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O%`)+/1 3@5`79;=?OEGIKOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ o @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa   !Aa!!#A%a')+-/1!3A5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKMOQ!SAUaWY[]_a!cAeagikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eb&g&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B(b((((()")B)b)))))*"*B*b*****+"+B+b+++++,",B,b,CASTLE SCMDHELP SDATA S7ENDGAME S%HELP SWHH SI OPTHELP S#IORACLES S',RECORD S,.RUMORS S-KTOWER1 S@TOWER2 SA\TOWER3 SBxNETHACK CNF SC NETHACK MAN SFuREADME ST SM$ GUIDE TXT SPYHISTORY TXT S+LICENSE TXT S&README TXT SNETHACK TOS bLIESMICH1STcA473 xLDESKTOP INFF NETHACK TTPt EES DIT ĝK?       [)*%:: lnEHMORTXZ%  '-' - 171 7 8< 8 <   9> 7 .0/&8/  . 0   7 (,0474@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@9@;@@@9@;@/D/D/ D/ D; ;9;9 ;!$"%!$"  ! $   " %   ! $ :'()*+,-'()*+,-12345671234567' ( ) * + , - ' ( ) * + , - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /%(n >>^ Show the type of a trap ^[ Cancel command ^A Redo the previous command ^C Quit the game ^D Kick something (usually a door) ^E Search a room (available in debug mode only) ^F Map the level (available in debug mode only) ^G Create a monster (available in debug mode only) ^I Identify all items (available in debug mode only) ^O Show location of special levels (available in debug mode only) ^P Show previous message printed out ^R Redraw screen ^T Teleport around level ^V Teleport between levels (available in debug mode only) ^W Wish (available in debug mode only) ^X Show your intrinsic attributes (in debug or explore mode only) ^Z Suspend game (only if defined) a Apply (use) a tool A Remove all Armor b Go southwest 1 space B Go southwest until you are on top of something ^B Go southwest until you are near something c Close a door C Call (name) a particular monster d Drop an item D Drop specific item types e Eat something E Engrave writing on the floor g Followed by direction, move until you are near something G Followed by direction, same as control-direction h Go west 1 space H Go west until you are on top of something ^H Go west until you are near something i Show your inventory I Inventory specific item types j Go south 1 space (or if number_pad is on, jump to another location) J Go south until you are on top of something ^J Go south until you are near something k Go north 1 space (or if number_pad is on, kick something) K Go north until you are on top of something ^K Go north until you are near something l Go east 1 space (or if number_pad is on, loot a box on the floor) L Go east until you are on top of something ^L Go east until you are near something m Followed by direction, move without picking anything up M Followed by direction, move a distance without picking anything up n Go southeast 1 space N Go southeast until you are on something (if number_pad, name an object) ^N Go southeast until you are near something o Open a door O Set options (O? explains options) p Pay your shopping bill P Put on a ring q Quaff (drink) something Q Quit the game r Read a scroll (or spell book, if defined) R Remove a Ring s Search for traps and secret doors S Save the game t Throw something T Take off one piece of armor u Go northeast 1 space (or if number_pad is on, untrap something) U Go northeast until you are on top of something ^U Go northeast until you are near something v Show version V Show long version and game history w Wield (put in use) a weapon W Wear a piece of armor y Go northwest 1 space Y Go northwest until you are on top of something ^Y Go northwest until you are near something z Zap a wand Z Zap (cast) a spell (only if defined) < Go up a staircase > Go down a staircase / Show what type of thing a symbol corresponds to ? Give a help message & Tell what a command does ! Do a shell escape (only if defined) \ Show what object types have been discovered . Rest one move while doing nothing Rest one move while doing nothing (if rest_on_space option is on) : Look at what is on the floor @ Toggle the pickup option on/off ) Show the weapon currently wielded [ Show the armor currently worn = Show the ring(s) currently worn " Show the amulet currently worn ( Show the tools currently in use $ Count your gold + List known spells (only if defined) # Perform an extended command M-c Talk to someone M-d Dip an object into something M-f Force a lock M-j Jump to another location M-l Loot a box on the floor M-m Use a monster's special ability (only if defined) M-N Name an item or type of object M-o Offer a sacrifice to the gods (only if defined) M-p Pray to the gods for help (only if defined) M-r Rub a lamp M-s Sit down M-t Turn undead M-u Untrap something (usually a trapped object) M-w Wipe off your face NetHack data file - version 3.0 @ human; These strange creatures live mostly on the surface of the earth, gathering together in societies of various forms, but occasionally a stray will descend into the depths and commit mayhem among the dungeon residents who, naturally, often resent the intrusion of such beasts. They are capable of using weapons and magic, and it is even rumored that the Wizard of Yendor is a member of this species. - a wall | a wall + a door (or a spell book) . the floor of a room a dark part of a room # a corridor (or a kitchen sink) < a way to the previous level > a way to the next level } water filled area { a fountain ) a weapon [ a suit or piece of armor % a piece of food ? a scroll / a wand = a ring ! a potion ( a useful item (pick-axe, key, lamp, etc.) * a gem or rock $ a pile of gold; A metal of characteristic yellow colour, the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. Sym- bol, Au; at. no. 79; at. wt. 197.2. It is the most malle- able and ductile of all metals, and very heavy (sp. gr., 19.3). It is quite unalterable by heat, moisture, and most corrosive agents, and therefore well suited for its use in coin and jewelry. [ Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition ] " an amulet (or a web) ^ a trap \ an opulent throne 0 an iron ball _ an iron chain (or an altar) ` a boulder or statue a an ant or other insect b a blob c a cockatrice; Once in a great while, when the positions of the stars are just right, a seven-year-old rooster will lay an egg. Then, along will come a snake, to coil around the egg, or a toad, to squat upon the egg, keeping it warm and helping it to hatch. When it hatches, out comes a creature called basil- isk, or cockatrice, the most deadly of all creatures. A sin- gle glance from its yellow, piercing toad's eyes will kill both man and beast. Its power of destruction is said to be so great that sometimes simply to hear its hiss can prove fatal. Its breath is so venomous that it causes all vege- tation to wither. There is, however, one creature which can withstand the basilisk's deadly gaze, and this is the weasel. No one knows why this is so, but although the fierce weasel can slay the basilisk, it will itself be killed in the struggle. Perhaps the weasel knows the basilisk's fatal weakness: if it ever sees its own reflection in a mirror it will perish instant- ly. But even a dead basilisk is dangerous, for it is said that merely touching its lifeless body can cause a person to sicken and die. [Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library) and other sources] d a dog or other canine e an eye or sphere f a feline g a gremlin; The gremlin is a highly intelligent and completely evil creature. It lives to torment other creatures and will go to great lengths to inflict pain or cause injury. h a humanoid; Humanoids are all approximately the size of a human, and may be mistaken for one at a distance. They are usually of a tribal nature, and will fiercely defend their lairs. Usually hostile, they may even band together to raid and pillage human settlements. i an imp or minor demon; ... imps ... little creatures of two feet high that could gambol and jump prodigiously; ... [The Charwoman's Shadow, by Lord Dunsany] An 'imp' is an off-shoot or cutting. Thus an 'ymp tree' was a grafted tree, or one grown from a cutting, not from seed. 'Imp' properly means a small devil, an off-shoot of Satan, but the distinction between goblins or bogles and imps from hell is hard to make, and many in the Celtic countries as well as the English Puritans regarded all fairies as devils. The fairies of tradition often hover uneasily between the ghostly and the diabolic state. [Katharine Briggs, A Dictionary of Fairies] k a kobold; The race of kobolds are reputed to be an artificial creation of a master wizard (demi-god?). They are about 3' tall with a vaguely dog-like face. They bear a violent dislike of the Elven race, and will go out of their way to cause trouble for Elves at any time. l a lich; Once in a great while, an evil master wizard or priest will manage through use of great magics to extend his or her life far beyond the normal span of a human. The usual effect of this is to transform the human, over time, into an undead of great magical power. A Lich hates life in any form; even a touch from one of these creatures will cause a numbing cold in the victim. They all possess the capability to use magic. m a mimic n a naga; The naga is a mystical creature with the body of a snake and the head of a man or woman. They will fiercely protect the territory they consider their own. Some nagas can be forced to serve as a guardian by a spell caster of great power. o an orc p a piercer; Ye Piercer doth look like unto a stalactyte, and hangeth from the roofs of caves and caverns. Unto the height of a man, and thicker than a man's thigh do they grow, and in groups do they hang. If a creature doth pass beneath them, they will by its heat and noise perceive it, and fall upon it to kill and devour it, though in any other way they move but exceeding slow. [ the Bestiary of Xygag ] q a quadruped; The woodlands and other regions are inhabited by multitudes of four-legged creatures which cannot be simply classified. They might not have fiery breath or deadly stings, but ad- venturers have nevertheless met their end numerous times due to the claws, hooves, or bites of such animals. ...the leucrocotta, a wild beast of extraordinary swiftness, the size of the wild ass, with the legs of a Stag, the neck, tail, and breast of a lion, the head of a badger, a cloven hoof, the mouth slit up as far as the ears, and one contin- uous bone instead of teeth; it is said, too, that this animal can imitate the human voice. [Curious Creatures in Zoology, John Ashton] r a rodent s a spider t a trapper or lurker above u a unicorn; Men have always sought the elusive unicorn, for the single twisted horn which projected from its forehead was thought to be a powerful talisman. It was said that the unicorn had simply to dip the tip of its horn in a muddy pool for the water to become pure. Men also believed that to drink from this horn was a protection against all sickness, and that if the horn was ground to a powder it would act as an antidote to all poisons. Less than 200 years ago in France, the horn of a unicorn was used in a ceremony to test the royal food for poison. Although only the size of a small horse, the unicorn is a very fierce beast, capable of killing an elephant with a single thrust from its horn. Its fleetness of foot also makes this solitary creature difficult to capture. However, it can be tamed and captured by a maiden. Made gentle by the sight of a virgin, the unicorn can be lured to lay its head in her lap, and in this docile mood, the maiden may secure it with a golden rope. [Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library)] v a vortex w a worm; [The crysknife] is manufactured in two forms from teeth tak- en from dead sandworms. The two forms are "fixed" and "un- fixed." An unfixed knife requires proximity to a human body's electrical field to prevent disintegration. Fixed knives are treated for storage. All are about 20 centime- ters long. [ Dune, by Frank Herbert ] x a xan; They sent their friend the mosquito [xan] ahead of them to find out what lay ahead. "Since you are the one who sucks the blood of men walking along paths," they told the mosqui- to, "go and sting the men of Xibalba." The mosquito flew down the dark road to the Underworld. Entering the house of the Lords of Death, he stung the first person that he saw... The mosquito stung this man as well, and when he yelled, the man next to him asked, "Gathered Blood, what's wrong?" So he flew along the row stinging all the seated men until he knew the names of all twelve. [ Popul Vuh, as translated by Ralph Nelson ] y a yellow light z a zruty; The zruty are wild and gigantic beings, living in the wil- dernesses of the Tatra mountains. A a giant ape B a giant bat C a centaur; Of all the monsters put together by the Greek imagination the Centaurs (Kentauroi) constituted a class in themselves. Despite a strong streak of sensuality in their make-up, their normal behaviour was moral, and they took a kindly thought of man's welfare. The attempted outrage of Nessos on Deianeira, and that of the whole tribe of Centaurs on the Lapith women, are more than offset by the hospitality of Pholos and by the wisdom of Cheiron, physician, prophet, lyrist, and the instructor of Achilles. Further, the Cen- taurs were peculiar in that their nature, which united the body of a horse with the trunk and head of a man, involved an unthinkable duplication of vital organs and important members. So grotesque a combination seems almost un-Greek. These strange creatures were said to live in the caves and clefts of the mountains, myths associating them especially with the hills of Thessaly and the range of Erymanthos. [Mythology of all races, Vol. 1, pp. 270-271] D a dragon; In the West the dragon was the natural enemy of man. Although preferring to live in bleak and desolate regions, whenever it was seen among men it left in its wake a trail of destruction and disease. Yet any attempt to slay this beast was a perilous undertaking. For the dragon's assailant had to contend not only with clouds of sulphurous fumes pouring from its fire-breathing nostrils, but also with the thrashings of its tail, the most deadly part of its serpent-like body. [Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library)] E an elemental; Elementals are manifestations of the basic nature of the universe. There are four known forms of elementals: air, fire, water, and earth. Some mystics have postulated the necessity for a fifth type, the spirit elemental, but none have ever been encountered, at least on this plane of ex- istence. F a fungus or mold G a gnome; ... And then a gnome came by, carrying a bundle, an old fellow three times as large as an imp and wearing clothes of a sort, especially a hat. And he was clearly just as frightened as the imps though he could not go so fast. Ramon Alonzo saw that there must be some great trouble that was vexing magical things; and, since gnomes speak the language of men, and will answer if spoken to gently, he raised his hat, and asked of the gnome his name. The gnome did not stop his hasty shuffle a moment as he answered 'Alaraba' and grabbed the rim of his hat but forgot to doff it. 'What is the trouble, Alaraba?' said Ramon Alonzo. 'White magic. Run!' said the gnome ... [The Charwoman's Shadow, by Lord Dunsany.] H a giant humanoid; Giants have always walked the earth, though they are rare in these times. They range in size from little over nine feet to a towering twenty feet or more. The larger ones use huge boulders as weapons, hurling them over large distances. All types of giants share a love for men - roasted, boiled, or fried. Their table manners are legendary. I an invisible stalker J a jelly K a Keystone Kop L a leprechaun; The Irish Leprechaun is the Faeries' shoemaker and is known under various names in different parts of Ireland: Cluri- caune in Cork, Lurican in Kerry, Lurikeen in Kildare and Lu- rigadaun in Tipperary. Although he works for the Faeries, the Leprechaun is not of the same species. He is small, has dark skin and wears strange clothes. His nature has some- thing of the manic-depressive about it: first he is quite happy, whistling merrily as he nails a sole on to a shoe; a few minutes later, he is sullen and morose, drunk on his home-made heather ale. The Leprechaun's two great loves are tobacco and whiskey, and he is a first-rate con-man, impos- sible to out-fox. No one, no matter how clever, has ever managed to cheat him out of his hidden pot of gold or his magic shilling. At the last minute he always thinks of some way to divert his captor's attention and vanishes in the twinkling of an eye. [A Field Guide to the Little People by Nancy Arrowsmith & George Moorse] M a mummy N a nymph O an ogre P a pudding or ooze; These giant amoeboid creatures look like nothing more than puddles of slime, but they both live and move, feeding on metal or wood as well as the occasional dungeon explorer to supplement their diet. Q a quantum mechanic; These creatures are not native to this universe; they seem to have strangely derived powers, and unknown motives. R a rust monster; These strange creatures live on a diet of metals. They will turn a suit of armour into so much useless rusted scrap in no time at all. S a snake T a troll U an umber hulk V a vampire W a wraith X a xorn Y a yeti Z a zombie & a demon : a chameleon ; a giant eel ~ the tail of a long worm ' a golem These creatures, not quite living but not really nonliving either, are created from inanimate materials by powerful mages or priests.                  ,RRRRRllll l l n nnnn DD DD DD DD ;;;;HHHHHOOOO O O T TTTT Welcome to NetHack! ( description of version 3.0 ) NetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor (reputed to be hidden somewhere below the twentieth level). You are accompanied by a dog or cat that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things. On the way you will find useful (or useless) items (quite possibly with magic properties), and assorted monsters. You attack a monster by trying to move into the space a monster is in (but often it is much wiser to leave it alone). Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, NetHack gives you a visual image of the dungeon level you are on. NetHack uses the following symbols: - and | The walls of a room. . The floor of a room. # A corridor, or kitchen sink (if your dungeon has sinks). > A way to the next level. < A way to the previous level. @ You (usually) or another human. ) A weapon of some sort. [ A suit or piece of armor. % A piece of food (not necessarily healthy). / A wand. = A ring. ? A scroll. ! A potion. ( Some other useful object (pick-axe, key, lamp...) $ A pile of gold. * A gem or rock (possibly valuable, possibly worthless). + A doorway, or a spell book containing a spell you can learn (if your dungeon has spell books). ^ A trap (once you detect it). " An amulet, or a spider web. 0 An iron ball. _ An altar (if your dungeon has altars), or an iron chain. } A pool of water or moat. { A fountain (your dungeon may not have fountains). \ An opulent throne (you may not have thrones either). ` A boulder or statue. A to Z, a to z, and several others: Monsters. You can find out what a character represents by typing '/' followed by the character, as in "/A", which will tell you that 'A' is an Ape. y k u 7 8 9 Move commands: \|/ \|/ yuhjklbn: go one step in specified direction h-.-l 4-.-6 YUHJKLBN: go in specified direction until you /|\ /|\ hit a wall or run into something b j n 1 2 3 g: run in direction until something numberpad interesting is seen G, same, except a branching corridor isn't ^: considered interesting m: move without picking up objects If the numberpad option is set, the number keys move instead. Commands: NetHack knows the following commands: ? Help menu. / (followed by any symbol): tell what this symbol represents. You may choose to specify a location or give a symbol argument. & Tell what a command does. < Go up a staircase (if you are standing on it). > Go down a staircase (if you are standing on it). . Rest, do nothing for one turn. a Apply (use) an tool (pick-axe, key, lamp...) A Remove all armor. ^A Redo the previous command c Close a door. C Call (name) an individual monster. d Drop something. d7a: drop seven items of object a. D Drop several things. In answer to the question "What kinds of things do you want to drop? [!%= au]" you should type zero or more object symbols possibly followed by 'a' and/or 'u'. Da - drop all objects, without asking for confirmation. Du - drop only unpaid objects (when in a shop). D%u - drop only unpaid food. ^D Kick (for doors, usually). e Eat food. E Engrave a message on the floor. E- - write in the dust with your fingers. i Print your inventory. I Print selected parts of your inventory, as in I* - list all gems in inventory. Iu - list all unpaid items. Ix - list all used up items that are on your shopping bill. I$ - count your money. o Open a door. O Set options. You will be asked to enter an option line. If the line is empty, the current options are reported. Descriptions of possible options and their formats can be obtained by entering "?". Options are usually set before the game with a NETHACKOPTIONS environment variable, not with the 'O' command. p Pay your shopping bill. P Put on a ring. ^P Repeat last message (subsequent ^P's repeat earlier messages). q Drink (quaff) a potion. Q Quit the game. r Read a scroll or spell book. R Remove ring. ^R Redraw the screen. s Search for secret doors and traps around you. S Save the game. t Throw an object or shoot a projectile. T Take off armor. ^T Teleport, if you are able. v Prints the version number. V Prints a longer identification of the version, including the history of the game. w Wield weapon. w- means wield nothing, use bare hands. W Wear armor. z Zap a wand. Z Cast a spell. ^Z Suspend the game. : Look at what is here. , Pick up some things. @ Toggle the pickup option. ^ Ask for the type of a trap you found earlier. ) Tell what weapon you are wielding. [ Tell what armor you are wearing. = Tell what rings you are wearing. " Tell what amulet you are wearing. ( Tell what tools you are using. $ Count your gold pieces. + List the spells you know. \ Show what types of objects have been discovered. ! Escape to a shell. # Introduces one of the "extended" commands. To get a list of the commands you can use with "#" type "#?". The extended commands you can use depends upon what options the game was compiled with, along with your class and what type of monster you most closely resemble at a given moment. If your keyboard has a meta key (which, when pressed in combination with another key, modifies it by setting the 'meta' (8th, or 'high') bit), these extended commands can be invoked by meta-ing the first letter of the command. If the "number_pad" option is on, some additional letter commands are available: j Jump to another location. k Kick (for doors, usually). l Loot a box on the floor. N Name an object or type of object. u Untrap a trapped object or door. You can put a number before a command to repeat it that many times, as in "40." or "20s.". If you have the number_pad option set, you must type 'n' to prefix the count, as in "n40." or "n20s". Some information is displayed on the bottom line. You see your attributes, your alignment, what dungeon level you are on, how many hit points you have now (and will have when fully recovered), what your armor class is (the lower the better), your experience level, and the state of your stomach. Optionally, you may or may not see other information such as spell points, how much gold you have, etc. Have Fun, and Happy Hacking! y k u 7 8 9 Move commands: \|/ \|/ yuhjklbn: go one step in specified direction h-.-l 4-.-6 YUHJKLBN: go in specified direction until you /|\ /|\ hit a wall or run into something b j n 1 2 3 g: run in direction until something numberpad interesting is seen G, same, except a branching corridor isn't ^: considered interesting m: move without picking up objects If the number_pad option is set, the number keys move instead. General commands: ? help display one of several informative texts Q quit end the game S save save the game (to be continued later) ! sh escape to some SHELL (if allowed) ^Z suspend suspend the game (independent of your current suspend char) O options set options / whatis tell what a map symbol represents \ known display list of what's been discovered v version display version number V history display game history ^A again redo the previous command (^A denotes the keystroke CTRL-A) ^R redraw redraw the screen ^P prevmsg repeat previous message (subsequent ^P's repeat earlier ones) # introduces an extended command (#? for a list of them) Game commands: ^D kick kick (a door, or something else) ^T 'port teleport (if you can) a apply apply or use a tool (pick-axe, key, camera, etc.) A armor take off all armor c close close a door C call name an individual monster (ex. baptize your dog) d drop drop an object. d7a: drop seven items of object 'a' D Drop drop selected types of objects e eat eat something E engrave write a message in the dust on the floor (E- use fingers) i invent list your inventory (all objects you are carrying) I Invent list selected parts of your inventory Iu: list unpaid objects Ix: list unpaid but used up items I$: count your money o open open a door p pay pay your bill (in a shop) P puton put on a ring q quaff drink a potion r read read a scroll or spell book R remove remove a ring s search search for secret doors, hidden traps and monsters t throw throw or shoot a weapon T takeoff take off some armor w wield wield a weapon (w- wield nothing) W wear put on some armor z zap zap a wand Z Zap cast a spell < up go up the stairs > down go down the stairs ^ trap_id identify a previously found trap ),[,=,",( ask for current items of specified symbol in use $ gold count your gold + spells list the spells you know . rest wait a moment , pickup pick up all you can carry @ toggle "pickup" (auto pickup) option on and off : look look at what is here Keyboards that have a meta key can also use these extended commands: M-c chat talk to someone M-d dip dip an object into something M-f force force a lock M-j jump jump to another location M-l loot loot a box on the floor M-m monster use a monster's special ability (only if defined) M-N name name an item or type of object M-o offer offer a sacrifice to the gods (only if defined) M-p pray pray to the gods for help (only if defined) M-r rub rub a lamp M-s sit sit down M-t turn turn undead M-u untrap untrap something (usually a trapped object) M-w wipe wipe off your face If the "number_pad" option is on, these additional commands are available: n followed by number of times to repeat the next command j jump jump to another location k kick kick something (usually a door) l loot loot a box on the floor N name name an item or type of object u untrap untrap something (usually a trapped object) Boolean options available in all versions (with default values in []): confirm ask before hitting tame or peaceful monsters [TRUE] (fe)male sex of the player (may only be set on startup) [MALE] fixinv try to retain the same letter for the same object [TRUE] ignintr ignore interrupt signal, including breaks [FALSE] number_pad use the number keys to move instead of yuhjklbn [FALSE] pickup automatically pick up objects you move over [TRUE] rest_on_space count the space bar as a rest character [FALSE] safe_pet prevent you from (knowingly) attacking your pet(s) [TRUE] silent don't use your terminal's bell sound [TRUE] sortpack group similar kinds of objects in inventory [TRUE] time display elapsed game time, in moves [FALSE] tombstone print tombstone when you die [TRUE] verbose print more commentary during the game [TRUE] There are further Boolean options that exist in some versions of NetHack 3.0. (You can tell which options exist in your version by checking the short option help, which is reached by 'O?'.) Boolean option if NEWS was set at compile time: news print any news from game administrator on startup [TRUE] Boolean options if you are using MS-DOS and DGK was set at compile time: IBM_BIOS allow the use of IBM ROM BIOS calls [FALSE] rawio allow the use of raw I/O (may only be set on startup) [FALSE] DEC_Rainbow you are on a DEC Rainbow and want to use its graphics [FALSE] (if DECRAINBOW was also set at compile time) Boolean options if DGK was not set at compile time: null allow nulls to be sent to your terminal [TRUE] standout use standout mode for --More-- on messages [FALSE] Any Boolean option can be negated by prefixing it with a '!' or 'no'. Compound options are written as option_name:option_value. Compound options which can be set during the game are: packorder a list of default symbols for kinds of objects that gives the order in which your pack will be displayed If you specify only some kinds of items, the others from the default order will be appended to the end. [")[%?+!=/(*`0_] endgame the parts of the score list you wish to see when the game ends You choose a combination of top scores, scores around that of the ending game, and all of your own scores. [!own/5 top/4 around] fruit the name of a fruit you enjoy eating (basically a whimsy which NetHack uses from time to time) [slime mold] Compound options which may be set only on startup are: name the name of your character [obtained by asking the system or the player] dogname the name of your first dog [NONE] catname the name of your first cat [NONE] graphics a list of symbols to be used in place of the default ones for drawing the dungeon The symbols are subjected to a fair amount of processing, so that you can use C-style escapes such as \n or \081 as well as indicate control characters by ^x or meta characters by \Mx. As usual, \ can force the next character to be taken literally. Since many of the default symbols are overloaded, they are given here by name instead of symbol, with some added notes. [stone (solid rock, normally ' ') vwall hwall tlcorn trcorn blcorn brcorn (room boundaries) crwall tuwall tdwall tlwall trwall (wallified maze characters) vbeam hbeam lslant rslant (zap beams) door room corr upstair dnstair trap web pool fountain sink throne altar upladder dnladder vdbridge hdbridge] Some sample options lists are !pickup,!tombstone,name:Gandalf,endgame:own/3 top/2 around female,nonews,dogname:Rover,graphics: |--------|||-\\/+.#<>\^\"}{#\\_<>## rest_on_space,!verbose If thy wand hath run out of charges, thou mayst zap it again and again; though naught will happen at first, verily, thy persistence shall be rewarded, as one last charge may yet be wrested from it! ----- To complete thy quest, thou needs must enter the infernal regions. If thou hast not immunity to fire, such a trip will surely prove to be thy last; prepare thyself in advance. ----- Though the shopkeepers be wary, thieves have nevertheless stolen much by using their digging wands to hasten exits through the pavement. ----- If thou hast had trouble with rust on thy armor or weapons, thou shouldst know that thou canst prevent this by, while in a confused state, reading the magical parchments which normally are used to cause their enchantment. ----- Behold the cockatrice, whose diminutive stature belies its hidden might. The cockatrice can petrify any ordinary being it contacts--save those wise adventurers who eat a dead lizard or blob of acid when they feel themselves slowly turning to stone. ----- While some armor protects against magical attacks, few types compare to the items which come from the elven regions, though iron or crystalline plate mail have similar good qualities. ----- It is well known among travelers that extra-healing draughts may clear thy senses when thou art addled by hallucinations. But never forget, the lowly potion which makes one sick may be used for the same purpose. ----- If thou hast been confused, thy head may be set straight if thou eatest a dead lizard and waitest, or drinkest water of the utmost holiness. ----- If thou wishest to reach deep levels, thou must be able to control thy tele- ports, and be confused, and read the scroll which usually teleports thyself around on the level. Daring adventurers have also performed the same feat sans need for scrolls or potions by stepping on the correct type of trap. ----- Almost all adventurers who come this way hope to pass the dread Medusa. To do this, the best advice is to keep thine eyes blindfolded and to cause the creature to espy its own reflection in a mirror. ----- And where it is written "ad aerarium", diligent searching will often reveal the way to a trap which sends one to the Magic Memory Vault, where the riches of Croesus are stored; however, escaping from the vault with its gold is much harder than getting in. ----- It is well known that wily shopkeepers doth raise their prices whene'er they espy the garish apparel of the approaching tourist or the countenance of a disfavored patron. They favor the gentle of manner and the fair of face. The boor may expect unprofitable transactions. ----- The cliche of the kitchen sink swallowing any unfortunate rings that contact its pernicious surface reflecteth greater truth than many homilies, yet even so, few hath developed the skill to identify enchanted rings by the transfigurations effected upon the voracious device's frame. ----- The meat of enchanted creatures will ofttimes convey magical properties unto the consumer. A fresh corpse of floating eye doth fetch a high price among wizards for its utility in conferring Telepathy, by which the sightless may locate surrounding minds. ----- The detection of blessings and curses is in the domain of the gods. They will make this information available to mortals who request it at their places of worship, or elsewhere for those mortals who devote themselves to the service of the gods. ----- The elven dagger Sting is famed for its abilities against all creatures of the orcish race. It will glow when such monsters approach, and cause them special injury. ----- Adventurers searching for Medusa or the Wizard of Yendor needst not wait until their dungeon level corresponds with their enemies' to know their location. Eat a floating eye, blind thyself, and use a mirror in thine own direction, and provided thou art lucky, thou shalt know the approximate locations of thine enemies. ----- In the nethermost recesses of the dungeon, there standeth a castle, wherein layeth a wand of wishes. If thou wouldst gain entry, bear with thee an instrument of music, for the drawbridge may be charmed down with the proper melody. What notes comprise it only the gods know, but a musical mastermind may yet succeed by witful improvization. However, the less perspicacious are not without recourse, should they be prepared to circumambulate the castle to the postern. 890825 1 3 3 -1 24 554 EM eric,kobold zombie %FA blindfold can be very useful if you're telepathic. A crystal plate mail will not rust. A katana might slice a worm in two. A magic vomit pump could be useful for gourmands. A nymph knows how to unlock chains. A potion of blindness lets you see invisible things. A priest can get the gods to listen easily. A priest can go to hell just like the rest of us. A priestess and a virgin you might be, but that unicorn won't care. A ring of conflict is a bad thing if there is a nurse in the room. A short sword is not as good as a long sword. A succubus will go farther than a nymph. Acid blobs should be attacked bare-handed. Affairs with nymphs are often very expensive. Afraid of nymphs? Wear a ring of adornment. Afraid of your valuables being stolen? Carry more junk! Always be aware of the phase of the moon! Always sweep the floor before engraving important messages. Amulets are hard to make. Even for a wand of wishing. An elven cloak protects against magic. An umber hulk can be a confusing sight. Are you blind? Catch a floating eye! Asking about monsters may be very useful. Attacking an eel when there is none usually is a fatal mistake! Bashing monsters with a bow is not such a good idea. Be careful! The Wizard may plan an ambush! Be nice to a nurse: Put away your weapon and take off your clothes. Being digested is a painfully slow process. Blank scrolls make more interesting reading. Booksellers never read scrolls; they might get carried away. Concise conquest: Control, confuse, conjure, condemn. Dead lizards protect against a cockatrice. Demons are one thing; demon-lords, on the other hand,... Dilithium crystals are rare indeed. Dogs are attracted by the smell of tripe. Dogs are superstitious; they never step on cursed items. Dogs of ghosts aren't angry, just hungry. Don't bother about money: only leprechauns and shopkeepers are interested. Don't forget! Large dogs are MUCH harder to kill than little dogs. Don't mess with shopkeepers, or you'll get the Guild after you. Dragons never whip their children; they wouldn't feel it! Eat your carrots. They're good for your eyes. Eating a freezing sphere is like eating a yeti. Eating a killer bee is like eating a scorpion. Eating a tengu is like eating a nymph. Eating a wraith is a rewarding experience! Eating unpaid leprechauns may be advantageous. Elbereth has quite a reputation around these parts. Elf has extra speed. Elven cloaks cannot rust. Ever fought with an enchanted tooth? Ever tried reading while confused? Ever tried to put a troll into a large box? Ever wondered why one would want to dip something in a potion? Expensive cameras have penetrating flash lights. Fiery letters might deter monsters. Gems are too precious to be thrown away carelessly. Getting hungry? Stop wearing rings! Gods expect the best from their priesthood. Gods look down their noses at demigods. Half Moon tonight. (At least it's better than no Moon at all.) Handle your flasks carefully -- there might be a ghost inside! Holy water has many uses. Hunger is a confusing experience for a dog! I once knew a hacker who ate too fast and choked to death. I smell a maze of twisty little passages. I wish I never wished a wand of wishing. (Wishful thinking.) I wouldn't advise playing catch with a giant. I'm watching you. -- The Wizard of Yendor Ice boxes keep your food fresh. If you are being punished, it's done with a deadly weapon. If you kill the Wizard, you get promoted to demi-god. If you need a wand of digging, kindly ask the minotaur. If you want a sex change, you must get it before the game. If you want to hit, use a dagger. If you want to rob a shop, train your dog. If you're lost, try buying a map next time you're in a shop. Inside a shop you better take a look at the price tags before buying anything. It is bad manners to use a wand in a shop. It is dangerous to visit a graveyard at midnight. It is not always a good idea to whistle for your dog. It is rumored that the Wizard has hired some help. It might be a good idea to offer the unicorn a ruby. It would be peculiarly sad were your dog turned to stone. Keep your armors away from rust. Keep your weaponry away from acids. Kill a unicorn and you kill your luck. Leather is waterproof. Ever see a cow with an umbrella? Leprechauns are the most skilled cutpurses in this dungeon. Most monsters can't swim. Music hath charms to affect the stubborn drawbridge. Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast. Never attack a guard. Never ride a long worm. Never use your best weapon to engrave a curse. No easy fighting with a heavy load! Nurses are accustomed to touch naked persons: they don't harm them. Nymphs can unlink more than your chain mail. Once your little dog will be a big dog, and you will be proud of it. Opening a tin is difficult, especially when you attempt it bare handed! Orcs and killer bees share their lifestyle. Orcs do not procreate in dark rooms. Plain nymphs are harmless. Playing AD&D may be helpful. Playing Gauntlet might be enlightening in some situations. Playing billiards pays when you are in a shop. Polymorphing a shopkeeper might make you safer. Polymorphing your dog probably makes you safer. Potions don't usually mix, but sometimes... Psst! It's done with mirrors! Put on a ring of teleportation: it will take you away from onslaught. Rays aren't boomerangs, of course, but still... Read the manual before entering the cave -- you might get killed otherwise. Reading Herbert might be enlightening in one case. Reading Tolkien might help you. Rust monsters love water. There are potions they hate, however. Shopkeepers accept credit cards, as long as you pay cash. Shopkeepers can spot a tourist a mile away with those Hawaiian shirts. Shopkeepers can't read, so what use is engraving in a shop? Shopkeepers can't swim. Shopkeepers can't tell identical twins apart. Shopkeepers have incredible patience. Shopkeepers might raise their prices for tourists. Shopkeepers value money more than revenge. Some monsters can be tamed. I once saw a hacker with a tame dragon! Someone's been spiking the pits! Sometimes monsters are more likely to fight each other than attack you. Spinach, carrot, and a melon -- a meal fit for a nurse! Tainted meat is even more sickening than poison! Telepathy is just a trick: once you know how to do it, it's easy. The Leprechaun Gold Tru$t is no division of the Magic Memory Vault. The Wizard finds death to be quite an experience. The best equipment for your work is, of course, the most expensive. The gods don't appreciate pesky priesthood. The moon is not the only heavenly body to influence this game. The orc swings his two handed sword named Elfrist at you. You die... The secret of wands of Nothing Happens: try again! There has always been something mystical about mirrors. There is a Mastermind deep in the dungeon. There is a big treasure hidden in the zoo! There is a trap on this level! There is more magic in this cave than meets the eye. There is no harm in praising a large dog. There is nothing like eating a mimic. They say a gelatinous cube can paralyze you... They say that a cat avoids traps. They say that a dog can be trained to fetch objects. They say that a unicorn might bring you luck. They say that killing a shopkeeper brings bad luck. They say that monsters never step on a scare monster scroll. They say that shopkeepers often have a large amount of money in their purses. They say that the Leprechaun King is rich as Croesus. They say that the walls in shops are made of extra hard material. They say that you can't take your pick-axe into a shop. They say the Wizard's castle is booby-trapped! They say the gods get angry if you pray too much. They say the shopkeepers are insured by Croesus himself! They say there is a powerful magic item hidden in a castle deep down! Those who wield a cockatrice corpse have a rocky road ahead of them. Throwing food at a wild dog might tame him. Trolls are described as rubbery: they keep bouncing back. Try the fall-back end-run play against ghosts. Try using your magic marker on wet scrolls. Valkyries come from the north, and have commensurate abilities. Vampires hate garlic. Vault guards never disturb their Lords. Visitors are requested not to apply genocide to shopkeepers. Wanted: shopkeepers. Send a scroll of mail to: Mage of Yendor/Level 35/Dungeon. Warning: people who eat red dragons can go to hell! Watch out, the Wizard might come back. Water traps have no effect on dragons. What is a cockatrice going to eat when it gets hungry? Where do you think all those demons come from? From hell, of course. Where do you think hell is located? It must be deep, deep down. Why do you suppose they call them MAGIC markers? Why would anybody in his sane mind engrave "Elbereth"? Wishing too much may bring you too little. You can't leave a shop through the back door: there ain't one! You may discover a fine spirit inside a potion bottle. You may want to dip into a potion of bottled blessings. You might be able to bribe a demon-lord. You might trick a shopkeeper if you're invisible. You should certainly learn about quantum mechanics. You're going into the morgue at midnight??? Your dog knows what to eat; maybe you should take lessons. Zap yourself and see what happens... Zapping a wand of undead turning might bring your dog back to life. "So when I die, the first thing I will see in Heaven is a score list?" A Dragon is just a Snake that ate a scroll of fire. A Nymph will be very pleased if you call her by her real name: Lorelei. A chameleon imitating a mail daemon often delivers scrolls of fire. A cockatrice's corpse is guaranteed to be untainted! A dead cockatrice is just a dead lizard. A dead lizard is a good thing to turn undead. A fading corridor enlightens your insight. A glowing potion is too hot to drink. A good amulet may protect you against guards. A long worm can be defined recursively. So how should you attack it? A monstrous mind is a toy forever. A ring of dungeon master control is a great find. A ring of extra ring finger is useless if not enchanted. A rope may form a trail in a maze. A staff may recharge if you drop it for awhile. A visit to the Zoo is very educational; you meet interesting animals. A wand of deaf is a more dangerous weapon than a wand of sheep. A wand of vibration might bring the whole cave crashing about your ears. A wish? Okay, make me a fortune cookie! A winner never quits. A quitter never wins. Afraid of mimics? Try to wear a ring of true seeing. All monsters are created evil, but some are more evil than others. Always attack a floating eye from behind! An elven cloak is always the height of fashion. Any small object that is accidentally dropped will hide under a larger object. Attack long worms from the rear -- that is so much safer! Balrogs do not appear above level 20. Banana peels work especially well against Keystone Kops. Be careful when eating bananas. Monsters might slip on the peels. Better leave the dungeon; otherwise you might get hurt badly. Beware of the potion of nitroglycerin -- it's not for the weak of heart. Beware: there's always a chance that your wand explodes as you try to zap it! Beyond the 23rd level lies a happy retirement in a room of your own. Changing your suit without dropping your sword? You must be kidding! Cockatrices might turn themselves to stone faced with a mirror. Consumption of home-made food is strictly forbidden in this dungeon. Death is just life's way of telling you you've been fired. Dark room? Your chance to develop your photographs! Dark rooms are not *completely* dark: just wait and let your eyes adjust... David London sez, "Hey guys, *WIELD* a dead lizard against a cockatrice!" Demi-gods don't need any help from the gods. Demons *HATE* Priests and Priestesses. Didn't you forget to pay? Didn't your mother tell you not to eat food off the floor? Direct a direct hit on your direct opponent, directing in the right direction. Don't eat too much: you might start hiccoughing! Don't play hack at your work; your boss might hit you! Don't tell a soul you found a secret door, otherwise it isn't a secret anymore. Drinking potions of booze may land you in jail if you are under 21. Drop your vanity and get rid of your jewels! Pickpockets about! Eat 10 cloves of garlic and keep all humans at a two-square distance. Eels hide under mud. Use a unicorn to clear the water and make them visible. Engrave your wishes with a wand of wishing. Eventually you will come to admire the swift elegance of a retreating nymph. Ever heard hissing outside? I *knew* you hadn't! Ever lifted a dragon corpse? Ever seen your weapon glow plaid? Ever seen a leocrotta dancing the tengu? Ever tamed a shopkeeper? Ever tried digging through a Vault Guard? Ever tried enchanting a rope? Extra staircases lead to extra levels. Floating eyes can't stand Hawaiian shirts. For any remedy there is a misery. Giant bats turn into giant vampires. Good day for overcoming obstacles. Try a steeplechase. Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory! Hungry? There is an abundance of food on the next level. I guess you've never hit a mail daemon with the Amulet of Yendor... If you are the shopkeeper, you can take things for free. If you can't learn to do it well, learn to enjoy doing it badly. If you thought the Wizard was bad, just wait till you meet the Warlord! If you turn blind, don't expect your dog to be turned into a seeing-eye dog. If you want to feel great, you must eat something real big. If you want to float, you'd better eat a floating eye. If your ghost kills a player, it increases your score. Increase mindpower: Tame your own ghost! It furthers one to see the great man. It is said that Killer Bunnies can be tamed with carrots only. It's easy to overlook a monster in a wood. Just below any trapdoor there may be another one. Just keep falling! Katanas are very sharp; watch you don't cut yourself. Keep a clear mind: quaff clear potions. Kicking the terminal doesn't hurt the monsters. Killer bees keep appearing till you kill their queen. Latest news? Put 'rec.games.hack' in your .newsrc! Learn how to spell. Play NetHack! Leprechauns hide their gold in a secret room. Let your fingers do the walking on the yulkjhnb keys. Let's face it: this time you're not going to win. Let's have a party, drink a lot of booze. Liquor sellers do not drink; they hate to see you twice. Lunar eclipse tonight. May as well quit now! Meeting your own ghost decreases your luck considerably! Money to invest? Take it to the local branch of the Magic Memory Vault! Monsters come from nowhere to hit you everywhere. Monsters sleep because you are boring, not because they ever get tired. Most monsters prefer minced meat. That's why they are hitting you! Most of the bugs in NetHack are on the floor. Much ado Nothing Happens. Multi-player NetHack is a myth. NetHack is addictive. Too late, you're already hooked. Never ask a shopkeeper for a price list. Never burn a tree, unless you like getting whacked with a +5 shovel. Never eat with glowing hands! Never mind the monsters hitting you: they just replace the charwomen. Never play leapfrog with a unicorn. Never step on a cursed engraving. Never swim with a camera: there's nothing to take pictures of. Never teach your pet rust monster to fetch. Never trust a random generator in magic fields. Never use a wand of death. No level contains two shops. The maze is no level. So... No part of this fortune may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ... Not all rumors are as misleading as this one. Nymphs and nurses like beautiful rings. Nymphs are blondes. Are you a gentleman? Offering a unicorn a worthless piece of glass might prove to be fatal! Old hackers never die: young ones do. One has to leave shops before closing time. One homunculus a day keeps the doctor away. One level further down somebody is getting killed, right now. Only a wizard can use a magic whistle. Only adventurers of evil alignment think of killing their dog. Only chaotic evils kill sleeping monsters. Only real trappers escape traps. Only real wizards can write scrolls. Operation OVERKILL has started now. Polymorph into an ettin; meet your opponents face to face to face. PLEASE ignore previous rumor. Praying will frighten demons. Row (3x) that boat gently down the stream, Charon (4x), death is but a dream. Running is good for your legs. Screw up your courage! You've screwed up everything else. Segmentation fault (core dumped). Shopkeepers sometimes die from old age. Some mazes (especially small ones) have no solutions, says man 6 maze. Some questions Sphinxes ask just *don't* have any answers. Sometimes "mu" is the answer. Sorry, no fortune this time. Better luck next cookie! Spare your scrolls of make-edible until it's really necessary! Suddenly, the dungeon will collapse... Taming a mail daemon may cause a system security violation. The leprechauns hide their treasure in a small hidden room. The longer the wand the better. The use of dynamite is dangerous. They say that a spear will hit a neo-otyugh. (Do YOU know what that is?) They say that only David can find the zoo! They say that you cannot trust scrolls of rumor. They say that you need a key in order to open locked doors. They say the Gods get angry if you kill your dog. This fortune cookie is the property of Fortune Cookies, Inc. To reach heaven, escape the dungeon while wearing a ring of levitation. Tourists wear shirts loud enough to wake the dead. Tridents are for use underwater. Try calling your katana Moulinette. Ulch! That meat was painted! Using a morning star in the evening has no effect. Want a hint? Zap a wand of make invisible on your weapon! We have new ways of detecting treachery... What a pity, you cannot read it! When a piercer drops in on you, you will be tempted to hit the ceiling! When in a maze follow the right wall and you will never get lost. When you have a key, you don't have to wait for the guard. Why are you wasting time reading fortunes? Why bother casting fireballs in hell? Wish for a master key and open the Magic Memory Vault! Wizard expects every monster to do its duty. You are destined to be misled by a fortune. You can get a genuine Amulet of Yendor by doing the following: --More-- You can protect yourself from black dragons by doing the following: --More-- You feel like someone is pulling your leg. You hear the fortune cookie's hissing! You have to outwit a sphinx or pay her. You may get rich selling letters, but beware of being blackmailed! You offend Shai-Hulud by sheathing your crysknife without having drawn blood. You swallowed the fortune! You want to regain strength? Two levels ahead is a guesthouse! You will encounter a tall, dark, and gruesome creature... First Law of Hacking: leaving is much more difficult than entering. Second Law of Hacking: first in, first out. Third Law of Hacking: the last blow counts most. Fourth Law of Hacking: you will find the exit at the entrance.                V V V VVV V(n (n (n (n(n(n (n                    &&ddd""[[+                    D  )>(`[(] # A '#' at the beginning of a line means the rest of the line is a comment. # # This configuration file is set up for two cases, for a hard disk # (as drive C:), and for two floppy disks. # # To change the configuration, comment out the unwanted lines, and # uncomment the configuration you want. # *** OPTIONS *** # # If you want people to play NetHack over the modem, you should probably # uncomment the following line: # #OPTIONS=!IBM_BIOS,number_pad # # # Some options to set personal preferences. Uncomment and change these to # suit your personal preference. If several people are to use the same # configuration, options like these should not be set. # #OPTIONS=name:Janet-V,female,dogname:Fido,catname:Morris,fruit:apricot #OPTIONS=packorder:")[%?+/=!(*0_`,endgame:10 top/2 around/own # # # Other general options. You might also set "silent" so as not to attract # the boss's attention. # OPTIONS=name:Eric,dogname:Fido,catname:Tiger,time,nopickup # *** HARD DISK CONFIGURATION *** # HACKDIR=c:\games\nethack # # LEVELS and SAVE default to HACKDIR # LEVELS=c:\games\nethack SAVE=c:\games\nethack;n # # appending a ";n" to SAVE means don't prompt to insert a disk. #SAVE=;n # # Using a ramdisk speeds things up; a 200K ramdisk is OK even on a 1 megabyte # system. #RAMDISK=m: # *** 2-FLOPPY CONFIGURATION *** # #HACKDIR=a:\ #LEVELS=b:\ #SAVE=b:\ #RAMDISK=m: # *** CHARACTER GRAPHICS *** # # The 32 GRAPHICS characters (0-31) are: # stone, vertical wall, horizontal wall, top left corner, top right corner, # bottom left corner, bottom right corner, crosswall, up T wall, down T wall, # left T wall, right T wall, vertical beam, horizontal beam, left slant, right # slant, door, floor, corridor, up stairs, down stairs, trap, web, pool, # fountain, sink, throne, altar, up ladder, down ladder, vertical drawbridge # wall, horizontal drawbridge wall # # If you specify less that 32 ASCII values, the remaining characters will be # set to their respective defaults. # # # An example using the IBM graphics character set: # ' ' | - . . ` ' - - - - - | - \ / + . # < > ^ " } { # \ _ < > # # #GRAPHICS = 032 179 196 218 191 192 217 197 193 194 180 195 179 196 092 047 239 249 177 060 062 094 157 247 244 035 190 220 060 062 186 205 # # An example using the ST's graphics character set: #GRAPHICS=032 124 045 169 170 045 045 043 045 045 045 045 124 045 092 047 252 250 240 174 175 222 223 247 221 189 196 227 243 242 178 179 NETHACK(6) 28 March 1989 NETHACK(6) NNAAMMEE nethack - Exploring The Mazes of Menace SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS nneetthhaacckk [ -DD directory ] [ -NN ] [ -[AABBCCEEHHKKPPRRSSTTVVWW] ] [ -[XX] ] [ -UU playername ] nneetthhaacckk [ -DD directory ] -SS [ -[AABBCCEEHHKKPPRRSSTTVVWW] ] [ playernames ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN NetHack is a display oriented Dungeons & Dragons(tm) - like game. Both display and command structure resemble rogue. To get started you really only need to know two commands. The command ? will give you a list of the available commands (as well as other information) and the command / will identify the things you see on the screen. To win the game (as opposed to merely playing to beat other people's high scores) you must locate the Amulet of Yendor which is somewhere below the 20th level of the dungeon and get it out. Nobody has achieved this yet; anybody who does will probably go down in history as a hero among heros. When the game ends, whether by your dying, quitting, or escaping from the caves, NetHack will give you (a fragment of) the list of top scorers. The scoring is based on many aspects of your behavior, but a rough estimate is obtained by taking the amount of gold you've found in the cave plus four times your (real) experience. Precious stones may be worth a lot of gold when brought to the exit. There is a 10% penalty for getting yourself killed. The environment variable NETHACKOPTIONS can be used to initialize many run-time options. The ? command provides a description of these options and syntax. The -UU playername option supplies the answer to the question "Who are you?". It overrides any name from NETHACKOPTIONS, USER, LOGNAME, or getlogin(), which will otherwise be tried in order. If none of these provides a useful name, the player will be asked for one. A playername suffix or a separate option consisting of one of -AA -BB -CC -EE -HH -KK -PP -RR -SS -TT -VV -WW can be used to determine the character role. The -SS option alone will print out the list of your scores. It may be followed by arguments -AA -BB -CC -EE -HH -KK -PP -RR -SS -TT -VV -WW to print the scores of Archeologists, Barbarians, Cave(wo)men, Elves, Healers, Knights, Priest(esse)s, Rogues, Samurai, Tourists, Valkyries, or Wizards. It may also be followed by one or more player names to print the scores of the players mentioned, or by 'all' to print out all scores. -1- NETHACK(6) 28 March 1989 NETHACK(6) The -nn option suppresses printing of any news from the game administrator. The -XX option will start the game in a special non-scoring discovery mode (or in debugging (wizard) mode if the player is the game administrator). The -DD option, which must be the first argument if it appears, supplies a directory which is to serve as the playground. It overrides the value from HACKDIR. The playground must contain several auxiliary files such as help files, the list of top scorers, and nethack.cnf. AAUUTTHHOORRSS Jay Fenlason (+ Kenny Woodland, Mike Thome and Jon Payne) wrote the original hack, very much like rogue (but full of bugs). Andries Brouwer continuously deformed their sources into an entirely different game. Mike Stephenson has continued the perversion of sources, adding various warped character classes and sadistic traps with the help of many strange people who reside in that place between the worlds, the Usenet Zone. A number of these miscreants are immortalized in the historical roll of dishonor and various other places. The resulting mess is now called NetHack, to denote its development by the Usenet. Andries Brouwer has made this request for the distinction, as he may eventually release a new version of his own. FFIILLEESS All files are in the playground, e.g. c:\games\nethack nethack.ttp The program itself. nethack.cnf The configuration file. data, oracles, rumors Data files used by NetHack. help, hh Help data files. cmdhelp, opthelp More help data files. castle, endgame Predefined special levels. tower1, tower2, tower3 More special levels. history A short history of NetHack. license Rules governing redistribution. record The list of top scorers. save A subdirectory containing the saved games. bones.dd Descriptions of the ghost and belongings of a deceased adventurer. levels.dd Description of a dungeon level. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT USER or LOGNAME Your login name. HOME Your home directory. SHELL Your shell. -2- NETHACK(6) 28 March 1989 NETHACK(6) TERM The type of your terminal (for playing NetHack over the modem). HACKDIR Playground. NETHACKOPTIONS String predefining several NetHack options. In addition, SHOPTYPE is used in debugging (wizard) mode. BBUUGGSS Probably infinite. Dungeons & Dragons is a Trademark of TSR Inc. -3- NetHack 3.0 -- Atari specific information *** NOTE: NetHack requires one megabyte of memory and 720K (i.e. double sided) floppy disks, or a hard disk. This is NetHack 3.0, patchlevel 3 (actually patchlevel 3+, since it includes a few patches that will be coming out in patchlevel 4). It was built using the GNU C Compiler version 1.35. To set it up on your system: (1) If you're not familiar with NetHack, read the file guideboo.k, which describes the game (actually, this is probably a good idea even if you *are* familiar with earlier versions of NetHack, since NetHack 3.0 is substantially different). You might also want to take a look at the "help" and "hh" files, which are the on-line help, and the manual page "nethack.man". (2) To install NetHack: (a) Hard disk users: make a directory and copy all the files to it. (b) Floppy users: probably the best setup is to put nethack.ttp on one disk, and all the other files on another. The second disk should then have enough room for levels, bones, and save files. If you have two drives, then nethack.ttp+support files could go on one disk, with a blank floppy for levels, bones, and save files in the other drive. Note that the "readme" files, "nethack.man", and "guideboo.k" are not necessary to the operation of the game, but all the other files are. (3) With a regular ASCII editor, change the file "nethack.cnf" to reflect the your setup. You can also set various options, such as your name, your dog or cat's name, etc. in this file. If you usually have a ramdisk set up, you can set the RAMDISK line to reflect this. (4) If you use a shell that allows environment variables, you can pass information to NetHack this way as well. The variable HACKDIR can be used to tell NetHack where its support files are, and the variable NETHACKOPTIONS can be used to pass options to it (just like the OPTIONS line in nethack.cnf). If you're having trouble getting it to work, make sure "nethack.cnf" is set up properly; this is crucial. (5) SOURCE CODE: the source code for this program has been widely distributed in the comp.sources.games Usenet newsgroup. There are many archive sites for this group, e.g. uunet.uu.net. Make sure you get (at least) the first 3 sets of patches. There are a few minor patches to the source that didn't make it in time for patch 3 (e.g. to make the HELP key to work on the ST). None of these make a real difference to the play of the game, and they'll be included in the fourth patch. Bugs can be reported either to nethack-bugs@linc.cis.upenn.edu or directly to me at ersmith@uwovax.uwo.ca. Eric R. Smith email: Dept. of Mathematics ERSMITH@uwovax.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario ERSMITH@uwovax.bitnet London, Ont. Canada N6A 5B7 ph: (519) 661-3638 8 9 A Guide to the Mazes of Menace _E_r_i_c _S. _R_a_y_m_o_n_d (_E_x_t_e_n_s_i_v_e_l_y _e_d_i_t_e_d _a_n_d _e_x_p_a_n_d_e_d _f_o_r _3._0 _b_y _M_i_k_e _T_h_r_e_e_p_o_i_n_t) _T_h_y_r_s_u_s _E_n_t_e_r_p_r_i_s_e_s _M_a_l_v_e_r_n, _P_A _1_9_3_5_5 1. Introduction You have just finished your years as a student at the local adventurer's guild. After much practice and sweat you have fi- nally completed your training and are ready to embark upon a perilous adventure. To prove your worthiness, the local guild- masters have sent you into the Mazes of Menace. Your quest is to return with the Amulet of Yendor. According to legend, the gods will grant immortality to the one who recovers this artifact; true or not, its recovery will bring honor and full guild member- ship (not to mention the attentions of certain wealthy wizards). Your abilities and strengths for dealing with the hazards of adventure will vary with your background and training. _A_r_c_h_e_o_l_o_g_i_s_t_s understand dungeons pretty well; this enables them to move quickly and sneak up on dungeon nasties. They start equipped with proper tools for a scientific expedition. _B_a_r_b_a_r_i_a_n_s are warriors out of the hinterland, hardened to battle. They begin their quests with naught but uncommon strength, a trusty hauberk, and a great two-handed sword. _C_a_v_e_m_e_n and _C_a_v_e_w_o_m_e_n start with exceptional strength and neolithic weapons. _E_l_v_e_s are agile, quick, and sensitive; very little of what goes on will escape an Elf. The quality of Elven craftsmanship often gives them an advantage in arms and armor. _H_e_a_l_e_r_s are wise in medicine and the apothecary. They know the herbs and simples that can restore vitality, ease pain, anesthetize, and neutralize poisons; and with their instruments, they can divine a being's state of health or sickness. Their medical practice earns them quite reasonable amounts of money, which they enter the dungeon with. _K_n_i_g_h_t_s are distinguished from the common skirmisher by their devotion to the ideals of chivalry and by the surpassing excellence of their armor. NetHack Guidebook 1 9 NetHack Guidebook 2 9 _P_r_i_e_s_t_s and _P_r_i_e_s_t_e_s_s_e_s are clerics militant, crusaders ad- vancing the cause of righteousness with arms, armor, and arts thaumaturgic. Their ability to commune with deities via prayer occasionally extricates them from peril-but can also put them in it. _R_o_g_u_e_s are agile and stealthy thieves, who carry daggers, lock picks, and poisons to put on darts. _S_a_m_u_r_a_i are the elite warriors of feudal Nippon. They are lightly armored and quick, and wear the _d_a_i-_s_h_o, two swords of the deadliest keenness. _T_o_u_r_i_s_t_s start out with lots of gold (suitable for shopping with), a credit card, lots of food, some maps, and an expensive camera. Most monsters don't like being photographed. _V_a_l_k_y_r_i_e_s are hardy warrior women. Their upbringing in the harsh Northlands makes them strong and inures them to extremes of cold, and instills in them stealth and cunning. _W_i_z_a_r_d_s start out with a fair selection of magical goodies and a particular affinity for dweomercraft. You set out for the dungeon and after several days of uneventful travel, you see the ancient ruins that mark the en- trance to the Mazes of Menace. It is late at night, so you make camp at the entrance and spend the night sleeping under the open skies. In the morning, you gather your gear, eat what may be your last meal outside, and enter the dungeon. 2. What is going on here? You have just begun a game of NetHack. Your goal is to grab as much treasure as you can, retrieve the Amulet of Yendor, and escape the Mazes of Menace alive. On the screen is kept a map of where you have been and what you have seen on the current dungeon level; as you explore more of the level, it appears on the screen in front of you. When NetHack's ancestor _r_o_g_u_e first appeared, its screen orientation was almost unique among computer fantasy games. Since then, screen orientation has become the norm rather than the exception; NetHack continues this fine tradition. Unlike text adventure games that input commands in pseudo-English sen- tences and explain the results in words, NetHack commands are all one or two keystrokes and the results are displayed graphically on the screen. A minimum screen size of 24 lines by 80 columns is required; if the screen is larger, only a 21x80 section will be used for the map. NetHack generates a new dungeon every time you play it; even the authors still find it an entertaining and exciting game NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 3 9 despite having won several times. 3. What do all those things on the screen mean? In order to understand what is going on in NetHack, first you must understand what NetHack is doing with the screen. The NetHack screen replaces the ``You see...'' descriptions of text adventure games. Figure 1 is a sample of what a NetHack screen might look like. 3.1. The bottom lines The bottom two lines of the screen contain several cryptic pieces of information describing your current status. If either status line becomes longer than the width of the screen, you might not see all of it. Here are explanations of what the vari- ous status items mean (though your configuration may not have all the status items listed below): 8 _______________________________________________________________________ The bat bites! ------------ |..........+ |..<..d..$.| |...@B.....| |..........| -----+------ Player the Rambler St:12 Dx:7 Co:18 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:15 Neutral Level:1 G:0 HP:9(12) Pw:3(3) AC:10 Xp:2/19 T:257 Weak 8 _______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1 Rank Your character's name and professional ranking (based on the experience level, above). Strength A measure of your character's strength, one of your six basic attributes. Your attributes can range from 3 to 18 inclusive (occasionally you may get super-strengths of the form 18/xx). The higher your strength, the stronger you are. Strength affects how successfully you perform physical tasks and how much damage you do in combat. Dexterity Dexterity affects your chances to hit in combat, to avoid traps, and do other tasks requring agility or manipulation of objects. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 4 9 Constitution Constitution affects your ability to withstand injury and other strains on your stamina. Intelligence Intelligence affects your ability to cast spells. Wisdom Wisdom comes from your religious affairs. It affects your magical energy. Charisma Charisma affects how certain creatures react toward you. In particular, it can affect the prices shopkeepers offer you. Alignment Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. Basically, Lawful is good and Chaotic is evil. Your alignment influences how other mon- sters react toward you. Level How deep you have gone into the dungeon. It starts at one and increases as you go deeper into the dungeon. The Amulet of Yendor is reputed to be somewhere beneath the twentieth level. Gold The number of gold pieces you have. Hit Points Your current and maximum hit points. Hit points indicate how much damage you can take before you die. The more you get hit in a fight, the lower they get. You can regain hit points by resting. The number in parentheses is the maximum number your hit points can reach. Power Spell points. This tells you how much mystic energy (_m_a_n_a) you have available for spell casting. When you type `+' to list your spells, each will have a spell point cost beside it in parentheses. You will not see this if your dungeon has been set up without spells. Armor Class A measure of how effectively your armor stops blows from un- friendly creatures. The lower this number is, the more ef- fective the armor; it is quite possible to have negative ar- mor class. Experience Your current experience level and experience points. As you adventure, you gain experience points. At certain experi- ence point totals, you gain an experience level. The more experienced you are, the better you fight and withstand NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 5 9 magical attacks. Many dungeons show only your experience level here. Time The number of turns elapsed so far, displayed if you have the time option set. Hunger status Your current hunger status, ranging from Satiated down to Fainting. If your hunger status is normal, it is not displayed. Additional status flags may appear after the hunger status: Conf when you're confused, Sick when sick, Blind when you can't see, Stun when stunned, and Hallu when hallucinating. 3.2. The top line The top line of the screen is reserved for messages that describe things that are impossible to represent visually. If you see a ``--More--'' on the top line, this means that NetHack has another message to display on the screen, but it wants to make certain that you've read the one that is there first. To read the next message, just press the space bar. 3.3. The rest of the screen The rest of the screen is the map of the level as you have explored it so far. Each symbol on the screen represents some- thing. You can set the graphics option to change some of the symbols the game uses; otherwise, the game will use default sym- bols. Here is a list of what the default symbols mean: - and | These form the walls of a room. . This is the floor of a room. # This is a corridor, or possibly a kitchen sink or drawbridge (if your dungeon has sinks or drawbridges). > This is the staircase to the next level. < The staircase to the previous level. @ You (usually) or another human. ) A weapon of some sort. [ A suit or piece of armor. % A piece of food (not necessarily healthy...). NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 6 9 ? A scroll. / A wand. = A ring. ! A potion. ( Some other useful object (pick-axe, key, lamp...). $ A pile of gold. * A gem or rock (possibly valuable, possibly worthless). + A doorway, or a spell book containing a spell you can learn (if your dungeon has spell books). ^ A trap (once you detect it). " An amulet, or a spider web. 0 An iron ball. _ An altar (if your dungeon has altars), or an iron chain. } A pool of water or moat. { A fountain (your dungeon may not have fountains). \ An opulent throne (your dungeon may not have thrones ei- ther). ` A boulder or statue. a-zA-Z and other symbols Letters and certain other symbols represent the various in- habitants of the Mazes of Menace. Watch out, they can be nasty and vicious. Sometimes, however, they can be helpful. 4. Commands Commands are given to NetHack by typing one or two charac- ters; NetHack then asks questions to find out what it needs to know to do your bidding. For example, a common question, in the form ``What do you want to use? [a-zA-Z ?*]'', asks you to choose an object you are carrying. Here, ``a-zA-Z'' are the inventory letters of your possible choices. Typing `?' gives you an inventory list of these items, so you can see what each letter refers to. In this example, there is also a `*' indicating that you may choose an object not on the list, if you wanted to use something unexpect- ed. Typing a `*' lists your entire inventory, so you can see the NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 7 9 inventory letters of every object you're carrying. Finally, if you change your mind and decide you don't want to do this command after all, you can press the ESC key to abort the command. You can put a number before most commands to repeat them that many times; for example, ``10s'' will search ten times. If you have the number_pad option set, you must type `n' to prefix a count, so the example above would be typed ``n10s'' instead. Commands for which counts make no sense ignore them. In addi- tion, movement commands can be prefixed for greater control (see below). To cancel a count or a prefix, press the ESC key. The list of commands is rather long, but it can be read at any time during the game through the `?' command, which accesses a menu of helpful texts. Here are the commands for your refer- ence: ? help menu: display one of several help texts available. / tell what a symbol represents. You may choose to specify a location or type a symbol to define. & tell what a command does. < go up a staircase to the previous level (if you are on the stairs). > go down a staircase to the next level (if you are on the stairs). [yuhjklbn] go one step in the direction indicated (see Figure 2). If there is a monster there, you will fight the monster in- stead. Only these one-step movement commands cause you to fight monsters; the others (below) are ``safe.'' y k u 7 8 9 \ | / \ | / h- . -l 4- . -6 / | \ / | \ b j n 1 2 3 (if number_pad is set) Figure 2 [YUHJKLBN] Go in that direction until you hit a wall or run into some- thing. m[yuhjklbn] prefix: move without picking up any objects. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 8 9 M[yuhjklbn] prefix: move far, no pickup. g[yuhjklbn] prefix: move until something interesting is found. G[yuhjklbn] prefix: same as `g', but forking of corridors is not con- sidered interesting. . rest, do nothing for one turn. a apply (use) a tool (pick-axe, key, lamp...). A remove all armor. Use `T' (take off) to take off only one piece of armor. ^A redo the previous command. c close a door. C Call (name) an individual monster. ^C panic button. Quit the game. d drop something. Ex. ``d7a'' means drop seven items of ob- ject _a. D Drop several things. In answer to the question ``What kinds of things do you want to drop? [!%= au]'' you should type zero or more object symbols possibly followed by `a' and/or `u'. Da - drop all objects, without asking for confirmation. Du - drop only unpaid objects (when in a shop). D%u - drop only unpaid food. ^D kick something (usually a door). e eat food. E Engrave a message on the floor. Engraving the word ``El- bereth'' will cause most monsters to not attack you hand- to-hand (but if you attack, you will rub it out); this is often useful to give yourself a breather. (This feature may be compiled out of the game, so your version might not necessarily have it.) E- - write in the dust with your fingers. i list your inventory (everything you're carrying). I list selected parts of your inventory. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 9 9 I* - list all gems in inventory; Iu - list all unpaid items; Ix - list all used up items that are on your shopping bill; I$ - count your money. o open a door. O set options. You will be asked to enter an option line. If you enter a blank line, the current options are reported. Entering `?' will get you explanations of the various op- tions. Otherwise, you should enter a list of options separated by commas. The available options are listed later in this Guidebook. Options are usually set before the game, not with the `O' command; see the section on options below. p pay your shopping bill. P Put on a ring. ^P repeat previous message (subsequent ^P's repeat earlier mes- sages). q quaff (drink) a potion. Q Quit the game. r read a scroll or spell book. R Remove a ring. ^R redraw the screen. s search for secret doors and traps around you. It usually takes several tries to find something. S Save the game. The game will be restored automatically the next time you play. t throw an object or shoot a projectile. T Take off armor. ^T teleport, if you have the ability. v display version number. V display the game history. w wield weapon. w- means wield nothing, use your bare hands. W Wear armor. z zap a wand. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 10 9 Z Zap (cast) a spell. ^Z suspend the game (UNIX8*9 versions with job control only). : look at what is here. , pick up some things. @ toggle the pickup option on and off. ^ ask for the type of a trap you found earlier. ) tell what weapon you are wielding. [ tell what armor you are wearing. = tell what rings you are wearing. " tell what amulet you are wearing. ( tell what tools you are using. $ count your gold pieces. + list the spells you know. \ show what types of objects have been discovered. ! escape to a shell. # perform an extended command. As you can see, the authors of NetHack used up all the letters, so this is a way to intro- duce the less useful commands, or commands used under limit- ed circumstances. You may obtain a list of them by entering `?'. What extended commands are available depend on what features the game was compiled with. If your keyboard has a meta key (which, when pressed in com- bination with another key, modifies it by setting the `meta' [8th, or `high'] bit), you can invoke the extended commands by meta-ing the first letter of the command. In PC NetHack and ST NetHack, the `Alt' key can be used in this fashion. M-c talk to someone. M-d dip an object into something. M-f force a lock. M-j jump to another location. __________ 8 *9UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 11 9 M-l loot a box on the floor. M-m use a monster's special ability. M-N Name an item or type of object. M-o offer a sacrifice to the gods. M-p pray to the gods for help. M-r rub a lamp. M-s sit down. M-t turn undead. M-u untrap something (usually a trapped object). M-w wipe off your face. If the number_pad option is on, some additional letter com- mands are available: j jump to another location. Same as ``#jump'' or ``M-j''. k kick something (usually a door). Same as `^D'. l loot a box on the floor. Same as ``#loot'' or ``M-l''. N name an item or type of object. Same as ``#name'' or ``M- N''. u untrap a trapped object or door. Same as ``#untrap'' or ``M-u''. 5. Rooms and corridors Rooms in the dungeon are either lit or dark. If you walk into a lit room, the entire room will be drawn on the screen. If you walk into a dark room, only the areas you can see will be displayed. In darkness, you can only see one space in all direc- tions. Corridors are always dark, but remain on the map as you explore them. 5.1. Doorways (`+') Doorways connect rooms and corridors. Some doorways have no doors; you can walk right through. Others have doors in them, which may be open, closed, or locked. To open a closed door, use the `o' (open) command; to close it again, use the `c' (close) command. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 12 9 You can get through a locked door by using a tool to pick the lock with the `a' (apply) command, or by kicking it open with the `^D' (kick) command. Secret doors [and corridors] are hidden. You can find them with the `s' (search) command. 5.2. Traps (`^') There are traps throughout the dungeon to snare the unwary delver. For example, you may suddenly fall into a pit and be stuck for a few turns. Traps don't appear on your map until you trigger one by moving onto it, or you discover it with the `s' (search) command. Monsters can fall prey to traps, too. 6. Monsters Monsters you cannot see are not displayed on the screen. Beware! You may suddenly come upon one in a dark place. Some magic items can help you locate them before they locate you, which some monsters do very well. 6.1. Fighting If you see a monster and you wish to fight it, just attempt to walk into it. Many monsters you find will mind their own business unless you attack them. Some of them are very dangerous when angered. Remember: Discretion is the better part of valor. 6.2. Your pet You start the game with a little dog or cat, which follows you about the dungeon and fights monsters with you. Like you, your pet needs food to survive. It usually feeds itself on fresh carrion and other meats. If you're worried about it or want to train it, you can feed it, too, by throwing it food. Your pet also gains experience from killing monsters, and can grow over time, gaining hit points and doing more damage. Initially, your pet may even be better at killing things than you, which makes pets useful for low-level characters. Your pet will follow you up and down staircases, if it is next to you when you move. Otherwise, your pet will be stranded, and may become wild. 6.3. Ghost levels You may encounter the shades and corpses of other adventur- ers (or even former incarnations of yourself!) and their personal effects. Ghosts are hard to kill, but easy to avoid, since they're slow and do little damage. You can plunder the deceased adventurer's possessions; however, they are likely to be cursed. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 13 9 Beware of whatever killed the former player. 7. Objects When you find something in the dungeon, it is common to want to pick it up. In NetHack, this is accomplished automatically by walking over the object (unless you turn off the pickup option (see below), or move with the `m' prefix (see above)), or manual- ly by using the `,' command. If you're carrying too many things, NetHack will tell you so and won't pick up anything more. Other- wise, it will add the object(s) to your pack and tell you what you just picked up. When you pick up an object, it is assigned an inventory letter. Many commands that operate on objects must ask you to find out which object you want to use. When NetHack asks you to choose a particular object you are carrying, you are usually presented with a list of inventory letters to choose from (see Commands, above). Some objects, such as weapons, are easily differentiated. Others, like scrolls and potions, are given descriptions which vary according to type. During a game, any two objects with the same description are the same type. However, the descriptions will vary from game to game. When you use one of these objects, if its effect is obvious, NetHack will remember what it is for you. If its effect isn't extremely obvious, you will be asked what you want to call this type of object so you will recognize it later. You can also use the ``#name'' command for the same purpose at any time, to name all objects of a particular type or just an individual object. 7.1. Curses and blessings Any object that you find may be cursed, even if the object is otherwise helpful. The most common effect of a curse is being stuck with (and to) the item. Cursed weapons weld themselves to your hand when wielded, so you cannot unwield them. Any cursed item you wear is not removable by ordinary means. In addition, cursed arms and armor usually, but not always, bear negative en- chantments that make them less effective in combat. Other cursed objects may act poorly or detrimentally in other ways. Objects can also become blessed. Blessed items usually work better or more beneficially than normal uncursed items. For ex- ample, a blessed weapon will do more damage against demons. There are magical means of bestowing or removing curses upon objects, so even if you are stuck with one, you can still have the curse lifted and the item removed. Priests and Priestesses have an innate sensitivity to curses and blessings, so they can more easily avoid cursed objects than other character classes. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 14 9 An item with unknown curse status, and an item which you know to be uncursed, will be distinguished in your inventory by the presence of the word ``uncursed'' in the description of the latter. The exception is if this description isn't needed; you can look at the inventory description and know that you have discovered whether it's cursed. This applies to items which have ``plusses,'' and items with charges. 7.2. Weapons (`)') Given a chance, almost all monsters in the Mazes of Menace will gratuitously kill you. You need weapons for self-defense (killing them first). Without a weapon, you do only 1-2 hit points of damage (plus bonuses, if any). There are wielded weapons, like maces and swords, and thrown weapons, like arrows. To hit monsters with a weapon, you must wield it and attack them, or throw it at them. To shoot an arrow out of a bow, you must first wield the bow, then throw the arrow. Crossbows shoot crossbow bolts. Slings hurl rocks and (other) gems. You can wield only one weapon at a time, but you can change weapons unless you're wielding a cursed one. Enchanted weapons have a ``plus'' (which can also be a minus) that adds to your chance to hit and the damage you do to a monster. The only way to find out if a weapon is enchanted is to have it magically identified somehow. Those of you in the audience who are AD&D players, be aware that each weapon which exists in AD&D does the same damage to monsters in NetHack. Some of the more obscure weapons (such as the _a_k_l_y_s, _l_u_c_e_r_n _h_a_m_m_e_r, and _b_e_c-_d_e-_c_o_r_b_i_n) are defined in an appendix to _U_n_e_a_r_t_h_e_d _A_r_c_a_n_a, an AD&D supplement. The commands to use weapons are `w' (wield) and `t' (throw). 7.3. Armor (`[') Lots of unfriendly things lurk about; you need armor to pro- tect yourself from their blows. Some types of armor offer better protection than others. Your armor class is a measure of this protection. Armor class (AC) is measured as in AD&D, with 10 be- ing the equivalent of no armor, and lower numbers meaning better armor. Each suit of armor which exists in AD&D gives the same protection in NetHack. Here is an (incomplete) list of the armor classes provided by various suits of armor: plate mail 3 bronze plate mail 4 splint mail 4 banded mail 4 elven mithril-coat 5 chain mail 5 scale mail 6 NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 15 9 ring mail 7 studded leather armor 7 leather armor 8 no armor 10 You can also wear other pieces of armor (ex. helmets, boots, shields, cloaks) to lower your armor class even further, but you can only wear one item of each category (one suit of armor, one cloak, one helmet, one shield, and so on). If a piece of armor is enchanted, its armor protection will be better (or worse) than normal, and its ``plus'' (or minus) will subtract from your armor class. For example, a +1 chain mail would give you better protection than normal chain mail, lowering your armor class one unit further to 4. When you put on a piece of armor, you immediately find out the armor class and any ``plusses'' it provides. Cursed pieces of armor usually have negative enchantments (minuses) in addition to being unremovable. The commands to use armor are `W' (wear) and `T' (take off). 7.4. Food (`%') Food is necessary to survive. If you go too long without eating you will faint, and eventually die of starvation. Unpro- tected food does not stay fresh indefinitely; after a while it will spoil, and be unhealthy to eat. Food stored in ice boxes or tins (``cans'' to you Americans) will usually stay fresh, but ice boxes are heavy, and tins take a while to open. When you kill monsters, they usually leave corpses which are also ``food.'' Many, but not all, of these are edible; some also give you special powers when you eat them. A good rule of thumb is ``you are what you eat.'' You can name one food item after something you like to eat with the fruit option, if your dungeon has it. The command to eat food is `e'. 7.5. Scrolls (`?') Scrolls are labeled with various titles, probably chosen by ancient wizards for their amusement value (i.e. ``READ ME,'' or ``HOLY BIBLE'' backwards). Scrolls disappear after you read them (except for blank ones, without magic spells on them). One of the most useful of these is the _s_c_r_o_l_l _o_f _i_d_e_n_t_i_f_y, which can be used to determine what another object is, whether it is cursed or blessed, and how many uses it has left. Some ob- jects of subtle enchantment are difficult to identify without these. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 16 9 If you receive mail while you are playing (on UNIX versions compiled with this feature), a mail daemon may run up and deliver it to you as a _s_c_r_o_l_l _o_f _m_a_i_l. To use this feature, you must let NetHack know where to look for new mail by setting the ``MAIL'' environment variable to the file name of your mailbox. You may also want to set the ``MAILREADER'' environment variable to the file name of your favorite reader, so NetHack can shell to it when you read the scroll. The command to read a scroll is `r'. 7.6. Potions (`!') Potions are distinguished by the color of the liquid inside the flask. They disappear after you quaff them. Clear potions are potions of water. Sometimes these are blessed or cursed, resulting in holy or unholy water. Holy water is the bane of the undead, so potions of holy water are good thing to throw (`t') at them. It also is very useful when you dip (``#dip'') other objects in it. The command to drink a potion is `q' (quaff). 7.7. Wands (`/') Magic wands have multiple magical charges. Some wands are directional-you must give a direction to zap them in. You can also zap them at yourself (just give a `.' or `s' for the direc- tion), but it is often unwise. Other wands are nondirectional- they don't ask for directions. The number of charges in a wand is random, and decreases by one whenever you use it. The command to use a wand is `z' (zap). 7.8. Rings (`=') Rings are very useful items, since they are relatively per- manent magic, unlike the usually fleeting effects of potions, scrolls, and wands. Putting on a ring activates its magic. You can wear only two rings, one on each ring finger. Most rings also cause you to grow hungry more rapidly, the rate varying with the type of ring. The commands to use rings are `P' (put on) and `R' (remove). 7.9. Spell books (`+') Spell books are tomes of mighty magic. When studied with the `r' (read) command, they bestow the knowledge of a spell- unless the attempt backfires. Successful or not, books of magic NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 17 9 disappear after they are studied. Reading a cursed spell book, or one with mystic runes beyond your ken can be harmful to your health! A spell can also backfire when you cast it. If you attempt to cast a spell well above your experience level, or cast it at a time when your luck is particularly bad, you can end up wasting both the energy and the time required in casting. Casting a spell calls forth magical energies and focuses them with your naked mind. Releasing the magical energy releases some of your memory of the spell with it. Each time you cast a spell, your familiarity with it will dwindle, until you eventual- ly forget the details completely and must relearn it. The command to read a spell book is the same as for scrolls, `r' (read). The `+' command lists your current spells and the number of spell points they require. The `Z' (cast) command casts a spell. 7.10. Tools (`(') Tools are miscellaneous objects with various purposes. Some tools, like wands, have a limited number of uses. For example, lamps burn out after a while. Other tools are containers, which objects can be placed into or taken out of. The command to use tools is `a' (apply). 7.10.1. Chests and boxes You may encounter chests or boxes in your travels. These can be opened with the ``#loot'' extended command when they are on the floor, or with the `a' (apply) command when you are carry- ing one. However, chests are often locked, and require you to either use a key to unlock it, a tool to pick the lock, or to break it open with brute force. Chests are unwieldy objects, and must be set down to be unlocked (by kicking them, using a key or lock picking tool with the `a' (apply) command, or by using a weapon to force the lock with the ``#force'' extended command). Some chests are trapped, causing nasty things to happen when you unlock or open them. You can check for and try to deactivate traps with the ``#untrap'' extended command. 7.11. Amulets (`"') Amulets are very similar to rings, and often more powerful. Like rings, amulets have various magical properties, some benefi- cial, some harmful, which are activated by putting them on. The commands to use amulets are the same as for rings, `P' (put on) and `R' (remove). NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 18 9 7.12. Gems (`*') Some gems are valuable, and can be sold for a lot of gold pieces. Valuable gems increase your score if you bring them with you when you exit. Other small rocks are also categorized as gems, but they are much less valuable. 7.13. Large rocks (``') Statues and boulders are not particularly useful, and are generally heavy. 7.14. Gold (`$') Gold adds to your score, and you can buy things in shops with it. Your version of NetHack may display how much gold you have on the status line. If not, you can just hit `$' to count it. 8. Options Due to variations in personal tastes and conceptions of how NetHack should do things, there are options you can set to change how NetHack behaves. 8.1. Setting the options There are two ways to set the options. The first is with the `O' command in NetHack; the second is with the ``NETHACKOP- TIONS'' environment variable. 8.2. Using the NETHACKOPTIONS environment variable The NETHACKOPTIONS variable is a comma-separated list of in- itial values for the various options. Some can only be turned on or off. You turn one of these on by adding the name of the op- tion to the list, and turn it off by typing a `!' or ``no'' be- fore the name. Others take a character string as a value. You can set string options by typing the option name, a colon, and then the value of the string. The value is terminated by the next comma or the end of string. For example, to set up an environment variable so that ``fe- male'' is on, ``pickup'' is off, the name is set to ``Blue Meanie'', and the fruit is set to ``papaya'', you would enter the command % setenv NETHACKOPTIONS "female,!pickup,name:Blue Meanie,fruit:papaya" in _c_s_h, or $ NETHACKOPTIONS="female,!pickup,name:Blue Meanie,fruit:papaya" $ export NETHACKOPTIONS NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 19 9 in _s_h or _k_s_h. 8.3. Customization options Here are explanations of the various options do. Character strings longer than fifty characters are truncated. Some of the options listed may be inactive in your dungeon. catname name your starting cat (ex. ``catname:Morris''). Cannot be set with the `O' command. confirm (default on) have user confirm attacks on pets, shopkeepers, and other peaceable creatures. DEC_Rainbow (default off, PC NetHack only) send escape codes to use the line-drawing alternate character set on DEC Rainbow machines. dogname name your starting dog (ex. ``dogname:Fang''). Cannot be set with the `O' command. endgame control what parts of the score list you are shown at the end (ex. ``endgame:5 top scores/4 around my score/own scores''). Only the first letter of each category (`t', `a', or `o') is necessary. female (default off) set your sex. Cannot be set with the `O' com- mand. fixinvlet (default on) an object's inventory letter sticks to it when it's dropped. If this is off, dropping an object shifts all the remaining inventory letters. fruit (default ``slime mold'') name a fruit after something you enjoy eating (ex. ``fruit:mango''). Basically a nostalgic whimsy that NetHack uses from time to time. You should set this to something you find more appetizing than slime mold. Apples, oranges, pears, bananas, and melons already exist in NetHack, so don't use those. graphics (default `` |--------|||-\/+.#<>^"}{#\_<>##'') set the graphics symbols for screen displays. The graphics option (if used) should come last, followed by a string of up to 32 characters to be used instead of the default map-drawing characters. The dungeon map will use the characters you NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 20 9 specify instead of the default symbols. Note that this option string is now escape-processed in con- ventional C fashion. This means that `\' is a prefix to take the following character literally, and not as a special prefix. Your graphics strings for NetHack 2.2 and older versions may contain a `\'; it must be doubled for the same effect now. The special escape form `\m' switches on the meta bit in the following character, and the `^' prefix causes the following character to be treated as a control character (so any `^' in your old graphics strings should be changed to `\^' now). Alternate line-drawing character sets can be used on termi- nals that support them. A graphics string of `` \mx\mq\ml\mk\mm\mj\mn\mv\mw\mu\mt\mx\mq\\/+\m~\ma'' will take advantage of the ANSI line-drawing character set (available on some VT100 and higher terminals) if it is loaded as the alternate set. If it doesn't work, your ter- minal may not support alternate character sets, or the termcap entry for your terminal doesn't have the appropriate escape sequences. For the record, the sequences to add to the termcap entry are ``:as=^N:ae=^O:ti=\E)0:''. The order of the symbols is: solid rock, vertical wall, horizontal wall, upper left corner, upper right corner, lower left corner, lower right corner, cross wall, upward T wall, downward T wall, leftward T wall, rightward T wall, vertical beam, horizontal beam, left slant, right slant, door, floor of a room, corridor, stairs up, stairs down, trap, web, pool or moat, fountain, kitchen sink, throne, al- tar, ladder up, ladder down, vertical drawbridge, horizontal drawbridge. You might want to use `+' for the corners and T walls for a more esthetic, boxier display. Note that in the next release, new symbols may be added, or the present ones rearranged. Cannot be set with the `O' command. IBM_BIOS (default off, PC NetHack only) use BIOS calls to update the screen display quickly and to read the keyboard (allowing the use of arrow keys to move) on machines with an IBM PC compatible BIOS ROM. ignintr (default off) ignore interrupt signals, including breaks. male (default on, most hackers are male) set your sex. Cannot be set with the `O' command. name (defaults to your user name) set your character's name. You NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 21 9 can also set your character class by appending a dash and the first letter of the character class (that is, by suffix- ing one of -A -B -C -E -H -K -P -R -S -T -V -W). Cannot be set with the `O' command. news (default on) read the NetHack news file, if present. Since the news is shown at the beginning of the game, there's no point in setting this with the `O' command. number_pad (default off) use the number keys to move instead of [yuhjklbn]. null (default off) send padding nulls to the terminal. packorder (default ``\")[%?+/=!(*'0_'') specify the order to list ob- ject types in. The value of this option should be a string containing the symbols for the various object types. pickup (default on) pick up things you move onto by default. rawio (default off) force raw (non-cbreak) mode for faster output and more bulletproof input (MS-DOS sometimes treats `^P' as a printer toggle without it). Note: DEC Rainbows hang if this is turned on. Cannot be set with the `O' command. rest_on_space (default off) make the space bar a synonym for the `.' (rest) command. safe_pet (default on) prevent you from (knowingly) attacking your pets. silent (default on) suppress terminal beeps. sortpack (default on) sort the pack contents by type when displaying inventory. standout (default off) boldface monsters and ``--More--''. time (default off) show the elapsed game time in turns on bottom line. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 22 9 tombstone (default on) draw a tombstone graphic upon your death. verbose (default on) provide more commentary during the game. In the PC NetHack version, options may be set in a confi- guration file on disk as well as from NETHACKOPTIONS. 9. Scoring NetHack maintains a list of the top scores or scorers on your machine, depending on how it is set up. In the latter case, each account on the machine can post only one non-winning score on this list. If you score higher than someone else on this list, or better your previous score, you will be inserted in the proper place under your current name. How many scores are kept can also be set up when NetHack is compiled. Your score is chiefly based upon how much experience you gained, how much loot you accumulated, how deep you explored, and how the game ended. If you quit the game, you escape with all of your gold intact. If, however, you get killed in the Mazes of Menace, the guild will only hear about 90% of your gold when your corpse is discovered (adventurers have been known to collect finder's fees). So, consider whether you want to take one last hit at that monster and possibly live, or quit and stop with whatever you have. If you quit, you keep all your gold, but if you swing and live, you might find more. If you just want to see what the current top players/games list is, you can type nethack -s all. 10. Explore mode NetHack is an intricate and difficult game. Novices might falter in fear, aware of their ignorance of the means to survive. Well, fear not. Your dungeon may come equipped with an ``ex- plore'' or ``discovery'' mode, that enables you to keep old save files and cheat death, at the paltry cost of not getting on the high score list. There are two ways of enabling explore mode. One is to start the game with the -X switch. The other is to answer yes to the question ``Do you want to create a non-scoring, restartable save file?'' upon saving the game. The other benefits of explore mode are left for the trepid reader to discover. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 23 9 11. Credits The original _h_a_c_k game was modeled on the Berkeley UNIX _r_o_- _g_u_e game. Large portions of this paper were shamelessly cribbed from _A _G_u_i_d_e _t_o _t_h_e _D_u_n_g_e_o_n_s _o_f _D_o_o_m, by Michael C. Toy and Ken- neth C. R. C. Arnold. Small portions were adapted from _F_u_r_t_h_e_r _E_x_p_l_o_r_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _t_h_e _D_u_n_g_e_o_n_s _o_f _D_o_o_m, by Ken Arromdee. NetHack is the product of literally dozens of people's work. A list of _s_o_m_e of those who made major additions to the game ap- pears below: Jay Fenlason wrote the original release of Hack, with help from Kenny Woodland, Mike Thome and Jon Payne. Andries Brouwer did a major re-write, transforming Hack into a very different game, and published (at least) three versions (1.0.1, 1.0.2, and 1.0.3) for UNIX machines to the Usenet. Don G. Kneller ported Hack 1.0.3 to Microsoft C and MS-DOS, producing PC HACK 1.01e, added support for DEC Rainbow graphics in version 1.03g, and went on to produce at least four more ver- sions (3.0, 3.2, 3.51, and 3.6). R. Black ported PC HACK to Lattice C and the Atari 520/1040ST, producing ST Hack 1.03. Mike Stephenson merged these various versions back together, incorporating many of the added features, and produced NetHack 1.4. He later coordinated a cast of thousands throughout the Usenet in adding and debugging features, and released NetHack versions 2.2 and 2.3. Later, he coordinated a major rewrite of the game, heading a team which included Ken Arromdee, Jean- Christophe Collet, Steve Creps, Eric Hendrickson, Izchak Miller, John Rupley, Mike Threepoint, and Janet Walz, to produce NetHack 3.0. Olaf Siebert ported NetHack 2.3 and 3.0 to the Amiga. Eric R. Smith ported NetHack 3.0 to the Atari. Timo Hakulinen ported NetHack 3.0 to OS/2. The following folks have made significant contributions to the playability of the game: NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 9 NetHack Guidebook 24 9 Tom Almy Bruce Holloway Izchak Miller Ken Arromdee Richard P. Hughey Gil Neiger Eric Backus Del Lamb Eric S. Raymond John S. Bien Greg Laskin John Rupley Ralf Brown Steve Linhart Kevin Sweet Jean-Christophe Collet Benson I. Margulies Scott R. Turner Steve Creps Roland McGrath Janet Walz Eric Hendrickson Bruce Mewborne Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. NetHack Version 3.0 September 6, 1989 Behold, mortal, the origins of NetHack... Jay Fenlason wrote the original Hack with help from Kenny Woodland, Mike Thome, and Jon Payne. Andries Brouwer did a major re-write, transforming Hack into a very different game, and published (at least) three versions (1.0.1, 1.0.2, and 1.0.3) for UNIX(tm) machines to the Usenet. Don G. Kneller ported Hack 1.0.3 to Microsoft(tm) C and MS-DOS(tm), producing PC HACK 1.01e, added support for DEC Rainbow graphics in version 1.03g, and went on to produce at least four more versions (3.0, 3.2, 3.51, and 3.6). R. Black ported PC HACK 3.51 to Lattice(tm) C and the Atari 520/1040ST, producing ST Hack 1.03. Mike Stephenson merged these various versions back together, incorporating many of the added features, and produced NetHack version 1.4. He then coordinated a cast of thousands in enhancing and debugging NetHack 1.4 and released NetHack versions 2.2 and 2.3. Later, he coordinated a major rewrite of the game, heading a team which included Ken Arromdee, Jean-Christophe Collet, Steve Creps, Eric Hendrickson, Izchak Miller, Eric S. Raymond, John Rupley, Mike Threepoint, and Janet Walz, to produce NetHack 3.0. Olaf Seibert ported NetHack 2.3 and 3.0 to the Amiga. Eric R. Smith ported NetHack 3.0 to the Atari. Timo Hakulinen ported NetHack 3.0 to OS/2. From time to time, some depraved individual out there in netland sends a particularly intriguing modification to help out with the game. The Gods of the Dungeon sometimes make note of the names of the worst of these miscreants in this, the list of Dungeoneers: Tom Almy Bruce Holloway Izchak Miller Ken Arromdee Richard P. Hughey Gil Neiger Eric Backus Del Lamb Eric S. Raymond John S. Bien Greg Laskin John Rupley Ralf Brown Steve Linhart Kevin Sweet Jean-Christophe Collet Benson I. Margulies Scott R. Turner Steve Creps Roland McGrath Janet Walz Eric Hendrickson Bruce Mewborne NETHACK GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (Copyright 1989, M. Stephenson) (Based on the BISON general public license, copyright 1988 Richard M. Stallman) Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license, but changing it is not allowed. You can also use this wording to make the terms for other programs. The license agreements of most software companies keep you at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our general public license is intended to give everyone the right to share NetHack. To make sure that you get the rights we want you to have, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. Hence this license agreement. Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give away copies of NetHack, that you receive source code or else can get it if you want it, that you can change NetHack or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things. To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to deprive anyone else of these rights. For example, if you distribute copies of NetHack, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must tell them their rights. Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone finds out that there is no warranty for NetHack. If NetHack is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not what we distributed. Therefore we (Mike Stephenson and other holders of NetHack copyrights) make the following terms which say what you must do to be allowed to distribute or change NetHack. COPYING POLICIES 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of NetHack source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you keep intact the notices on all files that refer to copyrights, to this License Agreement, and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the NetHack program a copy of this License Agreement along with the program. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of NetHack or any portion of it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph 1 above (including distributing this License Agreement), provided that you also do the following: a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change; and b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is a derivative of NetHack or any part thereof, to be licensed at no charge to all third parties on terms identical to those contained in this License Agreement (except that you may choose to grant more extensive warranty protection to some or all third parties, at your option) c) You may charge a distribution fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 3. You may copy and distribute NetHack (or a portion or derivative of it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) accompany it with the complete machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or, b) accompany it with full information as to how to obtain the complete machine-readable source code from an appropriate archive site. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution.) For these purposes, complete source code means either the full source distribution as originally released over Usenet or updated copies of the files in this distribution used to create the object code or executable. 4. You may not copy, sublicense, distribute or transfer NetHack except as expressly provided under this License Agreement. Any attempt otherwise to copy, sublicense, distribute or transfer NetHack is void and your rights to use the program under this License agreement shall be automatically terminated. However, parties who have received computer software programs from you with this License Agreement will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. Stated plainly: You are prohibited by the terms of this License Agreement from using NetHack for gainful purposes. You are permitted to modify NetHack, or otherwise use parts of NetHack, provided that you comply with the conditions specified above; in particular, your modified NetHack or program containing parts of NetHack must remain freely available as provided in this License Agreement. In other words, go ahead and share NetHack, but don't try to stop anyone else from sharing it farther. NetHack 3.0 -- General information NetHack 3.0 is a new generation of the dungeon exploration game NetHack. It is a distant descendent of Hack, and a direct descendent of NetHack 2.3. It is the product of a year-long, very intensive, international team effort. Many parts of 2.3 were rewritten for NetHack 3.0, and many new features were added. Judged by size alone, with all options enabled, NetHack 3.0 is twice as big as 2.3. While aiming at retaining the general atmosphere of NetHack 2.3, we sought to open up new directions of development for the game. Alignment, both for player characters and for monsters, was introduced. Player character attributes were added and integrated into the game. Special compiled levels were added, and these open up endless future possibilities. An endgame was written, for a climactic ending. The code for monsters and objects was massively rewritten, and many new creatures and items were added. The self-polymorph code was debugged and greatly enriched. Shops, too, were enhanced. There are now doors in doorways and chests that may contain valuables, both of which may be closed or locked. New commands to open or kick doors and force locks on chests were added. You can also use kicking as an attack mode, and you can kick objects around if it pleases you. You will discover the rest for yourselves... To compensate for the massive additions, we rewrote the code around some new map fields for an increase in speed up to, if not beyond, that of 2.3. The code is now organized, and nearly lint-free. We dedicate the game to the many unknown hackers, both past and future, who contribute so much to the game. - - - - - - - - - - - ` ô` G# k # Ј<.@// ?<?<JNAO N??<LNAH YOBWNBDE ` R @RD|m:<|`lN>|lN RPRE|RRW`JN8@SD|0|?@BC`(0C| RBG00NN RPRE|RRWRComҼeXOLNuH>OE  <;NR%H <ND# <ZN4# <N$# <N%H <N%H <N# <N$ <N%HdNN N^NR@ RN Rf \ RB( RA/H(y I *LA NM`$v- pr- tցp-րr-ցt-pr- pԁr- ԁp- Ԁ%BBB-A (H##G0"K NNZB@-B6"N oN>B@-BABB+JB5A RN&N/K B@-A/H`RK \gfg,Bp o NfJ@g o N o NA/H &H`B@ o N`r-pN@0/SoJ@f`rpN*0SWJ@fB@ o N 5@[@lN -1f8B@3BA5ANpNZ0*N|0*jgN` y"0*N0*NTN*L -lf -hgNO$L|Nu?/ 6E R@g`& j2H0*N<0Nr*pN\BRB*`J0 jRR Rf8*F@Jf*fr*pN& j"<0*N0<NxBR$_6Nu/ $H` BApNf$_NuH 6$z jfa zC06)"zRr0220tCr cBTBr bUB5 05 8101@ Dl1@:1 3 1P El1P306600fL8NuHa@6 y BD00L"y BE10UEAp0( na,1@H@kC@?DL8NuH v$z*6*299` IdTC620Sg& Cm3C0a0HLNuB@A"PgR2B@"PgRI@4<`H0B@ z"z$z`14B5G7@T@ @tmB@2<t`40p1533X@TA Ao1|BiL NuA0( na2I1AQHNuB@"hgRthhPNuH0BC8$y&y` r@mrs@I705@0TCTD|mBD6<t`PzD<3@sP70zC`UEsPeTE>Ep0"KAPNN7Pp0"JAPN:5PXDTC|mBD y`:2@1P|l1PTD|mL NuJ@`1!U@fNuH"y A<rHQRQ"y Ap rBDH6SCQRQ@QLNu yp2tId ASBf0RfNu/ y "y29 J@`vIC410AS@f3 &NuAaRA aHa6`Aa8NuAa,A a"a`A aNuA aaNufNuJ@gS@`Nu/?// Memory Write CRC Error Extracted Press any key?/?<NNAPONu?<NATONu?<NATONu??<>NAXONu/?<9NA\ONu/?<HNA\O @Nu/?<;NA\ONu//??<@NAO Nu?/?<GNAPONu?/?<? 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NETHACK STV dHallo Leute !!! Bevor Ihr bei Nethack loslegen knnt, mt Ihr erst noch die Datei NETHACK.TTP generieren. Sie befindet sich als selbsterstellende Datei mit dem Namen NETHACK.TOS auf dieser Diskette. Kopiert diese Datei auf eine Leerdiskette und startet dann NETHACK.TOS. Die Datei wandelt sich dann automatisch in die ca. 500 KB groe Datei NETHACK.TTP um. Viel Spa !! ST VISION Postfach 1651 6070 Langen ... #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 99 03 #W 00 00 0A 02 46 15 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 32 01 1E 17 00 @ #W 00 00 1C 09 15 08 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A DISKSTATION@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B DISKSTATION@ @ #T 00 07 02 FF PAPIERKORB@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ #G 03 04 GFABASIC.PRG@ *.GFA@ ORB@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ `..*o#b"m#$m,Jg"Jf`B&yJg2([ Af Rf Gf Vf =fB$KX I& Y`L IBX" $Hv .&|SmRJfgB RB`  f R B" ``&HJT|f # T|T|" ҍ.A/ / Bg?<JNA /9/ /N `?N Cannot get %d bytesNVH06.B0/N|$XOf ?HzNq L N^Nu(NVH?<6n4n 8. .ALBHHJgH???<GBNTOJ@g,*$?<NTOJ@g?<dN*$*$TO Cn"$ *$x *%*%`F *$x 4Bp2HR@?N@ BotB0xx $$*%L N^Nuhave no free %s!can't reach the %s!hear your heart beat.hear the crackling of hellfire.The floor seems healthy enough.hear a faint typing noise.hear a hollow sound! This must be a secret door!hear a hollow sound! This must be a secret passage!hear nothing special.NVH00N:J@f?<N@/HzN`F?<Nz~TOJ@fBy.B9L)`&ALFJmg:Jf yU (ef&J9LFl <` <|/HzwN`B@&n+g?<NBTOJ@fHz]`J9LFg&9/Hy.fHzS`HzkN`AM(Jf&C$ Bg IgJg?<NBTOJ@fN{PALDJfJ(fJ(f N7t`4ALBH(H6A(H(H4AJhg/(N6$`??N{XOJ@fHz`HxT6C/ NFPO2H1$@* B@gH??N$@/ N6$*# B@POg*#??NXXOJ@gt/ N&`j* B@ @ fHzjN**`&* B@ @ f(HztN***??NY` HzNL N^Nuproduce a high whistling sound.NVHzNNN^Nuproduce a high-pitched humming noise.normalstrangeproduce a %s whistling sound.NV/ $yKB@ n(g"?<NBTOJ@fHz~NN`BJMhg < ` < /HzNPOgJ*"g / NyXO$Rf$nN^NuNVH80. . BELBH. HA?G0NHTO@m*HHA?N@l<HL N^NuNVB@ yPbg h\fJhgR@ PfN^NuNV"n yK°g0)hf(' PfBiN^NuNV"n yPbg h\f0)hfBh Pf)'N^NuNV yPbg h\fBh Pf yK°gJ("g(' PfN^Nucan't leash additional pets.Leash yourself? Very funny...There is no creature here.leashableleashed%s is not %s!This %s is already leashed!slip the leash around your %s.This leash is not attached to that creature!The leash wouldn't come off!remove the leash from your %s.NVH<0&nJkfN @oHzN`?<Nz~TOJ@gxALBH(H8A(H(H6ADfCfHzN`>E1HxT2D/ NFPO2H2 B@fHzzN`??N$@XOJ*"f0Jkf < ` < // NXO/HzcN`Jkff*' B@g/ N @HhHz?N`/ N @HhHz?N*'7j*% B@J@gX*%`P:*kg Hz(N`:B@+g Hz=N`"*'Bk/ N @HhHz6NL *gB@`DN @o <z` <|/Hz.N+'BjPO$Rf&Sf8pL N^NuNV"n yPbg h\f2)hf ` PfBN^Nu%s chokes to death!%s chokes on the leash!%s's leash snaps loose!pull on the leash.NVH88. . &yK(yPbg l\fJlgg2,kf+ H?+ H?9LCH?9LBH?EQN4+ H?+ H?H?H?NBl4B@,g~?<+ H?+ H?N\OJg$/ N/HzN/ N~ `?<+ H?+ H?NH\OJg/ N/HzN `?<+ H?+ H?N \OJg / N/HzN/ N`j?<+ H?+ H?N\OJgLHzdN kXOJ(&g6?<NBTOJ@g @g `/ N6`/ N7`/ N7XO&Sfd(Tf@LN^NuThe floor here is too hard to dig in.This wall is too hard to dig into.fumble and drop your %sOuch! Your %s bounces and hits you!Bang! You hit with the broad side of the %s!swing misses its mark.have dug a pit.The statue shatters.The boulder falls apart.You succeeded in cutting away some rock.You just made an opening in the wall.You just broke through a secret door.You just broke a hole through the door.Now what exactly was it that you were digging in?doorwallThis %s seems too hard to dig into.statueboulderrockhit the %s with all your might.NVH<8A/HHHxT8D/ NFPO2H1$@JyMfJPfg yPf h~fB@9/9/H@fJ9/gALBHDfl(HCfbJ9/f??NjXO @nHJ9/gJ9.gHz `,J9/f0* B@ @ n ??NچXOJfHzNB@`VJMpg?<GBNTOJ@f?<NBTOJ@g @gp`/9PfNg\XOJ@f&/9PfN /HzN/9PfNJ`/9PfN /HzN?<NZ@?Hx N`X/9PfN /HzN`f0<y/H`pN^NuThe floor here seems too hard to dig in.You've made a hole in the floor.are jerked back by your pet!fall through...NVH8<9LCH?9LBH?N(-@XOJ9.f 93/fHzLN`dGLBH&<1EFHxTH/NPO @IHHA80 B@ @oHHxTH/NPO @HHA80 B@ @nHHxTH/NPO @H0HA80 B@ @f,?H?NH?H?N?pPOJgNT ILBHE1GFHxTH/NPO @KHH"@A11HHxTH/NPOHH2Jg*n--0`$?<9LCH?9LBH?N-@\O*n-ALJf (If2JLf* yU()f*n-H?-H?N`HXOHzNCN2XOJfJf yU (egv)H?9LBH?N XOJg ?<NTONJf HzjN`8Hz{NALXXO PfBhBPǸBg9/HR@?NL<N^NuSince your weapon is welded to your %s,you cannot wield that %s.can't hold it strongly enough.now wield %s.NVH $.JPfg yPfB@(gJ9L?<N4NZ@TOJBntHzlNHz?N*L0`8ALFJfTJf&E Bg IgJg?<NBTOJ@fN{PALBH(H6A(H(H4AHxT2C/ NFPO2H1$@* B@g??N/N8POJf??N{XOJ@fHzN`nB* B@ @f* B@@ g<*BA A o\ Af*BAJAg0@g@???<EN\OJf*???<N\OJfB/NH/Hz=N`A/H@f&(H@fB@9/9/H@fJ9/grB9/A///By/???<N\OJg <`.???<N\OJg <`Jg <-` <B/Hz`P???<N\OJg <`.???<N\OJg <`Jg <-` <B/HzNPO`JLf yU (efHzN`A/ELBf&(*fB@9/9/H@fJ9/fZ/A/ELBG//By/Hz9NH?H?N POJgBgNTO` Hz'NXOB9xBgHzHzN_jpLJ(f6J(f.JfJPfJtf (IfJLf yU()gZEM Rf&HzNv$j?ND@?NV`NALL Vg &fHzN`.EM Rf0HzNBg?<?<NXO0@0Hd/N\`JMhgN:/HziN`JM8gHz\N` yL^cHzRN`ALL Ng hfHzEN` yMfHzKN`l?<NSTO oN: @f <%` <%` <%/HzBg?<PELEH?*H?N&@POg k(*f(+% B@J@g,JfJPf/ N/HzN+%`+% B@f,JM@fJPf/ N/HzN` Vg> &g8  g2+# B@g: k()f.JLf& yU()fJM@f>JPf4`+% B@fF tf.H?.H?N?RRRRFJX&&2`/ NĖXO`/ N1dXO`J*ot*?<EBNTOJ@f ?<Nt@TOGLCELB`H?H?BNaPOQ9b`n?</ N}\O`\/ N6XO`N/ N|XO`B 9W/Ng y LTc / NʬXO`"/ N4XO`/ NXO` / NXO`/ NXO`/ NVXO`/ NXO`?<NxTOJfHzN`HzNXOJ9L@h A@r4@~ 0@?@o/@ o>@>@<@>@<@D>@>@>@D@ODABCA TANVH0&n$SB@AJPg2jf (fR@JPfJ@gF?NAXTOJPg J@o2jf (fS@J@o`JPgBg/(/ N\&L N^NuNVH0&ng@Hk&NXOJg0EJRg(2+Rf/*Hk&N\POJ@f ` JRfBL N^NuNV/.NJV@N^NuNV/.N @Bg0. hg<HN^NuNVH 0&n$. /NXOJg8EPJRg02+Rf 0*@g//*N\POJ@fp` JRfB@L N^NuNVH 4.B@EJRgjf *fR@JRfJ@gN?NETOJRgJ@ojf *fS@J@o`JRgBg?N5Bg/*/N\`BLN^NuNV/. Nf @gB@(nW@`B@N^NuWeird class specific weapon '%s'Weird special attack for '%s'NVH 0$n&n 0*@@fp`*g B2* ЁUW@`\*gJjg+HjW@`8HzT/*N\POJ@fJ++]@`HzF/*N\POJ@f+.V@`Hz,/*N\POJ@f+*V@`Hz/*N\POJ@f+/V@`/*Hz`*gB@* 0@ Utbp4;N "f.f<ffffffffJffTJ+*\@`H+)W@`:+)W@`,/ N`/ NBJW@`/*HzINT`B@L N^NuNV/ /.NL$@XOg&/. / N4POJ@gJ* gB@* ?N`B@$nN^NuNV/ /.N$@XOg,/. / NPOJ@gJ* gB@* ?N`0.`B@$nN^NustrongsmartwiseagiletoughcharismaticweakstupidfoolishclumsyvulnerableuglyperceptiveLGGM GG LGGquickslowstealthyLGGM GGLGGsensitiveM GGMH*GM GGLGGLGGLpGGLGGMH*GM GGcoolwarmerMH*GLhHHLGG LGGM GGLGGhardy LGGLItGLxGGLGGM GGcontrolleduncontrolledMH*GLII    G  G  H4     H^    H      H    H   I     IJ    Iz   I    I You're already as %s as you can get.very feel %s%s!NVH<06n6. . JCgo4 HEMA.2(0(mF? NSTO2(f6Jf J9LFNV^fnv~ <J`^ <J4`V <JJ`N <J``F <Jv`> <J`6 <J`. <J`& <J` <J` <J` <K` <K&N^NuNVN> @CN( H2 N^NuNVH8<6.N&@2|EMKI0I0(<MHB0B00H@RIxIlBBJCobEMI BcnR?<dNB22|TO3H@JAoRIxIlxIm"A.20mRB`BB0IR0R0SCJCnBBJClbEMI BcnR?<dNB22|TO3H@JAoRIxIlxIm"A.20nRB`BB0IS0S0RCJCmL<N^NuNVH0<4|GMK.IMvJgvvJgp3H?<NB0J0UTOC.00o0J00l0J0H0HH00lRJvJl|L< N^Nufeel %s!feel less %s!NVH 04.N& @$hgJgGLTJBoHScJBlHScxJBo* jJ(mj/*NXOJgT/*Hzx`B jJ(l@/* NXOJg /* HzN`/*NXOJg/*Hz=NPOJfdL N^NuNV/NX @JyLTf(HN`(HyLTc(H?N4TO`(H?<NSH0@ Wrb>2;N $$$44444444((,0p`p`p` p`p`B@@JBnp`0$.N^NuNV/0.0@CM0H0 HB0HBJ@f2JPg yP hfp}`4 A|o<}`& An<` Ao<` An<`H$.N^NuNV0.AN2PJ@lPl` ANPo0N^NuNV/B49.ngH49.ng<49.ng049.ng$49.nn2TAnl` n3g`<H`$.N^NuNV y/g0.D@h f1n ` h"`N^NuBones file already exists.nbody rises from the dead as a%s %s...Cannot create bones file - creat failedInsufficient space to create bones file.NVH?XOJf&PZ#PbPZBPb`&S`/ yN6fT9LCH?9LBH? <U+P/Na*@B9/POf`Hy/.p@Ѝ/NPO`Hy/.N 49N62H* E҈AU2B* -E* "E-|U0*.8qX$1$9LCH?9LBH?09N6H"ЁU/Na*@Hy/.N 69N62H* E҈AU2C* -E* "E-|U0*.8qX$1$B9/f`Hy/.0mXO&S`BmB.J-"g M(%(%BA0@@"-#BA0@J@g / N' XO*U`.-yKJg(n,(n-T`&yPZgBk k g kf` ko`/ NCbXOJf z˫+?/ N6XOJg+ kf+H?NTO K((BA0@++B+ k fB+ kfJ+fP/ N>XO&S`6BG GOn4|zJm0G <FHxT/NFPO "<10J*-EЁ-@80D <FHxT/NFPO "<1=J0n*-EЁ-@0G <FHxT/NFPO A12 HЈ @B*.(n4X4XBA0@*.(n4X4XRJ`,RG`?<?<aHyN<POJFlJ9Lg HzNXO`32?N?<9/H??Nb?NHyN l"J9Lg HznNXOHyNh`4By2?N?<9/H??Nb?N?NL0yzCɂ0Ryz`(29~yɀg0y~Cɖ0Ry~`BHN^NuNVNHfNHN^NuNV. f By~Byɀ yɀn0yɀCɖRyɀN^NuNV. Jy.f>JfByzBy|By~Byɀ` y|n0y|CɂRy|N^Nu# %s: unknown extended command.NV/ EuHzNHnNN6POJ.gH .g@ .?f&Na`Hn/N\POJ@f jN` JfHnHzsNB@$nN^Nu Extended Commands List Press '#', then type (first letter only): %-8s - %s.NVH 0EuBgN` HzG`N\OJ@flHzuNXOJ@f`HzhNXOJ@fTHzNXOJ@fHHzPNXOJ@fCHdDRe_jET8hii`I j88k.2lv\v\bNo:OHhpP(qQnreRl7 spS$(t6TuvђViw`xW|xnzZh<>/T&]?i!P.p p,:^B\@K)%&[%Z=&d"&('$$+n#`chattalk to someonedipdip an object into somethingforceforce a lockjumpjump to a locationlootloot a box on the floormonsteruse a monster's special abilitynamename an item or type of objectofferoffer a sacrifice to the godspraypray to the gods for helprubrub a lampsitsit downturnturn undeaduntrapuntrap somethingwipewipe off your face?get this list of extended commandsttHt't+tHtN8t[t`8tstxv\ttbtttthuu(uu#7 u.u2$(u;u@uLuSuduiu|u~aUnknown command '%s'.NVH00$nGNBf<B9L.N@$@ f B9L)`t f.Jy.f&J9ɂg3.ByzBNBy.`@Jg fNB9L)`&H?NyTOJ@g Jy.gZ`PJ9L?g@`H?Ny.TOH?NyTOJ@g43L,JgJy.f3P.ByLNL*Nݚ` gf*H?NyTOJ@g 3L,` GgJ9L?g$ 5f*H?Ny.H?NyXOJ@f n``H?NyTOJ@g 3L,`T mf$*H?NyTOJ@gAL,BX` Mf*H?Ny.H?NyXOJ@ghAL,0`B@BA@fF  fJ9L%f@Jg&JfJy.g?9./+/+N kNJ@fr`d JfAJgDpЎDve6 o ~n`JlM-`^ @`BHnHzRNB9L)By.L N^NuNV. @o Zn HN^Nuhykulnjb><47896321><NVH . . B@EC0@0f0g R@ @opLN^NuNV/ n2n EEq$nN^NuNV/. J9L?g$<yW`$<yLB9LFH?/NDJfB@`*ALDC:C<qTHC:W@$.N^NuIn what direction? What a strange direction!NV/. Jy.fJg HzNXONˮH?NTO .g sfALDB(B(B`8H?N TOJ@f*J9LFf"?Hy\ND\OJf HzfNB@`>ALFJf2Jf&C Bg IgJg?<NBTOJ@fN{Pp$.N^NuNV/ ?<NB0@CLD0HEE$nN^NuNV/2.4. B@JAo AOn JBm Bnp$.N^NuNVH<8.:. $<1HxT2D/ NFPO2H& B08 B@ @gP08 B@ @g@$<1HxTH/NF2H& B08 B@ @f08 B@fp`B@L0@E1HxTH/NFPO2H2 B@@ @fp` + B@ @g$<1HxT2D/ NFPO2AH& B08 B@ @g08 B@ @f:E1HxT2D/ NFPO2AH2 B@@ @fp`x$<1HxT2D/ NFPO2RAH& B08 B@ @g08 B@ @f2E1HxTH/NF2RAH2 B@@fB@`pL :.<. B$<1HxT2E/ NFPO2H& B08 B@ @g08 B@ @f0E1HxTH/NF2H2 B@g<HL|N^NuNVH08&n$n 0S$<1IFHxT/NPO @0HA(0 B@ @g^0SHxT/NPO @0HA(0 B@ @g6??NhJ@m.Hvb"6;N0 RR` SR`SS`RSp`B@L N^NuNVH 8(n&n 0TE1HxT/NF2H2 B@ttb"4;N  SS` RS`RT`STLN^NuNVH?<8n>. n: 80. Htb24;N  ("<SD`<RD`<RE`<SEHxT:E/ NFPO2H&A108 B@J@g08 B@ @ oB@`J.g\E1GFHxT:L/ NPO @2G$ "BA11ЈHxT:E/ NPO0D$ B000`hE1GFHxT:L/ NPO @2G$ "BA11HxT:E/ NPO0D$ BB@0000E1HxT:L/ NFPO0G$ B. 00?? EN??NpL*H@f4Jf. yU (eg (+fHzvNXOJ>fNN+ B@gn?.?.N$@ jXO ( gP?.?.NXXOJ@g/ N/Hz,N `J9L;g Hz5NXO?</ Nq\OELBHnf~*HnfrHzN# /&?<Nu\OJ&g < ` <'/Hz'NHyUP?.?.HnNg.H?.H?N??Np yPZXOg@$( H@f ( H@g( Hnf( Hnf /NXO Bf?.?.NL f^"}{#\_<>##blackambergoldenlight blueredgreensilverbluepurplewhiteNothing happens.That's enough tries!NVH8 nBB(.g((fDfv?<NBTOJ@fN`?<NBTOJ@fN`N<6?<NBTOJ@f0HAU"Ҁ 0.g0(g`(.g|((gt?<2NBTOJ@fN`?<NBTOJ@fN`N<6?<NBTOJ@f`0HAU"Ҁ 0.gD 0(0f8t`6(.g. ((0f"?<NBTOJ@fN`N<6tJCgLHz`Hz`HzN`Hz3N`Hz?`B$yPZgGLBK$* f<* f4Pg,Pg$/ N/Hz&N/ N<$Bf`tHz'`fHzU``Hz`ZJMhfJ,l <` <`JMhgN:` </HzpNPO`Hz`Hz` Hz`HzNXOJg/ N` HzNXO?<NBTOJ@f/ N/HzN/ NJ`/ NhL< N^Nucannot %s something you are wearing.For some reason, you cannot %s the stone%s!The leash is tied around your %s.NV n". ("?g/HzpNB@`l hTf:B@(g.( hf <` <//HzSNB@`* h\f Jhg?<N@/HzWNB@`pN^NuThe LRS would be very interested to know you have that much.drop %ld gold piece%s.drop %s.NVH0<&ng +$f$+&lչNHzvN`J9L86.. 9/HC^ 93/g C2ov2JCn"9M B@gv3` ?< NuTO9/Hy.o 92/nJgJg 9./nGM B@g~?<EBNTOJ@fBJ+$f?<NTOJ@f(` 9Nf?<NTO9/HUA6@`9/HHzNXOJCn9/H9/HCfN^9/HCgy.o 92/oȶy.oJfJ9RPf C2nHzxNHzNHyVN JLhf" yUJ(*m/9Pf?<ND\OJ@gHzNXO`H9/HHzENHzN//#/&?<Nu6/ 9/H?Hy.N^?<?<aHy.N4lHy.Hz>N`?<9/H??Nb\OJf4?N?NHy.NhHzNHz=N`JPgNELVBRBN?<NLATOJPgBPBjL2RLBN?EN?<9/H??Nb?N?N y.g9/Hy.fl9/Hy.g8APCP""""""""ACP""""""""y.gAPCP""""""""/9/İo/9/H?Hy.N^\O 93/g9/HHAz"ҀJpf N`9/H0HAz"Ҁ pg ?NǼTOBgHy.N4\Ol&Hy.HzENHzN?< NuNBg9/H??9?N?N 93/g>JgfJgJ9RPfALB//`ALB//JPgJLf2 yU (eg$J9RPf <` </Hz NPO?<N@TO`J9RPfALB//`ALB//NZ@J@nJPf JMpgdJ9RPf <` </HzNHz?<GNTO?E*NJPg ,9PfPg?<NBTOJ@gHzqNHz?<NTO?N `BBGLBILC&<19/Hy.fJg?<N<P`J?<`<9/Hy.m(09.T@Am?<ONTO o .o`?<ONTO?<NBTORB BeldHEFHxTH/NPO @HHA80 B@ @g0HHxTH/NPO @HHA80 B@ @fHHxTH/NFPO @HHA80 B@f Bco HzLNqXOJPgv,9PfPg\JfX?<NBTOJ@gH?<N@/Hz1N JPzg Hz;N0XOHz?<NTO?N*\O?<N@TOHzNXONNNRGLBHE1HxTH/NFPO+H2H2 B@g?H?N/NyPOEL2BNN#XNJ*fbGLCH?ELBH?NB@XOJf0HE1HxTH/NFPOHHB@2g?<NlTO`9LCH?9LBH?NXO 9/f 9M B@gJyL4fNnJ9/W.L|N^NuNVpN^NuYou've got the glop off.%s feels clean now.NV/ AM PbBP`yMAM@rmB`YM@EM@JfHzNBj?<BNnB@`$JyMf?<N@/HzyN0B@`p$nN^Nuwiping off your %s%s is already clean.NVJyMg0?<N@/HzHyɮNJBgHyɮHzN_j`?<N@/HzN0pN^NuNVH08(n4. ?<*N&@ L"K&XIXH"""""""""2AL7PRPvǫ+?9B/ E?pN9@k/ N7@(, B@ g / / N L N^NuNV".AMPJfS(AMPJg g"A MP`MPN^Nu%s feel somewhat better.%s feels somewhat better.NVAMPJgTJlR 9MP0 0f?< N@/Nf/Hz`?< N@/HzN0BMPN^NuNV. nA^@@B(` AB <N^Nu(For instructions type a ?)2468hjklUse [%s] to move the cursor to %s.Type a . when you are at the right place.use 2468 or .use hjkl or .abortedUnknown direction: '%s' (%s).NVH?<&n<. ..J9L?gIyW`IyLJ9Lt?0k<@D?N$@HxD/ / N 0|TO`@@RH8+t?6C*?N&@ L"K&XIXH"""""""""2B0"vƒvǫ+?+TOgNJBg/ Hk&NPO/,"BE}*N/+"/ NJng2Pbf#Pb`"$yPbf HzNqXOg$R`$/ N  L N^Nu?!/="*+[Name an individual object? name#callNVJy.f HzNXO?<qHyoN\O qgV yf(H?N``HzHzN Jg0/N`(H?N``HzHz`N Jg/NTB@N^NuCall a stream of %s fluid: anaCall %s %s: NVH 0&n"KA XI 0=|rî.?Jng,B0.EHx/NFPO/2HzpNPO`DHnN $@/ H?HyaND\OJg <B` <E/HzMNHnNN6XOJ.g .g~B0+Hx/NFPO&@Jg /N XOE<Jg  WJfJgB.J.fB`($/NR@?N$@// N&L N^NuAdriAndriesAndreasBertDavidDirkEmileFransFredGregHetherJayJohnJonKarnovKayKennyKevinMaudMichielMikePeterRobertRonTomWilmarNick DangerPhoenixMiraclemanStephanLance BraccusShadowhawk the invisible %s's ghostthe called NVH08(n6. B,# B@g <p䰬g g<B9,' B@g / ND$`B@,&gJ/ NӨ/HyN ~f,# B@gfHz4HyN PO`NJ,:gHJCfDJg(HzHyN0l?< EBNHART&p?<NXOJ@f </.` /Hl@NPO/ HzHyNJ `l,# B@gHzZ`" l(.gJMhf DfHzPHyN POJMhgND` l /HyN POJCg(J,:g"HzHyE N0l` <D/HztEN$/N .gJ.g/Hy/.N\POJ@f HzQNXO`L0HxHnHy/.NHy/.?<HzOHyNJHyNDHz9N/9PNh`.96Hz3Nr#M``?<dNH#MHLN^NuWearing an amulet of change?can breathe more easily!NV/ yPB0(SrbH2;N>>8>>>HzNT`XO` EM`JgHzNBXO`BMH/<BN}*$nN^Nunormalstrangebody takes on a %s transparency...NVH 0&nB0+EHx/NFPOBA2 HAL`"0AB0+tb4;N :l$.xALJf (IflJff yU()fVAM@JfJJPf@(H?9LBH?N`HHzN9`JfNCLJfD yU()f6Jf0JPf(9Jg <b` <i/HzN0+9ML0J+f9 B@J@g9`JfN9`l+9ML0J+f9 B@J@gJ9`:+9N `4Nv`,L0J+f9F B@J@g9F+L N^NuStrange... I didn't know you had that ring.body seems to unfade...NVH80&n. $+"0B0+EHx/NFPOBA2 HAL`İf HzpNT`XOJg / N4XO`/+"BN}*POB0+xbd8;N@2FXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX.RALJf (IfCLJf yU()fJfJPfHzHN9`B@ALJf (IfJLf yU()fp@fCLJf yU()fJf|JPftHzpN09``+9ML0`LN@JLf> yU (eg09`&+9ML0`+9N `Nw`L N^NuNVBg/.NN^NuNV?</.NN^NuNV/$./< /N}*/NBgNL$.N^Nustill cannot see.NV/ $n/*"BN}*/ N8 JM@fBgHxNn` HzN$nN^NuNVJPvgNJPgNfJPgNJPzgNN^Nu[="(Not wearing any armor.take offare not wearing that.can't take that off.swordweaponseem unable to take off the gloves while holding your %s.can't remove the slippery gloves with your slippery fingers.The bear trap prevents you from pulling your foot out.NV/ B@JPzgp$yPzJP~gR@$yP~JPgR@$yPJPgR@$yPJPvg R@$yPv`"JPjg R@$yPj`JPngR@$yPnJ@fHzx` @oHzHz`N$@POfB@` *"fHz``PjfJPvfPnfJPvfJPjgHzF`pPfTJPfgL yPfB@(g: h6c hAb <` </Hz N yPf(B@`TPfJMgHz0NB@`6PfALVJPgJhfHzGNB@`Nf/ Npp$nN^NuNot wearing any accessories.It seems to be stuck.seem unable to remove your ring without taking off your gloves.seem unable to remove the ring while your hands hold your %s.seem unable to remove the ring while your right hand holds your %s.NVH0B@JPgp&yPJPgR@&yPJPgR@&yPJPgR@&yPJ@fHz`Z @gHzHzN&@POgB +"00fHz`Z/ NXOJ@f" +=f* yU(-gHz{NB@`(JPg$ yPB@(g(HzaN`/9PfNg\XOJ@gj yPf ()f\B0(EHx/NFPO2 B@g2 yPf( h6c hAb <` </Hz`J/9PfNg\XOJ@gBPf: yPf( h6c hAb <` </HzN`/ Np/ N` +"f N/ NV`/ NpL N^NuThey seemIt seemscan't. %s to be cursed.NV/ $nB@*gD/ NvXOJf/ NXOJf jc <V` <`/HzN*p`B@$nN^NuYou finish taking off your helmet.You finish taking off your gloves.You finish taking off your boots.You finish taking off your suit.NVH 0&nB0+EHx/NFPO2HDB/ NXOJ@gB@`JBg?NV/ Nt\OJg#/*#`/ NtXOJg# /*#ў`v/ N Jg#,/*#ʒ`V#N/*#`@/ N@XOJgNb`(/ NRXOJgNh`"+"/BN}*PO/ NBRBRpL N^NuDon't even bother.wearcloakshirtsuitThe %s will not fit on your body.are already wearing that!are already wearing a helmet.are already wearing a shield.cannot hold a shield and wield a two-handed %s.are already wearing boots.are already wearing gloves.cannot wear gloves over your %s.are already wearing a shirt.armorcan't wear that over your %s.are already wearing a cloak.cannot wear armor over a cloak.are already wearing some armor.You finish your dressing maneuver.NVH00BBB yU(+f(*gHzNB@`HzHzN&@POg/9UNfXOJf/9UNXOJgj/ NXOJf^/ N/</ N}*PO kfN`:N`,JPgHz` k]gHzN`/ N`/ NpL N^NuNVH0 v AMJPg0(HAU"Ҁ0HJPjg4 yPj(HB B0(EHx/NFPO2H@BJPvg4 yPv(HB B0(EHx/NFPO2H@BJPzg4 yPz(HB B0(EHx/NFPO2H@BJPg4 yP(HB B0(EHx/NFPO2H@BJP~g4 yP~(HB B0(EHx/NFPO2H@BJPg4 yP(HB B0(EHx/NFPO2H@BJPng2 yPn(HB B0(EHx/NF2H@BJPg yP h+f(H@JPg yP h+f(H@AMJ(lhAN HCg L0L N^Nurings slipring slips%s off your %s.also %s %sslips from your %s.NVH8 BDBJPg0 yPB@(fJPfg yPfB@(f<BJPgb yPB@(fPJPfgD yPfB@(g2 ()f*B0(EHx/NFPO2 B@f<JPfJfJg~ yU(-fp?<N@/Nf/Jg Jg <` </HzN0RDJg$yP/ N/ NJPOJg$yP/ N/ NJPO$yPfgtB@*fh?<N@/Nf/JDg <` <3/ yPf h6c hAb <` </HzN_jpL N^NuNVBRBRN^Nucontinue disrobing.NVJRfJRg HzNBgHzHzN_jN`$BgHzHzN JRgN`B@N^Nucloak crumbles and turns to dust!armor turns to dust and falls to the floor!shirt crumbles into tiny threads and falls apart!helmet turns to dust and is blown away!gloves vanish!Youboots disintegrate!shield crumbles away!NV/ .$9PvgJgPvfHzN0Nа`$9PjgJgPjfHzN0N`$9PngJgPnfHzN0`$9PzgJgPzfHz N0NZ`|$9Pg.JgPf"HzN0N/NhHz N`T$9PgJgPfHzN0N`"$9P~g$JgP~fHzN0N/Nh`B@`p$.N^NuNV n. JPg hf9ML0JPzg hfAML0N^NuNV n"h )&g )&f< `<@"(%('Bh>B@1|'D1| FBH"9R!ALN^NuThere seems to be nothing available for a familiar.The figurine writhes and then shatters into pieces!get a bad feeling about this.NVH 8(ng2,H Ё$@U`^?<NBTOJ@gNm$@f@Hz0N` 9W/Ng?<NBTOJ@g 9C/NgEY`EWdj$9LCH?9LBH?/ Na&@j$POfgLHzN`*% B@J@f.*% B@f gTff/ NXOJf"JM@fJPgAMJf hf HzNXO*' B@gHzN/ N PO`/ Nj(XOJ@gr/ N/HzN*' B@ gt/ NXOJg <` j(+g <` </Hz|N/ N  `*/ NpnB* B* $SZ#SZ/ N' N`` $RfjLN^NuThe leash comes off!NV/ $n/ Npn$S^#S^*' B@XOgHzN/ N PO/ N' B*"n B* $nN^NuNVH80&n$n k(-V(-V* 0gln %g`P `nH _lP`< j f j f/+NBXOJfp`(JfJg B0*xЄxb8;N@.\:JgB@` j f/+NBJgRJgp`p2ЪRn k (Ff,2*HAU Ё0*g k ((`fp`ZJg@p`RJg8p`J kJ(+mJg$p`6JgB@`. jcJg p`Jgp`p`B@*fp`pL N^NuNVH<. . A0J(mZH:REH8RD(H2A@n2H@m*(H2A@n(H@m 0j^` PHJ(lpLf:J2f4?<NBTOld"/ / NcdPOJgk k |&Sf .g J.g .g(9RLlJmgHHA00H=Dp|RnG/`L.H?.H?EjN40.H&38H?38H?NPOBl s8s8RnS. .f .Rg.Hnf.HnfALBXP Fo=|`-$ B@J@g=|`BnJn g FnALB.f .(g, FojGLBHE1HxTH/NFPOHH2 B@ @o*?<EBNTOJ@gJnfJ2g?,NTOJ@g=|Jnf,&yPbg / / NPOJ@g &Sf`=|-% B@gBnALB.f4.(f*fJl"?.?.N( @XOg Phnn$<+ m(+g$< k m(/g (/f/HnHn/ Ne@g/ NXOJgB.=|BG`0HAH(H??NjXO @o-' B@f0H6gE1HxT2F/ NFPO2H2 B@g??N$@BA* B@- T@XOAo| j (cf/-NBXOJg^Jn f/ / GhNPO @f?<NBTOJ@g(*.Rg/ / N @g`0H 6gl??N( @XOgX-' B@f6( B@f?<(NBTOJ@f?< NBTOJ@f`J9L;g / N7XO&yPZ??NB@XOJgx`l+ H@f^+ H@fRB@+g-' B@g> +%f*/ / NPO n o(-LRnFE=GB0+EHx/NFPO2H;@>(-LRl+yRLB0+EHx/NFPO22ArB0ѭL-% -"nR-".H?.H?NXXOJ@g$/ N// NXO/HzlN g B0,йR/HxNPOl/ NXO`&SfBB.H0@Bo:0HAHFf (HEf0B@?NBTOJ@fRB Bo.H=D?.H???EQN4??.H?.H?N@fR..H?NBTOJ@gDJBm@oRJnfL.Hnf.Hnf?<NBTOJ@g?< NBTOJ@fFEJBlB.=GRG.HGn.Hnf.Hng0.H6gp-' B@gR/ N// NXOJg < ` m(.g < ` < /HzN/ N / NNB@`E1GFHxT2n/ NPO @0.HA0.HHxTH/NPO.HH2n n t0H2AH;SBJBnnn`-' B@g?.?.NjXO @oELBH8.Ƙ@?IN<GH8.Ę@?N:/-@H?BAI0.@=@ȀA=@@H?Nh J@f??Ny>4^B0l^@@@XO`0?HnNy/-.H?.H?NhJ@f|RB0R@2l^@@@0Bn4\B0l^@@@`0?HnNy/-.H?.H?NhJ@f$RB0T@2l^@@@0Bnm m - HE1GFHxTH/NPO @- HHA0.HHxTH/NPO.HH2n n / N&/ NzPO/ NXO @g/ N&pL ho6,% B@f,% B@J@f,$ B@J@g ??<NBTOJ@f / N{XO/ N/HzNvת6B@*& g|$*@gNjBJ*(g <!G` <!K/Jf <` <!O/HzN%B@ fb/ N*`X*% B@g> ЪD%@D/HzN`0*' B@g *% B@gHz`HzN-Zp`B@L N^NuNV/. . HHxTH/NFHH1 @B(BA Ao A g Af( B@@ g<H$.N^NuNVH?0:.<. 6. A/CLB?<$?8BgESN?<N?<NHHCH@H… yU\O(-gHzl` yU(+gHzsNB@` AMPJgf 0 0f <+` <+"/ 9MP0 0f?< N@TO/NfXO` ?< N@TO/Hz'N0`NJ@oHz0N0`tALVJPgD0( @gbJ@g`V @g`LHz,NXO?< N@/Hz7N`&?<Nz~TOJ@gALDJfJ(gALBH(H8A(H(H6AJhg\?<NBTOJ@g @g`6?< N@/HzN`/9N2N/HzN`HzN0`N?<NHxT2D/ NFPO2H1$@* B@TOg ??N`JMhgN:` </HzHN??HyudNa/N&`?<NBTOJ@fzN: @f0<`0<2HAU Ё0 fJHzN??N: @f0<`0<2H ЁU/Na/N&`?<NBTOJ@f|HzN* B@XOJ@f`JM@fJPf HzNXO???<=N2|??NY**`*BA Ag Ag A nfHzN?<NB\OJ@f?<NZ@?Hx NPOHzu?<NSTO op`p?NTO?N*`??N}XXOJ@m"Hz=`|*BA Ag AgJAfbA/N Sg( Pg"?<NSTO n?<NBTOJ@gHz`HzN?<NZ@?Hx N`?<#N`:TOA/N Sg Pf?<NSH@TOEo* B@gHzNHzN*`BgNSTO o2?<NBTOJ@f"??N XOJfHzN*`^HzN**??E NPOJg69LCH?9LBH?NXOJfHz??N ` HzNpL|N^Nu0$#)throwIt's too heavy.cannot throw an object at yourself.NV/ HzHzN$@POg?<Nz~TOJ@fg: *$f2"*&ӹN`& *$f / NG`Hzg/ NPOJfB@` jf yU(.fHz?Np`ALDJfJ(fJ(f Hz)N`?<NTOPffT/ Ng\XOJ@gBg/ Ngp`^ jc?</ N/N^ `,BN^XOJPfgp`& jc?</ N\O/ N/ N:^$nN^Nu%s hits the floor.The flask breaks, and you smell a peculiar odor...NVH8(nGLBHE1HxTH/NFPOHH2 B@ @f / NXO`/ N/Hz\N ?</ NF \OJ@f. ,!fHzGN/ NȀB/ Nv`/ NlLN^Nu%s hits the ceiling, then falls back on top of your %s.Fortunately, you are wearing a helmet!falling objectThe ball pulls you out of the pit!The ball pulls you out of the web!The web is destroyed!The ball pulls you out of the bear trap.leftright%s %s is severely damaged.thrown ballNVH8<(nAMJPg$hTA/  `ALFJgl?<N@// NXO/HzN ,!f/ HyKNø`JPzg HzNXOHzJPzgp` ?,NTO?N*?</ NF J@fb/ Nl`V/ NL`L l&f4ALEH?(H?N.$@XOKf/ NL` l~f/ N XOJ@fBgNSTO op` BgNSTOH2lRAA0,H6@PfJN2gv` CovJCnv ,)g ,*fJJPfgBB0,EGFHx/NPO$ yPfB0(Hx/NPO02D@r(fRC lfv/ BB,H??ALEH?(H?N$@gH??0 n*(&/N XOJl۹NHzNB@`|AMJPg"ET/N/Hz1N$R۪6`NALFJgNl,?<N@/Hz/EN JPzgHzN` HzMNXOA/CLB`BgNSH?EN8NPXOJg ?<N@TOELBH*HGH*HC?A?N#XOJg A/`4?ALEH?(H?N#\OJg//N!POJgBJg9/H?9/H?/N@`POG/H?E/H?NXXOJ@gH?H?NYpL |N^NuSatiated Hungry Weak FaintingFainted Starved %NVAL\00N^Nudeep friedpickledsoup made frompureedrottenI<I(IIJJ NVCLLJi~g yU(`<@NB@N^Nucannibal! You will be sorry for this!feel hidden!turn to stone.%s meatcannot resist the temptation to mimic a treasure chest.You now again prefer mimicking a human.normalstrangefeel a %s mental acuity.velocity suddenly seems very uncertain!seem slower.seem faster.feel a change coming over you.Oh wow! Great stuff!What a pity - you just destroyed a future piece of art!feel very jumpy.feel in control of yourself.feel a momentary chill.feel full of hot air.feel healthy.health currently feels amplified!feel wide awake.feel very firm.NVH<04.BCBD 9E/Nf2HAU Ё0/f`.2HAU Ё0.gHz~NLXO Bfgn^ Bn. Bl B n B l B g` Bg4` B/gn B.g` B0g Bbg.` Bg`n( Bgn Bgg`v Bg Bg0`d BgTn Bg4 Bg:`L Bg Bg(`8Nj`l3MM``3M`T3M`HAN0L0`2L`&ELJfL *IgD?<dNB@2H$TOJfP yU()fB*H?9LBH?N`HXO`&JLf HzNXOALBgzڹM(/N\OBgzڹM(/N`/9UNBXOJfl?<(N#/&HzN2HAU Ё/0Hz/9/&NJ?<Nu`C CCELL @fHzNRD?NV#J2#J/*$N`AMJ(mJPg <K ` <K/HzN`HzN0AM XOJ(lHzN`jM!HzN`THzNNT`@2H Ё$@U?< / N\OJfmf$HzvNBg*9Mh/Nf ?</ N\OJgGMXJgHzLNRDBXO*/g BgBNMH\O*)g,*H?< NBTOBlELJ*mHz4`nJ*)l,*H?<NBTOBlELJ*mPHz`/ NӨ/J+(g <oc` <og/HzHnNXO/NJ` k/HnN POJ+:g$0kXO$RfBPb Cn@J9Lg$HzN?<nHylN yfNUbJ9LfNx Cf,Hzh$/N/9/&/N #/&9M B@gHz>/9/&N POBNHy/.HnN .`o .zn.Jy/f( C g </N` <s/HnHzN AN$jB CnHx /NPOCN(Ց9/H20@" 9/o( 9/op ` 9/H@0@N(" C f.9N(#N( C fBBN$ySZgjJy/f HzRNXOgNV. . yrg(f ( f ` PfBN^NuNVH 0$.. .H?H?N @XOg>"( Rn2$h/NXOJg 6@/ / /N J@fp`RJJfB@L N^NuNVCMJQf0Jf* yU (eg?.)eH?9LBH?NN^NuNVH00. . . H?H?N&@XOg +g +g$HR@r2HRA?NBTOJ@gB`</+N4@XOgRJoN`0? NB2@ k1TO g" ?g<?`< S f` k 0 f SJB0fC`R k  gJf/ NzL N^NuSomething is written here in the dust.Something is engraved here on the floor.Some text has been burned here in the floor.There's some graffiti here on the floor.Something is written in a very strange way.feel the wordsread%s: "%s".NV/ ?. ?.N$@XOg jJg*H0@ Srb`2;N*6JM@fBJPf:Hz`,HzN`6HzN`*JM@fJPf HzNXOB@`HzNT`pXOJ@fJM@f6JPf./*JM@fJPg <` </HzN$nN^NuNVH806.8. $. ??N"&@XOg / NzXO/EN@?N&@&r#rCD pЋ'@//NB |/NR@7@ L N^NuNVH BBJPfg\ yPfB@(gJ ()f(B0(EHx/NF2 B@fJP~g yP~B@(ft0LN^Nu#-()/[0`?+What would you write? "Jonah was here"?write withhave no free %s to write with!can't even hold anything!That is a bit difficult to engrave with, don't you think?can't engrave with such a large object!%s would get dirty.can't reach the floor!write in the dust with your %s.The %s is a wand of lightning!The %s is a wand of fire!The %s is a wand of digging!The engraving on the floor vanishes!write in the dust with %s.are%s too dull for engraving.engrave with %s.marker is dried out.write in the dust with the marker.write with %s.wipe out the message that was written here.burnedengravedscribbledcannot wipe out the message that is %s in the rock."%s" is now written on the ground."%s" is now engraved in the rock."%s" is now burned in the rock."%s" is now scribbled on the rock."%s" is now written in a very strange way.engraveburnwriteWhat do you want to %s on the floor here? Flames fly from the wand.feel the wand heat up.Lightning arcs from the wand.are blinded by the flash!hear crackling!Gravel flies up from the floor.hear drilling!You finish writing.You finish engraving.get%s dull.marker dries out!only write "%s".You cannot write more.The bugs on the ground slow down!The bugs on the ground speed up!The ground is riddled by bullet holes!The bugs on the ground stop moving!A few ice cubes drop from your %s.The %s unsuccessfully fights your attempt to write!NVH?<9LCH?ELBH?Nv*@BBy.XOJjgHz9NB@` HzRHzN&@POfB@` NJ@f*Pfg"J"f?<N@/HzNB@` r yU(*f(+gHz`PfHz N` <R"g&+H?HzND\OJgHz,N` R"g0+H?HzdND\OJg/ N /HzN0`JLf yU (ef +/gHzNB@`R"f*?<N@/Nf/HzN<`` +/f|/ N"XOJ@glB0+EHx/NFPO2g/ N<XO`B0+~b>;Np`dz"B0+EHx/NFPO2 B@J@fJ9LB0+EHx/NFPO2 B@J@fNJ9L;Np&HnHzV`HnHzo`HnHz`HnHzNPO`THnHzNT`PO`B f <` f <` <$/HzNHnNN6 BEI  f RERL  g/ N6XOg .g kf$JM@fJPfHzN`Hz`x kfHJM@f:JPf2HzNHzNBg?<2NTOH/Nn`6Hz`( kf(JM@fJPf Hz|N` HzNXO$LBBBgh f?<NBTOJ@g8JM@fJPg?< NBTOJ@gJM0g"?<NBTOJ@f?<]NB!TORJRBBfH0@ S~b.>;Np 0 0 Co0H D@3.#/*` f+HVBBRB`+HB#/* g #/* +/g k1g +)fHz/ NH/HzN0Bo>6B40 f|`HzN0B+XO/ HzN#W/*PO`0@+ g >DG3.`0H D@3.Jy.fB/*`By.ܺg/-NE@XO>G?N$@$r#rALBXP I%LTOg&/-/ NHn/ N / Nz`Hn/ NPO>RG5G D"yR.%I CoB,B0+~b>;Npdxx$0xxxxxxxx<xHTHHzjN`HHzN`. <.Jng0ER@?NB6@TOEo4`4`??NXORBEl0`0BlDo4`4`??NXORBDl0`0BlCo4`4`??NXORBCl0`0Bl`0DR@?NB6@TODo4`4`??NXORBDl0`0BlEo4`4`??NXORBEl0`0BlCo4`4`??NXORBCl0`0BlLN^Nudown: no wall at %d,%d?down door from %d,%d going nowhere?up: no wall at %d,%d?right door from %d,%d going nowhere?left: no wall at %d,%d?corridor in direction %d?NVH?<<.>. 0. @f0H"Ҁ0H"@A1J1f*1H:E1H8E0 R@2:@0`2H Ё4G* $E-@&@2H?NB2H:A2H2H8@0 R@2:@0$<1HxT6M/ NFPO2 H& B08 B@TOJ@g08 B@ @ o? ? HzBNT`PO2H Ё2HA00H0/? ? NpE1HxT6M/ NFPO2 H2RLPO Go??HzNT``VRG0H"Ҁ0H"@A1J1f&1H1H0R@28A0@`2H Ё4G* $E-@&@2H?NB2H8@2HC0R@28A0@$<1HxT6D/ NFPO2H"A B1 B@TOJ@g1 B@ @ o??HzNT`PO2H Ё2HA00H0/??NpE1HxT6D/ NFPO2H2SCPOBg` @f0H"Ҁ0H"@A1J1f*1H:E1H8E0 R@2:@0`2H Ё4G* $E-@*2XH2XH:@&n2H?NB2H8A0 R@2:@0$<1HxT6M/ NFPO2 H& B08 B@TOJ@g08 B@ @ o? ? HzdNT`PO2H Ё2HA00H0/? ? NpE1HxT6M/ NFPO2 H2RMPO Fo??HzDNT``xRF0H"Ҁ0H"@A1J1f&1H1H0R@28A0@` 2H Ё4G* $E-@*2XHD&@2H?NB2H6@0R@28A0@$<1HxT6D/ NFPO2H"A B1 B@TOJ@g1 B@ @ o??HzkNT`PO2H Ё2HA00H0/??NpE1HxT6D/ NFPO2H2SDPO?<??? ? N:` ?HzNT`L;NpBz2H Ё0D. G"F0SE2H Ё"F0`2H Ё0D. G"F0RE2H Ё"F0`V0H"Ҁ0H F0SD0H0`*0H"Ҁ0H F0RD0H0??NXO`LN^Nuleft end of %d, %d never connected?up end of %d, %d never connected?NVH?XO???<WN2$@|?<NBPOJ@g / N>XO???< N2$@B*?<?< N 5@/ N?p5@?<NBJ@g / N>XO?<GBNTOJ@g"???<N2$@?<N@?<N`,???<N2$@?<N@?<NB J@f* ?<NBTOJ@g / N>XO?<NBTOJ@g???<N2$@P*L N^NuGood Lord! An endless stream of snakes pours forth!The fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms.NVH ?<N4TO9wfj\~HzNNNjHzNPO`HzN?<N@ ?NfNm4PO`HzNXOJLf yU ((`g0Hy/bHzNHz*?<NTO?N*`P?<?<N ?NMHz?< NTO?N* `N`N` HzN?<N@ ?Nf$yPbPOg?<NBTOJ@f / N>XO$Rf`HzNHzNLPO`BNֺ`GLBHE1HxTH/NFPOHH2 B@J@fN`FN`@HzzN yKXOg(($ Pf`?<NTO` HzgNXONL N^Nusword rusts somewhat.sword looks quite rusted.Well, it looks wet now.A murky hand from the depths reaches up to bless the sword.As the hand retreats, the fountain disappears!ExcaliburThe water glows for a moment.A feeling of loss comes over you.A strange tingling runs up your %s.feel a sudden chill.An urge to take a bath overwhelms you.lost some of your gold in the fountain!Far below you, you see coins glistening in the water.NVH 0&n?<NTOJLf yU (efHz` @ nT+ B@f< k6c4 kAb, +oHzN0S+XO`HzN0XO`Hz`b @ n k>f yLTcHzENHz N?<Hz1/ N\&@/ N>~+ GLBHE1HxTH/NFPO+HH A00Jvf +I f0CLJf& yU()f)H?9LBH?N`HS9/`Hz `0@pЈt b4;N 4444v~PO`RB@+g&JM@fJPf Hz)NXO+` Hz1NXO`N`Nn`N`NV`BgNTO`BgN@/Hz N `HzNXO`Hz$NENXOt lNpPHx /NPOHzNGLBHE1HxTH/NFPOHH2XO`H9LCH?9LBH?9/Ht2@0@?NTOZ@H/N@`HzN NL N^Nuare floating high above the sink.take a sip of very cold water.take a sip of very warm water.take a sip of scalding hot water.It seems quite tasty.sip of boiling waterThe sink seems quite dirty.something squirmyEek! There's %s in the sink!The sink emits some odd liquid.The sink emits a stream of %s water.find a ring in the sink!Some dirty water backs up in the drain.The pipes break! Water spurts out!The water moves as though of its own will!But it quiets down.Yuk, this water tastes awful.Gaggg... this tastes like sewage! You vomit.This water contains toxic wastes!undergo a freakish metamorphosis!hear clanking from the pipes....hear snatches of song from among the sewers...A murky hand reaches up out of the drain... --oops--coldwarmhottake a sip of %s water.NVH0HzN`^HzN`PHzNXOJLhf" yUJ(*m/9Pf?<ND\OJ@gHzN` Hz?<NTO?N*`9cogHzN`9LCH?ELBH?HycdNa#0POJfJPg <`/90NXO/HzcN`zBg?<!N3T @#,XO hg(( B@((JM@fJPgHz'NXO`BJMhgN:`$ y,B0(EHx/NFPO 2/HzNPO y,B@CM@JfJPfJ(fp(( y,Rh1|/NB/9,Nv`ELBH$<1GFHxTH/NPO @IHHA(0 B@J@fNHz~NH?H??<=N2|HHxTH/N @HH"@A(11`HzIN`HzcNS9/KLBHE1GFHxTH/NPO @IHHA0HHxTH/NPOHH A00R9/XOJvf -I fZCLJfN yU()f>)H?9LBH?N`H`"HzEN9LCH?9LBH?HymTNa JfHzN`HzNBg?<NbN`HzN?<NSHv@?N@ ?NfNm4`HzNHzNNT`lHzN``HzN`TJMhg HzN`@?<EBNTOJ@g?<NTOJ@g <` <` </HzNL< N^Nu  NVH 0$n&J3LHyVNN`HXO Ag> Af B+`9*HAg AfgSJHzNZXO` A fB` Ao. A~n( otOmB*/ NZRJXO`l9ZHAg AfFgTSJ 9/f 9/oHzNZ//` HzNZXOf`N` L N^NuNVHzNdN^NuHit spacereturn to continue: NV/ ?< NTOJ9LgN Af B+`R9*HAg Afg0SJHzNZXO` A fB` Ao A~nB*BBv`8/ N/2H Ё/5/ NJ@f Cf6`vRB2H ЁJfJCmT2H Ё/5/ N/ NZ$K/ IN b/ NXOxOe/ NXO`/ NZ XO nxOmRJ`9ZHAg AfgSJHzNZXOf`N`L<N^NuNVH> J9/g B9/`9LBELC`H`dH??N{XOJ@gNHxT2D/ NFPO2H1 @B@(f"9PfP(??NTXORHHT@AnRH9LBHT@AnnL|N^NuNVH>06.ALRJPgLJCgHBPEH?GH?N\vHG1HxTH/NFPOHHXOJ9/g B9/`JCf9LB`9LCH`H??N{XOJ@gzHxT2D/ NFPO2H1$@* B@g??N/N' POB@*f*9Pf *9PH?H??NTN\ORH9LCHT@An^RH9LBHT@An6L |N^NuYou're too small to push that boulder.There's %s on the other side.hear a monster behind the boulder.Perhaps that's why you cannot move it.push the boulder into a pit!It completely fills the pit!The boulder falls into and plugs a hole in the ground!push the boulder and suddenly it disappears!push the boulder into the water.Now you can cross the water!With great effort you move the boulder.try to move the boulder, but in vain.However, you easily can push it aside.However, you easily can pick it up.However, you can squeeze yourself into a small opening.NVH?< yU(+fKLC,<1`9LD9LB9LEBgNV yUTO(+gHzfN`XH?H?N{XOJ@g4HxTH/NFPO2H$ F0( B@ @ o0( B@ @fJ9LDg J9LEfH?H??<N\OJfHxT8B/ NFPO @0HAh0 B@gX??N$/NPOJg/N/HzN ` HzNXOJ9L* B]~b*>;NpHzN/ Nl/ NH?H?NXJ@g??N`HXO`(HHxTH/NFPO @HHAh0J9LfHzN`HzN`JPbgN@ZJ@nJ9LDgJ9LEg9LBHEFHxTH/NPO @H9LEHAHAh0 B@ @ n<9LBH9LDHAHxTH/NPO @HHAh0 B@ @ o yU(+g HzN`>p`<H9LEHA?9LBH9LDHA??<N&@\Of4B@L yUJ(f(JLf (ef <ۯ` <۸/Hz`hALVJPgx hfJ9LJ*g8 yU(+f*, B@ @g+ B@ @f B9L)`NJ@mALDJgzJ(gtH?ELBH?GNXOJgV*H?H?NXOJg@ yU(+gHz4N0`JPbgN@(J@oHz2N`JPgX yP( H?( H?H?H?NQPO @o&/9PNNXOJ@g9LCH?9LB`B yP( H?( H?H?H?NQPO @n& yP( H?( H?/9PNPO`N yP2(IAJ@o.JPbg <ܶ` </Hz~NBgNV` yP( H?( H?/9PNd/9PNc9LCH?9LBH?/9PNBx?ALB9/оf 9/Ѿ(g",BA Ag Ag Ag Af BgNVTO yU(/gnBBGLCH?ELBH?NB@XOJf0HE1HxTH/NFPOHHB@2gtAM`(ALDJfJ(gALL ]fm9MAM@JfJPf((( (GLB+G9LC+G9LCH?H?EN9LIH?9LHH?NPOgf(+f NN` NGLBHE1HxTH/NFPO+HH2 B@ @fJf yU (efNJ9L.fbGLCH?ELBH?NB@XOJf0HE1HxTH/NFPOHHB@2g?<NlTO`9LCH?9LBH?NXO9LCH?9LBH?N(XOJg/NL N^Nupick up %s's tongue.But it's kind of slimy, so you drop it.feelseeYou don't %s anything in here to pick up.There is nothing here to pick up.cannot reach the floor.NVH 0AMJPg`"hT i(+g"/ N/Hz(NHz3N`JM@fJPg <` </Hz6N`GLCH?ELBH?NB@XOJf>HE1HxTH/NFPOHHB@2fHzNB@`,JLf yU (ef HzN`BgNlpL N^NuNVH?<=| BEBnJM@fJPfJyL,g9LBHD`09LCHC`ALBHDf (HCgE1HxT2D/ NFPO2H2 B@g??N(@XOg,# B@J@ft,# B@gJLf yU()gN,# B@f> yL,gJ,"gJALBH(HADf(H(HACg `E1HxT2D/ NFPO2H2 B@J@gALBH(HADf(H(HACgE1HxT2D/ NFPO2H22 B@ @ oAPg(f(ALBHDg (HCfp yL,fX` 9PfELBHG1HxTH/NFPOHH3 B@ @gAL, Pg Pf~ALCH(HA?ALBH(HA???EQN4PO Bn Ef?? ??NPO @g=|nl=B:D>g=|`BnRE`9Pf yL,g`&9PfHJLf^ yU (egP(+fHALBH(HADf2(H(HACg` yL,gf BgNV`vRC9LCHR@ClRD9LBHR@Dl Eo yL,gAL, Pg Pf.Jnf&JnfJng Eg Ef nf nf:ALDH(H<A2@f(H9LBHM@ft`t`ALDJg2EJg*f (HGgjALD(gX(HGfR`LALBH< @0(H<A2@fJ(g&ALBH< @0(H<A2@g J(gt`tELNR Bn Bm4ALB< F(GL<. . AM@Jf`JPfVJhgALBfD(f<H*<1EFHxTH/NPOHH((E4H B@ @ ntGLBHHxTH/NPO @KHHAX0 B@ @f<4H B@f,HHxTH/NPO @HHAXBA0gH?H?NjXO @onHE1HxTH/NFHHB@2gD9/m9/n9/m9/o 9/m9/n9/m 9/np`B@L<|N^NuNV0.op` J@fB@`pN^NuNVH?<(n*n ELCH?GLBH?N=@HA0"n0"n 0R"n0"n0RHG1HxTH/NFPOHH3 B@XO @f9LBG0`9LCHHxT2F/ NFPOE1`|H0H$2( B@ @ o^2( B@ @gN??NXOJ@m>ng8HJ3g.33"n3R"n$3R`@RH9LCHR@AlrRH9LBHR@Al4"nB"n$BLXO kSf@?<SNxTOJfB9N ` ?<NNPJ@m N `N L0L N^NuNV/ $n j\fJjg / N XO/ N / Nc/ NnB/ Nv$nN^Nuerror in freeobjNVH 8$nB@PZf yPZ#PZp yPZgf p PfJ@f HzNqXO/ NCJILCH?GLBH?NB@POJf`HE1HxTH/NFPOHHB@2f0+Jvf +I fJLf yU()gNXLN^Nuerror in freegoldNVH 8&n+HE1HxTH/NFPO+HH2Kf#K`$$yKʷgf HzNqXO$Rf$/ N ILCH?GLBH?NB@POJf`HE1HxTH/NFPOHHB@2f0+Jvf +I fJLf yU()gNXLN^NuNVH8 8.6. B|"yK²gtE|) H@f) H@f `Rp$)( ㈀J@g2 rg&(H@f(H@f #| ` Pf"QfBLN^NuNV/4.2. yPZg ( H@f( H@f ` PfB$.N^NuNVH88.6. 4. ??NB@Jg2 yPZg&( H@f( H@f hf ` PfBLN^NuNV . yPbgfp` PfB@N^NuNV0. yPbghf ` PfBN^NuNV0. n ghf ` PfBN^NuNV/4.2. yKʰg (H@f(H@f ` PfB$.N^NuNV/$.?<*N @|$N!B&L0$.N^Nutake offwearwieldcanwrite withrubelse don't have anything %sto %s.What do you want to %s? [*] What do you want to %s? [%s or ?*] No count allowed with this command.Never mind.cannot %s gold.are not carrying any gold.throwYou can only throw one item at a time.don't have that object.don't have that many! You have only %u.That is a silly thing to %s.NVH?<*n,. 8|GBB.B.B.B.B. 0fRM< $fRM|JNgn`B. #fRM| -fRM|J.g-J.g$ d +-f <a$yPbg\Jg*H?/ ND\OJg(0LRLJ9L(g*`Hz/N\POJ@f4 *"?g`PjfJPvfPPnfJPjf@JPvf8Hze/N\POJ@f *"?fHzL/N\POJ@f*#gSLR.Hz'/N\POJ@f *(f j]ffHz/N\POJ@f j fLHz/N\POJ@f *(f jef*Hz/N\POJ@f *(f jhg jigSL zf<A`R$RfB3f d + fB#/ HnNPOxLlV8|0L+`8HH4D2 RA@f"HR@Jg -fSHR` <-RHRL3ff:J.f4J.f.J.f(/J.g <o` <u/HzNB`J.fJy.f,/HzNPO`Jy.fHn/HzN B`8JgN ?g *gH?N``TO ЂHA"@$ <NˮH?N'TOJ@fH?N'TOJ@gHz`H?Hy\ND\OJgJ9L*g8$Rf`. @o Zn:$yPbgJg S$RffHzNXO`Jm B0*o?*HzN\O`J.f,g&*H?/ ND\OJf/HzN` f*#g *(gPff j~g jgf/ NRKXO$RfB6f HzN`HnNB@L N^NuNV. BA /o 9nr0N^NuNV/ $n jcSj/ N?p5@`/ N$nN^NuIllegal objectsAmuletsComestiblesWeaponsToolsIron ballsChainsBoulders/StatuesArmorPotionsScrollsWandsSpellbooksRingsGems%s%s%s%sNVH0 . H?HyND&\OJTff0/9/EN$/9/N@B?N#Tf Jf&<J/g:J/g2/9/ AT*/0/9/Hza/9TfNJ`$ AT*/0HzB/9TfNJ 9TfL N^NuNV yPbBAg" Ana`'@ PRAf3TN^NuThis doorway has no door.Picking the lock of an open door is pointless.This door is broken.lockpickopengive up your attempt to %s the lock.succeed in %sing the lock.doorNVH00AΎJPf$ hCLB( f( )g`GΒELBH*HAHxTH/NFPO*H*HBH1ЁgBk `8 yΒ(BA Ag,nJAg `2 Ag`*HzN`HzN`HzN`AΜRP P3l yU(*gfAΎJPg h( B@g` yΖ( B@f <)` y`ΐf <)` <)/HzqN``?<dNBTOyΚop`NAΎJPg h( B@f <)` y`ΐf <)` <)/Hz,NEΒ R( B@POgHz#N R(` yΒ( B@ @f(( ` yΒ((@` yΖ( B@f <)` y`ΐf <)` <)/Hz~NCΖ Q( B@@ @(( Q( B@POg ?</N,ByΜB@L N^Nugive up your attempt to force the lock.One of yY%sour %s broke!succeed in forcing the lock.In fact, you've totally destroyed the %s.NVH08(yP^ yΖCLB( f( )fAΜRP P3lJPfg yU(*gHz N`Jyΐg yPf(H6<@?NBTO @od yPfB@(fR/N / yPf hc <-0` <-9/HzN/9PfNhHzN`*N?<dNBTOyΚop`HzNEΖ R( B@@ @((XOJjf?<NBTOJ@f/N /HznN$yP^ gGΖ$&*flP^f#P^`(?<NBTOJ@g *!f / N XO`8 S$ S B9LCH?9LBH?/ NBx/ N"` `(J$Bf/9ΖNByΜB@L N^NuNVByΜN^Nuresume your attempt to %s the lock.picking the lockopening the lockcan't hold a %s - you have no hands!picking lock with object %d?closeThere is %s here, %s the lock? The %s won't fit the lock.No checks, no credit, no problem.I don't think %s would appreciate that.feelsee%s no lock on the drawbridge.%s no door there.can't lock a door with a credit card.UnlL%sock it? The %s won't fit the door.NVH?<(n8,AΜJPgvhfpAΎJPg h( B@g` yΖ( B@f <)` y`ΐf <)` <)/HzNBg D`g` yU(*g/ N /Hz`0 D`g$ Dag Dcg Dbg?HzNT`B@`?<Nz~TOJ@gALBH(H<A(H(H:AFfȶEfvn??NB@XOJg$yPZgGΎK* H@ft* H@fh jmg jnfV Daf* B@g>* B@f <0N` D`f <)` <)// NXO/Hz,N?<qHyoNH Cqg Cng Dbf"*,g/ N /HzN`^0DpЈ~b|>;Np.lV?<NSHTO 9R/NWB2ABA`"?<NSH@TO 9R/NWA4A`?<NSH4BKTO`4<`BBB@*gJBlRBBB[ K0*` $Rfz Cygl`HxT2F/ NFPO2H1&@+ B@gj??N$@/ NPOJgP*# B@J@fB Daf$B@*&f fHzN-Z`z/ N/HzNv`b+ B@ @gd??N}XXOJ@m&JM@fJPg <0` <0/Hz`$JM@fJPg <0` <0/HzN`+BA AgnJAg `" Ag`Hz"` Hz6`Hz_N` Daf+ B@fHztN`+ B@g <18` <1;Np4v`?<NSH@TO 9R/NWB2ABA4A`Z?<NSH2A@TO 9R/NW@4@`.?<NSH4BFTO`/ N /HzN`HBBAΎ0!KB9L)AΚ01DBhBg D`f </` <//HznN_jpLHxHzv/+N J@f$BgHyNT/ ?NPBgN6NC|N8|3NRLB?<HyNT\O Bo k -fXKSB S(H0@pЈxb8;N@Z,HzHy/.N\POJ@f L`|L`p SJ(gHx(T/Hy/.`B BoSBXKHx/Hy/.`*HzRNXO`.By/`$Hx(T/Hy/NN `/Hz7NPO`N?<NTOJ9LgHz!Hy/.NPO`J9/.fNSlN,ND3O09@NgSy3b09b@gSybNmHxHy/.HyNHzHyN N8|?<NˬJ@gBgHyN4\Om?NDTOJ@fHyNhXOJ@fELHyn?< NHz5NHyVN?NJ@gJfJgHy/.HzNNPOJ9Lg HzNXOALJfJ(g2Hz!N?<nHylN nfHyNhXOB9L)`^NUHy/.HzNPOJ9Lg HzNXOB9L)Nی?<Nl9LCH?9LBH?N\OND*AL60 Pf"HzNXOJ9N f"?<NNTO`JyL6f HzNXONHx?< NNMB@L N^Nudie...You can move again.NVH0JLf,29LTTAp*R@B2//9RN0POJf L0RRAN6(Pot?<NSJlRHv@0H//9RN0POTOJfB?<NSHHHR@?NBAN2RA@0CXO6Pl0L0JLf yU()g?<UNBTOJ@fN`JLg?<dNBTOJ@fNTJyMm&ND2A@AvPA?NBTOJ@fN^JLgJy.m ?<N,TONe~NNH$Ni~?<NSH2A@A(?NBXOJ@f?<N?NXO B@gSUfNo|?<2?<N :XONNJy.lDRy.f?`^?<NBTOJ@gp>`p;?`B?<NBTOJ@f?<./ Nrp\O?<NBTOJ@f?<'` / N8XO @fV?<NBTO @gnJ@g `" @g`?<.` ?</`?<Z/ Nrp\O?< NBTOJ@f?<`*/g?</ ErpN?</ N?<IBNJ@fR?<:/ N?<NPOJ@gp@`p4?/ ErpN?</ N?</ N?<NBJ@f.?<`?<~`*/g?<NBTOJ@g0<`0<?/ ErpN?<NBPOJ@g ?</ N\O?<NBTOJ@g?<// Nrp\O?<NBTO @gTnJ@g` @gl`?<NBTOJ@f?</ Nrp\O?<8/ ErpN?<X/ N?< ?<!`g B@f?<NBTOJ@g?</ Nrp\O?<NBTOJ@g?<9/ Nrp\O?<NBTOJ@g?</ Nrp\O?<NBTOJ@g?<Y/ Nrp?< ?<"/ N2?<NBTOJ@gd?<`T B?gT B9g?<NBTOJ@fp0`p;?`*?<NBTOJ@f ?< ?<$`?<NBTOJ@gidf?<W/ Nrp?< ?< `?<[/ Nrp?< ?<#`?<3/ ErpN?<>`"/ N8XO @f?<J/ ErpN?<XO/ / NxPO~g ?<NBTOJ@f?</ Nrp\O?<NBTOJ@f?<`D?<NBTOJ@f?<^/ Nrp\O?<NBTOJ@f?<` pf?</ Nrp` k(/g+ B@?NB4TOgrBg?<*N3T$@XO jRb?<NT@5@/ N?p5@/ / NxSBf`* yTf Bg?</ / NxL N^NuExcaliburNVH<8(n6. 4.WJCf4JBf0?<?<MN 6?<NB4\O/ ??NhPOJ@gE1HxT2C/ NFPO2H2 B@fg, g,B`9/Hy.fNr`Nm(@g, gl :,$ED?N&@HxD/ HyN 0|TO`B3@RH:,$Hn,.g/0k"n)H D1o DDjVDDJ) ]A) V@@AJ)lR@2 )oR@2BCBB0H1 0JBoR@2 BfR@2RC CoBCBBFE0H1 Bg BfTA` 0JBgR@20HA ((0 @oRARC CoJAfSD` Ao 0lR@@@`0R@H8AJDm0`B@L|N^NuNVH00BCGUEn` 0H$ЂU/N5(XORC2H ЁJ3fL N^NuNVH<8*9TRg#RT9M B@gt2`9/HNJ@o:Hŋ3Ξ0yLTH3ΠBCBy΢IUGn`H0H$Ђ$@U/ NXOJ@f&:9Ξs(n:9Πs(m0* @y΢RC2H ЁJ4fJy΢g~?9΢N6BDTOIUGn`HJCoV0H$Ђ$@U/ N4XOJ@f":9Ξs(n:9Πs(m 0* @@RD2H ЁJ4fJCoB` LXO/ / Nx*H`B@L N^NuNVH00BCtdGU`<2H Ё 3Zn< 3Dg$@U/ N&XOJ@f 0* @@RB2H Ё 3@nJCgn?N4vdTOGU`@2H Ё 3Zn@JBo< 3Dg$@U/ NXOJ@f 0* @@RC2H Ё 3@nJBoB` L N^NuNV0n 7rb22;N $p`p`p(`p2` p<`pP`B@N^NuNVH< n( 9N(-gp`(.f2H?EN4H?NXOBfJl9M B@gB@`FB yNlp`09N@?EBNTOJ@gH?N0T@?NJ@g<HLG?NTOF]f,`<0@HJvg0@HJvg/ / / N2HA0 Pfnp`B/ / / Nx`6P/ / / N`&>G?NTOF]g/ / / N22H= `/ / / Nb `B0H vfp`,Jg+% gp0HAPPRB Bo^0L-@0;@nV/.Nq`H/.N/HzNv`.JM@fJPgHzNXO`GLCH?ELBH?NB@XOJg H?H?NXO/NXO` <R/Hy/. yU/*nJ-:g 0m dg4 g*-% B@f?< NBTOJ@f / N$XO*n-# B@f+*gJf+.gND@~@?NBTOJ@f2`?<NBTOJ@f *n-% B@f /.N\XO?< NBTOJ@f*n-% B@frJM@f2JPf*J.g/.NXO` </Hz`NPO` HzcNXOBg/ N]X\OJfJM@fJPf HzGNXOBBBC0H"BvE  C gn Cgn ClB`: C g`. 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