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But, if you want to pass it around, have fun! ACCESS requires the files ACCESS.PRG, ACCESS.IMG, and DEFAULT.ATD to operate. Also included in this ARC file is the preliminary manual in ACCESS.DOC. Set you screen to 80 column mode, fire up your modem, click on ACCESS.PRG, and enjoy...... Any comment on ACCESS may be sent to: FORTHOUGHT 2601 Yellowstone Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 Or to me on Compuserve #74065,600.... Tom Tolstead 2/25/87  Access version .9 beta a telecommunications program for the Atari 520/1040 ST computers from FORTHOUGHT Copyright (C)1987 Programmers: Tom Tolstead, Doug Gihl Manual author: Tom Tolstead FORTHOUGHT 2601 Yellowstone Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 FORTHOUGHT reserves the right to revise this manual and make changes in the contents there of at any time and without notice. Atari, 520 ST, TOS, and 1040 ST are registered trademarks the Atari corporation. GEM is a registered trademark of Digital Research Inc. This version of Access has been released into the public domain as a sample of the upcoming commercial product. As such, it may be freely distributed, but may not be sold. Any comments, suggested improvements, or bug reports may be sent to: FORTHOUGHT 2601 Yellowstone Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 ============================================================= GETTING STARTED ============================================================= The first thing you should do before proceeding is to make a backup copy of Access, and store the original in a safe place. The proceedure for doing this is in the manual that came with your computer. We at FORTHOUGHT believe that the best way to learn a new program is to run it and experiment with it until you are comfortable. Access is relatively simple to use and incorporates HELP screens and or MENU's where appropriate to provide a ready reference to all of the required commands. We would therefore like to reccommend that you scan the introduction to this document, and then run the program. If you run into difficulty at that point it may then be necessary to consult this manual further. Access requires either a monochrome or color monitor to be of full use. The program may be run by either double clicking on the "ACCESS.PRG" icon or filename. Access requires that the system resolution be set to either medium or high resolution, depending on monitor type. This may be accomplished by using the OPTIONS menu on the GEM desktop. Getting Started ============================================================= INTRODUCTION ============================================================= Access is a VT-52 emulation with extended capabilities that is intended to be easy to learn, and convienent to use. The public domain version that this document is related to and distributed with, is a subset of what the finished product will be capable of. It is provided to the user community as both a service, and an introduction to the FORTHOUGHT philosophy of programming. That philosophy is simply stated "Any program worth using should be as simple to use as is consistent with the functions required.". In this spirit, Access has been given a mnemonic command structure to simplify the learning process. We believe that when using a terminal package, the system that you are connected to should control the screen display. Therefore, we have not used any of the screen area for a status line, as we believe these are of limited value. All of the information normally displayed on a status line is available on the OPTIONS menu. ============================================================= HELP ============================================================= Access incorporates many powerful and useful features, perhaps the most important feature during the learning phase is that of the HELP key. On the HELP screens, and throughout this document the phrase "ALT" is used to indicate that you must hold the ALT key down while pressing the key following "ALT" to execute the function desired. The HELP function is provided as a ready reference to the command key functions available within the program. The HELP function is executed by pressing the HELP key. A window with the information will appear on the screen. The HELP function is exited by pressing any key. This will erase the window and allow the current activity to proceed. -1- ============================================================= COMMANDS ============================================================= TERMINAL MODE: ------------- ALT A = Send Ascii. When this is selected you will be prompted for a file specifier, and Access will read the file off of the disk and send it to the system you are connected with character by character. ALT C = Toggles capture mode. The first time this is done, it will cause the computer to save all incomming characters to a capture buffer, the next time it is done you will be asked if you want to save the captured text to disk, if you elect to do so you will be prompted for the appropriate file specifier. ALT D = Dial number. This keystroke selects the Auto- dial mode. ALT E = Erase capture. This keystroke clears the capture buffer, erasing anything stored there previously. ALT O = Options menu. This keystroke calls the options menu. ALT Q = Quit program. This function will cause the program to terminate and return you to the desktop. ALT R = Recieve xmodem. This initiates an xmodem protocall file transfer to your system. It will cause a small window to appear and prompt you for the file specifier for the incomming file, It will then ask you to confirm your input, and recieve the file while updating the display to indicate progress. ALT S = Send xmodem. This initiates an xmodem protocall file transfer to the remote system. It will cause a small window to appear and prompt you for the file specifier for the incomming file, It will then ask you to confirm your input, and Send the file while updating the display to indicate progress. ALT T = Time display. This will display the current system time, and update the display until you return to terminal mode. ALT W = Write capture. This will first prompt you for an appropriate file specifier, and then write the contents of the capture buffer to the disk. -2- OPTIONS MENU: ------------ B = Set baud rate. A smaller window will appear which will allow you to select the desired baud rate: 1 = 1200 baud 2 = 2400 baud 3 = 300 baud 4 = 4800 baud 5 = 9600 baud The default baud rate is 1200 baud. C = disk Catalog. This will prompt you for a path specifier, and then list the contents of the specified directory. D = Set Duplex flag. This will toggle between full and half duplex. The default is full duplex. L = Set linefeed flag. This will toggle between no and auto linefeeds. S = Show file. This will prompt you for a file specifier, and list it to the screen. T = Set time. This function allows you to set the clock. CR = Return, this will send the program back into terminal mode. AUTODIAL MODE: ------------- A-P = Dial the selected number. Down Arrow = Display previous dialer page. Up Arrow = Display next dialer page. Left Arrow = Phone number/name edit mode. In this mode you are prompted to select a line A-P which you are then allowed to edit. The phone number field is edited first, followed by the name field. To keep the contents of the line that already exist, just type return. If you wish to clear the line, type escape. Insert, and delete operate on characters on the current line. If an error is made, you can re-call the original contents of the line by typing UNDO if you have not exited the line by typing RETURN. -3- (autodial cont.) Right Arrow = Name edit mode. This operates in the same way as number/name edit mode, but only edits the name field. See Left Arrow above. Insert = Edit modem init string. This operates in the same way as number/name edit mode, but only edits the modem init string. This string may be used to store dial commands such as ATDT, and may also store MCI codes, ect. Return = Exit the various modes. If in dial mode it returns you to the desktop. Control + L = Load autodial file. This will prompt you for the appropriate file specifier, and then load in the autodial file specified. Control + S = Save autodial file. This will prompt you for the appropriate file specifier, and then Save the contents of the autodialer to the file specified. A filename extender of ATD is reccommended to minimize confusion. GENERAL: ------- HELP = This keystroke is used to summon the appropriate help screens where available. UNDO = Cancel edits, and exit various modes. Esc = Clear entry fields in edit and prompt modes, also exit various modes. 2/25/87 tat Also available from FORTHOUGHT: FourthWrite - a simplified, mnemonic command driven, text editor, with extensive on line help. $29.95 ea. This product, is non copy guarded to allow use of a hard drive, and the convienent backup of the master diskette. -4- ]& lEXGM NCMPM NSUBX N*ADDX N*SBCD N@ABCD NN!TN N(XN,bJgN(NNN `&-<NN -< -<N.fNulASRNASLN6LSRNLSLN(RORN*ROLN<ROXR NNROXL N VSDR-<N.8-< N+Jg-<zN9R-< NNuN!TN N NFNuVMOV>M NHMOV N!TN N(XN,bJgB-<N)XJg-<NN)-<N:N N `6-<N:N N(XJg-<N9R`N N NuOR NSUBNANDNjADDNN!TN NFN NudBTST NBCHG N@BCLR NBSET NEND-CODE -<N"N.8N/N.fNhNuNEXT N NNu(IF) N-<`N'NFNuIF N\N(-<NFNuELSE -<N~NxNu(THEN N(N.NxN(NuBEGIN N(NuUNTIL N\N(N'NFNu|AGAIN -<NNu ]^> JL@pC ' ZIPPY TURNKEY ACCESS ,j  $5X/ jT4&Jxe,eH E   ( Empty ) /N):  (#):  (.):  (p):   Max: [Min:  Def:]:   ok    MINE      ?  redefining:  Drive: Block:  Insert ReplaceCut: savedwait
   # System Disk Buffer Table System Status Report  Memory in bytes:  BASE in decimal:  Disk IS available  Disk NOT available Last blk accessed:  Last blk printed:  Last buf used:  Read Pro: WritePro:  Stack depth:  Last definition: FORTH.BLK, 4xFORTH ST V3.02 Serial Number: 3 Copyright (C) 1986, The DRAGON Group, Inc.! for 1mb CPU EXIT XNu _-N _ Ќ-Nu&_  L PЈ-NuME N!ZBASE N!Z(ABORT)N!ZOWNER N!Z"TTABLE N!Z&!BLKN!Z*SCRN!Z.!CNTR N!Z2"STATE N!Z4!DELIM N!Z5LAST N!Z:"2D0 N!ZB"CURRENTN!Z"pS1 N!Z"CONTEXTN!Z"^DP N!Z"T1 N!Z>INN!Z!xMSG0 N!Z"#TIB N!Z"SPAN N!Z!(TYPE) N!Z#&(EXPECT) N!ZFLAGS N!Z#VFLAGS1 N!ZPREV N!ZALTN!Z"DRIV N!ZWPRO N!Z!RPRO N!Z#SCRTCH N!Z"HLCFA N!Z#'WORD N!Z$'LOAD N!Z!DUSED N!d&#TUNIT N!d&#<(CSCRN)N!d &$x(MCURSR) N!d&$L/PN!d&#C/LN!d&$L# N!d&$C# N!d&$^TTYPE N!d&$SY.TBL -<Nu%"SCALE -<(Nu# PRECISION -<$Nu%6#BUFFERS -<tNu#BUF.MIN-<xNu%zBUF.MAX-<|Nu%DBA-<Nu%b#RDB -<Nu%DREAD -<@Nu$.'FIND -<Nu%'CREATE-<Nu%DWRITE -<DNu%'HEAD -<LNu&'COMPILE -<Nu#lFHNDL -<Nu&BFCURNT -<Nu"MEM.MAX-<@Nu$D EXCEPTION -<PNu _ --N% SY.COMPILE "l V XNg009r XNugRA`SBJBVJBg ^2SAfJBf2N")INu&~EXECUTE ^NNu&CMOVE f ` ^"^SfNu'CMOVE> f `"^ ^ SfNu+ іNu&j- Nu"NEGATE DNu#AND Nu!OR Nu$XOR Nu'NOTFNu&*W+! ^ P0Nu''S -Nu OX-Nu o-Nu W./Nu _-.Nu'HERE -,Nu&DEPTH ,-Nu'U- Nu(4U+ іNu(DUP-Nu'<SWAP .-V,Nu(PDROP Nu(\SDROP ,Nu'NDROP Nu'OVER -.Nu%ROT .-n-V,Nu'x-ROT ,-n-@Nu(2DUP -.-.Nu(2SWAP "$&,---Nu)2OVER -. -. 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It is written in Personal Pascal v2.0 * * * * Any suggestion or comment will be appreciated!!. * * I can contact me with the following networks and address: * * * * CIS: 72740,40 Mr. Chor-ming Lung * * GEnie: LUNG 33 Garden St. #3 * * Harbour Light ST: Chor Lung Boston, MA 02114 * * (BBS phone #: 617-472-1503) * * * **************************************************************** CalcPlot is a multi-function program. It provides the following functions: * Scientific calculator * Function evaluator * Function plotter (Currently 2 dimentional) * Free hand drawing <1> Here is a brief tour for using CalcPlot. For a list of commands, press . Command: You type in the command and hit on the command window. Display: CalcPlot will display the return on the command window. Effect: The effect of your command. Command Display Effect ------- ------- ------ a=12 12 If a is not defined previously, then a new variable name A will be created. The length of varaible names are 15 characters. Any name longer than that will be truncated to the first 15 characters. b=5 5 c=a+b 17 12+5=17 a=a+a 24 12+12=24. The new value of a is 24 3+12*5/(6-3) 8 Calculations are operated from left to right with priorities: ( ) Highest * / + - Lowest sin(a)*cos(a) -0.841273306 sin, cos are built-in functions. For a list of built-in functions, press and choose button. define f(a)=a+b User defines a function name F. The length of function is 15 characters. The variable A is a parameter of F. It is local variable not global. f(3) 8 3+5 (b=5 , global a=24, local a=3) range -pi,pi,0.1 The following are graphic commands. RANGE sets up the starting, stopping and increment for plotting functions. window -4,-1.5,4,1.5 Sets up the display window range. plot x,sin(x) Plot the graph sin(x) axis Draw the x,y axes labelx -4,4,1 Sets up the x axis label marker position labely -1.5,1.5,0.3 Sets up the y axis label marker position drawlabel Display the label markers. locate SINE curve Find a position on GRAPH window and press the mouse left button to the locate the string "SINE curve". Try and draw Draw with mouse on GRAPH window. Try and save Save user defined functions load Load user defined functions. <2> Brief description of commands: In the program, press to have a list of all commands and its brief usage. <3> Detail descriptions of usage: * Scientific calculator: The arithmetic expression is evaluated from left to right with priorities: ( ) Highest * / + - Lowest I am planning for next update. A new operator (^) will has priority between () and */. This operator will operate the same as BASIC operator (^). * Function evaluation: Built-in functions: The current built-in functions are sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, asin, acos, atan, exp, ln, log, square, sqrt The next update may have more built-in functions. I need recommendations. I want to know which functions are desirable. I will appreciate recommendation with formula. Right now, I am thinking of adding base conversion functions. User-defined functions: User can define functions with the following restrictions: - Up to 200 functions can be defined - Each function has a name with 15 characters to differentiate each other. Names longer than 15 will be truncated to the first 15 characters. - Each function can have up to 10 parameters. More than that is not acceptable. - Each function must have at least one parameter. - Any parameter defined within a function is local to that function only. - Nesting function calls are provided without any limit. (e.g. define f(x)=g(h(k(x))) provided k,h,g are defined) Warning: You can redefine built-in functions. But it is ------- dangeruous. Built-in command to handle functions: - LIST: list all the user defined functions in LIST window - SAVE: save the current user defined functions to disk - LOAD: load user defined functions from disk NOTE: LOAD will not erase the current user defined functions. * Function plotter: Before you plot a function, you have to specify the following parameters: Window range: Syntax: window x0,y0, x1,y1 description: WINDOW command specifies the display world. After the command, the GRAPH window coordinates will be changed. - The coordinate of the left-bottom corner is (x0,y0) - The coordinate of the right-top corner is (x1,y1) Plot range: Syntax: range x0,x1,x2 where x1>x0 and x2 is positive Description: RANGE command specifies the range for function evaluation loop. - x0: starting X value - x1: stopping X value - x2: increment for function evaluation loop. After you have set up the window and plot range, you can issue your plotting command plot f1(....), f2(....) If x is a parameter of f1 or f2 in this plot command, then the value of x will be changed with the from x0 to x1 with increment x2. Right now, x is global variable. Hence, you had better not using x as a constant. You can draw x,y axes, x,y axis labels and any other labels by the following commands: axis: Syntax: axis Description: You can issue AXIS command before or after PLOT command. But you must set up window range first. AXIS will draw the x,y axes on GRAPH window. label makers: Syntax: labelx x0,x1,x2 where x1>x0 Syntax: labely y0,y1,y2 where y1>y0 Syntax: drawlabel Syntax: locate string Description: Label markers are useful for human understanding. Labelx and labely specify the label marker for x and y axes. Drawlabel displays the label marked by labelx and labely. Hence, you have to specify labelx, labely before calling drawlabel. LOCATE command put string on the GRAPH window. If string is empty or blanks, nothing will happen. If string is not empty, then move your mouse to the desired position and press left button of the mouse. If you are not satisfied with the current location, you can press to restore the screen and do it again. After you are done, press . * Free hand drawing: Syntax: draw Description: You can draw anything on the graph window. It operates the same as LOCATE. For operation, please refer to the above paragraph. `,{r o"h###,Oc.N//Bg?<JNA BbBy NNV?<NNN^Nu/,HNVAf-HN=@rAf4<36<38<3:<3|3p32<34<^36<3x3:<3<<3p 3r3t3`tBf6<3xj3:<3|Z3r3p 34<36<38<3z 3<<3rZ3p3t3v 3`4A6O"O vQNqN8N yNN^,_NuHigh and medium resolution only!/,HNVA>-HNXNN8vAlC<""""NXNFHyA@O"OpQ?9?9?9?9N4&=@@dDHyAO"O pQ?<?9?9?9?9N\=@0.@dDHyLAO"OpQ?<?9?9?9?9N\=@0.@e$A2O"O(p'QNqN z?9N N^,_Nu GEM has problem| Process will be halted List Command Graph ?/,HNV^A-H0. rA0RA=Ap=@^0.^@ed0. R@rA00.tC1BW2. 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Desk File Function Range Info About CalcPlot-------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 Load functions Save functions ------------------ Quit List Radian Degree Plot range Window range X axis label Y axis Label Help Starting X value:Set up Plot rangeStopping X value:Increment:__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOKCancelSet up window rangeLeft most X value:Left most Y value:Right most X value:Right most Y value:__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOKCancelCommands help screen 1Command:Load functions from file--------parameters:Descriptions:------------------------LoadSaveRangeWindowRadianDegreeListQuitPlotx1,x2,incNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNonex1,y1,x2,y2Save functions to fileSet range plotting from x1 to x2 by incSet the display range x1,y1 to x2,y2Use radian for trigonometric functionX func, Y funcList functions to list windowExit to systemPlot 2d graphUse radian for trigonometric functionUse degree for trigonometric functionNextDefineLocateDrawAxisFuncName(parameters) = expressionNoneNoneStringPut string into graph windowFree hand drawing modeAdd axes to graph windowOKCommands help screen 2Command:Clear graph window--------parameters:Descriptions:------------------------ClearLabelxLabelyDrawlabelx1,x2,incNoneNoneSet the label marks on x axisSet label marks on y axisDisplay the label marks on axesPrevOKy1,y2,incsin cos tan secBuilt-in functions:-------------------csc cot asin acosatan exp ln logsquare sqrtsine, cosine, tangent, secantcosecant, cotangent, arc sine, cosinearc tangent, exponent, ln ,logSquare, square rootConst: PI=3.1415926OKCalculator & Function plotter V1.0 thisAlso, if you want the source code, please addanother $20.I will appreciate any suggestion,CIS: 72740,40 or comment.You can contact me with the following networksor address.GEnie: LUNG33 Garden St, #3Boston, MA 02114Mr. Chor-ming LungChor LungHarbor light ST:Written By Chor-ming Lung with Personal PascalThis is a shareware product. If you likeprogram, please send $20 to me.Portions (c) of OSSStarting X value:X axis label marksStopping X value:Increment:__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOKCancelStarting Y value:Y axis label marksStopping Y value:Increment:__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX__________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOKCancel&8J\n"4FXj|$#        : ;" < J K L Y Z  [ &               % &  ' 8 9 : c d) e      ' 9 K ] o    ' 9 K ]PP# $ + 2  = E P  AL ] r AAA) A< AG AR  A]AnAA!!  a  *     z   C a  -        "  C a 1G"  . <   H  V [ ` fm t {              '$' % M !\ "z # $ %% %&A! 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FOCHANGE ADDR OF LOGICAL SCREEN TO WORK$ ,F,F ,FE#FSAVE MAIN SCREEN (,BF DRAW SELECT CHARACTER DIALOG BOX 4F!!U!F!FSAVE DIALOG BOX #1 (,GF DRAW ASCII TABLE HELP DIALOG BOX ,E F4!! !>!!FSAVE DIALOG BOX #2 F ! !! FLOGICAL SCREEN BACK TO PHYSICAL SCREEN ADDR FvLUFj#FFvLFX F (*** MAIN PRG -FOLLOW MOUSE AROUND ***  F ,"! ! FRXm% AND Ym% = MOUSE X,Y COORD R6 k`$  00 ))F=, F, FBOUNDARIES IN GRID BOX  F 6 k   F=, F", FBOUNDARIES IN FIRE PIN BOX  F FjFB 0*** CLEAN MESSAGE LINE AND INSERT MESSAGE ***  * + F!F%!!FR!0!@ !hFBACKGROUND EDITOR MESSAGE BOX IS SOLID WHITE (!!!@FT'!8! F .F B*** READ MOUSE IN GRID AND ASSIGN GRID MATRIX (11,8) VALUES ***  *+ FR!F } FM(!!!FF "! ! FSB E%#H   FXg% AND Yg% = X,Y COORD CONVERTED @ E%#     FTO GRID MATRIX ADDRESS(XG%,YG%) RJ oZ  @  F=SET LIMITS OF GRID MATRIX(11,8) O oV  F,%##   ##   !!FU0, ! FCOLOR DOT & PASS X,Y COORD's TO @ '< @ E(  FTSET GID MATRIX TO 'BIT VALUE' TO 0 OR 1 n F,JFP F@EFCOMPILER LIKES FASTER REPEAT-UNTIL RATHER THAN FOR-NEXT FE6 !! EA @ FRADD UP BITS EACH COLUMN W4FnFS,IF,FF F! FJm$  00 ))FABOUNDARIES OUTBOX O}F, F.FF E4*** CONVERT DATA IN FONT MATRIX TO GRID DOTS *** L *+MFC, FEFF(E6p!@ FCONVERT DATA IN FONT 6 !0! Ep!@ FNMATRIX TO BINARY 4Fp0FE,IF EFFEEFFE:@ E5? @@ FACONVERT UDCB$ TO GRID MATRIX * qB@ FCORRDINATES AND PRINT $%!!F6(, ! FBLACK DOTS=ACTIVE FIRE PIN  F 4FpFE4Fp0FE F q!@ ~FICALCULATE AND PRINT VALUE OF ATTRIBUTE BYTE O !! E1F qFX !! E0F F ,F!.F I**** PRINT HEX VALUE OF GRID COLUMNS ***  *+IFP!F(!!!F EFF&'#X !! FB'#X !!n5 FPPRINT BYTE HEX VALUE *!@ E5 F AND PUT IN FONT MATRIX 4F!rF0FD.FI J<*** OVERWRITE GREEN DOT CUTTING BLACK DOTS WITH BLACK ***  *+JF!%!!F#EFFE8 s@ FSDETECTS WHICH DOTS ARE BLACK IN ROW 4, ! FREPLACES GREEN OVERWRITE OF BLACK DOTS  F 4Fs^0FA.FK F<*** CLEAR GRID DOTS AND SET GRID ARRAY TO ALL ZERO'S *** D * + F tPF, F F!F%!!F EFFEEFFE t@ FG8, ! FFILL BLACK DOT WITH GREEN & PASS VARIABLES  F4Ft|FA4Ftr0FA &J !FFILL GRID MATRIX WITH ZERO'S EFFEF E &X00000000FINIT 'BITS' OF USER DEFINED CHARACTER BYTES TO 0 4Fu.0FA(!!!FXEFFE@'!! FFILL CHARACTER BYTE BOXES WITH BLANK SPACES 0!XFu@ FAH' @ !D!80FFILL ATTRIBUTE BYTE BOX WITH HEX $80, DEC 128 .F 4*** FILL DOT WITH COLOR ON GRID AT X,Y COORD *** O * + ! FD#   ! !FDFILL DOT WITH COLOR U.F F*** READ MOUSE IN 8-PIN BOX AND ASSIGN BIT-8 OF ATTRIBUTE BYTE *** * + F*}FFF "! ! FO w  F E(  F8,  F SET UPPER(1) OR LOWER(0) 8 OF 9 PINS TO FIRE : !! EA FPSET 8th BIT OF CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE BYTE ,F F6wH    FR}F, F.FF F*** FIRE PIN ***  + F%!!F $#! !2!F!F(!!!@F'#!! FG.F |>*** CALCULATE ATTRIBUTE BYTE VALUE AND PLACE ON SCREEN *** T *+FF !!` E0000000FyEG0F > yZ5 FRFIND STARTING COLUMN OF FONT GRID PATTERN T yLF y@F E6p F !`! Ep F  yF-FF F@z:E0GHFFIND ENDING COLUMN OF FONT GRID PATTERN R z:Z5 F zF E6p F B !0! Ep FSPUT BINARY VALUE INTO ATTRIBUTE STRING |F0!F(!!!F:' @ !D!n5 FPRINT HEX VALUE ATTRIBUTE BYTE *!@ E5 FAND STORE IN FONT MATRIX , 5? @@ F.F| E"*** DETECT MENU BAR CLICKS *** R *+FD|FE F {F F`EY *EPSON PRINTER FONT EDITOR* | in GFA BASIC by KEVIN MASON | BUG ASSIST by JERRY BETHEL F)!!! CONT !FO FLREPLACE MULTIPLE IF-ENDIF's WITH BOOLEAN OPERATION TO DETECT MENU CLICKS ~E(#p ## ## ##( # #0 #@#8 FwL!!!!!FC~E(#P ##X ##`` ##h # # #@# FwLA!!!H!N!!CF }|xF!, F F  } F,\FP F[F.F 2*** LOAD PRINTER FONT FROM DISK INTO EDITOR ***  *+F@, F.,VFFOR THOSE NOT IN ROOT DIR OF 'A' DRIVE F(f%:&\*.PFT! STDEPSON.PFT!F ~lF,@ F- F  F. ~ F ERROR TRAP FOR FILE NOT ON DISK EF ~F(E| DOESN'T EXIST - TRY AGAIN F )!!!CONT!FI F! ~ FEF 7I!M!FEFFEFFE@ EqM F4F!8F12 DATA BYTES + 1 I.D. BYTE PER CHARACTER N4F(F96 SETS OF CHARACTER DATA D8MF@,  F |F.F| |2*** SAVING PRINTER FONT FROM EDITOR TO DISK ***  *+F@,` F,VFFf%:&\*.PFT!!FR JF, F-F F*  FF ERROR TRAP FILE NAME EXISTS R.E'FILE ALREADY EXISTS| ON DISK F )!!!REPLACE?|RENAME?!FN FFEF F FEF F  F EF 7O!M!FEFFEEFFEEM!@ F4F8 F12 CHARACTER DATA BYTES + 1 CHAR I.D. BYTE 4F FFOR 96 CHARACTERS B8MF, F|F.F| |2*** RESTORE EPSON PRINTER ROM CHARACTER SET ***  *+F*;%"""FACTIVATE ROM CHARACTER SET ;@"F PRINTER MASTER RESET ,@ F.F J*** DOWNLOAD NEW FONT TO PRINTER RAM AND ACTIVATE RAM CHARACTER SET ***  *+FD,P F&;:""""FA DL ROM FONT TO RAM EFFED j@ @ F BLANK EDITOR CHARACTER, W$-FSKIP D/L OF BLANK CHARACTER; " F&PRESERVES ROMRAM CHARACTERS :;&""B@ "B@ "FFPOINT TO RAM CHARACTER ";B@ "FDL ATTRIBUTE BYTE EFFE";B@ "FDL CHARACTER DATA 4FF|F4F F";%"""F ACTIVATE RAM FONT ,` F.F 2*** TEST FONT WITH DIFFERENT PRINTER MODES *** R *+FT,p FJEB RAM DIP SWITCH ON? | PRINTER ON? | FONT DL'ed? F )!!! YES|NO|CANCEL!F FEdE] SET RAM DIP SWITCH ON | TURN ON PRINTER! | THEN CLICK 'CONT' | FONT WILL AUTO D/L F)!!!CONT!FF,F F FY,  F-F  FEFMODE FLAG AFE> ARE YOU USING | LASER PRINTER WITH | EPSON EMULATION? F)!!! NO | YES !FA FYLEFFLAG TO SKIP EMPHASIZED MODES USUALLY NOT SUPPORTED BY LASER  FEFFE; F;FEFFE; F4F F;F;F;F FS;" FFORM FEED O F4FFFN ;" F, F|F .F @*** CREATE CHARACTER *** C *+AFA, F,NF,MF!.F@ **** EDIT CHARACTER *** * *+!FA, F,@FA,MF!.F@ E*** COPY CHARACTER ***  *+HFC,  F,@F "E!F,( F,@FFEFFE!@ E"@ F4F $F,MF.FM E*** DELETE CHARACTER *** N *+NFD,0 FVEOYOU CANNOT RESTORE CHARACTER|ONCE DELETED OR WRITTEN|OVER BY CHARACTER CREATIONF )!!! CONT | CANCEL !F F -F F,@FEFFE !@ EF4F(F!@ EF,MF|F.FM M.*** RESTORE CHARACTER AFTER GRID ERASED ***  *+FR,8 F,@F8,MF8.FM 2***SELECT CHARACTER DIALOG BOX SUBROUTINES ***  +@F|F! E(N0H)(N3T)(N2O)F, ! FF,E?@@ ?@@ ?@PP@ F, F(!!!@F '@ !8!F%!!F $ ! ! !F ' !!F!E5 xF Z!!@F6E/PLEASE SELECT CHARACTER| WITH ASCII 32-127 F)!!!CONT!F~-F! F.F *"***INIT EDITCHAR DIALOG BOX*** * * + ! FF h!! !!!!Fh!!!!! FF F!!!F EN0HF EN3TF EN2OF EFEFEE#SBPP FT RRF "! !FM<! ! F" C (N0H)(N1H)@() FM=!! FEF FEJ C2(N0T)(N1T)(N2T)(N3T)(N4T)(N5T)(N6T)(N7T)(N8T)(N9T)@() FM>!! FEF FEJ NC2(N0O)(N1O)(N2O)(N3O)(N4O)(N5O)(N6O)(N7O)(N8O)(N9O)@() FM?!! FEF FE FE& Z#EXIT1 #CANCEL1 F {F F FFEF F FM<! ! F JEXIT1F0M8 FCHECK CLICK EXIT AND CANCEL BUTTONS OEFE()FE()FE()FEF F zCANCEL1FK M7 FEFEF F ZFF {`FCFRESTORE SCREEN .F (***TURN RADIO_1 BUTTONS ON AND OFF***  *+=!! FU N0HFUM9 F F9 *N1HFUM$ F F$ TN0HFU M9 F EN0HF0 F ~N1HFU M$ F EN1HF1 F.F (***TURN RADIO_2 BUTTONS ON AND OFF***  *+>!! FUEFEG FT Z5?@@ F F$wL%!&!'!:!(!)!*!+!,!-F EF^EG F) ^Z5?@@ F! <F$wL%!&!'!:!(!)!*!+!,!-F !! EA F!EF.F (***TURN RADIO_3 BUTTONS ON AND OFF***  *+?!! FUEFEG FT Z5?@@ F F$wL.!/!;!0!1!2!3!4!5!6F EF|EG F2 |Z5?@@ F! ZF$wL.!/!;!0!1!2!3!4!5!6F !! EA F!EF.F 0*** DRAW DIALOG BOX FOR EDIT CHARACTER @ *** O *+BF%!!FO$X!`!U!<FA%!!FF!!O!7F%!!F$ !H!J!:FA HM"SELECT CHARACTER #?!--!!!!@!!!! FHM"ASCII-32 PRE-SELECTED!(!x!!!@!@!!! F@M" CHOICE RANGE!!p!!!@!@!!! F@M" IS FROM ASCII!!!!!@!@!!! F>M" 032 TO 127!!0!!!@!@!!! FEF M$ FM%FM&FM'FM(FM)FM*FM+FM,FM-FM.FM/FM0FM1FM2FM3FM4FM5FM6FM7 FM8 FEF,M9 FRADIO BUTTONS 0/3/2 PRE-SELECTED M:FNM;FN.F" "***DRAW RADIO BUTTONS***  * +9 FA6M"0!!8!!!@!!!! F!.F" +$ F6M"1!!p!!!@!!!! F!.F"+%F6M"0!<!8!!!@!!!! F!.F"+&F6M"1!<!p!!!@!!!! F!.F"+'F6M"2!<!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+:F6M"3!<!0!!!@!!!! F!.F"+(F6M"4!<!L!!!@!!!! F!.F"+)F6M"5!<!h!!!@!!!! F!.F"+*F6M"6!<!!!!@!!!! F!.F"++F6M"7!<!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+,F6M"8!<!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+-F6M"9!<!,!!!@!!!! F!.F"+.F6M"0!u!8!!!@!!!! F!.F"+/F6M"1!u!p!!!@!!!! F!.F"+;F6M"2!u!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+0F6M"3!u!0!!!@!!!! F!.F"+1F6M"4!u!L!!!@!!!! F!.F"+2F6M"5!u!h!!!@!!!! F!.F"+3F6M"6!u!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+4F6M"7!u!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+5F6M"8!u!!!!@!!!! F!.F"+6F6M"9!u!,!!!@!!!! F!.F" " +8 F:M"ENTER!#!~!!!@!!!! 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P&"@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_" P&"`abcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyz{|}~ " P.FO *** INIT MESSAGE STRINGS *** O *+PFI( E CLEARING EDITOR DOT GRIDFI0 E' BLACK DOT = ACTIVATED PRINTER FIRE PINF. E% CLICK BOX TO CHANGE USE OF PIN GROUPF. E% MOUSE ARROW WILL ONLY PULL DOWN MENUF4 E% LOADING FONTF6  E'FONT LOADED INTO EDITOR - BEGIN EDITINGF0@ E! FONT LOAD CANCELLED BY USERF4` E$ SAVING FONTF6 E'FONT SAVED FROM EDITOR - RESUME EDITINGF0 E! FONT SAVE CANCELLED BY USERF6  E' EPSON PRINTER FONT EDITOR F60 E& EXIT FONT EDITOR FOR GFA BASIC EDITORF36@ E& MASTER RESET AND DEFAULT ROM RESTOREDF36P E&DOWNLOADING EDITED FONT TO PRINTER RAMF36` E'EDITED FONT IN EPSON RAM- READY TO TESTF6p E'TESTING FONT WITH VARIOUS PRINTER MODESF. E TESTING FONT COMPLETEDFT2 E# CREATE CHARACTERF2 E" EDIT CHARACTERF2 E"YOU HAVE SELECTED CHARACTER ASCII=F 6  E' COPY CHARACTER FROM?F6( E& COPY CHARACTER TO?FL20 E# CREATING OR DELETING CHARACTERF68 E& RESTORE CHARACTERFL.F* *(*** MENU BAR AND GRID BOX SETUP *** F *+FRFMEFFEQ F Z *E*FR4FxHFN  EF  EF|FL TITLE , FONT EDITOR ,----------------------,1,2,3,4,5,6,"" E ,"" " ,"" "H LOAD/SAVE , LOAD FONT  DISK , SAVE FONT  DISK ,------------------ , QUIT ,"" ,B PRINTER , RESET EPSON , D/L FONT  EPSON , TEST PRINT FONT ,"" B EDIT FONT , CREATE CHARACTER , EDIT CHARACTER , COPY CHARACTER & DELETE CHARACTER ,--------------- NF CLEAR GRID , RESTORE CHARACTER ,--------------, ASCII TABLE [HELP]  HELP TEXT,*E*  FeF&\!EPSON 9-PIN PRINTER FONT EDITORF.F $*** SET UP EDITOR GRID FIELD *** D *+F,QFD,RFD,SFD,F J !FFILL GRID ARRAY WITH 1 $J !FFILL FONT MATRIX WITH ZERO EFFED@ EFIINIT ALL CHARACTERS TO FIRE UPPER 8 OF 9 PINS F8@ ExFAADD CHARACTER ID TO FONT MATRIX 4F `F$, FFILL GRID WITH GREEN DOTS M, F S,  F.F Q*** DRAW BACKGROUND ***  *+QF%!!F2!!@ !0F-BACKGROUND ENTIRE SCREEN %!!`FD! ! !\F BACKGROUND CHARACTER BYTE BOX *%!!FLD!!  !FSBACKGROUND FIRE-PIN CLICK BOX .FQ R*** DRAW BOXES ***  +RFD$!!!FPLACE GRID BOX E FFE !! !F0! F*FNE FFE! !!**F0! F  FN >! ! !\F PLACE OTHER SCREEN BOXES $! ! !pF $  !*! !RF EFFE"!p!XX! F 0!XF@ FN.FR "*** INSERT DESCRIPTIVE TEXT ***  *+SFI(!!!PF,8'$!\!!USER-DEFINED CHARACTER BYTES 1-11FE2'%!H!CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE BYTE = F (!!!FAB'p!!,LEFT CLICK = PIN ON RIGHT CLICK = PIN OFFF@' !/!*DO NOT OVERLAP BLACK DOTS FOR BEST RESULTSF6'9!!PRINTER FONT EDITOR MESSAGE BOXFS@'!|!*CLICK BLACK BOX TO CHANGE PIN FIRING GROUPF@'!!)LEFT CLICK = UPPER RIGHT CLICK = LOWERFF' ! !CHAR #F.FS "*** PLACE GRID ROWHEAD TEXT ***  *+FRFEEFFEQ F* E FGRID ROW 'BIT VALUE' HEADINGS B4F^FN|F("128","64","32","16","8","4","2","1" S<(!!!@FPLACE GRID ROW 'BIT VALUE' HEADING EFFE<'`#6 !#  ! FI4FAFN.F  "*** TITLE PAGE *** R *+TFT,FT%!!FE!! !<FE%!!F$!0! !'F%!!F$8!X! !"FLM"EPSON PRINTER FONT EDITOR!&!!h!!!!!! FNM"AND FONT DOWNLOADER V1.3!QQ!8!!!P!!!! FNM"BY K E V I N M A S O N!<<!p!!!P!!!! FJM"DEBUG ASSIST BY JERRY BETHEL!RR!!!!@!!!! F\M".IN COMPILED GFA BASIC - MED REZ- PUBLIC DOMAIN! !!!!@!!!! F(!!!FU4' !2!PLEASE WAIT FOR SCREEN DRAWINGF,F.F E@*** FIND DRIVE # AND DIRECTORY PATHWAY BEFORE FILESELECT ***  *+VFF&E F0%EBHH  F GET DRIVE NAME (A-P) $!z& ! FGET PATH NAME EEFFE2 Z?&@@ B FFSTRIP PATH NAME OF SPACES I4FF&E;&@ F.FE 10*** BLACK SCREEN WHILE DRAWING TITLE PAGE ***  *+FBEFFE 6!!!FF4F lF.F $*** TURN ON NEW SCREEN COLORS ***  *+FSRFSEFFE Q!!F06!!!F4F F|F6,6,6,6,2,0,0,5,0,0,0,0 .F, L*** QUIT PROGRAM ***  *+FQF,0 F&E READY TO QUIT | FONT EDITOR FA)!!! YES | NO !F IJFY,WFF F,  F.F| *<*** SAVE DESKTOP COLOR PALETTE BEFORE PROGRAM STARTS ***  **pp F+XFREFFE E`!! FF4FXBIOS 7=SETCOLOR, I%=COLOR NUM, -1=RETURN COLOR VALUE TO ARRAY &pF!.F W>*** RESTORE DESKTOP COLOR PALETTE AT PROGRAM COMPLETION ***  *+WFREFFE`!! F D4FXBIOS 7=SETCOLOR, I%=COLOR NUM, COLOR VALUE STORED IN ARRAY ApFA.F *** ERROR TRAP ROUTINE *** A *+UFE8FUCLOSE EVERYTHING #EFv$E(##0 ##@@ ## ##@  ##H @##L Fx0$!(``##P ##T ##X  ##\ 0##  Fh0$!(@@##00 P##PP `## p## F# 0$!(## F> Ș$F IF ERROR NOT SPECIFIC NUMBER, PRINT NUMBER ERROR EERROR # A#  OCCURREDF)!!!CONT!F  F6RFIF ERROR IS SPECIFIC NUMBER, FIND IN DATA AND "EG$FSEND TO ALERT BOX RQF FG)!!!CONT!FO F!|F!:"FILE ALREADY OPENED","FILE NOT OPENED","DISKETTE FULL" :" OPEN 'R' FILE |RECORD LENGTH WRONG","NOT AN 'R' FILE" *"ONLY ONE FIELD PER| OPEN 'R' ALLOWED " *"FIELDS LARGER THAN| RECORD LENGTH " F"TOO MANY FIELDS (MAX=9)"," GET/PUT FIELDS |STRING LENGTH WRONG" >"GET/PUT RECORD| NUMBER WRONG ","WRITE FAULT","READ FAULT" @"DISKETTE WRITE PROTECTED","FILE NOT FOUND","PATH NOT FOUND" R"MEMORY FULL" vLUFYRESET ERROR HANDLER "j#FFCLEAR ERR VARIABLE FRESTART PROCEUDRE .F $*** PRINT HELP TEXT TO SCREEN ***  *+\FP,VFMFE$7I!M!%:& \EPSFNTED.TXTF ˖ EPSFNTED.TXT FLEF FN)!4FILE EPSFNTED.TXT NOT ON|PRG DRIVE_PATH- CHECK FILES!! RETRY|QUIT!F FP,^F F^ FE LF EFFYF(!!!@Fj.FF\ ZrM XF =`M!+F%+F . 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CNЍN HAT(N Hm>pr"_N$HPHm>pr"_N$"_NbHPHm>pr "_N$"_NbC8N032=spc 033= ! 034= '' 035= # 036= $ 037= % 038= & 039= 'HP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>040= ( 041= ) 042= * 043= + 044= , 045= - 046= . 047= /HP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>048= 0 049= 1 050= 2 051= 3 052= 4 053= 5 054= 6 055= 7HP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>056= 8 057= 9 058= : 059= ; 060= < 061= = 062= > 063= ?HP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>064= @ 065= A 066= B 067= C 068= D 069= E 070= F 071= GHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>072= H 073= I 074= J 075= K 076= L 077= M 078= N 079= OHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>080= P 081= Q 082= R 083= S 084= T 085= U 086= V 087= WHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>088= X 089= Y 090= Z 091= [ 092= \ 093= ] 094= ^ 095= _HP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>096= ` 097= a 098= b 099= c 100= d 101= e 102= f 103= gHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>104= h 105= i 106= j 107= k 108= l 109= m 110= n 111= oHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N>112= p 113= q 114= r 115= s 116= t 117= u 118= v 119= wHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N6120= x 121= y 122= z 123= { 124= | 125= } 126= ~HP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<HtHtHtHtHAN N$ASCII CODE FOR EPSON FONT CHARACTERSHP <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HtH <r$<HtHAN N LA퀨N NEXITHP <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<H <r$<HA퀨N HAN N NٌLAN LAN LAN AN &<x*<NpJBgp/AN &<x*<NpJBgp/AN &<x*<NpJBgp/AN &<x*<NpJBgp$VHfNAN/Ntable14"_N\NAN/p N"_N\N NٌLABN LAN HxABDN Hx A7N N NٌpNpNpNprN <"<}N`pNpNpNp#"<,Npn"<lNZpNpNpN <"<6N <"<,NZN NٌpNpNprN+| -r(N -"<N <Ѝ/p _ѐ - ^Hg+|(p "-N <"-N <Ѝ/p( _ѐ - ^Hgp#"<,Npn"<lNTp "<,Np"<lNpU"<0Npi"<NN+|6p<"-N -rPN <Ѝ/p _ѐ - I^HgN NٌpNp NpNp Np7"<HNN!USER-DEFINED CHARACTER BYTES 1-114Nbpd"<JNNCHARACTER ATTRIBUTE BYTE = 4NbpNpNpNpNprNN,LEFT CLICK = PIN ON RIGHT CLICK = PIN OFFNb <r#NN*DO NOT OVERLAP BLACK DOTS FOR BEST RESULTSNbp"<rNNPRINTER FONT EDITOR MESSAGE BOXNbp~"<4NN*CLICK BLACK BOX TO CHANGE PIN FIRING GROUPNb <"<6NN)LEFT CLICK = UPPER RIGHT CLICK = LOWER4Nb <"<HNNCHAR #NbN Nٌ)|; +|NCN?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyz{|}~ TITLE FONT EDITOR ----------------------123456 LOAD/SAVE LOAD FONT  DISK SAVE FONT  DISK ------------------ QUIT PRINTER RESET EPSON D/L FONT  EPSON TEST PRINT FONT EDIT FONT CREATE CHARACTER EDIT CHARACTER COPY CHARACTER DELETE CHARACTER --------------- CLEAR GRID RESTORE CHARACTER -------------- ASCII TABLE [HELP] HELP TEXT*E*1286432168421666620050000FILE ALREADY OPENEDFILE NOT OPENEDDISKETTE FULL OPEN 'R' FILE |RECORD LENGTH WRONGNOT AN 'R' FILEONLY ONE FIELD PER| OPEN 'R' ALLOWED FIELDS LARGER THAN| RECORD LENGTH TOO MANY FIELDS (MAX=9) GET/PUT FIELDS |STRING LENGTH WRONGGET/PUT RECORD| NUMBER WRONG WRITE FAULTREAD FAULTDISKETTE WRITE PROTECTEDFILE NOT FOUNDPATH NOT FOUNDMEMORY FULLT4T " &J Vn>\ n XB<L$( 86(  l   \ t >& L    H DPd >"$~L$2"$0"0V0"8\0 0   "ZrhhX p pz8 'PAGE 1 OF 7- HELP TEXT: ***************************************************************************** *** EPSON 9-PIN PRINTER FONT EDITOR(V1.3) IN COMPILED GFA BASIC-MEDIUM REZ*** *** PUBLIC DOMAIN COPYRIGHTS APPLY- 1 OCT 87 *** *** CREDITS: *** *** AUTHOR: KEVIN MASON DELPHI-LONGSPUR GENIE-KMASON *** *** BEBUG : JERRY BETHEL DELPHI-BETHEL *** *** DIOX : PAUL HUNTINGTON GENIE-PHUNTINGTON *** *** NOTE-DIOX ROUTINES MODIFIED FOR THIS PROGRAM (SORRY PAUL) *** *** BASIC SOURCE CODE HEAVILY DOCUMENTED FOR BEGINNER PROGRAMMERS *** *** AND FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO MODIFIY PROGRAM TO NON-EPSON PRINTERS *** ***************************************************************************** FILES: EPSFNTED.PRG: COMPILED GFA BASIC PROGRAM. EPSFNTED.TXT: HELP TEXT; DOUBLE-CLICK FROM DESKTOP OR CLICK FROM PRG MENU. STDEPFNT.PFT: STANDARD EPSON 9-PIN FONT; LOAD TO GET AN UNDERSTANDING HOW FONTS ARE DESIGNED, AND USE OF UPPER/LOWER PIN OPTION. STDEPFNT.BAK: BACKUP STANDRAD FONT IN CASE USER ALTERS STDEPFNT.PFT FILE. EPSFNTED.GFA: GFA BASIC SOURCE CODE, HEAVILY DOCUMENTED. *.PFT: PRINTER FONT FILES CREATED BY EDITOR USERS. 'PAGE 2 OF 7- HELP TEXT: LIMITATIONS FOR VERSION 1.3 EPSON 9-PIN PRINTER FONT EDITOR: 1. EDITOR WORKS ONLY IN MEDIUM RESOLUTION. 2. EDITOR HAS ONLY BEEN TESTED ON EPSON FX-80 AND QMS-KISS PRINTERS, SHOULD WORK ON ANY EPSON OR EPSON COMPATIBLE (9-PIN) WITH RAM FOR DOWNLOAD FONTS. 3. EDITOR WILL ONLY MODIFY ASCII# 32-126; ASCII# 0-31 AND ASCII# 127-159 ARE USED TO STORE CONTROL CODES; ASCII# 160-254 ARE USED TO STORE THE EPSON ITALIC CHARACTER SET. 4. EDITOR WILL NOT GENERATE LASER FONTS, BUT WILL OUTPUT DOT-MATRIX FONTS TO LASER PRINTERS THAT SUPPORT EPSON EMULATION (1/72 INCH DOTS). 5. AUTHOR IS NOT A PRINTER EXPERT, AND ONLY PROGRAMS IN BASIC. 6. ALL COMMONLY ENCOUNTERED ERRORS HAVE BEEN TRAPPED, USER MAY ENCOUNTER UNKNOWN GREMLINS REQUIRING REBOOT; SAVE YOUR WORK REGULARLY. 7. PROGRAM'S GEMDOS AND XBIOS CALLS MAY NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH FUTURE VERSIONS OF TOS, REQUIRING SOME MODIFICATION OF THE BASIC SOURCE CODE. AUTHOR WELCOMES FEEDBACK COMMENTS, ESPECIALLY FROM ADVANCED PROGRAMMERS, ON PROGRAM PROBLEMS, QUESTIONS, ETC. AUTHOR CAN BE CONTACTED BY E-MAIL: DELPHI: LONGPSUR GENIE : KMASON ' PAGE 3 OF 7- HELP TEXT: SCREEN LAYOUT: 1. EDITOR DOT GRID: 8 ROWS BY 11 COLUMNS OF GRID DOTS REPRESENTING A VISUAL PICTURE OF DOT MATRIX FONTS DURING EDITING. LEFT MOUSE CLICK ACTIVATES FIRING PIN (BLACK DOT); RIGHT MOUSE DE-ACTIVATES FIRING PIN (GREEN DOT). CAUTION: DO NOT CLICK/HOLD/PAINT DOTS, AS CALCULATION OF CHARACTER DATA MAY NOT BE ACCURATE. POINT CROSS-HAIRS AT DOT CENTER AND CLICK. CAUTION: DO NOT OVERLAP BLACK DOTS IN ROWS, THE EPSON PRINTER WILL IGNORE THE SECOND, OVERLAPPING ACTIVATED FIRE PIN. 2. UPPER/LOWER 8 OF 9 PINS FIRE BOX: SETS WHETHER UPPER (LEFT CLICK) 8 OF 9 PINS OR LOWER (RIGHT CLICK) 8 OF 9 PINS FIRE. USUALLY SET TO 'UPPER' FOR NORMAL CHARACTERS, AND LOWER FOR CHARACTERS WITH LOWER DESCENDERS (y). 9 PIN PRINTERS ACTUALLY ONLY FIRE A MAXIMUM OF 8 PINS AT A TIME. 3. CHAR# BOX: REMINDS USER OF LAST ASCII CHARACTER SELECTED FOR EDITING. 4. CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE DATA BYTES BOX: SHOWS USER 12 DATA BYTES FOR CHARACTER BEING EDITED IN HEX$. HELPS USER BETTER UNDERSTAND WHAT EPSON NEEDS TO FORM A CHARACTER. (NO CLICK AREA) 5. MESSAGE BOX: KEEPS USER INFORMED DURING PRG OPERATIONS. (NO CLICK AREA) 6. ASCII SELECT DIALOG BOX: SELECT ASCII# (CLICK RADIO BUTTONS) FOR EDITING. 7. ASCII HELP TABLE: REMINDS USER OF CHARACTER ASCII VALUES. 'PAGE 4 OF 7- HELP TEXT: MENU SELECTIONS: I. LOAD/SAVE: 1. LOAD FONT FROM DISK: LOAD *.PFT FILES FROM DISK; STARTS WITH DRIVE-PATHWAY EDITOR PROGRAM WAS LOADED FROM AS DEFAULT DRIVE-PATHWAY. 2. SAVE FONT TO DISK: SAVES FONTS TO DISK; *.PFT DEFAULT FILENAME. 3. QUIT PROGRAM: EXITS TO GEM DESKTOP. (SOURCE CODE EXITS TO BASIC EDITOR) II. PRINTER: 1. RESET PRINTER: SENDS CODES TO EPSON PRINTER TO ACTIVATE CHARACTER ROM SET, AND SENDS EPSON MASTER RESET CODE. CAUTION: MANY WORD PROCESSORS SEND MASTER RESET CODE BEFORE PRINTING A DOCUMENT WHICH DEACTIVATES YOUR DOWNLOADED FONT!! USER WILL HAVE TO EDIT THEIR PRINTER DRIVER TO REMOVE THE MASTER RESET CODE FROM WORD PROCESSOR OUTPUT. (EASILY DONE WITH STWRITER) 2. D/L FONT TO EPSON: SENDS CODES TO EPSON TO FIRST D/L THE ROM CHARACTER SET TO RAM. THEN FINDS WHICH CHARACTERS YOU HAVE EDITED, POINTS TO THEIR LOCATION IN EPSON RAM, SENDS CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE BYTE AND CHARACTER DATA BYTES TO THAT RAM LOCATION. BLANK EDITOR CHARACTERS ARE NOT SENT TO REPLACE THE ROM CHARACTERS RESIDING IN RAM. FINALLY CODES ARE SENT TO ACTIVATE THE MODIFIED RAM CHARACTER SET. 3. TEST PRINTER FONT: PRINTS ASCII# 32-126 IN ALL EPSON CHAR. PRINT MODES. ' PAGE 5 0F 7- HELP TEXT: MENU SELECTIONS (CONT): III. EDITOR: 1. CREATE CHARACTER: SELECT ASCII#, PREPARES BLANK CHARACTER FOR EDITING. CAUTION: DATA PREVIOUSLY AT THIS SELECTED CHARACTER LOCATION IS LOST. 2. EDIT CHARACTER: SELECT ASCII#, MOVES USER TO THAT SELECTION AND DISPLAYS CHARACTER CURRENTLY AT THAT LOCATION FOR EDITING. HINT: DO NOT OVERLAP BLACK DOTS IN A ROW DURING EDITING; THE EPSON PRINTER WILL NOT PRINT THE SECOND OVERLAPPING DOT (DATA IS IGNORED BY THE PRINTER-PINS CANNOT FIRE THAT FAST). HINT: STUDY THE STANDARD EPSON FONT FILE TO SEE VISUALLY HOW CHARACTERS ARE DESIGNED BEFORE CREATING YOUR OWN CHARACTER. 3. COPY CHARACTER: TRANSFERS CHARACTER DATA FROM FIRST SELECTED ASCII# TO SECOND SELECTED ASCII#. DOES NOT DELETE FIRST CHARACTER (AS IN MOVE). 4. DELETE CHARACTER: SELECT ASCII#, DELETES CHARACTER DATA AT THAT LOCATION. CAUTION: DATA PREVIOUSLY AT THIS SELECTED CHARCTER LOCATION IS LOST. 5. CLEAR GRID: CLEARS GRID DURING EDITING OF CHARACTER (SEE RESTORE). 6. RESTORE CHARACTER: CAN BE USED TO IMMEDIATELY RESTORE CHARACTER IF IT IS ACCIDENTLY REMOVED BY THE CLEAR GRID COMMAND. 7. ASCII TABLE [HELP]: DISPLAYS STANDARD ASCII VALUES FOR CHARACTERS 32-126. 8. HELP TEXT: DISPLAYS THE HELP TEXT IF "EPSFNTED.TXT" IN THE PRG (FOLDER). ' PAGE 6 OF 7- HELP TEXT: TUTORIAL ON CREATING USER DEFINED CHARACTERS FOR 9-PIN EPSON PRINTERS: I. COMMAND TO POINT TO RAM CHARACTERS TO BE DEFINED: LPRINT CHR$(27);"&";CHR$(0);CHR$(ASCII#1);CHR$(ASCII#2); ASCII#1 TO ASCII#2 DEFINES RANGE OF CHARACTERS TO BE EDITED. EACH LOCATION POINTED TO EXPECTS 12 CHARACTER DATA BYTES. II. TRANSLATING CHARACTER DATA TO PRINTER DOTS: EACH CHARACTER IS DEFINED BY 12 BYTES: BYTE 1 = ATTRIBUTE BYTE BYTES 2-12 = EACH BYTE REPRESENTS THE 8 BIT SUM OF ROWS FOR EACH OF THE ELEVEN COLUMNS ON THE EDITOR GRID DOT. III. ATTRIBUTE BYTE: BIT 7 = TELLS PRINTER TO FIRE UPPER OR LOWER 8 OF 9 PINS. 1 = UPPER 8 OF 9 PINS FIRE 0 = LOWER 8 OF 9 PINS FIRE BITS 4-6 = # OF FIRST COLUMN WITH DATA TO FIRE PINS. BITS 0-3 = # OF LAST COLUMN WITH DATA TO FIRE PINS. EDITOR CALCULATES ATTRIBUTE BYTE FOR THE USER. ' PAGE 7 OF 7- HELP TEXT: TUTORIAL (CONT): IV. CHARACTER DATA BYTES (ONE BYTE FOR EACH COLUMN): 8 ROWS BY 11 COLUMNS BIT 0 = 1 THRU BIT 7 = 128 FOR 8 ROWS OF BITS PER EACH COLUMN BYTE. VALUES FOR ROWS ARE LISTED TO THE LEFT OF THE DOT GRID EDITOR. BITS OF ACTIVATED PINS (BALCK DOTS) ARE ADDED TOGETHER RESULTING IN BYTE VALUE THAT IS DISPLAYED IN THE CHARACTER DATA BYTES BOX. NOTE: SOME PRINTERS ARE OPPOSITE THE EPSON; THAT IS BIT 0 = 128 AND BIT 7 = 1 !!! V. COMMAND ACTIVATE RAM CHARACTER SET: LRPINT CHR$(27);"%";CHR$(1);CHR$(0); CHR$(1)=ACTIVATE RAM VI. COMMAND TO DEACTIVATE YOUR RAM CHARACTER SET: LPRINT CHR$(27);"@"; EPSON PRINTER MASTER RESET CODE KEVIN MASON 10 OCT 87 A User's Guide to Forem-ST Jim Burgan MHz BBS 812-379-1162 300-1200-2400 baud 24 Hours since 1982 February 1987 I have been running Forem-ST since it's very early stages in November, 1984. In fact, when I downloaded my first copy from Mathew Singer of Comnet Systems, it wasn't even close to being released. It had no status window and it had no file transfer system at all. I was fortunate enough to be the first Forem-ST BBS in the country (with the exception of Matt's). My serial number of the original version is 2. Enough history! Forem-ST is the most powerfull BBS program available for any computer at any price (and it's sister, Forem-PC for IBM and compatibles is a virtual clone). The power of Forem is so great, that, in order to achieve this power and flexibility, a great deal of 'user friendliness' has been sacrificed. In fact, a first-time BBS user can get so frustrated that he/she might give up and hang up. Thus, this file. This text file is a navigational course for new users of Forem as well as more experienced users. Not all Forem boards use all of the features in the way they will be described here, but you can get a pretty good idea of what to expect and, perhaps, save a little of your on-line time by knowing what to do. Forem-ST is constantly being updated. In fact, I recieved 3 updates in one week in January! The features described here are current, as of version 1.10 (2-9-87). If you are interested in purchasing Forem-ST/PC, it is available from Comnet Systems or from MHz BBS. The price is $59.95. For more info, read the bulletins on MHz (812-379-1162) or Comnet's BBS (616-620-0903). New user login After you have your terminal program set up and the number dialed, you will connect to the Forem BBS' modem. Once the carrier has established connection, you will see the prompt "Hit Return'. If you are calling at speeds above 300 baud, you will see a line of garbage. Just hit return slowly until you see the words "Hit Return". This is to allow Forem to detect your baud rate and data parameters (word length, stop bits and parity). After Forem accomplishes this, you will be asked if you can receive graphics. the standard anwer to this should be No. Some Forem-BBS' use VT52 color graphics. If you are using ST-Term (in the VT52 mode), Flash or any other terminal that supports VT52 color graphics, you may answer that question Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Atari ST Version 1.10 - 2/8/87 9600 Baud 8 bit No parity connection at 6:14 PM Can you receive graphics? NO ------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, you will see the welcome message from the BBS. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to.... MHz BBS 300/1200/2400 Baud 24 Hours a day 812-379-1162 Jim Burgan-System Operator 1-23-87 NOTICE: The password file was reinitialized on 1-18-87. If you have not been on since that time, you will have to reapply You will still have full access until you are validated. ------------------------------------------------------------------- You might also see other instructions or information that is necessary before the login prompt. Next, you must login. I am assuming that you will be a new user, so the instructions on how to apply for a password are included. The first thing you will see is a request for a user ID or user name. Since you are a new user, follow the instructions and type 0 (0=New user). You will then be asked to enter your name and other info required by the Sysop (System Operator). Answer each question. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter ID Number or Full Name (0=New User)> 0 Application for User Password ----------- --- ---- -------- This is a password system. This is for the security of messages to you which may be private. To obtain a system password, please fill out the following application. To have your password saved, you must log off properly using the G or O commands. At that time, you will be prompted if you wish to have your password saved for future use. If you answer Y, you will then be given a 7 character user id number. If you retain this number, logon will be much faster than logging on using your name. This is the user id that MHz BBS requested when you first logged on. At this time, all new users have full access to the system, including the ability to download, upload and post messages. The time limit is the only restriction, new users are limited to 30 minutes per call (60 minutes max per day). If I determine that users are abusing this by logging on under 2 or 3 names to defeat the download and/or time limits, I will change the system back to restricting new users. The use of a handle or alias is permitted on this BBS provided factual information is given in the survey that follows the pw application. Passwords are validated daily. If you do not wish to log on at this time, please enter the word OFF in place of your first name. Jim Burgan-Sysop MHz BBS Please enter your FIRST name: JIM You entered JIM, is this correct? YES JIM, Please tell me your LAST name: BURGAN You entered BURGAN, is this correct? YES Checking user list... JIM BURGAN, I need to know your phone number. Please tell me your phone number (XXX-XXX-XXXX): 812-379-1162 You entered 812-379-1162, is this correct? YES Please tell me your age: 34 You entered 34, is this correct? YES You will be given a 7 digit ID number when you log off from this call. On all subsequent calls to MHz BBS, you will first be prompted for your ID number or your name, then you will be asked to enter your system password. You will now be asked what password you wish to use on future calls. It can be 1-12 characters long. Please tell me the password (1-12 char) you wish to use: PASSAGE You entered PASSAGE, is this correct? YES Does your computer need line feeds? YES Please select your computer or terminal type / terminal emulation mode: 1 - IBM PC / compatibles (PC-TALK or other non emulating software) 2 - ATARI 400/800/1200 etc 3 - C-64 4 - DEC VT 100 5 - DEC VT 52 6 - IBM with VT100 emulation 7 - Any other ANSI terminal 8 - Apple II 9 - Apple MacIntosh 10 - Atari 520 ST 11 - IBM PC/AT and compatibles 12 - Amiga 0 - other, not listed. Computer type: 10 Select mode (40 or 80 column): 80 There is no pirated software on this BBS! It is the policy of MHz to maintain the integrity of the system, and in order to do this, there are a few questions I have for new users. Despite what name you logged on under, what is your REAL name? > JIM BURGAN What is your telephone number? > 812-379-1162 Where are you calling from (City,ST)? > COLUMBUS,IN What kind of computer are you using? > ATARI 520ST What kind of terminal software are you using? > ST-TERM If you did not answer truthfully to the previous questions, your name will be deleted from the system! Answers to those questions will be kept confidential, except as stated in the system rules. All new users are requested to read the system rules before validation will occur. I will check the userlog to make sure they have been read. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions about MHz BBS, or desire more info about the BBS, please leave me a message. Long distance callers may leave comments or questions to me on GEnie (Addressed to JIM.B) Thanks. Enjoy the system! Jim Burgan-System Operator ------------------------------------------------------------------ As you saw above, you were requested to enter the info twice, that is, to verify that you did leave factual information. This feature is optional with the Sysop and some may use it, others may not. Some might require that even more info be provided. Once you have completed the login procedure, you will see the online message and a list of system bulletins/notices. Again, this is optional with Forem so you might just see one simple bulletin, or a list of 100 bulletins. Select and read the bulletins you feel may pertain to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Online Jim Burgan You are caller 33834 Time limit this call: 30 minutes Last caller: DAVE GAINER Off at 6:01 PM MHz BBS Bulletins 1-MHz BBS rules (1-18-87) 2-Notice to Atari 8-bit users 3-CHANGES IN BBS (READ THIS!) 1-23-87 4-Updates for ST-Term and Forem-ST Select (Q=Exit)> Q -------------------------------------------------------------------- You are now at the main menu. Since the menu prompt will be different on each Forem BBS, it might not look exactly like the one here. This is the center of the BBS. As a new user on Forem (your access level will be 0), the complete set of commands will be displayed one time. If you wish to display the commands again, you will have to type ? at the main menu. In addition, a brief display of the commands will be sent each time you attempt to enter an invalid command. Here is a set of the commands, as they are displayed to new users on my BBS (MHz). -------------------------------------------------------------------- FoReM ST Functions ----- -- --------- A- 7/8 bit or Atari Atascii selector B- Reprint Bulletins C- Chat mode, page sysop D- Data base system/Help E- Email system F- Files system (upload/download) G- Goodbye/logoff H- Help L- Message to sysop M- Message system O- Off/logoff P- Your profile and status S- Clear screen for each display T- Toggle connect time display U- User log X- Xfer file with F-Mail +- Add to other BBS's list *- Set line feeds/computer type %- Change password !- FoReM Survey's 'Off' at beginning of any line - Log off 'Menu' at beginning of any line - Abort to main menu 'Help' at the beginning of any line - Enter HELP system ^Y during any output - Abort to main menu MHz (? for menu)> -------------------------------------------------------------------- The main menu prompt here is MHz (? for menu)> At this prompt, you enter commands to navigate throughout the BBS. Basically, the commands are single letter commands that represent areas of the BBS. In addition, Forem allows a few full word commands to be entered. I will start with these commands. HELP- Type this at any prompt and you will enter the help system. You will be further prompted for specific topics you wish to receive help for. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> help Help Information is available on the follow topics: Commands Command_Stacking Passwords Message_Editor Sysop_mode Topic? commands Commands are single character requests for functions entered at the FoReM> prompt. Additional Information Available \A \B \C \D \E \F \G \L \M \P \U \+ \* \% \OFF \MENU COMMANDS Subtopic? \B B) Reprint the logon system bulletins. COMMANDS Subtopic? \+ +) Add name to list of other BBS systems. FoReM will prompt for the name and phone number of the BBS. Entering a carriage return at either prompt will abort the function.The name is added to the BBS listig which is data base file DB002.000 . This file may be edited by the sysop from the sysop $ command. COMMANDS Subtopic? Topic? ? Help Information is available on the follow topics: Commands Command_Stacking Passwords Message_Editor Sysop_mode Topic? PASSWORDS Your system password is a general reference to information regarding your FoReM account. Specifically, to log onto FoReM, you must give FoReM the account number assigned to you, and your chosen password. The account number is the user ID which FoReM uses to locate your password. The first time you log on, if you select to have FoReM save you ID, you will be given your user ID number. You must enter this 7 digit number when you log back on. If you lose this number, you may log back on by entering the full name you gave when applying for a password. Topic? MHz (? for menu)> -------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can see in the above example, to exit any portion of the help system, just hit return and you will jump back to the previous topic. Since the help system is heavily nested, you may have to hit return several times to exit back to the main menu. The easiest way to get back to the main menu from any point in the BBS is to simply type the word MENU. No matter where you are, you will be instantly sent back to the main menu. Even if you are typing in a message. For this reason, you cannot type HELP as the subject of a message or use the filename HELP to transfer a file. If you do, you will instantly abort what you are doing and be sent back to the main menu. I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but if text is scrolling by on your screen too fast to read, you may pause the scrolling by typing ^S (control and S). To resume the scrolling after a pause, you must hit ^Q. In addition, you may abort many displays by typing ^C. And finally, once you have logged on, you may type ^Y at any point and it will abort whatever you are doing and take you directly to the main menu. This, you will find very handy if you get stuck in some of Forem's loops. One final general point before I get back to the main menu commands, Forem has a feature that allows you to stack commands. If you are an experienced user, you may skip certain menus and prompts by stacking commands. The only requirement is that stacked commands MUST be separated by a slash /. More on this back to the main menu commands. A-This command allows you to change your parity or translation. Valid parameters are 8 bit word length, 1 stop bit, no parity or 7 bit word length, 1 stop bit and even parity. If you are using an Atari 800/XL/XE, you may also use ATASCII translation to view inverse video and graphics in some messages. To use this command, type A at the main menu. You will see a short explanation of the funtion, then then be asked to hit return. If you are operating at a speed above 300 baud, you will see a line of garbage. Just hit return a few times until your terminal parameters are detected by Forem (note to 2400 baud users: it is a good idea to use the space bar rather than the return key as long as garbage characters are displayed. When you do see the words HIT RETURN, you should then hit return. For some reason, Forem has a problem recognizing the return key at 2400 baud when it is looking for baud rate and terminal parameters). ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)>A Baud/Parity/Atascii Emulation: ---------------------------------------------------------------- At the prompt, please hit return a few times VERY SLOWLY so that FoReM may detect your word length, baud rate and parity. Atari users, may use Atascii translation mode. Hit return NOW ~ Hit Return MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- B The B command is to display system bulletins. Forem may be toggled to display bulletins at login, or to skip them. Most Sysop's display the system bulletins at login. For those who do not, the B command will allow you to view the bulletins after you have logged on, or repeat them if you didn't see them at login. After selecting B at the main menu, you will either see a single bulletin, or a menu of more than 1 bulletin. You may select the appropriate bulletin (if a menu is displayed) or type Q to go back to the main menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------ MHz (? for menu)>B MHz BBS Bulletins 1-MHz BBS rules (1-18-87) 2-Notice to Atari 8-bit users 3-CHANGES IN BBS (READ THIS!) 1-23-87 4-Updates for ST-Term and Forem-ST Select (Q=Exit)> 4 If you purchased either ST-Term or Forem-ST from me, I will make all updates available to you thru this BBS. Current revisions include ST-Term 2.2 (1-20-87) and Forem-ST 1.1 (2-13-87). If you purchased either from me, leave me a message indicating that you would like access to download revisions and I will raise your security level to allow you to download them. Enter selection or for menu: MHz BBS Bulletins 1-MHz BBS rules (1-18-87) 2-Notice to Atari 8-bit users 3-CHANGES IN BBS (READ THIS!) 1-23-87 4-Updates for ST-Term and Forem-ST Select (Q=Exit)> Q MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- C The C command is the chat mode page. If you type C at the main menu, the bell on the BBS computer will ring (or the bell on the printer if a printer is online, this way, the chat bell will ring even if the monitor is off) to alert the sysop that a user would like to 'chat'. If the sysop is there, and wishes to chat, he will enter the chat mode, and you may type back-and-forth. The sysop has the ability to turn off the chat system, and if this is the case, you will be informed of this after typing C. If the chat mode is active, but the sysop is not available, you will be advised. ----------------------------------------------------------------- C The sysop is being paged... If he is around, he will break in. In the mean time, you may continue to use the system.... MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- D The D command is the command to access the data base(s). The data base is an in-depth section containing text file. The use of the data base might vary between different Forem BBS's, but the overall use of the data base is usually for news, reviews or similar text files. The data base(s) are nested. In addition, the capability exists to have multiple data bases. A user also has the ability to upload files directly into the data base, using the U command from within a data base menu. Since the data base is pretty well self-explanatory, I will not go further into it, except a brief sample trip thru MHz data base. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)>D MHz BBS Data Base ----------------- 0-How to obtain Forem ST or Forem PC 1-Reprint system bulletins 2-List of other BBS' 3-Information on this BBS O-Other data bases Q-Quit to main menu U-Upload data base file Select (Q=Exit)> 2 Enter area code to search (000=ALL): 812 Other 'BBS' systems C-Comm 812-446-2881 ATARI 8 BIT Midnight Hackers 812-336-3630 ATARI 8 BIT STARVE HOLLOW 812-523-1449 FoReM ST MEGAHERTZ BBS (ST BBS) 812-379-1162 FoReM ST The magic of xanth! 812-824-8298 COMMODORE STARVE HOLLOW 812-523-1449 FoReM ST THE MAGIC OF XANTH 812-824-8298 COMMODORE All Nighter BBS 812-378-4171 COMMODORE WEST TERRACE BBS 812-985-2083 FoReM PC DODGE CITY 812-853-6895 ATARI 8 BIT DIGICOM 812-985-9443 IBM PC EVANSVILLE CONNECTION 812-476-9453 IBM PC EKUG BBS 812-429-0017 CP/M Spas-A-Matic 812-372-2161 COMMODORE -DEADWOOD CITY- 812-579-6418 Commodore NIGHTMARE BBS 812-546-5084 FoReM ST PC-Link Central 812-824-7990 IBM magic of xanth 812-331-8088 All types crbbs 812-372-3031 IBM AIRCOMN 812-372-3031 All types Brain Damage BBS 812-378-4171 All types Enter selection or for menu: MHz BBS Data Base ----------------- 0-How to obtain Forem ST or Forem PC 1-Reprint system bulletins 2-List of other BBS' 3-Information on this BBS O-Other data bases Q-Quit to main menu U-Upload data base file Select (Q=Exit)> O FoReM ST Data Base Selection 1) MHz BBS DATA BASE 2) INDUSTRY NEWS 3) PRODUCT REVIEWS 4) NEWS FROM PACE 5) HOT TOPICS Current Data Base: MHz BBS DATA BASE Select> 5 New Data Base: HOT TOPICS Hot topics data base 1-Radar Detectors 2-A few words on mail-order 3-SPA Nails pirate BBS 4-MHz Users speak out on piracy 5-Problems of a Sysop (msgs from GEnie) Q-Quit to previous menu O-Other data bases U-Upload data base file Select (Q=Exit)> Q MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- + As you see in the above example, Forem reserves a file in the data base for a list of phone numbers of other BBS systems. This file may be apended to by any user, using the + command from the main menu. This keeps the Sysop from performing maintenance of the file. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The time is 6:38 PM The date is Feb 10, 1987 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,L,M,O,P,R,S,T,U,X,+,*,%,!,? MHz (? for menu)> + Add to BBS list Enter name of BBS: Nightmare BBS You entered Nightmare BBS, is this correct? YES Enter BBS phone number 000-000-0000: 812-546-5084 You entered 812-546-5084, is this correct? YES 1) ATARI ST 2) ATARI 8 BIT 3) IBM 4) APPLE 5) COMMODORE 6) AMIGA 7) DEC 8) TI 9) FoReM ST 10) FoReM PC 11) ALL Enter system type: 9 Appending file... MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- E The E command access Forem's Email system. This is a seperate, self contained, user-to-user message system. In order to send a message to a specific user in email, the user must be a current user of the BBS, and you must know the correct spelling of his/her name. If you attempt to send email to a user who is not in the system, you will see the message "user not found". If you do not know the correct spelling of a user's name, you may search the BBS records by typing ? at the field to enter the user's name. In addition, you may send a single message to up to 10 users, by using the LIST command at the field. I will not attempt to cover the message editor here, so, for more info on the editor, check the section under the M (message) command. Each time you log on, Forem checks to see if you have any email waiting. If you do, you will be advised. Once you have read your email, it will be deleted automatically by the system when you log off, unless you tell Forem to [S]ave the message after reading it. After you have read the message, you will be asked if you want to read it again, save it from deletion or reply to it. If you reply to email, you will be asked if you want to change the subject line (if you hit return, it will remain the same as the original message), and then you will enter the message editor. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)>E MHz BBS Electronic Mail System Please note that all Email will be deleted automatically when you logoff the system. Sorry, no mail waiting. [R]ead [S]end [W]rap on/off [Q]uit Select> S To [?=Search for user name]: ? Checking user list Search for User Name ------ --- ---- ---- To search for a particular user to send a message to, Please enter a portion of or all of the user's First name. For example to search to see if John Smith is on the system, enter Joh. The system will then stop at all users with a name starting with 'JOH'. To stop at every user on the system, enter ALL. To abort and send a message addressed to all, hit return. Enter search name: KENT KENT JOHNSON Last on: Feb 9, 1987 (0=Continue 1=Send 2=Abort): 1 Subject: HI KENT JOHNSON has 4 messages waiting FoReM Message Editor Command Summary /A = Abort /S = Save /? or /H = Help /#Line Numbers /J= Center Justify preceeding line Precede all commands with a / on a new line Line numbers ON Word Wrap ON 1) Just wanted to let you know the meeting for this evening has been 2) canceled. 3) /? FoReM Message Editor Commands Precede all commands with / (slash) /S - Save /J - Center Justify preceding line /T - Goto top of message /B - Goto bottom of message /Nnn - Next nn lines /Dnn - Delete next nn lines /Gnn - Goto line nn /Lnn - List next nn lines /# - Toggle line number mode /W - Toggle word wrap on/off /C/svar1/svar2 - change first occurance of svar1 with svar2 /I/svar - insert line svar above the current line 3)/s Sorry, no mail waiting. [R]ead [S]end [W]rap on/off [Q]uit Select> q One moment... MHz (? for menu)> e/s MHz BBS Electronic Mail System Sorry, no mail waiting. Select> s To [?=Search for user name]: list Mail to =no more: kent johnson Checking user list... Mail to =no more: ken conway Checking user list... Mail to =no more: len logterman Checking user list... Mail to =no more: Subject: Hi guys! KENT JOHNSON has 5 messages waiting KEN CONWAY has 3 messages waiting LEN LOGTERMAN has 2 messages waiting FoReM Message Editor Command Summary /A = Abort /S = Save /? or /H = Help /#Line Numbers /J= Center Justify preceeding line Precede all commands with a / on a new line Line numbers OFF Word Wrap ON 1) All of you guys are invited to the next meeting of PACE. 2) It will be on Monday, Feb. 16th at 7:00. 3) Hope to see you there! 4) /s Sorry, no mail waiting. [R]ead [S]end [W]rap on/off [Q]uit Select> q One moment... MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- You just saw examples of both the search command (to search for a user's name) and the list command (to send 1 letter to more than 1 individual). Remember, if you have Email waiting, you will be advised when you log on, and once you have read your mail and logged off, it will be deleted unless you protect it with the S command. F The F command is to access the Forem files system. This section is used to transfer files from the BBS to your computer. Forem supports a great number of file transfer protocols. In addition to a simple ASCII capture, the following protocols are supported that provide error checking to prevent file corruption due to line noise; Kermit, Xmodem (checksum), Xmodem CRC, Ymodem (Xmodem CRC with 1K blocks) and a special protocol for use by Atari 8-bit computers using Amodem (a dialect of Xmodem) protocol. In addition, batch file transfers are possible using Ymodem and Kermit batch mode. Typing F from the main menu will display a menu of file catagories available. They may grouped by machine or file type. Select the section that you desire. You will then see the Files menu. You may hit return or ? to get a list of file commands. __________________________________________________________________ MHz (? for menu)>F MHz BBS File Transfer Menu 1-Atari ST Games 2-Atari ST Utilities 3-Atari ST Desk Accessories 4-Atari ST Graphics & Demos 5-Atari ST Music 6-Atari 8 bit BBS Software 7-Atari 8-bit files (all other) 8-IBM/MSDOS 9-CP/M (incl. ST CP/M emulator) 10-Other Misc files 11-Forem-ST/ST-Term updates (access for authorized users only) L-List all NEW files l-list ALL files Select>5 MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> ? MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC [B]atch file list toggle on/off [C]hoose directories for ALL NEW command [D]ownload [F]ind file [K]ermit Batch Send [L]ist files [M]ark file for Batch [O]ther file directories [Q]uit [S]can files [U]pload [W]ide directory listing [Y]modem Batch Send Batch File List: OFF 4300800 total bytes available for uploading 4300800 bytes maximum upload file length Files Cmd (?=List)> w MHz BBS Download Directory - AT16UTIL [A]ll files [N]ew since on [S]ince specified date [L]ocate/search Select> a FRAMDISK.PRG 1280 FRAMDISK.DOC 7936 LABEL.PRG 25088 DEFAULT.LBL 414 MEDRES.PRG 256 DSEARCH.PRG 37504 SETPAL.PRG 384 KERMIT.PRG 44800 KERMIT.RSC 12032 EZSQUSQ.PRG 11520 ACCLOAD.PRG 12160 ACCLOAD.DOC 1152 CITOH.PRG 896 MASH.DOC 6784 MASH.RSC 1536 MASH.TTP 25216 DENSITY.PRG 19584 DELIB.TTP 4352 LIBRARY.TOS 4480 SCRGEM.PRG 31360 CONTENTS.PRG 14208 SPOOL11.TOS 2304 FRMTPLUS.PRG 640 SPOOLER.LBR 48384 CHNGFORM.PRG 26368 ENCRYPT.PQG 21632 ARC.TTP 35712 ARC.HLP 6912 STWRITER.ARC 82389 NEOFUN.ARC 2909 DIR.TOS 17408 MACCART.DOC 11904 SPOOL32.PRG 512 CONVERT.ARC 20992 ARCSHELL.ARC 40832 PANSON.PRT 2176 SONYMON.DOC 9984 DRIVICON.PRG 2688 SUNRISE.ARC 20608 AWBOOT3.ARC 15232 YARD.ARC 3328 HARDAUTO.ARC 5376 CLOKREPR.ARC 12032 SCRNSAV.ARC 8704 PCOMMAND.ARC 32768 [N]ext [D]ownload [Q]uit:N DCCLOCK.ARC 4736 TINYSTUF.PRG 7040 ALTDESK.ARC 32768 GFABASIC.ARC 34153 LUCKY.ARC 51968 NUMGUESS.ARC 1842 FORMAT3.ARC 23296 BMOD23A.ARC 32768 BMODEM23.ARC 32768 DUCK.ARC 128 ZMRACK2.ARC 166784 BINHEX.TTP 9600 HEXBIN.TTP 9088 UUDECODE.TOS 896 UUENCODE.TOS 1024 UNITRM16.ARC 125312 FREESTUF.BAS 512 TRANSPO.ARC 11648 FORMAT.ARC 6400 NEILTERM.BAS 512 APPLE.ARC 47104 VISION.ARC 33043 ATARI800.ARC 41984 KRAM.TOS 3968 INITDISK.ARC 12032 SPOOL32A.ARC 1408 ASCIITAB.TXT 22144 LISTER.BAS 736 FORMAT2.PRG 16181 FORMAT2H.RSC 11412 FORMAT2M.RSC 11412 EMULATOR.DOC 3968 ELVERT.ARC 18432 TESTGRW.WKS 3200 FEDTAX86.WKS 55040 COLORBBS.ARC 7040 HDRIVER.ARC 13696 [D]ownload [Q]uit:Q MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is AT16UTIL Files Cmd (?=List)> O MHz BBS File Transfer Menu 1-Atari ST Games 2-Atari ST Utilities 3-Atari ST Desk Accessories 4-Atari ST Graphics & Demos 5-Atari ST Music 6-Atari 8 bit BBS Software 7-Atari 8-bit files (all other) 8-IBM/MSDOS 9-CP/M (incl. ST CP/M emulator) 10-Other Misc files 11-Forem-ST/ST-Term updates (access for authorized users only) L-List all NEW files l-list ALL files Select> 5 MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> s/a MHz BBS Download Directory - MUSIC Select> a Filename Length Description CLASGAS.SNG 6144 Mason William's Classical Gas, a Music Studio file MASH.SNG 2048 Theme from M*A*S*H, a Music Studio file SKATERS.PRE 2176 Skater's Waltz. Music studio file using casio presets TAINER.INT 6016 The Entertainer (Scot Joplin's). Music Studio file WHICHY.SNG 8064 Music studio song file -the Eagles 'Witchy Woman' THATSWAY.SNG 14080 Music Studio song file AXELF.SNG 11008 Great rendition of Axel Foley, there from Bev. Hills Cop MIDNITE.SNG 3456 Midsummer Night's Dream theme ******** Music Studio song SIXTYS.SNG 8576 60 Years On (by Elton John). Great Music Studio song fil MIDTRAIN.SNG 4224 Midnight Train Express, a Music Studio song file THUNDER.SNG 2688 Thunder March (by John Phillips Sousa). A Music Studio s CANTINA.SNG 10240 Cantina music from Star Wars. Music Studio song file CLOSENC.SNG 5632 There from Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. Music Studi STELMOS.SNG 7552 Theme from St. Elmos Fire. Music Studio song file IJUSTCAL.SNG 5504 I Just Called To Say I Love you.... Stevie Wonder. Music [N]ext [D]ownload [Q]uit:Q MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> m Enter filespec: thunder.sng MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> m Enter filespec: cantina.sng MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> m Enter filespec: ijustcal.sng MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> ? MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC [B]atch file list toggle on/off [C]hoose directories for ALL NEW command [D]ownload [F]ind file [K]ermit Batch Send [L]ist files [M]ark file for Batch [O]ther file directories [Q]uit [S]can files [U]pload [W]ide directory listing [Y]modem Batch Send Marked for Batch Send: C:\MUSIC\THUNDER.SNG,C:\MUSIC\CANTINA.SNG,C:\MUSIC\IJUSTCAL.SNG, Batch File List: OFF 4300800 total bytes available for uploading 4300800 bytes maximum upload file length Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)>Y Ymodem Batch Ready To Send [Ctrl-X to Abort]... MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> ? MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC [B]atch file list toggle on/off [C]hoose directories for ALL NEW command [D]ownload [F]ind file [K]ermit Batch Send [L]ist files [M]ark file for Batch [O]ther file directories [Q]uit [S]can files [U]pload [W]ide directory listing [Y]modem Batch Send Batch File List: OFF 4300800 total bytes available for uploading 4300800 bytes maximum upload file length Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> C 1 - AT16GAME : YES 2 - AT16UTIL : YES 3 - AT16DESK : YES 4 - AT16PIC : YES 5 - MUSIC : YES 6 - F8BIT : YES 7 - ATARI8 : YES 8 - MSDOS : YES 9 - CPM : YES 10 - OTHER : YES Enter number of directory to switch (=done): MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> ? MHz BBS Files System Current file directory is MUSIC [B]atch file list toggle on/off [C]hoose directories for ALL NEW command [D]ownload [F]ind file [K]ermit Batch Send [L]ist files [M]ark file for Batch [O]ther file directories [Q]uit [S]can files [U]pload [W]ide directory listing [Y]modem Batch Send Batch File List: OFF 4300800 total bytes available for uploading 4300800 bytes maximum upload file length Current file directory is MUSIC Files Cmd (?=List)> q MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- Above you saw a quick trip through the files menu. You saw a [W]ide directory listing, a [S]can of the files, you saw 3 files marked for Ymodem batch file transfer (you may also batch mark files by enabling the batch mark mode; this will list each file and prompt you for marking or skipping to the next), you saw a Ymodem batch transfer and you saw the C command in use. As you see in the above menus, when you select F from the main menu, you have the option of listing all new files (since your last call). You may choose which directories are searched with the C command. Simply select C at the File Transfer menu, then type the number of the directories you want to search. This could save some time if you have desire to search a directory for files in which you have no interest. If you wish to upload a file, select U from the files menu. You will be asked for the filename. The filename must be 8 or less letters in length, plus a 3 letter extender (ie:FILENAME.EXT). You will then be asked for the language in which your file was written. Next, you will be given a list of categories to choose the proper one. After this, you will be asked to enter a short description of the file you are uploading. You are limited to 78 characters in your description. Next, you must select the file transfer protocol you want to use, and finally, you will be shown the number of free bytes of disk space available for uploads, and asked if your file exceeds this amount. If you answer No to this, the BBS will send a message telling you the file transfer is ready to begin. If you change your mind at the last second, you may abort by typing ^X (control X), otherwise, set up your computer to begin the file transfer. Although there is alot more to file transfer than this, this should give you enough knowledge to be dangerous. G The G command from the main menu will log you off the BBS. You will be asked to confirm this, in case you accidently hit the wrong key. If this is your first call, you will be asked if you want to save your ID for future access. If you answer Yes, you will be given a 7 digit ID number for future use. Forem stores passwords in numerical records. The record number in which your password is located makes up a portion of this ID number. If you use your ID number on subsequent calls, Forem will know exactly where to look for your password file. You do not have to use the ID number (you could just enter your name when you log on), but if you DO use your name, Forem will have to search the entire password file until it finds your name. This could take a while on floppy disk systems with a large number of password. I strongly suggest you write down this number. Once you have received your new ID number (if you were a new user), you will be displayed a little more info and the carrier will be dropped. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> G Save user ID for future access? YES You will now be given your USER ID NUMBER, which should be used for future logons. Although use of this ID number is not required for logon, it will make logon faster. Your logon ID for future access is 4011210 Thank you for calling, JIM BURGAN Please call MHz BBS again... Logon : 6:14 PM Logoff: 6:40 PM You were connected 25 minutes 44 seconds FoReM ST (c)1986,1987 Commnet Systems Goodbye +++AT H0 Z ----------------------------------------------------------------- The line of garbage you see at the end is a string to disconnect the modem on systems that do not have modems that support DTR (but that is not important, just for your curiosity). H H is the single letter command executed from the main menu to access the Forem HELP system. (see HELP above for more details) L The L command from the main menu will allow you to send a private message to the sysop. Depending on how the system is set up, your message, when saved, will be sent as Email to the sysop, printed to the disk log or printed to the sysop's printer. M The M command accesses Forem's message system. Each Forem message base is completely self-contained. Every time you read messages, Forem keeps track of the highest message you read on each message base so that on your next call, may read only those messages which you haven't already read. When you first type M, you will be given a list of the message bases available. You select a message base or type A to read all NEW messages on all message bases. Like the files system, you have the ability to select which message bases you wish to read. To do this, select any message base. Ata the Msg Cmd> prompt, type Y. You will see a list of message bases available. you may then type the number of the message base(s) you want to have scanned when you execute the [A]ll new messages command. There are many commands available at the Msg Cmd> prompt to allow you to search for messages in several fields. I will not cover them now, especially since most of them are self-explanatory. I will attempt to cover the major commands. First, a quick trip through the message system. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> m MHz BBS Message Base Selection *=Contains messages new to you * 1) Open Forum * 2) PACE Base * 3) Jokes & Stuff * 4) Trading Post * 5) Message Base #5 [A]ll new messages Select> 1 Switching to Open Forum MHz BBS Message System Current Message Base: Open Forum 100 messages - High message received: 0 Last message: 3527 Next message: 3528 Continuous scroll off Msg Cmd (?=Menu): ? [A] = Check for All messages to or from you [B] = Check for Messages Addressed from you [C] = Check for Messages Addressed to you [D] = Delete Message [E] = Enter Message [F] = Read Flagged Messages [L] = Locate and Read (search) Messages [M] = Read Marked Messages [R] = Read Messages [S] = Scan/Mark Messages [W] = Message editor Word Wrap toggle [@] = Toggle continuous scroll on/off [#] = Set continuous messages scroll delay [O] = Other Message bases [Q] = Quit to main menu Msg Cmd (?=Menu): Y 1 - Open Forum : YES 2 - PACE Base : YES 3 - Jokes & Stuff : YES 4 - Trading Post : NO 5 - Message Base #5 : NO Enter number of message base to switch (=done): 4 1 - Open Forum : YES 2 - PACE Base : YES 3 - Jokes & Stuff : YES 4 - Trading Post : YES 5 - Message Base #5 : NO Enter number of message base to switch (=done): 5 1 - Open Forum : YES 2 - PACE Base : YES 3 - Jokes & Stuff : YES 4 - Trading Post : YES 5 - Message Base #5 : YES Enter number of message base to switch (=done): MHz BBS Message System Current Message Base: Open Forum 100 messages - High message received: 0 Last message: 3527 Next message: 3528 Continuous scroll off Msg Cmd (?=Menu): o One moment... MHz BBS Message Base Selection *=Contains messages new to you * 1) Open Forum * 2) PACE Base * 3) Jokes & Stuff * 4) Trading Post * 5) Message Base #5 [A]ll new messages Select> a Switching to Open Forum MHz BBS Message System Msg Cmd (?=Menu): R Read/Scan Messages - Open Forum This message base has 100 messages Read Cmd (?=List): N Msg# : 3422 Lines: 14 Read: 3 Sent : Feb 2, 1987 at 10:09 AM To : ALL From : STU HUFFMAN Subj : atari sales ALMOST FORGOTTEN the last couple of dys was the Wall Street Journal report from Atari saying 4th Quarter sales wre up 40% from the previous year's 4th Q owing to "very strong" sales of the ST. Stock on AMEX has almost doubled from $11.50 at issue to $20+ these days. Analysts said the performance indicates the ST line is establishing itslf in the crowded PC marketplace, and enouraging software writers to create more applications. 4thQ Revenue was $91 million, up from $65 a yarear ago. Atari estimates revenue for the year rose 80% to $256 million from $142 in 1985. Buy now ... Replies: 3425 Read Msg Cmd (?=List)> Msg# : 3423 Lines: 7 Read: 3 Sent : Feb 2, 1987 at 4:14 PM Recv : Feb 3, 1987 To : STU HUFFMAN From : LEN LOGTERMAN Subj : Re: <3417> PACE Meeting Hooking up an SG-10 to an ST just requires a standard IBM printer cable. It has a DB25 on one end and a Centronics 36-pin on the other. I think both ends are male. This can be constructed with ribbon cable and parts from Radio shack for about $12-$15. The only tool required is a vise to clamp the ribbon cable connectors together. You can actually buy these things from some discount houses for $10 plus shipping, etc. or you can buy a high quality version from Jim Burgan for $3.50. Replies: 3424 3433 Read Msg Cmd (?=List)> ? [@]gain [A]nswer [B]ack [H]old after command [M]essage this is a reply to [N]ext [R]eplies [Q]uit Read Msg Cmd (?=List)>N Msg# : 3424 Lines: 2 Read: 2 Sent : Feb 2, 1987 at 5:05 PM Recv : Feb 3, 1987 To : LEN LOGTERMAN From : CLARK BORNMAN Subj : Re: <3423> PACE Meeting Why do you need a vise when you can just put 'em on the floor and stomp 'em? Works every time! Replies: 3431 3432 Read Msg Cmd (?=List)> a Subject : Read only by CLARK BORNMAN? NO Send anonymously? NO FoReM Message Editor Command Summary /A = Abort /S = Save /? or /H = Help /#Line Numbers /J= Center Justify preceeding line Precede all commands with a / on a new line Line numbers ON Word Wrap ON 1) What are you talking about? 2) /s Saving message: 3528 Msg# : 3425 Lines: 2 Read: 2 Sent : Feb 2, 1987 at 6:26 PM Recv : Feb 3, 1987 To : STU HUFFMAN From : TODD TRAUTMAN Subj : Re: <3422> atari sales Sales were interesting but what about profit? TODD TRAUTMAN Replies: 3434 Read Msg Cmd (?=List)> q MHz BBS Message System Msg Cmd (?=Menu): O One moment... MHz BBS Message Base Selection Select> 2 Switching to PACE Base MHz BBS Message System Msg Cmd (?=Menu): R Read/Scan Messages - PACE Base This message base has 22 messages Read Cmd (?=List): N Msg# : 2108 Lines: 2 Read: 34 Sent : Jan 18, 1987 at 4:18 PM Recv : Jan 18, 1987 To : SYSOP From : CARL EDDY Subj : ?? WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE MESSAGES? OOPS!! LEN WILL HAVE MY HIDE FOR USING ALL CAPS!!! Replies: 2109 2110 Read Msg Cmd (?=List)> menu MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- As you saw, there are many commands in the message base. Once you have selected a message base, you have many commands available. The major commands are: O-switch to another message base Q-quit to main menu E-enter a message R-read messages Once you begin to read messages, you will see a message displayed, followed by a prompt between each message (although you may turn off the prompt and have continuous message scrolling by typing @ at the Msg Cmd> prompt). This prompt (between messages) allows you to do several things: A-reply to this message N-go on to the next message (you may also go to next msg by hitting return) Q-quit reading and go to the Msg Cmd> prompt @-this will display the current message again M-if the message you are reading is a reply to another message, the M command will display the original message that this was a reply to If you reply to a message, the subject of the message you are replying to will be displayed in brackets. you have the option of keeping this subject header (just hit return) or changing it to a new subject (just type in a new subject and hit return). You will then be displayed a short list of message commands and then you will be in the editor, ready to post your message text. Remember.... when you are in the editor, ALL COMMANDS MUST BE PRECEEDED BY A / (slash)! Forem will allow auto-word wrap. This will cause a word that is too large to fit on the line to wrap around to the next line. You may defeat this by typing /W. Forem also supplys line numbers. You may turn off the line numbers by typeing /#. remember, these commands must be entered at the beginning of a new line and must be preceeded by a slash. Once you have complete posting your message text, you may display the entire contents by typing /L (list). This will display the entire contents of the text and place you back in the editor at the line in which you were located. If you made a mistake, you may edit the message by locating the line number of the error, then typing /Gn (n= line number of the line with the error). 1) Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their 2) counrty. 3) /G2 2) counrty. 2) /c/counrty./country. As you see above, you will be located in the line with the error. To correct the error, type /C/oldtext/newtext The old text "counrty." will be replaced with the new text "country." You may include more than one word in the /C command. You may even replace the whole line, but it would be easier to just replace the entire line by typing it in. Remeber, if you do not preceed the command with a slash, Forem will enterpret it as new text and insert it. To skip down to a new line, you must type /Gn or /N (next). If you hit return you will wipe out the line and replace it with a blank line. I have seen many people go to line 1 (/G1) and hit return over and over to find a particular line. This will effectively delete the entire message. I can't stress enough that all commands must be preceeded by a slash. There are many more commands available form the editor, most of which are self-expalnatory, so I will not go into them any further. The above editor commands are used in any part of the BBS that allows you to enter message text (Email, Fmail, Dtat base upload description and private message to sysop). For more information of Forem's message editor, type HELP at any prompt, and type message_editor at the help topic prompt. O The O command is identical to the G command. It will log you off of the BBS. Again, if you type G or O, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to log off. If you type the word OFF, you will be instantly logged off with no confirmation. ------------------------------------------------------------------ MHz (? for menu)> o Leave, are you sure? NO MHz (? for menu)> ---------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> off Save user ID for future access? YES You will now be given your USER ID NUMBER, which should be used for future logons. Although use of this ID number is not required for logon, it will make logon faster. Your logon ID for future access is 4011210 Thank you for calling, JIM BURGAN Please call MHz BBS again... Logon : 6:14 PM Logoff: 6:40 PM You were connected 25 minutes 44 seconds FoReM ST (c)1986,1987 Commnet Systems Goodbye +++AT H0 Z ----------------------------------------------------------------- P The P command will display a profile of your activity on the BBS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> P User : JIM BURGAN Computer : 520ST Age : 34 Calls : 1 First call date : Feb 10, 1987 Last call date : Feb 10, 1987 Downloads : 0 Uploads : 0 Messages entered : 1 Mail messages entered : 2 Data base files received: 1 Data base files uploaded: 0 Access level (Dl/Dbase) : 5/5 Month connect time : 0 Call time limit : 60 Daily call limit : 4 Daily time limit : 90 Daily calls remaining : 3 Upload limit : 10 Download limit : 6 Data base upload limit : 10 Data base download limit: 20 Daily mail limit : 20 Daily message limit : 20 High message read on Open Forum: 3425 High message read on PACE Base: 2108 High message read on Jokes & Stuff: 0 High message read on Trading Post: 0 High message read on Message Base #5: 0 Last call was 0 days ago MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- Listed in this info are all of the limits you have as far as uploads, downloads, data base file access, access level, time limits etc. This file is updated each time you log off. You will also notice that Forem does store the highest message read on each message base. R The R command is a dangerous command for a Forem Sysop. This is a ring back command. If you type R at the main menu, Forem will log you off, wait for about 60 sconds and call you back at the number in your password file. Since this could result in some deadly phone bills, an additional feature is provided by Forem to ignore the area code of the R command is accessed. This will prevent the BBS from returning a call that is long distance. In addition, since the syop has the ability to restrict any command in the BBS to any user, in most cases, if you type R, you will receive a message "no priviledge for attempted operation". What this means is, you can't do it. I do not allow the R command on my BBS. It is the only function available that users cannot access (except the sysop mode). ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> R No privilege for attempted operation! MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- S The S command toggles the clear screen mode. If it is toggled ON, your screen will clear between messages and between functions of the BBS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> s Clear Screen OFF MHz (? for menu)> s Clear Screen ON MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- T The T command toggles on/off a display of your connect time. if it is ON, the BBS will display a line of information containing the total amount of time you have been connected. Forem has the ability to not charge users connect time for uploading files. if the sysop has this feature enabled, the connect time displayed will not include time spent uploading files to the BBS. This could mislead you if you are watching your connect time for phone bill reasons. If your connect time is not charged for uploads, and you wish it to be, leave the sysop a message asking him to change your profile to charge your account for uploads. Since most users calling long distance are not going to use up the entire time limit, if will make accounting for online time much easier. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> T Connect time display: on Connected: 19 minutes MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- U The U command will allow you to scan the list of users on the BBS to see who has been online today, or since any given date. Type U at the main menu. You will then be prompted to enter a date (dates must be entered in mm-dd-yy format, if you enter it as mm/dd/yy, Forem will interpret the / as a command delimited (used for stacking commands) and not funtion properly). Once you have entered the date, Forem will scan the list of users and display a list of all users who have been on since the date you entered, along with the actual last call date. You may also type ALL in place of a date and all users of the system will be displayed along with their last call date. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)>U Enter last call date (mm-dd-yy) or 'ALL': 02-10-87 FoReM ST User Log SYSOP Last on: Feb 10, 1987 520ST CLARK BORNMAN Last on: Feb 10, 1987 520ST DONALD WHEELER Last on: Feb 10, 1987 OTHER CARL EDDY Last on: Feb 10, 1987 ATARI 400/800 JULIE STRIETELMEIER Last on: Feb 10, 1987 C-64 LEN LOGTERMAN Last on: Feb 10, 1987 520ST DAVID MYERS Last on: Feb 10, 1987 IBM PC DALE BURGAN Last on: Feb 10, 1987 IBM/AT PAUL NAHRE Last on: Feb 10, 1987 520ST MARK REILLY Last on: Feb 10, 1987 520ST JOHN BURTON Last on: Feb 10, 1987 OTHER DALLAS MCKINNEY Last on: Feb 10, 1987 C-64 COUNT DRACULA Last on: Feb 10, 1987 ATARI 400/800 COLIN ACHAM Last on: Feb 10, 1987 520ST MIKE WAGNER Last on: Feb 10, 1987 C-64 RITCHE ADRIAN Last on: Feb 10, 1987 IBM/AT WAYNE JACKSON Last on: Feb 10, 1987 ATARI 400/800 17 Users found. Connected: 19 minutes MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- X The X command is the newest addition to Forem. This is a user- to-user file transfer system. if you have a file you wish to upload only to a given user, you may use F-mail to do this. Type X from the main menu. You will be asked for a filename. Enter the name of the file you are uploading. The file transfer will take place as described above in the F section, except you will not be asked for info about the file. Once you have completed the file transfer, you will be asked for the name of the user to whom you wish to send the file. This works exactly like Email... the user must be a validated user of the BBS and you must spell the name properly. The ? (search for user name) command will allow you to search for proper spelling. In addition, the LIST command (entered in place of the user's name) will allow you to send the Fmail to more than one user. Just enter the user(s) names the same way you would in email. You will then enter the message editor and be allowed to enter mail that will be sent to the user. When you are finished, and type /S (to save the message), the message will be saved and you will return to the main menu. When a user logs on, if Fmail awaits him/her, he/she will be noified of this and may read the Fmail message and be allowed to download the file. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> X Electronic Mail - File Transfer Welcome to the FoReM F-Mail system. This system allows you to send a file to from 1 to 10 users. You will upload the file to FoRem using any normal file protocol. When the transfer is complete, you will be asked to address an E-Mail message to the intended recepients of the file. Note that this message may only by 19 lines and not the usual 20 lines. When the addressee logs on, he will be notified of the F-Mail file waiting, and will be given the chance to download it when he reads you E-Mail message. Enter F-Mail filename: news.txt Select protocol ( = List): [A]scii [K]ermit [S]pecial mode (Amodem or Xmodem/NO CRC) [X]modem / Xmodem CRC [Y]modem Select protocol ( = List): a Is NEWS.TXT longer than 4300800 bytes? NO Begin send. Control-Z (^Z) when done or Control-X (^X) to abort File received: 5 bytes. Thank you. To [?=Search for user name]: sysop Checking user list Subject : SYSOP has 1 messages waiting FoReM Message Editor Command Summary /A = Abort /S = Save /? or /H = Help /#Line Numbers /J= Center Justify preceeding line Precede all commands with a / on a new line Line numbers ON Word Wrap ON 1) /? FoReM Message Editor Commands Precede all commands with / (slash) /S - Save /J - Center Justify preceding line /T - Goto top of message /B - Goto bottom of message /Nnn - Next nn lines /Dnn - Delete next nn lines /Gnn - Goto line nn /Lnn - List next nn lines /# - Toggle line number mode /W - Toggle word wrap on/off /C/svar1/svar2 - change first occurance of svar1 with svar2 /I/svar - insert line svar above the current line 1) Here is a copy of some text you might want to put in the March newsletter. 2) Let me know if you need some more items for the newsletter. 3) /s One moment... F-Mail Sent! MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- Once the Fmail has been retrieved, it will be deleted by the system unless the recipiant tells the system to hold it. If the Fmail was sent to more than 1 user, the message portion will be deleted but the file will not be deleted until all persons have downloaded it. % The % function allows a user to change his/her password. Type % at the main menu and you will be asked to enter your old password. You will then be asked to enter the new password. You will then be asked to confirm the change. Each time your password is displayed, it is represented on the screen as _. The reason for this is to keep users looking over your shoulder from seeing your password, plus, if you are capturing the info in a buffer, there will be no way for any user who might get a copy of it too determine your password. I strongly recomend hat each user change his/her password frequently. In addition, I recomend that a user select a password that has 1 or more blank spaces at the end. This prevents it from being printed if a security problem arises. Although you may find it relatively unimportant that you protect your password on a 'free' BBS, it can be disasterous if a friend becomes an enemy and logs on usinmg your ID and posts messages using your name or deletes email/fmail to/from you. I have seen this on numerous occasions, while a user says "nobody else knew my password except 'Joe', and he wouldn't have done that." ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> % Enter your old password: _______ Enter new password: _______ Verify new password: _______ Password verified. New password effective on next call. MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- * The * command allows you to re-define your terminal parameters. After typing * at the main menu, you will be asked if your terminal needs line feeds. Since most of the terminals DO require line feeds added to CR's, you should probably type Yes to this. If you type No and all subsequent text is displayed on top of the previous line, you will know you need line feeds. You will then be shown a list of computer/terminal types. Select the appripriate one (if you do not know or yours isn't listed, select the 'other' type. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> * Does your computer need line feeds? YES Please select your computer or terminal type / terminal emulation mode: 1 - IBM PC / compatibles (PC-TALK or other non emulating software) 2 - ATARI 400/800/1200 etc 3 - C-64 4 - DEC VT 100 5 - DEC VT 52 6 - IBM with VT100 emulation 7 - Any other ANSI terminal 8 - Apple II 9 - Apple MacIntosh 10 - Atari 520 ST 11 - IBM PC/AT and compatibles 12 - Amiga 0 - other, not listed. Computer type: 10 Select mode (40 or 80 column): 80 MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1-99 An undocumented feature of Forem is the ability to directly acces a particular data base (provided more than 1 exists) from the main menu. Normally, a user would type D to access the data base(s), then use the O command to change to another one. However, a user may directly access a data base provided he/she knows the number of the data base desired to access. ----------------------------------------------------------------- MHz (? for menu)> 5 New Data Base: HOT TOPICS Hot topics data base 1-Radar Detectors 2-A few words on mail-order 3-SPA Nails pirate BBS 4-MHz Users speak out on piracy 5-Problems of a Sysop (msgs from GEnie) Q-Quit to previous menu O-Other data bases U-Upload data base file Select (Q=Exit)> Q MHz (? for menu)> ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! The ! command from the main menu will access what is termed as "Forems-Survey System. Different BBS's will use this for different porposes. It is a question and answer section. It might be used as an online survey. It could be used for online games like Trivia. There may be more than 1 active survey. I am not currently using this on my BBS although I have used it for online trivia and as a way to survey users. You answers to questions are stored in a file for the sysop to review and/or post. Forem has the ability to allow users to answer survey questions with blank lines (to skip the question and go on to the next) or it may require a non-blank answer. This is determined by the sysop. Since I am not currently using this feature, I am unable to show an example, however each survey usually is preceeded by a text file explaining its purpose and specific instructions. The questions might be followed by more information and instruction. Well, that pretty well sums it up. New features are added frequently to Forem-ST/PC. If you are an authorized Forem Sysop, updates of Forem-ST/PC are redially available for the price of a phone call to Comnet Systems BBS or MHz BBS. If you call MHz to download revisions, you must leave your name and the serial number of your original Forem disk. This info will be checked with Comnet before access is granted. In addition, you may return your BBS disk along with $10 to cover shipping/handling and duplication costs to Comnet Systems, 24 Randy Rd., Framingham,MA,01701. If you are not a Forem sysop, and desire more info on purchasing Forem-St or Forem-PC, please contact Comnet for more info. I started out on this documentation by creating a short tutorial for new users. It turned out to be 38 pages and 69K and I still didn't cover everything I wanted to cover when I started. I do hope that this will make using Forem-ST/PC a little easier for beginners as well as the experienced BBS'er. If I can be of any help to you, feel free to contact me through my BBS (MHz-812-379-1162), Comnet Systems BBS (617-620-0903) or leave a message on the BBS or TC RoundTables on GEnie (GEmail address is JIM.B). Jim Burgan Sysop-MHz BBS 2-14-87