rssz''KEUSURSUFILETEMPNAMECMPDIRADJEXTRENDRINETMSGMANNATEMDOTINICHOMACHCHATROLERSPMJPAUS  JJTHE COMPACTOR DETECTOR Ver 1.0 Written By Roy GoldmanooS*P*A*C*E VERSION Modified By Jim Chapman 1/87, Additions By Marc Ingle 8/88.(2jjBrought to you by The Seattle Puget-Sound Atari Computer Enthusiasts. (S*P*A*C*E)<FkkDetermines if the file is... SCRUNCHed/MASHed/SHRUNK/ARCed CRUSHed/DISK COMMUNICATedPHHBOOT LEGGed or ALFCRUNCHed and FILE TYPE (ML or BASIC).Zd A0n6-@xg AAR@+-@A(SAR] A0g AI@.@@K:;)@F@I$' +'0@H@(H()The Compactor Detector S*P*A*C*E Version*@A'B7tA*$*@A('B7tA(*$>-;(' >$6-@ A6-@ {AR!-:(Are you sure? [Y/N]E@e@@K:r)@{6.>:, 6-4Y A$ +@A@1A @XCAAHUAAVg(@ the(@ compactor detectorp$(@ S*P*A*C*E VERSION/(@G(@ Πe(@ p(@(@ Ӡ;(@ ^(@ pAR@@(ZZ(Q Find out if that file is... SCRUNCHed, DISK COMMUNICATed, CRUSHed, BOOT LEGGed,//(' SHRUNK, ARCed, MASHed, or ALFCRUNCHed! ( >>>Ӡԡ<<<"C6-F:B2y,'F:B2y,"@9AdAUC A, A6;A ,;@ ,;@5,;A,;@,;@ ,;@,;@@,;@,;@,;@ ,@<;@0,;@@,;@%,;@%,;@",K6.>:@,Z67@",.i67@,.67@<@,. 67@<@,. JE A@(6(!Press [1-8] and [Return] for DiskE( Directory.TQ('(Enter name of file to check:N("[FILENAME.EXT or Dn:FILENAME.EXT]Q(^0@B:,"&(0 APh A0r Ap|@((AR@* Ap*@@I A`!-@A.)@:67,.>:,> I@SARA7@<A,4 ҧAPSԠҠ4&7@<@,4Ap4Ġ#4A #ӠH<7@<@,4*7@<@,4A Hà2$7@<@,4A02Ƞ0%7@<@,4A@0Ƞ$4 AP$ˠ2%7@<@,4A`2٠;$7@<@,4A;àҠȠS;7@<@,4)7@<@,4A@SˠҠX A@,( is neither a SCRUNCHed,X('BOOT LEGGed, DISK COMMUNICATed, SHRUNK,<(( CRUSHed, ARCed, ALFCRUNCHed, nor9( MASHed file.<(A)(!* It is not a SAVEd BASIC file orA( binary load file.&G*("* It may be non-tokenized, such asG( LISTed BASIC programs.0B+(#* It may be a self-booting ML file,B( such as DOS.SYS.:X,($* It also may be a file set up to beX(' used in conjuntion w/another program,Dl+(# such as pictures and data tables.W('* There is a slight chance that it is al( squished file.NO+(#* And there is always a possibilityL( that it is a damaged file.O(X=AR@'@@36-@"= A bM 6.6-@!6-@-6-@7 A@:(=(@(C(M AlH A@(.( is a file.1(4(>6.BASH A`vF A@(,( is a file./(2(<6.SCRF A`C A@()( is a file.,(/(96.MSHC A`C A@()( is a file.,(/(96.SHRC A`C A@()( is a file.,(/(96.BINC A`D A@(*( is a file.-(0(:6.CRSD A`! A@((!6-@7<,4A %6-%@% @A A0V 7%@<%@,4 <( is a file.?(B(L6.ALFV A`3( is a file.(()6.ARC3 A`H A@(.( is a ˠ file.1(4(>6.DCMH A`H A@(.( is a Ԡ file.1(4(>6.BTLH A` ASET UP FILENAMEV A6-@%6-@@47%@<%@,L6-@V A *6-@*67%@<%@,.@!( Automatically Rename@(  to 7@, :( Rename '( Lock :( Unlock *S'( Run The Compactor Detector>( Quit to BASICS( Quit to DOS4_-@@<(" Use arrow keys to move pointer._( Press [RETURN] to select.>=-@@"=(" Press [1-8] for Disk Directory.H A0R@@.@@K:@AR@\-@(-->f)@pB!@H* @W"6.>:,.6-@8 AB A0z"@E6-&@"@a6-%@  6-@6- !6-@6-I#"@*"@*"@E/6-@A-@@I( I#"@*"@*"@a/6-@A-@@I( "@EA "@aA"AUA@ Ap9"@-@#( /6-9 A`)-@%@( ) A`9"@-@#( /6-9 A`)-@&@( ) A`_AR@'-@@1 AC-@@UAR_ A@/!"@*"@A/AUTO RENAME*!"@*"@A0*RENAME$(!"@ *"@Ap(LOCK.*!"@*"@A*UNLOCK8'!"@*"@A'RUNB;"@*"@#+5@@8;L"@*"@.V*!"@*"@A0*RENAME`(!"@*"@Ap(LOCKj*!"@*"@A*UNLOCKt)"@ *"@# A)RUN~;"@*"@#+5@@8;"@*"@.26-F:A,6-@( A 2 AW67@:AS,ERROR #  $-@AP  A 6.&4BASA 04SCRA0:4MSHA@D4SHRAPN4BINA`X4CRSApb4ARCAl4DCMA@v4BTLAP4ALFA A"@ A0 A D:PACKDET3