COMPUTER SQUAD DISK #1› 3-D CAD››S*P*A*C*E welcomes you to the world of 3-D Computer Aided Design (CAD).››This users group exchange disk is the product of Steven J. Ulstad (3-D CAD author) and the COMPUTER SQUAD in 1985.››To aid "user friendliness" S*P*A*C*E has enhanced the orginal disk with the addition of the following:›› - Atari DOS 2.5 files:› DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS, and› RAMDISK.COM (130XE RAMdisk)› - Disk Menu (AUTORUN.SYS)› - Documentation Reader (HELP.BNL)› - This documentation (DOC.000)› - The S*P*A*C*E logo screen›››WARNING:››The 3-D CAD program (in compiled BASIC) is rather complex and the screen prompts are not always clearly understandable to first-time users.››Therefore, you are urged to read (actually, study) the instructions below prior to using.››The following program limitations/peculiarities have been noted:›› - The printout feature works only with an Okimate 10 printer.›› - Attempts to draw beyond the screen boundary cause an error condition which will immediately exit you from the viewing or update screen and return you to the main menu. Reducing the picture's scale (size) or its offset from the center of the screen will fix this problem.›› - There is no disk directory to tell you what 3-D pictures are on the disk. You can press RESET to go to DOS to accomplish this. However, this will disable the built-in RS-232 handler and undo the ability to send or receive pictures via modem (unless a complete system "re-boot" is first accomplished).›››INSTRUCTIONS: (A major rewrite of the original instructions, which are contained in disk file "DOC.TXT").›››BOOTING:›--------››1. Insert diskette into drive #1 and power up computer without BASIC (XL/XE users need not hold down the OPTION key - BASIC is automatically disabled by the disk menu program).››2. From the disk menu select:› A. "CAD3D" to load the 3-D CAD program.› B. "HELP" to load the documentation reader to view or printout this text. Press RESET (force a reboot) to exit back to the disk menu.›››3-D CAD OPERATION:›------------------››A. After the title screen appears press OPTION for the main menu.››B. MAIN MENU OPTIONS.›› 1. CAD or draw mode (NOTE: the existing screen is cleared from memory when this option is selected!)›› General› -------› a. Up to 240 coordinate points may be plotted (a line requires 2 points).› b. Cursor starts at 0,0,0 (X,Y,Z)› c. Joystick #1:› 1) left, right, up or down moves cursor (in units of 4).› 2) Up & right enters ERASE Mode.› d. START decreases Z.› e. SELECT increases Z (units of 8).› f. OPTION - return to Main Menu.›› Drawing Mode› ------------› a. Position cursor at desired X,Y,Z.› b. Press FIRE to set first point.› c. Move cursor to next point.› d. Press FIRE to set second point and to draw line.›› e. Coordinate Display (bottom of screen):›X, Y, Z, 0or1, MEM.used (0-240)› ^ ^› 1st or 2nd point # of points› in curr line seg used so far›› f. NOTE: Connecting the end points of line segments saves memory (coordinate points)! For example:›.______._________._____________.___. This uses 5 points.›._____. .________. ._______. ._____. This uses 8 points.›› Erase Mode› ----------› a. Enter mode by moving joystick UP and RIGHT.› b. Coordinate Display (bottom of screen):› SEGMENT NO. Z1,Z2› c. Move joystick UP or DOWN to select desired line segment.› d. Press FIRE to erase.› e. Exit Back to Drawing Mode by moving joystick DOWN and LEFT.› f. After erasing lines, SAVE and reLOAD picture file to recover full memory.› g. NOTE: If deleting lines from a good "master", it is wise to SAVE the picture using a unique filename BEFORE ERASING LINES.›› Print Mode› ----------› a. If an Okimate 10 printer is on line, press START to enter mode.› b. A small cursor will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.› c. Use joystick to position the cursor at the upper left corner of the desired print window, then press FIRE.› d. The cursor now jumps to the lower right corner of the screen.› e. Use joystick to set the lower right corner of the print window, and press FIRE.› f. Press START to begin printing.›› 2. UPDATE or edit mode (same as the CAD mode, #1 above, except that the picture remains intact for editing).›› 3. VIEW or perspective mode› a. Enter the angles of rotation about the X, Y, and Z axis.› b. Enter the SCALE of the object/picture.› c. NOTE: A RETURN with no entry or entering too large a scale will cause an exit back to the Main Menu.› d. After picture has been drawn press OPTION to return to the main menu.› e. Press SELECT to dump the picture to the RS-232 device (transmit via modem).› f. Press START to dump the screen to an Okimate 10 printer - follow the Print Mode instructions in 1. above.›› 4. REFLECTION mode.› a. Enter the axis to be REFLECTED.› b. NOTE: This mode produces an additional set of lines and doubles the memory (number of points) used.›› 5. OFFSET mode.› a. Enter the axis to be OFFSET. NOTE: This moves the table of points left, right, up, or down.› b. Enter the amount of OFFSET (0 to 200).›› 6. SCALE mode.› a. Enter the axis to be SCALED. NOTE: This scales the table of points about one or all three axis.› b. Enter the amount of SCALE. Examples:› 1) A scale of 2 doubles the size of the object.› 2) A scale of .5 will half the size of the object.› 3) A scale of -1 will flip the object about the X axis.›› 7. DISKETTE mode. Enter the appropriate file spec (i.e. "D:FILENAME.EXT") to LOAD/SAVE/MERGE any picture.›› 8. TRANSLATIONS mode. This functions like the VIEW mode, but the points are rotated in the table, not on the screen.›› 9. PARAMETERS mode. Options:›› 1. ASPECT RATIO. This has to do with the shape of the pixels.› a. Pre-set to .85 (most monitors use between .8 and .9).› b. Use 1.25 for printer.› c. To check your screen, draw a perfect square say 40,40. Then view it at 45,90,0,1. If it no longer looks square then change the ASPECT RATIO.›› 2. VIEW POINT. Your viewing point can be moved in or out (DEPTH), left/right (LR), or up/down (UD):› a. DEPTH: set between -500 and 200 (near to far).› b. LR/UD: set between -100 and +100.›› 3. RS232 WINDOW.› a. 1 = ON, 0 = OFF.› b. SIZE (set to): 1 to 128 pixels square.›› 4. PRINT WINDOW. Display/Input:› a. "1" (ON) - print frame.› b. "0" (OFF) - don't print.›› 5. MEM. CHECK. Displays system free memory. Does not change!›› 6. RETURN to MAIN MENU.›››C. SAMPLE PICTURES:›-------------------›The following sample pictures (filenames) are included on this disk:›› DICE ROUND› MISSILE SHIP4› OBJ1 PLANE3›››Exit:›-----››Press RESET exit to the documentation reader program and return to the Disk Menu.››