' and the Programmers clear off to the Pub to celebrate your success. You are now free to explore the game without dying!! SCORE: 345/350 MINI-SOLUTION FOR RESCUING THE PRINCESS (At the Landing you need the ROPE and the BLUE KEY). N EXAMINE WINDOW TIE ROPE TO BED TAKE PRINCESS E DROP ROPE DOWN N DOWN DOWN DOWN SE S S SE E E E E. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TRANSYLVANNIA (Penguin Software) FIRST A FEW POINTS: 1: WHEN THE WEREWOLF APPEARS YOU HAVE ONLY ONE MOVE TO GET RID OF HIM, SO GO TO ANOTHER LOCATION IMMEDIATELY. 2: WHEN A GIANT EAGLE APPEARS WHICH TRANSPORTS YOU TO ANOTHER LOCATION IN THE GAME, YOU MUST START YOUR GAME OVER AT YOUR LAST SAVE POSITION, SO SAVE YOUR GAME FREQUENTLY. 3: IF YOU HAVE LOADED YOUR GUN WITH THE SILVER BULLET AND THE WEREWOLF APPEARS: "SHOOT WEREWOLF" AND HE MAKES NO PROBLEMS IN THIS ADVENTURE. 4: IN THE CASTLE, IF YOU MEET THE VAMPIRE, JUST SHOW THE CROSS TO HIM AND THEN DROP THE CROSS. START......N - W - GET NOTE - READ NOTE - DROP NOTE - N - N - N - N - E - ENTER HOUSE - UP - GET PISTOL - DOWN - LEAVE HOUSE - N - OPEN DOOR - DOWN - FEEL WALL - FEEL FLOOR - GET BAR - S - W - W - S - ENTER WAGON - DROP GUN - OPEN COFFIN WITH BAR - GET MOUSE - DROP BAR - GET BULLET - GET GUN - LOAD GUN - (WHEN YOU HAVE SHOT THE WEREWOLF, DROP THE GUN) - LEAVE WAGON - S - ENTER CABIN - PULL ANTLER - GET CLOAK - WEAR CLOAK - PULL ANTLER - LEAVE CABIN - (LOOK OUT FOR THE GIANT EAGLE) - N - E - E - S - ENTER HUT - DROP MOUSE - GET ACID - GET BROOM - LEAVE HUT - N - W - N - N - E - GET FLYPAPER - W - N - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - OPEN COFFER - GET RING. UP - UP - UP - S - S - S - W - S - S - E - S - POUR ACID - READ WRITING - KNOCK ON STUMP - GET FLIES - READ BOOK - SEARCH CLOAK - GET PICK - UNLOCK DOOR - DROP PICK - ENTER ROOM - LOOK BALL - RIDE BROOM - READ SIGN - D - GIVE FLIES TO FROG - E - N - N - E - E - E - SAY IJNID - GET KEY - N - W - W - W - N - WEAR RING - WAVE HAND - E - MOVE TOMBSTONE - UNLOCK GRATE - DOWN - GET ELIXIR - UP - DROP KEY - W - (IN THIS LOCATION APPEARS A FLYING SAUCER,YOU MUST ONLY WAIT UNTIL DAWN) - ENTER SAUCER - EXAMINE BOX - S - E - E - N - N - N - UP - CLIMB LADDER - MOVE VINES - PUSH BUTTON - WAVE ELIXIR - POUR ELIXIR - CLAP HANDS - DOWN - DOWN - S - S - S - W - S - S - S - ENTER BOAT - SAIL HUMBOLT!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T R E A S U R E I S L A N D (Windham Classics version) ASK BILLY - S - GET TANKARD - GET RUM - W - OPEN DOOR - NO - LISTEN TO BILLY - GET METAL - S - UP - GET NEWSPAPER - KICK DOOR - OIL LOCK - UNLOCK CHEST - OPEN CHEST - GET GOLD AND WATCH AND OILCLOTH AND TOBACCO - OPEN WINDOW AND CLIMB TREE - S - S - SW - S - SE - E - GIVE OILCLOTH - UP - TELL SQUIRE ABOUT OILCLOTH - GIVE NEWSPAPER - N - N - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - ASK SILVER ABOUT LEG - ASK SILVER ABOUT PEW - WAIT - ASK SILVER ABOUT PAPER - ASK SILVER ABOUT BILLY - WAIT - S - W - AFT - DOWN - AFT - PORT - OPEN CHEST - GET SPYGLASS - STARBOARD - FORE - STARBOARD - PORT - AFT - AFT - SING - PORT - UP - AFT - CLIMB BARREL. LISTEN CREW - WAIT - FORE - GRAB MAST - TIE ROPE TO WHEEL - OPEN CHEST AND WEAR CLOTHES - PORT - FORE - TELL CAPTAIN ABOUT RUM - TELL CAPTAIN ABOUT SILVER - TELL SQUIRE ABOUT SILVER - AFT - AFT - AFT - FORE - READ PAPER - FORE - READ CHARTS - GET CHARTS - AFT - AFT - AFT - OPEN CABINET - GET FOOD AND KNIFE - DOWN - MOVE CASKS - EXAMINE KEG - UP - FORE - FORE - UP - FORE - TELL CAPTAIN ABOUT KEG - AFT - DOWN - STARBOARD - TELL DOCTOR ABOUT RUM - PORT - KICK DOOR - UP - USE SPYGLASS - ENTER BOAT - GET SHELL - N - GET COIN - SIT DOWN - TALK TO SILVER - EAT - NO - GET BOTTLE - NE - NE - N - TELL DOCTOR ABOUT SILVER - ASK CAPTAIN ABOUT SHIP - N - EXAMINE BED - EXAMINE FLOOR - PULL RING - DOWN. S - S - BLOW SHELL - GIVE SOME FOOD - ASK GUN ABOUT SILVER - ASK GUN ABOUT BOAT - ASK GUN ABOUT SHIP - N - FEED TOUCAN - S - SE - EXAMINE LEDGE - EXAMINE BOAT - EXAMINE PLANT - TAKE RESIN - PUT RESIN IN HOLE - LAUNCH BOAT - GRAB LINE - CLIMB ROPE - EXAMINE STAINS - AFT - TALK TO MAN - YES - FORE - CUT LINE WITH KNIFE - AFT - ASK HANDS ABOUT TREASURE - AFT - EXAMINE BARREL - TAKE PISTOL - FORE - SHOOT HANDS WITH PISTOL - EXAMINE BARREL - TAKE BARREL - W - W - S - BREAK STALACTITES - BLOW SHELL - TALK TO BEN - S - S - BLOW SHELL - SW - TALK TO SILVER - ASK SILVER ABOUT PIRATES - ASK SILVER ABOUT DOCTOR - EXAMINE SILVER - EXAMINE SPOT - ASK SILVER ABOUT SPOT - TALK TO DOCTOR - TAKE FOOD - TAKE BRANDY - EXAMINE MAP. W - SW - EXAMINE SKELETON - SOUTH - ASK SILVER ABOUT VOICE - EXAMINE TREE - S - EXAMINE MAP - E - N - EXAMINE METAL - TAKE CUTLASS - N - W - N - TELL DOCTOR ABOUT PIRATES - S - UNTIE SILVER - CUT ROPE WITH CUTLASS - BLOW SHELL - FOLLOW BEN - TAKE TREASURE - EXIT CAVE - TALK TO CAPTAIN - LEAVE SILVER. THE END!!!! T R I N I T Y (Infocom) Note: Some aspects of the endgame defy mapping. The direction from which you enter a 'desert' or 'foothills' location may affect your destination when you leave; enter a desert 'room' from the North, then go north and you MIGHT enter the Tower. But if you entered the desert from the East, going north might take you to a different place! You should drop an uneeded object in each of these locations so you'll know when you've returned there unexpectedly. Even if you do get lost, it's easy to take a few steps and reach a reliable location. THE SOLUTION PALACE GATE. N - BUY CRUMBS - GET CRUMBS - FEED BIRDS - EXAMINE RUBY - E - E - READ SIGN - S - GET BALL - NW - UNSCREW GNOMON - GET GNOMON - N - GET BIRD - UNFOLD PAPER - READ PAPER - NE. LANCASTER GATE. WAIT - (until the Woman walks away) - THROW BALL AT UMBRELLA - GET UMBRELLA - W - W - PUSH PRAM E - PUSH PRAM E - PUSH PRAM S - OPEN PRAM - CLIMB IN PRAM - OPEN UMBRELLA - GET ALL BUT PRAM - ENTER WATER - ENTER DOOR. MEADOW. N - E - N - GET LOG - GET SPLINTER - S - E - SE - W. AT ABBORETUM. N - UP - GET AXE - S - DOWN - (at this point your East-West directions are temporarily confused by the Klein bottle effect! Don't panic!!) - E - NW - N - UP - UP. VERTEX. PUT GNOMON IN HOLE - EXAMINE SUNDIAL - TURN BRASS RING TO THIRD SYMBOL - PUSH LEVER - DOWN - DOWN - PUT PAPER AND COIN IN POCKET - S - SE - W - N - U - S - DOWN - (directions will be restored to normal) - E - NW - N - DROP AXE - W - W - N - N - N. OSSUARY. ENTER DOOR - (on mushroom) - GET LANTERN - W - GET WALKIE TALKIE - TURN ON LANTERN - DROP IT - W - PUT SPLINTER IN CREVICE - GET SKINK - PUT SKINK IN POCKET - E - GET LANTERN - E - ENTER DOOR - SEARCH FERTILIZER - GET KEY - S - PUT KEY IN HOLE - TURN KEY - DOWN - TURN LANTERN OFF - HIT ICICLE WITH UMBRELLA - GET ICICLE - E - E - E - UP - UP - DOWN - DOWN - E - NE - E. CRATER. PUT ICICLE ON LUMP - W - SW - W - DROP LANTERN, WALKIE TALKIE AND UMBRELLA - UP - UP. VERTEX. PULL LEVER - TURN BRASS RING TO FOURTH SYMBOL - PUSH LEVER - DOWN - DOWN - GET AXE - E - N - W. CHASM'S BRINK. CUT TREE WITH AXE - PUSH TREE N - N - ENTER DOOR - DOWN - OPEN BOX - PUSH TOGGLE - PUSH BUTTON - S - NW - WAIT - (until tide rises and the coconut begins to float in the water) - POINT AT COCONUT - GET COCONUT - SE - N - UP - ENTER DOOR. MESA. S - E - S - W - DROP AXE AND COCONUT - UP - UP - PULL LEVER - TURN BRASS RING TO FIFTH SYMBOL - PUSH LEVER - DOWN - DOWN - E - NE - NW - OPEN DOOR - E. COTTAGE. WAIT - (until the magpie gives complete instructions) - OPEN BACK DOOR - OPEN CAGE - GET CAGE - E. HERB GARDEN. SEARCH REFUSE - GET GARLIC - ENTER WHITE DOOR - DOWN - NE - NE. CLIFF EDGE. EXAMINE FISSURE - GET LEMMING - PUT LEMMING IN CAGE - CLOSE CAGE - SW - SW - UP - ENTER DOOR - W - W - SE - SW - W - DROP CAGE AND GARLIC - UP - UP - PULL LEVER - TURN BRASS RING TO SIXTH SYMBOL - PUSH LEVER - DOWN - DOWN - GET UMBRELLA - E - E - (at Moor) - ENTER DOOR. THIN AIR. OPEN UMBRELLA - GET BAG AND UMBRELLA - WAIT - (until the Girl notices you) - GIVE UMBRELLA TO GIRL - E - GET SPADE - GET PAPER FROM POCKET - GIVE PAPER TO GIRL - W - CLIMB ON BIRD - ENTER DOOR - W - W - DROP SPADE - UP - UP - PULL LEVER - TURN BRASS RING TO SECOND SYMBOL - PUSH LEVER - DOWN - DOWN - GET AXE - E - NE - E. CRATER. GET LUMP - W - W - W - NW - ENTER DISH - WAIT - (two turns, until you're on the ground in the bubble) - S - SW - (Waterfall) - [SAVE GAME] - ENTER DOOR. IN ORBIT. GET SKINK - KILL SKINK - WAIT - (until the satellite is headed directly at white door) - CUT BUBBLE WITH AXE - E - E - UP - UP - PULL LEVER - (for the final time) - TURN BRASS RING TO SEVENTH SYMBOL - PUSH LEVER - DOWN - DOWN - GET COCONUT AND GARLIC - NE. HIVE. REACH IN HIVE - W - W - E - E - REACH IN HIVE - (you've got honey!) - E - NW - E. COTTAGE. DROP COCONUT - CUT COCONUT WITH AXE - GET COCONUT - POUR MILK IN CAULDRON - PUT HAND IN CAULDRON - PUT SKINK IN CAULDRON - PUT GARLIC IN CAULDRON - W - DROP COCONUT - WAIT - (until explosion) - E - LOOK IN CAULDRON - GET EMERALD - W - SE - SW - W - DROP AXE - GET SPADE - W - W - N. CEMETERY. OPEN CRYPT WITH SPADE - LOOK IN CRYPT - EXAMINE CORPSE - GET RED AND GREEN BOOT - WEAR RED BOOT - WEAR GREEN BOOT - GET SHROUD - WEAR SHROUD - GET BANDAGE - WEAR BANDAGE - LOOK IN MOUTH - GET SILVER COIN - DROP SPADE - S - E - E - PUT EMERALD IN POCKET - GET CAGE, WALKIE TALKIE AND LANTERN - [SAVE GAME] - SE. THE RIVER. WAIT - (until the ghosts enter the vessel) - ENTER VESSEL - GIVE SILVER COIN TO OARSMAN - S - (after you arrive at sand bar) - ENTER DOOR. (Note:- Be sure you have the BAG, LANTERN, WALKIE TALKIE, BIRDCAGE, LEMMING AND EMERALD in your possession BEFORE continuing!!) SHACK. OPEN BOOK - DROP LANTERN - GET CARDBOARD - EXAMINE CARDBOARD - READ DIAGRAM - (you may wish to write down this information?!!) - PUT CARDBOARD IN POCKET - GET LANTERN - (the people outside should have left by now) - W - DOWN - DOWN - DROP CAGE - GET RUBY - PUT RUBY IN RED BOOT - GET EMERALD - PUT EMERALD IN GREEN BOOT - GET CAGE - NW - NW - NW. PAVED ROAD & JEEP. ENTER JEEP - EXAMINE RADIO - EXAMINE DIAL - EXIT JEEP - PUSH SLIDER TO (whatever number the radio dial was set to) - PULL ANTENNA - TURN ROCKET ON - SE - SE - SE - SE - SE - OPEN GATE - SE - S - OPEN DOOR - E. HOUSE. DROP LANTERN - E - N - ENTER CLOSET - CLOSE DOOR - OPEN CAGE - PUT BAG IN CAGE - CLOSE CAGE - OPEN DOOR - EXIT CLOSET - SEARCH WORKBENCH - GET SCREWDRIVER - PUT SCREWDRIVER IN POCKET - S - W - GET KNIFE - GET LANTERN - E - OPEN DOOR - E - E - SE. SOUTH OF RESERVOIR. DROP ALL BUT LANTERN - NE - TURN LANTERN ON - UP - GET BINOCULARS - DOWN - (after you fall in the water) - GET BINOCULARS - UP - S - DOWN - GET ALL - OPEN CAGE - GET BAG - DROP CAGE - W - W - W - W - S - S. BEHIND SHED. LOOK AT SHELTER WITH BINOCULARS - WAIT - (until the Roadrunner shows up) - POINT KEY - GET KEY - N - N - N - N. BASE OF TOWER. UNLOCK BOX - EXAMINE PANEL - EXAMINE BREAKER - OPEN BREAKER - (listen carefully to radio conversation) - (write down the phrase: "Ask the kid if he connected the line......."..........and make note of which line he names, because it changes in every game!) - CLOSE BREAKER - SW - SW - SW - SW. OUTSIDE BLOCKHOUSE. WAIT - (until the Roadrunner appears) - DROP BAG - NE - NE - NE - NE - UP - UP - E. SHACK. TURN ON LIGHT - EXAMINE BOX - EXAMINE PANEL - GET SCREWDRIVER - OPEN PANEL WITH SCREWDRIVER - (There are four wires. Use the diagram on the cardboard to determine the colour of the wire that the man mentioned on the radio; it's either BLUE, RED, STRIPED or WHITE) - WAIT - (until the auto-sequencer takes effect) - GET KNIFE - CUT (proper) WIRE WITH KNIFE!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ULTIMA I STRATEGY Strategy suggestions for playing "Ultima I" are presented in this file, which is divided into five sections: I) The Beginning, II) The Dungeons, III) Space Travel, IV) Saving the Princess, and V) Battling Mondain. Descriptions of the terrain of the four continents of Ultima are provided in the next file, entitled "Layout." I. THE BEGINNING Once you create your character, and endow him or her with race, type, and attributes, you are ready to begin your adventure. Each race and type of character has its own advantages and disadvantages. Obviously, a fighter is vicious in battles, wizards or clerics throw potent spells, and thieves are good at thievery. Experiment with different characters. Your first step, upon finding yourself in the middle of a grassy plain, is to ready your armour (leather) and a weapon (dagger). Thus prepared, you may then begin to explore the world of Ultima. You will encounter a number of strange creatures during your travels. On land, you will find Orcs, Evil Trents, Hoods, Knights, Bears, Wandering Warlocks, Necromancers, Hidden Archers, Thieves, Dark Knights, and Evil Rangers. In the ocean, there are Giant Squid, Ness Creatures, Dragon Turtles, and Giant Octopi. It is likely that you'll be killed quickly. If so, you will be reincarnated. (If you're reincarnated in the middle of water, keep trying to move or attack. These actions will use up your food and hit points, and you'll be reincarnated again -- hopefully on land the next time.) However, your resurrected self is lacking in food, gold, and weapons. Take heart! Although the process of building up your points and possessions seems slow, if you persevere you will "ultimately" be victorious. The following strategy hints should be helpful: 1) It is often advisable to avoid combat. Try to run away from an enemy until you can build up your hit points. 2) Buy and steal as much armour as possible. If you are killed, you will retain your armor, vehicles, and spells, but you will lose your weapons. 3) To increase your gold supply, you can sell some of your armour. 4) As soon as possible, descend into a dungeon. By entering a dungeon and killing a number of creatures, you will gain hit points, experience points, and gold (and food, if you're killed in a dungeon). You can do this again and again, building up your character. 5) Always buy a drink from Varg the tavern keeper in a pub. He may give you some helpful clues. 6) As you gain experience points, you will find that more advanced weapons and transportation become available in the cities. Items such as pistols, blasters, and phazors are invaluable in battles (in fact, sea creatures will be "out of weapon range" until you get a hold of, at least, a set of bow and arrows). By a strange quirk in the game, you may be able to steal technologically advanced weapons or armor even before they're available for purchase! Use of a vehicle will conserve your food supply during your travels. Seagoing vessels and air cars allow you to visit islands and cross oceans. Once you've obtained a frigate or an air car, you can use its cannons or lasers to fire on enemies. A space shuttle will be required for space travel. 7) When you enter a castle, be sure to transact with the King. If you have sufficient gold, he will sell you hit points. If you offer service, he will send you on a quest for which you will be handsomely rewarded. 8) Save the game frequently. You never know when 7 Hidden Archers or 4 Ness Creatures might attack and kill you. 9) Beware of Wenches, Jesters, and Bards. They like to steal your possessions. II.THE DUNGEONS Dungeon experience is vital in order to increase your hit points. It can also be fatal. If your character is a novice, it's best to explore only the 1st or 2nd level of a dungeon. Then you can retrace your steps, climb out of the dungeon alive, and repeat the process. As you become stronger, you can descend deeper into a dungeon. There you will do battle with increasingly powerful creatures, but you may also gain hundreds of hit points and gold pieces. You will encounter the following enemies in any dungeon: Levels 1 and 2: Thieves, Rangers, Skeletons, Bats, Giant Rats Levels 3 and 4: Giant Spiders, Cyclopes, Orcs, Gelatinous Cubes, Vipers Levels 5 and 6: Ettins, Minotaurs, Mimics, Carrion Creepers, Lizard Men Levels 7 and 8: Wraiths, Wandering Eyes, Liches, Tanglers, Gremlins Levels 9 and 10: Daemons, Balrons, Mind Whippers, Zorns, Invisible Seekers Even if you have accumulated many thousands of hit points, some of the more powerful creatures can easily destroy you. You will have to discover, through trial and error, which weapons or spells you should use against them. (Note: Only a wizard can use the Blink, Create, Destroy, and Kill spells.) The following strategy hints should help you in surviving dungeon travel: 1) Use the Inform and Search command frequently. This will disclose traps which you can then avoid (rope and spikes will save you from falling through a hidden trap, but you lose them). 2) Use the Destroy spell to dissolve force fields. 3) Use the Blink spell to escape to another place on that level (useful when monsters are attacking from all sides or when you're surrounded by force fields and have no Destroy spells). 4) Map each level so you don't get lost. Or, purchase plenty of Ladder Up and Ladder Down spells to allow you to move easily between levels. 5) Remember: You cannot save the game from within a dungeon. Also, you cannot put on any new armour if it has been destroyed (by a Gelatinous Cube, for example). 6) You may wish to use an Unlock spell to open chests, and an Open spell to open coffins. You will find additional gold in these containers. 7) If you are on a quest (to kill a Balron, Liche, Cube, or Creeper), do not dally on other levels. Go straight down to the level where the creature you are seeking lives (using Ladder Down spells), kill it, then get out of the dungeon quickly (using Ladder Up spells). It is very easy to be overwhelmed by enemies on the lower levels, and you could be killed. Gremlins may steal all your food; Invisible Seekers may annihilate you before you can locate them; Mind Whippers may destroy your intelligence with their mental attacks. III. SPACE TRAVEL You have been exploring the four continents of Ultima, crossing plains and oceans, and increasing your attributes and possessions. Suddenly, you find advanced weapons, armour, and vehicles in the cities. Purchase a space shuttle as soon as you have enough gold. The shuttle will carry you out into space where you will strive to destroy 20 enemy vessels. If you do this, you will be designated a "Space Ace". You will want to be a Space Ace before rescuing the princess. If you destroy the enemy spacecraft, and return alive to Ultima, you will have gained thousands of experience points and will be ready to save the Princess. Space movement can be tricky, and the following strategy hints should help: 1) The first view you will see is your shuttle, motionless in space. Nearby is a Base, a Star, and Ultima. You can use your shuttle for continued travel, or you can dock at the base and purchase a different vehicle (500 gold pieces each time you exchange ships). The smaller vehicle has limited fuel, but a lot of shield power. The larger vehicle has plenty of fuel, but negligible shielding. Take the smaller ship since you won't want to go very far from base. 2) Docking with the base in order to exchange ships takes a little practice. If you do not dock exactly at the entry point in the base, you will destroy your shields and be disintegrated. Try this method: One forward thrust until you are near the base; one retro to stop your vehicle; one left turn or right turn to position your ship in the direction you want to go; one forward thrust to get it moving again; one retro to stop it; etc. In this way, you can slowly and carefully position your shuttle so that you can make a precision docking. Exchange ships. 3) Once you have a new ship, you must do a sector scan. This is accomplished by the Inform and Search command. Note: You will always be in the centre of the sector scan. When you start out in space, you will be where the "B" is in the middle of the sector scan. The blank lines indicate empty space, the stars indicate stars, and the carets indicate enemy spaceships. 4) Since you don't want to get too far from your starting point, and you don't want to get lost and run out of fuel, always check the sector scan to make sure you know where you are. If the scan shows enemy ships to the left, turn your ship to the left. If the scan shows enemy ships below you, turn your ship downward. Apply thrust, then go into View change. Now you're in open space. Hit the Hyperspace key. At this point, you will be in a sector containing enemy ships. 5) Once you've destroyed the enemy ships (usually three), go into View change mode again. Stop your ship with one retro. If you went left originally, you'll want to return right. If you went down originally, you must turn your ship upward, and so on. Turn your ship to the appropriate direction, and apply thrust. Change the view again, hit hyperspace again, change the view again. You should be near your origination point, by a base. You can exchange ships again, or return to Ultima. This process can be repeated many times until you become a Space Ace. THE GAME. IV. SAVING THE PRINCESS In each castle, there is a Princess imprisoned. You will see her pacing in her cell in the lower right of the castle. The key to her cell may or may not be in the possession of the Jester (hopping around near the King). You must kill the Jester in order to get the key. Keep trying until you get the correct key that will unlock the Princess' cell. The following strategy tips should assist you in freeing the Princess: 1) You'll notice that the Jester sometimes comes near you as you enter the King's throneroom. Try to get him to stay near the entrance. Then you can kill him, and run (quickly!) down and over to the Princess' cell. Hit "U" to unlock the door. The Princess will follow you out of the cell if the correct key has been used. If you have not obtained the correct key, and the one you have does not unlock the door, follow the instructions below anyway in order to try to escape with your life. 2) The moment you kill the Jester, the guards will be upon you. They are virtually impossible to kill, so your best course is to outrun them. First of all, try to position the Princess between yourself and the guards. This will take a little practice, but eventually you should learn how to line the guards up behind you as you run for the castle exit. 3) Move quickly, being careful not to run into walls, trees, or ponds. One false move, and you'll be trapped between guards. In the far left room, try exiting to the north of the pond, and out left. It's tricky, but possible. As you leave the castle, the Princess will reward you handsomely and will tell you where to find the Time Machine. V. BATTLING MONDAIN Once you rescue the Princess and locate the Time Machine, you are ready to do battle with the evil wizard Mondain. Board the craft and launch. Although you are now an expert fighter (you've done away with Balrons and Liches, right?), Mondain will nevertheless engage you in the battle of your life. The following tactics should help you destroy the Evil Gem, kill Mondain, save the universe and, not incidentally, win the game: 1) You must first destroy the Evil Gem. Immediately approach the gem and hit "G" to get it. This action will destroy the gem. It will also drain away most of your hit points. 2) If you do not destroy the gem immediately, you will not be able to permanently kill Mondain. The Evil Gem that he created makes him immortal, so you must destroy the gem before turning to Mondain. 3) Now, begin to attack Mondain. Kill spells will not work against him; they only make him stronger. Just keep firing away until he weakens. Persist in your attack even though he unleashes an onslaught against you. 4) If your character is a wizard, you can use the Create spell to place a force field in front of you, however, it's best to continuing attacking Mondain. Hopefully, he will be weakening. You can tell that this is happening because he changes into a bird and ceases attacking you. Continue firing until you receive the message that Mondain is dead and that you're victorious. LAYOUT The game of "Ultima I" involves travel on land and sea and through space and time. This file is to help you map a dangerous world. The planet consists of four continents separated by oceans. These continents contain many cities, castles, dungeons, and landmarks which the traveler must explore. Once the adventurer has purchased a seagoing craft or an air car, he or she may traverse the oceans with ease. When sufficient gold and experience points are accumulated, a space shuttle may be obtained for extraterrestrial journeys. I.CONTINENT ONE (1) Overview Continent One contains two castles (Lost King and Lord British); eight cities (Yew, Fawn, Britain, Montor, Grey, Paws, Moon, and Tune); nine dungeons (Perinia, Lost Caverns, Mondain's Gate to Hell, Unholy Hole, Mines of Mt. Drash (1 and 2), Death's Awakening, Montor, and Doubt); and two landmarks (Pillars of Protection and Tower of Knowledge). (2) Quests Quest for King of the Castle of the Lost King: The King will ask you to destroy a Gelatinous Cube. To do so, you must climb down to level 3 or 4 of any dungeon and kill a Gelatinous Cube. Having done so, return to the King who will give you a red gem. He will also tell you that you will need four gems to launch the Time Machine. Quest for the King of the Castle of Lord British: His Majesty will send you to find the Tower of Knowledge. The landmark is located on an island to the northeast of the continent. You will receive additional strength from the King when you complete your quest and return to him. (3) Landmarks Pillars of Protection: This landmark is located on an island to the northwest of the continent. Enter the landmark, and your agility will be increased. Tower of Knowledge: The Tower of Knowledge is on an island to the northeast of the continent. Your intelligence will be increased when you enter this landmark. (4) Bartenders' Clues Pubs: In the cities, there are pubs. Be sure to transact with Varg the tavern keep, since he may give you clues such as: "Destroy the Evil Gem," or "Best watch out for the wench." II.CONTINENT TWO (1) Overview This continent is located across the ocean to the east of Continent One. Continent Two contains two castles (Rondorlin and Barataria); eight cities (Snake, Owen, Gerry, Arnold, Linda, Helen, John, and Wolf); eight dungeons (Scorpion Hole, The Labyrinth, Where Hercules Died, Advari's Hole, The Savage Place, Horror of the Harpies, Gorgon's Hole, and Dead Warrior's Fight); and two landmarks (Pillars of the Argonauts and Pillar of Ozymandias). (2) Quests Quest for the King of Rondorlin: The King orders you to kill a Carrion Creeper. This dread creature may be found on the 5th or 6th level of any dungeon. When you accomplish your task and return to the King, he will give you a green gem and tell you that you must use the Time Machine. Quest for the King of Barataria: This quest involves locating the Pillar of Ozymandias (on an island to the southwest of the continent). The King will grant you increased strength upon completion of the quest. (3) Landmarks Pillars of the Argonauts: The pillars are located on an island to the west of the continent. You are rewarded with various weapons whenever you visit this landmark. Pillar of Ozymandias: Increased wisdom is your reward for entering the pillar (southwest of the continent). 4) Bartenders' Clues Pubs: If you buy a drink from a tavern keep, he may give you a hint such as, "Best you should know about space travel, and that you must destroy at least 20 enemy vessels to become an Ace!" or "The Princess will reward you if you save her, and will give an additional gift to a player of 8th level or higher." III. CONTINENT THREE (1) Overview Continent Three is located across the ocean to the east of Continent Two. This land mass contains two castles (Black Dragon and Olympus); eight cities (Poor, Ponder, Clear Lagoon, Gauntlet, Nassau, Wealth, Imagination, and Stout); nine dungeons (The End, The Metal Twister, The Long Death, Viper's Pit (1 and 2), Guild of Death, Troll's Hole, Tramp of Doom, and Slow Death); and two landmarks (Sign Post and Southern Sign Post). (2) Quests Quest for the King of Black Dragon's Castle: The King orders you to kill a Liche (which may be found on the 7th or 8th level of any dungeon). If you complete this quest, His Majesty will give you a blue gem and tell you that the Princess helps the Space Ace. Quest for the King of the Castle of Olympus: On this quest, you must find the Sign Post. It is located on an island to the northwest of the continent. The King will reward you with additional strength for completing this task. (3) Landmarks Sign Post: This landmark is located on an island to the northwest of the continent. Upon entering the Sign Post, you will receive additional stamina. Southern Sign Post: Additional charisma is your reward for finding this landmark. It is located on an island to the southwest of the continent. (4) Bartenders' Clues Pubs: The tavern keep may let you in on the following information: "One thousand years ago, Mondain the Wizard created an Evil Gem which makes him immortal. You must traverse the lands until you find a Time Machine. Go back in time to destroy the Evil Gem and save the universe." Or, the bartender may tell you that "Most, if not all, of the lakes and ponds have magical powers." IV. CONTINENT FOUR (1) Overview Traveling east across the ocean from Continent Three, you will arrive at Continent Four. This land mass contains two castles (Shamino's Castle and White Dragon's Castle); eight cities (Lost Friends, Dextron, Turtle, Wheeler, Bulldozer, Gorlab, Brother, and Magic); nine dungeons (Skull Smasher, Doom, Dead Cat's Life (1 and 2), Dead Man's Walk, Hole to Hades, Spine Breaker, The Morbid Adventure, and Free Death Hole); and two landmarks (Grave of the Lost Soul and the Eastern Sign Post). If you wish to revisit Continent One, simply continue east across the ocean from Continent Four. (2) Quests Quest for the King of Shamino Castle: You must descend to the 9th or 10th level of any dungeon and kill a Balron. After you do this, return to the King. He will give you a white gem and allow you to take nine items from the holds of his castle. Quest for the King of White Dragon's Castle: You must find the Grave of the Lost Soul (which is on an island to the northwest of the continent). His Majesty will reward you with added strength when you return to him. (3) Landmarks Grave of the Lost Soul: Upon reaching this landmark, enter it. You will receive additional stamina. Eastern Sign Post: This landmark merely has a sign saying, "Go east to go east." (4) Bartenders' Clues Pubs: Varg may tell you to "Have a strong one, bub," or "Go back in time." Or, he may simply say that this is a great game (as indeed it is!). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ULTIMA II STRATEGY Ultima II (The Revenge of the Enchantress) is Lord British's exciting sequel to Ultima I. In Ultima II, you are challenged to discover the secret of Minax, the evil apprentice of Mondain whom you defeated in Ultima I. Once again, you must create a player character who will roam land, sea, air, and even outer space, battling strange creatures and increasing your character's attributes and possessions. However, in Ultima II, you must also unlock the mysteries of the Time Doors. The strategy tips presented in this file should assist you in your difficult quest. I.CREATING A CHARACTER By allocating 90 points among 6 attributes and choosing race, profession, and sex, you may create a player character who is initially powerful or weak. For example, relatively high strength is the key to being able to wear certain armour; high agility will allow your character to wield certain weapons and steal more easily. I had good luck with my Elf Thief ("Bugsy") who was able to steal plenty of food, weapons, and armour. However, the Dwarf Wizard ("Hirsutus") I created endured a long, slow battle to merely stay alive. Experiment with different combinations to find out which is more successful and enjoyable for you. A note about spellcasters: Clerics and Wizards may purchase spells in Villages. However, spells are both very expensive and relatively useless. Spells can only be cast within Dungeons and Towers and, unfortunately, you can easily win the game without ever entering either of those places. II.BEGINNING THE QUEST You start out with 400 hit points, 400 foods, and 400 gold. This may seem like plenty, but it isn't. Your food disappears quickly as you explore, your hit points diminish rapidly when you are attacked by creatures, and your gold pieces must be exchanged for supplies and equipment. However, you can always attempt to steal, and you can purchase additional hit points by transacting with a King. Your first task is to obtain a weapon and armour. From where you are when you boot the game diskette, walk west and south into Towne Linda (it looks like a cloverleaf). You will find both an armoury and a weapons vendor there. After leaving Towne Linda, travel south until you reach Le Jester Village (it looks like 5 small circles). Villages are the only places where you can obtain additional food. Now you're ready to do some serious adventuring. But, before you begin your campaign in earnest, be sure to save the game. It's very easy to get killed, and you will want to be able to return to the status quo ante. A word of advice: This game has an annoying "feature" involving the save game function. First of all, unlike Ultima I, Ultima II has no provision for two disk drives, so be prepared for frequent disk swaps. Secondly, if your character enters a Town, Village, Castle, Dungeon, or Tower (i.e., there has been interaction with the player diskette), and you are then gravely injured or, perhaps, have spent money on an item you are not allowed to use, and you then leave that location (i.e., another disk interaction), you will not be able to turn off your machine and reboot to find your earlier (healthier!) save game position. The solution to this problem is this: When you realize that your character has lost a lot of hit points while within one of those locations, turn off your machine then and there. Since no writing to the diskette is involved, you can then reboot and recover your earlier position. [My first player character lost 2,000 hit points in one Town before I learned this little trick.] III.THE INHABITANTS In order to gain experience points, valuable items, and gold, you must slay many creatures. The universe of Ultima II is populated by Orcs, Devils, Daemons, Thieves, Fighters, Clerics, Wizards, Balrons, Sea Serpents, Guards, Merchants, Jesters, Seers, Oracles, Kings, Queens, and, finally, Minax. Some you must simply kill; others you must not kill but must transact with. Transact with everyone you find in Towns, Villages, and Castles. Clues to solving the game will be revealed to you (occasionally, however, you have to offer gold to purchase a particularly valuable hint or item). In one Town, you will discover that offering gold results in significant increases to your character's attributes. As I mentioned earlier, you can obtain more hit points by transacting with a King (he pockets some of your gold as payment for this service). Be aware, however, that after 99 your attributes will roll over to 0! (Rollover occurs as well when any of your possessions total more than 99 and when your hit points, experience points, food, or gold climb above 9999). Don't be too greedy! IV.ITEMS Utilize the "Z" (status) command frequently, especially after you have slain a creature. You will notice that there are certain items in your inventory which were not there before the battle. You will learn what each of these items is for (e.g., magical boots save you from a paralysis spell and tools allow you to escape from traps in Towers or Dungeons), and will discover which creatures are more likely to possess something you need. There are a total of 20 objects for you to find, including: Torches, Keys, Tools, Quick Swords, Wands, Staffs, Boots, Cloaks, Helms, Gems, Ankhs, Red Gems, Skull Keys, Green Gems, Brass Buttons, Blue Tassles, Strange Coins, Green Idols, Tri- Lithiums, and Rings. Once you've obtained a particularly precious item (such as blue tassles which you'll need to board a frigate or strange coins which allow you to stop time), be sure to save the game state. Thieves just love to steal from you, and you may want to recover your earlier position. You will encounter an individual who claims to own "one of everything." Offer him gold and find out! V.TRANSPORTATION You may buy a horse in a Town in order to conserve food as you travel by land. However, frigates and planes are needed to traverse the oceans. You will need a rocketship to enter space. Frigates may be boarded (as they pass by you on a coastline) if you already possess a set of blue tassles. However, planes and rockets must be stolen. Planes are available in only one Town; you'll need brass buttons and skull keys in order to fly a plane. Once you have a plane, you can "walk" it through a Time Door (Time Doors are discussed in the next file entitled "Ultima II -- Layout"). Rockets are found only in one Town and you'll need a number of items in order to blast off (if you need extra Tri-Lithiums, you can find hordes of the stuff on the highest level of a Tower or the lowest level of a Dungeon). Once in space, explore and transact until you discover the mysterious Planet X and the kindly Father Antos. A note about spaceflight: Landing is the trickiest part of this task; be extremely careful that you land on the grass, otherwise you'll be killed. VI.DEFEATING MINAX Ah, yes, the dread enchantress! She rules time and the universe, ever so confidently, from her chambers within her Castle on Legends. Do not attempt to destroy her until you have spent many, many hours developing your character's abilities and have obtained weapons, armour, and valuable items. One item in particular, a ring, must be in your possession if you wish to pass unscathed through Minax's force fields. She is unwilling to die easily and leads you on a not-so-merry chase from chamber to chamber while her minions attempt to kill you. You can deal with her lackeys by stopping time, but only if you have sufficient quantities of strange coins. Persist in your attack; she will ultimately succumb and she and all her works will be destroyed! ULTIMA II: THE LAYOUT The cloth map and the pamphlet that come with the game are very helpful. Study both and make your own notes as you continue your quest. The map shows the world as it appears in the A.D. time period with symbols representing the 20 Time Doors that exist. The Time Doors take you from one time period to another, and there are five such periods: B.C. (1423 B.C.); A.D. (1990 A.D.); Pangea (9 million B.C.); Aftermath (2112 A.D.); and Legends (no time). Once you obtain a magical helm, you will be able to "V"iew your exact location (note, however, that your helm disappears when you "V"). The following is an outline of the various time periods and the locations of their Time Doors. I.1423 B.C. This is where you begin your adventure. You will find yourself in Eurasia with connecting passages by land to North America, Africa, and South America. Locations you'll visit include Towne Linda in Italy, Le Jester Village in Africa, a Tower in South America, a Dungeon in Greenland, Lord British's Castle in England, and a Signpost in Australia (islands may be reached once you board a frigate). There are 4 Time Doors: 1) The NW Time Door in Europe takes you to England in 1990 A.D.; 2) The North Central Time Door in Europe takes you to the eastern peninsula in 9 million B.C.; 3) The NE Time Door in North America takes you to Legends; and 4) The SE Time Door in South America takes you to the north of North America in 2112 A.D. II.1990 A.D. Here you will visit Lord British's Castle and Port Bonifice in England, New San Antonio in North America, a Tower in Africa, a Dungeon in Greenland, and a Signpost in Australia. There are 4 Time Doors: 1) The Time Door in South America takes you to North America in 2112 A.D.; 2) The Time Door by the Signpost in Australia takes you to the eastern part of the continent in 9 million B.C.; 3) The Time Door near Lord British's Castle in England takes you to Europe in 1423 B.C.; and 4) The Time Door by the Dungeon in Greenland takes you to the east of the continent in 9 million B.C. III.9 MILLION B.C. In this ancient time, the continents as we know them have not yet separated. This land mass appears to be one great island. You will visit Baradin's Town, a Dungeon, and a Signpost. There are 4 Time Doors: 1) The NE Time Door by the Dungeon takes you to Legends; 2) The eastern Time Door takes you to Europe in 1423 B.C.; 3) The southern Time Door near the Signpost takes you to England in 1990 A.D.; and 4) The north central Time Door (north of Baradin's Town) takes you to North America in 1990 A.D. IV.2112 A.D. This is the world of the Aftermath, a time of high technology and destruction. Nothing remains in North America, South America or Africa, but there is a Town (Pirate's Harbour) in northern Europe, a Dungeon in Greenland, and a Signpost in Australia. You will need to bring an airplane through the Time Doors in order to fly from North America to Eurasia (where you will find a rocketship). There are 4 Time Doors: 1) In North America, the NW Time Door takes you to South America in 1990 A.D.; 2) The SE Time Door in North America takes you to Legends; 3) In Eurasia, the southern Time Door takes you to the east of the continent in 9 million B.C.; and 4) In eastern Eurasia, the Time Door takes you to Europe in 1423 B.C. V.LEGENDS You will visit Legends often in an attempt to break through Minax's armies and into her sanctum. Her Castle in located in the center of the continent; besides numerous creatures, there is only a Signpost on Legends. There are 4 Time Doors in a row south of the Signpost. Starting from the west: 1) This Time Door takes you to the northeast of the continent in 9 million B.C.; 2) This one takes you to Europe in 1423 B.C.; 3) This one takes you to England in 1990 A.D.; and 4) The eastern Time Door takes you to North America in 2112 A.D. [Note: Dates and Time Door locations may differ in various versions of Ultima II.] VI.SPACE Use your galactic map to plot the coordinates for space travel. You will know you have reached the planet you are seeking when you find Towne Basko and Castle Barataria. Be prepared to fight; the inhabitants are belligerent and the thieves tend to steal from you. Remember also to take extreme care in landing your rocket; instant death results from one careless move. There are no Time Doors in space. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ULTIMA III STRATEGY Lord British's "Ultima III: Exodus" is the third, and most ambitious, offering in an outstanding fantasy role-playing series. Every aspect of this game, from the documentation to the computer graphics, is a logical, yet enhanced, extension of the earlier two chapters of the "Ultima" saga. In "Exodus," however, there is a fundamental new twist: No longer must a solitary character strive to overcome the evil abroad in the land; a party of up to four players may join the quest. The strategy tips in this file should aid your party during its perilous adventure. I.CREATING A PARTY Start out by thoroughly studying the four booklets that come with the game: The Book of Play, the Ancient Liturgy of Truth, the Book of Amber Runes, and the Player Reference Card. You must then form a party by designating race and profession and by allocating 50 points among four attributes. Each profession has different valuable characteristics, and part of this game's flexibility is that you may try various combinations. Perhaps the best initial party will be composed of an elf thief, a dwarf fighter, a bobbit cleric, and a fuzzy wizard. A dwarf or bobbit paladin, or a human ranger, may easily be substituted for the dwarf fighter. It is certainly desirable to include both a cleric and a wizard in your group because only they have the capacity to develope advanced spell-casting powers. In combat situations, each party member takes a turn in order. Therefore, it is important to position the characters in such a way as to take advantage of their particular abilities. Generally, characters who have more weapon/armour options should be in first and second place; the spell casters should be in the next rank. I had very good luck with "Snatch" (elf thief) and "Devo" (dwarf fighter) in the front, with "Wanda" (fuzzy wizard) and "Clarissa" (bobbit cleric) in the rear. Since combat may seem too fast and confusing at first, it may help you to give your characters mnemonic names. II.JOURNEYING ONWARD Your little band begins its adventure near the castle and city of Lord British on the grassy plains of the continent of Sosaria. Immediately equip your characters with daggers and cloth armour. Then, save the game. Frequent "saves" will help you to avoid getting stuck with a group of dead bodies on your hands; if disaster seems imminent, you can turn off your machine and restore your previous game position. Enter the town, where it is safe. Examining the player roster, you will see that each party member possesses 150 gold pieces and 150 items of food. You should transfer extra gold to one character, preferably a fighter type, so that he may purchase a bow. Long-range weapons such as bows and slings are vital to surviving combat. Of course, daggers may be thrown, but they are then lost; it is useful to obtain an abundant supply. Remember to re-ready and/or re-equip a player who transacts with merchants or you might find a character with a bow and leather armour in her inventory standing naked and empty-handed against eight Ttitans! It goes without saying that your group must have adequate supplies of food. Any player may attempt to steal from the gold-laden chests that are located in weapons and armour shops; however, thieves have the most success. Lower level characters haven't a prayer against guards, so larceny is a risky endeavour. It is not possible to steal food in this game; however, chests occasionally contain a valuable weapon or item of armour. If you wish to steal with impunity, you can bribe guards. Greasing guards' palms causes them to instantly disappear. Gold, money, crass lucre: You will need copious amounts to advance in "Ultima III." Sometimes you'll think it's money that makes Sosaria go 'round! Although many of the clues vital to winning the game may be freely obtained by transacting with people in towns and castles, gold is needed to purchase not only important information from barkeeps and oracles, but is also necessary in order to raise your players' attributes, equip them with better weapons and armour, and bribe guards. You may wish to create several "sacrificial" characters whose sole purpose is to transfer all their gold, weapons, food, and armour to one of your "real" party members. Using this admittedly opportunistic technique, your "real" party can become well-equipped even before its first foray. A note about "roll over": Lord British has almost completely corrected the problem (from "Ultima II") of players' "numbers" rolling over to zero after 99 or 9999. Now, if you inadvertently purchase more than 99 daggers, only 99 will show up (not 0) on the status report. The same holds true for other equipment and players' attributes. However, a bug remains in the food counter. Be careful not to exceed 9999 items of food or very strange things will happen to your players' names and armour. [Note: Rollover still occurs in some versions.]. III.THE INHABITANTS OF SOSARIA. Within the towns or Lord British's castle, you will encounter guards, merchants, barkeeps, jesters, oracles, or healers as well as any of the regular player types such as fighters, thieves, clerics and wizards. You must transact with almost everyone you meet in order to learn the clues which are vital to winning this game. Carefully explore every inch of every town; you can locate informative individuals behind shops, within wooded areas, or on the other side of locked doors. [See the "Layout" and "Clues" files for more specific details.] IV.COMBAT Much of your time, especially in the beginning stages of the game, will be devoted to slaying monsters. On land, in the sea, and deep within the dungeons of Sosaria your party will engage in combat with more than two dozen species of monsters as well as renegade player types. Examine your Book of Play for the descriptions of these creatures. Some monsters (orcs, goblins, and trolls) may be dispelled by your wizard's "Repond." The undead creatures (skeletons, ghouls, zombies) are turned by your cleric's "Pontori." When your cleric or mage reaches his or her full potential, he or she (or "O"!) can cast helpful (transport, light, heal, cure, map, resurrect) or devastating (wound, negate time, destroy) spells. However, since spell casting temporarily drains magic points, most combat involves the use of weapons. Be aware that a cleric's use of the "P" (Resurrect from Ashes) spell drains wisdom points. The weapons available range from daggers to +4 bows (6550 g.p.) to the mysterious "exotics." Naturally, as your players gain strength, one arrow may be all that is needed to dispatch the dread balron. Long-range weapons should, therefore, be obtained as soon as possible. Since your party always gets to fire the first shot in a combat situation, slings or bows can mean the difference between life and death. Hand-to-hand weapons are relatively ineffective because your players have to waste turns moving toward the enemy and taking hits instead of fighting. Since daggers may be thrown, they are more versatile than maces. The same is true regarding the use of bows as opposed to swords. The ranger I created was more successful and efficient with his simple bow than a +2 sword. Armour is, of course, vital in protecting your players from injury. Depending on their professions, characters may wear anything from cloth to +2 plate (8250 g.p.). Try to obtain leather armour, at least, for those players who may wear it; they will survive more easily and will rapidly advance in experience levels. Players' hit points are directly related to their experience. Each character begins with 150 hit points at level one. As the game proceeds and your players slay numerous monsters, their experience points will increase. Remember, however, that only the character striking the death blow wins experience points! As additional levels are reached, the party should visit Lord British who will see that his wizard raises the characters' hit points. However, after level five, the Lord will refuse to raise the hit maximum. Instead, he says: "Seek ye the Mark of Kings." Once your group obtains this mark (one of four available -- each with a different purpose), Lord British will raise your characters' hit points, according to his or her experience level, to the absolute maximum of 2550. If you want to build up backward players' hit points, you must position them so that they may inflict the fatal blows. This may even involve passing over (by hitting the space bar) a couple of players in favour of your "slower" ones. After your players reach level five or so, and have purchased decent weapons, armour and, hopefully, a few powders (to negate time), they may use the following procedure to rapidly build up more experience points: Enter a town that has only two sets of guards stationed at the entrance; attack and kill the guards; immediately leave the town and save the game. Guards are worth 15 experience points each, and, although they are extremely powerful, they don't throw fireballs or poisoned bolts at your group. While your party is still relatively inexperienced, try to avoid sea serpents, men-o-war, and pirates. You can usually see these opponents approaching, and can detour around them. Do not descend below level four or so in any dungeon until your party is quite strong; otherwise, the manes, devils, and wyverns, among others, will surely decimate your group. Several monsters not only wound your players, but poison them. However, when your party is healthy and well-equipped, it can win thousands of experience points and gold pieces by slaying these creatures. In the case of pirates, your group can also commandeer a frigate; no experience points or treasure is gained if the ship's cannons are used in battle. Before your group obtains long-range weapons, try to avoid thieves, cutpurses, and brigands. These characters love to steal the weapons or armour that are not currently in use by players. Within dungeons, the invisible gremlins like to steal food. Be sure to carry plenty of rations or your band might starve to death! Here is a list of various opponents and the experience points received by players when they defeat these creatures: Merchants = 1 Jesters and Grasss = 2 Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, and Floors = 3 Skeletons, Zombies, and Ghouls = 4 Cutpurses, Brigands, and Thieves = 5 Golems, Giants, Titans, and Horses = 6 Fighters, Manes, Gargoyles, and Daemons = 8 Wizards, Pincers, and Bradles = 10 Serpents, Dragons, Griffons, Wyverns, and Guards = 15 Men-O-War, Orcuss, Devils, and Balrons = 20. The tougher the enemy, the more experience points gained by your players. Note: Do not try to engage Lord British in battle; he is invincible. He will allow you to take the chests behind the force field, but will attack if you initiate violence within his domain. V.HEALING The natural result of all this fighting is injured, or even deceased, party members. Be sure that you carefully map Sosaria, pinpointing the locations of healing kiosks. Your group will have to visit the healers frequently, especially if a character is poisoned. As always, gold works wonders. Of course, clerics as well as advanced wizards may cast healing spells. Use their powers with discrimination since every spell drains magic points which may be needed for an unexpected battle. Healing fountains are located inside dungeons. A drink from one will restore your players' lost hit points. You cannot tell whether a fountain is healthy or poisoned without testing it. There are four types of fountains: good, innocuous, harmful, and poisonous. Save your game before descending into a dungeon and be careful! VI.TRANSPORTATION There are three modes of transportation in this game: foot, horse, and frigate. Most of the time, your players will be on foot and their food supplies will diminish rapidly as they explore Sosaria. Obtaining a horse not only slows the decrease in food, but allows your party to out run monsters. There are only two places where horses may be purchased or stolen: in the City of Dawn or the City of Devil Guard. [Check the "Layout" file for the locations of these cities.] Horses may be ridden through moon gates. Frigates may be commandeered by defeating a pirate crew. Once you have a frigate, your party may then traverse the seas, visiting important islands and learning the secret of the whirlpool. The whirlpool is both beneficial and harmful. It may destroy ships that are docked and empty. Yet, by sailing into the whirlpool, your party will be transported to the Lost Continent of Ambrosia where the players will be able to raise their attributes and obtain the four cards needed to destroy Exodus. VII.ITEMS There are four valuable items which your players must purchase in order to win the game. These are: torches, keys, gems, and powders. Only in thieves' guilds can your party buy these special items [check the "Layout" file for locations]. Torches, of course, are needed for light while the party explores dungeons. Because of the prevalence of "strange wind" throughout all of the dungeons, numerous torches should be carried. Keys are used to unlock doors. They are particularly useful in Lord British's Castle, the City of Montor West, and Ambrosia. Gems give you a bird's eye view of your current location. Buy as many gems as possible; you can use them to map dungeons, explore the nooks and crannies of cities, and proceed effortlessly through mazes. Powders are, perhaps, the most valuable objects of all: They stop time. Use powders frequently during fierce battles, especially in the Castle of Death [Note: This may not work in some versions]. The incessant fireballs, though, are not affected by powders. VIII.DUNGEONS Unlike in "Ultima II," your group must explore all the dungeons in order to win this game. Four "marks" must be obtained by each party member. Marks are usually located in a wall on the 8th level of a dungeon. The Mark of Kings is needed before Lord British will raise the characters' hit maximum above 550; the Mark of Force is used to pass uninjured through force fields; the Mark of Fire allows the party to walk through fire; the Mark of the Snake is needed to bypass the Silver Snake which guards the Castle of Death. The best dungeon strategy is to use plenty of gems to locate ladders and/or cast ladder up and ladder down spells. It is not wise to linger on the upper levels if your group is simply looking for marks. Enter the dungeon and descend, as quickly as possible, to level 8. Then, obtain the mark and exit the dungeon. Of course, it is helpful to explore all levels of all dungeons, but this can be fatal if your party is weak. IX.MOON GATES Ah, these mysterious and ephemeral portals! What is their secret? By stepping into a moon gate, your group will be transported to various locations, some of which are inaccessible by any other means. There are eight moon gates, and the most important is, perhaps, the one that delivers your players to the dungeon of the Time Lord. Experiment with different gates and note their locations, the timing of their appearances, and their destinations. An understanding of the cycles of the two moons of Sosaria, displayed on the cloth map and constantly counted on your screen, is vital in your search for the legendary City of Dawn. [See the "Layout" file for more details.] X.DEFEATING EXODUS Who or what is Exodus? The product of an unholy alliance between Mondain and Minax, Exodus is more machine than monster. Could he or it be a computer? Perhaps so: Exodus' powers are legion and he is "turned off" by inserting four cards, in proper order, into slots in his "body." The Time Lord, if he will, can tell your party the proper order of the cards. Do not attempt to destroy Exodus until your party is extremely strong. Located within the aptly named Castle of Death, Exodus is protected by an army of fiends as well as a continuous stream of fireballs. Further, the usual weapons are ineffectual against monsters in this castle; your group must be equipped with "exotic arms" in order to slay these creatures in hand-to-hand combat. After your little band battles its way to Exodus, it must conquer the strange and invisible floors. The floors repeatedly attack until they have been completely destroyed. The best strategy against the floors is to have your cleric cast his "O" spell and/or your wizard cast her "P" spell. Then, move forward step-by-step, attacking in all directions. The floors are difficult, but certainly not impossible to overcome. A final note: If you try to leave the Castle of Death without destroying Exodus, or if you linger near the entrance, your players will have to battle the grasss. The same strategy should be used against grasss as is used in combat with floors. [See the "Layout" file and the "Clues" file for additional information.] LAYOUT I.THE CLOTH MAP The map that is supplied with the game is very useful, especially if you take out a sturdy black pen and mark locations on it. I used triangles to designate castles, squares to represent towns, circles for dungeons, and squiggly lines for moon gates. The map shows the continent of Sosaria as explored by the late, great Hawkwind. Your party will exceed even his accomplishments before the game is over. Also displayed on the map are a series of drawings of various locations as well as representations of the cycles of the two Sosarian moons. The runes are not difficult to decipher. For example, on the top left is a picture of the Castle of Lord British. On the top right is Death Gulch. The moon of Trammel has a 48 day cycle, and the moon of Felucca has a 16 day cycle. II.THE CITIES Here is a list of the cities of Sosaria, their locations, and their important features: 1.CITY OF LORD BRITISH: Located to the northeast of Sosaria, this city overlooks a harbour. Within the town you will find a pub, a grocery, a weapons shop, and an armoury. As always, be sure to transact with everyone you meet. 2.MONTOR WEST: South of Lord British are the twin cities of Montor West and Montor East. In the western town you will find a grocery, two pubs, a weapons shop, an armoury, a prison, and four guard stations. It is important to speak to two thieves who are inside prison cells. Either bribe the many guards or be prepared for a series of long battles if you enter the prison. 3.MONTOR EAST: Again, you will visit a pub, an armoury, and a weapons shop. Guard stations abound, but you need not do battle in this town. Simply transact with all the player types you meet; valuable clues are to be had here. 4.CITY OF YEW: Within this holy city are dozens of clerics as well as the Circle of Light, Rogation Worship, Sanescere healing kiosk, and the Aliment food shop. Take care in this heavily forested town else you might stumble into a wall of fire. The City of Yew is located in mountains to the west of Lord British. 5.CITY OF MOON: Further west from Yew lies Moon. Moon may also be reached by travelling southeast from Montor East. This small town contains a grocery, a pub, and a healing stand. The forested areas should be carefully explored for hidden clues; avoid those balrons, though! 6.CITY OF GREY: Due south of Moon, on a southwestern tip of Sosaria, you will find the City of Grey. This town has a pub, a grocery, a weapons shop, an armoury, a thieves' guild, and a chamber containing chests. Vital clues are to be had from a thief, a fighter, and a cleric. Be sure to visit Grey often in order to stock up on gems, powders, torches, and keys from the guild. 7.DEATH GULCH: Off the coast, on a large island to the southeast of British, is Death Gulch. This town is heavily guarded, but violence can be avoided. Here you will find a pub, grocery, weapons, and armour. The daemon and guard at the front entrance may be cautiously bypassed in order to enter the town. Bring keys. You can also sneak into Death Gulch through the forested areas to the north and south of the entrance. This town has several mazes, force fields, and a river of fire. None is of much importance. Lots of chests here. 8.CITY OF FAWN: On a small island off the coast of Sosaria, to the northwest of British, is the City of Fawn. Here you will find a pub, a food shop, a healing kiosk, and a thieves' guild. Four clerics will impart significant clues. 9.DEVIL GUARD: This town is locked within mountains to the southwest of British. To reach Devil Guard, your party must take one of three moon gates [discussed below]. A pirates' frigate, firing from the shore of a small lake with no outlets, attacks your group when you visit this town. Devil Guard is a dangerous place, but a very important one. Here, there are six fighters and one thief who can give you winning clues. Devil Guard contains a pub and grocery, a healing stand, another thieves' guild, and a stables. You may purchase four horses here for 800 g.p.; they cannot be stolen. 10.CITY OF DAWN: Dawn, the city of myths and magic! It is located, for a brief moment only, in the forest southwest of British. Dawn possesses the usual line-up of shops: food, pub, weapons, and armour. However, you will also find another thieves' guild here as well as an oracle and stables. Both the weapons and armour shops sell advanced items. Bring thousands of gold pieces and your party will leave Dawn very well-equipped. Horses here may be stolen, but expect a series of battles with Dawn's many guards. There are three clerics, hiding in the southeast corner of the town, who can tell you much about "exotic arms." However, two of the clerics will not let your party pass in order to transact with the third; you will have to kill them. Prepare your group by bribing as many guards as possible before dealing with the clerics. III.THE CASTLES There are two castles in this game: Lord British and Death. Lord British's Castle is next to his city. You will visit the castle many times in order to transact with the Lord and to purchase cures or healings. Most of the areas in this castle are unimportant; however, by using keys to unlock doors, you can locate several individuals who have important knowledge about your quest. In particular, explore the prison, the winding corridors, and the exterior of the castle. The Castle of Death is the domain of Exodus. It is located on an island off the southwest coast of Sosaria. Reach it by sailing past the Silver Snake (be sure to bring horses with you!). If you survive the dangers, you will find Exodus in a chamber against the northern wall. IV.THE DUNGEONS Only in dungeons may "marks" be found. Dungeons are hazardous places. Not only do they house an abundance of vicious creatures, but there are traps, gremlins, strange winds, poisoned fountains, mazes, and dead ends. Here is a list of the dungeons of Sosaria, their locations, and their important features: 1.PERINIAN DEPTHS: This dungeon is located to the northeast of the City of Lord British. There are two Marks of Kings on the lst level, and another on the 8th level. A Mark of Fire may be found on the 8th level as well. There is a healing fountain in the southwestern corner of the 8th level. 2.DARDIN'S PIT: To the northwest of British is Dardin's Pit. The Mark of Kings may be found in two locations on level 8. 3.FIRES OF HELL: Surrounded by fire, this dungeon is located in mountains to the southeast of British. The Mark of Force and the Mark of Fire are on the 8th level. There are also four fountains on level 8, one of each type. 4.DOOM: Southwest of British, in a heavily forested area, is the Dungeon of Doom. In the centre of level 8, you will find the Mark of Force. All four types of fountains are on level 8 as well. 5.MINES OF MORINIA: North of the City of Grey, on the west coast of Sosaria, are the Mines. The Mark of Kings is located on level 3 and on level 8. Also on level 8 is the Mark of Fire. Your party will use transport and ladder spells often in an effort to fully explore this dungeon. 6.SNAKE: On an island off the southeast coast of Sosaria is the Dungeon of the Snake. Important clues are to be had on levels 2 and 3. There are two healing fountains on level 6 and one healing fountain on level 7. Both the Mark of Kings and the Mark of the Snake are located on level 8. 7.TIME: This dungeon is completely surrounded by impenetrable mountains and may only be reached via moon gates [discussed below]. There are two healing fountains on level 1, another on level 4, and another on level 8. The Mark of Kings may be found on level 2 and on level 8. Most importantly, the Time Lord himself resides on level 8. Listen carfully to what he says. V.THE FORGOTTEN LAND: AMBROSIA In order to raise your players' attributes and to obtain the cards needed to defeat Exodus, your group must pass through the whirlpool to a submerged continent. There are four shrines located on Ambrosia: Dexterity (southeast), Wisdom (northeast), Intelligence (northwest), and Strength (southwest). Use gems to map this continent; the many mazes can be quite confusing. Also, keys are needed to unlock several different doors. Be sure to bring lots of gold! Commandeer frigates from the pirates you encounter; you will need to cross water to reach two of the shrines. The game cannot be "saved" while you are visiting Ambrosia, but you can sail back into the whirlpool to return to Sosaria. VI.MOON GATES There are eight of these mysterious portals scattered throughout Sosaria. Depending upon the phases of the twin moons, the shimmering gates will teleport your party to various different locations. Here is a list of the locations of the moon gates, the phases of the moons when the gates appear, and their destinations: 1.NORTH OF THE CITY OF MOON: (00) -- static (01) -- to the dungeon island SE of British (02) -- to the north gate at the mountainous dead end. 2.DUNGEON ISLAND SE OF BRITISH: (13) -- to the south coast, southwest of the Montors (14) -- to the south gate at the mountainous dead end (15) -- to the Castle of Death. 3.NORTH GATE AT MOUNTAINOUS DEAD END: (26) -- to Devil Guard (27) -- to the Time Lord's Dungeon (20) -- north of the City of Moon. 4.SOUTHWEST OF THE MONTORS: (31) -- to the dungeon island SE of British (32) -- to the north gate at the mountainous dead end (33) -- static. 5.SOUTH GATE AT MOUNTAINOUS DEAD END: (44) -- static (45) -- to the Castle of Death (46) -- to Devil Guard. 6.CASTLE OF DEATH: (57) -- to the Time Lord's Dungeon (50) -- north of the City of Moon (51) -- to the dungeon island SE of British. 7.EAST OF DEVIL GUARD: (62) -- to the north gate at the mountainous dead end (63) -- southwest of the Montors (64) -- to the south gate at the mountainous dead end. 8.TIME LORD'S DUNGEON: (75) -- to the Castle of Death (76) -- to Devil Guard (77) -- static. CLUES FOR THE DESPERATE!! I.BARTENDERS' CLUES In most cities, your group will visit pubs. Transacting with a bartender, and payment of copious sums of gold, causes this little tale to unfold: "Ambrosia. Ever hear of it? Dawn City of Myths and Magic! The conjunction of the moons finds a link! Nasty creatures, nasty dark, sure thee ready, fore thee embark. None return so I'm told, from the pool, dark and cold. Shrines of knowledge, shrines of strength, all are lost into the brink. Fountains fair and fountains foul, all are found in dungeons bowel. Exodus: Ultima III, which is next? Now could it be? Seek ye out the Lord of Time, and the one way is a sure find!" Doggerel,to be sure, but very informative. II.ORACLES' CLUES Oracles are found in only two places. Once again, transacting and paying reveals: "And so the sage said unto thee: If thou can solve my rhyme, you'll learn of marks and playing cards and hidden holy shrines. Of marks I say there are but 4, of Fire, Force, Snake, and King. Learn their use in Devil Guard or death you'll surely bring. Shrines there are again but 4, to which you go and pray. Their uses are innumerable and clues throughout I say. The cards their suits do number 4, called Sol, Moon, Death, and Love. Unto the Montors thou must go for guidance from above. To aid thee in thy cryptic search, to dungeons thou must fare. There seek out the Lord of Time to help you if he cares." III.OTHER CLUES By transacting with the various individuals whom your party encounters in cities, the group will learn a series of extremely important clues: "Marks" are useful! "Exotics" are useful! "Cards" are useful! 4 cards, 4 panels! Hot metal leaves a mark! 4 marks, 4 uses! The King favours a mark! "Marks" gained in dungeons! A "mark" helps invoke the Snake! Mark thee well! Seek ye the dungeon of fire! Exodus lies beyond the Silver Snake! Only with exotic arms can you win! Dawn comes each new pair! Exotic clues found at Dawn! Only exotics will protect you from great evil! Search and ye shall find! in the Circle of Light! Invoke the Silver Snake! for the Invocation! To pass you need a mark! Seek the jester in castle fire! Seek ye the shrines of truth! for cards! the shrines! me to enter! guards! They will leave! up exotics! carefully! on the isles! cards into panels! West-8, South-35. And Dawn awaits! The following clues are found in the Dungeon of the Snake: cards into Exodus! the shrines! ******************************************************************** U L T I M A I V (The Quest Of The Avatar) (Information compiled by John R. Barnsley) CHARACTER CREATION. There is a way to determine your character's class. When the Gypsy asks you to choose one of the virtues - Honesty, Compassion, Valour, Justice, Sacrifice, Honour, Spirituality or Humility over another, the higher virtue appears on the LEFT as choice 'A'. The eight classes - Mage, Bard, Fighter, Druid, Tinker, Paladin, Ranger or Shepherd correspond to the virtues in this manner: If you choose all 'A' answers, you'll be a Mage; Seven 'A' answers and then a 'B' will make you a Bard, and so on. The Bard, with his sling, and the Mage, with spell-casting ability, begin with distinct advantages. The size of monster parties on the surface is based on the size of your group, so unless you enjoy lots of large-scale battles, don't enlist any party members (except maybe a Mage) until you've become an Avatar. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Half the game is devoted to developing the virtues. (see the DUNGEON section for the secret to building strength and other traits). Hawkwind, in Lord British's Castle, will inform you of your progress. The numbers match the order of the virtues previously listed and 99 means you're ready for elevation. Talk to everyone you meet. Actions are also important, and improper actions will cost you points. To earn Honesty points, never steal, pay less than a shop's quoted price or lie. The trick question is: "Have you never lied?", whose correct answer is "No". For Compassion, give one piece of gold to beggars. Valour is attained by victorious combat, but don't attack non-evil creatures or you'll lose Justice and Honour points. And if you attack them while they're fleeing you'll lose Honour! It's O.K. to fight them if they attack. Never flee from combat unless in mortal danger, or you'll lose Valour. Honour is attained by not cheating in shops and by finding the runes, stone, bell, book and candle. Give blood when a Healer asks for donations to earn Sacrifice points. You gain a few Spirituality points each time you talk to Hawkwind. For Humility, always say "No" when asked if you're proud of something or best at anything - unless asked if you are the MOST HUMBLE. THE MOON GATES Each gate has THREE phases, which can be determined by the three-part cycle of the moons. The first number below refers to the gate as you enter it, the last three to your destination. Gate Vicinity Activation Lat. Long. 1st 2nd 3rd 1 Moonglow New Moon I'F" O'A" 1 2 3 2 Britain Crescent Waxing G'G" G'A" 4 5 6 3 Jhelom 1st Quarter O'A" C'G" 7 8 1 4 Yew Gibbous Waxing C'F" D'C" 2 3 4 5 Minoc Full Moon B'D" K'G" shrine 6 7 6 Trinsic Gibbous Waning M'C" G'I" 8 1 2 7 Skara Brae Last Quarter H'O" B'H" 3 4 5 8 Magincia Crescent Waning K'H" L'L" 6 7 8 COMBAT & MAGIC. Prepare lots of spells and carry some extra reagents. Missile weapons like slings are especially valuable. If you step back instead of advancing towards monsters in the combat arena, they will often move into the firing line. You can outrun them on a horse. One effective combat tactic is to line your crew into two columns. See the Virtues section on Valour, Justice and Honour for other combat tips. Some spells aren't revealed in the manual: Gate Travel (a f h), Undead (a c), Resurrect (a b c d e h). THE QUEST BEGINS. The first stage of this solution is from the viewpoint of a Mage. To follow it with another class, use the Moon Gates to reach Moonglow. Search the chest next to Mariah for the Rune of Honesty. Don't buy any magic herbs if just starting out. Instead, visit the Lycaeum on the Northwest coast. Ask the Baron about the word and he'll say: "VER" which is part of the Word Of Passage. Enter the Moon Gate, West of Moonglow during a New moon and search for the Stone of Humility. Enter during the next New moon and go to Britannia. SECRETS OF LORD BRITISH'S CASTLE. Go East in the Castle, open the door and find the WHITE DOT on the North wall. These mark secret doors. Go North to the dot leading East; outside you'll find Joshua and a riddle. Re-enter the passage and go North into the Northeast Castle Rampart. Go West to meet Shawn for tips on Humility. A ladder in this rampart leads to the second level and the Prison; a secret door leads West to behind the Castle and a ladder to the Dungeon Hythloth. A Healer is due South of the first secret door. On the West side of the Castle you'll find Hawkwind through the first door AFTER moving South. Go North and East through the door just South of the ladder. Search in the LOWER RIGHT CORNER for the Rune of Spirituality. Head upstairs to meet Lord British, who will heal you if asked about Health and you say "No". He'll also promote you to higher levels when you've earned it. BRITAIN AND PAWS. Buy a Sling. At the end of the long hall North of the Inn, search for the Rune of Compassion. Enter the secret door in the Healer's and Julio about nature for Honesty points. Keep the sea in sight while moving South. Cross the two bridges going East and enter Paws. Buy a horse. South of the Stables, just below the Stablehand, search for the Rune of Humility. The Herb Shoppe is behind a secret door in the Armoury. BLOODY PLAINS AND MANDRAKE ROOT. You need 900 gold for your next major purchase, so kill lots of monsters on the way to Lord British's Castle. Get healed and head East from Moon Gate 2, crossing the bridge and moving East until you see mountains to the North. Go North, passing the eastern bridge, and circle Lock Lake. Southeast of the lake you'll spy a pass through the foothills that leads East and exits into the Bloody Plains to the Northeast. To find Mandrake Root, stand on the SINGLE SQUARE OF SWAMP and search during a New Moon. Go due East through a small mountain pass that leads North and you'll find Vesperon the South coast. VESPER. Don't enter without 900 gold. Then visit the Guild and ask about ITEM D. Use it to get your bearings; most of the sites listed in the charts used, employ these co-ordinates. You can also pick up Humility points in Vesper, whose walls are lined with secret doors. ON THE ROAD AGAIN. Head back to Lord British, yelling at the horse to hurry if you're seriously wounded. After checking with him and Hawkwind you're ready to travel the land and build up your character by earning 99 points in each virtue and acquiring the runes and mantras needed to enter the shrines. Complete this for all virtues and you'll have attained Partial Avatarhood. First go to Paws and stock up on ginseng and garlic, then use the Moon Gates and the sextant to reach the following locations for the necessary items or information. Later you can raise lots of gold by finding the Mystic Armour and weapons; sell them and return for more, and repeat until rich. Ships won't appear until later in the game, and Jhelom or Skara Brae are good places to find one. VILLAGES, TOWNS AND CASTLES Name Lat. Long. Items Of Interest Lycaeum G'L" N'K" Book of truth; First Syllable Empath Abbey D'C" B'M" Mystic Armour; Second Syllable Serpent's Hold P'B" J'C" Mystic Weapons; Third Syllable Skara Brae I'A" B'G" Cheap Food; Tips on Shrines and stones Magincia K'J" L'L" Hints on Humility Cove F'K" I'I" Candle of Love Vesper D'L" M'J" Thieve's Guild Buccanneers Den J'O" I'I" Thieve's Guild; Magic Weapons Britannia G'L" F'G" Rune of Spirituality Moonglow I'H" O'I" Rune of Honesty Britain G'K" F'C" Rune of Compassion Jhelom N'O" C'E" Rune of Valour; Magic Armour Yew C'L" D'K" Rune of Justice Minoc B'E" J'P" Rune of Sacrifice; Magic Weapons Trinsic L'I" G'K" Rune of Honour Paws J'B" G'C" Rune of Humility; Horses Other runes are found in: Minoc - Sacrifice Britannia - Spirituality Paws - Humility. (People will tell you where to find them) The only tricky one is Valour; at Lord Robert in Jhelom, go South and West through secret doors and search in the SOUTHEAST RAMPART. THE SHRINES Shrine Lat. Long. Mantra Axiom Honesty E'C" O'J" ahm i Compassion F'M" I'A" mu n Valour O'F" C'E" ra f Justice A'L" E'J" beh i Sacrifice C'N" M'N" bah n Honour M'P" F'B" summ i Spirituality B'D" K'G" om t Humility N'I" O'H" lum y You need a boat to reach Honesty, Valour and Humility; the Silver Horn is needed for the latter, which s approached from M'A", O'H" by boat. ON YOUR OWN. Now use the Moon Gates and sextant to find things listed in the following table in any order you choose. You need a ship to reach Serpent's Hold and the Stygian Abyss. ITEMS FOUND ON THE SURFACE Item Lat. Long. Effect/Location/Condition Bell of Courage N'A" L'A" Use to enter Abyss Book Of Truth *** A'G" A'G" Use to enter Abyss Candle Of Love **** A'B" B'G" Use to enter Abyss Mondain's Skull P'F" M'F" Use to enter Abyss Balloon P'C" O'J" Exit of Hythloth Dungeon Wheel N'H" G'A" Strengthens ship's hull Silver Horn K'N" C'N" Banishes daemons at Humility Shrine Black Stone ** I'F" O'A" Search Moonglow Gate White Stone F'A" E'A" Fly to Serpent Spine on Balloon Mystic Armour * A'E" B'G" Oak Grove of Empath Abbey Mystic Weapons * A'P" A'I" Academy at Serpent's Hold Nightshade ** J'F" C'O" Reagent Mandrake Root ** D'G" L'G" Reagent * = Must be a partial Avatar ** = Search during New Moon *** = In Library, West of Rob and Beth in Lycaeum **** = Behind fire in Cove's Temple THE BALLOON AND THE WHITE STONE. Enter the Hythloth Dungeon behind Britannia, exit immediately and enter the Balloon. Climb and descend to fly it, and use wind spells to steer. Fly West and North to the Serpent's Spine mountain range and land at the Avatar Symbol for the White Stone. You can also fly to Cove on the East shore of Lock Lake, otherwise accessed by entering a whirlpool while on a ship. ELEVATION AND EQUIPMENT. When you have all eight runes and mantras and are ready for elevation, meditate at each shrine for three minutes. After acquiring the items listed previously and talking to everyone for clues, buy the best weapons: three Magic Wands, three Magic Bows, one Crossbow, one Sling, and Armour for each character. Stock up on Reagents and food, then say "Join" to everyone in the eight major towns to recruit your party. The only tricky ones are the Shepherd (enter Magincia, exit the gate and go South along the wall) and Geoffrey, the Fighter in Jhelom who won't join until your party reaches a high enough level. Now head for the Dungeons. INTO THE DUNGEONS. Two goals await: Finding the Stones at the Altars and using them in the Altar Rooms to get the 3-part Key. The Dungeons are connected by the Altar Rooms, but all three Altars can be found in Hythloth - so you can save time by visiting it after acquiring all eight stones instead of going to the Altar Rooms in the other Dungeons. The Stones are also necessary for getting through the Stygian Abyss. You can raise your Strength, Intelligence and Dexterity by touching Magical Balls in the Dungeons. This will cost the character some hit points, which can be restored with a Heal Spell. The sections on each Dungeon tell how to find these balls, the Stones and the Altars. Peer at a gem when you first enter a Maze, then check it again and compare with the directions if you get disorientated. You can do them in any order; this path leads through the ones whose Magical Balls do the LEAST damage, to avoid depleting hit points too quickly. You'll have to decide which characters should touch a Ball, since they only work once. When told to go UP or DOWN, in these sections, this refers to using ladders, NOT casting those spells. The Dungeons are connected by the Altar Rooms, so always leave by the door you entered - especially in Dungeons accessible only by boat. Otherwise you'll emerge outside a faraway Dungeon when you cast an X-it Spell. THE DUNGEONS Name Lat. Long. Stone Level Altars Attribute Deceit E'J" P'A" Blue 7 t Intelligence Despise E'D" F'L" Yellow 5 l Strength Destard K'I" E'I" Red 7 c Dexterity Wrong B'E" H'O" Green 8 t,l Int./Str. Covetous B'L" J'M" Orange 7 l,c Str./Dex. Shame G'G" D'K" Purple 2 t,c Int./Dex Hythloth P'A" O'P" (none) - t,l,c All The 't', 'l' and 'c' stand for the Altar Rooms of Truth, Love and Courage. DECEIT. Magical Balls increase Intelligence 5 points and cost 200 hit points. Level 1: Go EAST 2, NORTH 2, WEST 6, North 2 and DOWN. Level 2: Follow hall SOUTH and go WEST through the door. SOUTH 2, then go through both doors leading WEST. Follow hall SOUTH and enter room to the EAST. Continue EAST through two rooms and DOWN. Level 3: SOUTH 2 to the three doors. Go WEST to Magical Ball. Return to three doors and go SOUTH to wall, then EAST and DOWN. Level 4: DOWN. Level 5: EAST 4 to Magical Ball. Go WEST through the door. Follow hall to Healing Fountain. Return to junction, go NORTH and DOWN. Level 6: Follow hall EAST through door and into room, exit EAST and climb UP ladder to Level 5. Go EAST through room (you'll need lots of AWAKE spells!) and DOWN to Level 6. Follow hall NORTH to wall, EAST 2 and SOUTH 1 to Magical Ball. NORTH 1, then follow hall EAST through falling rocks and DOWN. Level 7: WEST 1 (lights out), SOUTH 6, WEST 2 (dispelling energy fields as you go). Search Altar for Blue Stone, then EAST and NORTH to UP ladder - but DON'T take it! EAST 1, NORTH through two doors and exit EAST from the room. Continue EAST to ladder and DOWN. Level 8: Go SOUTH, then EAST through a door into a room. Exit EAST and follow hall NORTH and EAST, going NORTH through dor. Continue NORTH out of the room and follow hall NORTH and WEST to the wall. Go SOUTH into the Altar Room of Truth. Exit Dungeon. DESPISE. Magical Balls increase Dexterity 5 points ad cost 200 hit points. Level 1: EAST through door and follow hall to ladder. DOWN. (If your party is wounded, go EAST 1 from the entrance and SOUTH to the wall. Bear WEST to the Fountain). Level 2: WEST into room and exit NORTH. Follow hall into next room and exit WEST. Continue WEST to ladder. DOWN. Level 3: SOUTH, dispelling field, to ladder. DOWN. Level 4: SOUTH into room. Step on floor section in alcove in centre of east wall to open and take secret exit going EAST. Continue EAST and NORTH to Magical Ball. Follow hall back SOUTH and EAST to ladder and DOWN. Level 5: NORTH through secret door five steps - DON'T relight torch yet. Dispel field and go NORTH 1. Relight torch and dispel field to the EAST. Go EAST and SOUTH through the door; continue SOUTH to the wall and turn east. Move forward two steps and enter NORTH door (the centre one of three doors). Move one character into the secret door on the Northeast corner of the Fountain (the door that's set into the NORTH wall). Then move another into the secret door in a wall in the Southwest corner of the room (NOT the entrance halls). This opens an exit to the North, where you'll find the Yellow Stone. Go SOUTH 2, back to the hall, then WEST and NORTH until you are able to turn SOUTH into the hall from which you entered. Go SOUTH to ladder and DOWN. Level 6: Follow hall NORTH to Healing Fountain. CAST DOWN SPELL. Level 7: Bear WEST to ladder then DOWN. Level 8: Go NORTH through both rooms to Magical Ball, then back SOUTH through both rooms and exit WEST from the second one. Follow hall into room with Reapers and exit NORTH to Magical Ball. Exit Dungeon. DESTARD. Magical Balls increase Strength 5 points and eat up 200 hit points. Level 1: SOUTH 2, EAST through the wall and DOWN. Level 2: NORTH 2, WEST through the room and DOWN. Level 3: EAST into room and exit SOUTH. Follow hall SOUTH and into first door WEST, then NORTH 1 to Ball. Return to room with 4 exits and go NORTH, follow hall NORTH to the wall; go WEST 2 and SOUTH 1 to Ball. Return to the 4 exits room, go EAST and DOWN. Level 4: Follow hall into room and exit WEST. Follow hall to ladder and DOWN. Level 5: NORTH 4, WEST 6, NORTH 2, WEST to ladder and DOWN. Level 6: WEST 2 (lights go out) and NORTH 2 to Ball. SOUTH 4, EAST 4 to Ball. WEST 2, NORTH 2 and UP to Level 5. EAST 4, NORTH 4, DOWN to Level 6. WEST to ladder and DOWN. Level 7: SOUTH into door, WEST 2 into next door for Red Stone. Return to ladder and climb to Level 6. EAST 4 and DOWN. Follow hall to ladder and DOWN. Level 8: WEST 2, NORTH 4, EAST through secret door and follow hall SOUTH to Altar Room of Courage. WRONG. Magical Balls increase Intelligence and Dexterity 5 points and cost 400 hit points. Level 1: NORTH 2, turn EAST. Follow hall to wall and turn NORTH. Walk through secret door and DOWN. Level 2: NORTH through room and DOWN. (If you need healing, first go EAST to wall and NORTH through door to Fountain). Level 3: SOUTH through secret door and follow hall to Ball. Go back through secret door and follow EAST hall PAST the first ladder down. Take the NEXT one DOWN. Level 4: WEST to Southern door. SOUTH through room and DOWN. Level 5: EAST 4 (lights go out; don't relight until Level 6), SOUTH 4 and DOWN. Level 6: WEST 2, then SOUTH through secret door and the room beyond. Dispel fields to the South, cure poisoned characters and continue to Fountain. Go through Fountain to Ball, then NORTH into Main Hall and go WEST 2 and SOUTH through secret door. Repeat actions with Fountain and Ball here and return to Main Hall. Go WEST 2, then SOUTH through secret door. Continue SOUTH, dispelling fields, to ladder and go DOWN. Level 7: EAST into room, then exit NORTH. Follow hall through both doors and take WEST hall to Magic Ball. Return to room and go to the SOUTH end. Put a character on the square Northeast of the Southernmost square of the room to open secret exit to the EAST. Exit EAST and DOWN. Level 8: NORTH 2, WEST through 3 rooms. Follow hall and enter next room. Dispel fields in Northwest corner and stand on corner square to open secret exit to West. Go WEST and get Green Stone. (You can reach the Altar Room of Truth by going South). Exit Dungeon. COVETOUS. Magical Balls increase Strength and Dexterity 5 points and cost 400 hit points. Level 1: EAST 2, SOUTH 1, EAST 2 and NORTH into room. Step on square in Southwest corner to open secret exit to NORTH. Exit NORTH and DOWN. Level 2: Follow hall to ladder and DOWN. Level 3: Go WEST through three rooms. In the third, step on square in Northeast corner to open secret exit West. Go WEST to Magical Ball. Go to middle room and step on square in Southeast corner to open secret exit North. Go NORTH through room after it and exit WEST from the next one. Follow West hall to door, go through it and take NORTH hall to ladder. DOWN. Level 4: SOUTH 2, WEST 3 into room. Step on square in Northeast corner of room to reveal similar square in centre of West side. Dispel fields to reach it, then go WEST and DOWN. Level 5: DOWN. (Lots of gold on this level if you need it!). Level 6: NORTH 2 to Magical Ball. SOUTH 4, WEST 4 to another Ball. EAST 2, SOUTH 2 to a third one. NORTH 4, EAST 2 and DOWN. Level 7: WEST to Down ladder (but don't take it). NORTH 2 and EAST through secret door for Orange Stone. Exit Dungeon. (Note: Although not necessary for this solution, you can go West through two secret doors and continue West through two rooms to ladder. Then Down to Level 8 and East and North to Altar Room of Love, or West and South to Altar Room of Courage). SHAME. Sail down the river from H'F" C'A" to this one. Magical Balls increase Intelligence and Strength 5 points and cost 400 hit points. Level 1: DOWN to Level 7 and cast Z to Level 8. Level 8: Follow the west hall into room. Through secret doors in Southern walls, go SOUTH in this and the next room. In the third room, go WEST via secret door to Healing Fountain. Walk through it to Magical Ball. Advance to next Ball, then EAST back into room. Now go NORTH through two rooms, using secret doors in top middle wall of the second one. (If you want to visit the Altar Rooms from here: go NORTH through third room and take WEST hall to Altar of Truth; go NORTH instead and you'll reach Altar Room of Courage). Step on square in centre of room to open secret exit WEST. Follow hall to ladder. UP. Level 7: WEST 3 and UP ladder. Level 6: EAST 2 and UP ladder. Level 5: Follow hall and go NORTH through door, then UP ladder. Level 4: Follow hall into room and go EAST through three rooms. Advance to the Magical Ball. Return to the door and go NORTH to another Magical Ball, then on to the Healing Fountain. (The other Fountain, beyond the first Ball, also heals). Cast Y to go UP. Level 3: WEST to four-way junction, take North door through room and UP ladder. Level 2: SOUTH to a wall, then EAST to a wall. Follow hall SOUTH to Altar for Purple Stone. Follow hall back NORTH to the first place you can turn left into a new hall (not just turn left in the same one!). WEST 2, turn NORTH and dispel field. Advance to UP ladder. Level 1: Follow NORTH hall into room and put a character on the square in the small alcove of the Northeast corner to open the secret Northern exit. Go NORTH and put someone on the square directly over the lower right of the three white circles to open a secret Northern exit. Follow hall NORTH to Magical Ball, then exit Dungeon. HYTHLOTH & THE ALTAR ROOMS. Magical Balls increase all traits 5 points and cost 800 hit points, so you'll need some resurrection spells. All three Altar Rooms are accessible from Level 8, but you need all eight stones to reach and use the Altar Rooms. By using 'stones' when a character is atop an Altar, you obtain a piece of the 3-part key at each one. For Truth: Blue, Green, Purple and White; For Love: Yellow, Green, Orange and White; For Courage: Red, Orange, Purple and White. Level 1: Jimmy lock behind Castle Britannia and descend to Level 8. Level 8: Peer at a gem and you'll see Truth in the far Northwest corner, Love in the short hall going North and Courage far to the Northeast. To reach Courage, follow hall NORTH (dispelling field) to the wall, go EAST 1 and NORTH into room. Put a man on the square in the Northwest corner to open secret exit EAST. Go EAST into the next room and exit NORTH. Take door to the NORTH to enter Altar Room of Courage. Exit SOUTH and enter SOUTH door, then walk through secret door in West wall. Exit SOUTH in the next room, then go SOUTH and dispel field to your West. Follow the hall to the ladder by which you entered, turn WEST and dispel the first field. Follow the hall NORTH to enter the Altar Room of Love. Exit SOUTH, go SOUTH 1 and dispel the field. Turn WEST and dispel the next two fields and follow this hall to the Altar Room of Truth. Exit SOUTH and follow hall to the ladder, dispelling fields as you go. (If you don't want to go to the Altar Rooms or have already done so, go South and dispel the field, then follow hall beyond the ladder and climb). Level 7: WEST 2, SOUTH 2, then UP ladder. Level 6: Cast Up Spell. Level 5: Follow hall SOUTH and WEST to Magical Ball. Go back EAST and NORTH to ladder, then WEST to another Magical Ball. Go EAST past first ladder, follow hall to second ladder and climb. Level 4: EAST 2, DOWN ladder to Level 5, EAST and climb UP to Level 4. WEST into room, then exit NORTH. Follow hall into next room, exit WEST and climb. Level 3: NORTH 6, WEST 2 to Magical Ball. Go EAST into next room and exit NORTH. Follow hall to Healing Fountain. Return to previous room and exit SOUTH. Continue SOUTH through next room and go EAST to ladder and UP. Level 2: EAST to the wall, SOUTH through door. Follow either hall to ladder and UP. Level 1: SOUTH and EAST to Magical Ball. WEST 2, NORTH to ladder and UP. THE STYGIAN ABYSS. Sail East from Serpent's Hold into the Pirate's Bay. After each combat, exit ship and move onto the next one to reach the East shore. (Use the wheel to strengthen your ship if damaged severely). Go EAST and SOUTH to O'J" O'J", the entrance. Use the Skull, Bell, Book and Candle to enter the Abyss. Level 1: Follow hall EAST through three rooms, then SOUTH to a large room with several walls on the left. Go EAST 2, NORTH 2 and use stone at the Altar. (Answers: HONESTY & BLUE). DOWN. Level 2: Go SOUTH through two rooms and EAST through two. After exiting the the second one into a hall, go EAST 1, NORTH 4, then EAST through a secret door. Continue EAST (dispelling fields) and use stone at the Altar. (Answers: COMPASSION & YELLOW). DOWN. Level 3: SOUTH 2 and exit room WEST. Continue WEST through one room to the Altar. Use Stone. (Answers: VALOR & RED). Level 4: EAST 3, then EAST through secret door. Go through secret doors in north wall of next rooms until you face an Orange wall, then EAST 4 and dispel the field. Continue EAST into the room and exit NORTH. Exit NORTH from the next room. Use stone. (Answers: JUSTICE & GREEN). Level 5: SOUTH to the wall and EAST through the door into a room. Step on square in corner of Northeast alcove, behind fields, to open secret exit. SOUTH into next room and step on square in lower Southeast corner to open secret exit SOUTH into next room. There you must step on fire square below three mountains to open secret exit East. Go EAST to Altar. Use Stone. (Answers: SACRIFICE & ORANGE). Level 6: SOUTH 2, WEST 2, SOUTH 1 and EAST through door. Go EAST again and exit SOUTH from the next room. Exit the next room West, the next South, the next East, the next North, and the next East. Dispel field caging the Balron in Northeast corner and step on square he occupied, which opens secret exit South. Go SOUTH and step on square in centre alcove behind fields, in Northeast corner of room. Dispel field at South end and step on Southeast square to open bridge. Cross bridge and exit South. Exit next room East, and go SOUTH from the next one. Go EAST to Altar and Use Stone. (Answers: HONOR & PURPLE). Level 7: WEST 1, NORTH into room. Exit NORTH and go WEST into next room. Exit NORTH and go WEST. Step on square in wall of the Southeast corner to open partitioned area, then stand in the crook of the backwards "L" to open secret exit North. Go NORTH and enter West door. Send your 8th character two SOUTH and one WEST to open secret exit North. After leaving room, go NORTH and WEST to Altar and Use Stone. (Answers: SPIRITUALITY & WHITE). Level 8: Go SOUTH and EAST through the door into a room and exit EAST. Step on square in Northeast corner to move bricks from square in the Southwest corner, which opens a secret exit to the North. Follow hall into next room and exit it SOUTH. Step on square in wall of Southeast corner to activate similar square below Balron. Slay Balron and step on square he occupied to activate square at top of cage. Step on that square to open secret exit South. Use Stone at Altar. (Answers: HUMILITY & BLACK). THE CHAMBER OF THE CODEX ANSWERS: VERAMOCOR, HONESTY, COMPASSION, VALOR, JUSTICE, SACRIFICE, HONOR, SPIRITUALITY, HUMILITY, TRUTH, LOVE, COURAGE, INFINITY. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * U L T I M A V (Warriors Of Destiny) (Origin Systems) (Information compiled by John R. Barnsley) The steps necessary for solving this quest are provided here in summary form. To accomplish them, you can either talk to people for clues, consult the "TOWNES, KEEPS & CASTLES" section for hints, or look in other appropriate sections (such as "VANQUISHING THE SHADOWLORDS") or check the TABLES for the EXACT answers. The cluster of locations around Britanny Bay is probably the best place to start. Talk to everyone you meet for clues. Go out at night for monster-hunting, but not far from the towns - retreat to a town if you're in danger of getting killed. Look for Mantras and Words of Power. When your group attains third or fourth level, explore dungeons for loot. Buy ships, get a grapple, sextant, Black Badge, Spy-Glass, lots of Skull Keys and the Magic Carpet. Stock up on Mandrake Root, Nightshade and other reagents. Use the Black Badge and get the Crown and Word Of Power from the prisoner. While seeking one of the Shards, get the Mystic Armour. Get all the Shards and names of the Shadowlords. Learn what to do with the Shards. Destroy the Shadowlords and find their Keep. Get the Sceptre and Amulet. Complete all the Shrine Quests if you haven't already. Get the Sandalwood Box and stock up on supplies. Rescue Lord British. CHARACTER CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT The keys to character development lie in the Shrines and in living up to the virtues. Don't take food or crops, kill innocent people or do other 'unAvatarish' acts that will cost you points in a related Virtue and inhibit some characters from giving you clues. To boost Compassion, give one piece of gold to Beggars. Never lie or boast (say no when asked if you're proud of something, unless asked if you are the most humble). To boost Karma, complete a Shrine Quest, then return to that Shrine and give gold. People who will join the party are mentioned in the "TOWNES, CASTLES & KEEPS" section and in the TABLES. Release prisoners in Blackthorn or Yew. COMBAT & MAGIC Slings and Bows will serve you well until you get Magic Axes. You can equip with more than one weapon, such as a Magic Axe and a Short Sword. A Bow is good until you get a Magic Axe. Don't forget you can fire missile weapons diagonally this time. Use them until the enemy is within arm's reach. Step back as the enemy approaches, and they'll move into better positions for you to hit them. Line your team up in a pair of columns, keeping missile weapons and Mages in the back. GENERAL INFORMATION You will be able to reach most places by foot, horse or Magic Carpet. The In Por spell and the Grapple are essential for travelling, especially when seeking the Shards. The exceptions will require a ship or travel by Moongates. Avoid entering a location when Shadowlords are present. (You will get an audible warning; also, the trees will be bare of foiliage and the inhabitants will be reluctant to converse with you. By using a telescope at night, you can see the location of the Shadowlords). Some locations have locked doors or moats preventing entry during the night. You may have to wait until daylight, cross moats on the Magic Carpet, or find secret entrances. Inhabitants follow certain routines and will sleep, open or close shops, have lunch and so on only during certain hours. Generally it is best to "hole up" outside until morning. This also gives you an opportunity to revitalize spell points, heal and sometimes be visited by Lord British, who may reward you or caution you to follow a certain path to meet your goals. Barkeeps will give you useful clues for a price. If short of cash, save the game before you bribe a Barkeep; get the information, then restore game. This may not seem 'Avatarish', but in the early stages of the adventure you must be prudent at times! Secret doors are marked with white dots in the walls, but these are sometimes hard to see. A ship is needed to reach some places; consult the map before setting out for a new location to see if this is the case. TOWNES, CASTLES & KEEPS LORD BRITISH'S CASTLE This castle has five levels: four above ground and one below. Like most locations, it can be plotted on a 32 x 32 grid. On the Ground Level (near the stable), talk to Treanna. You may find items by searching the level below, where you will find an Armoury and items to be picked up by searching (but DON'T fight any Guards here!). And don't take anything from the locked room down there, since it belongs to Lord British. On one level above you may find an "orb" with which you may view the floor the way you would with a gem. On the second level above you will find Lord British's quarters (use a Skull Key to enter, or blow the door off with a cannon). Here lies the Magic Carpet at the entrance and a secret door that opens if you play the harpsichord. The secret door permits you to obtain the Sandalwood Box. (DO NOT SAVE THE GAME HERE!!). You may also meet Saduj, who may offer to join you. (DON'T let him - he may cause you to lose the Sandalwood Box). In this room you can also go through the fireplace to a secret place. Going through fireplaces costs you hit points so be sure you can take a few hits coming and going. The stairway in Lord British's quarters leads to an Observatory with a telescope. Don't go to the roof unless you have Skull Keys. BRITTAIN The Towne of Compassion has an Inn and an Armoury. There are sleeping quarters, terrace and a balcony on the upper floors. Talk to Anon, Greyson, Terrance and Guenno. EAST BRITTANY Here there is a Healer and a Shipwright. Plans for the HMS Cape, which permit faster sailing aboard frigates, are in one of the drawers in the Shipwright's Quarters. NORTH BRITTANY There is an Inn, a Stable and a small garden. A little north of the entrance is a tree stump with three gems. Talk to Joshua and Leof. WEST BRITTANY Here you will find two gardens, a Tavern and a Graveyard. The gravestones have humorous epitaphs if you have the patience to decipher them. Some graves yield corpses and loot if searched. BLACKTHORN'S PALACE Located on an island west of the southern tip of the Isle of the Avatar, the palace is surrounded by a moat. You must be equipped with the Magic Carpet to avoid some of the trap doors inside. Hug the walls when going through the palace, because the traps are normally centered away from the walls. If captured by guards you will be taken to Blackthorn, asked to reveal the Mantra of a Shrine and whether you do or don't, the second man in your party will be tortured and killed. It is best to avoid detection. There are three levels above and a basement level from the ground floor. On the top level in the centre of the grid you will find the Crown of Lord British. When worn, it protects you from magic spells. You can avoid being captured by knowing the password and wearing the Black Badge. If captured after obtaining the Crown, you can escape in the following manner: In the dead of night, go to the down ladder at the northern central part of the Top Level. Go down to the bedroom and south to the wall and search for the secret door. Take the down ladder on the other side of the door, then search north for another secret door. Take the down ladder on the other side of the door and you will be on the Main Level. Go directly north through the triple doors, and the Magic Carpet will get you over the stream. BORDERMARCH On the Upper Level, you will meet Dupre and Sentri, a pair of Fighters you should chat up. Talk to Sir Simon and Tessa for valuable information; an Armoury is available. BUCCANEER'S DEN This location has a Guild, Armoury, an Inn, a Tavern and a Shipwright. Talk to Scally. You meet Geoffrey, an old friend who wants to join you. Sven gives a clue on where to obtain a glass sword. (It's a powerful weapon but disintegrates when used, so it may not be worth searching for). You can get information on a grapple for a drink for a woman. COVE Cove is southeast of Locklake and may be reached from there. You may purchase reagents and obtain healing here. Speak to the Sisters of Virtue about Tibse. Ambrose (around midnight at the Healers) will speak to you of the Mystic Arms. HUT IN DESERT Talk to Sin'Vraal for the name of a Shadowlord. EMPATH ABBEY There are three levels: the first has a Healer, the second a balcony with the Flame of Love. Toshi, a student will offer to join you. Talk to Tim. Converse with Lord Michael (and say 'grapple'). Cory will give free food if you ask for 'squid' or 'shark'. Julia offers to join you. The third level is just a walk around the perimeter where you may find Tim at times. FARTHING In Farthing you may learn a spell from Temme and get a spyglass from Lord Seggallion if you answer "VIRTUE". Talk to Quintin. FOGSBANE This is the lighthouse on the island just south of Brittain. Jotham will speak of the Underworld. GREYHAVEN This lighthouse is on a peninsula South of Trinsic. Here you will find Sir Arbuthnot, the royal coinmaker. David the Keeper will provide you with a sextant when you ask about it. Talk to Lord Kenneth, who will teach you to play the harpsichord. Be sure to search, for you will find five gems, 50GP and a blue potion. HUT ON ISLAND AT NA LA Just a small hut and a graveyard occupy this small island. At 9:00am, a young mage, Sutek, arises and reveals the secret of destroying the Shadowlords. Check out the small graveyard for messages. JHELOM There are two levels, the second consisting mainly of sleeping quarters. The first level has an Inn, a Tavern, an Armoury and a Shipwright. You may obtain a magic axe outside the walls to the East, but must first find the secret door in the Northeast section on the main level. Talk to Thorne and the bewildered Mage who speaks and responds to "backward" words. (Ask for a "Word of Power", but spell it backwards - "Drow of Rewop", then say "Dratsed"). Searching will net you food, torches and a scroll. THE LYCAEUM This Keep houses the Flame of Truth and has three levels. On the first level is a stable. She also tells how to find a Shrine. On the second level, talk to Mariah in the Healer's Room during the day. There is a Library and a Tavern. Talk to Lady Janell, Rollo and Lord Shalineth. The third level has a Healer and the Flame of Truth. Sir Sean will explain how to get to Stonegate, the fortress of the Shadowlords. Search for items. MINOC Some buildings on Minoc have second levels with sleeping quarters and items if you search for them. The ground level has a Healer (who does not charge for her services), a Shipwright and an Armoury. Follow Shenstone at noon. He leads you to a place where you can find keys. Rew reveals a Mantra and more useful information. Talk to Tactus, Fenelon and Fiona. MOONGLOW The towne of Honesty has second levels where you can search for items, plus a telescope. The ground level has many items, an orb for viewing, and a shop selling reagents. You may also purchase rations here. Talk to the man in the tower. Malifora knows a Word of Power and a Mantra. NEW MAGENCIA Ron Wartow has a Mantra. Katrina will offer to join you. Talk to Kaiko. PAWS The gates to Paws are closed at night. You will find a Guild, Inn and Tavern. Glinkie tells how to find a Shrine. Talk to Bandaii (if you know where to find the talking horse). Stables hold a clue to the wishing wells. SERPENT'S HOLD The gates open at 5:00am at this Bastion of Courage. Here you will find the Flame of Courage. An upper level has a large dining room. Kristi the cook will sell you five Skull Keys. Talk to Lord Malone, Monsieur Loubet and Gardner. Maxwell, a sleek Fighter, offers to join. A sub-level in Serpent's Hold contains the Flame of Courage. If you fall down a trap-door and appear to be closed in, search for secret doors. SKARA BRAE The towne of Spirituality has a drawbridge that is raised at midnight. Here you will find an Inn, a Healer and a Shop selling reagents. Kindor reveals a Mantra. Talk to Saul about Mandrake and Nightshade. A wizard on the upper floor of the centre building (after you defeat the bats) will answer to the word "OPPRESSION". If you provide him with a name he will send you to Windmere to see Elistaria and give you the password. Find and talk to the child in town, son of a prisoner in Yew. STONEGATE See the paragraph on the SHADOWLORDS & THE SCEPTRE. STORMCROW A lighthouse located Southwest of Minoc, this has three levels and two inhabitants. Information is scarce, but try anyway. TRINSIC On the upper level you will find sleepwalkers. Sindar gives a Word of Power. There is a Stable, a Healer and an Armoury. WAVEGUIDE A three-level lighthouse off the West coast of Verity Isle, this may not yield any information. WINDMERE Elistaria, in response to "IMPERA", gives you a badge that, if worn, helps you in Blackthorn's Palace. She also says Thrud will provide you with jewelled weapons for the resistance password. YEW The towne of Justice closes it's gates at night. Search the cemetery graves for items. There is a Tavern, an Armoury and a Reagent shop on the ground level and quarters on the lower level. Janna will offer to join you. Ask Landon about the Crown. To reach the lower level, go through one of the fireplaces. Chamfort will tell you of resistance and a Mantra. If jailed, you will be taken to the cells behind Judge Dryden's office and should talk with Jerome. In another cell you will meet Felespar. Give him the password of the resistance, and he'll give you a Word of Power. Ask Judge Dryden of the oppression. Tell him Tactus of Minoc sent you. Tell Greymarch that Froed is well, and he tells of the Sceptre. VANQUISHING THE SHADOWLORDS You may be able to defeat the Shadowlords in battle, but they will return unless you get rid of them permanently. To accomplish this you must first learn their names, obtain the Shards of Cowardice, Falsehood and Hatred from the Underworld, and finally destroy them at the Flames of Courage, Truth and Love. At the flames you must yell their names and, when they stand in the flames, use the Shards to destroy them. The Lords of the three locations of the Flames will reveal to you the names of the Shadowlords. Use each Shard in the Flame of the opposite alignment. The Shadowlord must be standing on or in the Flame, positioned so he's due North of your character and his icon is covering the Flame's icon. THE SCEPTRE Do not attempt to acquire the Sceptre until you have eliminated the Shadowlords. Stonegate, the Shadowlord's fortress, is located at EK JE. Just North of the Sceptre is a trap-door that leads to certain death; equip the Magic Carpet before entering. A leather-winged abomination guards the entrance. The answer to his riddle is "WELL" but even if you answer correctly, he will still attack you. OBTAINING THE SHARDS The Shards are located in the Underworld, which may be reached by dungeons. Be equipped with the Magic Carpet. The Shard of Hatred is reached by either dungeon Wrong or Covetous. Falsehood is reached from Deceit, and Cowardice from Hythloth. The In Por spell (Blink) and the Grapple are needed for this phase. SHARD OF HATRED To descend in Wrong: Yell the Word of Power at the entrance. At the exit, head South into a room. Kill off monsters, then descend to Level 2 via the ladder in the middle of the room. Move South SIX times, then West FIVE times to the ladder leading Down. (Watch out for the pit trap and force field). Descend to Level 4, then go South SIX times and take the ladder Down to Level 5, where you may heal at the fountain by going through a secret door North of you, then go West ONCE and North TWICE. The other fountain, TWO spaces East, is poisonous! From where you entered Level 5, head South TWICE then follow along either East or West until you reach a chance to go Down, making sure to destroy electric fields in your way (use An Grav spell or the Sceptre), then descend to Level 6. Wear the crown (to ward off Wisps as you enter Level 8). On Level 6 move East (or West) TWICE, then North TWICE and descend to Level 8. On Level 8 move North TWICE, East ONCE, then face North to reveal a secret door. Go through the secret door and West THREE spaces to a healing fountain. Going East all the way, then South all the way will bring you to the exit to the Underworld. Be prepared for battles, electric fields and bomb traps. In the Underworld, go South on the path to the fork, then go East on it for a short while before heading South again. At the next fork, move South. At the next fork, go West and look for a gap in the High Mountains to your East. Find it and begin climbing East, following the path of low mountains between the High peaks. View the gem and you'll see a glen in the middle of some mountains; this is the Shard. Keep climbing until you reach it. SHARD OF FALSEHOOD To descend in Deceit: At the entrance yell the Word of Power. From the exit of the dungeon, go North through a secret door to the ladder leading Down, then descend to find a healing fountain (you'll neeed it after battling the Daemons on the next level). Go due South down a hallway and take the ladder Down to Level 3. You're now in a room filled with Daemons, where a force field blocks the middle of the room (dispell it). Take the ladder Down at the other end of the room to Level 4. Climb Down again to Level 5. Go West THREE times from the ladder, then due South and take the ladder Down to Level 6. Go West ONCE and search for the pit trap (in the middle of an intersection). Find it, step on the spot where it is and go North to take the ladder Down to Level 7. Go West into the room and exit it to the North. Go North to the wall, East ONCE, North TWICE to a ladder Down to Level 8. Go South FOUR times from the ladder to the intersection, move East TWICE, then face South. Go South through two rooms (behind some pillars in here are some Dragons, which can be killed - but you can't get their treasure; also watch for a trip that releases some monsters). Now enter the next room South to the room with 5 Black Squares in a wall (in the middle of the room) and a ladder Down on the other side. Take a Torch in the upper right-hand corner, walk into the space formerly occupied by the torch and push on the East wall there. (On the way out, however, push the WEST wall in the LOWER LEFT-HAND CORNER!). This allows you to access the first block, where you'll defeat a monster. Push on the West wall there to open a block to the East. Defeat the monster, enter the block he occupied and push the East wall. That opens a wall to your West, where you enter another block with a monster. Kill him, enter his space and push the West wall. That exposes the block furthest to the East and releases the Dragon. (Try to use Morningstars or spells on him before you release him). Go all the way Down to the space he occupied and push the East wall. That releases the other Dragon. Kill him, then go East ONCE from the space he occupied and push the South wall to open a wall so you can access the ladder Down on the other side (but on the way out, push NORTH, not SOUTH!). Take the ladder to the Underworld. (On the way back out, push on the WEST wall in the LOWER LEFT-HAND corner to open the wall. Then follow the previous directions, except in the previously noted exceptions). In the Underworld: You begin at (5) on the provided map). Go Southwest over lots of mountaintops until you reach some large caves. Then head Southwest to a major intersection, where you turn Northwest and go Northeast at the branch. Go North a long way, until the path switches West, through some rocky hills to the Southwest and finally you will come to a lake. Look for the river that flows South. Jump on the Carpet and take a ride down the rapids to find the Shard on a small island. SHARD OF COWARDICE To descend in Hythloth: From the exit, descend to Level 7. On Level 7, move South TWICE (through a secret door), West ONCE and UP to Level 6. On Level 6 move West TWICE and Down to Level 7. On Level 7 move South TWICE, East ONCE, South TWICE, then East FOUR TIMES through a secret door. On Level 8 move West THREE TIMES to the Underworld exit. (Mystic Arms are found near the Underworld Exit in Hythloth). In the Underworld: Carry lots of gems. Go to a clearing due South (as far as you can go on foot). "BLINK" into the clearing to the West, then go Northwest as far as you can walk and view a gem. "BLINK" into the clearing to the North. Then go North and "BLINK" over more mountains. Move West and "BLINK" across more mountains. Go North and "BLINK" again. Head Northwest to the clearing, where you'll find the Shard. THE AMULET The Amulet is located in the Underworld (go through the dungeon Destard, then Southwest, using the Magic Carpet to avoid the poisonous area), among the Graves of Valiant Warriors (near OE GJ). (See Underworld Map). To Descend Dungeon Destard: You don't HAVE to enter through the dungeon: just follow the journal of Lord British's last trip in the manual. But you should exit through the dungeon by reversing these directions. Yell the Word of Power. From Level 1, head: S - S - E - E - E - E - S - S - E - E - E - E - S - S then descend to Level 2. From Level 2, head: S - S - E - E - E - E - S - S - E - E then descend (through Level 3) to Level 4. On Level 4, head: N - N into a room and fight off the monsters. Then take the grate down to Level 5. On Level 5, head: S - S - E - E then descend to Level 7. On Level 7, head: N then E into a room and exit N - N - W - N - N into a room, then descend through the grate to Level 8 (after a battle!). On Level 8, you may DES POR to The Underworld or travel to the exit. Either way, you will have to fight your way through two rooms when you re-enter the Dungeon. The exit to the Underworld (from the ladder) is: S - S - S - S - S - S - W - W - S - S - W - W - S - S - S to a room entrance and enter. (Demons and Wisps are in here). When exiting from this room, take North, East or West exit if going to the surface. If headed for the Underworld, go South, use any weapon and hit the torch in the middle to open the South exit and turn that half of the room into a lava field. (You'll need a high-level party to survive this and the next room). Then exit South and move South to the ladder to the Underworld. DUNGEON DOOM: THE FINAL QUEST!! Here you will finally meet rescue Lord British. The dungeon is located at the exact centre of the Underworld and is reached by descending through Dungeon Shame. Use the Amulet to get through the dark area to Doom. You must have the Crown, Sceptre, Amulet and Word of Power for Doom. You also need the Sandalwood Box. To Descend Dungeon Shame: Yell the Word of Power. At first you appear to be locked in, but by attacking rocks on the Southern edge of the level with magic axes, you'll eventually reveal a Southern exit. Go through the exit and take the first corridor on your left. Follow it around to the descent to Level 7. A sign will inform you that this is the "deepest" level. On Level 7, go: S - S - S - S then descend to Level 8. On Level 8, go: W then DES POR to the Underworld. The exit, if you care to find it, is (from your entrance on Level 8): W - W - S - W - S - S - E - E - E through a secret door. To find Doom, travel East as far as you can go, then "BLINK" to the Grassy Plain. Cross the water on the Magic Carpet. You must have already killed all the Shadowlords before entering Doom. Also required are the Crown, Sceptre and Sandalwood Box. UP and DOWN Spells cannot be cast here, so you can only exit by saving Lord British or by being killed. Rings of Invisibility don't work well here. It helps to wear the Crown. Dungeon Doom Level One Exit the room at (a) by walking up to the edge of the West wall and using the Sceptre, which clears out the walls. Follow the hall to the ladder down at (b). Level Two From (c), walk to (d) and take the ladder down. Level Three From (e), go due East through the secret door and East to the room at (f), where you can go down. Level Four You emerge from Level Three at (g), but continue down the ladder to Level Five. Level Five and Four You emerge at (h) and go East, then climb up the pit at (i). You'll be at the top of the '+' sign-shaped area (j) on Level Four. Go South and search for the pit (k). Climb down the pit, and you'll be in the East/West corridor on Level Five. If you look at a gem, this area looks like a giant grid, with endless hallways in each direction. Right now you are in between intersections. (You're about to get bounced around between levels a few times here). There are pits going up at the intersection in this area. Go east to the first intersection, turn North and take the first pit that goes up between intersections (this is NOT shown on the maps). You should come out at (m) on Level Four. search for the pit at (l) in the area's Southwest corner, which takes you to a ladder that goes down through Level Five and drops you off at (n) on Level Six. Level Six Go West from (n) to the room at the junction, then move North to the ladder and go down. Level Seven From (o), go North to the room in the middle of the hall. Don't just pass through. You must slay all monsters in the room. A Fear Spell - followed by a Tremor or something like that - does wonders here. Be SURE to wear the Crown here. After wiping out the fiends, collect all their stuff. From a sandtrap in the centre of the room, you'll find a chest. Open it, take out everything, and a ladder appears under the chest. Go down this ladder. (If you've taken extensive damage, leave the room and heal first). Level Eight You emerge in a room (p) divided by a river. Kill off the Dragons and Sea Serpents (a Fear Spell works well here, too). To cross the river, you must activate a trip mechanism in the upper left corner of the room. Use a magic axe, spears or a throwing axe and hit the wall in that section. It's left of the two waterfalls. When you hit it, the bridge is lowered so you can cross the river. This also releases some monsters, but you can just race across the bridge if you don't want to fight it out. Go West and climb the ladder to (q) on Level Seven. Level Seven In the room at (q), you want to go South but there is no exit. So wipe out the monsters and push on the wall near the grate to activate the trip, which exposes a section of wall to the North. From where the grate is, go to the section of wall just revealed and push on it, which opens an exit to the South. After going South, search for a trap at the end of the hallway. This pit trap takes you down to (r) on Level Eight. Level Eight Go West from (r) and climb up the ladder to (s) on Level Seven. Level Seven From (s), go West and South, searching for the pit trap on the corner. Go around this one, search again and take the next pit trap (t) down to (u) on Level Eight. (Be sure you're wearing the Crown before going down the pit). Level Eight On the island (u), first wipe out all the monsters. Choose one character to go to the Northern section of the room, which appears to contain an exit. After the exit seals itself off, someone should push around on the little niche up in the walls of the room's Northeast corner. There's a trip that opens an exit to the East. Go East to (v) and climb up the ladder to (w) on Level Seven. Level Seven In (w) is a giant brazier. Do not hit or push the brazier (unless you enjoy being engulfed in hot lava!). To deal with the Daemons on the other side of the barrier, use the Sceptre to chew it away. (If you're wearing the Crown, the Daemons can't harm you). Then walk through and bash the monsters. (Or you can stand near the wall and attack them with a Morningstar, though this would take a long time). Exit to the East, but search before you get to the end of the hallway to avoid falling into a trap. After searching, you can go down the pit to (x) on Level Eight. Level Eight: FREE AT LAST!!! This room (x) has no exits. Walk up to the mirror. (Hopefully you brought the Sandalwood Box!). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * POTENTIAL PARTY MEMBERS Lord British's Castle..............Saduj (don't let him join!) Brittain...........................Guenno Bordermarch........................Dupre and Sentri Buccaneer's Den....................Geoffrey Empath Abbey.......................Julia and Toshi Lycaeum............................Mariah New Magencia.......................Katrina Serpent's Hold.....................Maxwell Yew................................Jana Ararat.............................Captain John DUNGEONS Name Location Words of Power Covetous BL JM AVIDUS Deceit EJ PA FALLAX Destard KI EI INOPIA Despise ED FL VILIS Wrong BE HO MALUL Hythloth PA OP IGNAVUS Shame GG DK INFAMA Doom HA HA* VERAMOCOR THE SHADOWLORD'S NAMES Falsehood.....................FAULINEI Cowardice.....................NOSFENTOR Hatred........................ASTAROTH LOCATIONS OF SHARDS (in the Underworld) Falsehood.....................FA MA Cowardice.....................LA LI Hatred........................EB IC LOCATIONS OF FLAMES Truth.........................LYCAEUM Courage.......................SERPENT'S HOLD Love..........................EMPATH ABBEY MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS & PLACES Spyglass......................Farthing (Lord Segallion) Badge.........................Windemere (Elistaria) Jewelled Sword/Shield.........Windemere (Thrud) Magic Carpet..................Lord British's Chambers Sin'Vraal's Hut...............DA, MJ Sandalwood Box................Lord British's Chambers (behind secret door, after playing harpsichord) Talking Horse.................Iola's barn (NA LA) HMS Cape plans................East Brittany Stonegate.....................EK JE Blackthorn's Castle...........Isle of Avatar, southern tip Harp lessons..................Greyhaven (Lord Kenneth) Crown.........................Lord British's castle, top level Sutek.........................Marshe Island in middle of ocean Grapple.......................Empath Abbey (Lord Michael) Sextant.......................Greyhaven (David) Sceptre.......................Stonegate Skull Keys....................Serpent's Hold (Kristi), Minoc (can get 5 a day from NW tree) Nightshade....................JF CO (Midnight only) Mandrake Root.................DG LG (Midnight only) Glass Sword...................FA EA Amulet........................OE GD (Underworld) Mystic Arms...................OL NF (Underworld: from Hythloth in lava, North across peaks) Ararat (Ark)*.................CJ CC (Underworld) * Ararat is the only place in the Underworld that has an occupant. The person there will join you and is useful because he casts fairly high level spells. PASSWORDS Resistance............DAWN Oppression............IMPERA SHRINES You must visit a Shrine, then the Codex, then the Shrine again, in order to be rewarded with an increase in attributes. After visiting all Shrines, you will be given an important clue (the Word of Power for the Dungeon Doom). The waterfall at IK DG will take you to the Underworld if you are on the Magic Carpet. SHRINE LOCATION MANTRA Honesty EJ OJ ahm Compassion FM IA mu Valor OF CE ra Justice AL EJ beh Sacrifice CN MN bah Honor MP FB summ Spirituality BD KF om Humility NI OH lum EFFECTS OF POTIONS Yellow...........Heal Green............Poison yourself (Immunity to death, but rarely works) Orange...........Sleep yourself White............X-Ray vision Black............Invisibility Blue.............Awaken yourself Purple...........Turns you into a rat Red..............Cures poison SPELLS In Xen Mani......Creates food Rel Xen Bet......Changes into a rat An Ylem..........Vanish MOONGATES When a Moongate disappears, you can search and find a Moonstone. these may be carried, and when used at any (grassy) location, will establish that Moongate at that spot. It is advisable to take one or more of the Moonstones from gates that are not absolutely necessary, because you can travel to the location by other means. For instance, it would not be wise to remove the Moonstone from New Magencia. Good candidates are the stones near Brittany Bay, Yew or Trinsic, because these locations are easy to get to by Magic Carpet. MOONGATE LOCATIONS Gate Vicinity Activation Lat./Long. 1st 2nd 3rd 1 Moonglow New Moon IF/OA 1 2 3 2 Britain Crescent Waxing GG/GA 4 5 6 3 Jhelom 1st Quarter OA/CG 7 8 1 4 Yew Gibbous Waxing CF/DC 2 3 4 5 Minoc Full Moon BD/KG Shrine 6 7 6 Trinsic Gibbous Waning MC/GI 8 1 2 7 Skara Brae Last Quarter HO/BH 3 4 5 8 New Magencia Crescent Waning KH/LL 6 7 8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE UNINVITED (Mirrorsoft) LEAVE CAR - OPEN MAILBOX - OPEN LETTER - GET AMULET - READ LETTER - OPEN DOOR - ENTER HOUSE - ENTER THE LIBRARY EAST - GET MAGIC BOOK - WEST - NORTH - UP - ENTER THE FIRST DOOR ON THE RIGHT - TAKE HERE THE SPIDER CIDER AND THE BOTTLE:NO GHOSTS - LEAVE THE ROOM - ENTER THE SECOND DOOR ON THE RIGHT - GET AXE - LEAVE ROOM - ENTER THE SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT - OPEN THE NIGHTSTAND - OPEN SCROLL - (SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS,INSTANTUM ILLUMINARIS ABRAXAS) - LEAVE ROOM - DOWN - OPEN NO GHOSTS - OPEN FIRST DOOR ON THE RIGHT - OPERATE NO GHOSTS ON WOMAN - ENTER FIRST ROOM ON THE RIGHT - N - WAIT FOR THE SPIDER - IF SHE'S GONE:OPERATE SPIDER CIDER ON RAILING - S - N - GET SPIDER - S - S - ENTER SECOND DOOR ON THE LEFT - GET FLOWERS - ENTER LEFT DOOR (KITCHEN) - ENTER LEFT DOOR - OPERATE LAMP - OPERATE SPIDER ON GHOST - GET DIARY OUT SAFE - LEAVE ROOM - ENTER RIGHT ROOM - GET MATCHES AND BIG KITCHEN KNIFE - LEAVE ROOM - S - E - ENTER SECOND DOOR ON THE RIGHT - OPERATE KNIFE ON CHAIR - GET KEY - LEAVE ROOM. N - ENTER FIRST DOOR ON THE LEFT - OPERATE KEY ON CABINET - OPEN CABINET - SPEAK TO DOLL:SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS - CLOSE CABINET - OPERATE RECORD PLAYER - LEAVE ROOM - S - UP - ENTER FIRST DOOR LEFT - OPERATE KEY ON CABINET - OPEN CABINET - OPEN SCROLLS - READ SCROLLS - GET WOODEN BOX - S - S - ENTER SECOND DOOR RIGHT - TURN FIRE ON AND DROP WOODEN BOX IN THE FIRE - GET PENTAGRAM - LEAVE ROOM - ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT - ENTER DOOR AT THE TOP RIGHT - OPEN DESK - SPEAK SELF:GOLD,SILVER AND MERCURY,TOGETHER THEY FORM A KEY - LEAVE ROOM - S - S - ENTER FIRST DOOR LEFT - N - DROP KNIFE AND SPIDER CIDER AND NO GHOSTS - GET CAGE - N - ENTER THE MOST RIGHT DOOR - SPEAK DOG:INSTANTUM ILLUMINARIS ABRAXAS - OPEN DOOR - N - LOOK CROSS - SPEAK TO MARBLE BUST:SPECAN HEAFOD ABRAXAS - DROP CAGE - LIGHT CANDLES - GET CANDLES - ENTER SECRET PASSAGE - DROP LANTERN. S - GET CAGE - ENTER PASSAGE (CHURCH GROUNDS} - N - N - W - W - N - N - W - W - N - N - N - N - E - E - E - E - OPERATE TALISMAN ON ZOMBIE - E - E - S - S - OPERATE FLOWERS ON GRAVE - W - OPEN CAGE - GET KEY AND OPERATE ON THE THREE OTHER CAGES - OPERATE CAGE ON THE BIRD - GET CAGE - S - S - OPEN CAGE - DROP CAGE - GET DIAMOND - N - N - E - N - N - W - W - W - W - W - W - S - S - S - S - E - E - S - S - E - E - S - S - S - S - S - NOW ENTER THE GREEN HOUSE IN THE MIDDLE FROM THE SCREEN - GIVE PLANT WICH IS ON THE LEFT TABLE IN THE FRONT - SPRINKLE THE PLANT - (IF YOU HAVE THE WRONG ONE,YOU MUST GO TO THE BATHROOM FOR WATER) - GET PLANT - GO TO THE BATHROOM - PLACE PLANT IN BATH - GIVE WATER TO THE PLANT CA.10 TIMES - NOW GO BACK TO THE GREEN HOUSE AND PLACE THE PLANT ON THE FLOOR - LEAVE ROOM AND WAIT UNTIL THE PLANT IS GROWING UP - THE PLANT MUST HAVE FRUIT ON IT NOW - GET PLANT. LEAVE GREEN HOUSE - NOW GO TO THE LEFT DOOR - OPERATE THE DIAMOND IN THE NICE AT THE TOP OF THE DOOR - ENTER DOOR - GIVE PLANT TO CREATURE - N - OPEN SAFE - 79 47 80 - GET JAR - OPERATE AXE ON JAR - GET COOKIE - NOW LEAVE THE LABO AND GO TO THE TROPHY ROOM - FROM TROPHY ROOM S - S - ENTER SECOND DOOR LEFT - DROP COOKIE - EXAMINE BOTTLE - GET KEY - S - ENTER THE DOOR IN THE NORTH - GO BACK TO THE LABORATORY - OPEN THE TRAPDOOR LEFT - ENTER W LEFT - OPERATE PENTAGON ON CAVE - N - PUSH THE MAN IN THE PIT - N - UP - OPERATE KEY ON DOOR - ENTER DOOR - ENTER LEFT PASSAGE - S - N - N - ENTER RIGHT PASSAGE - N - GET CROSS - S - S - S - GO TO THE BATHROOM UPSTAIRS - OPEN THE HOT AND THE COOL KNOB FROM THE BATH - EXAMINE THE LIGHT UNTIL YOU CAN OPEN IT - OPEN LIGHT - ENTER LIGHT - HIT BOY - OPERATE CROSS ON DEMON - ENTER WINDOW....TURN YOUR PRINTER ON!!! W A R I N M I D D L E E A R T H (Playing Guide) Seeing how The Lord of the Rings is not exactly like any other book and may indeed be seen by many as the most comprehensive, extraordinary and brilliant work of fantasy in history some further infomation may be appreciated. First of all, the guy who did the game concept (he's just one of the names in the credits but it seems that's just well- mannered modesty) is Mike Singleton and he's seen by many as the Numero Uno in wargame simulation; he was doing stuff like that back in '64. C-64, that is. He's the kind of guy who makes you wonder how it's possible to get hundreds of different pictures onto a few disks and still leave enough room for such side effects as a program. From the first versions of War in Middle Earth on the 8 bit computers came complaints concerning errors in spelling. As you may or may not be aware, professor Tolkien's consistency in the development of Middle Earth resulted in immense background "research"; not only bloodlines of every important character in the book but also a coherent set of Elven runes and indeed large parts of fantasy languages were developed and subsequently integrated into his work. I can thus imagine how it would irritate the Tolkien admirer if through sheer neglect a good deal of this Middle Earth lore were misspelled. I am happy to say that on the ST version mistakes seem to have been minimised; the only error I've found yet (but I'm not a fanatic in searching for them) was Forland spelled Forlond. No big deal even if I do feel that these things should be done with care. A word about the sort of game we're looking at. War in Middle Earth is not an adventure; the whole thing is icon-driven and thus mouse operated. It is also not exactly a wargame: characters are required to interact with other characters and depending on the outcome enemy units (Saruman and Sauron and their allies) may take certain decisions. War in Middle Earth, I dare say, is more than most adventures, role-playing games or wargames; if I were to give it a description I would say it's a fairly uncomplicated but extensive multi-feature fantasy simulation with great detail and equal success in each aspect. (Attentive readers may correctly perceive a circumlocution of the more direct phrase "Good stuff - go and buy"). Let's take a look at the forces moving in Middle Earth. In East Emnet Eomer and a hundred and twenty cavalry make their way to the north of Dol Goldur, the Sorcerer's Tower of old. In North Ithilien, Faramir and two hundred rangers trace their steps across the fields and northern border of the lands of Gondor and head west. Frodo, with Sam and Pippin following him, makes for Tuckborough, then goes on to Woodhall, and meets Merry in Buckland. Keeping in mind Gandalf's warning about the feared Nazgul, the riders in black, Frodo leads his friends through the old forest and suddenly finds himself at the house of Tom Bombadil. Tom gives some advice to the party and, carefully entering the dangerous Barrow Downs, Frodo and companions head for Bree. In the rest of Middle Earth, forces large enough to take or lose a city, a region or a whole country slumber; some gathered in fortresses, others spread out over the countryside. On the side of the good forces, Dain and his thousand Dwarves, Thranduil and his Sylvan Elves, Denethor in the mighty city of Minas Tirith, Theoden, Theodred, Bard and many others not yet aware of the imminent danger keep their watch, semper paratus. And on the side of the forces of evil, fifteen hundred Orcs are spread over the vast range of the Misty Mountains, a thousand Orcs guard Dol Goldur, Saruman's Hand Orcs, Uruk-hai and Dunlendings reside in once-beautiful Isengard, while only the slightest tip of Sauron's potential forces - already around thirty thousand Orcs and hundreds of deadly Trolls - are visible in Morannon, Minas Morgul and also near Mount Doom and Barad Dur. Invisible the many small but deadly dark forces that roam the land - Orcs, Trolls, wargs, bandits, spiders, and, feared beyond all, the ancient Balrogs. And all the time the nine dreaded Nazgul search the shire for a token of the ringbearer. Tired, dirty, and, what's much more for a hobbit, hungry up to the point of starving, Frodo and his friends collapsed on the blanket of late autumn leaves spread out over the withered grass. "We made it!" Too much out of breath to answer Pippin's exclamation, Sam sat down on the field, legs crossed. After a few minutes, he looked at Frodo and said, "Well, maybe all this running around in dead people's places is all right for the three of you, but I've had enough of adventures already. There's nothing I fancy more than a good hot meal and a seat in front of a fire." Frodo looked at his friend with sympathy. "Well, Sam Gamgee, only the day before yesterday we escaped those fearful black riders, and now we have actually killed a wight in the Barrow Downs, and what's more we've met Tom Bombadil himself, and all you do is complain." Sam's face slowly showed a pained, guilty expression, though his love for food and fire were still apparent. "And what's more," said Pippin in a surprisingly enthusiastic voice, "we've heard magnificent stories. And we've found a lot of nice things; right now we each have our own Elven blade. Not to forget the wonderful magic potions we're carrying." "And a fine staff, even if we don't know what it's good for," concluded Merry. "Well that's all very well but I'd easily trade both staff and potions for a strong draught of ale and a full plate of hot food, thank you very much." "Maybe tonight," sighed Frodo, "when we reach Bree." That night in Bree the ranger Aragorn met the party and, knowing it was far from safe to stay in any one place for a longer period of time, the five of them immediately left for Midgewater Marsh. All the time gathering information on the whereabouts, movement and destinations of the nine dark riders, Aragorn tried to keep away as much as he could from the road that connected Bree to The Last Bridge and, beyond that, to Ford of Bruinen and finally to fabled Rivendell - their initial destination. The party slept near Weathertop but once they found out that the Nazgul frequented the place on their search they decided to leave it alone and travel through the open land. When they came near the last bridge, observation taught them that all black riders moved toward the Ford of Bruinen - so they waited until the last of the black riders, the mighty Nazgul Lord himself, had left in that direction and then they immediately followed. Near the last bridge they came in a fight with five wargs but Aragorn's ancient sword cut right through the first four vicious wolves while Pippin killed the last one with his Elven blade. Only Sam was slightly wounded in the fight. Then, on the road through the forest, the company met Glorfindel and under his elven guidance they evaded both wolves and Trolls on the forest road when finally, emerging from the treeline and almost in sight of Rivendell, the company passed the great river near Ford of Bruinen and was suddenly attacked by all the nine Nazgul at once. If it hadn't been for the help of Elrond, things would have been for the worst. But as it was, one mighty attack after another, initiated time and again by valiant charges from Elrond and Aragorn, felled each foul Nazgul in turn until none of the wretched creatures were left. And the party reached Rivendell to rest and recuperate from their wounds and to hold council in the presence of Elrond and Gandalf. In the meantime, Eomer had quietly crossed the plains of the Brown Lands, the small bands of marauding bandits evading the larger force of his horsemen, and had picked up the long lost ring of Thrain north of Dol Goldur, the former Sorcerer's Tower on the edge of Mirkwood. He was now in possession of the ring but, before returning it to their rightful owners, decided to make a double bargain when he learned that in a ruin near Mount Gundabad a treasure could be found that belonged to Thranduil's Sylvan elves. Eomer and his cavalry rode north. Faramir, having crossed Cair Andros and passing through Edoras, Hornburg and Isen Ford, headed further west in search of more recent treasure. In Rivendell, the party met Bilbo, the initial ringbearer, and listened to the old Hobbit's advice. It was a sentimental meeting amongst the hobbits and even the most mischievous Elf seemed to sense that theirs was a grave and sad parting. For Frodo, there was mithril mail as a present from Bilbo and long farewells from all others as the Fellowship prepared to move on. Frodo had been appointed ringbearer and it was now his duty to try and destroy the cursed One Ring by bringing it to age-old Mount Doom in the middle of bare and sinister Mordor itself and there unmake it in the only possible way. He was to be assisted by Sam, Pippin, Merry and Aragorn as before, but now Legolas, Gimli and Boromir had joined the party, and they would all travel under the capable guidance of Gandalf the Grey. And Gandalf knew, like he had known for a long time, that now was the time for his final work in the greatest confrontation between good and evil in the worlds of Middle Earth. Having learned of important treasures throughout the land and realising full well that the temporary incapacitation of the Nazgul offered a certain degree of safety, Gandalf decided it practical to split the company in two and gather some of the items that would increase the chance of success of their newborn quest. Aragorn and Legolas would, with all possible speed, search for various valuable items in or near Belegost, Forland, Grey Havens and White Towers while Gandalf and the others obtained tokens of power near Mount Gram and Annuminas. Then they would meet each other in Ost-in-Edhil and continue their journey. And so it happened, and while Eomer brought the heirlooms of the Elves and Dwarves to their respective owners and thus gained their assistance in the final battles, Faramir and his rangers searched for healing in a small town near the mouths of the rivers Greyflood and Isen and continued on to rendez-vous with Gandalf, Aragorn and the others near Ost-in-Edhil where - so they had learned from Cirdan - an ancient blade had been washed ashore. "Gandalf?" "Yes, Aragorn, I know. We must decide on which way to pass the mountains." "Why not south?" asked the seasoned ranger. Gandalf slowly shook his head. "Because of Saruman. He has been perverted by Sauron and wants the ring for himself. We cannot risk it. We must cross these mountains." Aragorn did not argue. "Where? The passes are probably snowed in." "I know. We shall try to enter Moria through Hollin Gate." Once more Aragorn said nothing, but his mien clearly reflected his worry. No sane man could hope to enter Moria and leave the place unscathed. But then Gandalf was no ordinary man. When they had travelled across the fields for several days (not completely alone as Gandalf had picked up signs of Gollum following the party) they arrived at Hollin Gate. Gandalf spoke the ancient elven words and opened the passage through the mountains, but immediately the party was challenged by a fierce creature that seemed to consist mainly of flames. An ancient Balrog attacked them, and Gandalf instructed his friends to leave him and continue their quest. In the ensuing fight, the Balrog was hurt badly, and Gandalf was struck a mortal wound. The individual members of the company tried to get together and enter Moria as fast as possible, but Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn were separated from the others by the presence of the burning creature following them. Although Sauron's servant was badly hurt, they were still no match for the ancient evil - at least, that is what Aragorn judged. After two hours of pursuit, Gimli suddenly turned around, charged across a small glade and attacked the Balrog with his hammer. By the time Aragorn and Legolas were aware of the assault, the fight was over. Gimli sat, totally unhurt, with before his feet nothing but a black, burnt patch of grass where the Balrog had been dealt the mortal blow. Half stunned, all Gimli could say was "And that's for Gandalf." Aragorn just stood there, too tired and too awed to speak. Legolas seemed unmoved, but the inflection in his voice betrayed both the sadness for Gandalf's defeat as well as admiration for Gimli's heroic revenge. "My dwarven friend, you have great valor. If we could all match you the dark lord would never stand a chance." Legolas paused. "But now we must leave; there is no more time." "And we must go south," whispered Aragorn, "for now I must bring the Red Arrow to Edoras as fast as I can. And we must hope that our friends will survive Moria." Faramir and his rangers were the last to enter the tunnel, just before the age-old doors swung shut again. By the light of torches, the company - Boromir leading the hobbits and rangers - slowly moved through the stone dungeons. Much further north, Dain (who had found the old dwarven hammer north of Erebor) and a thousand Dwarves were on their way to Mt. Gundabad to destroy the Orcs there. More to the south, Eomer, Thranduil and many Elves were going to Goblin town to do the same. With the consent of his allies, Eomer meant to deal out a death blow to all the enemies inhabiting the Misty Mountains, thus ridding this part of Middle Earth of Sauron's troops. And after the Misty Mountains, he intended to seek out the enemy in old Dol Goldur. Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas passed through the gap of Rohan south of Isengard and continued on toward Edoras where they hoped to meet Theoden. Boromir, the hobbits and Faramir with his rangers were totally outnumbered by the five hundred Orcs at Dol Amroth, but with a great charge they managed to decimate their opponents before the final attacks started. Faramir was slightly wounded, several dozen rangers lay dead on the rocks, Boromir was severely hurt, but all the orcs were killed. The party continued on, left Moria and started toward Lothlorien. Dain's company reached Mt. Gundabad and ran the Orcs over in a single charge, not one Dwarf was killed. Eomer and Thranduil's company attacked the Goblin town but the enemy was dug in and had to be searched out; several dozen Elves and nine cavalry died in the progress of annihilating the last of Sauron's servants in the Misty Mountain range. Both Dain and Eomer started their journey towards Lorien. The first to reach Lorien was none other than Gandalf'; not killed by his opponent's foul blow but rather transformed into a more pure and strong form. Now, Gandalf the Grey had become Gandalf' the White. And after speaking to the lady Galadriel, Gandalf' left for Edoras. Boromir's company reached Lorien and was also welcomed by the beautiful Elf queen, and Frodo received gifts from the lady of light. Faramir and his rangers decided to stay in Lorien and help defend the fabled city should the need arise. Boromir, Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Meriadoc left for Minas Tirith. Aragorn and company had reached Edoras, and when the Red Arrow was presented to Theoden King the latter gave orders to rally all cavalry in his lands and promised Aragorn that Saruman would soon pay for his betrayal. And Aragorn went to Minas Tirith to offer the Sceptre, token of the power of the King of Numenor, to Denethor in order to mobilise as soon as possible the complete strength of Gondor. The battle for Isengard was short; forewarned as Theoden was his thousands of cavalry took the initiative and attacked, rather than awaiting a certain siege and offensive in Hornburg. Theoden King led the troops that simply ran over Saruman's Hand Orcs, Uruk-Hai and Dunlendings. Although Saruman had more forces than the initial few thousand, they were dealt with easily. Soon Orthanc was empty, save for some royal infantry left behind to guard the white tower. And Theoden and the hordes of Rohan moved off toward Minas Tirith to assist Aragorn, Gandalf and all the others in the decisive battles. Crossing the lands where small bands of Orcs, Goblins and bandits were searching for the ring-bearer, Boromir led the hobbits (and Gollem who had persuaded Frodo to be allowed to join the company) south. But soon, in a desperate fight and chase, Pippin and Merry were cut off from the others. Boromir, Frodo, Sam and Gollum killed all twenty Orcs but Boromir was again wounded. They did not find Merry or Pippin again and had no choice but to continue south, towards Minas Tirith. Already, Frodo could feel the increasing weight of the ring bearing down upon him. Pippin and Merry got lost in the ancient woods of Fangorn and there they met one of the oldest inhabitants of Middle Earth, Treebeard. They looked at him in awe and listened carefully to his slow dark voice giving them advise on their journey. The next day, they travelled further south and met the entire company of Theoden. And Dain, Thranduil, Faramir and Eomer greeted each other in Lothlorien and readied themselves to overthrow the Orcs in Dol Goldur. Already, troops were gathering in Minas Tirith. Aragorn had offered the Sceptre to Denethor and what Gandalf had not been able to achieve the old token of war now did for him; they received the reluctant help of the stewart. Now all troops gathered under the leadership of Gandalf the White behind the time-worn but still mighty battlements of the walls of Minas Tirith. Denethor was there, with his infantry, his light infantry and the elite tower guards. Imrahil was coming forth from Dol Amroth with his company of valiant knights. Hirluin, Dervorin and other leaders travelled the lands of Gondor to assist in the final battles. Pippin and Merry accompanied Theoden, Theodred, Erkenbrand, Dernhelm, Elfhelm and some seven thousand cavalry on their way to venerable Minas Tirith. Boromir had been left by Frodo, Sam and Gollum because Frodo knew that not the fabled city but threatening Mount Doom was his ultimate destination. Boromir now went back to his father, Denethor steward of Gondor. Helped by Celeborn himself, Eomer, Faramir, Thranduil, Dain and all their cavalry, rangers, Elves and Dwarves crushed the orcs in Dol Goldur and travelled southeast to reach Minas Tirith in time. And then, as an expected but not less feared, sudden and awesome sign, as if their leader had smelled the impending danger on a whiff of the western winds, Sauron's troops began to move at last. And all over Mordor rose immense clouds of dust that hid yet betrayed the presence of thousands and thousands of Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and Half-Trolls, wainriders, Balchoth, corsairs, Westrons, Easterlings, the Harad and the Umbar, Morgoth and Shelob. And Sauron. "And I say no hobbit in his right wits would even think of crossing those mountains. Look at that colour; it's just not natural," Sam complained when he established that Frodo was actually going to travel on into murderous Mordor itself. "Well, you can see why they're called the ash mountains, Sam. And I still say we have to go. I can't hold on much longer, it's becoming too heavy now." "I...I could try to..." Sam stammered as he saw Frodo's cold eyes guessing his intent, seeing things much darker than Sam Gamgee could possibly ever even grasp. "NO! No one takes the ring from me!" "Smeagol take ring? Smeagol take precious to safety, yes, not to nasty hot mountain or evil land of Mordor. Smeagol take ring now?" "I say no! If I have to take it, I take it myself." Slowly, with the pleading but cunning glances from Gollum and the worried eyes of Sam studying him, Frodo relaxed. "I'm sorry, Sam. It's just..." "I know." He took up his pack and tried to sound cheerful. "Well, if we're going to pass through, we might as well do it before some patrol finds us." And the three of them went through the old, old tracks near Cirith Ungol and tried to evade the countless Orcs literally pouring from the mountains. The siege of Minas Tirith was a fact. But rather than follow Denethor's suggestion of staying safely behind the wall, knowing that each attack would cause unnecessary losses, Gandalf and Aragorn planned a more offensive strategy. Within the walls of nearby Osgiliath, all the cavalry held its base for sudden charges. Apart from them, large troups of Elves and Dwarves took short trips into the surrounding land to find and take by surprise the many isolated troups of Orcs and other evil allies that had not yet reached Minas Tirith. In the magnificent city itself, Gandalf resisted one assault after another, killing Orcs and Trolls until the fields were black with their blood, leading Imrahil and his knights into charge after frantic charge, assisted by the infantry and the tower guards. Among the forces of good, many died, and even more were wounded. But while the greatest strength of Mordor relentlessly pushed through the plains and gathered outside Minas Tirith, the Dwarves and Elves returned, both strongly reinforced by their comrades coming down from Dol Goldur and from further up north, and finally Erkenbrand and all cavalry returned to Minas Tirith to take the last stand. And when all the remaining cavalry and infantry had barricaded themselves within the strength of the fortress, even the full power of Sauron could not break them and all attempts to breach the walls were futile. Then, when all the fields in front of Minas Tirith were littered with the rotting bodies of their precious friends and their foul opponents, Gandalf, bitter for so much bloodshed but determined to finish the war forever, ordered all troops on a forced march to Mordor. While Gollum, Sam and Frodo made slow and tedious progress through the wastes of Mordor, already in sight of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord turned his attention to his last hope - the One Ring. But just as he started to feel that he might have been tricked within his very own land, his mind was absorbed by the turning tide at the gates of Morannon. There, his good counterpart led a large force of all his ancient enemies - Dwarves, Elves, rangers and uncorrupted humans - against his personal guard. And the forces of good passed into the burned wastes of Mordor. When Gandalf and Sauron came eye to eye in the dark tower of Barad Dur, all those below, both the forces of good as well as the servants of evil, heard a thundering crack, and as the maker of the One Ring realised that his utter defeat was guaranteed by Frodo's fullfillment of the quest, he led out a great howl of anguish. Now, the defeat of Sauron was a fact. SO ENDS THE WAR IN MIDDLE EARTH. Well then, for some more straightforward advice. What's coming next are rules that seem to work - for me. Perhaps you prefer to take other tactics; certainly my approach can be improved. Nonetheless, you may profit from some of these guidelines. Items: Never give anyone an item that person already possesses - they're lost forever. So if you send Faramir to pick up a blue potion (healing) north of White Towers, he can no longer take the one in Grey Havens. It takes a bit of careful planning to get all the right items in the shortest amount of time. Also, give the right item to the right man and keep in mind that gaining allies should be given top priority. It's no use fooling around with healing potions or nice weapons if Dain, Thranduil and other leaders are immobile because they haven't received their "tokens of war". The sooner you can mobilise your troops the better your chances will be once Saruman and Sauron start moving out of their own little backyards (actually, you can beat them to it). Battles: Overkill works. If you attack 2000 Orcs with 2000 cavalry (cavalry is very effective) you'll probably beat all the Orcs and lose less than two hundred cavalry. If you attack those same Orcs with five hundred cavalry chances are you'll lose the battle (and thus all your cavalry) and never inflict serious losses on your opponent. One thing: there's a fine balance between the exact right battleline and needles losses. If you make a stand (say, defending Minas Tirith) with lots of leaders and a whole range of different troops - rangers, infantry, light infantry, knights, tower guards and cavalry - then 250 trolls will inflict losses in all these categories, thus causing you to lose several hundred troops each round of combat. If you attack those same 250 trolls with nothing but (for instance) cavalry there's a good chance you'll come out with no more than fifty dead, perhaps even none. The two most valid rules seem to be overkill, and concentration of troop types. When defending Minas Tirith, you'll find that sending all cavalry (or all Elves, or knights, but not the three combined) to nearby Osgiliath will work quite nicely. Oh and by the way, I never did find out (not yet, that is) what the gnarled staff and the coil of rope are all about!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W H I P L A S H & W A G O N W H E E L (Ulterior Motives) In the truck: Open the glovebox and examine it to find the lighter. Examine the seat, lift the catch and the seat to find the scissor jack. Leave the truck and examine the back of the truck to find the bar and the rope. Go South until you get the message about the old ladies to where you see Old Joey. Old Joey refuses to converse with you until you stand on the cockroach. If you then ask him something he'll give you some advice. Go South into the Diner and ask Georgio about McTear. You can't go South or West at this time but Georgio will allow you to visit the Toilet! Try it and see. On no account drink the coffee as it is poisoned! Go North out of the Diner and Georgio leaves, locks up and goes away. At this point you should follow him to glean vital information. If you don't follow him, then he returns to the Diner. After following him you should return to the road and turn down the Alleyway. Go to the bottom where you should find Joey. If you give him the medal he allows you to enter the back door of the Diner. Move the bins to discover McTear's wallet. Examine the wallet to find the cash. Go North into the Diner then west into the other room. Examine the fridge to find the meat and open the cupboard. Examine the cupboard to find the two bottles. At this point you must put some of the drops into the cough bottle and leave the cough bottle in this room for Georgio to find. If you drink from the drops you are poisoned. Go East and attempt to go South. At this point Wagonwheel appears and rolls a flaming wheel at you! Unless you do the correct thing immediately, then the flames get you. You should catch the wheel then immediately roll it back at Wagonwheel. When he vanishes, the flaming wheel turns into a tiny wheel. Go South and East. If you then re-enter the back door of the Diner at a later time, you discover Georgio beating up on Old Joey. If you go away and do nothing, then Joey refuses to help you ever again! You should stop Georgio and Joey thanks you. You cannot re-enter the Diner after this. If at any time you fight Joey then he will not help in the future. Likewise with Bert McKechnie. If you kill anyone in the game then you are lynched by the mob! (The one exception to this rule is with Bert Willy - see later!). Return to the road and go East. Lift the litter to find the brooch. You should return the brooch to the Sherrif who gives you an invitation to see The Carvelle Sisters. If you returned the brooch before meeting Wagonwheel, then the Sherrif DOESN'T give you the invitation but if you subsequently meet Wagonwheel then return to the Sherrif and talk to him - THEN he gives you the invitation!! If you enter the Library and attempt to go into the Museum, Willy stops you. So go to the Old House. Examine the door to find the intercom and press the button. When the Butler asks if that is Mr. Masterson, you should reply "Yes". If you don't have the invitation he asks a different question! When he appears and asks for your invitation, you should show it to him. He then ushers you into the Drawing Room. If you then show The Carvelles the small wheel, they give you a ticket for the Museum and advice about an old diary. Return to the Library and go South into the Museum. Willy will not permit you to touch anything but if you open the window then when he rushes to close it you can open the desk to find the diary. Leave the Library and you see them come out and lock up so you can't get back in this way. Enter the Alleyway and go South to the location with the window. If you examine the alley here, you find a ladder. If you put the ladder against the wall and attempt to climb then the ladder breaks! If you attempt to go out onto the road carrying the ladder you are arrested on suspicion of burglary and thrown into a Cell. All your possessions are removed with the exception of the pencil and lighter. After a few moves, the Sherrif appears and asks if you want a burger. You should reply "No" and he tosses you a sandwich in a wrapping paper. At this point if you hang around too long, Georgio appears with some drugged coffee for the Sherrif and you've had it! You should write on the wrapping paper with the pencil, put the lighter in the wrapping to weight it and throw it out of the window. (If you peered through the window previously you would have seen the Carvelle Sisters). If you have previously been to see them and have been arrested for a crime other than murder then they bail you out. If you are arrested a second time then you have had it again! Locate Joey and with direction commands tell him to go to the Alleyway where the window is. He may or may not do as you wish. At the Alleyway you should climb onto Joey's shoulders to get in through the window. Go North to the Library and open the desk to find the combination code. Return to the Museum and get the stave. (If you had read the diary this would have given you the clue). Unlock the case and open it at which point both Whiplash and Wagonwheel appear. Whiplash cracks a whip so you should immediately raise the stave. Then Wagonwheel charges at you. You should fight him with the stave to get rid of him. Get the whip and climb out of the window. Go to the Barn and enter it. A shot is fired. You then get the message about Willy pointing his gun at you. If you're not quick enough then he kills you. You should use the whip to knock the gun out of his hand. You must then get the gun and kill him. If you then go out and move along the road, you are caught. So you should cover Willy with straw. Head for the Garage and go in. You can't get into the Office at this point so examine under the car to find the legs. Pull the legs and Bert McKechnie appears. Say to him "Follow me" and he follows you to the truck. Say to him "Examine the truck" and he tells you how much it will cost to repair. If you have got the 90 dollars cash then give it to him. If the truck is at the original location he tells you that it will cost an extra 10 dollars to tow it to the garage. You don't have any more money so he goes away. Find Joey and get him to the truck. Enter the truck and release the handbrake. Tell Joey to push the truck and it ends up at the Garage. Go into the Garage and into the Office and hang up the keys on the rack. At a later date, McKechnie takes the keys and goes off to repair the truck. When the keys re-appear on the rack, the truck has been repaired so get the keys. Any attempt to drive off results in you being falsely arrested for the murder of McTear. At this point head for the fence and gates. Any attempt to climb over the fence or gates or to climb the tree results in you being torn apart by the dogs. Enter the kiosk and put the wheel in the slot. You must then go West and North. You only have TWO MOVES before the gates slam shut. At this point you can't move South again. From the clue given when you followed Georgio you should wait until the dogs lie down beside you and then go North to the Clearing. If you choose to go East to the back of the building you find some scrub. Pushing that aside reveals a barred window. You can use the jack to prise open the bars and pull McTear out. However, if you do this and then return to the Clearing you are discovered by the 'Gathering' and you both die. This is not the correct way to get McTear out. Return to the Clearing and go North into the Warehouse. The door slams shut behind you and after only a few moves a whip lashes around your throat! The only means of escape is to climb up the whip but you must do this TWICE. Fail and you choke to death. At this point if you have not put the drops in the cough bottle or left the cough bottle where you found it, then Georgio gets you. Examine the Warehouse to reveal the loose bricks and examine the brick to find the robe. Get it and move the wood across the EASTERN doorway. Go in, open the trapdoor and pull McTear out. If you go down into the Cellar, you are captured. You must now wear the robe (it is Willy's robe!). Go out. If you are NOT wearing the robe then the 'Gathering' see you and that's that! If you have not killed Willy and covered his body then he confronts you because it is his robe. Go to the Clearing where McTear is taken to the wheel, and Whiplash and Wagonwheel appear again. To get rid of them for good throw the whip into the fire. Put the drops onto the meat and go South. If you wait to allow the dogs to lie down then the 'Gathering' catch up with you. So throw the meat and the dogs run off to the bushes and it drugs them for a short time. If you haven't put the drops on the meat then you've had it. Go South all the way back to the truck and enter it. You should immediately lock the door or the 'Gathering' will get you. If you then take too long to make good your escape, the 'Gathering' smash the window and get you!! Put the keys into the ignition and start the engine. If the truck has been repaired, then you're O.K. If you, at any time, fight with McKechnie then the truck will not be repaired. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W I S H B R I N G E R (Infocom) (Quick step-by-step solution!) ENTER OFFICE - WAIT - GET ENVELOPE - LEAVE OFFICE - W - W - YES - N - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - ENTER GRAVE - GET BONE - UP - S - E - E - E - GIVE BONE TO POODLE - N - WAIT - GET NOTE - N - LOOK IN FOUNTAIN - GET COIN - N - N - N - N - E - UP - W - N - UP - E - S - UP - OPEN DOOR - ENTER DOOR - WAIT - WAIT - GIVE ENVELOPE - OPEN ENVELOPE - READ LETTER - WAIT - GET CAN - WAIT - LEAVE SHOP - DOWN - N - W - DOWN - S - E - DOWN - (CLIFF BOTTOM) - W - OPEN CAN - GET CAN - SQUEEZE THE CAN - GET STONE - OPEN GATE - S - S - S - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT (WAIT UNTIL THE GUARDS CAPTURE YOU AND THROW YOU IN A PRISON CELL). GET BLANKET - MOVE BUNK - GET ALL - DOWN - N - E - COVER GRUE WITH BLANKET - OPEN FRIDGE - GET EARTHWORM - W - W - OPEN - UP - GET HORSESHOE - (NOW WATCH OUT THAT THE GUARDS DON'T GET YOU AGAIN) - N - E - N - N - E - BREAK A BRANCH - GET BRANCH - W - S - S - S - S - W - W - PUT THE BRANCH INTO THE PIT - GET BRANCH - DIG IN THE X WITH THE BRANCH - DROP BRANCH - GET WHISTLE - BLOW WHISTLE - W - WAIT - GET HAT - WAIT - BLOW WHISTLE - N - E - E - E - GIVE HAT TO THE PELICAN - (NOW YOU GET A WORD FROM THE PELICAN, REMEMBER THAT WORD, ITS ALWAYS A DIFFERENT WORD, HE SAY'S TO YOU ON THIS OCCASION THE WORD "SORKIN") - W - W - S - S - DROP EARTHWORM IN FONTAIN - GET TOKEN - E - BUY TICKET - ENTER - SHOW TICKET - ENTER CINEMA. LOOK UNDER SEAT - GET GLASSES - WEAR GLASSES - LOOK - LOOK - LOOK - LOOK - LOOK - DROP GLASSES - GET GLASSES - OUT - OUT - YES - W - W - N - N - E - S - OPEN MAILBOX - EXAMINE MAILBOX - LOOK ON MAILBOX 2X - (YOU MUST DO SOME THINGS THAT YOU LIKE UNTIL THE LITTLE MAILBOX IS FOLLOWING YOU) - N - WAIT - W - WAIT - S - WAIT - S - WAIT - E - WAIT - E - WAIT - S - PUT TOKEN INTO SLOT - PUSH STICK WEST - PUSH STICK SOUTH - PUSH STICK WEST - PUSH STICK SOUTH - PRESS BUTTON - YES - YES - SAY SORKIN - (REMEMBER THE PELICAN) - ENTER BRIDGE - S - GIVE NOTE TO CRISP - GET COAT - GET KEY - UNLOCK CHAIN WITH KEY - PULL THE LEVER - GET NOTE - READ NOTE - OPEN HATCH - CLIMB LADDER - MOVE PAINTING - TURN CRANK. GO OUT - S - UP - WEAR GLASSES - LOOK AT PANEL - PULL THE SECOND SWITCH - DOWN - DROP GLASSES - GO OUT - N - E - ALEXIS, HEEL - E - OPEN DOOR - ENTER DOOR - GET KEY - W - N - UNLOCK DOOR WITH STEEL KEY - ENTER DOOR - WAIT - S - BREAK CASE WITH HORSESHOE - LOOK AT CASE - PUT STONE IN HOLE - YES - YES - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT - WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WITNESS (Infocom) This walkthru will help you to finish "Witness." This game is a much simpler one than "Deadline," so I hope you won't be disappointed when you see how easy it is to solve this mystery. Okay, you start South of the house, where you just picked up a matchbook. . Go North twice to the front door and ring the bell. Phong will let you in. Then just try to go East, and Phong will lead you to the Living Room, where Monica and Mr. Linder are. Now, wait , and Linder will eventually take you to his office. Sit down in the wooden chair, and Linder will hand you a note. Read it, as it will help waste some time. Now, just do anything to make time pass. Show the matchbook to Linder for an interesting reaction, if you like. In any case, you just have to keep waiting. Eventually, Monica will come in briefly to announce she's going to the movies. This is not what you're waiting for, however! So, keep on waiting, and finally, the murder will occur. Linder will be shot while you sit there, and you can't stop it from happening. Read the description carefully at the moment the shot is fired. There's something odd about it. In fact, the whole thing is a setup. The first thing to do is stand up, then push the button. Instead of ringing to summon the butler, it causes a strange click to be heard from the clock. At this point, Phong will enter the room. Tell him you want the keys, and he'll hand them over to you. Now, examine the clock. Keyhole seems a little strange, doesn't it? The doorbell rings while you're doing this, so as Phong goes to answer the door, examine the keyhole. I'll bet you're getting some ideas already! However, you'll need to have the powder analyzed, and Duffy hasn't arrived yet, so wait around until he does. Then get the powder analzyed . While that's being done, examine the window . The green wire seems suspicious, so get it for future reference. Now, go West into the Hallway, then North twice, and open the Butler's door. Go West into the room, and read the mystery book . A gun receipt is used as a bookmark. The purchaser's name is obviously phoney, but hang on to the receipt anyway. Okay, from the Butler's Room, go East twice to Monica's room, then unlock and open the back door. Go East into the Backyard, then South twice to the office path. Aha, a muddy gun! No fingerprints, alas, but you might want to take it along with you, just in case. Now, go West into the Side Yard. Hmm, more footprints here, but they aren't quite the same as the ones on the office path. In fact, it looks like someone was standing here for awhile. Wonder who it might have been? . Anyway, go West again to the driveway, then North and East into the Garage. Unlock and open both the garage door and the workshop door, then go East into the Workshop. The place looks like an electrician's paradise, and there isn't much you can do here; but, there are spools of wire hanging around. Could it be...? Examine spool, and you have established a link of sorts between this place and the study. The green wire is obviously from this room. Now, all you need is the person who put it there. You now stand there waiting for Monica. Just keep waiting; she'll arrive . When she does get there, she'll fiddle briefly with the junction box before noticing you. Now, wait until she leaves, then follow her. You *must* use directions here, just saying "Follow Monica" won't work. Follow her all the way to her room, and wait for her to come back out of the bathroom. When she returns, ask her about Mr. Linder. Her response will establish the motive. Now, wait some more, and she will eventually leave the room. Follow her again, this time to the office. As soon as you get in there, handcuff her. Somewhere along the way, Sgt. Duffy will have left with the body, so you can't arrest her until he comes back. In the meantime, you have to find some very important evidence. So, first search Monica for the key. When you get it, unlock the clock and open it. She's already removed the gun, but you can search her for that, also. Now, just wait until Duffy returns, and arrest her for the murder. And that should be about it. By the way, if you try leaving her and waiting in the office , you'll find that, however hard you try, you won't be able to handcuff her . So, you'll just have to wait and follow her. As I said in the beginning, it's a pretty simple game. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WIZARD'S TOWER You start outside the tower carrying spell book and dagger. You have 24 hp and 14 power pts. "Examine dagger"; sharp, steel dagger, "examine spell book"; large leather bound book, "read spell book"; it explains how to cast magic. You must be carrying the spell book to cast magic. The available spells are: Detect; detect magic in a local area, cost 1 pt Identify: informs caster about an item carried cpst 1 pt Cure: cures caster of 4 hp cost 2 pts Shield: gives temporary magic shield cost 3 pts N, E, "open door" S (Store room). "Examine food"; mostly mouldy but there is one piece of passable meat. "Get meat". N (hallway), "cast detect"; a stone in the north wall glows. "Examine stone". you see it is an illusion and conceals a button. "Press button"; a door opens north (+2). Go back to chamber and "open door" aand enter guard room. Though you can get a manacle, it has no use so ignore it. "Cast shield", N; an orc jumps out. "Kill orc, examine orc"; you find an iron key, "get iron key". Go north to cold room, "get pendant, examine pendant"; silver in the shape of a square. "Unlock door"; this uses the iron key (+1) Go north to round room. "Examine box"; closed. If you open it, it explodes. Ignore box. Go up and "unlock door"; uses iron key; "open door, E (chapel). "Examine altar"; it has runes on the front. "Read runes"; praise to Somar, god of magic. "Pray to Somar"; you feel; a tingling and your magic power is charged by 6 points (+2). Go to antechamber. "Examine chest"; closed. You can't open it as you haven't got the right key. In small chamber, "examine alcove"; you see a large guard dog chained to the wall. Behind it is a bed of straw. "Examine dog"; it growls at you and it looks hungry. "Feed dog"; uses meat. It tears at the meat. "Examine straw"; the dog ignores you. You find a wand. "Get wand" (+2), "examine wand"; steel with a small gem at the tip. Go N, E, S to small room. "Examine murals"; They show a wizard holding a staff and crystal, battling against a horde of goblins. "Cast shield, examine table"; as you enter the room a figure appears. You recognise him as a rogue sorcerer. He says this is his tower. You see a black book on the table. "Kill sorcerer, kill sorcerer, get black book" (+5) "Examine black book"; it's bound in black leather. "Get black book, read black book"; it tells you how to cast the spell fireball. The book must be carried. Fireball costs 4 points and will engulf one target in a burst of magical fire. Go back to damp chamber. "Examine chest"; closed, "open chest"; a ghoul leaps out. "cast fireball at ghoul" (+4), examine ghoul"; dressed in rags, "examine chest"; you find a coin; "get coin, examine coin"; made of copper. "Get mould"; you scrape some off with your dagger, "examine mould"; green and slimy looking. No use. Go into room with plinth, "examine plinth"; square with some runes on the top. "Read runes"; brass for silver. "Put pendant on plinth"; you see a brass key (+3). "Get brass key". Go back to the antechamber, "unlock chest"; uses brass key "open chest, examine it"; you see a talsiman. "Get talisman, examine it"; it's a jade talisman in the shape of a skeleton. In empty chamber; "cast dispell (sic) at archway"; the archway flares for a second and the wand crumbles to dust. If you try to go through without doing this, you are hit back into the room for 2 points of damage. Go through into the next room. As you try to go north from here,, an ogre with a mace appears to attack you. "Cast shield", "cast fireball at ogre" twice. He dies (+4). You see a dead ogre and a mace. The mace is too heavy for you to use. In the small chamber, the door ahead has no keyhole but there's a small slot next to the door. "Put coin in slot"; there's a click and the door swings open (+2) Go to dusty room and "examine crystal"; about 2 inches long. Don't get it as it's a trap and it crumbles with you losing 4 points of power. "Examine murals"; they show a flight of dragons attacking some armoured orcs, streaks of lightling come from their mouths. The door at the t=junction can't be opened, it appears to be glued shut. "Cast fireball at door"; the glue burns away (+3). "Open door", E (cupboard) "Examine rubbish"; you find a silver key. "Get silver key, get parchemnt, read it"; Belive (sic) in me and die. In the corridor, "examine walls"; half-way down the corridor are some scorch marks. As you go west, a stone in the floor tips. Go east and west again so you don't get burned. As you go north from the damp chamber, a dragon appears. If you cast a fireball at it, it hits the wall behind so the answer is to "disbelieve". The dragon vanishes. In the chamber is a niche with a locked iron door without a keyhole. Go to the small room and "pull lever"; go back and "exam niche"; you see a crystal. Get it; both your HP and POW go up by 8 pts and the crystal crumbles (+2) Unlock the door and go up to the rubble room. "Dig rubble" to find a chalice (+1). Get it. In the small room, "cast detect"; you see a keyhole in the north wall. "Unlock wall" (+4); you see a door in the north wall. Go through to the lab. On the way, kill the spectre with "use talisman" (+8). "Examine table" to see some broken bottles. "Examine bottles" to see one unbroken flask. "Examine flask" to see it contains blue liquid. "Examine workbench" to see a pile of powder. It's fine red and blue powder. "Eat powder" to cure 10HP. Note if you get it first, you lose half and so only gain 5 when you eat it. Go to the stone that blocks the south archway and "examine stone"; it looks heavy. "Drink potion, move stone" (+3). Through the damp room, you meet a troll. He says you won't kill him as he regenerates. Use shield and 2 lots of fireball to kill him (+7). Go to shrine and "drink water" at font to cure 2 HP. "Fill chalice; put chalice on altar". You hear a rumble and the south wall opens to show an alcove (+2). Go in and get staff. Go to domes room. "Examine dome"; 30' across. The opening in it is 5' across and impossible to climb into. The carvings are a series of magic circle symbols. "Examine hole"; 1' deep and 1" across. "Put staff in hole"; you are levitated up to a large untidy room. "Examine shelf" to find a brazier and some clay statues. "Get brazier". "Examine statues"; all are smashed except one figurine, "examine figurine"; of a warrior. "Get figurine, break figurine"; you find a gold key (+3). Get it. Unlock door with it. Enter library. In library, "examine scrolls"; one is readable. Get it (+2), read it. It tells how to cast the spell banish to banish summoned creatures. "Cast detect"; you see a gold book under the others. "Get gold book, read it"; gives spells heal and unlock. Heal cures all wounds for 6 POW, unlock costs 4 POW. As you go to leave, a demon appears. "Cast banish at demon"; it is turned to dust (+6) Go to the chest and "vast unlock at chest, open it, examine it, get gem". "Examine gem"; an orange gem. "Pull the lever" that is here. Don't carry too much as you "jump over spikes" as you will fall short and get 5 pts of damage. In the hallway, "examine door"; see runes. "Read runes"; the tomb of Somail the priest, let him rest in peace. Open door and enter the tomb. "Examine fresco"; it shows the life of Somail the priest. The last part shows the desecration of his tomb. A hole is carved into the wall opposite the door. "Examine hole"; inside are various items including a sword. There are runes above the hole. "Read runes"; touch not the tomb offerings to the glory of Somail. "Pray to Somail"; make me an offering, believer, then leave. Don't open the coffin (you lose 4HP and 4POW) or try to take the sword from the hole (you are called a tomb robber and lose 3HP). If you try to put anything other than the brazier in the hole, a magic shield sparks and stops you. "Put brazier in hole"; you get 12 POW. Ignore the mushroom in the round room, it will give you cramp if you eat it and you will lose 1HP. "Examine bricks" to find that one section has fallen away and reveals a hole. "Examine hole" to find a ring. Get and wear it (+4). Go to the empty chamber and "get bracer, wear it"; you gain 4 POW. Go back to the small room and "pull lever". Now when you return to the empty chamber, you are transported (+5) "Exam statues"; 5 stone statues of warriors, each 5' high. One of them moves and blocks you way as you go south. It's a stone golem. "Cast destruction at golem" three times to destroy it (+6). You see a dart. "Get dart". In the square room, "examine carvings"; magic circles. In the largest is a row of coloured buttons and some runes. "Read runes"; you choose. "Examine buttons"; white, red, blue, black, orange, gold). Don't press the red (you lose 3HP) or the black (you are trapped). "Press gold button"; a voice says one is good, one is death, one is blood, one is precious, one is sky, one is the sun. "Press white button" to gain 8 POW. "Press blue button" to gain 6 HP. "Press orange button"; a small hole opens in the wall next to it (unless you have already pressed the black button). "Put gem in hole"; a portal opens to the south. "Cast heal" before going through as on the other side is a room shielded from magic and you can't use any spells etc. When you meet the minotaur, "kill minotaur with dagger" three times to kill him (+8). He drops an axe. "Get axe". Go to the doors. "Break doors with axe, open doors, cast shield, cast heal" then go through. Inside is a hydra. "Cast destruction at hydra (this is its last charge), throw dart at hydra, cast fireball at hydra, cast fireball at hydra" to kill it (+5). Go north and up to finish. Detect spells: must do the ones marked *** In hallway to see special stone *** At the plinth; it glows At the chest in the antechamber At the alcove; it glows faintly In the empty chamber; the east archway glows for a second In corridor; the walls glow halfway down it In small room to see the keyhole *** In shrine; the water glows In library; find gold book *** Identify spells: At meat to see it's safe to eat and from a giant rat At the coin; it's made to fit a special device At the pendant; it's used as some sort of key At the wand; it's a magic wand to dispell (sic) magic (once) At the black book; a spell book, cast magic with the right skills At box; its a trap for thieves At parchment; gives a clue for beating a trap in the tower At talisman; a magic item to use against the undead (once) At skull; the last remains of Tarkus the sorcere, killed by a demon At figurine: there's a key hidden in the clay At gem; a sunstone, part of a puzzle At mushroom; quite ordinary, a little poisonous At ring; can cast the spell destruction at a creature, has limited charges At dart; will explode on hitting a target Scoring Press button +2 Unlock door (with iron key) +1 Pray to Somar +2 Get wand +2 Get black book +5 Kill ghoul +4 Kill ogre +4......................20/99 Put coin in slot +2 Put pendant on plinth +3 Cast fireball at door +3 Disbelieve +5 Get crystal +2....................35/99 Dig rubble +1 Unlock wall +4 Kill spectre with talisman +8 Move stone +3 Kill troll +7.....................58/99 Put chalice on altar +2 Break figuring +3 Get scroll +2 Cast banish at demon +6 Get ring +4.......................75/99 Get transported +5 Kill golem +6 Kill minotaur +8 Kill hydra +5.....................99/99 Points you must lose/can gain? I'm not sure this is quite right! 24 14 HP POW Detect at stone -1 Kill orc -1 -3 Pray to Somar +6 Kill sorcerer (shield -6/-3) Kill ogre (shield -6/-10,) Kill ghoul -4 Fireball at door -4 Get crystal +8 +8 Detect small room -1 Eat powder +10 Drink water +2 In untidy room, 11HP, 8 POW Detect in library -1 Cast unlock at chest -4 Put brazier in hole +12 Get/wear bracer +4 Press white button +8 Press blue button +6 Cast heal to go south -6 Kill minotaur (-6,-7,-7 HP) Cast heal to go north -6 Cast shield -4 Cast fireballs at hydra -4, -4 Fighting hydra (-6, -5, -5, -5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- T H E W O R M I N P A R A D I S E (Level 9) (Later released as Part 3 of the 'Silicon Dreams Trilogy') Before describing a 'solution' to this adventure, it must be accepted that there not a move-by-move answer to your problems from start to finish! Only the very early part of the adventure is constant, as far as a solution is concerned. This is due to two main features: (1)THE EDEN TRANSPORT SYSTEM - which throws up different address locations on each load of the game. (2)THE FUZBOTS OF ENOCH - who could crop up anywhere at any time. These being, obviously, in addition to any normal problems you may generate by the wrong action. Other notable features are: (3)The Enoch TIME system - be sure to be home before curfew is imposed, and do not attempt to start a job too late in the day or the Workplace Droid will reject you! (4)Never be in debt - you cannot afford the fine AND complete the game, so keep an eye on your Creds by 'EXAMINE TATTOO'. THE EDEN TRANSPORT SYSTEM: Refer to your maps for clarification! This consists of three 'ETS' Roundabouts, all accessible from the Northmost roundabout. They are uniquely colour-coded by the FIRST COLOUR mentioned on a grid location, as follows: RED........the ETS 'EAST' BROWN......the ETS 'NORTH' BLACK......the ETS 'WEST' When entering an ETS type 'JUMP' to reach the centre and 'SAY EXIT' to leave (then SOUTH). There are SIX important addresses on the ETS which you must visit, BUT they may differ on each loading of the game! 1.YOUR HABIHOME 2.THE SOCIALIST'S HABIHOME 3.THE JOB CENTRE 4.THE TRAVEL AGENTS 5.THE FLORISTS 6.THE HARDWARE WAREHOUSE The first one (Your Habihome) is easy to find and you don't really need to remember this address - just type 'SAY HOME' in open areas, other than exits from roundabouts leading to an ETS, and you are deposited one move North of your Habihome (SOUTH to enter). On leaving your Habihome, type 'SAY EXIT' then 'SOUTH' and you're placed somewhere on the Northmost Roundabout, depending on your 'home' address. The second one (Socialist's Habihome) is found by examining a brooch (see Solution). The remaining four are given out on television advertisements (see Solution). The different addresses found so far may not provide for EVERY possible address but most codes are mentioned. They are as follows: A.SOCIALIST'S HABIHOME CODE: RED/YELLOW/BROWN/BLUE/GREY/VIOLET/BROWN EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- SE-SW-SE-S-SE-SW-SW-S-SW -SW-SW-W-W-S- then SOUTH. CODE: BLACK/GREEN/BROWN/ORANGE/WHITE/BLACK/ORANGE WEST ETS: Route from centre is:- SW-S-SE-SW-SE-S-SW-SE-SW -SW-SE-E-E-E-SW- then SOUTH. B.THE JOBCENTRE CODE: BROWN/GREY/GREEN/VIOLET/GREY/YELLOW/RED NORTH ETS: Route from centre is:- S-SW-SE-SW-SW-SE-S-S-S -S-SW-S- then SOUTH. CODE: RED/WHITE/GREEN/VIOLET/BROWN/BLUE/BROWN EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- S-S-SW-SE-SW-SE-SE-SE-SW -S-SE-E-E-SE- then SOUTH. CODE: RED/VIOLET/GREEN/BROWN/BLACK/VIOLET/BROWN EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- S-SW-SW-SW-SE-S-SE-SW-SW -SW-SE-E-E-E-SW- then SOUTH. C.THE TRAVEL AGENTS CODE: RED/VIOLET/YELLOW/ORANGE/BLUE/GREY/VIOLET EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- S-SW-SW-SW-S-S-SW-SE-SE -SW-SW-SE- then SOUTH. CODE: BLACK/YELLOW/YELLOW/BLUE/BROWN/BLACK/BLACK WEST ETS: Route from centre is:- SE-S-SW-SW-SW-S-S-S-SW -SE-SE-E-E-W-S- then SOUTH. CODE: BROWN/BROWN/YELLOW/GREY/YELLOW/GREEN/GREY NORTH ETS: Route from centre is:- S-SE-S-SW-SW-SW-S-SW-S -SW-SE-E-E-E-S- then SOUTH. D.THE FLORISTS CODE: RED/BLUE/RED/BLUE/BROWN/BLUE/GREY EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- SW-SE-S-SW-S-S-S-SE-SW -SW-SE-E-E-SE- then SOUTH. CODE: BLACK/BLACK/RED/YELLOW/GREEN/GREY/BROWN WEST ETS: Route from centre is:- S-S-S-SE-SE-SW-SE-SW-S -SE-SE-E-E-E-SW- then SOUTH. CODE: RED/GREY/RED/BLACK/ORANGE/WHITE/BLACK EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- S-SW-S-S-S-SW-S-SW-S-SW -SW-W-W-E-S- then SOUTH. E.HARDWARE WAREHOUSE CODE: BROWN/BLUE/ORANGE/ORANGE/RED/WHITE/BLACK NORTH ETS: Route from centre is:- SW-SE-S-SW-SE-S-SE-S-S -SW-SE-SE- then SOUTH. CODE: RED/BLUE/ORANGE/BLACK/ORANGE/RED/ORANGE EAST ETS: Route from centre is:- SW-SE-S-SW-SE-SW-S-S-SW-S -SE-E-E-W-SE- then SOUTH. (Note:- Do not 'type ahead' too far in advance as the parser becomes confused! If, however, you become 'lost', just type 'JUMP' and start working through the appropriate sequence of directions again.) The final note before commencing the game is regarding the clock. It is a decimal clock (0-10).....5 is Midday and 10 is Midnight. 'Curfew' is 10-3. Each 'hour' consists of 100 'minutes' - 'WAIT' command uses 10 minutes, any other single input uses 1 minute. It is wise to tackle the adventure in 'day stages' but don't waste any 'days' because after about a week the Fuzbots get fed up of you wandering about and fine you for being a parasite of the state, irrespective of your work record!! THE SOLUTION The early part of the game is constant. You start 'in a dream' in a Garden in Paradise. TAKE BENCH - E - S - DROP BENCH - ON BENCH - EXAMINE TREE - TAKE APPLE - BITE APPLE - W - W - W - N - KICK BEHEMOTH - N - W - WAIT - N - W - W - WAIT - W - EXAMINE BEHEMOTH - TAKE SCALE - W - N - N - N - N - (Awake from 'Paradise Dream' wearing a visor) - (You are in a Dream Alcove in the Beautiful Octagonal Room). DAYS 1&2. (Don't worry about the odd fine of 9 Creds) DROP VISOR - BREAK COLLAR - WEAR COLLAR - (this action prevents the Police from gaining any extra information about you - as long as you keep WEARING it they won't notice it's broken!) - S - NW - WEAR VISOR - SE - W - W - S - S - S - S - S - W - S - S - E - E - S - IN - SE - (SELL your spare organs to raise the necessary Creds?) - YES - E - (you stay overnight and are returned to the Foyer next morning) - OUT - N - W - W - S - E - E - E - E - E - E - N - TAKE MEDALLION - S - W - BUY FLAG - (cost is 9 Creds) - YES - S - W - W - W - W - IN - BUY BOX - (cost again is 9 Creds) - YES - OUT - N - E - EXAMINE MEMORIAL - WAIT - (until a potential Socialist arrives and is subsequently arrested) - LOOK - TAKE WALLET - SAY HOME - S - E - EXAMINE WALLET - EXAMINE BROOCH - (make a note of the colour code - it's the Socialist's address on the ETS) - DROP WALLET - DROP FLAG - DROP BOX - DROP MEDALLION. YOUR HABIHOME The poster is really a television screen. SAY ON to operate it, or SAY OFF to close it down. In the Bodymaint is a nozzle - SAY ON for a refreshing shower but remove your tradclads or other clothing first! The shower will remind you of this!! If you don't shower REGULARLY the Droids may refuse to serve you. The crack in the wall is your bed slot. SAY BED and it will swing down. LIE ON BED to use it. If you SAY BED while you're still on it you are swung down to the Undercity below your Habihome, but wait until you're sure that you know how to get out again before you try this! When your tattoo buzzes and announces 'Curfew in 1 hour', type SLEEP while on the bed and make a note of your 'dream'.....it may prove useful! REMOVE TRADCLADS - N - SAY ON - (have a shower) - WEAR TRADCLADS - S - EXAMINE POSTER - SAY ON - EXAMINE TATTOO - (note the time and the amount of Creds you have) - (continue to EXAMINE POSTER or even EXAMINE TV until you have got the addresses of the JOBCENTRE, TRAVEL AGENTS, FLORISTS and HARDWARE WAREHOUSE.......it may take quite a while but they all appear eventually!) - SAY BED - LIE ON BED - (when curfew is announced.......) - SLEEP. DAY 3. (Refer to maps and ETS notes for directions) Go to the Florist's Shop, buy the wreath, leave the ETS and make your way to the Memorial in the Theme Park. DROP the wreath at the Memorial. Go to the Jobcentre and take a job as a Clerk. If you're offered a YTS/YOP job, SAY NO and she'll offer you a job as a Clerk, eventually - if she doesn't you'll have to return the next day......maybe you haven't showered! Take the card to the Workplace and go DOWN. After your days work you're escorted out again. SAY HOME and go SOUTH into your Habihome. Go to bed and SLEEP after curfew is announced. DAY 4. Visit the Jobcentre again and get a job as a Labourer (turn down YTS/YOP and the Clerks job), take the card and proceed to the Workplace. This time upon entering you're taken to a Workshop. Go WEST and you are in the Waldroid Control Cocoon. You now assume the role of the Waldroid in the Workshop. Go EAST and make your way to the Hardware Warehouse. (The Waldroid behaves exactly as if it was you moving about, i.e., JUMP, SAY EXIT, etc). Buy the valve. You obtain it for nothing on the council rates; if you had tried to buy it as yourself it would have cost you 1000 Creds! Return to the Workshop - the Waldroid controls die and you return to your normal role. EXAMINE the WALDROID on the way out and TAKE VALVE. Go home, drop the valve, WAIT until curfew is announced then SLEEP. DAY 5. Have a shower and proceed to the Pet Shop in the Pleasure Dome (9 Creds to go NORTH through the turnstile). There is a Dagget here that was 800 Creds on Day 1 but is now only 500 Creds. BUY DAGGET. THE DAGGET This is a robot dog.....EXAMINE it to reveal that it is a kind of plastic labrador! It operates on batteries through a Batpak (spelling is important - the program doesn't respond to Batpack!!). There is no need to carry the Dagget for as long as he is fitted with the Batpak he'll follow you around and you don't risk getting fined for possessing him then! To immobilise the Dagget, or stop him from following you, REMOVE BATPAK and then drop it . The Dagget winds down after a few moves. Ignore the majority of his crazy antics....they appear purely for show! Go to the Museum and REMOVE BATPAK. You now have to steal a Helmet and Leotard from the exhibition without anyone seeing you do it or leaving with the stolen items. Also there is a security screen covering them. The exception to the latter rule is when the Tourist Guide comes in and shows the exhibits to some tourists. WAIT until the tourists leave, then TAKE HELMET AND LEOTARD (you only have ONE move before the screen comes down again!). PUT HELMET IN DAGGET - REMOVE TRADCLADS - WEAR LEOTARD - WEAR TRADCLADS.......no-one is any wiser as to your misdeeds now. Don't forget to TAKE DAGGET and then go back to your Habihome. REMOVE HELMET - DROP HELMET - REMOVE TRADCLADS - REMOVE LEOTARD - DROP LEOTARD - WEAR TRADCLADS - PUT BATPAK IN DAGGET. Take the brooch from the wallet and go to the Socialist's Habihome. The Dagget will find an Invitation for you. Return home with the Invitation. Remove the Batpak from the Dagget and DROP BATPAK. Examine the Invitation and note the time of the meeting (usually at '6'). Drop the brooch, take the medallion and valve, together with the invitation. WAIT until the Dagget grinds to a halt then go to the Bison's Temple at the far North of the Pleasure Dome Corridor. Time is important here, as you're only allowed a couple of minutes leeway from the time stated. WAIT or go SOUTH then NORTH until ONE MINUTE BEFORE the appointed time of the meeting.......remembering that a 'move' is ONE minute, WAIT is TEN minutes. (EXAMINE TATTOO regularly). At the appointed time, enter the Temple and WAIT until the Bison leader comes out to meet you. Joining fee is 100 Creds. After becoming a Bison go WEST to the Temple Bar and BUY the Bottle of Wine, then go home. Drop the medallion, valve and bottle and leave the Dagget for now. Take the wallet and brooch, together with your invitation, and hand them in to the Police, at the Police Station, in the order:- GIVE INVITATION - GIVE BROOCH - GIVE WALLET. They tell you something you already know and you receive a small reward - EXAMINE TATTOO. Return home, have a shower and SLEEP when curfew is announced. DAY 6. TAKE BATPAK - PUT BATPAK IN DAGGET. (You need him for the next task). Have a shower again and proceed to the Jobcentre yet again. Turn down everything and as the Droid shakes our hand it realises that you are now a Bison and offers you a job as a Managing Director. Go to the Workplace with the Dagget. This time, upon entry, you're shown to a Fabulous Office entrance. Go NORTH and you're up to your neck in carpet - but the Dagget keeps it at bay so as not to impede your progress. Go WEST to your desk in the Boardroom. After your day's work you're escorted out - with not a little increase in Creds. (EXAMINE TATTOO!). Make your way to the Travel Agent's and buy a ticket. You couldn't have bought it before because it only sells to Bisons, but make sure you've had a shower that day! Go home, WAIT until curfew is announced then SLEEP.......you're going need all your wits for the last day!! DAY 7. This is the final day and it is essential that you 'SAVE' game up to this point as a lot of things could still happen - even on the last move!! Don't worry about the time or Creds, you'll soon have plenty of both, providing you're in the right place with the right equipment. Deactivate the Dagget (REMOVE BATPAK - WAIT) and after your morning shower proceed to the Hardware Warehouse and buy the Vidcam, (cost is 300 Creds). Return home, get the ticket, ensure that you are still carrying the Vidcam, then SAY BED - LIE ON BED - SAY BED. You are taken down to the Undercity. Refer to the map and proceed SOUTH to the Disgusting Junction. Go WEST and TAKE SIGN then DROP the sign at the Disgusting Junction. It tells the Droids where the rubbish and junk should be deposited......they always leave it by this sign! Go back to the Cluttered Stained Room (WEST) and you'll notice a Junk Heap. The cleaning Droids will eventually move this to wherever you have placed the sign - but you must be very patient! When the junk heap is all moved from this location an exit South through a grill is revealed. A more useful exit, that was there all the time but not mentioned in the location description, is North past the Waterfall to a ledge behind! Move NORTH ONCE ONLY from behind the waterfall and you will see a Flying Saucer. The wiggly roots before you are part of an alarm/gas system so stay put! SQUEEZE VIDCAM to record the scene then proceed SOUTH - SOUTH - EAST to the Disgusting Junction. If the junk heap has not appeared here yet then have a walk around (or WAIT) awhile. When the junk heap materialises CLIMB HEAP then UP, and you pass through the manhole - one way - to the Workplace Roundabout Exit of the Southmost Roundabout. Proceed to the Police Station and GIVE VIDCAM. Go to the Riverboat Platform in the Theme Park and then NORTH to cross the river to the Island of the Mighty. (This is ONE-WAY once only!). Follow the map to the South of the Fabulous Foyer where you see a Reception Droid. On arrival you are escorted by elevator to the Top Floor and subsequently interviewed about the 'aliens' on television. The 3rd Kimberley rewards you (1000 Creds) and makes you a Party Member. You are then taken back home. FINAL SEQUENCE OF EVENTS REMOVE TRADCLADS - (but still carry them!) - TAKE LEOTARD - WEAR LEOTARD - TAKE HELMET - TAKE BOTTLE - TAKE MEDALLION - TAKE VALVE - (these latter 2 items to trigger the alarm) - TAKE BOX - PUT BATPAK IN DAGGET - (Now is his finest hour!) - TAKE DAGGET - (he won't necessarily follow you on this one) - SAY BED - LIE ON BED - SAY BED. Drop the Dagget and proceed to the Disgusting Junction. Take the sign and go EAST to the location described as 'Between Dry Pillars' and festooned in red tape. Drop the sign here, then proceed: WEST - WEST - NORTH - WEAR HELMET - THROW MEDALLION NORTH - the alarm sounds and gas flows in....a Technician from the Saucer will look out, see no-one and proclaim 'False Alarm'. THROW VALVE NORTH......the Technician records another false alarm and orders the system to be shut down until Maintenance check it over.......BUT this is NOT immediate so WAIT at least FOUR TIMES until an occupant of the Saucer has looked out another TWICE! Now go NORTH - NORTH for a bit of a surprise! (This is where you say goodbye to your old friend......wipes tears of emotion away and cancels the Kennomeat!). TAKE COSTUME then EAST to the East/West Corridor (see Map). Remove and drop the helmet and leotard here then WEAR TRADCLADS. Go to the Red Tape location and WAIT until the Junk Heap materialises. When it does CLIMB HEAP then UP. This time, however, the manhole is rusted up somewhat, so REMOVE CORK......the cork pops out of the bottle and wine sprays over everything, lubricating the manhole cover. IMPORTANT NOTE: TAKE CORK....you'll need this right at the end!! UP and you are in the Quad, South of the Pyramid of Power. Proceed NORTH to the Fabulous Foyer then NORTHEAST - NORTH - EXAMINE BUTTONS - (they are all different colours but WHITE is the one for you!) - PUSH WHITE BUTTON - (the Elevator goes only so far towards your required destination, so......) - PUSH WHITE BUTTON again, and you're on the Top Floor. Proceed SOUTH then EAST past the Pyramid Droid and you are confronted by a mirror. PUSH MIRROR and it revolves depositing you at the base of a Spiral Staircase. Go UP - THROW BOX NORTH - it lands below the partition and causes a malfunction. Continue NORTH then NORTH again. Now fire extinguisher foam starts to pour in from an orifice!......your final command is to PUT CORK IN ORIFICE!!!!!! FINAL MESSAGE "You block the orifice and stop the foam. You threaten to tell the truth about fake aliens and wave the costume as proof. Eventually a deal is struck. You give back the alien costume and, in return, are adopted into the Party Leadership. Congratulations! You have won!" "You score 1000 out of 1000 and are a Grandmaster Adventurer". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Z A K M c K R A C K E N & T H E A L I E N M I N D B E N D E R S Notes. (1) If someone other than Zak is to perform the actions listed for a location, that person's name appears in brackets following the location's name. (2) After the first trip to the Airport and on the plane, the solution just names your next destination, omitting instructions to take the bus and use the Reservations Terminal. (3) There are several jungle mazes that are randomised and therefore cannot be mapped. In these, just keep taking turns off the path (instead of going through the far left or right side exit) when possible, until you arrive at your destination. (4) Certain characters must do some things, such as Annie reading the scroll, but most may be performed by anyone. THE SOLUTION ZAK'S BEDROOM. OPEN DRESSER DRAWER - PICK UP PHONE BILL - PICK UP SUSHI IN FISH BOWL - USE LAMP WITH SUSHI IN FISHBOWL - (Don't turn on the lamp!) - PULL TORN WALLPAPER - USE TORN WALLPAPER ON PLASTIC CARD - OPEN DESK DRAWER - PICK UP KAZOO. ZAK'S LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN. PICK UP SEAT CUSHION - (on sofa) - PICK UP REMOTE CONTROL - OPEN CABINET - PICK UP BOX OF CRAYONS - USE YELLOW CRAYON ON TORN WALLPAPER - OPEN REFRIGERATOR - PICK UP EGG. BAKERY. PUSH DOORBELL - (three times) - PICK UP STALE BREAD. LOU'S LOANS. BUY WET SUIT - BUY TOOL KIT - BUY GOLF CLUB - BUY HAT - BUY NOSE GLASSES - BUY GUITAR. BOB E. PINS HAIR SALON. OPEN TOOL KIT - USE WIRE CUTTERS ON BOBBY PIN SIGN. ZAK'S LIVING ROOM. USE MONKEY WRENCH ON PIPE - TURN ON SWITCH - (above sink) - USE STALE BREAD IN SINK - PICK UP BREAD CRUMBS. PHONE COMPANY. PUT ON HAT AND NOSE GLASSES - (before entering!) - ENTER PHONE COMPANY - OPEN COUNTER DOOR - USE COMPUTER TERMINAL - EXIT PHONE COMPANY - TAKE OFF HAT AND NOSE GLASSES. BUS. USE KAZOO - USE CASHCARD IN CASHCARD READER. AIRPORT. GIVE CASHCARD TO DEVOTEE - (get book) - USE RESERVATIONS TERMINAL - (Seattle). AIRPLANE. USE TOILET PAPER IN SINK - (in Bathroom) - TURN ON SINK - PUSH CALL BUTTON - (after flood) - GO TO FRONT OF PASSENGER AREA - PICK UP CUSHION - (front seat) - PICK UP LIGHTER - (use same trick to distract the Stewardess) - OPEN MICROWAVE OVEN - USE EGG IN MICROWAVE OVEN - CLOSE MICROWAVE OVEN - TURN ON MICROWAVE OVEN - (When the egg explodes, the Stewardess will remain in that area) - OPEN BIN - (until you find an oxygen tank) - PICK UP OXYGEN TANK. SEATTLE: IN NATIONAL FOREST. PICK UP TREE BRANCH - GIVE PEANUTS TO SQUIRREL - USE TREE BRANCH WITH LOOSE DIRT. CAVE. USE TREE BRANCH ON BIRD NEST - (Feel around in the dark with the 'WHAT IS' command to find this and the fire pit) - USE TREE BRANCH ON FIRE PIT - USE BIRD NEST ON FIRE PIT - USE LIGHTER ON NEST AND BRANCH - USE YELLOW CRAYON ON STRANGE MARKINGS - WALK TO ANKH DOOR - STAND ON PLATFORM AND FACE LEFT - USE REMOTE CONTROL - PICK UP BLUE CRYSTAL - FLY TO MIAMI. MIAMI: AIRPORT. GIVE BOOK TO BUM - (Eh?!! Tramp you fool!!......you get the whiskey) - USE RESERVATIONS TERMINAL - (San Francisco). SAN FRANCISCO: DROP SLOT. USE BLUE CRYSTAL ON DROP SLOT - (Wait for Annie). ANNIE'S ROOM (ZAK & ANNIE). GIVE WHISKEY TO ANNIE - GIVE GOLF CLUB TO ANNIE - GIVE WIRE CUTTERS TO ANNIE - SWITCH TO ANNIE - PICK UP BLOTTER - PICK UP CASHCARD. BUS AND AIRPORTS (ANNIE). USE WIRE CUTTERS ON BUS - USE CASHCARD IN CASHCARD READER - FLY TO MIAMI - (then to Cairo, then to Kinshasa). KINSHASA: JUNGLE PATH. This map is randomised! (See Note 3). HUT (ANNIE). GIVE GOLF CLUB TO SHAMAN - (far left hut) - WATCH DANCE AND WRITE DOWN THE ORDER OF THE THREE MEN BOUNCING UP AND DOWN - (Like this:- 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1.......though it may be randomised! The sequence will be the same as the Huge Door at the Face Chamber on Mars) - FLY TO CAIRO - (then to London). LONDON: GUARD'S HOUSE (ANNIE). GIVE WHISKEY TO SENTRY - PULL SWITCH - USE WIRE CUTTERS ON FENCE - SWITCH TO MELISSA. MARS: OUTSIDE SHUTTLE BUG (MELISSA). OPEN DOOR. INSIDE SHUTTLE BUG. PICK UP BOOM BOX - PICK UP DAT - OPEN GLOVE COMPARTMENT - PICK UP FUSE - PICK UP CASHCARDS - EXIT. OUTSIDE SHUTTLE BUG (MELISSA). GIVE CASHCARD TO LESLIE. MONOLITH (MELISSA). USE CASHCARD ON MONOLITH (Twice). ENTRANCE TO FRIENDLY HOSTEL (MELISSA/LESLIE). USE TOKEN ON METAL PLATE - PICK UP BURNT FUSE - USE FUSE IN FUSE BOX - SWITCH TO LESLIE - GO TO MELISSA - PUSH LEFT BUTTON - (closes left door) - PUSH RIGHT BUTTON - (opens right door) - ENTER RIGHT DOOR. INSIDE FRIENDLY HOSTEL (LESLIE). PICK UP VINYL TAPE - (on right locker) - PICK UP LADDER - PICK UP COVERS - PICK UP BROOM ALIEN - OPEN LOCKER - (right side) - PICK UP FLASHLIGHT. ENTRANCE TO FRIENDLY HOSTEL (LESLIE). PUSH BUTTON - (closes right door) - PUSH BUTTON - (opens left door). OUTSIDE FRIENDLY HOSTEL (LESLIE). USE BROOM ALIEN ON SAND PILE. HUGE FACE AND DOOR (LESLIE/MELISSA). USE LADDER ON DOOR - PUSH BUTTON - (six times, according to dance sequence in Kinshasa) - PICK UP LADDER - ENTER GREAT CHAMBER. GREAT CHAMBER (LESLIE/MELISSA). ENTER FIRST MASSIVE DOOR. MASSIVE DOOR ONE, OUTSIDE (LESLIE/MELISSA). GIVE VINYL TAPE TO MELISSA - SWITCH TO MELISSA - USE VINYL TAPE ON DAT - USE DAT WITH BOOM BOX - TURN ON BOOM BOX - (record) - SWITCH TO LESLIE - USE LADDER ON PEDESTAL - PICK UP CRYSTAL SPHERE - PICK UP LADDER - TURN ON FLASHLIGHT - ENTER DOOR - (North). [SAVE GAME] MASSIVE DOOR ONE, INSIDE (LESLIE). PROCEED THROUGH MAZE UNTIL YOU LOCATE THE SWITCH ROOM - TURN ON SWITCH - (right) - TURN ON SWITCH - (left) - TAKE OFF HELMET - (after conditions are normal) - PROCEED THROUGH MAZE AGAIN TO THE MAP ROOM - READ STRANGE MARKINGS - (copy symbol to use in Sphinx in Egypt) - PROCEED THROUGH MAZE TO OUTSIDE THE MASSIVE DOOR ONE - EXIT (both) TO GREAT CHAMBER - ENTER DOOR TWO. MASSIVE DOOR TWO, OUTSIDE (LESLIE/MELISSA). GIVE FLASHLIGHT TO MELISSA - SWITCH TO MELISSA - TAKE OFF HELMET - TURN ON BOOM BOX - (play). MASSIVE DOOR TWO, INSIDE (MELISSA). PICK UP ANKH - (through far right door) - GO TO LESLIE - GIVE ANKH AND FLASHLIGHT TO LESLIE - SWITCH TO LESLIE - EXIT TO GREAT CHAMBER - ENTER MASSIVE DOOR THREE. MASSIVE DOOR THREE, OUTSIDE (LESLIE). USE LADDER ON PEDESTAL - PICK UP CRYSTAL SPHERE - (through far right door) - PICK UP LADDER. MASSIVE DOOR THREE, INSIDE (LESLIE). USE ANKH ON PANEL - PICK UP GOLDEN KEY. GREAT CHAMBER (LESLIE/MELISSA). READ STRANGE MARKINGS ON HUGE STATUE BETWEEN DOORS TWO AND THREE - (copy symbol to use in Mexican Temple) - STATION BOTH CHARACTERS NEAR EXIT OF GREAT CHAMBER - GIVE GOLDEN KEY TO MELISSA (LESLIE) - SWITCH TO ZAK. SAN FRANCISCO. (Send Zak from Annie's Room to the Airport and fly to Mexico). MEXICO CITY: JUNGLE PATH. [SAVE GAME] (Another randomised map, but this one leads to various entrances to the Temple. Keep trying until you emerge on the right side of the Temple, with the pyramid on the left side. Enter the Temple Entrance on the right side of the screen). IN MEXICAN TEMPLE: MAZE TWO. [SAVE GAME] (Use the 'WHAT IS' command to find torches in the dark, then use the lighter on the torch to illuminate each corridor) - PROCEED THROUGH MAZE TO THE MAP ROOM - PICK UP YELLOW CRYSTAL SHARD - USE YELLOW CRAYON ON STRANGE MARKINGS - DRAW SYMBOL FROM THE HUGE STATUE IN THE GREAT CHAMBER IN THE FACE ON MARS - (switch to Leslie and re-read the markings on the Statue if necessary) - PROCEED THROUGH THE MAZE OUT OF THE TEMPLE. [SAVE GAME] (Keep taking turns through the Jungle until you reach the Airport) - FLY TO LONDON. LONDON: STONEHENGE. [SAVE GAME] USE BLUE CRYSTAL ON ALTAR STONE - (After you awake, move the cursor all the way to the right, then quickly hit button twice to leave before the alien arrives. After he leaves, return to Stonehenge) - USE CRYSTAL SHARD (both parts) ON ALTAR STONE - FLY TO KATMANDU. KATMANDU. USE LIGHTER ON HAY - PICK UP FLAGPOLE - GIVE BOOK TO GUARD - (visit Guru and learn how to use blue crystal) - USE CLUE CRYSTAL ON YAK - (after Policeman returns to his jail) - TO ZAK - (Wait for alien to toss you in stupidity machine). SAN FRANCISCO: PHONE COMPANY. PUT ON HAT AND NOSE GLASSES - (quickly before alien leaves; this will save you lots of time otherwise spent wating for the effects of the machine to wear off and for the alien to free you) - OPEN CABINET - (to get artifacts seized by alien) - GO UPSTAIRS - OPEN COUNTER - EXIT PHONE COMPANY - REMOVE HAT AND NOSE GLASSES. Note:- If unable to do the first two actions in time, do them after being released from machine and escorted outside. Then enter Phone Company, get the artifacts and exit. Use either method when you're caught in the stupidity machine. FLY TO MIAMI - [SAVE GAME] - FLY TO BERMUDA. BERMUDA: PLANE AND MOTHERSHIP CARGO BAY. WAIT - (until caught by alien ship) - PUSH BUTTON - (inside space ship). ON THE MOTHERSHIP WITH THE KING. READ LOTT-O-DICTOR - (write down this random number) - GIVE GUITAR TO THE KING - (quickly, after reading meter. If successful, an alien shows you how to leave and you'll be beamed back to your room. Otherwise you get tossed into the machine). SAN FRANCISCO: LOU'S LOANS. BUY LOTTO - (use number from Lott-O-Dictor) - FLY TO MIAMI - [SAVE GAME] - FLY TO BERMUDA. BERMUDA: ON PLANE. WAIT - (until caught) - GO TO BIPLANE - (in Mothership) - USE PARACHUTE - (in air). IN WATER (ZAK/DOLPHIN). USE KAZOO - USE BLUE CRYSTAL ON DOLPHIN - SWIM UNDERWATER. UNDERWATER (DOLPHIN). PICK UP SEAWEED - (to the far right) - PICK UP GLOWING OBJECT - SWIM TO SURFACE. IN WATER (ZAK/DOLPHIN). GIVE GLOWING OBJECT TO ZAK - (after you get caught by alien, use hat and nose glasses to retrieve the artifacts). SAN FRANCISCO: LOU'S LOANS. WIN LOTTO - (10,000 dollars) - FLY TO LIMA. LIMA: JUNGLE PATH. This is one of the random mazes described in the introductory notes. FEEDER. USE BREAD CRUMBS IN BIRD FEEDER - USE BLUE CRYSTAL ON BIRD. SKY (BIRD). FLY TO HUGE CARVINGS - FLY TO LEFT EYE - PICK UP SCROLL - FLY TO VALLEY - (after you get caught by alien, retrieve your artifacts and fly return to this location) - USE BLUE CRYSTAL ON BIRD - GIVE SCROLL TO ZAK - (you'll be thrown into stupidity machine. After you get out, grab your stuff and fly to London). LONDON: STONEHENGE (ZAK/ANNIE). USE FLAGPOLE WITH ALTAR STONE - GIVE SCROLL TO ANNIE - SWITCH TO ANNIE - READ SCROLL - SWITCH TO ZAK - PICK UP YELLOW CRYSTAL - FLY TO CAIRO THEN KINSHASA. KINSHASA: JUNGLE PATH. (Another random map!) HUT. GIVE YELLOW CRYSTAL TO SHAMAN - USE YELLOW CRYSTAL - (Point to Lima). LIMA: RIGHT EYE. PICK UP CANDELABRA - USE YELLOW CRYSTAL - (Point to Cairo). CAIRO: IN EGYPTIAN PYRAMID, TELEPORT ROOM. USE GLOWING OBJECT ON BASE - USE CANDELABRA WITH GLOWING OBJECT - PULL LEVER - LEAVE PYRAMID VIA THE MAZE AND GO TO SPHINX LEG WITH STRANGE MARKINGS. SPHINX, OUTSIDE (ZAK/ANNIE). USE YELLOW CRAYON ON STRANGE MARKINGS - (draw symbol from Map Room in Maze One on Mars) - SWITCH TO ANNIE - BRING ANNIE TO ZAK - (outside sphinx) - ENTER SECRET DOOR (ANNIE). SPHINX (ANNIE). PROCEED THROUGH MAZE TO THE MAP ROOM - READ HEIROGLYPHICS - GO TO ZAK - SWITCH TO ZAK - BRING ZAK TO MAP ROOM. SPHINX MAP ROOM. PUSH BUTTON - (according to sequence Annie just read) - USE YELLOW CRAYON ON WALLPAPER MAP - READ STRANGE MARKINGS - (copy symbol to use inside Huge Face chamber) - USE YELLOW CRYSTAL - (point to Face) - (You wind up in Teleport Room in Huge Face on Mars). MARS: TELEPORT ROOM. USE YELLOW CRAYON ON STRANGE MARKINGS - (draw symbol from Sphinx Map Room) - GO TO MIDDLE DOOR - GO ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT - GO LEFT TO EXIT VIA MAZE TO MEET UP WITH MELISSA AND LESLIE. GREAT CHAMBER (ZAK/MELISSA/LESLIE). SWITCH TO LESLIE - PUT ON HELMET - GO TO MONOLITH - USE CASHCARD ON MONOLITH - (twice to get two tokens) - SWITCH TO MELISSA - PUT ON HELMET - GO TO MONOLITH - USE CASHCARD ON MONOLITH - SWITCH TO ZAK - USE DUCT TAPE ON FISH BOWL - PUT ON TAPED FISH BOWL - PUT ON WET SUIT - PUT ON OXYGEN TANK - GO TO MONOLITH - GET ONE TOKEN. MONOLITH (ZAK/MELISSA/LESLIE). USE CASHCARD IN MONOLITH - (Zak) - SEND ALL THREE INTO BUG TO USE OXYGEN VALVE AND FILL THEIR TANKS, THEN RETURN TO THE TRAM - MOVE ALL THREE CLOSE TO THE TRAM - [SAVE] - USE TOKEN IN TRAM - (all three people, and quickly!). MARS PYRAMID, OUTSIDE (ZAK/MELISSA/LESLIE). WALK TO PYRAMID - USE BROOM ALIEN ON SAND PILE - (Leslie) - USE BOBBY PIN SIGN WITH KEY HOLE - SEND ALL THREE INSIDE. MARS PYRAMID, INSIDE (ZAK/MELISSA/LESLIE). PUSH SARCOPHAGUS FEET - (Leslie) - WALK UPSTAIRS - (Zak/Melissa) - MOVE LESLIE AWAY FROM SARCOPHAGUS FEET - MOVE ZAK NEAR CONTAINMENT DEVICE - SWITCH TO MELISSA - USE GOLDEN KEY IN BOX - [SAVE] - PUSH BUTTON - SWITCH TO ZAK - PICK UP WHITE CRYSTAL - (this will take several attempts, for you have little time. You may have to switch from keyboard to mouse or joystick control for this bit!) - USE YELLOW CRYSTAL - (Point to Egypt) - TAKE OFF TAPED FISH BOWL. MARS PYRAMID, AS THE COEDS BLAST OFF FOR EARTH! MOVE MELISSA TO LEFT SIDE OF STAIRS - PUSH SARCOPHAGUS FEET - (Leslie) - BRING MELISSA DOWN AND STATION HER AND LESLIE OUTSIDE NEAR THE TRAM. USE TOKEN IN TRAM - (Mellisa and Leslie) - (either one should now use the cashcard in the Monolith to get a token, then enter the Hostel, use token on metal plate, enter room and pick up the fuse) - PUT MELISSA AND LESLIE IN SHUTTLE BUG - USE FUSE IN GLOVE COMPARTMENT - CLOSE DOOR - USE CONTROLS - (if low on air, use the oxygen valve before doing the above. Actually, it doesn't matter if the Coeds die or get stuck on Mars, for the ending doesn't vary, even the epilogue that tells what happened to them!) - SWITCH TO ANNIE. CAIRO: EGYPTIAN PYRAMID, TELEPORT ROOM (ZAK/ANNIE). BRING ANNIE TO ZAK - (across Desert and into Pyramid Door) - PULL LEVER - (Annie) - SWITCH TO ZAK - USE CRYSTALABRA WITH BLUE CRYSTAL - USE CRYSTALABRA WITH WHITE CRYSTAL - USE CRYSTALABRA WITH YELLOW CRYSTAL - TURN ON SWITCH - (right one) - SWITCH TO ANNIE - TURN ON SWITCH - (left one)........and if all has gone well, that's it!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * R I N G S O F Z I L F I N (Strategic Simulations) COMBAT, MAGIC & MONEY. To defeat K-Plants and other tough monsters, especially early in the game, use one purlet and one parzin for each creature. When possible, do so prior to entering the location. After visiting the Castle and a Witch in a Realm, buy a better sword. To develop Strength, use prihny powder at the Witch's hut and drink until you attain the current maximum level. By visiting each Wizard you will learn more magic spells. Carry at least ten bows and five hundred arrows when crossing into another Realm. Locations of some healing pools are pointed out to assist in the early stages. DELORIA Telbiz to Ziad: Collecting Gems and Mushrooms. Fight worshippers in the Temple and look to get a gem. Exit town and give five gold to beggar. Go SOUTH to Ziad, gathering mushrooms. After defeating the goblins, move to the pool by pressing the cursor key and drink. Then continue into Ziad, exit and save. Go NORTH to Telbiz, collecting more mushrooms. Repeat this cycle, selling gems when you're low on food, until you have eleven gems. On the Road to Perimon. Sell all your gems, buy eight tobacco, leave town and go WEST. Use two purlets and two parzins right after leaving town. Slay the K-Plants and continue WEST to Perimon. Drink from the second pool. Sell the tobacco and buy ninety-nine toys. Return to Telbiz and sell the toys. Repeat this until you have nine thousand gold, the maximum. (You'll need at least four purlets and four parzins for each trip). Then buy ten prihny, several hundred spice and go SOUTH. Ziad and Tol-Bin. Buy heavy armour and more bows and arrows in Ziad. Go to Tol-Bin and buy five Elfish boots. If you have enough gold, visit the healer to boost your points. EAST, EAST (Pool two is good), NORTHEAST. Fight in Shaktir's temple to get chewba. EAST. Enter Castle Durheim for clues and to increase sword skill. On the way through Shaktir, win another chewba. (You'll need four for the end game). Go to Finduk and visit the witch. Tumriz and the Road to Begonia. Give ten gold to beggar. (Meet wizard and learn magic). Buy more arrows and bows, then go to Telbiz and buy lots of spice to sell in Northern Begonia. Go to Finduk and talk until a dwarf takes you to Begonia. BEGONIA South Tivern. Talk. Say HAMSHERY. Go to Tar-Im to buy a riddle book and win chewba in the temple. Also get ten prihny powder and more boots if you're out. Enter Castle Razag to boost sword skill, then go to Maerdom and see the witch. Intersection, South Demion and Derymin. Say JILBO (at Intersection). WEST. Give ten gold to beggar in Llorim to visit wizard. In South Demion, talk and say KARUN. Go to Derymin, buy a key and two torches. Enter the first house, win the battle and look to find the nukh. Keep it. (If you get more, sell them). North Demion's Strange Door and Zaradrim's Temple. Say MAYFOON. Say BI-THAR. Say HAZMEDY. Go through tunnel. Go to Faerlot and buy pearl. At Temple of Zaradrim: Say BELIRR, Say ONUMDA, Say DERHALL. Offer pearl. Behind the temple, wait until sun vanishes and use seed to get staff. Dark Tower. Say DEM, Say OGANDUR, Say SHEM. Enter Dark Tower. Locate King Rolan's cell (on the fourth floor) and get amulet. (Use nukh to escape when locked in a room). To Sumeria. Go to Karadum and talk until a dwarf takes you there. Northeast of Ahbap Desert, Shakamin and South Metsny. Say DALIN. NORTHWEST. NORTHWEST. Enter Castle Rimline. Go to Shakamin and buy cookie and two torches. Give ten gold to beggar and visit wizard. Go to Waylong and visit witch. Say CANO in South Metsny. Buy rope in Zax and win another chewba if you don't have four. Shimerr, Safina and the Bogum. Offer cookie to sea serpent. Buy elixir (need 1,000 gold). Go to The Well and use rope. Enter tunnel. Use flute (twice). Offer harp. (You need maximum endurance and fatigue points, plus as many mushrooms as you can find to survive the end game). Go to Sharkynn Heights and use horn. Use cloak. Go to Castle Graz. Offer chewba four times. Enter Castle Graz. Castle Graz. Locate Lord Dragos - on the Fourth Floor - and drink elixir. Say SUBMIT. Say THY. Say RING. Say YOKKOL. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Z O R K I (Infocom) So, you're all set for The Great Underground Empire, eh? Okay, but before we begin, a few words about this walkthrough. First, this is not the only way to solve the game. It's just one of the faster ones. Second, because there is no "wasted motion" in this game, you will not be visiting all the locations. So, you might want to play around with the game on your own for a while, mapping out as much as you can, without much regard for gathering treasures. Actually, mapping is a good idea, since, if you make a misstep somewhere, you might find yourself in trouble! Be especially careful to follow the directions when in the mazes; a wrong move there, and you could be lost for quite some time! Finally, you may not go through this in exactly the way it's written because of the thief. He is a variable item in the game; you never know where he will show up. Try to move out of the room he's in as soon as he shows up. But keep in mind that even if he does steal anything from you, you will get it all back from him in the end. Okay? Let's start the adventure! You begin West of the house, and your first chore is to get inside. So, go South and East. Open the window and enter the house (you're in the kitchen), then go West into the living room. Get the lamp, then move the rug, revealing the trap door. Open the trap door, turn on the lamp, and go down. At this point, some mysterious person will shut the door on you; don't worry about that for now. Okay, so here you are in the cellar. It's time to pick up your first treasure, so go South, then East to the Gallery. Get the painting, then continue North to the Studio. Go up the chimney (you can only fit with the lamp and the painting), and you will be in the kitchen again. Now, go upstairs to the attic, and get the knife and rope. Come back down and go into the living room. Open the case and put the painting inside. Then, drop the knife and get the sword. Open the trap door again, and return to the cellar. Again, the door is shut by someone (you never will find out who's doing this, but it doesn't matter). Now you're back in the cellar, and since we're coming to one of the more dangerous parts of the game, you might want to do a save here. Gripping your trusty sword, head North into the Troll room. There's a nasty troll here with a bloody axe, and the only way past is to kill him. So, do just that: "Kill Troll With Sword." It will most likely take more than one attempt, so keep at it, and eventually he will disappear in a cloud of black smoke. Now, drop the sword, because you really don't need it any more, and it will hinder you in carrying other, more important items. Having despatched the troll, you move along East, East (into the Round room), then SE and East. You are now in the Dome room. It's a long way down, and too far to jump, so here's where the rope comes in handy. Tie the rope to the railing, then climb down the rope. You will be in the Torch room. Leave the torch for now; you'll be coming back this way again later. From the Torch room, go South, then East and get the coffin. Return West, then continue South to the Altar. There's no way you're going to get down that hole with the coffin, and even the program will tell you that you haven't got a prayer. That's a hint, folks: Just "Pray," and you will find yourself in the forest again. Since it's daylight out, save energy and turn off the lamp. Now, head along South, then North (I know, but it works!) to the clearing, then East to the Canyon View. Climb all the way down to the bottom, then go North to Rainbow's End. Drop the coffin and open it. Inside is a jewelled sceptre. Get that, and wave it. The rainbow will become solid (you'll need to cross over from the other side later). Now, "Look." You should see a pot of gold. Get that, and the coffin. After that, go SW, then all the way back up to Canyon View. From there, it's NW to the clearing, and then West to the window. Once in the kitchen, open the bag and get the garlic (nothing else, just the garlic). Go on into the living room, and put your treasures in the case. Now, sit down and take a breather, because you're about to do a lot of travelling! Once again, open the trap door, turn on the lamp, and go down. Watch carefully, and you will notice that this time, the door doesn't close! Whoever was doing it before must have gotten bored. Anyway, you're on your way to the dam, so move along North, East, North, NE, and East. You are now on top of the dam. From there, go North to the Lobby. Pick up the matches, then go either North or East (doesn't matter) into the Maintenance room. Get the wrench and the screwdriver, then push the yellow button. Now, return to the dam, and you will see that the green bubble is lit. Turn the bolt with the wrench, then drop the wrench. You have opened the dam, and you will be coming back this way again to reap the fruits of your labours. However, right now, you're on your way to Hades, so let's get going! Go South, then down into the Loud room. Leave the platinum bar for now; you'll get it later. Head West into the Round room, then SE and East (hmmmm, haven't you been here before?). Again, climb down the rope. This time, get the torch. At this point, you can turn off your lamp; the torch will provide light so long as you have it. Now, continue straight South, getting the bell, then the book and candles from the altar. Go down the hole to the cave, then down again to the entrance to Hades. Your candles will have blown out by this time, but don't worry about it. Okay, here's where you have to be careful. First, ring the bell. It will become red hot and you will drop it. You will also drop the candles. Stay calm, and do the following, all in one command: Get the candles, light match, light candles with match (necessary, because of the torch, and DON'T use the torch, or you'll vapourise the candles!). Okay, strange things happened when you lit the candles, now read the book. Whew! The demons have been exorcised! Drop the book, then go South and get the crystal skull. Now, back North, then up to the cave, then North to the Mirror room. By the way, better put out the candles. Rub the mirror, and you will now be in another Mirror room (this one is North of the dam, as the other one is South). Now, go North, then West, then North, then West into the Squeaky room (well, I told you you'd be doing a lot of travelling this time!). Make sure you have the garlic with you, then go North into the Bat room. So long as you have the garlic, he won't bother you. There is a jade figurine here, but leave it for now. You'll pick it up on your way out. Go East to the Shaft room. Put the torch into the basket, then turn on your lamp and head North to the Smelly room, then down to the Gas Room (best not to carry any open flames here!). Now, you are about to enter a small maze, so follow these directions CAREFULLY! East, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, down, and you should be at the top of the ladder (if you aren't, may God have mercy on your soul!). From there, go down to the Ladder Bottom, and then South to the Dead End for the coal. Get that, then return to the ladder top. From there, go up, North, East, South, North, and you will be back in the Gas room. Go up, then South to the Shaft room again. Put the coal in the basket, and lower the basket. Now, guess what? You have to go back through the coal mine again! So, make your way to the Ladder Bottom, but this time, go West to the Timber room. Ignore the broken timber (not useful for anything), and drop all but the screwdriver. Now, you can squeeze through the crack to the West. And here you are in the Drafty Room, which is also at the bottom of the shaft. There's the basket, so get the coal and the torch, and move South into the Machine room. Open the lid, put the coal in the machine, close the lid, and turn the switch with the screwdriver. Drop the screwdriver, open the lid, and get the diamond (well, no one ever said Zork was an EASY game!). Now, go back North, and put the torch and the diamond in the basket. Squeeze back East into the Timber room. Get the skull, lamp, and garlic. You won't be needing the matches and the candles any more, so you can leave them. (They were insurance in case the thief came along and stole the torch before you could get the diamond). Now, head East again to the Ladder Bottom, and from there up and through the coal mine (you know the way now!), to the Gas room. Pick up the bracelet, then continue on up and South to the Shaft room. Get the torch and the diamond from the basket, turn off the lamp, then go West into the Bat room. Get the jade, then go South, East, South to the Slide room. Now, here's a fast way back to the cellar: Just go down the slide! Wheeeee! Then it's up to the living room (remember, the trap door is open now), and all the treasures go into the case. Huff! Puff! Bet you didn't know you'd be doing THIS much running around! But, don't get too relaxed, there's still plenty more to come!!). Turn on the lamp, and return to the cellar. From there, it's North (ah, deja vu!), then East, North, NE to Reservoir South. Now that the sluice gates are open, you can head North, picking up the trunk of jewels, North again to Reservoir North, getting the air pump, and North one more time, getting the crystal trident. After that, go all the way back South again to Reservoir South, then East to the dam, and then East once more to the Dam Base. Here you find a little pile of folded plastic; guess what it is? Right, it's an inflatable boat! So, inflate it with the pump, then drop the pump, then get inside the boat, say "Launch," and you're floating off along the Frigid River. Now, just keep waiting until you see the buoy. Get that, then "East" to the beach. Get out of the boat, then get the shovel and move on to the Sandy Cave to the NE. You might want to save the game at this point, since you have to dig here until the scarab turns up, and I'm sure you don't want to get buried alive (it's been known to happen!). Okay, drop the shovel and get the scarab, then go back SW. Drop the buoy and open it; inside is an emerald. Get that, then continue South to the Aragain Falls. Here you can cross the rainbow (so do that!), which brings you to the End of The Rainbow. Turn off the lamp, then go SW to the Canyon Bottom. From there, make your way back to the living room, and put all the treasures in the case. Your collection is quite impressive by now, but you aren't finished yet. Go East twice, then North twice. Climb up the tree and get the egg. Climb down again, and go South, East, and back to the living room. However, this time, you don't put the treasure in the case. Turn on the lamp, and go down (once again!) into the cellar, and North to the Troll room. Now, you are about to enter a maze, so follow the directions very carefully! West (this brings you into the maze), South, East, up, and you find several items here. Take only the coins and the key, and be careful not to touch the skeleton! From here, go SW, East, South, SE, and you will be in the Cyclops room. The Cyclops is not friendly, but you can deal with him effortlessly: Just type in "Ulysses" (or "Odysseus," if you prefer). Old One-Eye will tear out of there right through the wall! In fact, he will create a passage eastward from that room right into the living room! However, you don't want to go that way yet! Instead, go upstairs, and you will be in the Treasure Room, the thief's secret lair. Now, give him the egg, and go back downstairs, then East to the living room. Deposit the coins in the case, then get the knife (the thief needs a little time to open the egg). Okay, go back West to the Cyclops room. Again, at this point, saving is recommended; the thief will not be easy to kill! So, head upstairs and use the nasty knife to kill the thief. Once he's dead, all treasures in the room will be visible. This includes the egg, a silver chalice, and anything he may have stolen from you before. Get everything, then follow these directions: Down, NW, South, West, up, down, NE, and you will be in the Grating Room. Unlock and open the grate (watch out for falling leaves!), then go up. You will be in a clearing. From there, go South and climb the tree again. Wind up the canary that's inside the egg. A songbird will come by and drop a bauble for you. Climb down again and get the bauble, then return to the living room. Put all the treasures in the case, making sure you REMOVE THE CANARY from the egg and put it in the case separately! You're almost finished! Just one more trip to make! Now, for the last time, enter the cellar and go North. From the Troll Room, go East until you come again to the Loud Room. Type in: "Echo," and you will now be able to get the bar. So, grab it and return to the living room. Once you place it in the case, you will get a message. Follow the advice of that message, and you will get a map. Take that, and return to the place where this all started, the mailbox West of the house. You should have no trouble getting to the barrow from there. Of course, once you enter the barrow.... You didn't really think it would end there, did you? Not when there's still Zork II and Zork III waiting for you up ahead! Ah, but it's too late; you can't turn back now! You'll just have to grit your teeth and follow through to the end (with a little help, of course). See you in Zork II! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ZORK III (Infocom) Well, you've come a long way since you first stood by the mailbox outside the house in the forest. You've defeated the thief, outwitted the Wizard of Frobozz, and now, you stand at the foot of the endless stairs, ready to embark on the final part of your journey. So, pick up the lamp, turn it on, and head along due South until you come to the shore of the lake. Drop the lamp , and jump into the lake. Brrrr!!! Pretty cold! So, don't stay in there long; swim west and then go South into the Scenic Vista. Kind of a strange place, with changing numbers on the wall and a bare table...not quite all that scenic, eh? Well, get the torch, and wait for the number to change to "II." Then, touch the table. My oh my! You're in a room from Zork II....Room 8, as a matter of fact. However, you don't have much time to sight-see, so get the can of Grue repellant, then try moving East, and you will find yourself back in Scenic Vista again. Now wait for the number to change to "III," then touch the table again. This time, you're in a Damp Passage. Drop the torch, and just wait there until you're pulled back to Scenic Vista. Okay, you're finished here, so move along North to the shore, and again jump in the lake. Splash! It hasn't gotten any warmer; in fact, you just dropped the can of repellant. So, go Down, and you will be on the lake bottom. Ah, there it is! But, could there be something else there, too? "Get all," and you will have not only the repellant but also an amulet. This is one of those "wonderful" variable things; it may take more than one try on your part to get both items. In the meantime, you can't stay in the icy waters too long, and sooner or later a hungry fish will come looking for you. Therefore, it's best to save the game before you jump in from the Western Shore. So if you die in the water, or get eaten by the fish, or picked up by the Roc , you don't have to start all the way back at the beginning. By the way, this is the only one of the Zorks where you don't lose points if you die. But, all the items you've collected so far get scattered all around, and it's time-consuming to go look for them. Okay, now you have the can and the amulet, so head Up to the surface, then South to the Southern shore. You can see a cave to the South, and it looks kind of dark. In fact, it *is* dark in there, which is why you have the repellant. So, spray the smelly stuff on yourself, and go South, and you will find yourself in a Dark Place. Go South again, then East, and you will be in the key room. Whew! At least there's some light in here! And by the light you can see a strange key. Get the key, then move the manhole cover and go down. And here you are on an aqueduct. Since you can't go back , you might as well go forward. So, just head along North and you will come to the Water Slide. Go North down the slide, and guess where you are? In the Damp Passage! And there's the torch, so pick it up, because you're certainly going to need a light source...especially when you think of where you're going next. So, from the Damp Passage hike along West to the Junction , then South into Creepy Crawl, and Southwest into the Shadow Land. Here we come to another variable portion of the game. You will have to wander around in the Shadow Land until a cloaked and hooded figure appears. When that happens, the sword will suddenly materialize in your hand, and you will be able to fight. However, since there's no way of telling when that will happen, you just have to keep moving around until it does. At least you will get a chance to practice some elementary map-making! Also, this is the most dangerous part of the game, as the figure is quite capable of killing you, too! So, best to save before you enter Shadow Land. When the mysterious figure finally appears, attack him with your sword until he is badly wounded and cannot defend himself. At that point, get his hood. The figure will then disappear, leaving the cloak behind. Get that also. Now, you have to get out of here, and I can't tell you exactly how, since there's no way of knowing exactly where you were when the fight started. However, if you go Eastwards, you will exit the Shadow Land at either the Creepy Crawl or the Foggy Room. From either place, go North to the Junction. From the Junction, it's West through the Barren Area, and West again to the Cliff. Bet you just can't wait to climb down the rope, huh? Well, pick up the bread first, then go down to the ledge. Well, well, a chest! Too bad you don't have a key to open it. In fact, there's no way for you to open it at all. But don't despair, there's a way of doing it. Just wait around and someone will come along the top of the cliff. You may not really trust him, but tie the rope to the chest when he asks, and wait around some more. Eventually, he will return and help you back up the cliff. He will also give you a staff, which is what you're really after here. Take the staff, then go back down to the ledge, and from there, to the Cliff Base. Now trek South to the Flathead Ocean, and do a little more waiting. Sooner or later a ship will come floating by. As soon as you see it, say: "Hello, Sailor." The man in the ship will throw something onto the beach for you. Take a look, and you will see it's a vial. It'll come in handy later, so pick it up. Now comes the fun part: You have to wait for the earthquake . While you're waiting, you might want to wander around a little, although you've been to most of the accessible places by now. In any case, wherever you are, once the earthquake hits, make your way to the Creepy Crawl, and from there East into the Tight Squeeze, then East again into the Crystal Grotto. Then all the way South to the Great Door, and East into the Museum Entrance. Now, open the East door, then go North into the Museum. Look at the gold machine , then set the dial to 776. Here comes the fun part: Push the machine South into the Entrance, then East into the Jewel Room. Get into the machine, and push the button. Aha! Now you're back in 776 GUE, but the time machine seems to have vanished! No matter, wait for the guards to leave, then get the ring , then open the door, go out into the Entrance, open the North door and go North. By golly, the machine is right there! Put the ring under the seat, turn the dial to 948, get in, and push the button. Whew, you're back in the right time period again. Get out of the machine, look under the seat , then back South, and South again, to the Royal Puzzle. Okay folks, you are about to enter the absolute nastiest part of the game. You must follow the instructions *EXACTLY* as given, or you will never get out. And, since it would be easy to make a mistake here, I strongly recommend you save the game. 1. Go Down the hole, then push the South wall. Then go East, South, East, East. Push the South wall, get the book, and push the South wall again. 2. Push the West wall twice. Then go East, South, and push the East wall. 3. Now, go straight North until you come to the marble wall, and push the East wall. 4. Now, go West, South, South, South, South, East, East, North, North, North, and push the West wall. 5. From there, go East, South, South, South, West, West, West, West, North, North, North, West, North. Push the East wall three times. 6. Now, West, West, South, South, East, East, South, and push the East wall. 7. Okay, now West, West, West, North, North, North, East, East, and push the South wall two times. 8. From there, West, South, South, East, East, North, and push the West wall two times. 9. Now, South, West, and push the North wall until it won't move any more. 10. Then West and North. Finally! You have maneuvered the ladder under the hole , and now you can just go up and out! WHEW!!!! Okay, you've solved the Royal Puzzle and you have the book, so go North to the Museum Entrance, then open the East door and get your other stuff from the Jewel Room. Then it's back West to the Great Door, and from there back to the Junction. Now, East into the Damp Passage, and NE to the Engravings Room. Well, we have here yet another of those variable events: Sooner or later, an old man will be sleeping here. If he isn't there the first time you arrive, walk around a little and return. When you finally do see him, wake him up and give him the bread. He will eat it and then make visible to you a secret door. He will then vanish. Okay, you're getting closer to the end! Open the door, and go into the Button Room, then North to the Beam Room. Put the sword in the beam, then go back to the Button Room and push the button. Now, back North to the Beam Room and North again into the Mirror Room. There will be an opening in the Mirror, so go North one more time, and you will be inside. Now, don't let the long and complicated descriptions scare you! It's not really as bad as you think . First, raise the short pole. Then, push the white panel twice. Now, push the pine panel, and go North. Okay, so here you are, standing a little too close for comfort to the Guardians of Zork. If I were you, I wouldn't try going past them quite yet! Open the vial, then drink the liquid. While nothing seems to have happened, you have in fact become invisible. Now you can walk North until you come to the locked door. Knock on the door, and the Dungeon Master will open it and let you in. All right, hang in there, you have reached the end game! Go North, then West, then North again. The DM will be following you. Go North to the Parapet, set the dial to 4, and push the button. Now, go South, open the cell door, and step inside. The DM will not follow you in. Once inside, you will notice a bronze door in one of the walls. However, you can't open it yet! Something else has to be done. And it will have to be done by someone else. So, first tell the DM to go to the Parapet. Then tell him to turn the dial to 1, and then tell him to push the button. All right!! The magic moment has arrived! Unlock the bronze door with the key, open the door, and go South! Finally, Zork is finished! You have survived all the perils, pitfalls, and puzzles, and now, YOU are the new Dungeon Master. Have fun! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ZORK II (Infocom) So, back for more, eh? Zork I wasn't enough...or did you get hooked? No matter, it's almost time to get started. However, first a few words of advice. The Wizard of Frobozz is a lot more troublesome than the thief ever was. This is due to his spell-casting abilities. Therefore, frequent saving of the game is recommended! Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot of time waiting for some spells to wear off. Okay, let's go! Get the sword and lamp, and move along South, South, South, SW to the Shallow Ford. At this point, turn on your lamp, then continue South, SE to the North End of Garden. Enter the Gazebo, and get all items on the table. Then "Exit Gazebo," and go N, NE to the Shallow Ford and fill the teapot with water. Now, head South, SW, SW, and you will be in the Carousel Room. This is a wonderful place that spins you around, so you can't be sure that you're going in the direction you specify. Fun, huh? The thing to do here is keep moving around until you get to the Riddle Room. That room is actually SE of the Carousel Room, but you aren't likely to get there by typing SE, at least not for a while. So, every time you move, and find yourself somewhere else besides the Riddle Room, you will have to return to the Carousel Room and try again. Also, before you start moving around, drop everything but the teapot and the lamp; you'll pick up the things again as you need them. These are the directions from the various other rooms to the Carousel Room: Marble Hall - South Path Near Stream - Southwest Topiary - West Menhir Room - North Cobwebby Corridor - Northeast Cool Room - Southeast All right, you've finally made it to the Riddle Room. Now, all you have to do is answer the riddle! Actually, it's a fairly simple riddle; just enter: Say "A Well," and you will be able to move on to the East, which is the Pearl Room. Leave the necklace for now, and continue East into the Circular Room. There is a large bucket here, just big enough for you to enter, so do that. Then pour water into the bucket, and it will rise to the top of the well. Get out of the bucket, then go East into the Tea Room, and get all cakes except the orange one. Eat the green cake, and you will shrink down. Now, go East into the Pool Room, and throw the red cake into the pool of tears. The water will be soaked up, and you can get the package of candies. Forget about the flask; there is no use for it. Return West to the Posts Room, and eat the blue cake. Presto! You are returned to normal size. Stretch a little, then head NW into the Low Room. Aha, there's a robot here. Tell the robot to "Go E," then go that way yourself, and you will both be in the Machine Room. I wouldn't be surprised if the controls to the Carousel room were here! Tell the robot to "Push Triangular." There will be a thud in the distance (something fell), and the Carousel Room is now off. Tell the robot to go South, and do likewise. You are now in a Dingy Closet, and a red sphere sits invitingly just beyond your grasp. Try getting it, and a steel cage will come down over you (uh oh!). Not to worry, however! Once the cage is down, just tell the robot (even though you can't see him) to "Lift Cage." Once that's done, you will be able to get the sphere. Now, getting back to the bucket may be a problem of sorts; pushing the button has caused strange things to happen in the Low Room. So, after going North and West from the closet into the Low Room, you may have a problem when trying to go SE back to the Tea Room. Keep trying however, and you'll get there sooner or later. Then, go West from the Tea Room, enter the bucket, get the water, and the bucket will descend again. Get out, drop the Teapot, head West, pick up the necklace, then West again and NW to the Carousel Room. There is a box here (the thud you heard before). Open it, and inside is a violin. You don't need to take it now, so just leave it here for the time being. Drop the sphere, necklace and candy, then get the sword, place mat and letter opener. Move North to the Marble Hall, picking up the brick, then continue North until you come to the Ledge in Ravine. Go up to the Tiny Room, which has a locked door. Slide the mat under the door, then move the lid and insert the opener in the keyhole. Remove the opener, then pull the mat and get the key. Now, unlock and open the door and go North into the Dreary Room. Drop the key and opener, and get the blue sphere. Now, it's South and Down to the ledge, then West and North into the Dragon Room (what would an adventure game be without a dragon?). He's not one of your nicer dragons, so be careful here. Hit him with the sword, then move South. He will follow you. Hit him a second time, and move South again. He's still following you, and you're almost where you want to be. Whack the scaly nuisance one more time, and head West into the Ice Room. Okay, the dragon follows you in, gets silly over his reflection in the glacier, and proceeds to get himself drowned. You can drop the sword now, since you won't be needing it anymore. As his body washes away, go East and SE to the Carousel Room, then SW to the Cobwebby Room. Get the string, then go back NE and pick up the newspaper and the matches. Now move along NW, West, and West again into the Lava Room. Leave the ruby for now, and continue on Southward to the Volcano Bottom. Aha, look what's here....a hot air balloon! All you need is a way to get it inflated, and you just happen to have the means to do that. Get into the basket, then open the receptacle and put the newspaper inside. Light a match, then light the newspaper with the match. Make sure you keep the receptacle open! Now, just wait until the balloon rises to the Narrow Ledge, then "Land". Tie the wire to the hook and get out of the basket. On the ledge is a gold coin. Pick that up and head South into the Library. Get the purple book, open it, get the stamp, then drop the book. You can ignore the other books; they are all worthless. Now, back North and into the basket again. Untie the wire, and wait until the balloon rises to the Wide Ledge. Again, "Land" and tie the wire to the hook. Get out and go South. Now, it's time for a few thrills. Put the string in the brick, then put the brick in the hole in the box. Now light a match, then light the string. Now, head North IMMEDIATELY. There will be an explosion, then you can safely go back and get the crown. But don't dawdle; once you have it, get back to the basket pronto! The explosion weakened the ledge, and it won't hold much longer. So, get in, untie the wire, close the receptacle, and wait until the balloon lands at the Volcano Bottom. Well, you seem to be doing almost as much travelling around as in Zork I, and you aren't finished yet, not by a long shot! Go North, get the ruby, then East twice and SE to (yet again!) the Carousel Room. Drop off everything but the lamp, then go NW, North, North, West, and West again, and you should now be at the entrance to the bank. The bank is tricky, so follow directions carefully here. Go NE, then East into the Safety Depository, then South into the office and pick up the portrait, and back North again. Now, "Enter Light," and you will be in a small room. At this point "Enter South Wall," and you will be in the Depository again. "Enter Light" a second time, and you will find yourself in the vault, with a pile of bills in front of you. Get the bills, then "Enter North Wall," and once more you are in the Depository. Now, drop the bills and portrait, and go East to the East Tellers Room. Go East again to the Depository, pick up the goodies, and "Enter Light." This time, you are in the East Viewing Room. From there, go South and you will be at the bank entrance. You have robbed the bank, and kept the alarms silent. Okay, head along East until you reach the Dragon Room, then North to the Dragon's Lair. Leave the chest for now; instead, say "Hello Princess," and wait until she leaves. Follow her, and continue to follow her until you are both in the Gazebo, then wait. The unicorn will appear, and the princess will give you the key from around its neck, and also a rose. You can drop the rose; it has no use in the game. Well, you're getting closer to the end-game, but there are still a few things left to do. Exit the Gazebo, then move South, West, SW. Drop off some of the treasures, then go back NW, North, North, North to the Lair again. Open the chest and get the statuette, then return to the Carousel Room. From there, due South to the stairway. This is a good place to save the game, as you are about to enter one of the nastier mazes around. Go down the stairs, and you will be in the Oddly-Angled Room. Things are not always as they seem here, and the exact direction to go at this point is not constant. Try East first, and if you can't go that way, then try West. Either way, you should find a club. Get the club, and from that point, go SE, NE, NW, SW. Watch the room descriptions carefully as you do this; the little diamonds on the floor should get brighter with each move you make (you are actually "running the bases" here). If they are not doing this, restore the game and try again. When you have done it successfully, there will be a noise in the distance. Now, you should try to go either North or South (that varies also). If one way doesn't work, try the other, and if neither works, try East or West. There will be a staircase going down, but you don't want to do that yet, so go Up instead, and head North until you are back in the Carousel Room. Get the blue and red spheres and the candy. Drop a few things if you have to, but hang on to the club! Now, SW twice, and you are in the Guarded Room, with a lizard head in the doorway. Give the candy to the lizard, then unlock the door with the gold key. Open the door and go South, then West twice into the Aquarium. Throw the club at the aquarium, then get the clear sphere. Go East into the Wizard's Workroom. Put each sphere on the stand of the same colour, then get the black sphere that appears, and go South into the Pentagram Room. Put the sphere on the circle, and the Demon will appear. You must give him ALL the treasures you have collected, as well as the gold key. This will mean at least one more trip to and from the Carousel Room to get all the stuff. When you have given everything to the demon, tell the demon, "Give Me The Wand," and he will take the wand from the Wizard and give it to you. Now, you're almost finished! Go North, East, North, North, NE, South, and you are in the Menhir Room. You need to get the Menhir out of the way for a little while, so do this: Wave the wand at the Menhir and say, "Float." The Menhir will rise up, allowing you to go SW into the kennel and get the collar. After that, go NE, then South, then Down, and Down again into the Cerberus Room. Cerberus is no problem; just put the collar on him. Now, go East, then South, and you are in the Crypt. Turn off the lamp, and you will notice a secret door in the south wall. Open the door and go South, and you will be on the Landing. The game is over!! Or is it? After all, there's still Zork III up ahead! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *