` x K#. - ЭЭй""ҍ|.A#*// Bg?<JNAPNBNAJXBgNAJ Bg/?<1NAJ#2#6#NM"y2$y6J@N4Vx#2#6#NN"y2$y6J@N4Vx#2#6#NA"y2$y6J@N4VxNVHHy:?< N\Hyb?< N\Hy?< N\Hy?< N\?<?<NbX> G0f` G1l` G9o`<|0 Hy(?< N\BgHy:?<NX?<?<NbXLN^NuNuEMAKE XHD (C) 1989 by Darek Mihocka This program generates the file HARDDISK.XHD for use with ST Xformer 2.5 Size of file is 1 meg to 9 meg in 1 meg increments. Press a key to indicate size of file (0 = exit, 1-9 = 1-9 meg) Creating file! HARDDISK.XHDCreation error (write protected?) Write error (disk full?) File created! "    2