Notes on 1050-2-PC: I've had a few people ask me about making a device which would allow the PC to plug directly into an Atari drive. After considering whether there would actually be any advantages, I've started work on a variation on SIO2PC I've cleverly named 1050-2-PC. (No, it's not limited to just 1050 drives. 810's and any other Atari drives which accept the standard SIO commands can be accessed.) Hardware Considerations: 1050-2-PC requires a different hardware interface, or at least a configurable version of SIO2PC. The reason is that the DATA IN and DATA OUT pins on the Atari computer are swapped on the disk drives (and other peripherals). This is so DATA IN on the computer will go to DATA OUT on the peripherals, etc. Also, the COMMAND line is an output from the Atari computer, but it is an input to the disk drive. So, what do we have to do to make an SIO2PC type device properly connect to an Atari drive? Well, first you just swap the DATA IN and DATA OUT wire connection points inside the blue box for the Atari (SIO) cable only. The COMMAND line is a bit more complicated. In SIO2PC it uses a gate which converts TTL to RS-232. It will now need an opposite conversion, RS-232 to TTL. (Such a gate now exists within SIO2PC as a spare, if you have the "onechip" hardware.) And, a different handshaking line from the PC is needed. Currently the RI (ring indicator) line, which is an input, is used. The new hardware will use the RTS line, which is an output. That pretty well takes care of switching the signal lines, but there's another problem. SIO2PC is powered by the 5 volt line coming out of the computer. The disk drive doesn't put out 5 volts. So, a separate power supply is needed. Keep in mind that the PC will be playing the role of an Atari computer in controlling the SIO bus. So a real Atari computer can't be plugged in to the daisy chain while all this is going on. It's strictly one-to-one. My unit will be powered from a 9 volt battery, regulated down to 5 volts. As I've said before, I'm strictly a hobbyist and am not about to sell, give, or otherwise convey anything to people which they are going to plug into a 120 volt wall outlet! (If you do decide to build something yourself on your own and run it off of a 5 volt "wall charger" type adaptor, here's something to consider: Most of these units put out rated voltage at rated load (current), but much higher voltage with low current draw. So unless you're sure you have a regulated adaptor, put a 5 volt regulator on your board. The MAX-232 gives 5 volts as the nominal supply voltage and only 6 volts as the maximum allowable (more may cause damage). Not very forgiving! Also, most of these little supplies aren't filtered either. Put an electrolytic capacitor across the adaptor's output (say 50 to 100 uF, 25 volt) and a 0.1 uF disk and 10 uF or so electrolytic across the output of the regulator. Again, attempt only what is within your range of competence. Get professional advice or assistance if necessary. I am not advising anyone to build anything!) (If you are adding a power supply to a unit I built, note that I already put a 5 V regulator in it. So use something that puts out in the 9 to 15 Volt range.) Another note: On a 1050-2-PC, there should be no need for the blocking diode and pull-up resistor simulating open collector or Tri-State, since multiple devices won't exist on the bus during use of this function. Implementating the hardware: I've considered a number of methods. Currently, I'm working with an entirely separate device. One could also modify SIO2PC using a 3-pole, double throw switch and adding a 5 volt supply. Another method would involve having a "two headed" SIO2PC. It would have one SIO connector coming out for connection to an Atari computer and another for connection to an Atari drive (not both simultaneously). Software: The intent is to make some software which will allow copying specific sectors or entire disks directly to PC disk image files. I don't know whether I will get around to "file-at-a-time" extractions or not. That practically requires writing one's own Atari DOS, or a number of DOSses, if you want SPARTA and other types of extractions. It almost seems to be not worth the effort to do all this, since files and/or complete disk images can already be transferred using SIO2PC and an Atari computer as an intermediary. However, I've gotten interested again in trying to provide a method of emulating copy protection, so copy protected files can be copied and run "un-cracked." The 1050-2-PC can be very useful to analyze disks for copy protection methods. My intent isn't to encourage piracy, but to allow owners of Atari software to run it using modern hardware. I am building the 1050-2-PC functions into a sub-menu of SIO2PC. Select main menu choice A followed by sub-menu choice D. Currently, it will copy complete 720 or 1040 sector disks or copy any number of consecutive sectors the user asks for. I will be adding "analysis" of sector status and other stuff in the near future. Also, writing sectors or entire disks will be included. If you're interested: As I said, routines to copy disk images and sectors are already in version 4.0 of SIO2PC. If you want the hardware, or want to know more about modifying what you have ... contact me. Nick Kennedy