›SHIP COMBAT›Combat is resolved by the computer in›accordance with the Peace of Oberon,›signed by all world leaders in 2486.›Regardless of fleet size a maximum of 15›ships per side duel at a time, defender›on the left, attacker on the right.›Sides alternate fire of th›e ships' Photon torpedoes until the last›ship has fired. Replacements, if any,›arrive and combat continues until one›side is completely eliminated. If the›attacker or a neutral world fleet has›been wiped out then combat has ended.››WITHDRAW FLEET›It is possible to withdraw attacking›fleets during Ship combat. Prior to the›initial appearance of the attacking›fleet, or before replacements arrive, a›green background will signal to the›attacking Star Lord that he may withdraw›his fleet to the nearest›world in his control. Pressing the›trigger at this time will automatically›withdraw the fleet. Do not hang on the›trigger, as this will allow the opposing›fleet to jam the signal, indicated by a›red background. Subspace channels are›clear for transmitting› orders to withdraw only ocassionally.››COMMAND SATELLITES›If a world under attack has been›controlled by its Lord for at least one›full turn, the defender will send the›world Command Satellite to battle if the›defending fleet was eliminated. The›Command Satellite's offensive weapon is›the Mark IV disruptor missi›le, rated 90% effective against all›ships within range. The missiles are›fired in tandem at the attacking ships.›After any replacements arrive, the›attacking ships then fire on the›Satellite. A torpedo must hit the power›core at the exact center of the Sa›tellite to be effective. Combat›continues until either side is›destroyed. If the defender is eliminated›then control of the world passes to the›attacking Star Lord.››ANTI-MISSILE PLASMA FIELD›All attacking fleets are equipped with›this defensive weapon. Used to destroy›Mark IV missiles, the technology for›Plasma Fields is immature and the energy›requirments to generate one are extreme.›Thus the weapon is unreliable. Prior to›a Mark IV missile›launch, an operational Plasma Field is›signalled by a green background. Press›the trigger to activate the field.›Pressing the trigger too soon will abort›activation of the field, signalled by a›red background. A Plasma Field is›operational just long enoug›h to desegregate and atomize Mark IV›missiles.››SATELLITE SNUB MISSILES›As a counter measure to Plasma Fields,›it is sometimes possible for the›defending Star Lord to destroy them with›Snub Missiles. The defender launches›Snub missiles by pressing the START key›on the computer console. The Snub›missile will explode when in co›ntact with the Shield generators.›Pressing the START key before it is›needed does NOT abort a Snub missile›launch.››THE LORDS››AKBA SCIPIO›Last of the ancient Star Lords, Scipio›is more machine than man. Prosthetic›manipulators for arms and treads for›legs, his nutritional requirements›include a daily recharge of his›batteries. He has refused to take on any›apprentices, claiming youth at the› age of 306.››DOMO TRAJAN›Over 200 hundred years old, Trajan is no›spring chicken either. A veteran of many›campaigns, he trained under Callisto,›greatest of the ancient Star Lords. He›replaced his master after triumphing›over him in a duel that lasted fifty›years.››MOJO KHUFU›By contrast Khufu is a newcomer to the›Star Lord clique, only recently turning›80. Vicious and unrelenting, he rose›through the ranks quickly by›assassinating the opposition if he›couldn't beat them in a fair fight. He›claims direct lineage to the ancient› Pharoahs.››DESIGNER NOTES›Some space strategy games are more like›'Visicalc in Space' than stimulating›competition. Star Lords attempts to›provide the best of two worlds;›challenges to the mind by making it hard›to win decisively and enjoyable graphics›and sound. The end result is› I hope hours of enjoyment.›My favorite Star Lord games are the wide›open ones with 40 worlds, no Neutral›Ship building and 3 opponents. This game›must initially resemble the Oklahoma›Land Rush, as players snap up neutral›worlds as fast as their fleets can get›to them. After the neu›trals are eliminated a period follows›where playeres consolidate their›holdings and plot against the opponents.›Don't spread your ships too thin or your›empire might get torn to shreds. Attack›worlds that are in good locations where›they can be protected as well as offer›protection. The ability to counterattack›and regain lost worlds is significant.›When attacking,› make sure that you send enough ships to›take on the Command Satellite after›eliminating the enemy fleet. In›multi-player games where there is still›a balance of power, try to avoid›frequent large battles. This will›inevitably weaken your overall positio›n. The computer players can be very›tough if they have the advantage. When›one player gets stronger than the rest›they try to gang up on him. The ability›to manage your ships, putting them where›you need them and discouraging large›battles that you don't›want to fight are the two most important›skills in Star Lords.››ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS›Star Lords was produced using›copyrighted software products of Monarch›Data Systems, Cochituate, MA 01778, and›PM Animator, copyright 1983 by Tronix,›2265 Westwood Blvd., L.A., CA 90064›lvd., L.A., CA 90064›