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PBMCHESSDOC $PBMCHESSPRG $READ_ME P_D $+; PBMCHESS Play by Modem Chess ---- For those Chess adicts who love the game so much, or for those people who at some time or other are very bored and have a friend who's just as bored, now you can play chess in your own home against an opponent who is not. True, there is Battle-Chess on the ST, that lets you play using the STs modem port, but 1) Most people dont have it, it costs $$, and also, one gets very tired of the graphics after a little while. -------------- PBM Chess works on Color or Mono systems. To start playing with a friend, you simply load the program, hit a key to get through the title screen, and type the appropriate modem command to dial the opponent's modem. Once connected, you can type stuff to your opponent, and he can type back. You then agree upon who is to play first, and voila, you then click on the piece you wish to move, then click on the square you wish to place it upon. Both player's screens will then be updated. -- DETAILS -- PBM Chess does not check for illegal moves or any such things. You have total control over the chessboard. Pawns (actually, any pieces) can be promoted, and you can place any piece anywhere. What PBM chess does is it updates both screens (yours and your opponent's). --- Commands --- At the bottom of the screen, there is the area which you can type and receive text to/from your opponent. But there are some commands (which are listed on the main screen, fortunately) you can type. These commands are: 300 -- Typing "300" will put your modem in 300 baud. 1200 -- Set to 1200 baud 2400 -- Set to 2400 baud (you dont need more than 300 baud in PBM) Send -- Sends your screens chessboard to your opponent, in case for some reason (lots of line noise) or whatever, your chessboards are not the same. Back -- Allows you to back up 1 move. (this can only be done once since only 1 chessboard is kept at every move) Save -- This lets you save the current chessboard in a separate area of memory, so that you can come back to it after if you mess up the game or simply want to try out moves. Load -- Loads the memory-saved game Control C -- Sends a "Check" signal to your opponent! Control G -- Sends a "Ding-Dong" signal to your opponent in case he has fallen asleep or something. Undo key -- Exit game --------------------------------------------- This program is now officially PUBLIC DOMAIN, regardless of the Copyright info contained within. If you have any questions, about anything send GEnie e.mail to: O.KOSMATOS -- Odisseas Kosmatos Montreal, Quebec. Quick advertising: CYBER-BBS Mark II v1.0 coming soon! True Multi-User BBS with Built in Multi-Tasking and support for multi-port adaptors. Many P O W E R F U L L features! Supports Cyber-Network, a revolutionary new network system REALLY keeps BBS's informed! * This is my 4th BBS program on the ST, and the first one that is being developped seriously. Have fun waiting March 5th, 1990. `\X/N<AON0E)taSBN BN*`a4aXR$m$$m0$$m$pBf +|V`+|V -V$m0l m0 VaX." -VaK>$m0 Slp$m0$$m ho$m$haX"<haK$m l$m$aW"<aJ?$"a; RplzHxNaUSgaT$m$$m0$$m$$m oaT"<aG$m$ -B$刔Ђ$m0o.aT/ -B$刔Ђ"aG -B$刔Ђ$m0$ -B$ԀЀԀЂ$m0l6aT@/ -B$ԀЀԀЂ"aG@ -B$ԀЀԀЂ$m0$$m laT"<aG $m$?/N$Nupr~A큜aL2pr~A큖aL$p~AxaKp~A큄aKNuHyNNXAha8h?<NNT+@?A8a/6a@($m$$m0$$m$$mB$m $$m $m]HH/$m $Ђ"-Ba$m0mB$m r#Ё$mnB$m $ЂrЁ"-Ba$m0^HHg$m R$m8$$m "p#@aDRaaa$m<$ m8+P m<+P$m<*$m8( m؅ 0HJWHH/pJ-jgpJgB$m<*$m8( m؅ 0HJVHH/pJ-jgpRWHHgPm`Qmp#$m ђ$m o$mR$m _o`1La1ALa-A@a,ADa,A a-Aa-AHa-zpa#$m@ ^HH/$mD ^HHgp$mB$m $$mD r$mҒWHH/$m "p#@aR$m@WHHgpa"pa"pa"p$mH$$mL a'``$m $Ђ"-Ba/$m $ЂrЁ"-Bav#$m ֒$$m "a HxaHxN(Rpa8x$m $Ђ"-Bab/$m $ЂrЁ"-BaHv#$m ֒$$m "a Hxa$mHR$mH oJ]pa"pa"pa"p#$m ђ$m o$mR$m _opa"*`/za/AXa+Vp$mXJgp/pJ-ngpRWHHgA퀀x$m0ؒz$mڒ$m0,$m.a$p$m0 r Ёv$m֒$m0$$m"a D$m0 Vv $m֒$m0$r$mҒa "$m0 \v$m֒t$m0Ԓ$m"a $m0 \v$m֒t$m0Ԓr$mҒa$m0 Rr$mҒaQn`&pJ-ngpJfPnA퀀$m0$$m"a!`.Va.A$a*A(a*pa8^g6pa8V$m$$$m$ f"?H@Nur{0Nu{0NutNu 246j(:<DCaf AfBfNu`a 00Nur$o, b4< J@k @[H@NuH@RBNu4<Ѐ[NuDg8k2 b4< J@k @[H@DBNuH@RBDBNu4<Ѐ[DBNu40rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi ?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<,>CEdGH@0r`xJCgz?<0rÐdSWЃdi?<0rÐdSWЃdid?<0ÐdSWЃd&2 H@kփAр[SBkփejRAd RdQRBJjDBNutNu?<0riR?0i?`?<`@$g\kdHfiHNufnpNupNu"lDaDNuJnDaDNuzxeҁ؄d`ef Nup`$r@&gTkdHöfiH@HNugmNupNuz&lDaDNuJlDxeփ؄d`efNupN"_KMI)O:HQ <-H*,`N,T$d d3 d# d# # d# # # # d ALH dAL H LH d AL`H L|0H>L|H>d~# # # # A`@ALH L|H>L|H>L|PH>L| H>L|H>L|H>L|H>L|`H>L|0H>L|H>QL|Nu$H$&"BA -KaXA"f B &nNuH>dd2d"d""d""""d LHC dLHLH C@d LHL|H| L|H|PCd~""""C`:LHL|H| L|H|PL|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|L|H|@L|H|pL|H|L|H|CQL|Nu`8a8A-Hhp apMa=@F?<NNTT@A0r p0Q`pdr ta0.F=@=@ACp,2QAp 2Qaa2`p`lpeahp`(p?a a\aZaHz?< NA\?<LNAfCR2A0A82r22a"<60<NBLNurt=@:=A@=B2::(   F..26"8@"PQ1!P1P!0PP`0  q#p"A ӘQNu|^|  R^,T:Hz(` N7:Hz ?<&NN\Nu9.gNuW.NuaaaNuNuNupc?a0QNurdd6Ag,B(dB(dH Ac<a tgBAp`6NuNuHz `Hz"` <Hz&?<&NN\Nup CNup C0Nu C NuJBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNu <r4<NuQfHR$n2Jjg$_NuH LNuPfJ.fg0HR$n2Jjf$_NuHC/*%I $n2%_LNua n21@2!G.1F$H&8a Bh4Nu8pA0XL0XL0XL0XANuprt|P;Q:  g +g -f .g40  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b daSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`ZJjDDDS4<.aFJFkSFk4aQa2`&Ha>FFaQ&8*L/a,H܆jDBJ.:gtBn:NuHz 8a x`Hz .aH ` HPHQ0(ika $I _aIUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q _Jf,aId4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @NuSahIdIdId`Q @Nup `X/ a0$I> _a&G` VNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNu/ a$I> _a4Ae4v` VfANu?HP0(T@kHa $I _aIUd4Id4Id$Id `$$$$Q @Jf4Nu0XNup `alUAfQNuag`af`ae `ac` acpNuadpNua8SAkXf SAkXfJANuz`z `z8.^n\Dn\@Hp tr=ED`RG=GYfx-IC=C=C$tBft=B=B(tFJ=BBBB*Do>Eo:@l6Al2DDk =DVBnDEk =EnBn@cVo Acno,_NuAH`/=@a _a X]Ak024E$ Bb5B5A6CC5CK5C:8AB0000DkxEkt00A<:d>:bSFSGFn\GnXDDk0BhDEk1EBh Fchh Gchh0hb"0hbpmrt-|>RH-|>fL`Nu-HN8"?<NNT-@XDbDEbEBb=ET=DV-|PBLBp n20(L=CJ?=B^C=C\=Cj@drAdnED??RGRF=GF=FHtGJ=BltBft=B`=BnGOpЇЇ b na222-IfHVMF,_Nup `T np`x 24DBaDB11!Nu 24DBa DBNu 24x6o<Ce(FC BdЄeNu B/dHDDdRdQRBNu&<:<`^g BbUC BcjNu BcHDDdSkg Aр[RBNu0ftNuB H@"jNuE"eaH"ep`&6NuE "e a&"d&&6NuE"e a"d66NuE"e a"d666NuE"e a̵"d6Nu <}a $Ia `$XaH`adHR?<NNT @"_ <}Nuvn\n^~Ha0 @xepw2AtE4*jDjHB t`0QTAtp =| D`"a`QNuHg"cc/ 0)az _$PS@kH2QNu2(g$PRAA4DBH%$Y2Pg 1AHRAA%NuBhNu~dGdEH<Nup`n0@F@AJhg PLNu`NLJg(HPBHh/??<@NAXLf ѨLNuJkp%`aJBja!| ??<>NAXOJkpNu0< aF`0< CF2p`p a0`p CFp`aCF"p`Hza `Hz"J`B.@=|DNua.@FpAR@C` B.@=|DNuB.@a=GDgNup`Na`aCF"E p`4Jg$_a: HN$_a: HN$_aBHN$_a؄BpHN$_aB0HN$_axBpHN$_alN$_ab؄N$_aXN$_aPN$_aF 0HN$_a:؄00HHN$_a,p0HN$_a 24N$_a:p 0HgpN"X I"_(*UGk*<(؆QNp`p`p` p`pJPg`4$_a!HN$_a؄1HN$_aHN$_a 00N.@<.DAp$I"t Q k"RGef~`SG * g *fSG`<.DjZ\FkBJn`g Fgd Fg^HS&I.aQ`p???<NM\Qj&_NuHQ/? 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Programmer: Odisseas Kosmatos GEnie mail: O.KOSMATOS BBS System: (514) 443-3848 (MASS BBS in Montreal) ...The program was always to be P.D., but when I originally drew the graphics, I had the idea to write "Copyright" simply because it was nifty to do so. Of course, I always intended the program to be in the Public Domain. P.s. I love the ST, I want a Stacy, and I dream of buying an ATW Transputer every day and program on it. Any donations for this program are gladly accepted, even though I did not call this program SHAREWARE (which I have done before) can be send to me: Odisseas Kosmatos 9823 Jeannette LaSalle, Quebec H8R-1S7 [Thanks all you ST users out there.] . !2-.. HI TRI jt .INSECTE CPL kt /^4LEVEL1 CPL lt ='SCORE CPL mt GJTRIF2 PRG :t Z1BOBOREBOPTRIFIDE SOL  TRIFIDE TRIFIDE   TRIFIDE  TRIFIDE  0Pu!!wW1EV#4w . 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ANS c]: MARKET [: PROPS {[: RACE -: BAK (OE-9ONFIG BAK @=DRIVER SYS `qPERS mXl0ONFIG BAK Y1HAL BAT ~REMM40 SYS|Q1<GAMES f=)M BAK `+0HOST20 BATHA BAT ZTROCOMM BAK ۃ%T* Chip Computer BBAAD?ģCoUPPORT020788BBB?BjBRBsBZBEIBVBBC~BBBF BBB%tB%9B$OB$B$JB##B"{B BBBsQB\&B]BmBjBCarlTestAgain BCBaAZ A<?-C٥OPORT020788BBKBBjBVB@tB BcBOBBBeB_BdzB%BBaB%tB%;B$B$B$=JB#SB"B!:B m/BLBBnBՌBBBBCfT B@>P?1AAA??NC@-~pNightAfterCarl032H60M01/11/8801980HardTimeCarl039H43M01/11/8802383AgainCarl039H45M01/11/8802385TestOneCarl1039H46M11//1/1/02386TryAgainCarl040H31M02/06/8802431 BERMUDA RACE II INSTRUCTIONS (SHAREWARE) I. Objective and Introduction The objective is to sail from Newport, Rhode Island to Bermuda in the least amount of time. The normal sea-going obstacles may be encountered. You may be penalized for bad starts or persistently sailing in the wrong direction. You could lose time from experiencing lost (damaged) bilge pump(s) or being hit by following seas. You could lose satellite navigation and have to find your own way. You could be dismasted in a hurricane or run aground in the flats off Bermuda. The player reaching Bermuda in the least total time wins the race and may be listed in the players hall-of-fame. II. Installation (It is short, read all of it!) Bermuda Race II may be executed directly from the floppy disk or copied to another floppy or a hard disk. A backup is recommended. If you put it in a subdirectory, keep it together as you find it. The files are: RACE02.PRG - main program RACE.RSC - resource file RACEPICS - subdirectory for pictures If SAVEGAME.DAT or HALLFAME.DAT are on the disk or created after running the program, keep them in the same directory with RACE02.PRG and RACE.RSC. If the pics are not in a subdirectory called "RACEPICS" create one and put them there or they will not be found. III. Operation From the RUN menu, you may select "Sailing Instruction" (Introduction to Sailing), "Pointers" (Race Description and Pointers) or "Bermuda Race II" (the race itself). From the File menu, you may select "Save Game" (save the current game), "Restore Game" (restore a previously saved race) or "Quit" (return to the desk top). If you choose Sailing Instructions, then you may learn about the boat, sails, compass, basic sailing or navigation. Each part of this tutorial will provide you with a brief explanation of the subject, combined with figures and a question or two to test the skills covered. Use the mouse with the right button on "Continue" or press the return key to move from one frame to the next. To enter a numeric answer, press escape to clear the field, enter the digits and press return. Clicking the right mouse button while pointing to "Return to Main Menu" will allow you to go onto the other tutorial or the race itself. Selecting "Pointers" from the Run menu will lead you to a description of the race, a summary of commands used in the race, sail management explanations, sailing performance guidelines or centerboard operation. The commands and functions available during the race are discussed in detail below. Even experienced sailors are encouraged to review the pointers provided to understand the particulars of how to sail this race. After selecting "Bermuda Race II" from the Run menu, a dialog is displayed to select the seed for the random number generator. Random numbers are used primarily to determine the wind speed and direction. By varying the seed, you can change the whole pattern of the race. Since a two-player race differs from a one-player race, and follow-on races start with the end of the previous sequence, an enormous variety is available. The next dialog allows the selection of the kind of race to be sailed. Available options are: (a) degree of difficulty; (b) number of players; (c) human or computer for second player; (d) if computer, who starts first; and, (e) fast or slow play. The degree of difficulty ranges from 1 through 5, 5 being the most difficult. The degree of difficulty primarily affects how "smart" the computer is in determining its next move as an opponent. The other selections require little explanation except for "fast" versus "slow" play. Fast and slow play simply determine whether the yacht's track is plotted on the chart as the "Report" dialog is displayed. The track is always plotted when the "Chart" function is selected. After completing your selection click on "OK" or press the return key. The next dialog(s) is (are) for player registration. Enter the name of your yacht and the name for the Captain. If your system clock has been set, the current date will be displayed. If your system clock has not been set, you can enter the date. Edit as required with standard edit keys; move from one line to another with the up and down cursor keys. When finished, click on "OK," a return key press will not work here. Note that the name of the yacht and captain for the computer player may be changed. Following player registration, the starting chart and dialog are displayed once for each player. After the count-down, select your initial course (check the wind direction) and click on "OK" or press the return key. Click on "Continue" or press the return key after the starting gun is fired. The four control dialogs -- Report, Chart, Centerboard and Sail will be displayed as requested on a background of the current appropriate chart (Newport, Atlantic, Bermuda). Report provides the most information about current conditions but the dialog occupies half the screen. Chart shows the current track and last recorded position, elapsed time, speed, tack, wind speed and relative angle. From Chart, you can select any of the other control dialogs; however, Centerboard and Sail always return to the control dialog from which they were called. Centerboard and Sail allow you to adjust the centerboard position and the amount of sail set, respectively. Both centerboard position and sail area effect "luff" angle; however, the centerboard position has far more affect than sail area set. The relative wind angle and luff angle are shown on the Centerboard dialog to assist in positioning the centerboard. The maximum sail area for the current wind speed is displayed on the Sail dialog to assist in setting the sail area. Be careful, the amount is a maximum and if you go only by that you may lose some sail (blown out)! Both the Chart and Report dialogs may be positioned at the top or the bottom of the screen to allow better viewing of the yacht's track. Also the course may be selected from either the Report or the Chart dialogs. To change course, click on the arrows (1 degree change) or the slider track (10 degrees change) or drag the control slider to the new course. Two additional commands are available from the Report dialog only -- "Exit" to quit the race and a pair of radio buttons to modify the fast/slow play mode (yacht track with Report dialog). Key items to watch are: (a) the relative wind angle versus the current luff angle and (b) true course versus ship's heading. If the luff angle is greater than the relative wind angle, the sails will luff (fall slack) and the yacht will slow. With the centerboard up (partial or full), the yacht will slip sideways due to the wind (set) and require more frequent course corrections. True course is available to guide the Captain unless satellite navigation is lost during a storm. At the finish of the race, the race time will be corrected for lost time (due to equipment failures) and/or penalties, e.g., for a bad start. The winner will be judged based on this total time. Records of the five fastest times to Bermuda are saved in the Players' Hall-of-Fame. Also shown, with the Players' Hall-of-Fame, is the Historical Hall-of-Fame in which times for historical race winners are shown. Good luck and good sailing. BERMUDA RACE II IS SHAREWARE. IF YOU USE IT AND INTEND TO COUTINUE USING IT, YOU ARE ASK TO SEND $5.00 TO THE AUTHORS. PLEASE SEND YOUR CHECK TO: CARL CONNELL 4713 HERITAGE DR. LYNCHBURG, VA 24503 THANK YOU CARL CONNELL 75036,2274 #a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 1B 02 #W 02 00 0C 03 15 0A 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 01 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 02 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 07 02 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ `D<>*O*m#c( - ЭЭм"ҍ¼.A// Bg?<JNA yc("h#c,E?/ NDTN"/0<NBNu o AdpNu#c,BNuNV0/"/ NBc,d0< AFH"NB0<NBN^Nu o2/0/ HSoQBNu o0/JfBNuf SNuNV 9GVм-@Bn` n"nRRRn nJg nm` n R n@RnDm.GV?<N$@TN^NuNVJyfB?<N"T3N^NuNVJygB?<N"TByN^NuNVBn`0nh0Rn n m3h3gn./</<hN+PN^NuNV=n=n 0.n =@0. n=@.Q?<?9N*N#gH3fgL3fgN3fgT3fgPBygR.f/<g@N'X`N^NuNVBnBnJyFfp3F>/?<GN\>N=@0.|AHFlB9Fn./<FlN.X.Ig/<FlN.X./<FlNX yf.Ir/<FlN.X yf.Iw/<FlN.X>/<Fl?<=N\=@Jnl"=|.G,?<N$@T0.`r.f/<?.?<?NP.g/< ?.?<?NP.f/<?9f?.N6P.g?<NT0.`N^NuNV.N.:=@`SnJng( n2.SAH0H@|\g .:f0nB. /.N.X`N^NuNVBnJyf.F?<N$@T=|0.`N^NuNVBn.I|N J@f"=|.G?<N$@T0.`t.f|BgBgN X>/9f|N"$X>?9?9?9SW?</N ~P3fBWBg/<I?<?9fN| >?9?9?9?9g?9g09H?09W09H?09WN#6>?9?9?9?9fN DP./</</<?<?9fN>N3Bn`,0nf/?Nb=n=n =n =n.U/Y/]/Q?< ?9fN``.Q/NZXJ@g >?.?.?.N"\N(x.U/Y/]/Q?< ?9fNJngJnf>?9?9?9N"\BWNbNN^NuNVN|>Nb>?. ?. ?.N"\N(x>?9?9?9N"\BWNbNN^NuNVN&H.g/<g/<fr/<fN" 3gn./</</<?<BgNN>NbN=@fNhJ@fHNdBBgN"TBWNbByBy}3 .INrJ@fN &.f?<NT>fN *>?9?9?9?9g?9g09H?09W09H?09WN">fN N Jng BWNb>N,PN&N^NuNV./<g/</</<g>/<gBgBg/<g\BgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBgBg?9 ?<?<?<N$8=@.gN J@f..g >N V.g >N `\`N^NuNV09g\`N>gd?9gbN T`V>gj?9gh?9gf?9gdNN\`,BWBgBgBg?< ?9fN| ` 09g@ygho09g@3gh09gygjo09g3gj>gj?9gh?9gf?9gd?<?9fN| ./</</<?<?9fN`fJy}gx./</</<?9ef?9fl?9fp?9fn?</?<N>ef?9fl?9fp?9fn?<?9fN| `.ef/<fl/<fp/<fn?9?9?9?9?</BgN./</</<?9?9?9?9?</?<N>?9?9?9?<?9fN| y}`&p`&`| |b@0@GZ PNB@`N^NuNV. g.09fyfJy g By ` 3 `N^NuNV. g">?9?9?9NN\`N^NuNVBBgN"T0.` n f>.Y?<BgN XBWBgBgBgBg/.N" >/.N X`0. `>N`HNV`>>?./9f|N!\p````|gҰ|g°|g``b0. `(N`2N`(N)>```|g԰|gذ|g``|g|gP|g`>?./9f|N!\B@`N^NuNV>?. /.N(\N^NuNV0. 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Fall off!][Continue][0][Boy did you get soaked!!|You were pooped by a following|sea, and with only one bildge|pump working, your speed has|been decreased by 3 knots!][continue][0][Oops! You forgot to watch the |following seas! You just got |pooped! It's a good your |bildge pumps are working, |you've only lost 1 hour!][continue]PORTSTBD[0][CAPT WARNING!! |You have just lost satellite |navigation! Now you have to |navigate on your own! This |is known as 'dead reckoning'!][Continue][0][CAPT |MAN OVERBOARD! |There he is! |Your lucky you found him, |you only lost 3 hours!][Continue][0][CAPT |You were just hit by a |rogue wave!][Continue][0][You were 'knocked-down'|but not dismasted!|You only lost one hour!][Continue][0][The boat was just dismasted! |I'm sorry, but you will have |to be towed back! | Better luck next time.][Continue][0][Keep that lifeline fastened! |Hang on!][Continue][0][Here we go again!][Continue][0][What a storm! Hope you have |your foul weather gear on!][Continue][0][Look at those waves! |They are at least feet high!][Continue]%2dSTORM[0][Keep a steady helm! Watch|out that she doesn't broach!][Continue]CCHART1BBERMUDA[0][Bet the yacht salesman never |told you about this kind of | weather!][Continue][0][Don't you just love a storm! |This is a hurricane! Go|below and break out the rum!][Continue][0][Don't you just love a storm! |Go below and |break out the rum!][Continue][0][We're sure not becalmed now!][Continue][0][CAPT Your two |main bildge pumps just broke |down. A crew member is |trying to fix them.][Continue][0][Lucky you, the crew got the|bildge pumps working again!][Continue][0][The winner on corrected |time of | HR MIN SEC |is: ][Continue]%02d%02d%02dBBERMUDACCHART1NNEWPORT2[0][Do you wnat to see if you |made the Hall-of-Fame ?][Yes|No]FINISH[0][CONGRATULATIONS! You made it!|Your corrected time was -| HR MIN SEC, |CAPT ][Continue]%03d%02d%02dBBERMUDACCHART1NNEWPORT2[0][Do you wnat to see if you |made the Hall-of-Fame ?][Yes|No]SAVEHIST.DATSAVEHIST.DATSAVEHIST.DAT%05d%03d%02dHM//SAVEHIST.DAT%12.12s%12.12s%7.7s%8.8s%12.12s%12.12s%7.7s%8.8s%12.12s%12.12s%7.7s%8.8s%12.12s%12.12s%7.7s%8.8s%12.12s%12.12s%7.7s%8.8s[0][ITS A TIE!|CONGRATULATIONS][Continue][0][CAPT |You are too far West! |Please head East! ][continue][0][CAPT |I'm sorry, but you will |have to be towed back!|Better luck next time.][continue][0][CAPT |This isn't a race to Europe! |Please change course!][continue][0][CAPT |You just ran aground! The |boat is sinking,but at least |you're still alive! |Better luck next time!][continue][0][Congratulations |CAPT |You are the winner,|since the other boat sank!][continue]nH8:*> [3][Are you sure you|want to exit the race?][Yes|No]NEWPORTN[0][First player start!][Continue]%3d%03d%d%sThe start of the race is in 20 seconds!%d%s STEER FOR THE LINE! WATCH THE WIND![0][There's the starting gun!][Continue][0][BAD START! You missed the line!|15 minute penality][Continue][0][You are over early! Bad Start!|15 minute penality][Continue][0][Second player start!][Continue]%02d%02d%02d[3][Are you sure you|want to exit the race?][Yes|No][3][Are you sure you|want to exit the race?][Yes|No][3][Are you sure you|want to exit the race?][Yes|No]NCBNCBNNNEWPORT2CCCHART1BBBERMUDACSAVEGAME.DATSAVEGAME.DATSAVEGAME.DATSAVEGAME.DATSAVEGAME.DAT[3][Saved game not found!][Continue]@(($c*>?UUUUUT??R8-se?!TD-?R8-se???tzGz?@bM? 6C,>h>>j򚼯H>5y09>. &֔=|׽=yd=a-=,%hIv<+<V<Ҳ؉h>>j򚼯H>5y09>. &֔=|׽=yd=a-=,%hIv<+<V<Ҳ؉ 6N D  6H> L :8  @ >   :8 *"""$  $   "   " *N4 ( , , , (  "   $ $  " $ $ $ $ & & $ $ $2 ,   2 "  (     & N \ 4,     > L   & ,    *&  L D L     && > L   &.6(     >           0p "   >     @44"      : N<48  `l :8        H R(&(("4`t X(&((",<    4 B *  @>>                            8f ^     &*(TR"4Z&`"R"@2&"&.`".86 Jp4.B \@(j<  N4*"   n ,D( 0 <    P "0   ,~0 v0 X(DDD$D_l Desk File Run Bermuda Race II --------------------123456 Quit Restore Game Save Game Sailing Instructions Pointers Bermuda Race IIBERMUDA RACE II----------------------------------------Copyright 1985, 1986, 1987 by Gordon MattoxAtari Versions by Carl ConnellOKINTRODUCTION TO SAILING1. The Boat2. Sails3. The Compass4. Basic Sailing5. Navigation6. Return to Main Menu----------------------------------------DESCRIPTION & POINTERS----------------------------------------1. Race Description2. Commands3. Sail Management4. Sailing Performance5. Centerboard Operation6. Return to Main Menu Before we learn how to sail, we first must learn a few nautical terms.There are many types of boats but we will just deal with sailboats. (This is a sailboat race.........remember?) Again, there are numeroustype of sailing vessels which are rigged differently to carry differentThe BoatCONTINUEarrangements of sails. The most commontypes of sailing rigs are as follows:Sloop - one mast forward of midships;Ketch - two masts, larger one foward;Yawl - two masts, smaller aft of wheel;Schooner - two or more masts;Cutter - one mast amidships;CONTINUECatboat -one mast far forward, one sail.The boat you will use for the race willbe a Sloop!CONTINUECONTINUENotice that the 'SLOOP' has one mast.CONTINUEa Schooner has two or more masts.CONTINUEThe Ketch and Yawl have two masts, and;The Ketch and Yawl have two masts, and;A centerboard is a movable keel thatmay be adjusted up or down foroptimum boat speed and performance.CONTINUE The sideward wind force on the sailscauses the boat to 'heel' over to someangle off vertical. The keel carriesand decrease the angle of heel. The boatis not blown sideways because the keel(centerboard) extends deep into the water and additional weight to increase stabilitystops most sideward motion.CONTINUEHowever, not all the motion is removedand this is known as 'leeway.'do not have centerboards; whereas, yourboat will. Proper use of the centerboard(CB) will allow you to increase your speed downwind Most modern-day, ocean-racing boats(CB up) or increase yourpointing ability to windward (CB down).CONTINUECONTINUEThe front end of the boat is the bowand the opposite end is the stern.CONTINUEFacing the bow, port is to your leftand starboard is to your right.CONTINUEWhen the wind is on your starboard side, the wind causes the boom andsails to go towards the port side.CONTINUE The side of the boat that the windblows toward is known as the 'windward''leeward' side.side. The other side is calledCONTINUEWhen the starboard side is to windward,the boat is on a 'starboard tack.'CONTINUEWhen the port side is to windward,the boat is on a 'port tack.'CONTINUEWhich is the windward side ?PORTSTARBOARDYES! Port is the windward side.CONTINUESorry, the port side is to windward!CONTINUE Sails collect wind and drive thesailboat foward thru the water. Mostsails today are made of lightweight syn-thetic materials, and come in a varietyof shapes, colors and sizes. Sails are controlled with lines.(There are no 'ropes' on boats, onlylines.SailsCONTINUE The halyard is the line used to haulthe sail up the mast. It is attachedto the 'head' of the sail. 'Sheets'are lines used to adjust sail tension.They are attached to the sail 'clew.'CONTINUECONTINUEThe two most common sails are the mainsail and the jib (also calledthe foresail).CONTINUEThe leading edge of the sail iscalled the 'luff.' The trailing edgeof the sail is called the 'leech.' The bottom edge of the sail is called the 'foot.'CONTINUE Compass headings are very importantto the yachtsman, pilot or even theadventurer lost on the Amazon! The mostcommon type of compass is the magneticcompass, which is simply a small barmagnet attached to a compass card.CompassCONTINUEwill align itself with the earth'smagnetic field and will point to'magnetic north.' The bar magnet, if free to swing,CONTINUECONTINUEA compass is divided into 360degrees as shown above. Note thatEAST is 90 degrees and SOUTH is 180 degrees.CONTINUEWEST is how many degrees?360ENTER THREE DIGITS:___999YES, that's right! You've got it!CONTINUELook again, WEST is 270 degrees.CONTINUENorth is 360 or 0 degrees.CONTINUE A compass heading for a boat is thedirection the boat is pointing. Forexample, a boat that is heading EAST issteering a compass course of 090 degrees. In real life, there is a difference between 'true course' and'magnetic course.' Your compass mightbe very accurate on certain headings,CONTINUEdifference is known as 'deviation.'The magnetic north pole of the earthis also different than the true northpole. The compass reads only magneticnorth, which causes the compass tohave a second error.....'magneticvariation!'CONTINUEand slightly off on others. ThisIn this game we have a special compassthat has no 'deviation' and auto-matically adjusts for 'magnetic variation!' So.... the course you steeris a true course!CONTINUE A sailboat moves forward thru thewater due to the wind force on the sails.One of the most important aspects ofsailing is to be continually aware of wind direction. A sailboat cannot movedirectly into the wind. (Unless you runyour engine -- which is illegal in a race!)Basic SailingCONTINUE A sailboat must sail a certain angle off the wind. This angle variesfrom boat to boat and also varies depending on sea, wind, and other conditions.CONTINUECONTINUE The wind blows from a certain heading. If the wind blows from theWest, it blows from West to East and isdescribed as 'wind direction = 270degrees.'CONTINUEThe wind from 270 degrees is shown above.CONTINUEA boat heading 360 degrees is shown. The angle between the boat'sCONTINUEheading and wind direction is 'sailing angle.' The true wind is not the wind thatthe boat 'feels.' The boat responds to'apparent wind.' This apparent wind isbased on the boat's speed and relativeangle off the wind. In this race, we CONTINUEwill use a 'relative wind' which is thedifference between true wind and theboat's heading.The relative wind angle shown above is: 360 - 270 = 90 degrees!CONTINUENow the wind is from 315 degrees.CONTINUEWhat is the relative wind angle now?360ENTER THREE DIGITS:___999That's right! Stay with it!CONTINUETry again... 360 - 315 = 45. The relative wind angle is 45 degrees.CONTINUE The points of sail are determinedby the relative wind angle: RELATIVE POINTS WIND ANGLE OF SAILCONTINUE 0-33 degrees luffing 33-60 degrees pointing 60-90 degrees close reach 90 degrees beam reach 90-140 degrees broad reach 140-180 degrees running When the relative wind is 33-90degrees, you are sailing to windward.the wind, the sails will start to quiver.When the relative wind angle is 90-180degrees, you are sailing downwind.CONTINUE As the boat heads more directly intoThis is known as 'luffing.' The sail luffs when the boat's heading off the wind becomes too small. To fill the sails with wind to getWhen the sails luff they are not filled with wind, and are not driving the boat.CONTINUEThis makes the boat's speed 0.the boat moving again, you must'fall off!' This means 'fall off' the wind, not fall off the boat! Turn the Sails are constantly adjustedboat away from the wind to fill the sails again.CONTINUE(trimmed) to prevent luffing and optimize boat speed. If the sails are not properlytrimmed, the sails may luff when thethe boat will not point without luffing.relative wind angle is greater than 33degrees. In this race one cannot trimCONTINUEsails, so when sail area is decreased, Now that you have a basic understand-ing as to how a sailboat moves, it isimportant to learn how to get from oneport to the next. So... let's look at a chart. (Noticeit's 'chart' not 'map!'NavigationCONTINUECONTINUENotice the numbers along the borders. The numbers are a measure ofCONTINUElatitude and longitude.Latitude is measured either North or South of the equator (0 degrees).CONTINUELatitude can be 0 to 90 degrees North or 0 to 90 degrees South.CONTINUELongitude is measured East or West of Greenwich, England CONTINUE(Prime Meridian).Notice that the true course to Bermuda is 148 degrees. Total distanceCONTINUEto Bermuda is 635 miles. The object in this Bermuda racesimulation is to sail an 80' "maxi"racing sailboat from Newport, RI toBermuda. Your goal is to sail thatthe existing records.Race DescriptionCONTINUEdistance, about 635 miles, faster than When you make your first move in thesimulation, you will see a chart of theNewport area. From that time, you will have 20 seconds to choose a heading tosteer your boat across the starting line.One hour elapses for each move you make, except at the start and end of the race when each turn adds .25 HR. toa players total elapsed time. When you get fairly close to thefinish line, you will see a detailedCONTINUEchart of the Bermuda area. Be careful!Don't run aground on the reefs West ofthe finish line. Check your progress often during the race.This is the rhumb (direct) line course to Bermuda.CONTINUE After each move, a status report is updated. You should follow the changesin windspeed and direction very care-fully! It is important to watch the of sail set.CONTINUEwindspeed, so you have the right amount Watch the wind direction so you don't luff. Keep an eye on the center-board position also. The following pages describe themethod of issuing commands to managethe sailboat during the race. You will learn how to steer the sailboat, adjustof sail set.CommandsCONTINUEthe centerboard and change the amount To steer the sailboat, point and click the mouse in the desired direction on the slider arrows fora one degree change in either direction.CONTINUEOr as with all sliders, you may dragthe slider control box in either direction any amount. Or click on eitherside of the control slider for a 10degree change.180CONTINUE The sail and centerboard are managed in the same manner as thesteering of the boat. The slider isused to adjust the input commandand the new setting is indicated. The slider on the left show the centerboard all the way down,i.e. in the 5th position. 0 would be all the way up. The slider for the 5sail ranges from 0 to 2500 sq. ft. Separate dialogs are provided forcontrolling the sail, the centerboardand the direction of the boat. The 'Status Report' displays the informationto control the direction of the boat.CONTINUEon the management of the boat and is used The dialogs for sail management andcontrolling the centerboard provide key information for making the changeand selectors to return to the statusCONTINUEreport or to the chart. Sail management should be one of your most important concerns. A largeracing boat such as 'Nirvana' (which seta new Bermuda record of 62 hrs. and 2925 different sails.Sail ManagementCONTINUEmin. in 1982) carries on board at least You can't change different sails in this race...only total sail area set!When you begin the Bermuda race, yourboat will have 2000 sq. ft. of sail set.at any time is 2500 sq. ft.CONTINUEThe maximum sail area that can be set You will have an additional 2000 sq.ft. of sail in reserve. If you try to set more than 2500 sq. ft. of sail, you will simply lose the amount over 2500out' during the race, will be lost forthe entire race!CONTINUEsq. ft. Any sail that you have 'blow- To avoid 'blowing out' sail, checkthe maximum amount of sail area allowedfor the prevailing windspeed, and decrease your sail area as appropriate.CONTINUE1. Windspeed vs Boatspeed2. Boatspeed vs Relative Wind Angle3. Windspeed vs Maximum Sail AreaSailing PerformanceCONTINUE4. Windspeed vs Luff AngleCONTINUE 30 15.4 40 12.0 50 9.3 70 4.1 20 14.0 15 11.6 10 8.9 5 4.7 (knots) (knots) Windspeed BoatspeedWindspeed vs BoatspeedWith maximum sail area set and center-board in the full down position.CONTINUE 13.2 90 12.1 130 9.3 180 11.8 60 10.2 45 8.5 33 (knots) (degrees) Boatspeed Wind AngleBoatspeed vs Relative WindThese boatspeeds are for a truewindspeed of 20 knots. RelativeCONTINUE 44 1500 51 1000 69 500 89 250 37 2000 UP TO 33 2500 (knots) (sq. ft.) Windspeed Sail AreaWindspeed vs Maximum Sail Area MaximumCONTINUE 50 40 60 46 70 52Luff angles shown above assume that you 40 36 30 33 (knots) (degrees) Windspeed AngleWindspeed vs Luff Angle Luffhave reduced sail area at higher wind-speeds and that the centerboard is fulldown. The centerboard has five positions:full up, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and full down.Centerboard OperationCONTINUE Centerboard full down ---------------------Boatspeed decreases; boat sails betterto windward; less significant 'leeway'.(not blown off course easily)During the simulation, select center-CONTINUE Centerboard full up -------------------Boatspeed increases; boat can't sail to windward; more significant 'leeway'.(more easily blown off course)board dialog to find the luff angle fordifferent centerboard positions.21If the second player is the computer,human or the computer?If two players, is the second playerBermuda Race II Selectionsshould the computer go first or second:Select the number of players:SecondFirstEXITOKSelect the degree of difficulty:12345EasiestHardestFast or slow play:SlowFastComputerHumanPlayer #1 Registration----------------------@___________Name of Yacht:____________XXXXXXXXXXXX@___________Captain:____________XXXXXXXXXXXX010187Date:__/__/__999999EXITOKPlayer #2 Registration----------------------@___________Name of Yacht:____________XXXXXXXXXXXX@___________Captain:____________XXXXXXXXXXXX010187Date:__/__/__999999EXITOKComputer Registration----------------------Computer Name of Yacht:____________XXXXXXXXXXXXChip Captain:____________XXXXXXXXXXXX010187Date:__/__/__999999EXITOK The race is about to begin! The start of the Bermuda Race is Race StartCONTINUEnear Brenton Reef Light off of Newportin Rhode Island Sound. The boat are maneuvering for position! As soon asyour boat to the correct heading tothe countdown starts, begin to steercross the starting line.CBSAILCHARTOKEXITYACHT:on a200REPORT forYACHTNAMEXXX200Wind direction(degrees):Wind Speed(knots):14Rel Wind Angle(degrees):Luff Angle(degrees):033Boat's Speed(knots):22tackShip's Heading(degrees):Elapsed Time(hr.):12.25True Course(degrees):148Distance(miles):645Messages: __________________________________Sail Set(sq.ft.):2000CB Position:full downWave Height(ft.):11PORT080BOTTOM TOP SLOWFASTOKCenterboard Position:YACHT:YACHTNAMEXXXfull downRel Wind Angle:Luff Angle:080033OKYACHT:YACHTNAMEXXXSail in Reserve:Sail Area Set:20002000Maximun Sail Areafor wind speed:200025Wind Speed:,CBREPORTOKSAIL200CAPTNAMEXXXXXXXXElapsed time =25.25hr.Boatspeed =22knots on atackWind speed =27knots from210relativeSTBD056BOTTOM TOP Your on a course of9The start of the race is in 20 seconds!Wind =19knots from210200OK32767OKSelect the "seed" for the game. Vary the game with a different seed. Repeat a game by selecting the sameseed. The seed is for the random number function.**** Historical Hall of Fame ****YachtTimeYearLength---------------------------------Tamerlane132H1906 38 FTHighland Light 71H 36M1932 62 FTBolero 70H 12M1956 72 FTOndine 67H 52M1962 62 FTNirvana 62H 29M1982 81 FT**** Player's Hall of Fame ****NameYachtTimeDate---------------------------------------TEXT TEXT 999H99M01/01/87TEXT TEXT 999H99M01/01/87TEXT TEXT 999H99M01/01/87TEXT TEXT 999H99M01/01/87TEXT TEXT 999H99M01/01/87 OK gst u~    S\] ^gh              e n o    * 3 4       W ` a                6?@   ^gh irs   "IRS u~      s|} ~ &/0 [de   PYZ }  9BC              !V!_!` !!! !!! 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Just make certain that these three files remain together at all times. If you like this program and want to encourage me to write more and/or improve this one, send a donation to: DWBinnion 139 W. Josie Ave #1 Hillsboro, OH 45133 This program works on my MEGA and 1040. It works with my monochrome and color monitors. It works with my floppies and hard drive. That doesn't mean that it will work on your system. Do us all a favor-if this program doesn't work for you, format the disk it was on and curse me, but don't call a lawyer. You'll only encourage him think he provides an important service and we all know that isn't true. USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR ON RISK!!!! BACKGROUND: Back in the old days, when I was the proud owner of a 16K Atari 400 and taught junior high school, I found a very useful program in Analog - a word search puzzle maker. I used it in my junior high classes and the students loved it but then I moved up to the high school, traded the 400 for an ST, and until last year never gave that program another thought. Then I was assigned to teach a seventh grade history class and I knew I'd want a similar program for the ST, so I set out to write my own word search program. THE SEARCHER makes a standard word search puzzle ranging in size from a small five by five letter grid up to one which is 40 by 21 letters. I've found that anything smaller is useless and anything larger results in a class of mutinous pirates. After creating a word list (using the built in editor or your own text editor), each word is randomly placed in the grid. It is possible to make the puzzle relatively easy or quite difficult by varying three options. First, you may select to have all the words placed in the grid in a horizontal or vertical orientation. This makes for an easy puzzle. Slightly more difficult is diagonal placement. Placing words in all three orientations makes for a challanging puzzle. Second, you have the option of placing all the words in a forward direction or some may be printed forward while others are printed backward. Third, you may print the word list or, for a really difficult puzzle, don't print it! OPERATION: Once the program is up and running the first thing you'll see is the puzzle configuration dialog where you'll enter the puzzle's title, the maximum puzzle size, and in what direction and orientation the words will be printed. You also decide whether to create a rectangular or a free form puzzle. (More on this later.) You may set up the printing instructions at this time (PRINTER DEFAULTS) or wait until later, but be sure to set them before printing. The LOAD WORDS option allows you to load an already existing word list from disk, or a new list may be typed in via ADD WORDS. Should you decide to create a word list with your text editor or word processor, simply type one one on each line. The first line of the word file is the puzzle title. Be sure to save this word list as an ASCII file. A sample word list might be: AMERICAN HISTORY: COLONIAL PERIOD PURITANS MAYFLOWER COMPACT ROANOKE Note that words with spaces are permitted. I've found it worthwhile to permit this. If you want to remove words from the list, check for duplications, or correct a mistake, Edit Words should be used. The words will be displayed in alphabetical order and one or more words are selected for editing by clicking on them. Once the puzzle options are chosen and the words are ready, you can MAKE A PUZZLE. As each word is placed in the puzzle it is printed in a dialog box, along with the number of words already placed in the puzzle. Since large puzzles can take a little time, this lets you see that the program is still working. If you have a large word list or select a small puzzle size, some words may not fit. If this is the case, you'll be told how many words were not used. Since word placement is random and the algorithm not overly intelligent, it might be worth your while to hit the MAKE A PUZZLE option again, especially if only one or two words were left out of the grid. Now that a puzzle has been created, check it using PREVIEW PUZZLE and if you like the way it looks then you're almost ready to print. I decided to use no printer codes in THE SEARCHER because I wanted it to be completely portable and easy for everyone to use. However, before too long I found myself wanting boldface or italics, just to brighten the page a bit, so I added the ability to the puzzle to disk as an ASCII file. Puzzles can be loaded into your favorite word processor which not only allows for the inclusion of printer codes, it also means your puzzles can be placed in worksheets, quizzes, and tests. Someday PageStream will have an adequate monospaced font which will really allow for fancy puzzle making! Earlier I alluded to free form puzzles, one of the features I like best about this program. Long ago I had a teacher who created holiday word search puzzles in the shape of trees, turkeys, and ghosts. THE SEARCHER can do this too, through the use of grid definition files created with a text editor or word processor. The format is as follows: The first line of the file contains the horizontal size of an imaginary box which holds the puzzle, a maximum of 40. The second line contains the vertical size of the box, a maximum of 21. The subsequent lines contain the grid template, a space for each box cell which will remain empty and an X for every cell which will contain a letter. The final line of the grid file is the word END. The example below might be called SUN.WSG: 15 7 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX END THE FUTURE: The first thing I intend to do is create a grid editor. Creating these things with a text processor is ackward, at best. I invision something similar to the type of editor used to create icons. It would be mouse based, offer options for drawing and erasing, copying and moving blocks. I might also be convinced to rewrite the printing routines to allow for printing text attributes. . n"2O.. 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HPAS>NZHxhN Vielen Dank!HPAS>NZHxqN%Bei jedem Spiel wird neu und zufllig4HPAS>NZHxzN#aus den 270 mglichen KombinationenHPAS>NZHxNein 'Kriminalfall' konstruiert,HPAS>NZHxNden es mit Logik zu lsen gilt.4HPAS>NZHxN Viel Spa!HPAS>NZHxN Der AutorHPAS>NZHxNist HPAS>NZNNHxNSHERLOCK HOLMES HPAS>NZHx Nhas been written in Gfa Basic4HPAS>NZHx)Nand is 'public domain'.iHPAS>NZHx2N*This means that it will cost you nothing -HPAS>NZHx;N,except perhaps a certain amount of patience.HPAS>NZHxDN)The text has been translated into EnglishHPAS>NZHxMN*by Hugh Beyer, M.A. (Freelance Translator)HPAS>NZHxVN(Ophovener Strasse 37, 5090 Leverkusen 1,HPAS>NZHx_N West Germany. HPAS>NZHxhNThanks.yHPAS>NZHxqN$There are 270 possible combinations,HPAS>NZHxzN and each time you play this gameHPAS>NZHxN!a new case is generated at random4HPAS>NZHxN#which needs to be solved logically.4HPAS>NZHxNEnjoy yourself - and good luck,4HPAS>NZHxN The author.HPAS>NZHxNisHPAS>NZNNANANA킪N A퀈NA NAN -lUmNP?<@?<?<NN\pNpNpN -Nl+|BB/-/-ASNZ/-/-/-/-ATrNZ -NJH <r$<L8N&<x*<NN+@ -+@+|+| RNv < Ѝ/ - _ѐNv -SgNQ - NJH -lNJL8NN"-Nh -CNZNNNQ/- -CNZHPAS>NZ -İot -SgNRZHxN12HPN12HPN12HPN35HPN46HPHxAZNZ <Ѝ/ -x _ѐNv -UgNRPt;BNRTBmNR -UgNRHxp1N|HPp1N|HPp1N|HPp3N|HPp4N|HPBAZNZNRHxp1N|HPp1N|HPp1N|HPp7N|HPA HPBAZNZt;B4-N&<x*<NJBgNNNJnNS pN`NJnNS6pN`NN"_AN> AN -NJHANNJvNhL8NN/ -NJH -lNJL8NN"NhANNNN A$N A N AN ANpN$pN( -"-Nh -$"- N -lUgNT&pN$pN(pN,NT2pN$pN( -ЭNv/ -ЭNv"Nh - Nv/ -$Nv"NNN A$N A N AN ANpN$pN( -"-Nh -$"- N -ЭNv/ -ЭNv"Nh - Nv/ -$Nv"NNN"_AN>"_AN> A4N A0N A,N A퀈N AN A(NA8NA AXN ATN APN ALN AHN ADNA\NA`NAdNANNJvNhN+@\ -DNJH -LNJL8NvNhH -\NJL8NN&<x*<NN+@` -HNJH -PNJL8NvNhH -lNJ&<x*<NL8NNN+@dpN\pN$pN( -H"-DNh -P"-LN -TSgNZ@pN\ -DЭNv/ -HЭNv"Nh -LNv/ -PNv"NpNpNpN -Nl -TSgNZpN\ -d"-`NhANNpNpNpN\NN AlN"_A"_A6N>"_A0N>"_A*N>"_A$N> AhNANApNAtNAxNA|NABN:A큀NA큄NA큈NA큌NA큐NA킬N A6N+@AN -NJH <r$<L8NNCDNB -NJH <r$<L8NNANt/-N C>N|/-N CDN| -CDN/ -lNJ _N0N`NqNqN +@ -NJH <r$<L8NNCJN -NJH <r$<L8NNCPNB -NJH <r$<L8NNANt/-N CJN|/-N CPN| -CPN/ -lNJ _N0N`NqNqN +@ -NJH <r$<L8NNCVN -NJH <r$<L8NNC\NB -NJH <r$<L8NNANt/-N CVN|/-N C\N| -C\N/ -lNJ _N0N`NqNqN +@ - 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Hochverehrter Mr.Holmes!Paul, Janet, Hugh, Liz und Tedsind Gste im Landhaus von George.Einer von ihnen hat den Gastgeberzwischen Mittag und 10 Uhr abendsermordet!Ihre Aufgabe ist es nun, Mrder,Tatzeit und Tatort zu ermitteln.Aber Vorsicht,der Mrder lgt bestimmt!HochachtungsvollRolf TiemannP.S.: bernehmen Sie den Fall ?Vielen Dank!Sie knnen alle Befragungenmit der Maus durchfhren.Whlen Sie zuerst eine Person,und fragen Sie diese dannnach einer bestimmten Stunde,ihrem Aufenthaltsortoder George.Viel Erfolg!Schade Mr.Holmes !Ich hatte fest mit Ihnen gerechnet.Trotzdem vielen Dankund alles Gute !Vielleicht ein andermal ?!in der Hallein der Bibliothekim Wohnzimmerim Speisezimmerin der Kchein der GarageHBWSKGSie haben den Fall gelst?Wollen Sie es weiter versuchen?Nachmittags leider gar nicht mehr.Ich habe George nicht gesehen.George habe ich gar nicht gesehen.Um Uhr war ich George suchte seinen Regenmantel.George rumte die Garderobe auf.George zeigte mir einige Bcher.George suchte etwas in der Zeitung.George zeigte seine Urlaubsbilder.George und ich spielten Schach.George und ich aen Pizza.George deckte den Tisch.Ich half George beim Abtrocknen.George polierte die Bestecke.George zeigte mir seinen Porsche.George fhrte das neue Autoradio vor.George sah ich nebenan.George hrte ich nebenan.George war nebenan.Ich war gar nicht war ich berhaupt nicht. war auch hier. und waren auch hier. und waren nebenan. sah ich nebenan. hrte ich nebenan. war nebenan.Wer war der Tter?Die Tatzeit bitte !?Und wo wurde George ermordet? hat George um Uhr umgebracht.Aber Mr.Holmes!Das stimmt leider nicht ganz!Das wrde ich nicht behaupten.Sie liegen reichlich schief!Sie haben wohl einen schlechten Tag.Sie liegen vllig falsch!Ihr Keks ist wohl feucht!Bravo Mr.Holmes!Sie haben den Fall gelst:Schade Mr.Holmes!Folgendes hat sich ereignet:Sie haben Befragungen durchgefhrtund trotzdem nichts erreicht.Auerdem haben Sie leidereine falsche Beschuldigung erhoben. falsche Beschuldigungen erhoben.Vielleicht sollten wir unsbeim nchsten Fall doch lieberan Scotland Yard wenden !?When did you last see George ?When did you come here  ?Where were you at  ? Dear Mr.Holmes,Paul, Janet, Hugh, Liz and Tedare staying with George in his housein Shropshire.One of them killed their hostbetween 12 p.m and 10 p.m.I would be very much obligedif you could find the murderer,the time and the scene of the crime.A word of warning:The murderer will be lying!Yours sincerely,Rolf Tiemann.P.S.: Will you take over the case ?Thanks ever so much.You can ask all the questionswith the mouse.First choose a person,then ask them abouta certain hour of the day,which room they were in,or George.Good Luck.What a shame, Mr.Holmes.I was so sure you could do it.Oh well, never mind,have a nice day.Some other time perhaps?in the hallin the libraryin the sitting roomin the dining-roomin the kitchenin the garageHLSDKGHave you solved the case ?Do you want to try again?Not in the afternoon, I'm afraid.I didn't see George.I never saw George at all.At o'clock I was George was looking for his raincoat.George was tidying his wardrobe.George was showing me some books.George was reading the newspaper.George was showing me his latest holiday snaps.George and I were playing chess.George and I were eating a pizza.George was setting the table.I was helping George in the kitchen.George was polishing the silver.George was showing me his Vauxhall.George was showing me the stereo in his car.I saw George next door.I heard George next door.George was next door.I certainly wasn't - I never went there at all. was there, too. and were there, too. and were next door.I saw next door.I heard next door. was next door.Who was the murderer?When did the murder take place?And where was George killed? killed George at o'clock .Well, really, Mr. Holmes!I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree.Oh dear, certainly not!Have you gone off your rocker?It's not your day today, is it?I'm afraid you got it wrong, Mr. Holmes.You must be joking!Well done, Mr.Holmes!You have solved the case:Never mind, Mr.Holmes.This is the report:You asked questionsbut you failed miserably.What is more, you have unfortunately madea false accusation. false accusations.Perhaps next timewe'll tryScotland Yard after all.f/ 24f(J J ( B0@(|~8888<2.2*4$<>:$"<:66 4.4.@B@@>$:68:64JD>@& 4 2@j**DhFfFb8T2$:z8Rz BBBBB>~( "(F:  f8  f*@ Jl8"R^242RT"Zv::hVDR6J^jd2L^ L6<@666R""N T\D(..$"D d"42 2lB*\& .*& *x..(2 6#a000000 #b000000 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507703111103 #d #E 9B 02 #W 00 00 04 03 43 10 08 A:\*.*@ #W 00 00 0D 08 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0E 09 2A 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 0F 0A 2A 0B 00 @ #M 00 00 00 FF A FLOPPY DISK@ @ #M 00 01 00 FF B FLOPPY DISK@ @ #T 00 03 02 FF TRASH@ @ #F FF 04 @ *.*@ #D FF 01 @ *.*@ #G 03 FF *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF *.PRG@ @ #F 03 04 *.TOS@ @ #P 03 04 *.TTP@ @ 0Pu!!wW1EV#4wp |||| @@ ####888800 dQdQdQdQ@@@@ ####xxxx00f"?AP?T0? 00?0 0  Q Q Q QDDDD 瀢8(UEQTUp00 ####8888 瀢8(pP`@B@B  80(UxTP ||||@@8x(P?xTP  瀢80(`@ ff 瀢8(UEQUcc00 f"?AQ?0< 00<0 0 >?  ||    ``@@00@@????A?8??A``3@` 0@0(x````x```? .?@@<<@<@< '<< < <????yaaa????F ƿ0 0 0 yaaa{ccc?000h ~Ƽ0 0 0 yaaa{ccc<000 ?8~Ƽ0 0 0 yaaa{ccc<000/, 0>????yaaa߿???'&~h?000x```yaaacccǿ000?0??##B+[<000x```yaaa{cccǼ000?1??11?Ufpο000```yaaa{ccc000?1??Jƿ???yaaayaaa????q \~b@ ~B/~B W~BL~Bl*L@~B@@?,j~B``?<?RhG {l 1|D   W||DD0D0  ?Sd8d8  )V44_#??>B `0??  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Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (herfst 1992) al meer dan achthonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De november/december uitgave bevat een compleet overzicht van de Public Domain bibliotheek op dat moment. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************