PACKET.OBJ PACKET.OBJ is essentially a dumb terminal emulator for the Atari 8 bit which is customized somewhat for ham radio use. Recall that the Atari has a full featured UART (POKEY) and therefore can communicate in full duplex at the popular serial baud rates. However, the output of the Atari SIO port is TTL (0 to +5 Volts) not RS-232 (-10 to +10 volts), so it is not compatible with a standard PC serial port without hardware conversion similar to that made by my SIO2PC hardware. Also, POKEY may not have the same handshaking lines (nor as many) as a standard RS-232 port, but most systems don't require them. Many ham packet radio terminals (essentially a modem which connects to a radio instead of a phone) will accept TTL inputs. This is the case with my MFJ-1278. As I said, PACKET.OBJ is essentially a dumb terminal. That is, it takes incoming serial data and puts it to the screen, and it gets data from the keyboard and sends it out the serial port. It is coded to run at 9600 baud, although it could easliy be reassembled for other bauds. It also has a few simple macros to automate packet radio commands to the MFJ-1278. By going through my source code, I will attempt to remember what they are and include them in this doc. As you have guessed by now, PACKET.OBJ is bare bones with minimal features. This excerpt is probably self-explanatory: ; SCRIPTS TO SEND TO PACKET CONTROLLER ; FOR MODE CHANGES: ; ; THE "ATARI" KEY FOLLOWED BY THE ; INDICATED LETTER WILL SELECT THE ; DESIRED MODE OR FUNCTION: ; V: VHF PACKET ; H: HF PACKET ; M: MORSE ; R: RTTY ; A: AMTOR ; FOR VHF PACKET: SCRPTS: DB 'V' + $80,03,13,'MODE VP',13 DB 'RETRY 4',13,'RADIO 1',13,'TX 20',13,'DW 25',13 DB 'MAX 4',13,'FR 3',13,'CH 30',13 ; NOW FOR HF PACKET: DB 'H' + $80,03,13,'RE 0',13,'MODE HP',13,'RADIO 2',13,'MAX 1',13,'DW 0',13 DB 'TXDELAY 2',13,'AXHANG 0',13 DB 'CH 0',13,'RESPTIME 0',13 DB 'FRACK 10',13 ; SCRIPT FOR MORSE: DB 'M'+$80,03,13,'MODE CW 25',13, 'RADIO 2',13,'K',13 ; SCRIPT FOR HF RTTY: DB 'R' +$80,03,13,'MODE HB',13,'RADIO 2',13,'K',13 ; SCRIPT FOR AMTOR: DB 'A' + $80,03,13,'MODE AM',13,'RADIO 2',13,'MYSELCALL WBDU',13 ; IDENTIFY END OF SCRIPTS: DB $FF In other words press the Atari key (next to the right Shift key), then the letter V, H, A, M, or R to send a script to the MFJ-1278 for its various modes of operation. The following tells what incoming characters are translated to ATASCII equivalent: Essentially, it's CR/LF, right and left square braces, and the bell (beep) character. Some outgoing bytes are also treated differently. Usually bytes are not sent until the return key signals time to send a complete record. However, some special control keys should be, and are, sent out immediately. They tell the packet controller to take some action. CTRL-C means enter command mode CTRL-S means stop sending data CRTL-Q means restart sending data CTRL-X means cancel line CTRL-Y means cancel packet PACKET.OBJ could be easily customized to include other features and / or work with other packet controllers. It is freeware and source code is available on request. Use at your own risk. 73, Nick Kennedy, WA5BDU 300 South Vancouver Russellville, AR 72801 (501)-967-3843