O3p  x@`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikoq s@u`wy{} @ @ `  @ ` ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CA@`  @`! #@%`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikoq s@u`wy{} @ @ `  @ ` ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAGRAIL D$$ǝGRAIL DA1֝m+GRAIL DA2ڝxR5GRAIL DA3ݝvAGRAIL DA4XGRAIL DA5.RGRAIL INSvGRAIL TTLRUN TTP#READ ME \E\DESKTOP INFFA453  LEES DIT +. `G. >> Temporary data file of strings for AGT << OYou see a strange procession of bath-robed figures approaching. They are Osinging a loud chant in Esperanto and periodically they hit their heads with Obook-shaped objects with happy faces painted on them. They file past you and Oout of sight. You wonder if this has any significance. O OHave a nice day! O OYou see a grotesque old troll sitting on a caribou. He cackles wildly and says Oin a croaking voice, 'You seek the Holy Grail? Find the wizard beyond the Ofrozen waste. He knows of a cave where there is much danger! Beyond the cave Olies your goal! Seek ... the Creek of Doom! But be prepared for death many Otimes in your travels, and do not let this discourage you. They who do not Ogo through the veil of death to the other side shall not attain the goal.' OCackling, the old troll kicks the caribou in the ribs several times, shouts O'Hiyo Silver, awaaayyyyy!' and disappears down the trail. O OA secret panel in the wall bursts open and several blue-suited men leap out! O'Noooo one expects the Internal Revenue Service!' screams the leader. 'Our Oweapon is surprise! That's all--just surprise!' 'Uh, what about fear?' asks Oan auditor. O O'Oh, yes, all right, surprise and fear,' the leader replies. The same auditor Oasks, 'And a fanatical devotion to the...' 'Shut up!' howls the leader. 'Now Osee what you've done?!? The whole effect's ruined!! Just forget the whole Othing!' O OAnd with that the men file back through the secret door and it seals without Oa trace. O OBefore you can leave, a head pokes over a wall and says in a thick Scottish Oaccent, 'Sooo... another greedy adventurer-type chasing after the Grail! Scoop Opotatoes, you hollow-headed animal product shoveller! Your mother was a Ogerbil, and your father drank the Diet Pepsi! Go away from here, you stupid Ocomputer adventurrrrrrer with the brains of a frog, eh? Hang around here any Olonger and just see what happens!' The head then vanishes back behind the Owall of the castle. O OYou think for a few moments, but can't come up with anything better than Oscreaming 'Oh, yeah?'. O OYou see that there are already several people at this spot in the Velveeta OForest. They pause briefly, see that you are making no overtly hostile Omoves, and continue. O OThe minstrel opens his mouth, clears his throat several times, strums his Olute, and breaks a string. He says "Mil Diabloj!" in annoyance, and rummages Oaround in his pack to find a replacement. He doesn't. O O'Uh, I think that's enough singing for now, anyway' says Sir Wren, who looks Orelieved. O OAs you enter the room, Dad bellows out, 'Who are you???' O O'But I'm your son!' says Sherbet. 'Not you, nitwit!' Dad yells, smacking him. O OSherbet looks at you and says, 'Someone got my note and is here to rescue me!' O OUh, oh! It looks as if you've found Don the Wizard, the one the fellow Oat the 4-way stop told you about. And he's seen you! O ODon gestures dramatically and says, 'You seek the Holy Grail? To the Onorth lies a cave, wherein carvings made in the very rock describe the last Oresting place of the Holy Grrrrail!' He adds savagely, 'But if you are in Odoubt of your courage or your strength you'd better turn back now! For there Ois death waiting ahead, and you don't look like you can handle a vicious gnat!' O OHe casts several fireballs at the surrounding landscape, then disappears Oin a cloud of green smoke. O OOne of the peasants sees you and immediately starts what is evidently his Ofavorite subject. O O'You see,' Chester says, 'the modern bee is easily the most useful creature Oever to be, uh, useful to modern man. We even have a Bee Farmer's Club, Oholding bi-weekly meetings at which we....' and Chester drones on and on Oand on.... O O OThe heavens part and a voice says, 'Cast this, the Sacred Dynamite Stick, at thy Oenemies, who, having been delinquent in paying their back taxes, shall then Oexpire forthwith.' O OThe heavens then close. O OHowie screams, 'Arrrgh! No more! No more!'. He gives you a pot and Obegs you to leave. O OHowie falls over dead! O OI hope you are happy now. O OTsk, tsk! You'll have to buy it! O OYou don't have any money! O OHowie takes your money and gives you a pot. O OHe doesn't have any more. O OYou lob the Sacred Dynamite Stick at the poor defenseless armadillo and blow Oit to bits. O OYour savage blow knocks one of the Dark Knight's arms clean off! O O'Just a scratch!' sneers the Dark Knight. O OHe picks up his sword with his other hand, and begins to swing it in your Odirection. O OYour blow removes the Dark Knight's other arm! O O'A flesh wound, nothing more!' sneers the Dark Knight. O OHe starts stamping on your ingrown toenails. OOne of the Dark Knight's legs flies off as you strike! O O'Is that the best you can do? What a wimp!' jeers the Dark Knight. O'I'm only toying with you!!' O OHe begins to jump in your direction, clearly intending you grievous bodily Oinjury. O OAs his other leg sails off, the Dark Knight screams, 'C'mon, you big Ochicken, that didn't hurt a bit!! Nyaah, nyaah!' O OThe Dark Knight's torso is writhing violently on the ground as he tries Oto get closer to you in order to do battle. You can hear teeth-gnashing Onoises from within the visor. O OHe can't hurt you now, you may proceed with your quest. O OChester shouts, 'Come and see the Grail-snatching commie adventurers showing Otheir true colors! Come and see what happens to peace-loving back-to-nature Obee farmers!' O O OWell, you're not quite dead..... O O OYou're actually feeling much better..... O O OIn fact, you are fully recovered! O O OTo be completely honest, you can go on from where you left off! O O OSorry, squire, but just when you seemed about to recover, you felt the OIcy Hand of Death upon you! O OThis time you are really, truly dead! O O OBe ye Male or Female? (answer M or F, caps only) O OThe nubile maidens of the Castle Asthma overwhelm you and drag you to the Onether regions of the Castle. A violent fight breaks out over who gets you Ofirst, and you are accidently dropped down three flights of stairs. Onto your Ohead. (Next time, pay more attention to the signs!) O OThe nubile young maidens were expecting Sir Galahad, or at least someone of Othat gender, and so they throw you off the tower into the moat, where the Ocrocodiles make short work of you. O OYou can't leave until you take care of the Dark Knight. O OYou hear a violent commotion and turn to see what is going on. O OYou see a knight being dragged bodily from the castle. It is the famous OSir Galahad, and he is shouting, 'Wait! Wait! I didn't finish searching the Ocastle yet! Just a few more hours! Surely a few days won't matter! Weeks Oat the most!' O OThe large knight doing the dragging is none other than the mighty Sir OLauncelot. He appears to be very irritated, and shouting 'Pay attention to Owhat we are supposed to be doing!'. O OThere's not much point to that, anymore. O O OYou wasted too much time sight-seeing and the Dark Knight jabs his sword Othrough you! O OYou are dead! O OYou're going to have to watch that habit of yours of trying to kill anything Othat moves. It's not friendly. O OIn a coordinated move, you all rush Chester and pound his body into the Oearth. Since he would have fainted if you had even blinked, this could Obe considered a case of over-kill. He's dead. O OAttacking the Knights Who Say 'Boo' was a serious mistake, since it takes Othem all of 3 seconds to bring your party to its knees by screaming 'Boo!'. OThe sound reverberates through the fiber of your being, shaking your hold Oon reality. Finally, you give up and die. O OYou see two figures here. One is a dignified figure, standing straight and Otall, the other is sitting on the ground with a large round object and Oseveral birds. O OYou trudge north and blunder into a party of Knights standing around a Opoor, pathetic pot. They are criticizing it roundly. You can see the Ocracks appearing in the poor thing as they verbally abuse it. O OThe Head Knight of Boo stops, turns, looks at you, and says: O O'We are the Knights who say 'Boo'! If you do not appease us with some Opottery, you shall not pass! Go, and do not return until you can Opay the price!' They start saying 'Boo' in loud voices, and you feel Oas if your head was going to burst. You scream and run around in circles, Ocovering your ears, and finally stumbling to the south, from whence you came. O OYou swing your pitiful little sword at the 4-Headed Knight, and by some Oincredible chance, you connect in a vital spot. The enemy falls, and you Ohave to scramble to avoid the toppling figure. O OThe 4-Headed Knight lops your head off with a mighty back-hand swipe. OYou loose interest in the battle. O OYou swing wildly at the 4-Headed Knight, and miss by a mile. The enemy Oviciously returns your attack. O ONot a chance, with old Eight-Eyes standing there huffing and puffing and Owaving his sword around. O OHowie considers the matter carefully, nods slowly, and say, 'I think I Omay have something that will do the job.' He reaches around to the back Oof the cart and pulls out a beautiful pot. He looks at your inventory Oand says, 'That little chest should cover the cost, including VAT.' He Onimbly relieves you of the jewel chest, placing the pot in your hands. OHe drives away rapidly, leaving you coughing in the dust. O OHowie looks at you in disbelief. 'You don't have anything to pay for it Owith! Begone!' O OThe Head Knight of Boo spots the pottery and gleefully tears it from Oyour grasp. O OThe Knights of Boo admire the lovely pottery, and make appreciative Onoises. Finally, the Head Knight of Boo turns to you and says, 'This Opottery is perfect. We want....... another pot!' The Knights of Boo Ocavort merrily about, laughing themselves sillier. O OThe Knights of Boo shriek in panic at someone using their own weapon Oagainst them. They run in all directions and soon disappear from sight, Oalthough the sounds of thrashing about in the forest continue for a Owhile. O OThe Knights of Boo won't let you go that way! O OBefore you can leave, you hear a swishing sound, and a shape comes arcing Othrough the air, to bury itself in the ground at your feet. You jump back a Ofew paces in alarm, and look around suspiciously. Nothing else happens. OThere is now a crossbow bolt here, with a note tied to it. O OYou lunge at the first guardsman, and manage to get under his guard. His Osword breaks! He stands there, stupidly looking at the stub of the sword, Owhile you laugh nastily, 'Har, Har!'. You wave your sword at him, and he Owhimpers and runs out the door. O OYou manage to beat down the second guardsman and severely wound him. He Owill be out of action for a long time. A nurse rushes on from nowhere, Olooks at you reproachfully, and escorts the wounded fellow off to an Ounknown destination. You look around, but can't see where they have Ogone. O OThe third guardsman slips and gets off balance. You give him a mighty Oblow which renders him senseless, putting him out of the swordplay picture. OSeveral prop men run in and cart him off. O OThe fourth guardsman panics at your superb swordsmanship (and the sight of Oyour companions behind you). He screams, 'This wasn't in my contract!!', Oslips through the door and vanishes. O OYou flail around with your sword with great vigor, but no results. O OYou execute a neat riposte, but the effect is somewhat spoiled by the Ofact that you missed by a mile (1.624 kilometers). O OYou hear snickers off-stage. O OThere is no fencing term for the move you just performed, with the Opossible exception of the word 'clumsy'. Whatever it was, it didn't Owork. O OYour opponent smiles hugely and says, 'You must have learned sword-fighting Oat a carpentry school!' You wish now that you had taken the time to read Othe instruction manual that came with your sword. Maybe you're holding Oit by the wrong end. O OYou neatly carve a chunk out of a nearby wall. You'll have to watch your Ofooting because of all the fragments of wall laying around. O OYour opponent yawns and starts to clean his fingernails. You should have Opaid more attention to Basic Slaughter Techniques at knight school. O OYou missed! What are you trying to do, kill him of old age? O OAs you enter the main hall of the castle, all the guests start screaming Oand running off. O OPrince Sherbet has exited down the sheets hanging out the window while Oyou weren't looking. O ODad looks around, appalled by the desertion of his guards. He looks at Oyou and says, 'Uh, I, uh......'. He shakes himself, looks carefully at Oyour sword, and smiles brightly at you. O O'Hi! Enjoying the party? Nice of you to furnish the entertainment. Much Omore exciting than the jugglers. Uh, are you going to do anything else?' O OHe begins to perspire heavily when you don't reply. O OPrince Sherbet has zipped down the sheets hanging out the window while Oyou weren't looking. O ODad looks around, appalled by the desertion of his guards. He looks at Oyou and says, 'Uh, I, uh......'. He shakes himself, looks carefully at Oyour sword, and smiles brightly at you. O O'Hi! Enjoying the party? Nice of you to furnish the entertainment. Much Omore exciting than the jugglers. Uh, are you going to do anything else?' O OHe begins to perspire heavily when you don't reply. O O'Ummm, since Prince Sherbet is gone, would you be interested in learning the Oukelele? I already paid for the lessons...'. His voice fades as he sees the Obaleful glare you give him. O OYou barely finish saying the words when there is a loud clap of thunder, Oand the altar moves slowly to one side. O OYou are surprised by a gigantic turkey, who flaps his wings and makes Oloud turkey noises. It seems to be looking for food. O OYou hear the loud twanging noise of a catapult, accompanied by the shouts Oand insults of the Scottish soldiers on the parapet. Dozens of objects Odescend upon you from the sky. Most of them are squawking and angry, and Ofly or crawl away. O OYou reach out to get the parrot, who suddenly comes to life and bites your Ofinger. It looks at you and shrieks, 'The secret word is BLANCMANGE'! It Obites you again, and flies off. You ponder this, and wonder if it can be Oa bit in the way of a mystical experience. O OYou look in the mirror. A truly horrible sight stares back at you. You Osee a person in a raggedy suit of armor with the word 'REJECT' stamped on Ohis forehead. Across the front of your visor, it says, 'Hi, my name is ODelbert!'. The predominant color of your attire is green. You'd have to Olike green a lot to wear this much of it. O OYou look in the mirror. A truly horrible sight stares back at you. You Osee a person in a raggedy suit of armor with the word 'REJECT' stamped on Oher forehead. Across the front of your visor, it says, 'Hi, my name is OGriselda!'. The predominant color of your attire is blue. You'd have to Olike blue a lot to wear this much of it. O OIt's part of the immovable stand. O OThe Vicious Turkey of Philadelphia flies into an insane rage and pecks you Oto death on the spot! O OYou throw the feed sack to the ground, where it bursts open, spilling Othe delicious seed upon the snow. The turkey leaps upon the seed, Oconsumes most of it rapidly, and wanders off to find a place for a siesta. O OWrong move! The armadillo leaps into action and rips your throat right out Oinstantly. You have been killed by....... the Terrible Armadillo! O OYou throw the Sacred Stick of Dynamite at the poor little creature. The Ostick arcs through the air, twirling slightly, with the sunlight Oreflecting off the baroque decorations on the sides. The armadillo Otries to escape, but to no avail. BOOM! The dynamite explodes almost Oright on top of the fleeing shape. O OOK, you count to four. O OYou throw the Sacred Dynamite Stick at the armadillo. It bounces several Otimes, and comes to rest several feet from the savage creature. The 'dillo Olooks at the grenade, blinks several times, then looks at you. A voice Ofrom behind you says, 'You forgot to count to seven, uh, four!'. You Owhirl to look, but don't see who spoke. You hear the armadillo making Ostrange noises. He's laughing at you. O OIt says, 'This isn't the right inscription! -- Don the Wizard'. O OIt says, 'Canada is most beautiful in the summer, though the O caribou can be murder! A caribou once bit my aunt!' O OIt says, 'The Grail may be found in the castle of Oops!' O OYou can't. The Yellow Beast isn't permitted to let you roam around unless Oyou meet the conditions. You must say The Secret Word. O OAaaaiiieeee! You've found the Yellow Beast of Oops! A whimper escapes Oyour lips as you are too terrified to Run Away! You close your eyes and Owait for death. After a few moments, it occurs to you that nothing fatal Ohas occurred, so you cautiously open one eye. You see the Yellow Beast Ositting calmly a few feet away, regarding you with most of its eyes. O OIt speaks slowly: 'I have been charged by the Cavemaster with the Oresponsibility of making sure that only those suitable pass farther into Othe cave. You must speak The Secret Word before you may continue. You Oonly get one try.' It seems to settle down for a long stay, and looks at Oyou expectantly. O OThe Yellow Beast looks at you suspiciously, then digs out a small piece Oof paper and examines it carefully. O O'That's yesterday's Secret Word!' it cries triumphantly. 'It doesn't work Otoday!' The Yellow Beast leaps upon you and tears you apart. Mid-way into Othe process, you lose interest. O OYou attack the Yellow Beast of Oops. It sighs, and pounds you into the Orocky soil. O OYou feed the parrot the remainder of the bird seed. You hear a few Omuttered complaints, but you can't quite make out the words themselves. OThe parrot finishes up the feed, looks around, and comes over to you. O OThe parrot leans close and says in a whisper, 'The Secret Word is really OLUPIN. I lied before.' It then bites your finger, and flies away. O OThe Yellow Beast looks at you suspiciously, then digs out a small piece Oof paper and examines it carefully. O O'That's tomorrow's Secret Word!' it cries triumphantly. 'It doesn't work Ountil midnight!' It claps a hand over its mouth. 'Uh, oh! Now I have to Okill you!' The Yellow Beast leaps upon you and everything goes black. O OThe Yellow Beast looks at you suspiciously, then digs out a small piece Oof paper and examines it carefully. O O'That's a Secret Word, all right, but it's only valid if you are a member Oof the Spanish Inquisition! Let's see your membership card.' When you Ofail to produce one, the Yellow Beast bites your head off. O ODon't Panic! O OThe skaters are practicing the compulsory figures, except for one lone Oskater over there at the side, who seems to be cutting large letters in Othe ice. O OThe letters spell out: O OT H E S E C R E T W O R D I S : D O S T O E V S K I O OThe skaters are practicing the compulsory figures. There seems to be a Owaiting line to use the ice. O OThe parrot flies overhead and shrieks: 'Reflect on the tapestry!'. It Odisappears in the distance. O OYou carefully look at the tapestry in the mirror. After several moments, Oyou see that there are words woven into the background that were not Oevident before. It says, 'The Secret Word is LARCH! (No, really)'. O OYou see the parrot here, chuckling softly to itself. It sees you, and Obreaks out into hysterical laughter. It swiftly moves out of your reach. O OIt finally recovers enough to speak. 'All right. It wasn't fair, but Oyou are sooooo gullible. I'll give you a hint.' It whips some cards Oout of its vest pocket and holds them up for your perusal. Written on Oeach is a number. From left to right, they read: O O 5.8 5.7 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.2 5.8 O O'Personally, I'd give you a 4.1, but then *I've* actually had to talk with Oyou.' With a winning smile, the parrot returns the cards from whence they Ocame, and leaps into the air. 'Up, up, and awaaaaay!', it shrieks. O OIt then flies off, doing several Immelmanns before it gets out of sight. O OThe letters spell out: O OT H E O OThe letters spell out: O OT H E S E C R E T O OThe letters spell out: O OT H E S E C R E T W O R D O OThe letters spell out: O OT H E S E C R E T W O R D IS: O OShe's not finished with the last word yet! O OYou see some skaters on the ice. O OBefore you can move, the parrot flutters to the ground a few feet away from Oyou. You stop to look at it. O OThe Yellow Beast looks at you in pity. 'You've tried that one, mate. And Oit didn't work any better the first time.' He leaps towards you..... O OThe Yellow Beast blinks in astonishment (and it's some sight, what with 42 Oeyes). 'You are correct!', it says. 'You may now pass. I'm going to Olunch.' It waddles off singing to itself. O OOkay. '$NOUN$' O OThere, before you, still cackling, is the old troll from the 4-way stop. O O'Halt!', he cries. 'He who would cross the Creek of Doom must answer three Oquestions, before you may attain the other side!' O O'Are ye ready for the first question?' O OThe old troll won't let you cross the creek until you answer the questions. O OWithout the old troll making a move or a sound, you feel yourself lifted Ofrom the ground and hurled into the creek. Weighed down by all the armor, Oyou quickly drown. O OThe old troll raises one eyebrow slightly, as if surprised you knew the Oanswer. 'Correct!', he bellows. O O'Are ye ready for the second question?" O OThe old troll is apparently innured to nasty shocks, for he doesn't even Olook surprised when you get this one correct. 'Correct!', he proclaims. O O'Are ye ready for the third question?' O OThe old troll looks disgusted. 'Well, shoot! Things are no fun around Ohere anymore. I'm going to the Creek of Doom up near Dunston Woods.' OHe looks at you with an evil grin. 'Come up and see me sometime!' O OThe old troll hobbles off to the west. O OIt's a mirror. O OThere, on a small table made of olive wood, is the Holy Grail! An appropriate Oheavenly chorus sings a few bars as you spot it. O OThere is a rattling and clanking as several knights walk out of the dark- Oness at the other end of the hall. O OThe Head Scottish Knight speaks: 'So, you silly English adventurrrerr! We Omeet again! I shall have further reason to taunt you severely after we Obash your silly English brains out! Prepare to fight!' O OThere is a small boat approaching you. O OThe small boat comes up beside you in the shallows (to the north). There Ois no one on board! O OYou wade out to investigate, and enter the boat. You companions hang back, Ofearful of any loose magic. Suddenly, with a wailing noise louder than a Obanshee, a mysterious white vehicle carrying a number of white-clad people Oscreaming things such as: 'Hey, you people, halt! Stop!', and "I don't have Othe strait-jackets, I thought YOU had them!" O OAn even larger vehicle screams to a stop, and your companions are all forced Oinside. The demons see you and start yelling, 'You there, you are under Oarrest!'. You can't oblige them, however, as the boat seems to be pulling Oaway of its own volition. All too soon, it covers the distance to the Oisland whereupon the Castle of Oops! lies. It stops at a shabby dock. OYou may exit to the east, or sit here and starve. O OThe minstrel yells in panic (but with perfect pitch), and rushes off. O OYou scream and attack the Scottish knights like a mad-man. Two of the Oknights are so unnerved by your shout, that they fail to defend themselves, Oand are dispatched quickly. The others dance out of the way, bumping Ointo one another. O OYou try the scream again! Unfortunately, your throat is so hoarse from Othe last one that all that comes out is a strangled high-pitched whine. OThe Scottish Knights start yelling, 'Mosquitos! Mosquitos! Help! Arrrr!', Oand two of remaining soldiers succeed in taking themselves out of the fray Oas they wave their weapons about madly, trying to swat non-existent insects. O OThe Head Scottish Knight raises his sword to do battle, and suddenly stops Owhen a voice from the back of the hall says, 'Lunch break, everybody!'. OAll the knights on the ground get up, dust themselves off, and walk to Othe back of the hall, where they disappear through a small doorway. The OHead Scottish Knight grins at you and in a voice with a pronounced Bronx Oaccent says, 'Nice footwork.", and also disappears through the doorway. O OYou look around. It's just you and the Holy Grail. O OYou walk out the door of the castle, carrying the Holy Grail. There is a Ocurious fog surrounding the place now. It sure wasn't here before. You raise Oyour sword in case there are more enemies outside, and the blade falls right Ooff. You see a few fragments of some clear tape in the socket where the Oblade went. You look stupidly at them for a few moments and sit down, your Obrain spinning. You hear a voice in the distance say 'Pat! Where's that OProp Person?'. A few moments later the insistent voice says loudly, 'Pat, Owhere are you?'. You can't see where the voice is coming from. O O'AH HA!' the voice shrieks, a hand clamping on your shoulder. You jump to your Ofeet and whirl to face the new-comer, dropping the sword handle as you do. O OA large man is facing you and speaks in a familiar voice. 'Come on, Pat! Get Oa move on! We sent you for the Grail before lunch. Hand it over, we have Oto get back to work on that last scene.' He grabs the Grail out of your hands. O'We've got to wrap this up this afternoon, it's going to rain.' As you Oshuffle after him, you realize that there ARE worse things than coming to a Onasty end at the Creek of Doom. Such as being in the movie business. O ONot without what you came for, you're not! O ONot while any of the Scottish Knights are around! O ODad blinks several times. 'Hey, where'd you get that? There's an old family Olegend to the effect that saying the magic incantation STEALTH BOMBER Oin the right place can alter things for the better. A great holy treasure Owas supposed to go along with the deal. Well, gotta go! We'll have to Ohave another party Real Soon Now......'. He casually sidles over to the Owindow, and leaps over the edge, grabbing at the sheet as he does. There is Oa loud splash a few seconds later. O OThe guards won't let you! O OCounting to seven doesn't accomplish much, however proud you might be Oof the feat. O OIt points north and says 'North'. O OYou are surprised by two figures, one looking fairly ordinary, the other Olooking exactly like an extra large squirrel. O OThe human-looking one turns to the other and says, 'I don't know, Daar, I sure Othought it was around here somewhere. It's hard to lose a Gate. We'll just Ohave to keep searching.' O OTo your amazement, the squirrel replies. 'It's a logical place to hide one Oto keep casual discovery to a minimum, all right. Let's go.' O OThey nod agreeably to you and continue their journey. O OYou're in it. It's a boat. O OYou attempt to walk to the north, but are prevented by an invisible force! OAs you watch, fiery letters (Bodoni Bold 300 point) appear in the air! O O 'Before ye may proceed, ye must first answer this question! O O Be ye Male or Female? (Don't abbreviate)' O O(Please note that when responding to questions or talking with characters, Oyou must preface your answers or statements with the word SAY) O O O OThe force disappears, and more words appear in front of you. O O 'OK, Sir Knight, you may now proceed to your doom.' O O O OThe force disappears, and more words appear in front of you. O O 'OK, Lady Knight, you may now proceed to your doom.' O O O OYou don't know where it's been! O OWell, you have really done it! You are dead! Well, not really, since you Oare being sent back to the starting room of the game (without a scratch). O OGood luck, and we hope you have learned something from this! O OYou feel a bit dizzy, clouds of smoke billow around you, and you find Oyourself back at your starting point. O O O A sudden darkness with howling winds O sweeps over you and when it passes, you O find yourself in England, 926 A.D.--the O time of King Arthur. O O O O (Swedish subtitle) O Yer svenkmal de yeg nimborfin glosdemm O den bisurvan darvekka mit sargna puten O yae pussen, vene nit yenglan verr sofen O 926 a.d.--- bie dissyamla Liv Ullmann. O O O Without warning, the heavens part and a O blinding light envelops you and a deep O bass voice appropriate for a scene of O divine revelation such as this says to O you, 'Your quest is to find the Holy O Grail, most noble knight!' O O O O O O Nejinkem bjorn borg yae posten! Sweden O is most pleasant to visit in the summer O when the flowers bloom in the sunshine, O although you must watch out for caribou O that roam wild. A caribou once bit my O aunt Vilma! O O O The voice continues, 'You will face the O many deadly perils that lie ahead, but O you will also have many allies, such as O Sir Launcelot, Sir Galahad, Sir Bedivere, O Sir Wren, and others. O O O O No, really! She was training the caribou O to hang-glide and cook Dutch chocolate fudge O brownies when, for no reason, it just hauled O off and bit her! Yumpin' yimminy, de caribou O been taking over everything! I cannot take a O bath without six or seven caribou yumping O in with me!! O O O The programmer wishes to announce that O the persons responsible for writing the O previous narrative have been fired. He O has hired several novelists to finish O up in a more professional style... O O O The voice concludes, 'You must find the O Holy Grail or you will be lost in this O strange world forever! I bid you good O luck and farewell!' And with that, the O heavens close with a clang. O O O O O Priscilla decided she would never try O to return to Barkley Manor. Claude knew O of her terrible secret and yet she was O still filled with longing for him. Her O bosom heaved with hot emotion as she O realized a large caribou was drinking out O of her glass of Perrier... O O O The programmer wishes to announce that O he has terminated the novelists and hired a O communications expert from California at O the last minute and very great expense O to finish the narrative. O O Owhoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness Owhoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O whoopie granola mellowness O O O O O O O O O O O One moment please! O O Changing reels in the projection booth O (---go and get some popcorn---) O O O O O O OYour score just went up 107 points! (Or maybe it was down 31...) O O OYour score just went up 94 points! (Just kidding) O O OYour score just went up 31 points! (But only if you are playing the OEsperanto version of the game) O O OYour score just went up 56 points! (But it went to pay off a Karma debt) O O OYour score just went down 132 points! (Unless you have a Get Out of OJail Free card or have a cat whose name begins with the letter J) O O O You are wandering in a shadowy, ever-changing landscape where O everything seems to be made of fog. You try to remember who you O are, but half-memories are all that come into your mind. You look O down and see a sword in your hand. Hmmmm. You could hurt your- O self with that thing. O O The fog seems to thin out to your right, so you walk slowly in that O direction ....... O OYou are standing in a large grassy field with a signpost that points to the Oonly direction that you are able to go... to the north. O OYou see a field of peat. There are several peasants in the distance Owho apparently are harvesting the peat! The road leads to the east and a Osmall chapel lies to the south. O OA break in the forest reveals the road branching into a t-intersection. To Othe north, the road is broad and wide, but the east-west route is smaller and Onot as well-travelled. O OThe road you are on runs east and west. The trees grow right up to the very Oedge of the road in this area. O OYou see a clearing surrounded by a grove of trees. There are several bodies Oin the area in varying states of decay... The road runs east and west from Ohere, as well as north and back to the south. O OThe road in this area runs to the east and west through a lightly-forested Oarea that is quite pleasant, actually. O OYou see that the road here bends to the north as well as to the west. You Oare unable to see very far into the trees lining the roadway. O OYou come to another intersection; this one a 't' that leads to the east and Oalso north and south. The area is very well shaded with pines and evergreens. O OA wooden rail fence lines both sides of the road here, and you can see small Ocottages off aways from the road. You can go either east or west. O OThe road widens into a four-way intersection. To the north you can see a Ocastle, to the south a grove of trees, and an east-west route running through Owhat appears to be farmland. O OPlowed fields line the road in this area but you see no one in the fields at Othe moment. Off to the east a castle rises up on a small hill and the road Oalso leads off to the west. O OEast is a castle. A sign on the gate reads 'Off Limits To Knights.' There are Omany sweet young ladies hanging over the walls screaming, 'Ooooh! Welcome! OCome in! Come in!' The road goes west and south. O OYou are in a small village. The stench is horrendous and there is sewage all Oabout. The only structure of interest is a stable to the north. The road Ogoes off to the east. O OYou can see a small village off to the west. Though you cannot see it very Owell, you can smell it distinctly! The road is quite wide and well-packed Oand leads east and west. O OYou are at a four-way intersection of sorts. The east-west road is spacious Oand open, as is the route south. But the road north is not much more than a Opath and leads into the dark forest of Velveeta. O OThis stretch of road is quite pleasant. Birds sing in the trees and the sun Odoth shine. To the east, a castle can be seen and to the west the road leads Oover a slight incline. O OA huge castle looms just off the road to the east. It is solidly built and Olooks impossible to storm. The road leads to the west and south and a Oless-used path leads north into dense foliage--the dark forest of Velveeta. O OYou are in the stable. It is a relief to get in here, because it actually Osmells better than the rest of the village! You see no animals of any kind. OThe door is in the south wall. O OYou are in an area thickly overgrown with trees and bushes. Visibility is Oonly a few feet, and it is very dark. You can travel only north or south. O OThe forest here is extremely dense and it is difficult to see very far. The Ogloom here gives you an ominous feeling of dread. You can continue only north Oor south. O OThe north-south route here is almost a jungle. It is very dark and very Oominous and you are gripped with fear. This mood is heightened when you Othink you see movement in the trees along the road. O OYour only choices here are to go to the north or south, as the undergrowth O(and overgrowth for that matter) prevents all other movement. O OYou see that the forest thins out here to a great deal. The road curves to Othe north and leads back into the forest to the east. O OYou are at a four-way intersection that is remarkably free of the dense Ogrowth of the forest. It appears to be a place of religious significance for Osome strange cult. O OYou are unable to go farther. Even when you hack at the undergrowth with Oyour weapons you cannot clear a path. You must return west. O OYou are still on a north-south road that is lined with thick forest. It is Orather pretty here, so that you could almost overlook the two knights Oimpaled on a large sword sticking out of an oak tree to your right. O OThe forest is still very thick here, but you see a signpost off to the side Oof the road! O OYou see here that the forest has thinned out to normal proportions. It is Oquite an idyllic scene. The road forms a 't' to the north, south and east Oand a small stream babbles lazily. A castle lies to the north. O OThere is much less of the forest here. The road bends off to the west and Oback to the south. O OYou are in a clearing, but it is a dead end. You can only return south. You Omay want to do so, too, because the area is littered with bones, bodies and Oweapons. O OYou are at the top of the tall tower. The spartan room here has very little Ofurniture, but you are most struck by the line of sheets tied to the bed and Oleading out of the window and down the wall. O OYou are inside Damp Castle. There are festive decorations all about. OThere is a long table in the middle of the room. The tall tower is to Othe west and the gate is to the east. O ODamp Castle looms out of a bog to the west. It appears to be built on the Oremnants of other castles that have sunk before it. You can head south or Oeast if you do not enter the castle. O OAs you leave the swamp you notice that it has become much colder. The trees Oin the area are much fewer in number. Damp Castle is to the west, or you can Ogo north or east. O OThe wind is now blowing fiercely and it is bitterly cold. You can go west or Oto the north, otherwise you will perish in the wastes of Foobar. O OThe path you are on runs north and south and also to the east. There are Olarge snow drifts and ice formations all about you, and it is colder than a O..... well, let's just say it's cold... O OYou are at a crossroad, but every way that you look you see nothing but the Ofrozen lands of Foobar. O OYou have come to a steep cliff. You can only return west. You see below you Oa village with many flags. In fact, you see the entire Russian hockey team Oand several burly women's figure skaters. It is the Olympics! O OIt is still cold, and the path goes to the north and east. It is very Oscenic, and off across the valley you see a large caribou, wearing an Oamusing hat and what appears to be a large kite. O OThe path now forms a t-intersection with an east-west route and a dog-leg to Othe south. There is snow and ice all about you. O OHere the path branches to the north, west and south. The wind is picking up Osnow and blowing it around, making it very difficult to see. O OYou are at the edge of a ravine. Any noise could cause an avalanche! You Ocan only return to the south. O OThere is only snow in patches here. The sun is out and there are clumps of Ograss here and there. The path winds north and east along a ravine. There Oare several large rock formations nearby. O OThe path curves from the south to the west and there is much less snow here. OYou seem to be able to see some trees over to the west. O OYou are at the entrance to a cave. You cannot count the bones strewn about Othe area and you see a number of broken weapons and pieces of armor. You Ocan go down into the cave or to the south. O OYou are in a narrow passage inside of the cave. It twists off to the east, Oor you can go up out of the cave. O OThe passage opens up and it is easier to move. The smooth cave walls look as Othough they have been finished with hand tools. You can go east, north or Owest. O OThis room also has smooth walls and even corners. The passage bends west to Onorth. O OYou can go to the north from here, and you can see that there is a room Othere. The space you are in here is a fairly large passage. You can also Ogo to the east . O OThe passage here is rather large and it leads north, west and east. You spot Oan inscription on the south wall. O OYou are at a t-intersection. You can go east to west or to the north. O OHere you find the passage leads off to the north as well as to the east Oand on westward. The chamber here is very large. O OThe passage branches out west, south and east. A rapid choice would be Oadvisable because some of the rocks look like they are about to come loose Oand collapse the passage! O OYet another 3-way choice awaits you: west or north-south. There are many Ounusual rock formations here, but you're not on a tour and have to push on. O OThis is a dead end. Your only exit is to the south. The rock looks like it Owas melted and then cooled in odd forms. There is an inscription on the Onorth wall... could it be??? O OThe passage bends south to east here. The walls here glimmer with possible Ometallic content, but it is probably only fool's gold or the like. O OPassageways lead off in all directions from here. Your footsteps echo as you Owalk through this chamber. O OThe passage here is rather low, but it is quite wide. You can get through Oeasily on all fours. Directions are west and south. O OThe ceiling in this area is much lower now. Though you must stoop a bit, you Ocan go east or south with no trouble. O OThe passage widens here but it is still a low clearance. You can see a room Oto the north. You can also go to the west. O OYou can see light up to the east! Other than to the south, that is the Oonly way you can go. O OYou are on a grassy path that leads east and west. Actually, you'd have to Ogo down to go west... you cannot see what lies east... your vision is obscured Oby a thick smoke or fog. O OYou are at the Creek of Doom! It is a controlled access affair, and the only Oway to the other side is a log bridge that is suspended over the Creek. You Ocannot tell the depth of the creek because of a curious fog filling the void. OOminous cries emanate from the haze... the log bridge leads to the north. O OYou are standing outside of the Castle of Oops! The gate to the north is Oajar and it appears to be the only entrance. There is a dock to the south. O OYou are inside the Castle of Oops. It looks very old, but even the courtyard Ois filled with a quiet majesty. You are overcome with a feeling of solemnity. OThe only exit you see is to the south. O OYou are at dead end. You can only go south. There is an inscription on Othe east wall. O OYou are in a small chapel. It smells of mold and mildew, and the furnishings Oare old and in disrepair. It has not been used, alas, in a long time... the Oonly door is to the north. O OOh, well...... O OYou are at the top of a small hill. To the south you can see a valley filled Owith smoke. Downwards in the distance, you see a lake. O OYou are at the bottom of the hill, and at the shore of a large lake. In Othe center of the lake, you see an ominous castle. O OYou are in the Mystical Boat. It must be a Mystical Boat, because no one Ois driving! There is a rather decrepit dock to the east. O OThis is a very poorly-maintained dock. It sags a lot, and most of the boards Oseem to be pretty rotten. There is a way to the north, and there is a boat Oto the west. O OYou are in a mysterious room. OUh, oh, the fog is starting to swirl around and the wind is starting to blow Opretty hard! You'd better take steps to remove yourself from here. Any Odirection looks good at this moment! O OYou see an entirely adequate sword. If you actually tried to fight with Oit, you might be in real trouble. But then again....... O OYou see, on a velvet pillow under the altar, the Sacred Dynamite Stick of OPhiladelphia! It has writing on the side. O OIt's the Holy Grail! O OYou see a lovely pot here. O OYou see a very valuable tapestry here. It depicts the Last Supper. Across Othe top, in ornately woven letters, it says: 'La Lasta Vespermang^o' O OYou see place settings for eight laid out on a table. They are clearly gifts Ofor the wedding. The only remarkable thing about the dishes is that they are Omade of gold! O OYou see a fist-sized diamond jutting out of the west wall. You could probably Ojust grab it (hint, hint). O OYou see a locked chest that is probably filled to the top with fabulous Ojewels. Ill-gotten gains from unfortunate travelers, no doubt. At any Orate, it's very heavy for its size. O OAs you look into the stalls, you see no animals, but rather empty halves of Opineapples. Some even have little bits and bridles. O OYes it's a note all right! It even has writing on it! O OYou see Brave Sir Wren's sword 'Liverwurst'. O OYou see Sir Launcelot's weapon, the sword 'Killer'. O OYou see an atomic bomb. It's ticking. O OYou see Sir Galahad's weapon, the mace 'Chastity-Belt'. O OYou see Sir Bedivere's weapon, the axe 'Celsius'. O OYou see King Arthur's weapon, the mighty 'Excaliber'. On the blade near the Opommel, it says (in fine print) "Camelot Pat. Pend.". O OYou see the remains of the vicious turkey of San Jose. Boy, will it ever Omake a lot of soup! O OYou see the tattered remains of the little armadillo. O OYou see the body of Howie the Potter here. He seems to have fallen over Obackwards into the cart and crushed all the pots o unidentifiable bits. O OYou see the body of the wimp, Prince Sherbet. He's just as annoying in Odeath as he was in life. O OYou see the body of Prince Sherbet's dad. He's much calmer now. O OYou see the dead body of Chester, the community bore. You suppress an almost Oover-powering urge to yawn. O OThere is a rickety sign here, with words crudely inscribed upon it. O OThe body of the 4-Headed Knight lies here. That thing must weigh 800 Opounds! O OFake entry. O OThere is a feathered crossbow bolt here. O OThere is a large stealth bomber here, the largest you have ever seen! O OYou see a large sack of bird seed here. This would keep a herd of Obirds happy for weeks! O OYou see a bloated, dead pig here. It looks at though it had been dropped Ofrom quite a height. O OThere is a stunned parrot here. If you didn't know better, you'd think Oit was dead! O OThere is a small mirror here. It's part of the drawer, and cannot be Oremoved. The rest of the drawer is divided into small sections. O OFoobly four O OThere is an inscription here. O OThere are some stupid letters here on the ice. O OThere is a large yes here. O OYou see a color here. O OThere is a large no here. O OThere is a heavy wooden stand here. It has a small drawer in the side. O OYou see an ornately carved comb here, apparently made from a caribou antler. OIn small, fine print, it says, 'My aunt was once bitten by this caribou.' O OYou see a very nice hairbrush here. There is gold inlay along the sides, Oand there are initials carved on the back, 'P.S.'. O OThere is a well-used wooden toothbrush here. It is a short stick, with Oend split many times with a knife to make bristles. O OYou see a mystical boat here. It says so right near the prow: "Mystical OBoat". O OYou see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. O OYou see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. O OYou see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. O OYou see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. O OYou see a very dead, very quiet, Scottish Knight here. It's the first time Oyou have seen him with his mouth closed. O OYou see a plaque with a family crest carved upon it. It depicts a small Omammal of some sort with weird ears (and apparently wearing armor), sitting on Otop of a stone structure that seems to be half-buried in mud. There are words Oat the bottom. O ODon't look behind you. O OYou figure it out. O OWhat fun. OWhat fun. OYou see a large Dark Knight here. O OYou see a knight with a large purple worm emblazoned on his shield. It Ois Brave Sir Wren! O OYou see a brave and handsome knight here. He looks as if he would be polite Oto just about anyone. O OYou see a brave and strong knight here. He looks as if he could best just Oabout anybody in a fair fight. O OYou see a somewhat confused-looking knight here. He doesn't look like Osomeone you should ask directions of. He's trying to tie a pineapple Oto an Indo-Chinese grackle. O OYou see an armored figure with a dragon on his shield and a crown on his Ohead. It is King Arthur, ruler of the Britons and wielder of Excaliber! O OThere, before you, still cackling, is the old troll from the 4-way stop. O OYou see a tall figure wearing robes and an odd helmet with the words 'Dallas OCowboys' written across the front. He is casting fireballs and causing huge Oexplosions. It is the dreaded wizard known as....... Don! O OBefore you stands a huge figure clad in chain mail. It is the dread 4-Headed OKnight, the fiercest creature for yards around. You can hear the 4 heads Oarguing, but they agree on one thing........ killing you! O OYou see a small grey armadillo with a quivering pinkish-gray nose. O OYou see before you the horrible Yellow Beast of Ooops! It has 42 eyes and Ojaws ten feet across! O OYou see a man sitting on a cart loaded with pottery. It is Howie the OPotter. O OYou see a nine-foot tall figure in a helmet with huge horns who announces, O O'We are the Knights who say 'Boo'! If you do not appease us with pottery, Oyou will not leave this wood alive!' O OYou see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. O OYou see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. O OYou see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. O OYou see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. O OYou see a smaller Knight with a horned helmet. O OIt's a turkey scratching in the snow..... but it is a 300-pound turkey! OIt is Lester, the vicious turkey of Philadelphia!! O OYou see a minstrel here. He doesn't look like he would stick around if the Ogoing got tough. O OYou see a nauseating wimp clothed in a dress-like robe near an open window. OIt is Prince Sherbet, and he looks like he is trying to destroy a ukelele. O OYou see a large man dressed in furs who sounds like Daffy Duck. It is OPrince Sherbet's dad. O OYou see a yeoman guard here. He looks like he's itching for a fight! O OYou see a yeoman guard here. He's waving his sword around! O OYou see a yeoman guard here. He's spoiling for a fight! O OYou see a yeoman guard here. He just hiccups. But in a threatening Omanner! O OYou see a stooped figure here, digging in the peat moss. You take a look at Owhat he is planting, blink several times, and take a closer look. You were Oright the first time. He's planting bees. O OYou see the Head Scottish Knight here. He is wearing a pointy mustache that Olooks as if you could use it as a leather punch. O OYou see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head OScottish Knight has made. O OYou see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head OScottish Knight has made. O OYou see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head OScottish Knight has made. O OYou see an Scottish Knight here. He is laughing at the remarks the Head OScottish Knight has made. O OYou see a large Dark Knight here. He doesn't seem to be *quite* all here, Othough. He's screaming 'Come on and fight, you sissy!', but is now quite Oharmless. O OYou see a colorful, lively parrot here. It seems to be watching you with Oa certain amusement. It looks hungry, also. O O OPrinted on the side in extremely small letters, it says: O OINSTRUCTIONS O O1) Count to seven. Uh, make that four, count to four. O2) Throw the Sacred Dynamite Stick. O3) Wait. O O OIt says, 'I'm being held prisoner by my father who wishes me to learn to play Othe ukelele against my will. Please, please! Rescue me! I'm in the tall Otower at Damp Castle.' O OIt says, 'Camelot- 18 south, 4-Headed Knight and probable death- 1 north.' O OThey say 'Valuable family secret legend divulged if returned to owner.' O END OF FILE 2 3000 2 50 0 76 256 333 157 1 0 815 10 BE YE MALE OR FEMALE? (DON'T ABBREVIATE!) MALE WHAT IS YOUR NAME? DELBERT WHAT IS YOUR NAME? GRISELDA WHAT IS THE OBJECT OF YOUR QUEST? GRAIL WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? GREEN WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? 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2 1212 3 1215 3 1218 3 1221 4 1225 3 1228 2 1230 4 1234 4 1238 2 1240 3 1243 3 1246 5 1251 2 1253 2 1255 2 1257 2 1259 2 1261 3 1264 3 1267 3 1270 3 1273 2 1275 2 1277 2 1279 3 1282 4 1286 3 1289 3 1292 3 1295 3 1298 3 1301 4 1305 3 Howling wildernessnonenoneAt the Peat BognonenoneDAt a meeting of roadsnonenone On a road with many treesnonenone In a clearingnonenone LOn an east/west roadnonenone At a n/w bendnonenone At the evergreensnonenone On a fence-lined roadnonenone At meeting of roadsnonenone Near plowed fieldsnonenone At the Castle Asthmanonenone In a small villagenonenoneOn a well-travelled roadnonenone 4-way stopnonenone On a pleasant stretch of roadnonenoneAt the Scottish Castlenonenone  In the stablenonenoneIn the dark forest of VelveetanonenoneIn the dark forest of VelveetanonenoneIn more of the dark forestnonenoneIn more of the dark forestnonenoneAt a n/e bend in the roadnonenoneShrine of the Knights of Boononenone At a dead endnonenoneOn a path with impaled knightsnonenoneOn a road with a signpostnonenoneIn an idyllic scenenonenone" At a s/w bendnonenone At a dead endnonenoneIn the tall towernonenone!Inside Damp Castlenonenone" At Damp Castlenonenone#!In a colder areanonenone%$"In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone&#In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone)#&In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone*$'%At the Winter Olympicsnonenone&In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone+)In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone%*(In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone-&)In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone(On a ravine pathnonenone.-In the frozen land of Foobarnonenone*,At the entrance to a cavenonenone,/ In the cavenonenone0.In a finished passagenonenone61/In a room with cornersnonenone70 At a n/e bendnonenone83At a t-intersectionnonenone942At another t-intersectionnonenone:53In a large chambernonenone;64At a t-intersectionnonenone075At a n/s-w forknonenone<16 At a dead endnonenone2 At a s/e bendnonenone3:At a 4-way intersectionnonenone>4;9In a cramped passagenonenone5:At an e/s bendnonenone7= At a low areanonenoneC<At the exit to the cavenonenone:?On a grassy pathnonenone@>At the Creek of Doom!nonenoneG?At the Castle OopsnonenoneBJInside the Castle OopsnonenoneA At a dead endnonenone=In a small chapelnonenonenonenonenone Swirling MistnonenoneTop of Small Hillnonenone@HBottom of the HillnonenoneGIn the Mystical BoatnonenoneJOn the Shabby DocknonenoneAIRoomnonenoneIn a large grassy fieldnonenoneSWORD200OUNS FILE There is an adequate sword here.ADEQUATEOUNS FILE none SWORD 0OUNS FILE STICK201 2The Sacred Dynamite Stick of Philadelphia is here.DYNAMITE none STICK DYNAMITE ite GRAIL202 The Holy Grail is here.HOLYIL 2 none GRAIL 2 B'POTTERY3 There is a pot here.LOVELYRY none POTTERY POT POTS s TAPESTRY "There is a valuable tapestry here.WOVENSTRY none TAPESTRY D DISHES05 There are dishes here.GOLDENS none DISHES ! DIAMOND6 There is a huge diamond here.HUGEMOND none DIAMOND 8CHEST207 There is a jewel chest here.JEWELT 7 none CHEST 7 COCONUTS You see coconuts here.SEVERALTS none COCONUTS NOTE 209 There is a note here.SCRAWLED none NOTE 09 SWORD210 The sword 'Liverwurst' is here. LIVERWURST none SWORD 0 SWORD211 The sword 'Killer' is here.KILLER 1 none SWORD 1 BOMB 212 There is an atomic bomb here.ATOMIC12 none BOMB 12 MACE 213 !The mace 'Chastity-Belt' is here. CHASTITY-BELT none MACE 13 AXEN 214 The axe 'Celsius' is here.CELSIUS4 none AXE 214 SWORD215 The sword 'Excaliber' is here. EXCALIBER none SWORD 5 TURKEY16 There is a dead turkey here.DEADKEY none TURKEY , ARMADILLO #There are dead armadillo bits here.DEADADILLO none ARMADILLO HOWIE218 Howie's dead body is here.DEADIE 8 none HOWIE 8 SHERBET9 Dead Prince Sherbet is here.DEADRBET none SHERBET xDADN 220 Dead Dad is here.DEAD 220 none DAD 220 CHESTER1 +The finally-silent form of Chester is here.DEADSTER none CHESTER xSIGN 222 There is a sign here.RICKETY2 none SIGN 22 KNIGHT23 !The dead 4-Headed Knight is here.DEADGHT none KNIGHT  BOON 224 There is a phoney Boo here.PHOOEY24 none BOO 224 BOLT 225 There is a crossbow bolt here.CROSSBOW none BOLT 25 BOMBER26 There is a stealth bomber here.STEALTH none BOMBER SEED 227 "There is a sack of bird seed here.BIRDD 27 none SEED FOOD SACK sack PIGN 228 There is a dead pig here.DEAD 228 none PIG 228 PARROT29 There is parrot here.STUNNED none PARROT MIRROR30 There is a small mirror here.POLISHED none MIRROR METAL al FOUR 231 There is a foobly four here.FOOBLY31 none FOUR 31  INSCRIPTION There is an inscription here.CRYPTICPTION none INSCRIPTION  BLANCMANGE "There is a yellow blancmange here.YELLOWMANGE none BLANCMANGE LUPIN234_DESCRow, four-There is a yellow lupin here.YELLOW 4_DESCRow, four-none LUPIN 4_DESCRow, four-door, blancmange convertible here. LARCH235_DESCRow, two-dThere is a yellow larch here.YELLOW 5_DESCRow, two-dnone LARCH 5_DESCRow, two-door, lupin convertible here. here. SKATERS6_DESCRow, threeThere are skaters below.RUSSIANS DESCRow, threenone SKATERS SKATER rree-door, larch coupe here.ere. here. LETTERS7_DESCR. (Sing tThere are letters on the ice.SHINYERS DESCR. (Sing tnone LETTERS DESCR. (Sing to the tune of Tiny Bubbles). here.  DOSTOEVSKI "There is a yellow automobile here.YELLOWEVSKI none DOSTOEVSKI YESN 239_DESCRow, four-There is a yes here. REDUNDANTDESCRow, four-none YES 239_DESCRow, four-door, dostoevski hatchback here. COLOR240 There is a dull color here.DULLOR 0 none COLOR 0 NO1N 241 There is a no here. REDUNDANT none NO 241 STAND242 There is a crude stand here.CRUDED 2 none STAND DRAWER wer COMB 243 There is a comb here.BONEB 43 none COMB 43 BRUSH244 There is a hairbrush here.STIFFH 4 none BRUSH 4  TOOTHBRUSH There is a toothbrush here. WELL-USEDSH none TOOTHBRUSH BOAT 246 There is a mystical boat here.MYSTICAL none BOAT 46 8KNIGHT57 &There is a dead Scottish Knight5 here.DEADGHT5 none KNIGHT5 KNIGHT48 &There is a dead Scottish Knight4 here.DEADGHT4 none KNIGHT4 KNIGHT39 &There is a dead Scottish Knight3 here.DEADGHT3 none KNIGHT3 KNIGHT20 &There is a dead Scottish Knight2 here.DEADGHT2 none KNIGHT2 KNIGHT51 *There is a dead Head Scottish Knight here.DEADGHT none KNIGHT CREST252 There is a family crest here.FAMILY 2 none CREST PLAQUE que SEVEN253 There is a useless seven here.USELESS3 none SEVEN 3 SELF 254 There is an invisible self here. INVISIBLE none SELF 54 MALE 255 There is a stupid parser here. PERSONABLE none MALE 55 FEMALE56. There is a stupid parser here. PERSONABLE none FEMALE . KNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *There is a Dark Knight here.DARKGHT 300URES FILE * KNIGHT 300URES FILE **********************************************  WRENTURE 301 Sir Wren is here.SIREN RE 301  WREN RE 301 GALAHADE 302 Sir Galahad is here.SIRLAHAD 302 GALAHAD 302  LAUNCELOT303 Sir Launcelot is here.SIRUNCELOT 3 LAUNCELOT 3 BEDIVERE 304 The addled Sir Bedivere is here.SIRDIVERE 04 BEDIVERE 04 ARTHURRE 305 King Arthur is here.KINGHUR 305  ARTHUR 305 TROLLURE 306 %The old troll from the four-way stop.OLDOLL E 306  TROLL E 306 @DONATURE 307 Don the Wizard is here.WIZARDRE 307  DON URE 307 ,KNIGHTRE 308 There is a 4-Headed Knight here.4-HEADED 308  KNIGHT 308  ARMADILLO309 &There is a cute little armadillo here.CUTEADILLO 9  ARMADILLO DILLO llo .BEASTURE 310 The Yellow beast is here.YELLOW E 310  BEAST E 310 5HOWIEURE 311 Howie the Potter is here.CRAFTY E 311  HOWIE E 311 KNIGHTRE 312 The Head Knight of Boo is here.HEADGHT 312  KNIGHT 312 KNIGHTRE 313 !The Second Knight of Boo is here.SECONDT 313  KNIGHT 313 KNIGHTRE 314 The Third Knight of Boo is here.THIRDHT 314  KNIGHT 314 KNIGHTRE 315 !The Fourth Knight of Boo is here.FOURTHT 315  KNIGHT 315 KNIGHTRE 316 The Fifth Knight of Boo is here.FIFTHHT 316  KNIGHT 316 KNIGHTRE 317 The Sixth Knight of Boo is here.SIXTHHT 317  KNIGHT 317 TURKEYRE 318 There is a Vicious Turkey here.VICIOUS 318  TURKEY 318 MINSTREL 319 %Sir Wren's favorite minstrel is here.WREN'SREL 19 MINSTREL 19 SHERBETE 320 Prince Sherbet is here.PRINCEET 320 SHERBET 320 DADATURE 321 Dad is here. SHERBET'S321  DAD URE 321 GUARD1RE 322 The Guard1 is here.FIRSTD1 322  GUARD1 322 !2GUARD2RE 323 The Guard2 is here.SECOND2 323  GUARD2 323 !2GUARD3RE 324 You see Guard3 here.THIRDD3 324  GUARD3 324 2GUARD4RE 325 You see Guard4 here, hiccuping.FOURTH4 325  GUARD4 325 2CHESTERE 326 Chester is here.BORINGER 326 CHESTER 326 KNIGHT1E 327 !The Head Scottish Knight is here.HEADGHT1 327 KNIGHT1 327 BKNIGHT2E 328 #The second Scottish Knight is here.SCOTTISH 328 KNIGHT2 328 BKNIGHT3E 329 "The third Scottish Knight is here.SCOTTISH 329 KNIGHT3 329 BKNIGHT4E 330 #The fourth Scottish Knight is here.SCOTTISH 330 KNIGHT4 330 BKNIGHT5E 331 "The fifth Scottish Knight is here.SCOTTISH 331 KNIGHT5 331 BKNIGHTRE 332 There is a Dark Knight here.DARKGHT 332  KNIGHT 332 PARROTRE 333 There is a parrot here.LIVELYT 333  PARROT 333 ANYY ND any************ANYANY:*ANYY ND anyRN136*******ANYANY:**\LANYY ND anyN2140*******ANYANYSKANYY ND any32140*******ANYANYSANYY ND any32140*******ANYANYSANYY ND any23140*******ANYANYSDANYY ND any************ANYANY -Z-|-ANYY ND any301 301 01**ANYANY .Z.|.ANYY ND any302 302 02**ANYANY /Z/|/ANYY ND any303 303 03**ANYANY 0Z0|0ANYY ND any304 304 04**ANYANY 1Z1|1ANYY ND any305 305 05**ANYANY ?Z?|?ANYY ND any319 319 19**ANYANY:(8<~(ANYY ND any4012619 19**ANYANY:&9%Hq&pANYY ND anyNROOM 2469**ANYANY:%Hp%ANYY ND anyN7S COMING tANYANY:9/SpMdANYY ND anyN0100ROT ; ANYANY9: /S[ ANYY ND any3291RROT GIVANYANY:9/S]ANYY ND anyN1OUT SKATERANYANYZVANYY ND anyLE 3 1oncastANYANYIZVBpANYY ND anyTROOM 228astANYANYIZVBpANYY ND anyTROOM 227astANYANYIZVBpANYY ND anyTROOM 229astANYANY 8.wANYY ND anyN 46; got poANYANY:V*Ap>ANYY ND anyN9OOM 318 poANYANY:9 AZ @Z DZ E>ANYY ND anyN7TION incanANYANY:: AZ @Z DZ E?ANYY ND anyN7CRET tell ANYANY:ANYY ND anyN 5 ; insultANYANY: p.p/ ANYY ND anyN 32CELOT HEANYANY:I ,"ANYY ND anyN 262 5LLED ANYANY9 ,I"\LANYY ND anyE 132 5IRST ANYANY:  ANYY ND any9ALKING BY ANYANY:  ANYY ND any10L TALKS trANYANY ,ANYY ND anyLE 2 1ROOM iANYANY ,VATTACKK ANY ck anyOOM iANYACKK ANY ck anyOOM iANY ?sw?ATTACKK ANY ck any he lANYACKK ANY ck any he lANYB KtyKyJATTACKK ANY ck any248 lANYACKK ANY ck any248 lANYB IZ KuyIyHATTACKK ANY ck any250 lANYACKK ANY ck any250 lANYB GZ KZ HvwGwwwwATTACKK ANY ck any250 lANYACKK ANY ck any250 lANY%\LATTACKK DARK KNIGHT kniKNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *ANY L!ATTACKK DARK KNIGHT kniKNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *ANY ,ATTACKK DARK KNIGHT kniKNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *ANY ,IATTACKK DARK KNIGHT kniKNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *ANY ,IATTACKK DARK KNIGHT kniKNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *ANY ,IATTACKK DARK KNIGHT kniKNIGHTRE 300URES FILE *ANY ,Iy,LATTACKK KNIGHT knightGOKNIGHT23 ANY 4S(w4pATTACKK KNIGHT knightEAKNIGHT23 ANY 4S)\LATTACKK KNIGHT knightERKNIGHT23 ANY 4*ATTACKK HOWIE howieT eHOWIE218 ANY 7y7ATTACKK CHESTER hesterRCHESTER1 ANY: FATTACKK CHESTER hester CHESTER1 ANY9 F$wFpATTACKK GUARD1 guard1ERGUARD1RE 322 ANY! 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Your commands can be expressed in the format: <(multiple) noun phrase(s)> Verb phrases can consist of a simple verb like EAT, SHOOT, READ or a verb followed by a preposition such as CLIMB UP, JUMP THROUGH, or SWIM IN. Noun (or object) phrases can consist of a single word noun like TREE, ROCK, LAKE or a noun and its adjective such as RED ROCK, SMALL BOWL or UGLY MUTANT. Several nouns may be connected with AND's or commas. Articles like A, AN or THE are optional. The personal pronoun MY is also optional. The pronouns IT, THEM, HIM and HER may be used to refer to a previously mentioned noun. Here are some (hypothetical) examples of valid commands: PLACE A RED ROCK IN THE SMALL BOWL PUT THE GREEN ROCK AND THE SMALL PEBBLE BEHIND THE OAK TREE READ MY POETRY BOOK SWIM IN THE SWIMMING POOL EXAMINE THE GOLD RING, THE DWARF AND THE SILVER NECKLACE EAT THE CELERY, THE TUNA, THE APPLE AND THE ONION THROW THE BATTLE AXE AND THE LARGE ROCK AT THE WEREWOLF SHOOT THE BURGLAR WITH THE REVOLVER ATTACK HIM ("HIM" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the burglar) FIRE THE LASER PISTOL AT THE ALIEN MUTANT GET THE BOOK (also: TAKE THE BOOK) READ IT ("IT" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the book) GET ALL (will get everything movable at the current location) GET THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND THE CLOAK EXAMINE THE KEYS, BOTTLE, FOOD AND CLOAK PUSH THE RED BUTTON AND THE GREEN BUTTON UNLOCK THE FILE CABINET WITH THE STEEL KEY JUMP THROUGH THE OPENING JUMP OVER THE LOG NORTH SOUTHWEST PLACE AN AXE AND THE SHIELD NEXT TO THE BIG TREE PUT THE FOOD ON THE KITCHEN TABLE TURN ON THE FLASHLIGHT LIGHT THE TORCH WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES SCREAM AT THE UGLY TROLL CLIMB UP THE LADDER EXTINGUISH THE FIRE (or PUT OUT THE FIRE) DRINK THE WHITE WINE THROW THE FIRE WOOD IN THE STOVE PULL THE BELL CORD WEAR THE STUPID HAT (also: PUT ON THE STUPID HAT) TAKE OFF THE HAT (also: REMOVE THE HAT) NE (for NORTHEAST) DROP THE KEY AND THE BOTTLE ENTER THE CAVE XYZZY (i.e., a "magic" word) TURN THE DOORKNOB PLAY WITH THE DOG TALK TO (or TALK WITH) THE OLD MAN (ABOUT THE WEATHER) TELL JEFF ABOUT THE SWORD ASK JODIE ABOUT THE CRIME MAX, PUSH THE BUTTON HENRY, SHOOT THE MONSTER Compound commands can be created by connecting single commands (like those above) with "AND", "THEN" or the punctuation symbols "," or ";" to connect two or more separate commands. However, "end-of-sentence" punctuation symbols like ".", "!" and "?" should not be used. Below are a few examples of valid compound commands: TURN THE DOORKNOB THEN ENTER THE CAVE CLIMB DOWN THE LADDER THEN SOUTH, WEST AND NORTHWEST GET THE CLOAK AND THEN EXAMINE IT; READ THE LABEL DROP THE FOOD AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR AND THEN LEAVE GET THE TORCH, LIGHT IT WITH THE WOODEN MATCHES THEN EXAMINE IT One point of advice about command structure is in order. Your commands should be structured to follow the most "natural" sequence of words when two or more sequences are possible. For example, THROW THE GOLDEN EGGS TO THE TROLL will be understood by the game's parser, whereas THROW TROLL THE EGGS will not be understood -- even though it is understandable to most humans as equivalent. Similarly, you should avoid the verb "USE", such as USE THE KEY TO UNLOCK THE DOOR. This command should be entered simply as UNLOCK THE DOOR WITH THE KEY. If the game understands all of the words in your command, but still seems confused by the command -- then try to say the same thing using fewer words and/or a simpler sentence. When in doubt, simplify your commands as much as possible. This also saves typing effort. Remember, that one and two word commands are frequently all that is necessary to solve the adventure. SPECIAL COMMANDS: The game uses a number of special commands for various "housekeeping" chores. These are all pretty standard for most adventure games, specifically: HELP May (or may not) give you a hint. SCORE Will summarize your progress, so far. INVENTORY Will display a list of the items you are carrying, and those items you are wearing. BRIEF Will cause location descriptions to be brief. VERBOSE Will cause location descriptions to be verbose. LOOK Will give you a full (verbose) description of your current location. LIST EXITS Will list the obvious (visible) exits from your current location. There may be other ways to exit the location -- but they may not be obvious. SAVE GAME Will save the current game status on disk. RESTORE GAME Will restore a previously saved game from disk. SCRIPT Causes output to go to both the screen and a printer (using the LP1 port). UNSCRIPT Causes output to go to the screen (only). QUIT Quits the current game session. Always exit using QUIT -- so the game can erase some temporary data files and save disk space! AGAIN (or G) Repeats the last command. Also, the Apple KEY can be used for various movement/compass directions. Hitting the '?' key (during the game) will display a diagram of these keys and their definitions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOLUTION AVAILABLE: Misadventure of the Holy Grail is a medium difficulty adventure, uh, diversion -- so you should be able to solve it after some trial and error. However, if do you get totally frustrated and/or really stuck and want some help, I can be reached on: CompuServe 70156,1636 GENIE m.detlefsen Enjoy it! Michael Detlefsen -30- The Misadventure of the Holy Grail A Silly Entertainment (Not a Difficult Game, Actually) from the Apple II Eamon FRP game by Evan Hodson *Very* Loosely Translated to AGT and Expanded by Michael Detlefsen December 1989 (v 2.1) `6N o"h#H#L#PBbByTNdbNV/.?<NAN^ _XNNV?</NAN^NuNV/.?<;NAN^ _XNNV?./. ?<NNAN^ _\NNV?<ONAN^NuNV?.?<NMN^ _TNNV?.?. ?<NMN^ _XNNV?<NNN^NuNV?.?. ?<NNN^ _XNNV?<NNN^NuNV?.?. ?<NNN^ _XN/,HNVAP-HN A "Op"QNN=@2<,A\69mC_DBd =@`t=B0.N^,_ _N/,HNVAD-HN 0. 2<ȰA\6<CVDBd?. 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File not found, can't restore .$AVName saved under ( 1-8 characters, CR to abort ): /,HNVA-HN A$VCT?<:?Hn$p/HzvBN44Hn$/Hz^v/NZ8DBdrAO"OItHQNzN Hz?<2N Hnp=QNzAzO"ONzAO"O=p<QNzAO"O=p<QNzA4O"O?p>QNzAO"ONzN^,_Nubetter having let out some steam, but nothing else has changed.your shriek causes the very ground to vibrate. You feel much Your voice echoes loudly through the area, and the volume of YYYYAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH YAI YAI YOW! AAAAUUUUGGGHHHH!!/,HNVAh-HN BgNHy^Hzx?<NPNrAfp3`A*O"O&p%QNz?<NN^,_Nu *** Printer is not ready to Print ***PRN:/,HNVA -HN p3Hy^NN^,_Nu/,HNVA-HN p3tA?<:N Hn$?N ?<.?QNzN^,_ _0NHowever, you don't learn anything that you didn't already know.chatting about the You spend a few minutes in pleasant conversation with the just listens to you, but remains strangely silent.The can't talk back! is kind of silly, since the Talking with the You can only talk with one person at a time about one subject at a time!all/,HNVA-HN A$"Op"QNN=@A "Op"QNN=@Hn$NHn NHn$p/Hzr/N44Hn /Hz/N46CBd"A`O"OHtGQNz`49~6<,C]:9mE^ƈFDdN Hz?< N Hn$?N Hz?<'N _R"O2x"QNzN Hn$?x/N4<Fd|3t`HnT/Hz /N4<Fd|3t`HnT/Hz /N4<Fd N``nHnT/Hz |/N4:Ed@A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN`HnT/Hz `/N4:Ed@A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QNg`HnT/Hz /N4:Ed N`HnT/Hz/N4:Ed N`vHnT/Hz/N4:Ed NHZ`RHnA<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN*`HnT/Hz/N48DdA<"O"QN.`HnT/Hz/N48Dd>A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN`HnT/Hzt/N48Dd>A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN`@HnT/Hz/N48DdA<"O"QN&`HnT/Hz/N48DdA<"O"QN҄`HnT/Hz/N48DdA<"O"QN`HnT/Hzrx/N46CdN:@e`09=@A:"p0)rAf"CO$OAp@QNz`CO$O8p7QNz`A<"Op"QN`HnT/HzR/N46Cd@A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN2`HnT/Hz/N46Cd@A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN7,`XHnT/Hz/N46Cd@A<"O"QA$"Ot"QA "Ot"QN=`HnT/Hz>/N46CdA<"O"QNAT`HnT/Hzv/N4<FdA<"O"QNE2`HnT/Hz/N4<FdA<"O"QN.,`bHnT/Hz| /N4:EdA<"O"QN0l`,z.TxDoA&O"OrQNzN^,_ _`NSorry, you can't do that....EXTINGUISHLIGHTCHANGE_LOCATIONSPLAYPULLPUSHTURNFor some reason, you can't see or examine anything here.It is pitch black. You can examine nothing, not even your hands.EXAMINEREADEATDRINKUNLOCKLOCKCLOSEOPENASKTELLTHROWPUTREMOVEDROPWEARALLGETYou need to specify a Noun!MAGIC_WORDRESTORESAVEFIREATTACKQUITBRIEFVERBOSELIST_EXITSEXITSLISTYELLUNSCRIPTSCRIPTWAITHELPINVENTORYSHOWSCORELOOKso you decide not to after all. suddenly seems rather useless, the To DOORSDOOR/,HNV>AX-HN AtC@p"QA@"Op"QNd@dA,O"O*p)QNybHnN~p.?Nv2AHnp/?<Nr/NZ4BdNBgBgNp=@>HymHyt?R@=@>rAfNXp=@>Hym?<PHnXNNXAXR"O2p"QNzHzD?< HnX?0. rAg??<N<`@A:"p0. 3@N^,_ _XN/,HNVA>-HN p=@0.2. AV6<C]DBd R@=@`0.=@0.N^,_ _TN/,HNVA<-HN p=@0.2. AVv C]DBd R@=@`0.=@0.N^,_ _TN/,HNVA(n-HN n"Op"QN=@29ztBg=A09x3z09.@=@@d(N Hz)?< N n/??.HnNx?.Hn@NxN Hz#?<N Hn??. NN(rAW0.@A:"p0) 6.C\DBd=ARn0.no`09trA^=B`09trA]=B`N2.AW=B`N2.A^=B`N2.A]=B`p?.N=@`^?.N2<AW=B`D?.NrAW=B`,?.NrAW=B`?.NrAWFB=B`?.N29=AW=B`?. 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A zany, madcap adventure, loosely (very loosely) based on the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". If you liked the movie and/or enjoy the comedy of Monty Python, you will love this game. This adventure has been created with the Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT), a shareware product by Softworks. The adventure has already been compiled and is ready to run. Simply double-click on RUN.TTP and enter the name GRAIL. Happy adventuring! AGT is available direct from: Softworks 43064 Via Moraga Mission San Jose, California 94539 or from recognised outlets eg SynTax 9 Warwick Road Sidcup Kent DA14 6LJ #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 18 02 #W 00 00 0C 02 44 12 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 15 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 15 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 15 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @  ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 EC Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (zomer 1992) al meer dan achthonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De november/december uitgave bevat een compleet overzicht van de Public Domain bibliotheek op dat moment. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************