GALAXY CONSTRUCTION››The computer now constructs a galaxy.›Each player's Home world is indicated by›its own color, with the Neutral worlds›shown as smaller blue on white worlds.›Each player should have the choice to›have the galaxy remade. Move the›joystick right for a new ga›laxy. Move it left if the galaxy is›satisfactory. All computer opponents, if›any, will then accept or reject the›galaxy.››GAME LOAD›Once all players have accepted the›galaxy, the computer will request that a›formatted disk be placed in the drive.›You may use the game disk to store one›scenario file. When the proper disk is›in the drive, press the joystick trigger›to save the scenario.› Then make sure the game disk is in the›drive and press the trigger. The Game›program will load and run automatically.›Once the game program and scenario have›been loaded, the World Status Chart is›displayed.››WORLD STATUS›Human players take their turn in a›random sequence. Each player has their›own color which indicates the worlds›that they control. Neutral worlds are›shown simply as blue on white numbers.›Information about each world is listed.›From left to right, the Sta›r Lord controlling the world, the world›number, the nominal ships built per year›by the world, and the size of the fleet›stationed at the world. All fleet orders›are given when WORLD STATUS is›displayed.››FLEET ORDERS›All fleet orders should be top secret.›To order a fleet, move the joystick up›or down until the world that the fleet›is being sent from (one that you›control) is shown next to 'FROM-' and›press the trigger. Then move the›joystick up or down until the worl›d the fleet is being sent to is shown›next to the 'TO-' and press the trigger.›Next move the stick in the same manner›until the fleet size is correct and›press the trigger. Press the trigger›again to launch the fleet. You may›cancel the order at any time›prior to launch by moving the joystick›left. After a fleet is launched it›cannot be ordered back. Use the Fleet›Log provided to note your fleet moves.››To end you turn, move the stick right›before starting a fleet order. Do this›only after you've issued all of your›fleet orders.››To exit the World Status display, press›the trigger before starting a fleet›order. A menu will appear. Position the›arrow by moving the stick up or down,›and press the trigger when the flashing›arrow is next to the desired selection.››››MENU SELECTIONS››WORLD IDENTITY MAP›This is the layout of the galaxy showing›the worlds in their respective›positions. Each player has their own›color which indicates the worlds under›their control. Neutral worlds are shown›as blue on white. Color designations›will change as players lose or› gain control of worlds. A chart has›been provided to note the location of›the worlds if desired.››WORLD SHIP BUILDING MAP›This map portrays the galaxy with the›worlds sized according to their nominal›ship building rate. A scale is shown on›the lower portion of the screen›indicating the nominal ship production›of different sized worlds. Color›designations are the same as for›the World Identity Map. Neutral worlds›are always shown as size '5' worlds,›blue on white.››FLEET TRAVEL TIME›The World Identity Map is displayed to›aid calculations. Move the stick as in›ordering fleets. The distance between›any two worlds can be determined, along›with the year that a fleet would arrive›if sent from one to the other.››PLAYER STATUS›The Player Status chart shows for each›player the number of worlds that they›control, tie combined size of the fleets›stationed at those worlds, the total›nominal ship building rate of the›worlds, the number of fleets in transit›and the combined size of t›he fleets.››PREVIOUS YEAR SHIP PRODUCTION›The Ship Production chart is displayed,›showing the number and name of each›planet, the number of ships it built in›the previous year and the type of›economy it has. The current player's›worlds are indicated by the world›numbers shown as inverse. Neutral›worlds do not have an ID number and are›in a random sequence, if possible.››SAVE GAME›Make this selection to save a game in›progress. Follow the simple instructions›on the screen. The game disk may be used›to save one scenario.››END GAME›You may end the game prematurely. The›game should be saved ocassionally just›in case this option is selected by›accident. The computer will verify that›you really want to end the game, and›announce a winner, if any.››SUBSPACE COMMUNICATION›After all human players have taken their›turn, computer players will take theirs.›During a computer player's turn,›communications are picked up by the›computer via Subspace channels. The›messages are encoded and impossible to›read. The level of activity c›an be ascertained, however, for each›commmunication is a fleet order of one›sort or another.››EMPIRE SHIPS›After all players have taken their turn,›each player will have their worlds›displayed with the number of ships built›by each world during the past year. A›tally is made of the total number of›ships built. Empire or bonus ships are›then alloted to the play›er equal to one-third of the total›(rounded to the lowest whole number).›These ships can be placed on any one of›the player's worlds. Move the stick up›or down until the world to receive the›ships is shown and press the trigger.›The remaining players will› proceed in a similar manner. This ends›the Fleet movement phase of a turn.››FLEET ARRIVALS AND WORLD ATTACKS›Fleet arrivals and invasions will now›begin. Fleets do not arrive in the order›that they were sent. After all fleets›due have arrived and attacks made the›turn ends and the next begins until the›game ends.›ame ends.›