78J[CPYXLASNETHIDE@dY +AR@+6-@=@@O@@9Y Ai"@A`nAdAUs F:Ad,AUA5x* -6-%@# @ *(}.!@( "!@.6- A66-F:Ad,2"@)"A4)"@R6 "A8AP - Ae-@@P:6-@6-@ 06-@6-&@0 AI-@@#I(>:AS,#ҠӠԠġD-@A % B0@: AuD AL"!-@@#I("Խ̭кԽٺԽˠL$$*** FRAME1 ***(>:A%,22('Ӡ٠ˠǠ ((11(&This program will enable you to use 11(&one (or more) disks to hold a 11(&catalogue of all of the programs In 11(&your disk collection and also include 11(&non-DOS (games etc.) disks. You may 11(&then perform sorts and searchs and if 11(&you have a printer produce hard copy. (11(&The program is menu-driven and is 11(&fairly self-prompting although a 11(&little experimentation will be of  11(&great benefit before embarking on the 11(&cataloguing of your own collection. 22('A catalogue of all the TOPHITS LIBRARY 11(&disks is included to allow you to 11(&get used to the features and working "11(&of the program. '(,11(&The program is generally excellent.. 1(6?6-A 6-A'6-A36-@!?6-@8; Au A@*** FRAME2 ***E(>:A%,J(O11(&although there are one or two limit- T11(&ations. Y(^11(&Ӻ The program puts a 1 c11(§or indentifier on each of your h11(&(DOS) disks which is subsequently usedm11(&by the program to identify that disk. r11(&If you add programs to a disk that hasw11(&already been catalogued, the CATALOG |11(&will determine which programs have 11(&already been catalogued and will add 11(&the remainder. The first minor incon- 11(&venience therefore is that you must 11(&remove any write-protect tabs the 11(&first time a disk is catalogued. 11(&Secondly you must have at least one 11(&free sector on the disk for the 11(&identifier. This will cause problems 22('on some of the TOPHITS LIBRARY disks 11(&for example which have been filled 11(&to capacity. (?6-AU6-A'6-A036-@!?6-@7 Au A*** FRAME3 ***(>:A%,(11(&If you have disks which are full and 11(&which you are unlikely to change it 11(&is suggested that you delete the 11(&DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files, AUTO- 11(&CATALOG the disk and then rewrite DOS.11(&You must first delete the DISK.CAT 11(&file or you will not have enough room 11(&for DOS. You will lose the facility 11(&of having CATALOG tell you that the 11(&disk has already been catalogued so 11(&it is wise to mark the disk label to  11(&that effect. (11(&Һ To get the most storage 11(&space for the database you should !11(&transfer the CATALOG to another disk &11(&(although you will still get many +11(&hundreds of programs on this disk). 011(&If you wish to set up another disk you511(&must ensure that all files are.... :(?(D?6-A6-A%'6-Ae36-@ ?6-@6I Au AN*** FRAME4 ***S(>:A%,X(]11(&transferred. b(g11(&Proceedure: Format a disk and write l11(&DOS to it. Transfer the fileS q00(%MACHSORT.V1 AND AUTORUN.V2 (use v11(&DOS option E to rename it AUTORUN.SYS){11(&Now transfer the files CATALOG and //($PROGSORT.2. You may transfer the 11(&existing database by transferring 11(&PROGLIB.DB or you may initialise a new11(&database by typing in direct mode: (11(&OPEN #3,8,0,'D:PROGLIB.DB':CLOSE #3: 11(&XIO 35,#3,0,0,'D:PROGLIB.DB' (11(&(Note, use the normal double quotes!) (11(&You will now have an autoboot disk 11(&which you can use exclusively as your 11(&own catalogue. ((?6-A%6-A`'6-A36-@ ?6-@8 Au A*** FRAME5 ***(>:A%,(11(&ҠӺ You will probably 11(&need to change the printer control 11(&codes to suit your own printer. The 11(&existing program uses horizontal 11(&tabbing on an NEC 8023. Lines 3090 11(&up to 3300 control the printer 11(&functions and may need to be changed. ( 11(&Ӻ The program is extremely 11(&powerful as it stands but could be 11(&improved. Headings could be changed, 11(§or 720 could be used for the disk  11(&identifier(!), an option could be %11(&added to initialise a new database *11(&and some of the prompts and screen /11(&layout could be improved. 4(911(&Any improved versions would be >11(&gratefully appreciated for exchange C11(&with other library disks. H(M00(% ԠŠӠ٠٠Ҡՠ R?6-A`6-A'6-A536-@#?6-@6W Au A\W(>:A%,"AdAU4AR?%D:MENUWTHIS IS THE LAST LINE D:HELP*.*