PfgpINPULMENWRICO  A@AU@AQJJǠԠŠͰ  .;@,;@,.6. ------------A"AU'@@9@@9C+UAADgAAPyAR@( 6-A I(( }STRING INPUT SUBROUTINE DEMOI((press for description)(NUMBER INPUT ONLY(6-46-@> @uĠ欠䬠(Your number = #~(LETTER & NUMBER INPUT+6-@76-@A @u~Ġ謠宛(** @ %@$+F:@, @,)*qqǠԠŠ堵򠵮堷0 Ԡ٠­Š12)@F+"@',%+"AU)"A&,$@@`àΠ®ŠҠԠҮ堸7!@!A@d3AM6-&A($+!A',g6-&@2$+!@,堦ﮛ<$HIǠԠŠJK@.@@K:=6-F:@,W( 7@<,c@uAR}(=>6.Pn @P6-B:,*"AUA8"@n Π蠛Us;+"@F)!@d* @,$)!@G* @XO67%@,.>:,W(>:,a @sZz!A&)"@*( G6.7@<&+!@,,S"@Z6.zŠ_ @d#A"#6.0i 6-A:,nKAR@($K oppp ﺠŠΠ˺ ŠФqr!!Ҡ͠͠ŠΠ,7'AR@7(} PROGRAM DESCRIPTION---(% The String Input Subroutine gives:.++(# 1. Precise control of user input./''(Input is restricted to specfic0$$(screen locations and cannot1##(overwrite prompts or data.2%%(Also, input is restricted to3&&(specified ltr/num characters.4))(! 2. No unwanted question mark as5 (with the INPUT command.6**(" 3. Helpful pointer and underline7&&(prompts which aid user under-8##(standing & reduce required9(instructions.:**(" 4. Automatic conversion of input;%%(to uppercase & normal video.<((( 5. Immediate exit back to main=""(program (i.e.,Main Menu).@ A ApA++(# This subroutine (lines 50-110 ex-B))(! cluding lines not ending in a 0C**(" or 5) can be used in any programD**(" if the following is done first:E))(! 1. DIMension IMP$ & UL$ to theF##( maximum user input lengthG%%( allowable. Set UL$ equal toH%%( a series of dashes the sameI$$( length that UL$ was DIMen-J@@( sioned (UL$=>:@4, ------------>:@4,).K,,($ 2. Insure that IOCB #2 is not inL&&( use ('OPEN'). If it is, thenM''( either change this subroutineN&&( to an unused IOCB or rewriteO$$( your program to re-OPEN #2P##( for the intended use uponQ&&( return from this subroutine.R A ApT--(% The following variables are used:U((( IL----max input length allowedV$$(X-----input length counterW (WRD---word/number flagX%%(COL---current cursor columnY%%(R-----ATASCII of input charZ$$(MENU--line nr of main menu[((use key to go to)\!!(INP$--user input string]""(UL$---underline string^S A;() Now take a look at the subroutine:O-@APS _L@B@(" A4@@!F@AI(L(h A @ r)&(}PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - CONT.)$q-@@#6(PRESS ٠٠ TO CONTINUEA@a@@K:n)@q$D:STRINPUT.SBR0JJJJJ9J9J9J------------5P^<D1:STR@@