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N_SYSCOM.ACC can only be run as an accessory; settings can be changed (not saved however) by clicking on the "System Command" menu. You can choose between showing or not showing the system commands. Clicking on "Yes" leads to the question about the position you want the information showed. "Top" means at the top of the screen, "Menu" means just under the menu bar and "Bottom" means at the bottom of the screen. The momentary value will be the default button. Defaults at startup are "No" and "Bottom". Information will be displayed with the system 8x8 font; this information is written to the screen directly, which is the reason N_SYSCOM only works with the highest, monochrome resolution. Writing to the screen is done with a VBL routine, which writes the information each time the screen has renewed 4 times, so about 72/4 times pro second. The VBL routine is installed in the first entry in the VBL queue with the XBRA id "NSC1". The vector allready installed there will be executed after this VBL routine is ready. N_SYSCOM installs its own Gemdos, Bios, Xbios and Gem vector. This is done with the same XBRA id "NSC1". The opcode send to one of those system vectors is translated in a 'normal' readable code and printed on screen. The opcode is then send to the original system vector, so no commands are lost ... Showing the information on the screen takes time. Some measures with Quick Index 1.6 show that your Atari is working at about 95% of the original velocity when N_SYSCOM is installed; there is practically no loss when no information is shown ... N_SYSCOM works with all TOS versions and in High resolution (640*400) only ... There are no bugs known about this program except the ones described above, which are no bugs actually. This program is strictly Public Domain, so it may not be sold in any way. N_SYSCOM.TXT should always be accompanied by N_SYSCOM.ACC and the other way around. Use it at your own risk (though, what can happen?). N_SYSCOM is written in assembler. The actual code is only 1000 bytes: the rest is data (all the 'readable' commands have to come from somewhere!). The source can be obtained for a small fee. Write to the author for further information. ------------------- Update N_SYSCOM 1.2 ------------------- N_SYSCOM 1.1 has a bug, which did not get my attention because it never happened to me... The line with the information is skipping 1 pixel sometimes and sometimes the whole infoline is filled with garbage. This happened because I added d0.b as d0.w to a0 (for those of you who know where I am talking about). That was all. I always use N_SYSTEM.ACC which has its own VBL routine, and this one clears d0.l, so adding d0.b as d0.w does not lead to any bug behavior. At the request of several people I added the option to save the settings. This is done by writing to N_SYSCOM.ACC at the bootdisk directly. If N_SYSCOM.ACC does not exist or does not have the proper filelength an alertbox will tell you so. I also added the possibility to slow down your computer in order to be able to follow what's going on in a more detailed way. The alertbox with the "Slow down computer" question has the options of "Much" (almost all computer action can be followed, but serious computing is out of the question), "Little" (make a IBM PC of your Atari) or "No" slowing down. VDI actions are still hard to follow even when "Much" is selected. "Much" slows your computer down to 6%, "Little" to 50%. Those values can vary when you're using other VBL installing programs. All the slowing down routine does is consuming CPU time. When too much VBL rou- tines are installed your computer will do nothing at all any more, and you'll have to reboot. The fact that the filelength is tested means that you may not pack, crunch and/or squeeze this file ... All the other options and possibilies of the 1.1 version are the same, except for the XBRA id, which is now "NSC2". The velocity has gone up to 97%. All the extras for the 1.2 version lead to an extra of only 400 bytes. The size of this accessory is rather ridiculous. N_SYSCOM takes a little more than 13K of your computers memory when it is installed. This program still is PD; I can take no responsibility for the (mis)use of it. Noud van Kruysbergen N.I.C.I. P.O. Box 9104 6500 HE Nijmegen email:kruysbergen@hnykun53.bitnet . +XN.. SHOWMEM4PRG #S SHOWMEM4TXT $` O # AJ$g" < //?<?<JNA `3 a# r <3 l ,# / La3 l # | y lf3 ?<?<NMXOJ@fHyaXO y lg` y # !|l/<r?<&NN\O>fHJy g@?<?<NMXOJ@g?<?<NMXO`adf?<?<NMXOJ@g?<?<NMXOaR y !y JGg Hya:XOJy fBgNAJJ g,0(S@ y "y Q/9 ?<INA\O# <# 6# :3 ,a`4<9 3 Ia43 Ia&IPaa# fpNuм# # &y ~&SޫaloJfIa/aXOI,aIa&y ~&Sޫa0gJfIa/aXOJy g IapNu/ Hy 0aPOg|/Hy ;axPO/+q Ggp GHy HaPPO/+Hy Ta@PO/+ Hy ^a0POIa /+aFXOahgapa\g`fBHy ;a. Ha. 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All Rights Reserved.Line F Functions:Include OnlyExcludeEnter function numbers in hexadecimal:---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnn---F___nnnOk!Cancelxxxxxx Functions to Include:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSelect AllUnknowns:YesNoOk!Cancel$>?clOnrw  $  $  $  $  $  $ '( $ t<'  %)-26:?CGLPTY]afjnsw{@#$%456EFGVW0 50 @B &HP W^ e B  k o   #B) (% B R@ R@ R@ R@ " !R!@( %#$R$"@D &'R '%@` .)- B  *@)+@8,@E-@Q(@] /i0m |,  B         $  @ \x   %       <X t    @r@!@@r @X  c B mqt%x H`-~0*o"m -#-.I+I/ BBBg/ / Bg?<JNA N ?N,t?<LNA  ! 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LNu%08X: Trap %02d $%04x Pterm0()Cconin()Cconout(%x)Cauxin()Cauxout(%x)Cprnout(%x)Crawio(%x)Crawcin()Cnecin()Cconws(%s)Cconrs(%X)Cconis()Dsetdrv(%x)Cconos()Cprnos()Cauxis()Cauxos()Dgetdrv()Fsetdta(%X)Super(%X)Tgetdate()Tsetdate(%X)Tgettime()Tsettime(%X)Fgetdta()Sversion()Ptermres(%X,%x)Dfree(%X,%x)Dcreate(%s)Ddelete(%s)Dsetpath(%s)Fcreate(%s,%x)Fopen(%s,%x)Fclose(%x)Fread(%x,%X,%X)Fwrite(%x,%X,%X)Fdelete(%s)Fseek(%X,%x,%x)Fattrib(%s,%x,%x)Fdup(%x)Fforce(%x,%x)Dgetpath(%X,%x)Malloc(%X)Mfree(%X)Mshrink(%x,%X,%X)Pexec(%x,%X,%X,%X)Pterm(%x)Fsfirst(%s,%x)Fsnext()Frename(%x,%s,%s)Fdatime(%X,%x,%x)Getmpb(%X)Bconstat(%x)Bconin(%x)Bconout(%x)Rwabs(%x,%X,%x,%x,%x)Setexc(%x,%X)Tickcal()Getbpb(%x)Bcostat(%x)Mediach(%x)Drvmap()Getshift(%x)Initmous(%x,%X,%X)UNKNOWN(%X,%X,%X,%X)Physbase()Logbase()Getrez()Setscreen(%X,%X,%x)Setpallete(%X)Setcolor(%x,%x)Floprd(%X,%X,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x)Flopwr(%X,%X,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x)Flopfmt(%X,%X,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%X,%x)UNKNOWN(%X,%X,%X,%X)Midiws(%x,%X)Mfpint(%x,%X)Iorec(%x)Rsconf(%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x)Keytbl(%X,%X,%X)Random()Protobt(%X,%X,%x,%x)Flopver(%X,%X,%x,%x,%x,%x,%x)Scrdmp()Cursconf(%x,%x)Settime(%X)Gettime()Bioskeys()Ikbdws(%x,%X)Jdisint(%x)Jenabint(%x)Giaccess(%x,%x)Offgibit(%x)Ongibit(%x)Xbtimer(%x,%x,%x,%X)Dosound(%X)Setprt(%x)Kbdvbase()Kbrate(%x,%x)Prtblk(%X)Vsync()Supexec(%X)Puntaes()UNKNOWN(%X,%X,%X,%X)Floprate(%x,%x)Blitmode(%x)%08X: $%04x Init Return: d0=%X a0=%X a1=%X a2=%X Draw_Pixel at (%x,%x) color=%xGet_Pixel at (%x,%x) Return: d0=%X Line (%x,%x) to (%x,%x)Horiz_Line (%x,%x) to (%x,%x)Filled_Rect (%x,%x,%x,%x)Filled_Poly PTSIN=%X Y1=%xBitBlit Parmblk at %XTextBlit to (%x,%x)Showmouse INTIN[0]=%xHidemouseChange_Mouse INTIN=%XUndraw_Sprite Save Block=%XDraw_Sprite Definition=%X Save Block=%XCopy_Raster Source FDB=%X Dest FDB=%XSeed_Fill (%x,%x) color=%xUNKNOWN UNKNOWN(%X,%X,%X,%X) Return: %X AES #%02x apid: %x Message: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x Return: %x appl_init()appl_read(%x,%x,%X)appl_write(%x,%x,%X)appl_find(%s)appl_tplay(%X,%x,%x)appl_trecord(%X,%x)appl_exit()evnt_keybd()evnt_button(%x,%x,%x,r,r,r,r) Return: (%x %x %x %x) evnt_mouse(%x,%x,%x,%x,%x,r,r,r,r)evnt_mesag(%X)evnt_timer(%x,%x)evnt_multi(%x,%x,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x,%x,%X, %x,%x, r,r,r,r,r,r) Return: %x (mx=%x my=%x mb=%x mk=%x key=%x cl=%x) evnt_dclick(%x,%x)menu_bar(%X,%x)menu_check(%X,%x,%x)menu_ienable(%X,%x,%x)menu_tnormal(%X,%x,%x)menu_text(%X,%x,%s)menu_register(%x,%s)objc_add(%X,%x,%x)objc_delete(%X,%x)objc_draw(%X,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)objc_find(%X,%x,%x,%x,%x)objc_offset(%X,%x,r,r) Return: %x (x=%x y=%x) objc_order(%X,%x,%x)objc_edit(%X,%x,%x,%x,%x)objc_change(%X,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x, %x,%x)form_do(%X,%x)form_dial(%x, %x,%x,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)form_alert(%x,%s)form_error(%x)form_center(%x, r,r,r,r) Return: (x=%x y=%x w=%x h=%x) form_keybd(%X,%x,%x,%x,r,r) Return: %x (obj=%x char=%x) form_button(%X,%x,%x,r) Return: %x (obj=%x) graf_rubberbox(%x,%x,%x,%x, r,r) Return: %x (w=%x h=%x) graf_dragbox(%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x r,r)graf_movebox(%x,%x, %x,%x, %x,%x)graf_growbox(%x,%x,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)graf_shrinkbox(%x,%x,%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)graf_watchbox(%X,%x,%x,%x)graf_slidebox(%X,%x,%x,%x)graf_handle(r,r,r,r) Return: %x (%x %x %x %x) graf_mouse(%x,%X)graf_mkstate(r,r,r,r) Return: %x (x=%x y=%x b=%x k=%x) scrp_read(%s)scrp_write(%X)fsel_input(%s, %s, r) Return: %x (button=%x)fsel_exinput(%s, %s, r,%s)wind_create(%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)wind_open(%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)wind_close(%x)wind_delete(%x)wind_get(%x,%x,r,r,r,r) Return: %x (r1=%x r2=%x r3=%x r4=%x) wind_set(%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x)wind_find(%x,%x)wind_update(%x)wind_calc(%x,%x, %x,%x,%x,%x, r,r,r,r) Return: %x (x=%x y=%x w=%x h=%x) wind_new()rsrc_load(%s)rsrc_free()rsrc_gaddr(%x,%x,%X) Return: %x (addr=%X) rsrc_saddr(%x,%x,%X)rsrc_obfix(%X,%x)shel_read(%X,%X) Return: %x (cmd=%s tail=%s) shel_write(%x,%x,%x,%s,%s)shel_get(%X,%x)shel_put(%X,%x)shel_find(%s) Return: %x (path=%s) shel_envrn(%X,%s) RETURN STACK FULL apid TOO LARGE FOR RETURN VDI #%02x Sub #%02x handle: %02x v_opnwk(r,r,r) Return: handle=%x0@! @! @ @"! 43210$#"! ! /.@-,+*)('&%$#"! 6543210B @@ %$#"! @#"! @210'&%$#"! @('&%$#"! 4321"! @10#"! '&%$#"! %$#"! 43210B@DB@P10B@0B@"! @0 SysMon 0.91 by Dan Wilga 1990 Gribnif Software - Waiting for SYSMNCFG - No free memory for buffer   !"#$%&'()*+,-./012 &2=GP[fo{!-9FUbm} '6?Qcn{ !,6?Sbr %6?Tr{(3ALT`j1Oi0X   " $ . 8 : D H N V X ^ ` n |  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDE "0EYers(Ic%7F)Np(:u#3t #Qfx  %%+ . %%2+6:@+ =z_z PK8tl80( , NVHn/. /.N N^NuNVH0*n(n p0@H>gn G%f`H> @-fp`B@@gH>|p@ G0m G9n0 G@0<H>` Glfp`B@@gH>0 |-~r`XHXW PN`t nT0`d-n nX-P/.NXO@.f0SF0o`-n ngR`.g0SF0o `B.|` B.|R..g-n nX-P-n` nTp0-@.H?.H?.H???/./ N*@``BL0N^NuNVH>.<.:.8.6.0 |-r`XHXW PN` ~`~`~ Bn . f0.Rn0@p0`n0g . g . D-@ `z . g80.Rn6@p0//. NBPOCQp0//. NPO`0g0.Rn0@p-@n0f0SF0o& nR`0SF0o0.Rn0@D`0.Sn0g nR"N` .LN^NuNVH0~*x gPRG`0Hl"0->B0H+@ *SMon+|T` (x<PG0?NTO*zXSFg**`L0N^NuNV0.H/pH?NA\O#.DfHzp ?NA\ON !N^NuNVHzp ?NA\Op?NABWNATON^NuNV/ *x g f . g @ p`P fB@*_N^NuNV/ *x g SMonf +|T`P f*_N^NuNVHnHySMonNPO0gL nB(OB@ n@N n@M n@L n@K n@J n@IHzp ?NA\ONt`B 8f8p?NTO z SMon z !|T zB zp!@ N`N8N^Nu o"Jf S@NuNVN,?.N,TON^NuNVN^NuNV?.pL?NAXON^Nuʠ fEH.4Nu"o`C"/jD$jDA`|J/jDJk`JjDNu$/` o$"/A`NNu"o`C$jD"/jDA`, gJ/jDNu$/` o$"/A` NupJfpN∲cd⒒d҂dFND(X(c(td(o(s(x(D)VX)o)x)X)0123456789ABCDEFCould not make new Cookie Jar! Press a key... Installing over previous copy.  0~-Hn( 0.@  P  "b8 Z<*v V: V "V6.x**h :* " 0H zx x~,LH> 6 SysMon v. 0.91 -------------- These programs are Copyright 1990, Gribnif Software. They may be distributed freely, provided that this document file is included, and neither it nor the programs have been modified in any way. This is a BETA version of this software. Comments and suggestions about SysMon are greatly appreciated, however please be aware of the following: o Support for the display of VDI calls is not included yet. o The Register Dump option is not included. o The current version should work with all versions of TOS, however it will not work with CPU's other than a 68000. o Output to the screen will currently overwrite anything that is already there. The final version will use the buffer to maintain a second screen with the output that can be flipped back and forth with a keypress. I would also like to write it so that if you are using a second monitor (like the Moniterm), you can get the output on the monitor you are not using for GEM. o Using SysMon to display Line F calls in conjunction with any other type of call may crash in the present version. o I would like to include an option to generate an "illegal" instruction so that SysMon can immediately activate Templemon (what? never heard of Templemon? FIND IT!!) when it sees one of the calls it is configured to look for. Changes From v. 0.9 ------------------- SysMon ------ o An AES function that should not have a return value doesn't. o The format for the return for appl_write() was fixed. o All AES functions should give the right return values (very few did before [oops!]). o The name of XBIOS function #64 has been changed to "Blitmode" to be more consistent with what documentation I could find on this. o The version number presented when SysMon first runs is correct. o Any longword values are displayed with 8 digits and any word values with 4. This takes more room in the buffer (or more paper) but it's more readable. o The contents of the returned message buffer for evnt_multi() or evnt_mesag() is displayed after the return for the call (if possible). SysMon Config ------------- o You can now select which functions to enable/disable by clicking on the name of the function. No more numbers (except for Line F)! o The main dialog should look better in high resolution. o The "Display Memory" feature takes into account screen wrap-around when deciding where to put the "" prompt. It is also resolution independant. o Added "Clear Memory" and "Save Memory" buttons. SysMon is one of those programs that you start working on but never seem to have the time to finish. Then, when you realize just how much you really need it, you go back to work on it. For SysMon, this began about six months ago. Hopefully it won't take as long to get the final version out, now that I have come this far. SysMon will intercept all calls done through the CPU's trap vectors and display meaningful information about what parameters are being passed and what values are returned to the caller. Since all programs use one of the system's trap calls at one time or another, this can prove to be very valuable for debugging programs for which no source is available. It can also help to point out possible conflicts between exisiting programs and and the one being tested. SysMon consists of two programs. SYSMON.PRG is the main program. It installs itself in memory and then quits. SYSMNCFG is the configuration program. It can be run as either a program (with the .PRG filename extension) or as a desk accessory (with the .ACC extension.) SYSMNCFG requires that its resource file (SYSMNCFG.RSC) be in the same location as wherever it is run from. Modes of Operation ------------------ SYSMON.PRG can be either run as a program directly from the desktop, or it can be placed in the AUTO folder. Which method you choose depends on what is most convenient, and when you actually need SysMon to be active. If you need to view what a particular AUTO folder program or desk accessory is doing, then you should configure a copy of SYSMON.PRG and place it into the AUTO folder. If you run SYSMON.PRG a second time, the new copy will install itself in place of the old one in such a manner that SYSMNCFG will look at the new copy. It will also de-activate any options that were turned on in the previous copy. Doing this requires more memory for the second copy and may slow the system slightly, so you may want to consider re-booting first instead. The AUTO folder method has one drawback, however. Many desk accessories and AUTO folder programs that can become resident after SysMon has run will intercept the same traps that SysMon has already intercepted. Under these circumstances, SysMon may not be able to display all the calls you would like it to because one of the other utilities in the chain of vectors does not let control flow through to SysMon. For this reason, the "Wait" feature was added. If SYSMON.PRG has been configured with this option on, then it will wait for you to run SYSMNCFG before intercepting the system traps. This means that it will be the first program in the chain of vectors and should be able to display all the calls you want it to. Output Format ------------- All output from SysMon begins with a timestamp in the first column which is obtained from the system's 200 Hz timer. This is present for comparison purposes only and does not relate to "real world" time at all. The remaining information varies depending on which type of call is being displayed. For GEMDOS, BIOS, XBIOS, and AES you will always get the trap number, followed by the function number, the name and parameters of the call (if known), and any values returned to the caller (if possible, see below). Any longword parameters are displayed as 8 hexadecimal digits. Word-sized parameters are displayed as 4 hex digits. For AES functions, you may get one or more parameters for the call that have a lowercase letter "r". This is to indicate that SysMon cannot display the parameter because it is known only to the program making the call. In this case, SysMon will display the value returned into that address when the AES call returns. Sometimes you may not get a return value from a function. This will happen whenever another call that SysMon needs to display is done before the previous one returns. A good example of this is the GEMDOS Fwrite() function, for which TOS makes several BIOS calls before returning to the program that did the Fwrite(). If you must see the return value from a particular function, then you should change SYSMON's configuration so that it will not display the intermediate calls. Configuration Options --------------------- When you run SYSMNCFG it checks to see if SysMon has already been run or not. If it has not, then you get an alert message. You can still, however, load and save configurations using SYSMNCFG. If SYSMON has already been run, then any calls that SYSMON would normally display are not displayed while SYSMNCFG is active. If SYSMON has already been run and the "Wait" option was used, then an alert will appear asking if you want to have SYSMON install its trap handlers. If SYSMON has already been run, then any changes made in SYSMNCFG go into effect immediately if you Select the "Ok!" button to exit SYSMNCFG. If you select the "Cancel" button instead, then SYSMON will continue with its previous settings. The following configuration options are available under the current version of SYSMON: Output: Here you select where SysMon will display its information about what calls are made. If Printer is selected, then you must make sure that your printer is connected through the parallel port and that it is turned on. SysMon will also work with the Atari SLM804 Diablo Emulator. If output is sent to the RS-232 port, then you must make sure that you have the ST's serial port connected to a modem or another computer with a null modem cable. If you are using another computer or a terminal, then you should also set the RS-232 configuration on both machines before using this option. Output sent to the screen will currently overwrite anything that is already there. This should change for the final version of SysMon. In order to send output to Memory, you must first save a configuration to SYSMON.PRG that has a non-zero value for the Memory Size, described below. Registers: This feature is not available in the present version. Memory Size: This option is an editable field which tells SYSMON how much memory to reserve as a buffer when it first runs. You cannot change the buffer size for a copy of SYSMON that has already been run and is resident; you must first Save a configuration into the SYSMON.PRG file and then run that newly-modified program. GEMDOS: If this button is highlighted, then GEMDOS calls will be displayed. You should also select the "Functions" button to the right of the button in order to select which GEMDOS functions to include. You can scroll up and down in the list with the arrow boxes and scroll bar. Select a particular function by simply clicking on it; if it is black then it will be displayed by SysMon. You can use "Select All" to select all the functions in the list. If all the functions are already selected, then pressing this button will cause them all to be de-selected. The "Unknowns" option tells SysMon whether or not you want it to display functions that are not in the list and, therefore, are unknown to SysMon. BIOS: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of trap 13, the BIOS. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. XBIOS: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of trap 14, the XBIOS. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. AES: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of trap 2, that are designated for the AES portion of GEM. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. VDI: This feature is not supported in the current version. Line A: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of the Line A emulator, which is used for low-level graphics. You should also set the "Functions" list, as described for the GEMDOS option. Line F: If this button is selected, then SYSMON will display calls done by way of the Line F emulator, which is used by GEM at its lowest level. Since the Line F functions are not documented by Atari and have changed for every ROM revision so far, SYSMON cannot give any information about the meaning of a particular call other than its number. For this reason, the "Functions" list only lets you enter up to ten Line F functions to Include or Exclude. If you choose the "Include Only" button, then only the functions you choose will be displayed; if you select "Exclude", then all Line F functions NOT in the list will be displayed. The current version of SYSMON may crash if this type of call is displayed along with any other type. Also, you may notice some weird behavior with mouse movement if too many of the Line F calls are being displayed by SYSMON. Display Memory: This button is available if SYSMON.PRG is resident and has a non-empty buffer configured. When output is sent to Memory, it is written into a circular buffer, where the oldest information is the first to be overwritten. Selecting the "Display Memory" button will first tell you the location of the buffer in memory, the current location of the write pointer, and where the high point in the buffer is. If the high point is equal to the current write pointer, then the buffer has most likely not begun to overwrite itself yet. After the buffer information is displayed, the actual contents of the buffer itself are listed. You can press Esc or Q to end the list, Control-S or Control-Q to start and stop the list, and Control-Z to toggle the display between the normal mode (which displays one page of information at a time) and the second mode, which continues listing without stopping. Clear Memory: By selecting this option and selecting "Clear" at the warning alert, the memory buffer used by SysMon is reset. This makes it easier to find the calls that immediately follow when you exit SysMon Config. Save Memory: This option presents you with an item selector. If you provide a filename and select "Ok", then a file with this name will be created with the contents of the memory buffer. Load Config: This option is used in order to load files saved with the "Save Config" option, described below. A configuration file typically ends in the ".SMN" filename extension and contains all the information necessary for every option available in SYSMNCFG. Save Config: This option allows you to save the current configuration of SYSMNCFG to either a configuration file (ending in ".SMN") or to a copy of SYSMON.PRG. If you Save Config to SYSMON.PRG and then run that same copy of SYSMON.PRG, the new configuration will be used. Ok!: If SYSMON is installed, then selecting this exit button will change the configuration of the installed copy of SYSMON to whatever the current settings of SYSMNCFG are. Cancel: Exit SYSMNCFG without changing the settings of the installed SYSMON, if any. Function Numbers ---------------- Trap 1 (GEMDOS) --------------- 00: Pterm0 01: Cconin 02: Cconout 03: Cauxin 04: Cauxout 05: Cprnout 06: Crawio 07: Crawcin 08: Cnecin 09: Cconws 0a: Cconrs 0b: Cconis 0e: Dsetdrv 10: Cconos 11: Cprnos 12: Cauxis 13: Cauxos 19: Dgetdrv 1a: Fsetdta 20: Super 2a: Tgetdate 2b: Tsetdate 2c: Tgettime 2d: Tsettime 2f: Fgetdta 30: Sversion 31: Ptermres 36: Dfree 39: Dcreate 3a: Ddelete 3b: Dsetpath 3c: Fcreate 3d: Fopen 3e: Fclose 3f: Fread 40: Fwrite 41: Fdelete 42: Fseek 43: Fattrib 45: Fdup 46: Fforce 47: Dgetpath 48: Malloc 49: Mfree 4a: Mshrink 4b: Pexec 4c: Pterm 4e: Fsfirst 4f: Fsnext 56: Frename 57: Fdatime Trap 13 (BIOS) -------------- 00: Getmpb 01: Bconstat 02: Bconin 03: Bconout 04: Rwabs 05: Setexc 06: Tickcal 07: Getbpb 08: Bcostat 09: Mediach 0a: Drvmap 0b: Getshift (sometimes called Kbshift) Trap 14 (XBIOS) --------------- 00: Initmous 02: Physbase 03: Logbase 04: Getrez 05: Setscreen 06: Setpallete 07: Setcolor 08: Floprd 09: Flopwr 0a: Flopfmt 0c: Midiws 0d: Mfpint 0e: Iorec 0f: Rsconf 10: Keytbl 11: Random 12: Protobt 13: Flopver 14: Scrdmp 15: Cursconf 16: Settime 17: Gettime 18: Bioskeys 19: Ikbdws 1a: Jdisint 1b: Jenabint 1c: Giaccess 1d: Offgibit 1e: Ongibit 2f: Xbtimer 20: Dosound 21: Setprt 22: Kbdvbase 23: Kbrate 24: Prtblk 25: Vsync 26: Supexec 27: Puntaes 29: Floprate 40: Blitmode Line A ------ a000: Init a001: Draw Pixel a002: Get Pixel a003: Line a004: Horiz. Line a005: Filled Rect a006: Filled Polygon a007: BitBlit a008: TextBlit a009: Showmouse a00a: Hidemouse a00b: Change Mouse a00c: Undraw Sprite a00d: Draw Sprite a00e: Copy Raster a00f: Seed Fill AES --- 0a: appl_init 0b: appl_read 0c: appl_write 0d: appl_find 0e: appl_tplay 0f: appl_trecord 13: appl_exit 14: evnt_keybd 15: evnt_button 16: evnt_mouse 17: evnt_mesag 18: evnt_timer 19: evnt_multi 1a: evnt_dclick 1e: menu_bar 1f: menu_check 20: menu_ienable 21: menu_tnormal 22: menu_text 23: menu_register 28: objc_add 29: objc_delete 2a: objc_draw 2b: objc_find 2c: objc_offset 2d: objc_order 2e: objc_edit 2f: objc_change 32: form_do 33: form_dial 34: form_alert 35: form_error 36: form_center 37: form_keybd 38: form_button 46: graf_rubberbox 47: graf_dragbox 48: graf_movebox 49: graf_growbox 4a: graf_shrinkbox 4b: graf_watchbox 4c: graf_slidebox 4d: graf_handle 4e: graf_mouse 4f: graf_mkstate 50: scrp_read 51: scrp_write 5a: fsel_input 5b: fsel_exinput 64: wind_create 65: wind_open 66: wind_close 67: wind_delete 68: wind_get 69: wind_set 6a: wind_find 6b: wind_update 6c: wind_calc 6d: wind_new 6e: rsrc_load 6f: rsrc_free 70: rsrc_gaddr 71: rsrc_saddr 72: rsrc_obfix 78: shel_read 79: shel_write 7a: shel_get 7b: shel_put 7c: shel_find 7d: shel_envrn If you have any comments or questions about this program, you can address them to one of the following: GEnie: GRIBNIF Bitnet: gribnif@UMASS Gribnif Software P.O. Box 350 Hadley, MA 01035 . 9XNI.. ST_TOOLSDOC gJDST_TOOLSPRG i\ST_TOOLSRSC q Table of Contents Introduction Copyright Program Overview Requirements Technical Notes Using ST Tools Icons Windows Drop-Down Menus Desk Menu About ST Tools Desk Accessories File Menu Save Configuration Quit View Menu Names Compressed Names with Periods Names with Spaces Names Unchanged View as Large Text View as Small Text Sort Menu Sort Items by Name Sort Items by Date_Time Sort Items by Size Sort Items by Extension No Sort Function Menu List Disk Information List FAT Entries HexDump File HexDump Sector HexDump Memory Search File Search Sector Search Memory Start Location Dialog Box Search String Dialog Box Edit Dialog Box Introduction Copyright ST Tools is copyright 1991 Stephen Cornio. All Rights Reserved. This program is being distributed as shareware with a $10 suggested contribution. This program may be posted on any public BBS as long as it is not modified and the documentation is included. Any comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated. I can be reached on CompuServe (73637,2527), or send me mail. Stephen Cornio P.O. Box 1734 Woodbridge, VA 22193 Program Overview ST Tools is reminiscent of PC Tools for MS-DOS computers. The main display includes a directory tree and a listing of files by directory. As the name implies, the program is a set of tools for use on the Atari ST. Current functions include listing File Allocation Tables, Hex dumping of files, sectors or memory and searching files, sectors or memory. The program is entirely GEM based, with the standard drop-down menus, scrollable windows and dialog boxes. Requirements ST Tools requires approximately 256K of memory to execute. The program will run in both High and Medium resolutions and has been tested with versions 1.2 and 1.4 of TOS. Technical Notes ST Tools is written almost entirely in FORTRAN using Prospero FORTRAN for GEM, along with the Prospero Developers Toolkit, specifically its Make facility and macro assembler. Assembly language is used to process the File Allocation Tables, perform logical bit functions and other operations not easily performed by FORTRAN. Using ST Tools Icons Disk icons representing each floppy disk and hard-disk partition as well as any RAM-disk are displayed across the bottom of the screen. The current disk will be indicated by a highlighted icon. To make a different disk be the current disk, simply click on the desired icon. Windows The main display consists of two windows. The left window is a directory tree of the current floppy or hard-disk partition with the current directory indicated by a highlighted line. The right window is a list of files, including directories, found in the current directory with the current file indicated by a highlighted line. When the program starts, the left window is active. To make the file window active, simply click in the right window or press the right arrow key. To return to the directory window, either click in the right window or press the left arrow key. To change the current directory when in the left or directory window, you can click on the desired directory or use the slider or use the up and down arrow keys. The same methods will work to change the current file when the right or file window is active. Note that clicking on a file will cause that file to be selected. This will be indicated by an asterisk (*) in front of the file name. To deselect a file, simply click on the file a second time. Selected files are important whenever a file function is performed. If no files are selected, then the function starts at the current file and all files in the directory are accessible. If any files are selected, then only those files are accessible by the function, in the order that they were selected. Normally the file window will show the filename, size, date, time of last modification and file attributes. By clicking on the full window button, the file window will be expanded to cover the directory window and the first cluster and sector of the file will also be displayed. Click again on the full window button to return to normal size file window. Drop_Down Menus Across the top of the screen is found a standard menu bar. All of the program's features and functions are accessed by using the drop-down menus contained on this menu bar. Desk Menu About ST Tools Clicking on the "About ST Tools" entry in the Desk menu will display copyright information about the program, along with my name and address. Desk Accessories Desk accessories will work within ST Tools, including MultiDesk. The desk accessories are selected in the normal manner, by clicking on them. File Menu Save Configuration The "Save Configuration" entry will cause the standard file selector to be displayed with the standard name 'ST_TOOLS.CFG' listed as the selection. Click on the "OK" button to save the current configuration to this file. This file is used on program startup to alter the standard initial Name, View and Sort options. Quit Clicking on the "Quit" entry will cause the program to terminate immediately. View Menu The "View Menu" is broken into two sections. The top section is used to select the "Name" option, which determines how the names found in each directory are listed. The bottom section is used to select the "View" option, which determines the number of directories or files that can be listed in each window. This section is only of use in high resolution. Names Compressed The "Names Compressed" entry will cause the file names to be listed with a period between the main part of the name and its extension with any embedded blanks deleted as in 'NAME.EXT'. Names with Periods This entry is similar to the one above except that the embedded blanks will be included as in 'NAME .EXT'. Names with Spaces This entry will cause the file names to be listed with a space between the main part of the name and the extension with embedded blanks included as in 'FILENAME EXT'. Names Unchanged This entry will cause the file names to be listed exactly as they are in the directory itself as in 'FILENAMEEXT'. View as Large Text The "View as Large Text" entry will cause the font appropriate for the current screen resolution to be used, resulting in 19 directories and files to be listed in each window. View as Small Text This entry which is only available in high resolution (monochrome) mode, will cause the medium resolution character font to be used, resulting in double the number of directories and files to be listed in each window. Sort Menu Sort Items by Name The "Sort Items by Name" entry will cause files listed to be sorted by name, with directories first. Sort Items by Date-Time This entry will cause the files listed to be sorted by Date and Time of last modification, with directories first. Sort Items by Size This entry will cause the files listed to be sorted by size of the file, with directories first. Sort Items by Extension This entry will cause the files listed to be sorted by their extensions, with directories first. No Sort This last entry will cause the files listed to not be sorted at all, but instead shown in the order as defined in the directory. Function Menu List Disk Information The "List Disk Information" entry will cause various pieces of information about the current disk to be listed. This information includes FAT size, the total number of sectors on the disk, the number of usable clusters on the disk, and any volume label, including A NeoDesk label if it exists. List FAT Entries This entry will display a dialog box listing the first set of FAT entries for the current disk. Both the cluster number and the cluster pointed to by that cluster are displayed in hexadecimal. For floppies, the pointer is usually 12 bits which translates to 3 hexadecimal digits. For hard disks, the pointer is normally 16 bits or 4 hexadecimal digits. To indicate end-of-file, negative one is used, 'FFF' for floppies or 'FFFF' for hard disks. Five buttons are displayed in this dialog box. "First" will display the first set of entries. "Prev" will display the previous set of entries. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will display the next set of entries. "Last" will display the last set of entries. HexDump File The "HexDump File" entry will cause the selected files, or current file if no files are selected, to be dumped to the screen in a dialog box. The dump is both in hexadecimal and in Ascii. The file name, sector number and cluster number within the file, and absolute disk sector will be displayed at the top of the dialog box. Eight buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "Prev File" will cause the previous file to be dumped. "First" will dump the first sector of the current dump file. "Prev" will dump the previous sector of the current dump file. "Edit" will allow the user to edit or modify the data displayed on the screen. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will dump the next sector of the current dump file. "Last" will dump the last sector of the current dump file. "Next File" will cause the next file to be dumped. HexDump Sector This entry will allow any sector of the current disk to be dumped to the screen in a dialog box. A starting sector dialog box will first be presented in order to allow the user to select the sector to start dumping at. Once the starting sector is selected and the "Dump" button is clicked, the sector will be dumped in both hexadecimal and Ascii. The sector number and type of sector, Boot, FAT, Root or Data will be displayed at the top of the box. Six buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "First" will dump the first sector of the disk or Boot sector. "Prev" will dump the previous sector of the disk. "Edit" will allow the user to edit the current data on the screen. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will dump the next sector of the disk. "Last" will dump the last sector of the disk. HexDump Memory This entry will allow any block of memory to be dumped to the screen in a dialog box. This can be RAM, ROM or hardware chips such as DMA, video or sound chips. A starting memory dialog box will first be presented which will allow the user to select the memory to start at. Once this is done and the "Dump" button is clicked, the standard dump screen will be displayed. The actual address of memory dumped is listed to the left. Six buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "First" will dump the first block of memory. "Prev" will dump the previous block of memory. "Edit" will allow the user to edit the data on the screen. "Exit" will cause this dialog box to exit. "Next" will dump the next block of memory. "Last" will dump the last block of memory. Note that if the memory displayed is not RAM, then the "Edit" button will be disabled. Search File The "Search File" entry will cause the selected files, or current file if no files are selected, to be searched for a 16 character long string. The string may be input in either hexadecimal or Ascii. The search may be case sensitive of insensitive. The search may be in a forward or backward direction. While the files are being searched, their names will be displayed at the top of the search dialog box. The search may be stopped at any time by clicking on the "Stop" button or pressing the Return key. Once the string has been found, the dump file screen will be displayed with the search string indicated by reverse video on monochrome and green text on color systems. Six buttons are displayed at the bottom of the box. "Search Prev" will search for a previous instance of the string. "Prev Block" will dump the previous block of the file displayed. "Edit" and "Exit" work as usual. "Next Block" will dump the next block of the file displayed. "Search Next" will search for the next instance of the string. Search Sector This entry will allow the searching of disk sectors. The starting sector dialog box is displayed followed by the search dialog box. Once the search is started, the sectors being searched will be displayed at the top of the search dialog box. When the string is found, the dump sector screen will be displayed with the same six buttons found on the "Search File" dialog box. Search Memory This entry will allow the searching of memory. The starting sector and the search dialog boxes will be displayed to determine the starting memory and the string to search for. When the string is found, the dump memory screen will be displayed with the same six buttons as above. Start Location Dialog Box This dialog box is used any time a dump or search of disk sectors or memory is requested from the "Function" drop-down menu. The title of the box will reflect the function requested. For disk sector functions, the maximum disk sector on the current disk is displayed. For memory functions, the maximum memory (FFFFFF or 16 megabytes) is displayed. By clicking on the '+' and '-' buttons, each digit of the starting sector/memory can be increased or decreased. A "Cancel" button is provided to cancel the requested function. The other button will be "Dump" or "Search" to reflect the type of function to be performed. Clicking on this button will cause the program to proceed to the next step. For "Dump" functions this means the desired sector or memory will be dumped. For "Search" functions, the following dialog box will be displayed and processed. Search String Dialog Box This dialog box is used any time a search of files, disk sectors or memory is requested from the "Function" drop-down menu. The title of the box will reflect the type of string being searched for, hexadecimal or Ascii. The type of string may be toggled by clicking on the desired search type. The case of the search may also be selected, sensitive or insensitive. The case only applies to the letters A-Z whether the search type is hexadecimal or Ascii. A "Cancel" button is provided to cancel the search function. When doing a hexadecimal search, the input digits must be between 0-9 and A-F. An error in the search string will be indicated by grey text on monochrome systems and red text on color systems. Once the desired string has been entered, the search direction is selected by clicking on the "Search Forward" or "Search Backward" button as desired. While the search is proceeding, the "Cancel" button will be relabelled as a "Stop" button. Clicking on this button will cause the search to stop and two additional buttons to appear. They are used to indicate the point at which to continue the search from. "Start Point" will cause the search to be restarted from the original starting point. "Current Point" will cause the search to be restarted from where it was stopped. Edit Dialog Box This dialog box is used any time the "Edit" button is clicked from a dump display. Two buttons are displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. "Do It" will cause any changes made to the current screen to be written to disk or memory. Each hexadecimal digit will be checked for validity first and any errors will be flagged with grey text on monchrome systems and red text on color systems. A "Cancel" button is provided to allow the user to cancel the edit function with no changes being made to disk or memory. `ܜNz^hh5~5~Prospero2.13 Execution error: bad command pgm not openednot executableload failure wrong version out of memory init. failure no parent pgm stdio failure memory shrink linking order  5 :Bgp NNuG.k +f <,kagNuJNuN4NNqN{lNwNtLNNNNNNN2N[\*\6\^]]]&"j0Tp TXPXTUXY Y8YPNNBN8~N/N( N$N NNNNNNJNVbjN".2NF^vNN.26NfrvN&FNNN.HN:N\h~ .HN:N@LT`ht.HN:N.HN:N$<Xh|.HN:N &.6>FZr.HN:NH* L*ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP*ST_TOOLS...... 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Version 1.1Copyright 1991Stephen CornioP.O.Box 1734Woodbridge, VA 22193Disk Information for A:Bytes Per Sector -1111111Sectors Per Cluster -2222222Sectors Per FAT -3333333Root Directory Sectors -4444444First Data Sector -5555555Total Sectors -6666666Number of Clusters -7777777Volume Label - 12345678901NeoDesk Label - 12345678901234567890OKFAT Entries for A:Cluster0000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70010 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70020 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70030 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70040 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70050 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70060 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70070 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70080 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70090 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 700A0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 700B0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 700C0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 700D0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 700E0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 700F0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7FirstPrevExitNextLastSelect Starting Number for HexDump Maximum Number:000000Starting Number:000000SearchCancel Enter Search String 00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn0123456789ABCDEF________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXHexadecimal-- Search Type --Ascii TextSensitive-- Search Case --InsensitiveStart Point-- Search From --Current PointSearch BackwardCancelSearch ForwardAddress00000000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600001000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600002000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600003000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600004000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600005000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600006000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600007000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600008000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn123456789012345600009000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn12345678901234560000A000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn12345678901234560000B000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn12345678901234560000C000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn12345678901234560000D000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn12345678901234560000E000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn12345678901234560000F000__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn00__nn1234567890123456Do ItCancelFile:FILENAME.EXTSector:0000Cluster:0000Absolute Sector:000000Prev FileFirstPrevEditExitNextLastNext FileHexDump of Absolute Sector000000--BOOTFirstPrevEditExitNextLastHexDump of MemoryFirstPrevEditExitNextLastFile:FILENAME.EXTSector:0000Cluster:0000Absolute Sector:000000Search PrevPrev BlockEditExitNext BlockSearch NextHexDump of Absolute Sector000000--BOOTSearch PrevPrev BlockEditExitNext BlockSearch NextHexDump of MemorySearch PrevPrev BlockEditExitNext BlockSearch Nextiq{с     q{с     @@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@@@LL@@LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL@@678IJ}  678@AB`abjkl% ()*/01[\*]bcd***'(*)./0Z[*\abc***&'*(-./YZ*[`ab***%&*',-.XY*ttag% NG        " % ( + . 1 4 7 : = @ C F I L O R U X [ ^ a d g j m p s v y |      s { | }                      ' ( ) 0 1 2 5 8 ; > A D G J M P S V Y \ _ b e h k n q t w z }                        # & ) , / 2 5 8 ; > A D G J M P S V Y \ _ b e h k n                         + , - 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PBUF256KPRG hPBUFF64KPRG hPBUFFER TXT h`tZ o ( ШШO//Bg?<JNA B?< NA\##!n?<NNT2<F|g2<2 xHg2<<3a|Jyk&aJyk#z!B z( /:$?< NA\JyjHz?< NA\?<NATJykHz*?< NA\Bg/<?<1NABgNA |08TJgXQSyNu#Nu/9?<HNA\c#NuSyNuA0 fNh g g/9zNu 9gpNsBNs 9g4"yR 9mBRpNsBy 9f09ymBNs!zJgJxk1!BNu#~!?> ST printer Buffer/Spooler << 1991 C. Midgley. Not another printer buffer? After all, there are loadsa other buffers available in the public domain? Like many people I changed my old TOS 1.0 ROMs for the newer 1.4 version, unfortunately the printer buffers I was using all 'lost' various characters going to the printer so I decided to do something about it. Here is a list of its features:- o You can clear the buffer at any time by pressing + keys - very useful if you make a mistake during printing: Don't forget to stop printing from your program first!! o All characters going to the parallel port via the usual GEMDOS and BIOS calls are buffered (text and graphics), the only exception to this is the + screen dump routine. o Its best to run this program from an AUTO folder, but it will still work as well from the desktop. o The reset is disabled when you change monitors. If you have two monitors (Mono and colour) the ST normally re-boots when you swap from High res to colour, or vice-versa. Although the ST still changes resolution, it will not reset and hence you won't loose any data in the buffer!!! o Usually, if the computer crashes, the buffer is not affected. Providing all your work is in buffer memory it will still be printed! (A good reason to use this prog!) I say usually because the interrupts most of the time are not affected, however nothing will save you from a really nasty crash! o Use this program at your own risk, Don't blame me if it misbehaves. Always try/test it with your programs first. o This program uses no 'illegal' calls to the ROM or any other place - so should be compatible with everything.. --------------------------------------------------------------- o DON'T Reset the computer and load your favourite shoot-em-up expecting the letter you have just created to finish printing before your score is 1,000,000. There may still be characters in the computers memory that have not as yet, been sent to the printer. o DON'T switch the computer off with the printer still printing. There may still be characters in the computers RAM! --------------------------------------------------------------- Help!! Wots a printer buffer??? Oh, dear! You must be a new STer. Obviously you need a printer connected to the parallel port at the back of the computer before you even hope to use this program. Right, have you noticed how your ST is nearly always slowed down or 'tied up' by the printer when its running? This is because the ST can send data to the printer faster than it can print it - so it has to keep waiting for the printer to catch up. There are a number of ways to avoid this... 1) Buy a new printer with a big built in buffer. Approx cost:- 300+. 2) Buy an external printer buffer. Approx cost:- 100+ for 128K. 3) Double click on PBUFF256.TOS. Approx cost:- Nil. As you can see this program has one particular advantage, the disadvantage is that you will loose 256K of memory - or whatever amount you decide to install. ---------------------------------------------------------------- N.B. Some of the code used in these buffers came from a source listing from ATARI ST USER magazine's 'compendium disc'. It contained some VERY interesting bugs and only buffered characters from the GEMDOS 'Cprnout'. That's been fixed now, and it buffers nearly everything! I have tested it with: Neodesk, Devpac 2, Fastbasic, Power Basic, Flexidump (Demo version.), First word plus.... Hope you find these buffers useful, I do!! If you have any problems leave a message to me, Chris Midgley on: Magnum BBS (24 hour 2400, 1200, 300 Baud) Tel. 0274 547006 ---------------------------------------------------------------- . tXN.. PRINTSETACC NAXB#Nudisassem.sexitnewtfilenamefromsupe|fromuserthandlelengthnewtrapdfoldtrapdopen_closavea0savestacstart2textbufftextcountextptrvb_altkevbclose:vbexitvbopenwaitform, *    * ******************************************** * * Title: Printer to disk * * * * * * Purpose: Redirects output sent to the * * * printer via trap 13 function 3 (bconout) * * * to a disk file named PRINTER.OUT * * ******************************************** opt d+ opt c+ BCONOUT equ 3 function 3 PRT equ 0 TRAPD equ $b4 pointer to trap 13 VBLQUEUE equ $456 pointer to vbl queue PRTCNT equ $4ee ALT HELP count BUFFERSIZE equ 100*1024 maximum size of file move.l a7,a5 save old stack move.l 4(a5),a5 get base base address move.l $c(a5),d0 get text length add.l $14(a5),d0 add data length add.l $1c(a5),d0 add bss length add.l #$100,d0 add base page length move.l d0,length save program length move.l d0,-(sp) area to reserve move.l a5,-(sp) start of area to reserve move.w #0,-(sp) null word move.w #$4a,-(sp) setblock trap #1 add.l #$c,sp start move.l #0,-(a7) no new stack pointer move.w #$20,-(a7) super trap #1 addq.l #6,a7 move.l TRAPD,oldtrapd save old trap d move.l VBLQUEUE,a0 get address of vbl queue move.l #vb_altkey,8(a0) put in our entry clr.w -(a7) 0 exit code move.l length,-(a7) length of memory to keep move.w #$31,-(a7) terminate and stay resident trap #1 * Returns to desktop * * Title: New trap d * Purpose: To catch calls to bconout and place the character * in the internal buffer. * * Contents of stack on entry (if originally in supervisor mode): * position contents.size * 0 status .w * 2 pc .l * 6 function.w * 8 device .w * 10 char .w * newtrapd move.l a7,savestack save the stack pointer btst.l #13,(a7) test status bne fromsuper were we in supervisor mode? fromuser move.l USP,a7 were in user mode suba.l #6,a7 no status and pc fromsuper cmpi.w #BCONOUT,6(a7) is it our one ? bne exitnewtrapd no cmpi.w #PRT,8(a7) printer ? bne exitnewtrapd no move.l a0,savea0 save a0 move.l textptr,a0 get pointer to next position move.b 11(a7),(a0)+ move to text buffer move.l a0,textptr update pointer move.l savea0,a0 recover a0 addq.l #1,textcount update count cmpi.l #BUFFERSIZE,textcount end yet ? bne waitformore no subq.l #1,textptr stop at end of text buffer subq.l #1,textcount no more characters waitformore move.l savestack,a7 restore stack rte exitnewtrapd move.l savestack,a7 restore stack dc.w $4ef9 jmp to original trap d oldtrapd dc.l 0 savestack dc.l 0 savea0 dc.l 0 length dc.l 0 textptr dc.l textbuffer textcount dc.l 0 * * Title: Vblank ALT key * Purpose: To open the file PRINTER.OUT when ALT HELP is pressed * and to write the text buffer and close the file when * ALT HELP is pressed again. * vb_altkey tst.w PRTCNT alt/help been pressed ? bmi vbexit no move.w #-1,PRTCNT screen dump done tst.w open_close open or close file beq vbclose close vbopen move.l #newtrapd,TRAPD set new trap d move.w #0,open_close close next time clr.w -(a7) normal file move.l #filename,-(a7) address of name move.w #$3c,-(a7) create file trap #1 addq.l #8,a7 move.w d0,handle save handle rts vbclose move.l oldtrapd,TRAPD recall real trap d move.w #1,open_close open next time move.l #textbuffer,-(a7) start buffer move.l textcount,-(a7) write buffer move.w handle,-(a7) get handle move.w #$40,-(a7) write trap #1 add.l #12,a7 move.w handle,-(a7) get handle move.w #$3e,-(a7) close file trap #1 addq.l #4,a7 clr.l textcount reset count move.l #textbuffer,textptr reset pointer vbexit rts open_close dc.w 1 filename dc.b 'printer.out',0 even handle dc.w 0 textbuffer dsbss.b BUFFERSIZE. 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Q&6Nk^&66 6A`HWritten with MEGAMAX MODULA-2 for the TOS-Magazin by Meinolf SchneiderAFp"? Q&6ENk^F&66 6A`" May 1990 by Meinolf SchneiderO"OpQ&6Nk^ (|8(|BT`n |RP60<hcl$NV(|BT(|BT&Nm.`0`, @b@eH0;NAUJ!yp#pF|Nu###>#&ΠHh#Hh#6#LNr(|BT(|BT(|Nm^((|8(||8NUNuXBRAMSSYNuNsNu _NDNNu # c RNuJ#p#??<?<NM\ONu BNV BNVNuBA 9tgRAgRAAQ#2#RA4#Bg H@B6Nu6NuB?< NA\AVpAV|!y#"9 ҹ#/?< NA\Nu(G(PGP(G(G(@G@(G(G(0G0(G(G( G (pGp(G(G(`G`(G(G(PGP(G(G(@G@(G(G(0G0(G(G( G (pGp(G( G ( `G `( G ( G ( PG P( G ( G ( @G @( G ( G ( 0G 0( G ( G ( G ( pG p( G (G(`G`(G(G(PGP(G(G(@G@(G(G(0G0(G(G( G (pGp(G(G(`G`(G(G(PGP(G(G(@G@(G(G(0G0(G(G( G (pGp(G(G(`G`(G(G(PGP(G(G(@G@(G(G(0G0(G(G( G (pGp(G(G(`G`(G(G(PGP(G(G(@G@(G(G( 0G 0( G ( G (! G! 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Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (lente 1992) al meer dan achthonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De november/december uitgave bevat een compleet overzicht van de Public Domain bibliotheek op dat moment. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************ De op deze disk aanwezige versie van SYSMON is oud. Een nieuwe versie die ook geschikt is voor de TT en STE ( tenminste wat betreft TOS versies) is te verkrijgen bij de auteur: Karsten Isakovic Wilmersdorferstr. 82 D-1000 Berlijn 12 Duitsland sub-net: ki@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de Fidonet: K.I. % MAUS B @ 2:242/2.6 Mausnet: Karsten Isakovic @ B De nieuwere versies zijn Shareware! Dus stuur een eurocheque mee. De auteur zal het juiste bedrag zelf invullen. Voor de USA $ 40, voor Duitsland waar- schijnlijk DM 60,-.