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FBLITZ IMG F BLITZ TXT F BLITZ ACC F uXBLITZ PRG F &0WBLITZ RSC F <BLITZ PC3 F ><B_TURBO PRG F D|eBLITZ2 RSC F ^p>>*P*$*  * Ǐ* * * *χnj- "P7" 7 "ar!̢ * #/( * "( Ȝ 6pH'ǂȀ` < `   ` `    Ȝ 8 ǐ'xqȜ 8 P87<8"""`<""fH"p - -0,~?P",# O " A # ##a A d"a @ %@"  &@ . #>` = = =0 =` < < ` <0 +@ 0  0 ? 0 ? `   "@ ; 9  9" 9 @""  " ` ` 0 ``@x <0 @` ~0 @ ~ @x <@0 @@@@ @ @@@@ @` ` ! 9 9@9@  8p@ 8<?"~''?`~`G<`@c0p<#~# cp$~ @ð@'<'0@0@(@9@9 9 ""000 `0` 0 @  @( ( ?9`0?9 P: "@00@0P  x0  @`` @x` ) x; ` ;@ ; ? ;? ; " `      `     ` ǀ ,` =0 = << < < < ? "  > "  "  " "  " ? A`A P`,`  ` cf` `cf` =a` =  =  =  " ` 88,,++,~~.P",,,,+,,.?P`)))  a0) 00a`) 31`) 0À3030`) 038 038 0qp8 P/0@@/918X8 / ET@\@e0QET@R|@E} /9@89@< D<@ 8P3`0@ 3 x3 DDC3 DD@3 c8D#8PC .`( . .  .  . P.  0   @   @ a   c`   aÇc  `a`a`af`   a`a`af`   ``a`a`ac   ```      @    @ a    f``   ``Çc  `a`a`af`  a`a`af`  ``a`a`ac  ```     !    # 02   C pr   C  `f  01 "agÇ`  00 ``a`a`fff`  "``a` c`ffgf "````a` faffff "` cfc      ?   ,  !<      - -< -"3P݄Jy^g 09yl\ y2y./9nN#XRyJy`g( y2y./9rN#XRy`XJyF.gBy^09S@3`By.UF/9nN#XJy`g.v/9rN#X y'gSyJyn*Jy`g.݌/9݈BgN;\aa`J`JymZJy`g( y2y THE HAPPY KILLER BLITZ COPIER Are you ready for a $22.00 copier that will copy as good, or in most cases better, than a $150.00 cart? Yes?? Well then, Blitz is for you. Blitz is a revolutionary new back-up system for the Atari ST computer. Using a special cable (that you can make yourself) and software included in this arc, it will back up your software at a speed and power unheard of before. If you know a little about wiring and how to solder, that's the most that this copier will cost you. If you have to have someone make one up for you, it might cost you $30-40 (although some people have been known to pay up to $50 for a pre-made cable). That's right, all that is needed is a cable (and two drives). No internal wiring to be done in the computer. No special, over-priced cartridges. In a nutshell, all you do is cut an Atari drive cable in two and then attach a third plug that goes into your printer port. What this cable does, is copy from drive one, out through the printer port to drive 2. (Copying is ALWAYS from drive 1 to drive 2.) It reads from drive 1 and writes to drive 2 at the same time! So in the time it takes ACopy, ProCopy, or Happy to just read a disk into memory, this program has read AND written out the same disk in one pass. And it does not care if the disk is protected or not, it copies just as fast either way (this way you can make a legal backup copy of all your protected software). Plus, it seems to copy a lot of stuff that ACopy, ProCopy AND Happy won't copy!!! BLITZ operates the disk drives at a very low level. When backing up disks it should go through an entire disk without a pause. If it does pause (for more than a second or so) then it may have got out of synchronization. In this case, press ESCAPE to abort the copy and start it going again. So the best thing to do is watch it copy and count down the tracks. If it stops for even a second, then you can forget it and start again, as it has gotten out of sync and the copy will not work. But for a program as fast and as cheap as this, you can afford to take the time to count down the tracks. One other thing. There are very few programs that this program won't copy IF you're drives are in alignment and up to proper speed. If the copy that you make does not work properly, try changing your drives around (if possible) or try it on someone else's computer and drives. BLITZ comes as a program or a desk accessory. To run it as a program you will need "BLITZ.PRG" and "BLITZ.RSC" in your working folder. To run it as an accessory, you will need "BLITZ.ACC" and "BLITZ.RSC" on the root directory of your boot-up disk. If you are unsure as to whether a disk is single sided or double sided copy it double sided (the main difference will be that it will take longer). BLITZ will quite happily appear to write to a write protected disk. Do not worry here - If a disk is write protected then there is NO WAY that BLITZ can write to it (unless your disk drive is faulty). However, you must be careful that when you DO want to write to a disk that the disk is not write protected - because BLITZ will not notice. IMPORTANT NOTE: You will not be able to use your external drive in a normal way with the BLITZ lead plugged in. MAKING YOUR OWN BLITZ CABLE (See BLITZ.PC3 or BLITZ.IMG for cable layout!) Here's all you'll need........ 1 Atari drive cable. Cost = about $20 for a six foot one. 1 24-pin printer plug (male). Cost = $1.00 1 Printer plug hood. Cost = $1.00 ....That's it! Just print out the BLITZ.PC3 or BLITZ.IMG file and you'll see how to hook up the printer plug into the drive cables. I suggest that you obtain an Atari drive cable and cut into two parts to obtain plugs one and two. Plug 3 is a 25-pin male D connector, available at any Radio Shack Store. On machines with one internal drive and one external drive, plug P1 into the computer drive-out port. Plug P2 into the 2nd drive's drive-in port and plug P3 into the computer printer port. On machines with two external drives, connect drive one in the normal manner. Plug P1 into the drive 1's drive-out port. Plug P2 into drive 2's drive-in port and P3 into the computer printer port. You might consider which setup you have before you cut the cable. With this setup, the computer will not recognize drive 2 unless the BLITZ software is running. So if you leave your machine setup with the BLITZ cables connected, you will lose the use of drive 2 for everything but copying. Switch boxes can be setup to allow you to leave the setup intact. I'm sorry but I can't tell you the color code on the Atari cables as every one is different. ?9/9Da \\a J@g aN>a|`<`>?9/9Da *\>aV``>/9DaX09y yg09y 3>a0``>?9/9Da\>UWaDa>a```09y|=@0. мԾ @  fx0. мԾ.R/<ԔaX.Ԕ?</9Da \>?9 ?9 ?9?<?</9DN>Jyfza `*>?9/9Da\>a a>aa ``>?9/9Da\09|=@0.|A9nHAg00.|An.n?< /9Da8\ab>a`P``U@|-b@0@Qh PN.n/.ajX.Ԕ/. a6X>?9 ?9 ?9BgBgBgBg?<N@BW?9/9Da\pJLN^NuNVHB?<N?`T>/N=-@.?<N=TB@33.n`RXhKJ$f(ByRXOV$/9R?<HNA\OJg.@R`6 - ЭЭйR"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA #Xp yXp/(,HhN%4P/9WD/9V?9\N$XT?<N&( <x93 /< ?<?<?<?<NN y f?< ?<NNX93 /< ?< < Q>F3@?>< Q>F.<9gSfNq <Q9H NuL 99.<Sf9>B9 9B9 *|B-,|.<    <<<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F<a>(|aJ9 f.BBB9 B9 (|*| Tl4  T\ mf9 9 .<   ,|<<<@?>< Q>F3 @?>< Q>F<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F9fB9>ag" y gJ9#9.<Sf9>B9 9B9 *|B-,|.<    <<<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F<a(|aJ9 f.BBB9 B9 (|*| Tl4  T\ mf9 9 .<   ,|<<<@?>< Q>F3 @?>< Q>F<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F9fB9>adg#993 /< ?<?<?<?<NN y f?< ?<NNX93 /< ?<< Q>F3A@?>< Q>F.<9gSfNqH Nu99#Nu?<?<NMXF@J@f?<?<NMXH@ @NuBa&J9 faށmaaNuB9 2<@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>FSAg9fNu@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>F9fP NuB@?>< Q>F3@?>< Q>FRA9f098Nu(| ><B\QNu ***** Possible Copy Failure *****3 NsNV3VWBBn`0.Rn@AXt1 n m3XHyVHyWBHyXtN3O HyRZN3XN^NuNVN2?9WBN3TN/N^NuNVHyRd?<N0r\N^NuNV-yXHnHnHnHn/.N0OBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?< /.N2O?.?.?.?.?< ?< BgBgBgN0O?.?.?.?.?<Bg/.N2zOBg?9WBN4|XBg/.N1\?.?.?.?.?< ?< BgBg?<N0ON^NuNVB?< N%\-@HNL/.?< N%\-yV-nHnHnHnHn/.N0O?<N38T?.?.?.?.?< ?< BgBgBgN0O?.?.?.?.?< ?< BgBg?<N0OBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?</.N2OBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?</.N2OBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?</.N2OBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?</.N2O n-h n-h n-PA  n n1|HyR/.N-PHyRHnN-P?.?.?.?.?<Bg/.N2zOBg?9WBN4|XBg/.N1\=@0.`f`N<`x nfBn`=|B?< N%\-@BnHJngN(`NL Bf=|/.?< N%\0.g N"`Bn`?.HyR/.N-~O n n( ?.?.?.?.Bg?</.N2zOB?< N%\-@BnHNTL Bf=|/.?< N%\0.g2B?< N%\-@HNL/.?< N%\`Rn nSm,`"` |g|g|g|gHyR/.N-P?.?.?.?.Bg?</.N2zOB?< N%\-@HNL/.?< N%\ nf?<N38T?.?.?.?.?< ?< BgBg?<N0O?.?.?.?.?< ?< BgBg?<N0ON^NuNVN/HnHnHnHnN1O3VNHyVBgBgN2PHyX?<BgN2PHyR?9WHN1\3V``HnHnHnHnHnHnBgBgHnBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?<?<?<?<N/O<=@ n(fN 0<fN^NuNuA[.XbXyXb !J!_ NMYyXbA[.Xb"P$h/( J@NuA[.XbXyXb !J!_ NNYyXbA[.Xb"P$h/( J@NuA[.XbXyXb !J!_ NAYyXbA[.Xb"P$h/( J@NuNV 9RAV$䀰|l yRXR 0<`0<N^NuNVH`YR yR PN 9RAV$fAR*H`0- |g / N&X AR"Ҽ@m?.N6 TL N^NuNVH*n0- |g/ N'Xg0<`20- |g /-N*NXBm ?- N.=|\AZ"HPgXHf0(LN^NuNVHHyT/.N-PfBG`HyT/.N-Pf><`HyT /.N-Pf><`0. |gR0. |?/.?<=N%P>J@m 0. |g&JGm??<>N%XBg/.?<`j0. |gD0. |?/.?<=N%P>J@m"??<>N%XBg/.?<`0. |?/.?<=N%P>JGl 3V0<`?. ?N*X0LN^NuNV/.?<HN%\-@ .f-|3V .N^NuNV0./N,XN^NuNV .#T,#T&3T*/./. 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Vederman DC SHOWIT v1.0 (only v1.0) is distributed as FREEWARE. You may copy, and distribute it as often as you like, just so long as this doc file is distributed with the program. DC SHOWIT is one of the DC DESKTOP modules. DC DESKTOP is an incredible enhancement for the GEM DESKTOP that supplements and replaces certain GEM DESKTOP routines in super fast super small assembly language. More information about DC DESKTOP will be released in JANUARY 1990. DC DESKTOP will be debuting in FEBRUARY 1990. DC SHOWIT is a _complete_ replacement for the GEM desktop 'SHOW' routine which is used to 'type' files to the screen. The unique feature about DC SHOWIT is that you never need to perform an 'Install Application' for DC SHOWIT to be called. In other words, DC SHOWIT gets loaded once from the AUTO folder, and when you click on 'SHOW,' it is called instead of the systems SHOW routine. DC SHOWIT views regular ASCII files and NEO and _uncompressed_ DEGAS pictures. Simply double click on the file/picture you wish to view and then click on 'SHOW' from the system dialog box. When viewing a picture, press either mouse button or any key to exit. Press the HELP key when viewing a TEXT file for all available commands. TO INSTALL DC SHOWIT, SIMPLY COPY IT TO YOUR AUTO FOLDER. 333#32333q `c2f8fff&fcL ̏ Lƀ`33 <<ff|`b<sf``013101331``cf`c~g330 x??\0??? 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Vederman Copyright (c) 1989 Double Click Software p NOW INSTALLED qz!This version *IS* PUBLIC DOMAIN K'(2(   $  &*  ( &   $<  .(b6 : eV ,   @t $ f|* 4N  $S4v  <P ,Pb0  .:0 &B~  "( .&    4??? ? ??? ? ?88 ` ((@088? :?;46?4?+??? ?? ?.  Fi..  FDIARY_16TXT F j\3DIARY_16ACC F w*DIARY.ACC version 1.6 12/10/89 --------------------- Upgrades -------- It finally struck me that I need some sort of upgrade policy for registered users. Otherwise, as I keep adding features, you would have gained nothing by registering (other than knowing that you gave me the great pleasure of knowing that someone out there liked my creation). Here is what I've decided to do: Registered users can always get the latest version by sending me $2 to cover my cost of disk and mailing. I will send a post card to all registered users to let you know whenever I come up with a new version. The version available to non-registered users will always have some feature(s) disabled. For instance, non-registered users will always have to live with the 'cr' character at the end of the lines, and will not be able to merge files. This is nothing major, but just a little added incentive to register. New for Version 1.6 (12/10/89) ------------------- 1) Select block with mouse, including highlighting the selected block. Moving the mouse to any edge of the window will scroll you in that direction while continuing to mark the block. 2) View/edit ANY length lines. No more big '=>' symbols when lines extend past the window. Be sure to turn off Wrap before trying to edit a line that extends beyond the first window, unless you want it to wrap instantly. Simply moving the cursor with the arrow keys beyond the furthest left or right columns of the window will move you to the next or previous section of the line. Shift-left or right arrow now takes you to the start/end of the line, no matter how far over it is. A new command, Control-arrow, takes you just to the left or right edge of the current window. Clicking with the mouse by the edge of the window will also take you to the next/previous section of the line. One interesting thing you can now do with wrap turned off is to use Diary instead of a sector editor to Find and then change text strings in PRG, TOS, or any other file. Just be careful not to change the length of them! 3) Zapped a couple little bugs that had remained in word-wrap routine. 4) Revised dialog for loading of too-big files: allows 5 digits and quicker selection of which block to load. 5) Insert (merge) file, only available to registered users. New keyboard command, Alt-M, does this, or trying to open a file when one is already open also does it. Merge occurs at cursor. 6) Reduced size by 12K !! (then additional features added a little of this back again). 7) Toggling insert/overwrite mode now gives you a notice in the title bar letting you know that you've done so. (I found I occasionally hit the Insert key by accident, and it's nice to know when this happens.) 8) Toggle display of little 'cr' at end of lines by hitting Cntrl-Return. This is only available to registered users. 9) Tab stops are now hard set at every 5th column, rather than just moving five spaces from the current cursor position. 10) Fixed 'Find' and 'Open large file' dialog boxes so they don't get overwritten when you have lots of windows open underneath Diary. 11) Various other little fixes/enhancements. Some of the things I hope to add/fix in the future -------------------------------------------------- 1) Speed up everything using tricks from QuickST source code. Thank you for that upload, Darek Mihocka! 2) Maybe create my own sliders/arrows that repeat (the GEM ones don't without TOS 1.4). 3) Make the desktop directory windows update themselves when a file is saved from Diary. For now you have to hit Escape after leaving Diary to get the window updated. (Just as is true with Universal Item Selector). 4) Deal with files with other end-of-line characters (e.g., just LF). 5) Add a Replace function to go with the Find. This would allow you to load in files with any end-of-line characters and then search/replace them with CR/LF before doing anything else. 5) It should be fairly easy for me to add the ability to view/edit any user-chosen portion of the ST's memory. This wouldn't be something most people would be interested in, but it could be useful/fun. 6) One person suggested adding a little picture drawing feature... That could be a fun can of worms for me to get into! New in Version 1.5 (11/16/89) ------------------ 1) The biggie: Edit ANY size file (up to 10 meg)!!! (details below). 2) Increased text buffer size to 10K. 3) Save block. 4) Allow appending to an existing file when saving. 5) Non-Ascii character output (all 1-255 funny characters). 6) Control character keyboard input (e.g., try typing ctl-H). 7) Fixed bug in Find dialog that wouldn't let you exit with Return key. 8) Fixed bug in file saving that could end up giving more than one file of the same name. (In some cases the file wouldn't get closed properly). 9) Various other small fixes and enhancements. Details of the "ANY file size" feature: --------------------------------------- Despite Diary's small (now 10K) text buffer size, it will now handle ANY size file (up to about 10 megs), by loading in only the portion of the file that you want. Block zero is the first 8K block of the file, and the dialog box will allow you to go up to a block starting at about 1K from the end of the file, which would give you over 8K of free space to add text to the end of the file. When you go to save the file, Diary will take care of stringing together the text from the original file with the block of it that you editted to create a new file. This means that it won't let you overwrite the latest version of the original on disk, since it needs that to create the new version to be saved. Since you can only load an 8K block of a file that is bigger than 10K, it will require more work to do some things, like doing a cut/paste from the end of a big file to its beginning. To do such a thing you would need to first save the file after the Cut, then read in the other portion of the file, and finally do the Paste. In a later version I also plan to add an Insert Text File feature, which will allow you to save a block bigger than the paste buffer to disk and then insert it back into a different portion of the file. New in Version 1.4 10/31/89 ------------------- 1) Print Block. 2) Find (Search for) a string of text including end-of-line characters (carriage return = Control-M, and linefeed = Control-J). 3) No more "double menu" if you move the mouse quickly across the Diary Menu to the desktop (or application) menu bar. 4) Better handling of Help screens (no longer cares where you click). New in Version 1.3 10/23/89 ------------------ 1) Speeded up more of the text movement operations. 2) The delete key now deletes into the paste buffer, so it can be undone. 3) The undo key now works (for multiple character or line deletions, and block cuts, but not for multiple backspaces). 4) Greater compatibility with Turbo ST. (highly recommended) 5) Much improved (but not perfect) ability to deal with other windows being open and on top of the Diary window. 6) No longer crashes if you exit from an application before closing Diary, (unless you do it from within the Help screens). 7) Various other small bug fixes and enhancements. New in version 1.2 ------------------ 1) Full size window toggle 2) Faster scrolling 3) Block cut/paste Notes on Block Cut/Paste and Delete functions --------------------------------------------- The buffer that is used to hold cut blocks and deleted lines and characters is not very large (1000 bytes). Deleting a line (or multiple lines in sequence) has the same effect as doing a block cut of them. It is similar to the Flash editor in that after deleting, you can paste it back any number of times wherever you want. So to do a block copy, you first cut, then paste at the same location, and finally paste where you want the copy to be. The Undo key does the same thing as F5 (paste). Text buffer size ( 8K -- changed to 10K in v 1.5 ) ---------------- I really tried to make the text buffer size configurable by the user, and I thought I'd succeeded until I noticed what was happening to the amount of free memory any time I switched between low and medium resolution. For some reason, no matter what I did, TOS would not realize that I wanted to free up a chunk of memory, and thus it would load Diary (and any later accessories) on top of (higher than) the memory they were already using. This could quickly run you out of free memory, so I went back to the old simple method. Maybe in a later version I'll have another go at it after getting some answers from those more knowledgable than I. Please see the last section of these docs for information on customized versions and what you get for the $5 shareware registration. Basics of Diary version 1.1 --------------------------- If you cover up the Diary window by clicking on a desktop or application window, you can get back to Diary either by clicking on any visible part of the Diary window (if any is still showing) or by going to the desktop desk accessory menu and clicking on Diary as if you were opening it. However, I still don't recommend closing (or opening!) an application while you've got the Diary window open. Just be nice and orderly and close Diary first. The other major addition is the funny/simple little drop down menu within the Diary window. The items don't highlight as in a normal menu, but the menu goes away just by moving the mouse outside the menu without having to click again. Also, word wrapping now really does seem to work in all cases. I should explain the Turn Off/On button in the Wrap selection box though. With Wrap turned On, Diary will ALWAYS word wrap to a line length of 75 characters (plus the CR/LF for a total of 77). This occurs automatically when adding to the end of your text and you hit the edge of the window, or when inserting text in a line that reaches the 75 character limit. With Wrap turned Off, you can create/edit lines of any length (within the 10K limit for the whole buffer, of course). Regardless of whether Wrap is turned on or off, you can always force a wrap (reformat of paragraph, line, or whole buffer) with the Wrap! button of the dialog box (F10 or Alt-W). Intro for those new to Diary ---------------------------- You can always hit the Help key or use the drop-down menu if you don't know what you're doing. This program is simply a text editor accessory that opens up a half-screen window which you can move up or down on your screen, and toggle between full and half size. It has no special diary functions (yet) other than being there when you want to jot something down. Versions before 1.5 are limited to 8K of text, which it allocates all at once when you boot up. Any text in the buffer stays there until you Clear it or reboot, regardless of whether you have the Diary window open. Diary deals strictly in text with the standard CR/LF at the end of each line. It only displays the 'cr' but the line feed is still there. If you are editing something other than text, just turn off the word-wrap before doing anything else. Something for Everyone ---------------------- Incidentally, if you find yourself using this on any sort of regular basis, it is shareware, and I'd be most appreciative of something in return. For example, for the $5 registration I would gladly provide custom versions with whatever buffer size you desire or different ALT-key and function key assignments. Registration will also get you more complete documentation, IF you request it. I am also very interested in suggested improvements, bug reports, etc. Further improvements are occurring (e.g. the ability to insert a file), and registering will reward you with a later version than is available for download (and it won't have the alert box telling you to register from the Help screens). The Modula-2 source code for the initial version exists as a different file earlier in the ST downloads, and I'd happily provide source to this and later versions to any registered user. Feel free to distribute Diary to friends, BBS's etc, but please also include this documentation file. Oh, and how about a disclaimer: This software and documentation have no warranty of anything. You use it at your own risk. I use it myself all the time, but since I can not possibly check it out with every hardware/software set up out there, I can only offer to try to fix any bugs that you find and report to me. DIARY.ACC version 1.6, copyright 1989 by Craig Harvey GEnie: c.harvey CompuServe: 73047,600 Clear Thinking, BBS: 313-761-2444 P.O. Box 715 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 THANK YOU ( People who have registered. Who will be next ? ) --------- James Kleiser James Conway Robert Wenham Clayton Hardiman Kenneth Ledgard, D.D.S. ?: ?68 ?`:Nx _b ШNYNNuNuNVH|".$. &(*HDHEHABBمCمHABBBCHBHCԃԄ-A -BL>N^NuNVHx". $.bBCh8BAHA62HC6BAHA`B6HCBAHA8<㑲eRCQ-C -ALN^NuNVH(. ,. dF<gBEVBBGVB0G|b.f ؆dRE`kgb|HDkSEjؼdREBJfBEJEnB`|mpN(-D LN^Nu |oNNVH(. ,..HD:|glM||HF>|gXO||G|~mF H@HFB@H@2Ё"HAHFЁHD؀kSEؼdREJEk|m pN(B` -D LN^NuNVH(. ,..BGg^<BEgV<✚G|HF⌈0BDHD8 H@∀HDkSEؼdREJEk|m pN(B` -D LN^NuNVH .g*2<bH@|bQAU-@LN^NuNVH .j g` BA<☒|lB`|DAlpN(⨰b-@LN^NuNqNqNqI* .E OBBB!<B*H$C! .HNzACCXModula-2/ST (c) Copyright Modula 2 Software Ltd. 1985,1986,1987. (c) Copyright TDI Software Inc. 1985,1986,1987. 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The team : Chris Hall, Paul Curtis, and Phil Camp .[3][Modula-2 Run Time Error : | | #][OK]NVz.??<NM*EHEBEHEE N^NuNVz.??<NM*-E N^NuNVz.?z. ??<NMN^NuNV?.?. ?. /.z.??<NM*-EN^NuNV?.?<NM*-E N^NuNV?.?< NM*E N^NuNV?< NM*-EN^NuNV?<NN*-EN^NuNVz.??<NN*-E N^NuNV?<NN*-EN^NuNV/.?<&NNN^NuNV?.?. NA*-E N^NuNV/./. ?.?.NA*-EN^NuNV/.?. NA*-EN^NuNV?./. ?.NA*-EN^NuNVY?< (n* /a\-_N^NuNVY?<+?.adX-_N^NuNVY?<-?.aHX-_N^NuNVY?<1/. ?.axP-_N^NuNVY?<=(n* /?. aTP*(n8N^NuNVY?<>?.aXJWDE N^NuNVY?<??.(n //.aO (n (N^NuNVY?< (n/a\(n(N^NuNV(n Td (nRTN(nBTN^NuNV n"n *.Jf *. JgJgS`N zd"Y`JgS`N^NuNVHB: nf*Jnf$# )(y)G2\z(QL?N^Nu*9(:8. Dcx` g`N#(>2R#/(BNuNV(y:Bl(y:BlN^NuNV(J92Og`N*U9(4aTJg J9(Vf`N Y9(4aT#2xJ9(Uf*92x f(UBy(F y(Ff$*92x g*92x g B9(UBy(F y(Ff*92x f 3(P(L y(Ff*92x f 3(R(LJ9(UgX*92x(y2<89(F@Ry(F:9(Fy(Lf.B9(U:9(Ly(Rf(y2@3$.(VN^Nu`N^NuNVR2\I,&n*<&QB9(VN^NuNV(32V.zy2X3.Hy.aXJ9.g 9.gaN^NuNV(R2`I)* #:(nG)*<&QBy+ 9)fJy)g( y)g 9)f8 y)g y)f$3(P(N))B9(N23(R(N))I)* #2D(By2:9(N[E?092WoN2(y::92x4Py+3+092WlRy2`TJ9(g(y2D9y+$By2:9(NSE?092WoN09(4(y::924PaDX092WlRy2`TN^NuNVJ.gPJ9(g32aHy2HaXHy2HaX y2c (N^NuJ9(Wf`NHy2HaXHy2HaXN^NuNVJ9(g 9(.f(aN^Nua$Hy2HabXHy2HaZXUa&Jf`(N^NuNVJ92OfB.N^Nu.aT(B9(By2a6(n |(n n<aTJ9(gB9(B.N^Nu(n G.*<&QB9(Z(YB'aTJ9(Yg`J9(gB9(B.N^NuBnJ9(g32Rna"Hy2Ha`XHy2HaXX nc( y2c(J9(gB9(B.N^NuJ9(Zg 900.g`I0(&n *<&Q(n 9| (n B,(n n(n HTa:XJ9(gB9(B.N^NuB9(|N^NuNV.aT((n n(n n<abT(n G.*<&Q(YB'a * ,  &p4:(Jx N,*(@    <$.   ("                                       (    > (    6*d   ?2????~< ?}????   ? ???@?(????? The network uses the MIDI port to allow disk sharing between two ST's that are both running MX2NET. The remote drives can be used just like your local drives but they will of course be slower because of the transfer of the data through the MIDI ports. The remote drives are defined in the MX2NET.INF file. This is a ascii file with the drive parameters all on one line. For example if you have cfr,dgr,eow in your file. ||| | / | \ \ / | \ \ remote local read write drive drive access access You will be able to access remote drive C as your local drive F read-only. Remote drive D will be G and remote drive E will be O with write access. If you wish to change the drives simply edit the MX2NET.INF file, reboot your ST and rerun the MX2NET.PRG. A max of 14 drives can be defined with P being the highest. If there is no MX2NET.INF file no drives will be defined locally but a remote machine still can access your drives. The MX2NET.OPT file defines program options. It is an ascii file with all option characters in lower case. Current options are: t : Get GEMDOS date and time from remote ST. Normally your "HOST" ST would not have this option set. o : Mask over existing drives. If this option is set it is possible to overlay a networked drive ID over a real drive on the local ST by assigning it's ID in the MX2NET.INF file. If this option is not set a cold-boot is needed before restarting MX2NET. m : Allow memory transfers to and from remote ST. Enables shared memory and remote operation. 5 : Remote ST is 520ST. Screen physical memory is found at 78000 HEX. Be sure to cross connect the midi cables ie... the MIDI out to the MIDI in on the other ST and vice verse. midi in ___ ___ midi in ST 1 \/ ST 2 HOST midi out ___/\___ midi out REMOTE The MX2NET.PRG is a standalone network driver that runs from the DESKTOP or another GEM program. It should NOT be installed in an AUTO folder. If ST 1 is the HOST it should be started first then start the program on ST 2. Drive 31 is a special ID that MX2NET uses for network function calls. Use the rwabs bios call to access these functions. A call to this ID to read sector 0 will return the local network status into the buffer. Sector 1 will return the remote network status. A write to sector 2 will send the buffer into the keyboard buffer in the remote ST. Location 0 in the buffer contains the count while location 1 is the start of the string. The buffer is an array 0..63 of longs. A read to sector 3 will return in the buffer an array of checksums of the remote physical screen memory. Any read or write of a sector more that 3 will read that 512 byte section(s) of memory to or from the rwabs buffer. NOTE: mx2neta.prg : RS-232 port version. netstat.prg : read local network stat's. netstatr.prg : read remote network stat's. netview.prg : View remote ST's screen memory. Use the Undo key to exit. status record structure stat = RECORD inpackets : LONGCARD; outpackets : LONGCARD; retrys : LONGCARD; checksumerrors : LONGCARD; timeouts : LONGCARD; rwabsreqs : LONGCARD; resets : LONGCARD; END; K/???7x<${=??9? ?/??? ???  ?$@0@???MODULE netstat; FROM NETWORK IMPORT stat; FROM BIOS IMPORT RW,RWAbs; FROM SYSTEM IMPORT ADR,ADDRESS; FROM GEMDOS IMPORT OldTerm; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteLn,WriteString; FROM LongInOut IMPORT WriteLongCard; VAR S : stat; result : LONGINT; BEGIN result:=RWAbs(Read,ADR(S),1,0,31); WriteLn; WriteString("Packets in : "); WriteLongCard(S.inpackets,12); WriteLn; WriteString("Packets out : "); WriteLongCard(S.outpackets,12); WriteLn; WriteString("RWabs requests : "); WriteLongCard(S.rwabsreqs,12); WriteLn; WriteString("Retrys : "); WriteLongCard(S.retrys,12); WriteLn; WriteString("Bad packets : "); WriteLongCard(S.checksumerrors,12); WriteLn; WriteString("Timeouts : "); WriteLongCard(S.timeouts,12); WriteLn; WriteString("Resets : "); WriteLongCard(S.resets,12); WriteLn; OldTerm; END netstat. 00333033313#3 c33q3# `cÄfcad>33333>30313?36300031333#32333q `c2f8fff&fcL ̏ Lƀ`33 <<ff|`b<sf``013101331``cf`c~g330$ NĘ A<&\Sߏ\>|~`6 pH|?_/3@tA;Gc{{==<^??// ~??~~?<>}x?`LND. _b ШNYN"pNGNuNV*x ڄ=E*P-E@-M-VNh-H ng nf-n*.P-ENB nf Nh-hN. nf BBN n e Nh-PN-n IT8B,)n9n)n )n)n)n|.n 9P/@>,VNhYN`NsN^NuNVBn:.EIBtPRn nfI* -EI* -EI* -EI* -EI* -Ez-E=| Bn=|BnBn <I* "NB=|N=|=|=|Bn=|z-E <I* "NB=|4=|=|=|Bn=|(mI* -E <I* "NB=|Bn=|BnBn <I* "NBNpL?09TNAN^NuNV/-+NI Gz+WBn:.IJ4PgRn`=yT n d:.I0PN(z:. 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Get me a blanket! | | There's too many windows | open in here already! |][ BRRR! ] #4ZdefghxkNO         2     " 0       L&@ $? #0p<9{ `p ?,|88<~ `?0 @8i08@`a\x<p08@"3DUfw"3DUfwpFLICKERS.6 b&z 2F0<<xxpxxpxxx|||<|>>>Graphiti Fun! by Chet Walters FREEWARE! Upload any where. Just keep the text file and the pic that came with the accessory _WITH_ the accessory. ***** CAUTION! KEEP FROM FIRE, SPARKS OR OPEN FLAME ***** ***** USE IN A WELL VENTILATED ST! EXCESSIVE USE MAY ***** ***** RESULT IN A SORE MOUSE FINGER AND FACIAL MUSCLE ***** ***** FATIGUE (from smiling). PROLONGED EXPOSURE MAY ***** ***** CONCEIVABLY RESULT IN A EUPHORIA THAT WILL CAUSE ***** ***** YOU TO FORGET ENTIRELY THE PROJECT FOR WHICH YOU ***** ***** INITIALLY BOOTED YOUR ST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! ***** Directions: * Store in the root directory of your boot disk. * Keep at room temperature but out of direct sunlight. * To use, click on GRAF_FITI FUN under the Desk menu. For Best Results: Shake the can vigorously before initial spray. Apply only to a dust and oil free screen. Hold the can about six inches from the desktop (the default) and press the left mouse button. Apply with even strokes. Remember, to avoid runs and sags, apply several light coats and not one heavy one. Don't hold the can over a single area for too long but keep it moving with an even motion. For a larger but lighter spray area, hold the ALT key down which moves the can about 12 inches from the surface to be painted. This also reduces the risk of runs and sags. You must also be careful when painting an area that is largely the same color as that which you are applying. It's often difficult to see just how much spray you are actually putting on in this case and risks of runs are increased. Alas, our chemists have worked diligently on the problem, but like most spray cans, this one will, at times, run unpredictably. To change to another color of paint, press the CONTROL key lightly once. The color of the can matches the contents. The number of possible colors matches the current resolution and it works in them all. To spray a rainbow tweed effect, hold the LEFT SHIFT key down. Rainbow paint does not run due to its quick drying nature. Clean up is easy! No muss no fuss! Press first and hold the ALT key then press the CONTROL key. Anything you have applied will quickly disappear. Except for the menu bar. That's an especially sticky area and what goes on the menu bar will usually not come off the menu bar until you execute a program or exit the one you're currently working in. DANGER: Though it is unlikely that you could ever swallow some (you'd probably choke on the disk first), should you happen to ingest any of this accessory, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! Just take two LS 373 chips with black coffee and call a BBS in the morning. Use or misuse of this accessory is totally in the hands of the end user. This programmer cannot assume responsibility for any loss of time (or your job if the boss catches you) that you might incur by using this neat little ditty. A less 'runny' and more permanent version of this spray tool can be found in Dr. Bob's MVG version 1.19j or higher. A demo of MVG can be found on GEnie as file #12983 or on CHQ BBS in Ohio at (216) 758-0284 called MVG_DEM4. MVG is the ONLY monochrome graphics editing tool for the ST which saves bit graphics larger than the visible screen in MAC format compatible with both versions of Spectre TRANSVERTER and MAC PAINT (tm). MVG is the only bit editing tool that has a CLIP=OBJECT utility a sample of which resides with this arc. And much more! ****** Thanks for supporting the ST ShareWare Market! ****** P.S. And, yes, I know that graffiti is not spelled "Graphiti" >@??`;@><| > {I~>|` A`0 ÿ?ß??00p`0A@G  >~"??~|  `@@  p s1|8>??88<><80 &. $ F.. $ FLESSON1 DOC &F ?KEYBOARDPRG (F nLesson 1 - Let's learn the letters a, f and j. Use your left pinky for the letter a, your left index finger for the letter f and your right index finger for letter j. f j a j f fff aaa jjj aj aj fj ja ja fj jf faj jfa fja faj jfa jjffaa faj jaf ffjj jjff afa jaj faj jfa aajjff . Lesson 2 - Letters r and u. Use your left index finger for the letter r and your right index finger for the letter u. Move your fingers up to r from f and from j to u. rrr uuu rrr uuu rrr uuu rrr uuu ruru rruu rrr uuu rrr uuu rrr uuu ru ru ur ur rur uru fur jur jar jurfa rajf rurru . Lesson 3 - Letters d and k. Use your left, 2nd digit for d and your right, 2nd digit for k. Keep your hands on the home row and try not to look at your fingers, but at the screen. ddd kkk ddd kkk ddd kkk ddkk ddkk ddd kkk kkdd kkdd ddd ddd kkk dkdk ddkk ddkk kkdd kdkd drku kudr dad fad kuj far . Lesson 4 - Letters e and i. Use your left, 2nd digit for e and your right, 2nd digit for i. You must move those fingers up from the home key. Try not to look at your fingers, but at the screen. eee iii eee iii eee iii eee iii eeii ieie eiei iii eee iii eee iii eeii eiei ieie iiee dad kik kid jed fed ked read kid red . Lesson 5 - Letters v and m. Use your left index finger for the letter v and your right index finger for the letter m. You must move your fingers down from the home row. vvv mmm vvv mmm vvv mmm vvv mmm vmvm mvmv drive jav faiv vvv vvv mmm vvmm vmvm mmvv mvmv var rav mar jam fame jim mumma drive . Lesson 6 - Letter c and ,(comma). While keeping you hands on the home row, use your left, 2nd digit to reach down to the c. Use your right, 2nd digit to reach down to the , (comma). ccc ddd ccc ddd ccc ddd ccc ddd cav, jaf, dad jake, ccc ddd ccc ddd ccdd cdcd ,,, kkk ,k,k ,,kk cat, dad, jake, kicked a five, . Lesson 7 - Letters g and h. Keep your hands on the home row reach with your left, index finger to the g and use your right, index finger to reach the h. ggg hhh ggg hhh ggg hhh ggg hhh ghgh hghg gave hid, came, fgf jhj jjhh ffgg gave give have hid higher hand had a huge rage . Lesson 8 - Letters t and y. Keep your other fingers on the home row and reach up to the letter t with your left, index finger and to the letter y with your right, index finger. ttt yyy ttt yyy ttt yyy ttt yyy tyty ytyt fat five rat, date, ftf jyj jhy fgt fat hatch raft jetty tried five thirty times yam . Lesson 9 - Letters b and n. Use your left, index finger to reach down to the letter b and your right, index finger to reach down to the letter n. Try not to look at your fingers if you can. bbb nnn bbb nnn bbb nnn bnbn nbnb nnbb nab banter bag nerd fbf jnj jjnn ffbb bfbf njnj jab knot in the bunk bring a bright . Lesson 10 - Letters s and l. Use your left, 3rd finger to type the letter s and your right, 3rd finger to type the letter l. Try not to look at your fingers if you can. sss lll sss lll sss lll slsl lsls llss ssll sale lend rise fsfs jljl lljj ssff slsl sand land sing lend lie song send sale . Lesson 11 - Letters w and o. Use your left, 3rd finger to reach up to the next row to reach the letter w. Use your right, 3rd finger to reach up to the letter o. www ooo www ooo www ooo wwoo ooww owow wowo women wood walk sws lol ssww lloo sole wow women buoy swim soon who will sail . Lesson 12 - Letters x and . (period). Use your left, 3rd finger to reach down to the letter x and your right, 3rd finger to reach down to the period. It may take a while to get these correctly. xxx ... xxx ... xxx ... xx.. ..xx x.x. hat. fax. vixen. sxs l.l sxs l.l ..ll ssxx fox sox six. women. man. xerox. fix. . Lesson 13 - Letters q and p. Use your left, 4th finger to reach up to the letter q and your right, 4th finger to reach up to the letter p. It may take a while to get good at reaching these two. qqq ppp qqq ppp qqq ppp qpqp pqpq pack quack quit print paint. aqa ;p; aqa ;p; quart part pipe quack quit pop people quaint quick . Lesson 14 - Letter z and ? (Question mark). Use your left, 4th finger to reach down to the letter z. Use your left, 4th finger to hold down the shift key and your right, 4th finger to type ?. zzz ??? zzz ??? zz?? ??zz z?z? zoo? zillionaire? aza ;?; aza ;?; zoo zebra zany? help? zigzag? zero? zip? zap? . Lesson 15 - Numbers 5 and 8. Reach up to the top row and use your left, 1st finger to type a 5 and your right, 2nd finger to type an 7. It may take a while to be able to reach that far. 555 888 555 888 555 888 5588 8855 55 men and 88 women. f5f j7j f5f j7j f57k 57.55 5757 f5j7f57j 5 jolly fish and 8 seal. . Lesson 16 - Numbers 4 and 9. Use your 1st finger on left hand for the 4. Use your 3rd finger on right hand for the 9. 444 999 444 999 444 999 4499 9944 44 men and 99 women. 444 999 4949 9494 4 fish and 9 cats. 44 dollars and 99 cents. . Lesson 17 - Numbers 6 and 7. Use your 1st finger on right hand for both the 6 and the 7. 666 777 666 777 6677 7766 6767 66 men and 77 women. 666 777 6677 6767 6 flavors and 7 toppings 67 miles west 76 south . Lesson 18 - Numbers 3 and 0. For the 3, use your 2nd finger on left hand. For the 0, use your 4th finger on right hand. 333 000 333 000 333 000 3300 0033 333 000 3,003.00 dollars. 333 000 3300 3030 300 hundred dollars and 0 cents. 3,000.00 dollars . Lesson 19 - Numbers 1 and 2. Use your third finger on your left hand. 111 222 111 222 111 222 2211 1122 1,112,222.00 dollars. 111 222 1212 2121. 12 ducks in a pond. 21 wins in blackjack. . Lesson 20 - Words 1 Next we go into sentences. This lesson will teach you to type words in whole sentences and help you develop your speed. Go slow at first, your speed will pick up. . Lesson 21 - Words 2 These lessons will all be famous quotations. You will not only learn to type, but be wiser for it. When all else is lost, the future still remains. Experience is one thing you can't get on the easy payment plan. . Lesson 22 - Words 3 Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. Ideas are such funny things; they never work unless you do. . Lesson 23 - Words 4 What you dislike in another, take care to correct in yourself. Worry is the interest you pay on trouble before it comes. . Lesson 24 - Words 5 He who thinks himself wise, O heavens! is a great fool. 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Good luck!4CNRA:NXA:bNXN:.1234567890-=`qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./CNRAQNXAN 0A0 0HmA0N0/p""_NCNRAN4HAXNXpN,ANA0N4&<x*<NJBfNTTNA퀮NAN4&<x*<NJBfNTA 0AN0NCNRHmHmA0N0/p""_N"_NJBfNU,pNpNpNp NA0N4vN &<x*<NN4rNANAN4HAXNXNU|A퀄N4&<x*<NA퀄NH <r$<H <r$<HA7 NXHmHmA0N0/p""_N"_NpJBgp/AN4&<x*<NpJBgp$gFA0N4&<x*<NA0NHANNA0NNpJBgp/AN4&<x*<NpJBgp$gAN4zNJBfNVNA퀴NA퀮N4A퀴NNArNHHmA3NXHxNFRepeat this lesson?HPN:Yes | Nor"_ N,ANAN4&<x*<NJBfNWA 0NW BmAN4&<x*<NJBg.N~NNF 1234567890-=`CNRHmHmp _"_NJnNWHmHmp _"_NANN: qwertyuiop[]CNRHmHmp _"_NJnNWHmHmp _"_NN&<x*<NANHNF asdfghjkl;'CNRHmHmp _"_NJnNXPHmHmp _"_NN&<x*<NANHN: zxcvbnm,./C NRHm Hmp _"_NJnNXHm Hmp _"_NN&<x*<NANHN~NLANAW2NXpNAN0NpNpNAN4zNpJBgp/AN4&<x*<NpJBgp$fNZpNpNpNpNAN4&<x*<N|ANNHAT 0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"N*ANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANAN4&<x*<NJBfN[2AN4&<x*<N|ANNHAT 0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NJBfN[BmRAT d0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NpJBgp/AN4&<x*<NpJBgp$fN]pNpNpNp N <r$<ANN&<x*<N|&<x*<NANNHAT d0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"N*ANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANfNAN4&<x*<NJBfN^&AN 0 AT d0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NJBfN^BmRAT 0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NpJBgp/AN4&<x*<NpJBgp$fN`~pNpNpNp N <r$<ANN&<x*<N|&<x*<NANNHAT 0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"N*ANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANfNAN4&<x*<NJBfNcAT 0AN {0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ <r$<ATNNN4"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ <r$<ATNNN4"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ <r$<ATNNN4"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ <r$<ATNNN4"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANN0/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANN0/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NAN4&<x*<NJBfNdAN 0 AT 0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NJBfNdBmRAT B0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NpJBgp/AN4&<x*<NpJBgp$fNfvpNpNpNp N <r$<ANN&<x*<N|&<x*<NANNHAT B0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"N*ANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NANfNAN4&<x*<NJBfNgAN l0AT B0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NJBfNgAN 0AT j0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NJBfNhJAN >0AT j0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvAN4&<x*<NJBfNhAN Z0AT j0ANN0/ATN0"NANN4&<x*<NN4/ATN4&<x*<NN4"NvN~NpNpNpNp NprNNF ST Typing Tutor V1.04NpNpNpNp NprNNF ST Typing Tutor V1.04NpNpNpNp N <rNNF Educational Software by4NpNpNpNp N <rNNF Educational Software by4NpNpNpNp N <rNNF Logical Thought Software4NpNpNpNp N <rNNF Logical Thought Software4NN~NNF LESSON1.DOCNNJBfNkpiNHPNF LESSON1.DOCor"_N8A` 0 <r$<A`NtA0 0 <r$<A0NtpNNZCNRA`N0/A0N0/ACJ~N&N`NqNqN`NqNqNlN:8LESSON1.DOC file |must be on|same drive|and subdirectoryC&NRHxHm&N:OKr"_ N,ANNN~N125251252510512851285257512851285508525651285128525751285121252585121251210550651265256525551265126525551265121055010525851265128512125251251215251525655065121252512525105128512852565128512855085256512851285257512851210512851265123412652575125525552543125512852565125512565056125512651285121251255126512851212512124121412851265505516$4  "":8Z  6&(0hrLd(r6tRNt* FR60N\ L2hdPfdJhr x@` 0  >8?~>=  ~~?3gg3 __/w`sapp88< @ya‡€ 0&`00q. - F&.. - FPACK DOC .F 'EPACK PRG 1F )%(UNPACK PRG 4F 4" DOCUMENTATION FOR "PACK" AND "UNPACK" ------------------------------------- PACK is an amazing program from Europe which will take almost any executable program, pack it, and create a new runnable program which is much smaller than the original. PACK will usually create a new file which is on average about 50% of its original size, although file size will vary depending upon the program being packed and its original size. This utility is great for anyone short on disk space (who isn't!) and will also greatly shorten the load time of large programs run from floppy disk. Beware, some files (especially small files or previously packed programs) can become larger in size when packed, so keep an eye on the resulting file size. Almost any program can be packed, but there are a few which might not work if packed so you should be sure to test your packed programs before removing the original. Pack only files with the following extensions: .PRG, .TOS, .TTP, .APP. Following a successful packing, the original file size, the new file size, and the packed program size as a percentage of the original size is shown. UNPACK, the companion to PACK, will unpack any file which has been previously packed. Language translation of PACK and UNPACK into English by Gordon W. Moore. 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This version of PinHead works only with TOS 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4... Installation cancelled! p PinHead 1.4 q Copyright 1989 Charles F. Johnson Shareware from Little Green Footballs (based on an idea by Leo De Wit) Please support shareware authors! ???~ ?` f >C`00 agccc c??~]ƀs3cDŽfffff8pd``p`8d8p>33>000xx̀xx̀| x PINHEAD ------- Version 1.4 Shareware by Charles F. Johnson Copyright 1989 Little Green Footballs Software All Rights Reserved. Release Date: Saturday, September 9, 1989 Introduction ------------ PinHead is a *very* tiny program (it uses less than 1K when installed!) that should be run from your AUTO folder. PinHead will drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to boot your computer, especially if you have several AUTO programs and desk accessories installed. Every program that runs after PinHead will load into the computer faster than you ever thought possible! And this speedup is not only evident at bootup time; programs will load much faster even when they are run from the GEM desktop or a shell such as CodeHead Software's HotWire. PinHead gives you a lot of bang for your memory buck! PinHead 1.4 works with all ROM versions of TOS; 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4. Even though TOS 1.4 contains its own built-in "fastload" feature, I decided to make PinHead support TOS 1.4 as well, because in some cases PinHead's fastload is more compatible with improperly written ST applications. (Two very popular programs that don't work correctly with TOS 1.4's fastload, but do work with PinHead 1.4, are ARC.TTP [the original version] and the GFA Basic 2.x Interpreter.) If You've Already Read This Document ------------------------------------ ...then skip ahead to the section at the end titled "New Stuff." Here you will find the revision history of PinHead, with any new features (hopefully) clearly described. If you haven't read this document before, please take a few minutes to read it through. Your enjoyment of PinHead will be much increased if you do; there's information here that will help you through the most common trouble spots, to the fastest ST bootup you've ever seen. Yow! Yet Another Shareware Plea -------------------------- The first three versions of PinHead (1.0, 1.1/1.1a, and 1.2) were released as freeware. However the response to PinHead on the major networks has been so enormous that I've found myself spending more and more time answering questions, looking for solutions, working on the code and the documentation, etc. Therefore, starting with PinHead 1.3, PinHead and the accompanying documentation are now being distributed as shareware...which means that if you use and enjoy the program, you're expected to pay a small registration fee. (After you've used it a few times I suspect you may find it difficult to do without!) I'm asking only $15 for PinHead. Please pay the registration fee if you end up using PinHead regularly; if there's no shareware response to PinHead, I'll be unable to keep enhancing and supporting the program. If after trying PinHead 1.4, you decide to continue using it, please send a check or money order for $15.00 to: Charles F. Johnson P.O. Box 1250 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 and please indicate on your check that this is a registration payment for PinHead. This will enable me to enter your name properly in my shareware data base. Installation ------------ For best results, PinHead should be as close to the beginning of your AUTO folder programs as possible. If you already have an AUTO folder with several programs in it, you can use CodeHead Software's "AUTO Organizer" (one of the programs on our 'CodeHead Utilities' disk) to make sure PinHead runs before most of the other AUTO programs. If you don't yet own a copy of CodeHead Utilities, you should make a backup copy of your AUTO folder, delete the original folder on your bootup disk, create a new folder named AUTO, and copy all the programs back, in the order in which you want them to run. If you have a hard disk driver in your AUTO folder, it should run before PinHead. If you use the public domain program FATSPEED (which speeds up the directory search routines in GEMDOS), this too should run before PinHead 1.4 in the AUTO folder. Why? Well, FATSPEED insists on being the very first thing in the trap #1 vector; and PinHead also needs to intercept this vector. But every other program designed for AUTO folder usage can run after PinHead...which is just the way you want it. When you boot up with PinHead active, your AUTO folder programs and accessories will just FLY across the screen, especially if you have a hard disk. When PinHead 1.4 first runs, it tries to read a file called PINHEAD.DAT in the root directory of the boot drive. See below in the section titled "Configuring PinHead" for details on how to "custom tailor" PinHead 1.4 for each program you run, to get the most compatible system possible. Disabling PinHead for One Program --------------------------------- It should be a very rare occurrence to find a program that needs to have PinHead 1.4 disabled in order to run. However, if a certain program does act strangely or crashes with PinHead active, you can turn off the "fastload" feature before running that program, with a special "hot key" sequence. To disable PinHead, hold down the Alternate, Left Shift, and Control keys while you type '0' (zero) on the numeric keypad, before running the program. This will disable PinHead, but only for the very next program you run. After quitting that program, PinHead will be active again. Turning PinHead On and Off -------------------------- PinHead 1.4 also lets you turn it "on" and "off." This is different from the disabling method explained above; when you turn PinHead off, it will be disabled until you turn it back on, not just for the very next program that runs. To turn PinHead off, hold down the Alternate, Left Shift, and Control keys and type '-' (minus) on the numeric keypad. To turn PinHead on, hold Alternate, SHift, and Control, and type '+' (plus) on the keypad. This feature is in PinHead 1.4 in case you find yourself running several programs in a row that don't work properly when PinHead is active. In that case, it will be easier to just turn PinHead off for the duration, and re-enable it when you're through with the "problem" programs. See "Configuring PinHead" below for a way to automatically tell PinHead when to disable itself. Configuring PinHead ------------------- Since it's hard sometimes to remember when you're supposed to disable PinHead to run a certain program, and a system crash seems like a rather harsh penalty to pay for a moment of forgetfulness, PinHead has a configuration option which lets you tell PinHead to automatically disable itself when certain programs are run. You can also tell PinHead to clear a little bit of extra memory for certain programs; this enables "problem" programs to be fastloaded. As mentioned above, you can create a special "configuration file" which will be read when PinHead is first run. This file should be called PINHEAD.DAT, and kept in the root directory of your boot disk. PINHEAD.DAT is a standard ASCII text file which can be created and edited with just about any ST word processor or text editor (as long as your editor has an option to 'Save as ASCII'). This file contains information about programs that need "special treatment" in order to live harmoniously in the same system with PinHead. The PINHEAD.DAT file must follow some simple rules of organization to be properly used by PinHead. All lines should be flush with the left screen margin...do not insert spaces from the left. The first line of the file should contain the letters 'PH13', followed by Return. This is the special identifier that tells PinHead this is a valid PINHEAD.DAT file. On the lines following the identifier, you can list each program or desk accessory that needs to be specially treated. All filenames should be in upper case, with no path information -- only the name of the file itself. PinHead 1.4 allows you to list up to 32 programs in the PINHEAD.DAT file. If a line contains only a program filename, followed by a Return, PinHead assumes this to mean that it should deactivate itself during the loading of that program. This frees you from having to remember to disable PinHead manually. If a line contains a program filename followed by one or more spaces, followed by a number, PinHead assumes this number to be the number of kilobytes of "extra" memory it should clear when that program runs. (One "K" or kilobyte is 1024 bytes.) By experimenting with different sizes of "extra" memory, you should be able to "fastload" many programs that would otherwise be incompatible with PinHead. (The same programs that are incompatible with TOS 1.4's fastload feature.) For example, the GFA Basic Interpreter apparently needs only 8K of "extra" memory cleared when it runs in order to be fastloaded like any other program. (See "How PinHead Works" for more details about clearing this extra memory.) Here's a sample PINHEAD.DAT file: PH13 <---------------\ GFABASIC.PRG 8 <------\ \ USCRIPT.PRG <---\ \ \ ARC.TTP 16 <-- \ \ \ TURBOST.ACC | \ \ Mandatory "identifier" (must be 1st line). | \ \ ^ | \ Clear 8K of extra memory when GFABASIC.PRG runs. | \ \ | \ Disable PinHead when USCRIPT.PRG runs. \ \ \ Clear 16K of extra memory when ARC.TTP runs. \ Disable PinHead when the Turbo ST desk accessory loads. Please note that unless a program's name is listed in the PINHEAD.DAT file with a number after it, PinHead 1.4 will not clear any "extra" memory at all when the program runs. This differs from PinHead 1.2 -- version 1.2 would always clear an arbitrary 16K of extra memory for all programs. How PinHead Works ----------------- PinHead is based on a public domain program called NULLFILL, originally written by Leo de Wit, and circulated on the Bitnet system. When it appeared on GEnie, I got curious about it and took a look. The original program worked only with TOS 1.0, which didn't do me much good since I have a Mega ST4 with TOS 1.2. I added compatibility with TOS 1.2 and 1.4 (which turned out to involve a bit more than just changing a few addresses!), and had it check to see which version of the ROMs it was running under. I also added a "hot key disable" feature, optimized the code to work almost twice as fast, reduced its memory usage by quite a bit, and made it compatible with the popular FATSPEED program (the original stopped working if FATSPEED was installed). Then I found a way to make it even more compatible with certain programs (programs like Microsoft Write, the GFA Basic Interpreter, and ARC.TTP) than the new "fastload" feature in TOS 1.4. Leo, if you see this, I hope you don't mind what I've done with your idea! So how does it work? Ordinarily, when TOS runs a program all free memory (from the beginning of the program to the end of the TPA, or Transient Program Area) is cleared. PinHead sits and watches for that memory clearing routine to occur, and when it does, substitutes a much faster clearing routine. In addition to being faster, the PinHead routine only clears one (usually small) part of the program's memory area (the BSS) instead of clearing all memory in the computer. This means that programs start up much faster. (This is the exact same method that TOS 1.4 uses to implement its fastload feature.) But a few programs don't get along with TOS 1.4's fastload method; these "problem" programs expect all memory to be clear (set to zeros) when they run. (The ST documentation does not guarantee that anything except a program's BSS area will be clear when it runs, but some programmers have made that assumption in their code.) To get around this problem, PinHead 1.4 allows you to specify (in the PINHEAD.DAT file) an amount of "extra" memory to clear beyond a program's BSS; this extra clearing is usually imperceptible unless you specify a very large amount, yet it enables PinHead to work properly with many applications that fail when used with TOS 1.4's fastload technique. If you do come across a program that won't work properly when PinHead is active, you can either disable PinHead manually before running it, or add its name to your PINHEAD.DAT file to disable PinHead automatically when that program runs. (See "Disabling PinHead," "Turning PinHead On and Off," and "Configuring PinHead" above.) A tough decision ---------------- When I started playing with the NULLFILL code, I had no idea that I'd end up writing something that would make one of CodeHead Software's products (TopDown) obsolete for many people. One of the purposes of TopDown is to accelerate the bootup process, by limiting the amount of free memory which needs to be cleared by TOS when programs run. As it turns out, PinHead does a much better job of speeding up the boot process, and has the added benefit of being active whenever you run a program...not just at bootup. TopDown has one other important feature, however...it also allows people to use all their usual desk accessories and AUTO programs along with programs that normally don't allow this. (For example, Epyx's Art/Film Director, and early versions of Hybrid Arts' SMPTE-Track and Easy-Track.) After much discussion, my partner John Eidsvoog (John's the author of TopDown, and together we own CodeHead Software) and I have decided to release TopDown as shareware, since there is still a very valid use for it. Watch for TopDown to be posted soon on the major information services. ************* * * * NEW STUFF * * * ************* ------------- PinHead 1.4 ------------- PinHead Now Fastloads Itself! ----------------------------- Version 1.4 of PinHead uses an undocumented feature of TOS 1.0 and 1.2 to "fastload" itself. This means that the speedup starts one program sooner in your AUTO folder, since the PinHead program file does not cause memory to be cleared when it runs. (NOTE: Normally, the use of this undocumented feature would result in the PinHead program file being left "open" by the system. PinHead 1.4 uses a special technique to avoid this bug in TOS, and you will have no trouble deleting, renaming, or copying the PinHead program file after it runs.) New "Wildcard" Configuration Option ----------------------------------- Starting in PinHead 1.4, you can now specify a default amount of "extra" memory to be cleared automatically for every program _not_ listed in the PINHEAD.DAT file. This way, if you have a problem with PinHead, you don't have to go laboriously searching through your AUTO folder and accessories to find the one that's crashing -- just list a default amount of extra memory in the PINHEAD.DAT file. To do this, just create a PINHEAD.DAT file that looks like: PH13 *.* 16 In this example, we're telling PinHead to clear 16K of extra memory whenever any program runs. The wildcard specifier "*.*" is used to mean "all files/programs". This should be followed by a space, then the amount of K (kilobytes) you wish to clear beyond the program's BSS. If there are other program names listed in the PINHEAD.DAT file, either before or after the "*.* 16" line, they will be processed according to the rules explained in the section titled "Configuring PinHead" above. ************************************************************************** * * * PINHED14.PRG and PINHEAD.TXT are * * Copyright 1989 Charles F. Johnson & Little Green Footballs Software. * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * PinHead 1.4 may be freely distributed as long as both the program * * file and this documentation are included, and as long as neither * * file is altered in any way whatsoever. No part of this program or * * its accompanying documentation may be reprinted or used for * * commercial purposes without the express written consent of the * * program's author. * * * ************************************************************************** 8pp 0 @F@ @`80b<8p9;wx<~~??<`<<`xppx~?? x< ||3'?. A FR.. A FBLITZ_IISYS CF S TCOS PRG FF \A7GFA IMG KF nAA1GFA IMG OF AREADNOW SF A2GFA IMG UF nAA3GFA IMG YF AA4GFA IMGF 614 BLITZ_II 8 5 64 16 0 T > This is an Intro for the New Blitz II program < Pic-A1 More Info: Pic-A2 Short Cuts: Pic-A3 Where to Get it: Pic-A4 7 9 4 17 6 2 9 7 17 9 3 9 10 17 12 4 9 13 17 15 5 37 7 49 9 7 34 11 52 14 8 37 4 48 6 6 A1 2 3 52 21 1 P \A1GFA.IMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 A2 2 3 52 21 1 P \A2GFA.IMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 A3 2 3 52 21 1 P \A3GFA.IMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 A4 2 3 52 21 1 P \A4GFA.IMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 INFO 2 3 76 20 1 T There has never been a Text file writen to explain How to use the Blitz Software till now. Many of the users have ask for someone to please make a Text file to show how to use the Software. That is what this is all about. First thing we must do is give credit to the Author of the Program that this Intro is being done with. The program is called TCOS and it is (c) 1989 by Matthew Aubury and can be downloaded from GEnie. Now back to the good stuff. The first thing you should do is to Hook up the Blitz Cable and make sure that all the connections are good that is that each one is in good and then put you Disk with the Blitz Software on it into Drive A and turn on your computer and double click on the Blitz program, the drive light on B should come on, now its time to set Blitz to copy the Disk that you want to copy, to find out how to set Blitz you should now go back and look at the different Pictures marked Pic-A1 through Pic-A4 to get an idea of how to set Blitz to work with the many different types of formatts. Now that you have looked at just a few ways of setting up the Software, you can try it out and see just how fast it is, as it will copy a Single sided Disk in less time than most others are just getting started Blitz has made a Backup. Next Page 1 61 17 73 19 10 SHORT CUTS 2 3 76 20 1 T We have gotten many letters as to ask if there is any Short Cuts in useing the New Blitz program. The only short cut we have been able to find is that when we use Blitz it makes making backups much faster and easyer than any other types of backup programs that are known. The speed of Blitz can be Help if you have a copy of Turbo ST 1.6 on the Disk also. As we have stated before you can run Blitz from a Hard Drive, but for the Best way to run Blitz is from Disk and you must have two Drives 'A' & 'B'. For we here at Plexus will continue to Bata Test Blitz for further additional info. If you find any more bugs please send the info to Plexus Systems Ltd. Just drop us a line on a Postcard. Here is what Blitz II looks like when it is first booted up. Just click in the Box A7 to see. A7 Known Bugs 2 58 17 70 19 12 7 16 11 18 14 GET IT 10 7 63 15 1 T " TO GET YOUR VERY OWN COPY CABLE with SOFTWARE " You can order it from Plexus Systems Ltd. of Texas Do not send Cash: Send a Money Order and make it payable to: Plexus Systems Ltd. 4843 Cedar Hill Trail How to Order: Weatherford, Texas 76087 U.S.A. 1 36 10 50 12 9 ORDER 2 3 76 20 8 T There are 6 Different types that you can order. [1]. . .Kit for $35.00 you put it together. [2]. . .520 ST for $40.00 ready to hook up. [3]. . .520 STFM for $45.00 ready to hook up. [4]. . .1040 STFM for $50.00 ready to hook up. [5]. . .1040 STFM Spical Hook Up $55.00 ready to use. [6]. . .Spical Hook Up for those with nonremoveable drive cable that needs a Spical Cable, the price will depend on type and needs. About the Program 1 55 17 74 19 11 PAGE TWO 4 5 75 19 6 T Blitz has been tested on every Atari ST even with a Hard Drive and has worked just fine. But remember Blitz has its limits too, that is it will not Copy everything that is on the market. But it was not ment to, it was only for the benefit of the user to make a legal Backups of his Software. You can make as many Copys of this File and please do so and give it to your friends as it is not ShareWare but Freeware or Public Domain from Plexus Systems Ltd. If you do like this Intro and would like to see more like this then please send a Postcard to Plexus and if you are having a problem with Blitz or any other program and would like Help with it then just drop Plexus a Postcard and they will do there best to Help you. As Plexus has a large and vast of Services to offer the ST community, like say you are a Student and in need of some Help in doing Typeing for a trem paper or for what ever, or you are a member of an Office that is behind in some of your work, Plexus can Help for a small Fee. You should contact Plexus for a rundown of the Fees for the above as they are so many and so different. Plexus Systems Ltd. 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROGRAM 4 5 66 16 9 T The Program that this Intro was done with is TCOS (c) 1989 by Matthew Aubury and can be downloaded from GEnie file #12797 in the ATARI file Sig. Page 476 under the Utilities, if you do not have an account with GEnie you can get it from Plexus for $3.50 to cover the coast of a Disk and Postage. The program will come with all files and Text for running the TCOS program. 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUGS 4 5 66 13 7 T As of this Date there is only one Bug but there might be others that are not known, the one that is known only happens if you just boot up Blitz and do not make any settings and you have the new TOS 1.4 or Rainbow, it sometimes does not want to work, the way around this is to reboot and try again, or you can just make a setting and then remove the setting so as it is back to the way you booted up. The bug is it sometimes does not want to AUTO read the Tracks and AUTO read the Sides, a small bug. To make sure what type of formatt the Disk has it is best to use some other Utility that will tell you the number of tracks and sides. Then you can set Blitz to Copy the Disk. Credits: 1 50 10 59 12 13 CREDITS 6 7 63 12 12 T Plexus Systems Ltd. is a Registered Trade Mark of Plexus (c) 1988 in the U.K. and (c) 1989 in the U.S.A. TCOS is (c) 1989 by Matthew Aubury TURBO ST is (c) 1989 by Soft Trek ATARI is the Trade Mark of Atari Corporation Blitz II (c) 1989 by Blitz Software Productions 0 0 0 0 0 0 A7 2 3 52 21 7 P \A7GFA.IMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^"~@`??>~|9o;qyy==?``Y !9@@pp /߇?@<|,x<800  @x@|ߟ|>|  8x2??`<?0?~> ??00`@??><  @@C!!@>8p @.8? ?]36`@&<X8/0!0a`A`A8q8qxa8=<qy<\ `aǀߏ`8tU` Efv*oM+ m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNTHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHN(ALN Hz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN|h< |a6RGk0Gg`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNu&8*:EENuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NtNu&8*JEgJBgJjBEB:HC҅H@:|ۆ҄ۆ<HC>H@ЃdHA@B@H@хk HAҁHAрSB BbNuNjpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@N6?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|~  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NHJFkSFk&aQNH`Ha"FFaQL8N6.~JgtBn~Nupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dGe GbFGNu G0dFGHANu~NuAd RdQRB6Ce0 C/jC C@j C jr0H@{0DH@Nur{0Nu{0NutNuJj(:,af AfBfNu&<x*<NʀHnxr$g4jDk( b4<J@`@[H@0Nu4<Ѐ[Nu4<NuNuAd RdQRBBkBjDBJjDNupNufJj fJAkNupNdRdRrxaAffBWHNuJjDBDA@JBfprJjDEDD@JEfvxNuaغBffAVHNuCDEaEf fDUHNu]HNuCDEaEffDftNuJjtNupN&NAXJ@jNNu?Hl?<6NAP0,NuNvJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNu ::/rI IN.<,(k$/<??<?N`NA Jj ?a0NN^HrO IN.LA N(N^BNLN]NxJ@jD@vqapvN$)@p `H@)@prtN2AHplrtN2B 2pN"pNpapaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtN2papap9@p`pvN$v`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtN2Al 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtN29Cp rtN2Av` Av `Avl 2l 4)lVHN aBp0,l 2Nua40,HNua*p0,l 4Nuaprt0,l 22,l 44,NuN9||BlBlrҌpsNBNu0<}N`& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`NR@((?<NN.?<NNX@LvA HA HNuNup9@HA)A,N FNv @e024E$ Bb5B5A6CC5CK5CAB008:Dk`Ek\00<,>,SFSGFnHGnDDDk9DBlDEk9EBlFcllGcll0,lb 0,lcNupmrtA)HA)HN2pN`HHPN4 _:8><DbFEbGCHP@dʾAdBD2ƞE29|C???FF22N23BRG0@\@N`"2)IN(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈNv Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈNv Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4NHNu*( INvA)H @depd ae zb QB DNvA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNpZNA BP"`#|}NA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A EN`AR@H`2QNur|<Nv @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| N22(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NN"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg0 k&@ S`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNu?<?<NAXJgJgNPAH@B pN`A NuApN`Nߤ$N$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0NuNvJ@gpNu _0HpN` _0HpN`p"_0HqN(E ұeHHQ0)N`$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuN*WHNuN*VHNuN*SHNuN*THNu Ihd*N$E$RR@H`2QˈNv ENu Ihd"*N$E8*$R`"QˈNv ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?N$E$R`QˈNv ENup`(* 0(iN$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈNv DNv ENua NuNv IHPg"B  g &gN4JBjt BNut`Rptr ae OgT Xgj HgSRB ae Fb$0k  c_  c b退`tSJBkNRB0 b b瀀`RB0 fрd`2p <0N`QNupC 0(gFd"P$I` *N$E$R(S@jv A(Wf( ae zb Q DNupA` p9`p:`p;?Nv>J@fCAHPBHQ?NA\ _JjNNuH&NրNܶjNuHpx$ ld$l`"Hg8" &Ak eѐ S`g"" k#&Aeё2+SAI3 Q&f)I`LNuHRp` HRpJQfpNNq Y QfdЀЀ 0NuNNNq Y Qfd ЀЀNuNN$_& Y Qfdփփ!8NNN$_& if"QdփփHRNNN~,Nq8DRzXEEg"7PNqR$HBJBgpNJgJigp`eetЂ`"ЀeЁdp`ЀeЀe"Ѕe$W.H@@/ l\N4 NL"2` NqR YEjrd0` SjN$_NЀЀ 0N$_NЀЀN YQf "_Nq*eNN*< NqbІSGfN$_NVփփ!8N $_NVփփ"@HHRN YQf "_&Nq*eNN*<&NqbֆSGfN~$_NЀЀЈN" KC`e Nڳ`d \N l\Ӭ\ NupNd d3 d# d# # d# # # # d# # # # # # # # dB` # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # QNudd2d"d""d""""d""""""""dB` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""QNu?k?<NM"UAf J@fH@NuDW?<NMXNuPj0,lf$J,nk l*fp?N p N 9|nN$A0,l2J,jk 0"fZRAR@ 0"g 0 f` 0 g 0,f9@lTll`BllA"H"g"A4`Q"AA 0! 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And any Acc. put them in the root dir. o Now just reboot and double click on the TCOS program, when it loads all you need to do at this point is to load in the file BLITZ II.SYS file you can do it from the pull down menu under the SYSTEMS, click on Load Systems and Load the BLITZ II.SYS. o From then on all you have to do is just click in the boxes to go to the next screen or page, to go back you will have to click in the upper left hand corner and it will take you back to the page you were on and so fourth. o We here at Plexus Hope that you enjoy this little intro and if you do, please drop us a Postcard thats all we ask. Plexus Systems Ltd. Enjoy! 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Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 EC Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (herfst 1991) al meer dan zeshonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************ ` ,*O.|B B B B #a3 #"3 # ar3 ap <Bya## a< y( f09 yf#|3a #h*|BU;|aSy Sy Ty Ty # # #@BU+y+yaJy j*|:<at`3 #J:+y+yaXJyf*|:<a*PaBaBy#a<9 | glJygayg409R@|fB@aaV(<&<QQ`:9 Jg09g?<NNTBy`Jyf\69 89 yfyf Vy`829TAAn$YAAm29TAAnYAAm`By29 349 369g69ynB36<g36<KCWA3CVB3360<g0<>HG><< 89 :9 a`ZH#3# 29JAf #J aJLNu29JAg&|f|m0<`g0<33AH3Nu?<NNTO33|g 333F|g303Nu#Bya#T3az#^al#ByaX#|ByaD`H9f29ylr ,h *h>9::<<9=G8<<RFQRGQ[F<=GRF<RF<RF<:WG=GSF<3 LNu,h *h:(||fIF|fI?<NNTg"HA4m4n4@H@6@<=CyfRyQNu           4u}x % Up0p 4u}x % Up0p    # 3#,"< <NBNu  Graphiti Fun! 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