4NNNNNoۥp NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEO /@`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIS@UY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{}` @ `  @ ` @ ` @ ` ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !A!!#A%a')/135a79=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!A!Aoǁ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$MOO /@`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIS@UY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{}` @ `  @ ` @ ` @ ` ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !A!!#A%a')/135a79=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!A!Aoǁ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$MOA365 PALETTE ͺBIGMON MBUTTNFIX PCVIEWER VFORMDOIT R "RBASE F+ST_TERM qLEES DIT #Q `NKESKTOP INF QEAD_1STINF R. .. LEES_MIJ ϺPALETTE DOC Һ(PALETTE LIS ֺPALETTE PRG ຺H. PALETTE2PRG 㺺K8************************************************************************** * * * Op deze disk staat de public-domain kleuren-emulator PALETTE V1.3 * * * * Dit programma en bijbehorende dokumentatie is volledig Public-Domain. * * Het mag uitsluitend ongewijzigd tegen media-kosten worden verspreid. * * * ************************************************************************** PALETTE V01R03 COLOR-EMULATOR FOR ATARI ST AND THE SM124 HIGH-RES MONITOR Een bewerking van "Farblos dargestellt" van Christian Gandler uit C't 0489 Het programma wordt kompleet met handleiding en assembler-listing geleverd, tevens zijn enkele eenvoudige PD kleurenprogramma's op de disk aanwezig. Files in folders A:\AUTO en A:\PALETTE : - PALETTE.PRG Start op vanuit de AUTO-folder en aapt MedRes en LowRes (kleur) graphics na op een zwart-wit (HiRes) monitor. Laat na het starten van de emulator de systeemdisk wisselen zodat een nieuwe disk (incl. AUTO-folder programma's) vanuit de emulator geboot kan worden. - PALETTE2.PRG Speciale versie zonder start-scherm, wacht de disk-wissel niet af, maar start de gebootte disk automatisch door. (AUTO folder volgende programma en DESKTOP.INF) - PALETTE.DOC De handleiding en programma-beschrijving - PALETTE.LIS 68000 assembler-listing van PALETTE.PRG voor de echte liefhebber (Wel bij het afdrukken de printer even op 'condenced' zetten) Bekende problemen: Alle programma's welke het beeldscherm niet 'netjes' via systeemroutines aanspreken, maar smerige trucjes gebruiken, werken niet onder de emulator. Het programma werkt goed onder TOS 1.0 en 1.2, onder TOS 1.4 wordt na de diskwissel het eerste programma uit de AUTO folder overgeslagen. Verder kan het programma (soms) niet goed tegen het gekleurde Atari logo uit de (rainbow) TOS 1.4 Desktop Info. Veel plezier ermee ... Geert van der Meer De twee gebroeders 96 9207 CH Drachten PALETTE V01R03 COLOR-EMULATOR FOR ATARI ST AND THE SM124 HIGH-RES MONITOR Een bewerking van "Farblos dargestellt" van Christian Gandler uit C't 0489 door Geert van der Meer. Inleiding --------- Erger je jezelf regelmatig aan foutmeldingen zoals: "Dit programma loopt niet in HiRes" ? Wil je zelf software op de wereld zetten die ook op een kleuren-monitor loopt, maar heb je geen geschikt scherm dit te testen ? Is in de auto niet genoeg ruimte voor twee monitoren, ST en je familie als je op vakantie gaat ? Dan heb je een kleuren-monitor nodig in diskette-formaat, EEN EMULATOR ! Met het programma PALETTE gedraagt de Atari ST met SM124 zich alsof er een kleuren-monitor op is aangesloten. Dat wil zeggen dat kleuren-programma's die netjes zijn geprogrammeerd en geen vieze trucjes met het beeldscherm uithalen, daarmee ook op een zwart-wit monitor lopen. De bonte kleuren verschijnen op het scherm als grijstinten (Shades of Gray, Graustufen) Dit werkt zowel in LowRes als in MedRes op een HiRes full-screen ! Gebruik van de emulator ----------------------- De emulator wordt gestart vanuit de AUTO-folder, geeft een startmelding en wacht op een toets om je in de gelegenheid te stellen de diskette te wisselen. Op de nieuwe diskette wordt ook de AUTO-folder weer doorlopen en DESKTOP.INF geladen. Default wordt in de laagste resolutie gestart. De middelste resolutie wordt verkregen via "SET PREFERENCES". Met de Shift-toetsen in combinatie met ALt/Help zijn verschillende emulatie modes in te stellen: In LowRes kan de uitvoer "full-screen" maar vrij traag, maar ook als een 320x200 pixels groot maar snel miniatuur scherm plaatsvinden. Default is het grote scherm aktief, het mini-screen wordt via een toetsen- combinatie geactiveerd. Ook andere instellingen beinvloeden de uitvoer en het kleurenpalet. In "knippermode" schakelt het programma na iedere schermverversing over op de volgende "kleur", zodat het gehele palet achterelkaar zichtbaar wordt gemaakt. Dit kan ook manuaal worden gedaan. In "full-screen" kan de beeldinhoud worden geinverteerd wat de aanblik vaak een stuk fraaier maakt. Overzicht mogelijke instellingen -------------------------------- Omschakelen: Alt/Help met: Full/Mini-screen (LowRes) beide Shifts Beeld pos./negatief rechter Shift Knippermode aan/uit (mini) linker Shift 4/5/8 beelden/sec. (full-lr) zonder Shift Kleur verzetten (mini-lr) zonder Shift LowRes/MidRes kiezen via Set Preferences Werking van het programma ------------------------- Om kleurenprogramma's om de tuin te leiden zet de emulator de systeem- variabele met de beeldschermresolutie op "low" en leidt de beeldscherm uitvoer in het geheugen om. Uit het kleurengeheugen worden de grijstinten berekend en op het "echte" beeldscherm zichtbaar gemaakt. Als programma's via system-calls iets over het beeldscherm willen weten mogen ze natuurlijk geen verkeerde informatie ontvangen. Daarom is het nodig een aantal system-calls te vervangen door eigen routines welke zichzelf in het systeem moeten nestelen. - In de System-Timer-Routine, om de conversie van kleuren naar grijstinten op de achtergrond te laten plaatsvinden. - In de XBIOS, om de functies 2 PHYSBASE, 3 GETREZ en 5 SETSCREEN door eigen routines te vervangen welke de juiste informatie met programma's uitwisselen. - In de routine die bij het Alt/Help drukken wordt uitgevoerd, (normaal screendump op printer) om de emulator instellingen uit te voeren. De installatie-procedure plaatst de conversie-routines zo in het bovenste deel van het geheugen dat ze niet door andere programma's worden over- schreven. Daarbij wordt door de systeemvariabele RAMTOP te veranderen ongeveer 65K (voor het programma en twee 32000 bytes grote schermbuffers) van het geheugen afgesnoept. Om deze duistere praktijken voor TOS verborgen te houden volgt een warme start van de ST. Deze laadt de emulator nogmaals in het geheugen, maar herkent aan de gewijzigde RAMTOP de situatie en voert het tweede deel van de installatie-procedure uit welke met de de start van de emulator en een "begroeting" in kleur (LowRes) eindigt. De emulator wordt vanuit de AUTO-folder al aktief nog voordat GEM geinitialiseerd is. Hierdoor start GEM automatisch in de lage resolutie op. Bij het doorlezen van de listing mogen de methoden, met name daar waar niet-gedocumenteerde ROM-adressen gebruikt worden, wat vreemd overkomen. Dankzij deze werkwijze loopt het programma zonder de source te hoeven veranderen behalve op TOS 1.0 ook op de (MEGA)ST met TOS 1.2 en met een geringe, nog niet opgeloste, handicap ook op TOS 1.4 . Het emuleren ------------ Komen we nu bij het eigenlijke conversie-programma. Eigenlijk zijn het er drie, n.l. twee voor full-screen en mini-screen in LowRes, en de laatste voor MedRes. Ze hebben gemeenschappelijk dat tijdens de conversie niet al te zeer op het Bit-pedaal getrapt kan worden omdat de processor anders te veel van z'n andere taken afgehouden wordt. Er draait immers ook nog een gebruikers- programma ! Hoe vindt de conversie plaats ? Kijken we eerst eens naar de diverse resoluties, Het zwart-wit scherm heeft in alle richtingen een twee maal zo hoge resolutie als het LowRes kleuren- scherm. Per LowRes pixel staat ons dus een 2x2 matrix ter beschikking. Hiermee kunnen 5 verschillende grijstinten worden weergegeven op een scherm van 320:200 pixels. Per MedRes pixel kan deze truc alleen verticaal worden toegepast, we krijgen dan een 1x2 matrix voor 3 grijstinten op een scherm van 640:200 pixels. Wat we fysiek zien is natuurlijk een HiRes scherm van 640:400 pixels ! Zo vindt de conversie van LowRes naar HiRes plaats: Beeldscherm-geheugen in lage resolutie 15 14 1 0 15 14 1 0 15 14 1 0 15 14 1 0 |X| | ... | | | |X| | ... | | | |X| | ... | | | |X| | ... | | | Bits 3 Bits 2 Bits 1 Bits 0 van de kleurnummers van 16 pixels ------------------------- Kleurnummer (0-15) |Bit 3|Bit 2|Bit 1|Bit 0| ------------------------- 0 1 2 3 00 01 10 11 ----- 00 00 00 00 |1|0| 4 5 6 7 Bit-patroon van grijstint ----- 00 01 10 11 in 2x2 matrix |3|2| 01 01 01 01 ----- 8 9 10 12 00 01 10 11 10 10 10 10 12 13 14 15 00 01 10 11 11 11 11 11 Zo vindt de conversie van MedRes naar HiRes plaats: Beeldscherm-geheugen in middelste resolutie 15 14 1 0 15 14 1 0 |X| | ... | | | |X| | ... | | | Bits 1 Bits 0 van de kleurnummers van 16 pixels ------------- Kleurnummer (0-3) |Bit 1|Bit 0| ------------- 0 1 --- 0 1 |0| 0 0 Bit-patroon van grijstint --- 2 3 in 1x2 matrix |1| 0 1 --- 1 1 Er wordt gewerkt met twee schermen, het echte kleuren-scherm wat we niet zien en een tweede scherm dat door de emulator wordt opgebouwd en zicht- baar is op de SM124. Het programma werkt via de System Timer C (200Hz). Per 200e sec. krijgt de emulator even CPU-tijd en draait dus gelijktijdig met het gebruikers- programma. Per tik worden een aantal verticale beeldlijnen geconverteerd. In het programma zijn de conversie-snelheden vast ingesteld: voor het LowRes mini-screen op 40 beelden/sec, voor MedRes full-screen op 20 beelden/sec. en voor het LowRes full-screen afhankelijk van de instelling op 4, 5 of 8 beelden per seconde. De definities staan in de konstanten FRAME0, FRAME1 en FRAME2 waarvan de waardes altijd op 200 deelbaar moeten zijn. 10 beelden per seconde voor full-screen LowRes en 20 beelden/sec voor MedRes mogen niet worden overschreden omdat anders te veel tijd van de CPU wordt verbruikt ! De beste instellingen zijn in de praktijk de default-instellingen. Bij full-screen LOwRes worden de graphics bij 8 beelden/sec. weliswaar sneller (handig bij desk-top werkzaamheden) maar de processor wordt langzamer ! Bij 4 beelden/sec. loopt de CPU op 69%, bij 5 beelden/sec. op 62% en bij 8 beelden/sec. nog slechts op 41% hoewel muisbewegingen wel sneller door het scherm gevolgd worden. De reden hiervan is dat het scherm in 'golven' van n lijnen per 200e sec. worden weergegeven. Bij 8 beelden per seconde worden ook 8 lijnen per timer-tik geconverteerd: bps= hz/(vlines/8) 200 / (200/8) = 8 beelden/sec. Tot besluit ----------- Verwacht geen wonderen van deze emulator ! Snelle aktiespellen met veel kleur zullen niet erg indrukwekkend overkomen, maar er draait tenminste iets. Programma's welke niet al te real-time met het beeldscherm omspringen werken echter met een geringe afname van kwaliteit. Met name in medium-resolutie is de performance zeer acceptabel. Zoals eerder gezegd, programma's die rare dingen doen met video-registers of vreemde, niet gedocumenteerde, features gebruiken werken meestal niet. (Er zijn ook programma's die alle interrupts disabelen, als de timer niet werkt loopt de emulator ook niet. Dit wordt wel gedaan om hackers met debug-programma's af te straffen.) De meeste commerciele aktiespellen werken daarom niet. In de emulator zit geen intelligentie ingebouwd om deze toch aan de praat te krijgen. Veel plezier met de emulator. -+-+-+-+- HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 1 13/6/91 0:39 1 ; ++ 2 ; 3 ; Programma PALETTE.S 4 ; Versie V01R03 5 ; Auteur Christian Gandler (Bewerking Geert van der Meer) 6 ; Datum 01/11/1989 7 ; 8 ; COLOR-EMULATOR FOR ATARI ST AND THE SM124 HIGH-RES MONITOR 9 ; (Een bewerking van "Farblos dargestellt" van Christian Gandler uit C't 0489) 10 ; 11 ; Start op vanuit de AUTO-folder en aapt MedRes en LowRes (kleur) 12 ; graphics na op een zwart-wit (HiRes) monitor. 13 ; 14 ; -- 15 ; 16 ; Emulator converteer-speed (default's) 17 ; 18 =00000028 frame0: equ 40 ; converteer-speed mini 40 B/sec 19 =00000004 frame1: equ 4 ; full 4 B/sec 20 =00000014 frame2: equ 20 ; med. 20 B/sec 21 ; 22 =19880804 magic: equ $19880804 ; herkennings-patroon 23 =43471988 magic2: equ $43471988 24 ; 25 ; Trap-codes naar de TOS-funkties 26 ; 27 =00000001 gemdos: equ 1 ; TRAP #1 28 =0000000E xbios: equ 14 ; TRAP #14 29 ; 30 ; Systeem-variabelen in RAM 31 ; 32 =00000436 memtop: equ $436 ; bovengrens gebruikers-geheugen 33 =0000042E ramtop: equ $42e ; fysieke einde RAM-geheugen 34 =0000044C sshiftmd: equ $44c ; kopie register scherm-resolutie 35 =0000044E v_bas_ad: equ $44e ; video screen-base adres 36 ; 37 ; $FF8200 Video-registers 38 ; 39 =00FF8201 v_high: equ $ff8201 ; beeldscherm geheugen 40 =00FF8203 v_low: equ $ff8203 ; ... 41 =00FF8240 v_col: equ $ff8240 ; kleurregister 0 42 =00FF8260 v_res: equ $ff8260 ; grafiek resolutie 43 ; 44 ; $FFA11 MFP68901 register t.b.v. de 200 Hz timer 45 ; 46 =00FFFA11 intser_b: equ $fffa11 ; Interrupt In-Service B 47 ; 48 ; De exeption-vectoren waaraan gelinkt wordt ... 49 ; 50 =000000B4 biosv: equ $b4 ; TRAP #13 51 =000000B8 xbiosv: equ $b8 ; TRAP #14 52 =00000114 tvec: equ $114 ; System-timer C 53 ; 54 rotate: macro $\1,$\2,$\3 HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 2 13/6/91 0:39 55 add.w \1,\1 56 addx.l \3,\3 57 add.w \2,\2 58 addx.l \3,\3 59 endm 60 ; 61 ; Hoofd-programma 62 ; 63 00000000 487A001E start: pea install(pc) ; INSTALL draait in 64 00000004 3F3C0026 move.w #38,-(sp) ; super-visor mode 65 00000008 4E4E trap #xbios 66 0000000A 5C8F addq.l #6,sp 67 0000000C 49FA0010 lea sema(pc),a4 ; wat nu te doen ? 68 00000010 4A54 tst.w (a4) 69 00000012 6604 bne.s term ; reeds geinstalleerd of fout gegaan ? 70 00000014 610000E0 bsr welcome ; nee, begroeting en toets afwachten 71 00000018 3F3C0000 term: move.w #0,-(sp) 72 0000001C 4E41 trap #gemdos ; ja, naar de desktop ... 73 ; 74 0000001E FFFF sema: dc.w $FFFF ; variablele stuurt initialisatie 75 ; 76 00000020 28790000042E install: move.l ramtop,a4 ; geheugen-grens 77 00000026 2A79000000B8 move.l xbiosv,a5 ; TRAP #14 vector 78 0000002C 0C9419880804 cmpi.l #magic,(a4) ; emulator reeds in het geheugen ? 79 00000032 671C beq.s warm ; ja, warme start ! 80 ; 81 00000034 103900FF8260 cold: move.b v_res,d0 ; resolutie 82 0000003A 02000003 and.b #3,d0 83 0000003E B03C0002 cmp.b #2,d0 ; HiRes ? 84 00000042 6620 bne.s ciao ; al kleur, geen emulator nodig dus ! 85 00000044 6100007C bsr cold1 ; initialisering - deel 1 86 00000048 207900000004 move.l $0004,a0 ; RESET 87 0000004E 4ED0 jmp (a0) 88 ; 89 00000050 0CAD434719880002 warm: cmpi.l #magic2,2(a5) ; vectoren al ingevuld ? 90 00000058 670A beq.s ciao ; ja, al klaar dus ! 91 0000005A 6100000A bsr warm1 92 0000005E 41FAFFBE lea sema(pc),a0 93 00000062 4250 clr.w (a0) ; initialisering OK 94 00000064 4E75 ciao: rts 95 ; 96 00000066 2A6C0004 warm1: move.l 4(a4),a5 ; originele RAMTOP 97 0000006A 47EC03F0 lea initfnt-rel_beg(a4),a3 ; adres van INITFNT 98 0000006E 4DEC051C lea pseuphy-rel_beg(a4),a6 ; adres van PSEUPHY 99 00000072 4E93 jsr (a3) ; init. TOS-fonts & CLS 100 00000074 9BFC00008000 sub.l #$8000,a5 ; bovenste 32K gebruiken als 101 0000007A 23CD0000044E move.l a5,v_bas_ad ; system-screen, _V_BAS_AD zetten 102 00000080 2C8D move.l a5,(a6) ; op PSEUPHY 103 00000082 99FC00008000 sub.l #$8000,a4 ; Hardware-Screen nu OK 104 00000088 23CC00000436 move.l a4,memtop ; MEMTOP daaronder zetten 105 0000008E 28790000042E w1: move.l ramtop,a4 ; vectoren invullen 106 00000094 4BEC037A lea t14new-rel_beg(a4),a5 107 00000098 23CD000000B8 move.l a5,xbiosv ; TRAP #14 108 0000009E 4BEC0008 lea bild-rel_beg(a4),a5 HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 3 13/6/91 0:39 109 000000A2 23CD00000114 move.l a5,tvec ; Timer interrupt 110 ; 111 ; De volgende instructies zijn smerig, maar wellicht blijvend compatible ! 112 ; 113 000000A8 207C00FC0000 truc: move.l #$fc0000,a0 ; start van de ROM's 114 000000AE 0C582B7C w2: cmpi.w #$2b7c,(a0)+ ; zoek: MOVE.L #$XXX,$4A2,(A5) 115 000000B2 66FA bne.s w2 116 000000B4 0C6804A20004 cmpi.w #$4a2,4(a0) 117 000000BA 66F2 bne.s w2 118 000000BC 2050 move.l (a0),a0 ; $XXX, dat adres hebben we nodig ! 119 000000BE 5990 subq.l #4,(a0) ; daardoor wordt de AUTO-routine 120 000000C0 4E75 rts ; herhaald ... 121 ; 122 000000C2 220C cold1: move.l a4,d1 ; RAMTOP 123 000000C4 048100008000 sub.l #$8000,d1 ; ruimte voor video-ram 124 000000CA 048100000586 sub.l #(rel_end-rel_beg),d1 ; De emulator en 125 000000D0 048100007D00 sub.l #32000,d1 ; buffer moeten boven RAMTOP 126 000000D6 0281FFFFFE00 and.l #$fffffe00,d1 ; en wel zo dat REL_BEG op 127 000000DC 0481000000C0 sub.l #(rel_beg-init),d1 ; een 512-byte boundary ligt 128 000000E2 2041 move.l d1,a0 ; adres onthouden ... 129 000000E4 43FA0036 lea init(pc),a1 ; van INIT tot REL_END 130 000000E8 303C0645 move.w #(rel_end-init-1),d0 ; daarheen kopieeren 131 ; 132 000000EC 10D9 relok: move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ 133 000000EE 51C8FFFC dbf d0,relok 134 000000F2 2841 move.l d1,a4 ; move.l #INIT,a4 135 000000F4 4ED4 jmp (a4) ; start initialisatie vanaf INIT 136 ; 137 000000F6 2F3C00000762 welcome: move.l #hello,-(sp) ; boodschap displayen 138 000000FC 3F3C0009 move.w #9,-(sp) 139 00000100 4E41 trap #gemdos 140 00000102 5C8F addq.l #6,sp 141 00000104 3F3C0001 move.w #1,-(sp) ; wacht op een toets-druk 142 00000108 4E41 trap #gemdos ; en eventuele diskette-wissel 143 0000010A 548F addq.l #2,sp ; (b.v. een auto-starter) 144 ; 145 0000010C 2F3C00000B06 move.l #clear,-(sp) 146 00000112 3F3C0009 move.w #9,-(sp) 147 00000116 4E41 trap #gemdos 148 00000118 5C8F addq.l #6,sp 149 0000011A 4E75 rts 150 ; 151 ; Vanaf hier wordt naar de top van het geheugen gekopieerd ... 152 ; 153 0000011C 4DFA05DA init: lea pseuphy(pc),a6 ; init. variabelen 154 00000120 426EFFFA clr.w -6(a6) ; offset = 0 155 00000124 426EFFF6 clr.w -10(a6) ; flags = 0 156 00000128 426E001E clr.w 30(a6) ; flags3 = 0 157 0000012C 42AE0032 clr.l 50(a6) ; debug 158 00000130 3D7C0000FFF2 move.w #0,-14(a6) ; flags2 = 0, full-screen 159 00000136 3D7CFFFF0018 move.w #$FFFF,24(a6) ; color = $FFFF, zwart op wit 160 0000013C 3D7C00010020 move.w #1,32(a6) ; TMSEM = 1 161 00000142 3D7C19000022 move.w #(32000/200*frame0),34(a6) ; konverteer-speed 162 00000148 3D7C00270024 move.w #(frame0-1),36(a6) ; op die in frame0 HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 4 13/6/91 0:39 163 0000014E 3D7C02800026 move.w #(32000/200*frame1),38(a6) ; frame1 & frame2 164 00000154 3D7C00030028 move.w #(frame1-1),40(a6) ; gedefinieerde 165 0000015A 3D7C0C80002A move.w #(32000/200*frame2),42(a6) ; waarden zetten. 166 00000160 3D7C0013002C move.w #(frame2-1),44(a6) 167 00000166 2D7900000114000C move.l tvec,12(a6) ; oude timervector resetten 168 0000016E 426EFFFC clr.w -4(a6) ; PSEURES = LowRes 169 00000172 2D48001A move.l a0,26(a6) ; achter REL_END buffer plaatsen 170 00000176 2079000000B8 move.l xbiosv,a0 ; XBIOS vector 171 0000017C 2D48FFEA move.l a0,-22(a6) ; oude waarde opslaan in T14OLD 172 00000180 4280 clr.l d0 ; adr. van de TRAP #14 tabel op 173 00000182 30280002 move.w 2(a0),d0 ; half legale wijze ophalen ... 174 00000186 5440 addq.w #2,d0 175 00000188 D1C0 add.l d0,a0 176 0000018A 2D48FFEE move.l a0,-18(a6) ; adres in T14ADR opslaan 177 0000018E 20680016 move.l 22(a0),a0 ; #setscreen 178 00000192 3018 ma1: move.w (a0)+,d0 ; doorzoek de BIOS 179 00000194 B07C4EB9 cmp.w #$4eb9,d0 180 00000198 66F8 bne.s ma1 181 0000019A 2D500010 move.l (a0),16(a6) 182 0000019E 2079000000B4 move.l biosv,a0 ; KBSHIFT-routine 183 000001A4 4280 clr.l d0 184 000001A6 30280002 move.w 2(a0),d0 ; tabel met BIOS routines 185 000001AA 5440 addq.w #2,d0 ; opzoeken ... 186 000001AC D1C0 add.l d0,a0 187 000001AE 2D68002E0014 move.l 46(a0),20(a6) ; SHIFT daaruit wegnemen 188 000001B4 41FA0026 lea rel_beg(pc),a0 ; RAMTOP op REL_BEG zetten 189 000001B8 22790000042E move.l ramtop,a1 190 000001BE 21490004 move.l a1,4(a0) 191 000001C2 23C80000042E move.l a0,ramtop 192 000001C8 91FC00008000 sub.l #$8000,a0 ; 32K daaronder het hardware-screen 193 000001CE 2D480004 move.l a0,4(a6) ; in HIRES opslaan 194 000001D2 43E81F54 lea 8020(a0),a1 ; offset naar midden van het scherm 195 000001D6 2D490008 move.l a1,8(a6) ; CENTER 196 000001DA 4E75 rts ; initalisatie gereed ! 197 ; 198 ; Nu komen de 'harde' routines ... 199 ; 200 000001DC 19880804 rel_beg: dc.l magic ; flag: reeds in geheugen 201 000001E0 00000000 oldtop: dc.l 0 ; alter RAMTOP 202 ; 203 ; De nieuwe timer-routine doorloopt bij iedere aanroep (200/sec.) 204 ; de conversie-routine voor low en medium resolutie. 205 ; Daarbij wordt een deel van het beeld bewerkt. 206 ; 207 000001E4 2F0E bild: move.l a6,-(sp) ; save a6 208 000001E6 4DFA0510 lea pseuphy(pc),a6 ; variabelen adresseren 209 000001EA 536E0020 subq.w #1,32(a6) ; voorkom dat we nogmaals 210 000001EE 6B000130 bmi tmexit ; worden aangeroepen ! 211 000001F2 0A7C0300 eori.w #$0300,sr ; LEVEL 6 interrupts enabelen 212 000001F6 4DFA056A lea reg(pc),a6 ; save de 14 overige registers 213 000001FA 48E6FFFC movem.l d0-d7/a0-a5,-(a6) 214 000001FE 4DFA04F8 lea pseuphy(pc),a6 ; variabelen adresseren 215 00000202 33EE001800FF8240 move.w 24(a6),v_col ; witte achtergrond 216 0000020A 13FC000200FF8260 move.b #2,v_res ; resolutie HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 5 13/6/91 0:39 217 00000212 4280 clr.l d0 ; video-adres berekenen 218 00000214 103900FF8201 move.b v_high,d0 ; Haal hardware registers 219 0000021A E148 lsl.w #8,d0 220 0000021C 103900FF8203 move.b v_low,d0 221 00000222 E188 lsl.l #8,d0 222 00000224 B0AE0004 cmp.l 4(a6),d0 ; op HIRES ? 223 00000228 671C beq.s well ; ja ! 224 0000022A 0A6EFFFF001E eori.w #$ffff,30(a6) ; wacht nog een cycle af 225 00000230 670000C8 beq norm 226 00000234 2C80 move.l d0,(a6) ; PSEUPHY updaten 227 00000236 13EE000500FF8201 move.b 5(a6),v_high ; Video-adres op HIRES zetten 228 0000023E 13EE000600FF8203 move.b 6(a6),v_low 229 00000246 4A6EFFFC well: tst.w -4(a6) ; LOWRES ? 230 0000024A 66000264 bne midres ; nee, MEDRES 231 0000024E 4A6EFFF2 tst.w -14(a6) ; FLAGS2 232 00000252 670000DC beq lowr2 ; naar full-screen routine 233 ; 234 ; LOW-RES mini-screen afbeelden, per cycle een vijfde deel ... 235 ; 236 00000256 4280 lowres: clr.l d0 ; offset in D0 als longword 237 00000258 302EFFFA move.w -6(a6),d0 238 0000025C 322E0022 move.w 34(a6),d1 239 00000260 D36EFFFE add.w d1,-2(a6) ; QUARTL ophogen 240 00000264 0C6E7D00FFFE cmp.w #32000,-2(a6) ; en aanpassen 241 0000026A 6D14 blt.s noflp 242 0000026C 426EFFFE clr.w -2(a6) ; 'nul'doorgang 243 00000270 4A6EFFF6 tst.w -10(a6) ; flags 244 00000274 670A beq.s noflp 245 00000276 526EFFFA addq.w #1,-6(a6) ; verhoog offset voor 246 0000027A 026E0003FFFA andi.w #3,-6(a6) ; volgende keer 247 00000280 D040 noflp: add.w d0,d0 ; x 2 248 00000282 D06EFFFE add.w -2(a6),d0 249 00000286 207A0470 move.l pseuphy(pc),a0 ; PSEUPHY = bron 250 0000028A 227A0474 move.l center(pc),a1 ; midden van het beeld 251 0000028E D1C0 add.l d0,a0 252 00000290 302EFFFE move.w -2(a6),d0 253 00000294 E240 asr.w #1,d0 ; d0/2 254 00000296 D3C0 add.l d0,a1 255 00000298 382E0024 move.w 36(a6),d4 ; lijnen-teller 256 0000029C 32D0 loop32: move.w (a0),(a1)+ ; verplaats elk vierde woord 257 0000029E 32E80008 move.w 8(a0),(a1)+ 258 000002A2 32E80010 move.w 16(a0),(a1)+ 259 000002A6 32E80018 move.w 24(a0),(a1)+ 260 000002AA 32E80020 move.w 32(a0),(a1)+ 261 000002AE 32E80028 move.w 40(a0),(a1)+ 262 000002B2 32E80030 move.w 48(a0),(a1)+ 263 000002B6 32E80038 move.w 56(a0),(a1)+ 264 000002BA 32E80040 move.w 64(a0),(a1)+ 265 000002BE 32E80048 move.w 72(a0),(a1)+ 266 000002C2 32E80050 move.w 80(a0),(a1)+ 267 000002C6 32E80058 move.w 88(a0),(a1)+ 268 000002CA 32E80060 move.w 96(a0),(a1)+ 269 000002CE 32E80068 move.w 104(a0),(a1)+ 270 000002D2 32E80070 move.w 112(a0),(a1)+ HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 6 13/6/91 0:39 271 000002D6 32E80078 move.w 120(a0),(a1)+ 272 000002DA 32E80080 move.w 128(a0),(a1)+ 273 000002DE 32E80088 move.w 136(a0),(a1)+ 274 000002E2 32E80090 move.w 144(a0),(a1)+ 275 000002E6 32E80098 move.w 152(a0),(a1)+ 276 000002EA D1FC000000A0 adda.l #160,a0 277 000002F0 D3FC00000028 add.l #40,a1 ; naar de volgende lijn 278 000002F6 51CCFFA4 dbf d4,loop32 279 ; 280 000002FA 4DFA031E norm: lea chgmode(pc),a6 ; ALT-HELP vector op CHGMODE 281 000002FE 23CE00000502 move.l a6,$502 ; zetten 282 00000304 4DFA0424 lea (reg-56)(pc),a6 ; registers terughalen 283 00000308 4CDE3FFF movem.l (a6)+,d0-d7/a0-a5 284 0000030C 0A7C0300 eori.w #$0300,sr ; status-register terughalen 285 00000310 4DFA03E6 lea pseuphy(pc),a6 286 00000314 526E0020 addq.w #1,32(a6) ; TMSEM 287 00000318 2C57 move.l (sp),a6 288 0000031A 2EBA03E8 move.l oldtm(pc),(sp) ; keer terug via de 289 0000031E 4E75 rts ; originele timer-routine 290 ; 291 00000320 526E0020 tmexit: addq.w #1,32(a6) ; TMSEM 292 00000324 2C5F move.l (sp)+,a6 293 00000326 08B9000500FFFA11 bclr #5,intser_b ; interrupt-service-bit afzetten 294 0000032E 4E73 rte ; einde interrupt-service 295 ; 296 ; LowRes full-screen routine, per keer 4, 5 of 8 beeldlijnen 297 ; 298 00000330 207A03C6 lowr2: move.l pseuphy(pc),a0 ; pointer naar bron-scherm 299 00000334 227A03C6 move.l hires(pc),a1 ; pointer naar HW-scherm 300 00000338 247A03D8 move.l puffer(pc),a2 ; pointer naar buffer 301 0000033C 3C2E0028 move.w 40(a6),d6 ; 5 of 10 lijnen per keer 302 00000340 322E0026 move.w 38(a6),d1 303 00000344 D36EFFF4 add.w d1,-12(a6) ; offset berekenen 304 00000348 0C6E7D00FFF4 cmp.w #32000,-12(a6) 305 0000034E 6D04 blt.s show3 306 00000350 426EFFF4 clr.w -12(a6) 307 00000354 4280 show3: clr.l d0 308 309 00000356 302EFFF4 move.w -12(a6),d0 ; en doortellen 310 0000035A D1C0 add.l d0,a0 311 0000035C D3C0 add.l d0,a1 312 0000035E D5C0 add.l d0,a2 313 00000360 4284 clr.l d4 ; init. register 314 00000362 4285 clr.l d5 ; voor eerste doorgang 315 00000364 97CB sub.l a3,a3 316 00000366 9DCE sub.l a6,a6 317 00000368 3E3C0013 loop34: move.w #19,d7 ; 20 woorden per lijn 318 0000036C 4C90000F loop24: movem.w (a0),d0-d3 ; 4 planes in 16 bits 319 00000370 4CD83000 movem.l (a0)+,a4-a5 320 00000374 B9D2 cmp.l (a2),a4 ; met buffer vergelijken 321 00000376 6608 bne.s updte 322 00000378 BBEA0004 cmp.l 4(a2),a5 323 0000037C 6700011C beq next ; niets veranderd ! 324 00000380 48D23000 updte: movem.l a4-a5,(a2) ; buffer updaten HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 7 13/6/91 0:39 325 00000384 B9CB cmp.l a3,a4 ; identiek aan vorige woord ? 326 00000386 67000082 beq lr2 ; ja, konversie overslaan 327 ; 328 ; Bits van eerste 2 kleur-woorden B15,..,B0/b15,..,b0 omzetten 329 ; naar grijswaarden: B15,b15,B14,b14,....,B1,b1,B0,b0 330 ; 331 0000038AM calc1: rotate d0,d1,d4 332 00000392M rotate d0,d1,d4 333 0000039AM rotate d0,d1,d4 334 000003A2M rotate d0,d1,d4 335 ; 336 000003AAM rotate d0,d1,d4 337 000003B2M rotate d0,d1,d4 338 000003BAM rotate d0,d1,d4 339 000003C2M rotate d0,d1,d4 340 ; 341 000003CAM rotate d0,d1,d4 342 000003D2M rotate d0,d1,d4 343 000003DAM rotate d0,d1,d4 344 000003E2M rotate d0,d1,d4 345 ; 346 000003EAM rotate d0,d1,d4 347 000003F2M rotate d0,d1,d4 348 000003FAM rotate d0,d1,d4 349 00000402M rotate d0,d1,d4 350 ; 351 0000040A BBCE lr2: cmp.l a6,a5 352 0000040C 67000082 beq use 353 354 ; 355 ; Nu ook de volgende twee kleur-woorden omzetten 356 ; 357 00000410M calc2: rotate d2,d3,d5 358 00000418M rotate d2,d3,d5 359 00000420M rotate d2,d3,d5 360 00000428M rotate d2,d3,d5 361 ; 362 00000430M rotate d2,d3,d5 363 00000438M rotate d2,d3,d5 364 00000440M rotate d2,d3,d5 365 00000448M rotate d2,d3,d5 366 ; 367 00000450M rotate d2,d3,d5 368 00000458M rotate d2,d3,d5 369 00000460M rotate d2,d3,d5 370 00000468M rotate d2,d3,d5 371 ; 372 00000470M rotate d2,d3,d5 373 00000478M rotate d2,d3,d5 374 00000480M rotate d2,d3,d5 375 00000488M rotate d2,d3,d5 376 ; 377 00000490 2284 use: move.l d4,(a1) 378 00000492 23450050 move.l d5,80(a1) HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 8 13/6/91 0:39 379 00000496 264C move.l a4,a3 380 00000498 2C4D move.l a5,a6 381 0000049A 5889 next: addq.l #4,a1 382 0000049C 508A addq.l #8,a2 383 0000049E 51CFFECC dbf d7,loop24 384 000004A2 D3FC00000050 add.l #80,a1 385 000004A8 51CEFEBE dbf d6,loop34 386 000004AC 6000FE4C bra norm 387 ; 388 ; Medium resolutie konverteren, 1/10 scherm per keer 389 ; 390 000004B0 322E002A midres: move.w 42(a6),d1 391 000004B4 D36EFFF8 add.w d1,-8(a6) ; QUARTM 392 000004B8 0C6E7D00FFF8 cmp.w #32000,-8(a6) 393 000004BE 6D04 blt.s mr2 394 000004C0 426EFFF8 clr.w -8(a6) 395 000004C4 207A0232 mr2: move.l pseuphy(pc),a0 ; PSEUPHY = bron 396 000004C8 227A0232 move.l hires(pc),a1 ; naar HW-scherm 397 000004CC 4280 clr.l d0 398 000004CE 302EFFF8 move.w -8(a6),d0 399 000004D2 D1C0 add.l d0,a0 400 000004D4 D3C0 add.l d0,a1 401 000004D6 302E002C move.w 44(a6),d0 ; 20 keer per lijn 402 ; 403 ; Inlezen van bron-scherm, de twee planes afzonderlijk wegschrijven 404 ; 405 000004DA 4C987CFE midl: movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d7 406 000004DE 48915454 movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2/d4/d6,(a1) 407 000004E2 48A928AA0050 movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3/d5/d7,80(a1) 408 ; 409 000004E8 4C987CFE movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d7 410 000004EC 48A95454000C movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2/d4/d6,12(a1) 411 000004F2 48A928AA005C movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3/d5/d7,92(a1) 412 ; 413 000004F8 4C987CFE movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d7 414 000004FC 48A954540018 movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2/d4/d6,24(a1) 415 00000502 48A928AA0068 movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3/d5/d7,104(a1) 416 ; 417 00000508 4C987CFE movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d7 418 0000050C 48A954540024 movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2/d4/d6,36(a1) 419 00000512 48A928AA0074 movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3/d5/d7,116(a1) 420 ; 421 00000518 4C987CFE movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d7 422 0000051C 48A954540030 movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2/d4/d6,48(a1) 423 00000522 48A928AA0080 movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3/d5/d7,128(a1) 424 ; 425 00000528 4C987CFE movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d7 426 0000052C 48A95454003C movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2/d4/d6,60(a1) 427 00000532 48A928AA008C movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3/d5/d7,140(a1) 428 ; 429 00000538 4C987C0E movem.w (a0)+,a2-a6/d1-d3 430 0000053C 48A954040048 movem.w a2/a4/a6/d2,72(a1) 431 00000542 48A9280A0098 movem.w a3/a5/d1/d3,152(a1) 432 ; HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 9 13/6/91 0:39 433 00000548 D3FC000000A0 adda.l #160,a1 ; naar volgende lijn 434 0000054E 51C8FF8A dbf d0,midl 435 00000552 6000FDA6 bra norm ; klaar ! 436 ; 437 ; De nieuwe TRAP #14-handler stuurt de XBIOS funkties 438 ; PHYSBASE, GETREZ en SETSCREEN naar de eigen routines 439 ; 440 00000556 6004 t14new: bra.s skip 441 00000558 43471988 dc.l magic2 ; flag: vectoren ingevuld 442 0000055C 41EF0006 skip: lea 6(sp),a0 ; adresseer parameter 443 00000560 08170005 btst #5,(sp) ; supervisor mode ? 444 00000564 6602 bne.s supv ; ja, ok ... 445 00000566 4E68 move.l usp,a0 ; haal userstack 446 00000568 3010 supv: move.w (a0),d0 ; functie-nummer 447 0000056A B07C0002 cmp.w #2,d0 ; de nummers 2-5 omsteken 448 0000056E 6712 beq.s physbase 449 00000570 B07C0004 cmp.w #4,d0 450 00000574 6712 beq.s getrez 451 00000576 B07C0005 cmp.w #5,d0 452 0000057A 6714 beq.s setscreen 453 0000057C 207A0164 normal: move.l t14old(pc),a0 ; originele routine vervolgen 454 00000580 4ED0 jmp (a0) 455 ; 456 00000582 203A0174 physbase: move.l pseuphy(pc),d0 ; nieuwe PHYSBASE 457 00000586 4E73 rte 458 ; 459 00000588 4280 getrez: clr.l d0 ; ge-emuleerde resolutie 460 0000058A 303A0168 move.w pseures(pc),d0 ; doorgeven 461 0000058E 4E73 rte 462 ; 463 setscreen: 464 00000590 43FA0166 lea pseuphy(pc),a1 465 00000594 4AA80002 tst.l 2(a0) ; nieuw logisch adres ? 466 00000598 6B08 bmi.s ss1 ; nee 467 0000059A 23E800020000044E move.l 2(a0),v_bas_ad ; _V_BAS_AD zetten 468 000005A2 20280006 ss1: move.l 6(a0),d0 ; nieuw fysiek adres ? 469 000005A6 6B08 bmi.s ss2 ; nee 470 000005A8 0280FFFFFF00 and.l #$FFFFFF00,d0 ; 256-byte boundary 471 000005AE 2280 move.l d0,(a1) ; adres opslaan in PSEUPHY 472 000005B0 3028000A ss2: move.w 10(a0),d0 ; resolutie 473 000005B4 6B14 bmi.s ss3 ; negatief, niet zetten 474 000005B6 B069FFFC cmp.w -4(a1),d0 ; reeds in gewenste resolutie ? 475 000005BA 670E beq.s ss3 ; ja 476 000005BC B07C0002 cmp.w #2,d0 477 000005C0 6C08 bge.s ss3 ; HiRes gewenst (wat nu ?) 478 000005C2 3340FFFC move.w d0,-4(a1) ; PSEURES zetten 479 000005C6 61000004 bsr initfnt 480 000005CA 4E73 ss3: rte ; klaar ! 481 ; 482 000005CC 6100003E initfnt: bsr scrinit ; installeer TOS fonts 483 000005D0 43FA0126 initscr: lea pseuphy(pc),a1 ; adresseer variabelen 484 000005D4 4269FFFE clr.w -2(a1) ; QUARTL 485 000005D8 4269FFF8 clr.w -8(a1) ; QUARTM 486 000005DC 4269FFF4 clr.w -12(a1) ; QUARTL2 HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 10 13/6/91 0:39 487 000005E0 207A011A move.l hires(pc),a0 ; scherm en buffer erasen 488 000005E4 32290018 move.w 24(a1),d1 ; kleur naar d1 als 489 000005E8 4841 swap d1 ; longword 490 000005EA 32290018 move.w 24(a1),d1 491 000005EE 4A69FFF2 tst.w -14(a1) ; FLAGS2 (1=mini, 2=full) 492 000005F2 6602 bne.s mini ; scherm met $0000 of $FFFF 493 000005F4 4281 clr.l d1 ; vullen, de border van het 494 000005F6 61000008 mini: bsr cls ; mini-scherm wordt zwart. 495 000005FA 207A0116 move.l puffer(pc),a0 ; buffer met $0000 vullen. 496 000005FE 4281 clr.l d1 497 00000600 303C1F3F cls: move.w #7999,d0 ; 32000 bytes vanaf a1 met 498 00000604 20C1 clrloo: move.l d1,(a0)+ ; d1-waarde vullen 499 00000606 51C8FFFC dbf d0,clrloo 500 0000060A 4E75 rts ; klaar ! 501 ; 502 0000060C 13FA00E70000044C scrinit: move.b pseures+1(pc),sshiftmd ; resolutie naar sshiftmd 503 00000614 207A00F2 move.l coutini(pc),a0 ; TOS-fonts initialiseren 504 00000618 4ED0 jmp (a0) ; ROM-routine uitvoeren 505 ; 506 ; Deze routine wordt door het drukken van ALT-HELP uitgevoerd en 507 ; voert afhankelijk van de shift-status instellingen uit. 508 ; 509 0000061A 43FA00DC chgmode: lea pseuphy(pc),a1 ; adresseer variabelen 510 0000061E 20690014 move.l 20(a1),a0 ; SHIFT 511 00000622 3F3CFFFF move.w #-1,-(sp) 512 00000626 9BCD sub.l a5,a5 513 00000628 4E90 jsr (a0) ; shift status uitzoeken 514 0000062A 548F addq.l #2,sp 515 0000062C 08000001 btst #1,d0 ; linker shift ? 516 00000630 673E beq.s noshftl ; nee 517 00000632 08000000 btst #0,d0 ; rechter erbij ? 518 00000636 6730 beq.s flflip ; nee, alleen de linker 519 00000638 53690020 subq.w #1,32(a1) ; TMSEM, geen beeld meer 520 0000063C 0A690001FFF2 eori.w #1,-14(a1) ; wissel full <-> mini-scherm 521 00000642 6100FF8C bsr initscr ; scherm en buffer erasen 522 ; 523 00000646 203C02800003 move.l #$02800003,d0 ; Kies weer 4 beelden/sec. 524 0000064C 33400028 move.w d0,40(a1) ; LOW2LIN 525 00000650 4840 swap d0 526 00000652 33400026 move.w d0,38(a1) ; LOW2INC 527 00000656 4269FFF4 clr.w -12(a1) ; QUARTL2 528 ; 529 0000065A 4269FFFA clr.w -6(a1) ; default kleur mini-scherm 530 0000065E 4269FFF6 clr.w -10(a1) ; en geen geknipper meer 531 ;4 532 00000662 52690020 inlet: addq.w #1,32(a1) ; beeld weer aanzetten 533 00000666 4E75 rts 534 ; 535 00000668 0A690001FFF6 flflip: eori.w #1,-10(a1) ; flags flippen, blink aan/uit 536 0000066E 4E75 rts 537 ; 538 00000670 08000000 noshftl: btst #0,d0 ; rechter shift ? 539 00000674 6720 beq.s noshftr ; nee, alleen ALT-HELP 540 00000676 4A69FFF2 tst.w -14(a1) ; full-screen aktief ? HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 11 13/6/91 0:39 541 0000067A 6712 beq.s justrv ; ja, alleen kleur veranderen 542 0000067C 207A007E move.l hires(pc),a0 ; scherm inverteren terwijl 543 00000680 303C1F3F move.w #7999,d0 ; de border zwart blijft 544 00000684 0A98FFFFFFFF invert: eori.l #$FFFFFFFF,(a0)+ 545 0000068A 51C8FFF8 dbf d0,invert 546 0000068E 0A69FFFF0018 justrv: eori.w #$FFFF,24(a1) ; COLOR inverteren 547 00000694 4E75 rts 548 ; 549 00000696 4A69FFF2 noshftr: tst.w -14(a1) ; full-screen aktief ? 550 0000069A 663A bne.s chgcol ; nee 551 0000069C 53690020 subq.w #1,32(a1) ; speed wisselen tussen 4,5 en 8 552 000006A0 203C03200004 move.l #$03200004,d0 553 000006A6 0C6900030028 cmp.w #3,40(a1) ; 554 000006AC 6714 beq.s faster ; 555 000006AE 203C05000007 move.l #$05000007,d0 ; beelden per seconde veranderen 556 000006B4 0C6900040028 cmp.w #4,40(a1) ; 557 000006BA 6706 beq.s faster ; 558 000006BC 203C02800003 move.l #$02800003,d0 559 ; 560 000006C2 33400028 faster: move.w d0,40(a1) ; LOW2LIN 561 000006C6 4840 swap d0 562 000006C8 33400026 move.w d0,38(a1) ; LOW2INC 563 000006CC 4269FFF4 clr.w -12(a1) ; QUARTL2 564 000006D0 52690020 addq.w #1,32(a1) 565 000006D4 4E75 rts 566 ; 567 000006D6 5269FFFA chgcol: addq.w #1,-6(a1) ; offset ophogen 568 000006DA 02690003FFFA andi.w #3,-6(a1) ; 0-3 toegestaan 569 000006E0 4E75 rts 570 ; 571 ; variabelen die via register A6 geadresseerd worden 572 ; 573 000006E2 00000000 t14old: ds.l 1 ; -22(a6) 574 000006E6 00000000 t14adr: ds.l 1 ; -18(a6) 575 000006EA 0000 flags2: ds.w 1 ; -14(a6) 576 000006EC 0000 quartl2: ds.w 1 ; -12(a6) 577 000006EE 0000 flags: ds.w 1 ; -10(a6) 578 000006F0 0000 quartm: ds.w 1 ; -8(a6) 579 000006F2 0000 offset: ds.w 1 ; -6(a6) 580 000006F4 0000 pseures: ds.w 1 ; -4(a6) 581 000006F6 0000 quartl: ds.w 1 ; -2(a6) 582 000006F8 00000000 pseuphy: ds.l 1 ; (a6) 583 000006FC 00000000 hires: ds.l 1 ; 4(a6) 584 00000700 00000000 center: ds.l 1 ; 8(a6) 585 00000704 00000000 oldtm: ds.l 1 ; 12(a6) 586 00000708 00000000 coutini: ds.l 1 ; 16(a6) 587 0000070C 00000000 shift: ds.l 1 ; 20(a6) 588 00000710 0000 color: ds.w 1 ; 24(a6) 589 00000712 00000000 puffer: ds.l 1 ; 26(a6) 590 00000716 0000 flags3: ds.w 1 ; 30(a6) 591 00000718 0000 tmsem: ds.w 1 ; 32(a6) 592 0000071A 0000 lowinc: ds.w 1 ; 34(a6) 593 0000071C 0000 lowlin: ds.w 1 ; 36(a6) 594 0000071E 0000 low2inc: ds.w 1 ; 38(a6) HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 12 13/6/91 0:40 595 00000720 0000 low2lin: ds.w 1 ; 40(a6) 596 00000722 0000 midinc: ds.w 1 ; 42(a6) 597 00000724 0000 midlin: ds.w 1 ; 44(a6) 598 00000726 00000000000000000000 ds.l 15 ; save-area voor 15 registers 599 reg: 600 rel_end: 601 ; 602 ; 603 ; 604 00000762 071B451B70 hello: dc.b 7,27,'E',27,'p' 605 00000767 20202020202020202020 dc.b ' ' 606 0000078F 0D0A dc.b 13,10 607 00000791 202020202A2A2A205343 dc.b ' *** SC1224 EMULATIE OP SM124 *** ' 608 000007B9 0D0A dc.b 13,10 609 000007BB 20202020202020202020 dc.b ' ' 610 000007E3 0D0A dc.b 13,10 611 000007E5 2020202020202050414C dc.b ' PALETTE V1.3 IS NU GELADEN ' 612 0000080D 0D0A dc.b 13,10 613 0000080F 20202020202020574953 dc.b ' WISSEL DE BOOT-DISKETTE EN ' 614 00000837 0D0A dc.b 13,10 615 00000839 20202020202020202020 dc.b ' ' 616 00000861 0D0A dc.b 13,10 617 00000863 3E3E3E204452554B2045 dc.b '>>> DRUK EEN TOETS OM VERDER TE GAAN <<<' 618 0000088B 0D0A dc.b 13,10 619 0000088D 20202020202020202020 dc.b ' ' 620 000008B5 1B710D0A0D0A0D0A dc.b 27,'q',13,10,13,10,13,10 621 000008BD 4F6D736368616B656C65 dc.b 'Omschakelen: Alt/Help met:' 622 000008E5 0D0A0D0A dc.b 13,10,13,10 623 000008E9 46756C6C2F6D696E692D dc.b 'Full/mini-screen (LowRes) beide Shifts' 624 00000911 0D0A dc.b 13,10 625 00000913 4265656C6420706F7369 dc.b 'Beeld positief/negatief rechter Shift' 626 0000093B 0D0A dc.b 13,10 627 0000093D 4B6E69707065726D6F64 dc.b 'Knippermode aan/uit (mini) linker Shift' 628 00000965 0D0A dc.b 13,10 629 00000967 342F352F38206265656C dc.b '4/5/8 beelden/sec.(full-lr) zonder Shift' 630 0000098F 0D0A dc.b 13,10 631 00000991 4B6C657572207665727A dc.b 'Kleur verzetten (mini-lr) zonder Shift' 632 000009B9 0D0A0D0A dc.b 13,10,13,10 633 000009BD 4C6F775265732F4D6964 dc.b 'LowRes/MidRes kiezen via Set Preferences' 634 000009E5 0D0A0D0A dc.b 13,10,13,10 635 000009E9 1B630120202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',1,' ' 636 000009F4 1B630320202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',3,' ' 637 000009FF 1B630520202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',5,' ' 638 00000A0A 1B630620202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',6,' ' 639 00000A15 1B630720202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',7,' ' 640 00000A20 0D0A dc.b 13,10 641 00000A22 1B630120202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',1,' ' 642 00000A2D 1B630320202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',3,' ' 643 00000A38 1B630520202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',5,' ' 644 00000A43 1B630620202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',6,' ' 645 00000A4E 1B630720202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',7,' ' 646 00000A59 0D0A dc.b 13,10 647 00000A5B 1B630120202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',1,' ' 648 00000A66 1B630320202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',3,' ' HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 13 13/6/91 0:40 649 00000A71 1B630520202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',5,' ' 650 00000A7C 1B630620202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',6,' ' 651 00000A87 1B630720202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',7,' ' 652 00000A92 0D0A dc.b 13,10 653 00000A94 1B630120202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',1,' ' 654 00000A9F 1B630320202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',3,' ' 655 00000AAA 1B630520202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',5,' ' 656 00000AB5 1B630620202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',6,' ' 657 00000AC0 1B630720202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',7,' ' 658 00000ACB 0D0A dc.b 13,10 659 00000ACD 1B630120202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',1,' ' 660 00000AD8 1B630320202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',3,' ' 661 00000AE3 1B630520202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',5,' ' 662 00000AEE 1B630620202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',6,' ' 663 00000AF9 1B630720202020202020 dc.b 27,'c',7,' ' 664 00000B04 00 dc.b 0 665 ; 666 even 667 00000B06 1B63401B4500 clear: dc.b 27,'c','@',27,'E',0 668 ; 669 end BILD 000001E4 R BIOSV 000000B4 A CALC1 0000038A R CALC2 00000410 R CENTER 00000700 R CHGCOL 000006D6 R CHGMODE 0000061A R CIAO 00000064 R CLEAR 00000B06 R CLRLOO 00000604 R CLS 00000600 R COLD 00000034 R COLD1 000000C2 R COLOR 00000710 R COUTINI 00000708 R FASTER 000006C2 R FLAGS 000006EE R FLAGS2 000006EA R FLAGS3 00000716 R FLFLIP 00000668 R FRAME0 00000028 A FRAME1 00000004 A FRAME2 00000014 A GEMDOS 00000001 A GETREZ 00000588 R HELLO 00000762 R HIRES 000006FC R INIT 0000011C R INITFNT 000005CC R INITSCR 000005D0 R INLET 00000662 R INSTALL 00000020 R INTSER_B 00FFFA11 A INVERT 00000684 R JUSTRV 0000068E R LOOP24 0000036C R LOOP32 0000029C R LOOP34 00000368 R LOW2INC 0000071E R LOW2LIN 00000720 R LOWINC 0000071A R LOWLIN 0000071C R LOWR2 00000330 R LOWRES 00000256 R LR2 0000040A R MA1 00000192 R MAGIC 19880804 A MAGIC2 43471988 A MEMTOP 00000436 A MIDINC 00000722 R MIDL 000004DA R MIDLIN 00000724 R MIDRES 000004B0 R MINI 000005F6 R MR2 000004C4 R NEXT 0000049A R NOFLP 00000280 R NORM 000002FA R NORMAL 0000057C R NOSHFTL 00000670 R NOSHFTR 00000696 R OFFSET 000006F2 R OLDTM 00000704 R OLDTOP 000001E0 R PHYSBASE 00000582 R PSEUPHY 000006F8 R HiSoft GenST Assembler 1.25 page 14 13/6/91 0:40 PSEURES 000006F4 R PUFFER 00000712 R QUARTL 000006F6 R QUARTL2 000006EC R QUARTM 000006F0 R RAMTOP 0000042E A REG 00000762 R RELOK 000000EC R REL_BEG 000001DC R REL_END 00000762 R ROTATE M SCRINIT 0000060C R SEMA 0000001E R SETSCREEN 00000590 R SHIFT 0000070C R SHOW3 00000354 R SKIP 0000055C R SS1 000005A2 R SS2 000005B0 R SS3 000005CA R SSHIFTMD 0000044C A START 00000000 R SUPV 00000568 R T14ADR 000006E6 R T14NEW 00000556 R T14OLD 000006E2 R TERM 00000018 R TMEXIT 00000320 R TMSEM 00000718 R TRUC 000000A8 R TVEC 00000114 A UPDTE 00000380 R USE 00000490 R V_BAS_AD 0000044E A V_COL 00FF8240 A V_HIGH 00FF8201 A V_LOW 00FF8203 A V_RES 00FF8260 A W1 0000008E R W2 000000AE R WARM 00000050 R WARM1 00000066 R WELCOME 000000F6 R WELL 00000246 R XBIOS 0000000E A XBIOSV 000000B8 A ` Hz?<&NN\IJTfa?<NA(y.*y g9`<f a| yN CGg a ABPNu*lGMN#N,#6(y.Kz#K# | X+|f hf PYNu" } AC60<EQ(AN/<b?< NA\?<NAT/< ?< NA\NuMBnBnBnB2=|=|=| =|"=|'$=|&=|(=| *=|,-y Bn-H y-HB0(T@-H h0|Nf-P yB0(T@-h.A&"y.!I#.-HCT-INu/MSn k0 |MjHM3@`B9H9ሰg ng,JnfdJngB0.2."n n}mBnJng Rnn@n zp"zt0.@8.$22222 2(20282@2H2P2X2`2h2p2x2222(QM#M$L? |MRn ,W.NuRn ,_Ns z"z$z<.(2.&n n}mBnB0.BB˝><LL0fgH0g@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAلgBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅ"#EP&L,MXPQPQ`L2.*n n}mBn z2"z2B0.0.,L|HTTH(PL|HTT H(\L|HTTH(hL|HTT$H(tL|HTT0H(L|HTTC&BiBiBi z2)HA2)JifBa zB0<? QNuL zNC i?g0Si ia <3@(H@3@&BiBiBiRi Nu iNug Jig z~0<? Q iNuJif:Si <  i(g < i(g <3@(H@3@&BiRi NuRiiNuEp *** SC1224 EMULATIE OP SM124 *** PALETTE V1.3 IS NU GELADEN WISSEL DE BOOT-DISKETTE EN >>> DRUK EEN TOETS OM VERDER TE GAAN <<< q Omschakelen: Alt/Help met: Full/mini-screen (LowRes) beide Shifts Beeld positief/negatief rechter Shift Knippermode aan/uit (mini) linker Shift 4/5/8 beelden/sec.(full-lr) zonder Shift Kleur verzetten (mini-lr) zonder Shift LowRes/MidRes kiezen via Set Preferences c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c@E`Hz?<&NN\?<NA(y.*y g9`<f ad yN CGg a ABPNu*lGMN#N,#6(y.Kz#K#Nu" } AC0<EQ(ANMBnBnBnB2=|=|=| =|"=|'$=|&=|(=| *=|,-y Bn-H y-HB0(T@-H h0|Nf-P yB0(T@-h.A&"y.!I#.-HCT-INu/MSn k0 |MjHM3@`B9H9ሰg ng,JnfdJngB0.2."n n}mBnJng Rnn@n zp"zt0.@8.$22222 2(20282@2H2P2X2`2h2p2x2222(QM#M$L? |MRn ,W.NuRn ,_Ns z"z$z<.(2.&n n}mBnB0.BB˝><LL0fgH0g@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAل@لAلgBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅBۅCۅ"#EP&L,MXPQPQ`L2.*n n}mBn z2"z2B0.0.,L|HTTH(PL|HTT H(\L|HTTH(hL|HTT$H(tL|HTT0H(L|HTTC&BiBiBi z2)HA2)JifBa zB0<? QNuL zNC i?g0Si ia <3@(H@3@&BiBiBiRi Nu iNug Jig z~0<? Q iNuJif:Si <  i(g < i(g <3@(H@3@&BiRi NuRiiNu. M.. BIGMON12DOCNBIGMON12PRGOThis is version 1.2 of the Moniterm 1280x960 Driver. (I found it laying around in one of my disk boxes :-) It DOES NOT cause the system to go into an endless loop of bus errors if the Moniterm is not turned on or if the card is not installed. This version does not have a built-in mouse accellerator, so it does not steal the mouse vector at all. Keep in mind that if you are using GDOS, FSMGDOS, or G+PLUS, the Display Driver must execute _after_ GDOS. Copyright 1991, Atari Corporation `/<?< NA\O/<?< NA\O/<?< NA\O/<?< NA\O/<J?< NA\O/<u?< NA\O3N oBg ( ШШм/?<1NAJB?< NA\O/?< #!#!<LNA\O? Once you've installed it, you should find that the "double button event" problems are almost entirely fixed. Most programs will now behave themselves quite nicely. A Small Drawback ---------------- There's one small disadvantage to using BUTTNFIX.ACC -- you may notice that the overall response of your system to button clicks is just a tiny bit more sluggish than before. The difference is so small that it's really almost unnoticeable. But if it does bother you, you'll just need to decide for yourself whether the advantage it offers outweighs the small slowdown. As Robert Heinlein was fond of saying, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." Not My Idea ----------- I can't take credit for this idea; it was originally suggested to me by Gene Sothan, during a discussion of the double-scroll problem. So any kudos, unbridled admiration, and/or poison pen letters should be directed to Gene, not to me. The Wrap-Up ----------- That's all there is to it. This DA is free; consider it a Christmas present, and circulate it as you will. I hope it solves your double trouble. - Charles F. Johnson . V.. C_VIEWERPRG WC_VIEWERTXT |`=AONVaVarBmNBNN$PNNxNvaZ maNV/?< maNH??<NN\aO( mAH 00 mak <r4< maL0f`uauAav mBh`0 maM/ maM( mAHaM"af makj <r4< maKf`u$0-`aNA퀬 004-fBN`: <r4<A퀬aLXA퀬 00A퀬aM`"pA\atnCban&Abp\acfA40B0A퀬aM*A\asCVamE*pAbamAbCVab CVamNupae>paeHpaeF6<vp tracpaeLpaeJpaeHpaeFaeNpae`A\6<t rdalpaeJpaepaepaepaeaeBmrN :BmA<0B0Ag.paX:paX8paX6p aX4aXpaO A0B0 <r4<AaSf(AC/ <ʀr4<Ata+\g8AaJ <r4<Aa+gBmA 24aUC킆aMpaEFpaEPpaENpaEbpaE`paE^paE\aEd6<pdtZ2<YaCAztd2<^aLA킀td2<raLA킆td2<aLpa``AhtF"<aFAhaQA킀CzaAt"HA킆aAjCnaM.AnaUA 00A퀴Ca.va,A퀴a+Al 00aNupaDpaD^paDhpaDfvG0<4<r aBpaDjpaDhpaDfpaDdaDlaVpaRfv<4<r aLpaDhNupaD`Ah(<*<|<.<aFpaCpaCpaC6<0<t<2<aB:paCpaCpaC6<0<t?2<aBpaCjpaCt6<0<t<2<aB6<0<t>2<aB paC:paCD6<0<4<2<aBB6<0<t@2<aB0paCpaC6<cptu2<"aApaCpaC$paC"6<bp~tv2<#aAv6<|pXtN2<aAf6<|pote2<aAVpaBpaB6<|pXtN2<aA`6<|pote2<aAP6<"pXtN2<"aA6<@pXtN2<@aA6<^pXtN2<^aAv6<"pote2<"aAf6<@pote2<@aAV6<^pote2<^aAF6<g0<4<2<&aA26<e0<tv2<eaA paApaB6< 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n20(HNua:ffNuarNua J[HHNu:nfa@ z^0NuJg6$:Pf,H?<"NNT&@p/&ra :,ga &Lr`r??Q@HyNM\0Nu#Nu"H YJQfNu YH瀀aLP|HPGC&֛֛֛֛֛(HDDCBg6Cv6C[RCF8[[[aL6C[RCF8:GFWfTL L-KA `$I\bfBjQNu$YbfBjQNu؄*؄؅CH`Ҙ؅X`$_  Ia6HR"H @`̘؄*؄؅AHNu؅X`$_ IaHR"H`H MEDIUM | RESOLUTION | ONLY OK *.*SELECT FONTSYSTEM - SINGLE SPACEDSYSTEM - DOUBLE SPACEDGRAPHIC - 1.5 SPACEDGRAPHIC - SMALL TYPEGRAPHIC - LARGE TYPECANCELCUSTOM VIEWEREXTRASLINE UPLINE DOWNPAGE UPPAGE DOWN****************************** END OF FILE ******************************GOTO PAGE:SET COLORHELP MENUKEYBOARDBLOCKSCOLOR / LINESMISCELLANEOUSEXTRAS MENULINE SPACINGADJUST COLORSTART BLOCKEND BLOCKSAVE BLOCKEric ConersVer. 1.0Written in GFA Basico SPACE BARo 'RETURN' KEYo 'ENTER' KEYo '+' KEYo '-' KEYo SHIFT + DOWN ARROWo SHIFT + UP ARROWTEXT BLOCKSBLOCK WORKS ONLY WITH THE SYSTEM FONTRIGHT CLICK DURING 'BLOCK' TO RETURN TO EXTRAS MENU1) Scroll to the page of the starting line2) Select: EXTRAS then START BLOCK3) Point and left click on desired starting line4) Right click then Exit and scroll to ending page5) Select: EXTRAS then END BLOCK6) Point and left click on desired ending line7) Right click then Exit8) Select SAVE BLOCK enter File name* Open a new file or append to an existing one* The block will be erased after SAVINGCOLOR ADJUSTMENT AND LINE SPACINGUSE ARROW KEYS TO CYCLE THROUGH COLOR SETTINGSCOLOR SETTING CYCLE FROM 0 - 2000SETTING FOR CURRENT COLOR IN LOWER RIGHT CORNERLINE SPACING RANGES FROM 1 TO 3 IN 0.1 INCREMENTSSYSTEM FONTS ALLOW NO DECIMALSMOUSECLICK ON MENU ARROW BOX TO GOTO A SPECIFIED PAGESELECTED FONTS HAVE PRESET LINE SPACINGSGRAPHIC FONTS WILL SCROLL MORE SLOWLY THAN SYSTEMGRAPHIC FONTS ALLOW FRACTIONAL LINE SPACINGSMALL TYPE MAXIMUM LINE LENGTH IS 106 SPACESWHEN MOUSE IS HIDDEN ABOVE THE MENU AREA;LEFT CLICK - PAGE DOWN RIGHT CLICK - PAGE UP[CLICK TO EXIT]w (.62(>`jj@^NJ<JlH$F8ZZZ\X> t<"h"hpJ4"44j"42h"60j"62" t\((@PV$| 4*$*VCUSTOM VIEWER by ERIC CONERS 17 Jefferson Commons Yaphank, N.Y. 11980 GEnie: E.Coners Medium Resolution only. CUSTOM VIEWER Ver. 1.0 is released into Public Domain and may be distributed freely provided this text file (C_Viewer.txt) accompanies it. The block saving feature should be handled carefully. There is no error trapping. Check a saved block for accuracy before deleting the origonal test file. The program is dimensioned to allow 20,000 lines of text. This is 303 pages of 66 lines. I realize that one thing the ST world doesn't really need is another text viewer. What started as a small program to allow wider line spacing to more easily read the online magazines eventually, evolved into this program. (the evolution process resulted in a larger than necessary program, future revisions will attempt to reduce it's size). The underlying goal of the program was to allow the flexibility to change its various parameters with relative ease, as circumstances and tastes dictated. Such a feature is block saving which was added to allow pieces of a text file to be clipped for future reference without exiting and loading up a text editor. PROGRAM FEATURES MAIN MENU (BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN) o FONT SELECTION The font selection menu allows the selection of the; Normal System font - single spaced Normal System font - double spaced Graphic Font - 1.5 spaced (this is the normal system font in a graphics mode Small Font - Graphics font at 106 characters per line Large Font - Double height graphics font The graphics fonts write to the screen more slowly than the system fonts but allow for fractional line spacing which the normal system fonts don't. The font selection menu presets the line spacing LOAD FILE Brings up the file selector to load a new file. EXIT Exit the program PAGE OF Notes the current page and the total pages in the document (at the current line spacing) CLOCK Clock cycles every minute HELP Brings up the Help menu LINE UP / LINE DOWN / PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN ARROW BOX The arrow box will show an arrow pointing in the direction the text is currently being scrolled. A large arrow for paging and a smaller one for line scrolling CLICKING ON THE ARROW BOX BRINGS UP THE 'PAGE GOTO' SELECTION BOX PAGE SELECTION - Select page with arrow keys. If it is a valid page number the page will be shown upon exiting, EXTRAS LINE SPACING Line spacing range is single to triple line spacing System fonts do not allow fractional line spacing. ADJUST COLOR Use arrow keys above and below the desire color to adjust it. Colors are cycled 1 to 2000. The color number is shown in the lower right hand corner of the box for reference. BLOCKS The program allows the selection of a block of text to be saved to a new file or appended onto and existing one. USE THIS FEATURE WITH CAUTION IT IS NOT ERROR TRAPPED. DON'T DELETE THE ORIGONAL FILE UNTIL THE SAVED BLOCK IS CHECKED. o Scroll to the page containing the desire start of the block. o Select the Start Block option (in the Extras Menu) o Point the hand to the line desired for the beginning of the block and click on the left mouse. o The line selected will change color. o To return to the menu - click the right mouse button. o Exit and scroll to the page containing the ending line of the block. (if it is on the same page you need not exit the extras menu). o Select the End Block option (in the Extras Menu). o Point to the line desired for the end of teh block and left click. o THE END OF THE BLOCK MUST BE LATER IN THE DOCUMENT THAN THE START o The selected block will change color. o Right click to return to the Extras menu. o You can now Save the block or return to the document and save later. o To Save the block. Select the Save Block Option (in the Extras Menu). o A file selector will appear. o Type in the block name to create a new file or click on an existing text file to append the block to it. o The block will be hidden after saving. EJC February 9, 1991 END FILE . .. BORING BL3DEFAULT BL3FORMDOITPRG8(FORMDOITTXTn+INVERSE BL3 FORMILBMBMHD ` `CMAPBODY` 7o;=|>?` ??7?o?????o?7? ?`|>=;o7 `??_o/7  ?`?@|>|>;\:l6/7 `` 7o 2e2e2e22 2}2}}}o7 `FORMILBMBMHD ` `CMAPBODY` 7o{=|>` 7o???o7 `|>={o7 `??_o/7  ?`@||=^zl6,46l `` 7?o____[UUo7? ``$ ~,oa:B?< NA\O.G :<@Hz68/?< |NN[Wf SfUK#2\OFa"xaK0:*gavaVPPaza\M`Hz?< NA\Oabara/<NN#*>"NN @# !| .r/<ENM#nJ9Pg z)3*ApapBW n/?<1NAJ/?< NA\ONu x#'V#'Z ho#$*P)NuOBg/ ?<=NAPO6m@HW/<>??<?NAO @>f0<:fHz#/??<?NAO ??<>NAXOO>NuH瀀 / B y'Vm'Zl/| LNu?<"NNTO @A#" &Nu#>!BNu#!#f!j x f$AC.pfQ#R!|VNu#R!VNuXBRAFrmDN\Nhg\AJxgTH fHJ9Pg!B 8"(k!Ns (k*/aJg PP#/|`J9)f zNa zNB9)Hz- 9)g.%?< NN\O`An` A`ANi#/Na/H``vCQg $:b2`HXBRAFrmDH0`"A @f:$Q4BgYBgBgPUBgXBgSBgYBgSBgBgL /:Nu @sf$Q4 B}f$jCʵfڵfֵfBj[D`#` #J9)fJ9)f$i6*3+"L #/zNsR9)H'^O)Hz:`R9)H'^O)Hzp z&3*&y'b k P"k0"_N k 0L'^/:S9)Nu/ /?"A i 0m @n@ iC30 _"_Nu"A i0(zNuHaf i(g i 36LNu fXOHaf i(gJhf36L0<NBNu@|p"z,4)y'~g0H>A%"zP)NB9)L|r2:%nҸ#.pFNuXBRAFrmD/Nh/g A JxgTHp1Pg W.Nu x\g/ CpXHVf#X#R!\"_`XBRAFrmDNhg AJxgTHpg zN"z*ޭgf#"!|&`XBRAFrmDޭJ9)f?*d'fBy'J9)g0/:NuXBRAFrmDJxg?/Hz @/:NuHaLNsXBRAFrmD zN z$0(3*°hfNuJ9)g1@"P21 Sf,"zTWfY@dh1@3* : ? > ?\AUTO\FORMDOIT.BL3H8O?@LE14G&I) [gA'"R2)`6Ct 0o 3o k ?CJ`27A*k '|&$HLCC'I|(x A?DJRH ]fRH [fxBE`hJgX ]gR|7`7`7`s`B@`|l |@`R@RHg ]g |f|@B4`º@l:A` |s`RD|moJl6/JA|ENF`RH ]gfgRH [fBE?EJx`dgT<]gN|7`s`B@`| l | @`NR@RHg ]g |f| @B4`NR@@l:RoJ` |s`RD| mpEH<JFl4Jx:<JF|E`4|@~7p7p7p|oLFfsp` |s`RD@`>2H ЀЁ爾s g t???<?<Bg K0BA4NO py'~fn0POLNu/?QO&8ABANpr ҃ APgANp?4H"ҁ҂҃Ҽ A2@??/ ?/ ?/ BA C04/ NO BgBgBBBAB@N2XOPO8&Nu?/(6tH ЀЁЄм @Pf 2N^(6Nu?/(6tH ЀЁЄм @Pg 2N.(6NuH (6$HHj"J @0NXO2H ЀЁ D%pLNuH *6<$H8`T2H ЀЁЅX @Pg*8v2 NJ@g2H ЀЁЅT @6|f`82H ЀЁЅ @6Cg|fLxNuH(6RAfp`F2H ЀЁЄ @:|g,`62H ЀЁЄ @:2H ЀЁЄX @Pf0L8Nu?6H$Ԃԁ @4<hgB@`phgrh f3)p6Nu?6H$Ԃԁ @4<hgB@`Dphg:0(|g|f*A)0(g 2hf1C0(f hf1P0p6Nu?6H$Ԃԁ @4<hgB@`*phg 0(|g|f y)f3)p6NuH8(HH$Ԃԁ&@BP49)kgprk fh+H|| bX@0;N((NNNFF44 KNrE'`& KN @$P` KN @$h8` KN$@ JLNu`RHRIH|HAfffpNuB@NuH0UO(64<0H"ҁҀ҄P APgB@`^ y)fRA2 N$H gBG'C NJ@f*C' JN|J@fC, JNnJ@fC1 JN`J@g3)pTOL NuH:O/@ 6H$Ԃԁ$@4<jgB@`BEG*`B@3P@gRESm SlA2 / NR(H gBF`t~<Am<Zo<0mV<9nNBE`3PgRESmSf8P0RSA2 / N JNT,@0/g n fz`BEJEgx`x0W*<gZ0/g2.`rSAgSAg"`B LN /0HП2HN 2/@W`" LN /0HП2HN 2/HWJEgpй10 @ Pfr`r0/@@o0/g >.G<`<f JN.<`~HA'0pj g HN&?/4/DSB2/0/NTO` RFRLfpOL\NuH8&8(H$I|M6f2`|K4f4`ܴ|H8g|P2f|Jg|G)Bk0rAXWf0( N HPa`Fff`BR67|DAtBA Nh Sgf2 N8B@`ZBR6AtBA N@ Sf7|BR7Dp67@A.tBA N SfAtBA N Sg8pLNuH(6N\:H"ҁҀ҄T A<`6Fg p4H"ҁ҂҄P APg 2NJ2H ЀЁЄ @<Ff2 NLxNuH O(6?B$HH$ԂԁԀP"B:$ԂԁԀԼ B<~@EpEtF?BrE?AJGfJ@gJBg2/gJGg of?|`BoJ@g00/f*rEg 2N`JGfp@>42 D0NJ@g|g, Wg&;|AtBA N` mfB@`0-8BE;EN R-g:2-m;A0-m;@B@N ?-?-?-4-rB@ CNT\O;|AtBA N;|QAtBA NpN|G`\Tg0g:BTt"KBA0 CN`AzN.pGgJg\BpN0-mm2-mmmlmlmHmH3AR@:py'~f`?-4-rB@ CNTO8 TfBTrpN`, L4-2 N<J@g2gH$Ԃԁ CN @/hp_ oN/HgA 2 N2H ЀЁ CN @0(S@gS@g`2 oNH2/@4` oN/0/HrN4`BR0/ R"/IAm>BS0H$ԂԀ CNd @ P`"oR _fRSRHQmg ml޺Tf0SgtCBA0 CNt"KBA:0 CNpGgV URfJEgJJfDB@NLx`8JgBpN: mf|0H>|xm |nWv0?Hx"| |NXO P00H4|am |znRBW`"0BA5IJRfBB58BG;|`RW0mm"M L42 N,<JEg0?4H"ҁ҂ CN0 @ h0/H Uft"KBA0 CNt"KBA0 CN`F UfBB K2 N6`20g. -_f o Pg pf9)gt"K20 CN>JFgTg0gJEgt"KBA0 CN JFf-gNppN\pNlA\N\Jg6 910м @2$910Լ"B0NHЀA836B@N0OL1o6Nu y101@$Nu y102<BBHR0QNu y101@"NuC1@g""Q y101@f1AZ1Bh4)BJ|1BFg1i4P1i6d1i8b1i:`1i>\1i@^!iLT1iPX1iRRBhBBhDBhJ1oj1or!|1Dl1|@1|@pNu` 7o{=|>` 7o???o7 `|>={o7 `??_o/7  ?`@||=^zl6,46l `` 7?o____[UUo7? `  ))**1*P*o  *z  %*  x  qSE7*1][|ERROR IN ALERT FORMAT!][Ok]CANCELQUITEXITABORTB$08n $   * "(     f &"BL \2 X 4&Dj$L<>&Nf, h$~8:Br\X($>   .L  p FormDoIt! version 1.0 by Dan Wilga Copyright 1991, Gribnif Software. All Rights reserved. This program may be distributed freely, provided that this text file is present and that it and the program file are unmodified. This program replaces one part of GEM that has always been in need of improvement: the dialog manager, sometimes known as form_do(). This is the part of GEM that handles the boxes that appear in most programs in order to ask for options or settings. FormDoIt adds a number of features to this all-important aspect of the operating system. It is loosely based upon a program that appeared as part of the Professional GEM Series, by Tim Oren. Installation: ------------ FORMDOIT.PRG may be copied to the AUTO folder or run directly from the desktop of your choice. Editable Fields --------------- An editable field is a string within a dialog box that has a vertical line cursor so that you can modify it with the keyboard. FormDoIt emulates the normal GEM dialog functions: o The Tab and down-arrow keys move to the next editable field. o The up-arrow key moves to the previous editable field. o The left- and right-arrow keys move within a field. o The Esc key clears an editable field. o Backspace and Delete delete characters before and after the cursor. o The mouse can be used to select an editable field for the cursor. It also adds a number of extensions: o Tab and down-arrow will move the cursor to the first editable field in a dialog box if it is already at the last one. o Up-arrow will also wrap, from the first field to the last. o Shift-left-arrow will move the cursor to the leftmost character in the field, and Shift-right-arrow will move all the way to the right. o If a dialog box does not have a "default" button (of the type that gets selected if the Return key is pressed), then the Return key will automatically advance the cursor to the next editable field. o The mouse will position the cursor to the character closest to where the mouse button is pressed, not just to the end of the line. o There are two ways that any character in the ST's character set can be entered: 1. Press the Insert key. This opens a box that contains the entire character set. Click with the mouse on the character to use. You can click anywhere outside the box or press a key to remove the box if you decide not to use it. 2. If you know the ASCII value of a particular character, you can hold down the Alternate key and type it, in decimal, using the keypad. A character is generated as soon as the Alternate key is no longer being held down, or three digits have been pressed. For example, to enter an "A" (ASCII 65), you would do the following: Hold down the Alternate key Press 6 on the keypad Press 5 on the keypad Release the Alternate key Please note that not every character is valid for all editable strings; Just as certain keypresses may be ignored because they are not the right type, characters selected with either of these two methods may also be ignored. o If you have TOS 1.0, you may have run into the "underscore bug" before; typing an underscore ("_") character with certain types of editable fields can cause GEM to crash. FormDoIt will prevent this crash from happening, if you type an underscore by accident, but the only way it can do this is by ignoring the character, so you won't see it appear. Buttons: ------- Normally if you press Return in a GEM dialog, the "default" exit button is selected. This button can usually be identified by the fact that it has a very thick border. FormDoIt also adds a way to select the most common type of button that is not normally the default, that is, the "Cancel" button. If you press the Undo key, then the dialog will be searched for a string that is either "Cancel", "Quit", "Exit", or "Abort". If it finds one, then the button is selected. Probably the most valuable feature that FormDoIt provides is keyboard equivalents for buttons other than the defaults in dialogs. When it takes control, FormDoIt scans all of the buttons in the dialog box and assigns keyboard equivalents in such a way that each button has a unique one. When the dialog box appears, it will look different because there will be short lines underneath characters in most of the buttons. If you hold down the Alternate key and press the character that is underlined, the button will be selected. Up to 20 buttons in a dialog can have Alternate key assignments. Alert Boxes: ----------- FormDoIt also affects the way alert boxes work; these are the pre-made GEM dialogs that usually have a Stop sign, a question mark, or an exclamation point icon in them. In addition to providing keyboard equivalents for the buttons in alerts, FormDoIt will also let you redefine what the icons in the alerts look like. If a file called FORMDOIT.BL3 is in the same directory as FORMDOIT.PRG when it runs, then the icons contained in this file are used in place of the default ones in FormDoIt. Included with this program are three files: BORING.BL3, DEFAULT.BL3, and INVERSE.BL3. The first contains the normal GEM alert icons, the second has the default icons that will be used if there is no file called FORMDOIT.BL3 (kind of redundant), and the third has yet another set of icons in it. To use one of these files, simply rename it to FORMDOIT.BL3 and run FORMDOIT.PRG. The icon files are in Degas Elite block fomat. They can be edited and re-saved using Degas, but if you do edit them you must be very careful to make sure that the new file you save is a block that is exactly 32 x 96. The "Snap" feature in Degas is helpful for this purpose. Disabling FormDoIt: ------------------ If, for some bizarre reason or other, you would like to temporarily disable FormDoIt, you can do so by holding down both Shift keys and pressing the Delete key. To turn FormDoIt back on, press the same keys again. Both of these actions will cause a short sound effect. Compatibility: ------------- While every effort has been made to assure that this program works with other programs, there are a few things worth mentioning: Some programs use their own dialog manager and therefore will not benefit from FormDoIt at all. Some examples of this are Tempus II, K Resource, and two programs which only use their own dialogs part of the time, Aladdin and Superbase. The GEM desktop will also not be affected by FormDoIt because it calls the dialog manager internally and there is no way for this to be intercepted in such a way as to work with all ROM versions. The system also has several "canned" error messages that will not be affected by FormDoIt for the same reason, such as "Please insert disk B into drive A:" and "Data on this disk may be damaged." FormDoIt will work with the Universal Item Selector, with the exception that UIS' own keyboard equivalents prevent the Undo feature of FormDoIt from working. While FormDoIt does work with CodeKeys from CodeHead Software, any mouse button presses that occur while FormDoIt is handling a dialog box will not be recorded by CodeKeys. A macro which has been recorded without FormDoIt active can, however, be played back when FormDoIt is active, and it should work as expected. See "Disabling FormDoIt." FormDoIt has more strict error checking for alerts than GEM does. Consequently, you may find one or two programs which use more than 30 characters per line in the alert text or more than 10 characters in a button. For these, FormDoIt will chopped-off the remainder (unlike GEM, which can produce some very odd-looking alerts!) The one bug I know of relates to programs which call form_do() once and, depending on which button is pressed, change the contents of one or more of the buttons in the dialog and then call form_do() again. This can cause the keyboard equivalent underlines to appear under more than one character in the same button, though it just means that the ones from the first call were not removed. I could prevent this by always undrawing the underlines, but this is such a rare case that the slowdown is really not worth it. About "Colaware": ---------------- You've heard of public domain, you've heard of shareware. This program, however, is Colaware: if you like it, you are encouraged to send copious quantities of highly caffeinated beverages (Coke, Jolt, etc.) to the address below (via U.S. Mail, please; UPS won't deliver to a P.O. Box) so that I can continue to create more products like this one. Dan Wilga Gribnif Software P.O. Box 350 Hadley, MA 01035 Internet: Dan.Wilga@saturn.ucc.umass.edu GEnie: GRIBNIF If you like this program, you might want to take a look at some of our commercial products: NeoDesk 3 - The Ultimate Desktop ================================ NeoDesk 3 is the most powerful, complete, and easy to use graphical desktop available for the Atari ST. Not only does it make your computer easier to use but it adds a very complete series of new features and enhancements. These include improved file operations, custom icons, icon editor, desktop icons, desktop notes, independent custom windows, macros, keyboard equivalents, and much much more!! The package a 140 page manual. A free demo version is available from GEnie or your local BBS. NeoDesk CLI =========== The NeoDesk CLI is a complete add-on command line interpreter for the NeoDesk 3 desktop replacement package. It runs out of its own GEM window and includes a very complete batch programming language. This allows for such things as the creation of powerful batch files which let you automate your computer. The NeoDesk CLI uses both MS-DOS and UNIX style commands to simplify its use. The package includes a 70 page manual. A free demo version is also available. You can order these products by calling our toll free order line (USA, Canada, Hawaii, PR, and Alaska only): (800) 284-4742 (orders only!) You can also order by sending us the correct amount from the chart below to: Gribnif Software, P.O. Box 350, Hadley, MA 01035: NeoDesk 3........................................$69.95 ___________ NeoDesk CLI......................................$29.95 ___________ Shipping (USA: $2.00 / Canada: $3.00 / Foreign: $5.00) ___________ If you have any questions or comments, you can call us at (413) 584-7887. You can also fax us at (413) 584-2565. FORMILBMBMHD ` `CMAPBODY`0 C `0 @ @ 8pC 8p?@@  > 8< 0880p`AÀ@ ! 80p` `0 @@@ 5@U@UHUTUTPd@$@ @@  @0 `8p. #.. #LOREZMKRDOC% LOREZMKRLST)LOREZMKRPI10"}LOREZMKRPRG7ιLOWDEMO PRGAR Low Rez Alert Box Maker v1.0 by Harry Sarber 01/28/1991 This is a GFA Basic Programmers' utility for making Low resolution Alert boxes. Why make your own Alert boxes you say? Well, I write programs that use Low resolution DEGAS pictures, but I hate to shift to low resolution to use the program. So, I use the forced Low resolution mode to get Low resolution with a Medium resolution Desktop. Problems arise when you do that. Alert boxes and File Selector boxes act strangely. They are split in half with the left part of the box on the right side of the screen and the right part of the box on the left side of the screen. Run the Demo program in Medium resolution to see this phenomenon. To compensate for this I make my own custom made Alert boxes using this program. To fix the File Selector problem I check to see what resolution you are in and if you are in Medium resolution when you run the program it will shift back to Medium resolution before it calls up a File Selector box. After you are finished with the File Selector box it shifts the resolution back to Low and then redraws the screen. It would be foolish to shift to Medium resolution just to show an Alert box. Each Alert box takes approximately 600-700 bytes to construct and save to a GFA Basic Listed file. Things can add up if you use a lot of Alert boxes. Since I have 2.5 meg of memory and a hard drive I'm not too concerned with it. Help is available when the program is running. I won't even bother explaining how to use the program here since it is rather intuitive when you see it running. The program runs in either Low or Medium resolution. Place LOREZMKR.PRG, LOREZMKR.PI1, and LOWDEMO.PRG in the same folder. Run LOWDEMO.PRG to see the Demo or run LOREZMKR.PRG to run the Low Rez Alert Box Maker. When either program runs it checks to see if the picture file LOREZMKR.PI1 exists. If it doesn't find it an Alert box will pop up saying so and the program will exit. I've spent a fair amount of time with error checking on this program. It should be bug free (fingers crossed), but if one should show up an Alert box will pop up giving you some information as to what happened. Please jot the information down and let me know what happened to cause the error. This program is being distributed as Freeware. GFA Basic source code listing is included for those that want to monkey around with it. I can't think of too many other things that could be added. And, as always, I have to put in the disclaimer that any damage caused by the use or misuse of this program is not my responsibility. Questions, comments, criticisms, and bug reports can be reported to: Harry Sarber 191 Forsyth Road Oakdale, CT 06370 Genie: H.SARBER Compuserve: 72717,335 ' ' Low Rez Alert Box Maker v1.0 ' by Harry Sarber ' Started: 10/31/90 ' ReStarted: 1/23/91 ' @Init Start: @Doit @Gone ' ' Sheesh! Ya always have to initialize something... ' Procedure Init On Error Gosub Err_handler Prn$="init" Last_filename$="" Cls ' ' Sorry, but it only runs on a color monitor. ' Rez%=Xbios(4) If Rez%=2 Alert 3,"This program only runs|in medium or low|resolution!",1,"Ok",Void% System Endif ' ' Check to see if the main screen file exists. ' If Not Exist("LOREZMKR.PI1") @Bell Alert 3,"I cannot find LOREZMKR.PI1!| | It must be in the same| path as LOREZMKR.PRG!",1,"Bye",Void% Edit System Endif ' ' Save color palette for later restoration. ' Dim Spalette%(16,3) @Save_pal ' ' Blank the screen by setting all colors to black. ' For I%=0 To 15 Setcolor I%,0,0,0 Next I% ' C$=Chr$(44) ! Just a comma Qm$=Chr$(34) ! and quotation marks. ' Dim Tline$(4),Bline$(4) Dim Menu_bar$(50) Dim Color_boxes%(16,3) ' ' Foreground/background colors ' 1=Text colors ' 2=Button colors ' 3=Box colors ' ' Get version and revision date. ' @Version ' ' Check resolution and adjust if necessary. ' If Rez%=1 Void Xbios(5,L:-1,L:-1,W:0) Cur_res%=0 Else Cur_res%=Rez% Endif ' ' Load in main screen ' Palet$=Space$(32) Hidem Cls Screen=Xbios(2) Open "I",#1,"LOREZMKR.PI1" Seek #1,2 Bget #1,Varptr(Palet$),32 Bget #1,Screen,32000 Close #1 Reset_palet$=Palet$ ' ' Chop it up ' Get 0,1,6,6,Up_arrow$ Get 0,5,6,10,Down_arrow$ Deffill 0,1,1 Pbox 0,1,6,10 Get 0,0,319,27,Selector$ Get 0,29,319,63,Text_lines$ Get 0,132,162,159,Button_text_lines$ Get 0,160,73,168,Button_selector$ Get 163,132,319,167,Icons$ Get 0,169,319,199,Color_bars$ ' ' You have to call the next three routines to setup the icons for the Alert box. ' @Exclamation @Question @Stopsign ' ' Default stuff ' Num_of_buttons%=1 Default_button%=1 Icon%=0 Text_color%=13 Box_back_color%=4 Button_text_color%=2 Button_color%=11 Boxcolor1%=6 Boxcolor2%=5 F1%=1 ! Fill pattern (not used yet) F2%=1 Tline$(0)="Low Rez Alert Box Maker" Tline$(1)=" By Harry Sarber" Tline$(2)=" Started: 01/23/91" Tline$(3)=" Last Rev: "+Rev_date$ Bline$(0)=" Ok " ' ' Update the screen ' For J%=0 To 2 @Show_fb(J%) Next J% @Show_button_text @Show_alert_text @Show_number_of_buttons @Show_default_button @Show_icon_selected @Show_it @Colorit Sget Main_screen$ Return ' ' Just a place to store version & revision date ' Procedure Version Prn$="version" Last_filename$="" Version$="1.0" Rev_date$="01/28/91" Return ' ' Show mouse and get a choice ' Procedure Doit Prn$="doit" Last_filename$="" Showm On Menu Key Gosub Check_for_return Repeat Mouse X%,Y%,B% If X%>319 Sub X%,320 Endif On Menu If Key=Asc("r") Or Key=Asc("R") If Degas_in_buffer! If Reset! Reset!=False Palet$=Degas_palet$ Else Reset!=True Palet$=Reset_palet$ Endif @Colorit Endif Key=0 Endif If B%=1 @Check_left_button Else If B%=2 @Check_right_button Endif Endif Until Leave! Return ' ' Check position after left button pressed ' Procedure Check_left_button Prn$="check_left_button" Last_filename$="" If Y%<27 And X%>31 And X%<288 Button_pressed%=Int((X%-32)/32)+1 On Button_pressed% Gosub Load_data,Save_data,Write_gfa,Accessories,View_with_pic,Load_pic,Help,Quit Else @Check_for_colors If X%>0 And X%<72 And Y%>160 And Y%<168 @Get_num_buttons Else If X%>163 And X%<319 And Y%>127 And Y%<161 @Get_icon Else If X%>0 And X%<163 And Y%>134 And Y%<160 @Get_button_text Else If Y%>26 And Y%<63 @Get_alert_text Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif Repeat Until Mousek=0 Return ' ' Check position after right button pressed ' Procedure Check_right_button Prn$="check_right_button" Last_filename$="" @Check_for_colors If X%>0 And X%<72 And Y%>160 And Y%<168 @Get_default_button Endif Repeat Until Mousek=0 Return ' ' Check for and update color bars ' Procedure Check_for_colors Prn$="check_for_colors" Last_filename$="" If Y%>169 And Y%<199 If X%>94 And X%<318 Cbx%=Int((X%-94)/14) Cby%=Int((Y%-169)/10)+1 @Update_colors(B%,Cbx%,Cby%) Endif Endif Return ' ' Update color bar ' Procedure Update_colors(But%,Col%,Row%) Prn$="update_colors(but%,col%,row%)" Last_filename$="" If But%=1 If Row%=1 Text_color%=Col% Else If Row%=2 Button_text_color%=Col% Else If Row%=3 Boxcolor1%=Col% Endif Endif Endif Else If But%=2 If Row%=1 Box_back_color%=Col% Else If Row%=2 Button_color%=Col% Else If Row%=3 Boxcolor2%=Col% Endif Endif Endif Endif Endif @Show_fb(Row%-1) @Show_it Return ' ' Show F or B in color bars ' Procedure Show_fb(R%) Graphmode 1 For K%=0 To 15 Deffill K%,1,1 Pbox 96+(K%*14),170+(R%*10),108+(K%*14),178+(R%*10) Next K% Graphmode 2 Mask%=&X10 If R%=0 Deftext Text_color% Xor Mask%,,,4 Text 97+(Text_color%*14),176+(R%*10),"F" Deftext Box_back_color% Xor Mask%,,,4 Text 103+(Box_back_color%*14),176+(R%*10),"B" Else If R%=1 Deftext Button_text_color% Xor Mask%,,,4 Text 97+(Button_text_color%*14),176+(R%*10),"F" Deftext Button_color% Xor Mask%,,,4 Text 103+(Button_color%*14),176+(R%*10),"B" Else If R%=2 Deftext Boxcolor1% Xor Mask%,,,4 Text 97+(Boxcolor1%*14),176+(R%*10),"F" Deftext Boxcolor2% Xor Mask%,,,4 Text 103+(Boxcolor2%*14),176+(R%*10),"B" Endif Endif Endif Return ' ' Load Alert data ' Procedure Load_data Prn$="load_data" Last_filename$="" @Get_filename("Load Alert data from file...","ALT") If Filename$<>"" And Right$(Filename$,1)<>"\" If Exist(Filename$) Open "I",#1,Filename$ Last_filename$=Filename$ Input #1,Test$ If Test$<>"ALERT" @Bell Get 52,65,268,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 13,1,1 Pbox 52,65,268,129 Color 2 Box 56,68,264,126 Box 55,67,265,127 Color 2 Box 52,65,268,129 Deftext 2,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 98,86,"That is not an Alert" Text 98,95," box Data file!" Put 62,76,Stopsign$,7 Color 2 Deftext 4,,,6 Box 140,111,180,121 Box 139,110,181,122 Text 144,119," Ok " Box 138,109,182,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,320 Endif If K%=1 If X%>138 And X%<182 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=1 Else @Bell Endif Endif Until Answer%=1 Put 52,65,Tmp$ Repeat Until Mousek=0 Else Input #1,Text_color% Input #1,Box_back_color% Input #1,Button_text_color% Input #1,Button_color% Input #1,Boxcolor1% Input #1,Boxcolor2% Input #1,Num_of_buttons% Input #1,Default_button% Input #1,Icon% Input #1,F1% Input #1,F2% For I%=0 To 3 Input #1,Tline$(I%) Next I% For I%=0 To 2 Input #1,Bline$(I%) Next I% @Show_button_text @Show_alert_text @Show_number_of_buttons @Show_default_button @Show_icon_selected @Clear_center @Show_it Endif Close #1 Else @Bell @No_exist Endif Endif Return ' ' Save Alert data ' Procedure Save_data Prn$="save_data" Last_filename$="" @Get_filename("Save Alert data to file...","ALT") If Filename$<>"" And Right$(Filename$,1)<>"\" Answer%=1 If Exist(Filename$) @Bell @It_exists Endif If Answer%=1 Open "O",#1,Filename$ Last_filename$=Filename$ Print #1,"ALERT" Print #1,Text_color% Print #1,Box_back_color% Print #1,Button_text_color% Print #1,Button_color% Print #1,Boxcolor1% Print #1,Boxcolor2% Print #1,Num_of_buttons% Print #1,Default_button% Print #1,Icon% Print #1,F1% Print #1,F2% For I%=0 To 3 Print #1,Tline$(I%) Next I% For I%=0 To 2 Print #1,Bline$(I%) Next I% Close #1 Endif Endif Return ' ' File exists Alert ' Procedure It_exists Get 64,65,256,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 2,1,8 Pbox 64,65,256,129 Color 14 Box 68,68,252,126 Box 67,67,253,127 Color 14 Box 64,65,256,129 Deftext 12,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 110,86,"That file exists!" Text 110,95," Overwrite file?" Put 74,76,Question$,7 Color 8 Deftext 1,,,6 Box 123,111,155,121 Box 122,110,156,122 Text 127,119,"Yes" Box 163,111,195,121 Box 162,110,196,122 Text 171,119,"No" Box 121,109,157,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,319 Endif If K%=1 If X%>121 And X%<157 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=1 Else If X%>161 And X%<197 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=2 Else Print At(1,1);Chr$(7) Endif Endif Endif Until Answer%=1 Or Answer%=2 Put 64,65,Tmp$ Repeat Until Mousek=0 Return ' ' Write GFA listed file ' Procedure Write_gfa Prn$="write_gfa" Last_filename$="" @Get_filename("Write GFA Basic source code listing...","LST") If Filename$<>"" And Right$(Filename$,1)<>"\" Answer%=1 If Exist(Filename$) @Bell @It_exists Endif If Answer%=1 Color 3 Open "O",#1,Filename$ Last_filename$=Filename$ Print #1,"GET ";Bx%-4;C$;By%-3;C$;Bx%+Bw%+4;C$;By%+Bh%+3;C$;"tmp$" Print #1,"GRAPHMODE 1" Print #1,"DEFFILL ";Box_back_color%;C$;F1%;C$;F2% Print #1,"PBOX ";Bx%-4;C$;By%-3;C$;Bx%+Bw%+4;C$;By%+Bh%+3 Print #1,"COLOR ";Boxcolor1% Print #1,"BOX ";Bx%;C$;By%;C$;Bx%+Bw%;C$;By%+Bh% Print #1,"BOX ";Bx%-1;C$;By%-1;C$;Bx%+Bw%+1;C$;By%+Bh%+1 Print #1,"COLOR ";Boxcolor2% Print #1,"BOX ";Bx%-4;C$;By%-3;C$;Bx%+Bw%+4;C$;By%+Bh%+3 Print #1,"DEFTEXT ";Text_color%;C$;C$;C$;"6" Print #1,"GRAPHMODE 2" For I%=0 To 3 If Tline$(I%)<>"" Print #1,"TEXT ";Tx%;C$;By%+9+(I%*9);C$;Qm$;Tline$(I%);Qm$ Endif Next I% If Icon%=1 Print #1,"PUT ";Bx%+6;C$;By%+8;C$;"exclamation$";C$;"7" Else If Icon%=2 Print #1,"PUT ";Bx%+6;C$;By%+8;C$;"question$";C$;"7" Else If Icon%=3 Print #1,"PUT ";Bx%+6;C$;By%+8;C$;"stopsign$";C$;"7" Endif Endif Endif Print #1,"COLOR ";Button_color% Print #1,"DEFTEXT ";Button_text_color%;C$;C$;C$;"6" Print #1,"BOX ";Bt1x%;C$;Bty%;C$;Bt1x%+Btw%;C$;Bty%+10 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt1x%-1;C$;Bty%-1;C$;Bt1x%+Btw%+1;C$;Bty%+11 Print #1,"TEXT ";Bt1x%+4;C$;Bty%+8;C$;Qm$;Bline$(0);Qm$ If Num_of_buttons%>1 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt2x%;C$;Bty%;C$;Bt2x%+Btw%;C$;Bty%+10 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt2x%-1;C$;Bty%-1;C$;Bt2x%+Btw%+1;C$;Bty%+11 Print #1,"TEXT ";Bt2x%+Int(Btw%/2)-((Len(Bline$(1))/2)*8);C$;Bty%+8;C$;Qm$;Bline$(1);Qm$ Endif If Num_of_buttons%>2 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt3x%;C$;Bty%;C$;Bt3x%+Btw%;C$;Bty%+10 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt3x%-1;C$;Bty%-1;C$;Bt3x%+Btw%+1;C$;Bty%+11 Print #1,"TEXT ";Bt3x%+Int(Btw%/2)-((Len(Bline$(2))/2)*8);C$;Bty%+8;C$;Qm$;Bline$(2);Qm$ Endif If Default_button%=1 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt1x%-2;C$;Bty%-2;C$;Bt1x%+Btw%+2;C$;Bty%+12 Print #1,"DEFAULT%=1" Else If Default_button%=2 And Num_of_buttons%>1 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt2x%-2;C$;Bty%-2;C$;Bt2x%+Btw%+2;C$;Bty%+12 Print #1,"DEFAULT%=2" Else If Default_button%=3 And Num_of_buttons%>2 Print #1,"BOX ";Bt3x%-2;C$;Bty%-2;C$;Bt3x%+Btw%+2;C$;Bty%+12 Print #1,"DEFAULT%=3" Endif Endif Endif Print #1,"SHOWM" Print #1,"answer%=0" Print #1,"REPEAT" Print #1,"ON MENU" Print #1,"MOUSE x%";C$;"y%";C$;"k%" Print #1,"IF x%>319" Print #1,"SUB x%";C$;"320" Print #1,"ENDIF" Print #1,"IF k%=1" Print #1,"IF x%>";Bt1x%-2;" AND x%<";Bt1x%+Btw%+2;" AND y%>";Bty%-2;" AND y%<";Bty%+12 Print #1,"answer%=1" If Num_of_buttons%>1 Print #1,"ELSE" Print #1,"IF x%>";Bt2x%-2;" AND x%<";Bt2x%+Btw%+2;" AND y%>";Bty%-2;" AND y%<";Bty%+12 Print #1,"answer%=2" Endif If Num_of_buttons%>2 Print #1,"ELSE" Print #1,"IF x%>";Bt3x%-2;" AND x%<";Bt3x%+Btw%+2;" AND y%>";Bty%-2;" AND y%<";Bty%+12 Print #1,"answer%=3" Endif Print #1,"ELSE" Print #1,"PRINT AT(1";C$;"1)";Chr$(59);"chr$(7)" Print #1,"ENDIF" If Num_of_buttons%>1 Print #1,"ENDIF" Endif If Num_of_buttons%>2 Print #1,"ENDIF" Endif Print #1,"ENDIF" Print #1,"UNTIL answer%=1"; If Num_of_buttons%>1 Print #1," or answer%=2"; Endif If Num_of_buttons%>2 Print #1," or answer%=3"; Endif Print #1 Print #1,"PUT ";Bx%-4;C$;By%-3;C$;"tmp$" Print #1,"REPEAT" Print #1,"UNTIL MOUSEK=0" Close #1 Endif Endif Return ' ' Access to accessories ' Procedure Accessories Prn$="accessories" Last_filename$="" Sget Tscreen$ Cls If Rez%=1 Void Xbios(5,L:-1,L:-1,W:Rez%) Endif @Build_menu_bar Menu Menu_bar$() On Menu Gosub Menu_handler Setcolor 0,7,7,7 For I%=1 To 15 Setcolor I%,0,0,0 Next I% Leave_accessories!=False Do On Menu Exit If Leave_accessories! Loop Menu Kill If Rez%=1 Void Xbios(5,L:-1,L:-1,W:0) Endif @Colorit Sput Tscreen$ Return ' ' View present Alert with a Degas picture ' Procedure View_with_pic Prn$="view_with_pic" Last_filename$="" If Degas_in_buffer! If Reset! Palet$=Degas_palet$ @Colorit Endif Hidem Sget Tscreen$ Sput Pic_screen$ @Show_it @Wait_button If Reset! Palet$=Reset_palet$ @Colorit Endif Sput Tscreen$ Showm Else @Bell Get 48,65,272,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 2,1,1 Pbox 48,65,272,129 Color 4 Box 52,68,268,126 Box 51,67,269,127 Color 4 Box 48,65,272,129 Deftext 10,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 94,77,"No picture is loaded!" Text 94,95," You must load a" Text 94,104," DEGAS picture first." Put 58,76,Stopsign$,7 Color 8 Deftext 4,,,6 Box 140,111,180,121 Box 139,110,181,122 Text 144,119," Ok " Box 138,109,182,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,320 Endif If K%=1 If X%>138 And X%<182 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=1 Else @Bell Endif Endif Until Answer%=1 Put 48,65,Tmp$ Repeat Until Mousek=0 Endif Return ' ' Load a Degas picture ' Procedure Load_pic Prn$="load_pic" Last_filename$="" Hidem Sget Tscreen$ Showm @Get_filename("Load DEGAS picture...","PI1") If Filename$<>"" And Right$(Filename$,1)<>"\" If Exist(Filename$) Hidem @Degasload(Filename$) If Screen_loaded! Degas_palet$=Palet$ @Colorit Sget Pic_screen$ Degas_in_buffer!=True @Wait_button Endif Showm Else @Bell @No_exist Endif Endif Sput Tscreen$ Showm Return ' ' File doesn't exist Alert ' Procedure No_exist Get 32,65,288,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 0,1,1 Pbox 32,65,288,129 Color 2 Box 36,68,284,126 Box 35,67,285,127 Color 2 Box 32,65,288,129 Deftext 4,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 78,86,"That file does not exist!" Put 42,76,Stopsign$,7 Color 4 Deftext 8,,,6 Box 140,111,180,121 Box 139,110,181,122 Text 144,119," Ok " Box 138,109,182,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,320 Endif If K%=1 If X%>138 And X%<182 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=1 Else Print At(1,1);Chr$(7) Endif Endif Until Answer%=1 Put 32,65,Tmp$ Repeat Until Mousek=0 Return ' ' Help ' Procedure Help Prn$="help" Last_filename$="" Hidem Sget Tscreen$ Cls Graphmode 1 Color 10 Deftext 6,,,4 Put 0,0,Selector$ Deftext 1,,,6 Text 44,37,"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8" Deftext 1,,,4 Text 16,72,"Click on these icons for the following functions:" Text 8,88,"1) Load Alert Data 5) View Alert with picture" Text 8,96,"2) Save Alert Data 6) Load DEGAS picture" Text 8,104,"3) Write GFA listed file 7) Help" Text 8,112,"4) Access to accessories 8) Quit" @Wait_help_button Put 0,29,Text_lines$ @Show_alert_text Line 0,31,319,31 Line 0,63,319,63 For I%=0 To 8 Put (I%*32)+28,64,Up_arrow$ Next I% Text 20,96,"Click in this area to change Alert box text." @Wait_help_button Deffill 0,1,1 Pbox 0,31,319,31 Put 0,132,Button_text_lines$ @Show_button_text Line 0,135,161,135 Line 161,135,161,159 Line 0,159,161,159 Text 30,96,"Click in this area to change Button names." For I%=0 To 4 Put (I%*28)+20,160,Up_arrow$ Next I% @Wait_help_button Pbox 0,135,161,135 Pbox 161,135,161,159 Pbox 0,159,162,166 Put 0,160,Button_selector$ @Show_number_of_buttons @Show_default_button Text 30,80," Click in this area to select" Text 30,88," number of buttons and default button." Text 30,104,"Left click to choose number of buttons." Text 30,112,"Right click to choose default button." Put 11,169,Up_arrow$ Put 34,169,Up_arrow$ Put 58,169,Up_arrow$ @Wait_help_button Pbox 0,169,73,175 Put 163,132,Icons$ @Show_icon_selected Text 32,96,"Click in this area to select Icon to show." For I%=0 To 3 Put (I%*39)+180,168,Up_arrow$ Next I% @Wait_help_button Pbox 163,168,319,174 Put 0,169,Color_bars$ Color 10 Deftext 1,,,4 Line 94,168,319,168 Line 94,168,94,199 Text 20,80,"Click in this area to select colors for Alert." Text 20,96," Left click to select foreground color." Text 20,104," Right click to select background color." For I%=0 To 4 Put (I%*14)+99,162,Down_arrow$ Next I% @Wait_help_button Cls Restore Help_data For I%=0 To 24 Read Help$ Text 0,(I%*8)+6,Help$ Next I% Repeat Until Mousek Repeat Until Mousek=0 Sput Tscreen$ Showm Help_data: Data " Help for Low Rez Alert Box Maker" Data " " Data "Alert Data files are saved with the extension .ALT" Data "GFA listed files are saved with the extension .LST" Data "DEGAS pictures are low rez uncompressed .PI1 pictures" Data "The proper filename extension (.ALT,.LST,.PI1) is" Data "automatically added if you do not put one on." Data " " Data "If you load a DEGAS picture and the screen colors are" Data "such that you cannot see the work screen hit R to" Data "reset the colors to the original color palette. Hit" Data "R again to toggle back to the DEGAS picture palette." Data "If you reset the palette and select View from the" Data "menu the DEGAS color palette is used to show the" Data "Alert with the picture. When you press a button to" Data "exit viewing the Alert with the picture the original" Data "color palette will be used." Data " " Data "Editing commands for line text and button name text:" Data " Backspace - Delete character before cursor." Data " Delete - Delete character under cursor. " Data " Down arrow - End of line Escape - Clear line" Data " Up arrow - Start of line Return - Enter line" Data " " Data " Press any button to continue... " Return ' ' Wait for a button press in Help ' Procedure Wait_help_button Text 56,128,"Press any button to continue..." Repeat Until Mousek=0 Repeat Until Mousek Repeat Until Mousek=0 @Clear_center Return ' ' Get number of buttons (1-3) ' Procedure Get_num_buttons Prn$="get_num_buttons" Last_filename$="" Num_of_buttons%=Int(X%/24)+1 @Show_number_of_buttons @Clear_center @Show_it Return ' Procedure Show_number_of_buttons Prn$="show_number_of_buttons" Last_filename$="" If Default_button%>Num_of_buttons% Default_button%=0 @Show_default_button Endif Graphmode 1 Color 1 For I%=0 To 2 Box 1+(I%*24),160,25+(I%*24),168 Next I% Color 4 Box 1+((Num_of_buttons%-1)*24),160,25+(Num_of_buttons%-1)*24,168 Return ' ' Get default button (if wanted) ' Procedure Get_default_button Prn$="get_default_button" Last_filename$="" New_default_button%=Int(X%/24)+1 If New_default_button%<>Default_button% And New_default_button%<=Num_of_buttons% Default_button%=New_default_button% Else Default_button%=0 Endif @Show_default_button @Clear_center @Show_it Return ' Procedure Show_default_button Prn$="show_default_button" Last_filename$="" Graphmode 1 Color 0 For I%=0 To 2 Box 2+(I%*24),161,24+(I%*24),167 Next I% If Default_button%<>0 Color 10 Box 2+((Default_button%-1)*24),161,24+((Default_button%-1)*24),167 Endif Return ' ' Get type of icon ' Procedure Get_icon Prn$="get_icon" Last_filename$="" Icon%=Int((X%-163)/39) @Show_icon_selected @Clear_center @Show_it Return ' ' Show which icon is selected ' Procedure Show_icon_selected Prn$="show_icon_selected" Last_filename$="" Graphmode 1 Color 1 For I%=0 To 3 Box 163+(I%*39),132,202+(I%*39),167 Next I% Color 3 Box 163+(Icon%*39),132,202+(Icon%*39),167 Return ' ' Get text for Alert box (4 lines max) ' Procedure Get_alert_text Prn$="get_alert_text" Last_filename$="" For I%=0 To 3 Print At(8,5+I%); Form Input 30 As Tline$(I%) Next I% @Clear_center @Show_it Return ' ' Show Alert text ' Procedure Show_alert_text For I%=0 To 3 Print At(8,5+I%);Space$(30) Print At(8,5+I%);Tline$(I%); Next I% Return ' ' Get text for button(s) ' Procedure Get_button_text Prn$="get_button_text" Last_filename$="" Graphmode 3 For I%=1 To Num_of_buttons% Print At(10,17+I%); Form Input 10 As Bline$(I%-1) Next I% @Clear_center @Show_it Return ' ' Show button text ' Procedure Show_button_text For I%=0 To 2 Print At(10,18+I%);Space$(10) Print At(10,18+I%);Bline$(I%) Next I% Return ' ' Get outa Dodge... ' Procedure Quit Prn$="quit" Last_filename$="" @Bell Get 80,65,240,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 5,1,1 Pbox 80,65,240,129 Color 8 Box 84,68,236,126 Box 83,67,237,127 Color 5 Box 80,65,240,129 Deftext 8,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 126,86," Quit?" Text 126,95,"Are you sure?" Put 90,76,Question$,7 Color 2 Deftext 4,,,6 Box 123,111,155,121 Box 122,110,156,122 Text 127,119,"Yes" Box 163,111,195,121 Box 162,110,196,122 Text 171,119,"No" Box 121,109,157,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,319 Endif If K%=1 If X%>122 And X%<156 And Y%>110 And Y%<122 Answer%=1 Else If X%>162 And X%<196 And Y%>110 And Y%<122 Answer%=2 Else @Bell Endif Endif Repeat Until Mousek=0 Endif Until Answer%=1 Or Answer%=2 If Answer%=1 @Gone Endif Put 80,65,Tmp$ Return ' Procedure Gone Prn$="gone" Last_filename$="" ' ' Reset resolution if necessary ' If Rez%<>Cur_res% Void Xbios(5,L:-1,L:-1,W:Rez%) Endif ' ' Reset the color pallette ' @Restore_pal ' ' And that's all there is to it. ' Edit ' Return ' ' Check for Return pressed ' Procedure Check_for_return Key=Menu(14) Mod 256 If Key=13 Answer%=Default% Endif Return ' ' Clear out center of screen ' Procedure Clear_center Prn$="clear_center" Last_filename$="" Graphmode 1 Deffill 0,1,1 Pbox 0,63,319,129 Return ' ' Show Alert box ' Procedure Show_it Prn$="show_it" Last_filename$="" ' Calculate box height. Bh%=58 ' Calculate box width If Len(Tline$(1))>Len(Tline$(0)) Tw%=Len(Tline$(1)) Else Tw%=Len(Tline$(0)) Endif If Len(Tline$(2))>Tw% Tw%=Len(Tline$(2)) Endif If Len(Tline$(3))>Tw% Tw%=Len(Tline$(3)) Endif If Tw%>30 Tw%=30 Endif If Icon%<>0 Bw%=(Tw%*8)+48 Else Bw%=Tw%*8+16 Endif ' Calculate box x and y coordinates Bx%=Int((320-Bw%)/2) By%=68 ' Calculate button positions Bty%=By%+Bh%-15 If Num_of_buttons%=1 Btw%=Len(Bline$(0))*8+8 If Btw%>88 Btw%=88 Endif Bt1x%=Int((320-Btw%)/2) Else If Num_of_buttons%=2 If Len(Bline$(1))>Len(Bline$(0)) Btw%=Len(Bline$(1))*8+8 Else Btw%=Len(Bline$(0))*8+8 Endif If Btw%>88 Btw%=88 Endif Bt1x%=159-Btw%-4 Bt2x%=159+4 Else If Len(Bline$(1))>Len(Bline$(0)) Btw%=Len(Bline$(1))*8+8 Else Btw%=Len(Bline$(0))*8+8 Endif If Len(Bline$(2))*8+8>Btw% Btw%=Len(Bline$(2))*8+8 Endif If Btw%>88 Btw%=88 Endif Bt1x%=159-Int(Btw%/2)-Btw%-12 Bt2x%=159-Int(Btw%/2) Bt3x%=159+Int(Btw%/2)+12 Endif Endif ' Recalc box X position if necessary If Bt1x%<=Bx% Bx%=Bt1x%-8 If Bx%<4 Bx%=4 Endif Bw%=318-(Bx%*2) Endif ' Calculate text starting point If Icon%<>0 Tx%=Bx%+42 Else Tx%=Bx%+10 Endif ' Save the area Get Bx%-4,By%-3,Bx%+Bw%+4,By%+Bh%+3,Tmp$ ' And draw the box Graphmode 1 Deffill Box_back_color%,F1%,F2% Pbox Bx%-4,By%-3,Bx%+Bw%+4,By%+Bh%+3 Color Boxcolor1% Box Bx%,By%,Bx%+Bw%,By%+Bh% Box Bx%-1,By%-1,Bx%+Bw%+1,By%+Bh%+1 Color Boxcolor2% Box Bx%-4,By%-3,Bx%+Bw%+4,By%+Bh%+3 ' And print it Deftext Text_color%,,,6 Graphmode 2 For I%=0 To 3 If Tline$(I%)<>"" Text Tx%,By%+9+(I%*9),Left$(Tline$(I%),30) Endif Next I% ' Show icon if selected If Icon%<>0 If Icon%=1 Put Bx%+6,By%+8,Exclamation$,7 Else If Icon%=2 Put Bx%+6,By%+8,Question$,7 Else Put Bx%+6,By%+8,Stopsign$,7 Endif Endif Endif Color Button_color% Box Bt1x%,Bty%,Bt1x%+Btw%,Bty%+10 Box Bt1x%-1,Bty%-1,Bt1x%+Btw%+1,Bty%+11 Bline$(0)=Left$(Bline$(0),10) Deftext Button_text_color%,,,6 Text Bt1x%+Int(Btw%/2)-((Len(Bline$(0))/2)*8),Bty%+8,Bline$(0) If Num_of_buttons%>1 Box Bt2x%,Bty%,Bt2x%+Btw%,Bty%+10 Box Bt2x%-1,Bty%-1,Bt2x%+Btw%+1,Bty%+11 Bline$(1)=Left$(Bline$(1),10) Text Bt2x%+Int(Btw%/2)-((Len(Bline$(1))/2)*8),Bty%+8,Bline$(1) Endif If Num_of_buttons%>2 Box Bt3x%,Bty%,Bt3x%+Btw%,Bty%+10 Box Bt3x%-1,Bty%-1,Bt3x%+Btw%+1,Bty%+11 Bline$(2)=Left$(Bline$(2),10) Text Bt3x%+Int(Btw%/2)-((Len(Bline$(2))/2)*8),Bty%+8,Bline$(2) Endif If Default_button%=1 Box Bt1x%-2,Bty%-2,Bt1x%+Btw%+2,Bty%+12 Else If Default_button%=2 And Num_of_buttons%>1 Box Bt2x%-2,Bty%-2,Bt2x%+Btw%+2,Bty%+12 Else If Default_button%=3 And Num_of_buttons%>2 Box Bt3x%-2,Bty%-2,Bt3x%+Btw%+2,Bty%+12 Endif Endif Endif Return ' ' Wait for a button press ' Procedure Wait_button Prn$="wait_button" Last_filename$="" Print At(11,24);"Press any button..." Repeat Until Mousek=0 Repeat Until Mousek Repeat Until Mousek=0 Return ' ' Menu Handler ' Procedure Menu_handler Prn$="menu_handler" Last_filename$="" Menu_option$=Menu_bar$(Menu(0)) If Menu_option$=" Info " Alert 1,"Low Rez Alert Box Maker v"+Version$+"| By Harry Sarber| Started: 01/23/91| Last Rev:"+Rev_date$,1,"Ok",Void% Endif If Menu_option$=" Done " Leave_accessories!=True Endif Menu Off Return ' ' Build menu bar ' Procedure Build_menu_bar Prn$="build_menu_bar" Last_filename$="" Restore Main_list_menu_data For I%=0 To 50 Read Menu_bar$(I%) Exit If Menu_bar$(I%)="***" Next I% Menu_bar$(I%)="" Main_list_menu_data: Data Desk," Info " Data ------------------- Data 1,2,3,4,5,6,"" Data Exit, Done ,"" Data *** Return ' ' Load uncompressed Degas picture ' Procedure Degasload(F$) Prn$="degasload(f$)" Last_filename$="" Screen_loaded!=False Open "I",#1,F$ Last_filename$=F$ If Lof(#1)=32034 Seek #1,2 Bget #1,Varptr(Palet$),32 Bget #1,Screen,32000 Screen_loaded!=True Else @Bell Get 76,65,244,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 12,1,1 Pbox 76,65,244,129 Color 2 Box 80,68,240,126 Box 79,67,241,127 Color 2 Box 76,65,244,129 Deftext 8,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 122,86,"That is not a" Text 122,95,"DEGAS picture!" Put 86,76,Stopsign$,7 Color 15 Deftext 4,,,6 Box 140,111,180,121 Box 139,110,181,122 Text 144,119," Ok " Box 138,109,182,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,320 Endif If K%=1 If X%>138 And X%<182 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=1 Else Print At(1,1);Chr$(7) Endif Endif Until Answer%=1 Put 76,65,Tmp$ Repeat Until Mousek=0 Endif Close #1 Return ' ' Set screen colors ' Procedure Colorit Prn$="colorit" Last_filename$="" Local I% For I%=0 To 15 Setcolor I%,Dpeek(Varptr(Palet$)+I%*2) Next I% Return ' ' Save color palette ' Procedure Save_pal Prn$="save_pal" Last_filename$="" ' For Z%=0 To 15 Dpoke Contrl,26 Dpoke Contrl+2,0 Dpoke Contrl+6,2 Dpoke Intin,Z% Dpoke Intin+2,0 Vdisys Spalette%(Z%,0)=Dpeek(Intout+2) Spalette%(Z%,1)=Dpeek(Intout+4) Spalette%(Z%,2)=Dpeek(Intout+6) Next Z% Return ' ' Restore color palette ' Procedure Restore_pal Prn$="restore_pal" Last_filename$="" For Z%=0 To 15 Dpoke Contrl,14 Dpoke Contrl+2,0 Dpoke Contrl+6,4 Dpoke Intin,Z% Dpoke Intin+2,Spalette%(Z%,0) Dpoke Intin+4,Spalette%(Z%,1) Dpoke Intin+6,Spalette%(Z%,2) Vdisys Next Z% Return ' ' Subroutines for making icons for Alert boxes. ' Procedure Exclamation Prn$="exclamation" Last_filename$="" Restore Exclamation_data Exclamation$=Space$(518) For I%=0 To 516 Step 2 Read Pd Dpoke Varptr(Exclamation$)+I%,Pd Next I% Exclamation_data: Data 31,31,4,3,3,3,3,49152 Data 49152,49152,49152,6,6,6,6,24576 Data 24576,24576,24576,13,13,13,13,45056 Data 45056,45056,45056,27,27,27,27,55296 Data 55296,55296,55296,55,55,55,55,60416 Data 60416,60416,60416,111,111,111,111,62976 Data 62976,62976,62976,220,220,220,220,15104 Data 15104,15104,15104,444,444,444,444,15744 Data 15744,15744,15744,892,892,892,892,16064 Data 16064,16064,16064,1788,1788,1788,1788,16224 Data 16224,16224,16224,3580,3580,3580,3580,16304 Data 16304,16304,16304,7164,7164,7164,7164,16344 Data 16344,16344,16344,14332,14332,14332,14332,16364 Data 16364,16364,16364,28668,28668,28668,28668,16374 Data 16374,16374,16374,57340,57340,57340,57340,16379 Data 16379,16379,16379,49148,49148,49148,49148,16381 Data 16381,16381,16381,49148,49148,49148,49148,16381 Data 16381,16381,16381,57340,57340,57340,57340,16379 Data 16379,16379,16379,28668,28668,28668,28668,16374 Data 16374,16374,16374,14332,14332,14332,14332,16364 Data 16364,16364,16364,7167,7167,7167,7167,65496 Data 65496,65496,65496,3583,3583,3583,3583,65456 Data 65456,65456,65456,1788,1788,1788,1788,16224 Data 16224,16224,16224,892,892,892,892,16064 Data 16064,16064,16064,444,444,444,444,15744 Data 15744,15744,15744,220,220,220,220,15104 Data 15104,15104,15104,111,111,111,111,62976 Data 62976,62976,62976,55,55,55,55,60416 Data 60416,60416,60416,27,27,27,27,55296 Data 55296,55296,55296,13,13,13,13,45056 Data 45056,45056,45056,6,6,6,6,24576 Data 24576,24576,24576,3,3,3,3,49152 Data 49152,49152,49152 Return ' Procedure Question Prn$="question" Last_filename$="" Restore Question_data Question$=Space$(518) For I%=0 To 516 Step 2 Read Pd Dpoke Varptr(Question$)+I%,Pd Next I% Question_data: Data 31,31,4,16383,16383,16383,16383,65532 Data 65532,65532,65532,49152,49152,49152,49152,3 Data 3,3,3,40959,40959,40959,40959,65529 Data 65529,65529,65529,49151,49151,49151,49151,65533 Data 65533,65533,65533,57336,57336,57336,57336,16379 Data 16379,16379,16379,24544,24544,24544,24544,4090 Data 4090,4090,4090,28608,28608,28608,28608,2038 Data 2038,2038,2038,12163,12163,12163,12163,33780 Data 33780,33780,33780,14215,14215,14215,14215,50156 Data 50156,50156,50156,6023,6023,6023,6023,50152 Data 50152,50152,50152,7167,7167,7167,7167,33752 Data 33752,33752,33752,3071,3071,3071,3071,2000 Data 2000,2000,2000,3582,3582,3582,3582,4016 Data 4016,4016,4016,1532,1532,1532,1532,8096 Data 8096,8096,8096,1788,1788,1788,1788,16224 Data 16224,16224,16224,764,764,764,764,16192 Data 16192,16192,16192,892,892,892,892,16064 Data 16064,16064,16064,380,380,380,380,16000 Data 16000,16000,16000,447,447,447,447,64896 Data 64896,64896,64896,191,191,191,191,64768 Data 64768,64768,64768,220,220,220,220,15104 Data 15104,15104,15104,92,92,92,92,14848 Data 14848,14848,14848,108,108,108,108,13824 Data 13824,13824,13824,47,47,47,47,62464 Data 62464,62464,62464,55,55,55,55,60416 Data 60416,60416,60416,23,23,23,23,59392 Data 59392,59392,59392,27,27,27,27,55296 Data 55296,55296,55296,11,11,11,11,53248 Data 53248,53248,53248,13,13,13,13,45056 Data 45056,45056,45056,5,5,5,5,40960 Data 40960,40960,40960,6,6,6,6,24576 Data 24576,24576,24576,3,3,3,3,49152 Data 49152,49152,49152 Return ' Procedure Stopsign Prn$="stopsign" Last_filename$="" Restore Stopsign_data Stopsign$=Space$(518) For I%=0 To 516 Step 2 Read Pd Dpoke Varptr(Stopsign$)+I%,Pd Next I% Stopsign_data: Data 31,31,4,127,127,127,127,65024 Data 65024,65024,65024,192,192,192,192,768 Data 768,768,768,447,447,447,447,64896 Data 64896,64896,64896,895,895,895,895,65216 Data 65216,65216,65216,1791,1791,1791,1791,65376 Data 65376,65376,65376,3583,3583,3583,3583,65456 Data 65456,65456,65456,7167,7167,7167,7167,65496 Data 65496,65496,65496,14335,14335,14335,14335,65516 Data 65516,65516,65516,28671,28671,28671,28671,65526 Data 65526,65526,65526,57343,57343,57343,57343,65531 Data 65531,65531,65531,45441,45441,45441,45441,34317 Data 34317,34317,34317,41089,41089,41089,41089,517 Data 517,517,517,42215,42215,42215,42215,12901 Data 12901,12901,12901,42983,42983,42983,42983,12901 Data 12901,12901,12901,41959,41959,41959,41959,12901 Data 12901,12901,12901,45543,45543,45543,45543,12805 Data 12805,12805,12805,47335,47335,47335,47335,12813 Data 12813,12813,12813,48359,48359,48359,48359,12925 Data 12925,12925,12925,42215,42215,42215,42215,12925 Data 12925,12925,12925,41191,41191,41191,41191,637 Data 637,637,637,45543,45543,45543,45543,34429 Data 34429,34429,34429,49151,49151,49151,49151,65533 Data 65533,65533,65533,57343,57343,57343,57343,65531 Data 65531,65531,65531,28671,28671,28671,28671,65526 Data 65526,65526,65526,14335,14335,14335,14335,65516 Data 65516,65516,65516,7167,7167,7167,7167,65496 Data 65496,65496,65496,3583,3583,3583,3583,65456 Data 65456,65456,65456,1791,1791,1791,1791,65376 Data 65376,65376,65376,895,895,895,895,65216 Data 65216,65216,65216,447,447,447,447,64896 Data 64896,64896,64896,192,192,192,192,768 Data 768,768,768,127,127,127,127,65024 Data 65024,65024,65024 Return ' ' Get filename with text t$ and extension e$ ' Procedure Get_filename(T$,E$) Prn$="get_filename(t$,e$)" Last_filename$="" Local I% Sget Fscreen$ Cls If Rez%<>Cur_res% Void Xbios(5,L:-1,L:-1,W:Rez%) Endif Setcolor 0,7,7,7 For I%=1 To 15 Setcolor I%,0,0,0 Next I% Print At(1,1);T$ Path_name$=Space$(64) ! Reserve space for path name Drive%=Gemdos(&H19) ! Get drive number Ptr%=Varptr(Path_name$) ! Define pointer to variable Void Gemdos(&H47,L:Ptr%,W:Drive%+1) For I%=1 To 63 If Asc(Mid$(Path_name$,I%,1))=0 Path_name$=Left$(Path_name$,I%-1) I%=63 Endif Next I% D$=Chr$(Drive%+65)+":"+Path_name$+"\*."+E$ ! Path to search Fileselect D$,B$,Filename$ ! Get a filename If Rez%<>Cur_res% Void Xbios(5,L:-1,L:-1,W:0) Endif If Filename$<>"" And Right$(Filename$,1)<>"\" L%=Len(Filename$) Extension!=False While L%>0 And Mid$(Filename$,L%,1)<>"\" If Mid$(Filename$,L%,1)="." Extension!=True Endif Dec L% Wend If Not Extension! Filename$=Filename$+"."+E$ Endif Endif Sput Fscreen$ @Colorit Return ' ' Just a bell ' Procedure Bell Prn$="bell" Last_filename$="" Print At(1,1);Chr$(7) Return ' ' Error Handler ' Procedure Err_handler Close #1 For I%=1 To 3 Print At(1,1);Chr$(7) Pause 15 Next I% Get 12,65,308,129,Tmp$ Graphmode 1 Deffill 0,1,1 Pbox 12,65,308,129 Color 2 Box 16,68,304,126 Box 15,67,305,127 Color 2 Box 12,65,308,129 Deftext 1,,,6 Graphmode 2 Text 58,77,"Error #"+Str$(Err)+" has occurred!" Text 58,86,"Procedure: "+Prn$ Text 58,95,"Filename:" If Last_filename$<>"" Text 58,104,Left$(Last_filename$,30) Else Text 58,104,"NONE" Endif Put 22,76,Stopsign$,7 Color 4 Deftext 8,,,6 Box 136,111,184,121 Box 135,110,185,122 Text 140,119,"Rats!" Box 134,109,186,123 Default%=1 Showm Answer%=0 Repeat On Menu Mouse X%,Y%,K% If X%>319 Sub X%,320 Endif If K%=1 If X%>134 And X%<186 And Y%>109 And Y%<123 Answer%=1 Else Print At(1,1);Chr$(7) Endif Endif Until Answer%=1 Put 12,65,Tmp$ Repeat Until Mousek=0 On Error Gosub Err_handler Sput Main_screen$ @Clear_center @Show_button_text @Show_alert_text @Show_number_of_buttons @Show_default_button @Show_icon_selected @Show_it Resume Start Return w3DGg@asP`pDf?@?@@@@8?@?@@@@|?@x8GG@@x?x@s?3?LL@@8?߇ @s?3?LL@@8?3$// @0s?3?LL@@??>WW@`q?1?NN@@|??<Ï<>/߀@rf2fMM@@8>޵Q؀@`y&9&FF@@?? >aA@?@@@@@@???>@?@@@@_߁mmmm_߁mmmm`>>>>>1޵1@?@@@@@@s`>>>>>111@0?@@aa@@]݁]݁3>>>><À<?>111A?@?@@ss@@@@3`????0!@0?@@ @@݁݁ `???0@0?@@ @@@@????@0?@@ @@>>>>>s?A0|?@@ ~ ~@@>>>>s?C0?f?@@@@??>>>>s?@0f?@@@@??????S?@`|?@@@@?@`?@@@@#?@`?@@@@??????s?@`?@@@@?????@@?@@@@?@?@@@@````````8888`8`8`8`8|<|<|<|<````ffffffff````f~f~f~f~````f`f`f`f`~<~<~<~|>|>|>>>>````aaaaUUUU @@@@>>>>@@@@||||<<<<MMMM 7777@@@@````ffffffffDDDD oooo````@_@_@_@_>>>> Q Q Q Qffffffff~~~~~~~~<|<|<|<| @o@o@o@o}}}}NsNsNsNs&Q&Q&Q&Q|f|f|f|fffffffff !!!!@/@/@/@/~s~s~s~s&Q&Q&Q&Qffffffffffffffff####@7@7@7@7>s>s>s>s&Q&Q&Q&Qffffffffffffffff0000""""@@@@ssss Q Q Q Q|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>>>>~~~~`f`f`f`fffff````@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@````````ffff````ffffffffffff````@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@````````>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<````@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`"8S` Efv*oM$" m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HN.Hx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NNRJrBjNuHz?<&NN\NCAp$L Qp N޾9lrBlJpNN޾pMN޾9@pdAr 0Q0tr N 9lNNupealp`NuaNJHz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNu&8*:EENuHn< 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NtNu&8*JEgJBgJjBEB:HC҅H@:|ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuNBpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|V  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</N JFkSFk&aQN `Ha"FFaQL8N6.VJgtBnVNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNurAt`t Add.A0Hk"JjJBft??/?<BNA JjNNuNJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNuvN)@p `H@)@prtN AHplrtN B 2pNpNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtN papap9@p`pvNv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtN Al 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtN 9Cp rtN Av` Av `Avl 2l 4)lVHNaBp0,l 2Nua40,HNua*p0,l 4Nuaprt0,l 22,l 44,NuN9||BlBlrҌpsNBNu0<}N& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`N(@((?<NN.?<NNX@LvA HA HNuNup9@HA)A,N FN @e024E$ Bb5B5A6CC5CK5CAB008:Dk`Ek\00<,>,SFSGFnHGnDDDk9DBlDEk9EBlFcllGcll0,lb 0,lcNupmrtA)HA)HN pNHHPN4 _:8><DbFEbGCHP@dʾAdBD2ƞE29|C???FF22N23BRG0@\@N"2)IN(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4N޾HNu*( INA)H @depd ae zb QB DNA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNHpZN޾A BP"`#|}N\A"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENAR@H`2QNur|<N @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| N 2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NNl"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNuApNN|$NT$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0NuNJ@gpNu _0HpN _0HpNp"_0HqNTp"_0HqNTE ұeHHQ0)N$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNWHNuNVHNu Ihd*NT$E$RR@H`2QˈN ENu Ihd"*NT$E8*$R`"QˈN ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?NT$E$R`QˈN ENup`(* 0(iNT$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENua NuN IHPg"B  g &gN JBjt BNut`Rptr ae OgT Xgj HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBkNRB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`2p <0NT`QNuH&NրNjNuHRp` HRpJQfpNNq Y Qfd ЀЀNuNN*$_& if"QdփփHRNPNN~,Nq8DRzXEEg"7PNqR$HBJBgpNJgJigp`eetЂ`"ЀeЁdp`ЀeЀe"Ѕe$W.H@@NlL"2` NqR YEjrd0` SjN$_NЀЀ 0N YQf "_Nq*eNN*< NqbІSGfN$_N<փփ!8N YQf "_&Nq*eNN*<&NqbֆSGfN" KC`e Nl`d \N l\Ӭ\ NupNd d3 d# d# # d# # # # d# # # # # # # # dB` # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # QNudd2d"d""d""""d""""""""dB` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNuPj0,lf$J,nk l*fp?NLp NL9|nNA0,l2J,jk 0"fZRAR@ 0"g 0 f` 0 g 0,f9@lTll`BllA"H"g"A4`Q"AA 0! 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Click in this area to select4NpXrNnN(' number of buttons and default button.4NphrNnN('Left click to choose number of buttons.4NpprNnN(%Right click to choose default button.4N?< ?<A6"N?<"?<A6"N?<:?<A6"NAsJN <rNn <rIN?<?<AZ"NAxNp`r NnN*Click in this area to select Icon to show.NBpANL -N&<x*<N&<x*<NNNANANNNNިNshow_number_of_buttonsCNPA CNP -^HfNtBAvNpNpNBpANL -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<Np -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<NN`NqNqpN -NH <r$<L8N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<Np -NH <r$<L8N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<NNNިNget_default_buttonCNPA CNP -$N&<x*<NN&<x*<NN<+@ -VHpJBgp/ -_HpJBgp$VHfNv+mNvBAvNANANNNNިN(show_default_buttonCNPA CNPpNpNBpANL -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<Np -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<NN`NqNq -JVHfNx8p N -NH <r$<L8N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<Np -NH <r$<L8N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<NNNިNget_iconCNPA CNP -$NH <r$<L8N&<x*<NNN<+@AxNANANNNNިNshow_icon_selectedCNPA CNPpNpNBpANL -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<Np -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<NN`NqNqpN -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<Np -N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<"<NNNިNget_alert_textCNPA CNPBpANLN( -ZrN -C큨NrNN`NqNqANANNNNިBpANLN( -ZrNpNN:NFN( -ZrN -C큨NN:N`NqNqNNިN(get_button_textCNPA CNPpN+| -ANLN( -r N -NH <r$<L8NNN?<P?<AA퀊"NNNިNgoneCNPA CNP -䰭VHfN?-HxHx?<NN A*NNިNNިpNN&<x*<NANPAN<&<x*<NfN+mTXNNިN clear_centerCNPA CNPpNpN*pN.pN2p?rNn <"<?NNNިN(show_itCNPA CNP+|:hpC큨NNNHpC큨NNNL8NfNpC큨NN+@NpC큨NN+@pC큨NN䰭^HfN pC큨NN+@pC큨NN䰭^HfN:pC큨NN+@ - ^HfNX+| -JVHfN -NvN@&<x*<NN<+@dN -NvN@&<x*<NN<+@d -dN&<x*<NvN@NN<+@\+|D` -`NH -hNL8NH <r$<L8NN<+@t -SWHfNpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NN<+@x -x X^HfN+|Xx -xN&<x*<NvN@NN<+@pN -UWHfNpC큮NNNHpC큮NNNL8NfNHpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NN<+@xNzpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NN<+@x -x X^HfN+|Xx -xN&<x*<NH <r$<L8NN<+@p <r$<&<x*<NN<+@|NpC큮NNNHpC큮NNNL8NfNrpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NN<+@xNpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NN<+@xpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NH -xNL8NfNpC큮NNNvN@&<x*<NN<+@x -x X^HfN:+|Xx -xNvN@N&<x*<NH -xNL8NH <r$<L8NN<+@p -xNvN@N&<x*<NN<+@| -xNvN@N&<x*<N&<x*<NN<+@ -p\_HfN| -pNH <r$<L8NN<+@\ -\Y]HfNV+|\ -\NN8&<x*<NN<+@d -JVHfN -\*+@lN -\ +@l -\NH <r$<L8NNNAvNAxNANNA*~N:NNި Help for Low Rez Alert Box Maker Alert Data files are saved with the extension .ALTGFA listed files are saved with the extension .LSTDEGAS pictures are low rez uncompressed .PI1 picturesThe proper filename extension (.ALT,.LST,.PI1) isautomatically added if you do not put one on. If you load a DEGAS picture and the screen colors aresuch that you cannot see the work screen hit R toreset the colors to the original color palette. HitR again to toggle back to the DEGAS picture palette.If you reset the palette and select View from themenu the DEGAS color palette is used to show theAlert with the picture. When you press a button toexit viewing the Alert with the picture the originalcolor palette will be used. Editing commands for line text and button name text: Backspace - Delete character before cursor. Delete - Delete character under cursor. Down arrow - End of line Escape - Clear line Up arrow - Start of line Return - Enter line Press any button to continue... Desk Info -------------------123456Exit Done 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It therefore is quick and efficient. It has a capacity of 750 records per datafile. All record information is entered and displayed in pre-defined dialog box. ******************************************************************** ******************************************************************** MENU DESK | FILE | CREATE | REPORT |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |About My Program |Load Database |Create Database |Create Format | |-----------------|Save Database |Modify Database |Select Format | |Your Accessories |Close Database |Delete Database |Select Fonts | |_________________|---------------|________________|Type Of Report| |Show Database | |Make Report | |Add Records | |______________| |---------------| |Quit Program | |_______________| ******************************************************************** DESK-About My Program If you click on the selection 'About My Program' under the DESK MENU, a dialog box will appear on the screen. In this dialog box is the copyright information, shareware notice, and the version number of the program copy you have. DESK-Your Accessories These are the accessories you loaded when first booted up the computer. ******************************************************************** FILE-Load Database This option opens and loads two different files. The first file is the configuration file(.RDB). This file contains Title string, Field Name, Field Size, and Database Size information. The second file is the actual database file(.DAT). This file contains only database record information. Both these files must be in the same directory. FILE-Save Database This option saves and closes both the configuration file(.RDB) and the database file(.DAT). This option brings up the standard file selecter, so it is possible to save the files to different names than when they were opened. FILE-Close Database USE WITH CAUTION!!! This options closes all files. It does not save any data! Use this option only if you do not want to save any of the new data entered. FILE-Show Database This option displays the first record of the database. Within dialog. -MORE Displays more dialog button options. -PREV Displays previous record. Disabled on 1st record. -NEXT Displaya next record. Disabled on last record. -SORT Allows you to sort database by any field. -FIND Allows you to find any record by any field. -EDIT Allows you to edit record currently displayed. -QUIT Quits dialog. -MORE Displays original set of button options. -BEGIN Takes you to the first record in the database. -END Takes you to the last record in the database. -PRINT Prints the currently displayed record. -FIND Allows you to find any record by any field. -DELETE Toggles Delete flag. Takes effect during save. -QUIT Quits dialog. FILE-Add Records This option is used to add new records to the database. Within dialog. -NEXT Continues adding new records to database. -Quit Quits adding new records to database. FILE-Quit Program This option closes all files, quits the program and returns you to the Desktop. ******************************************************************** CREATE-Create Database This option is used to create new databases. A database must be 'created' before it can be loaded and used. Just follow prompts. CREATE-Modify Database This option is used to modify the configuration file information. You can change field names, field size, and title string information. CREATE-Delete Database USE WITH CAUTION!!! This option deletes two files. The first file is the configuration file(.RDB). The second file is the database file(.DAT). ******************************************************************** REPORT-Create Format This option allows you to create your own report format. First choose the fields that you want included in your report,(Default is all fields and field names selected) then you have the option to change carriage returns after each field.(Default is a carriage return after each field.) REPORT-Select Format This option allows you to select format for your report. If you choose 'ALL', it will use the built-in format which print all fields, field names, and button field data. If you choose 'SELECTIVE', then it will use the format you created using the 'Create Format' option. (Default is 'ALL'.) REPORT-Select Fonts This option allows you to change printer setup. It uses Epson printer codes. It also allows you to enter a set of manual codes for those who do not have an Epson compatible printer. Not selecting a font button will shut it off. REPORT-Type Of Report This option allows you to change the default 'SELECTIVE' report type. (Default is 'SEARCH".) You can compare any field to an input string, or you can compare two fields of the same record. REPORT-Make Report This option allows you to 'print' a report. Reports can be sent to printer or to a disk file(.RPT). . r.. rCREATE TOStREAD ME y ST-TERM EDI}ST-TERM INIST-TERM NUMST-TERM SETST-TERM TMPxST-TERM TTP`|HT*o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#vB "&J$YJf"Jf&f2B "EHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" #.I+I/ #//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<N>N?|BWN>NXON" ?N&?<LNANV-|/< NXO/<.NXO/<N XOp?HnN2\OHnN"XO=@b?.b/<MN\OBg/<xp?NAXOp?p?/<NPON^NuNV nBBnJnfp?p?NMXO=@ n g ng nfZ/.NXOJ@o0p?p?p?NM\Op ?p?p?NM\Op?p?p?NM\O/.NXOS@0@B`v?.p?p?NM\O/.NXO=@0.Rn0@0.0nB/.NXOn f$N^NuNVH *nz~H< @ g F fR` F-fz` F+fRH< @0m F9n2A00 A>`JEf0D@>0L N^Nu o"Jf S@NuNVHn/<NPON^NuNVHn /.NPON^NuNVHn?</.N Hn HnNPOHnBg nN\ON^NuNVH0-n n(PXH> @%gJGgf/.? n hN\O`p =@p=@p=@H> G-fp=@H>`Bn G0f p0=@H> G*f& nT=Plp=@0.D@=@H>`*Bn G0m G9n0. G@0=@H>` G.fJH> G*f nT=PH>`*Bn G0m G9n0. 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L"20   P@*.FPBLD .$  .6*" .J0.$nBF\ @$@ (  .,04 , 6&0&2> 0  @J$  $"  ,$ 0|TOur Addess is now: Commnet Systems 50 Eaton Road Framingham, MA 01701 617-877-0257 ST-Term 3.5 The 4 drive access limit has been changed to 16 drives Upon connection from the auto-dial, if the connection baud rate is different from the baud rate in the autodial file then the baud rate is changed to the connected baud rate. ST-Term 3.3 features ST-TERM now support SEAlink and Fmodem protocols. ST-TERM.INI This file is a list of commands to send to the mdem when the program is booted. ST-TERM.EDI ST-TERM can now call any TOS editor to edit a file or the capture buffer. Use CONTRL-ESC to edit the capture buffer or ALT-ESC to edit a file. The file ST-TERM.EDI contains one line which is the full path name for the editor to run. Information on ST-TERM 2.2 additions Additional Terminal Mode Keys. Press ALT-H for list. Sequence Dialing. You can now tell ST-TERM to dial up to 9 numbers until it connects with one of them. Information on ST-TERM 2.1 additions New enhancements include: VT 100 emulation User set screen/text colors Full status screen 64k capture buffer Double sided disk format Wildcard copies Enhanced Autodialer Xmodem CRC Ymodem and Ymodem Batch protocols This file contains information about ST-TERM version 2.0. ST-TERM 2.0 has ANSI (VT100 subset) emulation. Pressing the ALT and V keys will toggle between VT52 and Ansi modes. In ansi modes, ST-TERM is suitable for use on DEC VAX systems and most other systems expecting a DEC VT100 terminal. ST-TERM supports the VT100 control set with the exception of: Double width / Double height Bold, Blink, Underscore LED's Alternate Character sets Smooth scrolling 132 column mode The state of the emulator is saved in the setup file. If no setup file is loaded, ST-TERM will default to ANSI mode. Some systems such as Compuserve, allow you to connect at 8 bit even parity, but they output with the high bit set. The rs232 setup now has a STRIP BIT mode to handle this. There are now 2 methods of text capture supported by ST-TERM. From the terminal mode, alt-c and alt-s control the 64K capture buffer. Alt-S allows you to save captured text to any disk file, or to the screen or printer. From the main menu, the C command enable the Capture style ascii download function. You will be prompted for the name of a DISK file to save the download file to. Pressing ALT-T from the terminal mode will activate the text download. Pressing ALT-K will end the download. Files may be appended by repeating the ALT-T, ALT-K sequence. Note that the only limit on file size is the amount of free space on the disk. ST-TERM now supports Xmodem CRC, Ymodem and Ymodem Batch protocols. Protocol support is now done from a sub menu after pressing Receive or Send from the help menu. Two key commands have been added to the macro key functions. The character sequence will send a form feed character. The character sequence will send an escape character. This is very useful when using VAX TPU and you wish to emulate a VT200's function keys. Eight additional special keys have been added: SETTING THE SCREEN COLOR ST-TERM 2.0 allows you to set the colors for the text and background colors. These color selections are saved in your setup file. To cycle through the colors, use the Shift and up cursor key to change the background color and Shift and left cursor key to change the text color. c:\bin\emacs.ttp The first line of this file is the path name of the editor program called by ST-TERM version 3.3's alt-esc or ctrl-esc editor command. AT S7=60 X1 V1 E1 Q0 NuZF  "NuZF  "Compu-Serve453-5132NSTORK?SIGNET72040,2435uZ,MULTI-USER NETWORK (GREAT!!)cDVtMil-Atari476-9229 `NPRINTER,DEMENTOuZMILWAUKEE AREA ATARI USERS BBScDVtForgot the name384-1701 `NVILAORD272uZFcDVtPC-Express327-5300 `NTIMELORDuZFcDVtMATC278-6829 `NKERRAVONRICHARD WEGNERuZFcDVtThe New Demension BBS933-7812 `NKERRAVONuZFcDVtExec-PC789-4210 `NTIMELORDuZFcDVtWashington High School445-4050 `NTIMELORDALUMN39uZFORMER HIGH SCHOOLcDVtNuZFcDVtNuZFcDVt`R4/n*o m$m,B"HJgP"&J$YJf"Jg< Af Rf Gf Vf =f Jg#HB "&J$YJf"Jf&f2B "jEHB2 r ggSJ"g fB*`B" #.I+I/ #//SA?/ / Bg?<JNA Jf.?<?<Nn>Nn?|BWNn>NnXON˨ ?Nm?<LNANVBn/.NPXXOno0nHn f0.`Rn`pN^NuNVJy~g Jyg&/<&?.?9"?9 /<N\ y f ?./<N"\O3$Jyg?9$/<N\\OJy$m8By ByT/<&NPXXOJ@fp3.ByBy`0?./<N"\O3$Jyg?9$/<N\\OJy$m(/<&NPXXO=@0n&0.0n'B` fp3.ByByz/<&NPXXOyzo0yz& ;fRy.09.H @BP`T0yz& ?gB0yz&H09.H @0 A@029.H A0Ryz`^B9&Jyg?9$/<N\\O09$ @ bH0@ PN?./<&/<N\ B9&ByTBy By`N'J@fp?p?NMXOJgp?p?NNXOp?p?NNXOp?p?NMXO/<N\XOp ?p?p?NM\Op?NAXO/<eHnNPHPOp?Hnp=?NAPO=@r-|\Jnrl/<qN\XO` VNNp?p?NXONJp / 9VR/NPOR//<N\PO/<ھNiXONz/<p?p?N?XPO/<p?p?N?XPO/<p?p/?N?XPOp?p?NXOBnBnp??.rBpB?NA -@X/</.XNPO-@XJnf n l 9VXm p=@`Hn\/9VNPO-@|0.H @!n|0Bg?.r/.|pB?NA 0. @Hh/.\?.rp??NA p!?0. @HhVHnNP Hn0. @Hh0. @Hh0.@A?/<N\/<ھNiXORVRn`Np?p?NXO0..S@//<N\POJyTg?9/<*N\\O`/<:N\XONJ/<IN\XOJyTg/<``/<dN\XO/<hN\XO/<N\XO/<N\XO/<ھNiXONz/<9N\XO/<ھNiXOp?p?NXO/<;N\XOBnp=@ n l0.yRm/<F0./NPHPO0./HnNPHPOB.Hn0.R@?/<HN\ nf/<RN\XOBnRnRn`l/<ھNiXOp?pN?NXONp?p?NMXO-@x .x=@l .xH@H=@np?p ?NMXO-@t nalm nzln 0.l@ `0.l=@l .tg0.n@ @b?NA`HnN7\XOBg?.r/.0pB?NA Hn``HnN7\XOBg?.r/.4pB?NA Hn`8Hn N7\XOBg?.r/.8pB?NA Hn `HnN7\XOBg?.r/.0.l@Ann0?..?9T0.l@A @HhN PO @g`0.l |2<`XHXW PN`Bn?..Bg0./N PO=@ ng` ngRn0.yRf`pyT3T`NB/<N\XO/<ھNiXOp?HnNlt\O/<HnNPHPO=y v=y j =yZ"=y f$B.;B.&BnTBnPBnR?..?9THnN POJ@f 9V #VJVlBV`x .XSVn .X` 9V`NB/<N\XO/<ھNiXOp?HnNlt\OHnNlXO=@0. @ H#V`?.rp>?NAXO/<N\XONB??NAXO/.pA?NA\O`p=@0.yl&0.H/p/?. p@?NA Rn`N/Ry`B@9 @Cf?. p>?NAXON//<p ?p?NkPONjB@`?NAXO/.pA?NA\ONjpN^NuNV09R@H H@=@BnBnRyN1BJ@gp`p 30. @bH0@ PN`N/J@fp=@`09@ @fp`09@ @fp`N/J@g09@ @Bfp` ygBn`fN/J@g ygBy09@0=@?9N0lTOBnp`dN0"J@gV yfJyfp?N0lTOp`40.Rn0@09?9N0lTORRT`N0"J@g09ưyf0.yf$B@9 @Ff33p`N0.nf33\T`RnRy n oB@`N/B`N/`N^NuNVp?p?p?NM\O09@0?p?p?NM\OTN6N^NuNVp?p?p?NM\ORN6N6tp ?p?NXO?9/<N\\O/<ھNiXONjN^NuNV0.<=@p?p?NMXOJgp?p?NMXO3`p/NXOSnfp`N^NuNVByp ?N/TO3 yfB@`pN^NuNVByN/J@fB@`. yf"N/J@g09@3p3pN^NuNV09H3 yo09@R@30.y yo09@R@3N^NuNVp?p?p?NM\ORN6N^NuNV n l.p?p?p?NM\O0.@@?p?p?NM\OT`?.p?p?NM\ORRDN^NuNVp?p?NMXOJghp?p?NMXO-@0.H@ .H@H@=@p?p ?NMXOg ng .f/<p ?p?NkPOp`B@N^NuNVpF0.p?N3TON^NuNVBg/.p=?NAPO=@Jnl(pE?N1TO/<p ?p?NkPOp`pN/</<?.p??NA =@JnlBnJnoRRy?.N3TO=@f$/<p ?p?NkPO?.p>?NAXO` nfpA?N1TO`N1BJ@fJnnhpTpC/<6p ?p?NkPONjp?N3TOJ@fB@`pN^NuNV09R@H H@=@RyBnBnBnN6tN1BJ@gp`$0. @bH0@0 PN`Byp?p?p?NM\OpB?p?p?NM\O0.@0?p?p?NM\O0.@0?N0lTOBn0.nn60nB@?N0TO0nB@?N0lTORn`p?p?p?NM\O\p?N0lTO?9N0TOp=@N6`p3N/J@f p=@` yfp` yfRnRy n oB@` yfp`p3N/J@g y0mR y9nH09@0yfJnf^p`r09@0nf3p`vJng2` yg$ y;f y ` yBfp` yf`Rp 3N/J@g>By09@0=@?9N0lTOBnp`p 3N0"J@g yfJyfp?N0lTOp`0.Rn0@09?9N0lTO`Tp 3N0"J@g09ưyf0.R@H H@nfv3N/3`RnRy nn6`RnRy n nN/B`jN^NuNVp?p?NXO?9/<HN\\Op?p?NXO?9 /<MN\\ON^NuNVp?p?NXO/9D/<RN\POp?pD?NXO/9/<XN\POp?p?NXO/9/<^N\POp?pD?NXO/9T/<dN\PON^NuNVp@p@p @p@p@B.N/<jp?p?N?XPO/<}p?p?N?XPO/./<N\PO/<ھNiXO/<p?p1?N?XPO nHh/<N\PO/<ھNiXO/<p?p?N?XPO n?(*/<N\\O/<ھNiXO/<p?p?N?XPO n?(,/<N\\O/<ھNiXO/<p?p+?N?XPO n?(./<N\\O/<ھNiXO/<p?pA?N?XPO n?(0/<N\\O/<ھNiXO/<p ?p?N?XPO nHh2/<N\PO/<ھNiXO/<p ?p+?N?XPO nHhG/<N\PO/<ھNiXO/<p ?p?N?XPO nJh\f/<`/<N\XO/<ھNiXO/<p ?p?N?XPO nJh^f/< `/< N\XO/<ھNiXO/<p ?p0?N?XPO n?(`/<N\\O/<ھNiXO/<!p?p?N?XPO nHhb/<+N\PO/<ھNiXOp=@0.S@ @ bH0@P PN`/</p?p?N?XPOHnp?p?p?/.`\/<Qp?p?N?XPOHnp?p8?p? nHh`*/<{p?p?N?XPO/<p?p?N?XPO/<p?p?N?XPOHnp?p ?p? nHh*N=`/<p?p?N?XPOHnp?p#?p? nHh,`/<p?p?N?XPOHnp?p6?p? nHh.`/<p?p?N?XPOHnp?pI?p? nHh0N=`4/< p?p?N?XPOHnp ?p ?p? nHh2`/<1p?p?N?XPOHnp ?p;?p? nHhG`/<]p?p?N?XPOHnp ?p?p? nHh\N>N`/<p?p?N?XPOHnp ?p&?p? nHh^`/<p?p?N?XPOHnp ?p>?p? nHh``b/<p?p?N?XPOHnp?p ?p(? nHhbNF:=@p?p?NXONB ng n f n fp=@`&Rn` ng nf nfp `Sn nfN^NuNVHn n?N>\Op?p?NXO/.?.?.?. 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Available Dialer Prefixes. Use ALT P from dialing directory to edit. %2d) %s Select> Auto-dial Prefix Editor Escape sequence: %sHangup Code: %sPrefix 1: %sPrefix 2: %sPrefix 3: %sPrefix 4: %sPrefix 5: %sPrefix 6: %sPrefix 7: %sPrefix 8: %sPrefix 9: %sPrefix 10: %sRedial Delay: %d ST-TERM Compuserve 'B' File Transfer Packets Transfered : Data Bytes Sent : Data Bytes Received : Total Bytes Sent : Total Bytes Received : Total Errors : Last Status Message : Initialization error Unsupported File TypeFile Creation Error Initailization Error Initailization Error Press any key to return to Terminal ModeTransfer CompleteHOST aborted transferSending NAK for block %dTransfer cancelled by ALT-T or ESC hitError opening send fileCan't send packet. Transfer Aborted!Transfer Complete%6d %6d %6ld %6ld %6ld %6ld Auto-dial Editor Name: %sPhone: %sSpeed: %dData bits: %dStop Bits: %dParity: %cPassword: %sAccount Number: %sTimer Start: N YTimer Reset: N YBilling rate: %dComments: %sEnter system name (25 characters)Enter system phone number (14 characters)Enter new baud rate 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 Enter new word length (7 or 8)Enter new stop bits (1 or 2)Enter new Parity(N,E,O)Enter system password (20 characters)Enter system account number (20 characters)Start connect timer upon connection? (Y/N)Reset connect timer upon connection? (Y/N)Enter billing rate in cents per hourEnter any comments about this record (40 characters)NY Directory of *.*No files found.

files found. %ld bytes free. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec AMPM: , 19 ^Z=Finished ^N=Next field ^P=Previous field ^G=Delete char ,;srKERMIT SENDNo files to sendSend failedKermit send completedKERMIT RECEIVEReceive failed.Kermit receive completedCannot create %s%-5d%-5d%-6ldCannot open file %s%-6ld%-6ld%-5d%-5d%-6ldKermit aborting with following error from remote host: %s ST-TERM TERMINAL KEY COMMANDS Auto Dial Functions Capture Functions ALT-3 Auto Dial Directory ALT-C RAM Capture Toggle ALT-A Send Account Number ALT-E Erase RAM Capture ALT-^A Send Password ALT-S Save RAM Capture Terminal Functions File Functions ALT-B Send Break ALT-F File Directory ALT-K Keypad Toggle ALT-N Set Path ALT-M View Macro Keys ALT-R Receive File ALT-V VT52/VT100 Toggle ALT-U Upload File ALT-W Wrap Toggle ALT-ESC Edit File ALT-^S Status Screen ^-ESC Edit Buffer ALT-P Printer Log Toggle ALT-Space Clear Screen Timer Functions Clr/Home No Scroll Toggle ^@ Send Null ALT-O Toggle Timer/Clock ALT-^V Toggle Status Line ALT-^R Toggle Timer On/Off ALT-UNDO Execute Program ALT-^C Clear Timer Macro Key Editor F1: %s F2: %s F3: %s F4: %s F5: %s F6: %s F7: %s F8: %s F9: %s F10: %s ALT-F1: %s ALT-F2: %s ALT-F3: %s ALT-F4: %s ALT-F5: %s ALT-F6: %s ALT-F7: %s ALT-F8: %s ALT-F9: %s ALT-F10: %s Press any key to return to Terminal Mode"#()*/379;=>?@BC?m192009600480024001200600300FHNOEST-Term Main MenuA - AutodialerM - Macro key EditorALT-S - Save Setup fileALT-O - Load Setup fileRS232 ConfigurationB - Baud RateD - DuplexE - Remote EchoL - Line FeedsP - ParityO - StOp BitsW - Word Length@ - Strip bitUpload/DownloadC - Disk CaptureU - Upload fileR - Receive fileAlt A - Toggle Amodem mode* - Set Atascii TranslationTime Functions^E sEt Time^R staRt Timer^P stoP Timer^C Clear TimerDOS FunctionsALT-F - Format FloppyALT-E - Erase FileALT-C - Copy FileALT-R - Rename FileALT-L - List FilesALT-T - Type fileALT-P - Print fileALT-D - Change Default driveALT-N - Change directory Timer cleared! Connect timer stopped! Connect timer started! Enter name of setup file to load: Amodem/FoReM XL Xmodem active Modem7 Xmodem active Atascii Emulation mode on Atascii Emulation mode off Enter command or for Terminal Mode Enter setup save filespec: Aborted! File %s already exits. Ok to overwrite? No Yes Error writing setup file %s Setup file %s written. Error opening %s Error reading setup file %s Setup file %s installed. 1278YXmodem Send%-ld%ld%d:%d %d:0%d YXmodem Receiver s Ready to transfer. Press ALT-T from TERMINAL Mode to begin. axrybk2fszAvailable Upload Protocols[1] - Ascii[2] - Xmodem Checksum[3] - Xmodem CRC[4] - Xmodem 1K CRC[5] - Ymodem Batch[6] - Kermit[7] - Compuserve B[8] - FoReM ST/PC 4K block Fmodem[9] - SEAlink Windowed Xmodem[0] - Zmodem[T] - Toggle tight timing. Now Loose.Tight.Select protocol> XRYBK2FSZAvailable Download Protocols[1] - Xmodem Checksum[2] - Xmodem CRC[3] - Xmodem 1K CRC[4] - Ymodem Batch[5] - Kermit[6] - Compuserve B[7] - FoReM ST/PC 4K block Fmodem[8] - SEAlink Windowed Xmodem[9] - Zmodem[T] - Toggle tight timing. Now Loose.Tight.Select protocol> Capture enabled. Cancel first! Enter save filespec: %s already exits. Append file? %s already exists. Ok to overwrite? Capture enabled. Cancel first! Enter filespec to send: Macro Key Status F1: %s F2: %s F3: %s F4: %s F5: %s F6: %s F7: %s F8: %s F9: %s F10: %s ALT-F1: %s ALT-F2: %s ALT-F3: %s ALT-F4: %s ALT-F5: %s ALT-F6: %s ALT-F7: %s ALT-F8: %s ALT-F9: %s ALT-F10: %s Press any key to return to Terminal ModeRename FileOld Name:New Name:File not found Cannot rename to existing file Aborted... Error occured on rename. Function aborted. Function sucessful. New filename is %s Delete FileFilename: Aborted... Error occured on delete. Function aborted. Function sucessful. One file deleted. Format FloppyDrive: (A,B): Sides: (1,2): Invalid Entry. Format Aborted... Ok to format drive %s? No Aborted... Yes Formatting...Side: %d Track: %-3d Error occurred during format. Side: %d Track: %-2d Error occurred during format. Error %d occurred during boot sector write. ,statCompleted! Set Default DriveDrive: New default drive: %c Set DirectoryDirectory: Invalid directoryPrint FileFilename: Printing... Error opening %s Aborted... Type FileFilename: Error opening %s Aborted... Copy FileSource file :Destination File:Aborted! *.*Copying %s --> %s %d files copied. File not found File %s already exists. Ok to overwrite? NO YES Error %d on creation of %s Error %d opening %s Error writing %s. File deleted. Enter new baud rate:300 600 12002400 4800 9600 19200Invalid baud rate. Not changedEnter new Parity(N,E,O):Enter new Word Length(7,8):Enter new Stop Bits(1,2):Enter new Remote Echo: T = On F = OFF Enter new Line feed after Carriage Return: T = On F = OFF Enter new Strip High Bit: T=On F = OFF Enter new Duplex :H = Half F = FullCurrent RS232 configurationBaud Rate : 300 600 120024004800960019200Word Length : 87Parity : NoneEvenOdd Stop Bits : 12Duplex : FullHalfRemote Echo : On OffLine Feeds : OnOffStrip Bit : OnOff Menu Alt H-> Key Defs Undo-> Exit Change upload setup? No Error opening %s. Upload aborted. Uploading. Press ALT-T to abort. Aborted! Aborted! Transfer Complete! 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Using CRC modeTransfer abortedTransfer CompletedST-TERM File TransferProtocol :File List :Current File Name :File Size :Block Check :Transfer Time :Bytes Transfered :Blocks Transferred:Blocks In File :Error Count :Last Error/Message:Transfer completePress any key to return to Terminal ModeZ_emu~·ΐΙΣVT52VT100PRT OFFPRT ON MCAP OFFMCAP ON DCAP OFFDCAP ON STRIP OFFSTRIP ON %2d:%s%-5s | %1sD %-5s %s%s%s | %-9s | %-7s | %-8s | %-8s | %06ld |%06ld%2d:%sFmodem Send BatchYmodem Send BatchSEAlink SendZmodem Send%-5ld%-5ld%d:%d %d:0%d Transfer completeFmodem Receive BatchYmodem Receive BatchWaiting on Remote...%ld%-6ld%-6ld%d:%d %d:0%d Completed! 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Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************ / ------------------------------------------------------- ( ) Verrechnungsscheck anbei (= Versandkosten frei) ( ) Geldschein anbei (