4NNNNNp NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN_Oo  @`! #@o')+/1 3@o79;C@E`GIKQ S]_a c@e`gikmoq s@wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  o @`Oa   !Aa/#A%a')+-/5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKOQ!SUaWY[]_a!cAeaikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eg&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B((Oo  @`! #@o')+/1 3@o79;C@E`GIKQ S]_a c@e`gikmoq s@wy{} @` @ ` @ ` @ ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  o @`Oa   !Aa/#A%a')+-/5a79;=?A!CAEaGIKOQ!SUaWY[]_a!cAeaikmoq!sAuawy{}!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aa!Aaǁɡ!Aaׁ١!Aa!Aa " B b  !"!B!b!!!!!"!""#B"%b"'")"+"-"/#1"#3B#5b#7#9#;#=#?$A"$CB$Eb$G$I$K$M$O%Q"%SB%Ub%W%Y%[%]%_&a"&cB&eg&i&k&m&o'q"'sB'ub'w'y'{'}'("(B((DBMAN-01 [|JDB_DISKS p|J>EVEREST |JDLE |JPLANNER |JWEFAX2 |J1DIV_UTIL |JgAEO209  }JLEES DIT -j4A605 q. \|J.. ATEACH02NDX bt ATECOD03NDX dt ATEGRO04NDX ft ATELIER CMD rt ATELIER DBF vt LERAREN DBF xt jLERCOD02NDX ht MAR_MENUCMD tt XPRT_ALL FRM [t %xPRT_GRP FRM \t -xPRT_LKR FRM `t 5xREADME DOC Zt =L+B(C ACHTERNAAM + VOORNAAM*+B(C CODE + ACHTERNAAM + VOORNAAM*+B2C GROEP + ACHTERNAAM + VOORNAAM4SET TALK OFF SET PROCEDURE TO MAR_MENU SET CONFIRM ON SET DATE TO 1 SET DEVICE TO SCREEN * VASTE INSTELLING DO HOOFDMENU RETURN +S9VOORNAAMC:OACHTERNAAMC:^CODERACHTC:rGROEPC:sREMARK1GC:t+S ::LEERKRACHTC CODECMARIEJAN MRIA RINGE IJEROEN J+BC CODE I J M R **************************** * MAR_MENU.CMD (PROCEDURE FILE) **************************** * DOOR E.J. CLAASEN * GRAAF LEOPOLDLAAN 22 * 3434 SK NIEUWEGEIN * 03402 - 64417 ******************************* PROCEDURE HOOFDMENU ******************************* CLEAR USE FJ ATELIER INDEX ATEACH02, ATECOD03, ATEGRO04 USE FK LERAREN INDEX LERCOD02 SET RELATION FJ TO FK FIND J.CODE DO WHILE T ERASE @ 08,35 SAY 'ATELIER MENU' @ 17,10 SAY 'Maak je keuze door met de muis aan te wijzen wat er moet' @ 19,10 SAY 'gebeuren en bevestig dit door op de linker muisknop te klikken.' ASSIGN DRAWLINE(05,10,05,69,0,0,0) ASSIGN DRAWLINE(12,10,12,69,0,0,0) ASSIGN DRAWLINE(05,10,12,10,0,0,0) ASSIGN DRAWLINE(05,69,12,69,0,0,0) ASSIGN DRAWLINE(18,10,18,67,0,0,0) ASSIGN DRAWLINE(20,10,20,73,0,0,0) VTITLE = ' Onderhoud , Uitprinten , Stoppen ' VITEM1 = ' Nieuwe kinderen invoegen , Kinderen veranderen , , Records verwijderen ' VITEM2 = ' Printen op achternaam volgorde , Printen per leerkracht , Printen per groep ' VITEM3 = ' Stoppen , , Toegang tot DBMan ' ASSIGN PMENU(',',VTITLE,VITEM1,VITEM2,VITEM3) DO CASE CASE PMENU() = 1 DO CASE CASE VMENU() = 1 DO ATETOEVG CASE VMENU() = 2 DO ATECHANG CASE VMENU() = 4 DO ATEREMOV ENDCASE CASE PMENU() = 2 DO CASE CASE VMENU() = 1 DO PRT_ALL CASE VMENU() = 2 DO PRT_LKR CASE VMENU() = 3 DO PRT_GRP ENDCASE CASE PMENU() = 3 DO CASE CASE VMENU() = 1 DO STOPPEN CASE VMENU() = 3 CANCEL ENDCASE ENDCASE ENDDO ******************************* PROCEDURE WACHTEN ******************************* SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('Druk op een willekeurige toets om verder te gaan',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 BEEP WAIT RETURN ************************** PROCEDURE LEDUBBEL ************************** ASSIGN APPROX(F) SET DELETED ON SELECT FJ SET INDEX TO ATEACH02 FIND (Y.ACHTERNAAM + Y.VOORNAAM) DO CASE CASE LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN CASE LASTKEY() = 226 RETURN CASE EOF() ASSIGN USERSTAT(255) @ 24,00 RETURN OTHERWISE BEEP ASSIGN USERSTAT(-1) SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,00 SAY CENTER('Deze LEERLING is reeds ingevoerd, verbeteren A.U.B. !!! ',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 RETURN ENDCASE ************************** PROCEDURE CODECHEC ************************** ASSIGN APPROX(F) Y.CHEC = GETNAME() SET DELETED ON SELECT FK FIND (&Y.CHEC) DO CASE CASE LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN CASE LASTKEY() = 226 RETURN CASE EOF() BEEP ASSIGN USERSTAT(0) SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,00 SAY CENTER('Deze LEERKRACHT bestaat niet. (Alleen J, M, I of R !!! ',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 SELECT FJ RETURN OTHERWISE ASSIGN USERSTAT(255) SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 10,35 SAY LEERKRACHT SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 24,00 SELECT FJ RETURN ENDCASE ************************** PROCEDURE LEERCHEC ************************** ASSIGN APPROX(F) Y.CHEC = GETNAME() SET DELETED ON SELECT FK FIND (&Y.CHEC) DO CASE CASE LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN CASE EOF() BEEP ASSIGN USERSTAT(0) SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,00 SAY CENTER('Deze LEERKRACHT bestaat niet, verbeteren A.U.B. !!! ',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 SELECT FJ RETURN OTHERWISE ASSIGN USERSTAT(255) SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 10,54 SAY LEERKRACHT SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 24,00 SELECT FJ RETURN ENDCASE ****************************** PROCEDURE ATEHELP1 ****************************** ERASE SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,1 SAY CENTER ('HELP SCHERM TOEVOEGEN VAN LEERLINGEN',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 TEXT Met behulp van de CONTROL (^) toets in combinatie met de aange- geven toets kan een functie uitgevoerd worden. Met ^W wordt het scherm gewist zonder dat er 'gesaved' wordt. Met ^S wordt het scherm onmiddellijk gesaved. Als heel het invoerscherm doorlopen is zonder van de CONTROL functie gebruik te maken komt onder in het scherm de vraag of alles goed is ingevuld. Hier geldt Y/y voor ja (Yes) en N/n voor nee. Als N/n gekozen wordt komt de cursor weer aan het begin van het scherm om eventuele fouten te verbeteren, bij Y/y wordt het gehele scherm opgeslagen op de disk. Met 'Help' komt U in dit Uitleg scherm zoals U al ontdekt heeft. Met 'Esc' komt U terug (zonder te saven) in het menu vanwaar al de andere functies alsook printen gekozen kunnen worden. ENDTEXT SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('Druk op een willekeurige toets om verder te gaan',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 BEEP WAIT ERASE RETURN ****************************** PROCEDURE ATEHELP2 ****************************** ERASE SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,1 SAY CENTER ('UITLEG VOOR HET ZOEK SCHERM',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 TEXT Met behulp van dit scherm kan men de te veranderen records opzoeken door de achter- en voornaam in te vullen. Als alleen de achternaam ingevuld wordt verkrijgt men de gewenste records op volgorde van achternaam met als eerste de 'eerste' voornaam. Door op return te drukken vindt de computer het goede record. Het eerste record wat aan de gestelde eisen voldoet komt op het volgende scherm. ENDTEXT SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('Druk op een willekeurige toets om verder te gaan',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 BEEP WAIT ERASE RETURN ****************************** PROCEDURE ATEHELP3 ****************************** ERASE SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,1 SAY CENTER ('UITLEG VOOR HET VERANDER SCHERM',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 TEXT Met behulp van dit scherm kan men het bestand veranderen door eenvoudig de wijzigingen/toevoegingen aan te brengen. Met ^N en ^V verkrijgt men het volgende resp. vorige record in de volgorde van achternaam. Geeft men in het laatste veld een return dan moet de vraag met Y of N beantwoorden. Kiest men voor Y dan wordt de laatste verandering gesaved en komt men terug in het eerste scherm. Alle veranderingen worden ook door ^N, ^T of ^V gesaved. Met ^T kan men ook terug naar het eerste scherm om een nieuwe keuze te maken zonder helemaal naar het eind van het record te gaan en de vraag te beantwoorden. ^D Werkt als een aan/uit schakelaar om records aan te wijzen die verwijderd (geDelete) moeten worden. Met Esc verlaat men deze optie zonder de laatste verandering te saven, moet er wel gesaved worden dan dus terug m.b.v. ^T. ENDTEXT SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('Druk op een willekeurige toets om verder te gaan',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 BEEP WAIT ERASE SELECT FJ RETURN ************************** PROCEDURE ATETOEVG ************************** DO WHILE T STORE SPACE(15) TO Y.VOORNAAM | 1 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.ACHTERNAAM | 2 STORE SPACE (1) TO Y.CODE | 3 STORE SPACE (1) TO Y.GROEP | 4 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.REMARK1 | 5 DO WHILE T Y.READNO = 1 ERASE SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,0 SAY CENTER('INVOEREN VAN NIEUWE KINDEREN',80) @ 2,0 SAY CENTER(' Esc = MENU Help = HELP ^W = WIS SCHERM ^S = SAVE ',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 6,10 SAY 'Voornaam . . . . . . . :' @ 6,35 GET Y.VOORNAAM PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' @ 8,10 SAY 'Achternaam . . . . . . :' @ 8,35 GET Y.ACHTERNAAM PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' GETFILE LEDUBBEL @ 10,10 SAY 'Leerkracht . . . . . . :' @ 10,35 GET Y.CODE PICTURE '!' GETFILE CODECHEC @ 12,10 SAY 'Groep . . . . . . . . :' @ 12,35 GET Y.GROEP PICTURE '!' @ 14,10 SAY 'Opmerking . . . . . . :' @ 14,35 GET Y.REMARK1 PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' BEEP READ GETNO Y.READNO * ADDRESS FUNCTION KEY SECTION * ESC=HULP MENU ^W=WIS SCHERM ^S=SAVE DO CASE * MENU CASE LASTKEY() = 27 | ESC = MENU RETURN CASE LASTKEY() = 226 DO ATEHELP1 LOOP * WIS SCHERM CASE LASTKEY() = 23 | ^W = WIS SCHERM STORE SPACE(15) TO Y.VOORNAAM | 1 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.ACHTERNAAM | 2 STORE SPACE (1) TO Y.CODE | 3 STORE SPACE (1) TO Y.GROEP | 4 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.REMARK1 | 5 LOOP * SAVE CASE LASTKEY() = 19 | ^S = SAVE EXIT * END CASES CASE LASTKEY() = 13 | RETURN STORE ' ' TO Y.OK BEEP DO WHILE .NOT. Y.OK$'YN' Y.OK = ' ' SET CONFIRM OFF SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,10 SAY ' Is alles goed ? (Y of N) : ' SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 24,39 GET Y.OK PICTURE 'U' READ SET CONFIRM ON IF LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN ENDIF ENDDO DO CASE CASE Y.OK = 'Y' EXIT CASE Y.OK = 'N' LOOP ENDCASE OTHERWISE Y.READNO = GETNO() LOOP ENDCASE ENDDO * WRITE RECORD @ 4,0 ERASE @ 12,20 SAY 'Nu wordt de regel gesaved, even geduld aub. ' SELECT FJ APPEND BLANK REPLACE VOORNAAM WITH Y.VOORNAAM REPLACE ACHTERNAAM WITH Y.ACHTERNAAM REPLACE CODE WITH Y.CODE REPLACE GROEP WITH Y.GROEP REPLACE REMARK1 WITH Y.REMARK1 ENDDO ************************** PROCEDURE ATECHANG ************************** STORE SPACE(15) TO Y.VOORNAAM | 1 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.ACHTERNAAM | 2 DO WHILE T ERASE SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,0 SAY CENTER('VERANDEREN VAN LEERLINGEN',80) @ 2,0 SAY CENTER('Help = Uitleg en met Esc komt je terug in het menu.',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 10,10 SAY 'Achternaam :' @ 10,24 GET Y.ACHTERNAAM PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' @ 12,10 SAY 'Voornaam :' @ 12,24 GET Y.VOORNAAM PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' BEEP READ DO CASE *ZOEK CASE LASTKEY() = 13 | RETURN SET DELETED OFF ASSIGN APPROX(Y) SELECT FJ SET INDEX TO ATEACH02 FIND !(Y.ACHTERNAAM + Y.VOORNAAM) IF EOF() BEEP * SKIP -1 SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 18,01 SAY CENTER(' ',78) @ 19,01 SAY CENTER('Deze leerling is nog niet ingevoerd !!!',78) @ 20,01 SAY CENTER(' ',78) @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('Druk op een willekeurige toets om verder te gaan',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 WAIT LOOP ENDIF * HELP CASE LASTKEY() = 226 DO ATEHELP2 LOOP * MENU CASE LASTKEY() = 27 | ESC MENU RETURN * END CASES OTHERWISE LOOP ENDCASE ERASE DO WHILE T SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 00,00 SAY CENTER('Esc=MENU Help=UITLEG ^T=TERUG ^D=DELETE ^V=VORIGE ^N=NEXT',80) IF DELREC() @ 02,00 SAY CENTER('!!!!!!! RECORD '+STR(RECNO(),5)+' IS DELETED !!!!!!!',80) ELSE @ 02,00 SAY CENTER('RECORD '+STR(RECNO(),5),80) ENDIF SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 6,10 SAY 'Voornaam . . . . . . . :' @ 6,35 GET VOORNAAM PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' @ 8,10 SAY 'Achternaam . . . . . . :' @ 8,35 GET ACHTERNAAM PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' @ 10,10 SAY 'Leerkracht . . . . . . :' @ 10,35 GET CODE PICTURE '!' GETFILE CODECHEC @ 12,10 SAY 'Groep . . . . . . . . :' @ 12,35 GET GROEP PICTURE '!' @ 14,10 SAY 'Opmerking . . . . . . :' @ 14,35 GET REMARK1 PICTURE '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' BEEP READ * ADDRESS FUNCTION KEY SECTION * Esc=HULPMENU Help=UITLEG ^T=TERUG ^D=DELETE ^V=VORIGE ^N=NEXT DO CASE * MENU CASE LASTKEY() = 27 | ESC MENU RETURN * HELP CASE LASTKEY() = 226 DO ATEHELP3 LOOP * TERUG CASE LASTKEY() = 20 | ^T = TERUG STORE SPACE(15) TO Y.VOORNAAM | 1 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.ACHTERNAAM | 2 EXIT * DELETE CASE LASTKEY() = 4 | ^D = DELETE @ 24,00 IF DELREC() RECALL ELSE DELETE BEEP SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('Pas op !!!, dit record is nu -DELETED-, was dat echt de bedoeling ???.',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 ENDIF LOOP * VORIGE CASE LASTKEY() = 22 | ^V = VORIGE SET DELETED OFF @ 24,00 SKIP -1 IF BOF() SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('EERSTE LEERLING VAN HET BESTAND !',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 SKIP +1 ELSE ENDIF LOOP * NEXT CASE LASTKEY() = 14 | ^N = NEXT SET DELETED OFF @ 24,00 SKIP +1 IF EOF() SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,01 SAY CENTER('LAATSTE LEERLING VAN HET BESTAND !',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 SKIP -1 ELSE @ 24,00 ENDIF LOOP * END CASES CASE LASTKEY() = 13 | RETURN STORE SPACE(15) TO Y.VOORNAAM | 1 STORE SPACE(20) TO Y.ACHTERNAAM | 2 @ 24,00 STORE ' ' TO Y.OK BEEP DO WHILE .NOT. Y.OK$'YN' Y.OK = ' ' SET CONFIRM OFF SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 24,10 SAY ' Is alles goed ? (Y of N) : ' SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 24,39 GET Y.OK PICTURE 'U' READ SET CONFIRM ON IF LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN ENDIF ENDDO DO CASE CASE Y.OK = 'Y' @ 24,00 EXIT CASE Y.OK = 'N' @ 24,00 LOOP ENDCASE OTHERWISE Y.READNO = GETNO() LOOP ENDCASE ENDDO ENDDO ******************************* PROCEDURE ATEREMOV ******************************* DO WHILE T ERASE SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,1 SAY CENTER ('Met Esc komt je terug in het hoofdmenu',78) @ 2,0 SAY CENTER ('HIER WORDEN DE LEERLINGEN ONHERROEPELIJK VERWIJDERD',78) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 TEXT *************************************************************** * * * De als 'DELETE' aangemerkte records worden met het * * volgende programma voorgoed gewist. * * * * Dit is de laatste kans om dat te voorkomen. * * * * Als je de volgende vraag met N/n beantwoordt gebeurt * * er niets, als je met Y/y antwoordt zijn de records * * echt voorgoed verloren. * * * * Denk nu even goed na ....... * * * *************************************************************** ENDTEXT Y.OK = ' ' DO WHILE .NOT. Y.OK$'YN' Y.OK = ' ' @ 19,10 SAY 'Moeten al de aangemerkte records echt verwijderd worden ?' @ 20,10 SAY 'Als U het zeker weet, kies dan Y/N :' @ 20,50 GET Y.OK PICTURE 'U' BEEP READ IF LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN ENDIF ENDDO DO CASE CASE Y.OK = 'N' RETURN CASE Y.OK = 'Y' EXIT ENDCASE ENDDO @ 2,0 ERASE @ 10,10 SAY 'ER WORDT GEZOCHT NAAR VOOR DELETE AANGEMERKTE LEERLINGEN....' SET DELETED OFF SELECT FJ CLOSE INDEX ATEACH02, ATECOD03, ATEGRO04 COUNT FOR DELREC() TO Y.COUNTED IF Y.COUNTED = 0 @ 2,0 ERASE @ 12,20 SAY 'ER ZIJN GEEN LEERLINGEN OM TE VERWIJDEREN !' SET INDEX TO ATECOD03 SET INDEX TO ATEGRO04 SET INDEX TO ATEACH02 DO WACHTEN RETURN ENDIF @ 12,10 SAY 'ER MOETEN ' + LTRIM(STR(Y.COUNTED,3))+' LEERLINGEN VERWIJDERD WORDEN.' @ 13,30 SAY 'EVEN GEDULD A.U.B. ......' PACK @ 2,0 ERASE @ 12,10 SAY 'NU MOET ER NOG OPNIEUW GEINDEXEERD WORDEN ' @ 13,25 SAY 'NOG EVEN GEDULD A.U.B. ...... ' SET INDEX TO ATECOD03 SET INDEX TO ATEGRO04 SET INDEX TO ATEACH02 REINDEX @ 2,0 ERASE @ 11,20 SAY 'ER BLIJVEN ' + LTRIM(STR(LASTREC(),5))+' RECORDS IN HET NIEUWE BESTAND' DO WACHTEN RETURN ************************** PROCEDURE PRT_ALL ************************** SET PRINT ON ?? ESC('<27><64>') | RESET PRINTER. SET PRINT OFF SELECT FJ SET INDEX TO ATEACH02 SET DELETED ON SET HEADING TO SET HEADING2 TO SET PAGENO TO 1 REPORT FORM PRT_ALL TO PRINT RETURN *************************** PROCEDURE PRT_GRP *************************** ERASE SELECT FJ SET INDEX TO ATECOD03 SET DELETED ON STORE SPACE (1) TO Y.GROEP DO WHILE T DO WHILE T SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,1 SAY CENTER('Met Esc komt je terug in het menu.',78) @ 2,0 SAY CENTER('Printen geselecteerd op groep (en per leerkracht).',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 10,10 SAY 'Voor welke groep wil je een uitdraai :' @ 10,49 GET Y.GROEP PICTURE '!' BEEP READ DO CASE CASE LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN CASE LASTKEY() = 13 EXIT OTHERWISE LOOP ENDCASE ENDDO SET PRINT ON ?? ESC('<27><64>') | RESET PRINTER SET PRINT OFF SET PAGENO TO 1 SET HEADING TO SET HEADING2 TO ASSIGN APPROX(T) REPORT FORM PRT_GRP FOR GROEP = Y.GROEP TO PRINT ENDDO *************************** PROCEDURE PRT_LKR *************************** ERASE SELECT FJ SET INDEX TO ATEGRO04 SET DELETED ON STORE SPACE (1) TO Y.CODE DO WHILE T DO WHILE T SET SAY VIDEO TO 112 @ 0,1 SAY CENTER('Met Esc komt je terug in het menu.',78) @ 2,0 SAY CENTER('Printen geselecteerd op leerkracht (en per groep).',80) SET SAY VIDEO TO 7 @ 10,10 SAY 'Voor welke leerkracht wil je een uitdraai :' @ 10,54 GET Y.CODE PICTURE '!' GETFILE LEERCHEC BEEP READ DO CASE CASE LASTKEY() = 27 RETURN CASE LASTKEY() = 13 EXIT OTHERWISE LOOP ENDCASE ENDDO SET PRINT ON ?? ESC('<27><64>') | RESET PRINTER SET PRINT OFF SET PAGENO TO 1 SET HEADING TO SET HEADING2 TO ASSIGN APPROX(T) REPORT FORM PRT_LKR FOR CODE = Y.CODE TO PRINT ENDDO ************************** PROCEDURE STOPPEN ************************** ERASE STORE SPACE(1) TO Y.DOORGAAN BEEP @ 11,20 SAY 'Wil je echt stoppen met DB man ? (Y/N) :' DO WHILE .NOT. Y.DOORGAAN$'YN' Y.DOORGAAN = 'N' @ 11,61 GET Y.DOORGAAN PICTURE 'U' READ ENDDO DO CASE CASE Y.DOORGAAN = 'Y' QUIT CASE Y.DOORGAAN = 'N' RETURN ENDCASE + 'ATELIER LIJST VAN GROEP 1, 2 EN 3 - 1988.' ' ' P> VOORNAAM 'Voornaam' '---------------' * * ACHTERNAAM 'Achternaam' '--------------------' K.LEERKRACHT 'Leerkracht' '----------' GROEP 'Groep' '-----' REMARK1 'Opmerking' '--------------------' + 'ATELIER LIJST PER LEERKRACHT VAN GROEP : '+Y.GROEP+'.' ' ' P>CODE 'Leerkracht : '+TRIM(K.LEERKRACHT)+'.' VOORNAAM 'Voornaam' '---------------' * * ACHTERNAAM 'Achternaam' '--------------------' REMARK1 'Opmerking' '--------------------' + 'ATELIER LIJST PER GROEP VAN : '+TRIM(K.LEERKRACHT)+'.' ' ' P>GROEP 'Groep : '+GROEP+'.' VOORNAAM 'Voornaam' '---------------' * * ACHTERNAAM 'Achternaam' '--------------------' REMARK1 'Opmerking' '--------------------' Start DBMan op de normale manier op en geef het volgende commando :DO ATELIER. De commando file 'ATELIER' zal dan worden gerund. Vanuit deze file start automatisch het programmaatje op. In princiepe werkt alles met een dikdrive. Met een harde schijf werkt het natuurlijk sneller maar ook met een ramdisk kan een en ander sneller lopen. Om vanuit een ramdisk te kunnen werken moeten alle files naar ramdisk gecopieerd worden. Ook kan men met het commando SET DEFAULT de drive aangeven. Vergeet niet na afloop alle .DBF en .NDX files weer terug te copieren naar een fisieke schijf. Waarschijnlijk heeft de gebruiker niet zoveel aan het programma zoals het nu is maar dit kan natuurlijk veranderd worden. Naar mijn mening is alles netjes gestructureerd geprogrammeerd dus veranderingen zijn makkelijk aan te brengen. . p|J>.. A DIR V?COUNT SBQ VAaDIRWALKFPRG }Be$DISKLISTSBQ VL;DISKS 1 VMDISKS 2 VNDISKS SBD VODISKS SBF VP EXTSIZE SBQ VT|FILELISTSBQ WU4GROUP SBQ WVqPATHCOUNSBQ WWPATHSIZESBQ WXSB PAR WYSSIZE SBQ WZtSETMAUS ACC 4152 A:\ test TENNIS PRG 60790 A:\ test TURTLE ARC 57984 A:\ test ATOM DOC 979 A:\ test MTOA DOC 842 A:\ test BOOTCONF D 0 A:\ test BOOTCONF DOC 1530 A:\BOOTCONF\ test AUTO D 0 A:\BOOTCONF\ test BOOTCONF PRG 15968 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\ test STARTUP D 0 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\ test DTP_PS ASG 454 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\STARTUP\ test DEGELITE ASG 558 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\STARTUP\ test EASYDRAW ASG 365 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\STARTUP\ test PUBLISH ASG 815 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\STARTUP\ test SB_PRO ASG 820 A:\BOOTCONF\AUTO\STARTUP\ test DB_DISKS D 0 A:\ test A DIR 647 A:\DB_DISKS\ test COUNT SBQ 97 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DIRWALK BAS 2602 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DIRWALK PRG 12479 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DISKLIST SBQ 59 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DISKS 1 1024 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DISKS 2 1024 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DISKS SBD 455 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DISKS SBF 1664 A:\DB_DISKS\ test EXTSIZE SBQ 124 A:\DB_DISKS\ test FILELIST SBQ 52 A:\DB_DISKS\ test GROUP SBQ 113 A:\DB_DISKS\ test PATHCOUN SBQ 135 A:\DB_DISKS\ test PATHSIZE SBQ 135 A:\DB_DISKS\ test SB PAR 83 A:\DB_DISKS\ test SIZE SBQ 116 A:\DB_DISKS\ test DIRWALK D 0 A:\ test DIRWALK BAS 2602 A:\DIRWALK\ test DIRWALK PRG 12479 A:\DIRWALK\ test TURTLE D 0 A:\ test TURTLE PRG 25617 A:\TURTLE\ test TTLEXEC TTP 18424 A:\TURTLE\ test TURTLE RSC 16056 A:\TURTLE\ test MTOA_SS PRG 6113 A:\TURTLE\ test MTOA_DS PRG 6113 A:\TURTLE\ test ATOM_SS PRG 5999 A:\TURTLE\ test ATOM_DS PRG 5999 A:\TURTLE\ test TRDTSS PRG 531 A:\TURTLE\ test TRDTDS PRG 531 A:\TURTLE\ test TRDNSS PRG 531 A:\TURTLE\ test TRDNDS PRG 531 A:\TURTLE\ test TORTOISE PRG 13795 A:\TURTLE\ test CHANGES DOC 2306 A:\TURTLE\ test Name AS "Filename",&8Ext AS "Filetype",&10Type AS "Directory?" 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GROUP Ext COUNT REPORT COUNT Ext,Name Name AS "Filename",&8Ext AS "Filetype",Type,Size,Path REPORT SUM Size COUNT :GROUP Path COUNT SUM Size COUNT Path,Name,Ext Name AS "Filename",&8Ext AS "Filetype",Type,Size,Path REPORT SUM Size COUNT :GROUP Path COUNT SUM Size COUNT Path,Name,Ext $ ., -99999.00 dd-mmm-yyyy 1-Jun-1988 9 13 0 100 72 4 Name AS "Filename",&8Ext AS "Filetype",Type,Size REPORT SUM Size COUNT GROUP Ext COUNT SUM Size Ext,Name . |J[.. EVEREST DOC d\,aEVEREST INF uEVEREST PRG vJTEST TXT  ========================================================================== E V E R E S T - der einfach(e/geniale) GEM Texteditor. fr alle 68er Ataris (alle Grafikkarten) 8.6.1992 Alle Angaben ohne Gewhr ========================================================================== 1. Einleitung 1.1 Der Start von EVEREST.PRG 2. Die Menpunkte 2.1 Datei 2.2 Block 2.3 Suchen 2.4 Fenster 2.5 Einstellungen 2.6 Infos 3. Tastaturbelegung 4. Dialoge 5. Versionen 6. Das unvermeidliche Kapitel ************************************************************************** 1. E I N L E I T U N G ************************************************************************** Everest ist ein Texteditor, der dazu dienen soll, unformatierten, sogenannten ASCII-Text einfach zu erfassen und zu verndern. Dieses wird zum Beispiel bentigt - zum Programmieren - zum Schreiben von Texten zur weiteren Formatierung durch andere Programmme ( TeX oder Calamus), - zum ndern von Programm-Konfigurationsdateien, die im Textformat vorliegen, - zum Schreiben von Batch-Dateien. EVEREST.PRG hat folgende Leistungsmerkmale: - luft auf allen Atari-Computern mit allen Grafikkarten (ausser ST-Niedrige Auflsung (320*200)) - ist fr GEM-Verhltnisse schnell (vor allem mit Blitter) - KEIN Nachlaufen des Cursors oder hnliches - normale Standard-GEM-Oberflche, daher keine Umgewhnung - Tastaturkommandos kompatibel zum TurboC-Editor - so gut wie kein Geschwindigkeitsverlust bei grossen Dateien (>300KB) - fast vollstndig ber die Tastatur bedienbar (inklusive Dialoge) (Hervorzuheben ist die Online-Blockmarkierung ber Tastatur) - Erlaubt die Benutzung von nicht proportionalen GDOS-Zeichenstzen, sofern dieses installiert sind. (Empfehlenswert sind die GEMIMI Zeichenstze) - Keine externe RSC-Datei, daher muss Everest nicht im aktuellen Verzeichniss sein. - grsstenteils dynamische Speicherverwaltung: lsst anderen Programmen mglichst viel freien Speicher brig - Ntzlich fr Accessories und MultiGem. - Hard - Tabulatoren - Clipboard-Untersttzung - untersttzt das Turbo-C Helpaccessory. - bearbeitet bis zu 10 Texte, falls soviele Fenster zu Verfgung stehen. Normale TOS Versionen knnen jeoch nur 7 Fenster ver- walten. Falls jemand TOS 1.04 hat, und 10 Texte gleichzeitig be- arbeiten will, kann ich ihm das Programm WINX von ST-454 nur empfehlen, das bis zu 120 Fenster zur Verfgung stellt. 1.1 Der Start von EVEREST.PRG ============================= Everest wertet die Kommandozeile aus. Daher ist es mglich, Everest aus einer Shell heraus aufzurufen. Ausserdem ist es mglich, unter Gemini veschiedene Dateien auf das Everest-Icon zu ziehen, die dann automatisch editiert werden. Hinter einem Dateinamen knnen optional Zeile oder [Zeile und Spalte] stehen, in die der Cursor nach dem Laden springen soll. (Die erste Zeile/Spalte hat die Nummer 1. 0 wird als 1 interpretiert.) Beim Suchen der Datei benutzt Everest die GEM-Funktion SHEL_FIND, ausserdem wird aber auch der AKTUELLE "PATH"-Eintrag im Environment bercksichtigt. Falls "EVEREST" im Environment definiert ist, sucht Everest unter diesem Pfad seine Konfigurationsdatei EVEREST.INF. Das Belegen der Environmentvariablen macht man am besten in einer Batchdatei einer Kommandoshell, dieses lsst sich sehr gut mit MUPFEL als Bestandteil von GEMINI verwirklichen. Falls "EVEREST" nicht im Environment definiert ist, sucht Eveest seine Info-Datei unter dem "PATH"-Eintrag und mit SHEL_FIND. Also ist es nicht notwendig, dass Everest im aktuellen Verzeichnis gestartet wird. ************************************************************************** 2. D I E M E N P U N K T E ************************************************************************** Zu vielen Tastaturkommandos sind Merkhilfen angegeben, die vielen Leuten vielleicht albern erscheinen, so knnen sie um so besser helfen. Manche Kommandos sind desshalb schwer zu merken, da sie eine Abkrzung des englischen Kommandos sind. Fr diese Flle wird kein deutsches benutzt, da sich fr eben diese Flle wie zB "Laden einer Datei" das Kommando Control-O als Standard etabliert hat, und wer will schon fr jedes Programm neue Tastaturkrzel lernen ? Falls man sich nicht an das Krzel einnert, kann man jederzeit im Programm in der Menzeile nachsehen. 2.1 DATEI ========= -Neu..........................(Control N - Merke "Neu") Ein neuer Text wird im Speicher angelegt und mit "ohne Namen" betitelt. Erst beim Schliessen wird nach einem Dateinamen gefragt, unter dem der Text abgespeichert werden soll. -ffnen.......................(Control O - Merke "Open") Fragt ber die Dateiauswahlbox des Betriebssystems nach einem Datei- namen - diese Datei wird dann als Text in den Speicher geladen. Falls diese Datei nicht im ASCII-Format ist, wird eventuell Mll angezeigt. -Schliessen...................(Control C - Merke "Close") Falls der Text verndert wurde, aber noch nicht abgespeichert, wird nachgefragt, ob dieses nachgeholt werden soll. -Speichern....................(Control S) Der Text wird unter seinem Dateinamen abgespeichert, das Fenster bleibt aber offen, so dass der Text anschliessend weiter bearbeitet werden kann. -Speichern als................(Control M - Schlecht zu merken) Es wird nach einem Dateinamen gefragt, unter dem der Text gespeichert werden soll, anschliessend kann dieser Dateiname auch als aktueller Textname verwendet werden. -Fenster wechseln.............(Control W - Merke "Wechseln") Ein anderes Fenster wird zum obersten und aktuellen Fenster. -Drucken......................(Control P - Merke "Print") falls ein Block markiert ist, wird nachgefragt, ob nur dieser Block, oder der gesamte Text gedruckt werden soll. -Ende.........................(Control Q - Merke "Quit") Es wird bei noch nicht gespeicherten aber vernderten Texten nach- gefragt, ob diese gespeichert werden sollen. 2.2 BLOCK ========= Grundstzliches: Die Blockfunktionen folgen dem Cut-Copy-Paste-Prinzip. darunter versteht man folgendes: Es lsst sich ein Textbereich markieren, dieser wird dann invers dargestellt. Auf diesem markierten Textbereich lassen sich dann die Blockfunktionen anwenden. So lsst sich der markierte Bereich zB in den sogenannten Zwischenspeicher kopieren. Diesen Zwichenspeicher kann man dann an beliebiger Stelle im Text einfgen. So weit zum grundstzlichen Funktionsprinzip. Markieren eines Textbereiches: a) mit der Maus: -Ein Textbereich wird markiert, indem man die Maus an den gewnschten Anfang fhrt, die Maustaste gedrckt hlt und zum Ende fhrt und dort die Taste loslsst. Der markierte Bereich wird invers gekennzeichnet. Fhrt man mit der Maus ber den Fensterrand, wird das Fenster entsprechend gescrollt. -Hat man bereits einen Bereich markiert, so kann man mit erneutem Mausklick, diesmal mit gedrckte Shifttaste, den Blockanfang/das Ende an die Mausposition bewegen. -Macht man bei gedrckter Shifttaste einen Mausklick irgendwo in den Text und ist noch kein Block markiert, wird der Text zwischen Cursorposition und Mausposition markiert. -Doppelklick auf eine Klammer markiert von dieser Klammer an bis zur entsprechenden ffnenden/schliessenden Klammer (falls vorhanden). -Doppelklick auf ein Wort selektiert das Wort. b) mit der Tastatur -Mit Control-A wird der Anfang des Blockes gesetzt. Im weiteren Verlauf lassen sich zwar keine Buchstaben eingeben, aber der Cursor lsst sich normal bewegen, wobei automatisch der bereits markierte Text invers dargestellt wird. Nochmaliges Control-A beendet diesen Modus (ausprobieren!!). Das Besondere ist, dass alle Cursorbewegungen wie zB Marke anspringen, Zeile anspringen und Shift/Control+Pfeiltasten auch im Selektionsmodus zur Verfgung stehen. c) Tastatur und Maus-Selektion lassen sich kombinieren. Kommandos: -Ausschneiden.................(Control X - "X" sieht aus wie eine Schere) Der markierte Bereich wird aus dem Text herausgenommen (herausgeschnitten) und in den Zwichenspeicher gelegt. Falls kein Bereich markiert, wird die aktuelle Zeile herrausgeschnitten. -Kopieren.....................(Control C - "Merke Copy") Der markierte Bereich wird in den Zwischenspeicher gelegt, bleibt aber auch im Text erhalten. Falls kein Bereich markiert, wird die aktuelle Zeile kopiert. -Einfgen.....................(Control V - "V" sieht aus wie Spitze einer Klebstofftube) Der Zwischenspeicher wird an der Cursorposition in den Text eingefgt (eingeklebt). Ist ein Block markiert, so wird der Zwischenspeicher ANSTELLE dieses Blockes eingefgt, der vorherige Block geht also verloren. -Lsche Block / Zeile.........(Control Y - Stammt aus WordStar) Falls kein Bereich markiert ist, wird die aktuelle Zeile, sonst der markierte Bereich gelscht. -Blockanfang..................(Control A - Merke "Anfang") Macht die Blockselektion ber Tastatur mglich: Nach Control A ist man im Selektionsmodus, das bedeutet, dass die aktuelle Cursorposition das Blockende markiert, whrend die Position, an der Control A gedrckt wurde, den Blockanfang markiert. Dieses wird durch inversen Text markiert. In diesem Modus sind alle Cursorpositionierungsbefehle (wie Shift+Pfeil) gltig. Der Selektionsmodus wird durch nochmaliges Drcken von Control A beendet. Es ist natrlich nicht sinnvoll, diese Funktion mit der Maus auszufhren. Sie steht lediglich der Vollstndigkeit halber und auch zur Erinnerung im Men. -Links/Rechts Einrcken.......(Control J oder K) Falls ein Block markiert ist, kann er nach links oder nach rechts eingerckt werden (Manuelles Einrcken). Der Grad des Einrckens wird unter EINSTELLUNGEN/DIVERSE festgelegt. Dieses ist vor allem fr blockstrukturierte Programmiersprechen ntzlich. 2.3 SUCHEN ========== -Suchen......................(Control F - Merke "Finden") Es wird nach einer Zeichenkette gesucht. Es gibt (noch) keine Wildcards und es wird nur zeilenorientiert gesucht. -weiter suchen...............(Control G - liegt neben "F") Die in "Suchen" gemachten Angaben werden zu einer nochmaligen Suche verwendet. Gelangt die Suchfunktion an das Ende, wird die Suchrichtung umgedreht, aber es wird nicht weitergesucht, sondern erst bei nochmaligem Control-G. -Selektion suchen............(Control I) Ist ein Teil einer Zeile selektiert, so wird nach diesem gesucht. -Ersetzen....................(Control R - Merke "Replace") Hier gilt hnliches wie bei "Suchen". -weiter ersetzen.............(Control T - liegt neben "R") Hier gilt hnliches wie bei "weiter suchen". -gehe zu Zeile...............(Control L - Merke "Line") -suche Klammer...............(Control B - Merke "Bracket") Falls der Cursor auf einer Klammer steht (ist der Cursor ein Strich, muss er links neben der Klammer stehen), wird zu der passenden ffnenden/schliessenden Klammer gesprungen, falls diese existiert. Falls nicht, ertnt ein Warnton. -gehe zu Marke...............(Shift + Funktionstaste) -setze Marke.................(Control + Funktionstaste) Es lsst sich eine von zehn Marken setzen, die mit der vorherigen Funktion wieder aufgesucht werden knnen. Es wird versucht, die Marken bei entsprechenden Einfge/Lsch- Operationen mitzufhren. 2.4 FENSTER =========== -Alle untereinander..........(Alternate U) Alle Fenster werden untereinander angeordnet. -Alle nebeneinander..........(Alternate N) -Alle aufeinander............(Alternate A) Die Fenster werden gestaffelt angeordnet. -Aktuelles volle Grsse......(Alternate V) Diese Funtkion ist eigentlich nur fr den Tastaturbetrieb interessant und steht nur der Vollstndigkeit halber hier. 2.5 EINSTELLUNGEN ================= -Einfgen....................(Insert) Einfgemodus AN. Zeichen werden an der Cursorposition eingefgt. -berschreiben...............(Shift + Insert) Einfgemodus AUS. Das Zeichen an der Cursorposition wird berschrieben. -Gem-Klemmbrett AN...........(Alternate K) Das Gem-Klemmbrett wird fr die Blockoperationen benutzt. Dazu muss natrlich der SCRAPPFAD definiert sein. Dieses macht Everest jedoch nicht, dafr sollte ein Hilfsprogramm zustndig sein. (Etwa das Klemmbrettaccessory oder auch Gemini) Der Sinn des Klemmbrettes ist der Datenaustausch mit anderen Programmen, die dieses auch benutzen. -Gem-Klemmbrett AUS..........(Alternate L - liegt neben "K") Der Zwischenspeicher fr die Blockoperationen befindet sich im Arbeitsspeicher. Dieses ist natrlich schneller als wenn das Klemmbrett, das ja eine Datei auf der Harddisk ist, benutzt wird. -Cursor......................(Alternate C) Es lsst sich die Darstellung des Cursors ndern. Sinnvoll ist eigentlich nur die Modusabhngige Darstellung, dabei wird nmlich der Cursor im Einfgemodus als Strich und im berschreibemodus als Block dargestellt. -Fenster.....................(Alternate F) Falls der Rollbalken (das ist die Anzeige an den Fensterrndern, an der man die Position im Text ablesen kann) nur in einer Pause aktualisiert wird, hat man einen leichten Geschwindigkeitsvorteil. Auerdem lt sich einstellen, ob in der Kopfzeile des Fensters die aktuelle Cursorposition angezeigt werden soll. Aus Geschwindigkeitsgrnden wird diese Anzeige jedoch nur in einer "tippfreien" Pause aktualisiert. Leider erscheint die Kopfzeile nun berladen. -Dialoge.....................(Alternate D) Dialoge lassen sich zentriert oder an der Mausposition darstellen. -Tabulatoren.................(Alternate T) Die Tabulatorweite lsst sich in Abhngigkeit der Dateiextension einstellen. -Zeichensatz.................(Alternate Z) Falls GDOS installiert ist, lassen sich andere, jedoch nur nicht proportionale Zeichenstze einstellen (Das sind solche, bei denen alle Zeichen die gleiche Breite haben). Allerdings lsst sich nur ein Zeichensatz fr alle Fenster einstellen. Dieses ist vor allem dafr ntzlich, falls man in den normalen ST-Auflsungen 80x25 Zeichen in einem Fenster darstellen will. Bei manchen Zeichenstzen gibt es bei der inversen Darstellungen Probleme, das liegt meines Wissens jedoch daran, dass bei diesen Zeichenstzen irgend ein Wert falsch gesetzt ist. Sehr zu empfehlen sind dagegen die Gemini-Zeichenstze. Falls kein GDOS installiert ist, lsst sich lediglich die Grsse des Systemzeichensatzes verstellen. -Diverses....................(Alternate E - Merke "Einstellung) Beim Blockweisen Einrcken wird ein gesamter markierter Block eingerckt. Das kann jeweils einen Tabulator weit oder eine Anzahl von Leerzeichen sein, aber auch eine beliebige Zeichen- kette. So lassen sich bei einer grossen Anzahl von Zeilen am Anfang jeder einzelnen bestimmte Zeichen einfgen. Das ist zB fr Antworten auf Mailboxbriefe interessant, bei denen Zitate des ursprnglichen Briefes am Anfang jeder Zeile durch ein ">" mar- kiert werden. Hat man also den alten Brief in einem anderen Text, kopiert man das Zitat in den eigenen Brief und braucht dan nur noch Control-K zu tippen, und schon ist das Zitat markiert. "Automatisches Einrcken" bedeutet, dass nach einem Return der Cursor genau an der Stelle steht, an der die vorherige Zeile beginnt. -Speichern...................(Alternate S) Die obigen Einstellungen und die Fensterkoordinaten werden in EVEREST.INF gespeichert (siehe auch oben, unter "Start von Everest"). 2.6 INFOS ========= -Textbelegung................(Alternate I) Es wird die momentane Belegung des Speichers mit Texten angezeigt. Klickt man auf einen der Texte mit der Maus, so wird das entsprechende Fenster nach vorne geholt. -Bedienung...................(Shift+Help) Es werden Hilfen zur Benutzung der Maus und der Tastaur gegeben, um Funktionen zu nutzen, die nicht aus den Mens ersichtlich sind. Fr diese Funktion wre Help ohne Shift sicherlich besser gewesen, doch wenn man ein Help-Accessory benutzt, wird dieses im spteren Verlauf sehr hinderlich, also doch Shift+Help. -Help-Acc....................(Help) Ist das Turbo-Help-Accessory installiert, so wird an dieses das Wort bergeben, auf dem der Cursor steht. Bei dem Help-Accessory handelt es sich um ein Programm, das bei Turbo/ Pure C mitgeliefert wird, und das die Onlinehilfe aus diesem Entwicklungspacket auch anderen Programmen zur Verfgung stellt. ************************************************************************** 3. T A S T A T U R - B E L E G U N G ************************************************************************** Im folgenden werden spezielle Tasten und ihre Funktion aufgelistet: UNDO...............................Zeile wiederherstellen Shift + LINKS,RECHTS.............Cursor an Zeilenende/anfang Control + LINKS,RECHTS.............Cursor Wort vor/zurck Shift + Control + LINKS,RECHTS...Fensterinhalt links/rechts verschieben Shift + HOCH,RUNTER..............Text seitenweise hoch/runter Control + HOCH,RUNTER..............Cursor an obere/untere sichtbare Zeile Shift + Control + HOCH,RUNTER....Fensterinhalt hoch/runter ver- schieben Shift + BACKSPACE................Von Corsurposition bis zum Zeilenanfang lschen. Control + BACKSPACE................Von Cursorposition bis zum vorherigen Wortanfang lschen. Shift + DELETE...................Von Cursorposition bis zum Zeilenende lschen. Control + DELETE...................Von Cursorposition bis zum nchsten Wortanfang lschen. HOME...............................Cursor an Textanfang Shift + HOME.......................Cursor an Textende ALTERNATE + NUMMERNBLOCK...........Zeicheneingabe ber ASCII-Code FUNKTIONSTASTE.....................Holt das Fenster mit der entspr. Nummer nach vorne. ************************************************************************** 4. D I A L O G E ************************************************************************** Alle unterstrichenen Buttons knnen durch Bettigen der entsprechen- den Taste plus Alternate aktiviert werden. Das Feld in der rechten oberen Ecke eines Dialoges dient dazu, hinter diesen zu schauen. ************************************************************************** 5. V E R S I O N E N ************************************************************************** Version 0.0 -Ganz alte Version, noch ohne Tastaturuntersttzung bei Dialogen. Version 1.0 5.4.1992 -Erste, richtige Version. Ab dieser Version ist Everest Shareware. Version 1.1 12.4.1992 -Kleinere Fehler bei Speicherverwaltung behoben. -Blockeinfgen optimiert. Version 1.2 17.5.1992 -Fehler bei blockweisem Einrcken behoben. -OK-Buttons knnen jetzt auch mit Ziffernblock-"Enter" bettigt werden. -EVEREST.INF wird, falls "EVEREST" nicht im Environment definiert ist, jetzt auch nach dem "PATH" Eintrag im Environ- ment und mit shel_find gesucht. -Die Einstellung von Suchen/Ersetzen (Gross/Klein, Alles ersetzen) wird mit in die Info-Datei gespeichert. -Mit Control-B kann der Cursor zur nchsten ffnenden/ schliessenden Klammer springen. -Der Porgrammteil, der das Cursornachlaufen verhindert, schluckt jetzt bei schnellem Tippen keine Zeichen mehr. -Blockweises Eircken erweitert. -Falls kein Block markiert, gilt die Operation fr Zeile. Version 1.3 8.6.1992 -Fehler beim Scrollen in Verbindung mit Control-Y behoben. -Fehler bei Tastaturabfrage behoben. -Drucken jetzt ber Gemdos-PRN:, um Fehlern bei Multitasking vorzubeugen. -optionale Zeilen/Spalten Anzeige. -Bei der "Erweiternden Selektion" ber Maus mit Shifttaste ist jetzt auch das Scrollen wie bei normaler Selektion mglich. Version 1.4 14.6.1992 -Kleinere Fehler bei Blockselektion mit Maus behoben. -Umfangreiche nderung beim Textladen und bei der Internen Darstellung und Verwaltung. Die Ladegeschwindigkeit konnte nahezu verdoppelt werden. Noch nicht richtig getestet, kann zu Fehlern fhren, da viele nderungen. ************************************************************************** 6. U N D J E T Z T: das unvermeidliche Kapitel ************************************************************************** Das Sharewareprinzip ist eines der fairesten gegenber dem Kunden, das ich kenne. Jeder kann das Programm in Ruhe testen, um dann zu entscheiden, ob er es braucht oder nicht. Das ist bei professionellen Programmen oft nicht mglich, und man stellt erst nachdem man viel Geld ausgegeben hat fest, da man es sich htte sparen knnen. Gerade ein Editor ist eine groe Geschmacksfrage, weswegen es auch so viele verschiedene gibt. Everest ist Shareware. Jeder darf das Programm weitergeben, wer es benutzen will, muss jedoch den Sharewarebeitrag zahlen. Zum einen ist dies natrlich der Lohn dafr, dass Everest berhaupt geschrie- ben wurde, zum anderen ermglicht der Sharewarebeitrag die Weiter- entwicklung. So sind bei entsprechender Resonanz noch halbauto- matischer oder sogar vollautomatischer Zeilenumbruch geplant. Wer auf seiner berweisung deutlich seine Adresse angibt, der ist automatisch registrierter Anwender und darf jederzeit eine Diskette mit frankiertem Rckumschlag einsenden, um die allerneueste Version zu bekommen. Auch knnen eventuelle Sonderwnsche von registrierten Benutzern bercksichtigt werden. Everest wird stndig weiterentwickelt. So werden stndig kleinere Fehler behoben und Funktionen verbessert. Erscheint aber eine richtig neue Version, d.h. mit wesentlich vergrssertem Funktions- umfang, so werden registrierte Anwender benachrichtigt. Findet jemand Fehler, so kann er mich benachrichtigen und ich werde versuchen, diese zu beseitigen. Ausserdem bin ich an allen Informationen von Leuten interessiert, die vorhaben, eine Shell oder so etwas zu schreiben, in die ein Editor integriert werden soll. Interessant knnten dabei bestimmte Messages sein, die Programme austauschen knnen. So wre es zum Beispiel bei einer Multitasking-Shell unter MultiGem interessant, wenn diese dem laufenden Everest sagen knnte, welche Datei geladen werden soll. Oliver Schmidt Kreissparkasse Ostholstein Haselredder 23 Kontonummer : 127.010.643 2420 Eutin Bankleitzahl: 213.522.40 ****************************************************************** EOF "%3 "%3 CHS * Prost>`B`M``>>>> PURE-C <<<< for ATARI-ST Version 1.0 (C)88-90 Borland International &H f&op`B@#3 k # Ј<.@Jyg// ?<?<JNAO <"@(I$k,+<=.OErN:J@gBA0N;6RC`vG4BS|ovxI(M$K&`A20N:2:20N;n:|HTHTHTCHAJ0N9O HT"L NBA/C0N:^XO>/>` HT"L MBA0N:^XO0VgBFOBCN8$HAN8^GBAiN),HKI6 fCq MN/~ MN h`2"N MN/~ MN/ 5\g C} MN.C MN. 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Version 2.2Copyright 1989/90 Strata SoftwareWritten by Eric RosenquistThis version may be copied freelybut may not be distributed as partof a commercial program without thewritten consent of Eric Rosenquist.Hold down the Shift key whileselecting to set options.Idle 2.2 OptionsWATCH THE FOLLOWING FOR ACTIVITY:MOUSEGEM TEXTMODEMPRINTERWHEN THE SCREEN IS BLANK...ALLOW SCREEN UPDATESSPIN  SYMBOLSHOW STARSBLANK SCREEN IN THESE CONDITIONS:00__ Min. Of Inactivity99WHEN MOUSE POINTERIS IN THIS CORNEROKSave ;;;{sπ?? ;;;{sπ???????{{ɀ̀` 0???{{ɀ````````````pppppppppxxxx888?? 7'/kKπ'////kKπ3ǀ#cC  ;;s?? ;;s???̀`0;;sɀπ ```8p00? 77'k[ 7oπ#c C/ (/(0(1(2(3(4(56*67J78j8...LAqw,...q".7...=.. .F...L...T..q.p........ ...(q(".........Invip*90(90(9 0(90(90(90( 9$0(p*9090: 0:0:$0:20 :@$0 !%, ,#-#->!-`"-#- # -  -   &:N& ":j" : :    : :  " :" ;;.  ;J   ";f";  ;; /%/;<=V>FDABnBrBvBzB~BBBBBBB pIdle 2.2 is not intended to be run from the AUTO folder. Please read IDLE.TXT!q Idle 2.2\IDLE.PRG\IDLE.ACCFind the IDLE.ACC/PRG fileidlecfg[3][ Error saving the | configuration! | ][ Sorry ]JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec%02d:%02d %c%s %d, %04d %02d:%02d %c%02d:%02d %cM %c%s %d, %04d %02d:%02d %cM %cBSS( S&STY UU_PgmSizeC_DigCnvT# _GemParBS_VdiParBCd_ChrCla1" _MemCluLC\_AesCtrl*_MemBlkLCX_VdiCtrl(`_BasPagCxwhiteSJv_bar'Vvswr_mod&timerS@ultoa!Pvrt_cpyf&.vst_alig&strcpyv_opnvwk'strcatstarsDkeybd_taD objc_dra(objc_off(keybd_buDpt_insidKbshift%6menu_reg)rsc_2imbIorec%ditoa Fopen%fselFseek%$get_opti VFclose$Fwrite$Fread$exit^Gettime%Vget_file errno,evmCidlecfg@dummyCdeskCCconws$form_do)form_ale)nform_dia)form_cen)Hgrect_toblackCdesk_pxyCevnt_eveevnt_but(evnt_tim(gra_qonm@gra_qofmZatariCatoigl_apidCcol_whitA fsel_exi*zfsel_boxCgraf_mou)fsel_inp*`graf_mks)graf_han)_uldiv$p__text_exitl__bssCxDgetpath%_appC|col_blacAaes_buffCDgetdrv$_AtExitV,__data,appl_exi(check_vecheck_thappl_ini(zdraw_sta _fpuvectC@_FreeAll!_PrintF_fpumodeCT_OutStr_fpuinitVrs232_buD*_StkSize_fpuctrlCVchar_widCchar_heiC_OutIntDJblank_it_StkLimC~_OutChr_OutCarO_OutCarH_OutCarD_FilSysV,_RedirTaCr   8X>:82  | 0H*4V2 N@82v|(,  :D   "$ ~.$6&,(6B " $  (  ,$ ,0> 8000000000`H >:d (0 Idle Version 2.2 - The GEM-based Screen Saver / Corner Clock ============================================================ Simply put IDLE.ACC on the root directory of your boot disk, and you'll have a desk accessory called "Idle", which will turn your screen black and make a little Atari logo slide around the screen (to remind you that the machine is in fact switched on). Hitting any key or moving the mouse will restore the screen. Unlike most other screen savers, this one will run on any ST with any type of monitor; even a Moniterm, an Image Systems board, or an ST that's had the "overscan" modification. Idle can also be run as a program simply by renaming/copying the file to IDLE.PRG, but this does NOT mean you can put Idle in your \AUTO folder. Using it as a program simply means that you can run it whenever you want to have your screen blanked and the accessory version isn't installed, for example, when you are about to head out for lunch. Idle relies on GEM for its graphics and background activity monitoring, which is why it only takes up about 24K - even with animation & large-screen support, but this also means that Idle will be ineffective while a non-GEM program is running. NOTE: Idle will usually cause a crash during a change of resolution. This is due to the fact that Idle has to install itself in a couple of system vectors in order to monitor printer and GEM text output. The problem is that there's no way for Idle to see a res. change coming and remove itself from these vectors (and even if it could, there's no 100% reliable way for it to completely remove itself). The best way to avoid this problem is to buy MultiDesk from CodeHead software and use it to load Idle. You can then simply instruct MultiDesk to clear out all of its accessories before a res. change and everything should be fine. Make sure to enable the MultiDesk "timers" option if you're using Idle with MultiDesk, or Idle won't work at all. As an aside, it's lots of fun to configure Idle to ignore GEM text and allow screen updates, then load 4 or 5 of them and watch them all kick-in at the same time. MultiDesk makes this easy since you don't have to reboot to load new accessories, although you can do it the "normal" way too if you like. The Corner Clock ---------------- Idle has a simple corner clock / caps lock indicator that it displays in the upper right corner of the screen. The caps lock indicator shows as an underscore when caps lock is not active, and an up-arrow when caps lock is active. You can change the format of the date / time display by clicking the RIGHT mouse button near the caps lock indicator. There are a total of 6 formats that Idle will cycle through: 15:10 _ { 24 hour time format } May 24, 1990 15:10 _ { date + 24 hour time } 03:10 PM _ { AM/PM time format } May 24, 1990 03:10 PM _ { date + AM/PM time } _ { caps lock indicator only } { nothing at all } The date / time format is saved with the rest of the configuration when the "Save" button is selected (see the next section). Configuring Idle ---------------- Once Idle has been installed as an accessory, you can configure several of its options simply by holding down one of the shift keys while selecting Idle from the "Desk" menu. Idle will present you with a dialog which allows you to set some options and/or save the configuration. If you select the "Save" button, Idle will attempt to save the current configuration to IDLE.ACC or IDLE.PRG (depending on how you ran Idle) in the current directory. If it doesn't find itself in the current directory it will present you with a file selector and ask you to locate the appropriate IDLE.ACC/PRG file. The options you're allowed to change are: - The events to monitor for activity in order to determine that the system is idle. The keyboard is always monitored, but there are 4 other items you can individually select. Enabling an option will prevent Idle from blanking the screen when activity is present, and it will cause Idle to restore the screen if activity occurs while it is blanked. o The mouse - this will watch for mouse movement. Mouse button clicks are not monitored, but it's pretty hard to click without moving the mouse at all. Unlike the other options, any mouse movement once the screen is blank will restore it - even if this option is disabled. o The modem (RS232) port - this will watch for RS232 port activity. o Printer output - this will watch for output to the printer. Note that this watches the documented system call for printer output, so the output of programs which bypass the system call and go directly to the hardware will not be noticed by Idle. o GEM text - this will watch for GEM text output calls. This will catch the output of most GEM programs as well as things like dialog and alert box output. For you programmers out there, the v_gtext() and v_justified() VDI calls are watched. - What Idle will do once the screen has been blanked. o Whether or not to allow other applications to write to the screen while it is blank. Normally, Idle will prevent other GEM applications from writing to the screen while it is blank [by making a wind_update() call]. In 99.9% of the cases Idle would automatically wake up before a program needed to output to the screen anyway, usually due to activity on the modem or printer port assuming you have Idle configured in such a manner. If you enable this option, output from other programs will be allowed to "bleed through" the blackened screen while Idle is doing its thing. There aren't too many programs that would even bother to output to the screen without direct user input, but for ones that do (ex. the STalker terminal accessory) the results can be rather amusing. One additional word of caution: Idle uses the GEM menu/alert buffer in order to save the contents of the menu bar just before it blanks the screen. This is one of the reasons why Idle uses just under 24K of RAM, even on an Image Systems hi-res colour monitor where the menu bar consumes over 9K alone; but the down side is that if an alert is drawn or a menu drops down while the screen is blank the menu bar won't restore properly. It is highly recommended that you leave this option off, but it's there in case you need it. o Whether the Atari Fuji symbol should rotate or sit still as it glides across the screen. o Whether the screen background should be plain black or a bunch of twinkling stars. If you hold down the Alternate key while invoking Idle it will display the other background without the need to bring up the configuration screen. - When to blank the screen. o After the specified number of minutes has passed with no "activity" (based on what Idle has been told to watch). A value of 0 minutes means that Idle will never kick-in on its own. o When the mouse pointer enters a particular corner of the screen. This allows you to invoke Idle at any time simply by moving the mouse pointer into (by default) the top right-hand corner. Copyright etc. -------------- Idle is freeware, and may be distributed freely as long as this text file is included (unmodified). Idle may not be part of a commercial product or package without the written consent of Eric Rosenquist. If you have so much goodness in your heart that you would like to compensate me for my efforts, feel free to send a donation to the following address (please specify *why* if you do - unexplained cheques are very mysterious): Eric Rosenquist Strata Software 94 Rowe Drive Kanata Ontario Canada K2L 3Y9 Phone/Fax: (613) 591-1922 Questions, comments, or suggestions may be directed to the above address, or to: GEnie: E.ROSENQUIST Bix: e_rosenquist CompuServe: 72711,2503 . |J.. 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H?/ NW\O(@g LN^Nu0<` o0/f NuJfBNu"o oB"/ gS$`2Qg /NuNV0.Hмo2 @B@|g 0. @ N^Nu0.`NV0.Hмo2 @B@|g 0. @ N^Nu0.`NVH .м*p2l,9p2BC|l0@Hмo @JgRC`/ ignoredBad cost on line %d: ignored%dcost Too many resources on line %d: ignoredBad resource on line %d: <%s> ignoredBad resource on line %d: ignored%d %[^)]needs Bad date on line %d: ignoredearliest %d,%d,%dduration Insufficient memory for activity name: aborting Too many dependencies: aborting Unknown activity on line %d: %sUnknown activity on line %d: %sBad Percentage Complete on line %d: 100%% assumedCorrupt Dependency on line %d: ignored%d %[^-] -> %[^-] Too many resources: aborting Insufficient memory for resource name: aborting Corrupt Resource on line %d: ignored%[^-]them. Aborting.... Press RETURN to continue a schedule. Please look at dependencies and correct Dependencies seem to contain a loop: cannot make %s Press RETURN to continue %cE%02d/%02d/%02d%d/%d/%dUnknown Input: Ignored %ceZ: Exit Option? K: Print Weekly Schedule as Chart J: Print Cost Schedule I: Print Resource Schedule H: Print Daily Schedule as Chart G: Print Schedule as Report F: Calculate Schedule: Weighted Times E: Calculate Schedule: Maximum Times D: Calculate Schedule: Nominal Times C: Calculate Schedule: Minimum Times B: List Dependencies MENU A: List Activities V %c %c%c Bad filename: aborting Press RETURN to continue File <%s> does not exist: aborting r%ceName of input file? CHAP Planning Program V3.2 (c) C Hobbs 1990 SundaySaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondayUNKNOWNUNKNOWNUNKNOWN Unable to open <%s>, aborting w Please enter filename: Should report be directed to (S)creen or (F)ile? Bad input on line %d: line ignored resource dependency activity Too many holidays declared: one on line %d ignoredWeekend declared as holiday on line %d, ignoredBad date on line %d, line ignoredholiday Bad date on line %d, line ignoredbase version planner title Number holidays: %d Base Date: %s %s Version: %s Planner: %s Project: %s Press RETURN to continue *** %s %s %s %s %s Start Start Finish Finish Early Late Early Late Description Number of activities: %d Printed: %s Schedule for project: %s Version %s You must calculate a schedule before you can print it. Press RETURN to continue %8.8s %6d %6d Beginning Needed Cost Week Cost Cumulative Printed: %s Direct Costs for project: %s Version %s You must calculate a schedule before printing its costs. Press RETURN to continue %8.8s %6d %6d ============= Beginning Needed Unit-Days Week Unit-Days Cumulative Resource: %s Printed: %s Resources for project: %s Version %s You must calculate before printing a resource schedule. Press RETURN to continue Needs: %d %s Costs: %d %7d %7d %7d %s %s Dur. Dur. Dur. Start Minimum Nominal Maximum Earliest Description Number of activities: %d Printed: %s Activities for project: %s Version %s Press RETURN to continue %7d %s -> %s Percentage Number of dependencies: %d Printed: %s Dependencies for project: %s Version %s *-=+ Press RETURN to continue %%%d.%ds: Printed: %s Page %d of %d Project: %s Version %s Page width is too small for titles: cannot print chart%dPage width in characters? You must calculate a schedule before you can print it. -= Press RETURN to continue %%%d.%ds: Printed: %s Page %d of %d Project: %s Version %s Page width is too small for titles: cannot print chart%dPage width in characters? You must calculate a schedule before you can print it.weighted activity times maximum activity times nominal activity times minimum activity times Schedule calculated using xArg0123456789ABCDEF Too many arguments Illegal file mode. Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy o ooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn%.3s %.3s%3d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanSatFriThuWedTueMonSun@ 0123456789ABCDEF BBBBBBBBBB DDDDDD HHHHHH "0    L" $ 0&.              " 4 2`     & "   $     B  $   &                  $       " ".B V b   ,     ((J> N @ . "          "  X N : ,      *  T J 4  $             $        ""$& ,$(B"     & 2              $0 ( (*  "     *r dZ fN  t   8 2 :f( ZJVTd(*( d4b*64  ":>.Z":" nPx<$($&,~.> 2:.  PLAN: A user guide ================== INTRODUCTION ============ PLAN is a critical path analysis tool for planning projects small or large. In essence you tell the program: - what jobs need to be done - what resources (people, equipment, etc) are needed for each job - how much each job will cost in materials - which jobs must be completely or partially finished before another can begin - what is the very earliest each job can start if everything were available and in return the program calculates all of the dates and gives you: - a detailed day-by-day plan of all of the jobs, either as a chart or as a report - details of how late a particular job can be left without affecting the overall completion date of the project - details of the costs incurred each week during the project - details of how many of each resource you will need each week. RUNNING THE PROGRAM =================== Firstly you must prepare a document in ASCII format containing details of the individual jobs in your project. You can do this with any word-processor as long as you remember to save the document as ASCII (in PROTEXT, for example, use SAVEA instead of SAVE, in FIRSTWORD turn off the WORDPROCESSOR option). The format of this document is given below. When you have created the document describing your project, simply double-click on PLAN.PRG. It will ask you for the name of your document. Type this in (eg. a:\planning\plana) and press RETURN. Then simply follow the instructions. DOCUMENT FORMAT =============== In order to help you, a document called EXAMPLE is included on the disc. It is probably easiest to copy this and then modify it with details of your project. If you would rather type from scratch then note the following: 1. any line beginning with a percentage sign (%) is ignored by the program. Use these lines to record informal information about your project. 2. whenever a date is needed enter it normally with slashes between the days, months and years. For example: 4/5/91. 3. if things won't fit onto one line (this normally happens with 'activity' lines) then end the line with a plus (+) and continue on the next line. Here is an example: You can write activity wash walls (earliest 12/1/90) (needs 1 man) or activity wash walls + (earliest 12/1/90) + (needs 1 man) and they both mean the same. 4. spaces between words don't matter except in the names of things. Thus, for example dependency 100 wash walls -> paint walls and dependency 100 wash walls -> paint walls are treated exactly the same but don't insert more spaces between 'wash' and 'walls' as 'wash walls' is the name of a job. You can use this to line things up nicely to make your document more readable. 5. somewhere in the document you should enter the following keywords at the beginning of a line with the appropriate information after them: title example: title Redecorating the House (this, reasonably enough, is the title of the plan as it should appear on reports) planner example: planner Chris Hobbs (the name of the person putting the plan together) version example: version 1 (the version of the document you have reached (plans have a habit of changing when a job is completed early or late): 1, 2, 3 ... or a, b, c ... or whatever you wish) base example: base 11/6/91 (the basedate of the plan. No dates may be entered earlier than this) 6. for each resource, which may be a person or a piece of equipment, you must enter a line beginning resource example: resource managers You cannot use a resource before you have declared it in this way so it's probably best to put all of these sort of statements somewhere near the top of the document. 7. for each activity you must enter a line beginning activity followed by the name of the activity and then several optional fields. Here is an example with all of the optional fields completed: activity Wash Walls (earliest 12/1/92) (duration 10,12,15) + (cost 150) (needs 1 bucket) (needs 2 men) 'Wash Walls' is the name of the job to be done. For some reason it cannot start earlier than 12/1/92 (perhaps the Christmas decorations must be down first), it will probably take 12 days but it might be finished in 10 but it might take 15, it will cost 150 pounds (for the water?), and it will need 1 bucket and two men. If 'earliest' is missing then the program will schedule the job to start as soon as any earlier jobs (see below: dependencies) are complete. If 'duration' is missing then the program assumes that the job takes no time. If 'cost' is missing then the program assumes that there are no costs other than labour costs associated with the job. If 'needs' is missing then the program assumes that no resources are needed for the job. You can enter as many 'needs' against a job as you like. 8. if one job cannot begin until all or some of another job is finished then you should enter 'dependency' statements. Here's a couple of examples: dependency 100 wash walls -> paint walls dependency 60 paint walls -> remove floor covering These statements tell the program that 100% of the job 'wash walls' must be complete before the job 'paint walls' can begin. Similarly when 60% of the painting is complete we can start removing the floor covering. 9. if there are holidays which will occur during the project, during which you don't want the program to schedule work, then simply list them, one per line, with the keyword 'holiday' in front of them: holiday 25/12/90 holiday 26/12/90 10. the order in which items should be included in the document is relatively free except that nothing can be used unless it has previously been declared. As a rule of thumb, put the items in the following order and there will be no problem: title, planner, base, version holidays resources activities dependencies PROGRAM OPTIONS =============== When you run the programme you are offered a menu to choose from. The options are as follows: List Activities --------------- This simply lists the activities to the screen or disc file (for later printing or bringing into a word processor) List Dependencies ----------------- This simply lists the dependencies to the screen or disc file. Calculate Schedule ------------------ There are four options here: to calculate the schedule using the minimum times that you have given for each activity (a very optimistic schedule), the probable times, the maximum times (a very pessimistic schedule) or using weighted times (the most believeable schedule). Weighted times are calculated as (min time + 4 * prob time + max time) / 6 which is a common scheduling trick to get a realistic time for a job. Print Schedule -------------- There are three ways to print the schedule: as a report, as a daily bar-chart or as a weekly bar-chart. On the report the earliest and latest dates for the start and finish of each job are given unless the job MUST start on schedule when no latest date is given. On the bar-charts the earliest a job could be done is shewn by equal signs (=) and any possible slip by minus signs (-). Thus Wash Walls ========= shews a job which must be completed on the days shewn whereas Wash Walls =========------------ shews a job which can be completed early but could be slipped without affecting the overall project. If you print a bar-chart then the program will ask you how wide your page (or screen) is as the report will probably need to be broken into several parts to fit on the page. A suitable value if you are displaying on the screen is 75: don't try to use 80. If you print such a report then you will need to glue the parts together to get one long printout. Print Resources --------------- This gives a list of how many of each resource will be needed each week. Print Costs ----------- This gives a list of how much cost will be incurred each week. ERROR MESSAGES ============== There are really only two types of the error message displayed by the program. The first occurs if you use, for example, a resource which you have not included in a 'resource' statement earlier in the document. A common error is to declare resource programmer to make 'programmer' a resource and then, in the definition of an activity, write activity write code (needs 2 programmers) The program will, quite correctly, tell you that 'programmers' is not a valid resource. You must either write 'resource programmers' (with the final 's') or '(needs 2 programmer)'. The second sort of error message arises if you try to calculate a schedule which is impossible. Say you have three jobs, A, B and C, and you set up the dependencies dependency 100 A -> B dependency 100 B -> C dependency 100 C -> A This is a fairly blatant example and your mistakes are likely to be more subtle. This tells the program that B cannot begin until A is complete, that C cannot begin until B is complete and A cannot begin until C is complete. Naturally the program won't allow this and displays a message asking you to correct the dependencies. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ===================== Why doesn't the program use fancy GEM windows? ---------------------------------------------- Because although it was developed on the ST it has also been run on IBM PCs and micro-VAX computers with dumb terminals. The program is written in SOZOBON C (the best public domain disc in existence) and was easily ported to the other machines which it wouldn't have been had it used pull-down menus, file selection boxes, etc. Has the program been used in earnest? ------------------------------------- Yes certainly. At the lab where I work we use ARTEMIS for our planning, a very sophisticated tool. In order to rough out plans before digging into ARTEMIS we use PLAN. It has been used by numerous engineers in addition to myself, all of whom have requested additions and enhancements which I have ignored. The fact that the program is still used is a testament to its usefulness. PLAN doesn't allow me to specify a maximum number of resources. How do I stop it allocating too many in a particular week? ------------------------------------------------------ This is where we reach the borderline between PLAN and more sophisticated tools. I run the schedule, find the week giving the problem from the resource printout and then introduce an 'earliest' parameter to force some jobs to start later. How do I get a print of the reports? ------------------------------------ Select FILE when offered 'FILE or SCREEN' and then, when all of the reports have been filed, leave PLAN and double click on each file and select PRINT. This technique is also useful for including printouts from PLAN in wordprocessor documents: all reports are written to files in plain ASCII. % % Note that any line beginning with a percentage character is ignored % as are blank lines % % Somewhere in the file you should define the four keywords title, % planner, version (of the plan) and base (base date: nothing can happen % earlier than this). If you don't define them then UNKNOWN is assumed % for title, planner and version and 01/01/80 is assumed for the basedate title Example Plan for Tutorial Purposes planner Chris Hobbs version 1.0 base 11/6/90 holiday 25/12/90 holiday 26/12/90 % % It is not necessary to specify the types of resources but if you do % then the program will add their usages up for you. Resources may % be people or things ('scopes, ovens, etc) and in the future you will % be able to associate costs with them % Here are the resources % ====================== resource programmers resource analysts resource testers % Activities must be specified (otherwise you've got nothing to schedule). % With each activity you can associate all or any of the following % keywards (in brackets as shewn): % % earliest (earliest start date: default is basedate) % duration (shortest, probable and maximum durations (days): % default is zero) % cost (direct cost associated with the activity: % default is zero) % needs (quantity and type of resource needed: % default no resources) % If there is more to come then end the line with a plus sign % Here are the activities % ======================= activity start (earliest 12/01/91) + (duration 1,1,1) activity finish activity prepare feasibility study (duration 10,10,10) (needs 2 analysts) activity write specification (duration 20,25,40) + (needs 5 analysts) + (cost 100) activity design system (duration 20,25,40) + (needs 3 analysts) + (needs 1 programmers) + (cost 230) activity code system (duration 10,10,10) activity test system (duration 10,10,10) activity write test specification (duration 15,20,25) + (needs 2 testers) + (needs 1 programmers) + (needs 1 analysts) + (cost 150) % Again, there is no need to specify dependencies but they are % normally needed. The format is "dependency -> % where the given percentage of the first must be complete before the % last starts % Here are the dependencies % ========================= dependency 100 start -> prepare feasibility study dependency 100 prepare feasibility study -> write specification dependency 100 write specification -> design system dependency 80 design system -> code system dependency 100 code system -> test system dependency 100 write test specification -> test system dependency 100 prepare feasibility study -> write test specification dependency 100 test system -> finish . |J1.. LEES TXT 2 LINKWE BAT ܼA3QWEFAX S 4TWEFAX TOS AJ WEFAX1 IMG MWEFAX2 DOC nTWEFAX2 IMG \f+SC j`f"}WEFAX2.DOC is een 1st Word DOC.link68 [u,s] %1.68k=%1,osbind rm %1.o relmod %1.68k %1.tos rm %1.68k wait *----------------------------------* * Atari ST Wefax Picture receiver * * (c) 1986 Antic Publishing * * Version 060586 --Thursday * * Written by Patrick Bass * * * * For Atari ST Computers Only! * *----------------------------------* GEMDOS equ 1 BIOS equ 13 XBIOS equ 14 Physbase equ 2 Getrez equ 4 Setscreen equ 5 Setpalet equ 6 Setcolor equ 7 Giaccess equ 28 Xbtimer equ 31 cr equ 13 lf equ 10 esc equ 27 gichip equ $ffff8800 mfp equ $fffffa01 isra equ 14 atimer equ 0 port_a equ 15 PIXOVER equ 3 PIXDRAW equ 2 PIXSTART equ 1 WHITE equ 0 BLACK equ 1 INIT equ $a000 PUTPIXEL equ $a001 intin equ 8 ptsin equ 12 *----------------------------------* start move.l a7,a5 move.l #my_stack,a7 move.l 4(a5),a5 move.l $c(a5),d0 add.l $14(a5),d0 add.l $1c(a5),d0 add.l #$100,d0 move.l d0,-(sp) move.l a5,-(sp) move d0,-(sp) move #$4a,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS add.l #12,sp *----------------------------------* _main bsr initialize move.l #titlemess,a0 bsr message *- - - - - - - - - - - -* * Watch for any keystrokes. When * encountered, decode keypress. mainloop bsr scankey tst.l d0 beq mainloop bsr decodekey bra mainloop *----------------------------------* * Decide which key was pressed. decodekey cmp.b #"q",d0 Quit? beq terminate cmp.b #"l",d0 Load? beq loadwefax cmp.b #"s",d0 Save? beq savewefax cmp.b #" ",d0 Toggle? beq togglescreen cmp.b #"c",d0 Clear? beq clearscreen cmp.b #"i",d0 Inverse? beq inverse_screen cmp.b #"r",d0 Reset? beq doreset cmp.b #"z",d0 Sleep? beq off_timer cmp.b #".",d0 MoreTime? beq more_time cmp.b #",",d0 LessTime? beq less_time cmp.b #"1",d0 OneLine? beq oneline cmp.b #"2",d0 TwoLine? beq twoline cmp.b #"k",d0 LineSkip? beq newskip cmp.b #"-",d0 LessCols? beq lesscolumns cmp.b #"=",d0 MoreCols? beq morecolumns cmp.b #"a",d0 AdjustSync? beq adjustsync rts *----------------------------------* adjustsync move.w #20,adjcount rts *----------------------------------* newskip move.w colskip,d0 add.w #1,d0 and.w #3,d0 move.w d0,colskip rts *----------------------------------* * Erase the Fax Screen. clearscreen move.w #1,invmask move.w #8000,d0 move.l org_screen,a0 clsr1 clr.l (a0)+ dbra d0,clsr1 rts *----------------------------------* * To generate a Fax Picture, * 1.) Initialize to the start * 2.) Refresh line skip amount * 3.) Set proper system status * 4.) Reset sync marker initfaxmap move.w #0,currrow move.w #0,currcol move.w colskip,skipcount move.w #PIXDRAW,status move.w #0,adjcount rts *----------------------------------* getpoint * Pick up parallel port value in d0. clr.l d0 move.l #gichip,a0 move.b #15,(a0) move.b (a0),d0 * Is the HI bit set? * Branch if not, else load bit and.b #$80,d0 beq plt0 move.w #1,d0 bra plt01 * Hi bit set, load a zero. plt0 move.w #0,d0 * Inverse dot request as needed * ...then copy to stack. plt01 move.w invmask,d1 eor.w d1,d0 move.l d0,-(sp) * Assume erasure wanted. move.w #WHITE,d2 bsr plotpoint * Recover dot request. move.l (sp)+,d0 * Should we replot it? * Branch if not. tst.l d0 beq plt1 * Else replot the current dot. move.w #BLACK,d2 bsr plotpoint * Are we syncing to the left? * Branch if not, else delay by one. plt1 tst.w adjcount beq process_point sub.w #1,adjcount rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* * Bump one column to the right. * Have we plotted all columns? * Branch if yes, else split. process_point add.w #1,currcol move.w currcol,d0 move.w numcol,d1 cmp.w d1,d0 bge pro2 rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* * Finished w/all columns in this row. * Reset to start of row. * Are we skipping lines? * Branch if not, else decrement count. pro2 move.w speedadj,adjcount move.w #0,currcol tst.w skipcount beq pro3 sub.w #1,skipcount rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* * Time for next line down. * Bump to next row down the screen. * Have we plotted all available rows? * Branch if not, else turn scan off. pro3 move.w colskip,skipcount add.w #1,currrow move.w currrow,d0 move.w numrow,d1 cmp.w d0,d1 bgt pro4 move.w #PIXOVER,status pro4 rts *----------------------------------* * This LINE-A point plotter * wants plotcolor->d2. plotpoint move.w currcol,d0 move.w currrow,d1 move.l mintin,a3 move.l mptsin,a4 move.w d0,(a4) move.w d1,2(a4) move.w d2,(a3) dc.w PUTPIXEL rts *----------------------------------* * Are we currently drawing a map? * Branch if not, else wait for the * start of the next line, then init. * Else start picture reception. doreset bsr show_fax dore1 move.w status,d0 cmp.w #PIXDRAW,d0 bne getfaxmap tst.w currcol bne dore1 bra initfaxmap getfaxmap move.w #PIXSTART,status bsr on_timer rts *----------------------------------* * The interrupt routine itself. * if( not PIXOVER )then begin * if( PIXSTART )then begin * init FaxMap * endif * get, plot point * endif * clear interrupt in service plotdata movem.l d0-a6,-(sp) move.w status,d0 tst.w d0 beq plotexit cmp.w #PIXOVER,d0 beq plotexit cmp.w #PIXSTART,d0 bne plotfaxmap bsr initfaxmap plotfaxmap bsr getpoint plotexit move.l #mfp,a1 bclr #$5,isra(a1) movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6 rte *----------------------------------* * Start Timer A interrupting us. on_timer move.l #plotdata,-(sp) move.w timedata,-(sp) move.w timecontrol,-(sp) move.w #atimer,-(sp) move.w #Xbtimer,-(sp) trap #XBIOS add.l #12,sp rts *----------------------------------* * Stop Timer A from interrupting us. off_timer move.w #PIXOVER,status move.l #plotdata,-(sp) move.w #0,-(sp) move.w #0,-(sp) move.w #atimer,-(sp) move.w #Xbtimer,-(sp) trap #XBIOS add.l #12,sp rts *----------------------------------* * Decrement number of columns. lesscolumns move.w numcol,d0 sub.w #1,d0 cmp.w #0,d0 bge lsc1 move.w #0,d0 lsc1 move.w d0,numcol rts *----------------------------------* * Increment number of columns. morecolumns move.w numcol,d0 add.w #1,d0 cmp.w #1000,d0 blt mcr1 move.w #1000,d0 mcr1 move.w d0,numcol rts *----------------------------------* * Insert default values for 1 LPS. oneline bsr off_timer clr.l d0 move.w resolution,d0 move.l #timed1_table,a0 asl.w #1,d0 add.l d0,a0 move.w #$05,timecontrol move.w (a0),timedata bsr on_timer rts *----------------------------------* * Insert default values for 2 LPS. twoline bsr off_timer clr.l d0 move.w resolution,d0 move.l #timed2_table,a0 asl.w #1,d0 add.l d0,a0 move.w #$05,timecontrol move.w (a0),timedata bsr on_timer rts *----------------------------------* more_time move.w timedata,d0 add.w #1,d0 and.w #255,d0 move.w d0,timedata bsr on_timer rts *----------------------------------* less_time move.w timedata,d0 sub.w #1,d0 and.w #255,d0 move.w d0,timedata bsr on_timer rts *----------------------------------* * Reverse the original screen. inverse_screen move.w #8000,d0 move.l org_screen,a0 invs1 move.l (a0),d1 eor.l #$ffffffff,d1 move.l d1,(a0)+ dbra d0,invs1 move.w invmask,d0 eor.w #1,d0 move.w d0,invmask rts *----------------------------------* togglescreen bsr off_timer tst.w whichscreen bne show_text show_fax move.w #1,whichscreen move.l org_screen,a0 move.l temp_screen,a1 bsr movescreen move.l fax_screen,a0 move.l org_screen,a1 bsr movescreen rts show_text clr.w whichscreen move.l org_screen,a0 move.l fax_screen,a1 bsr movescreen move.l temp_screen,a0 move.l org_screen,a1 bsr movescreen rts *----------------------------------* * Wants Source->a0, dest->a1. movescreen move.w #8000,d0 mvs1 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbra d0,mvs1 rts *----------------------------------* * Save a Wefax pix in DEGAS format. savewefax bsr deconfigure move.l #savmes1,a0 bsr message bsr ask_for_file tst.w d0 beq skipsav bsr savefile tst.w d0 bmi skipsav move.l #sbufmes,a0 bsr message skipsav bsr configure rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* savmes1 dc.b cr,lf,"Save a" dc.b " Wefax Picture " dc.b "to disk.",cr,lf,0 even sbufmes dc.b cr,lf,"Wefax Picture" dc.b " Saved.",cr,lf,0 even *----------------------------------* * Load Wefax Pix in DEGAS format. loadwefax bsr deconfigure move.l #l_mess1,a0 bsr message bsr ask_for_file tst.w d0 beq lwfx bsr loadfile tst.w d0 bmi lwfx move.l #l_mess2,a0 bsr message lwfx bsr configure rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* l_mess1 dc.b cr,lf,"Load a" dc.b " Wefax Picture from " dc.b "disk.",cr,lf,0 even l_mess2 dc.b cr,lf,"Wefax Picture " dc.b "loaded."cr,lf,0 even *----------------------------------* ask_for_file move.l #file_mess,a0 bsr message bsr getline clr.l d0 move.b inbuff+1,d0 beq endfile move.l #filename,a0 move.l #inbuff+2,a1 subq.w #1,d0 copyfn move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ dbra d0,copyfn clr.b (a0)+ moveq #$ff,d0 endfile rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* file_mess dc.b "Filename ?",0 even *----------------------------------* loadfile bsr open_read tst.l d0 bmi lof1 bsr read_file bsr close_file move.l #0,d0 bra lofx lof1 move.l #ld_mess,a0 bsr message move.l #-1,d0 lofx rts *----------------------------------* ld_mess dc.b cr,lf,"Error " dc.b "happened during " dc.b "load.",0 even *----------------------------------* savefile bsr create_file tst.l d0 bpl sfl1 bsr open_write tst.l d0 bmi sfl2 sfl1 bsr write_file bsr close_file move.l #0,d0 bra sflx sfl2 move.l #f_err_mess,a0 bsr message move.l #-1,d0 sflx rts *- - - - - - - - - - - -* f_err_mess dc.b cr,lf,"Error, " dc.b "Picture was not " dc.b "saved.",0 even *----------------------------------* create_file move.w #0,-(sp) move.l #filename,-(sp) move.w #$3c,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS move.w d0,handle addq #8,sp rts *----------------------------------* open_read move.w #0,-(sp) move.l #filename,-(sp) move.w #$3d,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS move.w d0,handle addq.l #8,sp rts *----------------------------------* open_write move.w #1,-(sp) move.l #filename,-(sp) move.w #$3d,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS move.w d0,handle addq.l #8,sp rts *----------------------------------* read_file move.l #degas_buffer,-(sp) move.l #32034,-(sp) move.w handle,-(sp) move.w #$3f,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS add.l #12,sp * Copy color palette to memory move.w #15,d0 rf1 move.l #new_palette,a0 move.l #degas_buffer+2,a1 move.l d0,d1 asl.w d1 add.l d1,a0 add.l d1,a1 move.w (a1),(a0) dbra d0,rf1 * Transfer screen move.l #degas_buffer+34,a0 move.l fax_screen,a1 bsr movescreen * Activate new palette move.l #new_palette,-(sp) move.w #Setpalette,-(sp) trap #XBIOS add.l #6,sp rts *----------------------------------* write_file *First copy resolution out. move.w resolution,degas_buffer * Then copy color palette move.w #15,d0 wf1 move.l #new_palette,a0 move.l #degas_buffer+2,a1 move.l d0,d1 asl.w d1 add.l d1,a0 add.l d1,a1 move.w (a0),(a1) dbra d0,wf1 * Finally copy picture to buffer. move.l fax_screen,a0 move.l #degas_buffer+34,a1 bsr movescreen * Now write picture information move.l #degas_buffer,-(sp) move.l #32034,-(sp) move.w handle,-(sp) move.w #$40,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS add.l #12,sp rts *----------------------------------* close_file move.w handle,-(sp) move.w #$3e,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS addq.l #4,sp rts *----------------------------------* titlemess dc.b "--------------" dc.b "--------------",cr,lf dc.b "ST Facsimile R" dc.b "eproduction " dc.b cr,lf,lf dc.b "(c)1986 Antic " dc.b "Pubishing ",cr,lf dc.b "Written by Pat" dc.b "rick Bass",cr,lf dc.b "--------------" dc.b "--------------" dc.b cr,lf,0 even *----------------------------------* * Exit current program * and return to GEM/desktop... terminate move.l #org_palette,-(sp) move.w #Setpalette,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq.l #6,sp bsr off_timer bsr deconfigure move #0,-(sp) clr.l d0 trap #GEMDOS * Whoops! addq.l #2,sp rts *----------------------------------* * Basic Initialization initialize * First, init the Line-A interface dc.w INIT move.l a0,line_a move.l intin(a0),a3 move.l ptsin(a0),a4 move.l a3,mintin move.l a4,mptsin * next, determine current rez. move.w #Getrez,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq #2,sp move.w d0,resolution * Now according to the resolution * we're in, set limits accordingly. * First, indexize d0, clear d1. asl.w #1,d0 clr.l d1 * Get Bytes per line... move.l #bper,a0 adda.l d0,a0 move.w (a0),bperline * Get screen width, height move.l #mxres,a0 adda.l d0,a0 move.w (a0),xres move.w (a0),numcol move.l #myres,a0 adda.l d0,a0 move.w (a0),yres move.w (a0),numrow * Now find our original screen, * and prepare space for two more. move.w #Physbase,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq #2,sp move.l d0,org_screen move.l #fax_buffer,d0 and.l #$ffff00,d0 add.l #256,d0 move.l d0,fax_screen move.l #temp_buffer,d0 and.l #$ffff00,d0 add.l #256,d0 move.l d0,temp_screen * Init the parallel port for input. bsr configure * Init Timer A values. clr.l d0 move.w resolution,d0 asl.w #1,d0 move.l #timed2_table,a0 add.l d0,a0 move.w #$05,timecontrol move.w (a0),timedata * Create Palette move.l #15,d2 init1 move.w #-1,-(sp) move d2,-(sp) move.w #Setcolor,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq.l #6,sp move.l #org_palette,a0 move.l #new_palette,a1 move.l d2,d1 asl.w #1,d1 adda.l d1,a0 adda.l d1,a1 move.w d0,(a0) move.w d0,(a1) dbra d2,init1 rts *----------------------------------* configure * First, save state of ports now. move.w #$07,-(sp) move.w #0,-(sp) move.w #Giaccess,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq.l #6,sp move.w d0,portstate * Then configure Port B as input. move.w #$87,-(sp) move.w #$7f,-(sp) move.w #Giaccess,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq.l #6,sp rts *----------------------------------* deconfigure move.w #$87,-(sp) move.w portstate,-(sp) move.w #Giaccess,-(sp) trap #XBIOS addq.l #6,sp rts *----------------------------------* * Prints up an a0 message. message movem.l d1/a0,-(sp) clr.w d1 mess1 move.b (a0)+,d1 beq messx bsr charout bra mess1 messx movem.l (sp)+,d1/a0 rts *----------------------------------* * Write character in d1 to console. charout movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) move.w d1,-(sp) move.w #2,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS addq.l #4,sp movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6 rts *----------------------------------* scankey move.w #$0b,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS addq.l #2,sp tst.l d0 bpl.s skipkey getkey move.w #$07,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS addq.l #2,sp rts skipkey clr.l d0 rts *----------------------------------* * gets a line of text via BIOS getline move.l #inbuff,-(sp) move.b #32,inbuff move.w #$0a,-(sp) trap #GEMDOS addq.l #6,sp rts *----------------------------------* filename dc.b "filename.ext " even dc.l 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 *----------------------------------* * Long words org_screen ds.l 1 fax_screen ds.l 1 temp_screen ds.l 1 line_a ds.l 1 mintin ds.l 1 mptsin ds.l 1 *----------------------------------* * Words resolution ds.w 1 handle ds.w 1 xres ds.w 1 yres ds.w 1 numcol ds.w 1 numrow ds.w 1 currrow ds.w 1 currcol ds.w 1 bperline ds.w 1 status ds.w 1 colmask ds.w 1 adjcount ds.w 1 skipcount ds.w 1 whichscreen ds.w 1 speedadj ds.w 1 colskip ds.w 1 invmask ds.w 1 timedata ds.w 1 timecontrol ds.w 1 portstate ds.w 1 portbyte ds.w 1 org_palette ds.w 16 new_palette ds.w 16 bper dc.w 160,160,80 mxres dc.w 320,640,640 myres dc.w 200,200,400 timed1_table dc.w 120,60,60 timed2_table dc.w 60,30,30 *- - - - - - - - - - - -* bss ds.l 256 my_stack ds.l 1 inbuff ds.b 82 even degas_buffer ds.b 32767 even fax_buffer ds.b 32767 even temp_buffer ds.b 32767 even end ` Z**O.| *m - ЭЭм// ??<JNA a |a:a^Jga`<qgְ<lg<sg< g<cgt<ig<rg<zg<.g<,g<1g<<2g\<kg"<-g<=g<agNu3 @Nu09 HR@|3 HNu3 J0<@ y BQNu3 63 83 H B3 <3 @NuB |<g0<`0<29 J@/4<a Jg4<atJy @gSy @NuRy 809 829 2AlNu3 F @3 8Jy BgSy BNu3 H BRy 609 629 4@n3 NAXNu---------------------------- ST Facsimile Reproduction (c)1986 Antic Pubishing Written by Patrick Bass ---------------------------- /< T?<NN\aHa(?<BNATNu# &h(h # "# &?<NNTO3 *@B | 3 : | 3 .3 2 | 3 03 4?<NNTO#  <8м#  <8м# aNB09 *@ | 3 N3 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EenWEFAX-plaatjewordtlijnvoorlijngescandenuitgezonden.De meestgebruiktescansnelheidis1lijnperhalvesecondemaarer zijnookstationsdie1lijnpersecondehanteren.Erwordteen signaaluitgezondenmettoonhoogtevarierendtussende1500en2300 Hertz. Hierbijis1500Hertzzwarten2300Hertzwit.Detussenliggende frequentieszijngrijstinten.HetWEFAXsignaalisteherkennenaan eenregelmatige"crisp"uitdeluidsprekervandeontvanger.Voor deATARI-STisereenprogrammabeschikbaarwaarmeeweviaeen kortegolfontvangereneensimpeleinterfacedezeplaatjesopdeST tevoorschijnkunnentoveren. DEWEFAX-INTERFACE ================== Deinterfaceiseenaparaatjewaarmeehetsignaalafkomstigvande kortegofontvangerwordtomgezetnaareenvoordeSTbruikbaar signaalvan0of+5volt.Hetgemakkelijkstisdittedoenmeteen XR-2211(chip)waarbijdebenodigde5voltvoedingsspaningviade joystick-poortuitdeSTkanwordenbetrokken.Hetuitgaande signaalisopTTLnivoenkanzoaandeprinterpoortoppen9 wordenaangeboden,zoalsophetschemaistezien. Hetisinverbandmetstoorsignalenvanbuitenafvanbijvoorbeeld demonitorendecomputerwelaanteradenomhetschakelingetjein eenaluminiumkastjetebouwen.Voordeverbindingenmetde computerendekortegolfontvangerkandusookhetbesteafgeschermd draadwordengebruikt.Deaudio-ingangvandeinterfacewordt verbondenmetdeluidsprekerofearphone-aansluitingvande kortegolfontvanger.Dezeschakelingismakkelijktebouwenenook deonderdelenzijngoedverkrijgbaar. 8000000001\WEFAX1.IMG  Metdepotmeter"contrast"ishetnivotussenzwartenwitinte stellen,enmetdepotmeter"freq.control"hetwerkpuntvande interface. Ietsmindermakkelijktebouwenisdewatmeergecompliceerde schakelingdeWEFAX-INTERFACE2.Maarmetdezeschakelingishet mogenlijkomwatmeerdetailindeplaatjestekrijgen,eenwat scherperresultaatdus.BijdeWEFAX-INTERFACE2moetweleen aparte12voltvoedingwordengemaakt.Medehierdoorisgekozen vooreengalvanischescheidingtussendeSTendeinterface.Dit doenwedoormiddelvaneenopto-koplertypeTIL111.Ookbijdeze interfaceishetaanteradenomalles,ookdevoedingineen metalenkastjetebouwen. 8000000001\WEFAX2.IMG Deafregelingvandezeinterfaceiszeereenvoudig,metP3wordtde versterkingaangepast.EnmetP2wordthetwerkpuntvande interfaceingesteld.Zodatdeuitgangbijeensignaalvanongeveer 1900Hzomklapt.Dezeafregelingisnietkritischenkanophetoog gebeurenmeteenWEFAX-signaalafkomstigvandekortegolfontvanger aandeingang.Bijhetafregelenzondermeetaparaatuurkanhet bestewordenbegonnenmetdeinstelpotmetersindemiddenstand. Aandeledistezienofdeuitgangvandeinterfacehoogoflaag is.Bijhetbinnenkomenvaneenfotomoetdezeinhetritmevanhet WEFAX-signaalknipperen.Doordatdeledinseriestaatmetdeled indeoptokoplerismeteentekontrolerenofdezeaangestuurd wordt. MetP1kannaarsmaakhetkontrastwordeningesteld. DEONTVANGER ============ Alswegeendirektdoordesatellietuitgezondenfoto'smaaralleen landzenderswillenontvangenhebbenwegenoegaaneen kortegolfontvanger.DezeontvangermoeteenSSB-modehebbenomdat ditsoortsignalenalleenmaarviaeenzijbandwordenuitgezonden. HetherkennenvaneenFAX-signaalvereistenigeervaringzekerals jenietweetwaarnaarjemoetluisteren.Daaromisdedigitale uitlezingvandeafgestemdefrequentieopdewatduurdere ontvangerseengrootvoordeel.Maarmeteengoedkopereontvangeren watmeergeduldgaathetook,alseenmaaldeeerstefotobinnenis weetjenaarwatvoorsignaalergeluisterdmoetworden. Indedumphandelzijnoverigenszeergoedetweedehandsontvangers tekoopvooreenfraktievandenieuwprijs.Eenalgemeneregelis; hoebeterdekwaliteitvandeontvangerhoebeterhetplaatje. Eennietzostabieleontvangerzaltijdenshetontvangenvanhet plaatjemoetenwordenbijgeregeld,ditkomtheteindresultaat niettengoede. HETPROGRAMMA ============= DesoftwareiseenvrijkaalprogrammadatdoorPatrickBassis geschrevenin"C".Watwebijvoorbeeldmissenzijndialog-boxenen demogelijkheidomtescrollenlangseenfoto. Hetprogrammaheefttweewerkschermen,opheteenwordtdefoto geschrevenenophetanderewordtdefotonaardediskgesaved ofgeladen.DeplaatjeszijnoverigensinDEGAS-formaatmakkelijk natebewerkenenteretoucheren. Hetschakelentussendetweeschermengaatdoormiddelvanvande spatiebalk.  DebesturingvanhetprogrammagaatviahettoetsenbordvandeST. Functies van de diverse toetsen: A Verplaatst de foto of kaart bij elke keer indrukken eenstukje naar links,hiermeeisdefotopreciesinhetmiddenvanhet beeldtezetten R Begint weer opnieuw een beeld te schrijven. K Bepaald het aantal lijnen dat overgeslagen moet worden 0-3. Bijdemeestestationsmoetereenlijnwordenovergeslagenom dejuisteverhoudingtussenlengteenbreedtetekrijgen. C Wisbeeld. L Laad een foto van schijf in het geheugen. S Save een foto op schijf. 1 Schrijfsnelheid 60 lijnen per minuut. 2 Schrijfsnelheid 120 lijnen per minuut. I Beeld negatief of positief Q Quit, verlaathet progamma. <Hiermeeisdeschrijfsnelheidtraploosinstelbaar. > + Hetaantalhorizontale pixelskanvoorspecialeformaten -wordenaangepast. Spacebar Schakelttussendetweeschermen. FREQUENTIES =========== Aldezefrequentieszijnmetdedefault-instellingvanhetprogamma tedecodereneninNederlandgoedteontvangen. 117.4 khz OffenbachMeteo2 -WestDuitsland 134.2 khz OffenbachMeteo1 -WestDuitsland 139.0 khz DPA -WestDuitsland 2618.5 khz BracknellMeteo -Engeland 2815.0 khz MoscowMeteo1 -Rusland 3289.5 khz BracknellMeteo -Engeland 4777.5 khz RomeMeteo -Italie 4782.0 khz BracknellMeteo -Engeland 5150.0khz MoscowMeteo2 -Rusland OpdelangegolfishetstationDPAvandeDeutschePresseAgentur op139kHzgoedteontvangen. Hetleukevanditstationisdatervierentwintiguurperdagvan alleswordtuitgezonden:Sport,nieuwsenweerfoto's. Voordegenediewatmeerfrequentieswillenhebbenishetboekje -SHORTWAVEFACSIMILEFREQUENTIEGUIDE-vanuitgeverMichielSchaay teDoorneenaanrader. Mei-'88  PieterDamave   Desoftwarehebiknietzelfgeschrevenmaarisnetalshetschema vandeWEFAX-INTERFACE1vanPatrickBass. HetschemavandeWEFAX-INTERFACE2komtuitElektuurApril'86en isdoormijenigszinsuitgebreidenaangepast. Voorverbeteringenensugestiesbenikbereikbaarvia --BBS-Almere--03240-16491--300/1200BD24uur-- OokdesoftwareisopditBBSindedownloadbeschikbaar. -O- ttMFJc?? 3?3??|? ?c??3?3??~????c00?3 3 0f0?303c003 ; 0f03303c>>3? ; >f>30>k>>3 ? ? >~>30>k00? ? 0|0?00 00? 7 0l0?00 003 7 0f0330w0033 3 0f0330c?033?3 ?c03???A?033?3 ?c03??JE                      r    @       /  !         < 9A 88@ MA  LD@UPA T9e0= dET@9 89@         xx !  xx #`              s  `0 ) P qʐ      8 s8   D" 8 >  D"  8"       r   &   *  2`  r       8  8  8   8 x  8   88 88 ? L  88 xT 80D 8 d pLaD 8 8 TD8  e(8? 98    8 (!H  8 H#&Pq 1 ?$*` #  >!H!2Pq ? 8 !(!H!     ! " 8 ?! "0 "   "      *    &          ?    ?             <  <$  8" p D  D<   " p !D  D<  >!$  8          !   !  Y !    ! 1   !    !   !    !>   ! 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AEO_0209TXT m :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 2 - Issue 9 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 1 May 1993 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI :: :: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER :: :: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE :: :: :: :: Published and Copyright 1993 by Atari Corporation :: :: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG :: :: Assistant Editor GEnie................ Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 :: :: Assistant Editor CompuServe.......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 :: :: Assistant Editor Delphi......... Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 :: :: News Editor ............................... Lyre AEO.3 :: :: Editor-at-Large ..................... Ed Krimen AEO.5 :: :: Hardware Editor .............. Britton Robbins AEO.4 :: :: Internet Editor .................. Tim Wilson AEO.8 :: :: Atari Artist ..... Peter Donoso & Fadi Hayek EXPLORER.2 :: :: :: :: Contributors :: :: """""""""""" :: :: Gregg Anderson Don Wilhelm :: :: :: :: :: :: Editorial Advisory Board :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: President, Atari Corporation........................Sam Tramiel :: :: Director of Application Software...................Bill Rehbock :: :: Director, Computer Marketing ........................Don Thomas :: :: Director of Communications...........................Bob Brodie :: :: Corporate Director, International Music Markets....James Grunke :: :: Atari Explorer Magazine............................Mike Lindsay :: :: :: :: Telecommunicated to you via: :: :: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" :: :: GEnie: AEO.MAG :: :: CompuServe: 70007,3615 :: :: Delphi: AEO_MAG :: :: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 706 :: :: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 :: :: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Table of Contents * From the Editors ........................................ The Way It Is. * The IAAD Pirate BBS Investigation - Report and Follow-up................ * The Right STuff .......... Bob Brodie talks about Explorer, Non-Clones, and Falcon030 developments. * Andreas' Den .................. Direct Marketing Views, Falcon030 News, and a Software Plea. * Adventures of an Hardware Hacker - Part I .......... Building a PC case for your ST. * Multi-Media .................. Andreas on the current multi-media craze. * Games We Like ................ Gregg Anderson waxes nostalgic on one of his favorites: Battle of Britain. * Krimen on GEnie .............................. Ed gives us some topical messages found on GEnie. * Developer Press Releases ............. Eliemouse Coloring Book Version 7 CodeHead Tech imports DigiTape * Shutdown ........................... The Lack Of Civilization This Week. --==--==--==--==-- ||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation ||| Travis Guy / | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG ------------------------------------------------------------------- Another week goes by in the World Atari, and slowly but surely, the Atari faithful are finding dealer demo Falcon030s showing up all over the US. Falcon030 specific shareware and commercial software is already hitting the US - I know I can't wait to get my hands on a Falcon030 to try some of these amazing applications. Commercial (for sale) units are being readied for shipment at the factory. One advantage in the delay (maybe the _only_ advantage!) is that the OS in them will have some minor corrections over the versions that developers have had for months now. The TOS group put in hard work earlier this year, tracking down some problems reported by developers. On to this issue of AEO. Up first is a reprint of the Independent Association of Atari Developers (IAAD) Piracy Report that has stunned many developers and users. Please take the time to read this piece. If you've read it already, skip to the end of it to read some "additions & corrections" posted by IAAD President D.A. Brumleve as well as some initial reactions to the report from GEnie. The IAAD is still interested in receiving any information you may have on pirate activity. Please forward any info you feel would be helpful to the IAAD - their online addresses are listed in the report. Next is an article by Bob Brodie, throwing some well needed cold water on some rumors that have been popping up recently. A new feature of AEO is "Games We Like" - where AEO editors and staffers can wax poetic about their favorite games. (Albert insists that when it's his turn, he will wax poetic about his favorite C compiler!) Gregg Anderson leads off with one of his faves, Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain. For those hardware tinkerers out there, we have a new series, "Adventures of a Hardware Hacker." Don Wilhelm shares some of his experiences in kibitizing on the ST's design. It's an interesting three part read, so get your power tools and soldering irons out and powered up. And we're off. --==--==--==--==-- ||| The IAAD Pirate BBS Investigation ||| Courtesy: The Independent Association of Atari Developers / | \ GEnie: PERMIT$ CIS: 76004,3655 Delphi: DABRUMLEVE ------------------------------------------------------------------- //// //// This is a reprint of an IAAD sponsored investigation into pirate //// BBSes in North America. Following the IAAD report, there are some //// messages compiled from GEnie commenting on the report, and the //// reaction to it. Please take the time to read this - it's very //// important to all of our futures. //// //// Permission to reprint granted by D.A. Brumleve 04/29/93. //// This article is the result of contributions by people from every facet of the Atari community. Many thanks to all the users, developers, sysops, and others who provided the investigators with information and assistance. [Note: Stand-alone quotations are framed on the left and right by the "~" character.] Small Developers, Big Business How Pirate BBSs Impact on the Entire Atari Community by D.A. Brumleve, President, IAAD Copyright 1993 by D.A. Brumleve The Independent Association of Atari Developers represents over sixty companies supporting the Atari ST platform with commercial software and hardware. Now and then a "pirate" BBS will come to our members' attention. We'll capture the file areas and study them. We'll cringe at the download counts and growl at the messages about our products. We'll download copies of our products and trace the original owner. Sometimes we'll even file a police report, but the pirate board stays up and callers keep calling, downloading, and uploading our programs. And every time we leave this experience further demoralized, less enthusiastic about writing for the ST, less enthusiastic about programming in _general_. Recently, the IAAD undertook a more comprehensive investigation of pirate BBSs in North America. We solicited information from the public -- and the Atari community responded. In spite of some previous experience with pirate boards, I was not at all prepared for the amount of pirate activity we found. On each pirate BBS, we found numbers for other BBSs, many of which also proved to have copyrighted files. We found concentrated pockets of heavy pirate activity in the Southwest, the East, and the Southeast, but we also found isolated pirate boards in just about every region of the continent. We found small boards with few users and fewer files; we found big boards with hundreds of users offering nearly every commercial program on the market of current interest. We found young teens actively involved in criminal activity -- and older, more experienced men showing them the ropes. On every user list, I encountered folks I know: the doting father who bought Super Kidgrid for his daughter at a show, the user group officer who contacted me for IAAD brochures, and many, many others who chat with me from time to time on the major pay services. Because of the scope and scale of this activity, I feel that it's important to share our findings with the Atari community at large. What follows is the outcome of our investigation. 1. The Damage ~ This BBS DOES NOT support the transfer of any pirated ~ ~ software. ~ -- Rats Nest BBS ~ Rats Nest always had some of the best stuff around... ~ --Zaphod Beeblebrox on Fawlty Towers BBS When people pirate programs they would otherwise buy, developers and dealers (and distributors) lose sales. Dealers respond to low sales by closing or supporting another platform. Developers respond to low sales by raising their prices or by dropping the product; either way, the market is damaged. How badly damaged? Let's take a look at just some of the commercial applications and utilities which were until recently available on the Rats Nest in Loma Alta CA. For the sake of brevity, I've limited this particular list to products of IAAD members and Atari Corporation; thus this list does not include applications and utilities by publishers who are not members of the IAAD, public domain files, or shareware programs. _ ____ __ / \ / \ / \ \ / \ | | ___ | \ / \ _____ /\ ___ | | __ _ __\ /__ /\ | \| |/ \ / /__\ /__ | / / \/ \/ \ / / | |\ | -- // // \ | \| | \ |\__ __// / | | \ | ___\\ \\__ __/ | |\ | | | | | | \ \ | | \ |\_____/ \ \ | | | | \ | / | | | \ \ | | \_/ / / | | \ / \/\__/\./ \ / / / \ / / / \ / / \ | / \ / / / \ / / / \ \./ | \./ / / \./ \/ \./ | | \/ | | | | . . | . . | . | . . *^* (#1) Applications *^* ### | Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description | 5 | Maxif_3A.Lzh 55665 01-03-92 MaxiFile v3.3a 13 | Hdsentry.Lzh 33922 01-10-92 HD Sentry... HD optimizer, fixer 18 | Xboot .Lzh 37888 01-18-92 X-Boot, like Desk Manager 19 | Steno .Lzh 28885 01-18-92 STeno, from Gribnif. Sortof Flakey 36 | Gramxprt.Lzh 84265 02-05-92 Grammer Expert 37 | Grnslamc.Lzh 56066 02-05-92 Gran Slam! 48 | Codeke13.Lzh 98427 02-05-92 CodeKeys v1.3 from Gribnif 49 | Mltdsh33.Lzh 217352 02-05-92 MultiDesk Deluxe v3.3 56 | Knife108.Lzh 87757 02-05-92 Knife ST! 71 | Lookpop .Lzh 109631 02-07-92 Look It! and Pop It! from Codeheads 72 | Imagecat.Lzh 290048 02-07-92 ImageCat 2.o 111 | Hpas_A .Lzh 247343 02-22-92 High Speed Pascal, Disk 1 of 2 112 | Hpas_B .Lzh 269757 02-22-92 High Speed Pascal, Disk 2 of 2 150 | Tos_206 .Lzh 77116 03-22-92 Tos 2.06 software vertion 151 | Hyprlink.Lzh 271744 03-28-92 HyperLink 164 | Chem1_2 .Lzh 217327 04-05-92 Chemistry - Arrakis educational 165 | Chm2Sts1.Lzh 222763 04-05-92 Chemistry 2 and Stats from Arrakis 166 | Alg11_12.Lzh 224322 04-06-92 Algebra 1 from Arrakis educational 167 | Alg12_21.Lzh 247109 04-06-92 Algebra 2 from Arrakis 168 | Al3_1Tr1.Zip 239499 04-06-92 Algebra 3 Trig 1 from Arrakis 173 | Neocli .Lzh 66076 04-19-92 NeoDesk Command Line... nice 178 | Tos1_4 .Zip 123342 04-25-92 To let ya run those stubern 1.4 tos soft 197 | Xboot257.Zip 51420 05-06-92 Newest Version of X-Boot (v2.57) 221 | Tw13E_A .Lzh 703536 05-17-92 That's Write 1.3 - English - 1/2 222 | Tw13E_B .Lzh 703536 05-17-92 That's Write 1.3 - English - 2/2 228 | Gen106_A.Lzh 192808 05-17-92 That's Relative 1.06 1/2 ELITE release 229 | Gen106_B.Lzh 130361 05-17-92 That's Relative 2/2 ELITE release 243 | P_Nix15A.Lzh 427252 05-30-92 Phoenix v.1.5 - Disk 1 of 3 244 | P_Nix15B.Lzh 410836 05-30-92 Phoenix v.1.5 - Disk 2 of 3 245 | P_Nix15C.Lzh 410836 05-30-92 Phoenix v.1.5 - Disk 3 of 3 258 | Tracker .Lzh 402564 06-08-92 Rolodex/Client Tracking util 287 | Mint80A .Lzh 503661 07-20-92 MultiTos v8.0 [1/3] 288 | Mint80B .Lzh 181797 07-20-92 MultiTos v8.0 [2/3] 289 | Mint80C .Lzh 263956 07-20-92 MultiTos v8.0 [3/3] 297 | Scanlitd.Arc 33361 08-01-92 Hand Scanner software 308 | Codehed4.Lzh 191763 08-08-92 CodeHead Utilities rel.4 (1991) 317 | Clnup426.Lzh 91942 08-29-92 ICD CleanUP 4.26 Host required 334 | Edhak236.Lzh 43125 09-12-92 Edhack v2.36 (patched from v2.35) 335 | Dmd_Edge.Lzh 149439 09-13-92 Diamond Edge 1.0 ELITE release 352 | Dback250.Lzh 85508 10-03-92 Diamond Back 2.50 latest 356 | Warp9373.Lzh 338270 10-07-92 Warp 9 3.73 Complete Package 374 | L_Rad_E1.Lzh 631730 10-18-92 Redacteur 3 1/4 (english) ELITE release 375 | L_Rad_E2.Lzh 485004 10-18-92 Redacteur 3 2/3 (eng) ELITE release 376 | L_Rad_E3.Lzh 660252 10-18-92 Redacteur 3 3/4 (eng) ELITE release 377 | L_Rad_E4.Lzh 525994 10-18-92 Redacteur 3 4/4 (eng) ELITE release 378 | Icdb604C.Lzh 12971 10-18-92 ICD Booter 6.0.4 (crack'd) by Zaphod 388 | Harleq21.Lzh 360135 11-12-92 Harlequin 2.01 Genesis INC release(old) 392 | Adspeed .Lzh 95744 11-20-92 ICD Adspeed Accelerator Software. 396 | Harl_206.Lzh 354749 11-26-92 Harlequin vrs. 2.06 402 | Spectre3.Zip 446203 12-02-92 Spectre 3.0 software 403 | Xboot300.Lzh 59385 12-04-92 X-Boot v3.00 408 | Cache_Cr.Lzh 33876 12-13-92 Cache 2.56 ELITE hacked/all features 410 | Mvg200 .Lzh 488069 12-13-92 Multi Vue Graphica 2.0 421 | Cardf403.Lzh 186987 01-03-93 Card File 4.03 from Gribnif lates ver 422 | St_Sutra.Lzh 657385 01-03-93 STSutra ELITE release still beta.. 453 | Uvk5_7 .Lzh 276224 02-01-93 UVK 5.7gb latest vr 460 | Falcprgs.Lzh 572035 02-03-93 The Programs included with the Falcon. 470 | Icdpro68.Lzh 528187 02-06-93 ICD Boot PRO 6.0.8! 474 | Tos206B .Zip 148016 02-07-93 TOS 2.06 as a program! 480 | Calpro_2.Lzh 332815 02-18-93 Calligrapher Professional [2/5]. 481 | Calpro_3.Lzh 305163 02-18-93 Calligrapher Professional [3/5]. 482 | Calpro_4.Lzh 406075 02-18-93 Calligrapher Professional [4/5]. 483 | Calpro_5.Lzh 328443 02-18-93 Calligrapher Professional [5/5]. 494 | Mint_81 .Lzh 407624 02-22-93 mint81 502 | Neo303_1.Lzh 354937 03-06-93 NeoDesk 3.03 "MASTER" disk [1/3] 503 | Neo303_2.Lzh 328564 03-06-93 NeoDesk 3.03 "EXTRAS" disk [2/3] 504 | Neo303_3.Lzh 24763 03-06-93 NeoDesk 3.03 Util disk [3/3] 514 | Cali3_2 .Lzh 273959 03-13-93 Calligrapher 3, 2/4 515 | Cali3_3 .Lzh 309849 03-13-93 Calligrapher 3, 3/4 516 | Cali3_4 .Lzh 504895 03-13-93 Calligrapher 3, 4/4 531 | Cali3100.Lzh 290501 03-23-93 Caligrapher 3 Pro 100% disk 1 CO/ICS 535 | Mt101 .Tos 294518 03-24-93 MultiTOS v.1.01 542 | Atariwx1.Zip 285943 03-27-93 Atari Works 1/2 543 | Atariwx2.Zip 701987 03-27-93 Atari Works 2/2 Fawlty Towers provides an example of typical desktop publishing products available on such BBSs: //////////////////////// /// ///////////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///////// //////////// /// /// /////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ *^* (#8) ST DTP *^* ### | Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description | 1 | Avant .Lzh 171368 02-11-92 ADvant Vector 8 | Dp_E1 .Lzh 343016 03-17-92 Insane!!! Didot-professional DTP [1/2] 9 | Dp_E2 .Lzh 414822 03-17-92 The best! Didot-Professional DTP [2/2] 10 | Siloutte.Lzh 323802 05-11-92 Sillhoutte Vector Graphics/Ray Tracer 11 | Outline .Lzh 193536 05-13-92 Calamus Outline Art 16 | Pgs22_1 .Lzh 322001 07-25-92 Pagestream v2.2 [1/4]. 17 | Pgs22_2 .Lzh 379509 07-25-92 Pagestream v2.2 [2/4]. 18 | Pgs22_3 .Lzh 317627 07-25-92 Pagestream v2.2 [3/4]. 19 | Pgs22_4 .Lzh 428038 07-25-92 Pagestream v2.2 [4/4]. 27 | Ara213 .Lzh 329614 08-06-92 Aribesque 2.13 34 | Sl_Enga .Lzh 370940 12-17-92 Calamus 35 | Sl_Eng_B.Lzh 237849 12-17-92 Calamus 36 | Sl_Eng_C.Lzh 318914 12-17-92 Calamus 37 | Convec20.Lzh 311683 01-05-93 Convector 2.0 38 | Cranach1.Lzh 282850 01-05-93 Cool 39 | Cranach2.Lzh 153775 01-05-93 cool 40 | Skyplot1.Lzh 248536 01-05-93 SkyPlot disk 1/2 41 | Skyplot2.Lzh 205589 01-05-93 SkyPlot disk 2/2 42 | Skyplot3.Lzh 323450 01-05-93 Skyplot disk 3? or 3? 43 | Cfned22 .Lzh 17227 01-27-93 Takes Serial #'s off Calamus Fonts 44 | Slmodul2.Lzh 90489 01-27-93 Some Moduals for Calamus 45 | Genus .Lzh 80305 02-01-93 Genus v1.78 - Calamus Fonteditor. 46 | Touchup1.Lzh 362626 02-06-93 Touch Up disk 1/2 47 | Touchup2.Lzh 230762 02-06-93 Touch up disk 2/2 48 | Calpro_1.Lzh 328402 02-24-93 Caligrapher Pro [1/5] 49 | Calpro_2.Lzh 332815 02-24-93 Cal Pro [2/5] 50 | Calpro_3.Lzh 305163 02-24-93 Cal Pro [3/5] 51 | Calpro_4.Lzh 406075 02-24-93 Cal Pro [4/5] 52 | Calpro_5.Lzh 328443 02-24-93 Cal Pro [5/5] STampede offers Super Nintendo software, so it's not surprising to find a good many commercial ST games as well: ________ ________ ________ /__ __/\/ _____/\/ _____/\ _______ ______________ \_/ /\_\/ /\____\/__/\____\/ / \/ \ ___/ / / / /_/__ _\__\/ /\ / ____/____ ______/\ /_______/\/_______/\/_______/ / / /\___\___/ /\_____\/ \_______\/\_______\/\_______\/ / / / / / / _ ___ __ _ ___ / /_/_ / / / / //_ /_/ /_// / \____ \ / / / /_/__// / / //_/ SYSOP \__/ /\ / / /_________ ______________ _____ \ PAK / / // / / __ / \/ __ / __/ __ \/ __/\ _____/ / // / / __ / / / / __/ __/ /_/ / __/\/ /_________/ //____/ /_/ /_/_/_/_/__/\/____/_____/____/\/ CO-SYSOP \_________\/ \____\/\_\ \_\_\_\_\__\/\____\_____\____\/ SCYTHE ATARI ST/STE/TT ___ ___ _____ THE THREAT/ICS CONSOLES SNES/SMD / _ \/ _ \/ ___/\ MR.FLY/ICS U. S. ROBOTICS 14,400 HST / _ / _ /__ /\/ SLASH/ICS 24 HOURS A DAY /____/____/____/ / BELGARION/ICS \____\____\____\/ JPC/ICS *^* (#1) GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! *^* #### Filename.Ext Size Date Brief Description 1 Ox_Final.Lzh 4958 1-25-93 Crack of OXYD for ALL Tos +codes printer 2 Ace_Boot.Zip 2482o5 1-28-93 Space Ace II [1/6]. 3 Make1.Prg 771554 1-28-93 Space Ace II [2/6]. 4 Make2.Prg 8o174o 1-28-93 Space Ace II [3/6]. 5 Make3.Prg 757744 1-28-93 Space Ace II [4/6]. 6 Make4.Prg 816522 1-28-93 Space Ace II [5/6]. 7 Make5.Prg 773416 1-28-93 Space Ace II [6/6]. 17 Grandad.Prg 121942 2-5-93 Grandad... code revealed ClockWork/ICS 19 Plan9_A.Lzh 446365 2-1o-93 Plan 9 From Outer Space [1/4] -=ELITE=- 2o Plan9_B.Lzh 694644 2-1o-93 Plan 9 From Outer Space [2/4] -=ELITE=- 21 Plan9_C.Lzh 559989 2-1o-93 Plan 9 From Outer Space [3/4] -=ELITE=- 22 Plan9_D.Lzh 46o123 2-1o-93 Plan 9 From Outer Space [4/4] -=ELITE=- 23 Bat2A.Lzh 494437 2-11-93 BAT II- Disk 1/5 in English 24 Bat2B.Lzh 513453 2-11-93 BAT II- Disk 2/5 25 Bat2C.Lzh 453112 2-11-93 BAT II- Disk 3/5 26 Bat2D.Lzh 533968 2-11-93 BAT II- Disk 4/5 27 Bat2E.Lzh 479446 2-11-93 BAT II- Disk 5/5 28 Ics_Bat1.Lzh 519321 2-11-93 BAT 2 Disk 1/5 *german* +-=I.C.S=-+ 29 Ics_Bat2.Lzh 53322o 2-11-93 BAT 2 Disk 2/5 3o Ics_Bat3.Lzh 46437o 2-11-93 BAT 2 Disk 3/5 31 Ics_Bat4.Lzh 542978 2-11-93 BAT 2 Disk 4/5 32 Ics_Bat5.Lzh 5o5595 2-11-93 BAT 2 Disk 5/5 36 Ics_Sp21.Lzh 487641 2-13-93 Space Crusade II 1/2 cracked by -=ICS=- 37 Ics_Sp22.Lzh 39834o 2-13-93 Space Crusade II 2/2 38 Bat_Ii.Zip 1243o 2-13-93 BAT II Complete docs 41 Ics_Dl3o.Lzh 77o5o8 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III The Curse Of Mordead 42 Ics_Dl31.Lzh 585584 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 2/8 -=ICS=- 43 Ics_Dl32.Lzh 432o33 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 3/8 -=ICS=- 44 Ics_Dl33.Lzh 451928 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 4/8 -=ICS=- 45 Ics_Dl34.Lzh 517527 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 5/8 -=ICS=- 46 Ics_Dl35.Lzh 5o9381 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 6/8 -=ICS=- 47 Ics_Dl36.Lzh 6o3781 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 7/8 -=ICS=- 48 Ics_Dl37.Lzh 612524 2-14-93 Dragons Lair III 8/8 -=ICS=- 51 Galaxian.Lzh 163o72 2-15-93 Galaxian 52 Cyberlzh.Lzh 6276o5 2-16-93 Cyber Assult [ZX/ICS] *READ FULL DESC* 56 Ics_Cybr.Lzh 168957 2-21-93 Cyberdome Hoverjet Simulator -=ICS=- 58 Rebelion.Zip 33119o 2-22-93 Rebellion D'Bug release 64 Ics_Nigl.Lzh 763445 2-28-93 Nigel Manesll cracked by Belgarion/ICS 65 Ics_Gob1.Lzh 537814 3-2-93 Gobliins II *THE REAL ENGLISH VERSION* 66 Ics_Gob2.Lzh 65o934 3-2-93 Gobliins II 2/3 -=ICS=- 67 Ics_Gob3.Lzh 6o82o1 3-2-93 Gobliins II 3/3 -=ICS=- 72 Grav2.Zip 247252 3-7-93 Grav II 74 Kil_Mach.Lzh 283892 3-7-93 Killing Machine 98 Ics_Civo.Lzh 322966 3-19-93 Civilization 1/4 cr. by Belgarion/ICS 99 Ics_Civa.Lzh 328o17 3-19-93 Civilization 2/4 -=ICS=- 1oo Ics_Civb.Lzh 33o664 3-19-93 Civilization 3/4 -=ICS=- 1o1 Ics_Civc.Lzh 3o3685 3-19-93 Civilization 4/4 -=ICS=- 1o2 Civiliz.Zip 51863 3-19-93 Civilization full docs 1o3 Civhints.Zip 15878 3-19-93 Civilization hints and tips 1o4 Frank.Prg 1461oo 3-2o-93 Frankenstein CyniX release 1o5 Crys_A.Lzh 23447o 3-2o-93 CRYSTAL KINGDOM DIZZY Disk 1/2 1o6 Crys_B.Lzh 532o62 3-2o-93 CRYSTAL KINGDOM DIZZY Disk 2/2 114 Sleep1.Lzh 781519 3-27-93 Sleep Walker [1/3] *-CyniX!-* 115 Sleep2.Lzh 774173 3-27-93 Sleep Walker [2/3] 116 Sleep3.Lzh 8o4o2o 3-27-93 Sleep Walker [3/3] I must stress that this is just a small sampling of the kinds of offerings we found -- and of the boards we investigated. Most boards (pirate and legitimate) have separate file areas for different kinds of products (MIDI, DTP, Applications, Utilities, Games, Docs, Graphic Utilities, etc.). A BBS which offers a wealth of Utilities, for example, is likely to have a strong database in other file categories as well. Please note that these are just partial lists from a single file category on each of these boards. A truly comprehensive listing would make this article intolerably huge. The IAAD's membership total fluctuates, but right now we are holding steady around the 60-member mark. Products owned or distributed by nearly every single member were found on one BBS or another during our investigation; some of our members were victimized by every pirate board we called. The self-confessed pirate Troed says this about piracy: ~ I NEVER buy a program without knowing if it is what I ~ ~ want .. the ShareWare principle .. but how do I check ~ ~ that with commercial software? By pirating them, using ~ ~ them .. if I like them, I want the original + manual .. ~ ~ I buy it. ~ -- Troed on the F-Net, ST Report Conference but contradicts himself a paragraph later: ~ I bought my STe for $800 one year ago, if I were to ~ ~ registre/buy [sic] all the soft I use I would have to ~ ~ pay something around $10000 .. I can't afford that. ~ --Troed on the F-Net, ST Report Conference On the one hand, Troed insists that he merely tries out his pirated software prior to purchase -- and buys it if he wants it. But on the other hand, he _uses_ $10,000 worth of commercial products and _cannot_ afford to pay for it. I would concede that it is possible that some software thieves do use their pirated downloads in the same way that honest people use commercial demos and shareware...some, but not many. Developers are well aware of "software collectors". These are folks who simply must have a copy of everything, whether it meets their needs or not. The majority of software collectors want the real thing, manual and all. It's our experience that, because pirate board users have to pay with an upload (or with money) for each and every download, few will bother to download programs they don't really want, need, and plan to use. Because of this, the majority of downloads from pirate boards must be viewed as lost potential sales. And those few pirates who are collectors or who find they don't need a particular file will hang onto it and later share it with others in order to earn upload credits. We found Warp 9 on nearly every pirate board we called. CodeHead had purchased the QuickST kernal used for Warp 9 from Darek Mihocka of Branch Always Software, and Charles Johnson worked very hard to refine and extend it in order to deliver to us the indespensible utility Warp 9 has become. Like many CodeHead products, Warp 9 is so easy to use that the manual is not needed for basic use. Warp 9 sells for $44.95; a purchase like this wouldn't put many STers in the poorhouse. But how many people downloading this program from a BBS would go to the trouble of ordering it after "testing it out"? A good example of the speed at which pirates can destroy the sales potential of a new release is shown by the upload date on this entry found on the Rats Nest (the notation "Off" indicates that this file has been removed, probably when a later version superceded it): 336 | Warp9370.Zip --Off-- 09-13-92 Warp 9 v. 3.70 - Glendale Release CodeHead released this version on Saturday, September 12, 1992 at the Glendale AtariFaire. By Sunday, before the second day of the show was even over, it was already in distribution by pirates. What about more expensive products? At $795, Calamus SL by DMC is one of the pricier offerings on the North American market. It's a high-end DTP package requiring or benefitting from an additional investment in sophisticated Atari hardware, accelerator boards, graphics cards, and a large-capacity hard drive. ~ It was bad enough to discover Calamus SL on just ~ ~ about every single "pirate" board that was ~ ~ investigated; it was worse to discover a program ~ ~ written specifically to strip out our serialization. ~ ~ But the real kicker was to discover our entire 600- ~ ~ page manual available for downloading in ASCII. The ~ ~ people that run these boards are criminals and deserve ~ ~ to be put in jail. Their "customers", those that ~ ~ frequent these boards, are, at best, petty thieves. ~ ~ What disgusts me the most is how many of these ~ ~ "customers" would never consider themselves thieves ~ ~ even though they are stealing from me, from my family, ~ ~ from my company, and from the Atari community at large. ~ --Nathan Potechin of DMC Since the manuals for such extensive programs are truly required in order to make good use of the product, software thieves will actually go to the trouble of typing them in or copying them with OCR software (which is also conveniently available on these BBSs). Even when a manual is indispensible, the software pirate may have no need to actually purchase the program in order to make full use of it. Expensive products get that way because of development and production costs. While the raw materials in a typical software package may cost only a few dollars, it takes much more than pieces of paper and a disk to make a commercial product. Calamus SL cost DMC hundreds of thousands of dollars for development staff alone, _not_ counting expenses related to the writing and production of the manual, packaging, marketing, duplication, overhead, etc. A share of this expense must be borne by everyone who uses the program in order to recoup costs and keep development going. When people use the program without paying for it, this simply does not happen. Many ST development firms are essentially one-man shows; the programmer is also the accountant, the publisher, the editor, the secretary. Developers like these are apt to take software theft very personally and feel the impact very intensely. One developer's reaction to his product's proliferation on pirate boards began: "I used to be against captital punishment..." ~ ...It hurts, and I don't mean that strictly in a ~ ~ financial sense, either. We've tried hard, I mean ~ ~ _really_ hard, to provide quality software at a ~ ~ reasonable price coupled with a customer support ~ ~ policy that is second to none...The pirate mentality ~ ~ couldn't care less about us and our ideals of customer ~ ~ service. And that hurts. ~ --John Hutchinson of Fair Dinkum ~ It's very discouraging to me to see illegal copies of ~ ~ Flash II appear on these so-called pirate boards. I ~ ~ wonder if the folks that steal our program understand ~ ~ the length of time it took to produce it? Flash II ~ ~ ver. 2.0 took 3 years to create and spent another year ~ ~ in beta test. Version 2.1 took close to another year ~ ~ to modify and test. We're practically giving it away ~ ~ as it is! ~ --John Trautschold of Missionware Word Perfect has been public about having dropped future development for the ST and about the reason for that decision: low sales. It can't be a coincidence that Word Perfect for the ST was on many boards we called. I doubt that STers are any less honest than owners of other computer brands, but ours is a small market, and piracy here can hurt developers much more than on more popular platforms. If a platform has 10 million users and 90% of them are pirates, the software developers still have 1 million potential buyers. On a platform like the ST, with only a few hundred thousand users at most by comparison, even if _no_one_ stole software, developers would still only have a few hundred thousand potential buyers. In reality, only the most popular products are likely to sell in quantities greater than 1000 units in North America. In the case of a coveted and respected multi-platform application like Word Perfect, if the program had not been pirated so many times over, the sales figures might well have been sufficient to justify further development for the benefit of ST owners. ~ I talked to a couple of shops...and...asked if they ~ ~ were interested in carrying any music education stuff. ~ ~ They said that they would love to carry some but could ~ ~ not sell any education, music, or game software due to ~ ~ the fact that if anyone wanted a copy they would pirate ~ ~ it...The only thing they have real success at selling ~ ~ is applications due to people wanting a printed manual + ~ ~ phone support...I didn't make a sale. ~ --Jim Collins of chro_MAGIC There's a small profit margin in selling computer hardware; dealers depend on income from software sales to sustain their businesses. In every area where large pirate boards flourish, Atari dealers have closed their doors in spite of a comparatively large installed base of users. "It got to the point where I sold only magazines," one former dealer complained. "They'd buy the magazines to find out what programs were worth downloading." Honest users in these areas are likely to grumble about the loss of the dealers; pirates grumble, too, because their link to new hardware, service, and magazines has been lost. Every dealer lost means fewer hardware sales for Atari, fewer software sales for developers, fewer new members for users groups, fewer vendors and attendees at fewer shows. With the Atari user base in serious decline, it is more important now than ever that piracy not be tolerated. Make no mistake about it: pirated software is _not_ free. ~ Wait-wait-wait... There is nothing positive piracy does ~ ~ for a computer company. Nor is it anything BUT negative. ~ ~ I look at it like this...We can always blame Atari for ~ ~ not advertising, but if there were no Atari pirates, ~ ~ more software would have been sold, making the computer ~ ~ more viable for software companies, which in turn makes ~ ~ the computer more desirable for a user. So, basically ~ ~ what I'm saying is, the people who love Atari the most, ~ ~ (us) are the same people who have been killing it for ~ ~ years. And there was a time when Atari was big ~ ~ EVERYWHERE...There was even an Atari dealer here in my ~ ~ little town of Lake Wales! That's where I bought my 400! ~ -- Fruit-WARE Man on Excalibur II BBS Ultimately, we all pay for piracy one way or another: Atari, developers, dealers, and users -- even the pirates. 2. How it Works For the uninitiated, let's define some terms. A "pirate board" is a Bulletin Board System (BBS) on which copyrighted commercial files are offered to users for downloading without compensation for the copyright holder. Some pirate boards are devoted to this activity almost exclusively, and sysops running these boards accept only fellow pirates as users. Other pirate BBSs have pd/shareware files areas in addition to hidden commercial areas; honest users of such boards may have access only to the pd/shareware sections and may be completely unaware of the pirate nature of the board. Software pirates have a unique lexicon to describe their activities. Users allowed into the commercial areas have been granted "elite access". The commercial files are referred to as "warez"; elite file areas on some BBSs include sections on such related topics as pornography, defrauding long distance carriers, and creating one's own Super Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges by burning the software into EPROMs. Callers who take without giving back (download without uploading) are called "leeches", and downloadable files may be referred to as "leechables". Defrauding the phone company by using illegal techniques to make long distance calls is a mainstay of the art of "phreaking". "Cracked" versions of programs have the copy- protection and/or registration and serial numbers removed. "0 day" is the day a commercial product is officially released. Many pirates have also adopted a manner of writing which flaunts the rules of our language, such as swapping lower and upper case, substituting "z" for "s" and "ph" for "f", etc. Successful software theft has two basic requirements: a dishonest person willing to give away a copy of a program he has purchased -- and another dishonest person willing to accept it. When this activity takes place on a Bulletin Board System, a given copy can be distributed rapidly from BBS to BBS, from user to sysop to user, all over the world. One person's willingness to give away that first copy can lead to its possession by literally thousands of others. Pirate boards succeed because there are many people willing to give or take the copies -- and because the sysop uses strategies calculated to maintain and escalate their involvement. The pirate sysop sets up his BBS, invests in a high-speed modem and phone lines, and advertises his number on other BBSs. When the calls start coming in, the sysop scrutinizes each would-be user and decides whether or not to validate the new account and what level of access to allow. ~ I've seen credit applications that made more sense. ~ -- Sandy Wilson on GEnie, describing a brief encounter with the new user questionnaire on a BBS running RATSoft ST ~ Do you believe in the free distribution of software be ~ ~ it copyrighted or not? ~ -- Fawlty Towers BBS, from the new user questionnaire The sysop has two major responsibilities: to keep the board running and to ensure security. He requires full disclosure from his callers. He wants his callers' real names, real addresses, real phones, but he is not likely to reveal his own name or location. There is usually an elaborate questionnaire. The sysop may call the new user's voice number to check its authenticity. He may do thorough background checks with other information the caller has provided. He may keep a blacklist of uncooperative or non-productive callers (leeches) and share it with other sysops. ~ NEW USERS: IF YOU DON'T DO A NEW USER UPLOAD YOU WILL NOT ~ ~ GET ACCESS. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A NEW USER UPLOAD IS ~ ~ YOU DON'T BELONG ON THIS BBS. ~ -- PAK on STampede BBS The callers themselves supply the warez which keep the board active. They earn credits for uploading, and apply those credits toward future downloads. Pressure to upload a file often begins immediately after a new user's account is validated. It may even be part of the new user questionnaire prior to validation. Typically, a New User Upload is required before the new user is given full access, including the ability to download. Sometimes the sysop will allow the new user to view the files area on the BBS in order to entice the caller into uploading a commercial file. On other boards, the commercial files area will stay completely hidden from the new user until after he has proved his worthiness -- and incriminated himself -- by sharing a commercial program of his own. Like a kid in a candy store, the caller wants one of everything, but to get it, he must pay the price. So he looks at his collection and chooses a program he hopes will meet with the sysop's approval. Merely uploading the program may not be enough to gain elite access; the upload may be judged on how new it is, whether the board already has a copy, or even whether the program chosen is useful or well-reviewed. ~ You Understand that you MUST keep a 'reasonable' file ~ ~ Upload/ Download ratio And "K-Byte" ratio or your ~ ~ Access WILL be Lowered and maybe Deleted!! ~ -- Gold Nugget BBS, from the new user questionnaire ~ Donate! King Arthur has a very reasonable donation ~ ~ policy that makes it easily affordable to have ~ ~ unlimited download credits...It's so much fun on the ~ ~ Atari (and soon to be Falcon) scene now that there's ~ ~ no excuse for you to miss out! ~ -- Little Flea on Excalibur II BBS ~ ...I started caring, and so the users that DID not post, ~ ~ called within 30 days, and sent new files, got kicked ~ ~ off.. YOU DONT [sic] GET NOTHING FOR FREE!!! ~ --The Conjurer, sysop of Outer Planes BBS, on the F-Net, Elite Underground Conference The sysop uses his warez to entice callers, but he may also perfunctorily ax callers who violate his rules or confidentiality requirements. The threat of being cut off from the source keeps the callers uploading on a regular basis. The BBS software keeps track of a user's download/upload ratio; ratios that are unacceptably high on the download side may result in censure by the sysop or loss of access. If a user has no files of value to offer the sysop, he may be able to gain privileges by sending in a "donation". Some sysops forego the euphemisms and announce flatly that they charge for greater access. ~ Does anyone have Trump castle? Im [sic] starting to run ~ ~ thin on other boards for credits. I would rather save ~ ~ them for the 0 days stuff. If you have it could you ~ ~ please u/l it. ~ --Shadow Master on London Smog BBS In order to keep his account current, the user may be forced to call in every few weeks; each call results in a deduction from the user's credit total, so he's back looking for new files to upload. If the caller gets those files from another BBS, he'll get caught up in a never-ending cycle of uploads and downloads in order to keep his accounts active on all the boards he calls. Occasionally, he may have to buy a program outright in order to upload it. The caller is reminded of any deficit in his credit total every time he calls and may be denied access to certain areas until the total is in the black. ~ Well, after being away from the BBS scene for awhile, I ~ ~ have finally found an Elite BBS! (Thanks PAK! :). Anyhow, ~ ~ please send me BBS #/NUPs for boards that carry elite ~ ~ Macintosh or SNES console stuff. ~ -- Nostrildomus on STampede BBS Some pirate-only BBSs won't allow any but the most serious of callers. They may require all users to have 9600-baud modems or greater. They may limit 2400-baud callers to less desirable calling hours. Some require would-be callers to announce their first upload before being allowed access; the sysop then decides whether or not this caller will be a valuable contributor on that basis. Some require referrals from other pirate boards. A twist on this is the New User Password, spread from user to user. Boards like the Computer Connection will ask for this "NUP" in the new user questionnaire. If the caller cannot provide it, access is not granted. Most boards ask at the very least for the names and numbers of the boards the new user already calls; a new user who provides incorrect numbers or fictional board names -- or who lists only legitimate BBSs -- may be denied access. The sysop's users provide his warez, and the sysop is a direct beneficiary. Like a golden goose, a single program keeps giving and giving. One user paid for it once, but the sysop can distribute it to other users in trade for additional warez or money again and again. The current callers spread the word about the BBS's offerings to others, thus increasing the number of users frequenting the board and providing uploads. Some boards encourage this by offering download credit for user referrals. While operating a BBS is the least labor-intensive way to accumulate warez, it may not be the most efficient way to make money. After all, there's a whole market of non-modem users out there just waiting to be tapped. For a tidy fee, sysops may sell copies of their warez via mail order; through schemes like these, users can obtain pirated software without the costs of a high- speed modem and long-distance calls and the pressures of the upload/download ratio. 3. Paranoia Strikes Deep All BBS sysops, even the most responsible, put themselves at some risk of legal complications due to messages, e-mail, and files posted by users. It takes a special motivation for a sysop to actually promote and encourage an illegal activity which increases his risk and liability. For some, money or software may be sufficient motivation. Others may make up for social inadequacy in their offline lives by taking a leadership role online. And many of these seem to enjoy the power they have over their users. Like schoolyard bullies, they control and police their turf with heavy-handed threats and zero-tolerance judgments, all with the protection afforded by their anonymity. On their own BBSs, they call the shots -- and no caller can challenge them on that. ~ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ~ ~ " Happy Hideaway BBS is protected under the " ~ ~ " FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ACT of 1986 " ~ ~ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ~ ~ Duplication, Re-transmission, or Distribution of any ~ ~ part(s) of this BBS is forbidden without the expressed ~ ~ written permission of the sysops. ~ --Happy Hideaway BBS ~ Re-transmission of material from this BBS is strictly ~ ~ forbidden without written permission of the Sysop(s)!!! ~ -- The Ghetto! BBS Some sysops are very protective of their warez. They want their boards to be the best, to have the most highly-prized files, to attract the greatest number of active users. The sysop may claim that his board is protected by international copyright laws; that is, he has a copyright on the _collection_ and he has a right to control the distribution of any part of it. A user may download from his BBS, but he'd better not find that user uploading the same program to a competitor. In other words, the sysop contends that he has exclusive rights to the black-market product! ~ "I agree with these conditions, and I am not a ~ ~ member/employee of ANY authority like the Police, or ~ ~ anything like that, nor am I an employee of ANY type of ~ ~ non-public domain software company, Telephone company ~ ~ security or some anti-software piracy organization. I ~ ~ hereby legally bind myself to this, by answering YES ~ ~ in [sic] at the prompt". ~ -- The Ghetto! BBS ~ This BBS is a PRIVATE SYSTEM. Only private citizens ~ ~ who are not involved in government or law enforcement ~ ~ activities are authorized to use it...access to this ~ ~ system by ANY law enforcement agency ( Federal, State, ~ ~ Local or other), software company, telephone company, ~ ~ government agency, or anyone affiliated with the above ~ ~ is not allowed. ~ --London Smog BBS ~ Are you registering on this BBS with the sole purpose ~ ~ of entrapping or aiding in the entrapment of the SysOp? ~ -- DarkWorld BBS ~ "I am not part of ANY law enforcement agency or an ~ ~ employer/employee of any NON-Public Domain software ~ ~ company, or software publisher." ~ ~ ******************************************************** ~ ~ * By typing YES at the PASSWORD prompt you LEGALLY * ~ ~ * BIND yourself to the provisions listed above. * ~ ~ ******************************************************** ~ -- Outer Region BBS Sysops are well aware of the illegal nature of their activity, and they may go to great lengths to protect themselves from legal action. Most boards post disclaimers about the sysop's responsibility for the activities which take place there. Others try to compromise the submissability of legal evidence by requiring investigators to reveal themselves. ~ You have failed to answer a security validation ~ ~ question properly. ~ --Paris BBS In the midst of such paranoia, it's not surprising that most pirate BBS callers and sysops use pseudonyms. Frequently a user goes by the same pseudonym on every board he calls so that his online friends can identify him, send him e-mail, etc. We've identified many pseudonym-users in spite of their attempts to hide their identity. Here are a few examples of the thousands of aliases used by callers on pirate boards. They know who they are. And you may be surprised to find that _you_ know who they are, too: RAHMAN Clockwork Orange Stsoft Elof Zaphod Beeblebrox Troed Hack-Hack KG mr.fly/ics Looms Hanzon Horizon Sparky Yellow Lightning PAK slash/ics The Piper The Parsec The Shamus Mouse Master Overlord RoadKill The Missing Link Nightmare Deadhead Ed Little Flea the threat/ics jpc/ics belgarion/ics Disease Factory Frosty Sledge Archiver Spy Guy Traveler The Dragon Lord Frogger Shadow Skinhead rhys/ics Sparky KRS-ONE Ice Pirate Clueman Arthur Dent DANE Goat Slayer Norstar Speed Demon Time Warp Snow Queen Mr.terry Who are the people who go by these aliases? Who calls pirate BBSs and who runs them? A 16-year-old high school junior whose supply of British games multiplied out of control when he added a high-speed modem to his system? Yes. A 32-year-old father of two who in all other ways is the very model of integrity? Yes. The good old boys who bring crates of software to swap at your users group meeting? You know it! A 50-year-old con artist who makes thousands of unreported (i.e., tax-free) dollars every year by convincing others to give him programs to sell? Absolutely. Several hundred software thieves are so active and on so many BBSs that it's hard to imagine that they have time for anything else. The thousands of more casual pirates may have access to only a few boards and call only a few times a month. And whether a specific pirate BBS has 50 regular users or 500, its phone lines are constantly busy. 4. Organized Crime As with other criminal activity, the big players in software theft have formed alliances to share files, blacklists, message networks, and other information. There are dozens of these organizations, some international in scope. For example, The Elite, with world headquarters in the Netherlands, is headquartered here by the Outer Region BBS in Colorado and Dragon's Pub in Quebec. The Syndicate (TSC) has representative BBSs on three continents and in both hemispheres; the Happy Hideaway in Florida serves as its Eastern US headquarters and Outer Region as its Western base, while the Shire BBS in Chile and the Eagles Nest and Slime City BBSs in Sweden provide an international link. Cracking organizations are devoted expressly to undermining copy- protection and registration strategies used in commercial programs. Outer Planes in Ohio is the world headquarters for the cracking ring known as CyniX. STampede, in Plant City Florida, is the International Cracking Society's (ICS) US headquarters and features its cracked warez, but these rapidly spread to other BBSs across the country and so can be found on many other boards as well. Cracking rings are often multi-platform in scope; individual crackers will work on getting around the copy- protection on the platform of their choice. They'll share cracking tips with and seek advice from ring members working on other platforms. The Pompey Pirates cracking ring, headquartered on the Paris BBS in New York City, reportedly has just one cracker, who goes by the name of Alien, working routinely on the ST, while cracking rings like ICS include many ST enthusiasts. ICS, MCA, Section 1, CyniX, and other crackers are very well- connected, using ultra-high-speed modems and multi-frequency dialers to call all over the world without long distance fees. It's not unusual to find a cracker from one ring visiting the headquarters of another and sharing warez. Cracking rings compete vigorously for the first crack of "0 day warez" (brand new releases), for the most successful crack, for the toughest, etc. Pirate boards have aligned themselves with legitimate networks as well. Many of the BBSs on which we discovered commercial files areas are linked to the F-Net -- and, of course, so are plenty of responsible BBSs. For example, according to a CrossNet Conference Node Listing, The Time Warp BBS (F-Net node 99) serves as the lead node for the "Elite Underground" F-Net conference, which also includes Starlight BBS (node 287), Darkworld BBS (node 305), Outer Region BBS (node 469), Steal Your Face (node 489), Outer Planes (node 558), Gold Nugget BBS (node 622), London Smog BBS (node 632), Million Dollar Saloon (node 639), Speedy's Raceway (node 689) and H.B. Smog (node 712). According to another CrossNet Conference Node Listing, The Gold Nugget serves as the lead node for The "Pompey Pirates Elite" (not directly associated with the Pompey Pirates cracking ring mentioned above) F-Net conference; The Prairie Chip II BBS (node 45), The Blackhole (node 612), The Temple of Doom (node 595), and Spider-man's Web (node 711) are among the 9 BBSs involved in this conference. The "Upper Echelon" F-Net conference ties US and Canadian boards by serving callers on the Gold Nugget in Ohio, Steal Your Face in New Jersey, Space Station BBS (node 248) and London Smog in California, Million Dollar Saloon in Texas, Paybax BBS (node 307) in Delaware, and Aardvarks from Mars (node 38) and Dragon's Lair (node 87) in Ontario. Conferences of this kind allow pirates from great distances to "get to know" each other, to exchange files as well as messages, to solicit calls to their favorite BBSs. Participation in these conferences establishes an online identity; a pirate recognized from his posts on one node of a conference is likely to be accepted without question when logging on as a new user on another node in the same conference. There are also smaller F-Net-related conferences for pirating discussions. For example, according to a CrossNet Conference Node Listing, a Local Area Private Elite Conference with a lead node at the Outer Region links with three other BBSs in Colorado, including RingWorld (node 643), The Grave Diggers Tomb (node 186), and BILINE BBS (node 423). Outer Planes is the lead node for the 4-node "Console" conference, a message thread devoted to topics related to pirating SNES and other game console warez. 5. Ill-Begotten Goods, Fawlty Filez... Pirating hurts the entire ST community by discouraging third- party development, closing down dealerships, and raising software prices. But is it a "good deal", at least in the short run, for the pirates themselves? Let's ask 'em: ~ Mock me not! Civilisation is great.. Except it is ~ ~ cracked poorly...Can't win with the Cynix crack... ~ --Mark Anthony on Outer Planes BBS ~ ...ok, then how do you save????? I love this game, but ~ ~ I dont know how to save it.. ahhh ~ --The Conjurer on Outer Planes BBS ~ Bad news... using UVK, just found out that the disk has ~ ~ a VIRUS on it called the 'DIRECTORY WASTER'. After ~ ~ twenty copies of it are made, it wipes out your disk. ~ ~ Use UVK to kill the virus, and be careful with swapping ~ ~ disks around this one. ~ --Sparky on Outer Planes BBS ~ Has anyone set up Speedo GDOS , I seam [sic] to run ~ ~ into probles .. [sic] ~ --The Mixer on Time Warp BBS ~ Can someone please send me a working ASCII import ~ ~ module for pagestream. I cant seem to get TEXT files ~ ~ to import correctly. Either the text doesnt [sic] ~ ~ fill the full width of the screen or I get no ~ ~ paragraphs(ALL run together) ~ --Red Dragon on Time Warp BBS ~ Has anyone got it to work? I tried to get it to run on ~ ~ a Floppy based 520ST (1meg) and on my TT030 and on both ~ ~ I got 4 bombs! ~ --The Parsec on Rats Nest BBS ~ Has anyone gotten this to load? My install disk just ~ ~ freezes. Any ideas? ~ --Bullshot Xxx on the F-Net, Upper Echelon Conference ~ ...my UTIL_2.PRG doesn't work, it was corrupt in the ~ ~ original download... ~ --Jason Elite on the F-Net, Upper Echelon Conference ~ For some reason I can't get other vers. of TOS to boot ~ ~ from the HD without sticking a disk in with the HD boot ~ ~ in the Auto folder. ANYONE know how I can get TOS 1.4 ~ ~ and 1.0 to off the HD and recognize the hard drive ~ ~ without sticking a disk in?...It's just a hastle [sic] ~ ~ to use the Hard Drive when you have to boot from disk ~ ~ first... ~ --Ice Pirate on Rats Nest BBS ~ I have the two lharc's of Epic, and after lharc, they ~ ~ come out to 900+K MSA files... Well, MSA won't format ~ ~ a disk large enough to put them on.. What kind of ~ ~ formatting program can I use to format my disks that ~ ~ large.. Or can I? ~ --Cronos on Fawlty Towers BBS ~ I was wondering if anyone else has been messing with ~ ~ the latest Cubase 3 crack. I've had some success and ~ ~ have even used the SMPTE options via my C-Lab ~ ~ Unitor-N box, but when I try to use the "edit" functions ~ ~ more than a few times (sometimes even the first try), ~ ~ I get an "Internal Error" message and the program locks. ~ --MIDIMUCK on Fawlty Towers BBS ~ I wouldn't use it if your [sic] working on a paying gig, ~ ~ Just cause It's unreliable, especially when in SMPTE lock. ~ ~ I've had this same problem recently, I ended up x-fering ~ ~ the stuff over to another sequencer. ~ --KG on Fawlty Towers BBS, replying to MIDIMUCK about the cracked version of Cubase 3 ~ Yes, there are 2 different cracks of version 3.x, none ~ ~ of them working properly. The best Cubase crack I know ~ ~ is version 2. I heard though that it gives problems ~ ~ when you use Midiex... ~ --X-tian on Fawlty Towers BBS ~ yeah, I would [sic] do any real work on it. I lost 2 ~ ~ songs with it. ~ --KG on STampede BBS, replying to a message about a cracked version of Cubase ~ Has anybody had a problem with the Cynix crack of ~ ~ Frankenstein? I haven't been able to get it to work on ~ ~ either of my computers. It bombs badly. ~ --PAK on STampede BBS ~ I've been having problems with some files I D/Led ~ ~ (Ultima 6 is flaky and Lost Vikings doesn't work at ~ ~ all). ~ --Nostrildomus on STampede BBS ~ I sure wouldn't even attempt any 'serious' work project ~ ~ with that 'crack'... ~ --Sparky on STampede BBS ~ Do you have a version of NEW ZEALAND STORY which works ~ ~ past the first city? ~ --The Shamus on STampede BBS ~ HEY!! Will someone PLEASE UPLOAD a FULLY working version ~ ~ for KOBOLD 2 I've had so many different version from ~ ~ different people and they are ALL bad !!! ~ --Sidewinder on Outer Region BBS ~ I have an elite copy of Calligrapher and it doesn't ~ ~ support ASCII text files, so you can only work with ~ ~ .CAL files (files made by Calligrapher) Also it doesn't ~ ~ have keyboard equivalents (a pain) ~ --Frogger on the F-Net, Elite Underground Conference Pirates aren't entitled to support from commercial developers and are often working without any documentation, so they are very likely to encounter problems with their warez. The real version of Calligrapher, for example, has several import and export options, including ASCII. It has configurable keyboard commands. Frogger's version might have been hacked in a way which destroyed these capabilities, or he simply might not know how to take advantage of them because he has no documentation or support. When pirates spread disinformation about the warez they use, people may think they are speaking out of knowledge of the actual commercial release. In this way, a pirate's ill-informed comments about products can discourage sales to others. The software they use -- like the sysops and other pirates with whom they associate -- cannot be trusted. Cracked software is prone to be flakey. And the same type of people who think it's acceptable to crack and steal software are also the type who write viruses and unleash them on others, so even files which haven't been cracked must be viewed with suspicion. In addition to the fear of loss of access, the pressure to upload or pay, lack of official and informed support, an online environment of suspicion and paranoia, and abandonment of ethical principles, pirates must also contend with software that is unreliable and potentially dangerous. The pirate pays a heavy price. Pirated software is _not_ free -- for anybody. 6. Phreaking, Copyright Infringement, Pornography, and the Law The users pay the sysop of a pirate board, either by sending a check for greater access or by offering up files they've purchased in exchange (or both). Heavy users must invest in expensive hardware, such as high-speed modems. And for many callers, there's a long-distance charge. ~ If any of the USA callers has MCI you can put this bbs ~ ~ on you [sic] Friends and Family list and save yourself ~ ~ about 3 cents a minute. Just say that the phone number ~ ~ is for a data line and they usually don't ask anymore ~ ~ questions. ~ -- PAK on STampede BBS ~ ...there are high speed users around, and considering ~ ~ other really good Atari boards are out of state, $.25 ~ ~ per call is as cheap as anyone could ask for. I'm ~ ~ starting to think "elite" is dead in the Tampa area, ~ ~ as far as Atari is conserned [sic]. ~ --PAK on Master Lazarus BBS, explaining the poor attendance rates by local pirates on local BBSs ~ Wanted... original suppliers ~ ~ graphic artists ~ ~ another support bbs ~ ~ calling card suppliers ~ --Quattro of the CyniX cracking ring on the F-Net, Elite Underground Conference ~ When I hit a special key, my Bluebox plays a little ~ ~ melody..... ~ -- STampede BBS ~ I call the whole world for the same price. ~ -- Troed on Rats Nest BBS Not all those living far from a BBS pay long distance charges, however. Some boards share calling card numbers (belonging to innocent victims, presumably) so that the phone company will charge the users' calls to someone else. Sometimes users as far away as Chile or Sweden manage to make calls at no cost by fooling and defrauding their long distance carriers. In the old days (defined here as the 70's), this was achieved by building a "bluebox" and installing it in one's phone line. Today, it's easily done in software. The caller's ST simulates the tones recognized by the telephone system. Calls are routed all over the world and back, typically through South America, in order to confuse the system and avoid detection. This activity is just as illegal as copyright infringement, and it's also better understood as a crime by police. Many times a pirate board is closed down not because of the illegal transfer of software, but rather because information on blueboxes was available for download. ~ Word is around town that there are feds looking for ~ ~ Pirate BBS's. I know weather to belive [sic] it but ~ ~ it could be time for another big bust like there was ~ ~ four years ago. Supposedly a Big BBS in OHIO just got ~ ~ nailed real bad!. Freaky as hell. ~ --Mind Eye on Thieves Guild BBS There are, in fact, many approaches to shutting down pirate boards. Copyright infringement is one obvious track. The Software Publishers Association is a watchdog agency which works with the FBI to shut down large-scale BBS operations. There are legal departments at major computer, game machine, and software companies devoting time and effort to this task. There's the IRS connection for unreported caller "donations". Some boards come down because of the availability of pornography. There are a variety of criminal laws related to activities common on pirate boards, and, especially in cases of copyright infringement, civil law may offer the most effective route to compensation for the victims. When a board is busted by the authorities, the related equipment and property is usually seized. Any records of callers, caller donations, etc., are seized along with that equipment. Callers could be charged with conspiracy. For this reason, it's not wise to have one's real name, address, and real phone show up in the records of a pirate board, even though the sysop adamantly insists upon it and uses verification checks to enforce it... 7. Spotting a Pirate Board ~ Many people may not realize that software pirates cause ~ ~ prices to be much higher, in part, to make up for ~ ~ publisher losses from piracy. In addition, they ruin ~ ~ the reputation of the hundreds of legitimate bulletin ~ ~ boards that serve an important function for computer ~ ~ users. ~ --Ken Wasch, Executive Director of the SPA, as quoted in STR #915 I recently logged on to the Polish Hideout BBS in Southern Illinois. What a contrast it presented to the pirate boards I've been investigating! The questionnaire asked only for my name, contact information, and type of computer. Validation was immediate and I was granted access to all message bases and file areas on that very first call! I wasn't under any obligation to upload before downloading. There was no pressure to compromise my principals nor temptation to indulge in criminal activity. The messages from the sysop were friendly and inviting. The Polish Hideout is _not_ a pirate BBS. It can be tough to differentiate a pirate board from a legitimate one if one has not been granted access to the elite areas. Sometimes non-elite discussion or file areas can provide hints, but it's not sure-fire. For example, although many pirate boards can boast of extensive pornography collections, some BBS sysops who wouldn't tolerate commercial files will nevertheless offer pornography; the existence of pornographic files does not in and of itself indicate a pirate board or clientele. Even the existence of an isolated commercial file in the downloads is not evidence of intentional piracy. From time to time, every BBS receives a commercial upload or two; sometimes the sysop overlooks the file or doesn't recognize it as commercial and leaves it in the download area. Such oversights and accidents do not even remotely correspond to the kinds of activity we have encountered on BBSs where software theft is encouraged. A typical pirate board includes a highly aggressive (and often hostile and suspicious) new user questionnaire. It is often necessary to provide referrals of some kind, and the questions are likely to assume dishonesty on the part of the new user. Pirates, as a rule, are not nice guys, and the new user is usually made to feel very uncomfortable. The new user may be required to "sign" disclaimers. The Other BBS list is likely to include some other pirate boards. If the users adopt the lexicon of piracy ("elite", "warez", "philez", etc.), If ThErE aRe LoTs Of PhRaSeS wRiTtEn LiKe ThIs, if the board associates itself with a pirate syndicate or network, if it has numerous known pirates as callers, if there is aggressive insistence on the maintenance of download/upload ratios, if deadbeats are threatened with loss of access, if phreaking files are available online, chances are very good that the caller has stumbled onto a pirate BBS. There are legitimate reasons why a BBS sysop might want accurate contact information from his callers. There are also good reasons in many cases for offering a few private file and message areas. Most BBSs, pirate and legitimate, require validation, usually by phoning the caller's number. Such features are not unusual, but if combined with heavy-handed warnings and threats, they tip the user off to the nature of the board. It should be noted that legitimate pd/shareware BBSs far outnumber the pirate boards. The confusion between the two is most unfortunate. ~ I...have callers uploading commercial software and ~ ~ giving me a hard time because I don't have an "elite" ~ ~ area, even though they see a message when they log on ~ ~ as a new caller that this board does not support ~ ~ piracy...It's a _risk_ to run a BBS, and not many ways ~ ~ to protect the investment. ~ --sysop of a legitimate BBS If a board you call has an occasional commercial file, be sure to point it out to the sysop for his own protection; a responsible sysop will avoid commercial offerings. PD/shareware BBSs perform a much-needed service in supporting our Atari community; the IAAD applauds and encourages this effort. If you suspect -- or _know_ -- that a board you call offers numerous commercial files, however, please bring it to the attention of the IAAD (online addresses are available at the end of this article). Your anonymity is assured. We are already intimately familiar with dozens of boards, but additional information is always welcome. 8. The Moral Toll: As the Twig is Bent... ~ Right and wrong now seem the same ~ -- Rats Nest As a parent, I'm concerned about the numbers of young people logged on to pirate boards. These kids put themselves in a very vulnerable position. In earning their right to download, young callers are implicated in the illegal activity. The adults who run and participate on these boards set an example which could, by extension, lead to ignoring the laws which govern other areas of their lives. Do these kids also shoplift, steal from other kids' lockers, buy termpapers to submit as their own? Children learn to run and to use pirate boards from adults whose character is questionable by definition. When a child has such a sysop as a role model, what does that spell for his future? Like the proverbial stranger who offers candy, these criminals lure teenagers and young adults with promises of free software in exchange for their services. The service, of course, is to provide more free software -- which the sysop can then use to lure more callers and to keep his current clientele calling back. The first step is to inspire fear; this is achieved right off the bat with a new user questionnaire threatening denial of access if caller doesn't provide just the right answers. And the second is to force the caller to incriminate himself with his initial upload. Once the kid begins downloading and playing commercial games he could never afford to buy, the pressure cycle of upload/download counts begins. ~ GENESIS COPIER (super magic drive) ~ ~ My son is selling his copier for the Genesis for: ~ ~ $275.00 That includes the copier, drive and power ~ ~ supply. ~ --Little Lulu on the F-Net, Pompey Pirates Elite Conference While many of the software thieves we've encountered are young, in their teens and early twenties, others are old enough to be parents (or even grandparents!). Few pirate boards have an "educational warez" category in their files areas, so my own products are rarely found, but parents do download plenty of games. I wonder about the children who use the programs that Dad or Mom has stolen. Do they know that the program could be purchased with a manual? Do they learn about hidden features from friends who have the real thing and then wonder why their parents never told them they could do that? If and when these children do learn that Dad has stolen some software they've enjoyed, do they respect and trust their father less -- or do they simply adopt his dishonest character as their own? ~ Pirating is dishonest. Honorable people don't do ~ ~ dishonest things. If you want to publicly proclaim your ~ ~ untrustworthyness [sic], go right ahead. But don't ~ ~ expect anyone to ever trust you. Or respect _your_ ~ ~ rights. ~ -- Myeck Waters, responding to a pro-piracy post on the F-Net, ST Report Conference ~ BYE! (Click) ~ ~ NO CARRIER ~ -- Computer Connection _________________ The author takes no responsibility for errors in spelling, punctuation, judgment, or logic in quotations; these are reprinted as written. Copyright 1993 by D.A. Brumleve This file may be transmitted only in its entirety, with all portions unedited and intact. The author reserves _all_ rights regarding distribution and republication, with the exception that this file may be posted in its entirety and without additions on BBSs everywhere, especially on pirate boards. If you find it already posted on your local pirate board, please upload a second copy, and a third... Editors and others wishing to republish this article are advised to contact the IAAD and the author on the major online services: GEnie: PERMIT$ CIS: 76004,3655 Delphi:DABRUMLEVE The IAAD welcomes tips about pirate activity. Please contact us at the online addresses listed above. //// The following messages were gathered from CAT 18, Topic 7 on the //// GEnie ST RoundTable. These messages comment directly on the //// preceeding report, and are reprinted here, courtesy of GEnie. Message 51 Wed Apr 28, 1993 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 18:49 EDT I want to thank the many people who have taken the time to write or call with their support for the IAAD. It is most gratifying to know that so many folks have appreciated our efforts. We've also been hearing a great deal from the pirates' side. Some seem concerned about perceived technical inaccuracies in our report, and I certainly don't want to be passing on falsehoods, so I'll correct the record here and now. For example, in his ninth blue-boxed call to my number today, Zaphod Beeblebrox, co-sysop of the Sarcastic Existence BBS in Sweden, objected to the following quotation from our report: ~ Rats Nest always had some of the best stuff around... ~ --Zaphod Beeblebrox on Fawlty Towers BBS Zaphod felt that the presentation of his quotation out of context was misleading, and I apologize if anyone was misled. This item was taken from a thread about the Rats Nest entitled: "Rats Nest -- Anyone know why it's down???" We had contacted the Rats Nest sysop about our findings on his board some time ago, and the BBS was down for over a week following our discussion with him. Rats Nest and Fawlty Towers had many callers in common, so it's not surprising that activities on one board might be discussed on another. Zaphod told me today that, when he'd referred to the "best stuff" in that thread, he didn't _mean_ commercial products. I admit I can't read minds any better than the next guy. _I_ thought he was referring to the elite files on the Rats Nest, and so _did_ the next guy in the thread. The Parsec had responded to Zaphod's remark by saying: ~ Yeah i called yesterday night and just now....no warez ~ ~ ....I wonder what the sitch is! ~ --The Parsec on Fawlty Towers We didn't print The Parsec's reply in our report. We also didn't print the post by Zaphod which began the thread: ~ Hey Piper, have you got any idea why Rats Nest is ~ ~ down??? I heard some story about that somebody tried to ~ ~ nail [sysop's name] for having pirated files on the ~ ~ board, but that is all I got to hear, the next day Rats ~ ~ Nest didn't answer anymore. If you do know anything about ~ ~ this, please let me know, as I am getting a bit worried ~ ~ about what is happening to [sysop's name]. And if they ~ ~ have busted his board, then we should all be a great deal ~ ~ more carefull [sic]...... I do hope that he is not ~ ~ busted, but rather took the board down for a while just ~ ~ to be on the safe side... ~ --Zaphod Beeblebrox on Fawlty Towers And we didn't print a suggestion for the Rats Nest offered by The Wonderer: ~ He could take down all the files instead of going down if ~ ~ that were the problem. I think it may be a little more ~ ~ serious than that maybe. ~ --The Wonderer on Fawlty Towers Given the context of the thread in which Zaphod's "best stuff" remark occurred, I hope Zaphod will understand why we interpreted the comment as we did. For the record, Zaphod would like it to be known that he most definitely did not mean commercial software. It's only fair that we present his side more comprehensively here. I hope his intent is clear to everyone now. It's not quite a correction, as our report does not say otherwise, but Zaphod would like it to be known that he uses a genuine hardware bluebox. He has authored a piece of software which allows users to simulate phone tones with their computers, but he doesn't use this software himself. It was from the documentation for Zaphod's Multi-Frequency Dialer, in fact, that we got the misguided impression that The Shire BBS was in Chile. Zaphod had given a Chilean exchange for that board. We found a citation on a BBS for the Shire with a location in NY, so we called it. When an elderly woman answered, we assumed that Zaphod knew what he was talking about when he'd given the Chilean exchange. PAK, sysop of STampede, has told us that the Shire _was_ in NY but has been down for a year. I hope this clears that one up. PAK has also objected that the Pompey Pirates cracking ring dropped the ST six months ago and that it is/was not headquartered on the Paris BBS in NYC. We stand corrected: The Paris BBS is headquarters of the SNEAKERS "spy" ring, and the alias Alien is associated with SNEAKERS, not the Pompey Pirates. The Pompey Pirates cracking ring was advertised as headquarted on the Anti-Gravity II BBS on December 11 1992, as follows: 1 ~~~ CALL TODAY!! MENTION THIS AD FOR QUICK VALIDATION!! ~~~ 3 2 ________ _ __ _______ _____ 0 2 / ____ /\/ \ / /\/__ __/\/_ _/\ 0 2 / /___/ / / \ / / /\_/ /\_\/\/ /\\/ ____ 0 2 / ____ / / /\ \/ / / / / / _/ /_/ /___/\ 0 2 /_/\__/_/ /__/ /\ _/ / /_/ / /____/\ \___\/ 0 2 \_\/ \_\/\__\/ \_\/ \_\/ \____\/ 0 1 + ANTI-GRAVITY II BBS + 3 408-XXX-XXXX 2 + ATARI ST- PC ELITE + 0 408-XXX-XXXX 2 ______ ______ _____ __ __ 0 2 / ____/\______ / __ /\__ __/\_ _\ _______/\ \/ /\ 0 2 / /___ \/\ __ \ / /_/ / /\ \ /\_\//\ \/ /__ __/\ \ \/ / 0 2 / /_/ /\ \ \ \/ / / __ / /\ \ \/ / / \_\ \_\_/ /\_\/\_\ / 0 2 /_____/ / \ \ \_/_/\/_/ / \ \/ / / /\____\/ / / /_/ / 0 2 \_____\/ \ \_\__\_\/\_\/ \__/ / \/____/_/ / \_\/ 0 2 \/_/__/ \_\/ \_\/ 0 Pompey 1 380 MEGS ONLINE - 14,400 BAUD HST! 3 Pompey Pirates 2 SysOp: GRAVITAR Co-SysOp: SPARKY 0 Pirates The West Coast Connection 2 If you never call, you'll never know what you're missing.... 0 --Sparky on The Tavern Elite Conference I apologize for any confusion this error may have caused. I'll give PAK a call and discuss it. Clockwork Orange has objected that I spelled his name with a small "w". Please note the spelling of his name in the header of the message which lodges this complaint: Message: = ELITE TALK = #385 of 4oo [51 Lines] ||>> // Sent On: April 26, 1993 at 4:44am ||\\ \\ Sent By: Clockwork Orange \\// Sent To: All ST Replies: 1 Subject: Pirates ...ClockWork Orange/ICS <- the 'W' is capitalised!!! --Clockwork Orange on STampede Zaphod has said that he and his pirate friends are preparing a textphile to counter the misinformation in the IAAD's report. That would be a refreshing change from the retaliatory tactics attempted so far. Some of the boards mentioned in our report no longer answer. Two are reported to have gone strictly public domain. Some elite conferences are now local-only. Some sysops feel confident that they've eliminated the "snitch", while others don't trust any of their callers. Individual reactions from pirates have varied just as much. Some pirates have been discussing harrassment strategies openly in their message threads. Yesterday, a young man impersonating a telephone operator attempted to convince me to give him my calling card number! When this failed, he called back and warned me not to mess with pirates. Believing that their aliases provide them anonymity, some have posted self-incriminating messages on some boards in an attempt to harrass us. I think Belgarion's post is one of the few which can be reproduced here: ___ / /| / / | /_ < | WHY USE A AK 47 ? | | \ | TOO EXPENSIVE ! | | \| | | | I PREFER A GUILLOTINE !! | | //| | |/O/| COME ON GUYS,I'LL CUT YOUR HEAR ! |_|// |___________________________ /| | / /| / | | / // <__| |/___________________________// |__| |___________________________|/I I = I I I I I I I I I I I --Belgarion on STampede I hope this sets the record straight. I sincerely would not want to give anyone the wrong impression about these people. D.A. Brumleve President, IAAD ------------ Category 18, Topic 7 Message 66 Thu Apr 29, 1993 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 11:28 EDT Lest my corrections above perpetuate yet another error, I'd like to point out that Zaphod Beeblebrox of ICS and Control Team is sysop of the Eagles Nest BBS in Sweden, as evidenced by his typical message signature: Greetz, Zaphod Beeblebrox of ICS and Control Team. Eagles Nest BBS +46-XX-XXXXXX - 285 Mb/14400 HST Dual - 24 Hours. I have assumed that he is also the co-sysop "Zaphod B" listed in this advertisement for the Sarcastic Existence, and hence my reference to it above in message #51: FiDONET 2:200/612 /\ . /\ * . MeGaNeT 66:666/1 . * . / \ . / \ . FUJiNeT 7:102/102 / \ + / \ . NeST 90:1101/112 + / / \ / \ + /\ \ / . / \ / . I.C.S Swedish HQ . / \ \/ / /\/ . Sync WorldHQ \ / / \ \/ + * \ / + . \ \ . . . . \ / \ / SysOp: Troed \/ARCASTIC \/XISTENCE CoSysOp: Zaphod B +46-(0)XXX-XXXXX +46-(0)XXX-XXXXX +46-(0)XXX-XXXXX +46-(0)XXX-XXXXX Hope that's all perfectly clear now. ------------ //// ... and here are some more messages from the Piracy thread. //// Again, these messages are reprinted courtesy of the GEnie ST //// RoundTable, CATegory 18, TOPic 7. Message 55 Wed Apr 28, 1993 P-DIRECT2 [Tim @ TWP] at 22:01 EDT Dorothy, I think that the pirates' objections to your 'technical errors' are just a bit childish, don't you? It looks to me that either they're trying to divert us from the point behind your article, or they're missed the point entirely. Your article is trying to point out the flaws in their illegal way of life, not catalog pirate BBS's, handles, and elite organizations. You know, if these people had any brains at all, they'd be glad that you made errors. The more information you have about them, they more danger they are in, right? They don't seem to see that. They sure did contact you quickly to correct you, didn't they? It's like, "Hey, we're pirates calling you! Come and get us! And while we're at it, here's more some MORE information about us." ------------ Message 56 Wed Apr 28, 1993 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 22:46 EDT Mr Belgarion, it is "_an_ AK47". For crying out loud, if you want to make death threats at least have the decency to spell them correctly. Myself, I prefer the .50 Cal rifle that the FBI was whining about the Waco Wacko's having. I've been looking for an excuse to buy one, maybe pirate scum giving Dot a hard time will give me that excuse....you remember the one, it was a prop in ROBOCOP...the ammo costs but what a hole it makes in little pirate dweebs who need desperately to get a life, or lose it. $.02 ------------ Message 57 Wed Apr 28, 1993 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 23:38 EDT Tim, we appreciate all the information we've received, from whatever source. ------------ Message 58 Wed Apr 28, 1993 M.JONES52 [Jonesy] at 23:39 EDT Thanks for clearing that up, Dorothy. ;-) ------------ Message 64 Thu Apr 29, 1993 JWEAVERJR [John@RSCARDS] at 10:12 EDT Excellent file! I think I'll keep the file number here on my desk, for the next time somebody asks me why I don't do disk-based software any more. ------------ Message 67 Thu Apr 29, 1993 A.FASOLDT [Al Fasoldt] at 18:30 EDT Dot, Amazing. And I thought I already had an idea of the problem. I am just plain naive. This is an incredible service. Al ------------ Message 73 Fri Apr 30, 1993 SANDY.W [sysop] at 16:25 EDT From this weeks edition of A NETWORKER'S JOURNAL: CONVICTED COMPUTER INTRUDER EXECUTED IN CHINA It seems Shai Biao was executed after being convicted of invading a computer and embezzling around $192,000.... ------------ Message 74 Fri Apr 30, 1993 J.BRENNER1 [See Flat] at 20:48 EDT Sandy, wouldn't it be a shame if they got the wrong guy. Main argument against capital punishement=no recorse. I have been told that a local Atari developer (I don't know the name) just saw their software was on pirate boards. It must be a hard pill to swallow since they haven't released it yet! ------------ Message 75 Fri Apr 30, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] at 21:25 EDT Ok, I will try this again with the appropriate words. They are just mad because they got caught. :-) Some probably think they have the means to ruin the IAAD or anyone involved with this and are just using these tactics to stop it so that they can continue. Anyone involved should however take measures with the phone company, etc. Some may have the means to try and finacially ruin the people involved. I hope that anything that is done will not stop the cleanup by the IAAD and others. Good luck in the cleanup Dot. I have had several people tell me they have seen the commercial wares on RatsNest. If there is anything I can help with, just holler. ------------ Message 76 Fri Apr 30, 1993 C.ALLEN17 [Cliff] at 23:37 EDT Dorothy, Great article. thanks for the hard work that went into putting it together. May all pirates visit Dantes Inferno, for all eternity. Cliff (Ashevillite) ------------ Message 77 Sat May 01, 1993 HUTCH [FAIR-DINKUM] at 00:01 EDT Right you are, Dorothy. If a bunch of pirates want to boycott my software because I'm a member of the IAAD, then so be it. "I'm a thief, and because you are bugging me about my illegal activities, I and all my friends will refuse to steal your software from now on." Boy... I guess that's going to teach US a lesson, eh? :) -Hutch- @ Fair Dinkum Tech ------------ --==--==--==--==-- ||| The Right STuff ||| By: Bob Brodie, Director of Communications, Atari Corp. / | \ GEnie: BOB-BRODIE Delphi: BOBBRODIE ------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to clear up a few rumors that are going around, and especially elminiate some confusion regarding Atari Explorer Magazine. In a rush to get out a perceived "scoop", another writer has begun a set of rumors regarding Atari Explorer over on Delphi. Rather than clog this issue with a complete rebuttal of the rumors, I prefer to simply address the facts regarding Explorer. Look for my rebuttal to the rumor monger over on Delphi. Atari wants to be certain that any concerns you have about Atari Explorer are resolved. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Exploring the Truth =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= We've had a series of small layoffs at Atari recently. A decision was made to discontinue our in house publication, Atari Explorer Magazine - a decision which was reversed over a weekend. Presently, the way that Atari Explorer Magazine is going to be produced is under consideration. Atari is very impressed with Mike Lindsay's capabilities, and Mike has presented a series of options to Atari in order to continue the magazine. Among the options are returning Atari Explorer to an "out of house" publication, or continuing to do the publication in house, but in a different, more cost effective format. While these decisions are being considered, Mike has continued to be in the office on a near daily basis, handling all of Explorer's affairs. There is no doubt that the magazine will continue! Atari Explorer is an essential component of our news and PR efforts. It has not been shut down. Once all of the decisions about Atari Explorer have been finalized, we'll make the announcements on the specifics of those arrangements. We apologize for the confusion generated by the erroneous reports concerning Atari Explorer that have been made in both other online magazines. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Clone - No Clone =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There is a rumor over on CompuServe that there is an "Atari clone" being developed. This rumor is being spread by essentially the same crew that is spreading the rumors about Atari Exporer. It is true that there is a VAR that is looking at producing custom hardware that is similar to Atari's. However, I have personally spoken with the principles involved with this effort. They have no intention of marketing these machines to the general public, but rather only using them with specific, high end applications. While the knowledge of such a thing might be news, in fact there has been several other companies that have done similar things for quite a while. One of them produces a autmobile diagnostic sytem, one of them has a control unit for a high speed/high volume envelope stuffing machine, and yet another controls a foundry with another custom system. These computers are not targeted as a competitor to the Atari Falcon030. They will not have the same capabilities as the Atari Falcon030. For example, they will not have MIDI ports on them. They will not have many of the custom chips on board that the ST/STe/TT030/Falcon030s have. They will be designed with a limited number of uses in mind. Even the architect of the hardware acknowledges that the system will be largely incompatible with most applications. They are only targeting a few specific applications, not general purpose computing. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Falcon030 News =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Now, on to news regarding the Atari Falcon030. A number of the units for the Atari Falcon030 have gone out to dealers, with Falcon030 sightings already coming in. Mid Cities Comp-Soft in Bellflower, California, Run PC in Fort Collins, Colorado, Micro Computer Depot in Columbia, South Carolina, Cottonwood Computers in Cottonwood, California, Toad Computers in Maryland, Manny's Music in New York City, and The Computer Network in Glendale, California are just some of the dealers that have already placed their demo units on display. Other dealers have their shipments on the way to them, and should have them by next week. We have at present withheld the Falcon D2D recording package due to bugs that were discovered at the last minute. Updates are coming in on a near daily basis from the programmers, and we are making every effort to have that situation resolved ASAP. Naturally, we will supply Falcon D2D free of charge to anyone that has an Atari Falcon030 that obtains one without this program. In addition to shipping units to our dealers, we have also begun shipments of demo units to our manufacturer's representatives. We believe that this will enable them to be able to sign up more dealers in an easier fashion. It's been very gratifying to see the response to the new dealer agreement, as a large number of dealers that had discontinued doing business with Atari are now coming back on board to carry the Atari Falcon030. We are putting the first shipment of Atari Falcon030's through a rigorous burn-in process. The quality of the machines is excellent, with a less than 1% failure rate. We're very pleased that the decision to change manufacturers that we made in January is being validated by the quality product that we're seeing now. All of the machines that we have at present are 4 megs of RAM, and a 65 meg hard disk. Bill Rehbock has been hard at work in helping European developers find a representative for their products here in the US. There was an excellent selection of products that were shown at CeBIT in Germany, like Chagall, a true color paint program. We do not envision the "marrying" of these developers to be a protracted process. I'll be online this coming Friday night, May 7th, for the monthly Dateline: Atari Conference on GEnie, our official online resource. Be sure to stop by and say hello!! I'm looking forward to another fun evening with everyone in attendance!! The Dateline: Atari Conferences have proven to be consistently fun, upbeat, and insightful discussion opportunities. I hope to see you there!! --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To sign up for CompuServe service, call (voice call) (800) 848-8199. -- -- Ask for operator #198. You will be sent a $15.00 value CIS membership -- -- kit for free. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- CompuServe Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Andreas' Den ||| By: Andreas Barbiero / | \ Delphi: ABARBIERO GEnie: AEO.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Direct marketing is a tactic that many companies are trying out in order to increase profits and sell their products more efficiently. With direct marketing, a product can be sold to the public without it having to be shipped, stored, and marked up before it is even seen by the prospective purchaser. These intermediate steps costs the buyer more, and mandate that the manufacturer sells the product to the distributor or dealer low enough so that the dealer mark-up still keeps the price competitive. Atari is starting direct sales with the Lynx. Recently there has been a dropping off of distributors of the Lynx system, and in some areas it may be really tough to find games in stock. Atari is combating this by putting a nice spread into several gaming magazines, such as the popular Game-Pro magazine. With other incentives, like a 'buy two- get one free' on software, the sales of Lynx base units and software should be moving quite nicely. Combined with a central distribution, advertising can better be targeted and sales directly generated. Optimally, this direct marketing approach should sell units, and provide a place for software to be purchased in areas without a Lynx dealer, and encourage retail outfits to carry software and accessories for the Lynx. Where there are owners of the base unit, software sales will follow. On the Falcon030 front, as everyone knows, the machines are shipping, and the units will be arriving regularly as they come in off the boat and purchase orders are made. News from CEBIT was exciting as well as it was understated here in the USA. Interesting products that were announced in Germany came from all over the world, especially from France. The French seem to be really hot on the Falcon030, and the products they are presenting prove it. There are the usual painting programs but some typically French weird stuff. The TOKI series is presented as help for create animation storyboards, video overlays, and auto colorizing of the images. Chloe looks like a really amazing raytracing program, purportedly faster and better than Point of View on the PC, it supports the math co-processor and uses the DSP for calculations. The Germans are also ahead of the ball with some excellent DSP programming libraries, the Screen Blaster external graphics box, supporting 800X600X256 and 880X608X16 colors. Of course the British are poking their noses into the developer circles; Rombo is producing a video digitizer that can do real time video digitizing in 320X200X256 and supports true color modes as well. Games and simulations are coming along rapidly from all sources, and several excellent games are coming from projects directly supported by Atari. Commercial sources are not the only place that professional quality software is expected from. Gem-View and Speed of Light are two incredible picture viewers, which work on all Atari computers and rival most commercial packages available for the image quality they present. (Editor's Note: Gem-View was recently picked up by Lexicor for US distribution.) Rumor has it that the Codeheads are working on a front end driver for Microsoft Bookshelf, a collection of information resources including an encyclopedia and other common CDROM references. This is a major step forward in software, and we need more like it. Shareware is the perfect forum for releasing more software to drive the growing library of CDROM software. These disks are mostly data (encrypted in some cases), and the actual program that allows the computer to access the information is small and highly portable code. It would be fantastic to see the high quality shareware authors turn their attention to this natural outgrowth of the ICD Link for the STe, and the SCSI ports on the Falcon030 and TT030. So for all you C programmers, or shareware writers who think there is nothing you can do that will generate some income, just think of how many CDROMs are out there and how many people would love to run them on their Atari. I for one am looking forward to being able to access the Mayo Clinic CDROM. I will probably be departing for a deployment to the Pacific soon (my US Navy job), and while I have been lucky enough to obtain equipment in order to keep on writing and send in articles from overseas, time will be limited and I will not be torturing people with my presence on Delphi and GEnie for a while. One thing I will not miss is the dirt raking and false rumor mongering. With all the hard decisions being made at Atari and the labor put in to bringing the Falcon030 to American shores, having someone look for any news, and then proceeding to make it look as bad as it can for Atari goes beyond reporting the facts, and is in the realm of antagonistic spitefulness. Atari Explorer Online is not a Xerox machine for Atari Corp's version of things. We are all intelligent adults here, and would not put our name on something that bordered on propaganda. I am here because I see a change in the computer market and an opportunity for Atari to place a computer into people's homes that will finally be able to do what they need it to do, and not require $100 programs just to use a mouse in a word processor. Enough of this, thanks, and to all, hasta la vista, baby! --==--==--==--==-- ||| Adventures of an Amateur Hardware Hacker - Part One ||| By: Don Wilhelm, BAAUG & SCCAUG / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Editor: As a precaution, if you do not have experience with //// working with the tools and/or methods described in this article, //// or if you feel uncomfortable about anything herein, PLEASE DO NOT //// ATTEMPT ANY MODIFICATIONS DESCRIBED. Your, and your computer's //// safety, is paramount. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// INTRODUCTION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Three adventures will be described in this series in the hope that somebody will benefit from them, and perhaps some useful dialog will also arise from them. Perhaps I'll benefit, if somebody sets me straight on one or more issues or items. The first adventure, putting the ST motherboard into a PC clone case is partly intended to encourage experimentation, especially with one's old ST after one buys his/her new Falcon030, TT030, or Atari 680X0 super computer. The second (carried in the next issue of AEO) reflects on some aspects of life-extension for STs (overscan and accelerators), and the third summarizes a strange problem that I encountered with a Z-RAM memory upgrade on a 520ST. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Adventure No.1. CUSTOMIZING THE 520ST IN A PC/XT CLONE CASE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= For two to three years after buying my 520ST (external drive model, not FM) about 5 years ago, I was miffed that every Atari accessory was an external device with an absurdly high price tag. (The myth of "power without the price".) I wanted to simplify and economize my ST's upgradability and put its upgradability on a par with PCs by putting the motherboard, drives, and power supply into a PC case. A friend got me started right after I bought the ST by rigging up a PC case for me with a 165 watt power supply, and two Toshiba 3-1/2-inch 720k floppy drives. Later I added a hard drive with a Berkeley MicroSystems BMS-200 host adaptor (inside the PC case) and added another 2MB of RAM via an AERCO memory upgrade. All of these devices have worked flawlessly, including the recent addition of a second internal hard drive with the BMS-200. Also BMS and AERCO have both been very generous in providing technical support whenever I have had questions (e.g., when I added the second hard drive and when I was considering upgrading to 4 MB of RAM). As some of you know, the above floppy drives work directly with the ST (as long as the cables are properly connected) without the I/O interface cards that come built into the Atari brand external floppy drives. And they are a helluvalot cheaper than the Atari brand drives. Other floppy drives that also work with this direct connection include Epson and Teac 3-1/2-inch drives, and a Fujitsu Model M2551A 5-1/4-inch 360k drive (as the B drive, once the R-37 resistor on the drive's PC board is disconnected and the little program SIXMS.PRG is put in the AUTO folder of the boot disk). I have been told that NEC 3-1/2-inch floppy drives also work with this direct hook up. I didn't brave putting the motherboard itself into the case until two years ago. I was afraid to touch this task for a long time. Moreover, I wanted to wait until I found a fliptop case - for immediate access, rather than my original slide-in/slide-out PC case that had to be unscrewed every time I wanted to look inside. However, I was beginning to think of upgrading my ST further with a 68030 accelerator board, and for that I need a lot more overhead space than is available in the tight little 520ST case. I finally found a few surplus fliptop cases (with 150 watt power supplies) for PC/XT clones and discovered that the 520ST motherboard just fits in them. So now both my father and I have 520ST "clones" in these cases. The adaptation to the PC case required: - a lot of patience. (The two-computer project took about 8-10 weekends to complete.) - a voltmeter/ohmmeter and much care to be sure that the power (pin) connections to the motherboard were correct and that all of the other homemade cables were correctly connected. - making a power supply cable for each computer: by soldering 6 wires to a 7-pin DIN female connector (to plug into the ST's motherboard power cable socket) at one end and to the appropriate pins of a 10-pin (in- line) connector at the other end (to plug into the appropriate connectors from the 150 watt power supply). - lots of drilling of holes in the PC cases for securing the motherboard and remounting the bracket that holds the internal drives (up to four drives can be accommodated), followed by a thorough cleaning to remove all traces of metal filings. (I didn't want those little boogers shorting out circuits on my motherboard.) - making some homemade sheetmetal brackets to further secure the above bracket and other things (such as my BMS-200, which had to be relocated off to the side of the hard drives after I added a second hard drive). - purchasing ready-made 14-pin-to-34-wire connector cables for the floppy drives. - making 34-wire ribbon cables with compression connectors to hook up two floppy drives in each case. - making 3-foot long keyboard-to-motherboard cables from 34-wire ribbon cables (only about half of the conductors are actually used) and compression connectors. This cable works fine; it just looks abnormal and is not conveniently snaked around on the desk. - very carefully cutting a 2-1/4-inch section out of the back of the 520ST case (after the motherboard was removed, of course), saving the back of the case itself, and then putting the case back together to enclose the keyboard - now looking like a normal computer keyboard, except for the ribbon cable connection to the computer. To cut the case I drew lines on it where the cuts were to be made, carefully edged them with masking tape, and then carefully sawed with a fine-tooth hacksaw blade along the masking tape edge. I held the saw blade in my hand, not in a hacksaw. Then I filed the sawed edges to smooth them as much as was practical. I used methyl ethyl ketone-based cement (vinyl patch cement) to glue the back of the keyboard case back onto the top of the case. To secure the top of the now-modified case to the bottom I used a combination of strategically placed 1/2-inch corner irons and a 6-inch piece of wood firring strip with nuts and bolts and wood screws. It all worked out very well, giving me a solid nice-looking conventional type of keyboard. The modification did indeed take a great deal of time, but I wanted to see if I could do it, and I was quite satisfied with the result. - Donald Duck decals on the case, keyboard, and monitor for the finishing touch. (I'm glad I didn't unthinkingly use Mickey Mouse decals.) So what does this give me? - a computer that I can lay on its base on the desktop without a million external cables all over the place, or one that I can stand on its side. - easily reconfigurable and replaceable computer internal components. - a separate keyboard. - a more than ample power supply for just about anything that I might add. - lots of overhead space above the motherboard for a 68030 accelerator and or a graphics card, if I decide to upgrade further. - the satisfaction of customizing my ST. - the confidence to do a bit more hacking and customizing. - 8-10 lost weekends. - a 2.5MB, 2-floppy drive, 2-hard drive, Donald Duck 520ST clone in a real PC computer case with a jumbo power supply, and a system that is potentially upgradable (with a few minor modifications) with 680X0 upgrade boards to Cray supercomputer status, and a workstation with video resolution rivaling the best available at your neighborhood wide-screen movie theater. (I hope that you realize that the last claims are absurd.) I realized somewhere in the middle of this project that one could also make a spiffy-looking wood case of any size and shape to hold any Atari (or other) computer motherboard and all of the drives and other internal components one's heart could possibly desire (even a smoke detector). Sheet metal shielding could easily be cut to fit the inside of the case, if one wanted to avoid an FCC raid. For the hacker who likes to work with plastic and colors, attractive plastic sheets are available from places like TAP Plastics. If I should want a Falcon in a custom case with a separate keyboard, I could produce one by this process. Perhaps a tower case would be nice for the Falcon030. At some point (perhaps now) I'll be at the point of diminishing returns in efforts to upgrade my ST to save it from obsolesence. It looks as if the cost of upgrading with a 68030 accelerator would be about as much as the cost of a Falcon030 or a TT030, and higher if I decide that I "need" higher resolution graphics. The Falcon030 and the TT030 already have some higher resolution graphics capabilities built in, and they have expansion slots for graphics cards. Yet, so far it has been hard for me to say goodbye to my 520ST. Of course I could still buy a new machine and keep the 520ST as my experimental machine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Biographical Information on Author =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Don Wilhelm is a senior chemical engineer with a Mountain View, California engineering consulting company. The company does technical, economic, and market evaluations for both major domestic and international industrial and government organizations, primarily related to the energy sector (fuel resources, production of fuels, petroleum refining, electric power generation, and environmental emissions control technology). The company uses PC clones with MSDOS, and more recently Windows, as well as a Macintosh. Don prefers the GEM interface of his ST to the Windows interface, but has not been able to get his company to convert to the Atari computer platform. He is also a marriage and family therapist, currently on sabbatical from his part-time evenings private practice. His Atari ST nicely serves the latter business for record-keeping and correspondence. He lives in Menlo Park. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Multi-Media - New Horizon or Golden Fleece? ||| Commentary by: Andreas Barbiero / | \ Delphi: ABARBIERO GEnie: AEO.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- The images are now familiar to anyone who has seen a computing TV show, or bought one of the super slick multi-media magazines. Espousing the benefits of 20 second video clips and $600 peripherals, these magazines display dozens of products, all labeled with Multi-Media somewhere in their title. Intergrating video and audio into a fully interactive system of displays has been on the verge of becoming a reality with the advance of home computer technology, but unfortunately, the multi-media concept is still being born in the computer market. Many early pioneers of the field have been plagued by a "vapor-market" as much as being haunted by the accusations of producing "vapor-products," with the wilder claims of software and hardware makers falling flat in the hands of users. Still the term multi-media excites and opens the pocketbook of many computer owners. Based on the prodigious capacity of a CD-ROM disc, the technology has almost single handedly revamped the clone marketplace. As I page through the local computer newspapers, seemingly everyone who sells a clone is hawking a multi-media system 'complete' with stereo sound and CD-ROM drive. The PC marketplace is a multi-billion dollar arena that has had an abysmal profit performance, with the average profit from a clone setup is in single digit percentages. I guess the few extra dollars made from adding a CD-ROM drive, and expectation of dollars from future software sales is keeping the store doors open a little longer. When every manufacturer makes the same product, what makes one better than the others? Americans are notorious for buying cheap over buying for value. Multi-media is one thing the entire marketplace is looking to in order to squeeze a few more dollars profit from the systems they sell. Multi-media technology IS becoming cheaper. CD-ROM units are experiencing a decrease in price as newer units, and software becomes available. You can buy a decent internal CD-ROM player for under $250! These are most likely the older units, not capable of accessing newer formats, like the Kodak Photo-CD discs. CD-ROM games right now are nothing more than marketing ploys to create more money from old products, but the encyclopedia discs are becoming cheaper all the time. I have seen the Mayo Clinic Family Health Book for under $20, as well as the CD-ROM version of Battle Chess. It isn't any better playing, but the new sound effects are neat. The audio samples are not generated by the computer, but it still sounds nice on those $150 shielded speakers. This really isn't multimedia, but there are some real multimedia titles out there for the PC platform as well as for the Mac. These are much like the Sherlock Holmes game on the Sega. Real time video clips re-enact events, and by making simple selections, a player can wend his way through the clues to find out whodunit. This is closer to what multi-media promises, but the educational aspect touted by multi-media's promoters is still not mature enough for a serious educator to consider. Being able to interactively view and study the works of Shakespeare, using, say the Lawrence Olivier performance of King Lear, examining the original text, and having access to the best critical analysis of the play at the same time is an outrageous tool for education. But beyond other obvious utilizations of this level of information integration, the limit to the usefulness of the technology is where multimedia reference and information stops. Until the hardware becomes more affordable, and easy to use, the mass consumer impact of this information technology will not be fully realized. Stand alone items are not cheap enough. Sony has a stand alone mini-disc reader that can show LCD images, and can let you read a book, but who is going to rely on a battery powered $500 gizmo when the paperback is only $5? What is needed is an inexpensive computer, that needs no setup, and is not dictated to just a few functions. The software is the second part, and that is what will take FAR more effort than any hardware project could. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// 59 CHANNELS WITH NOTHING ON.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= When I hear people talk about multimedia, and the advancement of art and creativity, I always like to ask them who is going to produce the media. I would like to compare multimedia to television. Even after over thirty years of development with TV, has the world been inundated with incredible works of art and philosophic importance? Not really. While we have CNN and The Learning Channel, we also have dozens of episodes of Gilligan's Island. C-SPAN serves a valuable service by broadcasting the antics of our elected officials, but how many people are watching a home video show, or re-runs of Knight Rider? Don't laugh or get mad, how many millions of dollars and man-hours do you think have been spent on purchasing and configuring those animated true-color screen-savers? It seems that the people I have seen creating video fish-tanks for screen-savers are more interested in watching it than running the application behind it. Are we talking brain-bubblegum or teaching the philosophic genius of Socrates, Locke, Barkley, Hume, Descartes and Roussau? The effort that will have to go into producing a title that can truly entertain and teach will be hard to come by. Until there is the same return on investment as there is with the movie blockbusters, don't expect the CD-ROM to bring you entertainment that you can't even get on TV or at the movies. I'm not trying to insult everyone who uses After Dark, or plays videogames, after all, I am a regular game reviewer. People are being sold a bill of goods without seeing the product. They are being pushed into higher priced computers, software, and machine intensive work, just to get something that may or may not even give a return on the effort invested. At least playing a good game will return some satisfaction or entertainment value. The cost of running titles like, World Atlas, Chessmaster 3000, or Great Cities of the World, is still steep. A decent CD-ROM drive that will allow Photo-CD access will cost around $400. This is a 'fast' drive with 265ms access and 300K/sec transfer rates. In order to hear the audio of the discs you need a decent sound card that runs for around $200. This is not including the cost of a SCSI adaptor, the speakers, the software, extra RAM, and the TIME to put it all together. A clone, regardless of the tiny entry price, is just not the right vehicle for this type of work. Macs are better suited to this type of work now that they are becoming cheaper as well as more powerful, but the costs remain. A machine like the Atari Falcon030, which includes such hidden necessities for multimedia like SCSI II (faster access rates, and allows for the full command set for XA-compatible CD-ROM drives) and more than sufficient audio and video capabilities, is far more useful. All the basics are there in the box, all that remains is to hook up a CD-ROM. Anyone who expects this next generation of technology to instantly empower them to discover new worlds and learn languages in a day will be disappointed. But, the use of the technology is not without merit. The info-CDs out there are very useful, and the games that are due out soon, fully utilizing the capabilities of a CD-ROM with live action and audio clips are amazing. Already there are some titles planned for the Falcon030, and you can still access CD-ROM technology with an ICD Link on any ST. For anyone that is interested in finding a title or two to write for the ST line, front end software to run the encyclopedia disks and access other types of discs on the Atari would sell quite nicely. The hard part has already been done, all we need is the code to sort through the information. CD-ROM multimedia is not mature the way that some magazines and people would lead you to believe, but it is a technology that can still provide a good game, and give you the world's medical knowledge at your fingertips. --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- GEnie Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- 1. Set your communications software for half duplex (local echo) -- -- at 300, 1200, or 2400 baud. -- -- -- -- 2. Dial toll free: 1-800-638-8369 (or in Canada, 1-800-387-8330). -- -- Upon connection, enter HHH. -- -- -- -- 3. At the U# prompt, enter XTX99436,GENIE then press . -- -- -- -- 4. Have a major credit card ready. In the U.S., you may also use -- -- your checking account number. -- -- -- -- For more information in the United States or Canada, call 1-800- -- -- 638-9636 or write: GEnie, c/o GE Information Services, P.O. Box -- -- 6403, Rockville, MD 20850-1785. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Atari's Official On-line Resource! --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Games We Like - Their Finest Hour: The Battle of Britain 1940 ||| By: Gregg Anderson / | \ GEnie: AEO.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Never have so many computer enthusiasts owed so much to so few... well, almost anyway. My apologies to Mr. Churchill but I couldn't resist. Anyway, Lucasfilm's "Their Finest Hour; the Battle of Britain 1940," hit the streets almost two years ago and quickly earned the title of "most realistic simulator." This outstanding program puts you square in the middle of the most famous air battle in history and in personal command of the most capable aircraft of the day. If you've played Lucasfilm's original combat simulator, Battle Hawks 1942 (BHwks), then Battle of Britain 1940 (BoB) will feel familiar. Despite the similarities of concept and layout, BoB is a noticeable upgrade over BHwks. The graphics are sharper, the competition's more skilled, the feel more realistic, and the aircraft more durable. In fact, a burst of machine gun or cannon fire that would have blown a Zero into stray molecules only knocks a few pieces off a 109 or a Hurricane. One of the more pleasant surprises of BoB is its compatibility. I've tested it with a wide range of AUTO folder utilities, desktop accessories, and ICD's hard disk drivers with no problems. In fact I've yet to find ANYTHING that interferes with it - it's even compatible with the newer TOS's used on the STe, MegaSTe, and even the TT030. I have to admit that the TT030 does have one small problem with BoB, its mouse cursor has a serious case of palsy in the 'mission select' and 'Map' menus. Once in the flight simulator itself though it runs great. In fact I've found that BoB benefits quite a bit from faster CPUs. Eight Megahertz systems tend to have a slightly 'jerky' horizon refresh when you bank. On 16 MHz (and up) systems this 'jerky' display smooths out quite nicely. Falcon030 compatibility at this point is still unconfirmed, though I'd be surprised if there are any serious problems. If you install BoB on your desktop (new versions of TOS only) be sure to use the 'Set Application' to something other than 'Top Window' in your desktop configuration. That or make sure you don't have any windows open when you click on BoB's icon on the GEM desktop. Also, if you should be lucky enough to be running BoB on a TT030 then avoid trying to run it from TT RAM, unless you enjoy flickering displays that is. When run from ST RAM BoB works just fine, but TT-RAM compatible it's not. Major Kudos are due Lucasfilm for convincing Electronic Arts to market the program WITHOUT disk-based copy protection. That's right kiddies, BoB is HARD DISK compatible and being run from a hard disk seriously improves game play. To prevent piracy, Lucasfilm provides an authentication disk that combines symbols, names, numbers, and colors from within the game and a codewheel to produce a number and color combination to tune your radio in the Map display. It's impossible to authenticate without the codewheel and playing the game without authenticating limits you to five minutes of game play (makes a great demo though). While initially confusing, this system is easier to use than most "find the word" systems and more pirate proof than "match the picture" schemes. In short, it's a copy protection system I can live with. My only complaint is that you must re-authenticate for the first couple of missions. Once should be enough. In addition to the authentication process, the Map also provides 'on air' reports of enemy aircraft, target locations, and a guide for returning to your home base. In short it acts like an actual radio for guiding your actions. One change in BoB is the addition of joystick as well as mouse control. Many simulator addicts will welcome this as a major improvement in playability but, in my opinion, this is misleading. I've played BoB with both mouse and joystick and for me mouse response is smoother and easier to control. Joysticks may feel more natural but they just don't offer the same level of control as a mouse. Unfortunately, BoB leaves both mouse and joystick active so if you use the joystick you have to be careful not to accidently bump the mouse (and visa-versa) while playing. If you do you may get to learn the hard way how difficult it is to recover from an unexpected flat spin. BoB's Owners Manual is, as expected of Lucasfilm, outstanding. It starts with a brief (if slightly one-sided) outline of the events that led to the outbreak of WWII and continues with a detailed description of the Battle of Britain itself. It also includes an analysis of the various aircraft involved in the battle, proven air combat tactics, general flight rules, and even a simple "jump start" section for folks too impatient to read the entire manual before playing. Also provided is a special appendix for ST owners with instructions unique to our system. As with BHwks, the cockpit instrument panel gives a constant display of air speed, engine RPM, attitude, altitude, and damage levels. Controls for flaps, landing gear, camera, bomb, and even the gun and cannon switches change position when activated. Visibility from every aircraft is excellent with a clear field of view in all directions. While the bombers use their rear gunner's position, the fighters have a small (but historically accurate) "rear view mirror" mounted on top of the cockpit for their aft view. There's even a "replay camera" which records and replays (from outside the cockpit if you want) your maneuvers. This is the only third party view available within BoB and, while better than nothing, is NOT the same as the live action views offered from many other flight/combat simulators. It is, however, a seriously handy utility though if you can remember to turn your camera on at the right times.... One handy feature of BoB is the ability to modify the mission parameters of your session. You can select your opponent's skill levels to range from Novice (drooling idiot) to Top Ace (God in a cockpit). For yourself you can select unlimited ammo, unlimited fuel, and unlimited damage (otherwise referred to as the "immortal Second Lieutenant mode"). Be warned that if you select unlimited ANYTHING you won't be able to save your game score or pilot status. After all, what's the point in keeping score if you're unbeatable? The historical accuracy of BoB is incredible. From the overall appearance of the aircraft to the individual cockpit instrument panels it's obvious that Lucasfilm strove for historical accuracy. The overall graphics are incredibly realistic and, with only a few exceptions, the cockpit instruments are historically correct as well. Even the handling parameters of each aircraft have been faithfully reproduced, with the Spitfire maneuvering like a leaf in the wind while the He-111 responds with all the grace and agility of a Mack Truck. Combat itself has been made more realistic; hit your opponent with machine gun or cannon fire and bits & pieces start flying off. A few more hits and he'll start to burn. Pound it long enough and the pilot will bail out of his crippled aircraft. Hit it just right and your opponent vanishes in an impressive ball of smoke and flame. Since we're talking about World War II there's no "Fire and Forget" air to air missile system here and no Heads-Up Display either, just a small glass gunsight in front of the pilot. You've got to get right on top of your opponent and hammer away with your guns up close to have any real hope of knocking him down. In fact hitting ANY target is a challenge and it's all too easy to run out of shells at the worst possible moment (unlimited ammo is available in the training mode). Generally try to avoid firing until you're fairly close to the target, and save your cannons until you're just about to run into him. Takeoffs and landings are surprisingly smooth and realistic, though possibly a bit too easy. I'd like to see more detail on the landing fields and other ground objects though. Generally speaking the only ground details you're liable to see are your targets and building or two next to airfields. Though flaps & landing gear are present there's no evidence of any wheel braking systems, a strange shortcoming in an otherwise accurate simulator. Within the limits imposed by resolution and screen size, the interior details of the aircraft are unbelievably accurate and show Lucasfilm's attention to detail and accuracy. The Bf.109, Ju-87, and Me-110's instrument panels seem to have been taken directly from the original aircraft. The Spitfire and Hurricane, on the other hand, share an instrument panel that, if not 100% accurate, is surprisingly realistic. Also sharing identical instrument panels are the three German bombers. The panel used seems to be based on the Ju-88 or the Do-17s since the He-111's layout was radically different. Despite this the display is excellent and no doubt accurate for one of the bombers. The He-111 gun positions are almost 100% accurate with the gun positions on the other two based on this display. The addition of an "Auto-Fire" feature allows the player to concentrate on flying or bombing while attackers are shot at automatically. Though handy it's wasteful of ammunition and should be used sparingly. There's also a bombardier position that provides limited flight information and control. There's no obvious system for adjusting the bombsight for aircraft speed & altitude. Scoring hits takes as much guesswork as it does skill. Considerable practice will be needed to become accurate. The bombers also have an Autopilot, but since it's limited to just holding the current airspeed and altitude it's more a throttle lock than an autopilot. Though primarily a Tactical simulation, a Strategic aspect was added with the inclusion of the Mission and Campaign options. The Mission builder allows you to create custom missions to YOUR exact specifications, from aircraft type to targets, opponents, and enemy aircraft. As in the supplied missions, you can select opposing skill levels that range from Novice to a Top Ace that puts Adolf Galland to shame. In other words, if you don't like reality you can always write your own war. The Campaign Mission option merges the strategic and tactical elements of BoB and gives you the chance to change history. Here you create a realistic series of missions that parallel (or alter) the actual events of the Battle of Britain. You design and lead a series of 15 to 20 missions involving several aircraft against a variety of targets. You take off, attack or defend, and return to your home base. Survive and succeed and your results are merged with the entire mission's so that everyone was successful. Do poorly and everyone fails. Do well enough and you may change history, fail and you'll watch your forces go down in abysmal defeat. So is the program missing anything? Well, yes. Badly needed is a variable time compression system instead of just "on or off." Most missions require that you return to base and land before ending and this can take a LOT of time. Press "Q" to quit too soon and you're likely to find yourself captured or floating in the English Channel praying for a rescue boat. While the Reference Book is handy, a keyboard mounted "command card" would have been even handier. There's also no way to add different aircraft for a little "what if" war gaming. Also missing are external views like those offered by F-19 & F-16. Finally there's the rather limited sound effects. I'm afraid Lucasfilm didn't go out of its way any to push the ST's sound system any. While visibility and screen details are good, BoB seems slow to display the left, right, and rear views from the cockpit. In fact it's slower than the same routine in Battle Hawks and noticeably slower than MicroProse's Stealth Fighter and Spectrum Holobyte's F-16. Also slow is the Map and "Tune Radio" display. This is not the case when running on a TT030, here they tend to be almost instantaneous. Despite these rough edges, I feel BoB is still the most realistic and historically accurate WWII combat simulator I've ever seen on the ST. All in all, the Battle of Britain 1940 is an outstanding game that deserves a LOT of attention. If you liked Battle Hawks 1942 you'll LOVE Battle of Britain. Even if you didn't, you'll like BoB's improved playability and historical accuracy. In short, you owe it to yourself to check this one out! By the way, I hate to admit it but it's been a while since we've seen any new ST games of this quality released here in the US. If you enjoy air combat simulators then I strongly suggest that you take advantage of this outstanding simulation and support Lucasfilm and any other company that supports us. If you can, include a note with your warranty card asking that Lucasfilm port their newer simulations like "Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe" and "X-Wing" to the STe, TT030, and Falcon030. We deserve these excellent programs but we won't see them unless Lucasfilm Film (and others) have reason to think there's a market for them in Atariland. Lucasfilm Games, PO Box 10307, San Rafael, CA, 94912. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Combat Aircraft within BoB =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Messerschmitt Bf.109 E-3 was Germany's premier fighter and had gone virtually unchallenged until the arrival of the Spitfire. Though slightly slower and marginally less maneuverable at low altitudes (where most air combat occurred) than the Mark II Spitfire, the 109's fuel-injected engine allowed it to out-climb, out-dive, and at high altitudes, outperform the Spitfire Mark II and generally outperform the Mark I at all altitudes. The 109's cowl-mounted twin 7.92mm machine guns and dual 20 mm cannon also gave it a noticeable edge in hitting power. Though superior to the Hurricane, victory over a Spitfire usually depended on pilot skill. The greatest disadvantage of the 109 was its limited combat range (external drop tanks didn't appear on German fighters until later). This limited the 109 to less than 20 minutes over England and greatly reduced its ability to protect the bombers. Often 109 pilots were left swimming in the English Channel after running out of fuel on their way back to their bases in France. Oddly absent from BoB is the more powerful Bf.109 E4/N which began appearing around the same time as the Mark II Spitfire. Despite having been designed as a heavily armed and durable long- range fighter (like Lockheed's P-38), the Me 110's so-so maneuverability made combat with a Hurricane a doubtful proposition, and taking on a Spitfire an invitation to suicide. It wasn't until later in the war that the 110 was to find success as a long range night fighter. While the Junkers Ju-87 Stuka developed a horrifying reputation in the early days of the war the reality was to prove quite different. A supremely accurate dive bomber, the Stuka's slow speed and lack of maneuverability left it a good machine to be shot down in in the face of any enemy opposition (such as the arrival of a Spitfire or Hurricane). It took only a few disastrous missions before the Stuka was withdrawn from the Battle of Britain. Despite its weaknesses the Stuka was to remain an active dive bomber and an amazingly effective anti-tank aircraft in the Eastern Front until the war's end. With its 4,410 lb. bombload, the Heinkel He-111 was the closest thing Germany had to a strategic bomber. Close but not nearly close enough. With its slow speed, medium-sized bombload, and limited range, the He-111 just wasn't up to the task of bombing England into submission, especially not in the face of opposing Spitfires and Hurricanes. About the only good thing you could say about the Dornier Do 17z-2 bomber was that it was faster and more durable than the JU-87 Stuka. This was the oldest front-line bomber in Germany's inventory and, while impressive back in 1934, it was showing its age by 1940. It was, in short, totally outclassed by the time it entered the Battle of Britain. The bomber of choice in BoB is the Junkers Ju-88. This was Germany's fastest, longest ranged, most durable medium bomber to see combat in the early days of the war. The flip side was that it had a smaller bombload than the He-111 and lacked the He-111 & Do-17's side-mounted machine guns. The Hawker Hurricane was an older design than the Spitfire and showed it in slower speeds and less agile handling. Despite that, it more than proved itself a capable and deadly combat aircraft. With its durability, and eight .30 caliber machine guns, the Hurricane's primary task was attacking the German bombers. Though lacking the 109's cannon, the Spitfire's eight .30 caliber machine guns delivered a deadly rain of bullets that, at close range, even the durable He-111 couldn't ignore. With its higher speed and greater maneuverability, the Spitfire Mark I proved itself a near match for Germany's deadly Bf.109E-3 and, in the Mark II, often its superior. I was surprised to see the Mark II Spitfire included in BoB. This refinement of the Spitfire didn't go into series production until after July 1940 and would have been available in very limited numbers at best until after the Battle of Britain was technically over. --==--==--==--==-- ||| Krimen on GEnie ||| By: Ed Krimen - Messages reprinted courtesy of GEnie / | \ GEnie: AEO.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// THEY'VE ARRIVED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atari-ST RoundTable Category 14: Atari Corporation Online Topic 18: The Falcon has landed. Message 9 Fri Apr 23, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] (Forwarded) Well, ATY Computer in Oakland got its Falcon Demo unit yesterday (thursday) which I can verify because I went down there and saw it today... ~Chris ---------- Message 10 Sat Apr 24, 1993 P.THOMAS6 (Forwarded) The Falcon has been spotted in the Twin Cities! ---------- Message 11 Sat Apr 24, 1993 R.WATSON15 [Wayne Watson] (Forwarded) The Falcon landed at Micro Computer Depot in SC today. They were the dealer demo units and they had a User Group meeting tonight (23rd). It makes a great sound machine. They showed talking into the microphone and playing it back. It sounded exactly the same as the guy talking (even at 25khz). They had it hooked to a XGA monitor and you could use ALL the video modes on the one monitor. Even though it is only rated at 640 x 480, the screen looked real nice. They showed off some pictures that looked REAL nice in the different modes and in Truecolor. All I can say is nice. The sound output from the speakers they hooked up was real nice also. If Atari can get the word out, I think they will sell a lot of these things. Word is, they are about 350,000 units backordered around the world. About 60,000 US. It is a real nice machine but, I will still wait for the 2 piece unit. My MSTE has gotten me spoiled. In 16 color mode, the screen redraw was pretty quick considering it wasn't running ANY graphics accelerator. The 256 color mode was tolerable. I didn't get to play with them like I wanted to do to there being the User Group show going on and all. When I am able to run a lot of the software available and see how it handles it, then I will determine if it is for me or not. AtariWorks is nice!!! Now all we need is the 2 piece unit with at least a 33mhz 030 and 800 x 600 x 256 graphics. ---------- Message 12 Sat Apr 24, 1993 J.P.C. at 14:48 EDT 350,000 worldwide and 60,000 USA.... BACKORDERS??? I think that's streching the w - o - r - d just a little bit. ---------- Message 13 Sat Apr 24, 1993 R.LUNSFORD2 at 16:55 EDT Thunderbird: Micro Computer Depot in Columbia, SC is not selling Falcons yet. They received demo units on Friday (23rd), and expect the consumer units in 2-3 weeks. They are not importing them from Europe, and they are not selling them. Russ ---------- Message 14 Sat Apr 24, 1993 HAINES [Chuck] at 23:04 EDT Yes, John would never rip anyone off. Depot is the only place I get my ST stuff from, and I will continue to do so. There must have been some misunderstanding, as John has known all along the Falcons were one piece, as Atari still doesn't even tell the dealers if there is a two piece one anytime near. Micro Computer Depot is taking orders for the second order of Falcons they are to receive that are for sale, as their first order is already sold out, awaiting delivery. To anyone thinking that Falcon interest has died down, all afternoon this is what you heard at the phone. "Micro Computer Depot. Yes we have them in. Yes you can. 2 - 3 weeks if you order now." You heard that all day long, even after business hours. And these calls were not from just around here. Probably half were long distance. About 50 people, from the User group and not, saw the Falcon Friday afternoon. Everyone was impressed. Period. ---------- Message 20 Sun Apr 25, 1993 C.OATES2 [Chris] at 22:04 EDT Okay, here's a software sighting: ATY Had 3 copies of Musicom for sale. If you haven't seen it, it's just a super-cool program for recording sounds with the falcon and doing real-time effects, such as flanging, pitch shift, echo, and a Karaoke effect for removing vocals from a music sample! ~Chris ====================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// DSP COMPRESSION FOR BACKUPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atari-ST RoundTable Category 33: Oregon Research Topic 2: Diamond Back II Message 178 Wed Apr 14, 1993 ORA.TECH at 23:18 EDT Diamond Back III probably won't be out until early summer, although we are still shooting for the Conn. Atari Show in mid-june. The DSP compression for the Falcon is taking longer to implement than originally planned. Best regards, Bob@ORA ====================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// INEXPENSIVE DIGITAL AUDIO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MIDI/WorldMusic RT Category 49: Note On, Note Off Topic 10: Old Atari Users Laughing at the Falcon Message 153 Fri Apr 23, 1993 KEBAUM at 23:35 EDT Just one comment this time around........Cubase Audio is available for the Atari ST, Atari Falcon, Macintosh & IBM platforms. On every platform it will require a direct to disk add on such as Yamaha's new CBX-D5, except on the Falcon because it has the needed hardware already. Guess what platform will be the least expensive to do Digital audio on???? One correction also, the Sunrize 8 channel direct to disk board for the Amiga 2000,3000, 4000 costs closer to $1300. Hmmmm, that's the same price as a 4Meg ram 65Meg HD Falcon. The good ole' "power without the price" slogan lives again! ====================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// WAREHOUSE GOODS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atari-ST RoundTable Category 14: Atari Corporation Online Topic 37: Wacky Stuff in the Atari Warehouse Message 2 Thu Apr 22, 1993 G.LABREC [Greg @ Atari] at 13:39 EDT To order any of the items listed in this topic send mail to G.LABREC with the following: Item Description(s) Quantity(s) Name Ship-to Address (No PO Boxes), City, State, Zip Daytime Phone Number MasterCard or VISA Number Card Expiration Date You may also order by phone by calling me at 408-745-2015. *NOTE* this is for ordering only, and I can sometimes be hard to get a hold of. Please don't call with questions. Ask here on GEnie. You may also pay by check or money order by writing to: Greg LaBrec Atari Corporation 1196 Borregas Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (Allow 2-4 weeks additional if paying by personal check) 7.25% sales tax must be added if ordering from California. $5.00 shipping and handling per order must be added unless otherwise specified. All items offered through this topic are sold as-is. No refunds, returns, or exchanges. ---------- Message 4 Thu Apr 22, 1993 G.LABREC [Greg @ Atari] at 22:58 EDT I found some interesting laser printers today. They are refurbished SLM804's but they don't have any drums in them. They are in the box and have been tested. There are only 18 of them and they can go out the door for $239.95 shipping and handling INCLUDED. I did get all your requests, and I have found some of the items. I did find about 43 wireless controllers. I'm waiting for pricing. I'm trying to get them down to $18.00 a pair. Someone asked about MegaSTE keyboards. I found some. Just waiting on pricing. ---------- Message 5 Fri Apr 23, 1993 D.A.BRUMLEVE [kidprgs] at 01:00 EDT Greg, wondering if you've found a bunch of SMM804's, the old Atari 9-pin printer... ----------- Message 6 Fri Apr 23, 1993 J.ALLEN27 [FAST TECH] at 09:54 EDT I really liked Bill Rehboch's office chair, is there any price for that, shipping included of course? ====================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// THE GRAPHICS CARD OF GRAPHICS CARDS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atari-ST RoundTable Category 16: ISD/DMC Product Support Topic 12: CyberCube Sunrise M16-1280 Message 18 Tue Apr 20, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 23:31 EDT There have been quite a few questions raised on the various services over the last little while. As most of the issues addressed are quite common, I thought I'd take the opportunity to share them with you here. EM> Incidentally the version at Replay (an Atari Dealer in Toronto) was EM> said to have 2048 x 2048 graphics, and you say the new version affords EM> even higher resolutions than that? If so, what? And what monitor can EM> handle that? THe best monitor I've seen thus far that can handle EM> resolutions like that is the Cornerstone Technologies, and it handles EM> up to 2048 x 2048. Well, the cards support resolutions up to 4096x4096. With that kind of resolution we are talking about monochrome pictures and we are talking about a principle called 'virtual' resolutions. The actual resolution displayed on the monitor is most often a lot lower than the total 'virtual' screen. To give you an example: set up your monitor for e.g. 800x600 (choose what you want, this is just an example), set up the card for (again just to pick something) 2048x3072. Our VDI driver will work on the entire area and you can use the mouse to scroll your 800x600 'window' over the entire 'virtual' area. Confusing enough ? Hmmm, maybe I should try do draw a small pic... _________________________________ | | | ___________ | | | | | | | 800x600 | | | | | 2048x3072 | | !___________! | | | | | !_________________________________! Here is how it works: you always see 800x600 pixels on screen. You can use your mouse to move or shift the 800x600 window within that larger 'virtual' area of 2048x3072. And these are the limits of the card: - horizontal resolutions MUST be an even multiple of four (gosh, sounds very restricting! *,* ) \_/ - vertical resolutions can be any arbitrary number up to the maximum buffer size usage. - Every CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 card comes with 2 MB of high speed video RAM. Therefore the maximum resolution can be computed as follows: 2 MB * 8 bits / (x_resolution * y_resolution * bits_pixel) Example: for 256 colors (needs 8 bits per pixel): 2097152 * 8 / (x_resolution * y_resolution * 8 ) So, I you for instance choose 2048 as your horizontal resolution, you can have a maximum of 1024 lines. This works out to: 2048 x 1024 in 256 Colors. We supply a predefined screen setting that *DISPLAYS* that entire resolution on a 21" monitor. But by keeping the above listed restrictions in mind, choose any suitable resolution and perform the simple test to see if it 'fits in'. Here a few 'magic' numbers that might be of help: MODE BIT PER PIXEL Monochrome 1 4 colors 2 16 colors 4 256 colors 8 True Color 32 Remember, to use any 'non-standard' resolution, like the fantasy resolutions we talked about a little earlier, you will certainly need a multi-sync monitor. You can use any industry standard VGA monitor, single-frequency monitor, multi-frequency monitors from 12" to 37". But by using the virtual resolution technique you can also use lower rated monitors to enjoy the freedom of a HUGE desktop. Ralf. ---------- Message 19 Tue Apr 20, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 23:33 EDT EM> Ah, yes, I'm familiar with the principle of 'virtual resolutions'. EM> Many of the monochrome emulators for colour STs use the same EM> technique. Yep, that's almost it. Only that we offer better scrolling & panning. If you're using a serial 3 button mouse, you can use the middle button to 'move' your window in the virtual area. EM> I have a few questionns about the graphics board, though: EM> 1) Is the on-board RAM expandable? To what degree? And EM> what sort of RAM does it use? Although the cards have a special expansion connector, you cannot expand the video frame buffer memory (you could if you wanted to, but this would not a plug-and-play solution like the rest of the products we offer). Here are the reasons why: 1. the RAM used is VRAM (video RAM). A special (and costly) RAM designed especially for high-end graphics cards. Not something you come across in your next door computer shop. 2. 2 MB of RAM seems quite reasonable or not ? Remember the normal ST modes work with 32 KB, the TT has 153 KB. So, managing 2048 KB seems to be quite the right size for some time to come. 3. Space limitation. There is no room left in the small VME cage to add anything more besides the CyReL M16 graphics card and one M16 expansion module like our VidiMix8 Desktop-Video module. 4. Power considerations. We tried really hard to stay within the recommended power consumption levels (and did so). Adding more RAM would consume A LOT more power. EM> 2) What sort of software is available to support this card? Any EM> animation software? If there is, how would it compare -- on a EM> larger scale, mind -- to Cyberpaint? Does it use frame flipping EM> or does it actually monitor the changes from frame to frame and EM> capture only that which has changed? First off all, we provide a general replacemet for the VDI. Think of something like WARP 9, TURBO ST, NVDI or whatever these VDI replace- ments may be called. The benefit: Allmost all software that worked on your computer before (when running GEM and the desktop) will work on the card as well. As a matter of fact, I HARDLY use the normal video output of my TT at all. I use assemblers, compilers, editors, wordprocessors, picture viewers, drawing programs, CAD programs and DTP programs, all directly on the card. To answer your question: yes there are some fine drawing programs available that use the VDI and run on the card. We just received the latest version of GEMVIEW (a JPEG, GIF, PCX, GEM, IFF etc. picture viewer from Dieter Fiebelkorn, Germany). It looks fabulous!! If you are interested in animation software, maybe you should ask LEXICOR about it! EM> 3) Is the card specifically designed for the MSTE/TT series, EM> or can it be used on a Mega ST? I assume it requires a VME EM> slot, at any rate. Something is coming. Sorry no further details yet. I'll keep you posted. For the time being, you'll need a VME slot. Ralf. ---------- Message 21 Tue Apr 20, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 23:35 EDT JB> I didn't think it would work..... I'm a bit dissapointed that JB> the VME bus was excluded in the Falcon... Well, at least until now, the VME bus has been perceived as an interface standard that allows you to play around with some wonderful ...TOYS (the costly ones!) and some pretty heavy duty system boards for industrial (or military) applications. So it iss rather more of a question of: did you really expected this sort of thing in a machine clearly targeted for the mass market, the home user ? I think the Falcon is a fine machine and certainly welcome as a big new attraction to the Atari market. Atari computers have evolved quite a bit over the years. There have been machines for all kinds of market segments and applications. And I am confident, that Atari will continue in this tradition. JB> I'd have personally rathered the same case as the TT that JB> would have been the best choice in my mind...There'd be JB> room & they wouldn't have to develop a new case... Well, let us have some diversirty. Even Ferrari does not package all their goodies in the same case! *,< \_/ JB> I'm still working on how they fit a hard drive in that JB> case...... Try to 'work' on something small, real small like 2.5" ! Maybe your getting the IDEa ! +,+ \_/ Ralf. ---------- Message 23 Tue Apr 20, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 23:40 EDT NC> So what is true colour then? 65,000 sounds like an ample number NC> especially use that are used to 16 colours and even the more NC> standard 256. How much difference is there between 65,000 NC> and true colour? Just interested! You had to ask that, didn't you ? *,* \_/ Hmmm.... how to describe the difference of color with ASCII text? Well, let's do a simple mind experiment. Task: Think of a small program that tries to paint every pixel on screen with a different color. Seems simple enough, or not? Now here is how it goes: 16 color mode: The program stops in the first row, after the 16th pixel has been drawn. No more colors left. Pitty! 256 color mode: A little more luck here, but again, the program stops in the first line, after the 256th pixel has been drawn. Yes, that's all in glorious 256 color mode! Hi-Color or 65,536 color mode: Assuming we have a 1024x768 display, the program stops after drawing 64 lines, every pixel with a different color. Assuming again that your characters on screen are 16 pixels high, that's as much as 4 lines of text! And now... 16.7 Million color mode (True Color): Boy, we have to expand the screen. The program could fill an display with the size of 4096 x 4096 (!) pixels, every pixel with a unique color shade! No tricks, no flickering interrupt driven stuff. Just the plain display mode! Assuming again a character size of 8x16 pixels, that represents an area of 512 characters per line, 256 lines per screen. Big enough to start with ? But the difference between a 65,000 color display and a 16 Million color display becomes even more apparent if you want to display pictures which contain a lot of color shading, i.e. very smooth color transitions. And for all those who doubt they really need 16.7 Million colors... ... you don't need to watch 16.7 Million colors since you can emulate the 65,000 color mode on the CyReL SUNRISE cards as well. *,< \_/ Seriously, let's compare the color issue with something a lot more people would have some experience with: What sense does it make to expand your system with i.e. 8-bit wide RAM cards if your computer has 32-bit RAM? My point is, people apparently do not compromise when buying the best possible RAM upgrades. So why settle with an inferior graphics output. Besides, what do you watch most of the time ? Your RAM or your screen ? +,+ \_/ Working with the computer is a visually driven interaction. Demanding the best possible performance levels for the interface you work with the most, does not only make sense, it also preserves your health. +.+ \_/ Ralf. ---------- Message 24 Tue Apr 20, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 23:41 EDT SS> I must admit that I keep getting impressed by you and your SS> company! I admire Cybercube because as you said you concentrate SS> on producing "good" products not cheap ones. These are tough SS> times and a lot of companies try to get away with selling cheap SS> crap (pc clowns are one example) and that emphasis on quality has SS> disappeared. Shervin: Thanks for the nice compliments. But with increasing competition and our aspirations to compete on a 'global' market, we feel that we MUST make sure we offer products that can stand up and will endure the day-in day-out workload put on them. It has always been our goal to reduce MAINTENANCE & SERVICING COSTS. How do you do it? Simply by doing it right in the first place. We are far from claiming that we invented this principle, rather it seems to be a growing trend nowadays. Let's hope many more will follow. SS> I must say that for what the Sunrise/Skyline cards do, they are SS> indeed INEXPENSIVE. I don't believe EVEN the clown market has SS> cards that can compete with it in the price/performance category. SS> I am impressed I must say. If I were into video work, I would SS> definitely save my pennies and purchase your card. With the most recent addition of the VidiMix Video Desktop Module we hope to emphasize even more that comparable systems often cost a couple (of thousands *,* ) dollars more. \_/ SS> I am glad Cybercube is supporting Atari computers which are SS> unique in their own right. Well, we'll do it as long as there is demand for our products. A lot depends on how the Atari platform is supported in general. This in turn depends on every user. We welcome any suggestions and any help we can get. *,< \_/ Ralf. ---------- Message 35 Sat Apr 24, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 22:13 EDT Introducing: The CyReL VidiMix8 Desktop-Video Module The VidiMix8 is an expansion module designed to add desktop video capabilities to the CyReL M16-1280 High Resolution True Color Graphics Cards. The VidiMix8 encodes computer generated pictures, animations and images in 12 different international TV standards while providing a host of special effects. A user friendly GEM-based interface allows the user to instantly capture live video clips, single frames, even resize video images in real-time. The VidiMix8 offers three video inputs for multiple-source processing as well as a SVHS and composite video output. Add a fresh touch to your presentations, design fancy titles for your favourite video clips, enhance the appearance of your shots or add some stunning visual effects to your footage. ---------- Message 36 Sat Apr 24, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 22:17 EDT Here is a partial list of programs found to be compatible with the CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 Graphics Cards. NOTE: This list is *NOT* complete. The information is provided 'as is'. Some of the programs listed have been tested by Cybercube, others by our customers. Should you require more information about a specific program, please contact the author/manufacturer directly. This will most of the time be the best way to find out if the program is 100% VDI compatible. In case you are not able to contact the these parties, try the manufacturer/distributor or leave a message here. We will try our best to answer your questions. ----Telecommunications----------------- Rufus Terminal Program Stalker Terminal Program Steno Capture Buffer prog. Connect Terminal program Alladin GEnie Interface ----Filehandling----------------------- Cheetah File Manager CodeHead MAXIFILE File Manager ----Screen Accelerators---------------- Bela NVDI* Accelerator CodeHead WARP9* Accelerator ----Utilities-------------------------- Selectric Fileselector Letemfly Flying Dialogs CodeHead MULTIDESK** Accessory Manager CodeHead HOTWIRE Program Launcher STZIP Decompressor COMMAND Command Line Interface Gribnif MUTIL** Disk Utility Atari PRGFLAGS File Utility Atari NOROACH Disk Utility Bela GEMTEST Benchmark WINNI 40 Windows program CHAMELEON Accessory Manager PRIV_EYE System utility SYS_INFO System Utility STDCAT Disk Catalog prog AUTOSORT AUTO Folder Manager SuperBoot Boot Utility ----Accessories------------------------ CyReL SERMOUSE Serial Mouse Manager CyReL CYRELSSM Serial Mouse Accessory CyReL PALMASTR Palette Master CyReL VDI_CONF VDI Configuration CyReL RUNME1ST Installation program CyReL CB_PAINT Fun paint program CyReL DISPCONF Display Configuration PAULA Mod Player GRAFITY Fun paint program MDISK RAM Disk/ File Manager MPAINT Paint program BIT37 Disk Formatter ORA DFORMAT Disk Formatter GEMLOAD CPU workload display GLASNOST Disk space analyzer PROCALC Calculator SNAPSHOT Snapshot utility Atari TLKCLOCK Talking Clock Atari XCONTROL Extended Control Panel ----CPX Modules------------------------ Atari GENERAL Version 01.20 Atari SOUND Version 01.00 Atari CONFIG Version 01.00 Atari MACCEL Version 01.01 Atari MODEM Version 01.20 Atari PRINTER Version 01.20 Atari SAMPLE Version 01.00 Atari FONTGDOS Version 01.00 Atari COLOR Version 01.06 Atari FSM Version 01.00 Atari FSMPRINT Version 01.00 Atari COLOR Version 02.00 Atari WCOLORS Version 02.00 COOKIES Cookies viewer FILEINFO Dir config CPX SYSTEM System/OS analyzer BOOT AUTO Folder ASCIITAB Programmer's utility SETENV Environment String CPX ----System Software-------------------- CyReL CM16_VIP M16 Boot Program CyReL M16VDI8B 256 color VDI CyReL M16VDITC True Color VDI Atari GDOS GDOS OS extension Atari FSMGDOS GDOS OS extension Atari MINT Multi-tasking TOS Atari MULTITOS Multi-tasking TOS POWERDOS Multi-tasking OS, LAN ----DTP Programs ---------------------- DMC CALAMUS Calamus SL DMC OUTLINE3 Font/Image processing Soft-Logik PAGESTREAM V2.2 ----Image Processing------------------- TMS CRANACH Touch-up/post-processing HiSoft TRUPAINT Graphics/Drawing ----Charting/Drawing Programs---------- SciLab SCIGRAPH Vektor Drawing ASH PAPILLON Graphics Lexicor PRISMPNT** Prism Paint Artis ARTIS3** Paint program ----Word Processing-------------------- GST WORDPLUS First Word Plus WordflairII Word processor ----CAD Programs----------------------- Ditek DynaCADD CAD program GfA GFADRAFT** Drafting program ----Rendering/Animation---------------- RAYSHADE512 Renderer Lexicor PHOENIX Renderer Lexicor CyberColor Recoloring utility Lexicor TRACE Tracer/Vektorizer ----Editors---------------------------- EDISON Editor 7UP Editor ----Assemblers------------------------- HiSoft GENST Editor/Assembler HiSoft DEVPACK Editor/Assembler Borland TASM Assembler ASH PASM Assembler ----Debuggers-------------------------- TEMPLMON TempleMon HiSoft MONST Debugger HiSoft MON Debugger OverScan SYSMON Tracer ----Compilers-------------------------- Borland TC Turbo C ASH PC Pure C ----Harddisk Utilities----------------- Atari HARDDISK Backup program TURTLE Backup program THEVAULT Backup program ORA BACKUP Diamond BackUp ORA EDGE Diamond Edge ----Alternate Desktops----------------- GEMINI Desktop replacement ----Recource Construction Sets--------- ORCS Otto's RSC Atari RCS8 Digital Research RSC Atari SE Sprite Editor ----Viewers---------------------------- CyReL VIEW_JPG JPG Viewer CyReL VIEW_TGA TGA Viewer CyReL VIEW_GIF GIF Viewer CyReL VIEW_PCX PCX Viewer 1STView File/Image Viewer GEMView File/Image Viewer/Converter Migraph IMGSHOW IMG Viewer Lexicor TTGIF2 GIF Viewer ----Math programs---------------------- MNDL_FPU Mandelbrot MNDL_INT Mandelbrot ----Games------------------------------ BALLERBURG Game TETRIS Game BREAKOUT Game REVERSI Game --------------------------------------- This list will be ammended and updated as required. )* needs CyReL M16 PM2 Module )** requires patch ---------- Message 38 Sat Apr 24, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 22:41 EDT Re: CyReL M16 VDI Compatibility The previous post list some of the programs already tested on the CyReL cards. Since this is a constant process, we are adding files daily. But even this 'snapshot' clearly demonstrates the broad scope and the flexibility of the CyReL software. Here is a list of all the drivers shipped with the cards: CyReL XBios Emulator CyReL TT Color Emulator CyReL LINE-A Emulator CyReL VT52 Emulator CyReL VDI Driver These drivers and emulators plus the provided accessories to control their function, create a comfortable and fast working environment. Ralf. ---------- Message 39 Sat Apr 24, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 22:47 EDT Lou, these graphic/file viewers are 'customized' to take advantage of the particular features of the cards. But if you are looking for a really stunning viewer, have a look at the *NEW* GEMView.... (I have to admit that the author of GEMView is a friend of mine, so please don't be suprised if I am constantly promoting not only our products but also his =') ) GEMView 2.30 is due to be released. It surpasses the current version in several ways: 1. more file formats (like Prism Paint files, TGA, Cranach ESM...) 2. better conversion features 3. improved user interface 4. MULTI-TOS compatible 5. ... CyReL M16 compatible ( =') ) I am sure there are many viewers out there... and I would love to hear what sort and type of viewers are used the most.... Ralf. ---------- Message 46 Mon Apr 26, 1993 CYBERCUBE [Ralf] at 20:46 EDT Joey, we have not set a final price for the CyReL VidiMix8 Desktop Video Module yet. As soon as I have more information about pricing, I'll post it here. The module works as an expansion board for the CyReL SUNRISE M16-1280 and fits entirely into the VME Slot. The only difference you'll notice are the extra ports when it is installed: the video in/out connectors The VidiMix8 software allows you to switch between three composite video inputs. Each input can either be terminated or act as a 'loop-through' port. The module accepts 12 international TV standards. Further, the VidiMix provides *SIMULTANEOUS* S-VHS and composite video output. This feature has been provided to give the user the best possible output signal. Additional features include chroma booster, gain adjustments, gamma correction and many more. Right now we are working on an 'MULTIMEDIA' extension for the GEM desktop. This will allow you to instanly record live video clips, capture single frames, resize video or simply record your images onto tape. Let me know if you need more informations. Ralf. ====================================== --==--==--==--==-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- -- -- -- To enroll as a Delphi subscriber, modem call 1-800-365-4636. Press -- -- [Return] once or twice, and type IP26 [Return] at Password: -- -- -- -- Answer all of the questions, and you'll be cleared for Delphi -- -- access in a few days. If you have questions about Delphi services, -- -- give a voice call to Delphi Member Services at 1-800-544-4005. -- -- -- -- --==--==-- Delphi Sign-Up Information --==--==-- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==--==--==--==-- ||| Developers' Press Releases ||| / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, I've been left Lyre-less this week, and what with a hundred other things begging for my attention, I've not had time to put together a proper Developing Notes for AEO. In lieu of the regular column, here's the TOS platform developer press releases sent in this week. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// CodeHeads Announce DigiTape =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CodeHeadQuarters April 30, 1993 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODEHEAD TECHNOLOGIES ANNOUNCES DIGITAPE: DIRECT-TO-DISK DIGITAL RECORDING FOR THE FALCON 030! DigiTape and Atari's new Falcon 030 computer combine to give you a complete professional-quality home recording system. DigiTape is an 8-track "simulated tape deck," with a modular plug-in/plug-out mixing board and 4 modular digital effect racks. It uses the amazing DSP (Digital Signal Processor) chip built into the Falcon to give you direct-to-disk digital recording that equals or surpasses conventional analog tape decks. There are two versions of DigiTape; here's a brief description of the features of each version: ---------------------------- DigiTape Light Suggested retail: US $149.00 ---------------------------- o mixing board with up to eight tracks (two for record, up to six for simultaneous replay) o sampling frequency selectable between 8 to 50 kHz in 16-bit stereo o modular digital effects such as reverb, echo, flanger, vibrato, distortion and more. (Developer's documentation available for writing DSP effects modules). o recording time with 55MB hard disk space: approx. 3 min 30 sec with 6 tracks at 25 kHz o frequency analyzer (for tuning guitars and other instruments) o online digital effect processor: 2 x 2 possible chained stereo effect combinations o all connections are through the Falcon's standard microphone-in and headphone-out jacks ---------------------------- DigiTape Suggested retail: US $199.00 ---------------------------- (includes the following additional features): o virtual track management of up to 64 tracks o burn in of digital effects ("print" effects on recorded tracks) o digital remix to hard disk: up to six tracks into two tracks with full digital effect mixing and stereo placement control o cut, copy, and paste functions -- both destructive and nondestructive o sample zoom function for accurate editing and "cutting" Availability of DigiTape and DigiTape Light will be announced shortly. For more information, contact: CodeHead Technologies P.O. Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Phone: (213) 386-5735 (Mon-Fri 9am-1pm Pacific Time) FAX: (213) 386-5789 BBS: (213) 461-2095 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= //// Eliemouse Complimentary Coloring Book Version 7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VERSION 7 of "The Eliemouse Complimentary Coloring Book" (ECCB7) is now available for shipping. One year of work has gone into this upgrade of version 6. ECCB7 is MULTI-LINGUAL, allowing hours of fun in English, Spanish or French for children ages 4 and up. Here are a few more of the many features added: Music feature added - play tunes with color, Psychedelic color shifting, Pattern fills, New on-line games, Slide show feature, Add toys to pictures, Instant 'string art' designs, Quick change of languages, Add picture labels, New interface features, F-key alternate commands, Quick sheet, and much, much more. ECCB7 is the only electronic coloring book featuring Eliemouse, the user friendly fellow who communicates with your child during the coloring activity. He is filled with compliments and ECCB is filled with lots of educational fun for your child. ECCB7 is being offered as a package as follows: Main Program with 6 starter pictures 140 compressed pictures (Eliemouse and friends, butterflies alphabet creatures, flowers, animation pictures, doofy dinosaurs, stain glass windows, christmas pictures and special story pictures). Eliemouse Spelling Hunt Color Adventure Game Eliemouse Paper, Scissors, Rocks Game Eliemouse Count the Peanuts Game 6 Bonus Color Screens (.PI1 format) 48 Page Printed Manual Souvenir Eliemouse Pencil Price $45.00 - a $100.00 value if purchased separately - pictures disks may be ordered separately at $5.00 per disk UPGRADE - Current users of ECCB may upgrade from any version to the above package for only $25.00 - Return original disk(s) and include $1.00 for postage) Order from: Baggetta_Ware P.O. Box 759 Agawam, MA 01001-0759 --==--==--==--==-- ||| ||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff / | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Happy May Day! ;-) I've fallen down on my deadline this week, and to make up for it, there will be an issue of AEO out next week. In it, expect to find an update on the Atari TT030 (no, it's not cancelled), a review of the smash new monster hit game of the decade, MicroProse's Civilization (guaranteed to disrupt many peoples' sleep patterns), and a transcript of Next Friday's GEnie RTC with Bob Brodie. That plus the usual features from the editors, plus whatever else shows up. Until the next issue of AEO, I remain, Your Editor Travis Guy --==--==--==--==-- (This issue printed on recycled photons) --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the Atari computer community. Material published in this issue may be reprinted under the following terms only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and author at the top of each article reprinted. Reprint permission is granted, unless otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari user groups and not for profit publications. Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of Atari Corporation. --==--==--==--==-- Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS, MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari Portfolio, Atari Explorer, Atari Explorer Online, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned in this issue belong to their respective owners. --==--==--==--==-- Atari Explorer Online Magazine "The Official Atari Online Journal" Copyright 1993, Atari Computer Corporation * * * * * * * * * * * * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A E O ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Volume 2 - Issue 9 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 1 May 1993 :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: wpwppwU33ss ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 EC Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (winter 1993) al meer dan negenhonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De november/december uitgave 1993 bevat de aanvullin- gen en wijzigingen van dat jaar. In uitgave nov/dec 1992 is een over- zicht van de Public Domain bibliotheek (bijgewerkt tot dec. 1992) te vinden. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk (database met filenamen) uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************