fp ZO`  @o! %`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa  O`  @o! %`')+-/1 3@5`79;=?A C@E`GIKMOQ S@U`WY[]_a c@e`gikmoq s@u`wy{} @` @ ` @ ` ` @ ` ǀ ɠ @ ` ׀ ٠  @` @`!Aa  NAUGHTY Z0NEWDEPAK Z0#UPUNPACK Z0ICE_DPAKPRG |+HCOPY PRG Qm@HCOPY RSC -m6<HCOPY TXT n6A647 tpLEES DIT U 3. Z0.. NAUGHTY DOC xQFNAUGHTY PRG Z4 The Naughty Unpacker Version 2.5 documentation October 8th, 1992 THIS VERSION WAS MADE EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DISK MAGAZINE ST NEWS **************** DISCLAIMER ******************* USE THIS PROGRAM ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK! I ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE USE (OR MISUSE) OF THIS PROGRAM! 1. Introduction --------------- Like many other users, I like trading off a little time against more disk space, i.e. I use packers to compress many programs on my hard disk. Unfortunately, not all packers have the option to unpack a packed program, so this had to be done "by hand" whenever necessary. With this in mind, I started to write TUU, "The Universal Unpacker" back in 1990, and soon I could unpack most of the files I had packed with popular packers like "Pack-Ice" or the "Jek Packers". TUU could also unpack pack several types of packed data files. To achieve this, it was necessary to include the unpacking routines of all supported packer types, and obviously this wasn't very flexible - even newer versions of the same packer weren't recognized when they were released. Thus, I had to think of something else, and what I came up with is this program. It uses a quite clever trick (IMHO) to spot the unpacking routine in the packed programs, executes them, and returns just before the program is relocated. Then, the unpacked program can be saved. To keep the program flexible, I decided not to include any checks for specific packers, so that it's up to you to make sure the program you choose is packed. Hence the name of this program ("Naughty") - it's likely to crash if you insist on trying it on a "normal" (not packed) program. Of course, it will check for certain "signs" of an unpacking routine, and it will warn you if the program contains relocation information - most packed programs are PC-relative (when they are packed), and the few packers that need to add relocation bits to the packed program are recognized automatically. 2. History ---------- In the meantime, there are quite a few different versions of Naughty floating around. I can't remember myself how many, but it must be more than half a dozen. The first versions (1.X) used to have a crude, .TOS-style user interface, and they were programmed in 100% assembly language. Some TOS bugs (or perhaps my bad programming) were responsible for problems with two TOS versions: 1.2 and 1.6. These problems all disappeared (thanks to Richard Clarkson BTW, who first reported those problems) when I rewrote the user-interface in C, with the main routines still being in assembly language. Anyway, these are the major versions, and what had changed in each of these: (Please forgive me for keeping the information is brief and technical!) [In brackets are later comments] Version 1.0, 2 Feb 1992: ------------------------ The first version, tested with Pack-Ice, Pack-Fire, and many other packers. No checks being made at all. Version 1.1, 3 Feb 1992: ------------------------ - Fixed incompatibility with Pompey Packer v2.6 - Added some Alert-boxes for easier use. - Added checks for executability, relocation, symbol table. - Wrote a documentation (fingers still hurting :) - Fixed a bug which caused the program to crash after trying 3 files... Version 1.2, 12 Feb 1992: ------------------------- - Relocatable programs can now be unpacked, if they have been packed with the Happy Packer or Pompey Packers (I hope!) - First version of Packers list (PACKERS.LST). Thanks to Richard Clarkson for the idea! Version 1.3, 16 Feb 1992: ------------------------- - I finally managed to test the program with PP v1.9a packed files, and fixed it so that they are recognized (they are relocated too). - (Potential) unpacking routines which used the following sequence: move #2/#3,-(sp) trap #14 addq.w/.l #2,sp to find out the screen address and copy the unpacking routine below that address are now forced to use a safer address... - The JAM Packer versions 3.0 pre-release and release 1.1 are now supported (pre-release only LZH compression), due to the above change! Version 1.4, not released. -------------------------- - some bugs fixed. Version 1.5, 29. March 1992 --------------------------- - Programs that had a symbol table can now be unpacked. - Unpacking routines which copy themselves into the space after screen memory on 512K computers ($7fd00) are forced to use a safe area. - Unpacking on exactly the same memory location is now allowed. - The sequence move.l (a0)+,d0; add.l d1,(a2,d0.l) is now recognized as relocation preparation (used at least by one packed file I have). - If the header of the file has larger values for TEXT-length and DATA-length than the file size, it is assumed to be a copy of the header of the unpacked file (the file is assumed to packed). At least one I know of uses this. - Added Atomik v3.5 compatibility - From now on, Naughty MUST NOT have the 'fastload' flag set. This is not a new problem, but I can't protect unused memory from ALL unpacking routines... [Since 2.X this 'fastload' is OK!] Version 1.6, 28th April 1992 ---------------------------- - Some bugs fixed again, I hope it works on all TOS versions now. - From now on you may choose whether to continue if file with relocation information has been chosen! This is very risky, and not recommended... It could be the only way though if you have a very exotic file format. Better only use it if you are 100% sure this is a packed file! [ some versions missing here ... extensive beta-testing by other people, mainly W. Alan B. Evans! Thanks a lot! ] Version 2.0, June 1992 ----------------------- - First version with GEM user interface! Added some nice things like "stay-on" dialogs to show what's happening. There seem to be no more TOS incompatibilities! - The resources look a bit weird on colour monitors... Version 2.1, July 1992 ----------------------- - This is the first single-file version after 2.0, the resource- file is now included in the program file. Version 2.2, August 13th, 1992 ------------------------------ - Added support for the BAPACK program. Thanks Michael for the packer! This version was made for you! - Fixed the .RSC file - all objects are character-aligned now, and should look the same in all resolutions... Version 2.3, August 18th, 1992 ------------------------------ - Fixed one minor bug, which caused the menu buttons to be redrawn incorrectly. Thanks to Peaci for spotting this... I'm sure that there are several other bugs in the GUI, but I'm too lazy to search for them! ;-) Version 2.5, September 24th, 1992 (ST News version) --------------------------------------------------- - A bug was removed that occured when the disk for the unpacked file was write-protected (thanks to Richard Karsmakers for spotting this!) - Half-written files (when disk had become full) are now deleted. - Unpacking statistics added (as requested by Jakey). - Added Sentry Packer support. - Better check for relocation info. - Several new packers tested and added to the list (thanks Michael Darlison!) - There is now an option to save the screen before unpacking and restore it afterwards, so that some of the nastier unpacking routines won't leave messages all over the screen. - Options may be saved. 3. Usage -------- I don't think there's much to say at this point, basically you'll have to click one of the buttons on the main dialog, which has the thing you want to do on top of it! :) I think the whole thing is rather self-explanatory... If something doesn't work, check if the program you tried to unpack was packed (or let someone who knows what he's doing have a look at it), and if it was, please let me know! I can be reached by e-mail or by snail-mail, my address is somewhere in this text! The only feature worth mentioning here is the 'SAVE SETUP' option, with which you can save your favourite setup permamently. In order to do this, the program file NAUGHTY.PRG must not be packed or modified in any other way (writing to it may damage it!) so if you prefer to keep it packed, unpack it first, then save the setup, and pack it again. Oh yes, before I forget it: As I have written earlier in this text, unpacking a program without knowing the type of packer used is risky business, so you'd better not keep valuable things in a ramdisk while you try it - you never know whether Naughty crashes or not, even though with 99% of all files which are NOT protected in any way it works fine. 4. Copying ---------- This program may be copied freely, as long as both files (NAUGHTY.PRG and NAUGHTY.DOC) are copied, and they are not modified in any way. If you find hacked versions of this program anywhere, please let me know! Feel free to copy this program to your friends, and let me know if you don't like something about it! Perhaps you can just let me know if it's any use to you - just send me an e-mail if it doesn't cost you anything (and if you have e-mail access!). I might send you a new version in return (if there is one) or some other things (PD)... 5. List Of Packers (*drum rolls*) --------------------------------- This is a list of all packers, which have been reported to work with the latest version of Naughty, plus some technical information about them: information: Packer: date: supported: |R|M|S|Other -------------------------------------------------|-|-|-|----------- ATOMIC 3.1 ??? yes |?| |?|(atomic) ATOMIC 3.3B ??? yes |?|?|?| -"- ATOMIC 3.3 ??? yes |?|?|?| -"- ATOMIC 3.5 ??? yes |x|s|x| -"- Automation 2.31 ??? yes | |s|x|(auto) Automation 2.4 ??? ??? |?|?|x| -"- Automation 2.51 ??? ??? |?|?|x| -"- Automation 5.01 ??? ??? |?|?|x| -"- BAPACK 1.0 yes | |?| | ByteKiller 1.4 1989 no |?|?|?| Bytekiller 2.0 no |?|7|?| Bytekiller 3.0 no |?|g|?|(bk3) DC Squish 1.4 no!? |?| |?|(DCSq) DEK Packer 1.3 yes |?|?|?| Happy Packer yes |x|?|?| I-Tech No Quick Cruncher no |x|?|?|(see pack20) JAM Packer 1.1 (.TTP version) yes | |s| |(jam) JAM Packer 3.0 pre-release yes(LZH) | |s|x| -"- JAM Packer 3.0 release 1.1 yes | |s|x| -"- JAM Packer 4.0 yes | |s| | -"- JEK Packer 1.2 ??? yes | |s| |(jek1) JEK Packer 1.3 ??? yes | |s| | JEK Packer 1.4 13.06.89 yes | |s| | L.S.D. Packer 1.2 18.01.89 yes | |s| | MCA-Crunch ??? |x|?|x|(mcacr) Pack 2.0 no |x| | |(pack20) Pack-Fire 1.01 03.08.90 yes | | | | Pack-Fire 2.01 19.02.91 yes | | | | Pack-Ice 1.13 20.05.90 yes | | | | Pack-Ice 2.12 22.06.90 yes | | | | Pack-Ice 2.20 21.11.90 yes | | | | Pack-Ice 2.31 19.02.91 yes | | | | Pack-Ice 2.40 14.08.91 yes | | | | PFX Packer 1.5 yes | | | | PFX Packer 1.7 yes | | | | PFX Packer 1.8 yes | | | | Pompey Packer 1.9a yes |x| |x|(pp19) Sentry Packer 2.05 yes |?|?|?| Speed Packer 2.0 yes | | | | Thunder Packer 1.0 yes |x| |x| VAT Pack 1.0 yes |?|?|?| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legend (confusing, isn't it?): R = adds relocation information (x=yes, blank=no, ?=don't know) M = unpacking routine accesses dangerous memory areas, such as just below $78000 - usually to copy the unpacking routine there. 7 = uses area below $78000 (very dangerous! avoid!) s = uses area below screen memory (a little risky) g = uses gemdos buffer area (dangerous!) blank = no Most unpacking routines however DO access memory that doesn't belong to them, which is after the data segment and is needed for the decompression (as a buffer). This is not very dangerous though. S = Packer is not programmed safely i.e. has problems with new TOS or harddisks, ACC's etc. (x=yes, blank=no, ?=don't know) Packer-specific stuff: ---------------------- (atomic): Version 3.5 compresses better than any other packer I know of, including Pack-Ice/Pack-Fire. Unfortunately, all versions I know of have bugs in the unpacking header - or better incomplete headers, so that eg. packed accessories won't load correctly. I have heard of one hacked version though, which has this fixed, I think Ford Perfect of BMT did the job, but I might be wrong! (auto): All these packers crash (when packing), so I can't test if the files created can be uncompressed. Please try that for me if you can... Automation 2.31 almost the same as LSD packer and JEK Packers... Automation 2.4 (actually Crown Of Creation Compacter v2.4) packed programs crash on TOS 2.05 when unpacked. (bk3): The Bytekiller v3.0 by M.Coates does not use a correct unpacking routine, it can't unpack PC-relative programs. This is the main reason it is not supported. (DCSq): I WILL NOT SUPPORT THAT ONE!!! (Spaghetti-code!! looks like a compiled-C unpacking routine!) Strangely, some programs packed with DC Squish DO unpack! Weird but true! :-) (mcacr): This one crashes all the time (TOS 2.05), if you can use it, please tell me if it works... Actually, not even programs packed with MCA Crunch will unpack and run on TOS 2.05!!! (pack20): contains very stupid code, which would have to be checked for separately, use the unpack.tos supplied with it instead!! Also, this one doesn't like the fastload/TT bits... You must remove those before packing with removsym.prg. (pp19): Crashes all the time too. Can be unpacked though (I hope!) Special message to the Pompey Pirates: GEM may have some bugs, but it's not GEM's fault if you don't know how to use it... Try to write a serious TOS-version-independent program! (jek1): The JEK Packers 1.1 - 1.4 and the LSD Packer are very much alike... (jam): The JAM Packers v3.0 are now supported too. However, with TOS 2.05 the compressed files can not be loaded from the desktop, only if uncompressed first with Naughty!! Also, the JAM-packer 3.0 pre-release V2-compressed programs cannot be unpacked with Naughty (at least the ones I tested) as it seems because of a bug in the packer. Please help me to complete this list, if you have any packers that work (or don't) and are not listed here, please let me know! 6. My contact address(es): -------------------------- The safest way to contact me, is to send a "common" letter to following address: Marinos Yannikos Wulfeniaweg 3 A-9100 Vlkermarkt AUSTRIA (Europe) If my landlord doesn't throw me out soon, I can be reached faster at this address (in Vienna, where I'm studying...) Marinos Yannikos Blumberggasse 14/1 A-1160 Wien AUSTRIA Alternatively, at least until the end of 1992, you can reach me by e-mail with this address: nino@vmars.tuwien.ac.at And if you feel really daring, you can try to call me (after 9pm local time, that's GMT+2 more or less...) at this number: (+int) 0222/4550305 7. What now? ------------ OK, now it's time for the greetings (in no particular order): Hi to: All S.O.T.E. members (esp. Thomas), Eye of the Brainwash Company, Michael Darlison, Richard Clarkson, Hackbear, Wizzcat, Drag (the insanely witty - nice diskmag!) John & Takis Pournaras in Greece, Kasper of Electra, Lazer, New Mode, Slime, Karl, Daniel, Chaos Inc. (all of Delta Force), Alexander Herzlinger, Thomas Schulze, Peaci, and the other IRC guys with the nicknames Pit, Haq, Knightman, Abel, D_Gently, Godsend, rosebud, Cep, Goemon, st-guru, Robo, Gero, hmallat, all the guys I met at the Mega Leif Convention '92 (Nic, Powa, Kasper, ...?) Special Greetings to the ST News team for spreading this program with one of their issues, and for making the best disk magazine on the ST (and possibly on all systems, but who cares about the other ones!). Special thanks go to Richard for putting up with me and answering so many letters all that time! :-) ...and all the other guys who I'm sorry to have forgotten because my brain is really burned out after some heavy C-coding at the university and some 3 hours coding and writing this stuff! I'll remember you next time! Have fun! 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PLEASE CHOOSEA SUITABLE VERSION OR CANCEL TO QUIT.PACK ICE FILE CLASH!!I CANNOT DETERMINE THE PACKER THATCREATED THIS FILE. PLEASE CHOOSE ASUITABLE PACKER OR CANCEL TO QUIT.ATOM FILE CLASHI CANNOT DETERMINE THE VERSION OF THEPOMPEY PACKER THAT CREATED THIS FILE.CHOOSE A SUITABLE VERSION OR CANCEL TOTEXTQUIT!POMPEY PACKER CLASHI CANNOT DETERMINE THE VERSION OF THERNC PACKER THAT CREATED THIS FILE.CHOOSE A SUITABLE VERSION OR CANCEL TOTEXTQUIT!RNC-1 PACKER CLASH____________________________________________________________LOADPREFSEXITSAVEINFO________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OKCancelSaveKEWL!CANCELxxxxxxxx.xxxV2.0V2.2Thunder v2Atomic v3.3xxxxxxxx.xxxCANCELThunder v1.1Thunder v1Atomic v3.1CANCELxxxxxxxx.xxxV1.5V1.9CANCELxxxxxxxx.xxxTYPE 1TYPE 2 New Dpak *.*\*.*\NDP_030.ACC\NDP_030.PRGNew Depack Batch Report ======================= New Depack Batch Report ======================= Fileinfo : \\*.*ExecutableDatafilePictureArchivePacked by ATOMIC v3.1.Coded by Altair.Packed by ATOMIC v3.3.Coded by Altair.Packed by ATOMIC v3.3.Coded by Altair.The BMT fix!Packed by ATOMIC v3.5.Coded by Altair.Ace packer!Packed by 4PACK.Coded by ???.This MIGHT be an ARCED fileTry using ARC to decompress.it!!!Packed by AUTOMATION v2.3r.Coded by Ozz.Packed by AUTOMATION v2.51.Coded by Ozz.Packed by AUTOMATION v2.3r/51.Coded by Ozz.Packed by AUTOMATION v2.51Chunk packed fileCoded by EGBPacked by AUTOMATION v5.01Chunk packed fileCoded by EGB/AXEPacked by AUTOMATION v5.01Coded by EGB/AxePacked by BAPACKCoded by BRASPacked by BYTEKILLER 2Coded by M.CoatesPacked by BYTEKILLER 3Coded by M.CoatesPacked by BYTEKILLERCoded by JPMProbably unpacked.Unless its a new packer.Possibly packed.File header is xxxx.Send it to me!.This file is unpacked and thelength shows it to be a DEGASpicture file.DEGAS ELITE file.by Tom Hudson.Packed by DCSQUISH v1.0.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by DCSQUISH v1.2.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by DCSQUISH v1.4.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by DCSQUISH v2.0.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by FIRE v1.Coded by AXE.Packed by FIRE v2.Coded by AXE.Packed by GOLLUM.Packed by GOLLUM.With Huffmans encodingPacked by Gremlin Packer.By Fungus the bogeyman!Packed by HAPPY packer.Coded by Ralph Hartmann.Packed by ICE v1.0Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v1.1.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.0.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.2.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.3.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.4.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.3/2.4.Coded by AXE.Packed by IMP! packer.Packed by IVORY DRAGONCoded by Vermillion Prawn!IFF file. Use a good art progOr Photochrome by Doug!Packed by Jpack.Might be by ACF?Packed by JAM packer 1.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3.Using V2 compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3.Using LZH compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using v2 compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using LZH compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using LZW compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using ICE compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3/4.Using LZH compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JEK/JAM v1.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JEK v1.2d.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JEK v1.3d.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Atlantis S/W Le Crunch.LHARC archive.Use Lharc to decompress it!Packed by LSD v1.2/1.3.Coded by Ozz.Packed by LSD v1.2.Coded by Ozz.Packed by LSD v1.3.Coded by Ozz.Packed by Mpack Coded by Mcoder - neat prog.This file is unpacked and thelength shows it to be a NEOpicture file.Animation object file.Created by Neochrome Master.THE art package! (hi Stefan!).Packed by PA packer.Coded by Keith Baines.Packed by power packer2.Something from the AMIGA!!Packed by PFX packer.Coded by M.Fritze & T.Questor.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES packerCoded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v1.5Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v1.9Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v2.3Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v2.6Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v3.0Coded by JPM.Probably unpacked.Unless its a new packer.Possibly packed!Send it to me!Packed by QPACK v2.Coded by JMP.Packed by RNC packer1.Coded by R.Northern.Packed by RNC packer2.Coded by R.Northern.Packed by Copylock packer.Coded by R.Northern.Packed by BYTEKILLER.Coded by Russ Payne.No way, I'm scared!!Packed by SENTRY v2.05.Coded by Eagle.Packed by SENTRY v2.11.Coded by Eagle.SPECTRUM 512 file.Coded by Antic.Great ART package.Packed by SPEED packer v2.Coded by The Firehawks.Packed by SPEED packer v3.Coded by The Firehawks.GREAT packer guys!Packed by STOS(tm) packerPacked by Superior packer?Coded by AXE?Packed by Super packer3Coded by INGO RUDDAT.Packed by THUNDER v1.Coded by JPM.Packed by THUNDER v1.1Coded by JPM.Packed by THUNDER v2.Coded by JPM.Unknown version of POMPEY PACKERSend it to me!Packed by an UNKNOWN packer.Any clues folks?Packed by VIC2 packer.ZIP archive.Use ZIP to decompress it.ZOO archive.Use ZOO to decompress it.   "("4&"4D  .\\D:2 .: JHHPb(t   Z|bph( `J&\P4 & *" & & ( ( ( 4     & (   (  * ( ( ( ( .  & ( (   ( $    & ( $& ( (  ( * (  ( $( ( & & <  * ( ( ( ( (2 >  H H H   * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 "<    ( 0 ( *    ( ( (  ( & &  (" 2:( ( * * 4 ( ( . , R    8$ .D:4<X2,       hP000000000000 `494` BARFreport.txtNew Depack by Mike from Sinister Dev.Please support quality shareware or this may be the final version.&H f&op`B@#3 k # Ј<.@#Jyg<"@(I$k,"Jf"JfB// ?<?<JNAO A<~kRrRAfA6<HCBB`6 !jBJ)gHiRC` "fSI "WSAkHiRCBSQJ)gHiRCHy$ONF0 J"LN ? 9g @N 9g @NN?<LNAA(p"@ "By A1B3 3 O"Nu/ Hz?<&NN\O$_Nu//"4UB|"bjJj < f-DC"t&HCJCf&HC;0NRBH@B@H@f`$?&8BCHC06H@0HC;0&RBJf8QB" _&Nu3!`0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz JgJgJgJgJg JgJgJfSHggggg ggf @Nug fC`Jg INuSHNu g<g8g4g0g,g(g$g ggggg ggf @Nu"HJgJgJgJgJg JgJgJf SNu/ &y g/ &S?<INA\O`&y g/ &S?<INA\O`&_NuJg/bg2 4gf!Sf`f`!Sg"gH?LxH?LxH?LxH?Lx`H?Lx8H?LxH?LxH?LxH?LxH?LxpH?LxHH?Lx H?LH?SfvLx2|HgS@!!Q|gSA!Q`2 4gfSf`f`S"gH?LxHxLxHx(LxHxPLxHxxLxHxLxHxLxHxLxHxLxHx@LxHxhLxHxLxHxLHSfxLx2|HgS@ Q|gSAQ _Nu/$gSe40HB4 gxH_>"&(*,."B$B&B(B*B,BH~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H~H`SfL||0HgS@!Q|gSAQ _NuJ@k|A0|NuB@NuHRHP?<INA\O$_NuHR/?<HNA\O @$_NuH>@NAO $_NuHRHP?<NA\O$_NuHR??/?<BNAO $_NuH>?NAO $_NuHR??<>NAXO$_NuHR??<NAXO$_NuHR?<NATO$_NuHR??<NAXO$_NuHR?<ONATO$_NuHR?HP?<NNAPO$_NuHR?HP?<=NAPO$_NuHR?HP?<0?|d`>Bo?|?|B@?@ ?@ ?@?@BA?A?A?A?AB@?@?@?@BoILGAa(8r@g A.a(<p DgBF29gl4+gfA0a~&JjA!pa$|`FAr0+aA6r0+aA9r0+aAQr0+axATr0+ajJFf"A`a r<29g4+g0+a|pDgjpa2/$0/"a`:B@aJEgL?/$4/$rB@6K u0aTO6Uf 20a<mf|f20amf20aJFgO>L8xNuH<$HGpIK0rAXWff0( N()8TP0*H23g8A0*BAa5`&0*H23g0*r aB` 0*H23g0*a5:0*TfHBT29gp`p?r?4*J?3 ?3 ?3 43 0*H spBAa(O aP0*lfBl0*lfBl`0*H23gta7HjHj ?*?* ?* C A4*r pa@O0*H s1j1j 0*H70*H7 0*H7 0*H7 HjHj ?*?* ?* C A4*r B@aOHjHj ?*?* ?* C A4*r paOHjHj ?*?* ?* C A4*r B@avO?*?* ?* ?*r0*aPOa6z`V0*Uf&2f ma58J@fAZpa`r 0a^r m?/pa>  _2a` 0*Ufa B@L<NuHO6GpIK0| |b@0;N .Crp 4J s al0gr?Bg4J?3 ?3 ?3 43 0H sp BAaO BlA a J@gx0,g29g Aa 8JDg09gr2,glAB@a(JjA!pax`LMLAWr0,a:Aor0,a,Arr0,aAr0,aAr0,aJDk A a 809g2,g 0,a(`x|g0,g2p?r?4J?3 ?3 ?3 43 8L s@pBAaO `*p?Bg2I?3 ?3 ?343 spBAaO r l?/paP  _2aMHnHnHnHVr0aO Nr0a1jHnHnHnHVr0aO Nr0a1F`Crp4J s a0gr?Bg4J?3 ?3 ?3 43 8L s@pBAa O AaJ@g AaH8`x|f,p?Bg2I?3 ?3 ?343 spBAaO `8p?r?4J?3 ?3 ?3 43 8L s@pBAaO kHaBHr l?/pa  _2aMHnHnHnHVr0aO Nr0a02HnHnHnHVr0aO Nr0a0`pa*Crp4J s aBp?Bg2I?3 ?3 ?343 spBAaO 0g42-g 0r ax`" la1 ;@J@fAXpa`paCrp4J s ap?Bg2I?3 ?3 ?343 spBAa^O 0g2-g 0r a` la0;@J@f`paBCrp4J s aZBgBg0H?3 ?3 ?343BA spaO 0gN0a.BUB@a09gp`O 0g 0a-BjB@a@TO$_6NuH>UO68pa(EpCr04J r a:|g|g|g|fBgBg0H?2 ?2 ?242BA r0aO 0gn|fAab`Z|gDIK l hf:`BUM l hf<`BV l h*f 3`By l hBf 3`By0Vyy3|fApaZ( <a&HJjASpa` K"<0aJk` BARF,g AMpa`T7y07U27V47y67y8CA:aBB2paT K"<0a$Jj ASpa0aZ Kaa 0a,BjB@aVTOL|NuH0B@?@?@BA?A ?A ?A?AB@?@?@?@?@BA?A?A?A?ABoAa6r@g A.a8| fO>86Nu/ Ej0ga&0*ga&0*ga&x *Rg jNa8BNBRB@5@5@4$_NuHQO,HpaGIKHWHSHT"M NaO ????BgBgBBBAB@aO ???4rB@ NaV\OB@ Na6????BgBgBBBApaO BgBg?/??4BA0 NaO B@aa0POLxNuH>O/H$y 9C.MiiiGKI NqN:fH'|'|'M4'| *>a ( g#|"*>B@a"T Ja(#`#n LSD!g LSD$g AUTMfB'|i'|'M4'|# 9a( g#"@ Ja/`# LSDCfF'|'|'|4'|# 9aR( g""@ Ja0`" AU5!f'|='|d` AU5CfF'|S'|z'|4'|# 9a( g"Z"@ Ja0`"\ .3rf'|i'|`$ .51g .5rfB'|'|'M4'|#: 9av( g!"@ Ja0h`! 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FILENAMEreport.txtCoded by Mike Watson using PURE C, DEVPAC3 & INTERFACEDepack code by the authors of the respective packersAll correspondence to: Mike Watson42 Gilmore PlaceEdinburgh,EH3 9NQSCOTLANDI CANNOT DETERMINE THE VERSION OF ICEWHICH CREATED THIS FILE. PLEASE CHOOSEA SUITABLE VERSION OR CANCEL TO QUIT.PACK ICE FILE CLASH!!I CANNOT DETERMINE THE PACKER THATCREATED THIS FILE. PLEASE CHOOSE ASUITABLE PACKER OR CANCEL TO QUIT.ATOM FILE CLASHI CANNOT DETERMINE THE VERSION OF THEPOMPEY PACKER THAT CREATED THIS FILE.CHOOSE A SUITABLE VERSION OR CANCEL TOTEXTQUIT!POMPEY PACKER CLASHI CANNOT DETERMINE THE VERSION OF THERNC PACKER THAT CREATED THIS FILE.CHOOSE A SUITABLE VERSION OR CANCEL TOTEXTQUIT!RNC-1 PACKER CLASH____________________________________________________________LOADPREFSEXITSAVEINFO________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OKCancelSaveKEWL!CANCELxxxxxxxx.xxxV2.0V2.2Thunder v2Atomic v3.3xxxxxxxx.xxxCANCELThunder v1.1Thunder v1Atomic v3.1CANCELxxxxxxxx.xxxV1.5V1.9CANCELxxxxxxxx.xxxTYPE 1TYPE 2 New Dpak *.*\*.*\NDP_ST.ACC\NDO_ST.PRGNew Depack Batch Report ======================= New Depack Batch Report ======================= Fileinfo : \\*.*ExecutableDatafilePictureArchivePacked by ATOMIC v3.1.Coded by Altair.Packed by ATOMIC v3.3.Coded by Altair.Packed by ATOMIC v3.3.Coded by Altair.The BMT fix!Packed by ATOMIC v3.5.Coded by Altair.Ace packer!Packed by 4PACK.Coded by ???.This MIGHT be an ARCED fileTry using ARC to decompress.it!!!Packed by AUTOMATION v2.3r.Coded by Ozz.Packed by AUTOMATION v2.51.Coded by Ozz.Packed by AUTOMATION v2.3r/51.Coded by Ozz.Packed by AUTOMATION v2.51Chunk packed fileCoded by EGBPacked by AUTOMATION v5.01Chunk packed fileCoded by EGB/AXEPacked by AUTOMATION v5.01Coded by EGB/AxePacked by BAPACKCoded by BRASPacked by BYTEKILLER 2Coded by M.CoatesPacked by BYTEKILLER 3Coded by M.CoatesPacked by BYTEKILLERCoded by JPMProbably unpacked.Unless its a new packer.Possibly packed.File header is xxxx.Send it to me!.This file is unpacked and thelength shows it to be a DEGASpicture file.DEGAS ELITE file.by Tom Hudson.Packed by DCSQUISH v1.0.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by DCSQUISH v1.2.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by DCSQUISH v1.4.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by DCSQUISH v2.0.Coded by by Double Click S/W.Packed by FIRE v1.Coded by AXE.Packed by FIRE v2.Coded by AXE.Packed by GOLLUM.Packed by GOLLUM.With Huffmans encodingPacked by Gremlin Packer.By Fungus the bogeyman!Packed by HAPPY packer.Coded by Ralph Hartmann.Packed by ICE v1.0Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v1.1.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.0.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.2.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.3.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.4.Coded by AXE.Packed by ICE v2.3/2.4.Coded by AXE.Packed by IMP! packer.Packed by IVORY DRAGONCoded by Vermillion Prawn!IFF file. Use a good art progOr Photochrome by Doug!Packed by Jpack.Might be by ACF?Packed by JAM packer 1.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3.Using V2 compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3.Using LZH compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using v2 compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using LZH compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using LZW compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 4.Using ICE compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JAM packer 3/4.Using LZH compressionCoded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JEK/JAM v1.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JEK v1.2d.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Packed by JEK v1.3d.Coded by Tim & Andrew Knipe.Atlantis S/W Le Crunch.LHARC archive.Use Lharc to decompress it!Packed by LSD v1.2/1.3.Coded by Ozz.Packed by LSD v1.2.Coded by Ozz.Packed by LSD v1.3.Coded by Ozz.Packed by Mpack Coded by Mcoder - neat prog.This file is unpacked and thelength shows it to be a NEOpicture file.Animation object file.Created by Neochrome Master.THE art package! (hi Stefan!).Packed by PA packer.Coded by Keith Baines.Packed by power packer2.Something from the AMIGA!!Packed by PFX packer.Coded by M.Fritze & T.Questor.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES packerCoded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v1.5Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v1.9Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v2.3Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v2.6Coded by JPM.Packed by POMPEY PIRATES v3.0Coded by JPM.Probably unpacked.Unless its a new packer.Possibly packed!Send it to me!Packed by QPACK v2.Coded by JMP.Packed by RNC packer1.Coded by R.Northern.Packed by RNC packer2.Coded by R.Northern.Packed by Copylock packer.Coded by R.Northern.Packed by BYTEKILLER.Coded by Russ Payne.No way, I'm scared!!Packed by SENTRY v2.05.Coded by Eagle.Packed by SENTRY v2.11.Coded by Eagle.SPECTRUM 512 file.Coded by Antic.Great ART package.Packed by SPEED packer v2.Coded by The Firehawks.Packed by SPEED packer v3.Coded by The Firehawks.GREAT packer guys!Packed by STOS(tm) packerPacked by Superior packer?Coded by AXE?Packed by Super packer3Coded by INGO RUDDAT.Packed by THUNDER v1.Coded by JPM.Packed by THUNDER v1.1Coded by JPM.Packed by THUNDER v2.Coded by JPM.Unknown version of POMPEY PACKERSend it to me!Packed by an UNKNOWN packer.Any clues folks?Packed by VIC2 packer.ZIP archive.Use ZIP to decompress it.ZOO archive.Use ZOO to decompress it.   "("4&"4D  .`XD:2 .2 FDDLb(t  Zd`nf( `J&\P4& *" & & ( ( ( 6     & (   (  * ( ( ( ( .  & ( (   ( $    & ( $& ( (  ( * (  ( $( ( & & <  * ( ( ( ( (2 >  H H H   * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 "<    ( 0 ( *    ( ( (  ( & &  (" 2:( ( * * 4 ( ( . , R    8$ ,H64~<X2,       hP0000xH00000000  NEW DEPACK ========== V1.1 ==== ALL CODING BY MIKE WATSON Greetings, to the latest version of the popular utility Mega Depack. It's been a long time in coming, has changed name and looks different but is now brimming with more packers, more features and improved reliability. --- o --- What the smeg is New Depack? ============================ New Depack is quite simply a file de-compressor. It allows you to load in a file and if packed save it out again. Why? . . . . . Well packing technology has advanced considerably over the past few years and the chances are that you will have files packed using outdated and slow programs such as happy or jek. Unpacking and repacking with one of the more sophisticated packers such as Ice or Atomic. Secondly hard drive users may feel that the space saved by packing a file is offset by the time it takes to unpack. This was my original reason for writing Mega Depack all those months ago. Thirdly, many packers don't actually have a depack option. And finally to satisfy the needs of those people who like delving around other programs which are often packed. --- O --- How do I do this? ================= There are three ways of running New Depack. 1. As a normal program. Double click on NEW_DPAK.PRG and away you go. 2. As a desk accessory. Rename NEW_DPAK.PRG to NEW_DPAK.ACC reboot and it will appear on the desk menu. 3. From a command line. It won't run as a TTP because of its use of GEM. Newer versions of TOS have the .GTP filetype. Rename to NEW_DPAK.GTP and double click on it. A dialog box will allow you to enter the required parameters. You may also use the drag 'n drop technique found on most replacement desktops and TOS 2,06 upwards. SImply drag the file/folder to be unpacked onto NEW_DPAK.PRG and they will be processed. --- O --- How do I work that interface? ============================= New Depack has an easy to use GEM interface. An improvement over Mega Depack is the use of windowed dialog boxes. This allows full multitasking when running as an accessory or in a multitasking environment such as MiNT or MultiTos. The buttons work as follows:- Load - Surprisingly enough loads , analyses and (if neccesary) depacks a file/files. Save - Saves the last file to be unpacked. Info - Contact address and SHAREWARE plug. Prefs - This is new to New Depack. It lets you tailor it to your liking. Quit - Quits Note that the batch mode is now incorporated into the load function and that recursive/normal mode and destination path is controlled through the prefs menu. --- O --- What are the prefs and how are they useful? =========================================== The preferences are for use in batch mode. The following features may be tailored:- 1. Batch mode - recursive/normal. Recursive - will go into each folder and check it for files. These folders will then be tested and so on. Normal - folders will not be entered. 2. Specify save path If selected then when a batch run is done a fileselector will ask you for the path where the files are to be saved otherwise files are saved as the same name. 3. Save during batch If selected then files are saved in a batch run. 4. Batch report If selected a report on files read will be produced. The filename where the report is produced may be changed here. --- O --- Is there anything else I should know? ===================================== Several things should be noted. 1. Several packed filetypes appear the same to New Depack and there is no way of distinguishing between them. To get round this New Depack will display a dialog box allowing you to choose an appropriate depack routine or not bother at all. 2. The commandline is limited to single filenames or folders/drives. Some examples are:- c:\ - depack drive C. test.prg - depack 'test.prg'. test.* - depack all files starting with 'test' 3. Sentry 2.11 progs only unpack on a falcon or TT. 4. Mpacker type 3 files don't depack properly due to bugs in the depack code. 5. It will no longer work in low resolution, an alert box will inform you of this. Of course a certain plank's suggestion of forcing the machine into medium res when run in low has not been implemented for some rather obvious reasons (put you brain into gear before you put your keyboard into action!!). No names but the guilty party knows who they are!. 6. New Depack was written on a Falcon so it is compatible. It has also been tested on my battered old ST. The complete specs of my test systems are:- Falcon 030 - 4meg ram - VGA & RGB monitors - internal 65mb H/D - external 450mb H/D - TOS 4.02. 520ST - 2.5meg ram - 40mb H/D - TOS 1.4. It has also been beta tested on various systems. If you experience problems then you should tell me your complete set up which will enable me to track them down. Any memory resident programs , desk accessories etc would also be useful to know. 7. It's SHAREWARE please support this. After the lack of interest from the last release on ST FORMAT I may stop releasing upgrades. --- O --- Did you say SHAREWARE, How do I register? ========================================= Dead easy!! Drop me a line enclosing one or more of the following. 1. A financial donation. 2. Some new pd s/w which you think I might like. (No demos or hacked stuff please) Falcon stuff/interesting source code is appreciated. It must be new as I get most stuff pretty quickly. 3. If you are including it in a PD library then your latest catalogue would be nice. 4. Anything New Depack doesn't recognise that you believe it should. Please don't send text edited versions of LSD or JEK that certain sad people seem to enjoy doing. By registering you will receive a version without any of the 'features' of an unregistered version and will also receive the next upgrade when available. The full source code ('C' and 68000 assembler) is available for 5 and would be useful if you want to learn GEM programming in C. My address is on the info screen and at the bottom of this text. --- O --- Boring legalish bits. ===================== This program has been tested as completely as possible and only makes legal system calls without any 'hacking around' and as such should not cause any damage. If for any reason damage is caused then I cannot be held for responsible for it. You use the program at your own risk. To guard against any mishaps you should save the depacked files out as a different name or in a different folder. Supported packers. ================== Program/Packer Versions Formats ============== ============ ================================================ 4pak programs atomic 3.1/3.3/3.5 programs and datafiles 3.3b programs automation 2.31/2.51 programs and datafiles automation 5.01 programs and datafiles ba pack programs bytekiller 2.0/3.0 programs Russ Paynes programs JPM'S programs dcsquish 1.0/1.2/1.4 programs 2.0 programs degas elite picture files pc1-3 gollum programs(both huffed and not) happy programs ice 1.1/2.0/2.2 programs and datafiles 2.3/2.4 imp datafiles ivory dragon programs and datafiles fire 1.0/2.0 programs and datafiles gremlin datafiles jpack programs jam 1/2/3/4 programs and datafiles (lzh,lzw,jam,ice) jek 1.2/1.3 programs and datafiles le crunch datafiles lsd 1.2 programs and datafiles mpacker 1.9 programs (3 types) pfx 1.1/1.3/1.6/ programs 1.8/2.1 programs pompey 1.5/1.9/2.6 programs and datafiles 1.7/1.9x/2.3 programs 3.0 powerpacker 2 datafiles qpack 2/3.2 programs and datafiles ROBN Copylock programs Various programs and datafiles sentry 2.05/2.11 programs and datafiles spectrum 512 picture files speed packer 2/3 programs(+grazey's+1other) and datafiles stos programs superior programs superpacker 3 programs and datafiles (3 prog types) thunder 1/1.1/2 programs and datafiles unknown various vic2 used by some games companies 69 packers supported 126 different file formats --- O --- Future enhancements. ==================== 1. Allow extraction of files from archives. 2. External depacking modules. History ======= v1.1 - 03/10/1993 Fixed bug in window redraw code that was causing the entire window to be redrawn rather than the damaged portions. Thanks to Andy for spotting this one! Changed Layout of preferences menu. The contact address. ==================== Mike Watson, 42 Gilmore Place, Edinburgh, EH3 9NQ No time wasters, pirates or sad people, these tend to be used for amusement when I want cheered up (ie low res -> medium res suggestion) or (more likely) be filed under 'B'. ENJOY NEWDEPACK . . . . AND LISTEN TO MIND MELTING INDUSTRIAL DANCE MUSIC! SEE YAH!! . Z0.. UPUNPACKTXT UPUNPACKPRG .UPUNPACK.APP - Universal Program UNPACKer v1.08 (92/06/08) Copyright 1992 STS Software. This program is intended to do just what it's name implies. It will try to unpack any recognized formats that it can. Currently, the recognized formats are: Pack-Ice, Pack-Fire, LArc's PFXPAK, 4PAK/PACK ENGLISH, DCSquish, BRAsoft, "POPI" (POmpey PIrates?), JAM Packer, Paradox Packer, Unnamed Packer I, RNC Packer, VMAX/MCS, and the "HAPPY COMPUTER PACKER". The program itself does not know how to unpack anything. It merely recognizes and (where neccessary) adapts the unpack code already present in packed programs, and utilizes them. You should be in medium, high, or equivalent resolution before running this program. No ill effects should happen if you happen to run it on a 40 column screen except that any out-of-bounds text will simply be clipped (aka: you won't see all of the text if you run the program on a 40 column screen...). After loading the program you will be bored by the program's signon message (hence the "Zzzzz." button therein). You then will be asked if you wish to have the destination (path and) filename default to the selected source (path and) filename. This is merely for convienience. Answer yes if you will be overwriting the input file(s). If you instead want the program to remember both paths, because you plan on reading your packed files from one path and writing them to another, answer no. You will be prompted by a fileselect box requesting you to locate an input file. The input file should be an executable file. If it is not (don't worry) you will be presented with a message to that effect and will have the opportunity to try again. You will now be informed of the current file size (as it sits on disk), and the file will then be read into memory. You will be informed of the current program flags (see below) and their meanings, then the program will attempt to recognize (and adapt) different schemes to match it's expectations. If all goes well, in a few seconds the program will be unpacked and you will then be prompted by a fileselect box requesting you to locate an output file. You would then (of course) select the (path if neccessary and) filename for output and press OK. If you plan on overwriting the source file(s), you needn't worry if the source file was Read-Only or not. The program can overwrite Read-Only files just as well as Read-Write files. The time and date stamp as well as the original file attribute (and flags) will be preserved in the unpacked program, except that the archive bit will now be set. What do I mean by "(and flags)"? Starting with (Rainbow) TOS 1.04 (aka TOS 1.4), a formerly reserved area of the executable file header (file offset $18, 24 decimal, word size) now holds a number of flags representing different abilities of the file in question. As far as I can tell, only 3 bits are currently used. Bits 2..0 of the flags are arranged as follows: BIT # Ability if set (to 1): 2 Program CAN USE TT FAST RAM 1 Program CAN EXECUTE IN TT FAST RAM 0 Program CAN FAST LOAD Most commonly, you will see a %001 (word $0001, 1 decimal) flag which simply means that a program can fast load (memory beyond the BSS segment is not cleared, so users of machines with larger memories will not experience the delay required to clear all their memory.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~ Version 1.08 (92/06/08) ~~~ The VMAX/MCS scheme is now supported. ~~~ Version 1.07 (92/05/31) ~~~ A newer form of Pack-Ice is now recognized. ~~~ Version 1.06 (92/04/01) ~~~ A nasty little bug in gfn has now been fixed. The program now also supports the RNC packer format (only for programs resulting as a $601A std. file). ~~~ Version 1.05 ~~~ oops! the multi-unpack was flawed in 1.04. It's fixed now... ~~~ Differences between Version 1.03 (92/01/08) and 1.04 (92/02/07) ~~~ Bugs in JAM Pack setup now fixed. Now supports Paradox Packer, and an unidentified packer I call simply, "Unnamed Packer I". ~~~ Differences between Version 1.02 (92/01/03) and 1.03 (92/01/08) ~~~ Program now cleaned up a bit. Programs that have been (for whatever reason) packed more than once will now be fully unpacked (you no longer need to write the file out, then read it back in). 4PAK/PACK ENGLISH setup now improved even further. Program is now 153 bytes shorter than 1.02. ~~~ Differences between Version 1.01 (92/01/02) and 1.02 (92/01/03) ~~~ Small bug in the "HAPPY COMPUTER PACKER" unpack setup has now been fixed. The pack format "JAM Packer" is now regognized. Also, I have switched to unsized hex number output (Binary and Decimal were already unsized previously). If you liked the longword hex output better, let me know. ~~~ Differences between Version 1.0 (92/01/01) and 1.01 (92/01/02) ~~~ I re-arranged screen format somewhat. A small bug in the 4PAK/"PACK ENGLISH" unpack setup has now been fixed. The pack formats, "BRAS" (BRanch Always Software) and "HAPPY COMPUTER PACKER" are now recognized in this version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you should encounter program(s) that you feel are packed (some have verbose messages printed to the screen prior to unpacking, while others flash colours like crazy whilst unpacking) and UPUNPACK does not recognize them, and you would like to see UPUNPACK do so, send the (packed) program (and if possible the program that generated it, if it is Shareware/PD) to: STS Software, BOX 76, Site 2, RR1 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2Z8 Comments and suggestions can also be sent to the above address. ``.#DDCSquish-UPUNPACK21 g.hH? @=|:>aAs@>Lb"MHa~J1pgRG`H L3*A*AIaT ߍK/LNuR @Ž]/Nu#/ oO* ( //BgAJNAO p apM'3RULFP@A hp 0AAO0CRp,2CA Bp  AъXp M*BA%:aZph%Z=z< ő9X3ZE\3^ `pdA=@aa2V7cmp4a !ܰ|WtQrsuGG+`IK)EMv`Jf" K*KKg`+(Aj=C)a i(./hpeAcc‘;X # CaAazSBa A @Auv$n&-J* R`f:Kw-ABJkf.W b` J)f@ X#CX`R'Yh-n2Wn.*B/PA;`KaC |Az# -D#\A@Jj DYY8 '"3n$G**I K(E%MA KHZC`r/cC*(^aB6|B a  A  !H.e"A5|gHG{knC|sgTA !1<+baU+lafV g /}ppa`LNAJA/& Q Fx8)=D$ CyX=KAvDtpH}g8d"p .XQul` u@@/{Jg2k -@&$@BEgBtBIANup` bHH%2ܚ/g/:%ؘ_ @QL(//:&B k#,@P55™SpJUg JJ(p\?ug /.2 u ʊm$z%Ht~K `f(c-0-T DCSq f uish gR BRAS f UAtUIf, m*Lg mKԀ mf m,L )J mM @3 g]H!,*~ HART u,O*o Pu*1 f" Ӊk f 㞡w NA -r&< f m><f  mN&!i mA mCI&H  Hz&NNgA' H5EE -d gbR ` 7R N8:IPOPIg.RK fp1 ]A[@`EA{@Mp| gnGC@TA "$ppH/ K*P_jNL&@ {p KkyJhfCJgJf* |a=NuCI@K if.)0)A#@0"(NN i.< f%%%`Hp%L A0='%'%)NuI@AkAA ,mWf!|NqNqC`p( Y&-gCM8 &-',3KKaByfN_/sGmm#0 !D*NMC^A0 mnXNf6.0&|Am|OngA A 00+H<On9$f (fCXpTgf((N@(1NuN" 1TI;׌CC9iN< -"-&$-~>-އހރna NN<`,,,(B^в$ 0?AՀGIՖ B " QL;aE .f *FK8 @58N #]| (f%B( (,V< xfx NIXIAKI EGN (.*ު ުC'vIr?BQ z 2,(-FrҌ-A -j Ҫ     ":RSfEgS #K5t  B T @%T j k(\\ jNAtzqt <h3 3) N *:4:>PPNAJ`]f)#BE.F/:N .z:#ˌ9 jQ.rx4g m1`(gA(S,Aщ[#BJ"JM ^* f V fN m0WPAm -2;`A`C ҇G mqF`X"  u XB f$5 "Ց0tu:E ]UM-T NG !SA k?F A#@"NN(Еw " TrE ++QTKN< RNC #NNSO$N@NGv? ]M˖Uvx? u 0TCQ;a0N DZ ZaA g,N:/PNJCJgf`aH *_."HzC /B"OaBg%v%òr vM4@g RCD1˯Xp5aM:`TM!A v0JȬ'', a¯C\Zpi+f\e+: A+5$0: A) 2: =A@*SA |Nu [ I>Nae̼A!7Dq: }R"@?@Xi:=@Hzpdr}A`|\PʿEBfdp #45Q TTT44Nuz p ` `"z#΂ݦB.!!30:H9ad :r5 m^0S5ҀǗ2:^JfJ/fºzL!nDCiaG}AAP`?":$:ay#Lm8JgbBCh8BAHA62HC6`B6HC 8<㑲e Qͧ"2%"Xxd2MP# s4 Zȡ2_EMws@=b VM(QŎE#%4I ) 0=dD #>]BK?7*#r $?-E*:yJ~71j[ak@5T[3][General error][ OK ]Drive not ready Unknown command CRCJBreque!st Seek,, TNFamedia 3ctorfou {Wri.te}Rm[ap|(E -12) %M A-Only/wbproted@|+change Invalid Devic BHs(s vInsert diskIfunction numbe FilDOPatChNo f6dles availabl Access denH   ""F^ibF `*E`.6DCSquish-ICE_DPAK21 g.hH?Q]p!3op p-JSfB``RG FgC3};UG II77ra$p$ -$jV~4p` +x m4AH $/C"@C;|F`p\s0-FHAI"^R@;@F DA* B}"HD }a&LSD!fE<p2AEA$p!--z`UIce!gUpU+GhUUZUPH U,U$`J UXWxAa( P`,BI(lpgu!u4p ru҈ UfE,<`(9,p$ %\+`pD4 b mSJ0< (ap)g 41!)f1Uf'R1 D1%5 1!,1T41 1p 7~5 p> a!&KAKgC'K rF)+E+A`35Yp! le@a(B NA\A0 <HLx :!H@ c ؉H @|Q0/-0i‘ua&Ezps̐u$lu6uu/Ms %N a'gIVss~)lsDC*>D *6*.`B_gN,_5_ W)W%)W)WnWg LQ,I 1Ґ1%wpBp  BXP`H_a"AUB `pa JkpNupNu/AHPB?HQANNAP _ 00Nur$o, b4< J@k @[H@NuH@RBNuЀNuD g8k211 1D-35 `o@f@tHk~J@fI0NuxA+^`Ba411@!x`4 24&8:`& 24&8:*`/. @ABJEoHnfB!`kgDEDBgDBEBkQ*HEJDg?<>0rHGGd-HGGdSWDуdi,/@2(/&2 H@kփA@B[SBkejRAd RdQRBJjBwCESSSW`?<,>C2ieBwrAfJCg`zdS WЃdAi|d 6aB#P`?  ?`C5apE6DXg P}6F`LJg&B.C`a8aD*9Pfap-I,=EܚHz g ENp D` _a &nO:NHM_XIK$<ۍ][1][Error +1@1 Return ] g g>Jf`Ar Hjr-D@Hd0,H@  CNuAF"H ofSE *Nu Nu"_ HQ_-H*,`NB,AG < .MPf$h @ Ј-@.HPRqgmJNAO HA] daj=|.,Hx%HNAI@\r e ,/\WІ&&</ NM\ f a AO$I `BYQ"Jr"QSfgff$ AfA`A-K-n&"At0<rX(0M-JNu H; Nu$H$& K?C"e\ d aA"ךf B sNH>d* 3#,#  ALH(L    P`|C0 >L|#s`~Y+`@A$111  P s +    AYL| NuDC"BA BIa,XB5M5F/ب2""ر LACC/B7@B/u P#B/YC`:1    U @ p  CH/`Np?a aL NA`u&z`ޝaHA-HhlpMah=@FT@0r p0Q`pdr 0.F-ACp,2؎mAp  a@ `\Xpea>pCR2Ad0q2r22[ Z"0<NBLH?tu:=A@=B<' 'psNB0.Nu0!0 a''N@u|2 @ e$bAPʠ?J";JӘ> z(`  AY&NNKpgNuWWpܒG|^ ԑm R+#,ZT:&0D4(*B$[,>2::(  dd F..26"@8"PQ1!P1P!0PP`0  q#aaa@ n*N4Ac0PA'dAd6Ag,B( dBH AoEr$Wwgr STD:gr COM:g r LPT:f4FA$_0=@Dk"~CA0< Bha FB2$"Dz$_1 Ge><QBFpw%fgzp=`ZgzpRFB d*L"?Acf<%SF1e BgRB`@R eA[rRF&0-CձfEv+0JFjDEFHƌM1BFHF  r C5e&!R 0c@ 9c0`<R"D_V-0 Ef`"Aia/ Fr  g 0}VJAgB nN @mHJ@jC.4DBUBk@Q SAg `dS`B͓ y؀#WAkh؞0g ` @$@JfSҙ T `ژ$A6`ABS` @vH `HPHQ0(iTI ;I? 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[Toll ][D][Speichern knnen nur|Zahler mit Vollversion!|Diese kostet nur DM 30,- ][. [Toll ][4][HCOPY needs a|minimal Resolution|of 600 x 200][. [OK ][4][Where are my Resources|(HCOPY.RSC)][. [OK ][5][Incorrect Parameters!][. [OK ][5][Error while Saving Options][. [OK ][9][Defect Bootsector!!!][. [Retry |: [Cancel ][9][Illegal Bootsector-Datas!][. [Retry |: [Cancel ][A][Your Drive does not |take so many Sectors!|Switch to higher Density.][. [Ok |: [Cancel ][7][Not enough MEMORY free!][. [Sorry ][6][I need more RAM|for Multiple Copy!][. [Sorry][9][ERROR in Management-Sectors!][. [RETRY |: [Cancel ][9][I found xxxx defect|Sectors on this Disk!][. [Mark Bad |: [Cancel ][9][Put Disk in Drive x|---------------------|W A R N I N G|All Data will be lost][. [OK |: [Cancel ][9][Insert Disk in Drive X][. [OK |: [Cancel ][9][Put Disks in Drive:|-------------------|Source x|Destination x][. [OK |: [Cancel ][9][Insert Source Disk|in Drive x][. [OK |: [Cancel ][9][Insert Destination Disk|in Drive x][. [OK |: [Cancel ][4][What's wrong...][. [Stop |: [Go On ][5][Sorry!|But it's to hard for|me to make THIS Disk|SO small.][. [OK ]Time OutDrive is not Ready!Please insert a Disk.DMA-ErrorPlease turn on the Drive or insert a Disk.Lost DataDefect Track found!Bad Data-CRCDefect Sector-DATA found!Bad Header-CRCDefect Sector-Address found!Record not FoundTrack or Sector not found!Write ProtectPlease Remove WRITE-PROTECTION!Unknown ErrorHow did you do that?Continuation could be Critical.A:*.*hcopy.rsc H-CopyHCOPY.PRGHCOPY.ACCA:A:\DOUBLE DENSITYHYPER DENSITY HIGH DENSITY 5.25 INCH 3.5 INCH H-COPY v1.6s by Robert Weiss Apr 22 1992ReadyReading Management-SectorsWriting Management-Sectors Here is Your DIRECTRORY!Formating & TestingFormatingReadingFormating & WritingTesting Density>nV  0N," f f\ @  44 (  (   .0    4,    .* (@&`$, D  B$$0,.jB"4D $* 2 ," RV : L0<&>" ,lD T      .2   D@$6    (BD$ $&Fb d( 4   0  J    26Bp& ,",".*$*R$   ( 6 H(F  (ttT  2X"p F 0"trr  , *  .>   .HF4L$ @BX (< (2  ( 6$" ^($  8 2 j&\H< 82> 8  , &"&J0 (P F  Բl&&     h |"0&84 " "& (4 " "& (2<Zh(h:2 >  ( z    $ p   "  T  *  6   (*" "N$ D(  :" z 2@BP\&FF :& " $0  H,2 : 6bfbhN &&r "&28$&B<42jr:\@,  <4~R0DD :*66:",  >*V* \J*:$  0Ґ $&0 V x $ *V   L. :,   &.L: *.: |Rx4*  . 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Datasec: ???Interleave-Factor:???Reserved Secs: ?????Spiral-Factor: ???Hidden Sectors: ?????Add.Headers: ???[Set[CancelDisk in Drive XBytes free: ???????[FineProducedandCopyright 1991/92by Robert Weiss[OK[InfoThanks to ...... Claus Brod:Locksley-Diskroutines'Scheibenkleister II'... Olaf Meisiek:MyDials and Interface 1991 by SHIFT, Flensburg... Jrgen Stessun:Hyperformat, Betatesting... Harald Siegmund:Keyboard Handler (NKCC)... Sonja Gamm:Patience and Understanding[Cancel[MoreHCopy ist Shareware!Dies ist die ffentliche Version, die gegenberder Vollversion im Funktionsumfang eingeschrnktist, um die Zahlungsmoral etwas zu heben.Fr nichtkommerzielle Zwecke darf diese Versionfrei kopiert und weitergegeben werden.Wenn Ihnen dieses Programmgefllt und/oder Sie esregelmig benutzen, dannmssen Sie nach dem Share-ware - Prinzip dem Autoreinen Betrag von DM 30,-berweisen.Dafr erhalten Sie dieVollversion, die einigeDinge zustzlich kann.KontaktadresseRobert Wei @ NDorfstr.58401 GralfingTel. 09405/6185Ktn: 240 585 349BLZ: 750 500 00Spk. Regensburg[TollKeyboard-ShortcutsSource : [A] [B]Sectors : [+] [-]Steprate : [P]Tracks : [+] [-]Sides : [1] [2]Destination : [A] [B]Cl.-Size : [1] [2]Steprate : [P]Retrys : [<] [>]Swap Options: [O]Exit : [UNDO]Set Default : [F1]- [F8]This Text: [HELP]Edit Default: [F1]-[F8]All other Options you can select by pressing[ALT] and the underlined letter.[ThanksHD-Select-Mode[Automatic[Mega STE/TT[PSG Bit6 OnP[SG Bit6 OffPS[G Bit7 OnPSG [Bit7 Off[OKError detected:Position: Side ?, Track ??[Retry[Notice[Restart[Cancel????????????????????????????????? ?? ????0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901SIDE??????????????????????????????????STEPRATESTEPRATEDISK-FORMAT:???????????????????????????????OPTIONS??OPTIONSF1 F2 F3 F4F5 F6 F7 F8?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????@_____________XXXXXXX____99____99__9__9(EXECUTABLE BOOT-PROGRAMM)@ Disk-Label: ___________fffffffffff??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 0, X0c 0 0 2``*0UV +@U5`VNTW[Suo߀k~ͭ[?o߀?Sπ|~@8#`8` |@p?={9? ?aA8 <@` >8@ ?`?A?A???‡??Ƈ ? ???+!< >9<?_o/=  p ? ???|~?߀?C_ ~   `??~?| xx!< ??  88 ? ?<<?x@ǰx`pp8|???ˆ??|>|-~?|pnx|>>?<8N?'\Lw@|~pnfn\L p'\\Lp\Lpp \L`p p\L qp \L p \L p u\L p ;O# p_# Yp>\L3 YpN\L YsL\L pL\L pL\L pL\L pL\L pL\LapL\LppL\L8pL\LpL\Nw@?pN?8 0, X0c 0 0 2``*0UV +@U5`VNTW[Suo߀k~ͭ[?o߀?** ** ***** ***** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ******* ** ** ** ****** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***** ***** ** ** Shareware-Version erstellt von Robert Wei, unter Zuhilfenahme von... ...Diskettenroutinen aus dem Buch "Scheibenkleister II" von Claus Brod ...Jrgen Stessun's Hyperformat und zahlreichen Tips ...MyDials und Interface von Olaf Meisiek; Copyright 1991 by SHIFT, Flensburg ...Tastaturroutinen von Harald Siegmund Benutzungshinweis: ------------------ Der Autor bernimmt keine Garantie fr die Fehlerfreiheit des Programmes und kann fr Schden, die auf eine Fehlfunktion des Programmes zurckzufhren sind, nicht haftbar gemacht werden. Copyright: ---------- HCOPY ist Shareware! Die Versionen, die in der Versionsnummer ein 's' enthalten, drfen fr nicht- kommerzielle Zwecke frei kopiert und weitergegeben werden. Es mssen aller- dings alle Dateien des Ordners in unvernderter Form weitergegeben werden. Wenn Sie HCOPY lnger als 2 Wochen benutzen, mssen Sie dem Autor einen Betrag von DM 30,- zukommen lassen! Dafr erhalten Sie dann die aktuelle Vollversion, werden registriert und erhalten im Falle eines Updates Bescheid. Die Aufnahme von HCOPY in Public-Domain (PD) Listen und die Weitergabe durch PD-Hndler/-Versender ist erst NACH RCKSPRACHE mit dem Autor und dessen EINVERSTNDNIS gestattet! Die Verbreitung ber Mailbox-Netze ist gestattet und erwnscht. Hardware-Voraussetzungen: ------------------------- Atari ST/STE/TT Monochrom- oder Farb-Monitor (ab TT-Mid) lauffhig unter Auflsungserweiterungen (z.B. Overscan) TOS >=1.02 Ein High Density Laufwerk und eine HD-Erweiterung sind ntig, wenn man mehr als 11 Sektoren pro Spur formatieren will. Lieferumfang: ------------- Folgende Dateien sollten sich auf der Diskette befinden! HCOPY.PRG - Das Programm HCOPY.RSC - Resourcen HCOPY.TXT - Dieser Text evtl. README.1ST - Aktuelle Mitteilungen GETMAXTR.TOS - Ermittelt hchste Spur Was kann HCOPY: --------------- - Bis zu 92 Spuren, 22 Sektoren (11 ohne High Density) und 2 Seiten kopier- und formatierbar - Auf 3" HD-Disketten bis zu 1.8 MByte frei - 18 Sektoren-Format auf 5" HD-Disketten => 1:1 Kopie von 3" nach 5" HD-Disketten - Erzeugung von schnellen Disketten durch Interleave und Spiralisierung - Schnelle Formatierroutine (z.B. 2seitige TOS-Diskette in 35 Sekunden) - Automatische Erkennung des Diskettentyps - Erzeugung MSDOS-Kompatibler Disketten - Erzeugung eines Virenschutz-Bootsektors - Erkennung und Markierung defekter Sektoren - Umkopieren einer Disk auf anderes Format (z.B DD->HD) - Kopieren ohne/mit Formatierung - Kopieren nur der belegten Sektoren - Erzeugung mehrerer Kopien - Clustergre 1 oder 2 Sektoren einstellbar - Steprate fr beide Laufwerke getrennt einstellbar, auch automatisch - Testen einer Diskette - Schnelles Lschen einer Diskette - Ausfhrliches Disketten-Info - Directory-Anzeige - 8 Default-Einstellungen (editierbar, speicherbar) - HCOPY luft als ACC und als PRG (einfach umbenennen) - Lauffhig auf allen Grafik-Erweiterungen - Alle Dialoge knnen fliegen - Vollstndig ber Tastatur bediehnbar (Teilweise einstellbar) Installation: ------------- Kopieren Sie HCOPY.PRG und HCOPY.RSC in das selbe Verzeichnis. Als ACC luft HCOPY nur in der Vollversion. Der HCOPY Bildschirm: --------------------- 1. Positions- und Ttigkeits-Anzeige Hier wird die aktuelle Diskette als Balken, unterteilt in 2 Seiten und 92 Spuren, dargestellt. Anhand dieses Balkens kann man die aktuelle Position und Ttigkeit, die in der Status-Mitteilung als Text ausgegeben wird, erkennen. 2. Parameter-Einstellungen 2.1. In den Boxen SOURCE und DESTINATION kann das Quell- und das Ziel-Laufwerk eingestellt werden, darunter jeweils die vom Laufwerk bentigte Spurwechselzeit in Millisekunden. 2.2. In der nchsten Box ist es mglich, das Diskettenformat manuell einzustellen: Oben wird das erforderliche Diskettenformat aus der Sektorenanzahl berechnet und bei der Formatierung werden die auf Diskette schreibbaren Bytes erkannt und der daraus resultierend Typ angezeigt. Z.B. erkennt HCOPY beim Kopieren mit 18 Sektoren automatisch, ob es sich bei der Ziel-(DESTINATION)-Diskette um eine 5.25" oder 3.5" Disk handelt und setzt die Sektorlcken dementsprechend (Toll, was?). 2.3. Optionen: 'USED ONLY' bewirkt in aktivem Zustand, da der Bootsektor und die FAT der Quell-Diskette analysiert und nur die belegten Sektoren eingelesen und geschrieben werden. Durch aktivieren von 'MULTIPLE COPY' ist es mglich von einer Diskette mehrere Kopien zu erstellen. Die Quell-Diskette wird nur einmal ge- lesen, danach wird solange eine Kopie erzeugt, bis auf die Frage nach der Ziel-Diskette mit 'Cancel' geantwortet wird. 'FORMAT DEST.' wird nur ausgewertet, wenn Sie eine Diskette kopieren wollen. In aktivem Zustand wird die Ziel-Diskette gleichzeitig formatiert und beschrieben. Ist 'FAST FORMAT' aktiviert, wird der Formatierungs-Vorgang be- schleunigt, indem nur die ntigen Daten auf die Diskette gebracht werden. Ist 'Format Needed' eingeschaltet, wird beim Kopieren die Ziel-Diskette nur formatiert, wenn HCOPY eine Formatierung fr ntig hlt. Die ausschlaggebenden Daten erhlt HCOPY aus dem Bootsektor der Ziel- Diskette. Bei selektiertem 'Verify Disk' werden gleich nach dem Formatieren eines Tracks alle Sektoren eingelesen, um so festzustellen, ob auch alle in Ordnung sind. Mit 'Automatic Steprate' kann man HCOPY dazu bringen, die Steprate selbst zu bestimmen, die Einstellung in 'Source' bzw. 'Dest.' wird also ignoriert. Ist 'VIRUS PROTECT' aktiv, so wird beim Formatieren oder Lschen einer Diskette ein ausfhrbarer Bootsektor erzeugt, der beim Booten einen Text ausgibt. 'No Additional Headers' schreibt beim formatieren nur die normalen Sektoren und KEINE zustzlichen Header, da diese von einigen DOSen nicht vertragen werden. Mit 'Settling Delay' wird nach jeder Lese/Schreib-Operation eine Wartezeit von 30ms eingelegt, welche bei stark nachschwingenden Floppys zur Fehlervermeidung beitrgt. Bei 'Read/Write-Retrys' lt sich die Anzahl der Lese- und Schreib- versuche bei defekten Sektoren von 0 bis 99 einstellen. 2.4. Die Default-Knpfe: Mit diesen Knpfen kann man vorher eingestellte Optionen aktivieren. 3. Let's Do It COPY: Kopiert die Daten der Quell-Diskette 1:1 auf die Ziel-Diskette. COPY NEW: Arbeitet im Prinzip wie COPY, nur kann man hier ein von der Quell-Diskette abweichendes Ziel-Format eingeben. FORMAT: Die Ziel-Diskette wird von oben nach unten formatiert, um bei einem unbeabsichtigten Formatieren die Daten der eingelegten Diskette so lange wie mglich zu erhalten. ZERO DISK: Lscht alle Daten der Ziel-Diskette, wobei einfach das Directory und die FAT des Zieles gelscht werden. Eventuell vorhandene Defekt-Markierungen werden nur bei selektiertem 'Read Disk-Typ' beachtet und nicht gelscht. DISK-INFO: Analysiert die Quell-Diskette und gibt die erhaltenen Daten aus. Man kann dann entscheiden ob man die erhaltenen Daten bernimmt (=SET) oder nicht (=CANCEL). SCAN DISK: Liest alle Daten der Quell-Diskette ein. Werden hierbei defekte Sektoren entdeckt, kann man diese am Ende der Operation in der FAT markieren lassen. DIRECTORY: Zeigt das Inhaltsverzeichnis der Quell-Diskette an, was natrlich am einfachsten mit einem File-Selector geht (Schlau, nicht!?) SAVE OPT.: Speichert die aktuellen Einstellungen ab (nur Vollversion) INFO: Information zu HCOPY (Version, Autor, Seriennummer,...) EXIT: HCOPY beenden (was sonst?!) HCOPY kann fliegen: ------------------- Dank Olaf Meisiek's MyDials kann man HCOPY's Dialoge frei auf dem Bildschirm bewegen, wenn man auf dem Eselsohr (Links oben) mit gedrckter Maustaste die Maus bewegt. Hlt man zustzlich noch die ALTERNATE- oder die CONTROL-Taste gedrckt, wird der Dialog durchsichtig. Beim Hauptdialog ist das Eselsohr durch den schwarzen Balken (oben) ersetzt worden, dieser erfllt aber die selbe Funktion. [HELP] lt eine Dialogbox mit der Erklrung der Tastaturmakros erscheinen. Hinweis zur Version 1.??s: -------------------------- Dies ist die ffentliche Version von HCOPY, die frei kopiert und weitergegeben werden darf, dafr aber einige Unterschiede zur Vollversion aufweist: - Luft nicht als Accessory - Die Einstellungen lassen sich nicht abspeichern - Keine Seriennummer - Bei Programmstart erscheint eine Info-Box - Bei Programmende erscheint eine Alertbox - Keine ausfhrliche Anleitung - Keine Farb-RSC-Datei fr ST-Mittel und TT-Niedrig nderungen: ----------- zu v1.1 - Bei einem Disketten-Fehler ertnt ein PLING! - Aktuelle Position wird jetzt auch bei 'Used Only' ohne 'Format Dest.' gezeigt - Bei 'Multiple Copy' werden die gelesenen Blocks nun neu gezeichnet - Die laufende Operation kann jetzt mit ESC, HELP oder UNDO abgebrochen werden - Step-Fehler bei WRITING ohne 'Format Dest.' behoben (Ratterndes Laufwerk) - Bootsektor fr MSDOS verbessert - Fehler bei ZERO DISK ohne 'Read Disk-Type' behoben - Bessere Berechnung der bentigten Sektoren fr FAT (AT-Format) - Medienwechsel-Routine entschrft - Fehler bei 'Fast Format'ierten Disketten behoben - Verify-Option eingebaut zu v1.2 - Fehler bei Default-Button auf 'Empty' setzen behoben - Jetzt 1 Default-Button mehr - Density-Check beim Kopieren jetzt nicht mehr Source, sondern Destination - Bei Schreib/Lesefehler wird 1mal wiederholt zu v1.21 - Unbentigte Optionen werden grau dargestellt - Fehler beim Kopieren mit Formatieren behoben - Kopierbremse entfernt (jetzt 30% schneller) zu v1.22 - Kopieren mit 'Used Only' verbessert - HCopy bleibt jetzt bei Disk-Info nicht mehr hngen zu v1.23 - Defekte Sektoren werden erkannt und in der FAT als solche gekennzeichnet - DISK-INFO erweitert zu v1.25 - Lese- und Schreibversuche bei Fehlern jetzt von 0 bis 99 einstellbar. - 'Command Load' JA/NEIN korrigiert - Die automatische Disktyp-Erkennung arbeitet perfekt, so das die Einstell- mglichkeiten per Maus und per HCOPY.INF entfallen sind. Dafr wird nun der erforderliche Diskettentyp angezeigt. - Option 'Set' bei Disk-Info eingebaut zu v1.3 - 'COPY' mit 'Used Only' spart mehr Speicher - 'COPY NEW' eingebaut (das ist doch eine 1.3 wert, oder?!) zu v1.4 - Die aktuellen Einstellungen knnen abgespeichert werden - Der Bootsektor liegt jetzt immer als physikalisch 1. Sektor auf Track 0, Seite 0 (Manche Virenschtzer brauchen das) - Fehler in DISK-INFO bei hher eingestellter Sektorzahl behoben - Einstellen und Editieren der Defaults ins Programm aufgenommen - HCOPY.INF wird nicht mehr bentigt zu v1.42 - Markierung defekter Cluster verbessert - Disk-Info: Interleave-Faktor wird jetzt korrekt berechnet - Disk-Info: Additional Headers werden als solche erkannt zu v1.43 - Nach SCAN DISK kann man nun evtl. gefundene Fehler markieren - [HELP] und [UNDO] eingebaut zu v1.5 - Speicherung der Einstellungen verbessert - Neue Optionen: Automatische Steprate Add.Headers On/Off Settling Delay - Defekte Cluster werden bei 'Zero Disk' beachtet - Diskettenlabel nach dem Formatieren - Vollstndige Tastaturbediehnbarkeit zu v1.51 - Bug beim Speichern enfernt - Redraw, wenn Hintergrund nicht gerettet werden konnte - GETMAXTR.TOS zu v1.56 - Alle Optionen im Hauptdialog einstellbar - HD-Switch fr MegaSTEs und TTs eingebaut - HCOPYCOL.RSC zu 1.6 - Fehler beim Speichern der Optionen behoben - RSC verbessert - 'Read Management Sectors' verbessert - jetzt mit 'Retry' - High-Density-Schaltungen ber Soundchip werden untersttzt - Auflsung wird berprft - Verify-Fehler behoben - Diskettenwechsel bei Defekt auf Destination Bekannte Fehler: ---------------- - Ein Fehler des TOS 1.4 kann zum Absturz fhren, wenn mit HCOPY als Accessory gebootet wird. Es mu nhmlich im physikalisch ersten Accessory das FastLoad- Bit gelscht sein (brigens auch im ersten AUTO-Ordner Progi), damit TOS 1.4 einen vollstndig gelschten Speicher vorfindet. Bei HCOPY ist das Fastload-Bit gesetzt! Sollte der Rechner beim Booten abstrzen, dann mssen Sie entweder die physikalische Reihenfolge der Accessories oder das Fastload-Bit ndern. Das Fastload-Bit ist Bit Nr.0 im Byte an der Addresse Pgmstart+25 ($19). Um den Fehler zu beheben mssen Sie an diese Addresse ein Byte mit dem Wert 0 schreiben, was mit jedem Disk-Monitor zu bewerkstelligen ist. - Der Spiralfaktor wird bei Disketten mit mehreren verschiedenen Spiralfaktoren (wie sie z.B. Hyperformat v3.29 erzeugt) nicht richtig erkannt. - Ist ein Cluster belegt, wird er nicht als defekt markiert, da es sonst zu Leichenclustern kommen kann. Bezugsaddresse: --------------- Robert Weiss Dorfstr.5 W-8401 Gralfing Tel. 09405/6185 Ktnr. 240 585 349 BLZ 750 500 00 Spk. Regensburg EMAIL: Robert Weiss @ N ******************************************************************** Deze diskette is samengesteld door de Stichting ST, Postbus 11129, 2301 EC Leiden. Onze bibliotheek van public domain programma's omvat op dit moment (lente 1994) al meer dan negenhonderd disks. Daarop vindt u programma's op elk gebied, van tekstverwerker en database tot de leukste spelletjes, de fraaiste tekenprogramma's en de handigste utilities. Ook bevat onze bibliotheek een speciale afdeling voor public domain disks met Macintosh software, die te gebruiken zijn onder de ALADIN emulator. Deze MAC-PD serie bevat tot nu toe ongeveer vijfendertig disks. ******************************************************************** U vindt in het twee maandelijks tijdschrift "ST" (Onafhankelijk tijd- schrift van en voor gebruikers van Atari ST computers) een overzicht en een bespreking van de inhoud van de nieuwe public-domain diskettes. Dit tijdschrift bevat tevens een bestelkaart zodat U vlot over de software kunt beschikken. De november/december uitgave 1993 bevat de aanvullin- gen en wijzigingen van dat jaar. In uitgave nov/dec 1992 is een over- zicht van de Public Domain bibliotheek (bijgewerkt tot dec. 1992) te vinden. De Stichting ST geeft ook een speciale PD catalogus disk (database met filenamen) uit. Deze public domain disk is geproduceerd en gedistribueerd door: ************** Stichting ST afd. Software Bakkersteeg 9A 2311 RH LEIDEN ************** Ondanks onze controle komt het af en toe voor dat een diskje niet goed is gecopieerd.Mocht U dit overkomen, aarzel dan niet en stuur de defecte disk aan ons terug. U krijgt dan direct een vervangende disk toegestuurd. ************************************************************************ Teneinde het voor ons mogelijk te maken om productiefouten op te sporen en vervolgens in de toekomst te vermijden, zijn alle disks, geproduceerd door de Stichting ST, voorzien van een groen productienummer. ************************************************************************