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Clusters contiguous.][ OK ]|completed. Clusters fragmented.][ OK ]|failed, code #%d][SORRY] [1][Insufficent free memory|for this function][CANCEL]AMPM%02d%02d%02d%02d:%02d:%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d%02d:%02d%02d:%02d:%02d %s%02d:%02d %s0123456789abcdef ((((( H ((((( H  @  $&( T   "& "    0   & (     ,   " " " " " " " "  "   $          x "        "   &      $" &                   6   &   "&      ("   $.      $ 0. 0b(8*"     &*       2           @8X" `d&   $X0 $&* j&"NT"0 * ( @ :0` 0 (p"2 , 4 4 $ , $ Hp42`**fhnPR@@B **T*""0HT".>*"((0660103030566 9[........................................................] WordProcessingToolkit DesktopAccessory  Thisdesktopaccessoryisdesignedtocomplement1stWord,but someofitsfeaturescouldbeusefulelsewhere. Toinstalltheaccessory,copyWPTOOLS.ACCandWPTOOLS.RSCtoyour bootdisk,andpresstheResetbutton.Whentherebootis completeyoushouldhaveanadditionalitemontheDeskmenu: "WP Toolkit". SelectingthisgivesyouapanelwitheightIconswhichhavethe followingfunctions: 1.AlarmThiscanbesettogooffatanytimeupto12 hoursahead,bytypingintherequiredtimein thefieldwherethecursoris.Thismeansthat youneedn'tmissanappointmentwhiletyping inyourmasterpiece.Thecurrenttimeisalso shownatthetopofthepanel.Ifis incorrect,youcanclickthemouseonit,and thenyoucanedititintheusualway. 2.PrinterThisallowsyoutoselectbetween2printers, sothatyoucanprintyourmasterpiecein draftorfinalmode. Thepresetoptionsareasfollows: FLAGBITMATRIXDAISY   0 Dotmatrix Daisy 1 Monochrome Monochrome 2 Epson Epson  3 Draft Final 4 Parallel RS232 5 Formfeed Singlesheet   3. WordCountSothatyoucantellhowlongyour masterpieceis.Willcountwordsin1stWord documentsorASCIIfiles. 4. FreeRAMDisplayshowmuchRAMiscurrentlyavailable forexpandingyourmasterpiece. 5.RelabelAllowsyoutochangethevolumelabelofa floppydisk.Nothingparticularlytodowith WordProcessing,butthereisnofacilityin GEMfordoingthis. 6. FormatAllowsyoutoformatanewdiskwithout leavingthewordprocessor.Usefulforwhen youfindyouhavenospaceavailabletosave yourmasterpieceexceptforanewdiskthat younevergotroundtoformatting.Inaddition tothenormalformat,therearetwoother options: 1.FastAccess-speedsdiskI/Obyusing anonstandardinterleavefactor. 2.HighCapacity-increasesdiskcap- acitytoabout800kforadouble-sided drive,attheexpenseofaslightloss ofspeed. 7.UndeleteForwhenyouaccidentallydeleteyour masterpiece.Thiswillnotalwayswork,of course.Thedialoguewilltellyouwhetherit thinksitsucceededornot,andwillalsotell youwhethertheclustersitrecoveredwere contiguousorfragmented.Thereasonforthis is,iftheclusterswerefragmented,thereis asignificantpossibilitythatitpickedup thewrongclusters,whereasifitwasableto findenoughcontiguousclustersforthefile thenthereisagoodchancethattheywerethe rightones.Recoveryisneverguaranteed, however.Youshouldalwayscheckthefile afterwards.Ifithaspickedupsome incorrectclusters,thereisnothingforit buttouseasectoreditortosearchthedisk fortherightones.Andthebestofluck. Note:atpresentthisfunctionworksforthe Rootdirectoryonly.Hopefully,itwillbe extendedtoworkforfolderssoon. 8.BlackoutThissimplyblanksoutthescreen,tosave burn-inifyouhavetoleavethemachinefora while,eg.fortheappointmentitem1reminded youabout.Toresume,pressReturnorEnter. Notes 1.Thediskutilities(Relabel,UndeleteandFormat)may failwithreturncodesasfollows: Code#1-Reservedforinternaluse. Code#2-UnabletoobtainBiosParameterBlock(copy protecteddisk?) Code#3-Non-standardsectorsize. Code#4-Directoryentrynotfound. Code#5-Firstclusteralreadyreused(Undelete) Code#6-Notenoughfreememoryavailabletoobtain buffers(approx8KrequiredforReformat,less forothers). TOSerrors(negativenumbers)mayalsobereported. 2.AlloptionsexceptRamFreeandBlackoutgiveyoua secondchancetocancelbeforeproceeding. 3.TheaccessorysetstheDesktopcolourtothestandard darkgreen,unless1stWordhasalreadychangedit. UnliketheControlPanel,itwon'talterthecolourof blockhighlights. 4.Ifanyoftheprinteroptionsdon'tsuit,Icansupply thesourcecodeforamendmentifyousendadiskand returnpostage.You'llneedaCcompilerandaGST- compatiblelinker.Ifyoudon'thavethese,Ican compileamoduletoyourequirementsfor1inaddition tothediskandpostage. 5.TheResourcefilewasdesignedformedium-resolution,I don'tknowhowitlooksinmonochrome,andsomeofthe panelsareabitbigforlow-res. ThisaccessorywaswrittenusingMetacomco'sLatticeCand Hisoft'sDevpacSTby: SandyJanas, 73BurghmuirCourt, Linlithgow, WestLothian, Scotland. Enjoy!astheysay.  $#L#CANCELAPJALARMPRINTERWORD COUNTFREE RAMRELABELFORMATUNDELETEBLACKOUTSELECT PRINTERMATRIXDAISYOKAPJTime now:SETCANCELAlarm to ring at:9999p Time: __:___m9999aAPJOK9999P__:___M9999aThis is an alarm call.Time now:OKAPJInsert disk in drive XXXXXXXXYYYEnter new volume label: ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFRELABELCANCELAPJFormat disk in driveType of disk:SINGLEDOUBLEsidedHIGH CAPACITYFAST ACCESSNORMALDisk format:XXXXXXXXYYYEnter new volume lel: ________._____FFFFFFFFFFFWARNING! ALL DATA ON THIS DISK WILL BE ERASED!UNDERSTOOD - PROCEEDCANCELAPJFormatting track 99 side 9UNDELETE a fileDisk in driveXXXXXXXXXXXFilename : ________.___FFFFFFFFFFFOKCANCELAPJ  0`? 0c0cY0c90 @ | 8 @?  . / /޾ / -  / /m    ? 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Dieses ist notwendig, da Wordplus ein besonderes4NnNPN`6 Format fr die Leerzeichen benutzt. Der RandausgleichNnNPN` funktioniert ansonsten nicht.NnNPNn) Whlen Sie zuerst Ihren Ausgangstext undRNnNPN`4 danach den Zielordner und den Namen des Zieltextes.NnNPNnNPNn# --- bitte (Maus-)Taste drcken ---nNnNN/N$VHgN`NN pV4 FL@2 RBP6>F2>$ nR` Efv*oM m HPHUBg?<JNA(m)m -:gS)@ -OK1PC#HNHx?<HNA@)@l/?<HNA)@h&@)@XЬl)@d)@`ARCpr Ѝ"QHNFALNHz2?< NA\pdAxr0XQ)K\NN LLjpppJrBjNuHz?<&NN\N>CAp$L Qp N*9lrBlJpNN*pMN*9@pdAr 0Q0tr Nx9lNupealp`NuaNJHz?<&NNBWNANC2A@p222NrҌ0<NB0,rNurA9Ar`v C9Cr`rt9@9A9BNrrҌpsNB0,Nu9@N`rDҌpsNBNuC2 @ e @}bA@p222Nr,Ҍ0<NBNu pa2|a>:><|a4g RGj`a(0GVfA1G<ap??<?<NM\Nu??< NMXNuHn 2$4BBNuAd RdQRB BbABJk 0NuJBjBBXNu 0Nu 2$NuE`B<gJEgEjCDEDF Fe( F dF8BCHC` F0bFHC8v` HD8HDkDуdQRBNuDdBDA@kgAр[SBk0NuJlJBk&Nu0g H@rB JkЀ[` BbNuJBj prtNuHPAJgPpr$< _Nup _NpNNuCDEJEgJBgJjBEBQ*HE?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdi\?<>0rHGGdHGGdSWDуdiN?<>0rHGGdHGGdSW2 H@Nf?<,>CEdGH@0r`?<`JBgVB&8TTDуdQRBNuDAр&AdRAрAрDуNuprt|=|  g +g -f .g20  b 0e 9b da`RF` .f 0e 9b dajSF` Eg efX +g -f 0e 9oSH`00  b&Hz0  b E Do`HJjDDDS4</NxJFkSFk&aQNx`Ha"FFaQL8N6.JgtBnNupr$<NuJBk4<rpAC v JBgJjv-| Bb BkH>aaNRFBdL8?N<JBga2SF Be BgQRB`ApdR e <rRF&0xafEv+0JFjDFv-Hƌd0BFHF 0HF0ANuprt|`2:HQ A dNAXJ@jNNuNJ@g,A,BBgHQ?<=NAP FJ@k??<>NAXtNutNuvNj)@p `H@)@prtNxAHplrtNxB 2pNhpN\papaprapalpalpalpaTpaTpaTBp'a?<NNT@B){L9|0<rtNxpapap9@p`pvNjv`v`vj`v `v`v`v`?Aa*` Al 2l 4)lVH)lRprtNxAl 2l 4HVNuAl 2l 4L VA0000000000prtNxaBp0,l 2Nua40,HNua*p0,l 4Nuaprt0,l 22,l 44,NuN9||BlBlrҌpsNBNu0<}N& ?<NNC`&?<NNT"@ C <}N`N(* 9AJA)H@@[000][ˈN Evz`* [g" ]g |g QSz` zQSpQ][ɈN Dvx`* [g" ]g |g QSx` xQSpQ]Bp4N*HNu*( INA)H @depd ae zb QB DNA\)H @ e` ae zb \gQBA BhNpZN*A BP"`#|}NA"H0,tg"Hg \f`A\fS A ENAR@H`2QNur|<N @xepw2A$JBjDFHB t`0QBl9F)lVTAtp 9| Nx2(g"P@g2RADAH""l`r2oZAe 1@#)I`Nuk1@Nup NNt"l`dpNAtrdJhk\QpaNH ld$l`"Hg: k&@0+R`g k#&@0+S@H3 Q&f)I`LNu?<?<NAXJgJgNAH@B pNA NuApNNb$N\$BS@kH2QNupC ұd"X0Pg"RA$D#Nu"X0NuNJ@gpNu _0HpN _0HpNp"_0HqNp"_0HqNE ұeHHQ0)N$_$ZR@H`2QNu$Y0gHR@@"D%$X0P2g# R@%NupE $ $X0dP.gRG,D%pr Y2dP.gRG,D!p4Ae4v`VfANuNVHNu Ihd*N\$E$RR@H`2QˈN ENu Ihd"*N\$E8*$R`"QˈN ENu2)A IJAfr4(Ae*RBBc0*SA?N\$E$R`QˈN ENup`(* 0(iN\$E 4R`Q$D 4R`QˈN DN ENu2p <0N\`QNur ,* N& ( EN C"Sj|AcRGFc8>`4A g6 g0 g` gTlfelhgFf2pRGRFa`a,` `?~ap ap a 0NuCpE`bf`FgRGJGgRSGSFFgCpE`Yf`Nua@Jf gH@ fa(@ fza0 b @ Ee0Nu?<?<NMXNur9A(HN~LNu0,^2,`NzEfpaRppaNAEg0PaľEfa4RE`p a2a*Efp a(NƼldeS@f lbfSl`9Ab9FdNupapqr`p`ak NupNuakfpNupNtddA0oH?<?B?<BNA Jk.,?<?B?<BNA *kBg?/?<BNA JkNuNp`pNu)H9@Jp4N*P'J&f H LNu P&NuQ'` J,'fJ,&gHA#ȇeC! 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Whlen Sie zuerst Ihren Ausgangstext undtNxNZNj4 danach den Zielordner und den Namen des Zieltextes.NxNZNx7 Beachten Sie, da bei der Umwandlung die Textattribute%NxNZNj: (fett, unterstrichen ...) und die Zeilenlineale natrlichNxNZNx3 verloren gehen. Auch Funoten werden nicht korrekttNxNZNx untersttzt.eNxNZNxNZNx# --- bitte (Maus-)Taste drcken ---eNxNN/N$VHgNjNNfX4 FL<2 RBP6>>N.42 V V8. yJF.. EASYTEXTDOC \zGEASYTEXTPRG .yjeEXAMPLE EZ1 t "}EXAMPLE EZ2 7YzvEXAMPLE1EZ2 YzvEXAMPLE1EZM t "}LEESMIJ TXT t EASY TEXT v1.2 Public Domain USER GUIDE (c) zzSoft 1989 all rights reserved This documentation is for the Pulic Domain version of EASY TEXT budget Desktop Publisher, released into the PD 23/2/89. ****************************************************************** THE FULL COMMERCIAL VERSION OF EASY TEXT IS AVAILABLE FOR 15 POUNDS (Post and Packing included), INCLUDING PRINTED USER MANUAL. PLEASE SPECIFY 1 MEG OR HALF MEG VERSION OR BOTH (ON A D/S DISK). OUTSIDE THE UK (EXCEPT EIRE) COST IS 20 POUNDS (Post and Packing included). STERLING ONLY PLEASE. ALL CHEQUES, CORRESPONDENCE TO: ZZSOFT, 3 RIVERDALE HOUSE MYTHOLM CLOSE HEBDEN BRIDGE WEST YORKSHIRE ENGLAND HK7 6BP ****************************************************************** 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Welcome to EASY TEXT Welcome to EASY TEXT from zzSoft, a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) page-based DTP software package designed especially for the Atari ST (including Mega) computer and the GEM operating environment. EASY TEXT is exceptionally inexpensive, which brings effective DTP into the hands of anyone with an ST and the use of a printer. EASY TEXT has been designed to be easy to learn and intuitive to operate. Full advantage is taken of usual GEM features such as windows, drop-down menus and dialogs/forms. There is an example EASY TEXT page which can be viewed before 'getting into' EASY TEXT which will give some idea what EASY TEXT can do. Some words on GDOS EASY TEXT can be used with our without GDOS (Graphics Device Operating System) which was left out of the ATARI ROM'S and therefore is NOT part of the GEM enviroment when you switch your computer on. The usual method of incorporating GDOS is to place a GDOS.PRG in an AUTO folder on the disk that you use when the computer is first switched on. This ensures that GDOS is now ready to be used. Why use GDOS? Because by using GDOS different fonts designed for use with GDOS may be incorporated into your text. PLEASE NOTE: GDOS.PRG (at the time of writing 23/02/89) is not included on the Easy Text disk supplied by zzSoft. However, it can be found on the following disks, EASY DRAW, DEGAS ELITE, TIMEWORKS DTP and other commercial text processing and art programs. Fonts for use with GDOS are included on the EASY TEXT disk. If this all seems very technical don't worry it is not necessary to understand these details to successfully use EASY TEXT. For more details on using GDOS fonts and modifying the ASSIGN.SYS file see chapter 2.3. Also it is not necessary to have GDOS.PRG to use EASY TEXT as the system font can be used quite adequately in many circumstances. An example using the system font text is included on your EASY TEXT disk: EXAMPLE.EZ1 or EXAMPLE1.EZM. Clip art can be incorporated into your EASY TEXT pages and for examples of this see the example pages included on your Easy Text disk and the different clip art screens included too. 1.2 What's on your EASY TEXT disk or folder EASYTEXT.DOC (This document) An Introductory text on how to use EASY TEXT effectively. EASYTEXT.PRG - the PD 512K-machine version. EXAMPLE.EZ1 - Example EASY TEXT page, HI RES EXAMPLE1.EZM - Example EASY TEXT page, MED RES FONTS A folder that contains GDOS fonts. NOTE THAT A DISK FULL OF EASY TEXT GDOS COMPATIBLE FONTS IS AVAILABLE FROM zzSoft for 5.00 (Pounds) 1.3 Fault Reports and Technical Enquiries and Upgrades If you have any problems operating EASY TEXT or any technical questions, you should first consult your dealer. If the response from these sources is not satisfactory, you may contact zzSoft direct preferably in writing at the address given at the beginning. If telephoning please ensure that you have the following details to hand The version number, which can be found in the drop-down menu 'About EASY TEXT...', and/or on the master disk itself in the README.1ST file. The type of ST, and amount of RAM, and other things such as RAM disks, desk accessories being used. If you have found a bug please try to list the steps needed to replicate the particular fault. zzSoft welcomes suggestions in ways that EASY TEXT may be improved, and in particular is interested to hear from users of the new 24-pin dot matrix printers and in ways that Easy Text may be used with these printers. Please enclose a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope for a reply. UPGRADES: EASY TEXT is undergoing continual development and periodically new versions will become available that will incorporate new features. For instance it is hoped that in the near future 24-pin printers, and laser printers will be catered for specifically etc. It will be necessary to make a small charge for upgrades. For major updates the charge may have to be correspondingly higher especially if extensive additional documentation is required. To qualify for an upgrade it is essential that a bone fide copy of EASY TEXT can be exchange, a Public Domain/Shareware disk does not qualify, and in this event the full price will have to be paid. 2 GETTING STARTED 2.1 EXPANATION OF SOME TERMS USED CLICKPress and release the left mouse button once DOUBLE CLICK Quickly press and release the left once button twice in succession DRAG After positioning the mouse pointer (initially an arrow or pointing finger) over the required object hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse to where you want the object moved to. The mouse pointer will change to a flat hand when an object is successfully selected. FRAME A rectangular box drawn by the user and into which text, art or graphics are placed. The corners and centre of the frame contain smaller rectangles which can be used to 'size' the frame by placing the mouse-pointer into one of them and then altering the size of the frame by dragging the mouse. (It looks like a plan view of a snooker table!) JUSTIFIED TEXT As an example of left and right justified text- look at this document. Most text is left justified as this is, but often text is not right justified, ie it is ragged at the right-hand side. EG, This is not right justified text. This in an example of text that is not right justified. Using a word-processor like First Word makes it easy to justify text. Text is just- ified in First Word by placing extra spaces in the text. This paragraph would be known as left justified (only) text. DTP Desktop Publisher Keyboard Conventions EG CONTROL-RETURN or CNTRL-RET means hold down the control key and press the return key at the same time. 2.3 Loading the EASY TEXT Program Double click on the EASYTEXT.PRG icon in the EASYTEXT directory. 2.3 Using GDOS, ASSIGN.SYS, and GDOS Fonts As already stated (2.2) it is essential that GDOS.PRG is in Drive A at program boot up. If it is not no GDOS font can or will be loaded for use by EASY TEXT. Also it is essential that the ASSIGN.SYS file is on the same disk as EASY TEXT and the GDOS.PRG. The ASSIGN.SYS file lets you specify what GDOS fonts can be loaded and used by EASY TEXT. This is not peculiar to EASY TEXT, it is the usual method used by DTP and art programs, eg Degas Elite. To modify the ASSIGN.SYS file so that diferent fonts may be loaded other than the ones already specified in the file, you have to modify the file. This is acheived by loading the ASSIGN.SYS file into First Word and then turning off Word Processing (WP Mode - top of the EDIT menu). The file can then be modified to your purposes. As an example the present ASSIGN.SYS file contains the following text: path=A:\FONTS ; 01p screen.sys;Default screen ; 02p screen.sys;Low-resolution screen ; 03p screen.sys;Medium-resolution screen ; 04p screen.sys;High-resolution screen ; COURIE10.FNT COURIE14.FNT COURIE18.FNT COURIE28.FNT COURIE36.FNT ETC To use the fonts you want substitute the new font names for the present ones, or alternatively include your new choice of fonts with the present ones. Then save the new ASSIGN.SYS file and place on your working disk with the other files and EASY TEXT program. Only have one ASSIGN.SYS file on your copy working disk. Do not leave a blank space in the ASSIGN.SYS file between the font names as this will cause the remainder of font names in the file to be ignored. Eg do not do this: COMPUT16.FNT COMPUT18.FNT COMPUT28.FNT It is perfectly possible to use the EASY TEXT program as it stands without GDOS or GDOS font or ASSIGN.SYS files, as EASY TEXT can use the system font in three different sizes and six different styles, eg 10 point height, underlined and bold. To Summarise (a) If using GDOS. You need ASSIGN.SYS, EASY TEXT program, the Auto folder containing GDOS.PRG, and all font files on the same disc. If using a RAM disk to run EASY TEXT from, you will still need the Auto folder and all font files on a disk in drive A. (b) Without GDOS. You just need the EASY TEXT program on the disk. 2.4 The Startup Screen (see diagram) When EASY TEXT is loaded it displays the following: (a) Drop-Down Menu Bar The top line of the screen displays the menu headings: Desk GEM desk accessories (if loaded), and About EASY TEXT... File Load and Save and Print selections Edit Frame/text editing/selection selections Options Some extra choices, such as print screen Text Text style choices, eg Italic Font Font height selections and font styles Graphics Choice of different fills (b) At the right side of the screen is the scroll bar, and slider. Note that the two scroll arrows have been disabled. (b) The mouse pointer (a small arrow) should be visible. 2.4 How To Exit From EASY TEXT SELECT the FILE drop-down menu and select quit. Press Alternate-Q and this will take you back to the desktop. 3 EASY TEXT 3.1 Overview EASY TEXT provides a work-surface like a blank piece of paper onto which you can enter a variety of text styles and fonts all of your chosing. Clip art, and text from First Word may also easily be imported onto the screen. EASY TEXT differs from a paint program in that each block or frame of text is an entity unto itself, so that each frame and the text therein may be manipulated in a variety of ways. Each frame of text can be selected and reselected and the frame positioned where ever you want on the screen. As you select a frame the text inside it is automatically transferred with it. Each time a frame of text is selected the text inside the frame can be altered to the current text and font selections, or the text can left in its original state. Text can be entered into a frame each time a frame is 'cut' or drawn on the screen. However you cannot edit text in a frame like you would using a word-processor. To edit your text, fortunately is very easy and only involves a couple of menu selections. Your text, then, can be freely edited and quickly and simply placed back into the original frame with just one click. Because the screen is smaller than an the usual size of paper that you would normally print to EASY TEXT has a scroll bar which allows the screen to be moved (very fast too) so that you have, in effect, a full page in which to enter your work. To see how a page is made-up, step-by-step, see TUTORIAL.DOC which details the (easily-mastered) techniques needed to create your own great looking page. Also the section titled 'Doing It!' in this documnent is a quick introduction to Easy Text techniques. 3.2 Scrolling EASY TEXT * the white slider in the scroll bar represent the visible portion of the page as follows: * the slider shows the size and vertical position of the page relative to the size of the page. Try scrolling EASY TEXT using the GEM scroll bars, observing the effects on the screen. * clicking the shaded areas moves you to the top of the page (screen) or the bottom of the page (screen). * dragging the slider moves the page through to the position indicated. 3.2 Printing To print an EASY TEXT page or screen there are a few options that can be taken to get exactly the hard copy you want. The default setting is for an 11" by 8 1/2" page of paper with a layout width of what is actually printed of 7 3/4" (centred approx on the page). To alter these settings select PRINTER... and/or PAGE... from the FILE menu and click on the setting you want. Select PRINT from the FILE menu and the EASY TEXT page will be printed. To get a hard copy of the screen only, select PRINT SCREEN from the OPTIONS menu. Using this selection any full screen part of the EASY TEXT page can be printed out. Note that if PRINT SCREEN is not selected then you must ensure that EASY TEXT is positioned at the start position, ie the top part of the page MUST be at the top of the screen. Selecting PRINT from the FILE menu will give a warning message about this. Selecting Double Pass or 6 pass option will give the best print quality. Note the menu and scroll bar are not printed. Press Control-C to stop EASY TEXT from printing. 3.4 Loading and Saving To load or save an EASY TEXT page select the FILE menu and from the drop-down menu select LOAD... or SAVE or SAVE AS... When loading an EASY TEXT page note that the example pages provided by zzSoft are fixed in style and cannot be manipulated in the way your own documents can be. This was to save space on the EASY TEXT disk. To load an example EASY TEXT page select LOAD and from the selection box select which page you want. It must have the extension .EZ1 eg EXAMPLE.EZ1, for hi res or extension .EZM for medium res. The page will be loaded onto the screen. Any previous text or art will be lost as the example page will erase it. To see the lower half of the Example page click on the shaded area of the scroll bar or move the white slider to the position you require. It is not necessary to save the Example page again before either exiting EASY TEXT or loading another EASY TEXT page. To save your own pages select either SAVE or SAVE AS... The difference between these two options is that SAVE saves to disk (provided there is enough room on the disk) using the last filename that was used. Thus SAVE is disabled when first loading EASY TEXT and before any load is performed as there can be no file name for your page prior to either of these operations. SAVE AS... presents you with a selection box, and this time you can either select a previous EASY TEXT page you wish to overwrite or create a new filename by typing in the name of your page. When either Saving or Loading EASY TEXT pages ONLY use the extension to the file .EZ1. When saving a page many other files will automatically be created with the extensions .EZ2, EZ3 etc. DO NOT try to load these files into EASY TEXT. EZ2 etc are files which are loaded automatically when you select an .EZ1 file. They contain information which allows you to move and alter the frames on your page as and when you want. (For med res substitute .EZM for EZ1). Note it is advisable to have a blank formatted disk for each time you want to save an EASY TEXT page as a maximum of 319400 bytes of information will need to be saved. The amount of information needed to be saved depends on how many frames you used when creating your page. 4 USING EASY TEXT 4.1 Doing it! After the fonts have or have not been loaded, which depends on whether you have GDOS.PRG, you will be presented with a blank screen apart from the menu bar and right-hand scroll bar. If you do not have GDOS then no Font Styles can be selected, except the system font which is automatically the default style. Naturally, you can alter the text style of each font height by selecting, for example Bold or Italic or both together from the TEXT menu. The font heights that are not available to users without GDOS is 36 and 48 point. To start select the EDIT drop down menu and select START / CUT. If you look at the EDIT menu again you should notice that START / CUT has a tick to the immediate left. A tick on a menu selection shows that this is what you have selected and what is in effect. Prior to selecting START / CUT you could have selected the particular text style, font height, and font style (if applicable) you wanted. Position the mouse pointer in the general area on the screen you would like to begin. Pressing the left mouse button drag the mouse until a rectangle of suitable size has been created for the font height you expect to be working with. Don't worry if the rectangle appears initially too small or too big to use, the size is easily altered. Release the left mouse button and a rectangle/frame will be drawn on the screen the same size as the one you have just outlined with the mouse. If you wish to move the rectangle/frame to any other position press the left mouse button and move the mouse - the rectangle/frame will follow the direction of your movements. You can now also select the font height, text style and font style (if applicable). Once you are happy about the position of the frame then again select EDIT and from the drop down menu select USE FRAME and the frame will alter in that it will now possess a larger frame around the previous rectangle and this rectangle will have smaller rectangles at each corner and half way along each side. These smaller rectangles are so that you can size the frame in any manner you wish. You can also move the frame to any position on the screen, including the lower half. Any text or art or graphic fill inside the frame will automatically be moved with it. In the USE FRAME mode you can enter text. To enter text use the keyboard. Note that you cannot directly edit the text in a frame, eg use back space or delete. To edit or alter text you have to select from the EDIT menu the EDIT TEXT... option. Before you can actually edit the text in a frame you have to leave that frame, ie tell EASY TEXT you want to leave USE FRAME mode. To do this press Control- Return or ALT-Z or select END / PASTE from the EDIT drop-down menu. The frame will disappear. Note that pressing Control- Return, or ALT-Z, or END / PASTE saves your text/clip art for later manipulation. To edit the text within a frame chose SELECT from the EDIT menu and then EDIT TEXT... too. Then click the mouse pointer over the text/frame you want to edit. A large box containing your text will appear. You can now edit your text using the various editing keys on the keyboard, eg delete, backspace. Note pressing the escape key will clear the particular line where the cursor is positioned. Text may be altered and entered at will. More text can be used than was in the frame, or less. The frame can be altered afterwards to accommodate the extra or less text. Although the text in the Edit Box is always displayed in a 10 point system font this does not affect the text within a frame. Med res uses 9 point font for this. When you have finished editing select OK if you want the new text to replace the old text in the frame. SELECT Cancel if you have decided that you want to leave the text in the frame alone, or in the event of selecting the wrong frame to edit. Summary of selecting a frame of text to edit (a) Click on SELECT (b) Click on EDIT TEXT... (c) Click in vicinity of text want to edit (d) EDIT TEXT box will appear (e) Edit your text, and leave EDIT TEXT box- ie click on OK (f) Click on SAME frame as in (c) and text will immediately be substituted. IMPORTANT NOTE: You can only directly enter text into a frame the first time you use a frame. Subsequently you need to use the EDIT TEXT selection from the EDIT drop-down menu. See 4.1 and 4.4 4.2 Repositioning a Frame If you wish to reposition a frame on the screen go to SELECT menu option and position mouse pointer over text. Press left hand mouse button and keep pressed. The mouse pointer will change into a flat, open hand. Move the mouse and the frame will move with you. Release the mouse button when you have positioned the frame where you want it. Don't forget to press Control-Return or ALT-Z to cease using that frame. To reposition a frame in lower half of page/screen - select the frame as above and scroll the page making sure that you can still see the text or expect to be able to see the frame. Go to SELECT and select the frame and reposition. 4.3 Altering Text To alter text within a frame, ie alter text style and/or font height and/or font style (where applicable), first chose the font height you require. Do the same for other options. Then select SELECT and CHANGE in the EDIT menu. Move the mouse pointer over the text you wish to alter and click the left mouse button. The frame will be selected and the text will be altered in the way you have requested. The frame can be resized to accommodate a larger font height in the SELECT and CHANGE mode. It can also be moved about. Press Control-Return or ALT-Z to finish with that frame, or select END /PASTE from the EDIT drop-down menu. 4.4 Using EDIT TEXT... There are three distinct ways that the EDIT TEXT... option may be used: (i) As described in Chapter 4.1 (ii) To prepare text for a frame before creating it. To do this select EDIT TEXT... from EDIT menu and enter text into edit text box. Note that using the (carriage) Return key will move the cursor down a line. The mouse may be used to position the cursor on a particular line. After you have finished entering and if necessary, editing your text in the edit text box click once in the small OK box and you will be returned to the main screen. Now select START / CUT from the EDIT drop down menu and continue as described in chapter 4.1. As soon as you select USE FRAME the text you entered in the EDIT TEXT box will be drawn in the frame. By adjusting the size of the frame you can ensure the precise 'look' of the text layout. Text will automatically be left justified. (iii) To import text; see next chapter. 4.5 Importing Text Importing text from First Word is easy. Select IMPORT TEXT from the FILE drop down menu and a GEM selection box will appear. From this box you may specify the disk drive you wish to load your text from and by using the scroll bar see what files you have on the disk. Double clicking over the actual name of the text document you wish to load will place your document 'into' the EASY TEXT Edit Text box starting at the beginning of the document. Please note the maximum size document you can load into EASY TEXT is about 5000 bytes or approximately 5000 characters. If your document is larger than this it will be necessary to to separate your document into less than 5000 byte size sections so that EASY TEXT can eventually load all of your document. To place your text on the EASY TEXT page/screen the click OK or Cancel if you wish to do something else than place your text into an EASY TEXT frame. Note Cancel does not 'unload' your document. Cancel ensures that the next operation you do in EASY TEXT will not be affected by the previous operation of loading text into the EDIT TEXT box. Now select START / CUT from the Edit drop down menu and draw the required size frame etc. Then continue as usual. Note selecting USE FRAME will place your text in the frame in the current selected text style, size and type. Press Control- Return, OR ALT-Z or End / PASTE to exit the frame. Importing justified text: Using First Word, or any other word processor that justifies text in a similar manner, arrange your document so that it will fit on the EASY TEXT page. In other words ensure that each sentance is not too long. You can easily tell if your text will fit on the EASY TEXT page because if it fits a First Word screen without extending beyond the right-hand scrool bar then you will be ok. You can reformat your text so that each sentance is much smaller, as in the example below: This isan example of text that can be importedinto EASY TEXT, so that you can have your document in long columns like this or by careful use of First Word's features you can make text appear to wrap-around a piece of clip-art by placing spaces where you want the art to go. So if you wanted a piece of clip art to then it is quite easy go here all you need to make it look like to do is use First text has wrapped aro- Word's ability to und your clip-art. A limit the size of the little bit of care is length of text and all that is needed!!! Click the small MORE box to view the next part of your document. Click in the LESS box to go backwards and view the previous text. Click the CLEAR box to empty the EDIT TEXT box of all text. Select FROM HERE when you want your text to be displayed in a frame from a particular EDIT TEXT box page. EG if you have loaded a large document into the EDIT TEXT box and you wish to place the text from a particular page into a frame click FROM HERE to do so. Select ALL if you wish all of the text from the FROM HERE position to be placed into a frame. NOTE that no more than 550 characters (approx) is the maximum. If ALL is not ticked (ie selected) then only that particular EDIT TEXT box page will be placed in a frame. If FROM HERE is not ticked (ie selected) text from the start of the document will be placed into a frame. EASY TEXT CANNOT import ST Writer documents. Try converting to ASCII text file only first. FIRST WORD word processor is freely available in the Public Domain. 4.6 Importing Clip Art To import clip art or even full-size (ie screen-sized) pictures select IMPORT CLIP ART from the FILE drop down menu. A selection box will allow you to chose the disk drive to load from and the art file you wish to load into EASY TEXT. All art files must be in the DEGAS file format ie a .PI3 type of file, eg PICT.PI3. There are many PD conversion programs if the art file you wish to load into EASY TEXT is not in DEGAS format. Uncompressed DEGAS file format must be used, ie the size of a .PI3 file must be 32066 bytes approx. Med res DEGAS files use the extension .PI2 You can load .EZ1 or .EZM pages from the LOAD CLIP ART selection. Note that although frames of art can be manipulated in EASY TEXT it is not possible to proportionately resize art frames, so that it is important to import into EASY TEXT the size of the frame of art you require. EASY TEXT can, however, move and clip frames of art. Note that after clipping the frame of art smaller than its previous size AND pressing Control- Return (to end use of that particular frame) the previous larger size cannot be regained unless reloaded using the IMPORT CLIP ART selection. Once you have selected the file you wish to load into EASY TEXT the screen will be overdrawn by the picture or clip art. To continue press Alternate-C -the keyboard START / CUT method of telling EASY TEXT that you wish to begin. Using the mouse pointer select an area that you wish to place into Easy Text. Press Alternate-U for USE FRAME and the art will immediately be placed onto the EASY TEXT screen. To place further clip art into EASY TEXT you have to load the art file again and repeat the process as described above. 4.8 Fonts This chapter describes most of the details of using the various text and font options available in EASY TEXT. Users with GDOS.PRG will be able to use the FONT STYLES selection in the FONT drop down menu. Users without GDOS.PRG will find that this selection is not available-the FONT STYLES text in the drop down menu will be in light text indicating that this selection is unavailable. Up to four different font styles may be loaded into EASY TEXT at start-up. To effect the correct loading of a particular font(s) the following criteria need to be adhered to: 1. GDOS.PRG must be in an AUTO folder on the EASY TEXT disk 2. The ASSIGN.SYS file that you wish to use must be on the same disk as the EASY TEXT program, although the actual fonts may be on another disk in another disk drive. To have the actual fonts loaded from another drive you must specify this in the ASSIGN.SYS file at the top of the file where it states PATH=A\:- substitute your own disk drive designation here. So, if you were using a RAM disk with the actual fonts on the RAM disk you would have to specify PATH=D\:, if the RAM disk was designated as D. Note that the ';' used in an ASSIGN.SYS file is there so that comments can be placed in the file. Any text on the same line as a ';' and placed after it will be ignored by GDOS, which is occasionally useful. Note that all fonts are loaded at start-up if there is enough RAM, If there is not enough RAM to accommodate all the fonts NO fonts will be loaded at all OR only some. This is why the Free RAM selection in the OPTIONS menu is so useful. It allows you to determine exactly how many fonts to place in an ASSIGN.SYS file. It is possible to have many different ASSIGN.SYS files, by naming them slightly differently from ASSIGN.SYS. So you could have 4 different ASSIGN.SYS files called ASSIGN.SY1, ASSIGN.SY2, ASSIGN.SY3 and the one you are using at start-up ASSIGN.SYS. By having different combinations of fonts in each ASSIGN.SYS file it is possible at start-up time by correctly renaming any one of the other three files to ASSIGN.SYS and renaming the other now unwanted ASSIGN.SYS to some other name to load different font styles. Note that if you do this and you load an EASY TEXT file designed using different fonts you will lose these font styles if an attempt to modify and/or move a frame containing text. They will be replaced by whatever font style is currently selected. So if you want your previously designed EASY TEXT page to remain similar in style as when you first designed it use the same ASSIGN.SYS file. Always reboot the computer with the EASY TEXT disk if you change the ASSIGN.SYS FILE. Selecting a font size that is not available results in the next smaller size being used. 4.9 Loading and Saving EASY TEXT pages You need a lot of space on a disk to save an EASY TEXT page. A maximum of 319400 bytes are needed. However, if you can't save all the files that are needed you will still be able to load the the EASY TEXT page (provided you saved at least 64000 bytes of an EASY TEXT page, or 32000 bytes for just the screen). If all the EASY TEXT files are not saved then when you load this EZ1 page you will not be able to move your text or clip art about. To solve this problem it is possible to load an EZ1 page using the Import Clip Art selection and by cutting the text you want you can then move the frames about. Loading an EASY TEXT page clears all other previous text and clip art from the screen. 5 OPTIONS At tick will appear when you select any of these options. To deselect click again on the selection and the option will be diselected, and the tick will disappear. 5.1 Keep return This option ensures that when you enter text in a frame the carriage returns are kept. Note that using the EDIT TEXT box also ensures carriage returns are kept, as Importing Text does. It would be usual to select KEEP RETURN before using the EDIT TEXT box. 5.2 Clear All This option clears the screen and resets the program from the beginning so that you will lose all text, imported text, clip art, and all the current text and font settings. 5.3 Print Screen This allows you to just print the screen only, rather than a complete EASY TEXT page. Note that you can have the page in any position; only what you can see on the screen will be printed out to a printer. You must then select PRINT selection from the FILE menu to actually print the screen. Ignore any message about going to start position 5.4 Save Screen This allows you to save the screen only, rather than a complete EASY TEXT page. As in 5.3 you may have the screen displaying any part of your EASY TEXT page. To actually save the screen as a file you must select SAVE or SAVE AS from the the FILE menu to actaully save the screen to disk. 5.5 Bring To Front This allows you to select a frame that is positioned behind another frame without disturbing the other frame. After using the frame it is placed back to the same position as before, unless you reposition it. 7.0 KEYBOARD Sometimes it is easier to use the keyboard to make a menu selection rather than go to the actual menu and select something. Those menu options that are followed by a funny- looking character and then by a letter of the alphabet are the menu selctions that can be selected from the keyboard. To select a particular menu option press the ALTERNATE key and the particular key at the same time. The following menu selctions are available from the keyboard: LOAD... ALT-L QUIT ALT-Q START / CUT ALT-C SELECT ALT-S SELECT & CHANGEALT-X END / PASTE ALT-Z EDIT TEXT... ALT-E KEEP RETURN ALT-R CLEAR ALL ALT-A FREE RAM ALT-M BRING TO FRONT ALT-B FONT STYLES... ALT-T FILLS... ALT-F UNDO UNDO allows you to cancel any frame and/or text you may have entered in that frame, or clip art, prior to pressing ALT-Z or Control-Return, or END / PASTE. If you have selected SELECT or SELECT and CHANGE from then UNDO is not available. `B |B"|0<2<&# QQNqN*O.|*m - Э%// Bg?<JNA Jf /<jF&NN\ONNT 3g @g*<(*a:>p^4`ZP4'@0 j`.* 6:QNu3,*3BZr^ }3 xJtt t 0K9L2 Mܠ#B  ykV0<JgQ!X/`tH y, . , ".QP(  F$v  9zpl  &frV"<rd LNuF NuRRNu&'>BFJNR `r>~NB*ps0< FB, |\'"VIj\~ "h$h hBRBi 3!>2@BD F3@N tH j$ 6BAHAh Nu82HA0 A0m A9n 2HAJfNuBD Dg `RNuN t4T PBL"F(`7[3] Sorry EASY TEXT can only|be used" a high res monitor|Please consultr manual.][ OK ]PP $ŤX0XThere is not enouo1RAM|for Easy Text. Remove all desk|accessories. 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McDonald with Latice C version 5.LoadViewPrintSave (Tabs as Spaces)HelpExitEasyView HELPUse these keys:- Scroll Up a line Scroll Down a lineShift  Page UpShift  Page DownHome TopShift Home BottomHelp This BoxEscape Main Menu Ok $/0 d96()*LM"Nrs$t? ' 1@  "!4  :   @  F  L  R  X ^;88T5   &   `   ,   (p!#  4  P l '$ EasyView by Creative Software =============================== Introduction ============ "EasyView" is for looking at text (ASCII) files. Although you can double-click on files from the desk-top you cannot move backwards though them. "EasyView" lets you do this. Although, to the best of our knowledge, the program works satisfactorily, the authors can not accept responsibility for loss or damage of any kind caused by use of this program or documentation. There is no warrantee, actual or implied. This program (which was written with Lattice C version 5, with its own assembler) is freeware, ie the authors retain copyright, but you have the right to use and distribute it free, subject to the conditions that neither the program nor this documentation file are to be sold, and that when distributing, all 3 files specified below should be included unaltered. Public domain software libraries may charge their usual nominal fee for distributing the software. The 3 files are:- EASYVIEW.PRG - the program EASYVIEW.RSC - the resource file EASYVIEW.TXT - this file Getting Started =============== Run "EASYVIEW.PRG", which will should bring you to the main dialog. The size at which tabs will be set will default to 4 so if you think the file you wish to view, convert or print, uses tabs of a different size then alter tab size by using the mouse to click on the up or down arrow boxes until tab size is correct. Choose the extension of the file you wish to load, or use "*.*", which lets you load any. Choose "Load" to load a file. After successful loading, the file will be displayed. (You may scroll up or down it with the Up and Down arrow keys.) Press the key to tell you about all the keys to use. To return to the main dialog press . You can change the tab size if you want. "View" returns you to the file you were looking at, with tabs redrawn, "Help" shows you the Help dialog, which you would have seen when you pressed when viewing the file. "Print" prints the file, with tabs sized to what was chosen, while "Save (Tabs as Spaces)" lets you convert a file to one with the tabs replaced by spaces. "Exit" of course returns you to the desktop. Features ======== 1) File to view chosen by file selector. 2) characters are converted to spaces, with the size of tabs chosen by user. 3) Files can be saved with characters converted to spaces (tab size chosen by user). 4) Files can be printed, with tab size as set by user. 5) Help with keys for control when viewing available from main dialog and when viewing text. The keys used are:- Key Effect --- ------ Up Arrow Scroll up a line Down Arrow Scroll down a line Up Arrow Up page (23 lines) Down Arrow Down page (23 lines) Go to start of document Go to end of document Main Dialog Display list of keys used Installation ============ This is a GEM based program which runs in High or Medium ST resolutions only. The resource file should be in the same folder as the program. The program should work on all versions of the Atari ST, but it was only tested on a 1040 STF (Tos 1.0) and a Mega 1 (upgraded to 2.5M) ST (Tos 1.4). It should be possible to upgrade this program to work with the enhanced screen modes of the Atari TT. If anyone within reasonable distance of Sheffield City Centre wants this program converted and has an Atari TT, perhaps they would like to contact us? Release Notes ============= This is version 1.00 of EASYVIEW. EASYVIEW was written by:- R. W. Lee, 32 Pilgrim Street, Pitsmoor, Sheffield, S. Yorks., S3 9GX England. R. S. McDonald, 1 Dearne Court, Wincobank, Sheffield, S. Yorks., S9 1GE England. As this is freeware, no level of support can be guaranteed, but suggestions for improvement, comments etc. are welcome, to either of the above addresses. . yJ".. ETERNAL DOC j#}ETERNAL PRG PI$;C Sinds 15 oktober 1582 gebruiken wij de huidige, (Gregoriaanse), kalender.(Daarvoor werd de Juliaanse kalender gebruikt.) ETERNAL.PRG toont en print maandkalenders die kloppend zijn vanaf 15-10-1582 tot en met het jaar 9999. De vijf-cijferige jaren heb ik maar weggelaten, tegen die tijd zien we wel weer. Groetjes. Gerard Wouterson Geerdinkhof 216 1103 PZ Amsterdam `@Fd;>AONNp)~A퀄apAa'`Vp ,fp+@DEAOpAa'``6p ,fp+@DEA`pAa'@`p+@DEAqpAa'( -(fp<ѭ@`p=ѭ@ -,&<:<a &<8<:<aa:ahѭ@ -@&<:<aa&<:<aja:a8S+@HBp a,V(-"ma9f -H+@L -Lo -Laa.(-"ma9

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You can either send the outupt to file or directly tothe RS_232 port. In both cases you'll need 1stw2ps.ini to setupthe postscript (laser)printer.This program is for the public domain only! It is not permittedto use this program for commercial activities, unless you havepermission from the writer of this program to do so.(c) Copyright 1988 by Berend F. de Vries All Rights Reserved1e Nassaustraat 18-III, 1052 BG Amsterdam, Holland.See 1stw2ps.doc for further information for useing this program.Feel free to send me money. I bought a harddisk.Postgiro # 3277907, t.n.v. B.F. de Vries, AmsterdamDEVR@AMCCCA.SURFNETDEVR%AMCCCA@HASARA5.BITNETAMSTERDAMInput 1st-word fileOutput postscript fileWork in progressFinished00__99Page number:Stop !Including 1stw2ps.ini______________________________________________________________________________XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXProcessing ImageChecking ImageWriting Image@ 5$d @b2 $12 DHLSW[rvz   !"*;<Nabclm w  :Tn9Sm$$  MPSVY\_beB/0B1stBuBBST5U=5  A?@1Auv4       0 1 2 [ ))   !+ ` 3 |P _  ~         $  @ \ x         #'  =A DG!  ! "##n!1q K+ <  X! t# % '           )"@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@ @!@"@#@$@%@&@'@(@@0*/+,-. 8/ T) p1  #2  #?3> 456 7@8@9 :@;@< ="  >/  2:  @F KAJ B@C@DE@F@G4HPIh  Jt  @  ' PP   P     / D K T  ] 3 4d% p00Gl00 0    0 0 ' R, 0-L'h 0 $ &w  T RP O6 .q .,!   H.-*d()q   ) q4T4Dt |.  zJ.. 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Continuation lines all begin with; >`` . With the "Text, No Reformat" method, the ends of split lines are not marked unless the splits have to occur in the middle of words; the words get hyphenated in this case. Continuation lines begin with a tilde (~). If splits fall between numbers instead of letters, a vertical bar (|) is used in both places to avoid the possibility of a hyphen being mistaken for a minus sign. The "Text, With Reformat" method works the same way as "No Reformat" except continuation lines are marked only in the "|" case. The different format methods only come into play when file lines are too long to fit a printed column. Choose a type size that will allow most, if not all, file lines to be printed without splitting. * Fonts The term "font" here refers to a particular grouping of type face, size, pitch, and sometimes line spacing. You can have up to 6 different fonts in your printer driver. * Column Dimensions TWO COLUMN PRINTER calculates the maximum column WIDTH for each font from information supplied in the printer driver (the entry for the number of characters that will fit on a full line). The maximum column LENGTH comes directly from the printer driver. Printers vary in how close they can print to the top and bottom of a page so maximum column length is not a direct function of line spacing and paper length. The section on printer codes below explains how to figure maximum column lengths for your printer. The values that first appear in the boxes from which you set column dimensions usually will be a little smaller than they could be. With column widths this is because using widths a little shorter than the maximum leaves room on the sheet for binding. With column length this a safety factor to help avoid having a column run beyond the bottom of a sheet or having the printer loose its grip on the last sheet. * Line Spacing Line spacing is not set explicitly. The default spacing is usually 7 lines per inch (LPI); this normally shifts to 6 LPI when a column length of less than 61 lines is chosen. Any line spacing codes included as part of a font's definition will override these settings. Several fonts that come with TWO COLUMN PRINTER use this method to set a spacing of 8 LPI. * Print Options Manual vs. Automatic paper feed - MANUAL FEED: The program will pause between pages and you'll be given a chance to skip each page. Pages will always print sequentially even when the Two Sided print option has been chosen. You cannot print to a disk file with manual feed. AUTOMATIC FEED: With Two Sided printing, the pages come out odd then even (first 1,3,5 . . . then 1,4,6 . . . ). The only pause comes between sides. Binding Width - When you choose Two Sided printing, TWO COLUMN PRINTER will try to offset the margins to the outside of the sheets to make room for binding. There is room for this only when columns widths are set less than their maximum size. Print to disk - This is useful if you want to print several files in a single session or have one very large one to do. Printing to disk creates a file (or files) that can be printed later via the Desktop PRINT option. A print spooler can be used in this case. Front and back sides of two sided printouts go into separate files. Be careful not to mix one and two sided printouts in the same output file. ************************************************************* *************** Printer Codes and Drivers *************** ************************************************************* Printer Drivers Supplied with Release 4 Several printer drivers are included. If your printer is "Epson compatible" (or you have an HP Deskjet) then one of them should work reasonably well. If not, you'll need to do some editing. See the next section for instructions. All these drivers are set up for printing on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. You can design a driver for other sizes if you want. The various "Epson compatible" printer drivers are designed for their "Standard Mode". If your printer's DIP switches are set to the IBM mode, you'll need to modify the codes or change the switches (the Epson mode is recommended since 20 CPI type may not be possible in IBM mode). The Epson-FX codes were developed on a FX-85. They have also been tested on an Epson LX-800 and FX-80 and work quit well. The LQ codes were developed on an Epson LQ-1050. Some earlier Epson LQ printers (such as the LQ-1500) cannot do NLQ with type sizes smaller than 12 characters per inch (CPI). Double strike should be used instead of NLQ for "enhanced print" with these printers (necessary codes for this are shown in the remarks section of this driver). Two Panasonic drivers (Epson compatible) are included; one is for the KX-P1091i and the other for the KX-P1191. The main difference between the two is that the latter can do 20 CPI printing. The KX-P1191 driver would likely work well with an Epson FX-86e although I haven't tested this. There are three HP Deskjet drivers: "BASIC" uses the built in Courier font and should work with any Deskjet model; "500" is similar but adds a 6 point and a 12 point Letter Gothic font (standard on the Deskjet 500); "GOTHIC" primarily uses the 9.5 point font found only on the Letter Gothic font cartridge. EDITING A PRINTER DRIVER Read the sections on line spacing and column dimensions above if you haven't already done so. Getting Started You'll need your printer manual. Edit one of the supplied drivers. Follow its format exactly. Give your driver a new name and save it as a text file (ASCII format, not in any special word processor mode). It's a good idea to use a descriptive name for the driver if it's to be merged with the program. Use the 2COLUMNS.DAT option for alternative drivers. The codes and the remarks that follow must fit on a single line. Each line can be up to 255 characters long. The number of codes allowed varies with the function. See below. Use 3 digit decimal ASCII values for printer codes. Separate them with a single space and put a comma after the last one. Remarks may follow the comma (the comma is mandatory, the remarks are optional). THERE CANNOT BE ANY OTHER COMMAS IN THE DATA SECTION, including in the remarks themselves. The "-----CODES AND DEFAULTS----" line must be left intact. Example: A printer function that requires the code "Escape A" would be encoded as: 027 065, REMARKS (the ASCII value of Escape is 27, that of A is 65). Again, no commas are allowed in the remarks themselves. If your printer requires ASCII 238, 239, or 240 as code values (unlikely), see the section below on merging printer codes. Printer functions may require a combination of several codes. In the Epson FX driver, the "definition" for type size #2 includes both the codes for both compressed type ( 027 015 ) and for wider margins with this type size ( 027 081 137 ). Line-By-Line Editing Instructions (*) The number in parentheses following each code type below is the maximum number of code groups allowed for it. A code group is one three character ASCII value ( "027 081 137 009" would count as 4 ). These limits only apply to codes that will be merged with the program. New defaults line New to Release 4 is a line that lets you set the maximum number of consecutive blank lines that will print, the spacing of tab stops, and the default column length. This line comes before the "---CODES AND DEFAULTS---" line and begins with a dollar sign instead of an asterisks. All that's needed on this line is: MB=x, TS=x, CL=x (where "x" is the value you want). MB is the Max Blank line setting and can range from 1-9, TS is the Tab Spacing and can range from 2-9, CL is for the default Column Length. Enter the number you want subtracted from the maximum column length; range 0-9. See any of the new printer divers for an example. Paper-Out Sensor (20)* The first two entries in the "CODES AND DEFAULTS" section are: 1) Disable (turn off) the paper-out sensor, and 2) Enable (turn on) the paper-out sensor. If your printer does not allow its paper-out sensor to be turned off, just enter a single blank space followed by a comma (see the drivers for the HP Deskjet). Line Spacing (20) Next enter the codes for a line spacing of 7 lines per inch. You may find that you can only use a value equivalent to slightly more or slightly less than this (7 lines per inch is a spacing of 0.143 inches). In this case choose the next smallest value available. For example, the Epson-FX definition uses 10/72 (0.139) inch spacing. Printer Initialization (35) Certain settings have to be in effect before printing begins. These initial conditions are: A pitch of 10 characters per inch (CPI); Draft print; 6 lines per inch line spacing; and top-of-form reset. These are the standard "power up" settings for many printers. TWO COLUMN PRINTER sends an "initialize" sequence to ensure that these conditions are met. The codes that are needed in this sequence vary somewhat from printer to printer and also depend on how you normally have your printer's DIP switches and control panel buttons set. As a minimum, you should include: "Reset Printer" (also called "Initialize Printer"); 10 CPI printing; and draft mode. Unless you have your printer's DIP switch set at 8 lines per inch you probably don't need to set 6 lines per inch. If you use the Super/Sub script font for one of your type sizes, you also need to add the codes to cancel this font to the "initialize printer" sequence. The Epson FX driver does this. There are some other codes in the "initialize" sequence for the Deskjet, see the note at the bottom of one of the DJ drivers. Skip-Over-Perforations (20) Enter the codes to turn OFF your printer's "skip-over-perforations" function. TWO COLUMN PRINTER handles page breaks itself. Output will be totally messed up if "skip-over-perforations" is not turned off. Fancy Print for the Heading (20) TWO COLUMN PRINTER puts a heading consisting of the name of the file being printed (and optionally the current date) on the first printed page. For this to print properly you'll need to enter the codes for Double Width (expanded/5 CPI) printing here. The heading will not be centered if you don't. Enhanced Print (20) Use either Letter Quality (LQ), Near Letter Quality (NLQ) or double strike printing. Ideally, your "enhance print" codes should work with all the fonts in your driver. Some printers can't do LQ/NLQ with the small type sizes that work best with TWO COLUMN PRINTER. Default Extension Only files with this extension will show up in the File Selector the first time you are prompted for a file to print. This entry cannot exceed three characters and must be surrounded by quotes. If you prefer that all files are shown, enter "*" or just "" here (don't forget the comma). Number of Type Sizes/fonts Six is the maximum, there can be fewer. Make sure the number you enter here is not larger than the number of fonts in your driver. Entries for Each Font (35 for font definitions) *==> Proportionally spaced fonts will not work <==* Name The name of each font cannot exceed 25 characters. Put whatever descriptive information you like here, surround it by quotation marks. Like all other entries the name MUST be followed by a comma and optional descriptive remarks may follow the comma. Definition (35) This is where you put the codes that actually set the font. You are limited to 35 codes (see above) if you will be merging a driver with the program. Width The entry for the number of characters that will fit on a full line is mandatory. Get this value from your printer manual if possible (sometimes given as the maximum value allowed for the right margin). If you can't find it there then try 160 for 20 CPI, 136 for 17 CPI, 120 for 15 CPI, 96 for 12 CPI, and 80 for 10 CPI. Arithmetically inclined individuals will be able to discern a pattern here. These values are for narrow carriage printers. If you are using a wide carriage model you probably can add a character or two to them. Length (optional) On the next line you may enter a number equal to the maximum column length possible with this font (up to 99). This optional entry is useful if the font's definition includes a line spacing (say 8 lines per inch), if your printer can fit more or cannot reliably get as many lines in a column as the default (72 lines), or if you will be using something other than 11 inch paper. Like all entries, it must be followed by a comma and remarks may follow the comma. Maximum Column Length How do you know exactly how many lines long that columns can be with YOUR printer? This depends on two things. 1) Line spacing, and 2) How close to the top and bottom of the page your printer can print. Included in Release 4 is a test file (LPC_TEST) that can help you determine this. You can set any column length up to 99 with this file. You must select the "Unequal-Column-Length" print option for the test to work. You also must use the version of LPC_TEST that comes with Release 4. Earlier versions will not work because of the new "blank line limiter". You'll probably find that you can't get quite as many lines on cut sheets as on continuous form paper since your printer will loose its grip near the end of a cut sheet. The last sheet in a two sided printout will be a cut sheet so the smaller value may be the best choice. IMPORTANT: If your printer will not allow its paper-out sensor to be deactivated (like the HP Deskjet and Epson LQ-850/1050 series) then you MUST choose a value one less than the maximum column length indicated by this test. If a new sheet of paper loads after printing LPC_TEST, your columns are too long. If you don't want to do this test, use the following values: For the program standard line spacing of 7 lines per inch; use 72 lines (this is the default). For fonts that use an 8 line per inch spacing; use 82 or 83 lines. MERGING PRINTER CODES WITH 2COLUMNS.PRG Whenever you load a printer driver from disk you'll get a chance to merge it with 2COLUMNS.PRG. 2COLUMNS.PRG loads more quickly and you can move your printer driver to your archives after this is done. You can always load alternative drivers from disk. The copy of 2COLUMN.PRG that you merge codes with must be in its original form. It can't have been "squished", "packed". It will run OK after having been magically shrunk this way, you just can't merge printer codes with a copy that is not full sized. Printer drivers that use the decimal ASCII values 237, 238, or 240 for codes WILL NOT work properly after they have been merged. I don't think this will be a problem for anyone, but let me know if I'm wrong. I can supply a version that will work with them. `CAONmNN~E}pA퀼NNtEZvN~QNSBN[PHy NMX+@6-gNWNX` NXNWHy NMX6fND`QNFEZvN~ACaz@CN-fNBNbpra}NN-gQ` NNNNhN'N(@-fpra}N,|-gN?`N>N2Np:NCNANCNHmN0-H/0-HDSANCNACNACNACNNNANZ m0(H/p\N"mN^D mN0CNp.NCNJg"p.NCNRANjCN`ANtNNADN4AHN4ALN4A퀰NAPN4ATN4pЭ>"<谁o@+@Bp$mX$ -BN`npNł$mp$m`$mHR`J$mLR$mDR`<$mDR`4Jmvovmvov gv mv ov mvo$mXR$mX o] mD $ԀЀЂ mH $刔Ђ $mD $mX"agrc]HH/$mL Wlp.$mH $mX"ag[^HHgvNprNúEpHNprNúEpGNprNúE[pNEzpNJ/Ep NJr"_tah+AFpFfNWJprNp+@Jp#+@NAEpaw/AEpaw0-S@_HHg p+@JpѭN ->"-Naf"<l@+@RBVQQP ->&<:< a^/?? -R&<:<aa8:&a^Ha_2p$mP$N$mT$$mP Э>$mTlJP -R~A$NLN/ <Э>DNN+@V ->$-VrN``r$mP $mTn -R~A$NL`R$mP $mT^HH/$mT ^HHgP+|R -R~A$NLEpXANpЭZrҭ:Nú0< ~N/$mP $mT&<:<a\JBnDBNF"_asEp5auasE5p NJrCta}J+AFNbpFf|NWJ`t aq$mg"EpJap-N:p)Naqr`aa-gamEp"apavpavpraw -Z&<:<aY/?? -ja\8:&a]/?? -ja\&<x:<Nj8:&aYa[+@n -jЀЭn6<$-n2<au> -jЀЭn6<$-n2<au$pavRpav\prav`?< -n&<:<aYV/?? -ja[va|8:&aYaZ??< -n&<:<aY/?? -ja[>a|h8:&aYlaZV??<pЭn?paupaupaupraual`NAp-r WHH/p-Ulp.p$mJgpgp 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Check this by doing a file previewif you choose to continue (next step). If you don't see readable text,this is the wrong type of file.|PROBABLE ERROR - File TypeQuit|ContinueLSTBASMEMORY LIMITATION:|Source disk must remain in|drive until printing stops.|Slower output. bytes more free memory needed for normal operation. Continue|Quit|NOT ENOUGH FREE MEMORY, |~ bytes more are|needed.Preview file? FILE PREVIEWFiles print best if their left margin isn't indented. This optionlets you remove some or all of any indent present.If TABs are present, they'll be marked and you'll be able to adjustthe spacing between stops (only regular TAB spacing is supported).Yes|No =TAB =space tab'd over Press Tab key to change tab stops (now set at SEE MORE OF FILE? YES NO QuitTAB stops now occur every spaces.How many spaces should they be (must be >1)123456789012345-for reference (max of 75 characters/line shown)| | | | END OF FILESource CodeText, Reformat OFFText, Reformat ONClear Format SummaryReview Previous FormatLPC_TESTLine spacing changes from 7 to6 lines per inch with columnsshorter than 61 lines.Only the line spacing includedin this font's definition canbe used.Formatting into columns... Lines formatted = Limited programming strategy unmasked, trying again ``>>`` paragraph(s) reformatted. lines fit the columns. lines were splitBlank PageSkipping...Formatting...Printing (Q aborts) Page Writing to disk...Page |Source file not accessible.|Program terminating.Sorry|Print another file?YES|NO|Use the same type size|and column dimensions?You loaded printer codes from|a disk file. Do you want to|make these the default codes? If you move the print head while changing paper, reset the printer by turning it off and back on before continuing. |Ready when you are...|Page is next.Quit|Print it|Skip it|Turn paper over when|printer stops.Quit| Print |Printer not responding.|Is it on?Quit|OKChoose output file for ODD numbered pages.SIDE1.TXTCHOOSE OUTPUT FILEONESIDED.TXT| Do NOT mix 1 and 2 sided |printing in the same output|file!SIDE2.TXTThis disk may not have enough|room. To be safe, use one|with more free space.Output file for EVEN pages (even if only a 1 page file)Output to and testtt.xxxFile exists, overwrite? |No file selected.| Try again? Retry |Quit2COLUMNS.DATCANNOT FIND PRINTER DATA, Where is it?\*.DA?MB=TS=CL=---BEFORE|Check number of type sizesAFTER|Font name # too long.ERROR IN PRINTER DATA FILE|Check entries in or the|number of type sizes entry.|(maybe a comma in a comment?)|2COLUMNS.PRG will be altered.|Do you have a backup copy?Yes|QuitSelect copy of 2COLUMNS.PRG to modify\2COLUMNS.PRGERASE.ME ZZZ Merge complete Merge aborted.|A code group is too long.|Check documentation.Darn|Damn|Error during modify,|codes not merged.Oh Well|Some displays are partially|hidden in low resolution.Run|Quit|Quit program?Self-Styled Software'sby Jonathan CoreyTwo Column PrinterPrinter codes from are merged with this copy. To loadalternate codes, press the CapsLock key then select RUN.You will need to load your printer codes from disk (next step).You can merge them with the program later if you wish (last step).Run|DescribeDisk is full.File not found.Unexpected error,|program terminated.| Egad! 2COLUMNS.RSCWhere is the Resource File? (2COLUMNS.RSC)\*.RSCRSC not loadedOH MYu   ,, ,,      NB,8    $ X`(<" "hT2.pD @*6 T^\*6H " &V"4@< Fn<Jd0` j0d"N ΂ V0N4J@ h .|8&P0n .0 BP &&V*p>&2>|<$fVbF(8\*J(&86Nt~@$Z$0&"FL@"$ $ :VZP8,0J,$ "8< 8"..N$6 NDj*j& 6E   !P  ]j   !x   !  !# ' !  *  !5 ="B#@H %O& 1B+'T c p            %(   > 4^  P"p  l  #'   % 1BB    0A   L h 1L/HvHHHK H H  H  H OH H H%H5H'~.1HEE#Gi >-C    @ ]D 1 ( >1B,B ! 9 ? E K  Q  W  )          , *% -%` H 1B*    K R Td ^  a  h  @-@+  k @-     @+B"       @    Pp , /p@ J@ L' "(@hTest for maximum Characters Per Line (up to 100) for use with TWO COLUMN PRINTER (2COLUMNS.PRG) To run test, use the "Source Code" format method, set column width to maximum, print with "balanced columns". ''> and >'' are split line markers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 abcdefghi jklmnopqr stuvwxyza bcdefghij klmnopqrs tuvwxyzab cdefghihk lmnopqrst uvwxyz abcdef ghijkl fffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff fffffff fffff ffff ffff ffffff fff fff abcde 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 abcdefghi jklmnopqr stuvwxyza bcdefghij klmnopqrs tuvwxyzab cdefghihk lmnopqrst uvwx yzabcd efg hijk fffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff ffffff fffffff fffff ffff ffff ffff fff fffff abcde * PRINTER CODE DATA FOR "TWO COLUMN PRINTER" Version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * HP DeskJet 500 (internal fonts only) * * IMPORTANT: Don't add or delete any commas or lines in the codes section * below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. Keep the * line "----CODES AND DEFAULTS---" intact. Don't use TAB's * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) pt = point (measure of character height) * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=0 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 NOTE dollar sign * ---------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ----------- , Turn OFF 'Paper-Out' sensor (n/a on deskjet) , Turn ON 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 038 108 055 068, 7 Lines/Inch line spacing 027 069 027 057 027 038 107 054 087 027 040 115 049 048 104 049 081, see NOTE 027 038 108 048 076, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 040 115 053 072, Fancy print for Heading (Wide - 5 CPI) 027 040 115 049 048 072, Cancel Fancy print (set 10 cpi) 027 040 115 050 081, Enhanced print (Letter Quality for Deskjet) 027 040 115 049 081, Cancel Enhanced print (set draft) * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 6, Number of type sizes below (up to 6 allowed) * " Courier 12pt - 21 CPI", Name of type size #1 027 040 115 050 048 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 053 046 055 072, codes 168, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line 73, Maximum number of lines per column * " Same except @8 LPI", Name of type size #2 027 040 115 050 048 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 053 046 055 072 027 038 108 054 067, codes 168, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line 84, Maximum number of lines per column * " Courier 12pt - 18 CPI", Name size #3 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 054 046 054 053 072, codes 144, Max characters per line 73, Max lines per column * " Ltr Gthc 12pt - 14.4 CPI", Name 027 040 115 049 050 104 049 050 118 054 084 027 038 107 056 046 051 054 072, codes 115, characters/line 73, lines/column * " Courier 6pt - 21 CPI", Name 027 040 115 050 048 104 054 086 027 038 108 056 068 027 038 107 053 046 055 072, 168, characters/line 84, lines/column * " Ltr Gthc 6pt - 24 CPI", Name 027 040 115 050 052 104 054 118 054 084 027 038 108 054 067, codes 192, characters/line 84, lines/column ****************************** * Note: The codes above take advantage of the ability to combine certain sequences. The 4th entry in the --CODES AND DEFAULTS-- section is the initialization string. For the Deskjet it contains the following: Reset/Clear Margins/Text Scale ON/10 CPI/Draft * PRINTER CODE DATA FOR "TWO COLUMN PRINTER" Version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * HP DeskJet (Internal fonts only) * * IMPORTANT: Don't add or delete any commas or lines in the codes section * below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. Keep the * line "----CODES AND DEFAULTS---" intact. Don't use TAB's * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) pt = point (measure of character height) * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=0 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 Note dollar sign * ---------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ----------- , Turn OFF 'Paper-Out' sensor (n/a on deskjet) , Turn ON 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 038 108 055 068, 7 Lines/Inch line spacing 027 069 027 057 027 038 107 054 087 027 040 115 049 048 104 049 081, see NOTE 027 038 108 048 076, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 040 115 053 072, Fancy print for Heading (Wide - 5 CPI) 027 040 115 049 048 072, Cancel Fancy print (set 10 cpi) 027 040 115 050 081, Enhanced print (Letter Quality for Deskjet) 027 040 115 049 081, Cancel Enhanced print (set draft) * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 5, Number of type sizes below (up to 6 allowed) * " Courier 12pt - 21 CPI", Name of type size #1 027 040 115 050 048 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 053 046 055 072, codes 168, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line 73, Maximum number of lines per column * " same except @8 LPI", Name of type size #2 027 040 115 050 048 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 053 046 055 072 027 038 108 054 067, codes 168, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line 84, Maximum number of lines per column * " Courier 12pt - 18 CPI", Name size #3 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 054 046 054 053 072, codes 144, characters/line 73, lines/column * " Courier 12pt - 10 CPI", Name 027 040 115 049 048 104 049 050 086, codes 80, characters/line 73, lines/column * " Courier 6pt - 21 CPI", Name 027 040 115 050 048 104 054 086 027 038 108 056 068 027 038 107 053 046 055 072, 168, characters/line 84, lines/column ****************************** * Note: The codes above take advantage of the ability to combine certain sequences. The 4th entry in the --CODES AND DEFAULTS-- section is the initialization string. For the Deskjet it contains the following: Reset/Clear Margins/Text Scale ON/10 CPI/Draft * PRINTER CODE DATA FOR "TWO COLUMN PRINTER" Version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * HP DeskJet - Letter Gothic Font Card * * IMPORTANT: Don't add or delete any commas or lines in the codes section * below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. Keep the * line "----CODES AND DEFAULTS---" intact. Don't use TAB's * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) pt = point (measure of character height) * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=0 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 Note dollar sign * ---------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ----------- , Turn OFF 'Paper-Out' sensor (n/a on deskjet) , Turn ON 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 038 108 055 068, 7 Lines/Inch line spacing 027 069 027 057 027 038 107 054 087 027 040 115 049 048 104 049 081, see NOTE 027 038 108 048 076, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 040 115 053 072, Fancy print for Heading (Wide - 5 CPI) 027 040 115 049 048 072, Cancel Fancy print (set 10 cpi) 027 040 115 050 081, Enhanced print (Letter Quality for Deskjet) 027 040 115 049 081, Cancel Enhanced print (set draft) * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 6, Number of type sizes below (up to 6 allowed) * "LtrG: 9.5 pt / 20.0 cpi", Name of type size #1 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 057 046 053 118 054 084 027 038 107 054 072, printer codes for size #1 160, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line 73, Maximum lines per column * "LtrG: 9.5 pt / 20.0 cpi", name #2 - as above but at 8 Lines/inch 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 057 046 053 118 054 084 027 038 107 054 072 027 038 108 056 068, codes for size 2 160, characters/line 84, Maximum lines per column (for 8 Lines/inch) * "LtrG: 9.5 pt / 21.8 cpi", #3 - same as #1 except for pitch 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 057 046 053 118 054 084 027 038 107 053 046 053 072, codes 174, characters/line 73, lines/column * "LtrG: 9.5 pt / 21.8 cpi", #4 - same as #3 but at 8 Lines/inch 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 057 046 053 118 054 084 027 038 107 053 046 053 072 027 038 108 056 068, codes 174, characters/line 84, lines/column * "LtrG: 6.0 pt / 24 cpi", #5 - smaller type 027 040 115 050 052 104 054 118 054 084 027 038 108 056 068, codes 192, characters/line 84, lines/column * "Courier: 12 pt / 18 CPI", #6 - something totally different 027 040 115 049 054 046 054 055 104 049 050 086 027 038 107 054 046 054 053 072, codes 144, characters/line 73, lines/column ***************************** * Note: These codes take advantage of the ability to combine certain sequences. The 4th entry in the --CODES AND DEFAULTS-- section is the initialization string. For the Deskjet it contains the following: Reset/Clear Margins/Text Scale ON/10 CPI/Draft * PRINTER CODE DATA FOR "TWO COLUMN PRINTER" Version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * Epson FX printers * * IMPORTANT: Do not add or delete any commas or lines in the codes section * below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. Keep the * line "----CODES AND DEFAULTS---" intact. Don't use TAB's * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) LPI = Lines Per Inch * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=2 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 Note dollar sign * ------------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ------------ 027 056, Disable 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 057, Enable 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 065 010, 7 lines/inch line spacing (use closest value-10/72 set here) 027 064 027 080 027 120 000 027 084, Initialize-10CPI-draft-cancel subscript 027 079, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 087 001, Fancy Print for Heading (Expanded or double width) 027 087 000, Cancel Fancy Print 027 071, Enhanced Print (Double Strike or NLQ--must work with all sizes) 027 072, Cancel Enhanced printing (set draft mode) * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 6, Number of type sizes listed below (up to 6 allowed) * "Compressed Elite - 20CPI", Name of type size #1 027 033 005, Printer codes to select this type size 160, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line 74, Maximum lines per column * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name of size #2 027 033 005 027 048, codes 160, characters per full line 82, Maximum lines per column * "Compressed - 17CPI", Name size #3 027 015 027 081 137, codes 137, characters per full line 74, Max lines per column * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name size #4 027 015 027 081 137 027 048, codes 137, characters/line 82, lines/column * "Elite - 12CPI", Name 027 077, codes 96, characters/line 74, lines/column * "Small Ltrs 20 CPI 8 LPI", Name (uses the superscript font) 027 033 005 027 048 027 083 000, codes 160, characters/line 82, lines/column ************************************ Note: The last type size always prints in double strike mode (the only way Epson FX printers can print Super & Sub script fonts). * PRINTER CODE DATA FOR TWO COLUMN PRINTER version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * Epson LQ Printers (1050/950/850) * * IMPORTANT: Do not add or delete any commas or any lines in the codes * section below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. * Leave the "---CODES AND DEFAULTS---" line intact. Don't use TAB's. * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) LPC = Lines Per Column * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=2 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 Note dollar sign * ------------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ----------- 027 056, Disable the 'Paper-Out' sensor (for earlier models only - not 027 057, Enable the 'Paper-Out' sensor functional on 1050/950/850) 027 051 025, 7 Lines/Inch line spacing (use closest value-25/180 inch here) 027 064 027 033 000 027 120 000 027 084, Initialize-10 CPI-draft-Xl subscript 027 079, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 087 001, Fancy Print for Heading - Expanded (double width) 027 087 000, Cancel Fancy Print 027 120 001, Set enhanced print (NLQ) (for earlier models use 027 071) 027 120 000, Cancel enhanced print (for earlier models use 027 072) * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 6, The number of type sizes below (up to 6 allowed) * "Compressed Elite - 20CPI", Name of type size #1 027 033 005, Printer codes to select this type size 160, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a full line * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name size #2 027 033 005 027 048, codes 160, Characters per full line 82, Maximum lines per column (use 78 with single sheets) * "Compressed - 17CPI", Name size #3 027 015 027 081 137, codes 137, characters/line * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name size #4 027 015 027 081 137 027 048, codes 137, characters/line 82, lines/column (use 78 with single sheets) * "15 Pitch - 15CPI", Name (earlier models may not have 15 pitch) 027 103, codes 120, characters/line * "Small Ltrs - 20 CPI/8 LPI", Name (uses sub/superscript font) 027 033 005 027 083 000 027 048, codes 160, characters/line 82, max lines per column (78 for single sheets) ************************** Note: The 'earlier' model referred to above is the LQ-1500 * PRINTER CODE DATA FOR TWO COLUMN PRINTER Version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * Panasonic KX-P1091i * * IMPORTANT: Do not add or delete any commas or any lines in the codes * section below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. Keep * the "-----CODES AND DEFAULTS----" line intact. Don't us TAB's * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) LPI = Lines Per Inch * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=2 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 Note dollar sign * ------------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ------------ 027 056, Disable the 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 057, Enable the 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 065 010, 7 lines/inch line spacing (use closest value - 10/72 inch here) 027 064 027 080 027 120 000 027 084, Initialize-10CPI-Draft-Cancel subscript 027 079, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 087 001, Fancy Print for Heading - Expanded (double width) 027 087 000, Cancel Fancy print 027 120 001, Set enhanced print (NLQ here - double strike OK too) 027 120 000, Cancel enhanced printing * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 5, The number of type sizes you want (up to 6 allowed) * "Compressed-17CPI", Name type size #1 (25 characters max) 027 015 027 081 137, Printer codes to select this type size 137, Number of characters of this size that will fit on a FULL line * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name size #2 027 015 027 081 137 027 048, codes 137, characters per full line 84, Maximum lines per column * "15 Pitch-15CPI", Name type size #3 027 119 002, codes 119, characters per line * "Elite-12CPI", Name 027 077, codes 96, characters/line * "Small Ltrs 17 CPI - 8 LPI", Name (sub/super-script font used here) 027 015 027 081 137 027 048 027 083 000, codes 137, characters/line 84, maximum lines per column ********************************************* * Note: Type size 5 always prints in double strike mode.* PRINTER CODE DATA FOR "TWO COLUMN PRINTER" Version 4 (2COLUMNS.PRG) * Panasonic KX-P1191 * * IMPORTANT: Do not add or delete any commas or any lines in the codes * section below. This includes the remarks portion of the code lines. Keep * the "-----CODES AND DEFAULTS----" line intact. Don't use TABs. * * Codes are decimal ASCII. Full editing instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC * CPI = Characters Per Inch (pitch) LPI = Lines Per Inch * $ MB=2,TS=5,CL=2 (Max Blank lines, Tab Spacing, default Column Length * reduction) Ranges are: MB 1-9, TS 2-9, CL 0-9 Note dollar sign * ------------- CODES AND DEFAULTS ------------ 027 056, Disable the 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 057, Enable the 'Paper-Out' sensor 027 065 010, 7 lines/inch line spacing (use closest value - 10/72 inch here) 027 064 027 080 027 120 000, Initialize-10CPI-Draft 027 079, Cancel 'Skip-Over-Perforations' 027 087 001, Fancy Print for Heading - Expanded (double width) 027 087 000, Cancel Fancy print 027 120 001 027 107 001, Set enhanced print (NLQ sans serif here) 027 120 000, Cancel enhanced printing * "TXT", Default file extension to be shown in file selector box. 6, The number of type sizes you want (up to 6 allowed) * "Compressed Elite - 20 CPI", Name of type size #1 (25 characters max) 027 077 015, Printer codes for this 160, Number of characters of this size that fit on a FULL line 74, Maximum lines per column with 7 LPI spacing * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name of size #2 027 077 015 027 048, codes 160, characters per full line 83, Maximum lines per column with 8 LPI spacing * "Compressed - 17 CPI", Name #3 027 015 027 081 137, codes 137, characters/line 74, lines/column * " as above but at 8 LPI", Name #4 027 015 027 081 137 027 048, codes 137, characters/line 83, lines/column * "Micron - 15 CPI", name #5 027 103, codes 120, characters/line 74, lines/column * " as above but at 8 LPI", name #6 027 103 027 048, codes 120, characters/line 83, lines/column **************************************** Test file for 2COLUMNS.PRG . Determines maximum column length. . Print this with 2COLUMNS.PRG using the UNEQUAL column length option. . Columns are too long when: Printing goes to a second sheet, your printer looses its grasp on the sheet while printing, or a new sheet feeds into the printer when this is done (even if nothing prints on it). . . . line number 20 . . . . line number 25 . . . . line number 30 . . . . line number 35 . . . . line number 40 line 41 line 42 line 43 line 44 line number 45 line 46 line 47 line 48 line 49 line number 50 line 51 line 52 line 53 line 54 line number 55 line 56 line 57 line 58 line 59 line number 60 line 61 line 62 line 63 line 64 line number 65 line 66 line 67 line 68 line 69 line number 70 line 71 line 72 line 73 line 74 line number 75 line 76 line 77 line 78 line 79 line number 80 line 81 line 82 line 83 line 84 line number 85 line 86 line 87 line 88 line 89 line number 90 line 91 line 92 line 93 line 94 line number 95 line 96 line 97 line 98 line 99 TWO COLUMN PRINTER - Release 4 "READ ME" This is a summary of additions and changes made to Self-Styled Software's TWO COLUMN PRINTER (2COLUMNS.PRG) between Release 3 (2/90) and Release 4 (1/91). Full instructions are in 2COLUMNS.DOC and there are some "help" options in the program itself. 2COLUMNS.DOC also shows you how to customize or create a printer driver. If your copy of TWO COLUMN PRINTER did not include 2COLUMNS.DOC, you can get it from GEnie and Compuserve. If you have any questions or comments, send EMAIL to JWC-OEO on GEnie. PRINTER DRIVERS, OLD AND NEW . . . Printer drivers from previous releases will still work. The drivers included with Release 4 have a new line that sets the following defaults: Tab spacing; column length; and the maximum number of consecutive blank lines that will print. See one of them for an example of how to add this line to your current driver. If you don't add this line, the following defaults will be used: Tab stops every 5 characters; default column length equal to 2 lines less than the maximum; and a consecutive blank line limit of 2 lines. A driver for the HP Deskjet 500 (no font cards) has been added to Release 4 and the "basic" HP Deskjet driver has been improved. NEW FEATURES IN RELEASE 4 * New TAB handling Tabs are now "true tabs". That is, a tab will cause printing to skip to the next tab stop rather than always to jump a constant number of spaces. Only regular tab spacing is available but this spacing is adjustable. These changes are useful mainly to people printing source code who want TWO COLUMN PRINTER's output to match their editors. * Blank line "filter" There is now a limit to the number of blank lines in a row that will print. This keeps paper from being wasted when files contain long series of blank lines. The filter is preset to 2 but this can be changed in your printer driver (range 2-9). The "filter" does not affect the file preview option. * Low memory operating mode Although slower than other methods, this new mode allows much bigger files to be printed under "tight" memory conditions. If a minimum amount of memory is available (~180K) then files of essentially any size can be printed. The old "fast" printing methods are used automatically when there is sufficient memory. See 2COLUMNS.DOC for more on memory requirements. * "Repair-botched-printout" option Ever had a long printout go bad when your printer ate the last couple of sheets? Maybe you've misloaded your paper at the start of side two? With pervious versions of TWO COLUMN PRINTER all you could do was reprint the whole file. Release 4 has a new option that allows you to print selected pages only and to skip the ones that came out right the first time. * Aladdin Manual fixes Several changes were made so that TWO COLUMN PRINTER would do a better job of printing the "raw" version of GEnie's Aladdin manual. The "low memory" mode and the "blank line filter" above are two of these. Another is the ability to deal with "line feed only" lines in both the printout and the file preview. The only unsolved problem is that the "overstrike" lines still print as three separate lines. * Technical stuff "Big screen" cosmetics have been cleaned up. All "line A" calls are gone. Changes have been made to memory management. The warning about using versions of Turbo ST before v1.6 in low resolution has been removed. They still cause problems in low resolution, but hopefully nobody is still using such old versions of this fine program. BUG FIXES . . . Default file extensions that are less than three characters long now work fine. The binding width for two sided printing is now set properly when using the "manual feed" print option. BUGS AND DEFICIENCIES . . . -- The "Is the printer ready?" check does not work with some HP Deskjet printers. Not realizing that it's turned off, 2COLUMNS.PRG will go ahead and send data to the unresponsive printer until it's done or you press "Q". Don't turn your printer on until it's done. -- New bugs were probably introduced and are ready to pounce on faithful and trusting users but have so far managed to remain hidden from this diligent programer/tester. Hopefully they are not too serious. Let me know about any you find. . 4zJ.. 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B@22220<"<NNBA00Nu.. .024  !!+!B!Y!p! ! ! ! " "6 "Z "x " " " " # #D #k   $%&'()&*+,)-./"012'345$6789:;<=> ?@A#BCD%EFG"HIJ%KLM'NOP$@A             @        @  @ @ % A        A @ @ @@    !"  #A                  '%ACCENT.RSC #########$$$#$8#$N$c$w$#$$#$$$#$%%#%*%A%O#%]%t%z#%%%#%%%#%%%#&&&##&)&@&P#&`&w&&&&&&''&`#'4'a'''()Accent CPX __M_Soft_ 1993SaveOKCancelAccent status:AanNum :Caps:UitBell:TabelHelpTerug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx7ACCENT maakt speciale tekens door metingedrukte toets een 'accenttoets'te typen, gevolgd door de letter.Bijv.  <">, . Een overzichtwaarbij de combinatiesgetoond worden, is te krijgendoor op [Tabel] te klikken.Met ASCII kan een bekendeASCII waarde worden ingevoerd doormet ingedrukte toets de waardeop de numerieke toetsen te typen.Verder is het mogelijk om de werkingvan om te keren, d.w.z. met een kleine letter te typen.Accent als CPX module(c) 5/1993 __M_Soft_joe@parsec.iaf.nlPostbus 64283002 AK RotterdamHoud de toetsingedrukt en typ deaccent toets.Daarna kan de juisteletter getypt worden.Als deze niet geldigis gaat de "bel" enwordt de letter nietafgedrukt.Dit zijn de geldigecombinaties:Trema () [Alt][2] A O U Y e a o u i y Aigu () [Alt]['] E e a o i Grave (`) [Alt][`] A e a o u i Noorse [Alt][/] O o Circonflex ^ [Alt][6] e a o u i Zweedse [Alt][0] A a Tilde (~) [Alt][#] A O N a o n Cdille (,) [Alt][,] C c Special... [Alt][=] c f y a o ? ! ----------------------De programma's ACCT206en ACCENT.CPX zijn"Greenpeace-ware",d.w.z. als u dezeprogramma's gebruiktwordt u verzocht eenbijdrage over te makennaar Greenpeace, A'dambankrek.[1][| Geen Cookie | aanwezig! |][ Annuleer ][1][| ACCT206.PR? | niet gevonden! |][ Annuleer ][1][| Te weinig | geheugen vrij! |][ Annuleer ][1][| ACCT206.PR?: | fout in bestand! |][ Annuleer ][1][| ACCT206.PR?: | Schrijffout! |][ Annuleer ][1][| ACCT206.PRG niet | genstalleerd of | ongeldige versie!][ Annuleer ]C:\AUTO\ACCT206.PR?XBRAACNT Stack overflow  2 fT   6h."$B$HRv$B `D~ Z   *  0<`&*o$- ԭԭ,BHy:?<&NN\Bg |JPf/?<1NAa @g @fzAa4 |0NuAa/ toets kunnen worden samengesteld. + Deze update is speciaal voor het gebruik samen met Atari's Xcontrol panel bestemd. Als ACCT206.PRG genstalleerd is kunnen er vanuit het control panel een aantal eigenschappen worden ingesteld en eventueel definitief in het programma worden opgeslagen. Het programma kan zowel vanuit de AUTO folder als later "met de hand" worden gestart, waarbij het zich in het geheugen installeert. + De ondersteunde accenten zijn: Afk. Toets Plaats op keyboard Voorbeeld ===== ===== ================== =================== TREMA: Alt 2 (onder F2) bijv. "geintegreerd" AIGU : Alt ' (links van Return) bijv. Frans "premiere" GRAVE: Alt ` (naast Backspace) bijv. Frans "derniere" SLASH: Alt / (naast R-Shift) bijv. Deens "smor" CIRC : Alt 6 (onder F4/F5) bijv. Frans "Rhone" ROND : Alt 0 (onder F7) bijv. Zweeds "Skane" TILDE: Alt # (rechts van Return)bijv. Spaans "nina" CEDIL: Alt , (rechts van "m") bijv. Frans "garcon" SPECI: Alt = (onder F8/F9) o.a. de omgekeerde spaanse ? en ! Let op: Omdat ACCENT op een zeer laag niveau in het systeem werkt, konden alleen de zgn. scancodes van de toetsen gebruikt worden. Dit betekent dat in de praktijk het programma kijkt naar de *plaats* van de toets die getypt werd, en niet naar de letter die hierdoor op het scherm verschijnt. Als uw toetsenbord afwijkt van de UK/USA standaard, kloppen sommige van bovenstaande codes dus niet meer. + Als een van de bovenstaande combinaties gevolgd wordt door een letter waarvoor geen accent bestaat (bijv. ` p), wordt er geen letter bij de cursor ingevoegd en klinkt de "Bell" (Ctrl-G) ter attentie (uitschakelbaar vanuit CPX). + Alle "moeilijke" letters kunnen, met de ASCII-tabel bij de hand, getypt worden door de toets ingedrukt te houden, en tegelijkertijd op het numerieke toetsenbord de ASCII code in te voeren. Na het loslaten van de toets staat de bedoelde letter op de plaats van de cursor. N.B. Omdat deze optie al standaard is ingebouwd in TOS 2.0x, is deze mogelijkheid normaal uitgeschakeld in ACCT206.PRG Om met oudere TOSsen te kunnen werken, kan de optie "Num:" worden aangezet vanuit ACCENT.CPX, en eventueel met "save" vastgelegd worden in het programma. + Als de toets aan staat, heeft het ingedrukt houden van een toets tot gevolg dat er tijdelijk onderkast- letters getypt worden. Net als met zelf is dit effekt beperkt tot de "gewone" letters (uitschakelbaar vanuit CPX met optie "Caps"). Extra mogelijkheden met CPX module ===================================================================== + Bij het installeren probeert ACCT206+ een cookie in de cookie- jar aan te leggen. Als de cookie-jar vol zit of niet aan- wezig is (oude TOSsen zonder patch) installeert ACCT206+ zich zonder cookie. In dit geval is het niet mogelijk om de CPX module te gebruiken. Om accent toch uit te kunnen schakelen, is het nogmaals starten van het programma voldoende. Bij de volgende keer starten installeert ACCENT zich dan weer, en dit kan steeds herhaald worden. ACCENT geeft de meldingen "ACCENT (2.06) is uitgeschakeld", resp. de opstart- melding, zodat steeds duidelijk is of ACCENT al of niet aktief is. N.B. In- en uitschakelen gaat via het verleggen van de exception-vector #45. Dit gebeurt volgens het 'XBRA' protocol, waarbij het programma-id 'ACNT' is. Omdat het startadres van de routine verloren gaat bij het herstellen van de oorspronkelijke vector, moet de code voor de nieuwe routine bij iedere installatie opnieuw in het geheugen worden genstalleerd. Dit kost ongeveer 1400 bytes. + Als er wel een cookie vrij was, kunnen met ACCENT.CPX de instellingen gewijzigd worden, en het programma in zijn geheel aan/uit geschakeld worden. Dit vereist geen nieuwe installatie en kost geen extra geheugen! In/uit schakelen gaat door het wel of niet doorlopen van de ACCENT routines; het programma blijft dus aanwezig, maar als het uit geschakeld is wordt er meteen doorgegaan met de gewone systeem routines (van exception vector #45). ACCENT.CPX - configuratie van ACCT206+ ================================================================= De meeste opties spreken voor zich. Als u erg tevreden bent met de eigen instellingen (bijv. bell aan, num uit, caps uit en accent zelf ook uit bij het opstarten), dan zijn deze vast te leggen met optie "save". Let op dat bij het bewaren van de instellingen naar ACCT206.PR? gezocht wordt in de AUTO folder van de bootdrive. Als de instellingen in een kopie van ACCT206 ergens anders moeten worden vast- gelegd, kan dit door het programma (tijdelijk) in de AUTO folder op de opstartschijf te zetten. Een overzicht van de beschikbare accenttekens is te krijgen door op [tabel->] te klikken. Een korte toelichting krijgt u met [Help], of het drukken van de Help toets. Met Undo kunnen de formulieren weer verlaten worden; dit is gelijk aan het klikken van [Cancel]. Als er iets fout gaat met de installatie (geen cookie-jar, verkeerde versie van ACCT206, te weinig geheugen...) maakt ACCENT.CPX hier melding van. Ten slotte... =================================================================== Uitbreidingen en verbeteringen die nog moeten worden gemaakt: - een *echt* internationale versie die met een configuratie- programma aan de scancodes van elk type toetsenbord is aan te passen. - Vertaling van de teksten in de CPX module, liefst ook achteraf nog te wijzigen. - Opsporen en verwijderen van bugs (...) Hoewel dit programma al lange tijd in gebruik is, en uitgebreid getest is, wijs ik er nadrukkelijk op dat gebruik volledig voor eigen risico is. ACCENT : oerversie (c) Markus Th, ACCT206 : uitbreidingen en aanpassingen __M_Soft_ 1992. ACCT206+: uitbreidingen en aanpassingen __M_Soft_ 1993. ACCENT.CPX: __M_Soft_ (c) J.Q. la Poutr Opmerkingen zijn welkom! Internet: joe@parsec.iaf.nl PTT: postbus 6428 3002 AK Rotterdam Atari Net: Johannes la Poutr Let Op! Bij deze heb ik weer een nieuwe variant gelanceerd op het "shareware" principe: deze programma's zijn "Greenpeace-ware". Als u accent nuttig vind en dus regelmatig gebruikt, wordt u verzocht een bijdrage van minimaal 10 gulden op de rekening van Greenpeace te storten: Greenpeace Nederland, rek.nr. Amsterdam. Deze twee programma's heb ik uitdrukkelijk bedoeld als Public Domain/Greenpeace-ware. Ze mogen dus NIET in z.g. PD libraries worden opgenomen of op enige andere wijze (semi-)commercieel verspreid worden. Voor details kunt u natuurlijk altijd schrijven naar bovenstaande adressen. Alleen het complete pakket van de twee programma's samen met deze tekst mag worden doorgegeven. 25/06/1992 ACCT206 19/05/1993 ACCT206+, ACCENT.CPX . JzJ-.. BLIB PRG \N..`#& /``,(>>> TURBO-C <<<< for ATARI-ST Version 2.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@#,3, k #, Ј<.@'#,Jy,g<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfB// ?<?<JNAO A6<HCBB`6 !jBJ)gHiRC` "fSI "WJAkHiRCBSQJ)gHiRCHy`$ONF0 J"LNf? 9#(g @N 9#,g @NN?<LNANu?4|6KC06NuH>]O*HGHWHoC KN PO& (Mp0,A(,Dr2,EBE` 2H vN0H-REleBE`20H$ԂԀ02(Nn4H"ҁ҂5022/NR4H"ҁ҂5022N84H"ҁ҂5022/N4H"ҁ҂502|| bH@0;N>> 4H"ҁ҂ r N2H ЀЁ% REle*p0,EBE`\ 4H"牒 rN2H 爐% r Nj2H 爐% r NP2H 爐%RElep0,EBE`\ 4H"҂ rN2H Ё% r N2H Ё% r N2H Ё%RElep0,EBE`( 4H"牒ҁ rN2H 爐Ѐ%RElep0, EBE` 2H rNn0H%REle r3-tD3-(3-zC3-3"-p\OL|8NuNZJ@gNNB@N^NuC*A,~NzpN^NuH>OB@N I* y*NJ@g|E JNG KBAB@N MHWHoHo C SN RO ??/??/ ?/?/ 42/B@N "O ??/??/ p ??4o H…2/oHpN "O "J S h PN"J S h PNB@ @??/?4/ r SB@N \OB@ SN 6|0 SN |g0S@gU@gS@g8[@gh`HoHy*"JAN POJ@gCx S h PN`tHo Hy*"JA0N POJ@gVC( S h PN`@ S"h"Q h PN`(CAN pN C S h PN*H g"S i"PA(N "J S h PN / MN ^/@CA3N /"M S h PN`??/??/ p ??4o H…2/oHpN "O ??/??/ ?/?/ 42/B@N "O ` ACpN xOL|Nu/ E,N 5@R@gZp` 2A5R@| m5|Hy-Hy-CAN PO5@5@4Hy-C JN VXOp`B@$_Nu09-zN BN Nu?/ $HN#6rA|:pCAN#C* JNb$_6Nu/ / UO&H(oN"o KNbHW"L KN XO0g. 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Neben der Nachricht mu auch die Lnge der Dateinamen und die Dateinamen selbst bergeben werden. Diese werden jeweils durch ein Leerzeichen getrennt. Die Adresse der Dateinamen wird in niederwertiges und hherwertiges Wort aufgeteilt. Danach wird die Applikationsnummer von CLIPBRD.ACC gesucht. Ist sie gefunden, so wird an diese die Nachricht gesendet. Man beachte, da nur die ersten sechs Worte der Nachricht eine Bedeutung haben. Nach einem "appl_write" knnen in der Multi-Event-Schleife die Nachrichten SCRP_OK oder SCRP_NOTOK auftauchen. Erstere wird an die Applikation geschickt, wenn alles in Ordnung war, die negative Rckmeldung, wenn eine der Dateien nicht geffnet werden konnte. Ist der Dateiname leer, so wird das Klemmbrettfenster selbst geffnet. Wir hoffen, da sich unter den Software-Entwicklern die Einsicht durchsetzt, da der Austausch von Daten zwischen verschiedenen Applikationen und damit die Integration der Applikationen dem Benutzer eher ntzlich ist, als das Festhalten an einem Datenformat, welches inkompatibel mit allen anderen ist. Das Accessory CLIPBRD.ACC mag in diesem Sinne als Hilfsmittel dienen, dessen Sinn und Nutzen umso grer ist, je mehr Applikationen das GEM- Klemmbrett untersttzen. Dieter & Jrgen Gei, Februar 1990 rl4$l'r ' CLIPBRD Datei Bearbeiten Anzeigen Optionen ber Clipboard...--------------------- Desk Accessory 1 Desk Accessory 2 Desk Accessory 3 Desk Accessory 4 Desk Accessory 5 Desk Accessory 6 ffnen ^O Schlieen ^W Info... ^I Hilfe... ^H----------------- Drucken ^P----------------- An Ausgabe ^U Beenden ^Q Undo ^Z------------------------- Ausschneiden ^X Kopieren ^C Einfgen ^V Lschen ^D Alles auswhlen ^A------------------------- Auf GEM-Klemmbrett ^G Als Text S---------------- SCRAP.* ^F1 *.* ^F2 *.CSV ^F3 *.TXT ^F4 *.GEM ^F5 *.IMG ^F6 *.DCA ^F7 *.USR ^F8 *.DIF ^F9 Einstellungen... C Einstellungen sichern V---------------------------- Fonts laden L Fonts freigeben U GEM-Clipboard [1.3] Februar 1990Auszug aus dem Buch"Vom Anfnger zum GEM-Profi"(Inside GEM)VON DIETER & JRGEN GEISSHTHIG BUCH VERLAG GMBH HEIDELBERGDIESES PROGRAMM IST PUBLIC-DOMAIN!OK KLEMMBRETT %ld Bytes in %d Dateien.NAMENLOS.TXT %ld ZeilenNAMENLOS.IMG %d ObjekteNAMENLOS.GEM %d Objekte Als Icons S Als Text SCLIPBRD.INFFILENAME.CSVFILENAME.TXTFILENAME.GEMFILENAME.IMGFILENAME.DCAFILENAME.USRFILENAME.DIF Einstellungen _Blinkrate: _9Beep bei FehlermeldungenGrow/Shrinkbox zeichnenLschen/berschreiben besttigenOKAbbruchHilfeHilfe fr Optionen.EinstellungenSie befinden sich in der System-Einstellungs-Box."Blinkrate" ist eine Zahl von 0 bis 9 und gibt die Anzahlder Blinks fr Pop-Up-Mens und Menzeilen im Fenster an."Beep bei Fehlermeldungen" schaltet das akustische Signalbei Fehlermeldungen ein bzw. aus."Grow/Shrinkbox" schaltet das Zeichnen eines sich ver-grernden oder verkleinerden Rechtecks beim ffnen vonFenstern und Dialogboxen ein bzw. aus.OK"Lschen/berschreiben besttigen" schaltet eine Warn-meldung ein bzw. aus, die erscheint, wenn Dateien ge-lscht bzw. berschrieben werden. Info... ------------- Original Einpassen Informationen ber Metadatei Bildgre Breite:00.00cmHhe:00.00cmBreite:00000PixelHhe:00000Pixel Pixelgre Breite:000000/1000 mmHhe:000000/1000 mm Sonstiges Ursprung x:Ursprung y:000000Faktor x:0.000000Faktor y:0.000000000000VDI Calls:00000000OK[3][Es stehen keine weiteren|Fenster mehr zur Verfgung!][ Abbruch ][3][Nicht gengend Speicher|vorhanden, um Funktion|auszufhren!][ Abbruch ][1][Das Objekt kann nicht|geffnet werden!][ OK ][1][Zu diesem Objekt/Fenster|existiert keine Information!][ OK ][1][Zu diesem Objekt/Fenster|existiert keine Hilfe!][ OK ][1][Texte knnen durch ffnen|angezeigt werden.][ OK ][1][Das Klemmbrett dient zur|Zwischenablage und zum|Datenaustausch.][ OK ][1][Imagedateien knnen durch|ffnen angezeigt werden.][ OK ][1][Metadateien knnen durch|ffnen angezeigt werden.][ OK ][1][Text-Information:|Zeilen: %ld|Bytes : %ld][ OK ][1][Klemmbrett-Information:|%ld Bytes|%d Dateien][ OK ][1][Gre des Bildes:|Breite: %4d Pixel|Hhe : %4d Pixel|Farben: %4d][ OK ][1][Der geladene Text ist zu|lang. Das Ende des Textes|wurde abgescnitten!][ Weiter ][3][Fehler beim ffnen|der Datei!][ Abbruch ][3][Fehler beim Lesen|der Datei!][ Abbruch ][3][Fehler beim Schreiben|der Datei!][ Abbruch ][1][Datei: %s|Gre: %lu|Datum: %02d.%02d.%02d| Zeit: %02d:%02d:%02d][ OK ][2][Soll die Datei|%s|gelscht werden und die Datei|%s|berschreiben?][ Ja | Nein ][2][Soll die Datei|%s|die Datei|%s|berschreiben?][ Ja | Nein ][2][Soll die Datei|%s|gelscht werden?][ Ja | Nein ][2][Drucker nicht angeschlossen,|nicht bereit oder off-line.][ Weiter | Abbruch ][1][Clipbrd-Directory konnte|nicht angelegt werden!][ OK ] 0     0 0'''' 0xxxx@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~@D@H@P@`@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@P@W\@:GD"HPff QP P _@~@D@H@P@`@@@@C`L_ @"P.X"@T.?R"RQ.RPPnRP"RRrS rR"RBR!SP@P ~_D@"H@>P@`EEEEEEEEEGBBB{G2GG C A ` EP J EA J @@~@`D@H@P@`@@z@@@@@@@@@@4 @y<|\@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~@D@H@P@`BZBBBBjBBBjBBBjBBBjBBBjBBB  D B * w ( Y 9n  ,<  12#3VW#Rbcdfs !]|}~      L  H<  H,  H  H +  Ht8  HdE  HPP0 $  -  4  @  J&  2P  T h ~    0BRdt&%  !"#$%.H2'1 (`)o*+,-./01 & 37(45"6=7Z2 u #   l    'X [ h             4 B P ^*H( H(H( H( H(. 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H"ЀЁA0( b`pWR`L$N^Nu`NVHKL N^```.V>nh2^P4P44$44ScrapEdit v1.00 (c) 1989 C.SprengerAlt:0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012301234567890123456789012345678901234567890123Neu: ____________________________________________PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPSetzenAbbruchScrap-Directory:-25 $1V[,41+! #PNVH KHz$*L N^`v`` AKš!MH@"<ҭ ҭҭ.M J$g// Bg?<JNAO J@fNBgNANuAJ/HA6.A/H/H0/H /HB " <NB`4[3][HALT IM PROGRAMM][ABBRUCH]?/?<LNANuA PAcNuA`r[3][STACK-BERLAUF][ABBRUCH]Nu@B?< NA|A"P2#_H$W$"o"Q .@/)? iBN`LNsD.i@/LNu"o o" "Q@#oH#HBNu@B?< NA|AJF"P" #oF#o J$o#JN#RRHiV$$A#||V#|HzZ3|N^Hz #_``>HA"PH#_&#_*Nj#JB$_2#_ &jN *R&&jJ&/*? jBN`LNs``">jrACNANANANANANANNV0.@gHH @g>H?4L6ACCB6BCgzm<EFEE@F0H@HA`SB8~ Dglm8RGHABnzp: 0QJngL`LSD`SGzU$&<UU҃тFJEgRD20H@HA`SGCHB!ArpRG2 0QHA0JfJf.J.j<-AfH/aXOCEfALN^NuA 0.0N^NuNV-JpCJg YJfЈS`T$OCJg YfSJ`B O$nN^Nu/HA0Nu /jD/aXO"Hgf-NuNV .g6"NB!rH@2 0H@2 0HAA0JfAfAN^NuA00N^Nu0/@gB @gGg* Gg*N,HFNF Fg NNNL`L` <r`prLN^"_H ONoNVHaXКGg8jDE E5nBCF E5n E m E &t`~F΂>GGg|փՂҁрjD@D JfJgl<Fg`:SF nH@HA0BAF` nBQF`ҁрSFgJFoDF`҃тgRD:E EgLHDBD`NVHaTGEo ElDDEzA HvAz> g CEPt|0!ԀbBBHBCQ5UEj .".$tgRD6C Cg8ӂтgRD4B Bg`*NVHaBCFF=F֞EGo Gl=GH@HA:E@EAHBHC:EBEC-@-Ax=D=D-D-D-B-C6BBHBrRAACH`::6@Bf"<`"6@g6A@z~C|0!ڀ`BEHEGQ`dSAAC@ӈӈHd=@TD Do .".Jng `8.SD=DDgH@AHA*8.؈n`L @gJ/j Jj DNuBgb`LJkJkafNuDJka\DNuDaTDNuDaLNu _a N``6`LJk JkaNuDJka|DDNuDarDNuDajDNuLH84H@J@g H@J@f0ЂHAJAf(JLNu LNuHAJAgH@H@J@fЂLNup<LNu _a@NLH8Jg޲bVgZ(<b&$ABAHA0H@20BAHA`($&∲b"HAHA(؁"dS@҃LNu"p`pr``0`^````:````.`4``j```B`J``.` `"``````V`SCRPEDIT.PRG ---- von Christian Sprenger -- Maus Wrzburg Utility, mit dem an das Scrap-Directory lesen und ndern kann. Nachdem das Scrap langsam, aber endlich in Mode kommt, wohl eine sinnvolle Sache. ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 EC Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (winter 1993) al meer dan negenhonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De november/december uitgave 1993 bevat de aanvullin- gen en wijzigingen van dat jaar. In uitgave nov/dec 1992 is een over- zicht van de Public Domain bibliotheek (bijgewerkt tot dec. 1992) te vinden. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk (database met filenamen) uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************